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22nd March 2019, 20:36
Turn the page ...
Live coverage: Mueller sends report on Trump-Russia investigation to attorney general
Chose your poison:
PBS News:
Fox News:
22nd March 2019, 22:37
Solutions: Open Science
In the face of the crisis of science, it is easy to throw our hands up and watch as the old guard of the scientific establishment circles the wagons and goes back to business as usual. But there are real solutions to these problems, and we all—scientists and non-scientists alike—have a part to play in implementing them. Today on The Corbett Report we explore Solutions: Open Science.
Published on Mar 22, 2019
40:39 minutes
23rd March 2019, 02:42
Turn the page ...
Live coverage: Mueller sends report on Trump-Russia investigation to attorney general
Chose your poison:
PBS News:
Fox News:
I've watched several sections of the last one of the above links, and it never ceases to amaze me how the mainstream media ─ especially in the USA, although we've got some of that vibe here in Belgium as well ─ can fill up an hour and a half talking about nothing at all. I was already amazed by that back at the time of the O.J. Simpson trial, but they seem to have gotten even better at it by now. :rolleyes:
If we could convert all that idle chatter into electricity, then it would be a good a recipe for free energy. :p
23rd March 2019, 05:18
Speaking of converting chatter into energy ...
Published on Mar 22, 2019
"In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his special guest Oxford Scholar and Giza Death Star Book Series author Dr. Joseph Farrell wade deep into the murky waters of Hidden Technology, Apollo 11 Moon Mysteries, The Nazi Bell, Paperclip Scientists, Admiral Byrd’s Antarctica Expedition, the Secret Space Program, the Black Budget and UFO X-Technology."
35:35 minutes
23rd March 2019, 11:57
I've watched several sections of the last one of the above links, and it never ceases to amaze me how the mainstream media...can fill up an hour and a half talking about nothing at all.
It's pretty hard to believe the opposite of nothing. :rolleyes:
23rd March 2019, 21:02
I Me Mine ...
The Lesson of Christ + Lucifer (Integrate Your Ego)
Teal Swan
"What is the true lesson of Christ, Lucifer? Teal breaks down the understanding of both the consciousness
of Christ and the channel that was Jesus Christ and the lesson that we can learn from Christ and Lucifer.
All referenced videos listed below show notes
Published on Mar 23, 2019
12:23 minutes
24th March 2019, 01:13
Here's one Kathy's family might enjoy ...
Ike & Tina Turner's former home before it is stripped ...
Daze with Jordan the Lion
Published on Jun 11, 2017
28:31 minutes
24th March 2019, 14:15
Pretty much as you might expect ...
ONE DAY IN HONG KONG | This City Is Amazing!
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Mar 24, 2019
17:31 minutes
24th March 2019, 15:56
The Christchurch Massacre - An Independent Analysis
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix
Episode 368 - American Voice Radio, March 22, 2019
Published on Mar 22, 2019
54:24 minutes
24th March 2019, 16:10
I like anti-corruption and a system that will
We bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections.
A powerful movement of independents, progressives, and conservatives is building on America’s long tradition of pursuing federal reform through the states.
In 2018, twenty-three transformative anti-corruption laws, from anti-gerrymandering and ranked choice voting to sweeping ethics and transparency laws, were passed in cities and states—more than in any other year in our nation’s history.
Make it illegal for politicians to take money from lobbyists.
Politicians get extraordinary sums of money in the form of campaign donations from the special interests who lobby them. In return, politicians create laws favorable to these special interests – even when those laws hurt voters.
Under the American Anti-Corruption Act, people who get paid to lobby cannot donate to politicians.
Ban lobbyist bundling.
Lobbyists regularly bundle together big contributions from their friends and colleagues and deliver them in one lump sum to politicians. This turns lobbyists into major fundraisers, giving politicians an incentive to keep them happy by working political favors.
The Act prohibits lobbyists from bundling contributions.
Close the revolving door.
Lobbyists and special interests routinely offer public officials high-paying lobbying jobs. Politicians and their staff routinely move straight from government to these lucrative lobbying jobs, where they get paid to influence their former colleagues.
The Act stops elected representatives and senior staff from selling off their government power for high-paying lobbying jobs, prohibits them from negotiating jobs while in office, and bars them from paid lobbying activity for several years once they leave.
Prevent politicians from fundraising during working hours.
Most federal politicians spend between 3 and 7 hours a day fundraising from big donors instead of working on issues that matter to voters.
Under the Act, politicians are prevented from raising money during the workday, when they should be serving their constituents.
Immediately disclose political money online.
Current disclosure laws are outdated and broken. Many donations are not disclosed for months, and some are never made available electronically, making it difficult for citizens and journalists to follow the money in our political system.
The Anti-Corruption Act ensures that all significant political fundraising and spending is immediately disclosed online and made easily accessible to the public.
Stop donors from hiding behind secret-money groups.
Elections are being flooded with big money funneled through groups with secret donors. These secretive groups spend money directly to influence elections and make unlimited contributions to super PACs, which run ads to elect and defeat candidates.
Under the Act, any organization that spends meaningful funds on political advertisements is required to file a timely online report disclosing its major donors.
End gerrymandering.
Politicians are intentionally drawing the lines around voters in order to guarantee their own re-election and give their political party an unfair advantage.
The Anti-Corruption Act ends gerrymandering by creating independent, fully transparent redistricting commissions that follow strict guidelines to ensure accurate representation for all voters, regardless of political party.
Let all voters participate in open primaries.
By controlling the primaries, the political establishment controls which candidates we can vote on.
The Act makes all candidates for the same office compete in a single, open primary controlled by voters, not the political establishment. This gives voters more control over our elections and more choices at the ballot.
Let voters rank their top candidates, avoid “spoilers.”
Outdated voting systems force voters to choose between the “lesser of two evils” at the ballot box or vote for a “spoiler” candidate.
Under the Act, voters can rank their top candidates, allowing them to support their top choice without fear of inadvertently helping elect the other party’s candidate. If their top choice isn’t going to win, their vote transfers to their second choice, and so on. This makes it easier to elect independent-minded candidates who aren’t beholden to establishment special interests.
Automatic voter registration
Our voter rolls and registration systems are outdated, error-prone, and costly. New and proven systems can save taxpayer money and ensure that all eligible voters are able to participate on Election Day.
The Act automatically registers all interested eligible voters when they interact with government agencies – whether it’s when they go to the DMV, get a hunting license, apply for food assistance, or sign up for the national guard. Voters can always opt-out from being registered. Information is transmitted electronically and securely to a central source maintained by the state.
Vote at home or at the polls
Election Day is a mess. Forcing voters to take time off from work and their families to stand in long lines on a Tuesday is ineffective, insecure, and outdated.
The Act improves voter service by sending ballots to voters at home and allowing them to mail it back on their own timeframe, or drop it off at a professionally-staffed voting center. Voters can still vote in person or receive assistance at a voting center.
Make every vote count in presidential elections
The President’s job is to represent all of America, but the outdated Electoral College means that presidential candidates win by spending almost all their time campaigning in roughly 8 “battleground” states. Everyone else’s vote is taken for granted.
The Act encourages states to award their Electoral College votes to whoever wins the most votes across the country. This simple change would mean that presidential candidates would be rewarded for appealing to all voters, and the winner would be accountable to the entire country – not just the residents of a few battleground states. Everyone’s vote would matter.
Change how elections are funded.
Running a political campaign is expensive, but few Americans can afford to donate to political campaigns. That makes politicians dependent upon – and therefore responsive to – a tiny fraction of special-interest donors.
The Act offers every voter a small credit they can use to make a political donation with no out-of-pocket expense. Candidates and political groups are only eligible to receive these credits if they agree to fundraise solely from small donors. The Act also empowers political action committees that only take donations from small donors, giving everyday people a stronger voice in our elections.
Crack down on super PACs.
As a result of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that super PACs can spend unlimited money influencing elections, so long as they do not coordinate directly with candidate campaigns. Since then, there has been tremendous coordination between campaigns and their super PACs, making a mockery of the “independence” the Supreme Court said must exist.
The American Anti-Corruption Act enforces the Supreme Court’s mandate by fixing the rules aimed at preventing and punishing super PAC coordination.
Eliminate lobbyist loopholes.
The definition of “lobbyist” is weak and outdated. As a result, lobbyists regularly avoid disclosure, and former politicians and their staff can receive big money to influence politicians without formally registering as lobbyists.
The Act prevents lobbyists from skirting the rules by strengthening the definition of lobbying and penalizing lobbyists who fail to register.
Strengthen anti-corruption enforcement.
Agencies routinely fail to enforce the anti-corruption rules that already exist due to partisan deadlock – and when they are able to act, they often lack the enforcement tools necessary to uphold the law. The result is an elections system where even lax rules can be skirted or broken with impunity.
The Act strengthens enforcement of anti-corruption laws by overhauling the broken Federal Election Commission and giving prosecutors the tools they need to combat corruption.
("Everyone who is complaining about Jennifer Lawrence forgets a damn reality show star is the President of the United States.")
24th March 2019, 18:10
Still waiting ...
A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people,
recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles.
Thomas Jefferson
25th March 2019, 14:33
'He's pretty brave' ...
Mark Normand: Women On Dating Apps Are Height Supremacists
Team Coco
Published on Mar 20, 2019
4:42 minutes
That was funny. I've never seen that comedian before.
25th March 2019, 18:08
It's Official ...
Russia claims to be vindicated by Mueller report, too
"They’re Russian to judgment.
The Kremlin on Monday claimed it too was vindicated by the much-ballyhooed report finding that President Trump did not collude with Russia on election meddling — even though the full report by special counsel Robert Mueller has not been released.
“The long-awaited Mueller report has proved what we in Russia knew long ago: there was no conspiracy between Trump or any member of his team and the Kremlin,” wrote lawmaker Konstantin Kosachev, who chairs the committee on foreign affairs in Russia’s Federation Council.
On his daily conference call with journalists, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov referred to “a Chinese philosopher who said, ‘It is hard to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.’”
Except Mueller’s report has not actually been released — only a brief summary by Attorney General William Barr.
Russian media didn’t make the distinction.
“Mueller’s report confirms no collusion between Moscow and Trump campaign,” proclaimed Tass.
“Mueller confirmed absence of secret deal between Moscow and Trump’s campaign office,” shouted a headline on the website of state-controlled NTV channel.
Eight US intelligence agencies and congressional bodies — including the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency — have all concluded that Russia mounted a secret campaign to influence the 2016 election."
Source: (
25th March 2019, 21:53
Said the wealthy democratic/liberal contributor ...
26th March 2019, 07:47
'Bring out the list board' ...
Colbert: All The Other Reasons Trump Is A Bad President
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Mar 25, 2019
16:08 minutes
And a bonus to become a classic ...
Robert Mueller Hits The Dusty Trail
1:16 minutes
26th March 2019, 11:50
The Mueller report is still mostly mystery and the guy who auditioned for his role so effusively, Mr. Barr, has been a good doggie.
26th March 2019, 12:39
The Mueller report is still mostly mystery and the guy who auditioned for his role so effusively, Mr. Barr, has been a good doggie.
That's what you get when judges are politically appointed and affiliated. ;) Here in Belgium, judges are neither elected nor politically appointed. They are public servants and they must climb up the ladder of the justice system by taking exams and having years of experience, and then a committee will decide, just as with other job applications.
The same is true for local police chiefs. We don't have any sheriffs around here, although there used to be something similar to a sheriff in the past for smaller backwater villages. But even they were not elected ─ they were appointed, and they usually didn't have any deputies either. Nowadays, villages don't even have a local police station anymore. There has been a centralization, with multiple larger regional police zones, patrolled and supervised by a police corps local to that zone. And the commander in chief of the local corps is a public servant. He or she must ultimately answer to the mayor, like any other public servant, although the mayor generally does not concern himself/herself with personnel matters ─ one of his deputies generally takes care of that for recruitment, together with the human resources department of Town Hall or City Hall, and the head of a town or city's personnel is always the Town/City Manager, who is also a public servant, not a politician.
In Belgium, the mayor himself/herself is a (commonly party-affiliated) politician, but in the Netherlands, even that is no longer the case. In the Netherlands, the mayor, too, is a public servant.
By the way, we also have a different designation for what we call independent politicians. Over here, an independent politician is someone who was elected for a certain role ─ e.g. in parliament or as a town council member ─ as a member of an existing political party, but who then at some point and for some reason left or was ousted from the party they were with when they were elected. They often end up joining or creating another party later.
26th March 2019, 19:43
The latest stuff ...
'Bring out the list board' ...
Colbert: All The Other Reasons Trump Is A Bad President
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Mar 25, 2019
16:08 minutes
And a bonus to become a classic ...
Robert Mueller Hits The Dusty Trail
1:16 minutes
26th March 2019, 20:06
Here’s what Jair Bolsonaro, Trump, and Putin have in common
The first line of Jon Lee Anderson’s long-awaited profile of Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro in the New Yorker is a real killer. “The authoritarian leaders taking power around the world share a vocabulary of intolerance, insult, and menace…”
Like many autocrats, Bolsonaro came to power with a suddenness that alarmed the élites. He had run a low-budget campaign, consisting mostly of a social-media effort overseen by his son Carlos. At events with supporters, he posed for selfies making a gesture as if he were shooting a machine gun. He promised to “reconstruct the country”—and to return power to a political right that had been in eclipse for decades. In the inaugural ceremony, he vowed to “rescue the family, respect religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, combat gender ideology, conserving our values.”
Afterward, Bolsonaro received a procession of foreign dignitaries, and as they stepped up to pay their respects the crowd greeted them with cheers or boos. The Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán got perfunctory applause; the bolsonaristas seemed not to know who he was. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is fending off charges of fraud and bribery, got a riotous cheer. Bolivia’s President, Evo Morales, the only left-wing leader to attend, was subjected to shouts of “Get out, communist,” and “índio de merda”—“fucking Indian.”
Despite Bolsonaro’s divisive rhetoric, American conservatives were enthusiastic about his Presidency. He had expressed leeriness of China and hostility toward socialists in Cuba and Venezuela; he promised to move Brazil’s Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Donald Trump didn’t attend the inauguration, but he tweeted his solidarity: “The USA is with you!” Bolsonaro, who sees in Trump a kindred spirit and an opportunity, tweeted back, “Together, under God’s protection, we shall bring prosperity and progress to our people!”
I don’t want to give it away, but the last line will make your blood run cold if you’re hoping for someone other than Trump in 2020.
source (
Jair Bolsonaro’s Southern Strategy
In Brazil, a budding authoritarian borrows from the Trump playbook.,c_limit/190401_r33985_rd.jpg
Read the rest here ... (
26th March 2019, 20:33
A new government autonomous vehicle ...
26th March 2019, 23:35
I'm waiting for Randy Rainbow to do one about Bolsinaro to the tune of Dulcinea.
27th March 2019, 04:03
Eugene Bagashov: Martian Geology, Past and Present | Space News
Published on Mar 26, 2019
In part one of this presentation, physicist Eugene Bagashov began his examination of some of the enduring geological mysteries on Mars. Of course, geologists examining the surface of Mars project familiar earthly processes onto the Red Planet — they imagine volcanic eruptions, flowing water and impacts from space as dominant forces shaping the Martian landscape. But countless Martian features defy these explanations. We have proposed that another process, high energy electrical discharge, may have produced some of the dramatic features on Mars — a hypothesis with a growing body of experimental support. In this conclusion, Eugene summarizes some of the most compelling evidence for electrical scarring on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system, including our own planet.
Reference note: Part One - Eugene Bagashov: Mars Mysteries Reopened (
15:05 minutes
27th March 2019, 05:45
Stepping Through Time
by Happy the Man
27th March 2019, 08:38
"Once you believe UFO's are real ...
That kinda rips away a lot of the barriers" ...
Richard Dolan
INCREDIBLE Russian Soviet UFOs. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure Show
Streamed 3/26/2019
"The history of UFOs and encounters with other-worldly beings includes events from all over the world. Russia -- formerly the Soviet Union -- has a major part of that history. Its story is dramatic, at times chilling, and always provocative."
1:43:45 minutes
27th March 2019, 10:16
March Madness ...
Here's a huge/local conspiracy started by those darn Jesuits ...
"Gonzaga" ( Mascot Interrupts Jimmy Kimmel's Monologue
"Jimmy is currently involved in an effort to blow the lid off an elaborate hoax known as 'Gonzaga.' Gonzaga is a made-up university, Jimmy has seen no proof that it exists, and finally we're starting to talk about it. The conspiracy is centered in the Eastern part of Washington State and the more we dig on this, the more they dig in. We even got a surprise visit from the Gonzaga mascot 'Spike,' who had some very interesting information for us."
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Published on Mar 27, 2019
3:36 minutes
27th March 2019, 21:29
I sadly foreseen this ongoing suffering/dilemma twenty years before the opioid epidemic happening ...
Yes unqualified doctors over prescribed the medicines - But i personally blame the U.S. Government's
lack of real oversight and purpose in its 'war on drugs' in its complicity for allowing its ongoing
occurrence - No one can tell me the DEA and other involved U.S. agencies didn't know/see this coming ...
Shame on you Washington!
Are Federal Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids Hurting Patients With Chronic Pain?
As Oklahoma and Purdue Pharma reach a landmark settlement, we look at an underreported result of the opioid crisis: the underprescribing of opioids for patients who rely on them for pain management. This month, more than 300 doctors and medical researchers sent an open letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warning patients have been harmed by a lack of clarity in guidelines for prescribing opioids. The CDC revised the guidelines for primary care physicians in 2016 in order to improve safety and reduce risks associated with long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain. But many say the new guidelines caused confusion and led to the reduction or discontinuation of opioids for people who responsibly use the medication to manage pain related to cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus and fibromyalgia. We speak with Terri Lewis, a social scientist, rehabilitation practitioner and clinical educator who is running a national survey of patients and physicians to calculate the impacts of changes in chronic pain treatment. We also speak with Barry Meier, the author of “Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of America’s Opioid Epidemic.” He was the first journalist to shine a national spotlight on the abuse of OxyContin.
