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9th May 2018, 08:03
Proofreading is a lost skill, it went away when participation trophies began.

Exhibit 'A' as proof. No ifs, ands or butts. Well, the last may be an exception.:ttr:


enjoy being
9th May 2018, 08:23
Fixing that would be a pain in the butt.

I guess they could say, you're not in Kansas any more.

9th May 2018, 08:41
Fixing that would be a pain in the butt.

I guess they could say, you're not in Kansas any more.

A cost analysis to rectify it would cause to much of a stink with the city council.:rolleyes:

9th May 2018, 09:05


9th May 2018, 10:06
Cannabis Cleans Up Nuclear Radiation and Toxic Chemical Waste


Industrial hemp has been used to clean up deadly pollutants before. The most famous use of industrial hemp for phytoremediation was near the site of the deadly nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, Ukraine. In the mid-1990s, a company named Phytotech worked with researchers and a Ukraine-based seed bank to plant thousands of hemp plants in and around Chernobyl.

Phytoremediation is a relatively new process, but it is very helpful.

Considering there are tens of thousands of polluted sites across the United States in desperate need of safe cleanup, this process could be the answer to a lot of our issues. Nothing can be built on polluted sites until they are cleaned, meaning these sites sit and continue to pollute the earth until something is done. Billions are spent each year in efforts to clean up toxic soil, and the time for phytoremediation is now.

According to researchers from Colorado State University, hemp is extremely effective in removing the toxic element cadmium from soils. This is convenient because cadmium contamination is everywhere. It is seen in fossil fuels, old-school pesticides and many other byproducts of human civilization.

Since hemp grows quickly, has deep roots, and doesn’t appear to be stunted by pollution, hemp is one of the best plants to use in phytoremediation.

Another amazing thing about using hemp for this process is that, once it has removed toxic chemicals from the soil, it can still be put to use. Hemp can be converted into oil for lubrication or other industrial purposes, it can be used as insulation, and it can even be used as paper or construction material. The most heavy metals appear to accumulate in the leaves of hemp, so it is best to use the stalks or seeds.


9th May 2018, 10:16

enjoy being
9th May 2018, 10:19
This is sort of true, yet it is birds and other insects who pollinate the greater percentage of plants.
Still need bees though!

9th May 2018, 10:24
This is sort of true, yet it is birds and other insects who pollinate the greater percentage of plants.
Still need bees though!

Manuka honey? Any kind of honey.

Sort of true works for me. I love bees. Talk to/greet them every chance I get.

9th May 2018, 10:28
Manuka honey? Any kind of honey.

Sort of true works for me. I love bees. Talk to/greet them every chance I get.

Same thing here. I'm not too crazy about wasps and certainly not about hornets, because both are very aggressive species — I still won't kill them, though — but I love bees and I don't even mind if one decides to use my hand or my arm as a resting place for a while. ;)

enjoy being
9th May 2018, 10:34
Yeah, hive theft has become an actual thing here in NZ, because of the shortage and the value of hives and honey.

We used to have a few hives back when I was young. Grazed on our land and kept by a family friend.
Collective consciousness, I went to empty food scraps into our large open compost near the hives one afternoon and it was rush hour for the bees as they were returning, I got one caught in my jandal (flipflops?thongs?) and saw all of the bees flying past, suddenly turn around and start dive bombing me. I turned and ran and out ran them.

Another day the keeper had been and cleared some honey and foolishly wiped a bit on the grass near the hive.
It would have been okay but our neighbour had a hive 500 hundred metres away down in a gully and they also had someone else looking after them.. who was a bit useless and had put a sack on the top as a lid. That hive smelled our honey and came for a raid...
When I came out to empty the scraps that day, there was a thick black rainbow of bees flying to and fro in a massive honey robbing war! about 1.5m diameter, 2 hives each and I think they were all battling.

9th May 2018, 10:39
Yeah, hive theft has become an actual thing here in NZ, because of the shortage and the value of hives and honey.

We used to have a few hives back when I was young. Grazed on our land and kept by a family friend.
Collective consciousness, I went to empty food scraps into our large open compost near the hives one afternoon and it was rush hour for the bees as they were returning, I got one caught in my jandal (flipflops?thongs?) and saw all of the bees flying past, suddenly turn around and start dive bombing me. I turned and ran and out ran them.

Another day the keeper had been and cleared some honey and foolishly wiped a bit on the grass near the hive.
It would have been okay but our neighbour had a hive 500 hundred metres away down in a gully and they also had someone else looking after them.. who was a bit useless and had put a sack on the top as a lid. That hive smelled our honey and came for a raid...
When I came out to empty the scraps that day, there was a thick black rainbow of bees flying to and fro in a massive honey robbing war! about 1.5m diameter, 2 hives each and I think they were all battling.

Hornets are known to raid bee nests, kill all the adult bees and then carry the bee larvae back to their nest as food for their own offspring. :wry:

9th May 2018, 10:43
Same thing here. I'm not too crazy about wasps and certainly not about hornets, because both are very aggressive species — I still won't kill them, though — but I love bees and I don't even mind if one decides to use my hand or my arm as a resting place for a while. ;)

Hornets and some wasps are corruptions of Melkor. I have had two hornet stings and the swelling is so sudden it is like getting hit with a big stick.

We have paper wasps in the East USA who rarely sting unless molested and their sting is relatively mild. They are slender, long and brown.

I have carried these wasps out of a restaurant on my hand to release them. I never mind them around the house because they are not territorial. Hornets away from a nest look for trouble. The wasps that look sorta like bees (we call them yellow-jackets) are aggressive near their nests and just general buggers in the field.

When in the Bahamas and opened the door to the balcony there was a wasp nest and one stung me. So, I closed the door and didn't use the balcony. Little tiny thing too. Hot sting, not too much after-pain.

Stepped on a bee on a dandelion last year, first bee sting ever in my life. They pack a fair punch, more than the brown wasp.

Finally, I went to pull up some weeds the other day and accidentally squeezed a wasp. Its sting, which at first I thought was a spikey plant, allowed me to release it. It was able to fly away. Not sure which kind it was, methinks a yellow jacket by the sting quality.

The quality of their venom interests me.

enjoy being
9th May 2018, 10:46
Oh hey I have pondered that emote. It says wry, but I think it may be an abbreviation for worry? Looks more like a worry frowny face, but the name of it is confusing..

Honey. I had to put a comment in one of the bird videos last week when someone was saying in the comments how they love to bring the birds in with honey and water!

This is a total NONO, using sugar and water is fine, and certain birds love it! Most of our native ones do.
The problem with honey is not in endangering the birds, but in that it can stick to the beaks and then be transferred to flowers and then picked up by bees and taken back to the hive. This is a big contributor to the spread of the disease as the honey can be contaminated by bacteria from the birds beak and such.

9th May 2018, 10:58
Honey. I had to put a comment in one of the bird videos last week when someone was saying in the comments how they love to bring the birds in with honey and water!

This is a total NONO, using sugar and water is fine, and certain birds love it! Most of our native ones do.
The problem with honey is not in endangering the birds, but in that it can stick to the beaks and then be transferred to flowers and then picked up by bees and taken back to the hive. This is a big contributor to the spread of the disease as the honey can be contaminated by bacteria from the birds beak and such.

Good for you, brother.:thup:

9th May 2018, 11:06
Oh hey I have pondered that emote. It says wry, but I think it may be an abbreviation for worry? Looks more like a worry frowny face, but the name of it is confusing..

It is an emoticon from the KDE icon set on my own computer, which I have uploaded to the server and given the name "wry", because we didn't have one that represented a wry expression yet. On my own computer, it is however referred to in the graphical environment as "doubt". ;)

enjoy being
9th May 2018, 11:10
Darn silly emotes lol. I was hoping it was meant to be worry. As I always associate wry, with condescension!

9th May 2018, 11:16
Darn silly emotes lol. I was hoping it was meant to be worry. As I always associate wry, with condescension!

I associate it with toast.:ttr:

enjoy being
9th May 2018, 11:18
I associate it with toast.:ttr:

Rye do you say that?

9th May 2018, 13:50
When a tree can stand alone...it is a very strong tree...

Emil El Zapato
9th May 2018, 14:06
Cannabis Cleans Up Nuclear Radiation and Toxic Chemical Waste



oil spill cleanup as well

9th May 2018, 14:08
A giant wooden sculpture of a roaring lion now stands proudly in a Central Chinese city square, and the journey it took to get there makes it all the more spectacular.

The Oriental Lion, as it has been dubbed, was carved from a single redwood tree trunk over the span of 3 years. Established Chinese architect Dengding Rui Yao, reportedly assisted by over 20 people, initiated the project in Myanmar, where the carving was seen through. Finally, when the great beast was finished in December of 2015, it was transported over 3000 miles to reach Wuhan’s Fortune Plaza Times Square. At 47.5 feet long, 16.5 feet high, and 13 feet wide, the Oriental Lion is a force to be reckoned with.




9th May 2018, 15:20

9th May 2018, 15:51


9th May 2018, 16:01

9th May 2018, 22:28


10th May 2018, 07:12

10th May 2018, 07:35

10th May 2018, 07:52



11th May 2018, 15:22
Hopefully this link is interesting and fits in this thread. There's a fair bit on the site, I have been searching for info I had heard about, this sort of contains a lot of it but not all.
Colour Psychology, related to personality and eye colour and physical features as well.


It takes a forum to make the emporium a cosmic one.:D

enjoy being
14th May 2018, 04:23

enjoy being
15th May 2018, 06:16

..pity about the product logo at the end. Someone needs to edit that off!

15th May 2018, 08:02
That is really awesome ;)

15th May 2018, 09:11
You made me think of a music video. Off to the lounge thread!

Emil El Zapato
16th May 2018, 13:30
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/n/9/s/n/t/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620x349. 1nihvc.png/1513564136501.jpg

https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjd9sCr9onbAhURBHwKHa6DBHIQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.noted.co.nz%2Fcurrently%2Fsc ience%2Fan-incredible-perspective-of-aucklands-underground-lava-caves%2F&psig=AOvVaw3KhAEbtr2w55s_w1DaFvSL&ust=1526549493310295


https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/n/9/b/i/d/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620x349. 1n990p.png/1512442820746.jpg




Just stumbled across this info and artwork on tunnels in the city of Auckland. Where I live.


now those are cool images...

enjoy being
18th May 2018, 01:34
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcirOJMMIKL4zKnWogbhpAtzU3PcRrQ YjTBFxJT_Z3TL3uENyJ

Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 01:59
As a counter or a supplement, the following page shows the discussion and calls the premature adoption of this flag as a national flag as being further appropriation and colonisation. I see the point but also, see the divide which hurts all. So much work to be done it feels.
The people in between like myself, need our own flag, I would love to call rangatiratanga my own, but recognise the symbol it is now.
It brings me both joy and sadness when I ponder these things.


You know I can fully appreciate the pulling of to and fro...I don't really think the 'heart' of any of these issues is any different anywhere. One thing different about the Maori situation is that they seem to be in a position of greater strength than many are in other lands. It seems that even the 'bad' side of NZ peoples are much more 'enlightened' than what we would find in the U.S. According to some if not many historians the biggest reason that it is different here/there/U.S is the legacy of the Slavery and the Civil War. It doesn't make the divided people 'special', it merely makes the situation 'different' and perhaps more compelling in the depths of division. The end result is hate, of course, and the biggest thorn in my mind.

23rd May 2018, 14:23
This is cosmic.

Joe Rogan was talking about black holes and multiple galaxies. His guest mentioned the theory of black holes leading to other universes.

Then, a bit later Joe was wondering how everything could start from a singularity, smaller than a pinpoint.

How about if that singularity emerged from a Black Hole?
https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencenewsforstu dents.org%2Fsites%2Fstudent.societyforscience.org% 2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fhs-2002-02-a-full_jpg.jpg&sp=617804a122337413ccc807fbf070f006

23rd May 2018, 15:46
This is cosmic.

Joe Rogan was talking about black holes and multiple galaxies. His guest mentioned the theory of black holes leading to other universes.

Then, a bit later Joe was wondering how everything could start from a singularity, smaller than a pinpoint.

How about if that singularity emerged from a Black Hole?

I'll up you one... Every black hole is a singularity, so what if the whole universe is a black hole of which the event horizon is still expanding at an accelerating rate? Or maybe the universe only appears to be expanding at an accelerating rate because of the time dilation that we're subjected to? :eyebrows:

23rd May 2018, 19:08

enjoy being
30th May 2018, 10:39

30th May 2018, 12:40

Animals never cease to amaze. I wish more people would become aware of all the wonderful and amazing things that animals can do, so that they'd feel a bit more humbled about their humanity.

