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8th July 2019, 09:08
♪ You're sailing softly through the sun
in a broken stone age dawn ...
You fly so high ♪


Strange Magic

Electric Light Orchestra


9th July 2019, 00:14
Continuing ...

How Expensive is Mallorca, Spain? Exploring Palma de Mallorca

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Jul 7, 201

28:59 minutes


9th July 2019, 01:22

Michael Schratt on Gravity Research. Richard Dolan Show

Richard brings military historian Michael Schratt back for a second interview. This one starts with a series of very strange "Michelin Man" sightings; that is, of beings wearing the classic Michelin Man suits in concentric tubes. The main part of the interview concerns Michael Schratt's research into the history of gravity, or more accurately anti-gravity. He argues that a significant breakthrough was made, most likely in the 1950s.

Published on Jul 8, 2019

55:41 minutes


9th July 2019, 17:47
hmm ...


Study: Psychiatric Diagnoses Are ‘Scientifically Meaningless’ In Treating Mental Health

LIVERPOOL, England — No two people are exactly alike. Therefore, attempting to classify each unique individual’s mental health issues into neat categories just doesn’t work. That’s the claim coming out of the United Kingdom that is sure to ruffle some psychologists’ feathers.

More people (https://www.france24.com/en/20181010-has-world-gone-mad-mental-health-disorders-rise-every-country-globally) are being diagnosed with mental illnesses than ever before. Multiple factors can be attributed to this rise; many people blame the popularity of social media (https://www.studyfinds.org/half-americans-use-social-media-ten-times-day/)and increased screen time, but it is also worth considering that in today’s day and age more people may be willing to admit they are having mental health issues in the first place. Whatever the reason, it is generally believed that a psychiatric diagnosis is the first step to recovery.

That’s why a new study conducted at the University of Liverpool has raised eyebrows by concluding that psychiatric diagnoses are “scientifically meaningless,” and worthless as tools to accurately identify and address mental distress at an individual level.

Researchers performed a detailed analysis on five of the most important chapters in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Heath Disorders (https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm) (DSM). The DSM is considered the definitive guide for mental health professionals, and provides descriptions for all mental health problems and their symptoms. The five chapters analyzed were: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia (https://www.studyfinds.org/hopkins-study-half-schizophrenia-cases-misdiagnosed-anxiety/), depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and trauma-related disorders.

Researchers came to a number of troubling conclusions. First, the study’s authors assert that there is a significant amount of overlap in symptoms between disorder diagnoses, despite the fact that each diagnosis utilizes different decision rules. Additionally, these diagnoses completely ignore the role of trauma or other unique adverse events a person may encounter in their life.

Perhaps most concerning of all, researchers say that these diagnoses tell us little to nothing about the individual patient and what type of treatments they will need. The authors ultimately conclude that this diagnostic labeling approach is “a disingenuous categorical system.”

“Although diagnostic labels create the illusion of an explanation they are scientifically meaningless and can create stigma and prejudice. I hope these findings will encourage mental health professionals to think beyond diagnoses and consider other explanations of mental distress (https://www.studyfinds.org/one-in-five-children-suffers-from-mental-health-disorder/), such as trauma and other adverse life experiences.” Lead researcher Dr. Kate Allsopp explains in a release. (https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2019/07/08/study-finds-psychiatric-diagnosis-to-be-scientifically-meaningless/)

According to the study’s authors, the traditional diagnostic system being used today wrongly assumes that any and all mental distress is caused by a disorder, and relies far too heavily on subjective ideas about what is considered “normal.”

“Perhaps it is time we stopped pretending that medical-sounding labels contribute anything to our understanding of the complex causes of human distress (https://www.studyfinds.org/study-mental-health-anxiety-college-students-rising/)or of what kind of help we need when distressed.” Professor John Read comments.

The study is published in the scientific journal Psychiatry Research (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/psychiatry-research).

Source: studyfinds.org (https://www.studyfinds.org/study-psychiatric-diagnoses-are-scientifically-meaningless/)

9th July 2019, 23:33
For those who are not familiar with this popular YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vpUC3JJuDaumWNS8EPQrA)...

Hollywood Graveyard Enters THE TWILIGHT ZONE

Hollywood Graveyard

“You unlock this door with the key of remembrance; beyond it is another dimension:
a dimension of nostalgia, a dimension of entertainment, a dimension of grief.
You're journeying into a land of both life and death, of mourning and celebration.
You've just crossed over into... The Hollywood Graveyard.”

Hollywood Graveyard host, Arthur Dark, remembers some of the stars who made the Twilight Zone great... and stumbles into the Twilight Zone himself along the way.

Published on Jul 9, 2019

51:10 minutes


10th July 2019, 06:26
A closer look ...:thup:

Jeffrey Epstein: The Groomers, The Cover-Up, The Island & The Victims - Adam Green

Red Ice TV

Adam Green from Know More News joins Henrik to talk about Jeffrey Epstein and the large network of establishment figures that are connected to him. We talk about the groomers like Ghislaine Maxwell and those part of the cover-up, like "high-profile lawyer" Alan Dershowitz. We discuss the activities at Epstein's Island, the strange "temple" and rumors about underground facilities. Adam goes into the strange connections to Israel's sex slavery rings and the religion that might underpin this entire case. We also play testimony of one of the most outspoken victims, Virginia Roberts. Towards the end we also talk about the strange case of Isaac Kappy and if any of the things he talked about was connected to Jeffrey Epstein. This is an important show with a lot of material discussed that you won't hear from any mainstream media outlets.

Published on Jul 9, 2019

1:33:46 minutes


10th July 2019, 09:58
I remember how apeshit crazy the alt-right went when it was revealed there were links between Epstein and Bill Clinton. They flew on the same plane! He is a child-murdering pedophile lizard people. Now that it turns out Trump has had much more intimate and embarrassing dealings with him… Crickets...

Fred Steeves
10th July 2019, 14:09
I remember how apeshit crazy the alt-right went when it was revealed there were links between Epstein and Bill Clinton. They flew on the same plane! He is a child-murdering pedophile lizard people. Now that it turns out Trump has had much more intimate and embarrassing dealings with him… Crickets...

Sigh... yes, this is typical lizard brain partisan politics; circle the wagons to protect your own no matter what, and viciously go after "the others" at the drop of a hat with flimsy evidence at best.

On the flip side of that coin I have a close relative who (rightfully) called George W. a war criminal for what was done to Iraq, yet when I asked about what was done to Libya under Obama it was "well, we do have certain responsibilities around the world to try and maintain some sense of order".

Oh FFS...

Until we as a collective learn to ditch our tribal blinders and doublethink, nothing will ever change on this planet.

As an addendum however, from what I've seen it *does* appear that Clinton's dealings with Epstein were much more intimate than Trump's, but in the same breath *all* these elites pretty much run in the same circles.

10th July 2019, 14:14
I remember how apeshit crazy the alt-right went when it was revealed there were links between Epstein and Bill Clinton. They flew on the same plane! He is a child-murdering pedophile lizard people. Now that it turns out Trump has had much more intimate and embarrassing dealings with him… Crickets...

Sorry Gio, I gotta ask where Chris got his numbers

10th July 2019, 17:54
It is my understanding that it is possible, Trump took a trip, once, on the Lolita Express.

EDIT ADDED: OK - I think this has been verified by various news outlets... Trump did take a ride on the same plane from Florida to NYC. It appears he needed to get back up to NY and asked Epstein's son if he could ride along in the plane being that the plane was scheduled to make that flight and thus, would be a quick, easy way for Trump to get back to NY.

As for flight logs, there's no documentation that Trump ever flew in that plane to the Caribbean island owned by Epstein where it is purported the "unacceptable activities" occurred. But also, I wonder if flight logs could be altered or destroyed?

10th July 2019, 18:29
A closer look ...:thup:

Jeffrey Epstein: The Groomers, The Cover-Up, The Island & The Victims - Adam Green

Red Ice TV

Adam Green from Know More News joins Henrik to talk about Jeffrey Epstein and the large network of establishment figures that are connected to him. We talk about the groomers like Ghislaine Maxwell and those part of the cover-up, like "high-profile lawyer" Alan Dershowitz. We discuss the activities at Epstein's Island, the strange "temple" and rumors about underground facilities. Adam goes into the strange connections to Israel's sex slavery rings and the religion that might underpin this entire case. We also play testimony of one of the most outspoken victims, Virginia Roberts. Towards the end we also talk about the strange case of Isaac Kappy and if any of the things he talked about was connected to Jeffrey Epstein. This is an important show with a lot of material discussed that you won't hear from any mainstream media outlets.

Published on Jul 9, 2019

1:33:46 minutes


The thing is - having listened to the entire Red Ice TV podcast, I found it quite balanced in condemning both sides of the partisan political divide. The probable connections drawn to the Isralli Mossad (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad) was quite relevant in this summary of the Jeffrey Epstein criminal case.

This is and has always been how those who wish to corrupt, compromise, and control those who meangle their way into the halls of power ... All while use/feeding upon the energy of the weak and most vulnerable of young women. After all, these young victims (then) were (are) considered non gentiles - dirty and unworthy in the eyes of the Zionist worldview.


10th July 2019, 18:50
Speaking of relevant ...

"A Human Touch"

Jackson Browne & Leslie Mendelson

"A Human Touch," written by Steve McEwan, Jackson Browne and Leslie Mendelson for the new Paul Haggis documentary 5B. Performed by Jackson Browne and Leslie Mendelson. The documentary film ‘5B,’ is a powerful story about the nurses and doctors that revolutionized AIDS care during the 80’s.

Premiered 3 hours ago

4:41 minutes

Go here to listen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtLFSUfwsqI)


10th July 2019, 19:01
Aesthetics always count ...


10th July 2019, 19:33
Aesthetics always count ...


and how funny each cactus is "giving the finger" haha

10th July 2019, 19:37
and how funny each cactus is "giving the finger" haha

Cactuses will do that. They've always been pricks. :p

10th July 2019, 21:00
'God save the Queen' ... https://jandeane81.com/images/smilies/drama.01.gif


Intruder broke in to Buckingham Palace while the Queen
slept just metres away in huge security breach (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9479437/buckingham-palace-intruder-queen/)

11th July 2019, 00:50
For your inspection ...

Slavery in Italy? | DW Documentary

Yvan Sagnet from Cameroon is battling modern slavery in Italy's agricultural sector. Sagnet once worked as a low-wage farmhand. Now he is fighting for the rights of seasonal farmworkers, taking criminal recruiters, or gangmasters, to court.

Yvan Sagnet calls them slaves: the hundreds of thousands of seasonal farmworkers from Africa and eastern Europe on Italy's fields. Without their labor the country would have no tomato, orange or olive harvest. But the workers are exploited and often forced to live under inhumane conditions in ruins or shanty towns called ghettos. In 2011 Sagnet himself briefly picked tomatoes on the fields near the southern Italian town of Nardò. For four days he labored to fill the 350-kilogram crates. He earned 14 euros a day, ten of which he had to hand over to the gangmaster, or Caporale, for transport and water. Caporale is the term for the criminal recruiters who control and exploit the workers. After a 14-hour day working under the blazing sun and even being beaten, Sagnet took home only four euros. He helped to organize the first strike among the farmhands. It was a success, and since then he has been an activist for the rights of the farmworkers and against the gangmasters. Despite death threats, he has set up an organization called NoCap, a label to certify produce farmed under ethically acceptable conditions. And he has taken his fight against exploitation and slavery to the courts. So far, the Italian justice system has responded slowly. It's a fight that will take a long time to win.

Published on Jul 9, 2019

28:26 minutes


11th July 2019, 15:11
The latest ...

Epstein Arrested!...But Will Justice Be Served? - #NewWorldNextWeek


Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news ...

Published on Jul 11, 2019

17:34 minutes

All news items linked listed below YouTube show notes


Emil El Zapato
12th July 2019, 01:12
So Was QAnon … Right?
By Max Read

If anything, the QAnon adherent are too optimistic.


Over Independence Day weekend, as most of the rest of us set off fireworks and grilled at cookouts, a cadre of conspiracy obsessives awaited the fulfillment of a message-board prophecy. In its broadest strokes, QAnon, as the expansive and complicated theory to which these people have dedicated their energy is known, claims that a group within the federal government has been conducting a secret investigation into a network of elite pedophiles. On the Fourth of July, or maybe on the fifth — depending on which version of the theory you subscribe to — with the nation watching, John F. Kennedy Jr., who faked his own death 20 years ago this month, would reveal himself, and then, as QAnon interpreter Will Sommer puts it, “team up with Trump and ship a huge number of top Democrats off to Guantanamo Bay” for their participation in these global child-sex rings.

Of course, this wild theory turned out to be bogus. They got the date wrong: July 4 and 5 both passed without incident. It wasn’t until July 6 that the feds handed out an indictment over a global underage sex-trafficking ring implicating U.S. presidents, heads of government, top lawyers, world-famous actors, and a member of the English royal family. And, to be fair, JFK Jr. didn’t emerge from hiding. Otherwise, though, the Saturday arrest of well-connected financier and convicted sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein on one count of sex trafficking and one count of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking went a long way toward fulfilling the QAnon prediction — and therefore raised a troubling question: Did QAnon turn out to be kind of, well, right?

Epstein, the federal indictment alleges, “created a vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit, often on a daily basis.” He’s said to have groomed girls as young as 14 in his mansions in New York and Palm Beach, and alleged to have forced them to have sex with the powerful people who ran in his circles. One woman says that she was coerced into sex with both superlawyer Alan Dershowitz and the Prince of Wales’s younger brother Prince Andrew; President Bill Clinton, as the right-wing press is fond of pointing out, was a frequent guest on Epstein’s jet, which was apparently nicknamed the “Lolita Express” by locals on the U.S. Virgin Islands hideaway where Epstein allegedly hosted orgies.

If you believe the most sweeping version of the allegations, Epstein and a handful of helpers were running what was in essence a mobile teenage-prostitution ring catering to the one percent aboard his private jet and in his palatial estates — themselves decked out in full occult-orgy fashion, with a mysterious Eastern European hostess, a custom erotic chess board, and “a life-size female doll in a wedding dress hanging from a chandelier.” Until this weekend, he’d managed to escape justice, thanks to a strange leniency from top prosecutors, including Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance and former U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, now Trump’s Secretary of Labor. One-percenter sex rings? Creepy mansions rife with dark symbolism? A culture of impunity emanating from the highest levels of government? That sure sounds like QAnon.

But it’s not quite QAnon. In many details, the Epstein case is QAnon’s inverse. The charges aren’t coming from a zombie JFK Jr., who faked his own death to escape the system, but from the establishment-aligned U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York. Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring seems possibly to have been a sort of awful side hustle to a real business that involved money laundering, or offshore banking, or even just blackmailing and ponzi scheming, rather than the center of a fantastical satanic cult based out of a pizza parlor. (Though, don’t think too hard about the fact that Epstein once said that his dinner parties were “like eating pizza at the ballet.”)

Most conspicuously, in the world of QAnon, Donald Trump is a crusading savior, the face of a deep-state conspiracy to expose the moral depravity of the global elite and bring a cabal of child molestors to justice. In real life, Trump was friendly with Epstein. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” he told New York in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Trump is not the only person who’s known for decades about Epstein’s conspicuous preference for young women. The journalist Vicky Ward says that references to Epstein’s abuse in a 2003 article she wrote for Vanity Fair were killed by editors. Stories emerged anyway; many of the details of his alleged crimes have been extensively reported over the last fifteen years, and the charges levied against Epstein over the weekend are extremely similar to those brought against him in 2008. The “conspiracy theory” of a network of predators centered around a wealthy enabler, protected by the privileged cohort in which he ran, was easily found in the Miami Herald, or on Gawker, or pieced together through court documents. If QAnon was kind of right, it was as a twisted, telephone-game rendition of a story already out in the open, filtered through Satanist moral panic, right-wing partisanship, Christian prophecy, and Kennedy nostalgia.

What was surprising about this weekend’s news wasn’t the specifics of the allegations, but the fact that anything happened regarding them. Back in 2008, thanks to his sweetheart plea deal with Alex Acosta, Epstein served only 13 months of an 18 month sentence, mostly on work release, for the reduced crime of soliciting an underage prostitute. As more victims came forward and new details emerged, Epstein remained free, and the powerful men who once made up his social circle untainted by their relationships to him. The name Jeffrey Epstein became synonymous with, as Michelle Goldberg puts it, “deep corruption among mostly male elites across parties, and the way the very rich can often purchase impunity for even the most loathsome of crimes.”

If anything, QAnon was a more palatable version of this story — a rendition in which elites spent decades secretly working toward justice, in which the forces arrayed against them were supernaturally malevolent rather than simply rich and networked, and in which the president of the United States is a covert agent for good, rather than a former Epstein acquaintance and enabler. Or rather than, for that matter, a multiply accused sex abuser himself.

In that light, QAnon sounds less like a paranoid conspiracy than a kind of optimistic fantasy. The world of QAnon isn’t a happy one, but as the Epstein case demonstrates, neither is the world the rest of us live in. At least QAnon promises justice, victory, a resurrected JFK Jr., and a nice bit of drama over a holiday weekend.

12th July 2019, 06:29
Ah such joy ...

Reuben the Bulldog: Itchy Business

7:10 minutes


12th July 2019, 06:56
Can't We All ...

Get Along

Kenny Chesney


12th July 2019, 07:03
Can't We All ...

Get Along

Kenny Chesney

Nice and catchy tune! Why the hell not!! :smile2:

12th July 2019, 20:57
A well dressed Llama ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvB2MnIIdMw)

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc0%2F92%2F4 e%2Fc0924e74b9fdbbe004036720c893149b--animal-pics-funny-animal.jpg&f=1

13th July 2019, 04:31
And speaking of purple dandy's ...

John Turturro’s long-rumored ‘Lebowski’ spinoff features Pete Davidson (https://nypost.com/2019/07/09/john-turturros-long-rumored-lebowski-spinoff-features-pete-davidson/)


The Big Lebowski - Jesus Scene

2:53 minutes


13th July 2019, 05:03
Another mojo cult/uprising ...


Trolls and True Believers Sign Up to Raid Area 51 to See Aliens (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/area-51-aliens-facebook-pledge-858208/)

13th July 2019, 15:47
Living on the edge ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Hmm ...


13th July 2019, 16:01
For George's Mum ...

Peter Gabriel - Everybird

Premiered Jul 12, 2019

4:21 minutes

Go here to view/listen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe4uMj-0LrA)


13th July 2019, 16:13
The always timely ...

Teal Swan

The Biggest Barrier to Awareness

The biggest barrier to Awareness is our unwillingness to see and accept a truth that causes us to feel pain or that would imply we need to make a change that is painful to make. Denial is a coping mechanism when dealing with a reality that you cannot change and this is often learned in childhood, as we are often unable to change our childhood situations. Teal Swan explains that now that we can change, we are often left with this coping mechanism when seeing something is painful or when seeing something implies change.

Published on Jul 13, 2019

11:53 minutes


13th July 2019, 23:06
Let's add blackmail to that as well ...


Alex Acosta Had to Go, But the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal Is Really About Money and Privilege

By John Cassidy

July 12, 2019

The only surprise about the resignation of Labor Secretary Alex Acosta is that it took so long—four days after the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York arrested the financier Jeffrey Epstein on federal charges of sex trafficking. The moment the Southern District unveiled its indictment, which alleged that “between 2002 through 2005, Epstein sexually exploited and abused dozens of underage girls by enticing them to engage in sex acts with him in exchange for money,” it was clear that Acosta’s position as a Cabinet secretary was untenable.

Of course, he should never have been nominated or confirmed to begin with. As the U.S. Attorney for Southern Florida a decade ago, it was Acosta who approved the now-notorious deal that allowed Epstein to escape federal prosecution and plead guilty to two state charges of soliciting. At the time, investigators working for Acosta had identified thirty-six victims of Epstein, according to the Miami Herald’s Julie K. Brown, whose dogged investigative reporting effectively reopened the case.

As a federal official, Acosta wasn’t responsible for the lenient treatment that Epstein received at the hands of the Florida state justice system. Sentenced to eighteen months, Epstein served thirteen, in a private wing at the Palm Beach County Jail, where he was granted “work release” that allowed him to spend up to twelve hours a day, six days a week, at his office in the rich beachfront town. Nor was Acosta responsible for the inexplicable 2011 effort by the office of Cyrus Vance, Jr., the Manhattan attorney, to reduce Epstein’s sex-offender status to the lowest possible classification, which an incredulous New York State Supreme Court Justice dismissed, saying that she had never seen anything like it before.

There is blame aplenty to go around. Indeed, Epstein’s story is a searing indictment of the entire criminal-justice system, and the special treatment it grants to people of great wealth who can afford to hire high-priced legal mercenaries like Roy Black, Alan Dershowitz, Jay Lefkowitz, and Kenneth Starr—the latter two being attached to the Washington office of Kirkland & Ellis, the world’s largest law firm. (All four of these luminaries served on Epstein’s defense team during the Florida prosecution.) As the Washington Post’s Helaine Olen pointed out in a blistering column, “The Epstein scandal blows holes through the foundational myths of our time, revealing them for the empty and sickening bromides used to justify obscene wealth and power and privilege that they really are.”

Even if it is the American class system that has been exposed, Acosta was the individual prosecutor who, in October, 2007, met with Lefkowitz—not in his Miami office but seventy miles north, at a Marriott in West Palm Beach—and struck the Epstein plea agreement, which, among other things, prevented the financier’s victims from learning about the deal and challenging it in court. Once the new indictment exposed these sorts of details to renewed scrutiny, the jig was up for Acosta, especially as his boss was also desperately trying to distance himself from Epstein, having once described him as “a terrific guy” who “is a lot of fun to be with.”

Acosta’s press conference on Wednesday only delayed the inevitable. Addressing the 2008 plea deal, he tried to shift the blame to state prosecutors, saying, “The Palm Beach state attorney’s office was ready to let Epstein walk free, no jail time.” Hours later, Barry Krischer, who was the state’s attorney for Palm Beach County at the time, responded, “I can emphatically state that Mr. Acosta’s recollection of this matter is completely wrong. Federal prosecutors do not take a back seat to state prosecutors. That’s not how the system works in the real world.” Krischer added, “If Mr. Acosta was truly concerned with the State’s case and felt he had to rescue the matter, he would have moved forward with the fifty-three-page indictment that his own office drafted.”

On Friday morning, Acosta appeared alongside Trump at the White House to make the announcement that he was stepping down. “I just want to let you know, this was him, not me, because I am with him,” Trump said. “He’s a tremendous talent. He’s a Hispanic man. He went to Harvard, a great student. And in so many ways I just hate what he is saying now, because we are going to miss him.” Acosta said, “I do not think it is right and fair for this Administration’s Labor Department to have Epstein as the focus, rather than the incredible economy we have today. . . . It would be selfish for me to stay in this position and continue talking about a case that is twelve years old.”

During the next few days, we may learn more about whether Acosta jumped or was pushed. Evidently, Trump was initially unwilling to give in to Democratic demands for the Labor Secretary to resign. On Wednesday, Axios’s Jonathan Swan reported, on Twitter, “A source close to President Trump tells me there is ‘zero’ chance he fires Labor Secretary Alex Acosta over his handling of the Jeffrey Epstein case. “ ‘Zero,’ they repeated.” However, Politico reported that Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s chief of staff, was quietly urging Trump to dismiss Acosta, and it seemed inconceivable that the Administration would keep the Labor Secretary in place as the case in the Southern District proceeded and more of Epstein’s victims emerged, creating more questions about the 2008 plea deal.

In any event, Trump didn’t fire Acosta. He resigned as Trump took the opportunity to distance himself again from Epstein, saying that he banned him from his Mar-a-Lago resort and adding, “I haven’t spoken to him in probably fifteen years or more.” With Acosta’s departure, Trump’s political allies, including some of the online incendiaries who were invited to the White House for Thursday’s “social-media summit,” will surely seek to shift the focus to Epstein’s ties to prominent Democrats, including the former President Bill Clinton.

That is how political warfare goes these days, but the key point bears repeating. The issues raised by the Epstein saga and the plea bargain that Acosta agreed to are systemic, rather than partisan. They go to the heart of the American class system and the manner in which people of great wealth and high social standing are often able to buy their own brand of justice, regardless of how flagrant or hideous their crimes may be.

Acosta didn’t invent this corrupted system: he may even have felt bullied and threatened by it when he was prosecuting Epstein. In a 2011 letter to the Daily Beast, Acosta described how Epstein’s legal team subjected him and his colleagues to “a year long assault,” which included investigating “individual prosecutors and their families, looking for personal peccadilloes that may provide a basis for disqualification.” To be sure, that was reprehensible behavior on the part of Epstein’s lawyers, but the fact is that Acosta was a U.S. Attorney, an agent of the highest power in the land, and many of Epstein’s victims, who tended to come from poor or modest backgrounds, ended up believing, with good reason, that the system had failed them.

Let the last words go to Julie K. Brown. “Sexual assault involving CHILDREN is NOT a Democratic or Republican issue,” Brown commented on Twitter, after Acosta’s press conference on Wednesday. “This horrific crime doesn’t discriminate based on political party. EVERYONE should be asking hard questions about this decisions made in this case … Not just why the deal was made—but because these decisions were made in secret, without telling the victims; by misleading the victims AND likely led to more victims being harmed. That’s not ‘stringing’ a public servant up—it’s called holding him accountable.”

Source/Reference links: newyorker.com (newyorker.com)

14th July 2019, 00:14
A Magical Mystery Tour

# I Am The Walrus ...

♪ Expert, textpert, choking smokers
Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty
See how they snide
I'm crying ♪

# Goo Goo G'joob !



"The Walrus Was Paul" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Jm5epJr10)

14th July 2019, 01:27
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjU3NjI2ZmUtZGVjYi00ODVkLThkMmItY2JlMjAxZjI5OG U1L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDE4OTY5NzI@._V1 _.jpg

as for instance the assaults from the 'other place' remind me what it's like to walk by the cages.. ah the fragrant musk..

14th July 2019, 20:54
An up close aerial view ...

Epstein's Pedophile Island, Little St. James USVI Drone July 2019


Rusty Shackleford
Published on Jul 12, 2019

4:51 minutes



3:14 minutes


14th July 2019, 22:19
Gosh ...

I have suffered for my art ... :rolleyes:


14th July 2019, 22:37
From Avalon ...
A closer look behind the veil ...

Re: The 'censorship' discussion. :)


Please note: update: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?107825-The-censorship-discussion.--&p=1304152&viewfull=1#post1304152

14th July 2019, 23:46
From Avalon ...
A closer look behind the veil ...

Re: The 'censorship' discussion. :)


Oh yes, and it isn't pretty ─ I can tell you that much. :fpalm:

I've gotten involved in that thread ─ I've already gone back to lurking mode in the meantime ─ and a certain someone who goes by the screen name PurpleLama both here and at Project Avalon saw my participation in that discussion as an opportunity to drag The One Truth into it, and with a clearly criticizing (if not mocking) innuendo, so as to invalidate my credibility.

He's been periodically adjusting the course of that thread from the sideline by occasionally posting convincing but untruthful innuendos, insidiously shaping people's opinions, and gaslighting ─ which he even did to myself on account of our decision here to park the QAnonsense™ threads under the Proven Hoaxes & Misinformation (https://jandeane81.com/forumdisplay.php/105-Proven-Hoaxes-Misinformation) category.

He's feeding off of the negative energy he's creating, and he's enjoying himself while doing it. It's disgusting. :vom:

14th July 2019, 23:51
hmm ...

Tie your Lama down ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvB2MnIIdMw)

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc0%2F92%2F4 e%2Fc0924e74b9fdbbe004036720c893149b--animal-pics-funny-animal.jpg&f=1

14th July 2019, 23:58
hmm ...

Tie your Lama down ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvB2MnIIdMw)

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc0%2F92%2F4 e%2Fc0924e74b9fdbbe004036720c893149b--animal-pics-funny-animal.jpg&f=1

Yes, exactly ─ I was thinking about that whole thing when you posted that image. ;) Synchronicity anyone? :hmm:

Sammy, where are you? :p

Emil El Zapato
14th July 2019, 23:59

If I was Q I would re-emerge as Y and call it good. I wonder if we could get Anonymous back? I know...QAnonymouslY

15th July 2019, 01:31
ATM ...

No One Knows/But Me

Queens Of The Stone Age


15th July 2019, 01:44
Oh yes, and it isn't pretty ─ I can tell you that much. :fpalm:

I've gotten involved in that thread ─ I've already gone back to lurking mode in the meantime ─ and a certain someone who goes by the screen name PurpleLama both here and at Project Avalon saw my participation in that discussion as an opportunity to drag The One Truth into it, and with a clearly criticizing (if not mocking) innuendo, so as to invalidate my credibility.

He's been periodically adjusting the course of that thread from the sideline by occasionally posting convincing but untruthful innuendos, insidiously shaping people's opinions, and gaslighting ─ which he even did to myself on account of our decision here to park the QAnonsense™ threads under the Proven Hoaxes & Misinformation (https://jandeane81.com/forumdisplay.php/105-Proven-Hoaxes-Misinformation) category.

He's feeding off of the negative energy he's creating, and he's enjoying himself while doing it. It's disgusting. :vom:

To me it is disgusting that our Q thread was put where it is, slinks away slowly but thankful for being able to express myself also.