Published on Mar 27, 2019
8:42 minutes
28th March 2019, 09:08
Meanwhile in his 'lone star state' ...
"Infowars founder Alex Jones was caught on camera berating patrons at a Texas restaurant
on Saturday after they verbally attacked him and chanted 'Alex Jones go home!'" _You_think_get-m-21_1553738174915.jpg
click here (
28th March 2019, 18:02
The latest ...
Continuing Coups, Kremlin Kontrol & Copyright Crackdown - New World Next Week
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
Published on Mar 28, 2019
All news items list linked below youtube shownotes
16:20 minutes
29th March 2019, 04:43
Something new for those musically/incline or not ...
What Makes This Song Great? Ep.58 The Doors
Rick Beato (
Published on Mar 25, 2019
13:04 minutes
The Doors Touch Me
29th March 2019, 06:48
Lately when i (have) listen to anything new coming from and David Wilcock/CW Chanter on YouTube ...
Oddly i have been imagining and hearing something more that reminds me of these other masters of tales ...
Milton Berle/ Statler & Waldorf
30th March 2019, 05:27
The latest stuff ...
This Week On Howard: Def Leppard, Alec Baldwin, and Plantaingate
"In this week’s Top Noine moments on the Stern Show, Def Leppard performs live, Howard catches up with
Alec Baldwin, and Gary Dell’Abate gets caught in another food scandal — this time with plantain chips: ...
0:32 - Plantaingate: Part 1
3:36 - Def Leppard “Pour Some Sugar On Me”
6:37 - Staffer Shares Shooting Story
11:05 - Alec Baldwin on Anger Management
13:32 - Def Leppard on Rock Hall Induction
15:51 - Chris Picks Best-Looking Staffer
20:21 - Tan Mom’s Recording Session
22:27 - Rick Allen’s Phantom Arm
26:31 - This Week in Howard History
30:46 - Plantaingate: Part 2
The Howard Stern Show
Published on Mar 29, 2019
34:13 minutes
30th March 2019, 05:33
So what happened ...
New Linda Moulton Howe Something HUGE Has Been Discovered in Antarctica
"Underground in Antarctica they have found doors up-to 18 feet thick, made of rock hard basalt. Even though they weigh many tonnes they can open with just the touch of a finger. On the back of these doors are the symbol of the black sun. The interior was heated to around 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22 Celsius), and was also lighted by a lime green source projected from the ceiling and floor. He did not see any heating or lighting equipment, which added to the mystery of the buried structure. Only part of the structure has been uncovered so far by the archaeological teams, with the rest buried under the ice and extending far below."
Published on Mar 28, 2019
40:03 minutes
30th March 2019, 05:45
Don't ask me ...
30th March 2019, 05:54
And for those that are 'Curiously Yellow' ...
A Local's Guide to Venice Beach
"A travel guide to Venice Beach California through the eye's of a Los Angeles local, Tyrone Van Tatenhove. We explore the famous Venice Beach Boardwalk, Venice Beach Pier, Muscle Beach, Venice Skate Park, Abbot Kinney Blvd, and of course the canals of Venice."
Yellow Productions
Published on Mar 29, 2019
17:31 minutes
30th March 2019, 06:08
Meanwhile ...
So You Want To Be A Rock 'N Roll Star
The Byrds
30th March 2019, 06:22
Max Igan ...
Christchurch - How They Did It
Surviving the Matrix - Episode 369 - American Voice Radio, March 29, 2019
Published on Mar 29, 2019
58:28 minutes
30th March 2019, 08:03
Some Xplaining ...
Alex Jones blames ‘psychosis’ for his Sandy Hook conspiracy theory ... (
30th March 2019, 12:27
There's something very funny about that conference name:
Megacon. Is it a mega- con?
30th March 2019, 12:35
Some Xplaining ...
Alex Jones blames ‘psychosis’ for his Sandy Hook conspiracy theory ... (
Oh, I for one am very willing to accept that. :ttr:
While it is true that governments, religious institutions and corporations alike are lying to us about certain (but not all) things, and that they are constantly (and usually successfully) trying to manipulate us, and that the world as we know it is huge a chessboard, if there is one thing that has become overtly clear to me over these past few years, then it's that the so-called alternative community is primarily made up of sociopathic cult leaders, hoaxers and narcissistic talking heads on the one hand, and a whole bunch of gullible, psychotic and/or otherwise mentally unstable individuals on the other hand, with some degree of crossover between all of the aforementioned mental afflictions. Alex Jones and Kerry Cassidy are two such individuals from that crossover zone, but there are many others.
And that is exactly why most of these so-called truth-seekers will never find the truth. Either they wouldn't recognize the truth if it were to bite them in the buttocks, or they would reject it with a knee jerk because it doesn't satisfy their addiction to sensationalism and paranoia.
Whether we're talking of the so-called mainstream or of the so-called alternative community, it's all bread and circuses galore. This community cannot and should not call itself "alternative" until there has been a paradigm shift. And right now, after all of these years of truth-seeking, the paradigm shift is still nowhere in sight. Just because one sticks another label to the existing paradigm doesn't make it into a different paradigm yet. All it does is create more of a polarization between the two sides of that very same old coin. It is always the same old tale of the splinter and the beam.
Just my two Eurocents, for whatever they're worth. :)
There's something very funny about that conference name:
Megacon. Is it a mega- con?
I noticed that too. :ttr: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and poops in the water, then it sure as hell ain't no kangaroo. :p
31st March 2019, 03:50
Something musically/special for Aragorn ...
What Makes This Song Great? Ep. 9 Toto
Rick Beato
'In this episode of What Makes this Song Great? Ep 9
we feature the 1982 hit song "Rosanna" by Toto.'
Published on Feb 15, 2018
15:58 minutes
Toto - Rosanna
31st March 2019, 05:02
Something musically/special for Aragorn ...
What Makes This Song Great? Ep. 9 Toto
Hehe, yeah, I had already watched this one. :p I regularly watch those "What makes this song great" videos. It's very interesting and it explains many of the techniques they use in the studio, such as adding a subtle chorus effect to a vocal track to make it sound warmer (as was done on Steve Lukather's vocal in "Rosanna") or overdubbing with a slightly pitch-shifted copy of the same vocal track (which is what ABBA used to do), and so on. :)
All things considered, the magic they can pull off in the studio is one of the main reasons why most bands never sound as good during a live concert as they do on their records. Toto is one of the notable exceptions to that rule. They actually sound better live on stage than on their records, because when they're on stage, the chemistry between the band members ─ all of whom used to have side jobs as professional session musicians for other artists* ─ is what leads them into playful jams, and then they're really enjoying themselves up there. ;)
* In Toto's case, almost every member of their lineup at the time was involved with the session work on Michael Jackson's award-winning "Thriller" album, which was produced by Quincy Jones. In fact, the song "Human Nature" was actually originally written by Steve Porcaro, but Quincy Jones didn't like the original lyrics and rewrote them himself.
But so the guitars on that album were almost all played by Steve Lukather ─ who brought in his buddy Eddie Van Halen for the guitar solo on "Beat It" ─ as well as that the drums were all played by Jeff Porcaro and the keyboards by Steve Porcaro and David Paich. I don't know whether David Hungate or Mike Porcaro did the bass guitars, but for the track "Human Nature", it was Steve Lukather who recorded the bass guitar ─ he has also done that for some of the tracks on Toto's own latest album, given that they haven't had a steady bass player anymore ever since Mike Porcaro's ALS paralyzed him and then ultimately killed him. They use session bass players now while on tour, as well as session drummer Shannon Forrest, now that Simon Phillips has left the band. Phillips was brought on board when Jeff Porcaro died and has actually served with Toto longer than Jeff ever did, but eventually he decided to focus on his own career as a session drummer. There was some talk of original bass player David Hungate returning to the band, but I don't know whether that's true. I do know that he did some of the studio bass work on their latest album.
And of course, Toto as a whole basically started off as Boz Scaggs' backing band, although Lukather only came on board within the Boz Scaggs lineup later, and then that's when they decided to form a band of their own, together with high-school buddy David Paich and original lead singer Bobby Kimball. Bobby Kimball was replaced with another high-school buddy, Joseph Williams ─ son of Star Wars theme composer John Williams ─ because Kimball had been arrested for selling cocaine to an undercover FBI agent in a sting operation and he was facing trial, albeit that the charges were later dropped. But then eventually Joseph Williams had to drop out as well due to having completely lost his voice.
When Mike Porcaro fell ill and David Paich could no longer tour with the band due to family obligations, Steve Lukather wanted to call it quits, but then Paich returned and Toto hired Bobby Kimball again for a new album and a tour. Meanwhile Steve Porcaro ─ who had left the band in the 1980s in order to focus on writing movie scores ─ has also returned to the band, and Kimball was replaced again by Joseph Williams, who now has his voice back, while Bobby's voice was starting to lose pitch control so badly that they needed autotune on his vocals, even (or perhaps especially) during live performances.
Either way, Toto has always been a band comprised of virtuosos, and they've also always enjoyed what they were doing. They weren't in it for the fame or the money, because they were all successful session musicians. It was always about the music itself for them. And I think that this is why they'e been able to hold it together so well for now over four decades. ;)
P.S.: If you look very closely at the backing dancers in the "Rosanna" video, then you might discern one certain Patrick Swayze and one certain Cynthia Rhodes among them. :p
31st March 2019, 07:16
Weekend Update: The Mueller Report
4:15 minutes
Also ...
Apple Card
3:16 minutes
Max Igan ...
Christchurch - How They Did It
Surviving the Matrix - Episode 369 - American Voice Radio, March 29, 2019
Published on Mar 29, 2019
58:28 minutes
Updated post from Max ...
Published on Mar 31, 2019
1:44 minutes
I highly recommend this item for your viewing inspection ...
From CBS 60 Minutes ...
Siberia's Pleistocene Park: Bringing back pieces of the Ice Age to combat climate change
With Arctic permafrost thawing too quickly, scientists in Siberia are considering drastic measures ...
Temperatures in the Arctic continue to warm twice as fast as the rest of the world; that's according to the U.S. government's latest climate report. The past five years in the Arctic have been the warmest there since records began in 1900. Decades ago, an eccentric Russian geophysicist warned that frozen soil, called permafrost, contained enough greenhouse gas itself to pose a threat to the climate if it ever melted. Science scoffed at Sergey Zimov's warning but now that the permafrost is collapsing the world is listening. Recently we traveled to the Siberian Arctic to meet Zimov who has devised a scheme to save the world in a place that he named for the last Ice Age: Pleistocene Park.
Our trip took three days and our final leg in an adventure of geoscience was on an aeronautical fossil, a Soviet-era Antonov. We approached a Siberia we had never seen in our imaginations, a forest touching the horizon in a land sequined with lakes.
This was far north even by a Siberian compass-- above the Arctic Circle where the Kolyma River fills the East Siberian Sea.
Above: Sergey Zimov
Watch/Listen > Here (
For those sci-fi lovers out there ...
Thomas Lombardo - Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future
Thomas Lombardo discusses his book 'Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future'. Science fiction is the most visible and influential contemporary form of futurist thinking and imagination in the modern world. Similar in many ways to the great myths of the past, science fiction is so popular because, in dramatic narrative form, it speaks to the whole person - intellect, imagination, emotion, human values, and the senses - providing fantastical and visionary stories that engage and enlighten us, expanding our consciousness and inspiring our ongoing future evolution.
Beginning with this first volume in a four-volume series, Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future describes the historical development of science fiction from its ancient mythological origins up through contemporary times, explaining how science fiction has emerged as our modern mythology, and how it has both reflected and guided the evolution of human consciousness, society, and scientific-technological imagination and creation.
Published on Mar 31, 2019
59:57 minutes
The latest stuff ...
# Trending ...
100% Alpaca hats from Ecuador Fhash93%2F247133%2Fgorro_01_web.jpg&f=1 %2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2Fvideo_image%2Fpublic%2Fimg%2Fp ost%2F2015%2F08%2F13%2Fvideo_youtube_rSH_RMnrbyQ.j pg%3Fitok%3DDK4GuJHC&f=1
UFOs Over DC: The Forgotten Crisis. Richard Dolan Show
UFOs are too readily dismissed and forgotten in our history, despite having been central to some of the most dramatic moments in the 20th and 21st centuries. One of them concerned the repeated overflights of unknown craft over the capital of the United States during the summer of 1952, an incredible year of shocking military encounters with these objects.
Streamed live on Mar 30, 2019
52:55 minutes
'Takes a community to raise a child' ...
Mick Jagger to have a stent placed in his heart ... (
Start Me Up
The Rolling Stones
hmm ... pg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=ac343e9af29f5e8453f7713906c2199e&oe=5D49B5E9
Nature's Way ... (,c_limit/190408_a22658.jpg
“That can’t be good.”
Indeed ...
'The Lines Have Been Drawn' ...
After Mueller Report, Trump Lies About Budget Cuts: A Closer Look
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Published on Apr 1, 2019
13:00 minutes
What a animal !
Or does he just have a shampooed hair smelling fetish ...
If this is the worst of his behaviors, I would find this probably curable ...
Compared to Donald Trump's !
Biden Being Biden ?
Interesting topic (s) chatter ...
BREXIT Neverendum / UK Porn Age Ban / Internet I.D. / UFO Disclosure / Life On Mars /
Kev Baker with Ben Emlyn-Jones
The Kev Baker Show
Published on Apr 2, 2019
1:44:12 minutes
Just another day in paradise ...
Chinese woman with 2 passports, malware arrested at Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club (
Glenn Greenbacks Completes the Edward Snowjob - #NewWorldNextWeek
Published on Apr 4, 2019
18:53 minutes
palooka's revenge
5th April 2019, 04:00
Glenn Greenbacks Completes the Edward Snowjob - #NewWorldNextWeek
Published on Apr 4, 2019
18:53 minutes
Cheers ...,c_limit/DC040419.jpg
“Remember when we drank coffee with the paper?”
WikiLeaks: Assange to be kicked out of London embassy, arrested ... (
Is the net closing ...
Max Igan Banned From Youtube For Exposing Christchurch Massacre
Published on Apr 5, 2019
Anarchast Ep.456
Topics include: YouTubers banned for discussing the recent shooting, gun confiscation in New Zealand right away, suspicious legislation, de-platforming. heavy censorship in NZ and Australia, violent disarmament, false flag conspiracies, they want you to believe it's fake, why is it illegal to watch the shooting video? discrepancies in the video and the official narrative, government lies and misinformation, government is the real threat, think for yourself, support each other, alternative media platforms
38:30 minutes
* Update: Please also note the latest update from Max here ... (
The latest stuff ...
The drama continues ...
Ecuador Backs Down: Foreign Ministry Says It Has 'No Plans' To Expel Assange ...
Giddy Up!,c_limit/DC040519.jpg
CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE & Rebranding UFOs. Richard Dolan: The Big Picture.
Richard Dolan
Streamed live 4/6/2019
We are in an era of tightening censorship and deplatforming of ideas that are unwelcome to the corporations and power elite at the top of our social and political hierarchy. At the same time, the UFO subject continues to slip out, more and more, into our public discourse. What is the result? Richard Dolan argues that "disclosure" of UFOs is happening, albeit within a controlled setting, and of course lots of spin.
22:49 minutes
Flash back ...
♪ If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting ♪
“Time After Time”
Cyndi Lauper on the Howard Stern Show in 1995
The Howard Stern Show
Published on Apr 6, 2019
7:59 minutes
The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street ...
In 6:50 minutes
More touchy feely ...
Joe Biden
Joe Biden (Jason Sudeikis) meets with a consultant (Kate McKinnon) and undecided women voters
(Aidy Bryant, Leslie Jones) to evaluate if his behavior crosses the line for a presidential run in 2020.
Saturday Night Live
Published on Apr 7, 2019
6:45 minutes
Bernardo Kastrup - Reality? It's All in Your Mind
Bernardo Kastrup discusses his book 'The Idea of the World: A Multi-disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality'.
In his most cogent and compelling work to date, Kastrup's theory of reality offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. The Idea of the World makes a rigorous case for the primacy of mind in nature, examining what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic, and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism - the notion that reality is essentially mental.
The author begins by exposing the logical fallacies and internal contradictions of the reigning physicalist paradigm and popular alternatives such as panpsychism. The main objections to idealism are also systematically refuted. The book closes with an analysis of the hidden psychological motivations behind mainstream physicalism and the implications of idealism for the way we relate to each other and the world. The view of reality presented here makes sense of the many mysteries which mainstream materialist science simply cannot fathom. It reconciles the classical and quantum worlds and disposes of the so-called 'hard problem' of consciousness. It may even hold the secret to the origin and meaning of life.
Published on Apr 7, 2019
1:33:44 minutes
8th April 2019, 08:33
Nice synchronicity at 43:15.
Host asks if Bernardo has ever read Owen Barfield. He says he just had a book of Owen's in his hands a couple of hours ago. The host references Saving the Appearances and Bernardo says that was the book he had in his hands.
Lol re simulation at 56:55 :lol::lol::lol:
Death is the end of the dissociative boundary between us and the One Mind. 1:11:25
The lowdown on ...
Mobile Homes: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Published on Apr 7, 2019
15:38 minutes
9th April 2019, 06:57
The lowdown on ...
