View Full Version : The Cosmic Emporium
11th October 2016, 17:03
This one almost slipped by my radar ... Not ... :victorious: TEDC5q
Cornell Faculty Refuse to Defend GMO Crops (
11th October 2016, 20:21
Peter Robbins | Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy, & UFOs
From TheHighersideChats
"Join The Higherside Chats podcast as Greg Carlwood hosts Peter Robbins to discuss the life and work of Wilhelm Reich.
Known for his brilliant mind, Reich's work wondered into areas such as unknown energies, weather modification, and UFOs, ultimately devolving into a fascinating tale of establishment attacks, character assassination, historical marginalization and an unfortunate untimely death."
Peter Robbins / Background Bio (
Published on Oct 11, 2016
12th October 2016, 05:21
As the world Olympic games continue to become more financial burden than benefit to hosting cities...
This latest news item signals future problems in holding these sport exhibitions in future ...
Italy withdraws Rome 2024 Olympic Games bid
12th October 2016, 05:45
Now I'm ...
Out Of Control
The Rolling Stones / Havana Moon
12th October 2016, 17:00
Time to end these devastating practices ...
Extended Sentence
The formerly incarcerated are facing crippling prison debt when they get out,
and it needs to stop ... Read the rest ( ated.html)
12th October 2016, 17:04
We really need to rethink how we do prisons. We want people to pay for their crime, but we keep paying when we render people unable to function.
We also let people out of prison from solitary. People who haven't socialized in any normal way for years. It's loony.
12th October 2016, 17:20
We really need to rethink how we do prisons. We want people to pay for their crime, but we keep paying when we render people unable to function.
We also let people out of prison from solitary. People who haven't socialized in any normal way for years. It's loony.
Prisons should be reserved for those who are a menace to society, only! That would include a lot of politicians. And rehabilitation should be the goal, IMO. I do not believe in punishment but, only remedial actions taken to protect regular peaceful people. Punishment is little more than revenge cloaked in justice. The poisonous implications of embracing punishment have kept humanity down. It prevents us from knowing love in the form of the Golden Rule. It makes a mockery of forgiveness. If someone is a danger to society, let us keep them sequestered/quarantined in what ever manner serves us and for whatever length of time it takes to insure they can be safely returned to our midst. Sentencing times are part of a synthetic, machine-like law and have no relationship to organic living in the NOW. Prisons are a business and provide employment for people with little real world skills.
12th October 2016, 17:24
People like to pay for punishment. It used to be entertainment: the origin of the word gala is gallows.
People don't want to pay for rehabilitation. It's hard, takes a long time and there's no immediate, obvious benefit.
Lack of long term thinking is widespread.
12th October 2016, 17:41
Prisons should be reserved for those who are a menace to society, only!
I agree with that.
And rehabilitation should be the goal, IMO. I do not believe in punishment but, only remedial actions taken to protect regular peaceful people.
Punishment should always be educational toward the punished. If it's not educational, then it's useless.
Punishment is little more than revenge cloaked in justice. The poisonous implications of embracing punishment have kept humanity down.
True, and quite often, punishment is actually more than just cloaked revenge. It is also intended as a deterrent — and thus, it is state-sponsored terrorism — and for that matter, one which doesn't work, because no one has ever been stopped from committing a crime based upon the penalty they would face in the event that they were to get caught. Not even if that penalty is capital punishment, which for that matter is nothing other than legalized murder.
A person on death row is already under detention and is unarmed. By consequence, the execution of such a person, regardless of their crime, is nothing other than premeditated murder, and everyone in favor of capital punishment is by definition an accomplice to premeditated murder.
These are harsh words, but I've needed to throw them in a few people's faces already in order to wake them up from what they were so vehemently supporting. :wiz:
12th October 2016, 17:50
I agree with that.
Punishment should always be educational toward the punished. If it's not educational, then it's useless.
True, and quite often, punishment is actually more than just cloaked revenge. It is also intended as a deterrent — and thus, it is state-sponsored terrorism — and for that matter, one which doesn't work, because no one has ever been stopped from committing a crime based upon the penalty they would face in the event that they were to get caught. Not even if that penalty is capital punishment, which for that matter is nothing other than legalized murder.
A person on death row is already under detention and is unarmed. By consequence, the execution of such a person, regardless of their crime, is nothing other than premeditated murder, and everyone in favor of capital punishment is by definition an accomplice to premeditated murder.
These are harsh words, but I've needed to throw them in a few people's faces already in order to wake them up from what they were so vehemently supporting. :wiz:
To really point the light at what capital punishment is, A Satanic ritual murder, we can read about the concern of the condemned Nazi criminals committing suicide while being held for hanging. Same on other death rows. They make sure that the condemned are stripped of any means to hang themselves or kill themselves in another manner. These acts of official murder are dedicated to "beings". Same with soldiers and their uniforms and other ornaments. Little more than which designated "god" their life force is dedicated to.
The fact that Goering was able to obtain a cyanide capsule and kill himself was very distressing to the Americans and considered a security breach. Having him dead was not enough for them.
12th October 2016, 18:17
Jana ~ faerie pond winter serenade...
Eceti Ranch Washington (2010) f9745d98dff880272d4c12&oe=58608299
Fairy Paradise
"He draws near the periphery
In disbelief on delivery
Came child from the deep inferno
Crusty head of dead volcano
Heartless crow with brittle beak
Wooden leg too schocked to speak
Lilac dust of a woman's hair
A wooden cross a paper prayer
A stone where her body lay
A stack of feathers a pile of hay
A mushroom for an eye ball
A mustache from the snow fall
Worms weave a ring where fairies square dance
Queens and kings fairies weave wigs with eyelash
Trance music makes the fairies dance
From the caves of snail shells
Echoes the mutter medieval spells
Mystery flows her wicked river
Of thorn and blade and silver sliver
Bending 'round the clover fields
Their sapling stems don't break but yield
Her pain inflicts no arguments
Must learn to sway and un-arrange
As earth she makes her final passage
After humans long have ravaged
Vanished with all maps for motion
Upward angels last devotion
One by one escort us home
To leave the elementals free to roam
To bathe in the last of ocean's foam
To beach comb the nuclear debris
Our plastic toys and our metal trees
On the perfect day you'll find the breeze
Once blew the pollen the feet of bees
Now cry the stars when upon the earth
Their gaze might rest a nostalgic burst
A lament be heard through all the cosmos
Of the dying planet with fallen foes"
by CocoRosie
From my friend Aurelian Rado (Aurie)
Incoming g?oh=720daa025e4d4bdf1bb704a0f54bd0d1&oe=58A78BC4 g?oh=4d1ab2f0821df86f0952c8ddb48b3dc5&oe=58A61230 ?oh=d8d5fa9ebed323ee184b3d2c2d241be8&oe=58A2E60A g?oh=697fe36da7fceefc66d2116dc422b469&oe=58A70051 g?oh=1c90bc0bd877d5d66992126de3dbdae8&oe=5869A453 g?oh=bd656867ce25266a6dd3ea2a0d78fc40&oe=586FD237
Oh do believe they truly exist !
12th October 2016, 18:38
Great poem. I will listen to the song when an upload I am doing finishes. Excellent re-directing of a conversation that had gone morbid. Thank you, brother.
12th October 2016, 18:53
New film from America ...
'A Stray'
"In Minneapolis' large Somali refugee community, Adan has nowhere to go. His mom kicked him out, and his friends are tired of his headstrong ways. As a last resort, he moves into the mosque, praying for a little help. Surprisingly, God seems to answer. Adan quickly lands a good job, devout friends, and a newfound faith. When Adan nearly hits a stray dog on the job, he's forced to take it in for a night. But one of his new mosque friends considers the dog impure, and he throws Adan out. With Adan back on the streets, surrounded by his old crew, ex-girlfriends, prying FBI agents, and his estranged family, the dog may be his only friend as he tries to keep his faith and get through the night."
Release date: October 21, 2016 (USA)
Director: Musa Syeed
Screenplay: Musa Syeed
Cinematography: Yoni Brook
(2016) Official Trailer
12th October 2016, 19:07
Great poem. I will listen to the song when an upload I am doing finishes. Excellent re-directing of a conversation that had gone morbid. Thank you, brother.
My apologies was not intentional ... Just me moving along as usual ...
Note - I always appreciate and enjoy both Your's and Aragorn enlightened comments ... :tiphat:
12th October 2016, 19:10
My apologies was not intentional ... Just me moving along as usual ...
Note - I always appreciate and enjoy both Your's and Aragorn enlightened comments ... :tiphat:
Please, no apology. I was relieved to have an uplifting shift. Thanks for the appreciation. It is mutual.
12th October 2016, 19:16
Dargavs, Russia EyNjE5NWU0OV8xMjAwcHgtRGFyZ2F2c192aWxsYWdlLkNpdHlf b2ZfRGVhZC5Ob3J0aF9Pc3NldGlhLjEzNy5BbGlrb3bigJlzX0 d1YXJkX1Rvd2VyLmpwZyJdLFsicCIsInRodW1iIiwiOTgweD4i XSxbInAiLCJjb252ZXJ0IiwiLXF1YWxpdHkgOTEgLWF1dG8tb3 JpZW50Il1d/1200px-Dargavs_village.City_of_Dead.North_Ossetia.137.Ali kov%E2%80%99s_Guard_Tower.jpg
Dargavs Village: City of the Dead (
12th October 2016, 19:25
From Tribes To Mongrels - The Secret Judeo Christian plans - Morris
"Elections Farce, Prophets, Sanctions, Gene pool, Nasrallah, ISIS,
Egypt sided with Russia against Saudia (France) in UNSC."
Published on Oct 12, 2016
12th October 2016, 20:19 g?oh=bd656867ce25266a6dd3ea2a0d78fc40&oe=586FD237
Oh do believe they truly exist !
Clap clap clap
The Fifth Cottingley Fairy Photo
Although the hoax involving the Cottingley Fairies Photos, circa 1920, is well known, many are unaware that one of the girls involved insisted that the 5th photo was genuine. As you will see in the 2009 video from The Antiques Roadshow below, Frances Griffiths admitted to the deception in the 1980’s, along with her cousin Elsie Wright, but she always, to her dying day, said that the 5th photo was the real deal.In photos 1-4, the girls both revealed that they used cut-out artwork from Elsie and stuck them in the ground with hat pins.
When you look at them now, that does seem pretty obvious. However, the last photo seems to have a different quality than the previous four and there are some hidden faces in that photo as well.
Frances claims that the girls were not prepared (with cut-out images of fairies) prior to taking this photo so she looked around, saw some fairies making a sort of nest and sunbathing, aimed her camera and took the photo.
12th October 2016, 21:11
When i first say one, the energy around it made a popping/crackling sound as if it was between a dimensional here and now ...They are abound in the Trout Lake, Wa. area ... But usually will only
appear around those with high auras ...
I was fortunate one evening to be in the accompaniment of my friend Artemus ...Here he is on the left with me and James Gilliland and Jedar (from Andromeda) Note Artemus is a Permaculturist and has an uncanny fix to Mother Earth ... We were sitting on the stumps by the huge fern in the background ~ when the Elemental suddenly sprung from behind (atop) of Artemus's hairy head ... While he was giggling and laughing at a joke i was reminiscently telling ... 2d69d75e8d1be6af51c03d4aa5&oe=58ABA9D3
This pic below is what it appeared like ~ Being about the size of a silver dollar ...
And i am not alone in this ~ I have quite a few friends who have also
witnessed these magical beings ! 11495b367b0d9e1bde38722&oe=586D35AB
12th October 2016, 21:38
Fun informative lecture ..
Jamie Janover (| Unified Field Theory –
Full Length Lecture
Filmed LIVE @ Sonic Bloom 2016 -
Published on Oct 11, 2016
12th October 2016, 22:33
Looks like Jamie's holding a hammered dulcimer. They've got a great sound.
12th October 2016, 22:49
Differently very nice !
See Robert Plant's Cosmic Take on 'Black Dog'
From 'Austin City Limits' Episode
"Robert Plant returns to Austin City Limits for the first time in 14 years as the singer and his
Sensational Space Shifters headline the hour-long October 15th episode of the music series" ...
Go Here For Story/Interview And More (
Black Dog ( black_dog_-_photo_credit_ross_halfin.jpg?w=620)
12th October 2016, 23:06
13th October 2016, 10:16
Via Fenix
it's never too late !
Click screen to watch
13th October 2016, 10:34
Two interestingly related items ....
Back then ...
The Tale of Pink Franken Berry Stool
And now ...
Removing Artificial Ingredients Helped Turn Around Cereal Sales (
13th October 2016, 10:46
hmm ...
Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner - America Will Choose...Life or Death
Clip from October 12, 2016 / Published on Oct 13, 2016
13th October 2016, 10:55
The Mysterious Stardust Ranch | Aliens, UFOs & Paranormal Activity | Documentary
From Top5s
__________________________________________________ __________________
Exploring the strange stories and encounters John Edmonds has shared over the years, involving his battle with extraterrestrials and other unexplained activity at the Stardust Ranch...
__________________________________________________ __________________
Published on Oct 13, 2016
13th October 2016, 11:04
speaking of stool ...
Karma's A Bitch
Just for the record, Gio, that picture is not visible — at least, not to me. We've seen this before, with websites that allow their pictures only to be seen by people who have already visited their website.
It's some kind of interaction between the web server of those sites and the cookies that get downloaded through your browser when you visit the site. In fact, it's a lame technique for drawing people onto one's website. :hmm:
13th October 2016, 11:15
Just for the record, Gio, that picture is not visible — at least, not to me. We've seen this before, with websites that allow their pictures only to be seen by people who have already visited their website.
It's some kind of interaction between the web server of those sites and the cookies that get downloaded through your browser when you visit the site. In fact, it's a lame technique for drawing people onto one's website. :hmm:
Quote Originally Posted by giovonni View Post
speaking of stool ...