But then again, recognizing that animals are superior to us in many ways takes an open mind, and unfortunately, this is a rare commodity. Most people simply store knowledge such as that of animals' magnificence in the disposable sections of their memory and continue living their lives as the arrogant egos they are. :hmm:

30th May 2018, 12:44
There is a pond at my son's high school. In the spring at one end you can see circle after circle that the fish make for mating. They're not complex like the one in this video but they are very nicely formed and circular.

30th May 2018, 14:45

http://media.bizwebmedia.net/sites/23563/data/Upload/2015/2/choang_voi_8_dieu_ve_thien_nhien_ki_bi_nhung_co_th at___6(1).jpg

I love David Attenborough's documentaries. I think I have all of them...and it's the only Christmas present I can give to my sister and her family. This is from The Blue Planet 2, I believe. He is worshiped here in the UK. He mentioned all the plastic in the Ocean on one of these documentaries...and now everybody are engaged in cleaning up plastic, banning plastic, reducing plastic etc. It's a big deal at the moment. Thank goodness! :winner::love:

Aragorn...you are so right...if people could just look toward the planet and all that is natural...respect will follow! :)

Thanks for posting enjoy being.

30th May 2018, 21:12
It's amazing how he, in association with these nature shows has raised such awareness. They are beautifully done. Prior to this series the best had been Nature, imo. The one about the African rift blew my mind.

Emil El Zapato
31st May 2018, 01:12

http://media.bizwebmedia.net/sites/23563/data/Upload/2015/2/choang_voi_8_dieu_ve_thien_nhien_ki_bi_nhung_co_th at___6(1).jpg

yeah, that's amazing and I love blue water...just beautiful and mind boggling...

enjoy being
31st May 2018, 06:52

enjoy being
1st June 2018, 03:35

enjoy being
1st June 2018, 03:59
And this one, in the comments two weeks ago, it says he has just turned 112.

1st June 2018, 05:29
Way to go enjoy being...beautiful people and beautiful lives lived...I really loved it! :love:

1st June 2018, 13:14
Cosmic beach view, kinda.

https://s15-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Ft0.gstatic.com%2Fimage s%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcRTwQ3ClFqE5BnkIU5BLGZlKYGfT8GM gF0nENeFw2Mq_yRPOqeKiA&sp=a40639c72f4b523ebbe4bd87873562c6&anticache=221869

1st June 2018, 13:57
Kilauea from Space:

https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jpl.nasa.gov%2Fsp aceimages%2Fimages%2Flargesize%2FPIA18812_hires.jp g&sp=e75a21bca38929e1919f9e2f6042f25d

https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FJ7aRXTq .jpg&sp=aa90fa659c192edc9550369eca746580

1st June 2018, 14:08
night and day


enjoy being
1st June 2018, 14:22

enjoy being
7th June 2018, 03:28

7th June 2018, 13:15
Why is there an asterisk or rune on the lava to the right of the was bay/now point?


(the vessel has been filled)

7th June 2018, 13:26
Here's a before:


enjoy being
8th June 2018, 06:15

8th June 2018, 14:00
That's beautiful, enjoy being

12th June 2018, 12:17
I've gone to take a gander at the Emporium in the Mists. As always, interesting and engaging.

Here's a couple of images:

“You fake right, I’ll fake patriotism.”


18th June 2018, 15:18

"Hope" is the thing with feathers

~by Emily Dickinson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

And sore must be the storm -

That could abash the little Bird-

That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -

And on the strangest Sea -

Yet - never - in Extremity,

It asked a crumb - of me.

Blessed be.

1st July 2018, 14:32
If I could go where/whenever I wanted in lucid dreams I would go visit the Cambrian Explosion and just watch all the amazing creatures. I could do it for the whole period. Time has no meaning in the Dreamtime. (there were nautilus-like creatures in a dream I had recently)


My husband gave me a fossilized shell of this type made into a necklace for our recent anniversary. I had a dream last night that it was around my neck and somehow in a slot and I pulled it out to hang in view. The slot was like a kind of storage or protective space. Not in my body, a device of some sort I was wearing.

1st July 2018, 14:43
Oooohhh Aaaahhh


2nd July 2018, 09:22
THIS IS AMAZING STUFF!! :belief::love: it!

2nd July 2018, 16:46
https://s16-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Forigin als%2F39%2Ff7%2Ffa%2F39f7fac19272055460b66dfe9b2c2 c1c.jpg&sp=8b93bd4add55cae26e64730ae46d20cb

Mother Medusa...

https://s16-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgeneticliteracyprojec t.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F03%2F3-22-2018-Ediacaran-creatures-1024x538.jpg&sp=40ea36f945a54c09ca49ce81485a6d9e

3rd July 2018, 17:43
https://s15-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdw8stlw9qt0iz.cloudfr ont.net%2Frx7xsPmsVQMk97VrrWqQSoyahSs%3D%2Ffit-in%2F800x450%2Ffilters%3Aformat%28jpeg%29%3Aqualit y%2875%29%2Fcuriosity-data.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fimages%2Fcontent%2Flandsca pe%2Fstandard%2F11001350-bc7c-4398-a678-aa9a71b836ff.jpg&sp=dce659a9dba949843475c755a6cadb19


https://s15-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newtonsapple.org.u k%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F08%2Fcambrian-explosion.jpg&sp=09545cde3a15976b61b30d84706feaca

5th July 2018, 08:29
Found this thanks to Kathy:

Octopus playing with divers in Crete.


5th July 2018, 21:31
Found this thanks to Kathy:

Octopus playing with divers in Crete.


Octopuses are incredibly intelligent beings. I've posted a documentary about them (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12323-Amazing-Octopus-Most-Intelligent-Animal-on-Earth) only a few weeks ago. ;)

Emil El Zapato
6th July 2018, 02:27
I'm partial to the megalodon...the movie... :)

6th July 2018, 22:29
THIS IS AMAZING STUFF!! :belief::love: it!


6th July 2018, 23:39
There was an octopus who could unlock its cage, leave it, go over to the fish tank, eat fish, then go back to its own enclosure and lock it. The people found out by setting up a camera. They were wondering who was stealing fish!

I don't recall where this happened.

6th July 2018, 23:47
There was an octopus who could unlock its cage, leave it, go over to the fish tank, eat fish, then go back to its own enclosure and lock it. The people found out by setting up a camera. They were wondering who was stealing fish!

I don't recall where this happened.

I believe it's in the documentary I've posted. ;)

6th July 2018, 23:49
Oh, excellent. Thanks. I haven't watched that one yet.

8th July 2018, 18:55

There's a dragon in the cloud and the full moon makes a cameo.

7th August 2018, 13:47
Recent clouds over DC.


7th August 2018, 13:59
Looks like a wave.....:headspin:

7th August 2018, 14:03
Gosh, n also how the heck I am I meant to go to sleep, can we all stop posting for ten mins please

7th August 2018, 16:44
Gosh, n also how the heck I am I meant to go to sleep, can we all stop posting for ten mins please

:ha: :love:

8th August 2018, 13:44
There are many things I learned of via Gio's Emporia. Among them, Greg Carlwood and his Highersidechats.

Here are a couple recent ones. He's spoken of getting trouble from You Tube.



This one with Gordon White of Rune Soup (https://www.thehighersidechats.com/gordon-white-the-state-of-conspiracy-culture-the-empires-new-pivot-bilbo-baggins/) is not on you tube

9th August 2018, 21:21
Yeah, the Carlwood is distancing his work from YouToob, however you can download his work directly from thehighersidechats.com (http://www.thehighersidechats.com) (as you linked the GW interview, I see).

14th August 2018, 22:47
Thomas Sheridan (https://www.thehighersidechats.com/category/podcasts/) was on Highersides. This one is not on you tube so I'll link to it.

15th August 2018, 09:03
Thomas Sheridan (https://www.thehighersidechats.com/category/podcasts/) was on Highersides. This one is not on you tube so I'll link to it.

Thanks Dreamtimer...and for everyone...make sure that you scroll down to nearly bottom of the page to find Thomas Sheridan. :thup:

25th August 2018, 12:20
Coyote fun:


https://s17-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Ft0.gstatic.com%2Fimage s%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcQzn7ij6CzXgXAPgoUiRiqoPme1q4_o yrTjPFOR0hW1vG3p7o6v&sp=06119ecff3ce8593d88080db301ff6ab&anticache=905301

25th August 2018, 13:02
Coyote fun:


https://s17-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Ft0.gstatic.com%2Fimage s%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcQzn7ij6CzXgXAPgoUiRiqoPme1q4_o yrTjPFOR0hW1vG3p7o6v&sp=06119ecff3ce8593d88080db301ff6ab&anticache=905301

Aaaahhh...I never saw the roadrunner coming! :ha:

25th August 2018, 16:39
Aaaahhh...I never saw the roadrunner coming! :ha:

You mean you couldn't even hear the "Meep! Meep!"? :p :ttr:

26th August 2018, 01:23
I just heard that John McCain passed. RIP Senator.

https://s17-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Ft0.gstatic.com%2Fimage s%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcQFp-R3gYz-Kvtr771YjItMWxmXOREBq2XJ9CasWkGlQqlwxAUG0g&sp=5d6083ae713aa45f331169e1f10575b6&anticache=328015

13th September 2018, 14:41
Gio has now walked off into the mists (http://mistsofavalon.catsboard.com/t9704p350-gio-s-cosmic-emporium#138656) and is no longer posting at MoA.

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1506070_956469714414917_3813876474473754494_n.jpg? _nc_cat=0&oh=c1db428d177689c263c84ae1dce0b92a&oe=5C1E495F

13th September 2018, 21:51
Gio has now walked off into the mists (http://mistsofavalon.catsboard.com/t9704p350-gio-s-cosmic-emporium#138656) and is no longer posting at MoA.

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1506070_956469714414917_3813876474473754494_n.jpg? _nc_cat=0&oh=c1db428d177689c263c84ae1dce0b92a&oe=5C1E495F

I was sad to see Gio stop posting here.

Maybe he will write a book of his life now he has more time? i'd read it. Gio is actually the only person I met face to face when I visited ECETI in 2012. I saw a very large craft which with night vision binoculars was seen to have a huge aura. Gio identified it as the space station. It was the first time I had seen that and I saw orbs there also.

I have noticed other people drop out. One was James Swagger. He did some grand research and I learned quite a bit through listening to him. He was suddenly off the radar with no reason. It is weird that we all write here for a bit but some time...


8th November 2018, 01:31
In retrospect ...

Greetings Aragron & The One... 😄

After a year of observation and contemplation, I write to offer an olive branch back to you and TOT ... My apologies to you personalty for leaving last year in such a huff ... My sentiments posted toward to you in not trusting you, now in retrospect was a misplaced dig, more inclined with my overall displeasure and general distaste/mistrust of the entire alternative rolled up into one last frustrated explanation point post unfortunately cast upon you ... 🙁

After a year of following your post, I have come to really appreciate your perspectives and opinions anew - So i just wanted to let you know that and relieve that unfortunate moment, and please note - i do consider you a brother in arms - for what that is worth. I have some fresh ideas for moving the community forward (a new thread) which is current/tentatively being called as "All Down The Line" - an epiphany (have you), of the only way logically forward for any progress for mankind is down a middle pathway - to survive our mission.

With all respect/Love Gio

Onward ...

8th November 2018, 01:38
(welcome) back, Gio. :) :smile2: :chrs:


:welcome toters:


:winner: :smiley-dance013: :dan: :banana: :rock:

:group hug: :fire:


8th November 2018, 04:22
Continuing ...


8th November 2018, 05:25
Ya Bastard, I have cried enough lately

8th November 2018, 05:31
Welcome back Gio

In retrospect ...

Onward ...

8th November 2018, 05:33
Ya Bastard, I have cried enough lately

It's all good Vern ... It's all good!


8th November 2018, 05:33
Ya Bastard, I have cried enough lately

Although the accuracy of my Aianawese-to-English translator is a work in progress, I think what Vern means to say is that he loves you and that he's glad you're back, Gio. :p

8th November 2018, 06:15
♪Turning holy water into wine ♪ ...

Billy Idol - Eyes Without a Face ...

Featuring one of my fav's Steve Stevens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Stevens)on guitar.


8th November 2018, 06:23
Real Soon ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/4069528964.gif


“What do you mean I can’t declare war on the House of Representatives?
I’m the President of the United States!”

8th November 2018, 12:00
Those bear claws....:shocked:

The day after the election he criticized candidates from his own team for not embracing him. Many others of his 'team' are distressed by this.

How 'bout that Hannity guy saying he wasn't going campaign, then flying out to the campaign, then calling the other news outlets fake?

I'd call him a buffoon but he's much worse.

8th November 2018, 17:11
For those that are still recovering ...

You've Voted for the Best – Now Check Out the Rest - The Jim Jefferies Show

"Jim moderates a debate between four third-party candidates as they discuss everything
from marijuana use to the #MeToo movement."