15th July 2019, 02:00
Always check previous page for missed posted items ... (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/9965-The-Cosmic-Emporium?p=842012568&viewfull=1#post842012568) http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Those cleverly/not VPN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network) disguises ...


15th July 2019, 03:26
Note watch all clips for entire interview ...

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcbsnews3.cbsistatic.com%2Fhub%2Fi %2Fr%2F2019%2F01%2F13%2Ff07efeda-e407-4125-bbb9-3e193db60da0%2Fthumbnail%2F1200x630%2Fb0153385601c 5f96c7a0a1a0e198f84a%2Fot-ai-fd-shutterstock.jpg&f=1

60 Minutes

China's greatest natural resource may be its data

"Venture capitalist Kai-Fu Lee explains the promise and peril of
artificial intelligence in the world's most populous country" ...

View/listen here (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-ai-chinas-greatest-natural-resource-may-be-its-data-2019-07-14/)

15th July 2019, 04:30
If only all the old parochial schoolmarm's looked like this ...

"Hot For Teacher"

Van Halen


15th July 2019, 06:17
Been meaning to share this one ...
For your inspection ...

Justice Brett Kavanaugh had not yet been confirmed when the Supreme Court heard oral arguments
in Gundy v. United States; his vote could have changed the outcome.

The Supreme Court Is One Vote Away from Changing How the U.S. Is Governed

By Jeannie Suk Gersen

July 3, 2019

Had Brett Kavanaugh not been accused of sexual assault, one of the first cases he would have heard as a Supreme Court Justice would have been that of Herman Gundy, a convicted sex offender. When nominated, last July, Kavanaugh was expected to be confirmed in time for the term that started last October. But the emergence of sexual-assault allegations against him delayed his confirmation vote until October 6th, just after the Court’s first set of oral arguments—which included Gundy’s request to invalidate his federal conviction for failure to register as a sex offender. In June, the Court denied Gundy’s petition. As it turns out, Kavanaugh’s absence from the case likely changed its outcome.

Gundy v. United States was about the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, known as SORNA, which Congress enacted in 2006. The statute made it a crime, punishable by ten years in prison, for individuals convicted of a sex offense involving a minor to fail to register in each state where they live, work, or study. But Congress gave the Attorney General “the authority to specify the applicability” of these requirements to people convicted before SORNA took effect. In 2007 and in 2011, Attorneys General Alberto Gonzales and Eric Holder said the requirements do apply to such people.

That group encompassed half a million people, including Gundy, who was convicted of sexual assault of a minor in 2005. After serving prison time for the crime, he went to live in a halfway house in New York in 2012. After he failed to register there, he was rearrested and convicted of the new federal crime. Gundy claimed that SORNA violated the non-delegation doctrine, wherein it is unconstitutional for Congress to delegate its legislative power to the executive branch. He argued that letting the Attorney General determine whether the law applied to people like him left too much to be decided by an agency rather than by Congress.

For the better part of a century, the Court has permitted Congress to delegate broad policymaking authority to federal agencies. The Court has not struck down a statute under the non-delegation doctrine since 1935, when a conservative majority was hostile to progressive New Deal measures aimed at protecting workers and consumers. Since then, the increasing complexity of modern industrialized society has made it obvious that—even when Congress is not as dysfunctional as it is now—it’s not possible for Congress to legislate the technical details necessary to regulate the environment, health, safety, labor, education, energy, elections, discrimination, housing, and the economy.

As a result, executive agencies create regulations and implement binding policies. That has long been understood as both necessary for the country to function and consistent with the Constitution. The Court has applied a test: if a statute gives an agency discretion that is sufficiently constrained by an “intelligible principle,” then Congress is not unconstitutionally delegating legislative power. But many conservatives complain that that test has been applied in a lax way, so that any statute delegating any scope of authority appears to satisfy it. For example, the Court has repeatedly upheld statutes that give agencies only general guidance, such as to regulate in the “public interest,” or issue air-quality standards “requisite to protect the public health.”

In Gundy, all four liberal Justices, in a plurality opinion by Justice Elena Kagan, hewed to the prevailing approach, finding that Congress provided enough guidance limiting the agency’s discretion to pass constitutional muster. Three conservative Justices, in a dissent by Justice Neil Gorsuch, said that the law impermissibly gave the Attorney General “free rein to write the rules,” and was unconstitutional. Justice Samuel Alito cast the deciding vote that enabled the liberals to prevail this time, but his three-paragraph concurrence made clear that the victory may be short-lived. He said that if the majority “were willing to reconsider the approach we have taken for the past 84 years, I would support that effort.” A conservative majority was lacking here because of the absence of Justice Kavanaugh. Next time there’s a similar case before the Court, his vote will make for a different result.

We are now explicitly on notice that the Court will likely abandon its long-standing tolerance of Congress delegating broadly to agencies. What’s at stake is the potential upending of the constitutional foundations of the so-called “administrative state.” Today’s reality is that agencies, not Congress, make most federal laws. As Justice Kagan put it, if the delegation in Gundy were unconstitutional, “then most of Government is unconstitutional.”

What will happen then, when the conservative bloc prevails? The alarmist view is that the E.P.A. couldn’t have the power to decide how stringent pollution standards should be. The F.D.A. couldn’t have the authority to approve or deny applications to sell new medical drugs. The Department of Education couldn’t make rules for colleges and universities. The Department of the Interior couldn’t govern snow mobiles in national parks. The S.E.C. couldn’t regulate financial firms or securities. The F.C.C. couldn’t issue rules on net neutrality or Internet service providers. In sum, we would dwell in a world without the federal law that governs our lives.

The reason this parade of horribles is not quite right is that very few of us actually want to live in that world, and what the public, Congress, and the President all want over time, the Court is unlikely to stop. And to say that there are constitutional constraints on the scope and structure of congressional delegation to agencies is not to say that no delegation is allowed at all.

An irony of the conservative majority’s insistence on returning to the Constitution’s requirements is that non-delegation is not mentioned in the Constitution. It is a set of judicially crafted elaborations on the principles of separation of powers and good governance. Article I simply grants all “legislative powers” to Congress, Article II similarly gives the “Executive power” to the President, and the text says nothing about delegation, nor does it define legislative or executive power. The meaning of these terms, of course, has been subject to many pages of argument and judicial interpretation since.

The main idea of the non-delegation doctrine is that any law that is enforced against citizens must be approved by Congress. It’s not enough for Congress to say, “We should have a law on this subject and someone else will write and enforce it.” But this formulation is a rhetorical parlor trick. When building a house, one may have a strong idea of the kind of house one wants, but most of us have neither the knowledge nor the desire to make the thousands of key decisions about how to safely construct it. Those decisions are sensibly delegated to a contractor and an architect. A rule forbidding any delegation of that sort makes for very different, more rudimentary, building, and probably many fewer buildings built.

The more robust non-delegation doctrine that the conservative Justices desire would mean a change in the nature and scope of the federal government’s role in our lives. Conservatives favor making it difficult for the federal government to regulate, because, when it does, it risks impinging on our liberties. And, if the federal government does less, states may do more. The impact of this change will ultimately depend on which elected officials are in power, and that is really up to us, not the Supreme Court.

Source: newyorker.com (https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-supreme-court-is-one-vote-away-from-changing-how-the-us-is-governed?utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_070319&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bea0b212ddf9c72dc8cc2c3&cndid=52756157&esrc=&utm_term=TNY_Daily)

15th July 2019, 14:02
Here's a version of Hot for Teacher which may blow your mind.

The Bird and the Bee will be releasing Interpreting the Masters, Vol. 2: A Tribute to Van Halen – out Aug 2nd!

They are Inara George and Greg Kurstin, who is an award winning producer.


...the dialectical shamanism of David Lee Roth...:ttr:

15th July 2019, 15:20
And speaking hot for ...

Peter Thiel says FBI, CIA should probe Google


Peter Thiel, billionaire investor and Facebook board member, on Sunday night said that Google should be federally investigated for allegedly aiding the Chinese military.

Why it matters: Thiel is the tech industry's highest-profile Trump supporter, and one of the most powerful players in Silicon Valley.

Thiel spoke at the National Conservatism Conference, a new event that bills itself as being focused on Trump-era nationalism, with part of his speech focusing on "three questions that should be asked" of Google:

"Number one, how many foreign intelligence agencies have infiltrated your Manhattan Project for AI?

"Number two, does Google's senior management consider itself to have been thoroughly infiltrated by Chinese intelligence?

"Number three, is it because they consider themselves to be so thoroughly infiltrated that they have engaged in the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military and not with the US military... because they are making the sort of bad, short-term rationalistic [decision] that if the technology doesn't go out the front door, it gets stolen out the backdoor anyway?"

He also added that those questions "need to be asked by the FBI, by the CIA, and I'm not sure quite how to put this, I would like them to be asked in a not excessively gentle manner."

Thiel did not specifically mention Facebook, but it likely will be mentioned by later speakers at the conference, including Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has agitated against big tech on the air, and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), who is seeking to strip major web platforms of certain legal protections.

Source: axios.com (https://www.axios.com/peter-thiel-says-fbi-cia-should-probe-google-9846a042-e689-49bc-bdc7-595988ce5d8c.html)

15th July 2019, 16:13
This past weekend in Stockton, California ...

Mark Lindsey (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lindsay)(77) still gets his leg up while performing ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/66365171_2305477059487955_1452504858006388736_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQlD7ZjJMVKVc1OPaJx0rnDsbwLuETZD3qTN0lTHs1Q psM2Qwq5fT6FiFzSQhFeWACkXDtCLqM7GbnJqFIArgIg4&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=5d08219899147be305a6757aabf61858&oe=5DB0009F


Paul Revere & The Raiders


50 years ago ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/66596868_2310641358971525_293769685667676160_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQnkBM3sRH9xxacMN6U33QwXuc3Z8hPUylAZqiHy-d0jSRoTJ_Lzkvwrw-fuSNossTTG9tq5kEfWWcb1V3oFTIR9&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=5a30c4e16fbc22fc8ece948f17afaf9a&oe=5DB50EFA

15th July 2019, 16:40
Just another day on Capitol Hill ...


“Will he know what this is in reference to?”

15th July 2019, 17:30
From Avalon ...
A closer look behind the veil ...


Re: The 'censorship' discussion. :)


It's almost like parochial school over at St Avalon ...

Thank god for the guidance of dear Sister Paula ...

Sister Mary Elephant

Cheech & Chong

Note turn down your volume


15th July 2019, 18:38
In the news ...

Police Find Epstein Passport With Different Name And Saudi Arabia Residence

| Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

When Jeffrey Epstein was arrested last week, prosecutors say authorities found an expired 1980s passport, issued by an undisclosed foreign country, with Epstein's photo, a different name than his, and an address listed in Saudi Arabia, Stephnie Gosk reports.

Published on Jul 15, 2019

2:42 minutes


15th July 2019, 20:54
Will also share this here ...

Being awoken is a very important moment and step in becoming enlightened ...
And of course Avalon has definitely aided many of us through that process ...

It's almost like every several years a new group graduates there (if you will).
Of course visiting and keeping updated over there is quite understandable...
But there comes a time to move up a notch in one's independent think/speech.

In many ways this platform (TOT) can help and abide for that transition easily.

And if there truly is a new emergence of and for a united/peaceful alternative
forum community, then The One Truth and its sister Eye-Rise (http://eye-rise.com/forum/content.php) can help facilitate
in providing a safe and secure place to post and share openly in your journey...

My membership here is literally proof of that kind of personal transition and freedom.

16th July 2019, 16:22
Hot July 16 Birthday Girl ...


Linda Ronstadt (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Ronstadt)

Heat Wave


17th July 2019, 04:22
Special treat from Jordon who's sightseeing/vloging this week in London ...
Here he is at the Kiss Concert with his friend Eric who is their current
drummer ... Note even if your not a fan the before and after
concert footage is fun to see !

#1074 KISS BACKSTAGE Before & After Final Show in LONDON Ever!
Jordan Lion Travel Vlog (7/16/19)

39:06 minutes

Video thumbnail is Jordan with Paul Stanley


17th July 2019, 23:33
Love those eyebrows ... :eyebrows:


Shocking Footage Shows Trump Partying With Jeffrey Epstein And Cheerleaders

The Ring of Fire

NBC has released footage from their archives from 1992, where they were preparing a story on Donald Trump and his parties at Mar-A-Lago. But one of the party guests caught on film being extra chummy with the President is none other than Jeffrey Epstein. The two are seen talking multiple different times, and at least part of their conversations were about how hot certain women were in the room. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Published on Jul 17, 2019

5:47 minutes


18th July 2019, 00:23
Feeding the humongous ... :garden:

The Time My Girlfriend Left Me

Terence McKenna

Fractal Youniverse
Published on Jul 17, 2019

3:07 minutes


18th July 2019, 04:23
Apocalypse now time ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Obviously the joke has been on Us ...


18th July 2019, 04:40

Republicans Pretend They Haven’t Seen Trump’s Racist Tweets: A Closer Look

Late Night with Seth Meyers

Published on Jul 17, 2019

9:41 minutes


18th July 2019, 05:03
A desert cookout ...


Guy Fieri to feed Area 51 raiders with ‘Radioactive Ribs’ (https://nypost.com/2019/07/17/guy-fieri-to-feed-area-51-raiders-with-radioactive-ribs/)

18th July 2019, 05:21
Will also share this here ...

"A brilliantly searing depiction of the culture of empire" ...

IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey

Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of our modern times,
and with courage face the Shadow. Through Shadow into Light.

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”
-C.G. Jung

Best viewed in full screen


13 minutes

Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov
Original Soundtrack “Age of Wake” by Starward Projections
Composited by Sheldon Lisoy
Additional Compositing by Hiram Gifford
Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir Arsov

18th July 2019, 05:33
Finger licking good folks ...

KFC | One Tasty Partnership | Cheetos

30 seconds


18th July 2019, 06:08
Back to the narrative plan ...

Why Trump thinks this is the moment to resolve Israeli-Palestinian conflict

PBS NewsHour

U.S. presidents have long tried, and failed, to resolve the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In June, President Trump’s team unveiled the first part of its peace plan, an economic proposal. The plan’s all-important political component is yet to come. Judy Woodruff speaks with Jason Greenblatt, a former Trump real estate lawyer helping lead the U.S. effort, about what’s at stake.

Published on Jul 17, 2019

9:28 minutes


18th July 2019, 14:12
The latest ...

House to Pentagon: Did You Weaponize Ticks? - #NewWorldNextWeek


Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.

Published on Jul 18, 2019

18:57 minutes

All news items post listed below YouTube show notes


18th July 2019, 16:40
Another fun vlog ...

#1076 London TOUR of VIVIEN LEIGH Apt, Trident Studios,
SEX by Malcolm McLaren & TITANIC (7/18/19)

Daze with Jordan the Lion

Published on Jul 18, 2019

17:19 minutes


18th July 2019, 19:16
A desert cookout ...

Guy Fieri to feed Area 51 raiders with ‘Radioactive Ribs’ (https://nypost.com/2019/07/17/guy-fieri-to-feed-area-51-raiders-with-radioactive-ribs/)



18th July 2019, 21:44
Speaking sci fi fantasy ...

Ad Astra

Brad Pitt is on a mission. In the new sci-fi thriller Ad Astra, the star plays Roy McBride, an astronaut who heads into space to look for his father, the renegade astronaut Clifford McBride (Tommy Lee Jones). Watch an exclusive new trailer for the poetic, mysterious drama above.

Director and co-writer James Gray first brought the project to Pitt three or four years ago, he told Vanity Fair in a recent interview, after the Pitt produced his film The Lost City of Z. He and the role were a perfect match: “There’s a very mythic quality that is attached to a movie star like that,” said Gray.

But though Roy may seem like an all-American hero type, Gray said the character has a lot more going on under the surface. “It’s really more of an attempt by us to examine a schizoid personality, and how that is preferred for astronauts in space travel, because you don’t have to connect emotionally,” he said. Ultimately, Pitt “plays someone with schizoid tendencies”—though Gray said that this is not an outright character trait, but more of the “deep background” baked into the part. Gray also praised the actor for doing “remarkable” work in the film.

The film explores the dark side of a father-son dynamic. Roy uncovers shocking things about his father over the course of the story, delving deeper into his past as he searches for the truth about Clifford’s whereabouts. In a way, Gray said, the story is about “the last grasp of the patriarchy.” Clifford is essentially a “Buzz Aldrin-type figure—if he’d gone mad in deep space.”

The writer-director was inspired to write Ad Astra after researching the first nuclear chain reaction in Stagg Field in the 1940s. At the time, some feared that the experiment would set off a dangerous, unstoppable reaction: “science out of control,” Gray mused.

In a previous interview, the filmmaker said Ad Astra was his attempt to make the most realistic depiction of space travel in a film— a sentiment he now would like to walk back, to some extent. “I cursed myself with those words,” Gray said, good-naturedly. “What I meant was to try and adhere to the possible at all times. We have done that, actually.”

The film’s cast is rounded out by Ruth Negga, Donald Sutherland, Liv Tyler, John Ortiz, and Kimberly Elise. Ad Astra will hit theaters on September 20.

Source:vanityfair.com (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/07/ad-astra-new-trailer-brad-pitt-james-gray)

Watch Brad Pitt in a Searing New Trailer for the Sci-Fi Epic

ONE Media
Published on Jul 18, 2019

2:27 minutes


19th July 2019, 04:13
Finding swami's niche ...

Can craft cannabis compete with Big Marijuana?

PBS NewsHour

The state government of California is currently developing rules that will define whether a geographic area can be deemed a marijuana growing region. For small farmers, who are threatened by industrial competitors and the cost of regulation, survival may depend on customers caring about the specific location and soil in which their cannabis is grown. Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports.

Published on Jul 18, 2019

8:47 minutes


19th July 2019, 22:46
The Universal church re-brands and launches its newest vessel ...

Crystal Cathedral reopens as Catholic church
https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-kGN05IDmBLE%2FUF9aIZi8v6I%2FAAAAAAAAALA%2Fz0eC4XX2 bIE%2Fs1600%2Fcrystal%2Bcathedral%2B(1).jpg&f=1

19th July 2019, 23:06
Hey now ...

This Week On Howard: Kim Goldman, Wack Pack Puppets, and "Bagel Boss" Boxing

The Howard Stern Show

In the Top Noine moments from this week’s Stern Show, Howard interviews Kim Goldman, Fred Norris and Shuli Egar try out new puppets for Bobo and Tan Mom, and JD Harmeyer accidentally kisses Will Murray’s wife on the lips.

0:40 - Shuli vs. Bagel Boss
4:13 - JD Kisses Will's Wife
6:53 - Kim Goldman Responds to OJ's Twitter
8:46 - Benjy Has Meltdown Over Peloton
12:19 - Jon Hein Shaves His Head
16:22 - Ronnie Hosts Shuli’s Stand-Up Show
21:09 - The Bagel Scooper
23:19 - Howard Debuts New Puppets
26:35 - This Week in Howard History
31:06 - Gary Can't Throw a Party

Published on Jul 19, 2019

34:50 minutes


20th July 2019, 08:54
This Is ANDORRA (Where In The World Is Andorra??)

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Jul 19, 2019

22:40 minutes


20th July 2019, 18:44
♪ Can you believe it ♪

The sounds of Apollo 11 remixed


For the 50th anniversary of the ancient dream being realized, I took the sights and sounds of Apollo,
all the beeps, squeaks, booms, and sound bites, and wove them into this spaced-out funky tribute.

Published on Jul 20, 2019

3:43 minutes


21st July 2019, 08:18
Closer to the edge ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Living in a conspiracy world


21st July 2019, 08:27
The obvious ...
In a nutshell ...

How Long Is Jeffrey Epstein For This World?

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, (https://www.theautomaticearth.com/2019/07/how-long-is-jeffrey-epstein-for-this-world/)

First of all, I dearly wish I never had to read or write about Jeffrey Epstein again. But I can’t. And going over the reports about him, and watching the videos below (I’m sure there’s a thousand more), I started thinking I don’t see how he can have much longer to live. (Note as always that if you receive this through email, the videos may not show properly. If someone can explain why, and what to do about that, I’m game. Meanwhile, please go to the TAE site.)

There are three main threats to Jeffrey Epstein’s life (or four, if you include his victims).


No. 1 is his fellow inmates in the Manhattan MCC. He’ll be in very strict isolation, because inmates and pedophilia is a very explosive combination. So isolation, but that’s never 100%.

And Judge Berman yesterday ordered him in jail until his trial(s), instead of in his $77 million Manhattan mansion not far from that same prison, so he’ll be there a while; that trial could take a very long time to happen, even years. All the more chance for an inmate to make an easy $1000 by offing him.

The no. 2 threat is Epstein himself. Berman’s decision means he’s very unlikely to ever get out again. Chances of him being declared innocent are as close to zero as as anything Kelvin. So why would he want to continue to live? Perhaps his lawyers try and tell him he’s always got a shot, and there’s always a next court date, but he doesn’t strike me as fully delusional.

I could be wrong, sure, about much of all this, but I don’t think so.

The no. 3 threat is, obviously, the people he might “sing” about. And that’s an litany of the world’s who’s who. No doubt the FBI may already have their IDs and photos and what-not, but why chance it when you can take down the -potential- crown witness?

Now, if we may believe just 10% of what George Webb talks about in the last video in this article, everybody who’s anybody in government, secret services et al in the whole wide world should feel threatened right now. But those 2,000 pages from 2015 that Judge Berman ordered to be unsealed are not yet public, and you can bet your donkey that the cream of the global lawyer and secret service crop are going over them as you read this.

Will we ever know what Epstein really did? The odds are not in favor of that. But let’s try and have a look anyway. See if we can -to an extent- make up our minds based on that.

First up, an interview with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein’s main accusers. And Ghislaine Maxwell’s, don’t let’s forget that. She’s still walking around free, amazingly.

This is a Miami Herald video linked to Julie K. Brown’s series for the Miami Herald last fall on Epstein. It was posted to YouTube by the Miami Herald on Nov 30, 2018. It took another 8 months for him to be arrested. The 2,000 pages “supposed” to be unsealed soon stem from a case Roberts Giuffre brought in 2015.


Fast forward to the present, this is from RT on July 18, tackling the fact that Judge Berman refused to let Epstein out on bail. It’s not all the greatest stuff, but you DO get the feeling.


This I found interesting, Fox, also from July 18, because it targets Prince Andrew. Is MI6 going to be able to muffle away the obviously very strong and long-term connection between Epstein and Andrew? I’m thinking they’d probably have to get those 2,000 pages re-sealed. Or, you know, burned down. Nuked.


And then there’s George Webb. Now he is, I understand, someone who’s known as a conspiracy theorist, but then many people are in some circles, including myself, This video was posted on July 8 2019, 2 days after Epstein’s arrest. My thought while watching this is he may be wrong on some things, he may even be making a few points up, but when you’re that detailed on events that occurred over such a long time, you’re either on very powerful drugs or you’re not entirely wrong. Check for yourself.


To summarize my thoughts on this, and the reason I started writing this, I can’t see Epstein living much longer. There are too many people who would rather see him dead, including perhaps himself. And there are very few people who want him to get into lengthy talks with prosecutors who are actually looking for the truth.

Now of course we must wonder if any prosecutor wants that truth. Alex Acosta left his US government job because “Epstein is intelligence” was not enough to let him keep his job. And if we can believe some of the stories about the CIA, the State Dept and Mossad being linked to Epstein (and we got worse than that), it looks like he’s just got to go. Unless someone, or some party involved, has a reason to protect him against all odds. If only to handicap some other people.

After this piece I really hope I never have to write about this topic again. My hopes of that are not overly high, but I do have to say I have a very hard time thinking about child -sex- abuse. I also think we must think much harder about why it is that we pick predators to lead our societies. Because this hardly ever fails, doesn’t it? A bunch of sexual deviants rise to the top everywhere.

Sexual predation appears to be some inevitable part of political power. Not everywhere and not all the time, but far too much for comfort.

Let’s hope enough of those predators are exposed through the Jeffrey Epstein case. But, you know, listening to George Webb, you think of the oil sheikhs and the girls being trafficked by Epstein and others, from the Balkans and dirt poor African countries, and you ask yourself, what are the odds of full exposure?

Lifted from zerohedge.com (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-19/how-long-jeffrey-epstein-world)

21st July 2019, 08:45
Innocence gone ...

You're Lost Little Girl

The Doors


21st July 2019, 09:00
Thanks for sharing this vid, had not seen it and gives lots more dots, ta Gio.


21st July 2019, 09:53
A desperate search for an encounter with the soul ...

Jasun Horsley - UFOs, Trauma, and Hacking the Human Psyche


Jasun Horsley discusses his book 'Prisoner of Infinity - UFOs, Social Engineering, and the Psychology of Fragmentation' (https://www.amazon.com/Prisoner-Infinity-Engineering-Psychology-Fragmentation/dp/1911597051). 'Prisoner of Infinity' examines modern-day accounts of UFOs, alien abductions, and psychism to uncover a century-long program of psychological fragmentation, collective indoctrination, and covert cultural, social, and mythic engineering.

Whether it is the forces of God, government, aliens from outer (or inner) space, or the incalculable effects of childhood sexual trauma on the human psyche, premature contact with these forces compels us to create 'crucial fictions'. Such semi-coherent mythic narratives make partial sense out of our experience, but in the process turn us into the unreliable narrators of our own lives.

Taking UFOS and the work of 'experiencer' Whitley Strieber as its departure point, 'Prisoner of Infinity' explores how beliefs are created and perceptions are managed in the face of the inexplicably complex forces of our existence. While keeping the question of a non-human and/or paranormal element open, the book maps how all-too-human agendas (such as the CIA’s MK Ultra program) have co-opted the ancient psychological process of myth-making, giving rise to dissociative, dumbed-down Hollywood versions of reality. The New Age movement, UFOs, alien abductions, psychism, psychedelic mind expansion, Transhumanism, the Space Program – what if they are all productions devised by committee in dark rooms to serve social, political, and economic goals that are largely devoid of true substance or meaning?

Through an exacting and enlivening process of social, cultural and psychological examination and excavation, 'Prisoner of Infinity' uncovers the most deeply buried treasure of all. The original, uncredited author of all mystery and meaning: the human soul.

Published on Jul 21, 2019

116:13 minutes


21st July 2019, 10:34
In case you missed it ...


Washington Monument is transformed into a stunning tribute to the Apollo 11 moon landing
with projections of the mission from blast-off to splash-down to mark the 50th anniversary (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7269209/Washington-Monument-transformed-stunning-tribute-Apollo-11-moon-landing.html)

21st July 2019, 11:33
The latest ...

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee: New 2019: Freshly Brewed | Trailer | Netflix

Hop in for a ride with Jerry Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy, Seth Rogen, Melissa Villaseñor, Ricky Gervais, Jamie Foxx, and many more in a new season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.
Streaming July 19 on Netflix.

2:38 minutes


Emil El Zapato
21st July 2019, 18:00
Food For Thought:

I had a close friend that employed a professional for a weekend as a date for a local wedding party. She was 16 and estranged from her family. I tried talking to her and asked her how I could help her 'escape' the life's path that she was on. She responded to me, "what the f*ck is your problem" and that was the opening salvo, she became hostile after that. I was embarrassed by believing that I could be so presumptuous as to think she wasn't perfectly happy doing exactly what she was doing. You tell me! This is not a good analogy to Epstein but it is my reality at the ground floor.


Sorry about my ego thing, but it might be relevant in some form or fashion... :)

Buzz and Cuz'


21st July 2019, 18:35
Food For Thought:

This is not a good analogy to Epstein but it is my reality at the ground floor.

I agree, and it's most unfortunate.

21st July 2019, 18:45
Jeffrey Epstein lost interest when girls ‘lost their braces’: detective (https://nypost.com/2019/07/21/jeffrey-epstein-lost-interest-when-girls-lost-their-braces-detective/)

21st July 2019, 19:16
Continuing ...

#1079 What NOTRE DAME Looks Like After Fire -
BUCKINGHAM PALACE - Travel Vlog (7/21/19)

Daze with Jordan the Lion

Published on Jul 21, 2019

19:54 minutes


21st July 2019, 20:27
‘Westworld’: Watch Mysterious New Season 3 Trailer

I thought your world would be so different from mine. There’s no difference at all, is there?

"Westworld offered a mysterious glimpse into its upcoming third season Saturday during HBO’s Comic-Con panel in San Diego.

With Season 3 not scheduled to premiere until 2020, the latest trailer is vague on plot but offers a parade of intriguing images, including Thandie Newton’s Maeve beating up Nazis in a 1940s spinoff of Westworld and Evan Rachel Wood’s Dolores exploring a futuristic city.

The trailer also teases the returns of characters played by Jeffrey Wright, Luke Hemsworth and Ed Harris, who could be an android this time around, while new characters played by Aaron Paul (seen previously in another perplexing preview) and Vincent Cassel are also seen briefly.

At Comic-Con, producers were similarly tight-lipped about Season 3’s plot, but Jonathan Nolan said (via The Hollywood Reporter), “When we started, Westworld was a dystopia. Three seasons in, I think it’s the best case scenario, to be perfectly honest. The form of AI we have on the show is thoughtful. Murderous, but thoughtful. I think we’re now heading into the era of dumb artificial intelligence.” Producers also previously promised that Season 3 would be less confusing than its time-bending predecessor."