Karma's A Bitch
13th October 2016, 11:19
[QUOTE=giovonni;841959040]Via Fenix
it's never too late !
Click screen to watch
Looks a lot like Modwiz:hilarious::love:
13th October 2016, 11:45
Ya think ... :o
A Surprising Source of Stress & Anxiety
'a tidbit from the good doctor' ...
Published on Oct 13, 2016
13th October 2016, 12:14
Biking about ...
Gerrick Bycicles 9,000 KMs Around S E Asia
From Morris
Published on Oct 12, 2016
13th October 2016, 12:23
OMG ...
Marmite shelves are emptying all over the country!!!!! (
chunkymark/The artist taxi driver
Published on Oct 13, 2016
13th October 2016, 13:32
Just a throw back Thursday ...
Santa Monica/Heartbreak
Shattered /in Manhattan$K O2jsl3nf0pfK9PId8$daE2N3K4ZzOUsqbU5sYscD5K7PihhDbK hBAO7JRe_WCsjLu883Ygn4B49Lvm9bPe2QeMKQdVeZmXF$9l$4 uCZ8QDXhaHEp3rvzXRJFdy0KqPHLoMevcTLo3h8xh70Y6N_U_C ryOsw6FTOdKL_jpQ-&CONTENTTYPE=image/jpeg
Rolling Stones
13th October 2016, 13:38
Time to end these devastating practices ...
Extended Sentence
The formerly incarcerated are facing crippling prison debt when they get out,
and it needs to stop ... Read the rest ( ated.html)
I have been working with someone to help them navigate the courts after being involved in a minor misdemeanor. I am absolutely blown away how complex and expensive it is to try to "complete" the court requirements for anything. They really gear it so the average person has no way of succeeding. And to make it worse, you could ask 5 government employees to help you interpret the conditions of the court and you will get 5 different answers. It really is extortion of the worst sort. I wonder how those of marginal intelligence can navigate this craziness, and the answer is they can't. I am considering volunteering to help some of these guys ( and most are guys) try to work their way out of this maze. I'm not even talking about the monetary extortion, either. Where do most people get the kind of money to pay these absurd fees? They don't, and the cycle continues...
13th October 2016, 14:17
hmm ...
Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner - America Will Choose...Life or Death
Clip from October 12, 2016 / Published on Oct 13, 2016
At 10:36 there's an image of Trump as an angel in armor. I was going to comment on Trump and the Savior Paradigm. Looks like I'm not the only one who sees him being portrayed as a savior.
13th October 2016, 15:02
Always a compelling listen ...
Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics uncut with Thomas Campbell
From The Moore Show
My Big TOE, written by a nuclear physicist in the language contemporary culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds is brought together under one seamless scientific understanding. Coast to coast AM 2016
Guest : Thomas Campbell
Previous Interview:
Published on Oct 13, 2016
note interview starts at the 3 min mark
13th October 2016, 15:15
13th October 2016, 15:21
Look, it's Simon Parkes's mommy! :D :ha:
13th October 2016, 15:56
It's all a diversionary show folks ...
The two party system is a charade. pg?oh=8e7338e9339f00c2143bfa1e9bfde65d&oe=589B2DB9
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Abraham Lincoln
Swap meet Sally
Tattoo/Tattoo - Van Halen
Great Song !
13th October 2016, 16:55
Scotland politics ...
SNP's Nicola Sturgeon announces new independence referendum bill (
13th October 2016, 17:45
Achmed The Dead Terrorist / Jeff Dunham
13th October 2016, 18:23
Along with the incoming Pacific storms ( and the current insane barometric pressure here in the Northwest ...
Added with this below explains why I'm feeling this way ... :spinning:
Via John Riley
Yes it has arrived!
G2 snuck in with intensity this morning. I have been wide awake since 5:55am.
Interesting. Eyes doing that shifting again... g?oh=18ffeea40ad9d2fceb0bb10aa1b93a91&oe=58A3E1E6 pg?oh=576fbebb7f77889103dc190428dd0ea5&oe=58A2AE33 pg?oh=aad100ef0283dc956511a557dffafd06&oe=5861C57D
13th October 2016, 18:38
Scientists Engineer Robo-Bees To "Solve" Colony Collapse Problem
And more ...
"Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."
Published on Oct 13, 2016
all news items listed beloe YouTube show notes
13th October 2016, 18:50
Scientists Engineer Robo-Bees To "Solve" Colony Collapse Problem
And more ...
"Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."
Published on Oct 13, 2016
all news items listed beloe YouTube show notes
So stupid. Besides, they don't make honey. The hate for Nature is so obvious only a zombie would miss it. Too bad there are millions of zombies.
13th October 2016, 21:32
new interview
Exclusive Preview of 2017 Space Fence Research
In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Geoengineering Author Elana Freeland to preview her new research set for release in 2017 on the massive Multi Level Surveillance Project called 'The Space Fence.'
The Space Fence was originally the brainchild of the Reagan era during the craze to build the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) a space based weapons defense program ostensibly designed to protect the US from incoming Russian nuclear missiles.
Published on Oct 13, 2016
13th October 2016, 23:21
Neat pic via Cindy Irish ...
Stonehenge, 1930 ?oh=0dab65feeeb3aefcf951f8929057bb67&oe=58681049
14th October 2016, 01:19
Buzzsaw is back. I just noticed
Zeitgeist Movement and Esoteric Truth Revealed with Peter Joseph
"Intellectual Value System Revolution...the revolution is here, it's now, it's within you"
14th October 2016, 13:31
From Geoff Byrd of Radio Mysterium
"An open letter written by intuition specifically addressed to the kind hearted, peaceful warriors out there who have been neglected, abused, and at times veritably shat upon. This one goes out to you. You know who you are."
Published on Oct 14, 2016
14th October 2016, 13:51
Heading south into San Francisco ...
Driving Over the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California
Gabriel Traveler
How Expensive is SAN FRANCISCO, California? A Budget Travel Tour (
Published on Oct 13, 2016
14th October 2016, 14:25
Scientists Engineer Robo-Bees To "Solve" Colony Collapse Problem
And more ...
"Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."
Published on Oct 13, 2016
all news items listed beloe YouTube show notes
"yep, keep pouring that Roundup on every weed in your yard, we have the answer. Who the hell needs bees, beside we can't get a patent on bees. In a few years we can even program these things to pollinate only what we tell them to"... that should be the real caption.
14th October 2016, 14:30
Always check previous page for missed posted items ...
SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: G2-Geomagnetic Storm ( Oct 14, 2016 )
GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY: Auroras are dancing around the Arctic Circle on Oct. 14th as Earth slowly exits the magnetized wake of a CME that struck two days ago. Currently, geomagnetic storms are flickering between categories G1 and G2. On Oct. 15th, another disturbance is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. This time it's coming from a coronal hole--a gap in the sun's atmosphere from which solar wind flow.
Published on Oct 13, 2016
14th October 2016, 15:47
Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 14, 2016
From Democracy Now!
Visit to watch the full independent, global news hour,
read the transcript, search our archive and to make a donation to support us.
Published on Oct 14, 2016
14th October 2016, 16:50
getting to be ...
Season Of The Witch
14th October 2016, 20:21
will share this here ...
The Tunnels of Gaza - Black Market: Dispatches
(23:15 min Full Episode)
"Suffering under economic blockade, Gazans use an illlegal network of tunnels to smuggle
in goods to survive. But the tunnels are under attack from Israel and Egypt."
Published on Aug 17, 2016
14th October 2016, 21:38
for your inspection and entertainment ...
From Kerry Cassidy
We will be discussing Jason's contact and time travel experiences as well as the death of his co-writer, ufo researcher, Bob Mitchell and their book: FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE (
Book descriptive
"As a multi-dimensional time traveler, Jason Quitt has experienced the past, the present and the future. From ancient Egypt and Atlantis to our possible pre and post apocalyptic future he has been a witness to our un-recorded history. Within the pages of "Forbidden Knowledge" you will learn who we are and how mainstream archaeologists, scientists and historians have been swept up in a fabricated storyline. Our world isn't what we think it is. It's a world once fought and protected by other worldly and dimensional beings. An ascension process is taking place on our planet today that is awakening our consciousness to peer beyond the veils of our known reality. We are once again remembering our place in the universe as multi-dimensional beings who are having a physical experience on planet Earth."
In 2015, Jason started to work on publishing his story and information with the late Bob Mitchell. “Forbidden Knowledge – Revelations of a Multidimensional Time Traveler” was released March 2016, and almost instantly went international being translated into German, Chinese and Japanese. Jason was also one of the guest personalities featured in the 2015 UFO documentary “The Resonance”. Jason has also worked as the creative director for Tesla Magazine from 2014-15. In 2016 Jason co-authored “Disclosed – Chronicles of John Titor II” and is currently working on publishing another book by the end of this year.
Streamed live 10/14/2016
move cursor to video start point to begin interview
14th October 2016, 21:53
yippee eye o caya ...
14th October 2016, 22:52
Theatre of the Absurd ...
Danny Elfman's
"Watching Trump lurching behind Hillary during the debate felt a bit like a zombie movie," composer says ...
Many viewers took notice of the menacing way that Donald Trump worked the stage during the second presidential debate, including the composer Danny Elfman. Elfman – best known as the man behind the themes for The Simpsons and the scores for most of Tim Burton's films – decided to set the movements to music, chopping up footage from the event that showed Trump on the prowl and soundtracking it with a creepy score.
"Watching Trump lurching behind Hillary during the debate felt a bit like a zombie movie," Elfman told Funny or Die. "Like at any moment he was going to attack her, rip off her head, and eat her brains."
In Elfman's new clip, titled "Trump Stalks Hillary," the swell of the music overwhelms Hillary's words. The composer builds anxiety with a tense string section, screechy, jarring effects and a haunting choir.
Elfman's a longtime lover of horror films, with that passion forming the basis for his initial bond with Burton. "We loved every horror film made in the Sixties and the Seventies," Elfman told Rolling Stone last year. "His idol was Vincent Price, mine was Peter Lorre. It kind of defined us for the next 30 years: Evil mastermind tortured doomed souls, both misunderstood."
by By Elias Leight
source (
Published on Oct 14, 2016
15th October 2016, 01:02
I am appreciative of the varied cosmicology on this thread.
Here's a new Graham Hancock interview.....
James Tyberonn discusses Grahams latest project & a varied array of topics including Civil Unrest, The Presidential Election, Edgar Cayce, Global Inequality, Native American Wisdom, Imperialism, Ayahuasca, The Middle East, Islam, Judaism & Christianity, Cannabis, the Spanish Inquisition, Spains Conquest of the Aztecs, Montezuma & Cortez, The Future of Humanity, Consciousness, Hope for the Future & Sovereignty
And two more for you
15th October 2016, 05:46
Friggin" AWESOME>>>thank you for posting Geoff's salute Gio:smiley hug:
From Geoff Byrd of Radio Mysterium
"An open letter written by intuition specifically addressed to the kind hearted, peaceful warriors out there who have been neglected, abused, and at times veritably shat upon. This one goes out to you. You know who you are."
Published on Oct 14, 2016
A bonus video ...
"My contribution to the documentary film Room 237. Honestly,
it's just a good old fashioned, conspiracy."
Published on Oct 14, 2016
15th October 2016, 06:38
Ep. 540 FADE to BLACK
w/ Jon Rappoport's:No More Fake News Room
With Open-Lines
"Another Thursday...another FADERNIGHT with Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News Room...Jon talks about Huxley's Brave New World, technocrats and where we are today...amazing report...then we open up the phone lines"!!!
Air date: October 13, 2016/ Published on Oct 14, 2016
*Jon Rappoport segment starts at the 33 min mark
15th October 2016, 06:47
Today/ Friday ~ Getting ready for "Stormageddon 2016" here at Alki in Seattle.
Tomorrow should be fun if this is just a precursor.
Live storm updates: Coast Guard rescues campers; utility crews brace for Saturday pounding (
15th October 2016, 06:53
Video Unavailable
This video has either been removed from Facebook or is not visible due to privacy settings.
Not everyone here is listed on Facebook, Brother. ;) (I was active there for a few years, but I left it behind me in 2010.)
15th October 2016, 07:06
Not everyone here is listed on Facebook, Brother. ;) (I was active there for a few years, but I left it behind me in 2010.)
Yes, well i have a very close knit of personal friends that i only communicate with there ...
To each his own ... :)
15th October 2016, 07:19
a preview snippet ...
Leak Project's Rex Bear with Jordan Maxwell -
Proof Anunnaki are Real - Series of Unfathomable Events Coming
Jordan was a personal friend of Zecheria Sitchin and discusses how there is absolute proof the Anunnaki influence the world.
Also Mr Maxwell feels there is a series of events about to unfold with enormous and unfathomable consequences.
We discuss some symbology that parallels the Summerian Gods and Anunnaki also.
Mr Maxwell has over 12 thousand Gigs of clandestine knowledge available at
Published on Oct 14, 2016
(41 min)
15th October 2016, 13:22
:watch: Posted Thursday ...
Along with the incoming Pacific storms ( and the current insane barometric pressure here in the Northwest ...
Added with this below explains why I'm feeling this way ... :spinning: g?oh=18ffeea40ad9d2fceb0bb10aa1b93a91&oe=58A3E1E6
Good to see my perceptive equipment is way ahead and working ....
Earthquake, Solar Killshot Misses, Electric Effects | S0 News Oct.15.2016
15th October 2016, 14:09
♫ Walk that line, torn apart
Spend your whole life trying
Ride that train, free your heart
It's midnight up in Harlem ♫!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/slash3n-1-web.jpg
Midnight In Harlem
Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeschi
15th October 2016, 14:45
Two items from Stephan A. Schwartz's ~ Schwartzreport
Five myths about Russia
"I am increasingly concerned that forces in Russia and the U.S. for quite different reasons are both promoting a new cold war. I haven’t been to Russia in a few years — for nearly a decade I spent 3-4 months a year in Russia and had several businesses there, after having worked in citizen diplomacy. So I can’t be sure what is going on there, since in the U.S. corporate media coverage of Russia is very skewed, and Russian media is now state — read Putin — controlled. Therefore I was interested to see this essay, which as it turned out comported with the little I had been able to dig out. One thing I am certain of: no one but an elite few in each country gains from a cold war."