Mobile Homes: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Well, for better or for worse, that sort of situation does not exist here in Belgium, because according to Belgian law, mobile homes may only be stationed on recreational ground, and one may not have one's permanent residence on recreational ground. By consequence, anyone who owns a mobile home or another property on recreational ground must also have another place of residence, and this other place of residence must also be the person's official address. As for how much time such a person would be spending at either location, the law states that the person must spend at least one day a year at their official address.
But that all said, there are of course other malpractices in the housing industry, specifically with regard to very substandard housing that is being offered for rent at very high prices. So in the end, the exploitation simply gets moved to another segment of the market. On the upside, such exploitation is of course illegal, and so the tenant has a legal recourse against landlords behaving in that manner.
And now that I've said all of the above, that Frank Rolfe character is a certifiable sociopath who deserves to be kicked in the nuts ─ and very hard too! :ireful: :cracky:
In remembrance ~ Sofia Rebeca Silva Sanchez :love2:
This local is the long time off season home of my friend Jay Gilliland ...
Who most recently lost his soul mate Sofia, who was a chef here ...
She passed over sadly of cancer at the age of 45. pg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=4bf9a6e13e5bcf8cc2d661be8644e138&oe=5D395E7A
Hola PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico! First Impressions of the City
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Apr 8, 2019
21 minutes
The ultimate ...
Bad Boy!
10th April 2019, 00:05
OMG! This is fascinating
Robert Forte, The Softer Side of CIA Psychedelic Mind Control |407|
Do you know where you are, right now?
I’m in a drug trial.
What do you think is wrong with you?
I’m sick. That I don’t matter.
That’s Emma Stone and Jonah Hill participating in a futuristic drug experiment in the Netflix series, Maniac.
What would you say this trial is showing you about yourself?
Is this therapy now?
It’s not therapy, it’s science.
Science indeed. I mention that the show is futuristic but it’s cleverly not futuristic because, as many of you know, the history of government sponsored, pharmaceutical-based, social engineering mind-control stuff is well established.
But we might even take it one step further, as today’s guest Robert Forte does, and say that the history of psychedelic drugs is a microcosm of the history of religion (Entheogens and the Future of Religion).
Alex Tsakiris: I really want to understand how you’re juggling these two things, because what I hear from Wasson is this both and kind of thing. Yeah, he’s a lying ass, CIA lifetime player, yes, but I also get the sense that he’s someone who either before, during or after, has woken up to the larger reality that he’s stumbled into or that he’s been pushed into.
Robert Forte: Well, I’m glad you put it that way because I’m still kind of… when I think back to my meetings with Wasson, he had a very peculiar personality around me. I think there was some genuine affection and respect for me as a young man, who really wanted to understand what was going on. You know, I don’t really know, I’d really love to go back into his archives and read more of his letters.
I gave a lecture in New York shortly after my realization of his relationship to the American fascists and then my access to the archives was denied.
Now, this is another one of those level-3 Skeptiko conversations that kind of goes in a lot of different directions, including the LSD movement versus the LSD movements. We talk a lot about Timothy Leary, since today’s guest spent quite a bit of time with him. We talk about his early history. His experience with the CIA. His claim that the CIA wasn’t all bad in the early ‘50s but then they turned bad and he turned against them. And I love Leary’s quote that a third of what he said was bullshit, a third of what he said was dead wrong and a third of what he said was a base hit, but a 333-batting average makes you a Hall of Famer.
We also talk about Aleister Crowley and whether he really was the sick puppy he seems to be and how he’s involved in this mind-control thing.
And of course, we talk about Robert’s amazing journey through this entire psychedelics, entheogen thing, including his relationship with clandestine CIA operative, Gordon Wasson.
We also talk about Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba and contrast Ram Dass to Timothy Leary in some ways you might find interesting if you’re at all into that stuff.
This guy Robert Forte is quite an amazing figure in history that you probably haven’t heard about. Stick around for my interview. I think you’ll really enjoy it.
10th April 2019, 00:09
Today in an interview with Howard Stern ...
Jason Bonham Remembers His Late Father, John Bonham of Led Zeppelin
The Howard Stern Show
Published on Apr 9, 2019
4:29 minutes
Also ...
Sammy Hagar & the Circle “Finish What Ya Started”
5:24 minutes
10th April 2019, 16:19
Forget Me Nots ...
Trump: Washington should have named Mount Vernon after himself ...
"President Trump thinks George Washington missed a branding opportunity by not naming Mount Vernon after himself, according to a report.
“If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it,” Trump said during a tour of the first president’s estate in Virginia a year ago that he shared with French President Emmanuel Macron, three people briefed on the exchange told Politico this week.
“You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you,” Trump reportedly added after learning that Washington was one of the major real-estate movers and shakers of his era.
Mount Vernon President and CEO Doug Bradburn, who served as the VIP tour guide, pointed out that Washington was successful in getting the nation’s capital named after himself, to which Trump conceded laughingly, according to the news outlet.
Bradburn later described the 45-minute tour as “truly bizarre” after he found it difficult to sustain Trump’s interest in the compound of his first counterpart, the sources told Politico.
The Macrons were far more knowledgeable about the history of the property than Trump, Bradburn has reportedly told several people.
Trump is open about the fact that he doesn’t read much history and said in July 2016 that he had never read a presidential biography.
Bradburn “was desperately trying to get [Trump] interested in” Washington’s house, a source told Politico, so he spoke in terms the president understands best — telling him that Washington was an 18th century real-estate mogul.
Trump asked whether Washington was “really rich,” another source familiar with the visit said.
In fact, Washington was either the richest or among the richest Americans of his time, thanks mostly to his real estate acquisitions.
“That is what Trump was really the most excited about,” the source said.
Trump did find one thing he liked at Mount Vernon — the bed where Washington died of a throat infection in 1799.
Trump — who is infamously picky about where he sleeps — felt out the bedpost and told his guest that he approved, according to three people briefed on the event.
“A good bed to die in,” he said."
Source: (
10th April 2019, 16:37
Continuing ...
“Every position here is ‘acting.’ As in, we’re all acting like he knows what he’s doing.”
10th April 2019, 16:50
Forget Me Nots ...
Trump: Washington should have named Mount Vernon after himself ...
Mount Aianawa. :p :ttr:
10th April 2019, 16:58
Compelling story ...
The Homeless Man Who Made a Horror Movie
Published on Apr 10, 2019
David Fussell’s dream was always to be a film director. Whilst living in a small town in Wales and working as a mechanic, misfortune struck - both of his parents died and the house he inherited from them flooded, costing him £90,000. Instead of dwelling on his misfortune, he saw the loss as an opportunity: freedom.
He decided to put his remaining money towards living out his dream by self financing, writing, producing, directing and acting in the action-spy-horror movie he always wanted to make - Mystic Demon Killer. This decision eventually cost him a lot more than he had anticipated, including his home. It didn’t, however, dampen his spirits.
After shooting the film, whilst living in a van, he took a train to London with nothing but the clothes on his back and a rough cut of his film on a hard drive. Since coming to London, David has managed to build a network of supportive people and organisations who have helped him out in various ways to realise his vision. He has spent the past four and a half years sleeping rough outside a department store in Central London by night, and editing his film by downloading some free editing software on a computer in the offices of a homeless shelter by day.
VICE follow David in the build up to the cinematic premiere of his film. David takes us on a tour of his London, showing us the places which have been important in his journey. David’s optimism and determination are admirable, and through spending time with him and his friends it is clear that the preconception of homeless people which is often lazily pedaled out by the mainstream media doesn’t even come close to the rich and varied realities and experiences for the many different types of people who live on the street.
Rent or purchase Mystic Demon Killer here:
Support David’s GoFundMe for further films here:
29:47 minutes
11th April 2019, 09:56
Can you hear me ... b%2Fae%2F60ebaeb61aa923eec5c4291745b22ddd.gif&f=1
Doctor Wu
Steely Dan
11th April 2019, 10:07
#NewWorldNextWeek ...
Hallelujah! Government Allows Homeowners to Grow Vegetables!
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news ...
Published on Apr 11, 2019
All news items link listed below youtube show notes.
19:38 minutes
11th April 2019, 16:04
Julian Assange arrested after seven years in Ecuadorean Embassy ...
Indicted on computer hacking charges (
12th April 2019, 00:14
Why the Assange Arrest Should Scare Reporters
The WikiLeaks founder will be tried in a real court for one thing,
but for something else in the court of public opinion ...
Julian Assange gestures to the media from a police vehicle on his arrival at Westminster Magistrates court on April 11, 2019 in London, England. After weeks of speculation Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by Scotland Yard Police Officers inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in Central London this morning. Ecuador's President, Lenin Moreno, withdrew Assange's Asylum after seven years citing repeated violations to international conventions.
by Matt Taibbi
"Julian Assange was arrested in England on Thursday. Though nothing has been announced, there are reports he may be extradited to the United States to face charges related to Obama-era actions.
Here’s the Washington Post on the subject of prosecuting Assange:
“A conviction would also cause collateral damage to American media freedoms. It is difficult to distinguish Assange or WikiLeaks from The Washington Post.”
That passage is from a 2011 editorial, “Why the U.S. Shouldn’t Try Julian Assange.”
The Post editorial of years back is still relevant because Assange is being tried for an “offense” almost a decade old. What’s changed since is the public perception of him, and in a supreme irony it will be the government of Donald “I love WikiLeaks” Trump benefiting from a trick of time, to rally public support for a prosecution that officials hesitated to push in the Obama years.
Much of the American media audience views the arrested WikiLeaks founder through the lens of the 2016 election, after which he was denounced as a Russian cutout who threw an election for Trump.
But the current indictment is the extension of a years-long effort, pre-dating Trump, to construct a legal argument against someone who releases embarrassing secrets.
Barack Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, said as far back as 2010 the WikiLeaks founder was the focus of an “active, ongoing criminal investigation.” Assange at the time had won, or was en route to winning, a pile of journalism prizes for releasing embarrassing classified information about many governments, including the infamous “Collateral Murder” video delivered by Chelsea Manning. The video showed a helicopter attack in Iraq which among other things resulted in the deaths of two Reuters reporters.
Last year, we reported a rumored American criminal case against Assange was not expected to have anything to do with 2016, Russians, or DNC emails. This turned out to be the case, as the exact charge is for conspiracy, with Chelsea Manning, to hack into a “classified U.S. government computer.”
The indictment unveiled today falls just short of a full frontal attack on press freedoms only because it indicts on something like a technicality: specifically, an accusation that Assange tried (and, seemingly, failed) to help Manning crack a government password.
For this reason, the language of the indictment underwhelmed some legal experts who had expressed concerns about the speech ramifications of this case before.
“There’s a gray area here,” says University of Texas law professor Steve Vladeck. “But the government at least tries to put this at the far end of the gray area.”
Not everyone agreed. Assange lawyer Barry Pollock said the allegations “boil down to encouraging a source to provide him information and taking efforts to protect the identify of that source.”
“The weakness of the US charge against Assange is shocking,” tweeted Edward Snowden. “The allegation he tried (and failed?) to help crack a password during their world-famous reporting has been public for nearly a decade: it is the count Obama’s DOJ refused to charge, saying it endangered journalism.”
Part of the case clearly describes conduct that exists outside the normal parameters of press-source interaction, specifically the password issue. However, the evidence about this part of the conspiracy seems thin, limited mainly to Assange saying he’d had “no luck so far,” apparently in relation to attempts to crack the password.
The meatier parts of the indictment speak more to normal journalistic practices. In its press release, the Justice Department noted Assange was “actively encouraging Manning” to provide more classified information. In the indictment itself, the government noted Assange told Manning, who said she had no more secrets to divulge, “curious eyes never run dry.”
Also in the indictment: “It is part of the conspiracy that Assange and Manning took measures to conceal Manning as the source of the disclosure.”
Reporters have extremely complicated relationships with sources, especially whistleblower types like Manning, who are often under extreme stress and emotionally vulnerable.
At different times, you might counsel the same person both for and against disclosure. It’s proper to work through all the reasons for action in any direction, including weighing the public’s interest, the effect on the source’s conscience and mental health, and personal and professional consequences.
For this reason, placing criminal penalties on a prosecutor’s interpretation of such interactions will likely put a scare into anyone involved with national security reporting going forward.
As Ben Wizner of the ACLU put it: “Any prosecution by the United States of Mr. Assange for WikiLeaks’ publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations.”
Unfortunately, Assange’s case, and the very serious issues it raises, will be impacted in profound ways by things that took place long after the alleged offenses, specifically the Russiagate story. It’s why some reporters are less than concerned about the Assange case today.
About that other thing, i.e. Assange’s role in the 2016 election:
Not only did this case have nothing to do with Russiagate, but in one of the odder unreported details of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, he never interviewed or attempted to interview Assange. In fact, it appears none of the 2800 subpoenas, 500 witness interviews, and 500 search warrants in the Mueller probe targeted Assange or WikiLeaks.
According to WikiLeaks, no one from Mueller’s office ever attempted to get a statement from Assange, any WikiLeaks employee, or any of Assange’s lawyers (the Office of Special Counsel declined comment for this story). A Senate committee did reach out to Assange last year about the possibility of testifying, but never followed up.
As Pollock told me in February, “[Assange] has not been contacted by the OSC or the House.” There was a Senate inquiry, he said, but “it was only an exploratory conversation and has not resulted in any agreement for Mr. Assange to be interviewed.”
Throughout the winter I asked officials and former prosecutors why officials wouldn’t be interested in at least getting a statement from a person ostensibly at the center of an all-consuming international controversy. There were many explanations offered, the least curious being that Assange’s earlier charges, assuming they existed, could pose legal and procedural obstacles.
Now that Assange’s extant case has finally been made public, the concern on that score “dissipates,” as one legal expert put it today.
It will therefore be interesting to see if Assange is finally asked about Russiagate by someone in American officialdom. If he isn’t, that will be yet another curious detail in a case that gets stranger by the minute.
As for Assange’s case, coverage by a national press corps that embraced him at the time of these offenses — and widely re-reported his leaks — will likely focus on the narrow hacking issue, as if this is not really about curtailing legitimate journalism.
In reality, it would be hard to find a more extreme example of how deep the bipartisan consensus runs on expanding the policing of leaks.
Donald Trump, infamously and ridiculously, is a pronounced Twitter fan of WikiLeaks, even comparing it favorably to the “dishonest media.” His Justice Department’s prosecution of Assange seems as counter-intuitive as the constitutional lawyer Barack Obama’s expansion of drone assassination programs.
Both things happened, though, and we should stop being surprised by them — even when Donald Trump takes the last step of journey begun by Barack Obama."
Source & reference links @: (
12th April 2019, 06:02
Eventually, George the parrot would accept these outburst
as the desperate cries of a world just beyond his cage ...
12th April 2019, 06:35
'A super narcissist extreme dieting, routines' ...
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey eats only one meal per day (
12th April 2019, 20:36
Very nice ...
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO | Tourist Heaven or Hell?
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Apr 11, 2019
21:20 minutes
13th April 2019, 06:35
Keep your face
Always toward the sunshine ,
And shadows will fall behind you.
- Walt Whitman - g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=d9abaeaa476713baaa54afbf54f16bee&oe=5D377527
13th April 2019, 07:07
'Who ever thought we could be so lonely' ...
Children Say
♪ I keep to myself
what I might share with others
but they don't seem to understand
I open my mouth
to rediscover
that I don't have the words at my command
holding out
for a world so much better
but I'm a stranger in a stranger's land
all my friends have sold out
couldn't handle the pressure
counting their blessings trying to salvage what they can
Children say - children say
we open our minds as one
but one more day - slips away
why don't the dreams of the young never come to be
When I overhear
my parents conversations
well I'm struck by the things they say
it seems they traded the years
for mere complications
who ever thought it could end this way
they close the door
but they can't lock it
'cause something of their childhood remains
and they've felt it before
when the man in their pocket
counted the cost of their material gains
Children say - come what may
be strong for the friends you've known
but one fine day - (not) far away
will we remember the love we used to own
Children say - children say
we open our minds as one
as one more day slips away
why don't the dreams of the young never come to be
♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
Well you knew what I was saying
but did you know what it meant
when you saw that look in my eye
did you know it was heaven sent
was it all a waking dream
all that time we must have spent
well I guess it must have been
somehow that feeling came and went
Children say - come what may
be strong for the friends you've known
but one fine day - (not) far away
will we remember the love we used to own
Children say - children say
we open our minds as one
as one more day - slips away
why don't the dreams of the young never come to be
When our children say ...
When their children say ...
Children say - children say ♪
4:52 minutes
Level 42
13th April 2019, 18:21
Real journalism is being criminalized by thugs in plain sight, says John Pilger. Dissent has become an indulgence. And the British elite has abandoned its last imperial myth: that of fairness and justice.
By John Pilger
The glimpse of Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London is an emblem of the times. Might against right. Muscle against the law. Indecency against courage. Six policemen manhandled a sick journalist, his eyes wincing against his first natural light in almost seven years.
That this outrage happened in the heart of London, in the land of Magna Carta, ought to shame and anger all who fear for “democratic” societies. Assange is a political refugee protected by international law, the recipient of asylum under a strict covenant to which Britain is a signatory. The United Nations made this clear in the legal ruling of its Working Party on Arbitrary Detention.
But to hell with that. Let the thugs go in. Directed by the quasi fascists in Trump’s Washington, in league with Ecuador’s Lenin Moreno, a Latin American Judas and liar seeking to disguise his rancid regime, the British elite abandoned its last imperial myth: that of fairness and justice.
13th April 2019, 21:11
Real journalism is being criminalized by thugs in plain sight ...
Coming from 'Russia Today' ...
That's what i call being served up a real 'Mickey Finnsky' cocktail ...
giggle :)
14th April 2019, 01:46
Coming from 'Russia Today' ...
That's what i call being served up a real 'Mickey Finnsky' cocktail ...
giggle :)
Maybe I will support Tulsi, the only congressional Hindu?