Source: rollingstone.com (https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/westworld-season-3-trailer-861625/)

Official San Diego Comic-Con Trailer | Westworld | Season 3 (2020)


Published on Jul 20, 2019

2:51 minutes


22nd July 2019, 00:25
‘Westworld’: Watch Mysterious New Season 3 Trailer

"Westworld offered a mysterious glimpse into its upcoming third season Saturday during HBO’s Comic-Con panel in San Diego.

With Season 3 not scheduled to premiere until 2020, the latest trailer is vague on plot but offers a parade of intriguing images, including Thandie Newton’s Maeve beating up Nazis in a 1940s spinoff of Westworld and Evan Rachel Wood’s Dolores exploring a futuristic city.

The trailer also teases the returns of characters played by Jeffrey Wright, Luke Hemsworth and Ed Harris, who could be an android this time around, while new characters played by Aaron Paul (seen previously in another perplexing preview) and Vincent Cassel are also seen briefly.

At Comic-Con, producers were similarly tight-lipped about Season 3’s plot, but Jonathan Nolan said (via The Hollywood Reporter), “When we started, Westworld was a dystopia. Three seasons in, I think it’s the best case scenario, to be perfectly honest. The form of AI we have on the show is thoughtful. Murderous, but thoughtful. I think we’re now heading into the era of dumb artificial intelligence.” Producers also previously promised that Season 3 would be less confusing than its time-bending predecessor."

Source: rollingstone.com (https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/westworld-season-3-trailer-861625/)

Official San Diego Comic-Con Trailer | Westworld | Season 3 (2020)


Published on Jul 20, 2019

2:51 minutes

Guess who else is back... ;)


Emil El Zapato
22nd July 2019, 00:49
Picard is back!! That just has to be good....On my list big time. Unite 24

22nd July 2019, 01:30
Picard is back!!

As well as Data and Seven of Nine. :) Of course, the original Data was killed/destroyed in an act of self-sacrifice in "Star Trek: Nemesis", but he had uploaded his entire memory as a backup into his more primitive brother, B4. And then there was also his advanced but psychotic "evil twin" Lore, who had been disassembled after his shenanigans with a number of runaway Borg.

It should either way be very interesting. :)

22nd July 2019, 15:29
♪ Look out for Helter Skelter ♪ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWW2SzoAXMo) ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


She's coming down fast ...


22nd July 2019, 15:47
hmm ...

War Profiteers and the Demise of the US Military-Industrial Complex https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zfQXfUiQnRo/W0dcbHasBWI/AAAAAAAAIOY/MiBjEiVAMcctj36OvKcvbz9UB6hnCmTfQCPcBGAYYCw/s200/US%2Bminus%2B2%2Bfingers.jpeg

"Within the vast bureaucratic sprawl of the Pentagon there is a group in charge of monitoring the general state of the military-industrial complex and its continued ability to fulfill the requirements of the national defense strategy. Office for acquisition and sustainment and office for industrial policy spends some $100,000 a year producing an Annual Report to Congress. It is available to the general public (https://www.businessdefense.gov/Portals/51/Documents/Resources/2018%20AIC%20RTC%2005-23-2019%20-%20Public%20Release.pdf?ver=2019-06-07-111121-457). It is even available to the general public in Russia, and Russian experts had a really good time poring over it.

In fact, it filled them with optimism. You see, Russia wants peace but the US seems to want war and keeps making threatening gestures against a longish list of countries that refuse to do its bidding or simply don’t share its “universal values.” But now it turns out that threats (and the increasingly toothless economic sanctions) are pretty much all that the US is still capable of dishing out—this in spite of absolutely astronomical levels of defense spending. Let’s see what the US military-industrial complex looks like through a Russian lens.

It is important to note that the report’s authors were not aiming to force legislators to finance some specific project. This makes it more valuable than numerous other sources, whose authors’ main objective was to belly up to the federal feeding trough, and which therefore tend to be light on facts and heavy on hype. No doubt, politics still played a part in how various details are portrayed, but there seems to be a limit to the number of problems its authors can airbrush out of the picture and still do a reasonable job in analyzing the situation and in formulating their recommendations.

What knocked Russian analysis over with a feather is the fact that these INDPOL experts (who, like the rest of the US DOD, love acronyms) evaluate the US military-industrial complex from a… market-based perspective! You see, the Russian military-industrial complex is fully owned by the Russian government and works exclusively in its interests; anything else would be considered treason. But the US military-industrial complex is evaluated based on its… profitability! According to INDPOL, it must not only produce products for the military but also acquire market share in the global weapons trade and, perhaps most importantly, maximize profitability for private investors. By this standard, it is doing well: for 2017 the gross margin (EBITDA) for US defense contractors ranged from 15 to 17%, and some subcontractors—Transdigm, for example—managed to deliver no less than 42-45%. “Ah!” cry the Russian experts, “We’ve found the problem! The Americans have legalized war profiteering!” (This, by the way, is but one of many instances of something called systemic corruption, which is rife in the US.)

It would be one thing if each defense contractor simply took its cut off the top, but instead there is an entire food chain of defense contractors, all of which are legally required, no less, to maximize profits for their shareholders. More than 28,000 companies are involved, but the actual first-tier defense contractors with which the Pentagon places 2/3 of all defense contracts are just the Big Six: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynmics, BAE Systems and Boeing. All the other companies are organized into a pyramid of subcontractors with five levels of hierarchy, and at each level they do their best to milk the tier above them.

The insistence on market-based methods and the requirement of maximizing profitability turns out to be incompatible with defense spending on a very basic level: defense spending is intermittent and cyclical, with long fallow intervals between major orders. This has forced even the Big Six to make cuts to their defense-directed departments in favor of expanding civilian production. Also, in spite of the huge size of the US defense budget, it is of finite size (there being just one planet to blow up), as is the global weapons market. Since, in a market economy, every company faces the choice of grow or get bought out, this has precipitated scores of mergers and acquisitions, resulting in a highly consolidated marketplace with a few major players in each space.

As a result, in most spaces, of which the report’s authors discuss 17, including the Navy, land forces, air force, electronics, nuclear weapons, space technology and so on, at least a third of the time the Pentagon has a choice of exactly one contractor for any given contract, causing quality and timeliness to suffer and driving up prices.

In a number of cases, in spite of its industrial and financial might, the Pentagon has encountered insoluble problems. Specifically, it turns out that the US has only one shipyard left that is capable of building nuclear aircraft carriers (at all, that is; the USS Gerald Ford is not exactly a success). That is Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport, Virginia. In theory, it could work on three ships in parallel, but two of the slips are permanently occupied by existing aircraft carriers that require maintenance. This is not a unique case: the number of shipyards capable of building nuclear submarines, destroyers and other types of vessels is also exactly one. Thus, in case of a protracted conflict with a serious adversary in which a significant portion of the US Navy has been sunk, ships will be impossible to replace within any reasonable amount of time.

The situation is somewhat better with regard to aircraft manufacturing. The plants that exist can produce 40 planes a month and could produce 130 a month if pressed. On the other hand, the situation with tanks and artillery is absolutely dismal. According to this report, the US has completely lost the competency for building the new generation of tanks. It is no longer even a question of missing plant and equipment; in the US, a second generation of engineers who have never designed a tank is currently going into retirement. Their replacements have no one to learn from and only know about modern tanks from movies and video games. As far as artillery, there is just one remaining production line in the US that can produce barrels larger than 40mm; it is fully booked up and would be unable to ramp up production in case of war. The contractor is unwilling to expand production without the Pentagon guaranteeing at least 45% utilization, since that would be unprofitable.

The situation is similar for the entire list of areas; it is better for dual-use technologies that can be sourced from civilian companies and significantly worse for highly specialized ones. Unit cost for every type of military equipment goes up year after year while the volumes being acquired continuously trend lower—sometimes all the way to zero. Over the past 15 years the US hasn’t acquired a single new tank. They keep modernizing the old ones, but at a rate that’s no higher than 100 a year.

Because of all these tendencies and trends, the defense industry continues to lose not only qualified personnel but also the very ability to perform the work. INDPOL experts estimate that the deficit in machine tools has reached 27%. Over the past quarter-century the US has stopped manufacturing a wide variety of manufacturing equipment. Only half of these tools can be imported from allies or friendly nations; for the rest, there is just one source: China. They analyzed the supply chains for 600 of the most important types of weapons and found that a third of them have breaks in them while another third have completely broken down. In the Pentagon’s five-tier subcontractor pyramid, component manufacturers are almost always relegated to the bottommost tier, and the notices they issue when they terminate production or shut down completely tend to drown in the Pentagon’s bureaucratic swamp.

The end result of all this is that theoretically the Pentagon is still capable of doing small production runs of weapons to compensate for ongoing losses in localized, low-intensity conflicts during a general time of peace, but even today this is at the extreme end of its capabilities. In case of a serious conflict with any well-armed nation, all it will be able to rely on is the existing stockpile of ordnance and spare parts, which will be quickly depleted.

A similar situation prevails in the area of rare earth elements and other materials for producing electronics. At the moment, the accumulated stockpile of these supplies needed for producing missiles and space technology—most importantly, satellites—is sufficient for five years at the current rate of use.

The report specifically calls out the dire situation in the area of strategic nuclear weapons. Almost all the technology for communications, targeting, trajectory calculations and arming of the ICBM warheads was developed in the 1960s and 70s. To this day, data is loaded from 5-inch floppy diskettes, which were last mass-produced 15 years ago. There are no replacements for them and the people who designed them are busy pushing up daisies. The choice is between buying tiny production runs of all the consumables at an extravagant expense and developing from scratch the entire land-based strategic triad component at the cost of three annual Pentagon budgets.

There are lots of specific problems in each area described in the report, but the main one is loss of competence among technical and engineering staff caused by a low level of orders for replacements or for new product development. The situation is such that promising new theoretical developments coming out of research centers such as DARPA cannot be realized given the present set of technical competencies. For a number of key specializations there are fewer than three dozen trained, experienced specialists.

This situation is expected to continue to deteriorate, with the number of personnel employed in the defense sector declining 11-16% over the next decade, mainly due to a shortage of young candidates qualified to replace those who are retiring. A specific example: development work on the F-35 is nearing completion and there won’t be a need to develop a new jet fighter until 2035-2040; in the meantime, the personnel who were involved in its development will be idled and their level of competence will deteriorate.

Although at the moment the US still leads the world in defense spending ($610 billion of $1.7 trillion in 2017, which is roughly 36% of all the military spending on the planet) the US economy is no longer able to support the entire technology pyramid even in a time of relative peace and prosperity. On paper the US still looks like a leader in military technology, but the foundations of its military supremacy have eroded. Results of this are plainly visible:

• The US threatened North Korea with military action but was then forced to back off because it has no ability to fight a war against it.

• The US threatened Iran with military action but was then forced to back off because it has no ability to fight a war against it.

• The US lost the war in Afghanistan to the Taliban, and once the longest military conflict in US history is finally over the political situation there will return to status quo ante with the Taliban in charge and Islamic terrorist training camps back in operation.

• US proxies (Saudi Arabia, mostly) fighting in Yemen have produced a humanitarian disaster but have been unable to prevail militarily.

• US actions in Syria have led to a consolidation of power and territory by the Syrian government and newly dominant regional position for Russia, Iran and Turkey.

• The second-largest NATO power Turkey has purchased Russian S-400 air defense systems. The US alternative is the Patriot system, which is twice as expensive and doesn’t really work.

All of this points to the fact that the US is no longer much a military power at all. This is good news for at least the following four reasons.

First, the US is by far the most belligerent country on Earth, having invaded scores of nations and continuing to occupy many of them. The fact that it can’t fight any more means that opportunities for peace are bound to increase.

Second, once the news sinks in that the Pentagon is nothing more than a flush toilet for public funds its funding will be cut off and the population of the US might see the money that is currently fattening up war profiteers being spent on some roads and bridges, although it’s looking far more likely that it will all go into paying interest expense on federal debt (while supplies last).

Third, US politicians will lose the ability to keep the populace in a state of permanent anxiety about “national security.” In fact, the US has “natural security”—two oceans—and doesn’t need much national defense at all (provided it keeps to itself and doesn’t try to make trouble for others). The Canadians aren’t going to invade, and while the southern border does need some guarding, that can be taken care of at the state/county level by some good ol’ boys using weapons and ammo they already happen to have on hand. Once this $1.7 trillion “national defense” monkey is off their backs, ordinary American citizens will be able to work less, play more and feel less aggressive, anxious, depressed and paranoid.

Last but not least, it will be wonderful to see the war profiteers reduced to scraping under sofa cushions for loose change. All that the US military has been able to produce for a long time now is misery, the technical term for which is “humanitarian disaster.” Look at the aftermath of US military involvement in Serbia/Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and what do you see? You see misery—both for the locals and for US citizens who lost their family members, had their limbs blown off, or are now suffering from PTSD or brain injury. It would be only fair if that misery were to circle back to those who had profited from it."

Authored by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog,
Research credit: Alexander Zapolskis (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-21/war-profiteers-and-demise-us-military-industrial-complex)

22nd July 2019, 16:10
A look back ...
In search of the magic mushrooms ...

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood The CIA Did Some Crazy Shhhhh!

Jason Bermas

Streamed 7/21/2019

23:27 minutes


22nd July 2019, 16:25
♪ All your weight it falls on me ...
It brings me down ♪


Collective Soul

The Howard Stern Show

Published on Jul 22, 2019

3:09 minutes


22nd July 2019, 17:03

“You have violated sovereign airspace. Prepare for crushing economic sanctions.”

22nd July 2019, 21:17
Below one of Jeffrey Epstein's two private jets ...

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.dailymail.co.uk%2Fi%2Fpix%2F201 6%2F01%2F18%2F21%2F305048BC00000578-3405407-image-a-97_1453152306532.jpg&f=1

“The Girls Were Just So Young”: The Horrors of Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island

"Locals say Epstein was flying in underage girls long after his conviction for sex crimes—and authorities did nothing to stop him. “It was like he was flaunting it,” says an employee at the airstrip on St. Thomas. “But it was said that he always tipped really well, so everyone overlooked it.”

https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5d34e8836348670008d283d5/16:9/w_1280%2Cc_limit/a-jeffrey-epstein-island-2.pngA view of Little St. James Island, in the U. S. Virgin Islands, a property owned by Jeffrey Epstein. The 66-year-old billionaire bought the property about a decade ago and began to transform it, clearing the native vegetation, ringing the property with towering palm trees and planting two massive U.S. flags on either end.

"Ever since billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on July 6 on charges of sex trafficking, the media have been scrambling to make sense of what happened on Little St. James, his 70-acre private island in the Caribbean. But on nearby St. Thomas, locals say Epstein continued to bring underage girls to the island as recently as this year—a decade after he was forced to register as a convicted sex offender—and that authorities did nothing to stop him.

Two employees who worked at the local airstrip on St. Thomas tell Vanity Fair that they witnessed Epstein boarding his private plane on multiple occasions in the company of girls who appeared to be under the age of consent. According to the employees, the girls arrived with Epstein aboard one of his two Gulfstream jets. Between January 2018 and June 2019, previously published flight records show, the jets were airborne at least one out of every three days. They stopped all over the world, sometimes for only a few hours at a time: Paris, London, Slovakia, Mexico, Morocco. When they left St. Thomas, the employees say, they returned to airports near Epstein’s homes in Palm Beach and New York City.

“On multiple occasions I saw Epstein exit his helicopter, stand on the tarmac in full view of my tower, and board his private jet with children—female children,” says a former air traffic controller at the airstrip who asked to remain anonymous. “One incident in particular really stands out in my mind, because the girls were just so young. They couldn’t have been over 16. Epstein looked very angry and hurled his jacket at one of them. They were also carrying shopping bags from stores not on the island. I remember thinking, ‘Where in the world have they been shopping?’”

Another employee at the airstrip, who requested anonymity because he is not allowed to speak about travelers in his official capacity, says Epstein would land at St. Thomas twice a month on average. “There’d be girls that look like they could be in high school,” the employee recalls. “They looked very young. They were always wearing college sweatshirts. It seemed like camouflage, that’s the best way to put it.” Epstein would be dressed in a tracksuit, but the girls carried shopping bags from designer labels: Gucci, Dior.

The employee adds that he and his co-workers would joke around about what they were seeing. “Every time he landed or took off, it was always brought up. We’d always be joking, ‘How many kids are on board this time?’” But the employee also says he felt “pure disgust,” calling it “absolutely insane” that a convicted sex offender was able to move around so openly in the era of MeToo.

“I could see him with my own eyes,” the employee says. “I compared it to seeing a serial killer in broad daylight. I called it the face of evil.”

Epstein apparently made no attempt to hide his travels with young girls. The airstrip in St. Thomas sits in plain sight of a central highway, and a nearby parking lot at the University of the Virgin Islands provides a complete view of the tarmac and almost every aircraft on the ground. When he’s “home” on Little St. James, Epstein’s plane is always parked right in front of the control tower.

“The fact that young girls were getting out of his helicopter and getting into his plane, it was like he was flaunting it,” the employee says. “But it was said that he always tipped really well, so everyone overlooked it.”

In fact, it appears that local authorities did nothing to investigate Epstein’s repeated trips with young girls—let alone intervene—despite the fact that he was listed on the island’s registry of sex offenders. Chief William Harvey, a veteran of the Virgin Islands police department, tells Vanity Fair that he does not know who Epstein is, and is unaware of any investigation into him. Sammuel Sanes, a former senator for the Virgin Islands, says he is unaware of any special precautions taken by law enforcement to track the arrivals and departures of Epstein’s jet on St. Thomas, or the movements of his helicopter to and from his private island.

Lawyers for Epstein, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges of sex trafficking, say he “flatly denies any illegal involvement with underage women.” But those on the island who witnessed Epstein in action remain shocked that a convicted pedophile could brazenly continue to travel to and from the United States accompanied by young girls.

“My colleagues and I definitely talked about how we didn’t understand how this guy was still allowed to be around children,” says the former air traffic controller. “We didn’t say anything because we figured law enforcement was doing their job. I have to say that that is regrettable, but we really didn’t even know who to tell, or if anyone really cared.”"

By Holly Aguirre
Source: vanityfair.com (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/horrors-of-jeffrey-epstein-private-island)

23rd July 2019, 00:41
From By Matt Taibbi

50 Years After the Moon Landing: Why Conspiracy Theories Won’t Die

"Belief in a faked moon program is one of the first great “fake news” stories ...
"Why there are sure to be a lot more going forward" ... Read the rest (https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/moon-landing-anniversary-taibbi-conspiracy-theories-861239/)


23rd July 2019, 09:21
For your inspection ...

I am going to suggest something that might seem a bit different here, but before you might consider investing the time in listening to this (longer than usual) podcast - I suggest you first go to the end (2:55:57 time mark) and listen to the host's (Alvie's) closing remarks to see if this very full (3 hr) informational discussion is your cup of tea - And if it does spark your interest then may I also suggest listening in personal comfort proportional segments.

FILM: This is the Classified Space Program - Michael Schratt

Forum Borealis

So what's the real SSP as opposed to the fantasy notion pushed by Gaia TV, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, & other conmen? Hear an expert give the adult treatment, discussing such points as: What cases points to covert tech? Whence & when did it begin? Reverse engineering or human development? How can we tell when spacecrafts are of earthling origin? Where are they manufactured & by whom? What's the production cost & how is it financed? What's the 3 levels of aerial crafts? How advanced are they now? Can they reach the stars? What of TTSA's Disclosure? Which presidents would be clued in? What of Trump's space force? Who's in charge? + Learn why Thursday is crucial.

Michael Schratt is a Military Aerospace historian, he is a private pilot and aerospace draftsman
with many contacts dealing with classified “black programs."

Published on Jul 22, 2019

3:05:12 minutes


24th July 2019, 02:48
Just listening ...

Walter Bosley | Esoteric Napoleon, Malta’s Hypogeum, & The Great Pyramid


Almost everyone has heard of Napoleon Bonaparte, but Walter Bosley has written a great new book in his Secret Missions Series entitled, The Esoteric Napoleon, dedicated to diving into Napoleon’s lesser known interests, his trip to Malta, his exploration of the Great Pyramid, his secret bloodline lineage, and the interesting alternative to the story that he died in exile.

Making his 4th appearance on THC, Walter Bosley is also world traveling author and explorer of extraordinary phenomena. He has served as a counterintelligence specialist during the final years of the Cold War for the FBI and served as a Special Agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations running counterespionage operations.

For the past seven years, Walter has been a personal security and anti-terrorism consultant for corporate and private clients around the world. In addition, he’s also the man behind Lost Continent Library Publishing. Their books can now be purchased through Lulu.

Premiered 95 minutes ago ...

107:56 minutes


24th July 2019, 08:12
'That apple don't fall too far from da tree do it' ... ;)


Almost Kissin Cousins ... :scrhd:


Donald Trump: 'The boy who wanted to be burger king' ...


Boris Johnson: 'The boy who wanted to be world king' ...

BBC News

Published on Jul 23, 2019

12:42 minutes


24th July 2019, 17:21
Meanwhile ...

Credit or control? - Social surveillance in China | DW Documentary

China is developing a "social credit system" to evaluate its citizens' behavior. The system uses a point scheme to reward good conduct and punish bad conduct -- such as criticizing the government, or even running a red traffic light.

People who pay their bills too late or drink too much alcohol will be given penalty points, and could face travel restrictions or have their financial credit rating lowered. Good conduct could be rewarded with discounts on bookings for hotels or rental cars. The system will use the millions of suveillance cameras that have been installed throughout China -- plus facial-recognition- and motion-profile technology -- to keep track of people. The "social credit system" is now in the testing phase, and it's already become controversial. It's scheduled to be introduced in Beijing next year.

In our report, we'll meet a young woman who works as a marketing manager, and has a good behavior rating. She says it may help to get her young son into a top-quality school. We also talk to a journalist whose reports on corruption earned him a bad score. The authorities then blocked his social-media accounts, and banned him from flying on passenger jets. The "social credit system" has hit one of China's ethnic minorities particularly hard: the mostly-Muslim Uighurs, who live in the northwestern autonomous region of Xinjiang.

Published on Jul 23, 2019

27:00 minutes


25th July 2019, 05:45
The obvious ...
In a nutshell ...

How Long Is Jeffrey Epstein For This World?


Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, (https://www.theautomaticearth.com/2019/07/how-long-is-jeffrey-epstein-for-this-world/)

Jeffrey Epstein found nearly unconscious in NYC jail cell after possible suicide attempt (https://nypost.com/2019/07/24/jeffrey-epstein-found-nearly-unconscious-with-injuries-to-his-neck-in-nyc-jail-cell/)

25th July 2019, 23:09
Speaking suicide ...

Anyone familiar with this area (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merriweather_Post_Pavilion) will surely agree ...
This is purely gentrification in the making ... :fpalm:

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcivilityandtruth.com%2Fassets%2Fi mages%2Fmerriweather-post-pavilion-aerial-view.jpg&f=1

Woodstock 50 Festival Relocates to Maryland (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/woodstock-50-relocate-maryland-merriweather-post-pavilion-863681/)

25th July 2019, 23:42
It's a Mistake

Men At Work


Emil El Zapato
25th July 2019, 23:52
Rutger Hauer's epic dying soliloquy:


26th July 2019, 00:08
The latest ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Still waiting ...

Explorer who found the Titanic wants to solve Amelia Earhart’s disappearance (https://nypost.com/2019/07/24/explorer-who-found-the-titanic-wants-to-solve-amelia-earharts-disappearance/)


26th July 2019, 00:17
The latest ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Still waiting ...

Explorer who found the Titanic wants to solve Amelia Earhart’s disappearance (https://nypost.com/2019/07/24/explorer-who-found-the-titanic-wants-to-solve-amelia-earharts-disappearance/)

Hmm, wasn't Amelia Earhart's disappearance solved a few years ago? As I understand it ─ and I've seen very convincing photos to corroborate the story ─ she was captured by the Japanese, convicted of espionage, and subsequently executed. :hmm:

26th July 2019, 00:29
Apparently not ...

New Photo Incorrectly Claims Amelia Earhart Was
Captured by the Japanese, Executed as a Spy (https://www.thedailybeast.com/amelia-earhart-captured-and-killed-new-evidence-debunks-history-channels-crazy-theory)

26th July 2019, 02:54
♪ No flies on me ♪


Daddy was a jewel thief ...

Green Earrings

Steely Dan


26th July 2019, 03:20
Get use to it ...


“I guess I thought Mueller was going to solve all my problems.”

26th July 2019, 17:03
Hey now ...

This Week On Howard: David Spade, Bella Thorne, and Chad & JT

The Howard Stern Show

In this week’s Top Noine Stern Show moments, David Spade talks comedy with Howard, Bella Thorne makes her Stern Show debut, Chad & JT reveal their latest city council proposal, and Memet rallies to name a beaver after himself.

0:42 - David Spade Meets ‘Farley’ Dog
3:58 - A Beaver Named Memet
7:25 - ‘Party Bros’ Want New Holiday
10:31 - Ronnie Is a Horny Goat
14:46 - Bella Thorne Is an Open Book
16:04 - Collective Soul Performs ‘Heavy’
17:37 - Spade’s First ‘Tonight Show’
20:56 - Gary’s Latest Stumble
25:29 - This Week in Howard History
27:33 - Sal Can’t Pronounce Ireland

Published on Jul 26, 2019

29:34 minutes


26th July 2019, 18:17
Will share this here ...
For those inclined ...

Rich Pickings presents: Life After Life

For those interested in the near-death experience (NDE), the 30 minute film below is well worth a watch. It features video from the January 2016 ‘Life After Life’ discussion at which skeptic Chris French and NDEr Raymond O’Brien talked about the topic, and is interspersed with pieces of footage from short films ...

You can learn more about the event, and view the full versions of the videos that were cut into the discussion, at the Rich Pickings website (http://www.richpicks.org/?p=1741).

This event took place at the ICA, London, January 16th 2016.
Organised by Rich Pickings (richpicks.org) in partnership with London Short Film Festival.

29:39 minutes


26th July 2019, 20:48
What is happening here ...

Speaking suicide ...

Anyone familiar with this area (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merriweather_Post_Pavilion) will surely agree ...
This is purely gentrification in the making ... :fpalm:

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcivilityandtruth.com%2Fassets%2Fi mages%2Fmerriweather-post-pavilion-aerial-view.jpg&f=1

Woodstock 50 Festival Relocates to Maryland (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/woodstock-50-relocate-maryland-merriweather-post-pavilion-863681/)

An update ...

Inside Woodstock 50’s Last-Ditch Maryland Attempt (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/woodstock-50-maryland-864012/)

27th July 2019, 02:18
Also in the news ...


IRS fugitive John McAfee sent to UK after stint in Dominican jail

John McAfee of antivirus software fame has arrived in London from the Dominican Republic, where he had been detained for several days with his wife and several others for entering the Caribbean nation with a cache of weapons on his yacht, his lawyer said Friday.

Authorities “asked him where he wanted to go, and he decided on London,” his attorney Candido Simon told Reuters.

News of his arrival in the UK came two days after McAfee, 73, the eponymous founder of the PC software security giant, said on Twitter that he was released “after four days of confinement” along with five other people, including his wife, Janice.

“I was well treated. My superiors were friendly and helpful. In spite of the helpful circumstances, we’ve decided to move on,” the British-born tech guru said in a tweet Wednesday.

After Dominican authorities ensured that the US had no active legal cases or extradition requests for McAfee, they allowed him to choose where he wanted to go, Simon said.

McAfee has been sought by US tax authorities since January 2012, when he announced that he had fled the country and “living in exile” on a boat because of felony charges handed down by the Internal Revenue Service.

A spokesman for the IRS told The Post on Friday that he could not release any information about the case, as per policy.

McAfee — who is seeking the Libertarian Party’s nomination for US president in 2020 — asked his Twitter followers on Friday whether he should also campaign to be British prime minister.

“Can a person run for, and be, President of the United States and Prime Minister of Great Britain simultaneously? Yes. Absolutely. Without question. But I believe I am one of the few people still alive who could qualify for the combined position,” he tweeted.

Earlier this week, McAfee docked his yacht, Great Mystery, in Puerto Plata, a province on the DR’s Atlantic north coast, where the weapons and ammo stash was seized, Reuters reported.

Customs officials said they found pistols, a shotgun and bars of suspected silver on the yacht.

While in custody, McAfee retweeted a photo posted by his wife of himself sitting shirtless in a cell.

“@theemrsmcafee insisted I looked better in this jailhouse photo since I was smiling. Janice was incarcerated in the cellblock next door at the same time. She just forgot how to properly smuggle phones,” he wrote.

“My crime is not filing tax returns – not a crime. The rest is propaganda by the U.S. government to silence me. My voice is the voice of dissent. If I am silenced, dissent itself will be next,” he wrote in a July 19 tweet.

“The CIA has attempted to collect us. We are at sea now and will report more soon. I will continue to be dark for the next few days,” he said in another tweet, which included a photograph of himself and a woman brandishing rifles.

On July 22, he wrote that they had been “at sea 4 and a half in rough weather. Nearing port. All is well. Will be back in the saddle shortly.”