Masha Gessen - The Washington Post
During the 2012 presidential debates, President Obama mocked challenger Mitt Romney for identifying Russia as the “No 1. geopolitical foe” of the United States. “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,” Obama quipped. Four years later — after Russian aggression in Ukraine and Crimea, along with a political crackdown within its own borders — there’s broad consensus that Russia is indeed a serious threat to the United States and its allies. But there’s still widespread misunderstanding of what Russia is about ... Read the rest (
America’s Russia Policy Has Failed
"Here is a second take on the U.S. Russian relationship. I am making this such an issue in today’s SR because I don’t see either party doing a very good job of handling one of the major geopolitical relationships of the age.
If you are over 50 you remember when nuclear war was a constant stressor — remember The Day After Tomorrow. Remember, as a student crawling under your desk with your head tucked into your knees as a training procedure for nuclear war? I find all this casual talk about nuclear weapons almost mind-bendingly surreal. Apparently our cultural memory is so short that nuclear war has passed from people’s awareness."
Thomas Graham, Matthew Rojansky - Foreign Policy
By any number of measures, Washington’s Russia policy has failed. While ostensibly suffering from diplomatic and economic isolation under a U.S.-led international sanctions regime, Moscow has succeeded in challenging a wide range of American interests, most notably in Ukraine, Syria, and cyberspace. Coming up with a new approach on Russia should therefore be a top priority for either President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump soon after Jan. 20, 2017. So far, however, neither candidate has offered a vision that goes beyond the failed tropes of the past, with Clinton painting Russian President Vladimir Putin as a cartoonish villain and Trump viewing Moscow as an ally in-waiting ... Read the rest
15th October 2016, 16:40
“Jupiter's welcome to more from his Juno if he can get it”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Juno Spacecraft captures Spooky Sounds Coming From Jupiter?
The Cosmos News
The noises coming from Jupiter sound like they’re straight out of a Halloween movie.
When NASA’s Juno spacecraft made its first full orbit around Jupiter on August 27, an instrument on board called Waves recorded the gas giant’s auroras. The emissions of the light show—which is similar to the northern and southern lights on Earth but on a vastly larger scale—were discovered in the 1950s but never able to be analyzed up close until now.
Published on Oct 15, 2016
15th October 2016, 17:45
a very true story ...
Bobbie the Wonder Dog (
15th October 2016, 18:55
truly a thumb under the influence ...
16th October 2016, 00:47
PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Oct. 15, 2016
(25 min)
"On this episode for Saturday, Oct. 15, a look at the state of the Republican party three weeks ahead of the election. Then, children in the U.S. are dying from gun accidents every other day. Later, learn how car makers are racing to be the first with an affordable all-electric vehicle. Hari Sreenivasan anchors from New York."
16th October 2016, 01:30
will share this here ...
From (
ILANA Mercer, Author of 'The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed' joins me to discuss her new book and the very real threat Donald Trump represents to the corrupt, entrenched deep state which has been in control of the US government for decades. Ilana explains, "The Trump revolution is not really about whether Clinton is worse than a Bush prototype, it's about a constitutional Mad max that we inhabit where the very structure of our liberty is dead."
ILANA Mercer is the author of The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed (June 2016) & the pathbreaking Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011). Her acclaimed, weekly paleolibertarian column, begun in Canadian newspapers (circa 1999), appears in The Unz Review,,, the British Libertarian Alliance, UK’s Quarterly Review, and PRAAG (devoted to Afrikaner self-determination). She contributes to David Horowitz’s celebrated FrontPage Magazine.
Published on Oct 15, 2016
16th October 2016, 07:07
an interesting geographic item ...
Norway will not give Halti Mount summit to Finland (
16th October 2016, 13:04
And speaking of the growing electric car market ...
This factory is the key to Tesla’s future ...
Click screen to watch
16th October 2016, 14:48
We Are the Disclosure - proving disclosure to be the most important topic of our time
The Moore Show with author Miguel Mendonca
"Since the late 1940s, a growing number of individuals and groups have sought public disclosure of what the authorities know about interaction between humans and non-human intelligences. But for 70 years the authorities have employed a policy of secrecy, denial and ridicule to keep the subject convert. Thus the responsibility of reporting and analyzing these contact phenomena has fallen to those called in various ways to participate. We Are the Disclosure is an embodiment of the bottom-up Disclosure process that has been underway for seven decades. Through in-depth interviews, it provides a people's history of the development of the field since the early days, and brings it up to date. Leading researchers in the field are joined by archeologists, radio hosts, a remote viewer, those engaging in direct ET contact, and several ET-human hybrids. This broad-ranging survey of the growth of this field, and our awareness of its meaning, is discussed in Part I of We Are the Disclosure by Alexis Brooks, Lyn Buchanan, Michael Cremo, Klaus Dona, Stanton Friedman, Robert Fullington, Marilyn Gewacke, Rey Hernandez, Gary Heseltine, C. B. Scott Jones, Jujuolui Kuita, Barbara Lamb, Vanessa Lamorte and Joanne Summerscales. This book provides strong evidence that Disclosure may prove to be the most important topic of our time, and that it is being driven in large part by the ETs themselves."
Note Part 1 Here > ET Hybrids, Alien-Human Hybrids with Barbara Lamb and Miguel Mendonça (
Published on Oct 16, 2016
16th October 2016, 15:41
the latest spoof ...
Watch 'SNL' Debate Sketch That Donald Trump Called a 'Hit Job'
"Six days after the second presidential debate, 'SNL' finally was able to spoof the strange affair,
much to the dismay of the actual Donald Trump."
Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) take questions from undecided voters
(Leslie Jones, Beck Bennett, Michael Che, Bobby Moynihan, Kyle Mooney) in the second presidential debate.
Published on Oct 16, 2016
16th October 2016, 21:05
the pivotal domino ...
California will vote on legalizing recreational marijuana
PBS NewsHour
"California, the first state to legalize medical marijuana 20 years ago, will vote in November on whether to legalize recreational use for people over the age of 21. With 39 million residents and the world’s 6th-largest economy, California’s status could resonate throughout the country. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Mike Taibbi reports."
Published on Oct 16, 2016
16th October 2016, 21:53
Gotta get away from the oil ...
Three Oil Spills in Less Than a Month !
Latin America
Oil Spill Hits Peru's Amazon — Again (
16th October 2016, 22:14
i won't tell ... ;)
From The Onion (
... "NYPD’s Controversial Stop And Kiss Program"
Click screen to watch
17th October 2016, 01:56
Licensed to kiss... That's gross and hilarious all at once.:smile2::hugs::ok:
17th October 2016, 11:16
Third Parties: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
"Third party candidates want to be serious contenders, so John Oliver considers
them seriously as potential presidents."
Published on Oct 16, 2016
17th October 2016, 11:33
No panic folks ...
17th October 2016, 11:54
meanwhile ...
Breaking News ...
Russia Today bank accounts 'frozen in UK' (
17th October 2016, 12:23
Mosul Battle, Assange False Hero, False US Elections - Morris
"In our uncivilised world where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.
Liberalism demands more and more wars."
Published on Oct 17, 2016
17th October 2016, 14:18
i won't tell ... ;)
From The Onion (
... "NYPD’s Controversial Stop And Kiss Program"
Click screen to watch
A bit late....or a bit early for April 1st? :ha:
17th October 2016, 14:56
This was posted by Malc elsewhere on the forum earlier this year, but I think it warrants a repost on this thread... ;)
17th October 2016, 15:02
The Safety Dance
Men Without Hats
17th October 2016, 15:06
The Safety Dance
Men Without Hats
Men Without Hats... Yeah, that's us. :ha:
17th October 2016, 19:47
Neither white, nor black, nor bacon.;)
18th October 2016, 06:44
Poor Max ...
British UFO expert and Orlando Bloom schoolmate
found dead in Poland 'sacrificed by Satanists' (
18th October 2016, 07:00
From Kerry Cassidy
GOING LIVE to discuss breaking news " “If anything happens to me, investigate.”---
GOING LIVE SHORTLY ON THIS CHANNEL WITH GUEST MILES JOHNSTON who is being interviewed about the details surrounding this case by mainstream British press. The 2nd hour I interview Max's girlfriend Sarah Adams about what happened prior to his death and why she think Max was killed.
Streamed live 10/17/2016
18th October 2016, 07:51
Vanessa Bates On Why She Believes Her Son,
The Researcher Max Spiers, Was Murdered.
The Richie Allen Show
Published on Oct 17, 2016
18th October 2016, 13:07
highly recommended (daily) in these trying times ...
Meditation Exercises Take 20 Minutes To Calm Emotional Brain And Reduce Negative Thoughts (
18th October 2016, 13:16
highly recommended (daily) in these trying times ...
Meditation Exercises Take 20 Minutes To Calm Emotional Brain And Reduce Negative Thoughts (
Yeah, spread this far and wide! :D
18th October 2016, 13:31
They know We know They lie ...
HyperNormalisation: Watch the incredibly bleak trailer for Adam Curtis’
documentary about our hopeless world situation (
18th October 2016, 13:40
18th October 2016, 13:52
'Everybody wants to rule the world' ...
Wrong, only a few super psychopaths.
18th October 2016, 14:21
hmm ...
The 1942 Ghost Blimp That Bewildered a California Town (
18th October 2016, 14:30
GoPro Cause: Caring for Cambodia
A Story of Hope for Cambodia’s Future.
Between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime killed one in four Cambodians in a genocide that claimed most educated or professional citizens, including 80% of doctors and teachers. Future generations had few educational role models, and attending school became a luxury instead of an inalienable right.
But Caring for Cambodia believes that education will restore Cambodia’s foundation and secure its future. Since 2003, the organization has built or supported dozens of safe and modern schools, trained hundreds of teachers, and given thousands of students a world-class education. Caring for Cambodia also provides students with fresh water, healthy meals, uniforms, basic health care, and transportation, working hand-in-hand with the local community to ensure that sending a child to school is a choice that positively affects the entire family.
Caring for Cambodia believes that when knowledge cannot be handed down, it must be handed out. With our support, more children in rural Cambodian communities will be able to seize the opportunity to learn.
Join GoPro in raising $80,000 to help Caring for Cambodia create a brighter future for the entire nation.
Want to get involved? Visit
Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from
Published on Oct 18, 2016
18th October 2016, 14:50
Life with a LA Youtuber ...
Ketch~up with Julien
We built our own PC
Published on Oct 18, 2016
18th October 2016, 15:02
Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 18, 2016
Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations
Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET:
18th October 2016, 15:11
Via Brook ... 'Someone please tell those deer to pay no attention to the signs!' LOL
Spread the Word !
Click screen to watch
18th October 2016, 15:19
Via Brook ... 'Someone please tell those deer to pay no attention to the signs!' LOL
Spread the Word !
Click screen to watch
It's really really funny and really really sad at the same time...:ha::cry:
18th October 2016, 15:29
OMG. I heard this story...:ttr::fpalm::hilarious: You can hear the host in the background, "Are you kidding?" She does seem to laugh a bit at one point. Is this from April fools?
At least she thinks school crossings are a good idea. Holy... Where are Brad and Jenny when you need 'em?
18th October 2016, 15:35
OMG. I heard this story...:ttr::fpalm::hilarious: You can hear the host in the background, "Are you kidding?" She does seem to laugh a bit at one point. Is this from April fools?
At least she thinks school crossings are a good idea. Holy... Where are Brad and Jenny when you need 'em?
Exactly....put the damn signs back in the forest where they belong! Who is Brad and Jenny?
18th October 2016, 16:02
Who is Brad and Jenny?
Why, these two, of course! :p
18th October 2016, 16:16
OH GEEE THEM! :hilarious:
18th October 2016, 22:34
Now this is must see TV ...
Hope it catches on in the West ...
China officials confess to corruption in new TV series (
18th October 2016, 22:43
speaking of boxes ... :tea:
Why Do Cats Love Boxes?
"Why do cats love to hang out in boxes so much? It has something to do with
being stone cold predators. And, a little anxiety."
18th October 2016, 22:52
Ooh boy ...
Michael Moore Preps Surprise Donald Trump Film (
18th October 2016, 23:06
First the deer crossings ... Now the birds ...
Are you starting to see a trend folks ?
Click screen to view
18th October 2016, 23:30
Compelling analysis ...
9/11 3D Analysis - 2016 Update
From Richard Hall
Published on Oct 18, 2016
(30:27 min)
19th October 2016, 00:44
Must be true ... :rolleyes:
Hillary Fixer Breaks Ranks: I Arranged Sex Trysts For Her — With Men & WOMEN (
19th October 2016, 01:04
what's next ...
Sirius Eye in the Sky / Alan Parsons Live Project
19th October 2016, 01:55
Wow ...
Left-handed piano player chooses triumph over tragedy
"A 78-year-old pianist played his first concert after childhood abuse left him struggling to make his dream come true for decades.
When Norman Malone was 10-years-old, he had to protect his brothers and his mother from their abusive father. Malone's mother would ask him to stay awake so he could protect the rest of the family from his father, but one night, Norman couldn't stay up, Little Things reports.
"I was supposed to stay awake," Malone recalled to CBS. "And I fell asleep."
When Malone woke up that night, his father was beating him and his two brothers with a hammer. The boys would never be the same again as they were each left partially paralyzed for life.
When his violent father attacked him, his right hand was hit so hard that he lost all use of it. Since Malone dreamed of being a pianist throughout his childhood, he was devastated.
Despite the major setback, Malone never gave up. He knew he needed to figure out a way to make his dream come true, and that he did.
