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Hmm ... ( WxUmIOyCrXbNgC1i4GyxxNMBEnGfxu8) g?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=4836c74e4b0cb05d60fc58e3291a1bbb&oe=5D6949E6
Emil El Zapato
16th May 2019, 14:36
Abortion is such a moral dilemma. I would never accept the notion of gratuitous abortions, that is a sin and if anyone wants their soul to burn in the fires of iniquity well then, that is their choice. But we can't decide for others what they choose to do. I know of a Catholic couple that chose not to abort the child they knew had Down's Syndrome. That is the highest of moral roads and I sincerely commend them for their courage, but not everyone's choices are so clear and not all have the 'right' stuff. We should be the master's of our own fate.
16th May 2019, 16:26
Abortion is such a moral dilemma. I would never accept the notion of gratuitous abortions, that is a sin and if anyone wants their soul to burn in the fires of iniquity well then, that is their choice.
Given my Catholic upbringing, I used to be anti-abortion, but having finally shed off that indoctrination, I have come to adopt a very different perspective on things over the years. Here in Europe, there is a certain term within which abortion is legal and considered ethical, i.e. the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. Whether true or not, those of us with a spiritual (but not religious) inclination believe that the soul will not have entered the fetus yet during those first 12 weeks, and that therefore, that which is aborted within that term cannot be considered a human being yet. And for the (entirely non-spiritual) law over here, it basically boils down to the same thing, i.e. that a fetus of not even 12 weeks old does not qualify as a human being just yet.
But we can't decide for others what they choose to do. I know of a Catholic couple that chose not to abort the child they knew had Down's Syndrome. That is the highest of moral roads and I sincerely commend them for their courage, but not everyone's choices are so clear and not all have the 'right' stuff. We should be the master's of our own fate.
Well, aborting a fetus because the child has Down Syndrome would be what I personally consider morally abject, especially if it happens close to or after the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. Children with Down Syndrome may have special needs, but they are every bit as human as the rest of us ─ even if they do have 47 chromosomes. I therefore personally do not consider Down Syndrome a valid reason for an abortion ─ that reeks too much of eugenics for my taste ─ and I would qualify that under the term "gratuitous", together with all those abortions by career women whose pregnancy comes at an inconvenient time in their career.
Abortion should never be abused as a "get out of jail" card for someone's failure to assume their personal responsibility, and least of all as a form of eugenics. Contraceptives are readily available, and if you're going to have sex without them, then you know that there's a chance at pregnancy. That's how biology works. If you're going to play Russian roulette, then there's a very good chance that you're going to end up on the coroner's table, with no one to blame but yourself. And this responsibility does not just rest on the shoulders of the woman, but also on those of the man. There are all too many men who knock up women and then shrug that off as "not my problem", or worse, force the woman to have an abortion ─ I've known several women who've had abortions, and they all testified that it is a very invasive and very painful procedure.
But that all said, and taking the legally approved deadline of 12 weeks into account, there are plenty of valid and perfectly ethical reasons for abortion, such as when the pregnancy would be the result of rape, or when it jeopardizes the life of the mother, or when the fetus is unequivocally bound to end up as an individual who would be suffering inhumanly in life.
Either way, in my opinion, abortion should remain an ethical issue and should be considered on a case-by-case basis. There is no morality in either a blanket approval of abortions across the board ─ usually from libertines and feminists ─ with no questions asked, nor in any blanket prohibition across the board from ultra-conservatives and religious fanatics. And on account of the latter, I find it highly bizarre that most of the people who vehemently condemn abortion are commonly also the very same people who just as vehemently support the death penalty.
Food for thought. :eyebrows:
16th May 2019, 21:31
I guess it's better to have safe and legal abortions than unsafe and illegal ones, but there is a very serious moral dimension that people don't want to think about.
It is this: it does not matter whether someone is terminated in utero or killed after birth, they're equally gone. Of course it is not the same thing, but the end result, the absence of that person from society is the same. This comes into sharper focus, when you consider the phenomenon known as gendercide. The Economist ran a series of articles about this a few years ago. If you aren't aware of what gendercide is, it is the wholesale abortion of female fetuses in mostly third-world countries, where male children are seen as more valuable for cultural reasons. This is particularly rife in China and India. In the old days, they used to kill female babies right after they were born, but now, with ultrasound and ubiquitous abortions, they don't have to wait that long and female fetuses can be terminated with minimal fuss, before they are even formed. The end result is that hundreds of millions of girls, who would have otherwise been born are now missing from society, just in India and China. Now, it is true that aborting these female fetuses in utero does not carry the same moral dimension as killing a healthy baby girl after birth, but in the big picture it does not matter, because they are missing from this planet just the same. The gender imbalance in Asia is now a very serious issue that threatens to lead to wars and mass unrest in society, because men simply can't find girls to marry and they resort to desperate measures to find a life partner, such as kidnapping, forced marriages or turning to human traffickers who smuggle girls from even poorer countries to sell them to prospective Chinese and Indian husbands.
I also have some sympathy with the view that abortions are encouraged by the ruling elites as a mass human sacrifice to their dark, underworld gods. No war in history has terminated as many human lives as the hundreds of millions of abortions carried out just in the last few decades. I think we should all at least consider the possibility that there is a darker, spiritual agenda behind all this.
17th May 2019, 00:59
I guess it's better to have safe and legal abortions than unsafe and illegal ones, but there is a very serious moral dimension that people don't want to think about.
It is this: it does not matter whether someone is terminated in utero or killed after birth, they're equally gone. Of course it is not the same thing, but the end result, the absence of that person from society is the same. [...]
I only want to comment on this snippet here ─ I agree that the gendercide phenomenon is an aberration. But if the whole mythology of reincarnation and of souls of whatever origin seeking to incarnate as a human is true ─ and there is some evidence that it would be ─ then that person is not really gone, because they can then always choose to be born as someone else, and somewhere else on this planet. :hmm:
Also, if the abortion is carried out within the legally established term of at most 12 weeks after conception, then there is no "killing in utero", because the soul won't have entered the fetus yet. Or for those who don't believe in the concept of a discarnate soul, then there's the legally accepted moral standard, which states that a fetus of that age is not a human being yet, but merely a biological mass made up of human tissue. :hmm:
17th May 2019, 07:59
I only want to comment on this snippet here ─ I agree that the gendercide phenomenon is an aberration. But if the whole mythology of reincarnation and of souls of whatever origin seeking to incarnate as a human is true ─ and there is some evidence that it would be ─ then that person is not really gone, because they can then always choose to be born as someone else, and somewhere else on this planet. :hmm:
Also, if the abortion is carried out within the legally established term of at most 12 weeks after conception, then there is no "killing in utero", because the soul won't have entered the fetus yet. Or for those who don't believe in the concept of a discarnate soul, then there's the legally accepted moral standard, which states that a fetus of that age is not a human being yet, but merely a biological mass made up of human tissue. :hmm:
Most religions and spiritual traditions maintain that life begins at conception. We don't know if that is accurate, but from a purely logical perspective, it makes sense. The soul may very well be the spark of life that starts the growth of the embryo from a single cell into a multi-cell organism. The truth is, we just don't know.
I certainly agree that there are circumstances when abortion is necessary, even the moral thing to do, but it should be more strictly regulated, to make sure it really is warranted. Too many people are treating abortions as a form of birth control. I had a colleague many years ago who's had three abortions. She complained about how expensive and complicated it was (this was in Ireland, where abortions are actually illegal and going abroad to have one might get you jail time, at least in theory), compared to Germany, where she's had her first two abortions. She was really dim and it never occurred to her apparently to use birth control...
17th May 2019, 23:11
Its tough for many imo over 40 to comprehend these matters sometimes, due to conditioning.
Some fascinating recent comments here ...
While personally - I don't believe abortion should ever be used as routine birth control ...
I am still an avid pro-choice/human reproductive rights supporter.
18th May 2019, 03:13
Some fascinating recent comments here ...
While personally - I don't believe abortion should ever be used as routine birth control ...
I am still an avid pro-choice/human reproductive rights supporter.
I wasn't sure how you'd feel about the comments, Gio, and I was about to suggest that we can always split off that discussion onto a separate thread ─ which we still can, mind you. ;)
Dr. Gerald Pollack | The 4th Phase of Water in Nature, Health, & Energy
Premiered May 16, 2019
"Gerald Pollack, most well known for his discovery of a 4th phase of water, maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water. He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1st Emoto Peace Prize. He is recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker, author, and the living embodiment of some type of water god."
Check out his website and books to learn even more. You can also find the most comprehensive
guide to the 4th phase of water in his book, aptly titled, The 4th Phase of Water.
Shamangineer’s Water Alchemy Episode of THC works as a nice complement as well ...
:thup: Shamangineer | Water Alchemy, Fringe Science, & Viktor Schauberger (
1:14:48 minutes
18th May 2019, 03:42
Some fascinating recent comments here ...
While personally - I don't believe abortion should ever be used as routine birth control ...
I am still an avid pro-choice/human reproductive rights supporter.
It's all about personal responsibility. People can't make moral choices if they're not free to make those choices.
A watch dog ...
For your weekend entertainment ...
A fun and informative interview for those who ever enjoyed Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies
theatrical cartoons during the golden age of American animation - With so many more extra's !
Mel Blanc
Melvin Jerome Blanc was an American voice actor, comedian, singer, radio personality, and recording artist. After beginning his over 60-year career performing in radio, he became known for his work in animation as the voices of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety Bird, Sylvester the Cat, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Marvin the Martian, Pepé Le Pew, Speedy Gonzales, Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner ... More here (
A special travel vlog from Daze with Jordan the Lion
With Noel Blanc (
a retired American voice actor and son of late voice actor Mel Blanc.
Published on May 11, 2019
33:20 minutes
20:50 minutes
The latest ...
A Stupid War with Iran and the Coming False Flag
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 376 - American Voice Radio, May 17, 2019
Published on May 17, 2019
54:48 minutes
Coyote ...
♪ Lately I wonder what I do it for ♪ 12083314995_0512857f3a_b.jpg&f=1
Free Man in Paris
Joni Mitchell 11343613515_3c2669b1e1_b.jpg&f=1
Very nice ...
One Day On A Tiny Caribbean Island (Awesome Experience)
Gabriel Traveler
Published on May 17, 2019
Exploring the tiny uninhabited Caribbean island of Klein Curacao off the coast of Venezuela,
with two shipwrecks right next to each other.
13:24 minutes
18th May 2019, 11:53
We do what we do because it's the right thing. The ripples go out and we cannot always see their effect. Such is life.
I do so hope that arc keeps going in the upward direction...
Knock Knock ...
Objective Truth (Do We Create Our Own Reality?)
Teal Swan
Published on May 18, 2019
In this episode, Teal Swan challenges your mind. Objective truth is difficult to grasp because inherently all of us view life from a subjective truth or reality. Objective truth can be seen as the culmination of all individual and subjective truths and perspectives.
19:04 minutes
Wow ...
Elton John - Rocket Man Live
The show has been running since September 2011 with the most recent leg being 16 shows between March 29 and April 26 2014. The concerts are the culmination of Elton John's decades long partnership with Yamaha pianos. This film features classic Elton John tracks from across his extraordinary career performed either with his band, with percussionist Ray Cooper or solo. The multimedia staging is extraordinary with vast screens behind the stage illustrating the songs and the piano itself acting as a screen for graphics and animations. Elton John is the ultimate live showman and this is the definitive Elton John concert experience.
Eagle Rock
Premiered 15 minutes ago
5:12 minutes
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2019, 18:59
"Anytime you argue that 'absolute truth' doesn't exist, you prove that it does" - Teal Swan -
It took me a half hour to figure that one out... :)
20th May 2019, 02:11
Are you absolutely sure?;)
20th May 2019, 03:23
That one was easy for me. several others I had big problems comprehending, getting there still lol.
A Jam-packed session ...
Ancient Biblical Prophecies, Alien Hybrids, Edgar Cayce and Alien Implants | L.A. Marzulli
Published on May 18, 2019
22:59 minutes
Giddy Up ...
All Along The Watchtower
Playing For Change | Song Around The World
Don't hold your breath ... Hpz
Friend, foe or unknown force flying overhead? Congress should find out
Since 2015, dozens of Navy F-18 fighter jets have encountered unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAPs) — once commonly referred to as UFOs — off the East Coast of the United States, some not far from the nation’s capital. Encounters have been reported by other military aircraft and civilian airliners elsewhere in the U.S. and abroad, too, including videos shot by airline passengers.
What these UAPs were and who was flying them — whether friends, foes or unknown forces — remains a mystery. Yet careful examination of the data inevitably leads to one possible, disturbing conclusion: A potential adversary of the United States has mastered technologies we do not yet understand to achieve capabilities we cannot yet match.
It is long past time for Congress to discover the answers to those questions and to share at least some of its conclusions with the public.
The U.S. government came a large step closer to confirming the reality of UAPs when the U.S. Navy acknowledged in late April that “there have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace in recent years.”
But first, members of Congress and the public need to become familiar with the facts.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to gauge the overall level of UAP activity since military personnel rarely report their encounters for fear of damage to their careers. Even when reports are filed, the information generally is ignored because nobody “owns” the UAP issue and the various commands and agencies involved have not shared information on UAPs.
It remains to be seen whether the Navy’s new UAP reporting process will be emulated throughout our massive, almost feudal security apparatus in which the barons sometimes spend more time protecting bureaucratic turf from rivals than protecting U.S. territory from adversaries. Thus, any genuine solution to the UAP issue must address the issue of interagency coordination and collaboration.
The good news is that America already possesses vast sensor networks, ranging from the depths of the oceans to the harsh bleakness of space, capable of collecting the requisite information. All that Congress need do at this juncture is require the secretary of Defense and the director of national intelligence to review the UAP issue and deliver a report providing a comprehensive assessment. This report should include not only an estimate of the situation but a description of the structure and processes required to ensure effective collection and analysis going forward.
The Trump administration should be free to provide the report at whatever level of classification it deems appropriate. One entity with which I am involved — To the Stars Academy (TTSA), an organization of former U.S. intelligence and national security experts analyzing the UAP phenomenon — has placed notional legislative language on its website to facilitate this discussion. While some modest manpower costs might be incurred, the TTSA proposal does not require new Defense Department funding. It also averts the spectacle of public hearings and the attendant risk of injecting partisanship or grandstanding into the process.
Why should Congress act? In the first instance because it is Congress’s job to raise, organize and fund the military. It can hardly do so without being fully aware of the threats we face. Indeed, that is why we have a law requiring written notice to Congress of serious intelligence failures. Most Americans would no doubt agree that our inability to identify scores of mysterious aircraft repeatedly violating restricted U.S. military airspace in recent years is a shocking failure. But there is no need to wrangle over compliance with intelligence oversight laws. The Navy’s recent admissions regarding UAP intrusions provide more than adequate grounds for requiring a written report to Congress.
Perhaps we’ll learn that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not idly boasting when he bragged, more than a decade ago, that Russia’s “newest technical systems will be capable of destroying targets at an intercontinental distance with hypersonic speed and extreme maneuverability.” While it seems unlikely that Russia — or China — has pulled that far ahead of the U.S., there is no reason to leave this to chance. And while the Navy’s announcement seems to eliminate the prospect that these vehicles are secret U.S. military aircraft, perhaps we’ll find that Elon Musk has some amazing new toys.
It is not just that the UAPs that military pilots are encountering are strange — no paint, rivets, wings, antenna, safety lights, transponders or exhaust — but they sometimes are so fast and maneuverable that they defy our understanding of physics. For example, some of these vehicles appear to withstand forces of acceleration far greater than maximum design limits of any man-made aircraft. No wonder some military witnesses — often, pilots who are scientists or engineers themselves — actually lean toward the hypothesis that they are not from this world. Like all good scientists, these pilots recognize that our theories must adjust to facts and new information, however daunting, not the other way around.
If our best minds were brought to bear to study the technology confronting us, much as the Japanese did in the 1850s when confronted by Admiral Perry’s fleet, then unprecedented technological breakthroughs could occur in short order. For example, the fact that these craft do not seem to produce exhaust yet fly vast distances at immense speeds could provide technical solutions to our energy crisis.
Some of America’s finest aviators and air defense personnel are trying to get our attention. They are not panicked — but they are right to be concerned. It seems clear the facts demand further action. In light of the facts, a mere report requirement seems a very modest response to potentially disturbing new national security information.
If UAPs turn out to be toys of Elon Musk’s making, we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief. If they are Russian, we’ll be glad we took action now rather than kicking the can down the road. If we learn that someone else’s more advanced version of our Voyager spacecraft has reached Earth, then this humble measure will forever transform our understanding of the universe and man’s place within it.
By any measure, the effort required to prepare a report for Congress seems to be a bargain. (
Christopher Mellon served 20 years in the federal government and was deputy assistant Defense secretary for intelligence from 1999 to 2002, and for security and information operations from 1998 to 1999. From 2002 to 2004, he was minority staff director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence under Sen. John Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.). He is a national security affairs adviser for To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science and a consultant to HISTORY’s nonfiction series, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” which premieres May 31.
Emil El Zapato
20th May 2019, 16:10
Are you absolutely sure?;)
lol...not even. But this is the closest I got. By 'not' completing the proof of no absolute truth, then by contradiction one has proved that it does exist... <shrug> :) It's back to the drawing board.
Emil El Zapato
20th May 2019, 16:30
All Along The Watchtower
Playing For Change | Song Around The World
Will share these here ...
It all seems similarly/ familiar to the political wars here in America ...
Russia's support for EU opponents | DW Documentary
For some time, concerns have been growing in Germany and other European Union states that Moscow is clandestinely trying to influence elections and other processes. With the European elections coming up, the issue has taken on a new urgency.