McAfee said he couldn’t wait to “get off of this God forsaken boat that lost air conditioning and water 18 hours into the trip. None of us have bathed for 5 days.”

His Twitter account was later taken over by his campaign manager Rob Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Loggia-Ramirez, who wrote: “If John misses his next check-in, events will be set into motion that I cannot prevent once they have begun.

“John has secreted data with individuals across the world. I know neither their identities or locations. They will release their payloads if John goes missing.”

McAfee said in a video earlier this year that he was charged for “using cryptocurrencies in criminal acts” by Tennessee authorities, according to bitcoin.com.

“I am running my campaign in exile on this boat for the duration — I will not allow them to imprison me and shut my voice down, which they will do immediately — Why? I am a flight risk. Obviously, I am in flight,” McAfee said in the video.

The cybersecurity pioneer also boasted in a Jan. 3 tweet that he had not “filed a tax return for 8 years,” saying “taxation is illegal” and that his “net income is negative.”

At the peak of his wealth, McAfee’s net worth topped $100 million – but he reportedly lost the bulk of his fortune during the global financial crisis in 2009.

He then liquidated his assets and moved to Belize, where he surrounded himself with a harem of young women – many of whom moved in with him at his heavily fortified beachfront compound on Ambergris Caye.

In 2012, Belize police said McAfee was a “person of interest” in the murder of a neighbor. He told the news outlet Wired in November of that year that he was forced into hiding because local authorities were trying to kill him.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow dismissed the allegations, describing McAfee as “extremely paranoid — even bonkers.”

McAfee was later arrested in Guatemala, where he sought political asylum but was charged with entering the country illegally. He was hospitalized for suspected heart attacks, which he later claimed he faked to avoid being handed over to police in Belize.

On Dec. 21, 2012, Guatemalan authorities deported him to the US, where he reportedly met Janice, who solicited him as a prostitute in South Beach, Florida.

The couple have lived in constant fear of his assassination by agents of the Belize government, according to a Newsweek report.

McAfee sold his famous anti-virus software company, which he founded in 1987, in 1994 for about $75 million.

Source: nypost.com (https://nypost.com/2019/07/26/irs-fugitive-john-mcafee-sent-to-uk-after-stint-in-dominican-jail/)

27th July 2019, 03:29
From across the pond ...

Ep. 22.04 - Mysterious Universe Podcast

"As much as humanity thinks it understands the nature of the universe the reality is quite the opposite. On this episode of Mysterious Universe we discuss rifts in space-time and how they might be connected with coincidence, past life memories and many other paranormal phenomena."

SHOW NOTES (https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/07/22-04)

Published on Jul 26, 2019

1:36:27 minutes


27th July 2019, 23:27
Once upon a time ...

I Slept Out On The Streets Of Paris, France

Gabriel Traveler

"My story of sleeping on the streets of Paris, France two different times during the summer of 1990
when I was 18 years old. Filmed in Toulouse in southern France."

Published on Jul 27, 2019

24:30 minutes


28th July 2019, 16:34
hmm ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/55897100_1767700823331198_6053693173203468288_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlkWNUQlSzi6IRRhopqe37oFOqld_rIbZXgP7tdHQh YO5CmunN3pFwauaZf0lctVF8gHZFvUvVWP_F0Qvaitp_Y&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=defe318e678874635d4102d3c9e37201&oe=5DDC5A2B

29th July 2019, 01:25
For those inclined ...

My New Video Production Studio Tour!

Rick Beato

This video is a tour of my new Everything Music Video Production Space. In this video I will show you
how to build your own video production space. I also include a full tour of all my guitars and amps.

Published on Jul 28, 2019

10:04 minutes


29th July 2019, 06:17
A catchy one from !979 ...


My Sharona ...

The Knack


29th July 2019, 06:26
And speaking of lodging thingy's into your head ...

Musical Mind Control, The Possession Of Billie Eilish & Black Goo with Ryan Gable

The Kev Baker Show

'A Sunday night group discussion.'

Streamed live 7/28/2019

2:09:20 minutes


29th July 2019, 06:32
Just a quick


To Malcolm
To Vern
To Elen

and the numerous members who care to keep OUR community rolling along...

It means to me a LOT that people here care, the forum, the membership is personal and as well sharing with the Public that reads this..

We care and I think our Agenda is minimum compared to other's out there, Vern would call it "papa's" site. I don't call it papa's... I call this a site where folks want to speak out without fear of being censored, without fear of being slammed or cut-off for being themselves, and speaki ng out how they feel without fear of offending "papa"...

We have our own views and we respect Malcom and Aragorn and the rest of the mods, and membership, and of course the reading Public..

We'll try to share what we believe in, what we feel is passion to us. And we will bring what our Souls feel is good to share with the community..

Gio, thanks my dear friend for sticking with it all these years. As an inspiration you most definitely have touched my heart and Soul..

-- Bob

29th July 2019, 07:34
Thanks Bob ...


29th July 2019, 07:43
And speaking of get/becoming closer in knowing ...

Boris Johnson: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver explains how Britain’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, has succeeded – not despite
his bumbling persona, but often because of it.

Published on Jul 28, 2019

22:02 minutes


29th July 2019, 08:03
A reminder ...

#Post 1

Greetings Everyone,

Welcome to my new 24/7 open share musing emporium thread ...

It is an open thread and do invite all members to share and post here ...

♪ So Lets Make Some Beautiful Music Together Here ♪


29th July 2019, 08:54
Will ... :Bump:

And speaking of lodging thingy's into your head ...

Musical Mind Control, The Possession Of Billie Eilish & Black Goo with Ryan Gable

The Kev Baker Show

'A Sunday night group discussion.'

Streamed live 7/28/2019

2:09:20 minutes


29th July 2019, 15:02
In the news ...

Under Brazil’s Far Right Leader, Amazon Protections Slashed and Forests Fall

The Amazon rain forest in Para State, Brazil. Deforestation is increasing in the country, but the current government has reduced enforcement of protective laws.

By Letícia Casado and Ernesto Londoño

July 28, 2019

BRASÍLIA — The destruction of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has increased rapidly since the nation’s new far-right president took over and his government scaled back efforts to fight illegal logging, ranching and mining.

Protecting the Amazon was at the heart of Brazil’s environmental policy for much of the past two decades. At one point, Brazil’s success in slowing the deforestation rate made it an international example of conservation and the effort to fight climate change.

But with the election of President Jair Bolsonaro, a populist who has been fined personally for violating environmental regulations, Brazil has changed course substantially, retreating from the efforts it once made to slow global warming by preserving the world’s largest rain forest.

While campaigning for president last year, Mr. Bolsonaro declared that Brazil’s vast protected lands were an obstacle to economic growth and promised to open them up to commercial exploitation.
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Seven months into his term, that is already happening.

Brazil’s part of the Amazon has lost more than 1,330 square miles of forest cover since Mr. Bolsonaro took office in January, a 39 percent increase over the same period last year, according to the government agency that tracks deforestation.

In June alone, when the cooler, drier season began and cutting trees became easier, the deforestation rate rose drastically, with roughly 80 percent more forest cover lost than in June of last year.

The deforestation of the Amazon is spiking as Mr. Bolsonaro’s government pulls back on enforcement measures like fines, warnings and the seizure or destruction of illegal equipment in protected areas.

A New York Times analysis of public records found that such enforcement actions by Brazil’s main environmental agency fell by 20 percent during the first six months of the year, compared with the same period in 2018. The drop means that vast stretches of the rain forest can be torn down with less resistance from the nation’s authorities.

President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, right, standing with Ricardo Salles, the environment minister.

The two trends — the increase in deforestation and the government’s increasing reluctance to confront illegal activity — is alarming researchers, environmentalists and former officials who contend that Mr. Bolsonaro’s tenure could lead to staggering losses of one of the world’s most important resources.

“We’re facing the risk of runaway deforestation in the Amazon,” eight former environment ministers in Brazil wrote in a joint letter in May, arguing that Brazil needed to strengthen its environmental protection measures, not weaken them.

Mr. Bolsonaro has dismissed the new data on deforestation, calling his own government’s figures “lies” — an assertion experts called baseless. During a gathering with international journalists last week, the president called the preoccupation with the Amazon a form of “environmental psychosis” and argued that its use should not concern outsiders.

“The Amazon is ours, not yours,” he told a European journalist.

The Bolsonaro government’s stance has drawn sharp criticism from European leaders, injecting an irritant to a trade deal struck last month between the European Union and a bloc of four South American countries, including Brazil.

During a recent visit, Germany’s minister of economic cooperation and development, Gerd Müller, called protecting the Amazon a global imperative, especially given the rain forest’s vital role in absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, essential to the effort to slow global warming. And when trees are cut, burned or bulldozed, carbon dioxide goes directly back into the atmosphere.

Germany and Norway help finance a $1.3 billion Amazon conservation fund, but the Bolsonaro administration has questioned its effectiveness, raising the possibility that the effort could be shut down.

“Without tropical rain forests, there’s no solving the climate” issue, Mr. Müller said during an event in São Paulo.

During the campaign, Mr. Bolsonaro promised to do away with the ministry of the environment altogether. He ultimately scrapped the plan under pressure from the nation’s agriculture sector, which feared the move would incite a boycott of Brazilian products.

Deforestation in the Western Amazon region of Brazil.

A few weeks before his inauguration, Brazil abruptly pulled out of its commitment to host a global summit on climate change. Then, once he took office, Mr. Bolsonaro’s administration cut the main environmental agency’s budget by 24 percent, part of a broader cost savings across the government.

He has denounced environmental fines as an “industry” that needs to be shut down. And his administration has said it plans to weaken the authority of environmental protection agents to burn vehicles and other equipment belonging to loggers and miners in protected areas.

Mr. Bolsonaro has brushed off international criticism of his positions, arguing that calls to preserve large parts of Brazil are part of a global plot to hamper his country’s development. This month, he accused European leaders of pushing for stronger conservation of the Amazon because they hope to develop it themselves in the future.

“Brazil is like a virgin that every pervert from the outside lusts for,” he said.

Brazil had previously tried to portray itself as a leader in protecting the Amazon and fighting global warming. Between 2004 and 2012, the country created new conservation areas, increased monitoring and took away government credits from rural producers who were caught razing protected areas. This brought deforestation to the lowest level since record-keeping began.

But it has suffered setbacks before. As the economy plunged into a recession in 2014, the country became more reliant on the agricultural commodities it produces — beef and soy, which are drivers of deforestation — and on the powerful rural lobby. Land clearing began to tick upward again.

Mr. Bolsonaro has promised to do away with the remaining barriers to developing protected lands. He has also spoken derisively about the environmental agency’s enforcement work, which he has experienced firsthand.

On Jan. 25, 2012, environmental agents intercepted a small fishing boat in an ecological reserve in Rio de Janeiro state that Mr. Bolsonaro, then a federal lawmaker, was aboard. He argued with the agents for about an hour and ignored their demands that he leave, said José Augusto Morelli, the agent in charge of the team.

Mr. Bolsonaro refused to identify himself, Mr. Morelli said. But the agent took a photo of Mr. Bolsonaro, who was wearing white Speedo-like bathing suit.

Mr. Bolsonaro never paid the fine, which was rescinded shortly after he was sworn in as president in January. In late March, Mr. Morelli was demoted, a decision he sees as a form of retaliation for the 2012 fine.

Mr. Bolsonaro’s refusal to pay the fine is common. All but about 5 percent of environmental fines in Brazil are contested in court, a process that often drags on for several years.

Now Mr. Bolsonaro’s environment minister, Ricardo Salles, wants to create a mechanism that would give a government panel the discretion to lower or suspend environmental penalties, worrying former officials who say it would weaken enforcement even further.

Mr. Salles, who did not respond to several requests for an interview, has acknowledged the shortcomings of the environmental enforcement agencies tasked with policing commercial activity in protected areas. But he has argued that the system had been hollowed out by previous governments.

As for the environment, Mr. Salles has said that the government is prioritizing urban problems, like upgrading waste management and sewage treatment systems, which he said were in a “shameful” state.

Other senior officials in Mr. Bolsonaro’s government have responded to the sharp rise in deforestation with a mix of denial and defensiveness.

Taking a different approach, Mr. Bolsonaro’s chief of staff, Onyx Lorenzoni, took aim at what he called attempts from abroad to shape Brazil’s environmental policy.

“We’re not naïve,” Mr. Lorenzoni said. “There’s a view out in the world, sponsored by nongovernmental organizations, that relativizes Brazil’s sovereignty over the Amazon.”

But, he warned in a recent meeting with reporters: “Here’s a little message: ‘Don’t play around with us.’”

Source & rederence links: nytimes.com (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/28/world/americas/brazil-deforestation-amazon-bolsonaro.html?te=1&nl=morning-briefing&emc=edit_NN_p_20190729&section=longRead?campaign_id=9&instance_id=11245&segment_id=15645&user_id=f720a4c35094c229f8aa98a4a66b9a3e&regi_id=93567358ion=longRead)

29th July 2019, 23:27
“It’s this new app—you put in your Social Security number, and it makes you look like a cat.”

30th July 2019, 08:21
Speaking of being duped ...


The party continues with the usual suspects ... (http://www.divinetravels.com/UFOcruise2019.html)

30th July 2019, 08:35
Speaking of being duped ...

The party continues with the usual suspects ... (http://www.divinetravels.com/UFOcruise2019.html)

Hmm, there are some respectable names on that list. :hmm:

Richard Dolan
Travis Walton
James Gililand
Linda Moulton Howe

It is of course a shame that it once again smells like a gratuitous moneymaking adventure. At least they don't have Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Simon Parkes or George Noory among their speakers. :fpalm:

30th July 2019, 09:08
Hmm, there are some respectable names on that list. :hmm:

It is of course a shame that it once again smells like a gratuitous moneymaking adventure.

Yes indeed a captive audience ...
Undeniable Floating Opportunity ... https://7img.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

30th July 2019, 09:12
Yes indeed a captive audience ...
Undeniable Floating Opportunity ... https://7img.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

Floating on liquid assets. :p

30th July 2019, 09:17
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a7d84a2b-798f-45bb-a137-c4c20b20a82b/dbhm0c1-7f64d6b0-3dfd-4b04-abe4-a7347430c51d.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2E3ZDg0YTJiLTc5OGYtNDViYi1hMT M3LWM0YzIwYjIwYTgyYlwvZGJobTBjMS03ZjY0ZDZiMC0zZGZk LTRiMDQtYWJlNC1hNzM0NzQzMGM1MWQuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.rIqVR01N 2gOfNQ3MjNMzG1xHqEF7zUgTbwGkMsjSEDk




30th July 2019, 11:12
Reuben the Bulldog: What's In the Box?

8:46 minutes


30th July 2019, 19:07
A serious look into ...

Contact with Non-Human Intelligence with Robert Davis

Robert Davis, PhD, is a retired professor of neuroscience at the State University of New York. He is author of The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe? and Life After Death: An Analysis of the Evidence.

Here he describes the results of a survey of individuals who believe themselves to have experienced contact with non-human intelligence associated with unidentified aerial phenomena. Over 3,000 people responded to an in-depth survey. About 70% reported that their experiences had a positive impact in their life. About 25% reported that they had strong, waking memories of having been taken aboard a craft of some sort ...

Host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

(Recorded on February 1, 2019)



31st July 2019, 02:18
Continuing ...

ONE DAY IN MALTA | Tourist Heaven Or Hell?

Gabriel Traveler

Exploring the beautiful island nation of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. But is it too touristy for its own good?

Published on Jul 30, 2019

22:20 minutes


Emil El Zapato
31st July 2019, 02:48
Hmm, there are some respectable names on that list. :hmm:

Richard Dolan
Travis Walton
James Gililand
Linda Moulton Howe

It is of course a shame that it once again smells like a gratuitous moneymaking adventure. At least they don't have Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Simon Parkes or George Noory among their speakers. :fpalm:

Is that monkeymaking adventure...I'm starting to lose faith in Linda Moulton Howe...she's going down to many rabbit holes based on 'special' 2nd hand information...Just my opinion, of course...

31st July 2019, 03:01
Is that monkeymaking adventure...I'm starting to lose faith in Linda Moulton Howe...she's going down to many rabbit holes based on 'special' 2nd hand information...Just my opinion, of course...

I agree. ;)

31st July 2019, 03:02
Making it hurt so good !


31st July 2019, 04:18
I agree. ;)

My guess with regards to so many of the celebrities in this diverse genre known as "the alternative community" is that when someone gets "hot" (especially if the hot streak last for awhile) what often follows is a cooling off period and this usually presents a challenge to the formerly rising celebrity. "Do I try and find a way to get "hot" again? Do I try and forge new material that gets me back on top? I was getting pretty comfortable with all that attention (and financial benefit)... hummmm, what shall I do?"

And that's when people often make choices that, well, choices where they appear to have allowed themselves to... to compromise themselves.

Very, very few of these micro celebrities of the alternative community maintain their standards, continue to produce cutting edge information. And for those that sell spirituality, unless they are incredibly gifted in writing and/or speaking, they often fizzle out as well or, they may succeed in creating a cult big enough to feed their ego and financial needs by replacing the ones who wake up and leave with fresh new vulnerables.

31st July 2019, 07:25
Asteroid Impact – How Big a Threat to Earth? | Space News


June 30th marked the annual celebration of Asteroid Day, and science media used the occasion to suggest the need for greater funding for planetary defense against such an intruder. But just how real is the danger to Earth from kinetic impacts from asteroids, comets and meteors? In this episode, we explore this question, and the new perspective offered by the Electric Universe.

Published on Jul 30, 2019

13:59 minutes


1st August 2019, 05:29
Heads up, I've deleted 11 posts in total from both this thread and from the What Motivates Bill Ryan (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/11414-What-Motivates-Bill-Ryan-of-Project-Avalon-Community-Forum) thread. The management would very much appreciate it if everyone were to leave the drama out of it from here on. Thank you.

1st August 2019, 19:16
hmm ...

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftimedotcom.files.wordpress.com%2F 2017%2F10%2Fwhy-people-believe-in-conspiracy-theories.jpg%3Fquality%3D85&f=1

FBI Document Warns Conspiracy Theories Are A New Domestic Terrorism Threat

"A recent intelligence bulletin comes as the FBI is facing pressure to explain who it considers an extremist,
and how the government prosecutes domestic terrorists" ... Read more here (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fbi-domestic-terrorism_n_5d430db7e4b0acb57fc91818?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANQQN-qSskqYZajyRK--xd07LLdeJC7R1bauSn15Up3bZvwiyd6oNmwSS--vqceWbSHBKhsFQR2mtsyA8HcwzVpszdCwb_2qWxGY4BH9dZOAJ GjQhkCWGBH5tv2w5R59ZmeFog2-Nw0arAyZTyMwfPHpQ32KPjx8nLsWPjmzc1NE)

2nd August 2019, 00:14
An Innuendo ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innuendo)

Digging In The Dirt

Peter Gabriel


Emil El Zapato
2nd August 2019, 00:23
Been there, Done that!

2nd August 2019, 01:04
Ah mustn't forget. ...

The Space War Heats Up...And You're the Target! - #NewWorldNextWeek

Published on Aug 1, 2019

14:37 minutes


2nd August 2019, 05:33
Been there, Done that!

Speaking ...

Watch Julia Louis-Dreyfus Respond to Marianne Williamson’s ‘Bizarre’ ‘Yada Yada’ on ‘Kimmel’

"Democratic presidential hopeful dropped classic Seinfeld phrase during recent debate

Julia Louis-Dreyfus appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live Wednesday and talked about the surreal experience of watching Marianne Williamson drop a “yada yada yada” — the phrase famously used on Seinfeld — during a recent Democratic primary debate.

Williamson slipped the “yada yada” in while responding to a question about gun control, which she used as an occasion to discuss big money spending in politics. Kimmel played the clip on his show last night, prompting Louis-Dreyfus to crack, “I guess she’s gonna pick me as her running mate? Is that what that means?”

When Kimmel asked if it was exciting to see the phrase pop up out of nowhere, Louis-Dreyfus admitted, “It’s bizarre, it’s kind of like worlds colliding and then some… It’ll be weird when they say, ‘No soup for you.'”

Elsewhere in the interview, Louis-Dreyfus spoke about how starring on Veep offered her some disconcerting new insights into the state of American politics. She also chatted about the final episode of the series and getting nominated for her seventh Outstanding Actress Emmy for the show, having previously won the prize the past six times, one for each season of Veep. Despite her impressive collection (she has 11 Emmys total), Kimmel showed a picture of Louis-Dreyfus’ trophy mantle, which features just one statue — a chunk of concrete taken from the first draft of her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame embossed with a misspelling of her name, Julia “Luis”-Dreyfus.

“It’s a prized possession of mine and just a good reminder to keep me in my place,” Louis-Dreyfus cracked."

Julia Louis-Dreyfus on Democratic Debates, Tom Hanks & End of VEEP

Published on Aug 1, 2019

12:02 minutes


Source: rollingstone.com (https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/julia-louis-dreyfus-marianne-williamson-yada-yada-kimmel-866066/)

2nd August 2019, 05:54
Earlier today ...

Pilot makes emergency landing on Washington highway

"Incredible. Watch this pilot make an emergency landing on SR 7 in Pierce County, Washington.
The moment was caught on a WSP trooper's dash cam video. Amazingly, no one was hurt: ...

Published on Aug 1, 2019

1:46 moments


2nd August 2019, 16:46
Apparently ...


Ethiopia Just Set the World Record for Most Trees Planted in a Day (https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/ethiopia-world-record-trees-planted-deforestation?utm_source=Atlas+Obscura+Daily+Newsl etter&utm_campaign=e2b5e38b30-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_08_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f36db9c480-e2b5e38b30-63041445&ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_08_02_2019)&mc_cid=e2b5e38b30&mc_eid=57314563a1)

2nd August 2019, 22:37
Here''s one for William S ...

“Honeyland,” Reviewed: A Gripping,
Frustrating Documentary About
a Beekeeper’s Fragile Isolation


In “Honeyland,” about the beekeeper Hatidze Muratova, who lives in isolation with her mother, it’s as if the reality of Muratova’s life were too messy for the filmmakers’ hermetic schema.

"The documentary “Honeyland,” about a beekeeper in rural Macedonia whose livelihood is threatened by the actions of new neighbors, has many of the virtues of a good dramatic feature. Its narrative construction depicts extraordinary tensions and conflicts with a clarity and coherence that a screenwriter might dream of. At the same time, the film’s dramatic power comes at the expense of the reportorial side of documentary filmmaking. It’s as if the filmmakers, Tamara Kotevska and Ljubomir Stefanov, recognized the allure of their subject as the action unfolded, and then, whether in the filming or in the editing of their footage (four hundred-plus hours’ worth, cut down to an eighty-seven-minute feature), molded it to familiar forms of movie drama. The result is a film that’s in equal measure gripping and frustrating, a work of nonfiction in which the elision of many factual elements, in the interest of compact dramaturgy, makes an extraordinary true story feel fabricated.

A woman carrying a bundle on her back is seen, from far above, walking alone on a desolate plain along a path cut unevenly through dry grass; and then from below; and then, again, from a different high angle. She reaches a steep rock face by climbing on a narrow ledge onto which the camera operator follows her, too. As I watched the woman approaching the rocks, pulling a honeycomb from a dark compartment behind a stone plaque, and scooping bees by the cupful into a basket, I found myself wondering what she thought of the filmmakers who were following her on this perilous mission—how she and they arranged the shooting, and, from a Heisenbergian perspective, what effect the filmmakers’ presence had on her activities and her ideas.

The woman’s name is Hatidze. (Her last name, Muratova, is seen in the end credits.) She was born, she says, in 1964; she has, apparently, spent her entire life in this craggy farm region of the former Yugoslav republic. She lives with her mother, who’s bedridden and ill, in a stone house with no electricity or running water. Her mother, Nazife—whose name is never heard in the course of the film—has an oozing and apparently sightless eye and a grave bleeding wound near it, on the side of her face, which is bound with a compress and a towel. The family is of Turkish ethnicity, and speaks Turkish. Hatidze, who never married and has no children, ekes out a living for herself and her mother by keeping bees and gathering and bottling their honey. Hatidze’s methods are intimate and humane; she’s endowed with a loving touch that, seemingly, the bees recognize—she works with them barehanded and appears never to be stung. She speaks to them and sings to them, but, above all, she nurtures and nourishes them, telling them, “half for you, half for me”—she doesn’t deplete their supply of honey to maximize her short-term income but treats the hives that she sustains on another rock wall, alongside her home, with familial care.

Hatidze and her mother live in apparent isolation, without friends, other family, or neighbors. Then a string of trucks and a trailer struggle along a road to another stone house, diagonally across from hers—the Sam family, also of Turkish ethnicity, including a mother (Ljutvie), a father (Hussein), and seven children, ranging from toddlers to preteens. The family raises cattle and brings with it a large herd, and the family quickly befriends Hatidze. She plays with and teaches the children, talks with Ljutvie and Hussein, and, when he visits her, shows him her hive. Hussein asks her about money—what she gets for her honey—and, with that apparently innocent question, it’s obvious, after a very gradual and protracted setup, that the drama is about to begin. Approximately ten euros per jar, she responds, and, if “Honeyland” were a cartoon, Hussein would suddenly get euro symbols in his eyes.

Moments later, he’s seen unloading from a truck a set of boxes and frames used in commercial beekeeping. Hatidze, friendly and helpful but also wary, cautions him to leave half of his honey for his bees—because otherwise they’ll attack her bees for their honey. It’s no spoiler to relate that this is exactly what happens, though the way that it happens—in its effect on Hatidze and her mother, in the commercial details that drive Hussein to mercenary despair, and in its effect on relationships within the Sam family, too—unfolds with a novelistic intricacy and tightly sprung dramatic mechanism. Just in outlining the conflict here, I find myself caught up again in its destructive power, its brewing enmities, and its overarching, tragic sense of the disturbance of cosmic order.

Yet there is a price—or, perhaps, not a price but merely a needless sacrifice—that comes with tying this mighty narrative knot. Kotevska and Stefanov give little sense of the surrounding world in which the film’s participants live, and what the filmmakers do show tends to frustrate rather than satisfy the viewer’s curiosities. Hatidze travels by train to the country’s capital, Skopje, to sell honey, sitting on the trip, as if by calculated cinematic contrast, next to a teen punk with spiky green hair. Speaking with one of her retailers, who is Albanian, she says that all the other Albanians and Turks have left her village, that she and her mother are the only ones left. But we never find out what kind of crisis or what circumstances led to this exodus, or how isolated Hatidze’s life actually is. (Members of her family are thanked in the film’s credits, but they are never shown onscreen, and it’s never clear whether Hatidze and her mother have any contact with them.) Her life is depicted as one of complete autonomy, as if her rocky corner were long untouched by any civil authority. Yet a scene of great dramatic significance involves the intersection of legal and medical matters, though the filmmakers show no contact between the movie’s subjects and the officials or professionals with whom they’ve apparently had dealings.

Hatidze’s solitude is one of the film’s prime subjects and also its dramatic mainspring, and its details and practicalities are merely hinted at, and utterly unexplored, throughout. One of the Sam boys becomes Hatidze’s companion in her apiary adventures, and in one conversation she laments that she doesn’t have a son like him. Not long thereafter, Hatidze asks her mother why she turned down offers of marriage that were brought for Hatidze, long ago, by a matchmaker. Nazife gives a poignant response—that she didn’t turn the offers down, but Hatidze’s late father did—but the exchange has a contrived feeling. Has she never before confronted her mother on this central life matter? We don’t know, because the filmmakers wouldn’t dare disturb the sealed-off observational purity of their storytelling with even so much as an interview question.

Much of the movie is filmed in the Muratova home; Hatidze displays the daily details of her domestic life and her labors to the filmmakers, who must have virtually lived with her for three years while they were filming. But even the terms of their complicity, the relationship that they and Hatidze share, remains a frustrating blank. (Was she instructed never to look at the camera?)

Eliding the modernity of Hatidze—the bureaucratic ties that bind her to the administrative state, the sense of extended family, of friendships, of politics, of personal history—has a strategic effect on the film. The filmmakers establish an agrarian fantasy of perfect rustic isolation, a place of Edenic purity in which more than Hatidze’s own loving enterprise, her livelihood, is threatened—what’s spoiled is paradise itself. It’s as if the reality of Hatidze’s life and work, the practical relationships of filmmaking, were too messy and ambiguous for the filmmakers’ tidy hermetic schema. This is no mere theoretical quibble of documentary form; it’s the relationship between experience and cinema, between what's happening and what's seen. It’s a relationship that, despite their daring, perceptive, nuanced, and empathetic work, the filmmakers didn't respect."

by Richard Brody
August 1, 2019
Source: newyorker.com (https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/honeyland-reviewed-a-gripping-frustrating-documentary-about-a-beekeepers-fragile-isolation?utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_080219&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bea0b212ddf9c72dc8cc2c3&cndid=52756157&esrc=&utm_term=TNY_Daily)

Honeyland [Official Trailer]

In Theaters July 26, 2019


3rd August 2019, 00:23
The end is near ...

Senate Bill Could Fine Up To $15,000 For Sharing A Meme You Didn’t Make (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/07/watch-senate-bill-could-fine-up-to-15000-for-sharing-a-meme-you-didnt-make-video/)

Published on Jul 28, 2019

1:08 moments


8th August 2019, 05:03
Continuing ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Lady Liberty Destroyed


8th August 2019, 05:09
Downside up, upside down ...