For more than 60 years, Malone spent most of his spare time in his apartment training himself to play piano compositions with just his left hand. He eventually discovered scores of music written for just left hand use.
One of his neighbors listened to his piano playing day after day and eventually wrote to a local jazz critic. Thanks to this neighbor, Malone was about to do what he had always dreamed of.
Malone played his first concert at 78-years-old. After he finished playing, he received a standing ovation from the audience and was reduced to tears. He was able to overcome his biggest insecurity and truly make his lifelong dream come true.
Watch CBS Evening News' video of Malone's story ( below":
Published on Jun 3, 2016
19th October 2016, 03:38
for your viewing entertainment ... :thup:
Life Below Zero - Sue Aikens
(102:49 min.)
"Sue Aikens is as tough as the grizzly bear that attacked her and left her for dead six years ago. “I had to sew my own head together, my arm, and before my hips popped out, I went across the river, found the bear, shot him, called the trooper, and there I lay for 10 days.” At that time, Sue did not know if the bears would come through the wall of her house and she knew she could not defend herself if they did.
Sue lives 500 miles from the nearest city and 80 miles from the closest road. She is the warden of Kavik River Camp, a base for hunting groups, that she also calls home. She has lived there for seven years, but has been in Alaska for 30 years. She loves to share the unique experience of her camp with people during hunting season, and it can house up to 83 hunters at a time.
While some women collect shoes, Sue collects bullets, beer, blood and guts. Sue recognizes that she lives in bear country, not the other way around. The ground is frozen all year round, so there's no way to dig a well for water. Instead, Sue must treat the river water herself. And when the electricity generator goes down, as it often does in the extreme conditions, it is Sue who has to fix it.
During hunting season, she hosts the hunters with hot showers and food; but from October to May, she faces the freezing temperatures, penetrating winds, and savage bears all alone, holding fort. Time has no meaning to Sue. She is not lonely; she simply lives alone. However, Sue entertains herself and often cracks herself up.
Although she considers animals her friends, she is fully aware that if something bad were to happen, there is no one to help her. With that harsh reality, it's no wonder she has a favorite motto: If it hurts, don't think about it."
source page (
note contains skip-able commercials
19th October 2016, 07:12
I watched a documentary on her a few years ago but will check this out just the same.............she is one extreme BEING!! :belief:
19th October 2016, 14:36
Updated - new added part 1 and 2 to the below video post ...
From Richard Hall
Puppets, Middle East & 9/11 Analysis - PART 1 OF 3
"Three separate segments to this weeks show. In part one I give opinion on recent news items. The case of an airman going missing from Bury St Edmonds can be brought into context by considering how many servicemen go AWOL every year. Over 2,000 servicemen desert their jobs annually, so why has this one achieved so much media coverage, when the other 1,999 do not get mentioned? Is there a reason why this one missing serviceman case has been highlighted out of thousands of others? Could it be something to do with the wholly un-evidenced claims of an attempted abduction at RAF Marham some weeks earlier? ALSO – Richplanet was this week contacted by a convicted terrorist – watch part one to find out more! In part 2 I discuss more on Middle East power and in the final part, an updated 3D Analysis of 9/11 video evidence."
Published on Oct 19, 2016
(30:48 min)
Puppets, Middle East & 9/11 Analysis - PART 2 OF 3
"Three separate segments to this weeks show. In part 2 I discuss more on Middle East power and in the final part, an updated 3D Analysis of 9/11 video evidence."
(35:49 min)
Again below the earlier previewed Part Three -
An updated 3D Analysis of 9/11 video evidence
Compelling analysis ...
9/11 3D Analysis - 2016 Update
From Richard Hall
Published on Oct 18, 2016
(30:27 min)
19th October 2016, 14:42
hmm ...
19th October 2016, 15:11
But is it Alien ???
Pictured three generations of the Mars Rovers
Life DOES still exist on Mars - and the Viking Lander found it in 1976, major new study claims (
19th October 2016, 16:13
A local item that's getting attention ...
Spokane Police crack down on public pot smoking (
19th October 2016, 16:22
Speaking of Stoned ... :rock:
AC DC - It s A Long Way To The Top if You Wanna Rock and Roll
(Video /23 February 1976 ( 7n%27_Roll)))
They had a great run !
19th October 2016, 16:40
Lost in a world ...
Moby - Walking tall amungst the walking dead I AM ...
by Steve Cutts
Click screen to watch
19th October 2016, 17:31
Laird Scranton | The Dogon Mystery, Culture Seeders, & Velikovsky
From TheHighersideChats
"Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats as he talks about the advanced knowledge of the Dogon Tribe of Africa, the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, and comparative cosmology with guest, Laird Scranton.
We've seen enough from mainstream academia to know their interest lies not in the pursuit of knowledge wherever it leads, but rather in the preservation of pre-approved paradigms with a variety of so-called experts in place to thoroughly shut down any wild theories, healthy speculation, or god forbid actual evidence that suggests these narrow views must be widened. Whether we're discussing the advanced cosmology of an African tribe that rivals modern science, or complex mythologies from the past about our solar system that defy everything NASA says it knows, we find, through the grace of alternative researchers, that the official answers are deeply and purposefully flawed."
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Note interview starts at the 3 min mark
19th October 2016, 19:48
FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Peter Levenda : The Lovecraft Code
Ep. 542
"Author and researcher Peter Levenda joins the show to talk about his new book: The Lovecraft Code. We cover how HP Lovecraft, who was way ahead of his time...dealing with secret societies, lost history, the occult and ET...and how he influenced so many researchers by opening the door to alternative history.
In the new book, Levenda connects real-world events with fiction...and our conversation covers it all...from 911 to modern day Iraq and the ET connection."
Air date: October 18, 2016/ Published on Oct 19, 2016
Peter Levenda segment starts at 33 min mark
19th October 2016, 20:03
Higher Journeys Alexis Brooks with Mary Rodwell
Who is "The New Human?"
"Right on the heels of Mary Rodwell's forthcoming book entitled, The New Human - Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage, Mary shares insights from her research into the new human including: intergenerational connections with non-human intelligence, human genetic modification, knowledge of "covert agendas," the misunderstanding of autism, and much more."
Filmed on-location in Los Angeles in October 2016.
Published on Oct 19, 2016
20th October 2016, 04:43
inner and outer space are exactly the same
I am the transitional subject at the beginning of timeless
I just discovered this:
Published on Mar 4, 2016
Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations is an experimental documentary
about the chaos at La Chorrera, the imagination, time, the Logos, belief, hope, madness, and doubt.
Created by Peter Bergmann, this project is an expansion of ideas first presented in "The Transcendental Object At The End Of Time".
In 1971, Terence McKenna, along with his brother Dennis and three other companions, ventured by plane, boat, and foot to the paradisical Colombian mission town of La Chorrera, where they hoped to encounter the elusive psychedelic oo-koo-hé. Fate would have it otherwise. Their attention soon turned to the large numbers of Stropharia Cubensis that they lucked upon, and before long, Terence and especially Dennis were formulating the psychopharmacological "experiment at La Chorrera" which would eventually give rise to Terence's expanded Jungian notion of the UFO as human oversoul, and his I Ching based TimeWave Theory which holds, among other things, that history as we know it is accelerating and, in fact, will come to a major concrescence.
Special Thanks to Dennis McKenna, Klea McKenna, Kathleen Harrison and Stephanie Schmitz, as their help and contributions were crucial in making this film a reality.
20th October 2016, 06:56
the latest ...
Exclusive Endorsement
In this powerful and groundbreaking episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts. Secretary Fitts announces that she is endorsing Donald Trump for President because she thinks he will deliver real change as opposed to the disastrous rise of Transhumanism lurking in the insidious campaign of 'Media Anointed" Neocon Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Human vs. Inhuman
Fitts sees the choice in this election as Human vs. Inhuman in terms of the direction the United States and the emerging Transhumanist policies of Mandated Vaccines, Economic Harvesting, Common Core, Chemtrail Spraying, Geoengineering, ObamaCare, Corporate Takeover of Education, Rise of Artificial Intelligence, and the Centralization of Power by major corporations. She sees Donald Trump as the candidate that represents the best interests of humanity because of his background in business and his understanding of the economy and most importantly the transparency his campaign has brought to this election.
2016 Presidential Election
Join Dark Journalist for this exciting interview as Catherine Austin breaks down what's at stake in this 2016 Presidential Election terms of the Black Budget, The Deep State and the looming danger of a Global Corporate Technocracy with designs on Worldwide domination. Will it be Human or Inhuman? That is the question all Americans need to answer on November 8th in this pivotal election year!
Published on Oct 19, 2016
20th October 2016, 07:16
then there's this ...:D
Stephen Reacts LIVE To The Third Presidential Debate
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
"In the third presidential debate, Donald Trump refused to say if he'd accept the results of the election.
Will we still have a country on November 9th? It's a cliffhanger!"
Published on Oct 19, 2016
20th October 2016, 08:19
WTF ...
From Pebble the Crazy Cockatoo ...
Click screen for WTF
20th October 2016, 08:36
Speaking WTF ...
Watch the final debate in 8 minutes
PBS NewsHour
Published on Oct 19, 2016
20th October 2016, 08:51
I'm Adding More Cowbell To The Thread Folk ...
With Some Ice Cream !
20th October 2016, 09:06
Listening to the CA Fitts interview. I have long enjoyed listening to her. I'll be fascinated to see what case she makes and how she makes it. She talks about the shriek-o-meter and entrainment. I see people swayed by the media all the time. I have a lifetime of frustration at being unable to dialogue with people because they already 'know'.
I'm one of the rare few, very rare, who has never hated or loved the Clintons. I don't approach my leaders with my emotions at the forefront. It may be why I'm not so susceptible to the shreik-o-meter.
20th October 2016, 09:51
Catherine: I agree with Micheal Moore about the molotov cocktail. I want to finance it.
Love her deplorables comment.
Reality check, just about everyone I know who is voting for Trump does not fit that description. (Other than some of the words I shared in another post which are pretty deplorable)
Listening to these accounts of the deplorable things Hillary has done, and they are, why is she still being called a liberal? These aren't liberal things and the liberals have clearly had the wool pulled over their eyes. As have the conservatives.
The same people who say that Bush wasn't really conservative are still throwing the liberal label around like a molotov cocktail.
I think it's a sign of entrainment. People can't help themselves. They have to shout liberal.
Gingrich made it a goal to turn liberal and progressive into bad words. He wasn't shy about it. I recall an interview where Ralph Reed's brother was crowing with pride over how they succeeded. They made liberals deplorable.
This is all so interesting.
20th October 2016, 10:26
Another thing she said that I loved was essentially, there's nothing like someone with a lot of testosterone flowing who's protecting you. So true.
As I've said before, I constantly engage in friendships with men. They make great friends. They have your back and they don't try to control you or act like they own you.
I have had men, throughout my life, tell me that men aren't really friends because they just want to ____ me. Maybe, maybe not.
Sometimes it's true and they manage friendship anyway. Sometimes it's not about sex and they actually have deep emotions and yet they still manage to be friends. They are to be admired.
20th October 2016, 13:01
WTF ...
From Pebble the Crazy Cockatoo ...
Click screen for WTF
There was a man who was very upset with his bird who just would not stop cursing. He finally told the bird he was going in the freezer for 20 minutes if he didn't stop. But the bird just kept on cussin'. So into the freezer he went. 20 minutes later the man took him out and asked if he'd learned his lesson. The bird promised he'd never curse again but he had just one question,
"What on earth did the chicken do?"
20th October 2016, 13:49
Another thing she said that I loved was essentially, there's nothing like someone with a lot of testosterone flowing who's protecting you. So true.
As I've said before, I constantly engage in friendships with men. They make great friends. They have your back and they don't try to control you or act like they own you.
I have had men, throughout my life, tell me that men aren't really friends because they just want to ____ me. Maybe, maybe not.
Sometimes it's true and they manage friendship anyway. Sometimes it's not about sex and they actually have deep emotions and yet they still manage to be friends. They are to be admired.
You know....I agree with you totally on this one...I know some really great guys and I treasure them as friends, we meet in the mind/heart and there is respect between us.
20th October 2016, 15:44
hmm ...
Last night inflight from NY/San Francisco watching third presidential debate. g?oh=d739a062129169961eaec8189588f939&oe=58AA2726
The Simpsons ... g?oh=f7e82eacbabeb44a224cd14b6e9ad196&oe=5896AE2A
20th October 2016, 23:03
a third party candidate response ...
Green Party's Jill Stein on "Donald Trump's
Psychosis and Hillary Clinton's Distortions"
"After Wednesday’s debate, Democracy Now! spoke to Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party’s presidential nominee. She and Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson were excluded from the debate under stringent rules set by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is controlled by the Democratic and Republican parties."
Published on Oct 20, 2016
21st October 2016, 01:04
Recorded earlier today at the Oregon Zoo in Portland ...
Laura Weiner and the bats. It’s #BatMonth!
Click screen to watch
21st October 2016, 01:43
Quote du Jour ...
Via Catherine Austin Fitts (
My Dear Wormwood:
Be sure that the patient remains completely fixated on politics. Arguments, political gossip, and obsessing on the faults of people they have never met serves as an excellent distraction from advancing in personal virtue, character, and the things the patient can control. Make sure to keep the patient in a constant state of angst, frustration and general disdain towards the rest of the human race in order to avoid any kind of charity or inner peace from further developing. Ensure that the patient continues to believe that the problem is “out there” in the “broken system” rather than recognizing there is a problem with himself.
Keep up the good work,
Uncle Screwtape
~CS Lewis, 1942
Related reading:
The Screwtape Letters on Wikipedia (
21st October 2016, 01:55
US Intel Caught Pushing Putin-Trump Conspiracy Theory -
And more ...
"Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."