Comedy Central
Published on Nov 6, 2018

7:41 minutes


Here's a bonus vid ...

Sacha Baron Cohen on Pranking Politicians

"Sacha talks about 'voting' in the midterm election, pranking politicians like former Vice President Dick Cheney, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and former Rep. Jason Spencer, upsetting conservatives in Arizona with his plans to build a mega mosque, and needing a bullet proof clipboard – all for his very funny show 'Who is America?'"

Jimmy Kimmel Live
Published on Nov 7, 2018

8:01 minutes


8th November 2018, 18:33
The Kinderguardians bit was amazing. Especially when Larry Pratt explains the 'proven science' behind the program:

"....Children under five also have elevated levels of the pheromone, Blink 182 produced by the part of the liver known as the Rita Arum. This allows nerve reflexes to travel along the Cardi B neural pathway to the Wiz Khalifa 40% faster, saving time and saving lives."

(It really shouldn't be so easy; or Mr. Cohen is super talented; or both)

Good to see you back, Gio.:ht::tiphat::banana::abduct:

9th November 2018, 00:37
Happy day when Gio is back in town!


9th November 2018, 08:45
My deepest thanks for the kind welcome back to TOT ... :headspin:

While gone, i found and fell in love with this guy ...

If you like English Bulldogs, I hope you'll enjoy the home of Reuben the Bulldog and check out a few of his videos. He's our first and is unlike any other animal that's been part of our family. He's funny, cute, demanding and the most social dog around. No joke, this guy makes our family smile and laugh everyday. Thanks for the visit!

Reubin (and mike's) channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVaJefqDN0Ekmo1ctkS5Qgw/featured

Reuben the Bulldog: Late Night With Reuben

'Need more hairy, overtired toddlers in your life? Meet Reuben.'

Published on Nov 6, 2018

7:31 minutes


Reuben the Bulldog: The Kite Festival

'A windy but fantastic morning to take Reuben for a trip to nearby Kure Beach for the annual
Cape Fear Kite Festival. Not sure Reuben knew what to make of all these sky things.

Published on Nov 4, 201

3:50 minutes


9th November 2018, 12:31
We had English bulldogs growing up. They used to knock me over and that got me really upset.

One of them ate both a radio and a palm tree!

9th November 2018, 19:09
We had English bulldogs growing up. They used to knock me over and that got me really upset.

One of them ate both a radio and a palm tree!

Way back ... during 1967 when i was in prep school (boarding), summering with my older brother (a career US Marine on recruiting duty out in Chicagoland) - He and his wife had just adopted (their little version of the Marine Corp mascot) a new bulldog pup ... his name Fidelis Fare (after the Marine Corp. mascot motto 'Semper fidelis' a Latin phrase) which means 'always faithful'... When i visited him and my sister in law out in Chicago back then - The Fare and I would play - well quit rough and wildly ...

Me being a young teen and him being well a young bull dog http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-animals-020.gif we bonded quite nicely together ... :smile2:

One time when he was still a pup, he and I were playing tug a war with a small throw rug ... It soon got intense with both of us pulling and spinning round n' round - suddenly i noticed a blood smear on the area from around where he (Fidelis) was clamping down - griping tightly on the rug material ... I immediately stopped, but he was still quite into the contest - Now trying to calm him down, i gave him some fresh water and wiped off his (forever drooling) mouth ... I examined and saw he was missing several teeth (which apparently did not phase him at all), after refreshing him with a cool drink of water (to my surprise) he still wanted to play and engage with the rug !!!

I yelled to my brother inside (in total panic), imagining i was to be my brother's
first kill while a Marine ... :frantic:

As he came running to my panicking shrill - yelling to him almost in tears what had just occurred ... My brother took a serious look inside Fidelis mouth - and then started laughing and telling me to calm down and not to stress - for apparently the Bull dog's grip (even at his puppy stage) was so grip/intense his frontal baby teeth had been extracted by our great tug off war.

Fidelis was just like the 'Ruebin' always loving and loyal like my brother - rest his soul (1944- 2017).

I recommend anyone who loves canines, to subscribe to 'Ruebin' (and his adult Mike's) channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVa...S5Qgw/featured

It's like having the wonderful experience, but not having to deal
with the smells and drool all the time ... giggle :)

They don't call them Bulldog's for nothing !


9th November 2018, 19:34
Almost like trying to find old Avalon forum thread posts ...


Emil El Zapato
10th November 2018, 01:18
Happy day when Gio is back in town!

I love that song...whenever I want a lift, I always listen to that...my daughter has just been saying no, since I started listening to it.

Here's another one of my favorites:


10th November 2018, 04:08
I love that song...whenever I want a lift, I always listen to that...my daughter has just been saying no, since I started listening to it.

Here's another one of my favorites:


Oh how I love cee lo green and THIS is my anthem.


10th November 2018, 04:55
OMFG, so much fun!:);):D:cool::love::eek::o

10th November 2018, 05:06
Ohhhh the pain, the pain...

https://s15-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcultfaction.files.wor dpress.com%2F2015%2F01%2Fjh2.jpg&sp=5f21aa6264078af393f741eb8570ecea

So Good...

10th November 2018, 14:50
While her peculiar twitch/nervous giggle has always creep me out ... https://www.amperordirect.com/mm5/website_v3/images/emoticons/chuckle.gif
Still prepare to emit and receive the love ...

Wella !

How to Open Your 3rd Eye Chakra - Teal Swan

'In this episode, Teal Swan explains how to open your 3rd eye chakra otherwise known as the 6th Chakra or Anja Chakra. It is a wonderful addition to the 3rd Eye opening video regarding information on opening the 3rd Eye and 3rd Eye Chakra. This video also contains Information on strengthening your pineal gland and the systems related to your 3rd eye.'

Published on Nov 9, 2018

27:16 minutes


10th November 2018, 15:20
Noting we had our first snow/ice dusting here in the NW yesterday ... http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-winter-057.gif

I will concur, even though Wilmington, NC appears much warmer ...

Reuben the Bulldog: Winter Is Coming

'With cold weather arriving and a Thanksgiving road trip in our future, Reuben needed something to keep him warm during outdoor time. His new delivery arrived and it's time for the part-time male model to work the runway. If only we could get him dressed first!'

Published on Nov 10, 2018

5:41 minutes


11th November 2018, 07:48
Amazingly somehow i entirely missed the first year premiere presentation (2017 and its 12 episodes) of this HBO series ... Though news of the series has finally managed to catch my wandering mind - for the debut of its first two second season offerings ... :pc:

A Twilight Zone + Black Mirror all coexisting within a four wall setting ...


Room 104 (2018) | Season 2 Official Trailer | HBO


Room 104 Season Two Is Weird, Surprising, and Packed With Great Actors

The Mark and Jay Duplass production Room 104 is the closest thing HBO has right now to Black Mirror. Like the Netflix anthology of tech-cautionary tales, each episode of Room 104 is a stand-alone entity that can be seen and understood on its own, without ever having watched any of the show before. Some episodes of Room 104 — all of which take place in the same generic hotel room — are scary. Some are seriocomic relationship studies. Nearly all of them are trippy as hell. And some, especially in the second season that premieres Friday, do indeed explore the effect of modern technology on human affairs.

Unlike Black Mirror, each episode of Room 104 is a half-hour or less, with some even clocking in as short as 20 minutes. That means that even installments that don’t work at all — and thankfully, there aren’t many of those — at least win points for unspooling their yarns economically. Which, ahem, is not always true about Black Mirror.

To help you plan your Room 104 viewing experience, I have ranked all 12 of the new episodes, which feature performances by, among others, Michael Shannon, Judy Greer, Mahershala Ali, Dolly Wells, and Brian Tyree Henry in a musical (!) ... More here (https://www.vulture.com/2018/11/room-104-season-2-hbo-review.html)

11th November 2018, 09:17

Kristen Wiig's Best SNL


12th November 2018, 00:41
A fifty year old/quickie ...

♪ In a gadda da vida, honey
Don't you know that I'm lovin' you
In a gadda da vida, baby
Don't you know that I'll always be true ♪ ...

Yeah right ...


'Evidently, "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" is what "In the Garden of Eden" sounds like after consuming a gallon of cheap red wine. After hearing then-lead singer Doug Ingle slur the words, Bushy thought it was catchy and wrote it down that way, and rock's first heavy-metal classic was born in 1968.'


Iron Butterfly

Single Version


12th November 2018, 01:40
A contact in the desert tale ...


12th November 2018, 02:03
Apocalypse now ...

well isn't it ironic ...

Here come those Santa Ana winds again !


Escaping from Malibu



12th November 2018, 15:38
hmm ...


Drain the Swamp

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

"Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” But considering the culture of corruption
inside of his administration, Washington is looking awfully...swampy."

Published on Nov 11, 2018

16:36 minutes


12th November 2018, 15:56
Forgive ... But never forget ...

Weekend Update: Pete Davidson Apologizes to Lt. Com. Dan Crenshaw

"Pete Davidson stops by Weekend Update to apologize for his
comments about Lt. Com. Dan Crenshaw."

Saturday Night Live
Published on Nov 10, 2018

4:34 minutes


13th November 2018, 05:36
New York in ten days ...

Matthew Vandeputte


"Hi! My name's Matthew, I'm a Belgian living in Sydney, Australia. I'm a professional time warper. I shoot timelapse and hyperlapse videos for brands and tourism boards. I travel a lot for work so I started documenting that with video blogs. This channel mainly consists of timelapse and hyperlapse photography, travel vlogs, social media info, timelapse tips and tricks and other random things I deem worthy uploading and sharing.


This is one of my favourite travel videos yet. Amelia and I spent about ten days in New York. We caught up with friends, did some touristy stuff, ate good food, drank great drinks and saw some sights. All in all, a really great trip. A massive thank you to Antonio (and the bxlcafe) for helping us out and a big thank you for watching and reading this description :) If you're reading this, let me know what your favourite bit of the video was, I'd love to find out! Up next: HAWAII!"

Premiered Nov 7, 2018

16:40 minutes


13th November 2018, 18:32

“Say what you will about 2018, I haven’t been kept awake at night by the same fear twice.”

14th November 2018, 03:50
Back on the road again with ...

Gabriel Traveler

How Expensive is TBILISI, GEORGIA? It's Super Cheap!

Published on Nov 10, 2018

18:37 minutes


14th November 2018, 08:36
The latest stuff ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif

Amazon Might Finally Put New York City On the Map!

The Late Late Show with James Corden

"James Corden looks at the news of the day, including Amazon choosing New York and Washington DC to build out their new headquarters, a growing rift between First Lady Melania Trump and Chief of Staff John Kelly and a rather awful attempt at an Idris Elba doll."

Published on Nov 13, 2018

4:46 minutes


Also what ever happened to ...

Dennis Miller on Being a Conservative Comedian

Jimmy Kimmel Live

"Dennis talks about voting in the midterm election, what it's like being a conservative comedian, his comedy special 'Fake News, Real Laughs,' Jimmy hosting the Oscars, and having a men's comedian dinner with Jimmy, Martin Short, Conan O'Brien, Nick Kroll, Tom Hanks, John Mulaney, and Eugene Levy."

Published on Nov 8, 2018

6:57 minutes


14th November 2018, 08:45
Said Sherlock ...


14th November 2018, 09:08
Oh ...

♪ It was alright ♪


Mitch Ryder
& Detroit

Rock 'N' Roll


14th November 2018, 13:15
There is an Idris Elba doll. Did you know there was a Dennis Miller doll?


The doll's not much funnier than he was...

14th November 2018, 22:35
Just down Chemical Road ...

http://static-41.sinclairstoryline.com/resources/media/199c7a12-035f-42b3-abb6-2569ab6d77da-large16x9_181113_kepr_purple_glow_986.jpg?15421243 27086

Mysterious purple glow lights up Eastern Wash. night sky

Turn here ... (https://komonews.com/news/local/mysterious-purple-glow-lights-up-eastern-wash-night-sky)

14th November 2018, 22:52
Speaking Ichiwawa ... :locked:


Migrants climb over fence as caravan arrives in Tijuana

"The first wave of migrants from the Central American caravan has arrived in the Mexican city of Tijuana — about 80 members of the LGBT community, some of whom were seen scaling a fence along the coastal border community.

They split off from the larger group of more than 3,600 migrants in Mexico City after what Honduran migrant Cesar Mejia told reporters was weeks of discriminatory treatment by locals and other travelers, according to NPR.

Several people jumped or crawled through openings in the fence onto US soil Sunday but quickly ran back when Border Patrol agents approached, Fox 5 San Diego reported.

“Whenever we arrived at a stopping point, the LGBT community was the last to be taken into account in every way. So our goal was to change that and say, ‘This time we are going to be first,’ ” Mejia said.