8th August 2019, 05:18
The Highwomen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Highwomen)
Cover "The Chain"

The Howard Stern Show

Published on Aug 7, 2019

4:39 minutes


8th August 2019, 05:27
Sasquatch Language: Radical Translation of the Barry-Morehead Tapes | Scott Nelson


We have verified that these creatures use language by the human definition of it. The months of hard work that we have put into the study of the Berry/Morehead tapes is finally coming to fruition. The analysis is finished, although I am still working on parts of the final write-up such as frequency count tables, morpheme lists, etc.

I believe that the study of these tapes will never (and should never) end. With the recognition and acceptance that these creatures do indeed speak and understand a complex language, a greater effort will be made to collect voice recordings and our analysis of the language will improve. Now that we have a precedent and techniques established for this study, this process will certainly become easier.


Scott Nelson is retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years’ experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri.

Published on Aug 7, 2019

1:27 55 minutes


8th August 2019, 05:54
Stop making sense ...

How Tom Steyer would fight climate change, gun violence and corporate corruption

PBS NewsHour

"Tom Steyer is a billionaire philanthropist and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. Perhaps best known for his efforts to impeach President Trump, Steyer sits down with Judy Woodruff to discuss why he believes government in Washington, D.C., is “broken,” how to get corporate cash out of American democracy, criticism of his hedge fund history and the need for aggressive action on climate change."

Published on Aug 7, 2019

7:59 minutes


8th August 2019, 06:32

“Hate has no place in our country!”

8th August 2019, 06:38
Sums it up ...

REO Brothers (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOwG8NViDpJMN31pAc0zCzw/videos)- In My Life | The Beatles

Published on Aug 6, 2019

2:33 minutes


8th August 2019, 07:04
Back to the monkey business ...

Trump Is Suing California to Keep His Taxes Secret

And other funny stories ...

The Late Late Show with James Corden

Published on Aug 7, 2019

4:57 minutes


8th August 2019, 10:30
A recent look back from downunder ...

Science proves we’re getting high on hate | 60 Minutes Australia

To slightly bastardise that famous Hollywood movie line: Australians are as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore! As Charles Wooley discovers, these days social media is giving instant - and deafening - voice to our outrage. There's a lot that we're angry about and we don't miss when we spit our venom. But are we going too far? Is getting high on hate now killing free speech?

Published on Aug 8, 2019

16:20 minutes


8th August 2019, 10:46
Flowing like wine ...

The Smashing Pumpkins Perform 'Knights Of Malta'

Published on Aug 8, 2019

4:45 Minutes


8th August 2019, 15:44
My brother gets off on poking at the weakness of others and then laughing about it. And he blames others for 'letting him take advantage'.

This is not how we were raised.

Anger and hate allow people to fail to take responsibility for the things they do.

8th August 2019, 18:24
Lots of news items covered in the latest ...

Scientists Announce Human-Monkey Hybrids - #NewWorldNextWeek

Published on Aug 8, 2019

19:40 minutes


Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.

This week ...

Referenced links:

Story #1: We’re All Enemies of the State - Draconian Laws, Precrime & Surveillance State

The Rise of the American Gestapo: Has It Already Happened Here?

Story #2: Kashmir Krisis - India Scraps Special Status for Kashmir In Step Pakistan Calls Illegal

False Flags Over Kashmir: Prelude to WWIII?

India’s Lower House Ratifies Bill to Split IHK

Jammu &Kashmir Reorganisation Bill-2019

Experts Question Legality of India's Changes In Kashmir

Pakistan PM Warns of War With India Over Kashmir Crackdown

China, Pakistan Slam India's Move to Change Kashmir's Special Status

“Everything Has Been Lost. Except Our Resolve to Fight Back”: Shah Faesal on Kashmir

Chinese State Media Blames CIA For Violent Hong Kong Protests

Story #3: First Human-Monkey Chimera Raises Concern Among Scientists

El País: Spanish Scientists Create Human-Monkey Chimera In China

Scientists Get Green Light to Create Human-Animal Hybrids In Japan

Japan Approves First Human-Animal Embryo Experiments

CDC Shuts Down All High-Level Research At Fort Detrick Amid Fears Of Release Via Wastewater

NY Resident Dies After Contracting Powassan, a Rare Tick-Borne Illness

9th August 2019, 10:07
Coming together right now ...

The Unheard ‘Abbey Road’: An
Exclusive Preview of Beatles’
Expanded Final Masterpiece

‘Super Deluxe Edition’ of group’s last album to include outtakes, demos and
angry neighbors complaining about the late-night noise ...


Fifty years ago today, on August 8th, 1969, the Beatles walked back and forth across a street they knew well: Abbey Road. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr lined up and crossed a few times, while a cop held up traffic, right outside the studio where they were already booked to show up for work that day. The whole photo session took only 10 minutes. Yet this became their most iconic image: sky of blue, trees of green. It sums up the sunny confidence of the most popular album the Beatles ever made — which also turned out to be the last (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/hey-its-friday-wanna-argue-about-the-beatles-last-album-82944/). Abbey Road turned a zebra-stripe crosswalk on an ordinary London street into holy ground. Oh, that magic feeling.

Fifty years later, the Abbey Road story takes a new turn with the revelatory Super Deluxe Edition, which drops on September 27th in time for the anniversary. It sheds new light on the essential weirdness of this music — how did the Beatles create such warmth and beauty while they were in the middle of breaking up? “It’s the Last Supper,” producer Giles Martin, son of the late George Martin, tells Rolling Stone. “It’s having great sex with an ex-girlfriend. They said, ‘Let’s do one last great thing.’”

The new Abbey Road edition follows the model of the Sgt. Pepper and White Album sets from the past couple of years. And like them, it explores the vaults to find fresh surprises in music you think you already know by heart. It’s the Beatles’ best-selling album —but it’s also a bittersweet finale from four friends preparing to go their separate ways forever. It’s their farewell — but you can also hear the smiles returning to their faces. The last time John, Paul, George and Ringo played together was when they cut “I Want You (She’s So Heavy).” Yet all four were on fire as songwriters — even Ringo, who contributes “Octopus’ Garden.” The music has a childlike warmth. “Abbey Road is a kids’ album,” Martin nods. “Come Together’ is a blues groove — but it’s also my 11-year-old daughter’s favorite Beatle song.”

There’s a new mix from Martin and engineer Sam Okell in stereo, 5.1 surround sound and Dolby Atmos. There’s a coffee-table book with Paul McCartney’s foreword. There’s also 23 outtakes and demos to enhance the original album. Compared to Sgt. Pepper or the White Album, the sessions were orderly and civilized. George Martin, still wary after the madness of 1968, agreed to come back and produce only if they promised to be on their best behavior. So these outtakes don’t include the same kind of far-flung studio experiments. “They’re not really jamming,” Giles Martin says. “It’s not like the White Album — with this record, maybe to protect against arguments, they had a pretty damn good idea about the direction each song was going to go in before they recorded it.”

In early 1969, the Beatles tried to make Get Back, the album that turned into Let It Be. It turned into open warfare, nearly ripping the band apart. It was Paul who talked the others into giving it one more go. “They came in knowing that this was the end,” Martin says. “There was never the illusion that this was going to be the big start of something new.”

But since these four boys were the Beatles, they couldn’t stop showing off — for each other, for the world, for themselves. So facing the final curtain just fired up their competitive edge. “There wasn’t that element of continuation: ‘We’ll put it out, then do something else.’ It wasn’t the White Album, where it feels like, ‘This is where we are right now, and where we’ll be in six months time, who knows, but we’re on this journey and this is part of the journey,’” says Giles Martin. “They knew this was it. The way I would explain it is, you’ve only got a certain number of breaths or heartbeats left in your life, and you want to make sure they’re important. That’s the essence of Abbey Road — they knew how important it was.”

1:04 minutes


In a previous unheard version of “I Want You (She’s So Heavy),” the Beatles bash away at John’s heaviest riff in Soho’s Trident Studios, at top volume. But this posh address is a little different from Abbey Road — the session gets interrupted by neighbors complaining about the late-night noise. Surprisingly, John agrees to turn it down, after one more take. He tells the band, “The loud one — last go. Last chance to be loud!” Martin says, “It’s so funny — he’s so polite. He should have said, ‘Fuck off, we’re the Beatles!’”

The studio banter brings the sessions to life — even at this late stage, the lads can’t resist trying to crack each other up. When it’s time for a coffee break, one of Paul’s ballads turns into “You never give me your coffee.” John plays around with “Polythene Pam,” sneering, “His sister Bernice works in the furnace.” “I like trying to find as much speech as possible — it humanizes it,” Martin says. “You hear John Lennon talk, then he suddenly starts singing, and you think: It’s that fucking simple? That’s all I have to do? He just starts singing and it makes the sound of John Lennon? There’s no process there? It’s the same microphone? There’s no switch being turned? I think that changes it. You listen to “I Want You (She’s So Heavy), when they stop and start talking. Wait — these people are making that noise?”

The extras also include Paul demos for two hits he gave away — “Goodbye” for Mary Hopkins and “Come and Get It” for Badfinger. There are three takes of “Her Majesty.” (But if you’re among the many fans who consider “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” a pataphysical gaffe, don’t necessarily get your hopes up that Take 12 will change your mind.) Maybe Ringo couldn’t have written “Octopus’ Garden” without a little help from his friend George — but he still deserves an eight-tentacled round of applause.

3:38 minutes


The Quiet One brought in only two tunes — as John sniped in NME at the time, “George has got songs he’s been trying to get on our records since 1920.” But they turned out to be the best-loved highlights, “Here Comes The Sun” and “Something.” In fact, George might deserve the credit for the album’s quality — he threw a scare into the others. “They’re pretty bloody big songs,” Martin says. “It must have shaken things up for John and Paul — they were nothing if not competitive. There’s no question that the catalyst for their demonic level of songwriting here was ‘Something’ and ‘Here Comes the Sun.’”

They’re not at all like George’s White Album or Pepper songs — they’re broad, emotionally direct, not the least bit quizzical. (For that matter, they don’t sound like the solo songs he was already demoing for All Things Must Pass.) But in itself, that’s a sign he was leaving the Beatles behind. After his bitter experience trying to get them to play “All Things Must Pass” at the Get Back sessions —John responded by ignoring him and plucking a Chuck Berry riff until George stormed out — he wasn’t bringing them his personal cosmic riddles anymore. As Giles Martin says, “He was planning his solo album. He knew what his next plan was. He was definitely fed up with life with John and Paul. And the Beatles didn’t function without John and Paul functioning.”


John was also stretching himself — he added the harmony ballads “Because” and “Sun King,” as if he knew this was his last chance to write songs for these three voices to sing together. These are Beatle songs, very different from anything he’d write for himself and Yoko to sing. For John and George, this was their last chance to be Beatles; instead of battling for self-expression, they came together. For “The End,” all three trade off guitar solos, tracking it live — Paul, George and John, in that order.

As on the Pepper and White Album sets, Ringo nearly steals the show. His drums have their own track, for one thing — crazy as it seems, this was the first (and only) album the Beatles recorded on eight-track, a little late in the game. “It’s much bigger-sounding — eight tracks, a transistor desk. It’s the only Beatles album that was recorded in stereo — there’s no mono version.” Giles Martin points out a sonic detail that jumps out from the new mix of “Something”: you can hear Paul play the high-hats in the middle eight. “Ringo is playing toms with both hands, and then in the middle bit, Paul goes over to hit the high-hat. It took the two of them to play drums on that bit.”

But for all the team spirit on Abbey Road, there’s something wistful. Paul’s sense of loss is all over the Side Two suite, right up to “The End” itself. “You do get the impression with Abbey Road that Paul was trying to hold on to the dream — and my dad as well.” Giles makes the argument that it resembles George Martin’s subsequent work rather than theirs. “Sonically, it’s more like his work with [the band] America. Abbey Road has that precision — everything’s in tune, it has the right fit, and that’s how he liked things to be.”

But the Beatles and their producer were heading into the unknown — as if cramming in all the experiments they knew they’d never get a second chance to try together. In the middle of Side Two, Paul sings, “Soon we’ll be away from here / Step on the gas and wipe that tear away.” On Abbey Road, all of them sneak a look back at the past they’ve shared. And then — walking as boldly as they do on the album cover — they cross the road into the future.

Source: rollingstone.com (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/beatles-abbey-road-super-deluxe-edition-868805/)

9th August 2019, 18:54
hmm ...

Mysterious Universe Podcast

"Since the early 1960s groundbreaking research has been made into the claims of children recalling past lives. After decades of research, Dr. James Matlock believes he has come up with a data based theory to explain reincarnation and its associated phenomena. From "soul hijackings" to unwanted spirit guests, nothing is taboo on this episode of Mysterious Universe."

Full show Notes: https://bit.ly/2M9n3ZU

About: Dr. James Matlock

Reincarnation research has become my central interest and the subject of my books and major academic contributions, but I did not start off with it. From early in my life, I aspired to be a creative writer. I remember dictating stories to my mother before I could write them down myself. I held to the dream of writing fiction until after I graduated from Emory University with a B.A. in English in 1977.

I came close to graduating with a second B.A. in Psychology, but the Skinnerian operant conditioning to which I was introduced in my experimental psychology classes put me off. After I left Emory, I began to read in the New Age literature that was coming out in the 1970s. I found it harder than I had anticipated to make a living as a writer, though, and by the end of the 1970s, had given up on fiction and was thinking about trying nonfiction instead. I recall going to my local library in Arlington, VA, looking for a topic to write about. That is when I discovered reincarnation. Reincarnation in turn led (through the writings of Ian Stevenson) to learning about academic parapsychology, and I began to read intensively in that field ... More here (http://jamesgmatlock.com/home/about-me/)

Published on Aug 9, 2019

1:32:14 minutes


10th August 2019, 08:03
Hey now ...

This Week On Howard: Whitney Cummings, ‘Bagel Boss Guy,’
and Robin's Birthday Dinner

The Howard Stern Show
Published on Aug 9, 2019

In the Top Noine moments from this week’s Stern Show: Howard interviews Whitney Cummings, the “Bagel Boss Guy” faces off against Shuli Egar, Robin Quivers’ birthday causes an office controversy, and Memet Walker joins Benjy Bronk at a Peloton class.

0:38 - Robin's Birthday Dinner
3:43 - Why Whitney Cummings Quit 'Roseanne'
5:50 - Sal Gets Philosophical
10:03 - The Highwomen Cover Fleetwood Mac
12:38 - Brent Records Sex with Wife
17:23 - Staffers Challenge 'Bagel Boss Guy'
19:52 - Benjy Takes Memet to Peloton
23:00 - Shuli Takes Brent to Soccer Game
25:16 - This Week in Howard History
29:00 - Robin Leaves Ronnie Off Guest List

32:57 minutes


10th August 2019, 16:25
#The latest ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Hey did you hear the news ... (https://nypost.com/2019/08/10/photos-show-jeffrey-epstein-as-hes-wheeled-into-downtown-hospital/)


10th August 2019, 16:40
Speaking of tying a knot ...


10th August 2019, 17:03

Spirit Plants (What is a Spirit Plant and How To Find Your Spirit Plant)

Teal Swan

"Spirit Plants, Totem Plants and Shadow Plants are something that all people have. By discovering and connecting with your Spirit Plant you can gain awareness about yourself and the special "medicine" that you came to the world to share. By connecting with your Totem Plant you can gain help for your journey here, and by connecting with your shadow plant, you can gain awareness of what you have suppressed."

Published on Aug 10, 2019

12:53 minutes


10th August 2019, 17:30
Will bump this one ...
Lots of goodies here ... :thup: ...

hmm ...

Mysterious Universe Podcast

"Since the early 1960s groundbreaking research has been made into the claims of children recalling past lives. After decades of research, Dr. James Matlock believes he has come up with a data based theory to explain reincarnation and its associated phenomena. From "soul hijackings" to unwanted spirit guests, nothing is taboo on this episode of Mysterious Universe."

Full show Notes: https://bit.ly/2M9n3ZU

About: Dr. James Matlock

Reincarnation research has become my central interest and the subject of my books and major academic contributions, but I did not start off with it. From early in my life, I aspired to be a creative writer. I remember dictating stories to my mother before I could write them down myself. I held to the dream of writing fiction until after I graduated from Emory University with a B.A. in English in 1977.

I came close to graduating with a second B.A. in Psychology, but the Skinnerian operant conditioning to which I was introduced in my experimental psychology classes put me off. After I left Emory, I began to read in the New Age literature that was coming out in the 1970s. I found it harder than I had anticipated to make a living as a writer, though, and by the end of the 1970s, had given up on fiction and was thinking about trying nonfiction instead. I recall going to my local library in Arlington, VA, looking for a topic to write about. That is when I discovered reincarnation. Reincarnation in turn led (through the writings of Ian Stevenson) to learning about academic parapsychology, and I began to read intensively in that field ... More here (http://jamesgmatlock.com/home/about-me/)

Published on Aug 9, 2019

1:32:14 minutes


Emil El Zapato
10th August 2019, 17:49
Now Ruth Montgomery is a name I'm very familiar with...

12th August 2019, 06:44

Gabriel Traveler

Traveling has changed since the invention of the internet and the smartphone.
In this video I travel across Italy and show how to travel in the 21st century.

Published on Aug 11, 2019

21:06 minutes


12th August 2019, 07:34
Meanwhile in the Pacific Northwest ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68339306_2727443697287136_1797611304215642112_n.jp g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQkzpHwq7OkTSx0b5R3Z-TCW7Fefp3WKxZBQlFdJkWQS0iQeb4OgWR1XnHfHqHW8ebG-lkZUPvOd7v79_qXTxE0p&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=b078a7a2888c9a51707ea036a8b16602&oe=5DD9AFE6

A Pacific driven storm blew in tonight ...
Bringing a rare summer storm ...
With lots of thunder and ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67799014_2727443810620458_5140493142214049792_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&_nc_oc=AQkLyjCL2plp8WEpaikw7HtcPJDYS7nijEUceCegqeB ZOTHEsHFmxG_04rXS4TVWuIRs9bJ7iJrkBdgmVI6BkTo4&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=a7b2f4f8d4b328609d40a0edab815638&oe=5DC80737

Hawaiian Electric



12th August 2019, 08:52
Having one's cake and eating it too ... http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-eating-drinking-101.gif

Gur-ban-guly Berdi-mu-ham-edov: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver takes a look at the president of Turkmenistan,
a dangerous autocrat with some notably strange obsessions.

Published on Aug 11, 2019

20:40 minutes


12th August 2019, 17:45
I just watched the one about chickens. John profiles the ways in which farmers are abused.

The regular folks are still being used in hard ways by the corps. The swamp drainers are doing the opposite. Our working families are being screwed seven ways to Sunday. Sad.

13th August 2019, 00:41
I'm guessing the FBI now might consider any U.S. citizen as an extremist
(domestic terrorism threats (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/9965-The-Cosmic-Emporium?p=842013315&viewfull=1#post842013315)) who might find this all very suspicious ...


With Jeffrey Epstein’s Death, Conspiracy Theories Have Officially Gone Mainstream (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/jeffrey-epstein-conspiracy-theories-qanon-memes-870430/)

14th August 2019, 04:40
Weighing in ...

Conspiracy Theory Threat & the FBI. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure.

On August 1, 2019, Yahoo News reported that the FBI issued a report on the threat posed by "conspiracy theories" as elements of potential domestic terrorism.
See here: https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-documents-conspiracy-theories-terrorism-160000507.html

Streamed live 8/13/2019



14th August 2019, 08:27
Sometimes in life circumstances just prevail ...

Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracies and
the Mysterious Deaths of the Rich
and Ruined

By John Cassidy August 12, 2019

Since Jeffrey Epstein’s death, in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, on Saturday morning,
conspiracy theories have been circulating, but the facts point to suicide.

On the evening of November 5, 1991, a Spanish fisherman spotted the body of Robert Maxwell, a controversial British press baron, floating in the Atlantic Ocean near the Canary Islands. The crew of Maxwell’s luxury motor yacht had been searching for him all day, after he vanished, that morning, with no explanation. Almost immediately, conspiracy theories emerged. Maxwell, who came to Britain as an impoverished Eastern European émigré and turned himself into a larger-than-life figure and confidant of political leaders, hadn’t ended his own life: he had been murdered. The rumored perpetrators included agents of the K.G.B. or M.I.6, or a team of frogmen from the Mossad. In support of this theory, it was pointed out that Maxwell had long been rumored to have ties to various intelligence agencies, especially the Israeli one. Maybe he had been silenced to prevent him from spilling the beans.

Almost thirty years later, some people cling to these confabulations, despite the existence of a simpler and more convincing explanation for Maxwell’s death. When he set out on his boat, he knew that the debt-burdened business empire which he had spent decades building, Maxwell Communication Corporation, was on the brink of collapse. He also knew that, in a desperate and failed effort to prevent such an outcome, he and his associates had taken hundreds of millions of pounds from M.C.C.’s employee pensions and used the money to try to prop up the company’s share price. After the inevitable bankruptcy occurred, this illegal scheme would be revealed. Maxwell would be ruined, shamed, and, most likely, sent to jail. To a man who was eaten up by pride and insecurity even as he became a well-known figure on two continents—that year, he had purchased the Daily News—the prospect of financial ruin and public humiliation was too much to take. So he jumped overboard.

Having followed Maxwell’s career closely as a financial writer and editor for the London Sunday Times, I believed at the time, and continue to believe, this version of events. It doesn’t clear up all the mysteries surrounding Maxwell’s death, such as the lack of a suicide note and the fact that a team of coroners couldn’t agree conclusively on the cause, leaving open the possibility of heart attack or accidental drowning. But suicide is intuitively plausible, and it satisfies the principle of Occam’s razor, which says that when choosing between various theories we should choose the one that provides the simplest explanation and requires the fewest auxiliary hypotheses to be true.

In a remarkable quirk of history, the stories of Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein are linked, through Maxwell’s daughter, Ghislaine. The motor yacht on which Maxwell took his last steps was called Lady Ghislaine. Shortly after his death, Ghislaine Maxwell moved to New York, where she met Epstein, becoming his girlfriend, and, according to some accounts, his procurer. (She has vigorously denied these claims.) Like Maxwell, Epstein was a self-made figure—he hailed from Coney Island and didn’t graduate from college—who lived by his wits. Like Maxwell, he cultivated prominent people even though the source of his fortune was opaque. And, like Maxwell in 1991, at the time of Epstein’s death everything was being taken away from him.

A decade ago, Epstein used his money and influence to emerge from a two-year F.B.I. investigation pleading guilty to just two state charges of soliciting prostitution, one involving a minor. This time, however, he was trapped. In July, a team of federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York had accused him of running a sex-trafficking scheme involving dozens of underage girls. A judge had denied his plea for bail. New witnesses had come forward. The case had attracted enormous publicity. Virtually everyone associated with Epstein had turned on him, including Leslie Wexner, the retail billionaire who appears to have been a primary source of Epstein’s fortune. (Last week, Wexner claimed that Epstein “misappropriated vast sums of money from me and my family.”)

At sixty-six, Epstein was facing the prospect of languishing for months in a nightmarish jail that had housed the likes of John Gotti and El Chapo; facing his accusers in a criminal trial; losing his fortune in civil suits; and spending the rest of his life in a federal pen, this time without the work release he’d been granted during his first incarceration. He had lost what sociopaths like him value most: control. Based on what we know now, it appears that Epstein killed himself, in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, on Saturday morning, and that no one else was involved. In some ways, this isn’t a very satisfying explanation, and it raises important questions about why Epstein wasn’t being supervised more closely. But it fits the facts that have been revealed so far. It also fits what we know about Epstein’s psychological profile. And it doesn’t require the involvement of Mossad frogmen, or their equivalent, to be true.

But how was he allowed to do it? According to the Wall Street Journal, Epstein’s own attorneys were the ones who requested that he be taken off suicide watch. This doesn’t explain why the authorities acceded to this request when Epstein, only weeks earlier, had been found unconscious in his cell, with bruises on his neck. Similarly, we don’t know why Epstein was left alone in his cell last Friday night, or why the guards didn’t check on him at regular intervals, as the jail’s standard procedure demanded. “It remained unclear why that procedure was not followed in Mr. Epstein’s case,” the Times reported on Sunday. Bob Hood, a former senior official at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which runs the Metropolitan Correctional Center, told the Times, “The Bureau of Prisons dropped the ball. Period.”

That explanation won’t satisfy many people, of course—not with the President and members of his Administration spreading defamatory conspiracy theories about the Clintons. On Saturday, Trump retweeted a video from a conservative comedian, Terrence Williams, in which Williams suggested that Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were responsible for Epstein’s death. (Earlier on Saturday, Lynne Patton, an official at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, posted a headline about Epstein’s death along with the word “Hillary’d!!” and the hashtag “#VinceFosterPartTwo.”) What the forty-fifth President appears to be intimating is that an assassin, working for the forty-second President, broke into one of the most secure jails in the country, hanged Epstein, and left without disturbing the guards or being caught on internal cameras. And perhaps the most remarkable thing is that no one is really surprised to see Trump doing this—disinformation and incitement are two of his trademarks.

Of course, Trump isn’t the only one raising questions. As I pointed out in a column last month, the Epstein saga, in addition to being a sickening sex-crime story, is really about wealth, privilege, and the ability of the super-rich to circumvent the rules that bind ordinary people. Over the weekend, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “Something’s way too convenient here, and we need to get down to the bottom of what happened.” De Blasio, along with Republican Senator Ben Sasse, has demanded an independent probe into the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death. Could someone working for Epstein have got to the warden, or whoever made the suicide-watch decision, and to the guards? Given the way the earlier case was resolved, in 2008, and the list of names that have been associated with Epstein, such a possibility, outlandish as it sounds, needs to be investigated. Right now, though, the simplest explanation seems like the most persuasive one: Epstein wanted out, and a series of screwups allowed him to beat the system, again.

Source: newyorker.com (https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/jeffrey-epstein-and-the-mysterious-deaths-of-the-rich-and-ruined?utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_081319&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bea0b212ddf9c72dc8cc2c3&cndid=52756157&esrc=&utm_term=TNY_Daily)

15th August 2019, 05:03
From Whitley Strieber's Dreamland ...

Afterlife Contact

Cindy Spring was not a channel, but then her dear friend, psychologist, afterlife expert and author Frances Vaughan died and she began trying to contact her. She used methods described by Matthew McKay in Seeking Jordan and soon opened an automatic writing channel to Frances. In Seven Questions About Life After Life, Cindy and Frances join together to talk about the afterlife in an exciting new way.

The book covers everything from a new understanding of what Hell really is to how to find spirit guides, and that even those in the afterlife also have them. Among many other things, Dreamland is on a spiritual quest, and this show is a perfect example of the combination of high spiritual adventure and practical "how two" that makes the show so special.

Website: https://www.cindyspring.com/

7 Questions About Life After Life: A Collaboration between Two Souls, One Incarnate on Earth,
and One on the Other Side Who Share a Greater Reality (The Greater Reality) (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0999698915/ref=as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=unknowncoun08-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=0999698915&linkId=41209ebfe1b761186546ad3c048b23ff)

Published on Aug 14, 2019

1:05:39 minutes


16th August 2019, 05:38
Marking fifty years ago this weekend ...
Now putting it in all in perspective ...

Bill Flanagan on the lessons of Woodstock

CBS Sunday Morning

The three-day music festival held on a dairy farm in New York in August 1969 attended by 400,000 people wasn't a summation of the counterculture movement in America in the 1960s, says contributor Bill Flanagan, but rather a harbinger of things to come.

Published on Aug 4, 2019

2:30 minutes


16th August 2019, 14:42
And speaking of ...

I thought this was pretty interesting ...

https://i.iheart.com/v3/re/new_assets/5b5f365889fa396b1215eb18?ops=max(650,0),quality(80 )

"Three days of peace and music at Woodstock in 1969 paid pretty well if you were atop the bill of performers.

Contrary to what many believe about the iconic music festival and flashpoint in rock and roll history, the legends who performed over that long weekend did not offer their talents for free.

The festival famously drew about half a million people to a farm in upstate New York between August 15 and 18, 1969. Many of the performers on its bill went on to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame careers, sparked by their participation on the festival.

Archived documents reveal how much each act got paid for their time.

Rock god Jimi Hendrix, who was among the biggest rock stars in the world at the time, was paid $18,000 to headline the weekend. For context, $18,000 in 1969 had the same buying power as nearly $125,000 in 2018.

That's a good number, and after Hendrix paid his band, crew and management, you'd think he would get a nice check for himself.

But by contrast, the biggest acts in music nowadays routinely cost promoters over $500,000 to book.

When you think about it that way, the services of Hendrix and his band came at quite a bargain.

Blood, Sweat and Tears was reportedly the second highest-paid, pulling in $15,000 — while Joan Baez and Creedence Clearwater Revival got $10,000 a piece.

Janis Joplin and Jefferson Airplane got $7,500 each. Sly and the Family Stone got $7,000 and The Who got $6,250.

Folk icon Arlo Guthrie and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young earned $5,000 each.

Interestingly enough, three of Woodstock's most fondly remembered performances were by some of the festival's lowest paid acts.