I have never been more willing to listen to interviews produced by RT. MAYBE it's all inside out upside down and backwards?
14th April 2019, 04:40
A disclaimer/clarification from the Opening Poster ...
When it comes to the current state of our world and its politics, i have gradually been moving towards an apolitical stance. I have come to realize and accept, what is being perpetrated upon this planet by the usual suspects as simply a planned and systematic demolition of its natural inclinations to thrive and provide for its inhabitants well being.
And when it comes to news outlets, i feel pretty much the same way, I do not trust any of them. Though when it comes to my choices of sharing news items here, let me say my style is and has always been eclectic (i.e. my instinctive eye) ...
Some get it, some often times don't, but i'm told it can become a habit (like an accident) ...
that's hard not to look at.
14th April 2019, 05:03
14th April 2019, 05:09
Al Stewart talks Year of the Cat ...
5:11 minutes
Year Of The Cat
6:33 minutes
14th April 2019, 07:11
Year of the of my all-time favs. :cool:
14th April 2019, 08:12
Broadway play reexamines the U.S. Constitution
PBS NewsHour
Published on Apr 13, 2019
A new Broadway production, "What the Constitution Means to Me," is taking a fresh look at the founding document: what it says, who it serves and who it doesn’t. The play’s author and lead actor reexamines the rights laid out in the Constitution and how her own life relates to it. NewsHour Weekend's Ivette Feliciano reports.
6:10 minutes
14th April 2019, 08:27
Year of the of my all-time favs. :cool:
Ditto. Everything about that song is simply perfect, from the intriguing lyrics over to the intricate arrangements and multiple solos ─ grand piano, cellos, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, saxophone and synthesizer, they all get their turn in the spotlight. It is, in my humble opinion as a musician, one of the best songs ever written. ;)
14th April 2019, 13:35
Ditto. Everything about that song is simply perfect, from the intriguing lyrics over to the intricate arrangements and multiple solos ─ grand piano, cellos, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, saxophone and synthesizer, they all get their turn in the spotlight. It is, in my humble opinion as a musician, one of the best songs ever written. ;)
:bump2: That song yields a lot of beautiful memories.
14th April 2019, 17:58
Though when it comes to my choices of sharing news items here, let me say my style is and has always been eclectic (i.e. my instinctive eye) ...
I agree with you that eclectic is the only "category" that makes sense. Jesse Ventura is stating the obvious. This opinion represents MY concern.
14th April 2019, 22:34
A WikiLeaks miscalculation ...
And a new meaning and lesson to 'sleeping with the fishes' ...
This photo got Julian Assange kicked out of Ecuadorian embassy ...
14th April 2019, 22:49
A brand new day from the eyes of a tiger ...
Tiger Woods Wins the 2019 Masters in a Triumph for the Ages (
15th April 2019, 00:14
"Speak your truth even if your voice is shaking" ...
A Prison Made Of Light
Freeman with Matt Landman
With the ongoing wave of wireless tech, smart devices and now 5G infrastructure and deployment, levels of cumulative non-ionizing radiation are reaching limits hazardous to human health. Speak your truth even if your voice shakes. Spero Protection Clothing will consist of garments lined with metal fabric such as nickel, silver, copper and steel. The metal acts as an armor of protection from microwave EMF / RF radiation. The clothing line will become a vehicle for funding future activism and is purely designed to serve humanity. Protection Clothing GoFundMe
Climate scientists are currently advocating a ‘strike first’ preemptive move against climate change and global warming although you probably won’t have heard much about it. The plan is to block the sun, akin to mimicking a volcanic eruption, which is why it’s called The Mount Pinatubo Effect which would implement an ongoing aerosol injection campaign in the atmosphere in order to veil incoming SUNLIGHT.
Lack of public information shielded by an abundance of confusion tactics, misinformation, outright denial, and euphemistic terminology have worked so far to hide the facts. But those demanding to know the truth have been paying careful attention to the evolution of the terminology surrounding what many of us have known up to now as ‘chemtrails’. Language does indeed matter. The media even coined the term Secret Large-scale Aerosol Program (SLAP) as a dead end for people new to the subject.
Little did we know then that the regime was just buying itself a bit more time before launching its crazy scheme this coming spring.
According to experts, there is no such thing as chemtrails in the skies, and what we see is actually contrails coming out from aircraft. However, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that governments are secretly spraying chemicals in the skies for various reasons including weather control, solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, and human population control.
Climate scientists, however, are very divided as to what causes global warming. Similarly, it is not understood what the effects of geoengineering intervention are or will be, nor how nature will react. The level of unpredictability calls for risk assessment analysis that focuses on the probable outcomes.
Watch Frankenskies
Freeman Fly
Published on Apr 14, 2019
1:14:56 minutes
15th April 2019, 04:14
Going ...
15th April 2019, 22:37
Will share this here ... Previous to today's tragic fire ...
For those who would like to see what was once there ...
Standing the test of time: Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris
FRANCE 24 English
Published on Jun 8, 2018
10:24 minutes
16th April 2019, 03:23
Through the ages ...
Chimera gargoyle of the Cathedral of Notre Dame
Time Passages
16th April 2019, 07:34
How timely ...
What’s New About Conspiracy Theories?
Outsiders have always had a weakness for paranoid fantasies. Now our leaders are conspiracists, too.,c_limit/190422_r34133.jpg
"Crazy ideas have long been a fixture of American life ...
Now paranoia thrives at the center of power, not just the fringes: ...
Go /listen/read here (
17th April 2019, 02:45
Hit me baby one more time ...
How timely ...
What’s New About Conspiracy Theories?
Outsiders have always had a weakness for paranoid fantasies. Now our leaders are conspiracists, too.,c_limit/190422_r34133.jpg
"Crazy ideas have long been a fixture of American life ...
Now paranoia thrives at the center of power, not just the fringes: ...
Go /listen/read here (
17th April 2019, 02:54
To sing the blues you've got to live the dues ...
And Carry On
17th April 2019, 03:02
It's a doggy dog world ...,c_limit/DC041519.jpg
“I realize how helpless and needy they are, but I’m afraid you still can’t claim
a human as a dependent.”
17th April 2019, 04:28
It's all cosmically charged ...
Wal Thornhill: Black Hole or Plasmoid? | Space News
In this interview recorded on April 8, 2019, physicist Wal Thornhill discusses why the recent so-called "first picture of a black hole" actually affirms the plasma cosmology hypothesis that the object at a galactic core is not a black hole at all but an ultra-high density energy storage phenomena called a Plasmoid.
Published on Apr 16, 2019
15:33 minutes
17th April 2019, 05:27
Hail hail the gangs all here ! g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=01616e0facfa8c1e240fa6089548a881&oe=5D4A0C42
17th April 2019, 18:47
How to Deprogram a Sociopath: A Proposal
Corbett Report Extras
Published on Apr 17, 2019
Davi Barker of The Black Sale joins us to discuss his book, Authoritarian Sociopathy. We talk about the various psychological experiments that have been done in the past to show people's propensity to obey or disobey authority, and Barker proposes his own experiment that could take this research even further.
39:37 minutes
18th April 2019, 05:11
# CucKoo...
St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City
Man in custody after walking into St. Patrick’s Cathedral with gas cans, lighters ...
"A New Jersey man was nabbed Wednesday night after walking into St. Patrick’s Cathedral with two cans of gasoline and lighters, police said.
Marc Lamparello, 37, entered the historic Midtown church about 8 p.m. with the flammable paraphernalia, but was quickly intercepted by church security, police sources said.
The man told the church guards that he was just cutting through the church because his car, which was parked outside, ran out of gas.
The firebug turned around, spilling some of the gasoline, and church personnel alerted nearby counter-terrorism cops stationed outside the church.
Police quickly caught up to and apprehended the suspect.
Cops recovered two red two-gallon cans and a bag containing two bottles of Kingsford lighter fluid and a pair of barbecue lighters.
The suspect’s tan minivan was parked outside St. Patrick’s on Fifth Avenue, but cops said wasn’t out of fuel.
NYPD Deputy Inspector John Miller called Lamperallo’s actions “very suspicious.”
Miller also said there were people at the church during the incident and Lamparello was “creating a hazard.”
The incident comes just days after Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral erupted in flames, which toppled its spire and badly damaged the historic building.
Lamperallo has not been hit with any charges as of late Wednesday night, but was being held by cops."
Source: (
18th April 2019, 05:33
# Being/Reacted ... 889255297751154688%2FGaZXdQSu_400x400.jpg&f=1
18th April 2019, 05:45
Julian Assange Is Not A Good Roommate
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on Apr 17, 2019
6:59 minutes
Also ... 4%2F13%2F03%2F12217354-6917951-image-a-47_1555121528502.jpg&f=1
Post note:
WikiLeaks Confirms Julian Assange’s Cat is “Safe” (
18th April 2019, 08:42
How to Deprogram a Sociopath: A Proposal
39:37 minutes
This reminds me of the Stanford Prison Experiment, Gio. Nonetheless...this is very interesting!
The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The experiment was conducted from August 14 to 20,1971 by a team of researchers led by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. It was funded by a grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research and was of interest to both the US Navy and Marine Corps in order to determine the causes of conflict between military guards and prisoners. Twenty-four students were selected out of 75 to play the prisoners and live in a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Roles were assigned randomly. The participants adapted to their roles well beyond what even Zimbardo himself expected, leading the "officers" to display authoritarian measures and ultimately to subject some of the prisoners to torture. In turn, many of the prisoners developed passive attitudes and accepted physical abuse, and, at the request of the guards, readily inflicted punishment on other prisoners who attempted to stop it. The experiment even affected Zimbardo himself, who, in his capacity as "Prison Superintendent", lost sight of his role as psychologist and permitted the abuse to continue as though it were a real prison. Five of the prisoners were upset enough by the process to quit the experiment early, and the entire experiment was abruptly stopped after only six days. The experimental process and the results remain controversial. The entire experiment was filmed, with excerpts made publicly available.
18th April 2019, 09:53
The latest ...
Russia Hails the New World Order - #NewWorldNextWeek
Published on Apr 18, 2019
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
News items listed below youtube show notes
20:14 minutes
19th April 2019, 16:22
I call this one delusion/collusion ...
Death Ship
The Twilight Zone
8:56 minutes
19th April 2019, 22:07
Sniff Sniff ...
19th April 2019, 22:20
" I remember what I had for dinner..."
...and the very end of the Colbert segment is right on topic. :ttr:
20th April 2019, 06:17
Tales from the MegaCon's ...
The Moore Show
Published on Apr 19, 2019
27:11 minutes
20th April 2019, 17:45
What you see is what you get ...
Karma (Does Karma Exist or Doesn’t It?)
Teal Swan
In this 'graduate understanding of Karma' video, Teal explains how we have had a flawed understanding of Karma for a long long time. Teal Swan explains that Karma is essentially the observation of the law of attraction. Teal Swan explains how karma pertains to re-incarnation and past lives.
Published on Apr 20, 2019
16:45 minutes
20th April 2019, 17:54
Trump's new acting Bozo ...
20th April 2019, 18:26
♪ I wonder wonder wonder wonder who ♪
Boz Scaggs - Lowdown
20th April 2019, 19:28
It's not all as simple as saying ahhh ...
The Truth About Dentistry
It’s much less scientific—and more prone to gratuitous procedures—than you may think.
Listen read/here (
20th April 2019, 20:57
Meanwhile ...
Yellow vest anger burns in France, fueled by Notre Dame fire
PARIS (AP) — "French yellow vest protesters set fires Saturday along a march through Paris to drive home their message to a government they believe is ignoring the poor: that rebuilding the fire-ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral isn’t the only problem France needs to solve.
Like the high-visibility vests the protesters wear, the scattered small fires in Paris appeared to be a collective plea to French President Emmanuel Macron’s government to “look at me — I need help too!”
Police fired water cannon and sprayed tear gas to try to control radical elements rampaging on the margins of the largely peaceful march, one of several actions around Paris and other French cities.
The protests marked the 23rd straight weekend of yellow vest actions against Macron’s centrist government, which they see as favoring the wealthy and big business. Protesters view themselves as standing up for beleaguered French workers , students and retirees who have been battered by high unemployment, high taxes and shrinking purchasing power.
But violence and divisions have marred the movement.
Associated Press reporters saw a car, motorbikes and barricades set ablaze around the Place de la Republique plaza in eastern Paris. The smell of tear gas mixed with the smoke, choking the air.
Paris firefighters — who struggled earlier this week to prevent the 12th-century Notre Dame from collapsing — quickly responded to extinguish the flames at Saturday’s protest.
Masked protesters hurled paving stones and flares. Helmeted riot police repeatedly charged as they tried to contain the crowd. AP reporters saw at least two journalists injured in the melee. Troublemakers also ransacked at least two stores and one black-clad protester jumped on a parked Mercedes, smashing its windshields.
Paris police said authorities detained more than 200 people by early afternoon and carried out spot checks on more than 20,000 trying to enter the capital for the protest.
The violence contrasted sharply with the peaceful atmosphere at another march through Paris, where demonstrators mourned the Notre Dame blaze while also keeping up the pressure on Macron. They tried to march to Notre Dame itself, but were stopped by police a few hundred meters (yards) away.
Young women at that march skipped down a street along the Seine River, accompanied by drummers and singers. One protester carried a huge wooden cross resembling those carried in Good Friday processions.
Many protesters were deeply saddened by the fire at a national monument . But at the same time they are angry at the $1 billion in donations for Notre Dame renovations that poured in from French tycoons while their own economic demands remain largely unmet and they struggle to make ends meet.
“I think what happened at Notre Dame is a great tragedy but humans should be more important than stones,” said protester Jose Fraile.
Some 60,000 police officers mobilized for Saturday’s protests across France, and the heavy security thwarted some tourists trying to enjoy the French capital on a warm spring day.
“Paris is very difficult right now,” said Paul Harlow of Kansas City, Missouri, as he looked sadly at the damaged Notre Dame.
He and his wife Susan were in Paris only for a few days and didn’t make it in time to see the cathedral. On Saturday, their efforts to visit museums were derailed by closed subways and barricaded roads.
“I don’t think we’ll be back,” he said.
Other visitors showed solidarity with the yellow vest cause.
“I am not interested in joining them, but I can understand what they’re angry about,” said Antonio Costes, a retiree from the Paris suburb of Montreuil who came Saturday to see the damage to Notre Dame. “There is a lot of injustice.”
Source (
"Yellow vests" stage 23rd weekend of Paris protests
1:08 minutes
21st April 2019, 00:56
♪ I wonder wonder wonder wonder who ♪
Boz Scaggs - Lowdown
Three truly great artists, for sure, and I see they've surrounded themselves with another fine selection of musicians. I recognize Shannon Forrest on the drums ─ he's been touring with Toto ever since Simon Phillips left the band, and Toto isn't exactly going to hire just anyone as a drummer, especially not after over a decade with Jeff Porcaro and then more than two decades with Simon Phillips ─ and the guy who plays lead guitar here used to play with Joe Jackson.
In a way, it all fits together perfectly for those who know the history of all these musicians. Toto itself ─ Jeff Porcaro, Steve Porcaro, original bass player David Hungate and later also Steve Lukather ─ started off as Boz Scaggs' backing group. Michael McDonald has been a member of the Doobie Brothers and of Steely Dan, and has as a session musician also supplied backing vocals on Toto's "I'll Be Over You", while Donald Fagen was of course one of the founding members of Steely Dan.
Birds of a feather flock together. :)
P.S.: Toto has played "Lowdown" once during a soundcheck, with Steve Lukather mimicking Boz Scaggs' voice. It was funny. :p
21st April 2019, 07:46
For those so inclined ...
This Week On Howard: Benjy's Dating Profile, Pig Island, and Rapaport's Knicks Seats
The Howard Stern Show
In this week’s Top Noine Stern Show moments, Benjy Bronk gets called out for his dating profile, Chris Wilding reports on Jason Kaplan’s trip to Pig Island, and Michael Rapaport calls Howard to clarify where he sits at Knicks games.
Published on Apr 19, 2019
26:34 minutes
21st April 2019, 08:09
Let's ... :scooter:
New Zealand Road Trip | Van Life Lake Rotorua to Taupo
Want to take a van life road trip across New Zealand? Join Alex The Vagabond and Carrie Rad as they travel from Auckland to Christchurch on an epic road trip.
In this video Alex and Carrie travel from Lake Rotorua to Lake Taupo and go fly fishing on a pristine river in a beautiful forest, but things don't go as planned along the way!
Note: Alex and Marko the Vagabrothers series channel creators, are brothers and vagabonds from San Diego, California but now live in Venice Beach in Los Angeles. We’ve traveled all over Europe by train, bicycle and road trips, we’ve backpacked through South America and South East Asia and explored the wilderness of Africa. From Machu Picchu Peru to Cape Town, Ireland, The Basque Country in Spain to South Korea and all the way back to Thailand or Helsinki, Finland - we’ve haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on our list.
Published on Apr 20, 2019
13:10 minutes
21st April 2019, 10:37
"The Troubles" ... 2F2016%2F03%2F1024px-Collusion_is_not_an_illusion-1yqr8i1.jpg&f=1
Friends, colleagues pay tribute to slain journalist Lyra McKee (
Emil El Zapato
21st April 2019, 14:45
Great song to have a beer with...Lowdown
22nd April 2019, 05:24
An Alex and Eddie Moment - JRE Toons
Published on Apr 21, 2019
Another hilarious moment animated by PaulyToon from the Joe Rogan Experience #1255 - Alex Jones Returns! (
2:53 minutes
22nd April 2019, 12:08
An Alex and Eddie Moment - JRE Toons
Damn, and there I was, waiting for the video thumbnail to load, thinking this was going to be about Alex and Eddie Van Halen. :p
23rd April 2019, 06:11
Apr 22, 2019 3:00 pm
10% of Americans don’t use the internet. Who are they?