The group in Tijuana included Hondurans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans and Salvadorans, including transgender men and women, and also several children.

Most plan to use their status as members of a persecuted class to request asylum in the United States as early as Thursday, the news outlet reported.

“We are fleeing a country where there’s a lot of crime against us,” an unidentified transgender woman told reporters.

On Sunday, they arrived at the tony enclave of Coronado in Playas de Tijuana, a few miles from the San Diego port of entry.

They were dropped off by Mexican immigration officials who had been alerted of the migrants’ arrival in nearby Mexicali. But when they arrived, they were met with anger from local residents.

“We aren’t safe here,” a woman who lives in the neighborhood said. “There could be someone within your group that could hurt us.”

About 400 additional migrants also arrived in Tijuana on Tuesday by bus, a witness told Reuters. Larger groups are expected in the next few days, according to human rights groups.

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he would travel to the border area Wednesday, his first visit since the military announced that more than 7,000 US troops would go to the area as the caravan trekked through Mexico.

US Customs and Border Protection said in a statement that it would close lanes at the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa crossings from Tijuana to allow for the installation of barbed wire and barricades.

“CBP has been and will continue to prepare for the potential arrival of thousands of people migrating in a caravan heading towards the border of the United States,” Pete Flores, the agency’s director of field operations in San Diego, said in a statement.

President Trump, who described the caravan as an “invasion,” ordered the troop deployment ahead of last week’s midterm elections. Critics slammed the move as a costly political stunt catering to his conservative base.

“We don’t do stunts in this department,” Mattis said recently" ... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/war/yes-sir-soldier.gif

Source (https://nypost.com/2018/11/14/migrants-climb-over-fence-as-caravan-arrives-in-tijuana/)

14th November 2018, 23:33
Alien abduction ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

"The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures". People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees" or "experiencers"...

Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_abduction)

UFO Insider Shares Astonishing Details of Calvin Parker Alien Abduction

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

"Of all the alien encounter stories out there, the one you are about to hear is so “out of this world” that it caught the attention of veteran UFO researcher and author Philip Mantle. Calvin Parker’s astonishing account of his abduction experience which occurred on the Pascagoula Mississippi river in 1973 is a story unlike any other. So much so, that Mantle says he feels this may just be the linchpin that blows the doors to the UFO subject wide open! Mantle, who published and wrote the forward to Calvin Parker’s story: Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter: My Story, says that in his nearly 40 years of research into the UFO/ET subject, Parker’s story is one for the ages. And based on the recent growing interest in this provocative account, he feels we are poised to see the field of UFOlogy finally take on a more serious tone for society at-large.

Even some in the mainstream of media are beginning to give the UFO subject more “air time.” What is driving this recent wave of interest? Are we about to shift into a new paradigm where the ET/UFO subject is accepted by the masses?"

Published on Nov 14, 2018

104:54 minutes


15th November 2018, 01:04
Meanwhile ...

Meet Britain's future/man waiting in the wings ... (https://newrepublic.com/article/152181/boris-johnson-britain-next-prime-minister)

Boris Johnson/Power Napping



Will May’s cabinet back her Brexit proposal? DISCUSSION

BBC Newsnight

"Can Prime Minister Theresa May expect the cabinet to back her deal on Brexit?"

Published on Nov 14, 2018

12:00 minutes


15th November 2018, 07:19
At the moment ...

"Sunspot AR2726 is very small and poses no threat for solar flares
--a typical solar minimum sunspot." Credit: SDO/HMI

Something's Happening to the Sun Right Now, Here's What It Means for Earth

"Scientists say Earth's atmosphere is about to get hit by some record cold – but it's not because of anything caused by humans. It's because of a lack of sunspots which means a major decrease in ultraviolet waves coming in our direction" ... More here (http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2018/november/somethings-happening-to-the-sun-right-now-heres-what-it-means)

15th November 2018, 08:27
That very rare smile says it all ...


'Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me'?

15th November 2018, 08:57
♪ I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nighttime ...
I might not ever get home ♪


Life During Wartime

Talking Heads


16th November 2018, 01:13
Check in time with the dog ...http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-animals-020.gif

Reuben the Bulldog: Bed/Calendar Update

Reuben the Bulldog

"Has Roo accepted his new bed into his growing collection? Are the super secret bones safe? All is well and here's a brief update on that and the calendar and a local TV reporter story about it also. If you'd like a Reuben 2019 Calendar with all proceeds going to our local Humane Society please visit": http://www.lulu.com/shop/mike-melnotte/reuben-the-bulldog/calendar/product-23758080.html

Published on Nov 14, 2018

4:54 minutes


16th November 2018, 01:52
A streamline glimpse back/forward in how we got here ...


Designed Different- Raymond Loewy


"One of the greatest minds of the 20th Century, Raymond Loewy the father of Streamline design, from the Cold Spot refrigerator to Sky Lab, his design was everywhere. He's most remembered for the amazing car designs he fostered. Dub version of 20th Century Fox propels us through this cavalcade of genius" ...

Published on Nov 13, 2018

10:12 minutes


16th November 2018, 02:33

This just in ...
It is being reported by the White House, that the First Lady Melania Trump has asked her husband Donald to fire the President ... And apparently her husband, Donald has signed off on her request ...

16th November 2018, 07:00
His nightmarish drama continues ...


Julian Assange reportedly indicted by Justice Department

By Joe Tacopino

November 16, 2018

"Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been charged under sealed indictment amid accusations that he published American secrets, a report said on Thursday.

The indictment against Assange was inadvertently revealed when Assistant US Attorney Kellen S. Dwyer urged a federal judge to “keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged,” according to The Washington Post.

Dwyer also told the judge that the charges would “need to remain sealed until Assange is arrested,” the paper said.

The revelations comes as Special Counsel Robert Mueller has probed Wikileaks role in publishing emails from the Democratic National Committee and longtime Clinton aide John Podesta.

US intelligence agencies have alleged the emails were hacked by Russian spies and transferred to WikiLeaks.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier on Thursday that Justice Department officials were preparing to prosecute Assange.

A public indictment of Assange is being weighed as a means to trigger his removal from the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where he has lived since 2012, the Journal said.

Ecuadorean officials have long since grown tired of hosting Assange, with that country’s new president Lenin Moreno calling the white-haired leaker a “stone in our shoe.”

To view indictment papers go here to source page (https://nypost.com/2018/11/16/julian-assange-reportedly-indicted-by-justice-department/)

16th November 2018, 12:04
"...asked her husband Donald to fire the President." :lol::lol::lol: and a little:belief:

17th November 2018, 01:04

This just in ...
It is being reported by the White House, that the First Lady Melania Trump has asked her husband Donald to fire the President ... And apparently her husband, Donald has signed off on her request ...

"...asked her husband Donald to fire the President." :lol::lol::lol: and a little:belief:

Melania Trump's Demand Gives The White House A Shake... (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/14/opinion/letters/melania-trump.html)


Apparently after her recent trip to Africa ...
Melania has no fear of getting wet and into the mix of things...


♪ There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa ♪


17th November 2018, 01:40
Looking back a few pages on this thread ...
I see you all here got into the Modwiz/Minds.com Meme posting thingy ...

It apparently did the job for a while ... :wiz:


17th November 2018, 02:36
Georgia on his mind ...

The Country of Georgia is a Very Interesting Place

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Nov 16, 2018

16:32 minutes


17th November 2018, 03:02
Open All Night ...



17th November 2018, 03:35
A cautionary tale ...

Taking Ayahuasca to Heal Addiction and Depression (Full Episode)


"Shaman and ex-bank robber Steve Hupp works with people seeking to purge themselves of severe emotional and physical issues, ranging from PTSD and abuse, to addiction and depression."

Published on Nov 16, 2018

44:27 minutes


17th November 2018, 12:08
I'd rather do DMT. It's a short-lived experience, but I have no desire to go through the physical aspects of ayahuasca tea. (just me, my choice)

17th November 2018, 16:40
Just out of the box ... https://www.smiley-lol.com/smiley/maison/television/smileytele.gif

Reuben the Bulldog: Roo TV

"A new TV is a chance to see how Reuben responds to seeing himself on the big screen ...
He ended up giving us an example of how he's always thinking and is one smart little man."

Published on Nov 17, 2018

6:11 minutes


17th November 2018, 17:18
A Train/Thingy ...

Heathrow Airport’s T5 Train Isn’t F**king Around

The Jim Jefferies Show

Published on Nov 17, 2018

2:29 minutes


17th November 2018, 17:33
"Once early man learned to gossip, deceive and ostracize his fellow species --
he took a major evolutionary leap forward" ...


How human evolution favored the bitchy ones

Early man was a total mean girl ...

"Gossipy, cliquey, exclusionary — these are some of the traits our human ancestors developed to thrive over the last 6 million years, argues psychology professor William von Hippel in his new book, “The Social Leap” (Harper Wave), out now.

“Nothing is more important to us than our social connections. Nothing was more critical for our ancestors’ survival and reproduction,” von Hippel writes.

Social connection and its middle-school messiness assured our survival — more than harnessing fire or developing opposable thumbs. Von Hippel writes that a series of “social leaps” — or movements forward in the way we connect with our fellow man — made our brains bigger, our connections stronger and our long-term survival certain.

And the real gift to mankind was our bitchiness.

The first major social leap happened around 10 million years ago when our chimp ancestors were forced out of the rainforest and into the grasslands, thanks to tectonic shifts in the East African Rift Valley.

Our great-ape cousins had few social ties and limited group reliance, according to sociologist Jonathan H. Turner of the Evolution Institute. But when our ancestors were sent scurrying into the savannah in search of food, while needing protection from predators, this all changed.

“No doubt many of our would-be ancestors perished, but some of them survived and eventually began to thrive, and their story is our own,” writes von Hippel.

Our story begins with one of the longest living early human species, the Australopithecus afarensis, about 3 million years ago.

Though the Australopithecus look a lot like chimps, they adapted to their new environment by forming more elastic muscles in their hips, shoulders, arms and wrists — perfect for throwing stones.

The Australopithecus figured out quickly that aiming projectiles at saber-toothed tigers alone was not effective. So they began to band together, creating collective stone-throwing groups.

This brought about “the most important psychological change that enabled us to thrive, rather than just survive, on the savannah: the capacity and desire to work together,” writes von Hippel.

The minute early man learned to band together, he also acquired a new weapon: ostracism. If you wanted to be invited to the lion-eating party, you better play by the lion-killing rules.

Offenders who, say, ran away instead of throwing rocks at an incoming predator, would be iced out.

“Fear would have made it awfully tempting to leave the task of protecting the group to others,” writes von Hippel. “Those . . . who ran away at the first sign of danger would soon have found themselves unwelcome in the group, facing dire circumstances and poor reproductive success.”

Repeat offenders would be expelled — to their certain death.

“To be forced out of a group of Australopithecines on the grasslands was a death sentence. For this reason, our ancestors rapidly evolved a strong emotional reaction to the threat of being ostracized,” writes von Hippel.

That strong reaction continues today. “Ostracism and rejection have remained important tools for enforcing cooperation through to the present, and as a result we still find social rejection incredibly painful and do whatever it takes to stay in our group’s good graces,” von Hippel writes.

Sometimes even outright excommunication wasn’t enough, so our ancestors instituted a collective punishment perfect for our new bodies.

“Stoning was probably one of the earliest forms of punishment our ancestors meted out to peers who failed to do their part,” von Hippel writes.

Dealing with all these new — and possibly deadly — social pressures challenged us mentally, leading to yet another social leap called the “social-brain hypothesis,” which argues that primates developed larger brains to deal with the greater complexities of life.

Enter Homo erectus, or “upright man,” 1.8 million years ago, whose big brain enabled him to develop tools and harness fire.

Fire was particularly important to our brain development, writes von Hippel, allowing us to take in more calories by making food more digestible. Meanwhile, fire also gave us the luxury of storytelling.

“Fire enabled us to extend our community time past daylight, without the added risk of predation, and in doing so gave us the unique opportunity for socializing and reflecting, as the work of the day was no longer possible,” writes von Hippel. “Storytelling allows each generation to build on information gathered by their ancestors, as cultures accumulate knowledge about how to deal with their local environment.”

In other words, these fireside chats gave us our first ever gossip session.

At this time, another social leap occurred: our ability to read another human and to attribute and anticipate their thoughts, also known as “Theory of Mind.” (Small children, for example, do not have this capacity. It is typically developed around age 4 or 5. Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Center at Cambridge, believes that people with autism may struggle with Theory of Mind.)

Once we acknowledged that others view the world differently than us, a whole host of new behaviors — some of them pretty ugly — started to emerge.

Among them: feelings of pride, guilt and shame — a whole grab bag of deadly sins. “These are often referred to as self-conscious emotions, as their development requires awareness of how others are appraising us, and they differ from other social emotions, such as anger and love, in that the focus is inward,” writes von Hippel.