Deutsche Welle and France 24 looked into this issue in a joint investigative report. The trail led through several European cities and revealed that Moscow does, in fact, maintain closer connections to right-wing groups in the West than previously thought. Far-right parties have even received loans from banks with ties to the Kremlin. Indications are that a right-wing activist from Germany is promoting Russian interests in a number of countries. A French ex-soldier is said of have fought alongside pro-Kremlin separatists and then returned home to join the yellow-vest protests. All this points to the possibility that Moscow could be purposely stirring up unrest and supporting far-right groups in European Union countries, especially if these groups follow anti-democratic agendas. A report by Julie Dungelhoeff and Frank Hofmann.
DW Documentary
Published on May 20, 2019
12:30 minutes
More on these effects ...
Right-wing populists and the EU | DW Documentary
2019 looks to be a good year for right-wing populists in Europe. Be it Italy, France, Hungary, Poland or Germany, many European countries are experiencing a shift to the right. Right-wing populists are expected to make significant gains in the European Parliament elections this spring.
Right-leaning party representatives have an agenda: they want to dismantle to the European Union. Guido Reil of Germany’s AfD party believes the best way to do that is by going to Brussels. "It is easier to destroy something from the inside than from the outside." Joseph Sauvage, a cafe owner in Denain in northern France, backs Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National party, because he doesn't want to see people in Denain abandoned. "When the factories closed, the small shops closed. There is nothing here, economically speaking. No work. It’s also changed politically. It used to be communist. But that changed with the end of opportunities for the working class." His view of migration has also changed. "Immigrants are entitled to the same social benefits without ever having worked here." Like Joseph Sauvage, Luca Davide, a member of Italy’s Northern League party, says he's had enough of living in a run-down block in a small city full of foreigners. "We don't need drug dealers, we don't need illegals! We just want to live here in peace and safety." In early February 2018, a right-wing supporter targeted Africans in a drive-by shooting rampage. According to Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, the EU shares "moral responsibility” for the act because it "filled the country with illegal foreigners." Messages like these are met with support. Evidence of just how a state’s society and institutions change when right-wing populists come to power is evident in Hungary. Many judges, organizations that support refugees or human rights, scientists, and journalists speak of massive restrictions in Orban's "illiberal democracy". But a lot of young Hungarians starting to push back.
DW Documentary
Published on May 20, 2019
42:31 minutes
Youtube Censorship. The Richard Dolan Show with guest Jimmy Church
Youtube's censorship policies have not only become a widely implemented daily occurrence, but the rules governing deplatforming and demonetizing are opaque and at times almost mysterious. Typically, no reasons are given when a content provider gets their knuckles smacked, or if a reason is given, it often makes no sense. Such was the case with internationally known radio personality Jimmy Church, who recently experienced a week-long Youtube Limbo, with reasons still unclear as to why the whole thing started. At least officially so. Some argue that, as a private company, Youtube can do what it wants. Others point out that, as a virtual monopoly, Youtube is more than a mere private company. In any case, welcome to the Kafkaesque world of deplatforming.
Richard Dolan
Published on May 20, 2019
56:45 minutes
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Vaccine rates climb on ‘hippie’ island amid measles outbreak (
21st May 2019, 11:47
I had a college professor years ago who talked about the future outbreak of disease due to the anti-vaccination trend which was just getting steam back then.
His predictions have borne out just like he said.
I feel for the mothers of babies at risk from preventable diseases.
Given the choice, I wouldn't risk full-on disease for my baby. (And I didn't) A chance for autism to be expressed isn't worse, imo.
There may be dangerous ingredients in the vaccines. There is most certainly great danger with disease.
We injest 'dangerous ingredients' on a regular basis in all kinds of ways via air, food, water, and our skin.
The best protections, imo, are healthy pregnancies and healthful diets.
21st May 2019, 12:04
We complain that the government is trying to make us sick. And then we make ourselves sick.
Here are some headlines:
28 quarantined on Scientology cruise ship over measles outbreak.
We’re barreling toward a 25-year measles record.
8 things everybody should know about measles,
In an unvaccinated population, one person with measles can infect 12 to 18 others.
U.S. Measles Outbreaks Are Driven By A Global Surge In The Virus.
from the article:
The reemergence of measles is linked to parents who have chosen not to vaccinate their children against this highly contagious disease.
But that's not the full explanation. James Goodson, a senior measles scientist at the CDC, says the U.S. outbreaks are being driven by a surge in measles globally. (in the past we would have talked about how this was a third world problem which we don't have here because of our superior... Not anymore)
Madagascar is grappling with a measles outbreak that has sickened 70,000 people and killed more than 1,000.
Looks like fun! :confused::(:hmm::belief::ok:
21st May 2019, 13:02
My niece is anti vaccine. It's beyond crazy some of the stuff she believes. None of her children are vaccinated and she has a 6 week old baby :(
I had a college professor years ago who talked about the future outbreak of disease due to the anti-vaccination trend which was just getting steam back then.
His predictions have borne out just like he said.
I feel for the mothers of babies at risk from preventable diseases.
Given the choice, I wouldn't risk full-on disease for my baby. (And I didn't) A chance for autism to be expressed isn't worse, imo.
There may be dangerous ingredients in the vaccines. There is most certainly great danger with disease.
We injest 'dangerous ingredients' on a regular basis in all kinds of ways via air, food, water, and our skin.
The best protections, imo, are healthy pregnancies and healthful diets.
Yours is a voice of reason amongst the hysteria and paranoia within a community that's running amok ...
Being informed is all fine and good, but the anti-vaccine advocates need to settle down a bit ...
This singular issue could end up being the ruin of the online conspiracy forum world ...
If you get my drift.
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
Gobble Gobble ... pg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=f470e0c1ef588a37432f6bd5f9ae582b&oe=5D9CAE40
Good Thing ...................
"So, it's time for a ghost story. Or two. Hope you enjoy --
Do I believe in ghosts? Well, if you're talking about spiritual manifestations in the physical world that remain after the body is dead and buried, the answer is yes.
In the 1990s, we were living in Maui but the bi-weekly commute to the east coast to do gigs was time-consuming and expensive, so my wife Deb and I decided on a second residence. We found a grand old (circa 1830) Federal in upstate New York.
The house had a great deal of character, and we soon found out that at least one of the earlier householders was still in residence, so to speak. On many occasions when we were in the dining room or kitchen, we would hear what sounded like footsteps coming from above us on the second story. I'd fling open the door to the second story servants' quarters and dash up the steep, winding staircase, but as soon as I got to the top landing, the sounds would cease.
Several times I saw the legs – just the legs – of a woman dressed in heavy skirts moving swiftly ahead of me up the stairs. This was quite a shock the first time I observed her, and Deb and I soon came to the realization that our new old house might be haunted, but the spirit or whatever was benign and seemed to pose no threat. And after we assured a electrician working on our renovation who had also seen her that she was friendly, we all peacefully co-existed with our “guest” until we sold the place several years later.
This experience was in stark contrast to the first haunted house where I lived for two years, in 1966 and 1967, at 10050 Cielo Drive. Yes, the place that would soon be known as the infamous "Manson Murder House."
Terry Melcher was a staff producer at CBS Records in Hollywood. His mother, Doris Day, had been a staple at CBS for years, but the new era of rock and roll was exploding and Paul Revere and the Raiders was signed to the label as its first rock act. It seemed natural that Terry, as the youngest producer and the same age as me, should be assigned to produce my group.
Terry and I soon became friends, and he told me he had just leased a house in Benedict Canyon. When he asked if I wanted to move in, share the rent, and write songs together, I jumped at the chance.
The house had a million dollar view, a pool, and peaceful, well-sculpted grounds with a rose garden. The interior at first seemed ideal. There was plenty of room with a master and guest bedroom, as well as a spacious living room with a grand piano and a loft. Across a small entry hall was the kitchen, dining room, and a maid's quarters.
But a couple of weeks after I moved in, I began to sense two areas in this idyllic setting that seemed, well, not quite right. The two bedrooms were in the back of the house and although there was a door from the master to the pool, I always took the long way to the pool, out the front door and around to the back.
The master bedroom just felt "wrong" to me somehow. Although it was much larger than my room, it always seemed cold and a little creepy. I know Terry had a hard time feeling comfortable in his room, and took sleeping pills nightly.
The other area in the house that felt weird to me was the entry hall. It always seemed several degrees colder than the main part of the house, even in the summer's heat, and no one ever lingered there.
A month or so after moving in, I learned that there was perhaps a reason for my odd feelings. Rudy Altobelli owned the property and lived in the guest house that was slightly down the hill. He dropped by one afternoon to visit with Terry and me.
After we'd had a glass or two of wine, Rudy asked if we were superstitious, and we both responded, "No." And then he proceeded to tell us the history of the house. It seemed that several Hollywood luminaries had lived there over the years, but the story of some of the early residents really got our attention.
Rudy said that one of the first couples to occupy the house had been newlyweds, and on their wedding night the bride somehow learned that the groom had cheated on her in the recent past. Supposedly after the marriage was consummated and he was asleep, the new lady of the house took a large knife from the kitchen and stabbed him to death in bed. She then put a bullet in her brain using the small "lady's pistol" that he had given her for protection as one of her wedding gifts.
Rudy told us the whole affair had been hushed up and was never talked about because it would reflect negatively on the real estate value. He said that although the femme fatale's spirit still lingered, she probably wouldn't bother two guys -- although he warned that she didn't seem to tolerate beautiful women very well. "As long as you don't let your girlfriends stay over too long, you should be okay," he warned. And then he went back to his residence, leaving us to ponder.
Over the next few months, I began to believe that Rudy was telling the truth, and that the bride was not only still with us, but quite angry, because strange things began to happen.
Except for the odd feeling in Terry's bedroom and the unexplained temperature drop in the front entry, the house seemed fairly neutral most of the time. However, unless we were writing at the piano or listening to music (which we played at ear-splitting levels), Terry and I felt most comfortable hanging out in the rose garden, which was on the opposite side of the house from the master bedroom.
More and more often, I noticed that Terry was taking downers, Valium and Tuinals, during the day and not just to sleep. The 44 magnum I usually kept in a suitcase in my closet, I now slept with under my pillow. I couldn't put my finger on it, but in the back of my mind I felt like I might need protection.
When I had moved into the house, I brought my studio sound system, including Mcintosh amps and JBL monitor speakers, which I installed in the loft. I also brought my telescope, mounted on a tripod, which we placed in the front entryway. The idea was that if we opened one of the front Dutch doors, we could then use the telescope to check out the view of Beverly Hills and the Pacific Ocean in the distance. I think we did this once, and then the scope just became a fixture in the entrance.
One day, about a month after I'd moved in, Terry and I were both seated on the piano bench, working on a tune. We were kicking some lyrics around when, all of a sudden, there was a loud crash from the vicinity of the front door. We both jumped up and found that the telescope had been knocked over.
The tripod was still open and locked in place, no one else was in the house, we had no pets at the time, and the door was shut tight. We talked about it and agreed there was no way it could have fallen over by itself, but somehow it had!
A few weeks later, when I was sound asleep, the stereo system came on at full volume in the middle of the night. I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room to tell Terry to turn it down, but no one was in the room. I shut it off and went to bed.
The next morning, Terry was upset. It seemed he had picked up one of the go-go girls at The Whiskey, and was at a "critical point in the relationship" when the stereo suddenly started blasting at full volume. I told him I thought he had turned it on, but he vehemently denied it, so we were left with another mystery.
This "stereo in the night thing" happened at least two other times that I remember, and since I was on tour about half the time, I might have missed more of the unwelcome events.
One hot summer day at the end of a series of tour dates, I returned to the house when there was a meeting going on in the living room. Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys was there, and he, Terry, and a prominent attorney were discussing some kind of deal.
So as not to interrupt, I went into the kitchen to get a cold drink. There was a guy I didn't recognize squatting on the slate floor, leaning against the refrigerator. He was dressed in a blue work shirt and jeans and did not seem too happy.
I tried to open the refrigerator door but the guy wouldn't budge. "Excuse me," I said, but he totally ignored me. I tried again. “Sorry, man, but I'm trying to get in the frig!” He didn't move or even look at me. I walked into the living room and asked, "What's with the weird guy in the kitchen?"
Dennis said, "Oh, that's just Charlie...he's okay." But he didn't seem very "okay" to me at the time.
This of course turned out to be Charlie Manson, and he was at the house on at least one other occasion. When I was driving up to the house a couple of weeks later, he was just getting into a limo, which then left. Charlie didn't look like the kind of guy who could or would hire a limousine, so I figured Terry or Dennis must have sent one for him.
When I walked into the house, the vibes were not good, so I figured that particular meeting must not have gone well. Supposedly, Manson was at least at one other meeting at Cielo, but these are the only two times I saw him there. As I came and went from my trips, I would never know who I might encounter when I returned. I met Hendrix there, Mama Cass, John and Michelle, and a lot of "folkies" and blues musicians.
On one return trip, I walked into the house to discover Terry and Candice Bergen making out on the couch like a couple of teenagers. As time went on, I would find Candy there more and more often. It became obvious that this was becoming somewhat serious and I began to feel like the odd man out in my own house.
The lease was up for renewal in a couple of months, so I told Terry that I would feel more comfortable renting my own place, leaving Candy free to move in. In retrospect, this might not have been such a great idea for their relationship. As soon as I moved out and Miss Bergen moved in, she and Terry began having more and more disagreements and fights, which ultimately culminated in Candy moving out.
This left Terry alone in the house, which I don't think he liked very much. Shortly thereafter he sublet the property to Roman Polanski, and moved to his mom's beach house in Malibu.
Did the spirit who Rudy had said didn't like pretty women stir up the tension to evict Candy?
And did that same spirit inspire Susan Atkins or Tex Watson to take a large knife from the kitchen and brutally stab Sharon Tate?
I guess we'll never know for sure, but I can testify to the fact that strange, unexplained events occurred when I was living there. And at it times, I did sense an undeniable foreboding and a feeling of pervasive darkness emanating from the house at 10050 Cielo Drive."
Mark Lindsey
The window to the dining room where Charles "Tex" Watson cut the screen
and entered at the house on Cielo Drive. 2F10050-cielo-drive%2F10050-cielo-drive-04.jpg&f=1
Paul Revere & The Raiders
featuring Mark Lindsey
Oh yeah their getting there ...
From back in March ...
SK Telecom Uses AR to Bring Fire-Breathing Dragon to Baseball Park
On the Opening Day of the 2019 KBO season on Saturday, March 23, SK Telecom brought a mythical dragon-like animal wyvern to the 5G-equipped SK Happy Dream Park, home to SK Wyverns. The large fire-breathing wyvern flying around the park was streamed live though sports broadcasting channels for baseball fans.
To realize the amazing augmented reality(AR) performance, SK Telecom has applied its self-developed AR/VR technologies such as 'eSpace,' a hyperspace platform that can replicate the real world into a virtual space, and 'T real Platform,' where AR contents can be freely/easily created and shared.
Since launching the world's first 5G network on December 1, 2018, No.1 Korean mobile operator SK Telecom has been actively developing diverse 5G services including AR and VR to take customer experience to the next level.
SK telecom
Published on Mar 25, 2019
2:00 minutes
"I use to be a werewolf but I'm over it"
The rainforest hermit who stepped out of the wild | Australian Story
Beetles, worms and lizards — Gregory Smith ate just about anything to stay alive in the forest.
From a homeless hermit to a university lecturer, he's proven you can overcome anything in
your search for a safe place. He shares his story with Australian Story.
ABC News (Australia)
Published on Sep 3, 2018
29:20 minutes
A classic ...
Little Girl Lost (where'd she go?)
in 6min 42sec; Twilight Zone
Having to ruff it with the Marquis de Sade ( ...
Something special ...
Roy Orbison - It's Over
from Black and White Night
'Roy Orbison and this all-star cast of friends (Bruce Springsteen, k.d. lang, Elvis Costello and more)
perform Roy's "It's Over," recorded for the Monument Records label' ...
3:06 minutes
A bonus for his fans ...
#1020 ROY ORBISON's Hometown & Museum - Wink, TX.
Jordan The Lion Daily Travel Vlog (5/23/19)
25:13 minutes
And speaking of Texan's ...
Finding Rick Perry: The Missing Secretary Of Energy
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on May 24, 2019
7:47 minutes
That time again ...
Should be interesting ...
Flashback Friday - Ep28 - European Elections
Red Ice TV
Streamed live 24/5/2019
Henrik and Lana discuss the latest news and important stories from the week...
Our main topic is the European Elections ...
* European Elections, UK, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Poland
* Austria's Freedom Party Collapse After Sting Operation by German Communists From Media
* Who Is Doing The Election Meddling?
* Assange Faces 17 New Charges in US
* American Taliban Released From Prison
* African rapper makes video “fuck France, burn France” while
strangling White woman
* Women Fall To Their Death Taking Selfies
* Gen Z and the "Swastika Pose"
and more
Note show starts at 6:30 minute mark
2:17:09 minutes
May 24, 2019 1:43PM ET
Below Jakob Dylan performing ...
w/ Stephen Stills and More Gather to Celebrate Laurel Canyon’s ‘Echo’
Roger McGuinn, Ringo Starr, Cat Power and others also turned up for premiere
of new doc on L.A.’s mid-Sixties folk-rock revolution ... Story here (
Echo In The Canyon (2019) Official Trailer
"Echo In The Canyon celebrates the explosion of popular music that came out of LA's Laurel Canyon in the mid-60s as folk went electric and The Byrds, The Beach Boys, e:Buffalo Springfield and The Mamas and the Papas gave birth to the California Sound. It was a moment (1965 to 1967) when bands came to LA to emulate The Beatles and Laurel Canyon emerged as a hotbed of creativity and collaboration for a new generation of musicians who would soon put an indelible stamp on the history of American popular music. Featuring Jakob Dylan, the film explores the beginnings of the Laurel Canyon music scene. Dylan uncovers never-before-heard personal details behind the bands and their songs and how that music continues to inspire today. Echo in the Canyon contains candid conversations and performances with Brian Wilson, Ringo Starr, Michelle Phillips, Eric Clapton, Stephen Stills, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Roger McGuinn and Jackson Browne as well as contemporary musicians they influenced such as Tom Petty (in his very last film interview), Beck, Fiona Apple, Cat Power, Regina Spektor and Norah Jones" ...