The Grateful Dead, which would go on to become synonymous with large outdoor music festivals, was paid $2,500.

Joe Cocker got about $1,375.

Santana, which performed about two weeks prior to the release of its self-titled debut album, got paid $750. In 2018 terms, that's about $5,200."

Source (https://q1043.iheart.com/content/2018-07-30-heres-how-much-artists-got-paid-to-play-woodstock-in-1969/)

The list - then and now (roughly in today's money adjusted for inflation) ...

1. Jimi Hendrix: $18,000 ($115,000)
2. Blood, Sweat and Tears: $15,000 ($95,000)
3T. Joan Baez: $10,000 ($63,000)
3T. Creedence Clearwater Revival: $10,000 ($63,000)
5T. The Band: $7,500 ($48,000)
5T. Janis Joplin: $7,500 ($48,000)
5T. Jefferson Airplane: $7,500 ($48,000)
8. Sly and the Family Stone: $7,000 ($45,000)
9. Canned Heat: $6,500 ($41,000)
10. The Who: $6,250 ($40,000)
11. Richie Havens: $6,000 ($38,000)
12T. Arlo Guthrie: $5,000 ($32,000)
12T. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young: $5,000 ($32,000)
14. Ravi Shankar: $4,500 ($28,500)
15. Johnny Winter: $3,750 ($24,000)
16. Ten Years After: $3,250 ($20,000)
17T. Country Joe and the Fish: $2,500 ($16,000)
17T. The Grateful Dead: $2,500 ($16,000)
19. The Incredible String Band: $2,250 ($14,000)
20T. Mountain: $2,000 ($12,700)
20T. Tim Hardin: $2,000 ($12,700)
22. Joe Cocker: $1,375 ($9,000)
23. Sweetwater: $1,250 ($8,000)
24. John B. Sebastian: $1,000 ($6,300)
25T. Melanie: $750 ($5,000)
25T. Santana: $750 ($5,000)
27. Sha Na Na: $700 ($4,500)
28. Keef Hartley: $500 ($3,100)
29. Quill: $375 ($2,400)

Matthews Southern Comfort -Woodstock (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodstock_(song))


17th August 2019, 13:07
Moving along ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


What could go wrong ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68503946_2737814226250083_6431573149048897536_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_oc=AQlxaRdpTHwQQgQn_36M3QLJEX-OPjP3TVWBFRbFOapTdTz2DcTJuf5T3Maa9k9DJCLUY5WVvEshy 2RURLJbOa4R&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=f9181e0328cff2bda506c7e8a3a5782f&oe=5E160A06

17th August 2019, 13:13
And speaking of cooking ...

Nando's Supergreen Burger and Saucy Spinach Review

The Holistic Vegan

My name is Hits, and I am the Holistic Vegan! I started this channel to share my experiences as a vegan and to contribute to positive change in the world.

I call myself the Holistic Vegan because I incorporate wholesomeness into the philosophy. I recognise that both plants and animals are sentient organisms, and that we are all part of infinite consciousness.

We do not live in a world, we exist inside a holographic frequency range, a virtual reality simulation called 'life.' We are spirit beings having a human experience and our true nature is to live in harmony with other living organisms, not exploit weaker species just because 'we can.' Every living organism is part of the infinite 'whole' having a subjective experience.

On my channel you will see Vegan food reviews, personal blogs and educational information that they won't teach you in schools! If you don't want to do it for animals, health or the environment, then do it for your children because if we don't act now, they won't have a planet to live on!

Published on Aug 16, 2019

4:06 minutes


17th August 2019, 13:40
Meanwhile down at the emergency vet clinic ...


17th August 2019, 14:45
Xplaining ...

How To Stop Being A Scapegoat and Stop Being Scapegoated

Teal Swan

Are you the scapegoat in your social group? Were you considered the problem child growing up? Are you constantly blamed for family problems? Blame and Shame are the primary aspects of scapegoating. In this episode, Teal Swan explains that what most people don't see is how the scapegoat perpetuates the blame in order to stay safe in social situations.

Published on Aug 17, 2019

30:53 minutes


18th August 2019, 00:23
Note lower left corner two giant orb entities visiting back in 2011 ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/403187_264290896966139_962178389_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_oc=AQm97kVabBWP1ha874oyoMLzUY70h3PsVYSMFpUWPP8 A7Ek8PsaTnEvrJsHNkwLBTW00DoNJnq5mxuQM6DLMCZDo&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=0bf56127c7bb49b61c9aeca1f4a50734&oe=5DD3E026

Check out the latest episode of Ancient Aliens featuring John Vivanco, Adam Wallbery,
James Gilliland and Peter Maxwell Slattery doing CE-5 at the Eceti Ranch ...

Ancient Aliens - S14E11 - The Trans-Dimensionals - August 16, 2019

Could paranormal activity be explained by beings entering our world from other dimensions? According to some Ancient Astronaut theorists, entities that have been described as ghosts, angels, and extraterrestrials are actually visitors from unseen realms — and they are among us even now.

42:00 minutes

Please note this program was shared from facebook plateform
and hence any graphic text appears in reverse due to copyright
Watch here (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7gd2w2?fbclid=IwAR084x-tNxPZja4vxxg5F5uz6UXz9saKS3OxVCB8knRUYVnWi9VVXc6T9 Hw)

18th August 2019, 08:29
And speaking of ...
This phenomena occurred above my local area skies this past week ...

Rare 'fire cloud' looks otherworldly in photo snapped from NASA's flying lab

- A fire cloud over eastern Washington state as seen by scientists aboard NASA's flying laboratory jet. The flight was part of a joint NOAA and NASA field campaign called FIREX-AQ. NASA

Aug. 17, 2019,
By David Freeman

You’ve seen billowy cumulus clouds and wispy cirrus clouds, but odds are you’re not too familiar with fire clouds. Even scientists know less than what they'd like to about so-called pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) clouds, which form when wildfires and agricultural fires unleash enough heat and moisture into the atmosphere to produce storms.

That changed on Aug. 8, when NASA’s airliner-turned-flying laboratory took to the skies over Washington state and flew a team of scientists straight into a pyrocumulonimbus cloud that had formed high over a wildfire in the eastern part of the state.

- An August 7, 2019 satellite view of a fire cloud, or pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb), over Washington state. Such clouds
are caused when fires loft enough heat and moisture into the atmosphere to produce thunderstorms.NASA

Using a suite of scientific instruments aboard the jet, the researchers sampled gases and particulate matter in the cloud and took readings of temperature, humidity, windspeed and more.

“It’s extremely exciting to have the chance to improve our understanding of how these clouds transport material into the atmosphere, where it can survive for a long time,” said Joshua Schwarz, a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, and one of the leaders of the research.

The flight, which comes at a time when wildfires are becoming more common as a result of climate change, is part of an ongoing effort by NASA, NOAA and dozens of partner institutions to study the atmospheric effects of wildfires and agricultural fires.

The goal of the effort, called FIREX-AQ, for Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality, is to improve weather and air-quality forecasts and to provide better information to first responders and public health officials. "We're also gathering information about how fires spread, where a fire will go next and how to fight it," Schwarz said. "We’re trying to make life better for firefighters and people who suffer from bad air quality."

Fire clouds “essentially act as chimneys for the smoke to rise high into the atmosphere where the gas-phase and particle-phase components of the smoke can then be transported far downwind from the fire,” Rebecca Hornbrook, an atmospheric chemist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder and part of the FIREX-AQ effort, said in an email. “Being able to measure the smoke emissions from the PyroCb at 25,000 feet gives us the ability to assess how the smoke is transported … and to be able to better predict the impact of large fires.”

Source: nbcnews.com (https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/rare-fire-cloud-looks-otherworldly-photo-snapped-nasa-s-flying-ncna1042856)

18th August 2019, 10:39
Note lower left corner two giant orb entities visiting back in 2011 ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/403187_264290896966139_962178389_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_oc=AQm97kVabBWP1ha874oyoMLzUY70h3PsVYSMFpUWPP8 A7Ek8PsaTnEvrJsHNkwLBTW00DoNJnq5mxuQM6DLMCZDo&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=0bf56127c7bb49b61c9aeca1f4a50734&oe=5DD3E026

I personally know those two entities. They're jolly fellows. Back on the hyperdimensional plane of existence whence I originate, we used to refer to these two as Lens and Flare, although I'm not sure how to translate their names into English. :sarcastic:

18th August 2019, 15:02
Well i expected that since it was the day time on the Eceti field ...

How about these taken at night the same period (2011) ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/69276021_2483651518363388_2281182994922209280_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQklffKA-99M2sGBplPdvyzbML9d_bWXpsn1Qt-So2M-vcyBRgqu--GAgZ4VRPXi5LIcdCPlaxEcftqcMKzabfmk&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=c281a1d14afbaf4e162a5e0877064b14&oe=5E0EEF3E

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68752598_2483693791692494_8608449976969723904_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_oc=AQlpSklFglfXbBSAKexz5vBlMrcT_HWHnE3TEr5G3GU c1d4SI3zhhC-Wo2qk8zBcULCBqEhWOMouRzO-AbCxVROB&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=8bc395cbf23bc5b1db7b6e6444e570eb&oe=5DDAA0C6

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/69241843_2483701951691678_61099272744992768_n.jpg? _nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQndPslyvFbIr9ftPRCB0Pzul0BkZakb1-Ui5THEOTDOM73RZ3rOIxdM7bNedd3TGZD-K85l-zCP3o_G-regTLAn&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=5cb7df9ffd608330ecd80207b033452e&oe=5DDE5D2C

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68557203_2483834771678396_6530854887213760512_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_oc=AQkZgpPWX1mO_jgbm-Y38ECDGQjgv8l-48Vqx7dfrsTWHZ_34PtH_mV0uC2prPfw804VclGiif3Yn-bVCZzeCZqZ&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=d7938a8c6fdb67b91b19e5f91b229a99&oe=5DD01FBC

18th August 2019, 15:20
For all those long haired boy/girls ...

Eliot Sumner - Species

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzUgn7TIdz4&fbclid=IwAR1vjSoJi5mtnwnSfv5Hb9UO4nybnwRSpSElxjyts FfD4QtB02dvlyEUByE

18th August 2019, 15:32
Congratulations to my two Eceti friends Brett and Deon ...

giggle :)

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/69136076_10157124365173935_943448364668682240_n.jp g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_oc=AQn2o1vorKH9zQBUZWIyZ8hhidGzrY7XKKpfN0F4u6m sdBzNVpEQBXr-2DeNHeZex2QX5V3al9FhINWBRbAOAqza&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=df54cacb0c80ac9752cd93d2b435826a&oe=5DD1DD1E

BTW ~ Deon owns a Marijuana dispensary here in Washington State
and note she took that last orb photo posted above.

18th August 2019, 23:33
Jordan's visiting the Big Apple this week ...

#1107 Chelsea Hotel, WORLD TRADE CENTER, CBGB's,
Federal Hall, Wall St. - NYC Manhattan (8/18/19)

Daze with Jordan the Lion

Published on Aug 18, 2019

27:41 minutes


Emil El Zapato
19th August 2019, 00:06
Teal Swan

She is so good, really...Scapegoating and fear of abandonment - female inclination. I wonder if she has done the opposite thing. Seeking Abandonment and annihilation...whoa, now that's one for you...

19th August 2019, 20:24
Walking Through The Streets Of Chisinau, Moldova

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Aug 19, 2019

20:32 minutes


20th August 2019, 06:09
#GettingAround ...


Alligators caught climbing fences and swimming across roads in Florida (https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/18/us/alligators-florida-trnd/index.html)

20th August 2019, 13:20
The video of the alligator is worth a watch. We went down to Florida, Orlando, and rented a place which had floor to ceiling fencing around the pool. For mosquitos, I thought? No, for alligators.

25th August 2019, 12:05
Carry on ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Don't inhale if you are an alien ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67940045_2143709072593451_3766046467249143808_n.jp g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_oc=AQklWjBuuoFO64TVcFW_Nfl5p84z-9QjdVMq4809YBK_FNCjraJbkZTxzuYwoRHsGBpkLhPtUQT0mAL EYHvYXApt&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=1c10063882f9def1aa7c2e70fd27e149&oe=5DCEFE77

25th August 2019, 12:14
TheAnarchast ...

SWAT Raids, Stabbings and Turning Anarchocapitalist
At The Garden of Eden with Quinn Eaker

Anarchast Ep.477

Topics include: The Garden of Eden project, living Anarchy, not being ruled, the importance of avoiding school, self transformation, bucking the system, an outrageous unjust SWAT raid, living on a dollar a day, more money equals more impact on the world, healthy tobacco and liquors, Zorba the Buddha, teaching anarchism, the philosophy of meat eating, factory farming, sustainability, honor and health, living a true life of freedom and abundance.

Published on Aug 24, 2019

1:04:10 minutes


25th August 2019, 12:23
Good boys gone wild ...


25th August 2019, 12:50
Bernie Taylor - Are We Alone in the Cosmos?


Bernie Taylor asks, Are We Alone in the Cosmos? Human self-awareness and contemplation of past, present, and future appear to make us unique among life on Earth and within its solar system. But are we unique within the wider galaxy or even the entire universe? The Drake Equation suggests that the cosmos should be teeming with intelligent life, so why have we yet to make contact? While there are plenty of anecdotal accounts of alien encounters, no concrete evidence truly open to public scrutiny has yet emerged.

The Fermi Paradox cites many possible reasons why we have yet to discover extraterrestrial life. Perhaps, like us, intelligent alien species lack the capacity for interstellar travel. Maybe ET has avoided contact so that we evolve without outside interference. It could even be that humans are regarded as pathologically destructive and that contact with Earth could endanger life elsewhere. Perhaps it is in the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself before it can expand to other worlds. This grim scenario sounds a lot like where humanity finds itself in the early 21st century. However, if no intelligent life exists or has ever existed anywhere else in the universe, it is imperative that we halt our apparent death drive and find a way to live in balance with what will almost certainly be the only planet we ever inhabit.

Published on Aug 21, 2019

1:11:58 minutes


25th August 2019, 13:04
Got mine ...

Two Tickets To Paradise

Eddie Money


25th August 2019, 13:40
"The “Breaking Bad” movie is coming to Netflix sooner than you might think" ...

‘Breaking Bad’ movie details revealed

https://nyppagesix.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/tcdbrba_ec253.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1236&h=820&crop=1 Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston in "Breaking Bad"

"The film, titled “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie,” is now set to be released on Netflix on Oct. 11, according to a report from the New York Times, with Aaron Paul returning as the series’ popular meth cook Jesse Pinkman. Jesse was last seen leaving a Nazi compound while driving off to an unknown location.

Details for the film were also spotted by a Reddit user after Netflix posted a short description for the film online. The brief synopsis reads, “Fugitive Jesse Pinkman runs from his captors, the law, and his past.”

As previously reported, the film was written and directed by Vince Gilligan, the creator of “Breaking Bad,” and will air on AMC following its Netflix premiere. During its initial run, the series aired on the cable network from 2008 to 2013.

It is unclear whether Bryan Cranston, who played main character Walter White in the series, will appear in the film. Cranston has previously confirmed that the film was happening but would not say whether or not he would be involved.

Mark Johnson, Melissa Bernstein, Charles Newirth, Diane Mercer and Aaron Paul are producing with Sony Pictures Television."

Source (https://pagesix.com/2019/08/25/breaking-bad-movie-details-revealed/)

BREAKING BAD MOVIE Trailer Teaser (2019)

Published on Aug 24, 2019

1:17 minutes


25th August 2019, 14:03
And speaking of breaking bad ...

Spanish Bullfighter Gored In the Crotch It's a Cock and Bull Story



When ya mess with bull, ya get the horns ... right in the balls.

That's the lesson decorated matador Paco Urena learned when he stepped into the Vista Alegre bullfighting arena this week at the Semana Grande Fair in Bilbao, Spain ... where he ended up with a crotch full of horn.



Unclear how badly Urena was injured in the incident -- but it seems like his man-junk survived because there are photos showing Paco proudly showing off the bull's ears as trophies.


As you probably know ... the bulls are mercilessly tortured and killed during the fights. As you can see, Urena was wielding a sword during the fight, with the intention of stabbing the bull through the heart so it can die fast. But, that rarely happens because the bull doesn't want to die!

So, what ends up happening is a bloody, painful, torturous exhibition in front of thousands of screaming blood-thirsty fans ... but hey, TRADITION RIGHT?!?

Source (https://www.tmz.com/2019/08/24/spanish-bullfighter-gored-crotch/)

25th August 2019, 14:32
It's kind of like the bad vestiges of Roman Colosseums. Animals rather than humans.

25th August 2019, 15:38
Via Johnny Klemchuk ...

♪ For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do ♪


Emil El Zapato
25th August 2019, 16:13
gawd that's funny...kind of like when I put my adopted cat in the clothes dryer... :)

On the other hand, the poor kitty looks a little worried... :(

26th August 2019, 09:53
Fancy that ...

Tour of a Five Star Hotel Room in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Gabriel Traveler

My amazing five star hotel room at the Hyatt Regency in Tashkent,
the capital of Uzbekistan in central Asia.

Published on Aug 25, 2019

9:12 minutes


26th August 2019, 16:22

A classic ...

Michael Davis on the Tonight Show

7:27 minutes


26th August 2019, 16:55
The best juggler I ever saw was in Saltimbanco. This guy is funny and multitalented with the physical humor, facial expressions and voice. Great laugh, thanks.:hilarious:

27th August 2019, 12:50
Scratching it all out ...

Deep Fakes: The CIA's Mission Accomplished


Ex-CIA Director William Casey infamously observed that the agency will know its disinformation campaign is complete when everything the public believes is false. Well, rest easy, Bill! Now with deep fake technology the dream of everything being fake is finally here!

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=32615

Published on Aug 27, 2019

15:41 minutes


27th August 2019, 15:08
Mine (gender free) are the one's that are usually never given credit nor even noticed ...

Dave Grohl “My Hero” on the Howard Stern Show in 1999

Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl plays a solo acoustic version of the band's hit
for Howard during his 1999 visit to the Stern Show.

The Howard Stern Show
Published on Mar 30, 2019

5:23 minutes


27th August 2019, 16:22
Just Breath ...

Thanks William ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo-UKCxCglg)http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Swag from the G7 summit.

27th August 2019, 16:40
For your long memory's inspection ...

John Lear | 10 Years Later: A Conversation with the Godfather of Conspiracies

Veritas TV

S y n o p s i s

After 10 years since our last interview, The godfather of conspiracies, John Lear,
is back for another all-encompassing discussion.

B i o

John Lear, retired airline captain and former CIA contract pilot with over 19,000 hours of flight time, over 11,000 in command of 3 or 4 engine jet transports, has flown over 100 different types of aircraft in 60 different countries around the world. He retired in 2001 after more than 40 years of flying. Son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, John holds more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certificated airman. John flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1967 and 1983.

During the last 17 years of his career John worked for several passenger and cargo airlines as captain, check airman and instructor. He was certified by the FAA as a North Atlantic navigation check airman. He has extensive experience as command pilot and instructor in the Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8 and Lockheed l-1011. John held 17 world records including speed around the world in a Lear Jet model 24 set in 1966 and was presented the PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association) Award for outstanding airmanship in 1968.

He is a senior vice-commander of the China Post 1, The American Legions Post for “Soldiers of Fortune”, a 25 year member of the Special Operations Association and member of pilotsfor911truth.org. John has 4 daughters, 3 grandchildren and lives with his wife of 38 years, Las Vegas business woman Marilee Lear in Las Vegas, Nevada

Recorded August 22, 2019 / Published on Aug 27, 2019

First hour

1:03:30 minutes


27th August 2019, 23:36
Dawg days ...

Can We Survive Extreme Heat?

Humans have never lived on a planet this hot, and we’re totally unprepared for what’s to come

By Jeff Goodell

https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/heatwave-illo.jpg?resize=900,600&w=1910 The real question is not whether superheated cities are sustainable. With enough money and engineering skill, you can sustain life on Mars. The issue is, sustainable for whom?

On a scorching day in downtown Phoenix, when the temperature soars to 115°F or higher, heat becomes a lethal force. Sunshine assaults you, forcing you to seek cover. The air feels solid, a hazy, ozone-soaked curtain of heat. You feel it radiating up from the parking lot through your shoes. Metal bus stops become convection ovens. Flights may be delayed at Sky Harbor International Airport because the planes can’t get enough lift in the thin, hot air. At City Hall, where the entrance to the building is emblazoned with a giant metallic emblem of the sun, workers eat lunch in the lobby rather than trek through the heat to nearby restaurants. On the outskirts of the city, power lines sag and buzz, overloaded with electrons as the demand for air conditioning soars and the entire grid is pushed to the limit. In an Arizona heat wave, electricity is not a convenience, it is a tool for survival.

As the mercury rises, people die. The homeless cook to death on hot sidewalks. Older folks, their bodies unable to cope with the metabolic stress of extreme heat, suffer heart attacks and strokes. Hikers collapse from dehydration. As the climate warms, heat waves are growing longer, hotter, and more frequent. Since the 1960s, the average number of annual heat waves in 50 major American cities has tripled. They are also becoming more deadly. Last year, there were 181 heat-related deaths in Arizona’s Maricopa County, nearly three times the number from four years earlier. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2004 and 2017, about a quarter of all weather-related deaths were caused by excessive heat, far more than other natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

Still, the multiplying risks of extreme heat are just beginning to be understood, even in places like Phoenix, one of the hottest big cities in America. To Mikhail Chester, the director of the Metis Center for Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University, the risk of a heat-driven catastrophe increases every year. “What will the Hurricane Katrina of extreme heat look like?” he wonders aloud as we sit in a cafe near the ASU campus. Katrina, which hit New Orleans in 2005, resulting in nearly 2,000 deaths and more than $100 billion in economic damage, demonstrated just how unprepared a city can be for extreme climate events.

“Hurricane Katrina caused a cascading failure of urban infrastructure in New Orleans that no one really predicted,” Chester explains. “Levees broke. People were stranded. Rescue operations failed. Extreme heat could lead to a similar cascading failure in Phoenix, exposing vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the region’s infrastructure that are difficult to foresee.”

In Chester’s view, a Phoenix heat catastrophe begins with a blackout. It could be triggered any number of ways. During periods of extreme heat, power demand surges, straining the system. Inevitably, something will fail. A wildfire will knock out a power line. A substation will blow. A hacker might crash the grid. In 2011, a utility worker doing routine maintenance near Yuma knocked out a 500-kilovolt power line that shut off power to millions of people for up to 12 hours, including virtually the entire city of San Diego, causing economic losses of $100 million. A major blackout in Phoenix could easily cost much more, says Chester.

But it’s not just about money. When the city goes dark, the order and convenience of modern life begin to fray. Without air conditioning, temperatures in homes and office buildings soar. (Ironically, new, energy-efficient buildings are tightly sealed, making them dangerous heat traps.) Traffic signals go out. Highways gridlock with people fleeing the city. Without power, gas pumps don’t work, leaving vehicles stranded with empty tanks. Water pipes crack from the heat, and water pumps fail, leaving people scrounging for fresh water. Hospitals overflow with people suffering from heat exhaustion and heatstroke. If there are wildfires, the air will become hazy and difficult to breathe. If a blackout during extreme heat continues for long, rioting, looting, and arson could begin.

A pedestrian uses an umbrella to get some relief from the sun as she walks past a sign
displaying the temperature on June 20, 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona.

And people will start dying. How many? “Katrina-like numbers,” Chester predicts. Which is to say, thousands. Chester describes all this coolly, as if a Phoenix heat apocalypse is a matter of fact, not hypothesis.

“How likely is this to happen?” I ask.

“It’s more a question of when,” Chester says, “not if.”

Extreme heat is the most direct, tangible, and deadly consequence of our hellbent consumption of fossil fuels. Rising carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere trap heat, which is fundamentally changing our climate system. “Think of the Earth’s temperature as a bell curve,” says Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann. “Climate change is shifting the bell curve toward the hotter end of the temperature scale, making extreme-heat events more likely.” As the temperature rises, ice sheets are melting, seas are rising, hurricanes are getting more intense, rainfall patterns are changing (witness the recent flooding in the Midwest). Drought and flooding inflict tremendous economic damage and create political chaos, but extreme heat is much more likely to kill you directly. The World Health Organization predicts heat stress linked to the climate crisis will cause 38,000 extra deaths a year worldwide between 2030 and 2050. A recent study published in Nature Climate Change found that by 2100, if emissions continue to grow, 74 percent of the world’s population will be exposed to heat waves hot enough to kill. “The more warming you have, the more heat waves you have,” says Michael Wehner, a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “The more heat waves you have, the more people die. It’s a pretty simple equation.”

Heat waves are driven not just by rising temperatures but by a change in the dynamics of the Earth’s climate system. As the atmosphere warms, the temperature difference between the poles and the subtropics is shrinking, which is changing the path of the jet stream, the big river of wind 35,000 feet up in the sky that drives our weather system. The jet stream’s path is shaped by atmospheric waves called Rossby waves, which are created naturally as the Earth spins. Mann explains that as the Earth’s temperature gradient flattens, the Rossby waves tend to bend, resulting in a curvy jet stream that is more likely to get “stuck,” trapping weather systems in place and creating what Mann calls “huge heat domes.”

Extreme heat is already transforming our world in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Disney executives recently voiced concern that rising temperatures will significantly reduce the number of visits to their parks. In Germany, officials were forced to put a speed limit on the autobahn because of fears the road would buckle from heat. The U.S. military has already incurred as much as $1 billion in costs during the past decade — from lost work, retraining, and medical care — due to the health impacts of heat. The warming of the planet “will affect the Department of Defense’s ability to defend the nation and poses immediate risks to U.S. national security,” a recent DOD report said. Forests and soils are drying out, contributing to explosive and unprecedented wildfires. Habitation zones for plants and animals are changing, forcing them to adapt to a warmer world or die. A U.N. report found that 1 million species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. Another study by researchers at MIT suggests that rising temperatures and humidity may make much of South Asia, including parts of India and Pakistan, too hot for human existence by the end of the century. As scientist Peter Gleick, co-founder of the Pacific Institute in California, told me, “There is a shocking, unreported, fundamental change coming to the habitability of many parts of the planet, including the USA.”

Since the Industrial Revolution, the Earth’s temperature has risen by 1.8°F (1°C). As we burn more fossil fuels, the warming is accelerating. The planet’s average surface temperature in 2018 was the fourth-highest since 1880, when record-keeping began. Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at NASA, said there’s a “90 percent chance” that 2019 will turn out to be even hotter. Nine of the 10 warmest years in recorded history have occurred since 2005. This past June was the hottest June ever recorded. Astonishingly, July was the hottest month in human history.


But warming is not happening at the same rate everywhere. The Arctic, for example, is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. Why? It’s a classic climate feedback loop: Ice and snow are highly reflective, bouncing sunlight back into space. But as the region warms, sea and land ice declines, exposing more open land and ocean, which are darker and absorb more heat. As temperatures rise, the permafrost melts, which releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, which further accelerates the melting. Greenland is in the midst of one of the biggest melt seasons ever recorded, with temperatures as much as 40°F above normal. And as the Arctic heats up and dries out, it burns. There have been unprecedented wildfires this year, with more than 100 massive fires raging across the region since June. The burning peat has already emitted more than 100 million tons of greenhouse gases (nearly the annual carbon emissions of Belgium), further accelerating the climate feedback cycle that’s cooking the planet.

But the greatest risk to human health may be in areas that are already hot, where temperature increases will strain habitability. In the U.S., the fastest-warming cities are in the Southwest. Las Vegas, El Paso, Tucson, and Phoenix have warmed the most, each by at least 4.3°F since 1970. Globally, many of the hottest cities are in India. In May, a deadly heat wave sent temperatures above 120°F in the north. The desert city of Churu recorded a high of 123°F, nearly breaking India’s record of 123.8°F, set in 2016. There were warnings not to go outside after 11 a.m. Authorities poured water on roads to keep them from melting. A 33-year-old man was reportedly beaten to death in a fight over water. The preliminary death toll in India for this summer’s heat wave is already more than 200, and that number is likely to grow.

How hot will it get? That depends largely on how far and how fast carbon-dioxide levels rise, which depends on how much fossil fuel the world continues to burn. The Paris Climate Agreement (which President Trump pulled the U.S. out of) aims to limit the warming to 3.6°F (2°C). Given the current trajectory of carbon pollution, hitting that target is all but impossible. Unless nations of the world take dramatic action soon, we are headed for a warming of at least 5.4°F (3°C) by the end of the century, making the Earth roughly as warm as it was 3 million years ago during the Pliocene era, long before Homo sapiens came along. “Human beings have literally never lived on a planet as hot as it is today,” says Wehner. A 5.4°F-warmer world would be radically different from the one we know now, with cities swamped by rising seas and epic droughts turning rainforests into deserts. The increased heat alone would kill significant numbers of people. A recent report from the University of Bristol estimated that with 5.4°F of warming, about 5,800 people could die each year in New York due to the heat, 2,500 could die in Los Angeles, and 2,300 in Miami. “The relationship between heat and mortality is clear,” Eunice Lo, a climate scientist at the University of Bristol and the lead author of the report, tells me. “The warmer the world becomes, the more people die.”