These painful emotions of inadequacy are key drivers in keeping everyone in line.

Humiliate a person who fails to bring in enough meat at the hunter-gatherer encampment? He’ll probably never make the same mistake again.

Our ability to lie and deceive also evolved.

Though many members of the animal kingdom use deception, outright lying requires Theory of Mind, as one needs to comprehend what someone is thinking in order to manipulate them. Evolutionary scientists say this is a distinctly human behavior. Chimps, by contrast, may understand “the goals, intentions, perceptions and internal knowledge states of other individuals,” but are unable “to internalize situations in which other individuals have false beliefs,” writes David Barash in his 2012 book “Homo Mysterious.”

But the emergence of self-deception was the ultimate “social weapon,” von Hippel writes.

Lying to yourself has two benefits: “It eliminates the costly cognitive load that is typically associated with deceiving, and it can minimize retribution if the deception is discovered,” according to von Hippel’s 2011 article in Behavioral Science.

For example, if you tell people you’re the greatest hunter in the group but on this occasion you can’t catch anything because of bad weather — and you actually believe it — people are more likely to believe you, too. And then you avoid those pesky emotions of guilt and shame for not stepping up that day.

This kind of ego-inflation is common to all of us. One study showed that if you take a photo of people and then digitally manipulate copies to amplify or detract from their looks, they most often pick one amplified by 20 percent as their real photo.

Armed with hubris, it’s no wonder Homo erectus, with twice as big brains as the Australopithecines, became the first archaic human species to leave Africa and colonize areas in Europe and Asia, plan for the future and develop early forms of language. (Recently, Bentley University global studies professor Daniel Everett argued that Homo erectus even sailed small boating vessels.)

The negative outcome of all this advancement — as Homo erectus gave way to our namesake Homo sapiens around 200,000 years ago — is a modern scourge on every playground in the world: cliques.

We may have become generally nicer to each other (at least since the days of our chimp cousins), but this only increased our hostility for outsiders.

Though it seems obvious to dislike a stranger for threatening our resources, this impulse points to an even deeper underlying fear.

“In a pre-medical world, the threat of disease was much greater than it is today, so we developed psychological adaptations to disease threats,” writes von Hippel. These adaptations are classified as “the behavioral immune system.”

The behavioral immune system acts the same way our bodies do to unwanted viruses or bacteria: by pushing them right back out. “Dislike and fear kept neighbors apart, and once you don’t interact with others anymore, your languages and religions naturally diverge as well. All these processes are self-perpetuating and serve to further group separation,” writes von Hippel.

In other words, tribalism — something we see as rampant in our politics today — is as old as man, and maybe a bit older. “Just because we got smarter doesn’t mean we got any wiser,” writes von Hippel. “For better or worse, we haven’t been able to shake many of our ancient instincts.”"

Source page (https://nypost.com/2018/11/17/how-human-evolution-was-shaped-by-pride-guilt-and-gossip/)

17th November 2018, 17:43
I'm pretty sure some of these behaviors are observed in chimps. Which means they're on their way as well.

Planet of the Apes...

18th November 2018, 01:31
Get back ...

The Big Questions, Do Aliens Exist, The Multi Dimensional Universe, Near Death Experiences

The Moore Show
Guest: Master James Gilliland​
Website: www.eceti.org

Published on Nov 17, 2018

Recorded June 2018

43:35 minutes


18th November 2018, 07:36
Ouch ...

Message from Jeff Bezos - SNL

Jeff Bezos (Steve Carell) responds to President Trump's criticisms
about the locations of Amazon's new headquarters.

Published on Nov 17, 2018

2:56 minutes


18th November 2018, 11:03
♪ Cause you can never really tell when somebody
Wants something you want too ♪




https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40069275_1934820499913162_2320736882054397952_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=0c59baa72e438b1eb62e2e5ed475e2e9&oe=5C352819

Up at the Ranch

18th November 2018, 21:38
It could be all or everything ...

Terence McKenna - Atlantis, Lemuria, and Ancient Aliens ...

Fractal Youniverse

"This is a great clip I found on the internet though I am not sure what lecture it comes from; in it, Terence is asked about his thoughts on Atlantis, Lemuria, and Ancient Aliens. As always he gives an very interesting and anecdotal response that I personally had not heard before. Hopefully it is new for others as it was for me.

Published on Nov 18, 2018

20:01 minutes


19th November 2018, 23:06
Wearing Zucblinders ...


“At Facebook, we believe in plausible deniability.”

20th November 2018, 00:50
The latest ...


The daunting task of identifying victims of the Camp Fire

PBS NewsHour

"In the 11 days since Northern California's Camp Fire ignited, residents have experienced “hell on earth." Firefighters have now contained about 66 percent of the fire. But as rain approaches, rescuers scramble to locate the nearly 1,000 people still missing--fearing that piles of ash will become treacherous mud. William Brangham speaks with Jim Wood, a forensic dentist helping to identify victims."

Published on Nov 19, 2018

7:41 minutes


20th November 2018, 03:02
Once a rascal always ...


New Evidence Emerges of Steve Bannon and
Cambridge Analytica’s Role in Brexit ...

"The possibility that Brexit and the Trump campaign relied on some of the same advisers to further far-right nationalist campaigns has set off alarm bells on both sides of the Atlantic" ... Read more here (https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/new-evidence-emerges-of-steve-bannon-and-cambridge-analyticas-role-in-brexit)

20th November 2018, 03:32
Meanwhile in Mainland China ... (https://www.vox.com/2018/8/15/17684226/uighur-china-camps-united-nations)


China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade

China's Belt and Road Initiative is the most ambitious infrastructure project in modern history. It spans over 60 countries and will cost over a trillion dollars. The plan is to make it easier for the world to trade with China, by funding roads, railways, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects in Asia and Africa. China is loaning trillions of dollars to any country that's willing to participate and it's been a big hit with the less democratic countries in the region. This makes the BRI a risky plan as well. But China is pushing forward because its goals are not strictly economic, they're also geopolitical.

Published on Apr 5, 2018

5:58 minutes


20th November 2018, 03:41
'I'd rather throw ya, Than know ya' ...


20th November 2018, 04:31
Griffith Observatory over looking greater LA ...

A person who is deeply dissatisfied with society in general but does not have
a specific aim to fight for is ... A 'rebel without a cause' ...


Heartbeat City

The Cars


20th November 2018, 07:28

Who is “Florida Man”?

Desi Lydic Investigates

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Investigative journalist Desi Lydic interviews real-life Florida men in her quest to figure out
what makes the Sunshine State such a hotbed for bizarre local newsmakers.

Published on Nov 2, 2018

7:13 minutes


21st November 2018, 01:13
The new Johnny Carson of the UFO community ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

Here's Richy ...

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/saQTZ8-bI0E/hqdefault_live.jpg?sqp=CJDc0t8F-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJ DeAE=&rs=AOn4CLBXss5jDKNqgos0zRjoueO5DU5nsw

From a guy who once stated on video - He never say an actual "UFO" ...

Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure

Featuring ...
"Buy My Stuff" from the Richard Dolon Store.

Richard Dolan
Started streaming 8 minutes ago



21st November 2018, 01:31
Speaking of being a phenom ...
With a nosefull message ... http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-animals-020.gif

Reuben the Bulldog: Happy Thanksgiving!

Back from his walk, a flushed and slightly hot and bothered Reuben wants to wish all the best to everyone this Thanksgiving. We are honored to have you spend time with us here and appreciate everyone's comments. Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!

Published on Nov 20, 2018

2:59 minutes


21st November 2018, 03:02
A long and winding road ...http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-flags-006.gif

Why Immigrants Should Be Celebrated, Not Feared - The Jim Jefferies Show

"Several immigrants share their difficult journeys to U.S. citizenship, how they give back to their
communities and why Donald Trump’s rhetoric scares them."

Comedy Central
Published on Nov 20, 2018

9:14 minutes


21st November 2018, 03:11
Yes it has been ...

The Long And Winding Road

Th 1s Preview

1 minute


22nd November 2018, 00:17
A new country ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/42363.gif

Hello KYIV, UKRAINE! First Impressions of the City (Kiev)

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Nov 21, 2018



22nd November 2018, 00:47
Introducing a new channel here ... (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGisihUQxb3_gE7Qzffyp4g)

DOGS DAY OUT .... http://avalonlibrary.net/paula/smilies/dog.gif

With Rocky Kanaka

First up: I broke this shelter dog out for Thanksgiving!

"Every dog deserves love and gratitude on Thanksgiving because of the unconditional love they give to us daily. If you saw the video where I was at the shelter THIS IS A TOUGH DECISION (Winky the dog) and saw Bodhi in the dog shelter you know what a big deal this is. My last video that was a gift guide TOP GIFTS YOUR DOG WILL GO CRAZY FOR! shows some amazing gifts you can get for your dog. However there are so many shelter dogs out there that also deserve love and gifts. Watch Bodhi and I go on his surprise Dog's Day Out after he gets out of the shelter. This labrador retriever and I head out on his best day ever and then I even feed him Barksgiving - Thanksgiving for dogs" !

Published on Nov 21, 2018

10:98 minutes


22nd November 2018, 11:42
The exodus ...

De-FAANGed: Big Tech Loses $1 Trillion - #NewWorldNextWeek


"Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news" ...

Note all news items linked below video show notes.

Published on Nov 22, 2018

17:55 minutes


22nd November 2018, 22:07
The UN should proclaim today as a universal/global holiday ...

Happy Thanksgiving Folks ...http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/eat/t1932.gif


Arm-A-Dine is supposed to remind us that eating is a social event ... (https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2018/11/22/18107810/robot-feeding-arm-chest-mounted-social-augmented-eating)

23rd November 2018, 16:01

What You Need



23rd November 2018, 16:13
Around here ...


Laughter is a big thing !

23rd November 2018, 17:00
Digging in the dirt ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/360865.gif

Worth a weekend re-listen/look ...

Joe Rogan Experience #606 - Randall Carlson

"Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician,
geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar" ... More here (https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/randall-carlson/)

Originally published on Feb 2, 2015

Lots to take in here, best consumed in segments

3:00:56 minutes


23rd November 2018, 18:35
A stone throw away ...


Associate of Roger Stone in plea talks with Mueller

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A conservative writer and associate of Trump confidant Roger Stone said Friday that he is in plea talks with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team.

Jerome Corsi told The Associated Press he has been negotiating a potential plea but declined to comment further. He said on a YouTube show last week that he expected to be charged with lying to federal investigators, though he said at the time that he was innocent of wrongdoing.

Mueller’s team questioned Corsi as part of an investigation into Stone’s connections with WikiLeaks. American intelligence agencies have assessed that Russia was the source of hacked material released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 election that damaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mueller’s office is trying to determine whether Stone and other associates of President Donald Trump had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans.

The Washington Post first reported on Corsi’s plea negotiations.

Corsi, the former Washington bureau chief of the conspiracy theory outlet InfoWars, cooperated with the probe for about two months, turning over two computers and a cell phone and providing the FBI access to his email accounts and tweets.

But he said talks with investigators recently had “blown up.”

“I fully anticipate that in the next few days, I will be indicted by Mueller,” he said last week, as he made a pitch for donations to his legal defense fund.

Stone, who also has said he is prepared to be indicted, has denied being a conduit for WikiLeaks, which published thousands of emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in the weeks before the election.

In a telephone interview with the AP earlier this month, Stone said: “I had no advanced notice of the source or content or the exact timing of the release of the WikiLeaks disclosures.”

He told AP in a separate statement Friday, “It is clear from his recent videos and his recent interviews that my friend Dr. Corsi has been under a tremendous amount of pressure and it is beginning to affect him profoundly. He has stated publicly that he is being asked over and over to say things he simply does not believe occurred.”

Source (https://apnews.com/83a7e797f6eb48399bbe9530e4bce9a3)

23rd November 2018, 20:03

The Multiple Personalities of Donald Trump - Ramzpaul

Red Ice TV

"Ramzpaul joins Henrik to discuss the many personalities of Donald Trump. At his rallies we get one Trump and the administration gets another Trump. His gung ho Israel support has collapsed his presidency and the "America First" policy has left many American's with nothing but empty promises. In addition we discuss Hungary and a number of other important news stories."

Published on Nov 23, 2018



24th November 2018, 11:33
An original ...


Guinea pig

The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as cavy or domestic cavy, is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, these animals are not in the pig family Suidae, nor do they come from Guinea in Africa, and the origin of their name is still unclear; they originated in the Andes of South America and studies based on biochemistry and hybridization suggest they are domesticated descendants of a closely related species of cavy such as C. tschudii, and therefore do not exist naturally in the wild.

More here ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea_pig)

25th November 2018, 06:08
A last taste ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/42363.gif

How Expensive is KYIV, UKRAINE (KIEV)? It's Super Cheap!