2:49 minutes
Speaking of showbiz folk ...
"Can we all just get along?"
Public Service Broadcast: Alt-media Circus w/ Thomas Williams Randy Maugans
OffPlanet Media
Thomas Williams and Randy Maugans take on the hijacking of the alternative media by clowns, criminals and agency stooges: The Corey Goode/David Wilcock/GaiaTV axis; Jay Weidner's mea culpa, the persecution of Kevin Annett, the Aviary Group of MJ12; Contact In the Desert, the time loops of failed Project Looking Glass and CERN; Jirka Rasavy, CEO of Gaia TV, Lucifer, and Drunvalo Melchezedek; Linda Moulton Howe, Dark Journalist, and the echo chamber....more
Premiered 2 hours ago
His latest ... :scooter:
One Day In Panama City | The Capital Of Panama
Gabriel Traveler
Published on May 26, 2019
Exploring the historic Old Town of Panama City, the capital of Panama.
Here's Part 1 in which we visited the Panama Canal:
21:35 minutes
28th May 2019, 03:26
A short excerpt ─ only about 11 minutes ─ of an interview Abby Martin did of Richard Wolff. This particular passage is about Jordan Peterson's use of the term "cultural Marxism". :eyebrows:
Also posted here ( on Chaos and the Anti-Thread ( ;)
A time to turn the page ...
Turn Turn Turn
The Byrds
4:00 minutes
See if you can relate ...
On Individuality & Reincarnation
Eckhart Tolle
If individuality is an illusion created by the mind, then who or what reincarnates?
Eckhart suggests that the answer to reincarnation can be found through observation. For example, you can observe reincarnation in yourself many times during the day when you identify with a thought. After all, the moment you completely associate your identity with the thought, you have forgotten your essential nature as consciousness and have incarnated into a thought form.
Published on Jan 25, 2019
11:22 minutes
Pirates of the Caribbean ...
Ferron ( Cactus
Ferron singing 'Cactus', taken from her album 'Driver', released in 1994
♪ It's been a year since you left home for higher ground. In the distance I hear a hoot owl ask the only question I have found to be worthy of the sound it makes as it breaks the silence of your old town. These letters are another way to love you.
It takes trouble, and it takes courage to be free. But you 'll find, it you are soft enough, love will hang around for free. And the coldest bed I found does not hold one but it will hold three. I hope you never have to know what that can mean.
It's safe to say I took the long and winding path. And were it not for loving friendships who knows how long I would have lasted. You're young one day but youth is rude and while you watch it walks right past and get your chance to think like me.
When I was young I was in service to my pain. On sunny days you'd find me walking miles to look for rain. And as many times I swapped it all just to hop a moving train. Looking back, it was a most expensive way to get around.
And I found that all the world could love you save for one. And I don't know why it is, but that kiss will be the haunted one. You'll pine and weep and you'll lose good sleep and you'll think your life has come undone, until you learn to turn and spurn that bitter wind.
Because it'll probably be the one you least expect to, who will wager through your storm with you, who will give your fears respect... who will melt your burden down...though you probably don't want that yet, still...the odds fall sweet in favor to an open heart.
Seems to me the tools for being human are wicked crude. They're not so slick and smooth and shiny as some stranger might allude. And while your longest night might test you, you don't be scared of solitude. And remember what is shared is also true.
Because there's a place where the water races wide. And you could be hard pressed (in the muck of time) just trying to reach the other side. You learn to find the only way, or you learn to say you tried. It seems to me a lot of little towns were made that way.
Now while I'm at it...let me tell you about the moon. Because I heard some people talking, looks like we're probably going to have to move there soon. All I know is the face it shows at midnight is not the one it shows at noon. But I bet it's a standing kind of wistful from over there.
In a word, I heard that life's a cactus tree. And should you find a way to break it's skin, won't you have a drink for me. But...if you're standing near a cactus, you're probably where you shouldn't be. Isn't this why you left your home, though you love me.
Now when I imagine life is only time and space...then I guess I've seen the best of it upon your tender, loving face. And the faith that you bestowed in me gives me a solid sense of place. I learn to say...Fire, Water, Earth and Air...I learn to say Fire, Water, Earth and Air...I learn to say Fire, Water, Earth and Air...and I'll see you there. ♪
Ramping it up ...
UFOs have come out of the fringe and into the mainstream ...
By Nick Pope
May 29, 2019
New York Post
Premiered 4 hours ago
In the first episode of "The Basement Office", host Steven Greenstreet discusses recent bombshell reports that have thrust UFOs into the mainstream. These include ongoing revelations coming out of the Pentagon regarding "unidentified aerial phenomena", the Navy's encounters with unidentified craft that "defy physics", and commercial air pilots having close encounters.
This episode features Nick Pope, the "real-life Fox Mulder", who secretly investigated UFOs for the British government during the 1990s while running the "UFO Office" at the UK's Ministry of Defence.
UFOs: “A Threat to the Homeland” | The Basement Office - Ep. 1 | New York Post
24:04 minutes
"You’d have to be living on another planet not to have heard one of the biggest news stories in recent times: After years of denial, it turns out that the US government has a secret program, researching and investigating UFOs.
The conspiracy theorists were right all along.
The story broke in December 2017 and generated unprecedented mainstream media coverage of the UFO phenomenon, which continues to this day, as the story continues to unfold. This coverage includes The Post’s new docu-series “The Basement Office,” which delves into this story as part of a wider investigation of the UFO mystery.
The Pentagon’s secret UFO program was called AATIP — Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The title cleverly blurred the lines between next-generation aviation threats and the phenomena they were really studying. Maybe as an unintended consequence, but perhaps by design, the cryptic title also kept the program hidden from the numerous people who make Freedom of Information Act requests about “UFOs.” AATIP was set up in 2007, largely on the initiative of the then-Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. When AATIP’s existence was revealed, Reid tweeted “The truth is out there. Seriously.”
Related revelations and developments came thick and fast. Details were released of multiple events where UFOs have been tracked on radar and chased by military jets, including a November 2004 incident where the USS Nimitz carrier strike group was buzzed by multiple UFOs. Videos of three of these spectacular mid-air encounters have been made public, though many more have yet to be released. The Senate Armed Services Committee investigated the USS Nimitz incident last year and interviewed some of the pilots and radar operators. Also last year, the Defense Intelligence Agency briefed Congress on AATIP’s work.
In a January 9, 2018, letter to John McCain — copied to other senior congressional figures and to key committees — the DIA disclosed that they had researched anti-gravity, warp drives, wormholes and other theoretical physics concepts needed for interstellar travel, as part of an effort to understand what they termed “foreign advanced aerospace weapon threats.” It raised the question “how foreign is foreign?” — did they mean Russia, China, or somewhere considerably farther afield?
In April of this year, the Navy announced they would issue new guidance to pilots who encountered UFOs, following a recent upsurge in “incursions” by “unidentified aircraft.” Then, just last week, The Post secured a stunning admission from the DOD that AATIP investigated “unidentified aerial phenomena” — a phrase they had previously been very careful to avoid. This bombshell revelation was the final proof that this had never been about Russian or Chinese aircraft, missiles and drones. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is the accepted government, military and intelligence community term for what the public call UFOs.
When I worked on this issue for the UK’s Ministry of Defence, we used “UAP” in our internal policy discussions, thus avoiding the pop-culture baggage that came with the term “UFO” and reframing the discussion as a defense and national security issue. That’s how those of us who have looked at the phenomenon from within government view it.
UFOs have finally come out of the fringe and into the mainstream. Multiple stories have appeared in major media outlets. There is congressional interest. Pilots, radar operators and intelligence officers involved in these encounters and investigations are going on the record, calling for action. It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that there’s a bigger picture here. The pace of events is picking up, and we seem to be building up to something. Something is happening. Something new. Something big."
Nick Pope worked for the UK Ministry of Defence for 21 years. From 1991 to 1994, he was posted to a division where his duties included researching and investigating unidentified aerial phenomena.
Source (
How did this ever become a thing ...
From November 11, 2014 F004d05abcf560fe23808e0c8b61107a4&f=1
How Mt Everest has become the highest, angriest traffic jam in the world
"KNIVES, fists, fury and severe overcrowding. That's the picture up on Mt Everest this climbing season. An Aussie who's climbed it explains why" ... Read the rest (
Fast forward 2019
The latest on all this ...
Everest: why are so many climbers dying?
The Sun
Published on May 29, 2019
2:28 minutes
Mueller talks ...
WATCH: Robert Mueller makes 1st public statement on Russia probe
The Sun
Recorded live 11:00 am EST
10:04 minutes
29th May 2019, 23:06
Mueller talks ...
WATCH: Robert Mueller makes 1st public statement on Russia probe
So what he's actually saying is "There was Russian interference, and I personally do suspect that Trump was in collusion with them, but the US constitution forbade me from investigating a sitting president, so I haven't even investigated him."
Hmmmmm... :hmm:
So what he's actually saying is "There was Russian interference, and I personally do suspect that Trump was in collusion with them, but the US constitution forbade me from investigating a sitting president, so I haven't even investigated him."
Hmmmmm... :hmm:
Oh - he investigated him, but (apparently this was never his mandate to do) he is (was) restricted (prohibited) by Department of Justice guidelines from prosecuting a sitting president ... That's for Congress (the House of Representatives) to do, and for the Senate (side) to sit as jurors ... Even if Congress doesn't accept its duty (due to the Republican's control in the Senate) ... Trump could still be charged after he's out of office ... He's not out of the woods yet and he knows it.
The implications of (today's) Mueller public statement will now (and always) shadow Trump's presidency.
30th May 2019, 02:41
Mueller definitely investigated Trump and laid out a great deal of his findings in his 37 indictments.
Remember the speaking indictments, they have nothing to do with the media and everything to do with criminal activities.
He knew his limitations going in and he operated accordingly.
His statement today puts the lie directly to Barr's mouth. As was already evident in the report which is available in tweet form.
Last night Justin Amash gave a speech and he spoke about various findings of Mueller. Some Republican voters who attended were saying that they didn't even know that the report had not exonerated Trump because they heard nothing of the relevant details from the conservative press.
They were kept ignorant by the media that they trusted.
Not that I'm surprised.
The latest ...
One Day In Montreal, Canada | This City Is Amazing!
Gabriel Traveler
Published on May 29, 2019
Exploring Montreal, Canada, the largest city in the French-speaking province of Quebec.
In case you're wondering why I didn't stay longer in Panama and Central America, I wrote an article on my blog that explains and gives a little insight into how I decide where I'm traveling to next:
15:27 minutes
Bilderberg Back In Switzerland for 2019 - #NewWorldNextWeek
Published on May 30, 2019
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
all news items link posted under youtube show notes
16:19 minutes
30th May 2019, 15:31
If Trump ends up attending Bilderberg, I imagine the alternative community might suddenly think the Bilderbergs are awesome. I don't like to be so cynical, but the patterns are already there.
Will also share this here ...
Solutions in our Battle for Humanity - Catherine Fitts
Forum Borealis
"Let's explore preserving civilization. Some themes raised: Why is it crucial to maintain, own, & enjoy art, beauty, & culture? Creativity: Antidote to negativity obsession? Cryptocurrency: Solution or trap? Universal Basic Income: Freedom or enslavement? Mind control: Key to slave labour? Which economic model serve citizens? Can intention influence reality? How to fix the Black Budget? What of the Pentagon audit? How to build a happy life amidst gloom? Is the Space Force a whitewash of the Classified Space Program? Is false dichotomy & identity politics a distraction? What did Voyager mission detect in Saturn's rings? + Hear Al's tourist prospect of Norway."
Published on May 30, 2019
2:14:01 minutes
Some more great rock n' roll stuff ...
BUDDY HOLLY Home/Grave/Statue - Lubbock TX
Jordan The Lion Daily Travel VLOG (5/24/19
20:22 minutes
This one is a real bonus for those technically inclined in regards
to how these early rock recordings were conceived and achieved !
I highly recommend listening through the end ...
Norman Petty Recording Studios - Clovis, NM (5/30/19)
36:10 minutes
1st June 2019, 08:53
Dang. My husband and I were just talking about Buddy Holly yesterday. His beats are still integral to rock and roll. My husband described his recordings as very spare. A reflection of the time, no doubt.
We both like a fuller, wall of sound.
Some more great rock n' roll stuff ...
BUDDY HOLLY Home/Grave/Statue - Lubbock TX
Jordan The Lion Daily Travel VLOG (5/24/19
20:22 minutes
This one is a real bonus for those technically inclined in regards
to how these early rock recordings were conceived and achieved !
I highly recommend listening through the end ...
Norman Petty Recording Studios - Clovis, NM (5/30/19)
36:10 minutes
Then a hope you fully watched the above Norman Petty ( studio video - lots info there ...
Note the small piano like instrument in the above video pic is responsible
for this catchy pipe sound recorded at the Petty studio ...
From 1963 ...
Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs - Sugar Shack (
This song below also sold millions in 1960, was also one of Norman Petty's ( ...
Billy Vaughn - Wheels (
Gone but not forgotten ...
Most People Simply Cannot See What is Coming
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix
Episode 378 - American Voice Radio, May 31, 2019
Published on May 31, 2019
53:03 minutes
Trump and Bibi’s Bad Week
They’re both at war with those who would investigate them. But are they winning or losing?,c_limit/Glasser-TrumpBadWeek.jpg
Impeachment is an ever more real possibility for President Trump as Democratic Party leaders
begin to face increased pressure from their own restive, viscerally anti-Trump supporters.
Audio 14:30 minutes
Listen/read Here (
Emil El Zapato
1st June 2019, 11:24
I lived in Clovis, NM for about 10 years...went to undergrad school in a neighboring community which coincidentally is very near the Clovis Man dig site...Blackwater Draw. The name Bill Case will show up in some musical references and locations that once featured Buddy Holly. His grandson was my 'stepson' for awhile.
Trump is scum and a braying jackass... :)
Emil El Zapato
1st June 2019, 13:08
Bidding farewell to Clovis musician
Bill Case loved cars, music 'up to the last breath.'
Bill Case, known for living his life with flair, did the same thing for his death in advance. A side view is shown of his custom-made casket. The top of the casket included his initials and notations of his Air Force service.
CLOVIS — It takes some people decades to figure what they want to do with their life, but that wasn't the case for Clovis musician Bill Case.
"Once he picked up an instrument at 8 years old, he always just had a thing for it," Case's grandson Josh said.
Case, who passed away this week at the age of 87, was well known in Clovis for his performances of classic rock, country, rhythm & blues and jazz music.
Case's passion for music, especially 1950s and 60s music, led him to perform with nearly every Clovis musician you can think of, but in his early years that passion brought him to the Air Force, of all places.
"That's why he joined the military whenever he did because they promised him he would be able to play in the military band," Josh said.
Case's 27 years in the Air Force brought him all over the world from Greenland to Japan where he met his future wife Ren at the commissary, marrying in 1950.
Josh said at the time members of the Air Force were not allowed to bring their Japanese wives back to the states but after numerous letters to his congressman, the couple were allowed to return to the U.S.
Josh said Case's service to his country was very important to him and Case was proud of retiring from the Air Force as a Senior Master Sergeant.
After retiring from the Air Force, Case started to pursue another passion: cars.
In 1975 Case opened Bill Case Auto in Clovis, partly Josh said, because he owned so many cars that he didn't want to insure all of them.
Josh said his grandfather always had a soft spot for red convertibles, with a red 1959 Cadillac being his favorite.
Case's two passions would collide at the car lot as Josh said in the 1980s Case and his band would set up in the back of Bill Case Auto and practice.
Case also purchased, renovated and opened the State Music Theatre in 1995 in order to provide Case and his groups Bill Case and the Velvetones and the Bill Case Combo a place to perform.
"He was charging $5 a person for people to come in and spend the whole evening listening to music and just have a good time," Josh said. "He lost money every time he opened the door but he didn't care because his passion was just people listening to his music and enjoying it."
Case's passion for music was as strong as ever during the final moments of his life. Josh said a few days before Case passed he and his wife were playing music for his grandfather, and though he was not able to talk at the point, Case still started tapping away when he heard a familiar tune.
"Just seeing his hand start beating and even though he wasn't conscious enough to have conversations with people, but you could just tell that music was his passion up to the last breath," Josh said.
1st June 2019, 14:06
This is cosmic even though it was in the Nebraska sky...
Are You a Friend or a Foe Under the Guise of a Friend?
Teal Swan
Sometimes we may see it as a duty to keep our friends in check. This arises especially when our friends have power. When power is involved and we fear power, we may feel the need to play devils advocate. This episode explains how we may be in a negative power dynamic ourselves and seeking to take our friend down, rather than assisting them to become aware.
Published on Jun 1, 2019
19:33 minutes
Navy confirms request to hide USS John McCain
during Trump’s Japan trip ... (,c_limit/DC053119.jpg
“There was a concern that it was reminding the President of John McCain.”
Joey Diaz Coffee Talk Moment - JRE Toons
Contains high caffeinated language
2:12 minutes
What is going on ...
All-American Despair
"For the past two decades, a suicide epidemic fueled by guns, poverty and isolation
has swept across the West, with middle-aged men dying in record numbers" ...
51:06 minutes
Go here to listen/read (
4th June 2019, 17:43
That was hilarious ( The animation really makes it.
Will share this here ...
Opioids In Court & War Crime Prisoner: VICE News Tonight Full Episode (HBO)
Published on Jun 4, 2019
This is the May 28, 2019, FULL FREE EPISODE of VICE News Tonight on HBO.
1:59 Derrick Miller, a former National Guardsman who killed an unarmed Afghan in 2010, is getting out on parole, after nine years in detention.
10:33 Drugmaker Johnson & Johnson appeared in court for the first time to defend itself against an Oklahoma lawsuit that accuses it of fueling the opioid epidemic. Marking the first real test of whether Big Pharma can be held liable for the opioid crisis.
14:26 Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang is standing on a platform of Universal Basic Income
20:49 David Cross fact checks the internet on David Cross
25:19 minutes
Note a under the radar/underhanded Geopolitical maneuver ...