The properties of heat confused scientists and philosophers for centuries. In Greek mythology, heat was controlled by Ankhiale, the goddess of warmth. Eighteenth-century chemist Antoine Lavoisier believed heat was an invisible fluid, known as the caloric, that flowed from hotter bodies to colder bodies. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that scientists understood that when you feel heat, what you’re really feeling is energy released by the vibration of molecules. The faster something vibrates, the higher its temperature, and the more energy it releases. The sun is a big ball of hydrogen that burns at about 10,000°F and releases vast amounts of energy into space, which travels in the form of waves until colliding with something, such as a rock or a building or a human being. That, in turn, speeds up the vibrations within that object. These accelerating vibrations are what we humans sense as “getting hotter.”

Not surprisingly, heat regulation is one of the body’s most important functions. One way to think about the human body is as a giant multicellular heat engine that strives to maintain a constant internal state of 98.6°F. The very process of living — of eating, breathing, moving, thinking, having sex — generates heat. The outside air is usually lower than 98.6°F, so our bodies release heat, mostly by circulating blood to capillaries close to the surface of our skin, where the heat can be dissipated (that’s why your body is warm to the touch). Without a cooling mechanism, just our basic metabolism would result in about a 2°F hourly rise in body temperature. We wouldn’t even make it through the day.


If the equilibrium between body temperature and the outside world gets too far out of whack, the body quickly deploys its only emergency heat-release system: It sweats. For sweating to be effective, however, the water has to evaporate. High humidity is uncomfortable (and potentially deadly) because the air, already filled with water, has little capacity to add more, so the sweat simply sits on the surface.

The loss of water through sweat is itself a health hazard. The average person contains roughly 40 liters of fluid. On a hot day, when the body is struggling to keep from overheating, a person can easily lose a liter of sweat per hour. When the body is down one liter, basic functions are impaired. When it’s down five, fatigue and dizziness set in. Ten liters disturbs hearing and vision and you will likely collapse — a condition known as heat stress.

But if it’s hot and humid enough, even drinking plenty of water won’t help. As the body’s temperature rises, it tries to cool itself by pumping more and more blood to capillaries under the skin. The heart pumps faster, the chest pounds, the pulse races. As the body loses water, our blood becomes thicker and harder to propel. When the body temperature hits 103°F or so, the metabolism will be running flat out in an emergency effort to dump heat. Eventually, the most vital organs can’t keep up, and the body’s neurological system begins to collapse. At 105°F, the body is in serious trouble. The brain swells, often causing hallucinations and convulsions. Pupils become dilated and fixed. Sweating stops, and the skin feels hot and dry to the touch. At that point, if the body temperature isn’t lowered immediately by emergency cooling measures such as being packed in ice or a plunge into cold water, the person could die of heatstroke.

The psychological impacts of extreme heat are obvious to anyone who’s ever felt cranky on a hot day. But the impacts go beyond crankiness. When temperatures rise, suicide rates can go up at a pace similar to the impact of economic recessions. Some aspects of higher cognition are impaired. School test scores decline, with one study showing decreases across five measures of cognitive function, including reaction times and working memory.

The link between heat and violence is particularly intriguing. “There is growing evidence of a psychological mechanism that is impacted by heat, although we can’t yet say exactly what that is,” says Solomon Hsiang, a professor of public policy at Berkeley. Some scientists speculate that higher temperatures impact neurotransmitters in the brain, resulting in lower levels of serotonin, which has been shown to lead to aggressive behavior. So rising heat may literally alter the chemistry in our brains. One study showed that police officers were more likely to fire on intruders during training exercises when it was hot. Andrew Shaver, a professor of political science at the University of California, Merced, analyzed data about conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq and found that attacks by insurgents involving RPGs and assault rifles increased with higher temperatures, while planned attacks did not. “During conflicts, higher temperatures seem to provoke more impulsive aggression,” Shaver says. One speculative paper projects that by 2099, due to rising heat, the U.S. could see an additional 22,000 murders, 180,000 rapes, 3.5 million assaults, and 3.76 million robberies, burglaries, and acts of larceny.

The city of Phoenix has no master plan to deal with heat, no radical remaking of the building codes or zoning laws in place, and no heat czar who is in charge of reimagining the city for the 21st century. Re-engineering a city like Phoenix for extreme heat is a long-term project that has only just begun, says David Hondula, a senior sustainability scientist at Arizona State University. “Think about places like Minnesota, and what they have done to engineer for cold winters,” Hondula says. “They have tunnels you walk through in the winter, the heating systems are optimized, you drive cars with snow tires and all-wheel drive. We have done nothing like that in Phoenix, or in any city, really, when it comes to thinking about heat. The whole idea of engineering for extreme heat is still in its infancy.”

Retrofitting Phoenix — including reining in suburban sprawl, revising building codes to improve energy efficiency and ventilation, and creating greener urban spaces — is certainly imaginable, but “if we are going to be serious about this, a big investment is required,” Hondula says. “We need billions of dollars.”

It will also require leadership from city and state officials. A recent poll found that two-thirds of Arizonans accept that climate change is happening, but most elected officials in the state, including Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, are hardly climate activists. Arizona is one of the sunniest states in the nation, and yet only 6.5 percent of the state’s electricity comes from solar power. A statewide ballot initiative in 2018 to require 50 percent renewable power by 2030 was soundly defeated, in part because the parent company of Arizona Public Service, the big public utility in the state, spent more than $37 million on false and misleading arguments about how transitioning to renewable power would raise power bills and destroy the Arizona economy.

“We have a large number of elected officials who don’t believe in climate change, period,” says Stacey Champion, a longtime Phoenix energy and climate activist. “How do you get effective, data-driven policy if you have people pushing hard against it because they are batshit crazy, or they are afraid it will spook companies like Nike who want to come here?”

But as the world heats up, cities will get the worst of it. They are built of concrete and asphalt and steel, materials that absorb and amplify heat during the day, then radiate it out at night. Air conditioners blow out hot air, exacerbating the problem of urban heat buildup. Downtown Phoenix, for example, can be as much as 21°F hotter than the surrounding area. This phenomenon, which is called Urban Heat Island Effect, impacts most cities in the world. On average, cities are 2 to 5°F warmer than their leafy suburbs during the day — and as much as 22°F warmer during some evenings. The effect is so pervasive that some climate skeptics have seriously claimed that global warming is merely an illusion created by thousands of once-rural meteorological stations becoming surrounded by urban development.

Counterintuitively, the biggest health effects of rising heat often occur at night, when vulnerable people such as the elderly badly need the chance to cool down. Without that chance, they can succumb to heatstroke, dehydration, and heart attacks. This appears to be what happened during the heat wave that hit Europe in 2003, killing 70,000 people, mostly in buildings without air conditioning. Research has shown that the cause of many deaths was not so much the 104°F daytime temperatures, but the fact that nights stayed in the seventies or higher.

To reduce the heat-absorbing impacts of urban areas, some cities are experimenting with white roofs. The idea is to change the reflectivity of the rooftop to bounce more light off so that the building absorbs less heat. New York, for instance, introduced rules on white roofs into its building codes as long ago as 2012. Volunteers and workers have taken white paint to 10 million square feet of roofs in the city, though that is still less than one percent of New York’s total roof area.

Keith Oleson of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, looked at what might happen if every roof in large cities around the world were painted white. He found it could decrease the Urban Heat Island Effect by a third — enough to reduce the maximum daytime temperatures by about 1°F, and even more in hot, sunny regions such as the Arabian Peninsula and Brazil.

In Los Angeles, city officials are experimenting with asphalt sealants that give roads a light-reflective surface. Manufacturers claim they can reduce the surface temperature by up to 30°F. Greg Spotts, chief sustainability officer in the Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services, says the sealants have worked well so far, but cost (it’s roughly three times more expensive than conventional sealant) and questions about durability have limited their use. Spotts estimates that of the 23,000 miles of streets in L.A., less than 10 miles have been covered with reflective coating. “But we know it works, because dogs always move over to walk on the white streets when they can,” says Spotts.

Other places, such as Stuttgart, Germany, are trying to re-engineer the airflow of the whole city. Stuttgart is an industrial town surrounded by steep hills at the bottom of a river valley, where heat and polluted air linger. To help cool things off, city planners have built a number of wide, tree-flanked arterial roads that work as ventilation corridors and help clean, cool air flow down from the hills. Officials have also restricted new buildings from going up on certain hillsides in order to keep the air moving.


Many urban centers are trying to combat heat the old-fashioned way: by planting shade trees. Since 2011, Louisville, Kentucky, has planted about 100,000 trees. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has plans to create “urban forests” in the center of the city. In May, I visited Singapore, a tropical city that is far more densely developed than Phoenix. It’s hard to find a single inch of Singapore that is in any way “natural,” but since the 1960s, there has been a deliberate government-led effort to green the city. The highways are canopied with lush trees, urban parks have been expanded, and thousands of sidewalk trees have been planted. Wandering downtown, I felt like I was in a jungle, there were so many vines and plants hanging from windows.

“There used to be a lot of nice big shade trees in Phoenix, but they cut them all down in the 1960s because they were worried about how much water they used,” Mark Hartman, Phoenix’s chief sustainability officer, says with a bit of an eye roll. (In fact, climate-appropriate trees like mesquite or ash only require extra water for the first year or two after they’re planted — when they get bigger, the increased shade often increases soil moisture by reducing evaporation.) In 2010, as the problems of extreme heat became more obvious, Phoenix officials set a goal of doubling the percentage of the city covered with tree canopy from 12 to 25 percent. Then came the inevitable budget cuts and layoffs after the recession. According to Hartman, “Tree planting was cut back to stay only slightly ahead of those lost to storms and drought.” Today, the tree-canopy cover in Phoenix remains virtually unchanged from what it was a decade ago.

But if you look closely, you can find signs that a few people in Phoenix are starting to think differently about life in a rapidly warming world. You will hear about plans for “walkable shade corridors.” Most commercial buildings are now constructed with white roofs. At one light-rail stop, you can push a button and get sprayed with a cool mist of water while you wait for the train. One Phoenix city official has been known to walk around downtown passing out umbrellas on hot days. And the city launched an aggressive social media campaign to alert people to the risks of extreme heat.

But mostly what you see in Phoenix is asphalt and concrete, cars and malls, and big, crowded highways. In this sense, it is like virtually every other city in America, except with a few more palm trees (which are purely decorative — they provide zero shade) and a heavy dependence on air conditioning. As Hondula says one afternoon as we drive through Encanto Village, a historic middle-class neighborhood in Phoenix, “The number-one heat adaptation here is forking over money for the electric bill.”

In research labs around the country, you can find experiments with walls engineered to suck heat out of buildings, and wood that’s altered to be stronger, cooler, and better for insulation. But right now, the only technology deployed at scale against extreme heat is air conditioning. Nearly 90 percent of the homes in America have it — it’s as necessary as running water and a toilet.

Without air conditioning, the world as we know it today wouldn’t exist. It’s inconceivable that there would be a city of 4.5 million people living in the middle of the Southwestern desert — much less 20 million people living in Florida — without air conditioning. After World War II, Americans flocked from chilly Northern states to sunny Southern states. It was one of the great demographic shifts of the 20th century, and it precisely mirrored the proliferation of air conditioners. “Air conditioning was essential to the development of the Sun Belt,” historian Gary Mormino has argued. “It was unquestionably the most significant factor.”

Air conditioning is one of those paradoxical modern technologies that creates just as many problems as it solves. For one thing, it requires a lot of energy, most of which comes from fossil fuels. AC and fans already account for 10 percent of the world’s energy consumption. Globally, the number of air-conditioning units is expected to quadruple by 2050. Even accounting for modest growth in renewable power, the carbon emissions from all this new AC would result in a more than 0.9°F increase in global temperature by the year 2100.

Cheap air conditioning is like crack cocaine for modern civilization, keeping us addicted and putting off serious thinking about more creative (and less fossil-fuel-intensive) solutions. Air conditioning also creates a kind of extreme heat apartheid. If you’re rich, you have a big house with enough air conditioning to chill a martini. And if you are poor, like Leonor Juarez, a 46-year-old single mother whom I met on a recent July afternoon when the temperature was hovering around 115°F, you live in South Phoenix, where sidewalks are dirt and trees are few, and you hope you can squeeze enough money out of your paycheck to run the AC for a few hours on hot summer nights.

On hot days, Juarez’s small apartment feels like a cave. She has heavy purple curtains on the windows to block the sun. “I could not live here without air conditioning,” she tells me. Because she has poor credit, she doesn’t qualify for the usual monthly billing from Salt River Project, her utility. Instead, to pay for electricity and keep her AC running, SRP has given her a card reader that plugs into an outlet that she has to feed like a jukebox to keep the power on. Juarez turns on her AC only a few hours a day — still, her electric bill can run $500 a month during the summer, which is more than she pays for rent. To Juarez, who takes a bus five miles to a laundromat in the middle of the night because washing machines are discounted to 50 cents a load after 1 a.m., $500 is a tremendous amount of money.

She shows me the meter on the card reader: She has $49 worth of credit on it, enough for a few more days of power. And when that runs out? “I am in trouble,” she says bluntly. Juarez, who works as an in-home caretaker for the elderly, says she knows of several people who lived alone and died when they failed to pay their electric bills and tried to live without AC.

One such woman was named Stephanie Pullman, a 72-year-old retiree who lived alone on a fixed income of less than $1,000 a month in a small house in Sun City West, a development north of downtown Phoenix. Last summer, she was late to pay her electric bill and owed $176.84. On September 5th, 2018, Pullman paid $125, leaving $51.84 unpaid. Two days later, when the temperature hit 107°F, her electric company, Arizona Public Service, cut off her power. A week later, Pullman’s daughter became worried when she hadn’t heard from her mother, who had a heart condition, so she alerted locals. A Maricopa County Sheriff’s officer entered the house and found Pullman dead in her bed. Cause of death: heat exposure.

In 2018, APS cut off power to customers more than 110,000 times. Of those, more than 39,000 were during the blistering months of May through September.

Pullman’s death sparked wide media coverage and street protests over APS’s disconnect policy, and pushed Arizona regulators to ban power shut-offs on hot summer days. (APS shut-offs have been linked to at least two other heat-related deaths in recent years.) These deaths also raise larger questions about the future of cities like Phoenix. As temperatures soar in the coming years, the real question is not whether superheated cities are sustainable. With enough money and engineering skill, you can sustain life on Mars. The issue is, sustainable for whom?

Heat is not an equal-opportunity killer. If you’re poor, sick, old, or homeless, you’re more likely to die during a heat wave. Recent immigrants, both legal and undocumented, are particularly at risk. A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that immigrants are three times more likely than citizens to die from heat-related illnesses. More than 85 percent of non-U.S. citizens who died from heat-related causes were Hispanic. Researchers hypothesized that working outdoors and in agriculture increased vulnerability.

In Arizona, the most visible victims of heat are the homeless. One afternoon, I drive around Glendale, a town just outside Phoenix, with Brian Farretta and Rich Heitz of the Phoenix Rescue Mission, a faith-based group dedicated to getting people off the streets. Recently, the group launched “Code: Red,” an initiative to pass out water and other essentials to people on the street during heat waves. “Our strategy is simple,” Heitz says. “We find people and give them water.”

Heitz, 48, has lived in Arizona most of his adult life. He is a gentle man with a goatee and a Harley-Davidson cap. Before joining the Phoenix Rescue Mission, Heitz spent 10 years on the streets of Phoenix as a heroin addict. “I lost myself in numbness,” he says. He spent a few years in jail for various charges and has now gone clean and is devoting his life to helping others do the same.

The Brown Boyz music crew distributes water and barbeque to people experiencing homelessness during an excessive heat advisory on July 13, 2019 in Phoenix, AZ. Photograph by Caitlin O’Hara for Rolling Stone

We pull into Sands Park, a typical suburban green swath with basketball courts and picnic areas. Heitz and Farretta head to a concrete bathroom, where they find a middle-aged woman sitting in the shade on the floor near the entrance.

She has brown, sunburned skin, long gray hair, and a pleasant smile. She’s dressed in dirty jeans and a T-shirt. Beside her is what looks like a children’s coloring book. On the cover, written in red crayon, are the words “It’s Raining Love.”

“How are you doing, Sherri?” Heitz asks her. “You doing OK in the heat?”

I notice her face is flushed, and there are rings of sweat under her arms.

“Yeah, I’m keeping cool.”

Heitz offers her a couple of bottles of water, which she takes, stockpiling them beside her.

As we walk back to the van, Heitz says this summer will be brutal for her and for all of the homeless in the city. “If you’re smart, you figure out ways to survive, to adapt,” he says. “You find friends with cool houses where you can crash during the day. You learn which churches are open.”

But not everyone is so wise. Heitz tells me about a man he found lying in the heat on the sidewalk. His face was flushed, his eyes were dilated, and he wasn’t moving. “I called 911, and they took him to the hospital,” Heitz says. “The guy was cooking right there on the sidewalk.”

In Phoenix, the brutality of life beyond the halo of air conditioning was evident everywhere I went. A few days after my visit with Heitz, I pull my rental car over to answer some emails near the corner of Indian School Road and Central Avenue. It is a nothing place, just a big intersection where 12 lanes of traffic cross. There are a few palm trees and a concrete sidewalk and some nondescript buildings that look like microprocessors on a giant PC board. I could feel the heat radiating off the asphalt and concrete as if I were standing beside a blast furnace. It was as inhuman and inhospitable a spot on this planet as anywhere I’ve ever been.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can build a city on a human scale, and in such a way that it does not cook people who can’t afford an iced latte at Starbucks. You can power the world without fossil fuels and stop the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. But so far, we haven’t. The sprawl in Phoenix, as in most cities, continues unabated. And until that changes, so too will the heat.

As I fiddle with my phone, I notice a woman pacing the sidewalk ahead of me. She is rail-thin. In her skin, I see years of sun. I assume she is homeless, but maybe not. She approaches the passenger-side window of my car. There is fear in her eyes.

I roll down the window.

“I’m looking for my father,” she says quickly. “Have you seen him?” She describes him and says he is supposed to meet her here every Thursday. She says he is 56 years old and doesn’t have a place to stay and she is worried about him.

I tell her I haven’t seen him, that I was just driving by.

“I want to find him before it gets fucking hot,” she says. “I need to get out of this city. I’m like a bird, you know. I migrate. But I don’t want to leave until I find my father.”

She is jittery. She asks me again if I have seen her father, and I tell her I have not. Then she just turns and continues pacing along the sidewalk.

I thought of her a few days later as the temperature in Phoenix soared past 100°F. The Maricopa County Department of Public Health reported its first heat-related death of 2019: A homeless man had been found dead in a vehicle near downtown. No name or other details were released. I wondered if it might have been that woman’s lost father, but I knew it was unlikely. Still, the worst of the summer heat hadn’t arrived yet, and as the temperatures rise in Phoenix and cities around the world, superheated by the civilized world’s insatiable appetite for fossil fuels, there are so many deaths to come.

Source:rollingstone.com (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/climate-crisis-goodell-survive-extreme-heat-875198/)

27th August 2019, 23:45
And speaking of getting hotter ...


28th August 2019, 08:09
Good news for non movie-goers ...

https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/the-irishman1-nyff-e1564415391420.jpg?crop=559px%2C144px%2C980px%2C55 0px&resize=681%2C383

Netflix Forgoes Wide Release for Martin Scorsese's 'The Irishman' (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/netflix-forgoes-wide-release-martin-scorseses-irishman-1234382)

28th August 2019, 08:29
And speaking of ouch ...

Prince Andrew accuser: "He knows exactly what he's done"

The Telegraph

The woman who claims Jeffrey Epstein forced her to have sex with the Duke of York when she was 17 has urged the Duke to “come clean” about his dealings with the disgraced financier.

Virginia Roberts-Giuffre said the Duke of York "knows what he's done".

Speaking outside a New York court, where she and other victims of Epstein had urged prosecutors to also question his long-standing companion Ghislaine Maxwell, a British heiress, Mrs Roberts-Giuffre said she hoped that all involved were made to answer for their involvement.

Published on Aug 27, 2019

1:25 minutes


28th August 2019, 11:03
Finding a coexistence with science ...

Dean Radin - Real Magic: The Secret Power of the Universe


Dean Radin discusses his book 'Real Magic – Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe'. The principles that form the scientific materialist world-view assert that everything can be understood like the gears of a clock, and that events unfold forward in time in a strictly orderly fashion. They tell us that everything can be described with real properties that exist in ordinary space and time and that everything, including mind and consciousness, consists of matter and energy. It makes no sense to call anything 'spiritual', 'non-physical' or 'immaterial'. We are told that everything is made up of a hierarchy of ever-smaller objects, with subatomic particles at the bottom.

However, according to the author, who has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments exploring psychic phenomena, the scientific materialist world-view is woefully incomplete and furthermore, scientific evidence for a reality beyond this world-view exists. The picture that is emerging is of a reality where the entire Universe is interconnected, and where there is only one consciousness, which is fundamental, and which underlies everything, including the everyday materialist world that so many of us take to be all that there is.



Published on Aug 28, 2019

%8:55 minutes


28th August 2019, 11:54
Heart Warming ... (https://nypost.com/2019/08/27/boy-holds-hand-of-crying-classmate-with-autism-on-first-day-of-school/)


28th August 2019, 12:05
And speaking back to school ...


29th August 2019, 14:33
Here's a look ...
For those who might be interested ...


Daze with Jordan the Lion

Published on Aug 28, 2019

38:21 minutes


29th August 2019, 15:20
There truly is a vast difference between speaking and just thinking ...

“This afternoon the President said the first four hundred and thirty-seven things that came into his head.”

29th August 2019, 22:46
Here's a very different and controversial but fascinating share from Jeff Berwick ...

Crazy Anarchist Injects Stem Cells Into His Own Dick!

TheAnarchast (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNvkDFGmEojalREtEYFPBXg)
Published on Aug 29, 2019
Anarchast Ep. 478

Topics include: stems cells, damage from sketchy steroids, subcutaneous testosterone pellets, Stem cells much better in Mexico, erectile dysfunction, PRP, finding the right specialist, stems cells are something natural to the body, growth hormone and aging, medical freedom in Mexico, testosterone supplementation, tissue repair, treatment in the us only 1% as effective, stem cells at Anarchapulco 2020

Dreambody Clinic website: http://dreambody.clinic

30:11 minutes


30th August 2019, 14:03
♪ Got a good reason for taking the easy way out ♪

Day Tripper (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_Tripper)

The Beatles

The song was recorded on 16 October 1965 ... Under the pressure of needing a new single for the Christmas market, John Lennon wrote much of the music and most of the lyrics, while Paul McCartney worked on the verses ...

The Beatles filmed three different music videos, directed by Joe McGrath, on 23 November 1965. These videos, along with a batch of other mimed performances (including the song's flip-side, "We Can Work It Out"), were meant to be sent to various television music and variety shows, to air on those programs in lieu of personal studio appearances. The Beatles' decision to send out independently produced videos to promote their music on television was, in practice, an embryonic form of the modern music video – George Harrison would later remark jokingly that the Beatles had "invented MTV."

2:49 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYZlME0mQB8&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1P4t0fGoDCEmhe6e_rrt9lo9gcRdQmQMqOEILew 9ks47Ubwmmyp7th7Gw

Emil El Zapato
30th August 2019, 14:18
The one the only...BEATLES!!!!!


On another note: The Bluest of the Blue...

"I got a ticket going the wrong way" and I bought it with my last dollar, sung to the tune of...umm, I don't know, just pick one.

31st August 2019, 03:50
THIS IS UZBEKISTAN | The Ancient City of Khiva

Gabriel Traveler

My first day of exploring in the incredible country of Uzbekistan in central Asia,
in which we fly from the capital of Tashkent to the ancient city of Khiva.

Published on Aug 30, 2019

28:52 minutes


31st August 2019, 21:44
#Trending ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Respect is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important, or held in high esteem or regard; it conveys a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities; and it is also the process of honoring someone by exhibiting care, concern, or consideration for their needs or feelings.


31st August 2019, 21:53
I will share this item here ...
Highly recommended ...

These Recovering Addicts Formed The Ultimate Orchestra
Inspirational Documentary) - Real Stories

In this touching documentary, we follow the orchestra and learn about the musicians' individual journeys as recovered addicts.

Among the personal stories, the initiator and composer James McConnel carries with him perhaps the most tragic story of them all: he lost his then only 18-year-old son to a heroin overdose and is now working to inspire and change the lives of addicts through music.

Follow James McConnel and the orchestra's intense work towards a spectacular one-off performance with the London Symphony Orchestra.

Published on Aug 31, 2019

1:01:40 minutes


1st September 2019, 13:04
It surly looks it ...


Joaquin Phoenix: I went mad transforming into 'Joker' ... (https://www.thedailybeast.com/joaquin-phoenix-on-his-joker-transformation-you-start-to-go-mad)

Joker Trailer #1

October, 2019

Movieclips Trailers
Published on Aug 28, 2019

2:34 minutes


Joaquin Phoenix boldly reinvents Batman's cackling arch-nemesis in Todd Phillips'
dark new vision of the supervillain origin story, also starring Robert De Niro.

The clown prince of crime is alive and mentally unwell in Gotham City in Todd Phillips' grippingly atmospheric supervillain origin story, Joker. While a never-better Joaquin Phoenix paints on the famed maniacal smile with his own blood at one memorable climactic moment of messianic rebirth, what's most noteworthy about this gritty entry in the DC canon and the lead actor's sensational performance is the pathos he brings to a pathetically disenfranchised character — just like countless others in a metropolis in which the social chasm separating the haves from the have-nots has become a pit of incendiary rage.

This is very much tethered to the superhero universe and intersects in ways both familiar and not with canonical Batman lore. But Joker could also be a film for audiences who don't much care about the usual Hollywood comic-strip assembly line. The smart screenplay by Phillips and Scott Silver anchors the story in a fiercely divided city with echoes of a contemporary, morally bankrupt America, albeit in the dire economic straits of a decade ago, or the next crisis that's just around the corner, depending on which financial forecasts you believe.

Built around a credible spiral from lonely outsider to deranged killer, it's as much a neo-noir psychological character study grounded in urban alienation and styled after Taxi Driver as a rise-of-the-supervillain portrait. It's arguably the best Batman-adjacent movie since The Dark Knight and Warner should see mighty box office numbers to reflect that. The must-see factor of Phoenix's riveting performance alone — it's both unsettling and weirdly affecting — will be significant.

The film is also an obvious homage to another Martin Scorsese title, The King of Comedy, with Robert De Niro playing the host of Live with Murray Franklin, a network late-night show on which it's the dream of Phoenix's party clown and aspiring standup comedian, Arthur Fleck, to appear.

Arthur tunes in to the show religiously with his sickly mother Penny (Frances Conroy) in their dingy tenement apartment, drifting early on into a fantasy in which he's plucked out of the studio audience to be embraced on-camera by Murray, stepping in for the father he has never known. Arthur even studies guests on the show and rehearses his entrance and couch banter at home, Rupert Pupkin-style, though it's clear from the outset that his disillusionment with Murray will turn ugly.

Some brisk scene-setting via opening news reports announces a city-wide emergency as an ongoing strike has left trash piling up, attracting a plague of "super-rats," while fire-sale signs line the depressed retail streets. Arthur is first seen trying on a smile and then a frown, a tear streaking his white clown makeup before he heads out for work carrying an "Everything Must Go" discount sign for a struggling business. He's jumped by a bunch of teen hoodlums who steal his sign and give him a beating in an alley.

"Is it just me or is the city getting crazier?" he asks his social worker (Sharon Washington), while requesting additional meds on top of the seven he's already taking. She agrees these are tough times, people are out of work and struggling.

One key symptom of Arthur's mental illness is a kind of ha-ha Tourette's — a medical condition that prompts him to laugh uncontrollably, usually at awkward moments. He carries a card by way of explanation, reading "Forgive My Laughter." This has contributed to his reputation as a freak at work and pretty much confined his social circle to his mother. She nicknamed him "Happy" from a young age and told him he was "put here to spread joy and laughter." But Arthur most of the time feels barely alive.

When Randall (Glenn Fleshler), a colleague at the clown-for-hire service where he works, slips him a handgun to protect himself, Arthur starts showing a little more spark. This manifests in the first of several mesmerizing sequences of shirtless dance (this one to "Slap That Bass," from the Fred Astaire movie Shall We Dance), in which Phoenix's sinewy body contorts in twisted rapture. The actor's dramatic weight loss for the role gives him an emaciated, reptilian look. Later those moves will become more elegant — almost balletic as he celebrates his first kills in a grimy subway restroom, and most memorably as he struts down a stone staircase in full Joker finery, to Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll (Part 2)."

The music choices throughout are invigorating and slyly ironic, including a double dose of Sinatra ("That's Life" and "Send in the Clowns") and some vintage Cream ("White Room") as Arthur surveys the mayhem he's unleashed.

Some of the best moments of Phoenix's highly physical performance are the transformative interludes in which the increasingly unhinged Arthur applies his clown makeup and later dyes his hair, becoming the Joker.

The protagonist's simmering psychosis is echoed in the unrest rippling through the city, given gritty, grubby textures and deep, rich hues by cinematographer Lawrence Sher. The look of Mark Friedberg's production design is very much pre-Giuliani New York, with porn theater marquees advertising titles like Strip Search and Ace in the Hole (not the Billy Wilder film), and the blend of authentic NYC locations with sets is seamless. All this is rendered even darker by the disquietingly melancholy mood of Hildur Gudnadóttir's brooding orchestral score, which cranks up into thunderous drama as the chaos escalates.