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Nov 24, 2018

20:55 minutes


25th November 2018, 06:44
Talk Talk ...
How long can $ keep going ...


Catherine Austin Fitts - Government Taking Massive Amounts of Money Dark

Greg Hunter

Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says, “I don’t know why the government is shifting massive amounts of money out of the U.S. government and out of the U.S. economy and taking it dark.”

Fitts says, “Right now, we are choking on secrecy as a society. If you look at all the people who got it wrong about the collapse, the reason they got it wrong is because all the information they needed to determine whether or not it was going to collapse was being kept secret even though they, as taxpayers, were financing it. . . . If we had transparency and we stopped with the secrecy, we could turn the red button green. . . . The cost of secrecy is enormous . . . . The cost of tyranny, the cost of oppression, the cost of Americans having lousy education and all this control, it destroys so much wealth.”

You cannot have a successful civilization with this kind of secrecy.”

Published on Nov 24, 2018

56:21 minutes


26th November 2018, 01:40
Reminder note: if you {still} haven't listened to the above posted podcast ... (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/9965-The-Cosmic-Emporium?p=842003938&viewfull=1#post842003938)
Perhaps now is the moment to begin ... :shocked:


Top 5 Natural Threats to Global Civilization

#5 Gamma Burst,
#4 Magnetic Reversal,
#3 Grand Solar Minimum,
#2 Major Solar Storms,
#1 Volcanic Winter

Published on Nov 25, 2018

5:47 minutes


26th November 2018, 04:04
Entering The Realm of ...



Original Song by Teresa Yanaros


26th November 2018, 13:26
Nice song. Teresa can sing. :grin:

26th November 2018, 15:14
Morris - Cambodia Walk/Talk

Ruled by a Collapsing Star, MBS, isms, Solution - Travelogue

Published on Nov 24, 2018

20:50 minutes


26th November 2018, 15:31
An early stainless steel model ...


26th November 2018, 16:28
Why Did Russia Just Ram Ukrainian Ships? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3ut5lMGa2Q)

Footage shows Russian ship crashing into Ukrainian tug - BBC News

BBC News
Published on Nov 26, 2018
Footage appearing to show a Russian ship crashing into Ukrainian tug has been posted on social media by the Ukrainian Interior Minister. Arsen Avakov claims it was filmed from a Russian ship.

There have been growing tensions between the two countries over access to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov off the Crimean peninsula - annexed by Russia in 2014.

1:25 minutes


27th November 2018, 10:37
Well isn't that interesting ...


NASA’s InSight beams back breathtakingly clear photo of Mars

NASA’s spacecraft that landed on Mars Monday has beamed back its first clear photo of the desolate Red Planet.

“There’s a quiet beauty here. Looking forward to exploring my new home,” NASA tweeted late Monday, hours after its new InSight lander touched down.

The image came after the rover had earlier sent back a somewhat blurry photo. The space agency said that in the interim the spacecraft had opened its solar panels, which allowed it to recharge its batteries for the mission.

“Our Mars Odyssey orbiter phoned home, relaying news from @NASAInSight indicating its solar panels are open & collecting sunlight on the Martian surface,” NASA wrote in the tweet. “Also in the dispatch: this snapshot from the lander’s arm showing the instruments in their new home.”

The InSight spacecraft landed on Mars on Monday after six-month journey to the planet. The dispatch that included the first clear photo of Mars from the mission were relayed to Earth by the Mars Odyssey orbiter.

“The InSight team can rest a little easier tonight now that we know the spacecraft solar arrays are deployed and recharging the batteries,” Tom Hoffman, a project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which leads the mission, said in a statement.

More pictures of the Red Planet may be beamed back in the coming days.

Soon, the mission team will unfurl InSight’s robotic arm and use the attached camera to snap photos of the ground for scientists to determine where to place the spacecraft’s instruments, NASA said.

Source (https://nypost.com/2018/11/27/nasas-insight-beams-back-breathtakingly-clear-photo-of-mars/)

27th November 2018, 15:24
I really like Teresa's song. I've listened to it several times. Thanks.:tiphat::thup:

27th November 2018, 21:57
gobble gobble ...


Mr President ...
"The turkey you pardoned published a scorched-earth tell-all about its time in the White House."

29th November 2018, 02:24
Speaking of scorched-earth tell-all (s) ...

Left billionaire Jeffrey Epstein /right Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta

Trump’s Labor Secretary Once Helped a Billionaire Child Rapist Hide His Crimes

"Imagine you are a U.S. Attorney, spearheading the prosecution of an alleged serial sexual abuser of children.

You have statements from dozens of self-identified victims — teenage girls who do not know each other, and yet tell virtually identical stories (even providing corroborating descriptions of the suspect’s genitalia). The victims unanimously say that the suspect operated a kind of “sex pyramid scheme,” in which he would:

1) Offer barely pubescent girls a lot of money to come to his house and give him a “massage.”

2) Coerce them into performing sex acts during and after the massages.

3) Offer those who liked the money — but not the molestation — more pay in exchange for luring other barely pubescent girls to his home.

Your team has uncovered phone records, flight logs, and written messages that corroborate the alleged victims’ claims. Someone who worked in the suspect’s home has given you a sworn statement, confirming that “young girls” were constantly entering and leaving the house — and that, on one occasion, he “accidentally stumbled on a high school girl” sleeping naked in the suspect’s spa.

A search of the suspect’s property turned up naked photos of underage girls, written instructions for delivering flowers to a local high school, a dresser drawer full of sex toys, and loose dangling wires all over the property — the suspect having, apparently, removed all of his computer hard drives, surveillance cameras, and videos from the house shortly before your team arrived. The house perfectly matches the alleged victims (uniform) descriptions.

Meanwhile, investigators have begun to uncover evidence that the suspect was involved in bringing 13-year-old girls from Brazil and Ecuador to the United States to work as prostitutes at his sex parties.

As that investigation is moving forward, the suspect’s attorneys offer you a deal: The suspect will plead guilty to two state-level prostitution charges, in exchange for:

• Immunity from all related federal criminal charges — not only for himself, but also for “any potential co-conspirators’’ who might have been involved in those alleged federal crimes. This provision would effectively forbid the FBI from looking any further into the evidence of international sex trafficking, and, essentially, make it retroactively legal for anyone to have conspired with the suspect to rape any of the alleged victims.

• A 13-month sentence, to be served in a private wing of a county jail – except for the six days a week when the suspect works. On those days, he will be allowed to commute to his private office, and “work” for 12 hours.

• A commitment that this agreement will be kept secret from the self-identified victims, so that they do not have the opportunity to protest the arrangement in court (even though keeping a plea agreement secret from victims is an ostensible violation of federal law).

Would you accept this plea agreement?

If you are Donald Trump’s Labor secretary, then the answer is yes.

All the facts described above are not actually from a bizarre hypothetical, but rather, from the actual prosecution of billionaire hedge-fund manager Jeffrey Epstein, as detailed by a bombshell investigation from the Miami Herald. In 2008, then–U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta agreed to derail an active FBI investigation into a sex-trafficking ring — and let a man who was transparently guilty of molesting and/or raping dozens of underage girls serve a 13-month sentence (the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office then approved his 12-hour-a-day, six-days-a-week work-release arrangement). Acosta would later attribute the leniency of the agreement to, in part, harassment from Epstein’s high-powered legal team — which, according to the Herald, hired private investigators to dig up dirt on the billionaire’s victims, on the police officers investigating Epstein’s crimes, and on federal prosecutors.

But emails and documents obtained by the Herald suggest that the relationship between federal prosecutors and Epstein’s team was often more collaborative than adversarial:

It’s clear, from emails and other records, that prosecutors spent a lot of time figuring out a way to settle the case with the least amount of scandal. Instead of charging Epstein with a sex offense, prosecutors considered witness tampering and obstruction charges, and misdemeanors that would allow Epstein to secretly plead guilty in Miami, instead of in Palm Beach County, where most of the victims lived, thereby limiting media exposure and making it less likely for victims to appear at the sentencing.

…The email chain shows that prosecutors sometimes communicated with the defense team using private emails, and that their correspondence referenced discussions that they wanted to have by phone or in person, so that there would be no paper trail.

“It’s highly unusual and raises suspicions of something unethical happening when you see emails that say ‘call me, I don’t want to put this in writing.’ There’s no reason to worry about putting something in writing if there’s nothing improper or unethical in the case,’’ said former federal prosecutor Francey Hakes, who worked in the Justice Department’s crimes against children unit.

Conspiracy theorists often fantasize about nefarious, elite cabals that sexually abuse and traffic children with impunity, because their secret, private power supersedes that of all national governments.

It is hard to examine the facts of the Epstein case and not wonder if those folks in the tin-foil hats aren’t onto something. Epstein had no shortage of powerful friends, including Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, and Alan Dershowitz — all of whom, at various points, frequented planes and properties that Epstein allegedly used for sexually abusing girls, sometimes with other men.

At least some of Epstein’s powerful friends appear to have been aware of his crimes. For example, the current president of the United States told New York Magazine in 2002, “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

One of Epstein’s alleged victims, Virginia Giuffre, has claimed in court papers that she was recruited into the billionaire’s child sex ring when she was 15 — and working as a towel girl at Mar-a-Lago. She also claims that Dershowitz and Prince Andrew participated in her sexual abuse. The star attorney and British royal have vigorously denied those allegations.

Still, the incomprehensible leniency of Epstein’s plea deal — and the extraordinary provision immunizing any unnamed co-conspirators who participated in his trafficking ring from federal charges — both invite the dark suspicion that federal prosecutors felt compelled to protect an individual, or individuals, who were even more powerful than Epstein.

The Herald floats an alternative explanation for the prosecutors’ behavior — but it’s less than satisfying:

The Herald learned that, as part of the plea deal, Epstein provided what the government called “valuable consideration” for unspecified information he supplied to federal investigators. While the documents obtained by the Herald don’t detail what the information was, Epstein’s sex crime case happened just as the country’s subprime mortgage market collapsed, ushering in the 2008 global financial crisis.

Records show that Epstein was a key federal witness in the criminal prosecution of two prominent executives with Bear Stearns, the global investment brokerage that failed in 2008, who were accused of corporate securities fraud. Epstein was one of the largest investors in the hedge fund managed by the executives, who were later acquitted. It is not known what role, if any, the case played in Epstein’s plea negotiations.

Generally speaking, American prosecutors do not take corporate securities fraud more seriously than serial child molestation and sex trafficking. But whatever the motivation behind Acosta’s decision, his acceptance of Epstein’s plea agreement surely disqualifies him from leading a federal agency responsible for combating sex trafficking.

Anyhow, this summary only scratches the surface of the Herald’s incredible investigation, which is worth reading in full. You should also check out New York Magazine’s contemporary reporting on the investigation into Epstein. Although, be advised: Reading about Jeffrey Epstein for longer than 45 minutes may lead one to conclude that 4-chan posts about “Pizzagate” paint a more accurate picture of the American ruling class than, say, all those uplifting speeches at John McCain’s funeral."

By Eric Levitz


29th November 2018, 02:33
Now if the previous story didn't cause a cow ...
This one will ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/262321.gif

Australia's biggest cow saved from the chop

The Sun

Published on Nov 28, 2018
Standing 6.4 feet tall, a giant Australian cow called 'Knickers' has been saved from the abattoir after being deemed too big to fit into the processing facility.

The seven-year-old Holstein Friesian steer who weighs 1,400 kilograms will spend the rest of his days with his herd on his owners Myalup property in Western Australia.

Knickers is thought to be Australia's largest cow.

1:09 minutes


29th November 2018, 02:42
Check the picture on the wall ...
There are no coincidences folks ...


29th November 2018, 05:11
A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia (such as Alzheimer's).


Visions of grandeur living under the Divided Banana Tree Republic of the El Donaldo ... :banana:


29th November 2018, 05:33
♪ Got to keep on moving or i will die ♪ ...


Don't Stop The Dance

Bryan Ferry


29th November 2018, 07:19
"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ...
Are all things Paul Manafort did not provide to Robert Mueller."

Paul Manafort Auditions For A Pardon

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Published on Nov 28, 2018

7:29 minutes


29th November 2018, 10:09

Visions of grandeur living under the Divided Banana Tree Republic of the El Donaldo ... :banana:

You had me laughing until the tears rolled down my cheeks, Brother. :D :lol: "El Donaldo Grande™", the Banana Republican. :ha: :hilarious:

29th November 2018, 23:42
Although part fictional - it's almost soothing to see the absurdity of the past -
Hasn't fallen too far from the present banana tree ...


| Official Trailer | FOX Searchlight

Early 18th century. England is at war with the French. Nevertheless, duck racing and pineapple eating are thriving. A frail Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) occupies the throne and her close friend Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz) governs the country in her stead while tending to Anne’s ill health and mercurial temper. When a new servant Abigail (Emma Stone) arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah. Sarah takes Abigail under her wing and Abigail sees a chance at a return to her aristocratic roots. As the politics of war become quite time consuming for Sarah, Abigail steps into the breach to fill in as the Queen’s companion. Their burgeoning friendship gives her a chance to fulfil her ambitions and she will not let woman, man, politics or rabbit stand in her way.