Posted on Twitter earlier today 6/4/2019 ...
12hours ago
POTUS 45: This helps women? How many children in Palestine will die so your daughter can promote her political career? - Jvanka may well inspire a Special Prosecutor before this is over ...
"Over the weekend, Jared Kushner was credited with negotiating a $110 billion arms deal to the Saudis, the largest arms deal in U.S. history:
The deal was finalized in part thanks to the direct involvement of Jared Kushner, the President's son-in-law and senior adviser. He shocked a high-level Saudi delegation earlier this month when he personally called Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson and asked if she would cut the price of a sophisticated missile detection system, according to a source with knowledge of the call.
Pressured to finalize a massive $100-plus billion arms deal in the two weeks leading up to Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia, Kushner hoped to maneuver a discount on Lockheed's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system during the Saudis' visit to the White House on May 1 -- a request that Hewson said she would look into at the time" ... Read more here (
The latest stuff ...
Note a under the radar/underhanded Geopolitical maneuver ...
Posted on Twitter earlier today 6/4/2019 ...
12hours ago
POTUS 45: This helps women? How many children in Palestine will die so your daughter can promote her political career? - Jvanka may well inspire a Special Prosecutor before this is over ...
"Over the weekend, Jared Kushner was credited with negotiating a $110 billion arms deal to the Saudis, the largest arms deal in U.S. history:
The deal was finalized in part thanks to the direct involvement of Jared Kushner, the President's son-in-law and senior adviser. He shocked a high-level Saudi delegation earlier this month when he personally called Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson and asked if she would cut the price of a sophisticated missile detection system, according to a source with knowledge of the call.
Pressured to finalize a massive $100-plus billion arms deal in the two weeks leading up to Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia, Kushner hoped to maneuver a discount on Lockheed's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system during the Saudis' visit to the White House on May 1 -- a request that Hewson said she would look into at the time" ... Read more here (
Trump's Magical Mystery Tour ...
Brits Greet Trump With Baby Blimps And A Giant Penis
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Jun 4, 2019
♪ There's a fog upon L.A.
And my friends have lost their way
We'll be over soon they said
Now they've lost themselves instead ♪
The Beatles - Blue Jay Way (
Life amongst the longhorns ...
Down a country road with Morris ...
Profit Is All That Is Left That is Legal
Published on Jun 5, 2019
7:34 minutes
The latest ...
#VoxAdpocalypse: The Next Stage in The ThemTube Purge - #NewWorldNextWeek
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
Published on Jun 6, 2019
All news items link/listed below YouTube show-notes.
14:32 minutes
Makes sense ... 2F2016%2F11%2Fdog1.jpg%3Fcrop%3D0px%252C0px%252C20 00px%252C1050px%26resize%3D1200%252C630&f=1
Stressed out? Your dog may feel it too, study suggests
NEW YORK (AP) — "When dog owners go through a stressful period, they’re not alone in feeling the pressure — their dogs feel it too, a new study suggests.
Dog owners experiencing long bouts of stress can transfer it to their dogs, scientists report in a study published Thursday in Scientific Reports.
The Swedish researchers focused on 58 people who own border collies or Shetland sheepdogs. They examined hair from the dog owners and their dogs, looking at the concentrations of a hormone called cortisol, a chemical released into the bloodstream and absorbed by hair follicles in response to stress.
Depression, excessive physical exercise and unemployment are just a few examples of stress that can influence the amount of cortisol found in your hair, said Lina Roth of Linkoping University in Sweden.
Roth and her team found that the patterns of cortisol levels in the hair of dog owners closely matched that found in their dogs in both winter and summer months, indicating their stress levels were in sync.
She thinks the owners are influencing the dogs rather than the other way around because several human personality traits appear to affect canine cortisol levels.
The researchers don’t know what causes the synchronization in cortisol levels between humans and their pups. But a hint might lie in the fact that the link is stronger with competitive dogs than in pet pooches.
The bond formed between owner and competitive dogs during training may increase the canines’ emotional reliance on their owners, she said. That in turn could increase the degree of synchronization.
But why do people influence their dogs rather than vice versa? Perhaps people are “a more central part of the dog’s life, whereas we humans also have other social networks,” Roth said in an email.
The study results are no surprise, said Alicia Buttner, director of animal behavior with the Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha.
“New evidence is continually emerging, showing that people and their dogs have incredibly close bonds that resemble the ones that parents share with their children,” she said in an email.
But she said there isn’t enough evidence to assume that the influence goes only one way; it may go both ways.
“It’s not just as simple as owner gets stressed, dog gets stressed,” she said.
Many other factors could affect a person or dog’s stress levels and possibly even dampen them, she said.
Buttner said cortisol levels don’t necessarily indicate “bad” stress. They instead can indicate a good experience like getting ready to go for a walk, she said.
Roth and her team plan to investigate whether other dog breeds will react to their owners the same way.
In the meantime, she offered advice to minimize how much stress dog owners may be causing their pets. Dogs that play more show fewer signs of being stressed, she said.
So “just be with your dog and have fun,” Roth said."
Source: (
The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
6th June 2019, 17:22
“New evidence is continually emerging, showing that people and their dogs have incredibly close bonds that resemble the ones that parents share with their children,”
I totally agree with this. When I lost my Great Pyrenees it was almost as hard as the day I lost my Mother. I don't know if that makes me sound weird but we were closely bonded. He knew if I was having a bad day and was always by my side. I still have a hard time even looking at pictures of him without becoming an emotional mess.
Speaks for itself ... :fpalm:
Backstage at CITD 2019 Official Documentary w/ Jimmy Church
Published on Jun 6, 2019
This is Jimmy with his new GoPro Hero 7... he pressed 'record' for the first time and shot this all in one take... Sunday night at Contact in the Desert 2019 right before hosting the closing panel and ceremony. It's Church doing his best Christopher Guest.
4:14 minutes
After several seasons while 'Up at the Ranch' working and serving these UFO rock star types ...
I soon grew weary of the hype and nonsense of the ever growing spectacle of it all ...
Back in 2013 - I began referring (and posting) on Avalon to it as the seasonal 'UFO Circus' ...
Low and behold it caught on - Back then this melody of songs/lyrics inspired that labeling.
Contact is and has been real for many experiencers - the rest is bullshit !
Venus and Mars - Rock Show
Paul McCartney And Wings
Really ...,c_limit/DC060519.jpg
“Sorry, Mr. President. I’m afraid D Day has nothing to do with your name.”
And speaking of - here's the latest ...
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Jun 6, 2019
9:04 minutes
7th June 2019, 22:21
Well now, how come I don't see Mr. Goode & Co. on the CITD list? Mr. Sather?
7th June 2019, 22:41
Jordan is calling bit a limited hang out, Cory is in trouble apparently, DW is with soul mate doing fine.
7th June 2019, 23:57
Notice I didn't ask about DW. If I was married to Beth I'd be happy to be home as much as possible with her, helping her to master her skills.
Notice I didn't ask about DW. If I was married to Beth I'd be happy to be home as much as possible with her, helping her to master her skills.
Way to go Dreamtimer...:ha:
More stuff ...
Watch Johnny Depp Sing David Bowie’s ‘Heroes’ With Hollywood Vampires
Johnny Depp and his bandmates in the supergroup Hollywood Vampires, which includes Alice Cooper and Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, holed up in Berlin’s Hansa Studios last year to record a cover of one of David Bowie’s biggest hits, “Heroes.” The Thin White Duke himself had cut that very track there a little more than four decades prior.
Video of the Vampires’ session, which took place on June 5th, 2018, shows Cooper entering the studio as Perry works an eBow to approximate the soaring feedback Robert Fripp recorded for Bowie in the summer of ’77. The band kicks in, and Depp sings the song’s iconic opening “I … ” with his mohawk pulled back and a feather hanging in the back. You can see sweat on his face before it cuts to live-performance footage of the band and tour-bus footage. Cooper stands beside Depp deferentially in the studio and plays maracas onstage.
Although the band started out as a covers group, paying tribute to Cooper’s “dead drunk friends,” they’ve expanded their repertoire into originals on Rise; “Heroes” is one of the few covers on the album. It released the original song “The Boogieman Surprise” last month and “Who’s Laughing Now” in April.
Blabbermouth, which premiered the video, reports that the rest of the band on Rise includes Alice Cooper drummer Glen Sobel, the Cult’s bassist Chris Wyse and Aerosmith keyboardist Buck Johnson. Cooper’s guitar player Tommy Henricksen, who plays guitar in the Vampires, co-produced the LP with the band.
Bowie co-wrote “Heroes” with Brian Eno and recorded it in July and August of 1977. According to legend, the lyrics were inspired by Bowie seeing producer Tony Visconti and backup singer Antonia Maaß kissing by the Berlin wall; Bowie never revealed the lovers identities, Visconti says, because he was having an affair with Maaß. “I thought, of all the places to meet in Berlin, why pick a bench underneath a guard turret on the Wall?” Bowie said of the inspiration.
Source: (
Childhood inhibitions ...
Hey now ...
This Week On Howard: James Corden, Chris vs. Ralph, and Ronnie's Car Argument
The Howard Stern Show
Watch all Top Noine moments from this week’s Stern Show including James Corden’s sit-down with Howard,
a tweet fight between Chris Wilding and Ralph Cirella, and Ronnie Mund’s car argument.
0:31 - Richard Invites JD to Metal Show
4:16 - James Corden Gives Trump Broadway Cameo
7:28 - Does Ronnie Know Cars?
12:25 - Howard Sings Gnarls Barkley
14:05 - Behind McCartney’s ‘Carpool Karaoke’
16:55 - JD Is the Best Guest
20:17 - Ralph vs. Chris Wilding Twitter Spat
22:29 - ‘Jeopardy!’ Conspiracy Theories
26:45 - Leslie West Plays ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ in 2005
29:40 - Tom Cruise Sends James Corden a ‘Mission’
Published on Jun 7, 2019
33:48 minutes
A still from HBO's "Chernobyl" ...
Russia to create its own Chernobyl series that blames CIA for disaster
Russian TV is offering its own patriotic take on the 1986 Chernobyl disaster — one that features a heroic effort to thwart an American spy who has infiltrated the doomed nuke plant.
The Russian spin comes in response to HBO’s well-received miniseries “Chernobyl,” which depicted the aftermath of the explosion in then-Soviet Ukraine.
The series follows KGB officers tracking the CIA agen, and uncovering his espionage efforts, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
There’s no air date for the series but it’ll be broadcast on state-funded station NTV, known for its pro-Kremlin programming. It received 30 million ($460,000) in funding from the culture ministry, the outlet said.
Director Alexei Muradov justified the story by citing a conspiracy theory that says an enemy intelligence agent was on site on the day of the explosion, the Moscow Times reported.
“One theory holds that Americans had infiltrated the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and many historians do not deny that, on the day of the explosion, an agent of the enemy’s intelligence services was present at the station,” the director said, AV Club reported
Source: (
hmm ...
I Love You "Even Though” - The Guise of Unconditional Love
Teal Swan
Have you ever heard someone tell you that they love you even though “X” is wrong with you, or that they love you even though you had "X" tendency? Do you think about others in this way and consider it Unconditional Love? Teal Swan explains that this common way of loving, is the opposite of unconditional love.
Published on Jun 8, 2019
13:14 minutes
Boris's rival ...
Michael Gove reveals his 'deep regret' at taking cocaine on 'several occasions at social events
more than 20 years ago' but says it should not 'disqualify' him from being next Prime Minister (
Emil El Zapato
8th June 2019, 15:13
What I really like about Swan's presentations is that she never makes them gender specific. She is very helpful...unconditionally... :)
8th June 2019, 15:19
Johnny Depp was ageless...until he looked old. He looks old to me suddenly. It's a bit disconcerting.
8th June 2019, 15:24
Johnny Depp was ageless...until he looked old. He looks old to me suddenly. It's a bit disconcerting.
He's about my age, but he's been hitting the booze and the drugs pretty hard in his lifetime. :)
Emil El Zapato
8th June 2019, 15:29
yeah, that happens...I think it is a matter of Hollywood makeup.
John Travolta is still kinda sorta swinging his thang... :)
Kevin Costner and Dennis Quaid and Mel Gibson not so much... :)
Doggie bag ... g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQnZc8XrkwKev6K7pH63HDDTmThBrKNgTg1jJjaTApM pqaUtHKGTKedytYo0Gca-ft0QZJqP3Ki5-RqD10rI-2WZ&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=7dbc3045498f6da56a3214bf732f7200&oe=5D80AF69
For those interested in this stuff ...
Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.
Richard Dolan
Rumors of secret special access programs to study retrieved UFO technology have been with us for many years. Now a major leak provides powerful confirmation of that truth and much more. Skeptics will be hard pressed to debunk this. The case for "deep black" UFO-related programs beyond formal government oversight just became much stronger.
Streamed live 6/8/2019
49:34 minutes
Emil El Zapato
9th June 2019, 17:01
wow, but it sounds like a bunch of monkeys standing around a phone booth. But, in reality, what the contractors are doing IS private business...huge business, but private. Any thoughts on that?
OK NAP i'll bite - But please don't turn this into a back and forth ... :)
For those interested in this stuff ...
Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.
Richard Dolan
Rumors of secret special access programs to study retrieved UFO technology have been with us for many years. Now a major leak provides powerful confirmation of that truth and much more. Skeptics will be hard pressed to debunk this. The case for "deep black" UFO-related programs beyond formal government oversight just became much stronger.
Streamed live 6/8/2019
49:34 minutes
wow, but it sounds like a bunch of monkeys standing around a phone booth. But, in reality, what the contractors are doing IS private business...huge business, but private. Any thoughts on that?
My response ...
Anyone who has ever worked at a supposed U. S. government secret facility (and i have) know that since the end of WW2 - 'contracting' (and sub contracting) has been the model used by the military/corporate industrial complex - in getting around public/government oversight - especially concerning the subject of UFO's and alien lifeforms ...
Note - remember just prior to the 9/11 attack on the U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (purposely or not) burped out and said in a press conference that he had found a $2.3 trillion gap in funding, 25% of the military’s budget. These funds were never accounted for in the military’s defense budget ... Apparently this un-tracked and unaccountable military funding has been ongoing for many years ... And this appears to have become acceptable during WWII and the Cold War era when secret funding was funneled to projects such as the Manhattan Project ... But apparently when the military chose to use this technology to end World War II, they chose to keep other elements secret and remain private - even out of the jurisdiction of the President.
The speculative word in the Ufology community - is that in Utah’s west desert near Dugway Proving Ground (which is reportedly mostly underground - is the new Area 51), where all if not most of this is now ocurring - where secret UFOs technology is allegedly being developed.
And please also note, i don't expect anyone (including the likes of Richard Dolan) will ever be able to puncture this very suspicious but still very speculative (and evasive) secret program - Especially in ever satisfying the likes of those within the conspiracy forum community.
Available now on Netflix ...
Official Trailer | Netflix
She'll keep you safe. Watch I AM MOTHER on Netflix June 7, 2019.
A sci-fi thriller about a teenage girl (Clara Rugaard), who is the first of a new generation of humans to be raised by Mother (Rose Byrne), a robot designed to repopulate the earth after the extinction of humankind. But the pair’s unique relationship is threatened when an injured stranger (Hilary Swank) arrives with news that calls into question everything Daughter has been told about the outside world and her Mother’s intentions.
Published on May 9, 2019
2:56 minutes
Learning the ropes ...
10th June 2019, 05:53
Available now on Netflix ...
Official Trailer | Netflix
She'll keep you safe. Watch I AM MOTHER on Netflix June 7, 2019.
A sci-fi thriller about a teenage girl (Clara Rugaard), who is the first of a new generation of humans to be raised by Mother (Rose Byrne), a robot designed to repopulate the earth after the extinction of humankind. But the pair’s unique relationship is threatened when an injured stranger (Hilary Swank) arrives with news that calls into question everything Daughter has been told about the outside world and her Mother’s intentions.
Published on May 9, 2019
2:56 minutes
The premise of this movie appears somewhat similar to that of "Oblivion (", where things also turn out to be very different from what the survivors are led to believe. :) :popc:
Trolling an assumption ...
Equal Rights Amendment: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
There’s still nothing in our constitution that explicitly prohibits sex discrimination.
John Oliver talks about how to fix that.
Published on Jun 9, 2019
15:39 minutes
And speaking of trolling human progress ...
Four O' clock (justice time) in 7min 27sec; Twilight Zone
Clockwork Towers
Published on Jun 9, 2019
Amen ... %2F1.1269946.1559923211!%2Ffileimage%2FhttpImage%2 Fimage.jpg_gen%2Fderivatives%2Flandscape_620%2Fcan nabis-plants-grow-at-a-craft-grow-operation-outside-of-nelson-british-columbia-canada-on-thursday-nov-8-2018.jpg&f=1
Medical marijuana gets backing from Church of England, Financial Times says ...
"Even religious bodies are seeing the light when it comes to cannabis. The Church of England will relax a self-imposed ban and consider investments in medical marijuana, the Financial Times reported.
The Church Commissioners for England will still exclude recreational cannabis producers, the FT said, citing Edward Mason, the head of responsible investment at the entity that oversees the church’s 12.6 billion pound (US$16 billion) investment portfolio.
Cannabis is seeing an investment boom as restrictions on its use ease around the world. In the U.S., Illinois recently became the 11th state to legalize recreational marijuana, and pot is now legal in Canada. The market for legal cannabis was worth almost $11 billion globally in 2018, and is expected to reach at least $50 billion by 2029, according to Jefferies Financial Group equity research, the FT reported ("
These global slowdown effects are already affecting most U.S. households ...
And unfortunately the ratcheting up will continue worldwide ...,c_limit/Cassidy-JobReport.jpg
The Fed chairman, Jerome Powell, was the target of a tirade by Donald Trump this week as
the President responded to a slowdown in job growth.