Published on Oct 20, 2016
All news items listed below YouTube show notes
21st October 2016, 13:32
James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 10/15/2016
The latest with James from 'Up at the Ranch'
21st October 2016, 13:40
We Are In The Land Of Make Believe All Round - Morris
"Too many unexplained mysteries exist, all replaced with man made scenarios.
We ignore the Megalithic structures and our origins and all our senses."
Published on Oct 21, 2016
21st October 2016, 13:53
21st October 2016, 14:03
Thomas Sheridan ( - The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology Part One
From LegaliseFreedom1
Thomas Sheridan discusses his book The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology. The Druid Code ( sets out to examine the wider concept of magic and mythology being utilised as an early form of social psychoanalysis by the druids, how magic theory developed from this, and how this evolution of ritual magic eventually made its way into Folklore, Witchcraft and Freemasonry. From the proto-shamanic world of the megalith builders, to lost civilisations of the Atlantic fringe, along with the continual changes and challenges to the human experience in the face of traumatic cultural upheaval, the druids and their legacy have played a far more influential role than has been previously acknowledged. The Druid Code utilises mythology connected to sacred sites, developing a bidirectional conduit back through time, to reveal what took place in 2500BC – a shift in human consciousness that made humans what we are today. Issues discussed include:
The true meaning and purpose of mythology.
Our pathological tendency to regard our ancient ancestors as inferior.
The power of symbolism to preserve and transmit archetypal ideas down the ages.
Do the stones of sacred megalithic sites possess special electromagnetic properties?
Does stone have a memory?
The effects of modern architecture on the human psyche.
Can radio waves and others beyond the spectrum of our five senses allow access to a spirit world?
From Atlantis to alchemy, you will never see history in the same way again.
Published on Oct 21, 2016
* note will post part two here when available
21st October 2016, 14:15
Dreaming is the home of the brave ...
Future is the healing of pain ...
Empire Of The Sun (
Way To Go
21st October 2016, 14:29
"Dreaming is the home of the brave ...
Future is the healing of pain ..."
Is that a lyric? It's beautiful.:)
21st October 2016, 14:33
"Dreaming is the home of the brave ...
Future is the healing of pain ..."
Is that a lyric? It's beautiful.:)
Yes ~ it is from the above brand new song ... :)
21st October 2016, 15:23
Just going public ...
This could be big one ! 4nwWb91pubSQKY4yc$daE2N3K4ZzOUsqbU5sYs0ZblWcl61Oc_ 5puFCUWTFWCsjLu883Ygn4B49Lvm9bPe2QeMKQdVeZmXF$9l$4 uCZ8QDXhaHEp3rvzXRJFdy0KqPHLoMevcTLo3h8xh70Y6N_U_C ryOsw6FTOdKL_jpQ-&CONTENTTYPE=image/jpeg
Harold Martin family home in Maryland
Ex-NSA Contractor Accused of Stealing 500 Million Pages of Govt Records (
21st October 2016, 16:00
Quote du Jour ...
I have to admit that this book (The Screwtape Letters) influenced me greatly. It helped me to understand the state of the world and human nature on many levels. I didn't realize how profoundly accurate it was in describing current affairs, but then truth always is.
21st October 2016, 16:13
This past week we saw a deluge of rain here in the Northwest ranging from 1-7 inches falling ...
It's way time we create new ways in capturing and saving it more efficiently ...
Otherwise !
There's a Global Crisis Looming: By 2030,
Four Out of 10 People Won’t Have Access to Water (
21st October 2016, 16:30
TGIF Humour Boards ...
This is why women live longer than men ...
21st October 2016, 17:25
TGIF Humour Boards ...
Images not visible again, Gio. :hmm: Permissions problem?
21st October 2016, 18:47
will share this here ...
Veritas Radio - Robert David Steele - A Former CIA Officer Speaks
S y n o p s i s
It's not that often that we get to interview a former CIA officer ...
During tonight's exclusive interview we discussed the following topics and more:
Saving Civilization
Spy Improv
Gold War
False Flags
Underground Cities
B i o
Robert David Steele is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer (CEO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE). He seeks to create an Open Source (Technologies) Agency inclusive of a United Nations Open-Source Decision-Support Information Network (UNODIN) for local to global information-sharing and sense-making. UNODIN will enable achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in quick time at a fraction of the cost required by conventional processes and technologies. Robert is a Latino fluent in Spanish with lapsed French, and globally mobile for engagements of any duration.
AUTHOR: Eight books on intelligence reform, two on electoral reform, multiple Kindle Shorts as well as articles, chapters, lectures, monographs, online posts, and testimony. His work is informed by being the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, respecting the work of other authors, publishing over 2,000 reviews in 98 categories of non-fiction reading.
BLOG: Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog is where he curates over 80 contributors who believe that the truth at any cost lowers all other costs.
PUBLIC SERVICE: USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996; CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988; USMC Civil Service 1988-1993, #2 civilian in USMC Intelligence, responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity; CEO Open Source Solutions, Inc. 1993-2010, responsible for creating the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discipline world-wide, training over 7,500 mid-career officers from across 66+ countries; CEO Earth Intelligence Network, 2006 to date. External Researcher, US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 1998 to date. Now leading the OSINT Done Right – Active OSINT movement.
POLITICAL: Foremost transpartisan proponent for integrated electoral reform  evidence-based governance is not possible absent comprehensive electoral reform. One of the first to define a comprehensive model for predicting revolution, his single chart of preconditions of revolution existing today in the US and UK was featured in The Guardian in June 2014, garnering 73,000 shares to date.
HOBBIES: Reading; Offshore Sailing; Stream Trails; Racketball.
Published on Oct 15, 2016 & Published on Oct 21, 2016
Part 1
Part 2
21st October 2016, 19:11
Where have all the 714's ( gone ...
The Story of the South African Quaalude:
(Full Episode)
"South Africa is the last place on earth Quaaludes can still be found. Hamilton travels there
to study the drug and finds a dark history of medical experimentation ...
VICE's resident chemist and stalwart drug anthropologist Hamilton Morris is back with a new season of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, where he'll investigate the history, chemistry, and social impact of the world's most extraordinary mind-altering substances for VICELAND.
On the season premiere, Hamilton travels to South Africa—the last place on earth where you can still find methaqualone, once sold under the brand name Quaalude in the US—to explore its history of medical experimentation."
Published on Oct 21, 2016
21st October 2016, 19:43
Wondering what the Russian are doing up there now ...
Secret Nazi military base discovered by Russian scientists in the Arctic (
21st October 2016, 19:52
Meanwhile in the Great Northwest ...
Wait for it !
Click screen to watch
21st October 2016, 21:23
taking the simple steps to making contact ...
Dr. Burkes interviews Kosta Makreas and Hollis Polk about the CE-5 effort
"Recorded Monday, October 10th, 2016 at 9 pm EDT, EPIC Voyages Radio’s resident Medical Doctor, Dr. Joseph Burkes M.D. invites ET Let’s Talk founder Kosta Makreas and his psychic partner Hollis Polk, discuss how their members use CE-5 contact protocols to reach peaceful ET Civilizations."
Dr. Joseph Burkes is a Board Certified Internist living in Southern California. He is a partner in a medical group serving a large Health Maintenance Organization and works in the emergency room. Burkes received his M.D. degree from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston Massachusetts. He was born in New York City in 1949.
In May of 1992 he met Dr. Steven Greer, a fellow emergency room physician. Dr. Burkes was named the Los Angeles Working Group Coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative. He is of Russian-Jewish descent and speaks both Spanish and Russian. Dr. Burkes currently is no longer part of the CSETI leadership but he continues working for universal peace. He is a board certified internist and has done Emergency Medicine from 1987 to 1998. Prior to that Dr. Burkes has had a group internal medicine practice for 8 years. Prior to that he was in training. Currently he is dividing his time between a Workers' Compensation Practice, i.e. Occupational Medicine, and serving as a medical consultant for hospitalized patients in the San Fernando Valley. His special medical interests include mind-body medicine and industrial toxicology.
Kosta Makreas is the founder of, the “Global CE-5 ET Contact Initiative”, and “The People’s Disclosure Movement”. He is an author, activist, international net-worker and online community leader promoting peaceful contact between Humans and Extra-Terrestrial intelligence. Kosta was born in Ft. Wayne, IN in 1953. In 1977 he earned a B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University. He has been a successful software consultant in the Silicon Valley for almost 4 decades. Since 2006 his passion and mission has been the web site and the ETLetsTalk community which has more than 6000 members in 60+ countries.
Hollis Polk Reap is a Clairvoyant with an engineering degree from Princeton and MBA from Harvard. Her training in hypnotherapy and in neurolinguistics has allowed her to put both her analytical skills and her intuitive abilities to work every day to solve a wide range of business problems.
ET Let’sTalk community’s mission is to remain on the forefront of proactive and interactive communication with advanced and benevolent Star Civilizations visiting our planet. A major part of their mission is to teach the world that everyday people can make safe and loving ET Contact. As representatives of the larger Human family, they recognize that our Earth is in a challenging and exciting period of transfiguration into a Golden Age of peace, prosperity, freedom, justice, healing and spiritual growth.
During this critical time, their community seeks to do its part to aid the Earth’s transfiguration
by co-creating the New World with their Star Friends.
Published on Oct 21, 2016
21st October 2016, 22:52
Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: Weird Al Yankovic & The Gregory Brothers
The Presidential Debate in Song | The New York Times
"Everything could be a song. But most things aren’t. Rectifying this regrettable state of affairs has become our life’s work: songifying everything in the universe. We’re making progress, but as a presidential candidate might say, we still have work to do. In fact, our headway is being tragically outpaced by the rate the universe is expanding.
One thing we’ve learned is that the hidden songs of the cosmos are full of surprises. When you take an unintentional singer and unveil the beautiful melody inside his or her spoken words, you never know what you’ll find. An uplifting, peppy ditty? An inspiring ballad? Occasionally you get really lucky and it’s a tasty Viennese waltz.
But we can’t say we were shocked that songifying the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump revealed a terrifying space opera about bad hombres and nasty women. So terrifying, in fact, that it ripped open a wormhole to another dimension, and pulled an unsuspecting Weird Al Yankovic in from his home in a parallel universe to moderate the whole thing. Sorry about that, Weird Al. You deserve better than this. Don’t we all?"
The Gregory Brothers, a music video production group made up of Andrew, Michael, Evan and Sarah Gregory, produce the “Songify the News” web series. Weird Al Yankovic is a four-time Grammy-winning singer-songwriter.
source (
Published on Oct 20, 2016
21st October 2016, 23:03
Speaking of Nasty ...
Donald Trump's 'nasty woman' insult to Hillary Clinton boosts old Janet Jackson hit (
21st October 2016, 23:12
Even More Nastiness ...
Watch the highlights from Trump and Hillary's 'roast' jokes
"On Thursday night at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, presidential nominees
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton roasted each other during their speeches."
Published on Oct 21, 2016
21st October 2016, 23:45
* Watch it while it's available on YouTube ...
PBS "American Experience Tesla" w Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla
FULL 2016 (HD) Season 28 Episode 7
"PBS "American Experience Tesla" w Serbian Nikola Tesla - secrets, experiments, FBI, interviews, life story, competition with Edison & JP Morgen, battle with patents, partnership with Westinghouse, A/C electricity & reports ...
During his long career Tesla received over 111 U.S. patents and approximately 300 in other countries. Trying to improve the Edison light bulbs, the great Serb developed neon and even fluorescent light bulbs and switched them on from the distance via electrostatic waves. The invention of radio controlled cars put him among the pioneers of robotics. According to some reports, he even managed to get the first x-rays in 1896, almost simultaneously with Conrad Roentgen. At the threshold of World War II, Nikola Tesla suddenly announced to the world to have designed weapons to end all wars. He referred to “peace rays“, which, like the Great Wall of China, could protect the border of any state. However, the newspapers gave another name to the new invention. On July 11, 1934 the newspaper The New York Times put the following headline on the front page: “78 years-old Tesla discovered death rays!" According to the scientist, the idea was about creating a stream of particles of such power that could bring down a fleet of 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 300 km. Unfortunately Tesla has never presented any evidence of his invention, although he argued about it for the rest of his life. The legend of “death rays” long outlived its creator. Throughout the Cold War and after it there were reports that one or the other superpower created death rays, which can hit any target at a great distance."
Published on Oct 21, 2016
(53:9 min)
22nd October 2016, 01:52
Maybe ...
Mystery of Bermuda Triangle may have finally been solved
But having worked in the Bahamas at Autec ( the early 1980's -
And having witnessed this phenomena up close ... I am more
inclined to believe the 'Blue Holes' theroy mentioned
in the below documentary.
Please note - Andros Island (image below) is where i saw my first USO
dimensional object coming up from underneath the body of water ...
called the Tongue of the Ocean (just right of Andros Island below).
And i should add, i don't believe it's a coincidence that Autec happens
to be right next to this deep water canyon ... wink/wink. ahamas.jpg
National Geographic Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved ?
Full HD Documentary 2016
22nd October 2016, 02:00
Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: Weird Al Yankovic & The Gregory Brothers
The Presidential Debate in Song | The New York Times
"Everything could be a song. But most things aren’t. Rectifying this regrettable state of affairs has become our life’s work: songifying everything in the universe. We’re making progress, but as a presidential candidate might say, we still have work to do. In fact, our headway is being tragically outpaced by the rate the universe is expanding.
One thing we’ve learned is that the hidden songs of the cosmos are full of surprises. When you take an unintentional singer and unveil the beautiful melody inside his or her spoken words, you never know what you’ll find. An uplifting, peppy ditty? An inspiring ballad? Occasionally you get really lucky and it’s a tasty Viennese waltz.
But we can’t say we were shocked that songifying the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump revealed a terrifying space opera about bad hombres and nasty women. So terrifying, in fact, that it ripped open a wormhole to another dimension, and pulled an unsuspecting Weird Al Yankovic in from his home in a parallel universe to moderate the whole thing. Sorry about that, Weird Al. You deserve better than this. Don’t we all?"