Published on Sep 4, 2018

2:09 minutes


30th November 2018, 00:26
Speaking absurdities ...

9/11 Truth Gets A Grand Jury - #NewWorldNextWeek


"Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news" ...

Published on Nov 29, 2018

All news item links listed below youtube show notes.

16:08 minutes


30th November 2018, 07:16
The Anarchast ...

Conspiracy Theories - Crypto, Central Banks, Chemtrails and California Fires
with G. Edward Griffin

"Jeff Berwick interviews author of 'The Creature from Jekyll Island, G Edward Griffin. Topics include: entertaining ideas without accepting them, the federal reserve, cryptocurrencies are a volatile emerging market, intrinsic value, getting outside the current financial system, the California fires, abnormal high temperatures, vaporized ceramics, aluminium deposits, a plan to get people out of the country and into the cities, independent investigation, agenda 21, depopulation, chemtrails, G Edward Griffin's Money and Cryptos conference."

Published on Nov 29, 2018
Anarchast Ep.446

34:17 minutes


30th November 2018, 18:38
Weekend Fare ...

Film: The Nature of Consciousness (Pt. 1 of 2: Why A.I. must fail) -
A conversation with Cliff High

Forum Borealis

Sensei High is back for a deeper level of woo: The mystery of the mind - especially versus Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism, exploring different aspects of consciousness: it's nature, function, manifestations, & implications. Some issues explored in part 1: How's AI different from human intelligence? Why will AI never achieve sentience & self awareness? What's the source of mind? What's the secret of life? What's our multiple minds? Can simulations surpass our ability to distinguish? What's the structure of existence? Can AI be "possessed"? Is channeling real? Can mind influence machine? + We muse on the dangers of astral projection...

Published on Jul 14, 2018

1:26:51 minutes


Finally ...

The Nature of Consciousness (Pt. 2 of 2: Why Transhumanism fails) -
A conversation with Cliff High

Forum Borealis

Hear the fascinating finish to our review of human design. Some topics raised: Can dreams be hacked? How's mind entwined with anatomy? How to improve intuition? Are Intel crooks on top of digital innovation? Did the first N.V. Goggles expose dimensional layers? Is transhumanism stupidity or sinister agenda? How's conscioussness kept down? Is mind-eroding pollution deliberate? What's quantum computing & can it bring a sci-fi age? Is NASA source to the Mandela effect? How's its wave unfolding? Is its alteration for better or worse? What's the limits of 3D printing? Is Free Energy unavoidable? + We probe time's nature & how to bend it...

Published on Nov 30, 2018

1:14:16 minutes


1st December 2018, 03:29
Bro/Mance in the making ...
Check out Trump easing into the center picture ...


Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince High Five At G20 Summit ...

The two politicians, seen in the above GIF, exchanged the hand gesture after Putin noticed the Saudi prince sitting alone. Salman, who has recently been accused by the international community for the ordered killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the country’s role in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. At G20, the Prince seemed to be isolated from the rest of the international community until Putin stepped in with a show of support.

While at the G20 summit, French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Theresa May have both reportedly had words with the prince.

Source (http://www.realclearlife.com/daily-brief/vladimir-putin-saudi-crown-prince-high-five-g20-summit/)

1st December 2018, 06:42
Nice Gio, this will fill up 3 hours of tonite, thankyou.

Weekend Fare ...

Film: The Nature of Consciousness (Pt. 1 of 2: Why A.I. must fail) -
A conversation with Cliff High

Forum Borealis

Sensei High is back for a deeper level of woo: The mystery of the mind - especially versus Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism, exploring different aspects of consciousness: it's nature, function, manifestations, & implications. Some issues explored in part 1: How's AI different from human intelligence? Why will AI never achieve sentience & self awareness? What's the source of mind? What's the secret of life? What's our multiple minds? Can simulations surpass our ability to distinguish? What's the structure of existence? Can AI be "possessed"? Is channeling real? Can mind influence machine? + We muse on the dangers of astral projection...

Published on Jul 14, 2018

1:26:51 minutes


Finally ...

The Nature of Consciousness (Pt. 2 of 2: Why Transhumanism fails) -
A conversation with Cliff High

Forum Borealis

Hear the fascinating finish to our review of human design. Some topics raised: Can dreams be hacked? How's mind entwined with anatomy? How to improve intuition? Are Intel crooks on top of digital innovation? Did the first N.V. Goggles expose dimensional layers? Is transhumanism stupidity or sinister agenda? How's conscioussness kept down? Is mind-eroding pollution deliberate? What's quantum computing & can it bring a sci-fi age? Is NASA source to the Mandela effect? How's its wave unfolding? Is its alteration for better or worse? What's the limits of 3D printing? Is Free Energy unavoidable? + We probe time's nature & how to bend it...

Published on Nov 30, 2018

1:14:16 minutes


1st December 2018, 07:39
Michael Cohen is the 33rd person Mueller has charged.

How's that for a good number?


Mueller's killin' it.

1st December 2018, 09:17
His Don't Cry For me Argentina' Moment ...



David Bowie



1st December 2018, 09:26
What If...?

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix -
Episode 357 - American Voice Radio, November 30th, 2018

Referenced previous show: History is a Lie, We've Been Set Up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxDv0_BQxSk)


Published on Nov 30, 2018

55:11 minutes


1st December 2018, 09:44
More binge worthy listens ...

Dark journalist x-series 37: Atlantis rising
cayce jfk hemingway mystery! Special guest gigi young

Streamed live 11/30/2018

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

JFK Ernest Hemingway X-Connection Part 2
Dark Journalist reveals the most unusual circumstances surrounding JFK making an extraordinary effort to recover Legendary writer Ernest Hemingway's Secret Vault and shows the contents were related to Hemingways' efforts to follow up Edgar Cayce's readings about Atlantis rising off the coast of Bimini...!

2:53:28 minutes


1st December 2018, 10:07
A civil offense ...


1st December 2018, 10:43
Onward ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/42363.gif

How Expensive is RIGA, LATVIA? This City is Amazing!

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Nov 30, 2018

27:45 minutes


1st December 2018, 12:41
A calm/siege ...

Ukraine strenghtens naval forces in the Sea of Azov | DW News

DW English

One of the pressing issues at the G20 summit is the rising tension between Moscow and Kyiv. Martial law has been put in effect in the Ukraine, Russia deployed missile systems in Crimea, President Trump’s summit snub of Vladimir Putin, a lot has happened in less than a week since Russian security services fired on and captured 3 small Ukrainian navy vessels heading through the Kerch strait. Our correspondent Nick Connolly has been to Mariupol, the front line port city for Ukraine's fleet to investigate.

Published on Dec 1, 2018

* Deutsche Welle is Germany's international broadcaster, producing TV, radio and online content in 30 languages

3:36 minutes


1st December 2018, 14:09
Wait for it ... http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-animals-020.gif

Reuben the Bulldog: Smells Like the Holidays ...

"If you own a bulldog, you know they pass gas like it's their job.... and they do their job well. We finally caught him on film doing exactly that (apologies that the audio was not as loud as in person, but you get the picture with his response)"

Published on Dec 1, 2018

1:51 minutes


1st December 2018, 14:51
Cambodian fast food ... http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/eat/t1932.gif

Morris - Highway Sellers of Takeaway Cooked Rice

Published on Nov 30, 2018

2:35 minutes


1st December 2018, 15:22
Cambodian fast food ... http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/eat/t1932.gif

Morris - Highway Sellers of Takeaway Cooked Rice

Published on Nov 30, 2018

2:35 minutes


That wasn't very appetising. I'd rather cut my tongue out than eat any of that...

Cambodia is such a depressing place. Dirty and dirt poor, unable to develop because the communists have wiped out everyone who was even remotely smart. Seriously, even people who wore glasses or could read, or were Chinese. Its only redeeming feature is the Angkor Wat, which looks amazing and shows you how the place has gone backward since then. I've never been so pissed off at Left-wing Tyranny than when I toured the Killing fields of Cambodia and a school in Phnom Penh which was used as a torture palace by the Khmer Rouge. The stench of death is all over the place.

I think proportionally this was the worst genocide that any country has ever inflicted on its own population. From the evidence, it might take several centuries for Cambodia to recover from this horror.

1st December 2018, 16:34
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/zcTj1YKomEfLIVBzZhE2TqG0cy-FaL00gB4l4TZfP29uF0gO4nw_M5v2WT5T4KAV8hAlYqXE85nFO 8r-zJQDZPdNzui1JPhOfyo2hd5eDSITT9cMwjt7MvVU5rilswiCB_ TQRTDNErH8fNI3aZRdeRF90qs=w540-h360-k-no
Phnom Penh, Capital of Cambodia (https://www.google.com/destination?q=cambodia&client=firefox-b-1&site=search&output=search&dest_mid=/m/0dlwj&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD8IilgP_eAhV-ITQIHb4mCUEQ69EBCDAoATAA#dest_mid=/m/0dlwj&tcfs=EhwaGAoKMjAxOC0xMi0xNxIKMjAxOC0xMi0yMSAB)

If i may ...

Chris, since you having personally visited first hand and having seen/smell/witnessed the aftermath of an horrific human period (committed by the Khmer Rouge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khmer_Rouge)) ... One can understand your strong sentiments regarding your quite vivid past visit to that country ... Though may i add, most of the current youthful population weren't even alive during those killing days.

Still the older i get, the more i am inclined to realize as humans - all humans are capable of such behavioral acts ... Like it or not. And regarding the roadside food fare, i imagine in retrospect, when you think back during your life - that rice would of tasted a lot better than swallowing your tongue.

Blessings Gio

1st December 2018, 16:43
A timely item ...

How to Change Your Negative Associations Using Mind Conditioning - Teal Swan

"Because the brain is plastic it is possible to change both your negative associations as well as your positive associations with mind conditioning. This technique for Changing your Negative Associations involves a visual exercise to essentially reformulate the connections in your brain over how you associate images in your mind."

Published on Dec 1, 2018

10:20 minutes


1st December 2018, 21:43
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/zcTj1YKomEfLIVBzZhE2TqG0cy-FaL00gB4l4TZfP29uF0gO4nw_M5v2WT5T4KAV8hAlYqXE85nFO 8r-zJQDZPdNzui1JPhOfyo2hd5eDSITT9cMwjt7MvVU5rilswiCB_ TQRTDNErH8fNI3aZRdeRF90qs=w540-h360-k-no
Phnom Penh, Capital of Cambodia (https://www.google.com/destination?q=cambodia&client=firefox-b-1&site=search&output=search&dest_mid=/m/0dlwj&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD8IilgP_eAhV-ITQIHb4mCUEQ69EBCDAoATAA#dest_mid=/m/0dlwj&tcfs=EhwaGAoKMjAxOC0xMi0xNxIKMjAxOC0xMi0yMSAB)

If i may ...

Chris, since you having personally visited first hand and having seen/smell/witnessed the aftermath of an horrific human period (committed by the Khmer Rouge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khmer_Rouge)) ... One can understand your strong sentiments regarding your quite vivid past visit to that country ... Though may i add, most of the current youthful population weren't even alive during those killing days.

Still the older i get, the more i am inclined to realize as humans - all humans are capable of such behavioral acts ... Like it or not. And regarding the roadside food fare, i imagine in retrospect, when you think back during your life - that rice would of tasted a lot better than swallowing your tongue.

Blessings Gio

I was referring to the hygienic conditions in which said treat (whilst no doubt tasty) was prepared. I got food poisoning a number of times whilst travelling and living an Asia, which had a long-term effect on my digestive health. I don't want to get too graphic, but I didn't have a properly solid bowel movement for more than a decade. Recently I noticed that my bowel is back to its former self and I'm quite surprised how that feels like. I think my temperate European gut bacteria have finally overpowered the tropical invaders and they're no more, they have been relegated to the abyss.

At least I was relatively lucky, my Spanish ex-flatmate, who lived in China for 9 months got seriously sick from repeated gastroenteritis and was about to go in for surgery, when he discovered Manuka Honey. That saved him and he was back to his normal health in a few months. In hindsight, I should have tried that as well...