"For many Americans, going online is an important way to connect with friends and family, shop, get news and search for information. Yet today, 10% of U.S. adults do not use the internet, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of survey data.
The size of this group has changed little over the past four years, despite ongoing government and social service programs to encourage internet adoption in underserved areas. But that 10% figure is substantially lower than in 2000, when the Center first began to study the social impact of technology. That year, nearly half (48%) of American adults did not use the internet.
Internet non-adoption is linked to a number of demographic variables, including age, educational attainment, household income and community type, the Center’s latest analysis finds.",10 24
"For instance, seniors are much more likely than younger adults to say they never go online. Although the share of non-internet users ages 65 and older has decreased by 7 percentage points since 2018, 27% still do not use the internet, compared with fewer than 10% of adults under the age of 65. Household income and education are also indicators of a person’s likelihood to be offline. Roughly three-in-ten adults with less than a high school education (29%) do not use the internet in 2019, compared with 35% in 2018. But that share falls as the level of educational attainment increases. Adults from households earning less than $30,000 a year are far more likely than the most affluent adults to not use the internet (18% vs. 2%).
Rural Americans are more likely than those who live in urban or suburban settings to never use the internet, but the share who do not use the internet has dropped 7 points since 2018. And due in part to the share of offline whites declining since 2018, blacks and Hispanics are more likely than whites to report that they never go online. (There were not enough Asian respondents in the sample to be broken out into a separate analysis.)"
Despite some groups having persistently lower rates of internet adoption, the vast majority of Americans are now online. Over time, the offline population has been shrinking, and for some groups that change has been especially dramatic. For example, 86% of adults ages 65 and older did not go online in 2000; today that figure has been reduced to 27%. Among those without a high school diploma, the share not using the internet dropped from 81% to 29% in the same time period."
"A 2013 Pew Research Center survey found some key reasons that some people do not use the internet. A third of non-internet users (34%) did not go online because they had no interest in doing so or did not think the internet was relevant to their lives. Another 32% of non-users said the internet was too difficult to use, including 8% of this group who said they were “too old to learn.” Cost was also a barrier for some adults who were offline – 19% cited the expense of internet service or owning a computer."
Source & Reference links here (
Note: Methodology can be found here ( This is an update of a post originally published July 18, 2015.
23rd April 2019, 06:20
Skunk Baxter ( (the original guitarist) leads this outstanding rendition of Steely Dan's
Rikki Don't Lose That Number
Jeff "Skunk" Baxter performs Rikki Don't Lose That Number live at the NAMM Show 2016 TEC Awards in Anaheim, CA. Featuring Kipp Lennon ( on vocals, Nathan East on bass, CJ Vanston on keys and the Larry Batiste 2Cold Chili Bone TEC Band.
6:01 minutes
24th April 2019, 01:34
The latest stuff ...
PBS News Wrap: Saudi Arabia beheads 37 in mass execution ...
Published on Apr 23, 2019
In our news wrap Tuesday, Saudi Arabia beheaded 37 people in the Kingdom’s largest mass execution since 2016. The Saudi government said those killed were found guilty of attacking security installations, killing security officers and cooperating with what it called “enemy organizations.” Meanwhile, the deadline set by Congress for President Trump to release his tax returns has come and gone.
4:22 minutes
24th April 2019, 02:10
Gee Whiz... people were saying they didn't have anything to hide when they found out our calls were being wiretapped. "I don't have any thing to hide!" They'd say.
And now, where is all that sentiment?
What does he have to hide?
Fricken hypocrites.
24th April 2019, 11:42
An informative though controversial subject report ...
Attack Of The Drones (Military Documentary) - Real Stories
They can move together in swarms, build towers, dance, throw and catch, assess targets and soon will even make their own decisions. Both in war and at home, drones are developing fast and gaining control.
Real Stories
Published on Apr 23, 2019
26:20 minutes
24th April 2019, 11:48
Notre Dame’s Bees Seem to Have Survived the Blaze ...
The trio of hives, on the bottom left, as they appeared in 2016.
"Several types of creatures make themselves at home on the tippy-tops of buildings. You have your gargoyles, their stone gazes fixed forever on the horizon, and pigeons, their poop splattered in putrid white polka dots. And, on some urban rooftops, you have bees.
Beekeepers tend to hives atop several Paris landmarks, including the Opéra Garnier, Musée d’Orsay, and Notre Dame. More than 180,000 honeybees were said to flit around the hives atop the sacristy, their honey doled out among cathedral staff. So when a blaze recently torched Notre Dame’s wood roof and demolished the spire, apiarists were eager to know how the colonies had fared.
For the beekeeper Nicolas Géant, who cares for Notre Dame’s hives, aerial images of the scorched building were a good omen. “If you look at the photos from the sky, you see that everything is burnt, there are holes in the roof, but you can still see the three beehives,” Géant told NBC News.
The hives are stacked slightly below the portion of the roof that went up in the flames. The fact that the hives hadn’t burned was promising, but it didn’t necessarily mean that the bees had survived the clouds of hot, gray smoke. (Géant explained to CNN that it’s possible that the hives would have handled that alright, since beekeepers regularly blow cold smoke into hives to lull bees into a honey-feast stupor while the humans do their work.) Then, a few days after the blaze, he got the news he had been waiting for: A cathedral spokesperson told him that bees had been seen buzzing around the hives, the Agence France-Presse reported. At least some winged residents had made it through.
While it’s too soon to tell for sure just how many hung in there—Géant told CNN that he hadn’t yet gotten up to the roof to inspect the hives—he was overjoyed by what he’d seen so far. At this point, that sign of life amid the wreckage felt precious, he said. He called it “a miracle.”"
Source: (
24th April 2019, 11:56
Speaking of, and one of my favorites ...
24th April 2019, 12:32
♪ In the village where I grew up nothing seems the same ...
Still you never see the change from day to day ...
No one notices the customs slip away ♪
On The Border
Al Stewart
3:13 minutes
A backstory of knowing when ...
Peter White - "On The Border" & Alan Parsons
6:48 minutes
24th April 2019, 14:42
♪ Take me out to the ballgame ♪ ...
Spending a day with Jordan & Jah
Daze with Jordan the Lion
Published on Apr 24, 2019
15:10 minutes
24th April 2019, 22:52
There's still hope ...
Diners spot elderly woman eating alone, invite her to join them ...
25th April 2019, 02:30
Magick As Advanced Physics
Freeman with Dr. Richard Alan Miller
Freeman Fly
Published on Apr 24, 2019
Meta means beyond, and the new directions in Physics. It includes the study, and use, of altered states of consciousness, where Imagination is considered Reality. Magick is the next evolutional step in the advancement of consciousness. This is why Magick has been reserved for the ultra-elite of Europe for centuries. Known as Magick within Blue Lodges, the occult has always been “occulted.” As Alchemy has led to Chemistry, so too now will Magick emerge as an advanced form of Physics (as Mystery Schools)
59:10 minutes
25th April 2019, 03:10
25th April 2019, 03:50
# Trending ...
Can Antarctica remain a refuge for science and peace?
PBS NewsHour
Published on Apr 24, 2019
Antarctica is virtually uninhabited by people. There are no roads, no cities, no government. But thanks to a remarkable Cold War diplomatic breakthrough, the last continent ever discovered remains a place devoted almost exclusively to science. William Brangham reports on how humans first found Antarctica, and how it proves that occasionally, even rivals can become partners.
9:37 minutes
25th April 2019, 07:24
# Trending ...
Can Antarctica remain a refuge for science and peace?
9:37 minutes
Most of it is owned by the Queen. British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic territories are the personal property of the Crown. The Falkland conflict was partly about maintaining control over British Antarctica. As the ice melts and the climate becomes warmer, there will be a scramble for Antarctica, just as there was a Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century. I doubt it will be entirely peaceful.
25th April 2019, 17:18
"In 'The Castle on Sunset' — currently being adapted into an HBO series by John Krasinski and Aaron Sorkin —
Hollywood historian Shawn Levy retraces the comedian's final days inside the legendary hotel" ...
The Night John Belushi Died (
26th April 2019, 00:05
One might wonder, especially living in today's stressed out world ...
Hopkins Study: Half Of Schizophrenia Cases Misdiagnosed, Most Just Have Anxiety (
26th April 2019, 13:13
Docs gotta prescribe their meds, make buck. (sorry to be cynical)
26th April 2019, 17:45
Speaking of ...
How Moby went from partying with A-listers to begging concertgoers for drugs ... (
Wait For Me
27th April 2019, 05:38
The latest ...
How Moby went from partying with A-listers to begging concertgoers for drugs ... (
Wait For Me
27th April 2019, 05:44
Will also share this here ...
Research on Children's Past Life Memories - Erlendur Haraldsson
Forum Borealis
Today we look into overwhelming scientific evidence for life after death, where Dr. Haraldsson relates studies in afterlife encounters, deathbed visions, & especially past life memories of children around the world. We examine what patterns are discovered, & discuss such questions as: What's the best verified cases? How long does reincarnation take? Do we come back in the same places & families? Do we come back in specific genders? Any memories of the time between death & rebirth? Any reports of life in other worlds? How to explain the population excess? And the professor shares his encounter with poltergeist as a young student...
Published on Apr 26, 2019
1:50:57 minutes
Please note extended bio intro -
interview begin at 8:50 minutes
27th April 2019, 05:54
Though not poisonous - But wow what a bite wallop ...
27th April 2019, 06:08
An opinion ...
How Trump Lost Half of Washington
The old ambassadors were willing to give him a chance.
He destabilized the whole town instead.
President Trump speaks in Washington, April 17.
By Peggy Noonan
“How did things ever get so far? I don’t know. It was so unfortunate, so unnecessary.”
—Don Corleone, “The Godfather”
I keep thinking about the dynamics the past few years between the president and what used to be called official Washington. That relationship is ugly and broken, but it could have been otherwise.
Trump supporters have long held, and deeply believe, that none of the people in what they call the swamp were ever anything but unalterably opposed to him and meant, from day one, to remove him by whatever means possible.
This was true of about half of official Washington. They were predominately Democrats, though there were Republicans too, and certainly the media were against him, overwhelmingly.
But the other half of official Washington, though to varying degrees disapproving of Trump, often for reasons that were almost aesthetic, was willing to be surprised. They were open to persuasion. They didn’t say this but they thought it. They’d give him time and watch events closely.
I’m thinking of the old ambassadors, mostly men in their 60s, 70s and 80s. They’re woven into the town, solid citizens, friends of journalists, occasionally sources, and they know things. They’re mostly retired, and at lunch at clubs in town often begin sentences with “And so I told Zbig . . .” There’s a bit of lost glory with them, but they care about America, are personally invested in it, love it with an old-school love, and respect systems, knowing that creativity—in art, science and diplomacy—can only be born within a certain immediate order.
Donald Trump was not their type. But early on they were willing to give him a chance.
When he came in he was a shock to the system, almost literally. He didn’t act like a liberal or a Democrat, or a conservative or a Republican. It was not clear he thought, as opposed to felt. It was clear he was emotional—lots of resentments, wounds and complaints. As the first year went by and then the second the stories were out there, sometimes from his own aides. He doesn’t read, doesn’t like his briefings, he’s spending time tweeting and watching television. He’s picking fights with celebrities and haranguing the Boy Scout Jamboree about our rotten media. He’s firing people or they’re resigning—the chief of staff, chief strategist, then the generals. The travel ban, Charlottesville, he’s a “stable genius,” he’s shoving the prime minister of Montenegro and blowing up immigration talks.
Pretty quickly and to the entire edifice of Washington, it became clear Donald Trump was not a Jacksonian shock to the system, which is what his supporters think he was. He was a daily system overload, a one-man frying of the grid.
One by one the ambassadors shut down and turned away. Their objections were not about policy, they were about behavior. What they feared was not extreme conservatism or extreme liberalism. They didn’t fear originality or a new synthesis. They feared Madness of King George-ism. They’d come to think the president was, irredeemably, a screwball. In the nuclear age this is a dangerous thing.
Their fears about him weren’t assuaged by trusty old hands inside the White House because those hands weren’t there. They didn’t join the administration, because they didn’t want their résumés tainted or they thought wise counsel would never be heeded. Or because they’d signed a letter opposing him in 2016 and would never be forgiven.
So a lot of good people didn’t come in or weren’t allowed in. And those who did work for the president came to seem strange—fierce, emotional, half mad themselves. There were good people there—the generals were solid—but one by one they left.
Mr. Trump fulfilled every fear a Trump skeptic would have. So they stayed skeptics, or became active opponents. Strangely in a political figure, the president had no particular respect for his critics’ concerns or anxieties. He never understood they could be brought into the tent. They were all enemies; it was all black and white. Some supporters were like that too, but that was understandable: The job of supporters is to fight. He’s the leader, and leaders are forced to deal with reality. He would not lessen his critics’ fears through behavioral change. Heck, he won the election by not changing, why mess with his swing?
He thought he didn’t need the ambassadors. “Experts” are just guys who marinated in a little subset and memorized its clichés. If they were any good we’d be in better shape!
It was all this—the president’s disdain, his well-fed resentments—that not only left Washington thinking Mr. Trump was crazy. It made Washington itself a fertile field for crazy. It was in this atmosphere that the Steele dossier, with its whacked out third-rate spy fiction, became believable, that sober-minded officials reportedly wondered if they should wear wires when they met with the president.
He destabilized the entire town.
That, in my view, is a small sliver of how we got here.
And so a closing word on the Mueller report. I have thought since the beginning that appointing a special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election was right and justified; that Robert Mueller was an excellent choice because of his experience and integrity. Also his age and stage. He was a patriot looking to finish a distinguished career with integrity. He hired killers, tough lawyers and investigators who were hunting the whale and intended to harpoon it. They did everything they could to get the story. What they produced is a more dreadful portrait of Mr. Trump than his supporters will know, because most Americans won’t read it.
In the end, Mr. Mueller did not bring charges. He left it to Congress.
Should the Democrats move to impeach? No, not for reasons of merit but of national interest.
Progressives will want to proceed with their usual blithe rage. But the investigation lasted almost two years. It was exhaustive and consumed daily headlines. Trump supporters, almost half the country, will feel, understandably, that its work is complete. They would experience an impeachment attempt as proof of what they always assumed: that this whole thing was a cynical attempt by the left to achieve by other means what it could not achieve at the ballot box.
They would see it as subverting democracy. And anything that damages faith in democracy at this point in our national life should be rejected. We need to build trust and faith, not lessen it.
It is 2019. We elect a president in 2020. Democrats would be wise to spend the next year showing America that their party is capable of governing, up to leadership, that its ideas are not crazy but pertinent, that it actually has a philosophy.
Seriousness and calm would be nice, and after the past few years would serve as a welcome counterpoint. There is an unarticulated wish out there to return to some past in which things were deeply imperfect and certainly divided but on some level tranquil, and not half mad."
Source: WSJ (
27th April 2019, 06:44
And the latest for those on the alternative white turn fork path ...
Flashback Friday - Ep25 - Man Tax, Fatphobia, Winnipeg Hate Hoax,
Basic Becky & Creepy Biden
"Henrik and Lana discuss the latest news and important stories from the week."
Streamed live 4/26/2019
2:55:05 minutes
Note to skip long intro - Go to 15:00 minutes mark for news item start of show.
27th April 2019, 07:07
When there wasn't ...
A World Without Love
Peter & Gordon
2:47 minutes
27th April 2019, 09:13
Peggy's characterization of the Steele dossier is a little off. There were some serious concerns in it which were brought to the attention of the FBI and others. There's still a lot of denial going on here amongst conservatives.
...because most Americans won’t read it.
The Mueller report is currently the number one seller on Amazon. Peggy needs to get her wires uncrossed.
Mueller didn't bring charges because of DOJ policy, and as I've already said, he set it up to be decided in the Court of Public Opinion which is both the Congress and the voting booth.
'blithe rage'? Do those words even go together?
I have focused nonchalance.
Makes just as much sense...
28th April 2019, 06:00
One Day in the Real Mexico | A Mexican Adventure
Gabriel Traveler
Traveling in Mexico from San Miguel de Allende to Dolores Hidalgo
and visiting the tiny village of Atotonilco along the way.
Published on Apr 27, 2019
21:59 minutes
29th April 2019, 01:55
Bless her spirited heartfelt words ... (
Trump: Illusion, Mist and Bought?
The President of the United States is saying dangerous and inflammatory things.
I'm not allowed to spread bomb scares. I'm not allowed to yell fire in a building.
Trump has the bully pulpit and the ear of the world.
WTF are people thinking supporting this?
Who has the vision to see how destructive it is for a President to call for locking up political opponents, to call large amounts of Americans unpatriotic and treasonous.
Do people really want to see a bunch of innocent folks locked up? Because of their politics?
Are people really that stupid?
I'm stunned and amazed that this is still supported by anyone.
This alternative community has lectured me more than once:
"First they came for the..."
Does this community even understand what it says or know what it means?
What are people getting out of spreading this?
It ain't gonna be truth or freedom folks.
That'll be gone if this is still supported.
People need to wake up for real.
29th April 2019, 02:03
And speaking of 1984 ...
The latest ...
What Makes This Song Great? Ep.61 VAN HALEN (#2)
Rick Beato
Published on Apr 28, 2019
In this episode of "What Makes This Song Great?" we examine the music of
one of the biggest Van Halen songs.
21:12 minutes
Van Halen - Jump
30th April 2019, 01:03
T Bone Burnett on making music and fighting 'surveillance capitalism'
PBS NewsHour
Published on Apr 29, 2019
Between producing recordings for major music stars, writing soundtracks for films and TV and releasing a new album of his own, “The Invisible Light: Acoustic Space,” T. Bone Burnett might be one of the busiest men in entertainment. Jeffrey Brown caught up with him at Austin’s recent South by Southwest to talk about artistic autonomy and why he has scorched Big Tech.