A Weakening Economy May Be the Biggest Threat to Donald Trump
By John Cassidy
June 8, 2019
"On Friday morning, the Labor Department released its jobs report for May, which showed a sharp slowdown in hiring. Donald Trump was still in Ireland, preparing to fly back to Washington. He didn’t immediately react to the news that employers created only seventy-five thousand jobs last month, which wasn’t surprising. Trump hates acknowledging negative developments that occur on his watch, and he is surely aware that a slump in the economy could prove disastrous for his reëlection campaign.
Despite all the troubles and strife of his first two and a half years in office, he has been able to point to strong economic growth and a very low unemployment rate as reasons why Americans who aren’t enamored of him personally should support him. If that rationale is removed, what does Trump have left? A weakening economy could well be the biggest political threat he faces.
One month of weak jobs data doesn’t translate into a slump, of course. Despite Friday’s report, which also showed a modest fall in wage growth, most economists think that the economy is still in decent shape. When the National Association for Business Economics surveyed more than fifty economic forecasters recently, the average prediction was that the economy would grow by 2.6 per cent this year and 2.1 per cent in 2020. Such an outcome would represent a slowdown from the 2.9 per cent growth recorded in 2018, but a relatively modest slowdown that is unlikely to present very much of a political threat to Trump. (He’d still have to explain why G.D.P. growth hadn’t reached his target of four per cent, of course.)
However, even before Friday’s employment report, there were worrying signs of softness in other important economic indicators, particularly capital spending by businesses, and also evidence to suggest that this weakness was tied to Trump’s trade wars. As I noted in a column earlier this week about the resignation of Kevin Hassett, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, business surveys show that Trump’s tariff threats, particularly those directed at China, are creating a lot of uncertainty, which is reflected in businesses taking a cautious approach to spending and hiring.
The Federal Reserve, too, is watching anxiously. “We do not know how or when these issues will be resolved,” its chairman, Jerome Powell, noted in a speech on Tuesday. Powell added that the Fed was “closely monitoring the implications of these developments for the U.S. economic outlook and, as always, we will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion”—a statement which Wall Street took to mean that a cut in interest rates is now a live possibility.
To some people, particularly political foes of Trump, Powell’s statement made it look as if the Fed might be preparing to bail out an irresponsible President. But Powell appears to have been responding primarily to developments in the bond market, where yields on long-term government securities have fallen precipitously in recent weeks—an indication that investors think the economy is considerably weaker than it looks. Although the Fed relies on a wide range of data in setting interest rates, the signal from the market is “something I definitely take into account,” John Williams, the president of the New York Fed and a close ally of Powell, said at the Council on Foreign Relations on Thursday.
In any case, Powell’s verbal intervention didn’t win him plaudits from Trump, who for months has been tearing into him and his colleagues for raising interest rates too aggressively last year. During an interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham, in Normandy, France, on Thursday, Trump again targeted Powell, saying, “Who thought he was going to raise interest rates? If we didn’t have that, we’d be at 5.2”—per cent G.D.P. growth—“and the stock market would be up ten thousand points more.”
Trump plucked those figures out of nowhere, of course, and they are completely unrealistic. The U.S. economy hasn’t grown at an annual rate of five per cent for thirty-five years, and even if the Fed had stood pat in the second half of last year, when it raised rates twice, the rate of growth now wouldn’t be anywhere near that figure. It’s equally ridiculous to suggest that, but for Powell and his colleagues, the Dow could be standing at thirty-five thousand.
In fact, the main thing that investors have been fretting about isn’t higher interest rates: it’s the trade war that Trump himself has created. Much as the President would like to shift the blame, the timing of recent movements in the stock market is unambiguous. At the end of April, the S. & P. 500 stock index hit an all-time high. In May, Trump threatened to impose broader tariffs on China and Mexico, and the Dow fell more than six per cent on the month. It was only after Powell signalled that the Fed may step in to support the economy that stocks rebounded.
Trump won’t let reality interfere with his messaging, of course. Having already singled out Powell as his whipping boy for anything that goes wrong in the economy, he is sure to escalate his attacks on the Fed if signs of weakness in the labor market and elsewhere persist. That leaves Powell in a public-relations bind. If the Fed doesn’t move rapidly to cut rates, Trump will assail him. If the Fed does act quickly to try to prolong the economic expansion, it will be accused of caving in to a bully in the Oval Office.
For now, the central bank seems likely to keep rates on hold, to give it time for further assessment. The next meeting of the Fed’s policymaking committee will be held on June 18th and 19th. That’s about a week before Trump is due to meet Xi Jinping, the Chinese President, at a G-20 summit in Japan. The Fed, with its eye on trade tensions, seems unlikely to make any big changes before it sees whether that sitdown prompts Trump to abandon (or postpone, at least) his threat to expand greatly his existing tariffs on Chinese goods. Earlier this week, he said he’d reach a decision after the meeting.
With the 2020 election seventeen months away, Trump now has a key decision to make: How far is he willing to push his trade wars even as the economy and financial markets are starting to emit some distress signals?"
#Today's Meme ... g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQkoQoa_CFMy5Wz1zVxXhMW1Go1c80cjum3Ab00Hn-VHziaxee_xqhAYCAj-YPW4jgqRuv5ETsv0o_l_VCgcOHGX&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=4b70b3212caab009fcd88e0592734e87&oe=5D9C725E
Emil El Zapato
11th June 2019, 00:46
They mentioned 'very slow progress'...well what the heck is the holdup? :) I did forget about the military funding aspect of it...I wonder how much is government and how much is private funding.
My response ...
And please also note, i don't expect anyone (including the likes of Richard Dolan) will ever be able to puncture this very suspicious but still very speculative (and evasive) secret program - Especially in ever satisfying the likes of those within the conspiracy forum community.
yeah, I'm with you...coincidentally I have a new found 1st cousin that is a program manager in Utah...I'll double check but I'm not sure if it is THAT area or not. But it is definitely space military oriented.
11th June 2019, 04:30
#Today's Meme ... g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQkoQoa_CFMy5Wz1zVxXhMW1Go1c80cjum3Ab00Hn-VHziaxee_xqhAYCAj-YPW4jgqRuv5ETsv0o_l_VCgcOHGX&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=4b70b3212caab009fcd88e0592734e87&oe=5D9C725E
11th June 2019, 05:46
John Waters said, "The best thing about dying is not having to poop anymore."
11th June 2019, 06:22
John Waters said, "The best thing about dying is not having to poop anymore."
:ha: :ha: :ha:
Will share this here ...
Hi guys,
I thought to make a thread about a fundraiser for my dog's medical bills. Last friday things got to the point with my dog's peeing problems that I had to take him to the vet because he was in so much pain and couldn't pee well anymore. The vet told me that he would have to be operated for difficult bladder stones or otherwise he would need to be put down. I took him the same night to a private animal hospital where he was operated and the good thing is that he is fine now and recovering fast! That day was just a really stressful one for me and actually the whole week was, imagine if you're being told if you'd like to have your best friend saved or not while seeing him suffer.
The medical costs were quite high and we don't have insurance for him anymore, the company where I had the insurance for him stopped giving it after he turned seven years old, so basically it was seven years of paying for just for nothing, because my dog never really had any big medical issues. Never had to take him to hospital before besides for standard medical checks. Also my income with my partner is low at the moment and we don't have savings for issues like this.
Normally I don't like to ask for help, let alone for money as I dislike the feeling of owing anything to anyone, but this time it's a bit different thing since it's about my best buddy Paavo who's been with me for the last ten years ever since he was puppy. I actually got him almost exactly 10 years ago in June 2009. I could tell how much he has changed my life for the better as any dog or pet lover surely would know and understand, I owe him a lot.
I might feel compelled to take this thread down later, but if you feel like donating then you can do that here:
Even just caring thoughts are enough, thanks already.
12th June 2019, 08:55
A little update on the ghost-cities of China. It seems like Australia, at least, is benefiting from the building-rush.
The latest stuff ...
Let Female Psychopaths Into Bohemian Grove! - #NewWorldNextWeek
This week on the New World Next Week: female psychopaths feel left out at boys-only Bohemian Grove; the SCO prepares to be ignored again at this weekend's summit; and broken clock Jon Stewart is right about 9/11 responders in Congressional hearing.
Published on Jun 13, 2019
19:02 minutes
The joys and testiness of old crabby men ...
And the hard work continues ...
Continuing ...
ELVIS PRESLEY Birthplace/Church Where He Learned to Sing & Play Guitar!
#1041 - Travel (6/13/19)
Daze with Jordan the Lion
Published on Jun 13, 2019
24:18 minutes
Coming to a head ...
Chinese ambassador on Hong Kong protests, Huawei and the Uighurs
BBC Newsnight
Published on Jun 12, 2019
A proposed extradition law has resulted in some of the largest protests seen in Hong Kong.
The Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, tells Mark Urban that China is upholding the principle of "one country, two systems" and that the British government has "no right to interfere with citizens of Hong Kong." Violent clashes have broken out in Hong Kong amid protests against a controversial extradition bill. Lawmakers have postponed the second reading of the bill, which would make it easier to send people to mainland China to stand trial. Our international editor Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Hong Kong.
18:43 minutes
13th June 2019, 12:52
Coming to a head ...
Chinese ambassador on Hong Kong protests, Huawei and the Uighurs
This is the kind of intensity we're talking about...intense!
A must review for all those in the community ...
10 Psychological Reasons Why People Join Cults (
The Empty Promise of Boris Johnson
"The man expected to be Britain’s next Prime Minister makes people in power, including himself, appear ridiculous, but that doesn’t mean he’d dream of handing power to anybody else."
By Sam Knight,c_limit/190624_r34508.jpg
"In the spring of 1989, the Daily Telegraph sent Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to Brussels to cover what was then the European Economic Community. Johnson, who was twenty-four, knew the city well. His father, Stanley, had been one of the first British bureaucrats appointed to work at the European Commission after the United Kingdom joined the bloc, in 1973. Johnson, his parents, and his three younger siblings moved to Belgium when he was nine years old, joining a sleepy community of expats. Johnson was a clever boy. He learned to speak French without an accent.
When Johnson returned, his father invited an experienced Brussels correspondent, Geoff Meade, to lunch at the family’s large house near Waterloo. Meade and his wife, Sandra, were having drinks when a taxi pulled up. “We hadn’t been led to expect anyone else so it was a surprise to see this outstandingly blond chap jump out in the loudest pair of Bermuda shorts possible. I’ll never forget it,” Meade recounted in “Just Boris: A Tale of Blond Ambition,” Sonia Purnell’s haunting biography, from 2011, of the man expected to be Britain’s next Prime Minister. “But it became clear over lunch that I had been invited there as the established hand to meet and help Boris.”
Purnell served as Johnson’s deputy in the Telegraph’s Brussels bureau, and her portrait of the politician as a young reporter makes an indelible impression. At first, Johnson was lost. He had been fired from his first job in journalism, at the Times of London, for making up a quote about Edward II’s relations with a boy, which he had attributed to his godfather, an Oxford don. Johnson was disorganized and had few reporting skills. But he had a knack for comedy and a genius for spotting a counter-narrative. In a collection of his journalism, “Lend Me Your Ears” (2003), Johnson describes a free-market approach to trying out opinions: “There will always be someone ready to buck the conventional wisdom, ready to buy when the market is low.” Johnson realized that conventional British reporting on the procedures of the E.E.C. (which was renamed the European Union in 1993) was reverential, accurate, and dull. He went the other way.
Six months after he arrived in Brussels, Johnson began to churn out sly, exaggerated stories that cast the European project as bureaucratically insane. Snails were to be designated as fish, he wrote. Berlaymont, the European Commission’s headquarters, was to be blown up. Condom sizes were to be standardized. “The E.C. has dismissed Italian plans for a maximum condom width of fifty-four millimetres,” Johnson reported in the Telegraph on May 8, 1991. “M Willy Helin, spokesman for the commission’s industrial standards division, said: ‘This is a very serious business.’ ”
Johnson’s stories caused a sensation. His British rivals were ordered to find and replicate them, which they failed to do, because there was rarely anything there. He was a figure, almost, of self-parody. He drove a battered red sports car. His clothes had holes in them. He turned up late at press conferences and spoke deliberately bad French. European officials had no idea what to do with him. “We answer his attacks,” one said. “But the problem is that our answers are not funny.” On one occasion, as Johnson made yet another grand, dishevelled appearance at a news briefing, a French reporter asked, “Qui est ce monstre?” Johnson rapidly became a darling of the Conservative Party’s Euroskeptic right, and a favorite of Margaret Thatcher’s. “Everything I wrote from Brussels I found was sort of chucking these rocks over the garden wall and I listened to this amazing crash from the greenhouse next door over in England,” Johnson told the BBC’s “Desert Island Discs,” in 2005. “It really gave me this, I suppose, rather weird sense of power.”
It is hard not to discern a psychological motive in Johnson’s assault on the E.U. machine. As his siblings have pointed out, Brussels had been a deeply unhappy place for him as a child. The Johnsons had lived in a big house in the suburbs, next to a forest. According to Purnell, Rachel Johnson, Boris’s younger sister and also a prominent journalist, has compared life at the time to “The Ice Storm,” the Rick Moody novel about a disintegrating family. “There was the same bleakness, the disconnection,” she has said. Stanley had affairs, and the marriage slowly fell apart. When Johnson was ten, his mother, Charlotte, suffered a breakdown and was hospitalized for nine months. Boris and Rachel were sent to boarding school. When Johnson came back to Brussels, he had a wife, Allegra Mostyn-Owen, whom he had met at Oxford. The couple lived in an unprepossessing apartment above a dentist named Goris. Johnson disappeared into his work at the Telegraph. “I used to get the paper—yesterday’s news—and there’s his byline in fucking Zagreb,” Mostyn-Owen later recalled. “You get past caring and you start drinking malt whisky.” Mostyn-Owen feared that she would crack up, as Johnson’s mother had. (The couple divorced in 1992; Johnson married his second wife, Marina Wheeler, whom he had known as a child in Brussels, twelve days later.) In the Telegraph’s offices, which overlooked an elegant square, Johnson would lock his door and shout obscenities to himself, while he worked himself up to write each story. “This bizarre ritual, to those who witnessed it, was an insight into the torrent of focus and drive that lies beneath Boris’s affable exterior,” Purnell writes.
In 1994, Johnson was recalled to become the Telegraph’s chief political columnist. He was a newspaper star. But his reporting was no longer credible. “He was by then a caricature, and he had to go,” James Landale, then a reporter at the Times of London, who is now the BBC’s diplomatic correspondent, told Purnell. To mark Johnson’s departure from Brussels, Landale wrote a poem, based on Hilaire Belloc’s “Matilda,” in which “Boris told such dreadful lies / It made one gasp and stretch one’s eyes.” When Johnson returned to London, he confessed to an editorial writer at the Telegraph that he had no political opinions. “You must have some,” the colleague reassured him. “Well, I’m against Europe and against capital punishment,” Johnson said. “I’m sure you’ll make something out of that,” came the reply.
To the British public, Johnson is an immediately recognizable figure in the culture. He is Bertie Wooster. His hair is a mess. He falls into ponds. You can find yourself feeling sympathetic toward him, because of an intimation of vulnerability and a sense that he is fundamentally unserious. “Boris has the capacity to lose his way in a sentence, like a child in a nativity play. You want him to succeed, and when he does you share in his triumph,” Michael Gove, Johnson’s old friend from Oxford, fellow-Brexiteer, and political rival, has said. In “Boris: The Adventures of Boris Johnson,” Andrew Gimson, a former colleague of Johnson’s, describes his ability—which is almost unique among contemporary British politicians—to cheer people up. “While many politicians have the urge to perfect society, Boris believes in the imperfectability of mankind, and especially of himself,” Gimson writes. (The biography was published in 2006 and updated in 2016.) “He does not seek to attain impossibly high standards, nor does he impose them on others.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Johnson is not as English as he seems. He was born in New York. His electric-blond hair is an inheritance from his great-grandfather Ali Kemal, an outspoken journalist from northwest Turkey, who served as Interior Minister in the last days of the Ottoman Empire. In 1909, Kemal’s first wife, Winifred Johnson, died in childbirth in England, leaving two children to be raised by her mother. Johnson’s grandfather Osman, who was known as Wilfred, left school at thirteen and went to seek his fortune as a farmer in Egypt. During the Second World War, Wilfred flew for the Royal Air Force and crashed a plane while trying to do a trick for his wife, a minor European aristocrat named Irène Williams, who was watching from the ground. Wilfred was badly hurt. “This was later spoken of by the family as a great joke,” Gimson writes.
Boris Johnson’s upbringing was privileged but contingent. Stanley moved jobs. His mother was fragile. It was important to win but vulgar to prepare. Performing plays at Eton, Johnson delighted the other boys by forgetting his lines. Once, when playing Shakespeare’s Richard III, he pasted pages of the script to pillars in the school’s cloisters and spent the performance running between them. He was slapdash and constantly late, and awaited a great future. “I think he honestly believes it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else,” Johnson’s housemaster, Martin Hammond, wrote in the spring of 1982, when Johnson was seventeen. Despite his fecklessness, Johnson expected to be made the Captain of School, the head of the scholars’ house at Eton, and duly was. He looked the part. He sang the hymns. “In an odd way, he likes an ordered world, not a random world,” Hammond told Gimson. “Boris was not a rebel at all. He was a fully signed up member of the tribe.”
It was the same at Oxford, where Johnson joined the Bullingdon Club, the university’s most exclusive all-male dining club, and sought the presidency of the Oxford Union, its debating society. Johnson was brilliant on his feet. Anything could be played for laughs. Johnson became the union president by pretending to support the Social Democratic Party, which was fashionable at the time, and switching to the Conservatives when he got the job. Frank Luntz, an American pollster, was a contemporary, and he warned Johnson not to do it. “This is a very small country and it’s not right,” Luntz said. “It will come back to haunt you.” But it didn’t, because—who cares? In 1988, Johnson contributed a chapter on student politics to “The Oxford Myth,” a book of essays edited by his sister, in which he emphasized the importance of cultivating adoring followers. “The terrible art of the candidate is to coddle the self-deception of the stooge,” Johnson wrote. In 2003, as an actual politician, Johnson disavowed this insight into his behavior as a young man: “I think my essay remains the locus classicus of the English genre of bogus self-deprecation.”