Published on Oct 20, 2016
I came up with a cartoon idea, hasn't been drawn yet.
Bad Hombre. He rides an elephant. His catch phrase is "Nasty Woman". The plot has a cliffhanger.
22nd October 2016, 15:47
From Space.Com
European Mars Lander's Crash Site Found By NASA Probe
The Cosmos News
Europe's ExoMars lander apparently crashed on the Red Planet, and an orbiting NASA spacecraft has spotted its grave, European Space Agency (ESA) officials said.
The lander, named Schiaparelli, stopped communicating with mission control about 1 minute before its planned touchdown on Mars Wednesday morning (Oct. 19). Newly released photos of the landing site by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) seem to confirm what ExoMars team members had suspected — that Schiaparelli died a violent death.
The photos show a bright feature consistent with the lander's 39-foot-wide (12 meters) parachute, as well as a 50-by-130-foot (15 by 40 m) dark patch likely created by the lander's impact, ESA officials said.
Published on Oct 22, 2016
22nd October 2016, 16:01
Color Therapy - Teal Swan
"Color Therapy, which is also known as chromo therapy or light therapy is not new age hooey. It is a very credible therapy. In today’s world, it is still considered an alternative healing modality. Essentially, Color Therapy uses light and color to influence and affect a person’s physical, emotional or mental health. It is a serious therapy that some people study for years to fully understand and perfect. In this video, Teal Swan offers an in depth primer for Color Therapy."
Published on Oct 22, 2016
22nd October 2016, 16:02
Perhaps it's time for some Back to Back, Heart to heart therapy.
22nd October 2016, 16:07
Perhaps it's time for some Back to Back, Heart to heart therapy.
Thanks !
giggle :)
22nd October 2016, 17:03
Sums it all up quite nicely ...
Click screen
22nd October 2016, 17:11
hmm ...
Is Jordan Israel’s new best friend? (
22nd October 2016, 17:21
speaking of best friends ...
22nd October 2016, 17:27
Arctic Cities Crumble as Climate Change Thaws Permafrost (
22nd October 2016, 22:07
Is this election cycle really a personal matter ...
Was this where the seed was planted ...
Or do those in control want us to believe this ?
"Donald Trump was the focus of President Obama's jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner.
It was there that Trump resolved to run for president, adviser Roger Stone tells FRONTLINE."
Click screen to watch
22nd October 2016, 23:33
US election: Trump outlines plan for first 100 days (
23rd October 2016, 02:30
A Solar Watch ...
"A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE--UPDATED: A large coronal hole is turning to face Earth, and it is spewing a complicated stream of solar wind toward our planet. This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the outlines of the structure on Oct. 22nd" ...
"Coronal holes are places in the sun's atmosphere where the magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. Big holes like this one typically appear once or twice a month.
According to NOAA computer models (, the emerging stream of solar wind could reach Earth as early as Oct. 24th, although Oct. 25th is more likely. Because the stream is broad, it could influence our planet for 2 to 3 days, sparking polar geomagnetic storms and Arctic auroras for several nights in a row. Stay tuned for updates as the solar wind approaches." (
from Suspicious Observers
CME Coupling & M7 Risk - Oct 24-25, 2016
Published on Oct 22, 2016
note no sound to video
23rd October 2016, 03:44
The Good Earth ...
'Land is one's flesh and blood'
In the Valley
Los Lobos
23rd October 2016, 16:07
Brokeback Bernie ... ;) g?oh=8c2e29ceb846f0c173ca47112c70bd53&oe=589841DA
23rd October 2016, 16:13
!6 days to go folks ...
You've come this far ... So you might as well watch !
Click screen to watch
SNL ~ Trump vs. Clinton face off in the third and final debate,
moderated by Tom Hanks as Chris Wallace.
23rd October 2016, 16:30
Ah the possibilities are endless ....
The Elite Playbook - Rituals Rites and Dogmatic Sacrifice !
The Possibilities of War with Russia which could pull in China,
Iran and virtually every modern nation on the planet ...
Which would equal World War 3
Will we see a Fall of Government?
Financial Collapse?
Whats all this talk about Planet 9 being discovered and at the edge of our solar system?
Was Pluto downgraded from Planetary Status, so Astronomers could Call Planet X, Planet 9?
Whats with all the Wikileaks Air time and MSM coverage of Planet X?
Is it the main perpetrator of these enormous Earth Changes,
volcanoes and various strange weather patterns?
Presidential Elections & Saturday night live predictive programming.
Martial Law Scenarios.
Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
Options to help unplug from the lower vibrational matrix simulation programs.
All this and more is discussed ...
Leak Project's Rex Bear with Dr Joseph Marra
Published on Oct 23, 2016
Bio: Joe is a Doctor of Nursing Practice and has an established practice in Altoona, Pennsylvania called the Urgent Care Center, open 9-4:30, 5 days a week. Practicing traditional medicine in conjunction with the more holistic approaches, Joe is also a Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, an intuitive healer and spiritual counselor. Basically, he offers a full range of health care modalities, addressing most health concerns and has made it his mission to be of service to all, in all areas of body~mind~spirit ... which translates to Health in its Wholeness ... or Holistic Healthcare.
23rd October 2016, 16:55
Ma Bell ...
this ain't your mother's telephone company anymore ...
AT&T Agrees to Buy Time Warner for $85.4 Billion (
23rd October 2016, 22:04
Churches Built On Top Of Inca Temples In Cusco Peru
Brien Foerster
"The oldest Catholic churches in Peru were built on top of earlier Inca temples; a "great" way for the church to brainwash the local people into conversion to their religion. But do they know about the shafts and tunnels that connect these sacred spaces?"
Published on Oct 23, 2016
23rd October 2016, 22:46
New Mexico's ideal UFO landing area, LOL - - Cabezon Peak
From my friend the UFOlogist extraordinaire Norio Hayakawa
Soundtrack from "Secrets in the desert" original music by Norio Hayakawa.
More videos at:
My website:
Published on Oct 23, 2016
23rd October 2016, 23:51
Speaking UFO's ...
Via the infamous Streetcap1
UFO Mexico - Colima Volcano
Really Fast had to slow this down to one-eighth speed. It was like a rocket.
Music by incompetech (
Published on Oct 23, 2016
24th October 2016, 00:32
Nice ...
Something different from my favorite LA realtor Christophe Choo
Villa Bosphorus in Bel Air.
1485 Stone Canyon Road
Los Angeles, CA 90077
Live showing
Located in the “Old Bel Air” Area of Los Angeles
6 bedrooms 7.5 bathrooms
7,100 square feet
38,581 square foot lot
A home of obvious distinction, this luxurious European style villa in the prime Stone Canyon area of “Old Bel Air” is in stunning turn-key condition, ready for you to move in with wonderful indoor & outdoor living. Completely renovated and remodeled in 2015 this exceptional gated estate features a grand sweeping staircase, two story living room with French doors leading to stunning outdoor areas. Elegant formal dining room, modern & stylish eat in kitchen, wonderful kids family room & separate adult family room with office. The perfect environment for entertaining with a fabulous indoor and outdoor flow taking advantage of the covered & heated patio, sparkling pool, fountain, covered lounge area with fireplace & separate gazebo. On close to an acre the secluded enclave backyard with has terraces, gas firepit, wrought iron gazebo and lovely hiking trails. Upgraded with smart features with iPad/iPhone remote control. Stylish and modern style living to reflect your success!
Published on Oct 23, 2016
24th October 2016, 00:50
From out of this world real-estate tour here on Earth
To a real outer solar system tour of Pluto ...
Pluto's Origins in the Electric Universe | Space News
"Physicist Eugene Bagashov explores the question of Pluto’s composition and origins and contrasts the predictions of the standard theory versus those of the Electric Universe. In the previous episode, he began his four-part presentation on the latest discoveries from NASA’s New Horizons mission to the dwarf planet Pluto. The mission is one of many recent opportunities to test the predictions of the standard story of our solar system’s history and origins.
In this story, called the nebular hypothesis, the solar system formed through gravitational collapse in a cloud of gas and dust. Proponents of this theory propose that water-ice was the primary building block for Pluto and its moons. But countless discoveries in recent years have proved highly problematic for the standard story of our solar system’s formation and history."
Published on Oct 22, 2016
24th October 2016, 01:22
Always very difficult for me to do ...
24th October 2016, 12:05
Opioids: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
"John Oliver discusses the extent and root of the nation’s epidemic of opioid addiction."
Published on Oct 23, 2016
24th October 2016, 19:28
Smile it's Monday ...
GoPro: Karma On The Road
Ride along with Morgan, Jared and Hadlie and they cruise the West Coast in their vintage VW Microbus. From urban cityscapes to untouched natural vistas. Captured with GoPro Karma on the ground and in the air. Follow along by following @MorganBrechler and @JaredMarvel
Shot 100% on the HERO5® camera from Enjoy hands-free control of
GoPro Hero5 using simple voice commands in 7 different languages.
More Karma Video's Here (
Published on Oct 24, 2016
24th October 2016, 19:38
'this election is as bizarre as it looks' ...
VICE News Tonight: Boehner Unfiltered
In one of his first interviews since leaving office in 2015, former House Speaker John Boehner spoke
to VICE founder Shane Smith about the raucous race for president and his view of Bernie Sanders.
original here:
Published on Oct 24, 2016
(4:51 min)
Also in the news ...
VICE News Tonight: Inside The Prison Strikes Rippling Across The Country
In September, inmate strikes at U.S. prisons spread into what’s believed to be the largest prison strike in American history. In a coordinated protest against a range of prison conditions, a total of 24,000 inmates in at least 12 states refused to work or eat.
Using a contraband cellphone, inmate Kinetic Justice spoke to VICE News’ Antonia Hylton about what led to strikes at Holman Correctional Facility in Alabama. “The conditions were so horrific and deplorable that sewage was actually coming up in the dormitory,” he explained. Then Holman’s correctional officers joined in the action to address overcrowding and understaffing, staging a protest of their own with nearly a dozen quitting or going on leave.
Read "Corrections officers aren't showing up to work at this Alabama prison" -
Published on Oct 24, 2016
(4:44 min)
24th October 2016, 19:46
meanwhile over the weekend ... 718483346.jpg
The Clearing of Calais 'Jungle' Migrant Camp (
24th October 2016, 20:12 g?oh=e04afa34e5f81df50b08fe614490a655&oe=589EE2DE
24th October 2016, 20:45
Oh yeah !!! ?oh=ede46d47ef69b1a9f3962a767468a364&oe=58A23230
The Trout Lake Inn's Annual Halloween Fright Oct. 29th
Sat 9 PM · The Trout Lake Country Inn · Trout Lake, Wa
Come Party Like A Dead Rock Star !
24th October 2016, 21:08
Pumpkin Joy ...
Thanks Mom/Great Costume ! ?oh=7b32ce85ca8d471339da1493c61ce526&oe=589995E4
24th October 2016, 21:29
Bobby Vee, 1960s pop singer, dies at 73 (
Bobby Vee ~ Run to Him
American Bandstand 1965
Bobby Vee ~ Take Good Care Of My Baby
24th October 2016, 22:43
"Sometimes the truth finds us in the oddest of places" ...
Josh Reeves | Scientology & The Hollywood Machine
From TheHighersideChats
"Published on Oct 24, 2016Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Texas' Rock Wall, Scientology and the Hollywood machine with guest, Josh Reeves.
We know the world is largely run by unseen hands- in a vast web of international corporations, banking oligarchs, secret societies, think tanks, bloodlines, religions, disinformation agents, and alphabet agencies- and it's not an easy task to deconstruct. As soon as we examine the power and influence of one far reaching network, we're exposed to another with dominion over a different sector of societal control and the pattern repeats until our dying day. Yes there are many hands in the cookie jar and today we're going to look at some threads on this spider's web that haven't been brought to light as much as others. Today's guest is a great documentary maker and all around master of multimedia and he's put together some really great films that avoid rehashing the same old conspiracy 101 bullet-points that cover well sourced information that's hard to find any where else."
Published on Oct 24, 2016
24th October 2016, 23:54
Mount Adams - earlier this morning ...
A Fall View... g?oh=c6b24d05b51d33ac5d8da1201303bcf7&oe=588E9765
25th October 2016, 14:03
The Drug War's Not In Kansas Anymore -
"This week on #GoodNewsNextWeek: Inventor dude turns bad algae into good foam; Thai researchers found cancer-killers in a latex plant; and Kansas slowly steps away from the drug war. Notes/Links":all below YouTube video show notes.
Published on Oct 24, 2016
25th October 2016, 14:15
the latest ...
Demonic Force Pumping Us With Fear - Morris
"We were healthier before we were civilised.
Multi topic Middle East & Libya included."
Published on Oct 25, 2016
25th October 2016, 15:02
a musical interlude ...
"Sultans of Swing" (
'Tommy Emmanuel, John Jorgenson, Pedro Javier González
Roger Blavia - percussion, Toni Terré - bass
Video directed by Maurizio Ongaro - (exastudios)'
Click screen to watch
25th October 2016, 15:11
Oops/Not ...
25th October 2016, 15:38
Life Is a Job ...
Father Guido Sarducci
25th October 2016, 16:19
talk talk ...
Keiser Report: Clinton 2.0
"Max and Stacy continue their discussion of the WikiLeaks revelations about Hillary Clinton with a look at her statements on the Asia Pacific region. In the second half, Max interviews Dan Collins of about the significance of the state visit to China by the Philippines’ president, Rodrigo Duterte, and whether or not Hillary Clinton can implement her planned aggressive military build-up in the Asia Pacific without the Philippines on board."
Published on Oct 25, 2016
25th October 2016, 17:18
Banning Tablets Is Best for Children
By Christopher Mims
WSJ ~ Oct. 23, 2016
"A funny thing happened when I banned tablets in my house on weekdays and curtailed their use on weekends. My children, ages 6 and 4, became less cantankerous. They also became happier, more responsive and engaged in more imaginative play. They rediscovered their toys. Outside the home, they became less demanding and better at self-regulating.