Stitching their original supervillain genesis story neatly into the classic Batman world, Phillips and Silver have prominent moneybags Thomas Wayne (Brett Cullen) announcing a run for mayor with a promise to set the fractured city back on the right path. Penny Fleck worked for the Wayne family for many years, but her letters appealing for help, especially as she worries more and more about the stability of her son, have gone unanswered.

When Arthur reads one of them, he learns a different history than the one his mother has shared, leading to a pair of uneasy encounters — one with a brusquely dismissive Thomas Wayne at a gala screening of Chaplin's Modern Times, and a creepily portentous introduction through the iron gates of Wayne Manor to the mayoral candidate's young son Bruce (Dante Pereira-Olson), in which an unidentified Alfred (Douglas Hodge) intervenes. The murder of Bruce's parents sticks to the version depicted in the Christopher Nolan movies and elsewhere. But the Joker's evolution feels freshly minted, partially driven by a now far more personal resentment of the Wayne family.

Given that the world created here is clearly modeled on New York in the not-too-distant past, it will be interesting to see how audiences respond to the alarming depiction of a city under siege. The growing wave of vigilante violence includes a mob assault of two detectives (Shea Whigham and Bill Camp), left in critical condition. And the choice of a trio of cocky young Wall Street jerks as the murder victims that trigger a chain reaction seems a deliberate provocation, especially once tabloid headlines start blaring: "Kill the Rich: A New Movement?"

The more graphic violence is confined to just a small handful of key junctures, though it definitely gets visceral and bloody. But the movie's chief fascination is the tempestuous soup in Arthur's head as he steadily disconnects from reality and lurches into an alternate dimension. One example of this is his projection of a relationship with the cool single mom down the hall (Zazie Beetz), whose neighborly elevator chit-chat and eye-rolling acknowledgement of the lunacy gripping Gotham make Arthur believe she's on his wavelength.

What's so compelling about the title role, both as written and in Phoenix's full-throttle, raw performance, is that we're encouraged to feel sympathy for the Joker even as he's clearly turning into a homicidal maniac.

An innocent part of him really does just want to follow his mother's guidance and make people smile. But the city pulls funding for its welfare programs, forcing him to go off his meds; a video clip of him laughing uncontrollably while doing a spot at a standup club gets mocked by his idol Murray on national TV; even his doting mother is perceived to have failed him when he filches her medical records and finds what's either a disturbing cover-up or fuel for paranoia.

The trajectory of innocence to evil is a tragic one. But watching Arthur exult as the crime wave crescendos is a chilling spectacle illustrating what all the ridicule, abuse and marginalization he's been subjected to have wrought.

Phillips is a long way from the Hangover trilogy, working confidently in a more ambitious vein akin to what he did as a producer with Bradley Cooper (who's also on board here) to reimagine A Star is Born for contemporary audiences. With editor Jeff Groth, he keeps the pacing steady and satisfying over two hours, fueling the suspense and modulating the peaks and climactic builds with assurance.

De Niro appears to get a kick out of playing a smarmy character in a film that references two of his iconic screen roles, making Murray a slick showbiz pro but also a morally questionable figure ready to exploit Arthur's fragility for good TV. And Beetz demonstrates more of the relaxed appeal that makes her such a winning presence on Atlanta. (Her crony from the Donald Glover show, Brian Tyree Henry, makes a brief appearance as an asylum records clerk.)

But this is Phoenix's film, and he inhabits it with an insanity by turns pitiful and fearsome in an out-there performance that's no laughing matter. Not to discredit the imaginative vision of the writer-director, his co-scripter and invaluable tech and design teams, but Phoenix is the prime force that makes Joker such a distinctively edgy entry in the Hollywood comics industrial complex.

Rated R, 121 minutes

Source:hollywoodreporter.com (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/joker-review-1235309)

1st September 2019, 13:11
Heath Ledger suffered playing the role of the joker. He was already in pain with his back and then he went into a very dark place with that role. Acting really does involve tapping into real emotion and playing roles can be emotionally exhausting.

I always had a romantic idea about acting, that it was always fun. Turns out, that's not the case.

1st September 2019, 13:40
An outside inside look ...

Whitehouse insiders reveal damning allegations against Donald Trump | 60 Minutes Australia

No one in Washington DC works harder than the person in charge of the red carpet, and whoever it is will be extra busy when our Prime Minister arrives in the next few weeks to have his back slapped by President Donald Trump. The White House has already signalled it’s setting the pomp and ceremony switch to extreme because the US-Australia relationship is so vital. But there could be problems. Two former high-profile Trump aides, Omarosa Manigault Newman and Anthony Scaramucci, have turned on the President and are now revealing damaging details about the inner workings of the White House. And as Karl Stefanovic reports, one of the most embarrassing claims is that the supposed “unbreakable” alliance between our two countries, far from being Trumped, was almost dumped.

Published on Sep 1, 2019

19:50 minutes


1st September 2019, 14:06
Excellent rendition ...

♪ Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go but ♪

“The Boys of Summer”

Don Henley on the Howard Stern Show (2015)

Published on Aug 31, 2019

6:21 minutes


1st September 2019, 21:56
I shared this excellent item yesterday on the "Tartaria Remembered, All Research N Truth Welcome" (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12934-Tartaria-Remembered-All-Research-N-Truth-Welcome?p=842014255&viewfull=1#post842014255) thread ... It is one of Max's best offerings recently to the Alternative community's conspiracy mindset ... :thup:

Hidden History - Cyclic Cataclysms

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix -
Episode 390 - American Voice Radio, August 30, 2019

54:56 minutes


2nd September 2019, 20:12
My how time fly's ...

Eyes Wide Shut: 20 years on, Stanley
Kubrick’s most notorious film is still
shrouded in mystery

On its 20th anniversary, Ed Power reflects on a film that was unflinching in its insights into sexuality and brusque about matters of the heart – to a degree unthinkable in mainstream entertainment today

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut

It was the fastest “yes” Tom Cruise ever uttered. Late in 1995, the world’s biggest movie star travelled by helicopter to Childwickbury Manor in Hertfordshire. Waiting on the expansive lawn was director Stanley Kubrick, who’d lived semi-reclusively in the 18th-century pile since 1978. So began their great adventure together making Eyes Wide Shut, the eternally divisive psycho-sexual meditation released 20 years ago in the UK this week.

A still potent mystique hangs over Eyes Wide Shut. That’s partly down to the subject matter. When the glamorous wife (Nicole Kidman) of a successful doctor (Cruise) confesses the desire she felt for a stranger months previously, he plunges down a whirlpool of jealousy.

Over the course of a single hallucinatory evening, Dr Harford embarks on a tour of the murkiest recesses of the human heart. He fends off the daughter of a patient only just passed away, almost hires a manic pixie dream girl prostitute and then blunders upon a masked orgy. It’s nightmarish. The audience is never entirely clear whether what’s happening is real or a dive into Harford’s green-eyed dream-life.

All of that would be enough to ensure its notoriety. Yet the allure of Eyes Wide Shut also surely flows from the degree to which death intrudes on a film about sex. Kubrick suffered a fatal coronary before its release. Just six days previously, he had screened his final cut for Cruise and Kidman.

Eyes Wide Shut, along with all that, appeared to foreshadow the unravelling of Cruise and his co-star Kidman’s outwardly luminous marriage. They divorced in August 2001 – almost exactly two years since the project’s release.It seemed ominous and more than a coincidence. Had Kubrick’s caper put a stake through the heart of their relationship?

Such were the questions lurking in the future as Cruise, grinning like the matinee idol he was, sat down to a long lunch with Kubrick at Childwickbury in 1995. The conversation was mostly trivial. They discussed their shared passions: vintage cameras, planes, the New York Yankees. Cruise told Kubrick how seeing the director’s 2001: A Space Odyssey at age six had blown his mind. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it. What is life? What is space? What is existence?” (Some of us will have had the same experience watching Top Gun.)

“He was just waiting, alone in a garden,” Cruise remembered of meeting Kubrick. “He walked me around the grounds, and I just remember thinking, ‘This guy is kind of a magical, wonderful guy.’”

Still, they did eventually get around to the matter at hand. Kubrick wanted the star of Top Gun and Cocktail to play the lead in his sexually frank adaptation of an Austrian avant-garde novel from the 1920s. The film was to lay a seemingly solid marriage out on the figurative slab. Like a pathologist peeling back waxy layers of skin, Kubrick would coldly scrutinise what festered beneath.

Cruise was all in. And he had a suggestion of his own. He wondered if Kubrick might consider casting his real-life spouse, Nicole Kidman, as the wife. Two decades on, this unlikely teaming-up of hermit director, cocksure actor and screen siren can be considered one of Hollywood’s most fascinating anomalies. How on earth did this movie ever come to exist?

Eyes Wide Shut would cast a long shadow. It added to the background noise as Cruise’s public image underwent a post-Kidman meltdown. In 2005, he went on Oprah Winfrey and proclaimed his love of Katie Holmes. He did so in the traditional fashion of bouncing on a couch and baying like a labrador. The maniacal side he had first hinted at when going through the grinder with Kubrick had blossomed into something awe-inducing and frightening.

It’s impossible to watch Eyes Wide Shut today without all of that – Kubrick’s coronary, the Hollywood divorce, the couch-bouncing – playing on a continuous loop in your head. The effect is to amp up the already lurid weirdness. It is a deeply dissonant film. Even for Kubrick, certainly for Kidman and Cruise. But it’s also unflinching in its insights into sexuality and brusque about matters of the heart – and other body parts – to a degree unthinkable in mainstream entertainment today. Even in 1999, it felt slightly like something from another era. Eyes Wide Shut harked back to the chilliness and stylised nihilism of Seventies cinema.

On top of all that, it claims the Blue Riband for most famous on-screen orgy in Hollywood history. In the unlikely event of Kubrick and his stars ever being forgotten, it will reign in perpetuity as the group sex fandango to rule them all. Say “screen orgy” and what most people think of is Cruise gawping in pervy incredulity as revellers in Venetian masks get jiggy with it (and with each other).

The movie was a boundary-breaker long before its release. It holds the record for longest ever continuous film shoot. The 400 days Kubrick required his cast and crew to toil at Pinewood Studios was laborious even by his painstaking standards. And it played havoc with Cruise, forced to push back Mission: Impossible 2 again and again. As an entire production sat on its hands and waited on the actor in America, Kubrick rubbed his chin and tinkered.

Eye’s Wide Shut had been a lifeline obsession for the director. Its origins stretched back to the earliest years of his career. As a hotshot younger photographer in New York, he’d been spellbound by Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler’s 1926 novella Traumnovelle (“Dream Story”). He felt it confronted one of the last taboos in society: how to deal with “forbidden” desire within a marriage?

“The book opposes the real adventures of a husband and the fantasy adventures of his wife,” Kubrick commented. “[It] asks the question: is there a serious difference between dreaming a sexual adventure, and actually having one?”

Kubrick had made several previous attempts to adapt Traumnovelle. In 1973, he had the idea of changing the setting from turn of the century Vienna to contemporary Dublin. His plan was to cast Woody Allen in the Cruise role of happily married husband sexually unmoored when his wife confesses her secret desires. Somewhere along the way he concluded, moreover, that the time-frame should be changed from Schnitzler’s Mardi Gras to Christmas – giving us the least seasonal Yuletide movie ever.

Steve Martin was also considered by Kubrick after the director had decided the adaptation should be set in New York. By the early Nineties he was eyeing A-list Mr and Mrs Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger as his emotionally diseased power-couple. And then Cruise’s name came up.

It was suggested not by Kubrick but by his producer at Warner Brothers, Terry Semel. The director wanted Warner to stump up a $65m budget for Eyes Wide Shot. Kubrick refused to film outside the UK and much of the production costs would go towards recreating Manhattan in England. Semel was amenable – but only with a knock-out star in the Dr Harford role. Who was more knock-out than the magnetic lead from Top Gun and Mission: Impossible?

Kubrick wasn’t sure. The last big name he’d worked with had been Jack Nicholson on The Shining in 1980. The film was eventually hailed a masterpiece. But the shoot had been hell. Kubrick had been particularly unappreciative of Nicholson’s tendency to speak his mind rather than do as instructed. “Stars,” he told Semel, “have too many opinions.”

Semel persevered. And Cruise said “yes” without hesitation. Once that was settled, Kubrick was amenable to casting Kidman as Mrs Harford. “Tom and Nicole” were one of the most recognisable couples in the world. Their marriage had been subject to the traditional tabloid tittle-tattle. A real-life husband and wife portraying unravelling spouses introduced a new layer of psychosexual subtext. Kubrick loved it.

Kidman and Cruise on the red carpet at the 69th Academy Awards, 1997

Kubrick appeared to, additionally, get a kick out of exploring fissures in Cruise and Kidman’s real marriage. He had Kidman disclose her inner-most feelings in extensive therapy sessions, the contents of which were not revealed to Cruise. And he forbade the actor from the set when Kidman was shooting her fantasy trysts with the naval officer who had awoken something in Alice.

He retained his enthusiasm through the gruelling shoot. Cruise and Kidman found it harder to stay positive. It wasn’t the intensity of the material, nor the semi-nudity required of Kidman (who’d been strict from the outset as to what she would and would not do). It was that it went on and on, seemingly without end. On one occasion, Kubrick had Cruise walk through the same door 95 times. “Hey, Tom, stick with me, I’ll make you a star,” he is reported to have joked. Cruise tried to laugh but couldn’t quite bring himself to.

“We shot for 10-and-a-half months but we were there for a year and a half,” Kidman later lamented. “Sometimes it as very frustrating because you were thinking, is this ever going to end?

Cruise was meanwhile coming under pressure from Paramount Pictures over Mission: Impossible 2, already put back twice for Eyes Wide Shut. More than once he’d politely taken Kubrick aside and wondered if the director might possibly have an idea when he might done. Kubrick never had a straight answer. Cruise soon had ulcers – a fact he kept from Kubrick. He didn’t want more complications.

“I didn’t want to tell Stanley,” Cruise told Time. “He panicked. I wanted this to work, but you’re playing with dynamite when you act. Emotions kick up. You try not to kick things up, but you go through things you can’t help.”

It’s astonishing that scheduling was Cruise’s biggest issue. Kubrick made full use of the opportunity to strip away the actor’s movie star aura. Again and again through the 159 minutes, Kubrick went out of his way to paint him unflatteringly.

The fly-boy glibness central to the actor’s persona was openly ridiculed by the director. In an early scene, Harford flirts with two models at a party. Kubrick has Cruise unleash his trademark boyishness. But he frames it in such way as to make Cruise come across callow and charmless. Being chatted up by Tom Cruise, the film more or less says out loud, is the least seductive experience under the sun.

There were also winks towards unfounded rumours about Cruise’s sexuality. Navigating New York by night, Harford has a run-in with fratboys who taunt him with homophobic slurs. Kubrick used the same scene to mock Cruise’s “diminutive” 5ft 7in stature. “I got dumps bigger than you,” one of the aggressors laughs, swatting Harford aside.

“Kubrick seems to take immense delight in subverting Cruise’s virile man-of-action image – Bill is almost pathologically passive, unable to acknowledge, let alone explore, his sexuality,” went a BFI essay marking Eyes Wide Shut’s anniversary. “He’s also cringe-inducingly bourgeois, introducing himself as a doctor to everyone he meets, as if this automatically grants him moral authority in any situation.

And yet, both Cruise and Kidman proclaimed themselves delighted with the finished movie. Kubrick was so anxious that details might leak that when he arranged a screening for them in Los Angeles the projectionist was ordered to look away from the screen.

Their director’s paranoia notwithstanding they were proud of what their hard work had yielded. Here was an avant-grade film with a message everybody could understand: you can never fully know the person next to you in bed.

“I don’t think it’s a morality tale,” said Kidman. “It’s different for every person who watches it.”

Cruise agreed. Kubrick had made a masterpiece of ambivalence. “The movie is whatever the audience takes from it,” he said. “Wherever you are in life you’re going to take away something different.”

Twenty years on, Eyes Wide Shut is an acknowledged classic. But it is also notorious – largely on account of the masked orgy. It is in every sense the centre piece, and it was the sequence with which Kubrick struggled the most. He was never a prudish director.

But nor was he one for pressing his audiences’ noses in debauchery. As time came to shoot Eye Wide Shut’s carnival of flesh, assistant director Brian Cook joked that they should have hired Tony Scott to help out. The subject at hand far better suited his flashy style.

Kubrick’s way of getting his head into the orgy was via the soundscapes of composer Jocelyn Pook. One of his producers had introduced him to her piece “Backward Priests”, which features Romanian Orthodox Divine Liturgy played in reverse. Kubrick was struck by the dark, dissonant quality.

“He looked at me right in the eyes and said ‘Let’s make sex music!’ I thought to myself, what the hell is sex music? Is it Barry White?” Pook would tell Dazed and Confused. “Stanley didn’t really care to elaborate, he just trusted me to answer the question.”

She composed 24 minutes of roiling chants and percussion, using the same back-to-front technique pioneered with “Backwards Priests”. “And God told to his apprentices,” go the lyrics (when played right way around). “I gave you a command ... to pray to the Lord for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, the search, the leave and the forgiveness of the sins of God’s children.”

Kubrick and his crew were meanwhile immersed in softcore pornography, in particular David Duchovny’s Red Shoe Diaries. They wanted a sense of how far they should be prepared to push the material. And to settle on a line they would not cross.

58 moments


The orgy was shot at Mentmore Towers, a rural estate in Buckinghamshire built by the Rothschilds (known to hold mysterious masked balls). Initially, Kubrick wanted the models participating in the sequence to simulate sex at length. They were even asked to peruse the Kama Sutra. The response that came back was that they hadn’t signed up for that level of explicitness.

So the sequence was instead reimagined as a choreographic piece suggestive of bacchanalia. As Cruises takes it all in, you can’t quite focus on what’s going on. It’s mostly dark, suggestive blurs. The imagination is left to do the heavy lifting.

Cruise and Kidman may have adored Eyes Wide Shut but critics were slower coming around to it, even after Kubrick’s sudden death at 70 made this his accidental swan song. That wasn’t unusual with the director. Both 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining had been greeted with bafflement. And A Clockwork Orange had sparked a full-on moral panic. The reaction to Eyes Wide Shut was somewhere between these two poles. Many simply found it distant and a bit dull (it did make back its budget nearly three times over and is Kubrick’s highest grosser).

“It’s empty of ideas which is fine,” said The Washington Post. “But it’s also empty of heat.” “This is a film about sex that isn’t sexy,” agreed Total Film. “A movie about love with a cold heart.”

Kubrick, though, was always about the slow burn. And so it is only with the decades that the true genius of Eyes Wide Shut has been revealed. Christopher Nolan, a self-confessed Kubrick acolyte, is among the many who have confessed to misunderstanding it on first viewing. Only later, older and slightly wiser, did he begin to grasp what Kubrick was reaching for.

“Watching it with fresh eyes, it plays very differently to a middle-age man than it did to a young man,” Nolan said. “There’s a very real sense in which it is the 2001 of relationship movies.”

“I was happy that he had chosen to go after something very difficult: the idea of what should and shouldn’t remain unspoken in a marriage,” agreed Steven Soderbergh. “He was trying to get at something that was emotionally ambitious in a way that most of his films aren’t.”

Source: independent.co.uk/ (https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/eyes-wide-shut-stanley-kubrick-tom-cruise-nicole-kidman-marriage-film-plot-a9083926.html)

3rd September 2019, 14:21
Then and now ...
More movie/film stuff ...

#1123 Once Upon A Time in Hollywood w/ SCOTT MICHAELS -
Filming Locations - Rick's House (9/3/19)

Daze with Jordan the Lion

Published on Sep 3, 2019

19:26 minutes


5th September 2019, 13:55
The latest ...

Queue the 9/11 Distraction Story - #NewWorldNextWeek

Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news ...

Published on Sep 5, 2019

15:45 minutes


This week:

Story #1: U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation

HARPA, FAANG To Determine If Citizens Should Own A Gun

Story #2: Khalid Sheikh Mohammad: 2021 Trial Date Set for “Architect of 9/11”

#PropagandaWatch: When is the News Not the News?

NWNW: New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation // Accused 9/11 Mastermind Open to Testimony Against Saudi Arabia (Aug. 1, 2019)

Story #3: A Modest Proposal Indeed - Academia Considers Cannibalism

“A Modest Proposal”, by Dr. Jonathan Swift

“#NormalizeCannibalism” Tweet Archive

National Geographic Says Cannibalism Is Surprisingly Common

Netflix’s Ads for ‘Santa Clarita Diet’ Are Good Gross Fun, But One Went Too Far

Truthstream News: The System Is Normalizing Cannibalism

FLNWO: Soylent Green

5th September 2019, 14:03
#Canipeeinthecorner ...


Did Trump Break the Law by Altering Hurricane Dorian Map?

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Published on Sep 4, 2019

9:15 minutes


Emil El Zapato
5th September 2019, 15:12
I'm lost...

5th September 2019, 21:14
New season ...

Hiking with Kevin ~ Why Alec Baldwin can't run for president.

Alec Baldwin hikes with Kevin Nealon in a Los Angeles canyon. Alec chats about his portrayal of Trump on SNL, various experiences on SNL, his favorite sketches, disliking his brothers equally, his replaced hip, anger management, being stressed, social media, his dislike of the paparazzi, getting ‘intimate’ with the paparazzi, hanging out with Frank Sinatra, having a fifth child, his daughter Ireland, stand up, Trump, leaving his wife a pile of money, jealousy, his podcast, “Here’s The Thing,” playing football with Kevin at 30 Rock, super powers, having someone else’s career, running for president plus more…

Published on Sep 5, 2019

18:56 minutes


7th September 2019, 05:06
First recorded in September 1978 ...

And it never gets old !

Earth, Wind & Fire


7th September 2019, 06:17
And speaking of the past ...

Erik Davis - High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies


Erik Davis discusses his book 'High Weirdness - Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies'. A study of the spiritual provocations to be found in the work of Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Philip K. Dick, 'High Weirdness' charts the emergence of a new psychedelic spirituality that arose from the American counterculture of the 1970s. These three authors changed the way millions of readers thought, dreamed, and experienced reality, but how did their writings reflect, as well as shape, the seismic cultural shifts taking place in America?

In 'High Weirdness', Davis - America's leading scholar of high strangeness - examines the published and unpublished writings of these vital, iconoclastic thinkers, as well as their own life-changing mystical experiences. He explores the complex lattice of the strange that flowed through America's West Coast at a time of radical technological, political, and social upheaval to present a new theory of the weird as a viable mode for a renewed engagement with reality. We ask 'What is real?', 'What is normal?', 'What are facts?', 'What is truth?' and find that reality is unstable and that the world is considerably more malleable than it at first appears.

Published on Sep 5, 2019

1:07:21 minutes


8th September 2019, 12:45
At 13 minutes (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/9965-The-Cosmic-Emporium?p=842014452&viewfull=1#post842014452) Alec says that Trump will get people to vote their wallets at the expense of everything else.

That's how economies fall apart. When the people are forgotten and money comes first.

8th September 2019, 13:48
So USAian ecomoney has been in dire straights for some then ?.

Emil El Zapato
8th September 2019, 14:26
The one-percenters have been out buying their 2nd Yachts. So every thing is great!

8th September 2019, 14:29
Depending on who you talk to our economy has been 'fake' for a long time. But then many folks I speak with change their minds and then change them again, usually in relation to politics.

Lots of folks like to point to the markets and the Dow, but that's only one aspect of the economy and many aren't invested in it.

Corporations used to be responsible for their impacts on communities. Nowadays they only have to answer to their shareholders who are the .01 percent and quite often send their money out of the country.

Taxpayers pay for all kinds of stuff to help these businesses who no longer give back to those communities.

So if you are part of that .01% you probably think the economy is just awesome!

It's the .01% who have most of the money in our economy. They care very little for the rest of us.

8th September 2019, 18:08
So USAian ecomoney has been in dire straights for some then ?.

Oh i wouldn't exclude your little nook of world as well Vern ...
The entire fiat banking system is now treading in those shallow waters ...

Which includes all Commonwealth nations, European and Asian countries-
Including China..

The world's economy is already in a slowdown ...
And it wouldn't take much to beach it all.

8th September 2019, 18:29
Empty nesters ...


8th September 2019, 18:50
When oracles speak ...

Biblical prophecies which came true... (with Jonathan Cahn)

Strange Planet

Richard welcomes a Messianic Christian pastor, biblical scholar, and four time New York Times best-selling author who'll discuss the Jubilean Mysteries contained in the Bible and how they lie behind events in our world.

GUESTS: Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide stir with the release of his explosive first book, The Harbinger, which became an instant New York Times best seller and brought him to national and international prominence. His next three books were also New York Times best sellers, The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, and The Paradigm. He was named, along with Billy Graham and Keith Greene, one of the top forty spiritual leaders of the last forty years to have radically impacted the world. Called the prophetic voice of this generation, Cahn is a much-sought-after speaker and has been highlighted in the New York Times as well as in many national and international media. He has spoken on Capitol Hill, at the United Nations, and to millions of people around the world. Cahn is known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism, and compassion projects for the world's most needy. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, people of all backgrounds, just outside New York City, in Wayne, New Jersey.

Published on Sep 6, 2019

1:34:57 minutes


8th September 2019, 22:56
The world's economy is already in a slowdown ...
And it wouldn't take much to beach it all.

A trade war, i.e. tariffs, would do it. Is doing it, imo.

9th September 2019, 00:21
The world's economy is already in a slowdown ...
And it wouldn't take much to beach it all.

A trade war, i.e. tariffs, would do it. Is doing it, imo.

That's actually just a detail in the whole story. It runs much deeper than that. The world economy is based upon capitalism, and capitalism is based upon creating "economical growth", but what the proponents of capitalism have been ignoring from the very start is the fact that resources are finite, and that as such you cannot have economic growth in one place without having an economic recession in another place at the same time.

It's a predatory system, and it has become saturated, because the predators ─ i.e. the one-percenters ─ now own more than half of the world's debt. The predators have won, and the game is over. It's only going to stagnate from now on, and then die off even further.

But the game is so addictive and the greed so strong that the predators aren't going to let anyone walk away from the chessboard with their dignity. They still want more ─ more money than they know what to do with, and more power ─ and they'll continue drawing blood down to the last drop.

Ignorance is a condition, but stupidity is a way of life, and no species on this Earth has ever been as tenacious at stupidity as mankind.

9th September 2019, 12:46
So where can one go? Where can one escape the hungry folks who want more of our blood and sweat?

How can we change the system before it eats itself?

9th September 2019, 16:01
Thank Dreamtimer,
And much thanks to Aragorn for his synesthesian ability to linguistically articulate it all so well.

I am off to a clinic appointment this morning, but i will share my sentiments
(here to your above) this evening.

BTW - today marks my eleventh year anniversary of posting in the community ... :)

9th September 2019, 18:46
So where can one go? Where can one escape the hungry folks who want more of our blood and sweat?

If that's a non-rhetorical question, then I'm afraid the answer is going to be "Antarctica", because that's the last patch of land on Earth that hasn't been claimed by anyone yet. :hmm:

How can we change the system before it eats itself?

We cannot. Or that is to say, theoretically it would be possible, if mankind were to decide en masse to reject capitalism. But that's not feasible, because apart from the one-percenters, the vast majority of the population still supports capitalism just the same, and they are either intellectually not capable of escaping their own "survival mode" mindset, or not honorable enough to do so.

Never underestimate the darker side of the human psyche. Most people actively support the system, because...

they've been indoctrinated with it and they don't know anything else; and...
so long as it works for them, they're content with it.

In order to overthrow the rule of the greedy and the power-hungry, you'd need a critical mass that's just not attainable anymore. Remember the Occupy Wall Street movement? Well, as impressive as it was to see so many people rising up from the grassroots, they still didn't make it. The movement was defeated, simply because there weren't enough of them yet to tip the balance.

Thank Dreamtimer,
And much thanks to Aragorn for his synesthesian ability to linguistically articulate it all so well.

I am off to a clinic appointment this morning, but i will share my sentiments
(here to your above) this evening.

I hope everything will turn out well, Gio. :priest:

BTW - today marks my eleventh year anniversary of posting in the community ... :)

Congratulations on that. :) :cake:

Emil El Zapato
10th September 2019, 02:02
We have an entire Universe to despoil Wot!

10th September 2019, 02:44
Oh i wouldn't exclude your little nook of world as well Vern ...
The entire fiat banking system is now treading in those shallow waters ...

Which includes all Commonwealth nations, European and Asian countries-
Including China..

The world's economy is already in a slowdown ...
And it wouldn't take much to beach it all.

Lol the fiat = fake energy system was n is corrupt and will change sooner than later imo, tisa very important.

10th September 2019, 05:54
Dreamtimer keep doing what your doing, i totally admire you as a fellow human being ...
You and Aragorn, have a wonderful grasp of things, and i usually agree with you both.

I had planned on saying much more on the above, but in retrospect of my day's events -
i've decided to just remind everyone to always keep it amicably with each other ...

Time is running out .