This is the Johnsonian way. The lies, the performative phrases, the layers of persona—they accrete, one on top of another, flecked here and there with Latin, until everyone has forgotten what the big deal was. In Brussels, Johnson confined himself to dodgy journalism. When he returned to London, he brought the same approach to jobs, extramarital affairs, and political stances. In 1999, Johnson became the editor of The Spectator, a witty, right-wing magazine that is traditionally close to the Conservative Party. The magazine was owned by the news magnate Conrad Black, who would call Johnson and ask him how it was going. Johnson would say that he was trying to turn the magazine into a cookie. “ ‘An opening of solid meal followed suddenly and dramatically by a chocolate taste explosion,’ ” Black recounted to Gimson. “It’s all rubbish, but it’s imaginative.”
In 2001, at the age of thirty-six, Johnson was elected a Member of Parliament for Henley, a safe Conservative seat in Oxfordshire. When he came under pressure to resign from The Spectator, because of the conflict of interest, he demurred, and coined what has become his best-known political aphorism: “I want to have my cake and eat it.” Johnson hates choosing between things, even right and wrong. In 2003, Lynn Barber, of the Observer, asked Johnson what principles he would be prepared to resign over. “I’m a bit of an optimist so it doesn’t tend to occur to me to resign,” he replied. “I tend to think of a way of Sellotaping everything together and quietly finding a way through, if I can.”
This quality makes for a radically self-dramatizing conception of politics. The public good does not fascinate Johnson. His heroes are Benjamin Disraeli and Winston Churchill, two other former journalists and somewhat errant outsiders, who became Conservative Prime Ministers. “I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole,” Disraeli said, on reaching Downing Street. Johnson, likewise, imagines politics as a necessarily upward ascent, a winner-take-all spectacle in which his participation is not questioned. In his “Desert Island Discs” interview, Johnson was asked about his ambition by Sue Lawley, the host. “My silicon chip, my ambition silicon chip, has been programmed to try and scrabble my way up this cursus honorum, this ladder of things. . . . I think British society is designed like that.”
The chase is everything. In 1987, when Johnson married Mostyn-Owen, who was generally considered the most beautiful woman at Oxford, he had to borrow a friend’s dress pants and cufflinks for the church service, and lost his wedding ring at the reception. (Stanley never wore one.) During his speech, Johnson misquoted P. G. Wodehouse and was heckled by a guest who had arrived by helicopter. “Good chap,” Johnson hollered back. “Give the man a coconut.” Mostyn-Owen later described her wedding as “the end of the relationship instead of the beginning.”
In 2008, Johnson became mayor of London, after fighting a disciplined campaign against Ken Livingstone, the Labour incumbent. Johnson had barely any policies and virtually no staff. “Boris is a curious guy,” Nick Boles, a former Conservative M.P., who advised Johnson at the time, has said. “There are no Johnsonites.” When the brand is a personality, it is hard to play a supporting role. In his first months in office, Johnson was drawn to the idea of being a “chairman mayor,” with a deputy who would actually do the job, and he appointed Tim Parker, a business-turnaround specialist, to run the show. (Johnson kept his weekly column at the Telegraph, for which he was paid two hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year.) But the experiment failed after a few months. Johnson ran City Hall much as he ran The Spectator—in a chaotic, idiosyncratic fashion, in which things sort of, well, just happened. “Boris is surrounded by people who are seeking to advance their own careers rather than his vision but he doesn’t seem to mind and we’re not clear what his vision is anyway,” one official told Purnell.
To Johnson’s credit, nothing went disastrously wrong during his eight years as mayor. In August, 2011, when the city erupted in a long weekend of rioting over a police killing in North London, he was on a family vacation in Canada, and took three days to return. But when he was criticized by a crowd in Clapham, where shops had been looted, he salvaged the situation by grabbing a broom, as if to join the cleanup effort. The boos turned to applause. Compared with Livingstone, however, Johnson left scarcely a mark on the city. Livingstone, who was London’s first elected mayor, introduced the congestion charge and the Oyster card (for using the Underground), added six thousand police officers, and won government funding for Crossrail, an eighteen-billion-pound Underground line that will open in 2021. Johnson’s legacy is a handful of toys: the city’s popular bike scheme, which was conceived before he took office; a cable car over the Thames; the ArcelorMittal Orbit, a tower/sculpture/slide in the Olympic park, in east London; and retro, double-decker buses that are unbearably hot in the summer. He is drawn to fantastical objects rather than to practicable policies. For years, as mayor, Johnson dreamed of a new airport in the marshes of the Thames, “Boris Island.” Since Brexit, he likes to talk about building a twenty-two-mile bridge over the English Channel to France.
The abiding image of Johnson as mayor comes from the 2012 Olympic Games, which were awarded during Livingstone’s tenure. As he rode a zip line into Victoria Park, as a promotional stunt, he gradually slowed to a halt. He remained stuck there, carrying two small Union Jack flags. The mishap did not harm him in the least. In “Political Sport and the Sport of Politics: A Psycho-Cultural Study of Play, the Antics of Boris Johnson and the London 2012 Olympic Games,” from 2014, Candida Yates, a professor of culture and communication at Bournemouth University, identifies Johnson as a politician who often seems to subvert the existing order but whose persona—quintessentially English, amateur and clownlike—serves only to reinforce it. “Johnson’s political identity is slippery,” Yates writes. He makes people in power, including himself, appear ridiculous, but that doesn’t mean he would dream of handing power to anybody else. He is a fully signed-up member of the tribe. Among British voters, Yates argues, Johnson’s gift is “to associate himself with the fantasy of ‘home’ as being located within an earlier, less complicated and secure pre-globalised age of flag-waving street parties, community sport and class difference.”
Brexit is the ultimate fantasy of home. On February 21, 2016, Johnson announced that he would be arguing for Britain to leave the European Union. At the time—four months before the referendum—the Brexit campaign still didn’t have a unified, formal organization and was badly outgunned by “Stronger In,” the government-backed Remain campaign. According to “All Out War,” the first part of Tim Shipman’s breathless, comprehensive, multivolume account of British politics since 2016, Johnson drafted three opinion articles—two for leaving, one for staying—in order to make up his mind. His first draft contained six hundred words about traffic regulations. A few hours before he declared his decision, he texted David Cameron, the Prime Minister, who had been two years below him at Eton. Paraphrasing Rudyard Kipling, Johnson predicted that “Brexit will be crushed like the toad beneath the harrow.” Dozens of reporters had gathered outside his house. “After thirty years of writing about this . . . I have a chance actually to do something,” Johnson told the scrum. “I will be advocating vote leave—or whatever the team is called, I understand there are many of them—because I want a better deal for the people of this country.” He described his chaotic announcement later as “an imperial goatfuck.”
At first, Johnson promised that he would not take a high-profile role in the Brexit campaign—or criticize Conservatives who were backing Remain—but that pledge lasted only a few days. The referendum debate was made for him. It pitched the government, which was boring, cautious, and cognizant of the flaws in Britain’s relationship with the E.U., against the Brexiteers, whose very name carried a whiff of japes and derring-do. While Cameron and his loyal ministers presented fact sheets warning of the economic and political risks of Brexit, Johnson and the gang toured the country in a bright-red bus, waving asparagus (to promote British farming) and promising to return three hundred and fifty million pounds a week to the National Health Service, which was a lie.
Like the E.E.C. officials in Brussels twenty-five years earlier, the Remain campaign found Johnson impossible to counter. “Boris Johnson is Mr Teflon,” a staffer wrote in a memo, about a month before the vote. “Almost all respondents find him funny and entertaining; some take him seriously, some don’t; but all of them discount his blunders and gaffs with ‘but that’s Boris.’ He’s seen as quite fake, but cleverly so.”
The jolly feel around Johnson enables him to air sinister ideas and dodge the consequences. When Barack Obama told reporters that Brexit would hurt the U.K.’s trading prospects, Johnson wrote a column referring to “the part-Kenyan President’s ancestral dislike of the British Empire.” (Johnson has also written of “crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies” with their “watermelon smiles,” in Africa, and described Muslim women wearing niqabs as “letter boxes.”) At a climactic TV debate between Leave and Remain figures, on the last day of the campaign, Johnson adopted a line—previously used by Nigel Farage, the leader of the U.K. Independence Party and now the Brexit Party leader—describing the day of the referendum as Britain’s independence day, a nationalist slogan that brought the house down.
On the morning of June 24, 2016, after the result had become clear, Cameron resigned. Johnson and Gove, the two most high-profile Conservative Brexiteers, appeared at a news conference, looking terrified. Johnson was expected to be installed in Downing Street within weeks. But, not for the first time, when he was confronted with something that he desperately wanted, Johnson lost focus. The day after the most momentous event in British politics for several decades, Johnson went to the countryside to play cricket with the ninth Earl of Spencer. The next day, he hosted a barbecue.
Johnson and Gove paired up to form what was known, very briefly, as the “Dream Team,” to lead a new, pro-Brexit government. The pact lasted six days. The afternoon before Johnson was due to launch his campaign to become Prime Minister, he still hadn’t written a speech. Boles, the M.P. who had advised Johnson when he became mayor in 2008, remembers finding him surrounded by a few lines jotted on scraps of paper. “Johnson was proud of his writing skills, his way with words,” Shipman writes. “And in his hour of maximum exposure they appeared to be failing him.” Johnson told Boles, “I’ve got nothing.” Gove ran to become Prime Minister himself. Johnson withdrew from the contest before it began.
The implosion of the Dream Team opened the way for Theresa May to become Prime Minister. To Johnson’s great surprise—and to everybody else’s—May chose him as her Foreign Secretary. (“What next, Dracula as health minister?” a spokesman for Germany’s Social Democratic Party asked.) At the age of fifty-two, Johnson was appointed to one of Britain’s great offices of state. Given the chance to frame a credible narrative for leaving the E.U., and to influence and improve Britain’s relationships with its neighbors in Europe and around the world, Johnson did none of those things. It is true that he was impeded by May’s close control of Brexit from Downing Street. It is also true that Johnson’s sole contribution to the conversation about the difficult trade-offs involved in Britain’s most important political challenge since the Second World War has been a reheating of his two-decade-old adage: “My policy on cake is pro having it and pro eating it.”
Johnson’s spell as Foreign Secretary was punctuated by moments of idiocy. In January, 2017, inside the Shwedagon Pagoda, a Buddhist shrine in Myanmar, a microphone picked up his muttered recital of a colonial-era poem (Kipling again), before the British Ambassador stopped him. That November, Johnson said that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian woman imprisoned in Tehran since 2016 on spying charges, had been teaching journalism in the country, when her family insists that she was merely on vacation. Johnson’s mistake was seized on by Iranian officials; Zaghari-Ratcliffe is still in prison.
“Inside the Foreign Office,” a BBC documentary series that premièred last November, captured Johnson as a distracted, agenda-free buffoon. “We got the nice one, rather than extraordinary rendition,” Johnson says, as he and his team board a British government jet bound for Portugal. “Why are they trying to shaft us?” he asks of the French, during the Brexit negotiations. “Do they want more money?” In July, 2018, after May revealed the shape of her planned compromise with the E.U., Johnson left the government. The Brexit dream, he wrote in his resignation letter, “is dying, suffocated by needless self-doubt.”
Last month, Johnson was the first candidate to enter the race to succeed May. Whoever replaces her as the Conservative Party leader will automatically become Prime Minister. As of this writing, there are ten Tory M.P.s in the contest. Their fellow-M.P.s will choose the final two, who will then seek the votes of the hundred and sixty thousand mainly white, mainly older, fervently pro-Brexit Conservative members around the country. Johnson, who has promised to take Britain out of the E.U. on October 31st this year, with or without a deal, is the overwhelming favorite. He has had a haircut and is in modest, on-script campaigning mode. Of course, he could still fail to become Prime Minister. His self-belief is matched only by his capacity for self-sabotage. Until this moment, Johnson’s life and career have been a kind of monument to wishful thinking—of ridiculous expectations shockingly fulfilled. Brexit is much the same. “I’ve got nothing,” Johnson said. Britain is about to find out what nothing means." ♦ (
This article will be published in its print form in the June 24, 2019, issue.
Continuing ...
ELVIS PRESLEY Birthplace/Church Where He Learned to Sing & Play Guitar!
#1041 - Travel (6/13/19)
Daze with Jordan the Lion
Published on Jun 13, 2019
24:18 minutes
Updated ...
#1042 - Travel Vlog (6/14/19)
23:06 minutes
Death's Head Revisited (retribution time) in 9min 18sec; Twilight Zone
Clockwork Towers
Published on Jun 13, 2019
Very nice ...
Fun to watch the process ...
Well worth the full listen/view ...
The Hollies Remember - On a Carousel (various session segments)
"This clip is a fully edited composite of very rare footage of the Hollies recording "On A Carousel" in the legendary Abbey Road Studios in 1967. This was cut from a 20-minute piece which features each of the band members recording their individual parts on that historic day, when in the next studio the Beatles were recording pieces of "Penny Lane"...
The Hollies are a British rock group best known for their pioneering and distinctive three-part vocal harmony style ... More here (
10:32 minutes
Best viewed full in screen
This clip can also be seen on our British Invasion: The Hollies- Look Through Any Window 1963-1975 DVD.
Hey now ...
This Week On Howard: Bill Maher, Sal's “Dad,” and Benjy's Wild Stunt
31:55 minutes
The Howard Stern Show
Published on Jun 14, 2019
Watch all Top Noine moments from this week’s Stern Show including Howard’s interview with Bill Maher, Benjy Bronk’s wild stunt with Richard Christy and Sal Governale, Bobo's head lesions, and a Father's Day visit from a special guest.
0:40 - ‘Sal’s Dad’ Pays a Visit
4:44 - Who Brought the Donuts?
8:30 - Bill Maher’s Bachelor Lifetsyle
12:03 - Could JD Lead a Cult?
13:49 - Howard on Musicals
16:50 - Bill Maher on Trump’s Second Term
17:51 - Bobo’s Lesions
22:16 - Bill Maher’s Advice for Democrats
24:19 - This Week in Howard History
28:41 - Benjy Grabs Hold of Richard & Sal
The zero sum game ...
React Positively OR ELSE!
Teal Swan
This Ask Teal episode involves a relationship dynamic of expected suppression that leads to resentment. When a person cannot own their own truth, regardless of the reaction other people have to that truth, they blame other people for preventing them from being themselves. In this episode, Teal Swan shares some seriously empowering truths and exposes a shadow that is lurking in the spiritual field.
Published on Jun 15, 2019
17:44 minutes
Unfortunately the video was removed by Teal (her channel) ...
Which seems to be a growing trend on YouTube lately?
Coming to a head ... 9%2F06%2Fwi%2Fafp%2F15%2Fde46ff_critics-fear-extradition-law-tangle-people-up-in-china-notoriously-opaque-640x425.jpg&f=1
Bowing to pressure, Hong Kong leader suspends extradition bill
* Bill suspension follows violent protests in city
* HK leader Carrie Lam says will restart consultation on bill
* Another protest march scheduled for Sunday
* Chinese govt supports Lam, condemns violence
By John Ruwitch and Clare Jim
HONG KONG, June 15 (Reuters) - Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam on Saturday indefinitely delayed a proposed law that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, in a dramatic retreat after anger over the bill triggered the city's biggest and most violent street protests in decades.
The extradition bill, which would have covered Hong Kong's seven million residents as well as foreign and Chinese nationals there, was seen by many as a threat to the rule of law in the former British colony.
Around a million people marched through Hong Kong last Sunday to oppose the bill, according to organisers of the protest, the largest in the city since crowds came out against the bloody suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations centred around Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.
Demonstrations continued through the week and were met with tear gas, bean bag rounds and rubber bullets from police, plunging the Asian finance hub into turmoil and piling heavy pressure on Lam.
"After repeated internal deliberations over the last two days, I now announce that the government has decided to suspend the legislative amendment exercise, restart our communication with all sectors of society, do more explanation work and listen to different views of society," Lam told a news conference.
In her first public appearance or comments since Wednesday, she said there was no deadline, effectively suspending the process indefinitely.
Political opponents called for the bill to be scrapped completely. Protest organisers said they would go ahead with another rally on Sunday to demand Lam step down.
The about-face was one of the most significant political turnarounds under public pressure by the Hong Kong government since Britain returned the territory to China in 1997, and it threw into question Lam's ability to continue to lead the city.
It also potentially alleviated an unwanted headache for the leadership in Beijing, which is grappling with a slowing economy and an all-consuming trade war with the United States.
Asked repeatedly if she would step down, Lam avoided directly answering and appealed to the public to "give us another chance". She said she had been a civil servant for decades and still had work she wanted to do.
She added that she felt "deep sorrow and regret that the deficiencies in our work and various other factors have stirred up substantial controversies and disputes in society".
The extradition bill deliberations started in February and Lam had pushed to have it passed by July.
But the protests changed the equation. Cracks began to appear on Friday in the support base for the bill with several pro-Beijing politicians and a senior adviser to Lam saying discussion of the bill should be postponed for the time being.
Sing Tao newspaper reported on Saturday that China's top official overseeing Hong Kong policy, Vice Premier Han Zheng, met Lam in Shenzhen in recent days.
Lam declined to confirm whether or not the meeting had happened, but took ownership for the decision to suspend the bill and said she had support from the central government.
Steve Tsang, a political scientist at SOAS in London, said Beijing had most likely ordered Lam to postpone the bill.
"They would have indicated to Carrie...that this just has to end. She didn't understand what she was doing," he said.
"I think Carrie Lam's days are numbered...Beijing cannot afford to sack her right away, because that would be an indication of weakness."
The Chinese government office in charge of Hong Kong affairs expressed "support, respect and understanding" of Lam's decision to suspend the bill.
In a statement via the state news agency Xinhua, a spokesman said the central government "fully affirmed" the work of Lam and the Hong Kong government and would continue "to firmly support" her. Beijing "strongly condemns" the violence during the protests and supports the Hong Kong police, the statement said.