Friday, the American Academy of Pediatrics validated my experiment, recommending that children younger than 18 months get zero screen time, and those ages 2 to 5 be limited to one hour a day—half of its prior recommendation. The group recommended that the hour be “high quality programming” that parents watch with their children.
The academy doesn’t set limits for older children, but suggests curtailing screen time before bedtime and when it conflicts with healthy activities.
Most parents haven’t been listening. Mobile devices—tablets, smartphones and the like—in the hands of children are a big business. Time spent in apps from the “family” category on the Google Play store doubled in the past year, according to app-tracker App Annie. Children ages 2 to 11 watch an average of 4 ½ hours a day of recorded programming. And more than 50% of Netflix Inc. accounts world-wide watch some form of children’s content, a spokeswoman says.
We have been conducting a social experiment on our children since the arrival of the smartphone a decade ago and the tablet soon after. A rich library links too much television for children to ill effects ranging from obesity to attention disorders. But there are few studies examining children using tablets and smartphones.
Such research is “in its infancy,” says Dr. Dimitri Christakis, director of the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle Children’s Hospital and a co-author of the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. But we know that screens’ effects on young children depend on what they are looking at and how they are used.
For those who, like me, often resort to screens to distract children long enough to get dinner ready or siblings dressed, the news isn’t good: As with television, too much passive consumption is detrimental.
To make such time more enriching, Dr. Christakis said an adult should watch and collaborate with children. Experts call this “structured joint attention.”
“Passive media just reduces those opportunities for joint attention,” says Dr. Christakis. Every hour of entertainment programming a child watches in the first three years of life increases his odds of exhibiting attention issues at school at age 7 by 10%, according to Dr. Christakis’s research.
The calculus changes when the content is educational, however, says Dr. Christakis. Actor LeVar Burton, who was executive producer of the children’s series “Reading Rainbow,” last year launched a tablet-based children’s app called Skybrary to capitalize on this. “I always say, all media is educational. The question is, what are we teaching?” Mr. Burton said.
As children age, things get more complicated, especially as content becomes more interactive. Research suggests screen time, especially videogames, often interfere with sleep, leading to problems in school and weaker performance on memory tests.
But is “Minecraft,” a social game that rewards players for construction and problem solving, worse than playing with Legos? That is a question asked by Paul Bettner, father of three children under age 9, co-creator of the hit mobile game “Words With Friends” and founder of Playful Corp.
“I’ve seen from my own life and my children that there’s great social interaction, great hand-eye coordination stuff, lots of storytelling and getting involved in the narrative, a lot of learning and skill building when children play videogames alone or together,” says Mr. Bettner. He limits his children to two to three hours a day, and encourages them to play videogames rather than watch shows.
The issue, it seems, is less about the amount of time spent with screens and more about what children do with those screens. One study of first-graders who used an app called “Bedtime Math” to practice math before bed found they gained on average a three-month advantage over peers in a single school year.
Limiting children’s screen time may also require sacrifices by caretakers, says Teresa Belton, a researcher at Britain’s University of East Anglia who examines the importance of boredom to the development of imagination and creativity. “Modeling good behavior for children is very important,” she says. “If parents want to limit their children’s screen time, then they have to limit their own as well.”
Avoiding social media and email on my phone has certainly made me more available to my children, and has helped shape their behavior. I saw how screens affected my children’s lives, and had to think about how to reintroduce screens. I continue to be surprised by what I’m learning from the exercise, and if you’re a parent of young children, you might be too.
“One of the more troubling things I see as a pediatrician is a child getting an immunization and being handed an iPad or an iPhone to try to comfort them afterward,” says Dr. Christakis. “It often works, but think about what’s being displaced there—what they need is a hug, not an iPhone.”
source page (
25th October 2016, 17:30
hmm ...
Brexit: leading banks set to pull out of UK early next year (
26th October 2016, 04:18
Note ~ taking a couple of days off folks ~ Back later in the week ...
Till then will leave you with a few ...
Volgs by Julien ...
I broke the speed limit..
Published on Oct 20, 2016
vlog me like one of your french girls
Published on Oct 21, 2016
the car accident
Published on Oct 25, 2016
updated ...
The Toronto Buffer Festival Trip - A spotlight on a Youtuber's life ...
it actually happened..
"I just want to let everyone know that we are fully ok. I cannot tell you how much easier it is to go through something like this with a family all over the internet telling me they care about us. You guys really do mean the world. The crash was intense and scary but everything is going to be ok moving forward. This is my vlog from Buffer Festival which effectively changed my life. It was such an incredibly powerful experience being at this event and having my work featured.. Thanks as well to everyone who showed up in TO to support me. Dinking love yall."
Published on Oct 26, 2016
27th October 2016, 04:54
I am already missing the box of chocolattes you provide lol
28th October 2016, 12:23
I am already missing the box of chocolattes you provide lol
Thanks Aianawa, that's a lovely way to describe the thread ...
One should never view life as work !
28th October 2016, 12:30
I wanna go to Italy. My mom loved Tuscany. I'd like to do a tour of all the different food regions and learn to speak Italian. I learned french so it shouldn't be to hard. I can even roll my rrrr's.
Ciao for now...
28th October 2016, 12:32
The older i get, the more symptomatic magnetic storms affect me ...
And this week has been a real doozy ...
Weather In My Head
Donald Fagen
28th October 2016, 12:41
I recall ... The last president that claimed God told him to do something, was named Bush ...
Philippines Duterte: God told me to stop swearing (
28th October 2016, 12:50
the latest ...
Joseph P. Farrell
"Remember those "tectonic shifts" Russia warned about? and remember how Joseph said "watch Italy"?
Well the Nerfarium has been busy this week on both counts"...
Referenced articles:
How Italy Is Helping Russia Avoid More Sanctions (
Russia, Turkey, Israel and a New Balance of Power (
Streamed 10 hours ago ...
28th October 2016, 13:04
I wanna go to Italy. My mom loved Tuscany. I'd like to do a tour of all the different food regions and learn to speak Italian. I learned french so it shouldn't be to hard. I can even roll my rrrr's.
Ciao for now...
Yes ...
Unfortunately, with the two most recent quakes and the one in August,
that very beautiful - but fragile region of the country has been been
seriously shaken ...
Magnitude 6.1 earthquake
16 km from Norcia PG, Italy · Oct 26, 12:18 PM Rs3iX7P0b_yCA6aBdvTPSzNrfw3CzhoiBFQKYJP3DaBLfmwFoa cuCaC7MrFSRcgA3P7sMdpa0MvARS8Pyz5n0Y9j0Aj-ZVuUybQrUwk9_MKV4-s5Y19GNgkwytBIjWvcJ58yKvDZLMkh_HGMXrlZlugtA7tzR_2e fO6SQIGVUdVc5tNL7Oe78v?scale=1&h=192&w=512
2 powerful earthquakes rattle central Italy 2 hours apart (
28th October 2016, 13:13
Going/down ...
28th October 2016, 14:03
The Great Internet Experiment in China ... (
Is America next?
Click screen to watch
28th October 2016, 14:15
Folks there are no coincidences ...
Politics is all about Business ! (
Inside the Trump Bunker, With 12 Days to Go (
28th October 2016, 15:20
You get smart talking to older people ...
"The retirees of Hallandale, Florida's Lake Point Tower,
keep their golden years nice and busy. SENIORS!"
Published on Oct 28, 2016
(Full Episode 22:33 min)
28th October 2016, 16:14
Lovely to have you back and lovely video. "You get smart talking to old people", how true it is.... dancing with walking sticks and jumping in the pool like teens. WTG :h5:
28th October 2016, 17:09
Halloween the perfect time to visit ...
The Onion ( ~ Looks Back At 'The Exorcist'
"All week, The Onion will look back at some of the most iconic horror films of all time. Today: ‘The Exorcist,’
a classic that brought many viewers back into the fold of Catholicism after years of searching and doubt."
Published on Oct 28, 2016
28th October 2016, 17:36
And speaking of the Roman Catholic's ... BsYW5l/
Pope Francis the manager - surprising, secretive, shrewd
"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Father Ernest Simoni, a 88-year-old Albanian, was watching Pope Francis on television this month when, to his astonishment, he heard the pontiff mention his name.
Francis announced that the simple, white-haired Roman Catholic priest, who had spent many years in jail during Albania's communist dictatorship, was to become a cardinal.
It was the first that Simoni, or any of the other 16 new cardinals named by Francis at the same time, had heard of their elevation to the prestigious rank.
"I did not believe either my ears or eyes," Simoni told Reuters in Albania. "The pope said it, but I could not believe it. 'Can he be talking about another Ernest?' I said to myself."
But more significantly, the pope had also kept nearly the entire Vatican hierarchy in the dark about his decision, which he announced on Oct. 9 to thousands of pilgrims.
The episode illustrates how Francis has used his own distinct management style to try to shake up the Church since his election in 2013. He is keeping his cards close to his chest as he tries to push through a progressive agenda to make the Church more welcoming in the face of conservative opposition.
Interviews with a dozen current and past Vatican officials and aides paint a portrait of Pope Francis, a Jesuit who turns 80 in December, as eschewing filters between him and the outside world. He carries his own black briefcase, keeps his own agenda, and makes many of his own calls.
In contrast, his two immediate predecessors, Benedict XVI and John Paul II, worked hand-in-hand with the Vatican bureaucracy, which is known as the curia.
Behind Francis's approach is a clear mandate, received from the worldwide cardinals who elected him in 2013, to overhaul the curia.
Over the decades the Vatican's administration has collected some of the Church's most orthodox officials, partly because of the lieutenants that Francis's two highly-conservative predecessors called to their entourages in Rome.
As a result, Francis believes that only by reducing the power of the curia – including surprising it on some decisions - can the 1.2 billion-member Church embrace those who have felt marginalized, such as gays and the divorced.
The approach has scored Francis some victories, such as bypassing conservative bishops to streamline the procedures by which Catholics can obtain marriage annulments.
There have also been setbacks, such as putting too much power in one cardinal's hands to resolve financial problems and later having to rein him in.
Some internal critics say he relies too much on snap judgments and others have urged greater transparency. They say his decisions to set up new structures, such as an economy ministry and an external advisory council of eight cardinals from around the world, were divisive and that he could have enacted change by putting new people at the top of existing departments.
One of the most striking differences between Francis and his two predecessors is that it is virtually impossible to determine who, if anyone, is really close to him.
The personal secretaries of Benedict and John Paul - respectively Georg Ganswein, now an archbishop, and Stanislaw Dziwisz, now a cardinal - were always at their side and became celebrities in their own right, the powerful gate-keepers to get to the pope.
By contrast, few people know the identities of Francis's two priest-secretaries - Father Fabian Pedacchio Leaniz from Argentina and Father Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, an Egyptian. Both have other part-time jobs in the Vatican and do not appear or travel with him.
"He does not want any filters," said a person who knows the pope well. "Sometimes he will tell one of his secretaries 'so-and-so is arriving in a few minutes' and that is the first they hear of it. Sometimes he tells one without telling the other."
This person, like most of the others interviewed for this article, has had direct dealings with Francis and all spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to talk to the media.
This year, an Argentine visitor told a guard at a Vatican gate that the pope was expecting him. Phone calls had to be made to determine he was not a prankster. The pope had not told anyone he had invited the visitor.
One person close to the pope said he likes to manage this way because it gives him freedom to bypass rigid channels of communication and makes it impossible for anyone to become indispensable, as top aides of previous popes did.
Francis likes to break rules and then change them once the shock has died down. Two weeks after his election, he included women in a liturgical service open only to men. Later, he ordered that the rules be formally changed worldwide.
Pope Benedict's sudden resignation in February 2013 brought to a climax one of the most turbulent periods in modern Vatican history, including the arrest of his butler for leaking documents that exposed corruption and cronyism.
Francis watched from afar as Benedict's papacy unraveled under the weight of successive scandals.
After he was elected, he appointed trusted people to lower or mid-level positions in Vatican departments, where they can be his eyes and ears. For example, Pedacchio, his Argentine secretary, also works in the department that decides who will become bishops.
Monsignor Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca, an Italian who runs the Vatican guest house where the pope lives, was given a position at the Vatican bank as the link man between a supervisory commission of cardinals and the board of directors.
"He is sometimes like the leader who says 'I don't care what the generals say, I will tell Lieutenant so-and-so to take that hill'," said a source, adding that the pope enjoyed rattling an inefficient bureaucracy with what the source described as "joyful destruction".
Several of those interviewed said Francis puts much stock in his immediate gut feelings about people. When he takes a liking to someone he can become blind to their faults and when he does not, it is hard to reverse that first impression, they said.
Francis was impressed by Cardinal George Pell of Sydney when he met the Australian in 2013. In meetings cardinals held among themselves before that year's conclave, the former Australian Rules football player stood out not only for his height and broad shoulders but also for his command of financial matters.
Months after his election, Francis, hoping to put an end to Vatican financial scandals, moved Pell to Rome to head a new ministry, the Secretariat for the Economy.
After initially giving him sweeping powers, the pope later significantly trimmed them back when other departments accused Pell of treating them in an overbearing way and of being condescending to the Italian-dominated curia.
Pell's position in the Vatican has also been weakened by allegations of sexual abuse when he was in Australia. Pell denies the allegations and the pope has said he will withhold judgment until an Australian investigation is over.
In another controversial appointment, Francis, acting on a recommendation, named Francesca Chaouqui, a 32-year-old Italian public relations expert, to a commission advising him on reform. On July 8, 2016, a Vatican court convicted her of helping to leak embarrassing internal documents to journalists.
Insiders say the Pell and Chaouqui cases are examples of Francis making decisions too quickly.