6:38 minutes
30th April 2019, 02:03
A White Russian ... (
30th April 2019, 02:19
30th April 2019, 11:51 ...
Sam Kinison First Appearance on Letterman
30th April 2019, 21:26
Venezuela could be a beta test for the rest of Us ...
'The devil is in the detail' ...
How will the Antichrist affect the future to come?
Richard welcomes a pastor and best-selling author who will lay out the larger picture of what has happened historically, what is unfolding now and what the future may hold concerning the Antichrist as the purposes of God unfold.
Strange Planet
Published on Apr 30, 2019
48:36 minutes
'All you can eat' ...
:priest: ...
Runnin' With The Devil
Van Halen
(First Known Live Recording)
Superheroes make long-term impact on child sexuality: study ... (
Meanwhile ...
Mysterious footprints of mythical beast Yeti sighted, claims Indian Army
"The Indian Army on Monday claimed to have seen a huge footprint of mythical character Yeti near Makalu Base camp in Nepal. Taking to Twitter, the Army shared the images of the footprint, measuring 32x15 inches. The footprint was reportedly seen by the mountaineering expedition team of the Army on April 9. It said the "elusive snowman" has also only been sighted nearby at Makalu-Barun National Park."
The Economic Times
Published on Apr 30, 2019
1:47 minutes
'The devil is in the detail' ...,c_limit/DC043019.jpg
“Fifty bucks says you can’t name every Democrat who is running for President.”
Emil El Zapato
1st May 2019, 15:03
The AntiChrist will come from the Evangelicals...
Some news update stuff ...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in prison
The Sun
Published on May 1, 2019
WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson and lawyer Jennifer Robinson deliver a statement outside
Southwark Crown Court after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's sentencing, in London, Britain.
2:28 minutes
Also ...
Text of special counsel’s letter to attorney general ... (
Emil El Zapato
1st May 2019, 19:48
Life and Death: another name for that is Treason? Espionage? Espionage is certainly among a valid list of wrongdoings.
Jesus, what has happened to just plain honesty and moral is sickening (do I sound like a righty... :) ) I'm actually left-handed b.t.w.
Some more devil in the detail talk ...
Under Trump, the Language We Use to Create Political Reality Is Crumbling,c_limit/Gessen-KironSkinner.jpg
“The President provides the hunches and instincts,” Kiron Skinner said, at the annual Future Security Forum, “and it’s my job, and that of Secretary Pompeo, to turn those hunches and instincts into hypotheses.”
"One of the most frightening things I’ve witnessed in recent months was a very polite conversation in a well-lit room in the Ronald Reagan Building, in Washington, D.C., on Monday. The director of policy planning at the State Department, Kiron Skinner, was interviewed onstage by a woman who used to hold her job: Anne-Marie Slaughter, who is now the head of the New America Foundation (where I am a fellow this year). The occasion was the annual Future Security Forum, and the audience consisted of several dozen foreign-policy and security experts, many of them in uniform.
The discussion was nominally devoted to the challenges that the State Department will face in 2030, though very little was said about that year or, indeed, about the future. It was conducted in the moderately accessible policy jargon that is typical of such conversations. Except this time the familiar language took on the opposite of its usual sticky, overburdened quality: it was hollow now, like the words meant nothing. Not literally nothing, of course—words always convey some meaning, and the meaning inevitably changes depending on the speaker and the context—but here the chasm between what the words might have meant to one interlocutor and what they meant when spoken by the other was so vast that it was as though the words were no longer part of a recognizable language. The same was true of the women’s introductory banter. They both noted that it was remarkable that two State Department policy directors were speaking to each other and that both were women. They didn’t note it, but the audience saw that one of them, Skinner, is an African-American woman. This was three days after President Trump doubled down on his characterization of the neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville, in August 2017, as “very fine people,” and one’s brain could break trying to grasp the meaning of this African-American woman’s status and presence.
A large part of Skinner’s job is listening to what the President says and trying to make sense of it. She said as much. “The President provides the hunches and instincts,” she said, “and it’s my job, and that of Secretary Pompeo, to turn those hunches and instincts into hypotheses.” She called the hypotheses the “Trump Doctrine” and the “Pompeo Corollary.” Slaughter, logically, asked what the Trump Doctrine was. “That’s a tough one,” Skinner responded, without a hint of irony. “It is, in a kind of broad way, a set of pillars that address twenty-first-century realities.”
The pillars were: the “return to national sovereignty”; national interest; reciprocity in international relations and trade; “burden sharing,” particularly in defense; and “new regional partnerships” for what she described as “particular crises.”
“If I can summarize,” Slaughter suggested, “the Trump Doctrine is ‘The United States is a sovereign nation guided by its national interest—we’ll do for you if you’ll do for us.’ ”
Skinner confirmed that Slaughter’s understanding was correct. Then she spun this crude approach to international relations as something akin to naïve art. “Donald Trump, who probably has not studied international relations extensively, and who has been a successful businessman, but who did study at Penn,” Skinner, who was educated at Spelman College and Harvard, said, has reignited debate “on some concepts that we thought were settled.” He has forced the foreign-policy establishment to revisit “first principles,” Skinner said—most importantly, to debate the meaning of national sovereignty. She did not elaborate on the substance of the debate, and one got the impression that the debate was rather an exercise in translating the slogan “America first” into the language of bureaucracy. It was like saying that someone who has carpet-bombed your city has turned your fellow-citizens into builders again: technically it’s true, but morally and intellectually it is a lie.
It came time for Slaughter to ask about the Pompeo Corollary. Skinner seemed almost surprised to have to answer the question. “The Pompeo Corollary,” she said, “is trying to find the diplomatic angle in all aspects of what the President is attempting to do—in security, society, the economy, energy, and the international system, and in each of those, looking at, what’s the role of diplomacy?” she said. “We are working on that, and it’s a lot of fun!” No one, including Skinner, seemed to smile. But, once the floor was opened to questions, everyone was very polite, as though they were having an actual meaningful conversation with a key government official.
I have heard talk like this before, in Russia. A government official once told me that he “carried out emanations”: not policies, laws, or even orders but signals akin to what Skinner called “hunches and instincts.” It’s what officials do in countries that are led by a combination of ignorance and corruption. I had heard the isolationism and destruction of Putin’s rule be framed in phrases such as “sovereign democracy” and in a lot of other plausible-sounding policy gobbledygook that served to rob every word of familiar meaning. In Russia, a kind of record was set last week, when a senator named Yelena Mizulina claimed—on the day the Russian parliament passed a law that enables the state to wall Russia off from the World Wide Web—that “where something is banned is where a person is most free. Because it means, ‘This is forbidden but everything else is up to you.’ ” She added, “Because what is the rule of law? That’s the biggest unfreedom! The more rights you have, the less free you are, because rights, unlike prohibitions, are when you are supposed to act strictly in the way that accords with the law.”
A decade and a half ago, Mizulina belonged to Yabloko, a pro-democracy political party. Even more recently, some of the words she was throwing around last week held meaning that most Russians could agree upon. But now, even if the Putin era were to end tomorrow, there would be no language left to use to create a new political reality. Watching Skinner on Monday, I was struck, not only by how familiar the process of hollowing out language felt but by how quickly, easily, and politely a Washington audience can accommodate itself to it."
By Masha Gessen, a staff writer at The New Yorker
Source page (
A little bit of the Sunset glam rock in roll Strip history and the demolishing of it ...
#998 Goodbye VIPER ROOM & LICORICE PIZZA w/ Vicky Hamilton - SUNSET STRIP -
Vlog (5/1/19)
Daze with Jordan the Lion
26:14 minutes
Xplaining from the #Devil's own advocate ...
William Barr's Master Class on Hair Splitting
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on May 1, 2019
Stephen attempts to capture the substance, nature,and context
of William Barr's incredibly hard-to-watch testimony.
11:41 minutes
2nd May 2019, 12:58
'The devil is in the detail' ...
How will the Antichrist affect the future to come?
48:36 minutes
AT 12:27: "Legalized lawlessness. That's what the antichrist is."
Well, that sounds just like what we have going on right now. Legalized lawlessness. Trump's got his "Roy Cohn" and everything.
2nd May 2019, 13:47
It was like saying that someone who has carpet-bombed your city has turned your fellow-citizens into builders again: technically it’s true, but morally and intellectually it is a lie.
But it's a double-plus-good lie...
2nd May 2019, 14:06
In Russia, a kind of record was set last week, when a senator named Yelena Mizulina claimed—on the day the Russian parliament passed a law that enables the state to wall Russia off from the World Wide Web—that “where something is banned is where a person is most free. Because it means, ‘This is forbidden but everything else is up to you.’ ” She added, “Because what is the rule of law? That’s the biggest unfreedom! The more rights you have, the less free you are, because rights, unlike prohibitions, are when you are supposed to act strictly in the way that accords with the law.”
Wow. This has the word salad feel of Palin and Trump. :nails::hiding:
2nd May 2019, 14:11
In Russia, a kind of record was set last week, when a senator named Yelena Mizulina claimed—on the day the Russian parliament passed a law that enables the state to wall Russia off from the World Wide Web—that “where something is banned is where a person is most free. Because it means, ‘This is forbidden but everything else is up to you.’ ” She added, “Because what is the rule of law? That’s the biggest unfreedom! The more rights you have, the less free you are, because rights, unlike prohibitions, are when you are supposed to act strictly in the way that accords with the law.”
Wow. This has the word salad feel of Palin and Trump. :nails::hiding:
Well, I'm not familiar with the use of any word salad by Donald Trump or Sarah Palin ─ and quite frankly, I'm surprised they would be intellectually capable of that, because let's face it: they're not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box ─ but to be honest, that sounds more like something from George Orwell's "1984" to me. :belief:
2nd May 2019, 14:26
Trump's and Palin's use of word salads are the same thing. Empty words which they can then say meant whatever they want.
Nowadays Trump is just claiming he said something entirely different than what he said. And when the media shows what he said he claims they are attacking him.
It's just like 1984.
Have some salad:
“Trump’s candidacy has exposed, not just that tragic — that ramifications of the betrayal of a transformation of our country, but, two, he has exposed the complicity on both sides of the aisle that has enabled it, OK?” -Palin
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it
used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I
would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because,
you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter
right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about
another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. -Trump
2nd May 2019, 14:37
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it
used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I
would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because,
you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter
right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about
another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
That sounds like he was high, and on something else besides himself. :shocked:
2nd May 2019, 14:39
Scary thing is, that was from August of 2016.
And now he's had the effects of two years of Presidential strain.
His golf muscles must be killing him...:wry::fpalm:
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2019, 14:44
I think Trump was adopted...Satan spawn...
2nd May 2019, 14:46
I think Trump was adopted...Satan spawn...
Come on now, NotAPretender... :p
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2019, 14:59
well, there has to be some explanation... really.
2nd May 2019, 16:30
I think Trump was adopted...Satan spawn...
Come on now, NotAPretender... :p
well, there has to be some explanation... really.
Well, yes there is, and it's a pretty logical one. He's a narcissist, he has zero understanding of running a country, and he's most likely suffering from an early onset of dementia. And that's all there is to it, but all of those things combined can indeed lead to some shocking behavior, especially if you consider that he's the emperor.
If he had been just a guy in the street, then nobody would be thinking anything of it, because there are a dime a dozen other idiots like him. But he's living in the White House, and that acts like a magnifying glass on all that he does. :hmm:
The funniest thing is that he has so many followers.
adj., a person or an object that is very awkward or unusual in their current state or environment; a state of existence in which a person seems incapable of blending in conspicuously or acting in such a way so as to appear normal; existing in a perpetual state of being "lame",c_limit/DC050219.jpg
A toady in the White House.
Yesterday ...
WATCH: Senator Kamala Harris asks Barr whether the White House
has asked him to investigate anyone ...
PBS NewsHour
Published on May 2, 2019
Tweaked from IG post....During a committee hearing, 2020 presidential candidates Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., asked Attorney General William Barr whether "the president or anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone?" Barr replied, "I'm trying to grapple with the word 'suggest.' ... They have not asked me to open an investigation."
40 seconds ...
Today ...
WATCH: Barr ‘has failed to check the president’s worst instincts,’
Rep. Nadler in committee hearing
PBS NewsHour
Published on May 2, 2019
Rep. Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued a harsh rebuke Thursday of President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr after the attorney general decided not to testify before the committee because he objected to the way he would be questioned.
“The president of the United States wants desperately to prevent Congress, a co-equal branch of congress from providing any check whatsoever to even his most reckless decisions. He is trying to render Congress inert as a separate and equal branch of government,” Nadler said.
Nadler said Barr failed “to check the president’s worst instincts.”
He added if Congress did not act, it would risk losing the power to check the president in the future. “The very system of government of the United States, the system of limited power, the system of not having a president as a dictator is very much at stake,” Nadler said.
The House Judiciary Committee will move forward with a scheduled hearing about the Mueller report Thursday without their only witness: Attorney General William Barr. The attorney general said he would not testify if House Democrats allowed committee lawyers to ask questions during a hearing on special counsel Robert Mueller's report. After the House Judiciary Committee voted to do so Wednesday, the Department of Justice said lawmakers were setting “unprecedented and unnecessary” conditions for the hearing. Barr answered questions about his handling of Mueller's report Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
6:49 minutes
♪ Bitch please don't try to hustle me ♪ ... 5c4f2fbe260000d401faef3f.jpeg%3Fops%3Dscalefit_720 _noupscale&f=1
P!nk - Hustle
Watch Out ...
Instagram and Facebook Ban Far-Right Extremists (
"Alex Jones, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen,
and Louis Farrakhan have all been removed from the platforms."
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2019, 19:41
Good move...Farrakhan is as despicable as Trump
The latest stuff ...
Great Balls Of Fire
Jerry Lee Lewis
1:59 minutes
One of Ponce's early La Florida fruit stand schemes ...
Gee i wonder why ...
Poll shows most in US want changes in how government works ... (
A quickie ...
Four day trip to Scotland
From time lapse video/photographer Matthew Vandeputte
Published on May 1, 2019
3:55 minutes
Best viewed in full screen
The latest ...
Richard Dolan. The Navy & UAP: Controlled Disclosure Continues
Richard Dolan
Published on May 2, 2019
The U.S. Navy recently stated that it is issuing new guidelines relating to UFOs or UAP. It's noteworthy that the Navy acknowledges the proliferation of unknown objects penetrating sensitive airspace, something that has occurred for decades. But another trend is at work: the ongoing rebranding of UFOs into UAP. Removing the baggage of the term UFO also means siphoning out the history of military confrontation, of crash retrievals, and even of apparent alien encounters. It's part of a slow process we can call Controlled Disclosure.
18:30 minutes
Will share this here ...
How do the EU elections work? The Sun Explains
The Sun
Published on May 3, 2019
THE United Kingdom has agreed to take part in the European Elections as part of the deal Theresa May negotiated with Brussels to extend Brexit until October 31.
Unless a deal on leaving the European Union is agreed before polling day then Brits will cast their votes for the Member of the European Parliament of their choice on May 23.
Every five years, European Union countries go to the polls to elect members of the European Parliament.
Britain was meant to have left the EU on March 29 and few envisaged that we would be taking part in the European elections.
Continue reading:
6:51 minutes
#1000 How & Where The GRATEFUL DEAD Began - PALO ALTO - Daily Travel VLOG (5/3/19)
Daze with Jordan the Lion
Published on May 3, 2019
20:08 minutes
With a new four year supply ...
When one is just not enough ! jpg&f=1
Trump Still Faces 16 Known Criminal Probes
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on May 3, 2019
6:02 minutes
The quickening ...
5G - Weaponizing the Airwaves
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 374 - American Voice Radio, May 3, 2019
55:35 minutes
Happy Birthday Chea Marie ...
Cosmo's Factory
July 1970, Fantasy Records
Cover art; design; photography: Bob Fogerty
Cosmo's Factory, a CCR album that came out in 1970 with hits like "Travelin' Band" and "Who'll Stop the Rain" on it.
This had always looked to me like it was set up in a photographer's studio, but, lo and behold, this is exactly where they practiced. The proof come through a short promo film made by a French TV Show the year the album came out, and which posted below via YouTube. (Search for "Creedence Clearwater Revival "Rehearsal at Cosmo's Factory". It's directed by Claude Villers & Bernard Bouthier.)
Here's where (below) the 'Cosmo's Factory' was on a map of the San Francisco area.
Above the outside of the site of the industrial building in Berkeley where the band practiced to make the Cosmo's Factory (1237 Fifth Street). They had always called the places where they practiced "factories" and this one they named in honor of Doug, whose nickname was "Cosmo."
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen the Rain
Emil El Zapato
4th May 2019, 12:09
Hope you don't mind: This was always my favorite... I see Tony Orlando... :) People use to come up to me on the streets all over the country and tell me I was Tony Orlando...crazy times.
Reuben the Bulldog: R.B.S.
Reuben the Bulldog
Published on May 4, 2019
You know all those cheesy pharmaceutical commercials on TV? Well, Reuben gave me an idea and I thought I'd find some stock video combined with Roo clips to have a bit of fun. Hope you enjoy this very important commercial/public service announcement.
2:11 minutes
Emil El Zapato
4th May 2019, 22:04
if good behavior has a ka-ching sound to it...I'm in...
Tis the season ...
Ra Castaldo Cathederals of the Damned Hr1
OffPlanet Media
Published on May 4, 2019
recorded April 26, 2019
Ra Castaldo joins us to dissect the ritual "spire fire" and collapse of the pinnacle of the Cathedral of Notre Dame on Apri15, 2019. The event, in its own way, nearly as dramatic as the collapse of the World Trade Centers, ignited vast amounts of speculation and occult interpretation. Universally, most pundits agreed this was a spectacular ritual event and summoning (noting the historical events that have occurred on April 15), that likely triggers a series of outcomes.