Pro-democracy politicians, responding to Lam's announcement, said a suspension was not enough.
"Carrie Lam has lost all credibility among Hong Kong people. She must step down," said Claudia Mo, a legislator and member of the pan-democratic camp, which has opposed the bill.
A spokesman said the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong welcomed Lam's decision and urged "great care and taking into account the views of the local and international community should the Hong Kong government pursue any amendments to its extradition laws, particularly as they relate to mainland China".
Beyond the public outcry, the extradition bill had spooked some of Hong Kong's tycoons into starting to move their personal wealth offshore, according to financial advisers, bankers and lawyers familiar with the details.
And senior police officers have said Lam's refusal to heed public opinion was sowing resentment in the force, which was already battered by accusations of police brutality during the 2014 pro-democracy "Umbrella" civil disobedience movement.
Lam had said the extradition law was necessary to prevent criminals using Hong Kong as a place to hide and that human rights would be protected by the city's court which would decide on the extraditions on a case-by-case basis.
Critics, including leading lawyers and rights groups, note China's justice system is controlled by the Communist Party, and say it is marked by torture and forced confessions, arbitrary detention and poor access to lawyers.
China says it respects rule of law.
Hong Kong is governed by China under a "one country, two systems" deal that guarantees it special autonomy, including freedom of assembly, free press and independent judiciary.
Many accuse Beijing of extensive meddling since then, including obstruction of democratic reforms, interference with elections and of being behind the disappearance of five Hong Kong-based booksellers, starting in 2015, who specialised in works critical of Chinese leaders.
The Chinese government has denied that it has overreached in Hong Kong. (Reporting by John Ruwitch, Clare Jim, Jessie Pang, James Pomfret, Joyce Zhou, Vimvam Tong, Anne Marie Roantree, Greg Torode and Twinnie Siu Writing by John Ruwitch Editing by Michael Perry and Christian Schmollinger)
Source: (
Emil El Zapato
15th June 2019, 23:26
Teal is the last person I would expect being accused of having an agenda beyond helping the world make sense to itself...
Did you know ... (
Coping With Reality Collapse
Freeman w/ Martin Geddes
Are we heading for an imminent collapse of trust in all mass media services and social media platforms? Will they be implicated in systemic, widespread and longstanding organized crime — that also encompasses much of our political and financial system? Will the public unite in disgust at the media’s treacherous betrayal
Is Q a military intelligence team in the Trump administration, a part of a global positive “Alliance”? Are they opening up a backchannel with the public, bypassing the compromised mass media, to reach the “anons” and “autists” who hang out on 8chan? There are good operational reasons for choosing this exotic social media platform.
A key purpose of the #QAnon operation is to facilitate a public “Great Awakening“.
On the other hand, if we are wrong, then the power of social media and propaganda to create and inflate bubbles of insanity — trapping intelligent people of goodwill — greatly exceeds anything we dared to imagine. The information age will be darkened by having divided society, destroying a consensus reality.
Martin Geddes is co-founder of the Hypervoice Consortium and an authority on the future of the telecoms industry, ranging from emerging business models to new network technologies. He is a futurologist, writer, speaker, consultant, and technologist. Martin is currently writing a book, The Internet is Just a Prototype, on the future of distributed computing.
He is formerly Strategy Director at BT’s network division, and Chief Analyst and co-founder at Telco 2.0. Martin previously worked on a pioneering mobile web project at Sprint, where he was a named inventor on nine granted patents, and at Oracle as a specialist in high-scalability databases. Visit
Freeman Fly
Published on Jun 15, 2019
1:06:33 minutes
For those interested in this stuff ...
Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.
Richard Dolan
Rumors of secret special access programs to study retrieved UFO technology have been with us for many years. Now a major leak provides powerful confirmation of that truth and much more. Skeptics will be hard pressed to debunk this. The case for "deep black" UFO-related programs beyond formal government oversight just became much stronger.
Streamed live 6/8/2019
49:34 minutes
While receiving speculative criticism within the UFO community questioning the legitimacy of all this ...
Richard updates below with an explanation/backstory of his above video posting ...
The Wilson Leak: Latest Developments. Richard Dolan The Big Picture.
Richard Dolan
Streamed live 16 hours ago
The leak of a 15-page note by Dr. Eric Davis of his 2002 meeting with Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson represents the most significant UFO leak of the 21st Century. Richard Dolan has new information regarding the source of the leak. He also analyzes the overall scenario of how the meeting took place and the current denials and no-comments offered by certain parties.
Article version of this talk by Richard Dolan with relevant additional links:
Keith Basterfield's current blog piece:
47:39 minutes
Just there in the mist ...
“I had not yet learned that one cannot really be superior without humility and tolerance and human understanding. I did not yet know that in order to belong to a rare and higher breed one must first develop the true power and talent of selfless immolation.”
― Thomas Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again bCI%2Fs1600%2FMis
Roxy Music
"Our House" ...
From a year ago ...
#665 JONI MITCHELL's LAUREL CANYON House, CHATEAU MARMONT, Sunset Strip (6/2/2018)
Daze with Jordan the Lion
Published on Jun 2, 2018
14:18 minutes
Not too shabby for two simple government bureaucratic/autocrats ... w%3D1400&f=1
Ivanka Trump Cashed $4 Million From Her Father’s D.C. Hotel in 2018
"She and her husband, Jared Kushner, reported earning between $28.8 million and $135.1 million in 2018" ... (
16th June 2019, 21:59
And we get to foot the bills for them. Woo-hoo!
Will share this heavier/longer than usual mystery fare here for your inspection ...
Kybalion ( Unmasked: 3 Initiates & 7 Cosmic Laws (Pt. 1 & 2) - Philip Deslippe
Forum Borealis
Published on Jun 17, 2019
Dr. Deslippe has decoded the mysterious & influential publication Kybalion, today he joins us to reveal his findings. In Pt. 1 we look at its authorship & in Pt. 2 its spiritual principles. Some questions touched: Who's the 3 initiates? Who's Atkinson? ( What's his influences? Why did he repeatedly disappear & what could he have experienced? Did he meet Vivekananda? What is New Thought? Who's Baba Bharata & Yogi Ramacharaka? Was Atkinson a Theosophist? What other books did he pen? Was he initiated into any Esoteric Order? What's the Cosmic Laws & their sub-principles? Which books deals with these? What's the lost manuscript? How does it compare with Kybalion? + hear why Atkinson gave up suicide...
2:53:42 minutes
Photographer Captures One In A Million Photo, Doesn’t Realize It Until He Gets Home ( NkhcD7MnnYrRnEaIUZ0&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic)
Emil El Zapato
18th June 2019, 22:54
SuperWow! :)
19th June 2019, 07:38
My goodness Gio...I thought it was "a one off" kind of thing...but then it was repeated over and over and over. What a great find to watch. Thanks. :love:
19th June 2019, 10:24
Photographer Captures One In A Million Photo, Doesn’t Realize It Until He Gets Home ( NkhcD7MnnYrRnEaIUZ0&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic)
Holy smokes! :belief:
"Looking A Bit Deeper Into The World We Live In" ...
This young man's work is sterling ...
Jason Bermas on Oswald, the CIA and de Brueys
Corbett Report Extras
Jason Bermas of the Infowarrior channel joins us to discuss his recent deep dive into the JFK archives
and what the memos and testimony tells us about Oswald's connection to the CIA.
Published on Jun 19, 2019
Jason Bermas YouTube channel (
25:10 minutes
19th June 2019, 15:42
I've seen murmurations and they're amazing. But shaped like a bird? Stunning.
Look upon every experience you've ever had, and everyone who's ever played any role in your life, as having been sent to you for your benefit. In the Universe, which is created by a Divine, organizing intelligence, there are simply no accidents.
- Dr Wayne Dyer ( pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_oc=AQneNE7ILH5epT7ccYuGsdmUDmXSUh_DXphphKkbvJL R4f-qP1x1wmQWRNieIf9FIBv6DaUN7SWLZMCTezxIr9LY&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=e00bad2c446f700434150ec2522f85b5&oe=5D7E6ECC
Déjà vu
à bout portant ... (
For your inspection ...
Wayne McRoy Jr. (| The Autism Epidemic, Transhumanism, & The A.I. Agenda
Today’s guest Wayne McRoy Jr. is the author of two fascinating books, boldly titled: The Autism Epidemic:: Transhumanism’s Dirty Little Secret & The Alchemical Tech Revolution: Fulfilling Ancient Esoteric Agendas Through The Use Of High Technology. Wayne is also the father of two children on the autism spectrum, and pulls together his personal experience with his research in a way that many others are not equipped to do.
1:13:18 minutes
20th June 2019, 08:13
For your inspection ...
Wayne McRoy Jr. (| The Autism Epidemic, Transhumanism, & The A.I. Agenda
"Autism is an engineered epidemic and it starts with vaccination"? Oh boy, here we go again... :frantic:
Just goes to show that even an idiot with no grasp on neurology or biological evolution can write books and make money selling them through Amazon. :fpalm:
The latest ...
FaceBorg Births ZuckerBucks - #NewWorldNextWeek
"Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news" ...
Published on Jun 20, 2019
Note all news items are link posted below YouTube video
20:05 minutes
From LA ...
I Want My Now
Hollywood Vampires
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Published on Jun 20, 2019
4:55 minutes
And speaking of now ...
Here's the guy to get it for you ...
From my favorite LA realtor ...
Christophe Choo Luxury Real Estate Series -
Virtual Showing of 1509 Courtney Avenue in Sunset Square
Christophe Choo
Published on Jun 19, 2019
17:12 minutes
It's on ... %2Fcontent%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F06%2F20140725raaf000 0_03.jpg&cfs=1&upscale=1&fallback=news_d_placeholder_publisher&_nc_hash=AQBBY2K2MUiiJkV2
US Navy drone shot down by Iranian missile over Strait of Hormuz
in 'unprovoked attack,' central command says ( Xwu9xysFhe05u5DGZvprscAAw)
20th June 2019, 15:25
It's on ... %2Fcontent%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F06%2F20140725raaf000 0_03.jpg&cfs=1&upscale=1&fallback=news_d_placeholder_publisher&_nc_hash=AQBBY2K2MUiiJkV2
US Navy drone shot down by Iranian missile over Strait of Hormuz
in 'unprovoked attack,' central command says ( Xwu9xysFhe05u5DGZvprscAAw)
Gulf of Tonkin, anyone? :eyebrows:
Emil El Zapato
21st June 2019, 00:34
I know of that guy well...Dyer that is...
21st June 2019, 01:54
Faceborg. Wow.
Personally i feel this has been brewing since the Iran hostage crisis (
But this needs to be said ...
Next Contestant, Iran: Meet America’s Permanent War Formula
"When it comes to starting wars, we don’t even bother to change the script anymore" ...
By Matt Taibbi (
Hey now ...
This Week On Howard: Russell Crowe and 20 Years of Gary's “Love Tape”
In the Top Noine moments from this week’s Stern Show, Howard interviews Russell Crowe, the staff celebrates the 20th anniversary of Gary Dell’Abate’s “Love Tape,” and Brent Hatley gets confronted about his fainting spells.
0:30 - Hello, Hello...
7:15 - JD's Wine Tips
10:36 - Russell Crowe Buys Fossil from DiCaprio
14:43 - Chris’ Top or Bottom Predictions
16:47 - Shuli Doubts Brent’s Swinging Again
20:12 - Gary Walks In On His Parents
22:19 - Russell’s First Taste of Fame
23:33 - Benjy Overcomplicates Everything
26:21 - This Week in Howard History
29:51 - Brent’s Woozy Weekend
The Howard Stern Show
Published on Jun 21, 2019
36:11 minutes
Is Transient Lunar Phenomena Electric? | Space News
Published on Jun 21, 2019
Recent scientific reports have highlighted increased scientific interest in a long-enduring mystery on the Moon. For well over a half a century, scientists on Earth have puzzled over the cause of occasional mysterious flashes of light seen on the lunar surface, or what is called Transient Lunar Phenomena. In fact, reports of these mysterious light events on the Moon date back at least over 1,000 years. In this episode, we discuss the compelling evidence that the phenomena is electrical in nature.
8:27 minutes
Timely ...
React Positively OR ELSE!
Teal Swan
Expecting people to react positively when you have shared a truth about your life that is going to have a negative impact on another person isn’t just unrealistic, it can even be cruel! In this episode, Teal Swan exposes a shadow that we need to be aware of on the path of authenticity when it comes to sharing your authenticity with others.
Published on Jun 22, 2019
12:24 minutes
Some old and new stuff ...
Belushi Demands
For the first time, John Belushi has been asked to open the show, but he has a few demands for the network before saying those famous words, "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!" [Season 2, 1977]
Saturday Night Live
Published on Jun 22, 2019
4:33 minutes
The community's latest it girl ...
Amazing Polly (
Our entire culture is narcissistic & we are all being thought-reformed through Global psychological warfare and trauma programming. I use my channel to research and commentary on current events and history. I enjoy discussing morality, truth, integrity & how to keep sane, strong and whole while swimming in a soup of gaslighting & lies, smear campaigns & psychological warfare.
You Are Being Groomed
Big Tech is predatory. Right now - through SMARTphones and Apps they are softening you (and your kids) up for a lifetime of exploitation.
Amazing Polly
Published on Jun 19, 2019
30:15 minutes
An informed community is a smart community ...
hmm ...
Tulsi Gabbard ( Her ‘Big Idea’ For Removing The U.S. From Foreign Conflicts
NBC News
Published on Jun 22, 2019
1:54 minutes
A true virtuoso ...
Billie Jean
by Yohan Kim (
From 'Up at the Ranch' Live ?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQkHXf5ypYwqpQcxL5Hg4tMIwcndj7HJXpH2I6JRdrQ-xeQw8mFAAvUI2my9Es5FFmJeRFBKPC3u9pLN1yyYE0lB&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=c9c28484ba24f66f0bf49bfde372b255&oe=5D8722D0
Michael Tellinger BBS As You Wish Talk Radio-Saturday, 6-22-19 8pm pst
This Week: Long time friend of James, Michael Tellinger makes a surprise visit to ECETI ranch while on the road for his US Tour of his Portal to Ascension lecture. During his visit, James sits down with him to discuss his recent Giant Being Fossil findings, phenomena at the ranch, as well as the current state of humanity and his plan to change it with his Ubuntu Planet plan.
ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel
Premiere in progress. Started
58:34 minutes
Emil El Zapato
23rd June 2019, 14:58
A true virtuoso ...
Really nice...yeah... :)
For those contemplating a mountain climbing adventure ...
Everest: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
"Climbing Mount Everest has become dangerously popular" ...
Published on Jun 22, 2019
8:20 minutes
#Trending ...
There is no intrigue, Gio.
When I am over at Project Avalon, that's a Good Thing™.
"Cocked and loaded" ...
Trump Almost Started a War with Iran: A Closer Look
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Published on Jun 24, 2019
9:23 minutes
My how time fly's by when your having fun ...
Here in the GNW ... g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_oc=AQke94bf28yZUkQGl6eyLId-ioQHFXKkALyrInCTyLNCgHWXBGvtplLfmQRidulxsj4b9aM9gI X8M-8g3DU8-71W&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=12f24c6875fcd54b64f63955265dfdef&oe=5DBB5AE8
Here and Now ...
The Science of Spiritual Possession
Strange Planet
Richard welcomes a psychologist to discuss spirit possession, attachment, poltergeist activity and the negative impact of obsession, infestation and harassment on psychological health.
Guest: Terence Palmer Ph.D. is an independent psychologist located in South East Kent, UK. He has a degree in psychology from Canterbury Christ Church University, a Master’s degree in the study of mysticism and religious experience from The University of Kent and a Doctorate from The University of Wales, Bangor. He is a member of the Scientific and Medical Network, the Society for Psychical Research and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. He has a diploma in medical hypnosis from the London College of Clinical Hypnosis and has been trained in adjunctive hypnotherapy by the Royal Society of Medicine.The Science of Spirit Possession (2nd Ed.)
Published on Jun 25, 2019
1:37:28 minutes
Emil El Zapato
26th June 2019, 01:30
My how time fly's by when your having fun ...
Here in the GNW ... g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_oc=AQke94bf28yZUkQGl6eyLId-ioQHFXKkALyrInCTyLNCgHWXBGvtplLfmQRidulxsj4b9aM9gI X8M-8g3DU8-71W&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=12f24c6875fcd54b64f63955265dfdef&oe=5DBB5AE8
I think it was a Tuesday... :)
"There is only one disease and that is cellular malfunction" ...
Mark Sloan | Red Light Therapy, The Cancer Conspiracy, & More
Published on Jun 25, 2019
Today's guest Mark Sloan was sent on a personal journey to understand the medical system after the death of his mother. He's since learned quite a bit about the things they'd rather you not know, and he shares it with the world on his website
One of the subjects Mark has researched most thoroughly is Red Light Therapy, which is the topic of his great book: Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine. Mark is also the author of: Cancer: The Metabolic Disease Unravelled, Cancer Cured: Victory Over The War On Cancer, & The Cancer Industry: Crimes, Conspiracy and The Death of My Mother. Today we talk about all these things and more, enjoy!
1:21:32 minutes
Why Instagram is considering hiding likes
CBS This Morning
Published on Jun 26, 2019
Instagram head Adam Mosseri opens up to "CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King about some of the many changes that could be coming to the platform soon. This is Mosseri's first U.S. TV interview since taking the helm last October.
7:38 minutes
More here ..
Teens open up about the pressure of Instagram (
Always check previous page for missed posted items ...
Toronto Resists Google Smart City Dystopia - #NewWorldNextWeek
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
Published on Jun 27, 2019
All news item links listed below youtube show notes
18:03 minutes
Operating on Bill's pain body ...
A total stranger trip with timelapse video photographer Matthew Vandeputte
"In June 2019 I went on a trip with a total stranger. Watch the video to find out if I got murdered!"
My name's Matthew Vandeputte.
I'm a Belgian living in Sydney and London.