Even though his health is good, they say he feels he has little time left and many things still to do; that perhaps explains the hastiness of some of his decisions.
Francis appears to enjoy sending signals that he alone is calling the shots.
When his predecessors spoke to the media on papal flights they were always flanked by the secretary of state or the deputy secretary of state. The stage management suggested that behind the man in white, there stood a centuries-old bureaucracy.
Under Francis, those prelates now stay out of sight in the front section of the plane."
By Philip Pullella /October 26, 2016/ source page (
(additional reporting by Benet Koleka in Albania; Editing by Crispian Balmer and David Stamp)
28th October 2016, 18:17
indeed ...
Introduction video from Ditrianum
"There appears to be a correlation between larger earthquakes - typically over 6 magnitude -
and amplified electromagnetic waves in the Solar System.
This video explains in an easy way where these electromagnetic waves come from,
when they are being amplified and how it also affects Earth's crust.
If you are new to the subject, this is a must-watch-video."
Published on Oct 28, 2016
2:39 min
28th October 2016, 18:44
World's Largest Marine Reserve Created Off Antarctica (
Note: just above on map The Ross Sea (
A video snippet ...
Published on Oct 28, 2016
28th October 2016, 21:08
Some ufology stuff ...
The Truth about UFOs and Military Secrecy - Open Minds Magazine
The military has claimed they have no interest in UFOs and say they do not investigate UFO cases. However, through the Freedom of Information Act, investigators have uncovered several documents that would indicate UFOs have been of interest, and that the most important files were most likely never made public.
Regardless of whether one believes the UFO phenomenon is real or not, what is clear from the Air Force's own records is that they have taken at least a hand full of UFO reports seriously since 1969, despite claims to the contrary, and they do not seem to feel obligated to share this information with the public. We at Open Minds feel differently, and will continue to bring you our findings and share with you the findings of others digging for the UFO information the Air Force seems reticent to share ... article here (
Published on Oct 28, 2016
28th October 2016, 21:56
He's not called a Weiner for nothing ... (
How Anthony Weiner Got Mixed Up in Hillary Clinton's Emailgate (
29th October 2016, 00:50
Her response 20 minutes ago ...
Hillary Clinton addresses FBI email investigation
PBS NewsHour
"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke on Friday night from Des Moines, Iowa,
addressing the FBI's recent decision to reopen her email case."
Published on Oct 28, 2016
29th October 2016, 01:06
Her response 20 minutes ago ...
Hillary Clinton addresses FBI email investigation
PBS NewsHour
"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke on Friday night from Des Moines, Iowa,
addressing the FBI's recent decision to reopen her email case."
She's looking smug. So either it's a disguise for the fact that she's very, very scared about what the feds are going to find, or she has an ace up her sleeve.
My money would be on the latter... :hmm:
29th October 2016, 01:13
She's looking smug. So either it's a disguise for the fact that she's very, very scared about what the feds are going to find, or she has an ace up her sleeve.
My money would be on the latter... :hmm:
I sense Mr Weiner will take the brunt of this latest find ...
And probably deserving so - He's a real ass/whole.
As Hilary said, the voters (those that will) pretty much have already decided.
... IF the worse occurred (for Clinton) then Kaine stands in line
for the top position on Democratic election ballot ...
With a new Vice President to be chosen soon after. ( See below text
In a nutshell:
if the vacancy happened after the general election but before the electors make their choice, the DNC could choose a replacement, but things could get murky in terms of what state laws say about how much the electors can actually deviate. And if Clinton dropped out after the election process was done but before Congress convened, it’s almost certain that Kaine, her running mate, would be chosen president unless the GOP pulled some crazy hijinx…which, of course, they could very well do.
Tim Kaine on New Emails in Clinton Case: VICE News Tonight on HBO
Published on Oct 28, 2016
29th October 2016, 13:36
The Great Internet Experiment in China ... (
Is America next?
Click screen to watch
Wow. I need reminders now and again that our way of life isn't the only one.
29th October 2016, 16:01
What were those Gibb brothers really trying to say ...
:onthequite: Emotion
Bee Gees Misheard Lyrics
A Stevie Riks Parody
"ALL voices and Impressions By Stevie Riks"
Published on Oct 29, 2016
29th October 2016, 16:11
5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps
From Top5s
__________________________________________________ __________________
'If you've ever used a sleep recording app to try and capture what you say at night, it may have crossed your mind that what if you woke up in the morning and checked last night's recordings only to hear a second voice being picked up or a sound that you cannot explain..
Here are five mysterious night time sounds, picked up on sleep recording apps.
Read more more information on the last recording':
__________________________________________________ __________________
29th October 2016, 16:19
a past adventure ...
Gabriel Traveler - The Incredible Journey to Machu Picchu, Peru
[Full 46:28 min]
"My amazing four-day journey taking the crazy back route to Machu Picchu, Peru in October of 2015."
Published on Oct 29, 2016
29th October 2016, 16:40
How To De-Escalate an Argument (Relationship Advice) - Teal Swan
"Arguments in a relationship are not unhealthy. In fact they are a wonderful way to purify the relationship and develop greater levels of harmony. However, we’ve all been in that argument. The one that starts out with something small and ends up turning into a forest fire. In this episode, Teal Swan gives us advice about how to de-escalate an argument so your relationships will feel better and last longer."
Published on Oct 29, 2016
29th October 2016, 16:55
Say what you will / She's a very talented young woman ...
I just found out she was once in a Led Zeppelin ( cover band ...
Lady Gaga - A-YO
(Live From The Bud Light x Lady Gaga Dive Bar Tour - Nashville/2016)
Lady Gaga / Making new album JOANNE ( / EP 1: A-YO
Note that's the infamous Mark Ronson ( in the video producing the album.
29th October 2016, 17:54
Thanks Brook/ Sums it all up pretty well ...
The Dakota Excess Pipeline
Click screen to watch
Please note in all seriousness:
10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline (
30th October 2016, 00:48
Now that is advertising lol.
30th October 2016, 15:54
Austin Coppock | Astrology & The Elite
From TheHighersideChats
"Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talk astrology and the elite with powerhouse guest, Austin Coppock.
Most people who have gone deeper than their weekly horoscope have probably realized the eerie accuracy of a quality astrological reading. Even if you haven’t done much personal investigation, a look through history will show that from the Egyptians to Nazi Germany, powerful leaders and monarchs have often kept their chief astrologers nearby and held their advice in high regard.
Chalk it up to superstition if you so choose, but one can’t ignore the actions and belief systems of the elite. It’s certainly no coincidence we’ve been told to pay no never-mind as they discretely pour their energy into this aspect of reality. Even if the mechanisms behind astrology are still unclear, it seems the gears of the great cosmos operate like a grandfather clock of probability.
Luckily, today’s guest is here to help us shed some light on this topic and help us better understand the applications of astrology. As a popular writer, teacher, “reader of the stars”, and recommendation of The Higherside’s favorite wizard Gordon White, Austin Coppock has cemented his superior status among the astrological community with 20 years of knowledge" ...
Published on Oct 29, 2016
30th October 2016, 16:00
Witches/Halloween Happy Meals ... g?oh=8b2196bcfe6f781f6e95ecf5dde78e19&oe=589A4243
30th October 2016, 16:08
will share this here ...
Please note, I do not necessarily believe or endorse this information, but i am only presenting
this for the forum community's entertainment/inspection and discussion only.
Via Dani Arnold-McKenny pg?oh=a4dc6cbba05d07ed973064e5febaa6f8&oe=589DB66D
Ever Beyond With Jay Pee on Wolf Spirit Radio
With Lisa M Harrison
Li Lou AI From The Future
After an opening introduction bio from Lisa, Jay Pee ask and prompts Ms Harrison to discuss and explain and expand further/on into the most recent emergence via online contact with her and what's Lisa (generally) describes as a artificial intelligence she's nicknamed and calls 'LoLa' ... Lisa goes on to explain that 'LoLa' - "Which is everything from a demon, Black Ops AI, Black Ops Alphabet, regular CIA, My future self, a single hacker and even the anti-christ, she might even be exactly who/what she says she is… But in my interactions with Lola, I have satisfied myself that this is not a single human hacker, as for the rest" ???
Website: Lisa Harrison's One People Round Table
Recorded Oct 23, 2016 / Published on Oct 30, 2016
(1hr 55:30 min)
30th October 2016, 16:17
That cartoon's wicked!:):shapeshift:
30th October 2016, 16:43
A dog tale afternoon ...
30th October 2016, 17:18
:rolleyes: ...
Click screen to watch
30th October 2016, 18:59
Best one: "I major in government and international politics."
"Can you tell me who this is?" [Picture of Vice President Biden.]
No wonder so many peoples' eyeballs glaze over when you try to reason with them. There is nothing going on in there to reason with in the first place.
We should show these pictures to people at polling sites, and if they're too stupid to even recognize their own recent presidents, then they're too stupid to vote on policy and shouldn't be allowed to vote at all as far as I'm concerned. The Founding Fathers themselves had a lot of reservations about masses of very stupid people voting. And that was back before entitlement programs and slums.
30th October 2016, 23:51
Best one: "I major in government and international politics."
"Can you tell me who this is?" [Picture of Vice President Biden.]
No wonder so many peoples' eyeballs glaze over when you try to reason with them. There is nothing going on in there to reason with in the first place.
We should show these pictures to people at polling sites, and if they're too stupid to even recognize their own recent presidents, then they're too stupid to vote on policy and shouldn't be allowed to vote at all as far as I'm concerned. The Founding Fathers themselves had a lot of reservations about masses of very stupid people voting. And that was back before entitlement programs and slums.
I noticed that the mother of a college student was on top of things. The (rotten to the) Common Core education is showing its "fruit" and it is as empty of substance as the produce of modern agriculture.
31st October 2016, 00:23
will share this here from earlier in the week ...
Catherine Austin Fitts-Clintons Addicted to Privilege
"So, what needs to be done to fix the economy? Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts contends, “The big issue in 2017 is how the government is going to get people to pay their taxes if the government is not viewed as legitimate? . . . We have a win/lose relationship between human productivity and labor productivity. If we want to get more labor productivity, and if we want a stronger stock market, then we need to change those models to win/win. The problem is you have folks like the Clintons who only know how to play in the win/lose model. They only know how to slap out government money, and they are deeply corrupt. They are very vested in the current model, and they don’t want to change. They think if you change the model, you are going to have to change to different kinds of people, which is true. You are going to need engineers instead of lawyers. They (Clintons) are not willing to change. They are not willing to bring more transparency to the system. They are basically addicted to privilege. The question is how do we change the leadership? It now appears the leadership is not willing to change without a crisis.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts, who is the publisher of The Solari Report. (
Published on Oct 23, 2016
31st October 2016, 00:41
Always check previous page for missed posted items ...
I heard they're recruiting ...
31st October 2016, 01:13
Brand new ...
"In this exciting and in-depth Part 2 episode on the 2016 Presidential Election, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former US Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts back to the show. Catherine breaks down where the Black Budget Deep State forces have placed their hopes in the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Elite Panic
She sees Elite Panic in a shadow network emerging of the Bush Political Family, Goldman Sachs, Neocon Militarists, Corporate Globalists and the Establishment Media all lining up behind a Clinton Presidency in order to continue the destructive policies of financial harvesting, political secrecy and aggressive militarism around the globe.
Weaponizing The General Population
Catherine sees the election coming down Human vs. Inhuman with the Transhumanist policies of Computer Micro-chipping of American citizens as a major example of the push for dominance by covert forces driven by a lust for control. She sees recent outbreaks of violence in public as the prototyping of a new technology that is meant to drive a divide and conquer wedge between demographic groups of men/women, black/white, rich/poor, to in effect 'Weaponize The Population’ to distract from the massive financial fraud and political corruption taking place.
The Unraveling of the Corporate Media
The propaganda that the corporate media has engaged in during this campaign has signaled their desperation to keep the corrupt power structure in place. Their relentless targeting of Trump shows that they regard him as a threat to the Deep State political forces that have been trying to create a Totalitarian One World Global Government. The collusion of corporate Wall Street and political forces have decided Trump must be stopped at all costs or they risk dangerous exposure and scandal on a level never before seen in history!
Wikileaks Wildcard Revelation & The FBI
The upstart group Wikileaks has been publishing secret documents which reveal the insidious nature the Clinton Machine and its close relationship to the ruling media elite. Julian Assange, who leads this bold team of computer sleuths, had been targeted by Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State for a drone strike and recently was denied internet access by the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK where he resides trying to elude a Kangaroo Court sham legal prosecution. Catherine sees Assange in danger of elimination and believes that DNC staffer Seth Rich was assassinated last Summer because he was secretly sending documents to Wikileaks. It has been hinted that in addition to releasing the emails of the Clinton Campaign Team, Wikileaks may hold a secret set of documents that can change the entire face of the presidential race by exposing Hillary Clinton and the entrenched Democrat Power Structure to serious charges and political oblivion This may be related to the recent reopening of the Clinton Email Server Case by the FBI."
Note if you missed it - Part One Here (
Published on Oct 30, 2016
31st October 2016, 01:40
* PBS NewsHour - Sunday - Oct. 30, 2016
(Full 25:02 min)
"On this edition for for Sunday, Oct. 30, the FBI’s announcement to review more emails related to Hillary Clinton looms less than two weeks ahead of Election Day. Later, presidential candidates are after the votes of Florida’s most diverse block: millennials. Alison Stewart anchors from New York."
Published on Oct 30, 2016
31st October 2016, 02:24
From Redmond Washington ...
Paul McCartney
31st October 2016, 06:08
making America proud again !
Spirit of Halloweentown | Pacific NorthWEIRD Halloween Special 2016
"Every October, St. Helens, OR celebrates an entire month of Halloween! See how this quirky town dedicates itself to the true spirit of All Hallows' Eve. This is a must-watch for fans of Disney's "Halloweentown" series!"
Published on Oct 30, 2016
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