We go into the construction, locations, and structural aspects of cathedrals, a series of which are named as "Notre Dame" (female deitiies, including Mary, Isis, Ishtar, Inanna, etc). The traditions of Druidism and the Knights Templar; the bizarre figure of the Templar Knight seen appearing and disappearing on a balcony of the burning cathedral; the anomalies of the fire, 800 year old oak beams, deemed nearly unburnable; the catacombs and underground altars; the imbuement of ancient Druidic spirits and the Rephaim; and mysteries of the Rose stainglass portals.
59:53 minutes
The latest ...
How Expensive Is ARUBA? Exploring The Island
Gabriel Traveler
Published on May 5, 2019
20:13 minutes
The latest stuff ...
The basics ...
Recently i re-visited and examined the mysterious past history of the symbol of the The Hooked X via the geologist and author Scott Wolter's book ..."The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America- the book tells the story of a secret symbol first found on an inscribed slab of rock, dated 1362, unearthed by a farmer in Minnesota in 1898. This mysterious symbol inspired the author to pursue a nine-year investigation on both sides of the Atlantic that led to the discovery of other artifacts and clandestine documents indicative of secret trips to North America long before Columbus. The trail of evidence led to a deep plunge into the shadowy areas of Freemasonry and the Knights Templar that most brethren of these orders are unaware of. This incredible true story reveals untold secrets of North America that weave from medieval times through today, forever changing history as we know it" ...
Note this story was also further investigated via a TV/Docu program called 'America Unearthed' - The Templar's American Secrets (2013) in which i found very fascinating and compelling in its telling ... It most definitely stirred my own cellular memories, and i found it to greatly resonate with my own intuitive/speculations into the probabilities that Jesus's 'Holy Grail' was not a cup - But was literally his own living bloodline. uIc%2Fs1600%2FFigure%252B8%252BKRS%252BHooked%252B X.jpg&f=1
I share below for your inspection (this now classic) Red Ice Radio podcast (2013) in which Scott Wolter (in his own narrative) dives into the depth of his has ten years studying the Kensington Runestone and its mysterious hooked X symbol.
"Geologist Scott Wolter has authored eight books and has been president of American Petrographic Services since 1990 and is responsible for the independent petrographic analysis testing laboratory where the Kensington Runestone was brought for investigation in 2000. He's been the principal petrographer in more than 5,000 investigations throughout the U.S. and around the world, including the evaluation of fire damaged concrete at the Pentagon following the attacks of September 11, 2001. He joins us to discuss the latest discoveries and evidence about the Kensington Runestone. We'll discuss errors in the accepted story of the Vikings and the runestone. Then, we'll discuss The Hooked X - The Secret History of North America. Scott explains how the origin of "the hooked x" symbol lies within the coded alphabet of secret societies that have been in existence since at least the early part of the twelfth century right through today. We'll discuss America's untold history also tying in the Knights Templar and the bloodline of Jesus. Later, Scott addresses those who say the Kensington Runestone is a fake."
Scott Wolter - The Kensington Runestone, The Hooked X & Templars In America
Red Ice TV
Published on Jun 2, 2013
Will share this here ...
Extraterrestrial Revelation & Disclosure | Patrick De Haan
About: "Patrick De Haan was born in Queens, New York USA and worked for three decades in commercial insurance, living along the way in Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Colombia. In 2014 at the age of 50 he started to channel and in 2014 he channeled the book The Alien Handbook ("
"The book includes information about highly evolved life forms from other worlds in our galaxy that are visiting and observing Earth. There are channeling sessions between the author and his guardian angel guides and extraterrestrials in general and sessions with aliens visiting and observing Earth during the time the book was written―2014 through early 2016."
Published on May 5, 2019
58:15 minutes pg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=4600a6ecdcaf9882b497c696b7d22607&oe=5D736AFB
From Lana Lokteff ... (
What No One Says About "Identity Politics"
Red Ice TV
Published on May 7, 2019
Here's what the left and right don't tell you about identity politics.
17:18 minutes
If we forget we are all humans first and utmost ...
Then we will surely reap what is sown.
The Rise of the Right: Populism in Germany - BBC News
BBC News
Published on May 7, 2019
A new wave of far-right politics is sweeping across Europe, promising to smash the ruling elite, end migration and shake-up the EU. But are these parties fuelling hate?
The Nine’s Europe Correspondent Jean Mackenzie travels across the continent, to find out why these movements are surging - meeting the people celebrating their rise and those fighting to stop them.
The first in this series comes from Germany, where the far-right party the AfD is now Germany’s main opposition. We ask whether their place in Parliament is emboldening more extreme groups.
10:11 minutes
The latest ...
"Newly obtained details from the president’s tax returns reveal a decade in the red,
with $1.17 billion in business losses" ...
5 Takeaways From 10 Years of Trump Tax Figures
By Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner
May 7, 2019
"Since the 2016 presidential campaign, journalists at The New York Times and elsewhere have been trying to piece together Donald J. Trump’s complex and concealed finances. Now The Times has obtained 10 years of previously unrevealed figures from the president’s federal income tax returns. The tax numbers, for the years 1985 through 1994, paint a far bleaker picture of Mr. Trump’s deal-making abilities and financial condition than the one he has long put forth.
Mr. Trump became an unprecedented president — a businessman and reality television star with no government experience — and he broke with decades-old presidential tradition by refusing to release his income tax returns. Questions about what secrets they may hold — about his recent business dealings and the sources of his financing — only intensified with the Russia inquiry, and the Trump administration is now locked in a battle with House Democrats demanding the last six years of the president’s returns. On Monday, the Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, said he would not give a House committee access to the returns.
The newly revealed tax information covers an earlier period of Mr. Trump’s business career. And The Times did not obtain Mr. Trump’s actual tax returns. But it obtained printouts from his official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, from someone who had legal access to them. They represent the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes. And they show that during a tumultuous decade of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse, Mr. Trump’s core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings — ran up $1.17 billion in losses.
The White House’s response to the findings has shifted over time.
Several weeks ago, a senior official issued a statement saying: “The president got massive depreciation and tax shelter because of large-scale construction and subsidized developments. That is why the president has always scoffed at the tax system and said you need to change the tax laws. You can make a large income and not have to pay large amount of taxes.”
On Saturday, after further inquiries from The Times, a lawyer for the president, Charles J. Harder, wrote that the tax information was “demonstrably false,” and that the paper’s statements “about the president’s tax returns and business from 30 years ago are highly inaccurate.” He cited no specific errors, but on Tuesday added that “I.R.S. transcripts, particularly before the days of electronic filing, are notoriously inaccurate” and “would not be able to provide a reasonable picture of any taxpayer’s return.”
Mark J. Mazur, a former director of research, analysis and statistics at the I.R.S., said that, far from being considered unreliable, data used to create such transcripts had undergone quality control for decades and had been used to analyze economic trends and set national policy. In addition, I.R.S. auditors often refer to the transcripts as “handy” summaries of tax returns, said Mr. Mazur, now director of the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center in Washington.
In fact, the source of The Times’s newly obtained information was able to provide several years of unpublished tax figures from the president’s father, the builder Fred C. Trump. They matched up with Fred Trump’s actual returns, which had been obtained by The Times in the earlier investigation.
If the new tax information does not offer a new narrative of Mr. Trump’s career, its granular detail gives a precise accounting of his financial failures and of the constantly shifting focus that would characterize his decades in business. Here are some key takeaways.
1. Mr. Trump was deep in the red even as he peddled deal-making advice
“Trump: The Art of the Deal” came out in 1987. It became a best seller — and a powerful vehicle for the self-spun myth of the self-made billionaire that would ultimately help propel him to the presidency.
Mr. Trump has long attributed his first run of business reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that hit three years later, in 1990. But the new tax information reveals that he was already in deep financial distress when his master-of-the-universe memoir hit the shelves.
For Mr. Trump, the 1980s were a frenzy of acquisition and construction, buoyed by hundreds of millions of dollars of borrowed money. In 1985, for the first time, Forbes’s “rich list” included Mr. Trump individually, independent of his father. But his estimated net worth according to the magazine, $600 million, included the real estate empire Fred Trump still owned.
With Mr. Trump’s vast debt and other expenses on his properties — among them Trump Tower and the Grand Hyatt hotel in Manhattan, and two Atlantic City casinos — his fortunes were already on the way down. In 1985, his core businesses reported a loss of $46.1 million; they also carried over a $5.6 million loss for earlier years.
Because those businesses were generally created as partnerships, they did not pay federal income taxes themselves. Instead, their gains, and their losses, flowed onto Mr. Trump’s ledger. To put his results in perspective, The Times compared them with detailed information that the I.R.S. compiles on an annual one-third sampling of high earners. Most of them appeared, like Mr. Trump, to be businessmen who received what is known as pass-through income.
For 1985, the I.R.S. information indicates this: Only three individual taxpayers in the sampling reported bigger losses than Mr. Trump.
2. In multiple years, he appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer
The tax results for the years that followed trace an arc of continued empire building — and gathering loss.
He bought the Eastern Airlines shuttle for $365 million; it never made a profit, and he spent more than $7 million a month to keep it flying. His new Trump Taj Mahal Hotel and Casino, opened in 1990 with more than $800 million in debt, sucked revenue from his other casinos, pulling them along into the red.
Sign Up for the Crossing the Border Newsletter
The U.S.-Mexico border is a daily headline. A political football. And also home to millions of people. Every week for the next few months, we'll bring you their stories, far from the tug-of-war of Washington politics.
And so, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer, according to the I.R.S. information on high earners — a publicly available database with taxpayers’ identifying details removed. Indeed, in 1990 and 1991, his core businesses lost more than $250 million each year — more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the sampling for those years.
The tax code allows owners of commercial property to write down the cost of their buildings — a valuable tax shelter known as depreciation. In “The Art of the Deal,” Mr. Trump cited one of his Atlantic City casinos to show how it works. Built for $400 million and depreciated at a rate of 4 percent a year, he said, it could allow him to shelter $16 million in taxable income annually. But Mr. Trump’s example, meant to demonstrate the magic of depreciation, shows something else: Depreciation alone cannot account for the hundreds of millions of dollars in losses he declared on his taxes.
3. He paid no federal income taxes for eight of the 10 years
Business owners like Mr. Trump may also use their losses to avoid paying taxes on future income. Over the years, those losses rolled into a $915.7 million free pass, known as a net operating loss, that appeared on his 1995 tax returns, pages of which were mailed anonymously to The Times during the 2016 campaign.
The new tax information shows how Mr. Trump’s net operating losses snowballed, reaching $418 million in 1991. That was fully 1 percent of all the losses that the I.R.S. reported had been declared by individual taxpayers that year.
And the red ink continued to accumulate apace. In all, Mr. Trump lost so much money that he was able to avoid paying any federal income taxes for eight of the 10 years.
4. He made millions posing as a corporate raider — until investors realized he never followed through
For a time, Mr. Trump was able to stave off his coming collapse with the help of a new public role: He traded on his business-titan brand to present himself as a corporate raider. He would acquire shares in a company with borrowed money, suggest publicly that he was contemplating a takeover, then quietly sell on the resulting bump in the stock price. An occasional quote from a high-profile associate helped burnish the myth.
“He has an appetite like a Rocky Mountain vulture,” his stockbroker, Alan C. Greenberg, told The Wall Street Journal in 1987. “He’d like to own the world.”
From 1986 through 1989, Mr. Trump declared $67.3 million in gains from stocks and other assets bought and sold within a year.
But ultimately, the figures show, he lost most, if not all, of those gains after investors stopped taking his takeover talk seriously.
5. His interest income spiked in 1989 at $52.9 million, but the source is a mystery
Amid the hundreds of figures on 10 years of tax transcripts, one number is particularly striking: $52.9 million in interest income that Mr. Trump reported in 1989.
In the three previous years, Mr. Trump had reported $460,566, then $5.5 million, then $11.8 million in interest.
The source of that outlier $52.9 million is something of a mystery.
Taxpayers can receive interest income from a variety of sources, including bonds, bank accounts and mortgages. Hard data on the workings of Mr. Trump’s businesses is hard to come by. But public findings from New Jersey casino regulators show no evidence that he owned anything capable of generating that much interest. Nor is there any such evidence in a 1990 report on his financial condition, prepared by accountants he hired at his bankers’ request.
Mr. Trump’s interest income fell almost as quickly as it rose. By 1992, he was reporting only $3.6 million."
[Read The Times’s investigation here.] (
Emil El Zapato
8th May 2019, 11:38
What No One Says About "Identity Politics"
Is that Teal Swan in disguise...
"Cultural Marxist agitators"... The primary group IS responsible for imposing 'otherness' which is the genesis of identity without politics involved. Will we ever get past that? I certainly hope so.
'Spiritual Beings or Economic Tools – Just Who Are We?'
Published on May 8, 2019
Peter Strother discusses his book 'Spiritual Beings or Economic Tools – Just Who Are We?'
In much of the modern world we are trapped in a loop of work, consume, sleep, repeat. Those conscious of this soul-destroying cycle are often even more dejected and disillusioned than those who blindly bow to the demands of consumerist culture, pursuing desires which are not their own, slaves to the opinions of others, and more afraid of the unknown than of hollow, haunted subsistence. Empty and unfulfilled, billions trudge wearily towards a death subconsciously feared but still denied throughout a life deemed to be devoid of either meaning or purpose.
But in the early 21st Century, converging economic, political, social and environmental crises are making the grinding routine of business-as-usual increasingly impossible. Frustration and broken promises are boiling over in increasing unrest, violence, and destruction of both the system and the self. The first steps towards breaking free of the tyranny of comfort and complacency are self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-mastery, all of which are actively discouraged in the matrix of mindless media, digital distractions, junk food, and instant gratification. Through choice or by force, and sooner rather than later, we will all have some difficult decisions to make as the world we persist in taking for granted simply disappears.
1:24:42 minutes
"I Am the Night, Color Me Black"
in 8min30sec; Twilight Zone
Clockwork Towers
Published on May 9, 2019
When fiction becomes non fiction via other's dimensional delusions ...
The VEEP/Colbert Crossover Episode
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on May 9, 2019
Stephen Colbert interrupts an episode of 'VEEP' to warn Selina Meyer
and her staff that their behavior is infecting other realities.
3:08 minutes
Emil El Zapato
10th May 2019, 15:11
"I Am the Night, Color Me Black"
I remember that episode...I also remember back in the early 80's the highly respected National Enquirer conducted a poll asking if public executions should be allowed. Over 70% of the respondents said yes. I knew we were screwed even then.
Someone who believes in the practice or doctrine of giving a centralized
government control over economic planning and policy.
A statist believes in extremely heavy government intervention in personal matters and
moderate to high government intervention in economic matters. They generally believe
in a centralized state with a social safety net and strong laws restricting personal liberty.
Jesus Was an Anarchist so Statist Christians are Fake Christians
Published on May 10, 2019
Anarchast Ep.463
Topics include: Anarchism from a Christian perspective, the gun in the room of statism, Keynsian coercion, Mises and Christianity, agnosticism, religion compatible with Anarchism, peace and love is the way, the golden rule, the 'social contract' vs voluntary contracts, freedom in the religious life, generosity, life under law is sin, grace and freedom, the kingdom of God is voluntary
52:48 minutes
The Good Samaritan
Parable #24 — Luke 10:25-42 —
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? ”The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Jesus is Just Alright
11th May 2019, 00:24
Lots of goodies here.:cool::h5::chrs::popc::grin:
Meanwhile in the Mideast ...
Amazing timelapse of US aircraft carrier in Suez Canal
Published on May 11, 2019
The massive aircraft carrier and its strike group are heading to the Persian Gulf...
The White House says the move is in response to an unspecified threat from Iran.
1:05 minutes
With delight ...
But also his chagrin ...
The latest ...
Published on May 10, 2019
49:11 minutes
Getting ready for his upcoming summer fireworks ... _Day_Gala_31264-780x520.jpg&f=1
Donald Trump planning star role in DC’s Fourth of July festivities
"President Trump is planning to take a starring role in the capital’s Fourth of July celebrations.
Plans are in the works to move the giant fireworks display that the National Parks Service has hosted on the National Mall for more than half a century to a park less than a mile away, and Trump plans to make a speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, according to The Hill.
The Trump Administration claims the move will allow more people to attend. The fireworks display usually draws hundreds of thousands of people and is a big part of the tourism season in Washington DC.
The president is personally involved in the planning and is getting regular briefings in the Oval Office on the festivities, the Washington Post reported."
Source: (
Emil El Zapato
11th May 2019, 13:34
Jesus Was an Anarchist so Statist Christians are Fake Christians
Gotta say it...This guy will never get it...nuance, nuance, nuance...How can we leave out edge cases of our philosophy. It we don't test the edges we are bound to fail. Compassion requires compromise and sacrifice.
hmm ... pg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=1c3f00ffd2abf04f4933358668424870&oe=5D6C9D0F
From: Australian Aboriginal Medicine Men and Women
"According to a number of contemporary OBE (out-of-body) researchers, there is an energetic link between the physical body and the non-physical body known as the “silver cord” by which we use in our out-of-body experiences.