I'm a professional time warper (sounds better than timelapse photographer, right?).
This youtube channel is all about timelapse, travel and tutorials.
If any of these things interest you feel free to subscribe and leave a comment or a question.
Thanks for stopping by and reading the description of this channel.
I wonder how many people actually do that. (let me know if you did)
Matthew Vandeputte Channel (
Published on Jun 26, 2019
10:50 minutes
'Un grupo de idiotas' ...
Stephen Colbert Unpacks The First Debate Of The 2020 Campaign
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Jun 27, 2019
14:49 minutes
27th June 2019, 15:44
A total stranger trip with timelapse video photographer Matthew Vandeputte
"In June 2019 I went on a trip with a total stranger. Watch the video to find out if I got murdered!"
Matthew Vandeputte Channel (
Published on Jun 26, 2019
10:50 minutes
This is amazing. I was watching the satellite when the bollide exploded.
I saw that once, in the Outer Banks of NC.
There is a lot of traffic in the sky.
hmm ...
Tulsi Gabbard ( Her ‘Big Idea’ For Removing The U.S. From Foreign Conflicts
NBC News
Published on Jun 22, 2019
1:54 minutes
First poll has Tulsi Gabbard as the shock winner of the first Democratic debate
and Beto O'Rourke as the clear loser (
Bill Ryan's personal Question-and-Answer thread. Pile it on. :) (
Question: How come you never take off your hat (s) head coverings in public - Even at the dinner table?
27th June 2019, 17:02
Bill Ryan's personal Question-and-Answer thread. Pile it on. :) (
Question: How come you never take off your hat (s) head coverings in public - Even at the dinner table?
There is one Project Camelot video in which he's interviewing a whistleblower ─ now deceased ─ without wearing his hat. It's an old video from the early beginnings of Project Camelot.
Tiny Dancer
Building on Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s Californian inspiration, Max Weiland filmed a video
for “Tiny Dancer” that reflects on life in Los Angeles from a dozen different perspectives.
6:46 minutes
There is one Project Camelot video in which he's interviewing a whistleblower ─ now deceased ─ without wearing his hat. It's an old video from the early beginnings of Project Camelot.
Yes, Bill seems to be almost mesmerized (looking at the whistle-blowers hat) ...
Perhaps this is where his skull hat fetus all began ...
And i'm now wondering what became of the deceased Mr X hat ????
27th June 2019, 18:31
Is it The One Hat?
27th June 2019, 18:43
Is it The One Hat?
Different color. :)
Different color. :)
Not necessarily ...
Wearing his head sweating leather hat (continuously over the years) ...
I'd say it could be ... After all i met and spent time with Mr Hat in 2012 ...
P.S. Bill did wear his hat at dinner and everywhere while 'Up at the Ranch'
With one exception - while sky watching (during the evening dim light).
27th June 2019, 19:32
Not necessarily ...
Wearing his head sweating leather hat (continuously over the years) ...
I'd say it could be ... After all i met and spent time with Mr Hat in 2012 ...
P.S. Bill did wear his hat at dinner and everywhere while 'Up at the Ranch'
With one exception - while sky watching (during the evening dim light).
I've seen photos of Bill wearing a knitted beanie when he's mountaineering. I've also already seen my niece wearing a beanie at the dinner table. So I don't really know whether there's any rule that says that one has to take off one's headgear at the dinner table ─ I've never worn any headgear myself, except when I was in the army and I had to wear either a beret or a helmet ─ although I suspect that wearing a racing helmet at the dinner table might be taking things a little too far. :p
Women and men at the dinner table are two different animals.
In case you missed it ...
Always check previous page for missed posted items ...
Toronto Resists Google Smart City Dystopia - #NewWorldNextWeek
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
Published on Jun 27, 2019
All news item links listed below youtube show notes
18:03 minutes
A total stranger trip with timelapse video photographer Matthew Vandeputte
"In June 2019 I went on a trip with a total stranger. Watch the video to find out if I got murdered!"
My name's Matthew Vandeputte.
I'm a Belgian living in Sydney and London.
I'm a professional time warper (sounds better than timelapse photographer, right?).
This youtube channel is all about timelapse, travel and tutorials.
If any of these things interest you feel free to subscribe and leave a comment or a question.
Thanks for stopping by and reading the description of this channel.
I wonder how many people actually do that. (let me know if you did)
Matthew Vandeputte Channel (
Published on Jun 26, 2019
10:50 minutes
'Un grupo de idiotas' ...
Stephen Colbert Unpacks The First Debate Of The 2020 Campaign
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Jun 27, 2019
14:49 minutes
hmm ...
Tulsi Gabbard ( Her ‘Big Idea’ For Removing The U.S. From Foreign Conflicts
NBC News
Published on Jun 22, 2019
1:54 minutes
First poll has Tulsi Gabbard as the shock winner of the first Democratic debate
and Beto O'Rourke as the clear loser (
Tiny Dancer
Building on Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s Californian inspiration, Max Weiland filmed a video
for “Tiny Dancer” that reflects on life in Los Angeles from a dozen different perspectives.
6:46 minutes
Previewing the new multi/forum member guillotine ...
Now to more important matters ...
Eric Bischoff & Paul Heyman take new executive roles: WWE Now
Published on Jun 27, 2019
1:07 minutes pg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQk-h7OmXZ2oVS1Py-70D55JEW5mGgpbvfmRdd-caiKJdaiX5F995Uj1NZyRM9aH7PD1Unrf4A_t-1VbV2OcgkmM&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=f1cc2a2858443699c8da8ea98dd0aab5&oe=5D89A4D3
Hey now ...
This Week On Howard: Joe Namath Visits and Bobo Shows Off His New Look
The Howard Stern Show
Published on Jun 28, 2019
In this week’s Top Noine moments on the Stern Show, Howard interviews football great Joe Namath, Bobo stops by the studio to reveal his toupee-less appearance, and Ronnie “the Limo Driver” Mund mulls retirement.
0:42 - Gary Goes to Gaga
2:32 - Joe Namath’s Super Bowl Secret
4:40 - ‘Say It Ain’t So,’ Jason
6:25 - Hair Today, Bobo Tomorrow
8:57 - Ronnie’s Retirement Plan
12:35 - Namath’s Thoughts on O.J.
14:14 - Brent's Softcore Party
19:03 - Conan on Howard's 9/11 Broadcast
22:36 - This Week in Howard History
26:01 - Gospel Choir Sings for Gary
27:30 minutes
Emil El Zapato
28th June 2019, 21:35
Try wearing a sombrero (my sister) to church in a conservative white Catholic community...She couldn't find anything else to put on....
Gabriel with Sterling and Stella
An American Road Trip | A Journey Into Nature
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Jun 28, 2019
Part 1
18:36 minutes
Xplanations ...
The Mandela Effect
Teal Swan
The Mandela Effect is a theory that a timeline or glitch in our reality has caused events in the past to change. Events like Nelson Mandela’s Death, Martin Luther Kings Death and the spelling of The Berenstain Bears. The easiest explanation is a collective false memory but is it as simple as this?
Published on Jun 29, 2019
11:21 minutes
Emil El Zapato
29th June 2019, 15:01
lol, wow...I never expected that...Teal Swan.
Living in the conspiracy world ...
Let's Dig A Hole!
Bunny & Toops decide to dig a hole. At first the puppy wants to help, so after she leaves the bunnies get down to business. How deep will they make the hole? Will they cover it up? Stay tuned to find out!
5:44 minutes
Sums it all up ...
Isn't it a Pity ('t_It_a_Pity#Background_and_composition)
Performed by Eric Clapton
Budokan Japan '09
Best viewed in full screen
6:52 minutes
Just what the world needs ...
Russia plans to tow a nuclear power station to the Arctic.
Critics dub it a 'floating Chernobyl' ( g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_oc=AQlNcVPM9esZI_sZnGMvc-9jkpBWesPSICQXIyT8bKFNwKNBRfhiZNlfRIYLhloI2cK53aFh vVOnVnyKm6uA4FNC&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=a6aa9b00bd733678081ee0044d4d2fbe&oe=5DC43511
The lowdown ...
James Corbett Talks China
with Jason Bermas
Live streamed - 6/30/2019
21:56 minutes
1st July 2019, 13:18
Xplanations ...
The Mandela Effect
Teal Swan
Published on Jun 29, 2019
11:21 minutes
I would add that we also see things in our dreams when we view the possibilities of the paths before us. Manifesting those dreams is some of what shaman can do.
# Trending ...
"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"
In New Talks, U.S. May Settle for a Nuclear Freeze by North Korea (
Back in black ...
Good one ...
Secret Societies with Dr. Mark L. Mirabello
Strange Planet
Richard welcomes an author and history professor for an in depth discussion of SECRET SOCIETIES, including the nine different types of secret societies, and how these groups transmit secret messages through the media using coded texts and pictures.
GUEST: Dr. Mark L. Mirabello is an author and a Professor of History at Shawnee State University, and has served as a Visiting Professor of History at Nizhny Novgorod University in Russia. He has appeared on the History Channel, discussing "deadly cults" in the series called Ancient Aliens (and in America's Book of Secrets), and he has appeared with Professor Noam Chomsky in M.A. Littler's maverick film on freedom, the Kingdom of Survival.
Mirabello's area of expertise is the "outlaw" history on the "frontiers and margins" of human civilization. He lectures on Death and Afterlife Concepts, Alternative Religions and Cults, Secret Societies, Terrorism and Crime, "Banned Books," Fascist Europe and Nazi Germany, Myths and Legends, Intellectual History, and other subjects. Mirabello has a Ph.D. from the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and an M.A. from the University of Virginia (U.S.A.)
Streamed live 6/30/2019
2:00:28 minutes
The other side of e-commerce ...
Warehouses: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
It’s easy to buy things online, and even easier not to think about how they get to you ...
John Oliver discusses what happens when you click “buy now.”
Published on Jul 1, 2019
21:17 minutes
Gabriel with Sterling and Stella
An American Road Trip | Exploring The Wild West (Part 2)
Gabriel Traveler
An awesome road trip across the western USA from Oregon to Nevada, Utah and Arizona.
Published on Jun 30, 2019
11:14 minutes
What a concept ...
For all the alternative forum mojo's out there !
Talk about soft disclosure ...
And its been going on for a decade now on cable tv ...
Ancient Aliens
Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?
Cast of characters here (
*Including Corey Goode ...:p
1st July 2019, 22:29
Cast of characters here (
*Including Corey Goode ...:p
And Michael Salla, Laura Eisenhower and David Wilcock. :fpalm:
Speaking of usual suspects ...
UFOs: Ours or Theirs? Michael Schratt on the Richard Dolan Show
Since flying saucers first entered our public awareness in the 1940s, people have debated whether these objects are extraterrestrial or purely man-made. Ours or theirs. Michael Schratt is a private pilot, military historian, and expert in aerospace/aviation with a deep knowledge of UFO history. He offers his perspective on this important question. In addition, Michael has used his own skills in CAD and Solidworks, as well as contracting graphic artist professionals, to recreate fascinating and forgotten cases in UFO history, several of which are displayed here.
Published on Jul 1, 2019
53:49 minutes
Emil El Zapato
2nd July 2019, 01:25
"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"
I swear to God, What's his name, not Goldilocks, looked as if he was busy tracking mosquitoes during the my alter-ego would say, Wha'Tha'
MIchael Schratt...I've seen his stuff...kind of made me go hmmm....
You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy
John Lennon with Eric Clapton,
Klaus Voormann and Alan White
Toronto 1969
3:10 minutes
♪ Hot time summer in the city ( ♪,c_limit/DC070219.jpg
“On your mark, get set, go!”
2nd July 2019, 18:47
The other side of e-commerce ...
Warehouses: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Published on Jul 1, 2019
21:17 minutes
"They're like robots...but they're human."
Don't go to the bathroom if you want to keep your job.
Ah yes. Things have been planned well. No unions now to protect workers.
Who will?
Themselves, when they're out of a job?
Agenda job slave, debt slave, slave to the clock, slave to the dollar.
Top 9 Funniest Lines From "Plan 9 From Outer Space"
1:57 moments
♪ I watched the world float
To the dark side of the moon ♪
Back in his day ...
3 Doors Down
The eclipse over Argentina
7/2/2019 g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_oc=AQm-HWOoqTR9I3YGZoa0DpOuCwjCrgiZXFhOwtUMft1Yly_jA5jM9X DgIcdfGxWnu2lyXcFLtEo-Y41LJ1wRTFgX&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=246649ac184b0769e98b21a310d4fafd&oe=5DBCB4A4
# Fifty years ...
El Presidente Donald Trump - (National Mall 2019),d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1687,w_3000,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_320/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1562199691/190703-trump-4th-walkup-tease_aibziu
Jimi Hendrix - National Anthem U.S.A (Woodstock 1969)
4th July 2019, 20:41
Page 333. ;):eyebrows:
There's a reason our nation's Capital doesn't have streets made for tanks.
Methinks we elected a :drama:
That moment ...
Speaking of trembling ...
Strongest earthquake in years rattles Southern California; damage reported ... (
Coming to a continent near you ...
South Africa: cities without water | DW Documentary
By the year 2050, a quarter of the every world’s cities will be facing water shortages. Cape Town is already running out of water now. But the catastrophe was foreseeable: politicians have ignored periods of drought and the rapidly growing population for too long.
South Africa is facing its drought of the century. Cape Town's water supply is under threat because the metropolis is quenching its thirst with surface water alone. But climate change is making the weather more unpredictable and the reservoirs emptier. Those responsible are feverishly seeking a remedy. Can the worst still be averted?
Fear of social unrest, epidemics and the region’s economic collapse is spreading. Only through the discipline of the population, who have limited their water consumption 50 liters of water per day per head for months, has staved off "Day Zero,” the day when the taps are turned off and people can only draw water from public faucets. The lack of water throws the country’s social divisions into stark relief: rich South Africans can buy water, while poorer citizens cannot afford it. The filmmakers accompany a special police unit looking for people wasting water in the townships and meet farmers whose very existence is at stake. It is a race against time and a fight against political sleaze. Cape Town’s predicament is a lesson to the whole world: by 2050 one in four cities in the world will be affected by water shortages.
Published on Jul 4, 2019
42:25 minutes
Make America Great Again/The 4th of July Spectacle
Where's Uncle Sam when we really needed him ...
What happens in Laughlin stays in Laughlin ...
Apparently not. avelguides%2Fdestination%2F10747%2FLaughlin-26000.jpg&f=1
Amazing sizzle reel - Season 2 Celebrity hikes!
Kevin Nealon
In this sizzle reel, host, Kevin Nealon, recaps Season 2 of 'Hiking With Kevin.' Snippets of Kevin's
previous chats with various celebrities and notable personalities that span the 2018/2019 Season.
Season 3 premieres with more exciting guests and hikes on Youtube, September 5, 2019.
Published on Jul 5, 2019
10:28 minutes
Will share this here ...
With July 4 celebration, did Trump politicize the military?
President Trump’s July 4 “Salute to America” heaped praise on the U.S. Armed Forces but also generated concern about potentially politicizing the military. William Brangham talks to Mike Lyons of West Point’s Modern War Institute and Peter Feaver of the Triangle Institute for Security Studies about whether the president crossed the line and the risk of involving the military in a “civic photo op.”
PBS NewsHour
Published on Jul 5, 2019
13:01 minutes
The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
Once a sleepy farming region, Silicon Valley is now the hub of a global industry that is transforming the economy, shaping our political discourse, and changing the very nature of our society. So what happened? How did this remarkable change take place? Why is this area the epicenter of this transformation? Discover the dark secrets behind the real history of Silicon Valley and the Big Tech giants in this important edition of The Corbett Report.
Published on Jul 5, 2019
43:30 minutes
That time again ...
Teal Swan
Reality is a subject of deep controversy. Who is to say what is real and what is not? Who’s reality is truth, and whose is false? Teal Swan's explanation of subjective versus objective reality delves deep and requires us to hold contradictory realities as well as explore the philosophical concept of Reality.
Published on Jul 6, 2019
19:43 minutes
6th July 2019, 18:27
Will share this here ...
With July 4 celebration, did Trump politicize the military?
Yes, he did. It's what fascists do ─ the word "fascist" used here as an unbiased political designation, rather than as an expletive. The USA has already been a crypto-fascist nation for many decades, but under Donald Trump, the "crypto" aspect of it has now dropped away.
And most US Americans don't even see it ─ probably because they've got their noses right on top of it. :hmm:
Happening ...
Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged ( 0AE.jnhx3fix3d690x26x78x3d2234x26nx3d7x26rx3d71x26 px3dgx26mx3dgx26yx3d508x26zx3d449x26j21d.nbslx3djn bhf_$/$/$/$/$
Catching up with Gabriel with Sterling and Stella - finishing up an awesome
road trip across the western USA from Oregon to Nevada, Utah and Arizona.
An American Road Trip | Exploring The Wild West (Part 3)
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Jul 3, 2019
19:19 minutes
Continuing ...
I Missed My Flight! Traveling To A Mystery Island
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Jul 5, 2019
13:18 minutes
I seldom recommend any threads over at Project Avalon -
But here is a thread by a new member worth looking into ....
My life in detail - OR read to cure insomnia - (
Emil El Zapato
8th July 2019, 02:42
Teal Swan: It's also possible to state that death is not 'really' is a perception and not an objective reality. :) which would mean at least for that case there is no inherent contradiction She's good cannot contain everything in a 20 minute presentation
Always good to quote reference older post ...
That time again ...
Teal Swan
Reality is a subject of deep controversy. Who is to say what is real and what is not? Who’s reality is truth, and whose is false? Teal Swan's explanation of subjective versus objective reality delves deep and requires us to hold contradictory realities as well as explore the philosophical concept of Reality.
Published on Jul 6, 2019
19:43 minutes
Every good forum needs a take charge watch dog ...
8th July 2019, 03:30
Its been awhile ...
The always fascinating ...
James Horak ( April Cherpaw
on CKUW - Where Angels Fear to Tread | July 2019
Published on Jul 7, 2019
48:09 minutes
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