The following account documented by Elkin from New South Wales:
During their making in south-east Australia, a magic cord is slung into the doctors. This cord becomes a means of performing marvellous feats, such as sending fire from the medicine man's insides, like an electric wire. But even more interesting is the use made of the cord to travel up to the sky or to the tops of trees through space. At the display during initiation - a time of ceremonial excitement - the doctor lies on his back under a tree, sends his cord up, and climbs up it to a nest on top of the tree, then across to other trees, and at sunset, down to the ground again. Only men saw this performance, and it is preceded and followed by the swinging off the bull-roarers and other expressions of emotional excitement. In the descriptions of these performances recorded by R.M. Berndt and myself, the names of the doctors are given and such details as the following: Joe Dagan, a Wongaibon clever man, lying on his back at the foot of a tree, sent his cord directly up, and "climbed" up with his head well back, body outstretched, legs apart, and arms to his sides. Arriving at the top, 12 meters up, he waved his arms to those below, then came down in the same manner, and while still on his back the cord re-entered his body.
Apparently, in this case, his body floated up and down in the horizontal position with no movement of his hands or legs, and the explanation must be sought in group suggestion of a powerful nature. (Elkin 1977 p.54-55)
In Aboriginal Australia, the ability to leave the physical body consciously is usually grouped with other psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, the ability to communicate with and influence non-physical beings and the ability to manipulate energies. Only some people develop these abilities and such people are often referred to as “clever”. Clever people, men or women, are usually “made” through processes of initiation involving a range of spirit beings. In other words, there are culturally acknowledged steps by which a person comes to develop these psychic abilities (Kim McCaul)....
Later in his work, Elkin discusses that some of the seeming variation in the making and practices of doctors (or clever people) may actually be the result of incomplete data. Speaking about the “magic cord” he explains that,
… up to 1944, their use of cords, aerial rope, was reported only from Victoria and inland New South Wales, but since then I have recorded it from the north coast of the latter state, for the Gladstone and Cloncurry districts, respectively in coastal and far inland Queensland, and in this chapter for Dampier Land, southwest Kimberley, Western Australia. Possibly, it was also a psychic phenomenon displayed by members of the craft in tribes in between. (Elkin 1977 p.180)...
An even clearer account of the silver cord in Aboriginal culture comes from Helmut Petri, a German anthropologist who first conducted fieldwork in the Kimberley region of Australia in 1938. Like Elkin he was interested in the social role and asserted abilities of the clever people, who he called medicine men. One of their abilities that he documented was to go on “dream journeys”:
During the dream journey the ya-yari roaming in the distance remains connected to the body by the thin, fine thread, and when it returns it is accompanied by the agula to just outside the doctor's camp. (Petri 2015 p.13)...
There is a reference to the Mara tribe from the Gulf of Carpentaria, whose doctors “go on journeys to the sky. At night time and invisible to everybody, they will climb up into the sky on a rope in order to hold converse there with the people of the star world. (Petri 2015 p.104). And writing of the Kurnai people from New South Wales he said that Kurnai belief that doctors ascend to sky by aid of a rope and that their neighbours shared their beliefs that their doctors "climbed into the sky on threads, as thin as blades of grass " (Petri 2015:113).
See source weblinks:
Evidence for the "silver cord" from Australian Aboriginal knowledge by Kim McCaul is an anthropologist ( PmvZJG6DP1KTHOdOLuLx3fLmMKYA)
Aboriginal men of high degree
Elkin, A. P. (Adolphus Peter) (1977). Aboriginal men of high degree. 2nd. ed. St. Lucia , Qld.: The University of Queensland Press. (
Emil El Zapato
11th May 2019, 14:06
sorry about all my blabbering but these latest posts are hitting me at home. My daughter and I were having a discussion about OBE's because I use to do that until I took efforts to stop. My daughter was diagnosed with narcolepsy and we were discussing the similarities between that and an OBE. We joked that she should tell her neurologist that her daddy says it isn't an illness it is a strange gift. But anyway...I didn't know about the 'silver cord' until my daughter told me about it.
Delivering us not from temptation ...
Amazon, Jeff Bezos and collecting data | DW Documentary
No company stores more data than Amazon, the former online bookseller. Amazon boss Jeff Bezos has become the richest man in the world. Every second Euro in online trading is spent at Amazon. Is the IT giant, with its unabated growth, about to turn our economic system upside down?
Amazon is a machine that can simultaneously observe, compare and analyze more than 300 million people worldwide. The company is not just a marketplace, market supervisor and provider of more and more services and consumer items - it also controls all the data streams in this market and uses them to its own benefit. Who suspects that a single click on an Amazon page will forward information to the company that fills a printed DIN-A-4 page? A conversation with Alexa, watching a streaming offer on Amazon-Prime, ordering vegetables via Amazon-Fresh - all this put together creates a whole library of information about every customer. The group collects everything - it just won’t reveal what conclusions it draws from it. What would be possible if data from other, new business areas were added? In the USA, Amazon is also active in the health and insurance sectors, and police officers are using its facial recognition software to search for wanted persons.
DW Documentary
Published on May 10, 2019
42:25 minutes
And speaking of ... BY_SA_20_CNA_6_11_15.jpg
Exorcist: Temptation — Not Possession — Is the Most Significant Demonic Activity
An exorcist since 1994, Dominican Father Francois Dermine serves in the Italian Archdiocese of Ancona-Osimo.
Catholic News Agency
VATICAN CITY — Though dramatic representations of demonic possessions, as seen in Hollywood, can make them appear to be the primary method of the devil, one Dominican priest and exorcist has warned that the greater and more common threat to a person’s salvation is the temptation to sin.
“The most common manifestation of the demonic is temptation, which is much more significant than possession,” Dominican Father Francois Dermine told CNA May 10.
An exorcist for more than 25 years, he explained that possession is not a spiritual threat in the same way temptation is, and that a person who has been possessed by the devil may still make “extraordinary spiritual progress” and could even one day be a saint.
This is because demonic possession of a person’s body occurs without that person’s knowledge or consent. The possession in and of itself does not make the victim morally blameworthy.
“We must not undervalue the significance of temptation. It’s not as spectacular as possession, but it’s far more dangerous [to the soul],” Father Dermine said.
“To resist temptation is simple,” he encouraged, although it might not always be easy. “You must avoid the occasions of temptation, of course, and you must have a Christian and spiritual life. You must pray, you must try to behave correctly, and to love the people you meet every day and the people with whom you live.”
Father Dermine said the next most common form of demonic activity is oppression. Sometimes, people can have many problems, often of a health, business or family nature, which cannot be explained by natural causes.
If the cause is deemed to be demonic oppression, these problems are called “preternatural” and may require the assistance of an exorcist.
“This is the most common extraordinary action of the devil,” Father Dermine said, while temptation is considered an “ordinary” demonic action.
Father Dermine warned that people should not immediately conclude that physical problems or suffering are a result of demonic oppression because they are most often explainable by natural causes.
If someone has visited a doctor, or a psychologist if applicable, and no natural explanation could be found, then they may visit an exorcist. “When a person comes and asks for a blessing for a specific problem, the first thing an exorcist must ask is: Did you see the doctor?” the priest said.
Father Dermine, who is French Canadian, has lived in Italy since shortly before his priestly ordination in 1979. An exorcist since 1994, he serves in the Italian Archdiocese of Ancona-Osimo.
He spoke about the life of an exorcist during the 14th course on exorcism and prayers of liberation, which is organized by the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum university and GRIS (The Socio-Religious Information and Research Group).
The weeklong course, which ended May 10, does not train new exorcists, but is intended to provide a general formation to priests and laypeople on what exorcism is and related topics. Father Dermine said that many of the laypeople attending the course are there at the request of their bishop, so they can learn how to better support and assist priests at exorcisms.
Father Dermine told CNA that his lecture would address some of the common mistakes exorcists make, one of which is to confuse preternatural (demonic) manifestations for supernatural charisms, which come from God.
“It’s a very important difference,” he said. “We have a human nature and cannot know things without learning through our senses.”
“God created us to operate in a certain way. If you have extra-sensorial perceptions, and things like this, and they are not meant to help or to provoke a spiritual result, then they cannot come from God,” he warned. People with these perceptions are often described as “mediums” in secular culture.
These types of preternatural sensations or manifestations can be “a cause of many problems” for people, so they will need some help from an exorcist, Father Dermine said.
The priest noted that there is a cultural value to holding a course on exorcisms for priests and select laypeople, and this is because the topic is often mysterious, so the desire to understand it is important.
“Most of the people who come here, they come here because they have an intention not to become exorcists, necessarily, but to understand.”
Source/comments: (
Jeff Bezos ... (
Steely Dan
Emil El Zapato
12th May 2019, 13:16
Steely of my favorites...
From a premiere and world class museum and one of most favorite ...
Deepfake Salvador Dalí takes selfies with museum visitors
It’s surreal, all right
Surrealist painter Salvador Dalí once said in an interview, “I believe in general in death, but in the death of Dali, absolutely not.” Now, the Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, has worked to fulfill the painter’s prophecy by bringing him back to life — with a deepfake.
The exhibition, called Dalí Lives, was made in collaboration with the ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (GS&P), which made a life-size re-creation of Dalí using the machine learning-powered video editing technique. Using archival footage from interviews, GS&P pulled over 6,000 frames and used 1,000 hours of machine learning to train the AI algorithm on Dalí’s face. His facial expressions were then imposed over an actor with Dalí’s body proportions, and quotes from his interviews and letters were synced with a voice actor who could mimic his unique accent, a mix of French, Spanish, and English. le()/
All images: The Dalí Museum
The experience is, well, surreal. Dalí appears before visitors when they press the doorbell on the kiosk where he lives, and he tells them stories about his life. With 45 minutes of newly created footage and thousands of combinations, each visitor gets a different experience. There are scenes that open with him reading the newspaper, with an overlay of the current front page of The New York Times; if it’s raining, he’ll comment on the weather. He’s almost like an Alexa device.
Dali Lives aims to have visitors empathize with Dalí as a human being. Figures in art history often feel like they lived lifetimes ago. But Dalí died in 1989, and standing before visitors in a life-sized kiosk does help bring him into the context of modern life — especially at the end of the experience when he asks visitors if they want to take a selfie. He turns around and snaps the photo, and visitors can have the photo texted to them, almost like a photo booth I’d like to rent for my next company function.
Deepfake videos are usually associated with fake celebrity porn, the dangers that come from fake news, or the possibility of making political figures say volatile things. The technology is easily available for anyone to use. GS&P technical director Nathan Shipley, says he pulled the code from GitHub. Shipley believes that Dalí Lives may be the first time a cultural institution has used deepfakes for artistic purposes. It’s hard to think of another artist who would be better suited for this than Dalí.
There are lots of moral arguments for and against bringing the dead back to life through technology. In the case of something like hologram Tupac, the Coachella performance was done with permission from the artist’s estate. In Dalí’s case, he has no living family, and instead named the Spanish Kingdom as the sole heir in his will, so the exhibition was run with permission from the Dalí Foundation in Spain.
Dalí Lives opens on May 11th as a permanent exhibition on what would have been his 115th birthday.
By Dami Lee
Source: (
Will share and close this out here ...
Antarctica Unveiled (Act 4: Postscript ) - Cliff High
Forum Borealis
Published on 12 May 2019
Ready for updates? Clif brings us up to speed on recent developments not covered in the main show. Some topics touched: What can we learn from the Strava Heat Map fiasco? Why's Antarctic traffick exploding? Why hiring thousands for civil service occupations? What's up with the incredible security clearance? What of the cruise and flight tourism? How's the Voyager relevant? Is the Classified Space Program relocated south? What to deduct from the recent Giza Pyramid energy phenomenon disclosure? Why is there still unclaimed areas while fighting over claimed land? + learn a hack to get from pole to pole by Google Earth zooming...
1:45:41 minutes
Please note these previous video/series releases:
1) Antarctica Unveiled (Pt. 1 of 3) - A conversation with Cliff High (
Forum Borealis
Published on Jan 26, 2018
We welcome the webbot guru to explore the obscurity that is Antarctica. In this 3-part show we deal with everything - some issues touched in Part 1: Why did Clif take interest in this mystery? What say web-bot about it? What happened there in the late 90ies? Why was it promoted for tourism after that? What's the large magnetic anomaly under the ice? Why's all satellite images censored & manipulated? What did Russians find in Lake Vostok? Are there really hot zones? Was there a nuclear meltdown in the 70ies? Where was Atlantis? Was Admiral Byrd right? What say the Ancients? What happens if the ice melts? And learn how Earth grows...
2) Antarctica Unveiled (Pt. 2 of 3) - A conversation with Cliff High (
Forum Borealis
Published on Feb 3, 2018
In part 2 we move through history with topics like: What's the Expanding Earth theory implications for Antarctica? Why is most ancient habitation zones submerged? Is Mars a dead planet? What say Salish & Jain about former civilizations? What's the Royal belief? Were humans incarcerated by ancient invaders at Antarctica? Was it frozen due to war? Is humanity a hybrid species? Were we once 600 billion people? Is the Sun cause to climate change & ice ages? Is Smithsonian destroying history? What did Nazis discover in New Swabia? What happens to polar expeditions? Who stole Cliff's Antarctica data? And hear about his Giant pyramid images.
3) Film: Antarctica Unveiled (Pt. 3 of 3) - Cliff High (
Forum Borealis
Published on Jul 30, 2018
In this crescendo closer Clif deals the final cards of the SP enigmas, incl. the 4 basic scenarios: Ancient Civ, Nazis, Aliens, & Hollow Earth. Some issues raised: What's his original info before blue chicken pollution? Why did polar scientists suddenly get ill? What's the weird energy radiation from SP to Hawaii? Is an ancient village uncovered? What power players visits & why? What say the Salish about sky people? Why was SP nuked in late 50ies? What's the origin to polar lights? Why are globalist corporations there? Why did U.K. battle over Falklands? Is UFO's from Inner Earth via polar holes? And hear what horrors the night vision goggles revealed...
I was very fortunate to be in attendance with friends during the recording of this back in the day ...
And lately it greatly resonates ...
Running on Empty (
It is the title track to his 1977 live album of the same name, recorded at a concert
at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland, on August 27, 1977.
The Section featuring Craig Doerge, Danny Kortchmar, Leland Sklar
and Russ Kunkel reunite with Jackson Browne in 2018.
Worth the watch now on Netflix ...
After Life
Whether you like him or not ...
Ricky Gervais' funniest ever interview | 60 Minutes Australia
60 Minutes Australia
Published on Mar 3, 2019
In all his years interviewing so-called “funny” people, Charles Wooley has often been faced with the sad truth that many of them aren’t that humorous in real life. But not so Ricky Gervais. As Wooley discovered, along with the laughs this dangerously sharp comedian has the knack of being able to make people wince in agony or cringe with embarrassment at some of his observations. Ricky’s rule is there is no topic that can’t be joked about. It has landed him in plenty of trouble, but as he says, he couldn’t give a fuck.
16:59 minutes
14th May 2019, 14:05
Ricky should have played a vampire at some point. He has amazingly pointy canines.
Dali is one of my all time favorite artists. I had an opportunity to see a couple of his works up close recently. (a couple years ago)
When pesky/long term college loans are not an option ...
Daze with Jordan the Lion ...
David Gilmour Guitar Collection Is For Sale?
Daily Travel Vlog #1011
Published on May 14, 2019
21:36 minutes
And for those who might be curious ...
David Gilmour - Talks about his vintage guitars & why he's selling them ...
14:36 minutes
Emil El Zapato
14th May 2019, 20:04
Pink Floyd and Crosby, Stills, Nash...Young are the 2 bands that I came closest to ever idolizing...well, except for Santana and Satriani, of course, but they're not really 'bands'
14th May 2019, 20:27
Pink Floyd and Crosby, Stills, Nash...Young are the 2 bands that I came closest to ever idolizing...well, except for Santana and Satriani, of course, but they're not really 'bands'
Actually, Santana ─ under that name ─ was a band up until at least the mid 1980s. Nowadays, Carlos is using his full name, signifying that he's now working as himself, rather than as a band leader. ;)
There was a similar thing with Steve Vai in the 1990s. He briefly had a band called Vai ─ with Devin Townsend on lead vocals ─ of which Steve Vai happened to be the band leader. They did however release only one album under that name ─ "Sex & Religion", which yielded several single releases ─ and then they parted ways again. This here is a song from that album. :)
Emil El Zapato
14th May 2019, 21:42
I use to listen to 'Malo' also...his brother...but Santana is THE MAN. I worshipped at his altar. It also struck me as interesting that Santana seem divinely inspired and Satriana was, well Satriani sold his soul to old scratch.
Vai, yeah, he was a late entry into my musical world...I missed him completely but he is without doubt truly great...
wow, that man can
American and British Families Swap Lives ...
(Culture Clash Documentary)
Families from across the UK and America will swap lives for a week. They'll live in each other's homes, attend each other's schools, do each other's jobs and experience each other's social lives as they try to discover what really goes on in their twin towns.
Throughout history the UK has enjoyed a famously special relationship with the USA. We've embraced each other's culture, supported each other's foreign policy and scoffed each other's cuisine - but do we actually speak the same language?
Real Stories
Published on May 14, 2019
43:33 minutes
"BUT" ...
Should vaccinations be compulsory? | The Pledge
Sky News
Published on May 15, 2019
Maajid Nawaz calls anti-vaxxers "selfish and unscientific" but argues that compulsory vaccination is "one Orwellian step too far". Do you think vaccinations should be compulsory?
9:20 minutes
From Pokémon ...
The mouse that roars ...,c_limit/DC051419.jpg
“For more wild speculation about an election that’s more than
five hundred days away, we turn to Pundit Pikachu.”
Gotcha ...
Connecticut attorney general calls generic drug makers a 'private sector cartel'
PBS NewsHour
Published on May 15, 2019
Affordable health care is a persistent concern for Americans and a topic of great political debate. Typically, generic prescription drugs offer a cheaper alternative to name brands, but a new multi-state lawsuit alleges that their manufacturers have been artificially raising prices. John Yang talks to William Tong, attorney general of Connecticut, whose office has been leading the investigation.
5:43 minutes
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