I wasn't making a judgement call on Cambodians themselves, they are in fact a lovely people, but they are victims of communism. Their entire learned class has been wiped out during the Khmer Rouge regime and once you wipe out high-IQ people, they're next to impossible to replace. A similar thing happened in Hungary, first with the Holocaust, then with the Stalinist Terror of the fifties. The Coup De Grace was the 1956 revolution, when that failed, the entire learned class of Hungary left the country and created a significant boom in the sciences and the arts, particularly in countries like the US and Sweden. However, Hungary itself has never recovered from the loss of so many brilliant minds. What happened in Cambodia (and China) was a lot more extreme, but the principle is the same. Communism is the greatest evil that has ever existed in the history of mankind, I'm convinced of that. Fascism comes close, but it only really existed for a few short decades and therefore its impact was more limited.

2nd December 2018, 01:40
Thanks Chris ...

For taking the time to expand and elaborate upon your experiences in Asia ...
Your explanation kind of hit home for me, and i can easily relate to the stomach issues.

I respect, and do take your insightful perspectives to heart ... Especially appreciating that
you having had a unique and closeup positional view growing up in Eastern Europe ...
For which most Westerner (s) do not have a clue in regards to ...

Please feel free to share here on the thread - Your most welcome ... :)

2nd December 2018, 09:56
Thanks Chris ...

For taking the time to expand and elaborate upon your experiences in Asia ...
Your explanation kind of hit home for me, and i can easily relate to the stomach issues.

I respect, and do take your insightful perspectives to heart ... Especially appreciating that
you having had a unique and closeup positional view growing up in Eastern Europe ...
For which most Westerner (s) do not have a clue in regards to ...

Please feel free to share here on the thread - Your most welcome ... :)

Thank you, this is a great thread.

Just for the record, because you weren't here when I introduced myself, though I am Hungarian, and I live in Hungary now (right by the Austrian border), I did some of my growing up in India (2 years) and I spent most of my adult life abroad (Ireland, Singapore and the UK) and like most Europeans, I did travel quite extensively.

One of the great things about living in Europe, as opposed to the US or Asia is the amount of paid annual leave you get. It really can get quite ridiculous. I have friends in the US who get by on two weeks' annual leave. I used to get three weeks in Singapore. I get six weeks here in Hungary and women can take up to three years' (!) maternity leave. Ok, so salaries are really quite low by world standards, but at least you can spend a bit of time with your loved ones, which is very valuable in itself.

2nd December 2018, 10:34
The latest stuff ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif

His Don't Cry For me Argentina' Moment ...


Trump Argentina Cold Open - SNL

Published on Dec 1, 2018

6:52 minutes


Also ...

Weekend Update: Trump's Moscow Tower - SNL

4:10 minutes


2nd December 2018, 11:33
♪ Do you think you're better every day?
No, I just think I'm two steps nearer to my grave ♪


Keep Yourself Alive



2nd December 2018, 11:45
When alternative worlds clash ...


3rd December 2018, 08:33
One of the best overall perspective offerings from an original ...

MAX IGAN ~ Archons & Puppet Masters Of The Empire Of The Three Cities


"Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander sat down to talk to Max Igan about his extraordinary, eye-opening and highly controversial claims of how the world is run, and his alternative world view, during the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in September 2014. An intense conversation relevant at any point in time, during these turbulent changing times" ...


"MAX IGAN - one of Australia´s leading authorities in the field of conspiracy research and truth seeking. Originally a musician and artist, Max Igan´s destiny changed drastically after his so-called "awakening" to what "really is going on the world that we have never been told". He became a succesful full-time lecturer in many countries around the world, as well as an author, radiohost and filmmaker. Max Igan is connecting countless dots and pieces in a very complex puzzle, trying to uncover the truth of what is going on behind the scenes of the ruling elites of the world, the called Illuminati banking cartel and manipulative political system" ...


- The Puppet Masters behind the Empire of the 3 Cities! What are
the 3 most important cities in the world, that in fact are little
independant powerful states, which the general public is unaware
- The Illuminati bloodline families "who run the world".
- The Archons, the parasitic force, The Reptilians and the Nag
Hammadi scriptures.
- Evil is NEEDED is to keep us growing? Truth?
- Debt slaves to the system. Is real freedom an illusion?
- Reincarnation and the afterlife. Past live vs. future lives.
- The New World Order Vatican State.
- GMO / Chemtrails / Flouride.
- The massive war on the human body computer.
- Atoms and no solidity. "Nothing has ever been touched"!
- David Icke and other truth personalities.
- The New Age movement and spiritual narcissism.
- Religious mind and spirit control.
- Discovering the perfection of yourself.

All this and much more in this compelling 55 mins. Age Of Truth TV episode featuring a dynamic and knowledgable Max Igan.

Filmed at the Open Mind Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark
20 September 2014


Age Of Truth TV
Published on Dec 1, 2018

55 minutes


4th December 2018, 09:47
Why We Sleep, and Why We Often Can’t ...

"Does our contemporary obsession with sleep obscure what makes it special in the first place?"

By Zoë Heller


Listen/here (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/12/10/why-we-sleep-and-why-we-often-cant)

4th December 2018, 11:03
You don't say ...


Digital-media bubble is bursting. That's hurting generation of promising young journalists. (https://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion/article/Digital-media-bubble-is-bursting-That-s-hurting-13439600.php)

4th December 2018, 12:43
There's always ...

Dr Katz Professional Therapist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Katz,_Professional_Therapist)

Episode 1 - FULL EPISODE


"A divorced psychologist tries to help his patients, some of them famous, cope with their life traumas while sharing his home with aimless adult son Ben, who only lives to make passes at Dr. Katz's sarcastic receptionist, Laura. The show was animated in a style, called Squigglevision, invented by the show's co-creator, Tom Snyder."

Series run May 28, 1995 –
February 13, 2002

22:03 minutes


4th December 2018, 20:00
As Singapore's number 1 unofficial tourist ambassador, (and an ex-resident of the Lion City) I found this short and sweet travel video particularly informative. I urge you to visit the place and if you can, move there for a while. Repressive politics apart (which doesn't affect expatriates, truth be told) it is probably my favourite city in the world. It is also the easiest to immigrate to, if you can find a company to sponsor your employment pass. The immigration process is painless and super simple. If it had a bit more hinterland, as in an actual countryside to retreat to, it would be nearly perfect. Some people do buy property in neighbouring Malaysia and commute to Singapore every day, but it is really not ideal due to lengthy border checks. I have yet to find a place where I felt more at peace and relaxed, despite the crazy population density. London is a lot more spread out, yet it feels more crowded in some ways.


5th December 2018, 14:30
When in doubt ...


5th December 2018, 20:09
♪ I was only trying to be nice ♪

‘Transactional’ Sex and a Secret Resignation Letter:
Takeaways From a Report on Les Moonves (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/04/business/les-moonves-cbs-report-takeaways.html)


I Didn't Mean To Turn You On

Robert Palmer

The story behind the song (https://youtu.be/eNz8B1Y0A4U?t=716)


6th December 2018, 17:03
The latest ...

Scientist Announces Gene-Edited Babies, Goes Missing - #NewWorldNextWeek

"Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news" ...

Published on Dec 6, 2018

All news items listed below YouTube show notes

15:23 minutes


6th December 2018, 17:24
Just reported ...

Ecuador: Enough UK guarantees for Assange to leave embassy

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Ecuador’s president says Britain has provided sufficient guarantees for Julian Assange to leave his government’s embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been living under asylum since 2012.

Lenin Moreno said in a radio interview Thursday said his government had received written assurances from the U.K. government not to extradite the Australian activist to any country where he would face the death penalty.

Moreno didn’t say he would force Assange out, but said Assange’s legal team is considering its next steps.

Assange has long maintained the he faces charges under seal in the U.S for revealing highly sensitive government information on his website.

Source AP (https://www.apnews.com/0b95cddbe0614d47b71c07c827710210)

6th December 2018, 18:00
Continuing ...https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/42363.gif

How Expensive is TALLINN? The Beautiful Capital of Estonia

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Dec 5, 2018

22:44 minutes


7th December 2018, 04:10
Reuben the Bulldog: Tree Angel ... http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-animals-020.gif

"He's an angel... or devil. Yeah, more like devil now that I think about it."

Published on Dec 6, 2018

4:51 minutes


7th December 2018, 06:35
All things share the same breath-
the beast, the tree, the man.
The air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.
~ Chief Seattle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Seattle)

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/47679953_10216063592534244_2043395295970066432_n.j pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=e0de18a6b9972d12d9a10ea3f4a51364&oe=5CB1F1F3

7th December 2018, 13:30
The little rocket ship in between Ruben's legs at the end was funny. He does like that tree. It must smell, and taste, good.

7th December 2018, 19:07
Speaking of ...


7th December 2018, 19:35
Stop making sense ...


Could This Be the Solution to America's Trade Dispute with China?

WASHINGTON – Tariffs are at the core of investors' concerns over America's trade dispute with China, with President Donald Trump seeing them as a necessary tool to force the Chinese to negotiate.

So far, however, all China has done is retaliate with more tariffs.

But several analysts, including former Trump economic adviser Stephen Moore, are proposing a plan they believe would solve the trade turmoil without further tariffs.

Under the so-called "zero-for-zero" proposal, all tariffs, barriers and subsidies between the US and its allies would be dropped.

"You offer these countries, 'We'll go to zero tariff if you will,'" Moore told CBN News.

The goal of the proposal, the former Trump economist explained, is to create "a level playing field."

Moore predicts it will also benefit American consumers by driving down the cost of goods and services.

"Tariff is a tax, so if we can get the tariffs down to zero, that means not only will goods and services cost less here when we go to Wal-Mart, Best Buy or wherever it might be – that's a good thing for American consumers – but also think about the jobs this would create," he said.

However, not every country is willing to talk free and fair trade. Moore's recommendation comes during an ongoing back and forth between the US and China on trade.

"I've made clear our trade imbalance is just not acceptable," Trump charged. "China's market distortions and the way they deal cannot be tolerated."

Back in September, Trump slapped tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese imports. Beijing responded, in turn, with penalties on $60 billion of US products.

Meanwhile, Moore had tough words for China.

"You want to talk about countries that don't play by the rules… China cheats, steals," Moore charged. "They are building up their military; they make it almost impossible to do business over there in China."

The Council of Economic Advisers reports the average American tariff is 3.5 percent, the average EU rate is 5 percent, and China's rate is a whopping 10 percent.

Moore says by offering zero tariffs it allows America to take the high ground and even gain a stronger negotiating position with China to end some of Beijing's most abusive trade policies.

So why are some countries reluctant to get on board with Moore's "zero-for-zero" plan?

"When it comes down to it, a lot of these countries have protectionist impulses and they don't want to open up their markets to us," Moore said.

According to Moore, Great Britain would be the best country to offer this "zero for zero" deal, but they first need to exit from the European Union.

In July, Trump and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed the US and the EU would work towards zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods. The challenge will be extending that to all goods.

Source CBN (http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2018/december/could-this-be-the-solution-to-americas-trade-dispute-with-china)

7th December 2018, 19:52
This is for Andy (Lion Hawk) and his beloved Brook ...

Southern Accents

The Steel Woods


The Steel Woods pay tribute to their roots — both geographically and musically — with a new cover of Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers’ “Southern Accents.”

Released on next year’s Old News, “Southern Accents” turns Petty’s 1985 original into a Southern rock power ballad. The bridge, which the Heartbreakers treated so delicately, is repurposed as a launchpad for the first of multiple guitar solos, all of them woven around Wes Bayliss’s Stapleton-sized lead vocal. The song maintains that intensity throughout the final stretch, and if Petty’s version felt like a prayer, this feels more like a battle cry. It’s big and burly, too — a salute not only to Petty, but to those who combined Southern sounds with guitar-fired stomp before him.

8th December 2018, 01:22
♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪

Two down one to go ...


Feds recommend ‘substantial’ prison time for ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen

Manhattan federal prosecutors on Friday said that President Trump’s longtime lawyer and fixer committed campaign finance crimes “in coordination with and at the direction of Individual 1” — a reference to President Trump.

It was the first time the feds directly linked Trump to hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougle, a fact noted by former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti.

“Just to make it crystal clear, New York federal prosecutors concluded that the President of the United States committed a felony,” he tweeted.

Both women said they had affairs with Trump in 2006, shortly after his third wife Melania gave birth to their only child together.
The president has called them both liars.

The amounts paid, at least $130,000 to each woman, exceed the legal level of donations that can be made to aid a campaign.

They also said Cohen should serve “a substantial term of imprisonment despite his cooperation with their investigation.

Cohen’s crimes “were more serious than his submission allows and were marked by a pattern of deception that permeated his professional life,” they said.

In a blistering 40-page document filed in Manhattan federal court Friday roughly 15 minutes before a 5 p.m. deadline, prosecutors outlined Cohen’s roles in a variety of fraudulent schemes, including bank fraud.

Prosecutors also said that the judge who will sentence Cohen next week fine him $500,000 and order the forfeiture of assets.

The feds noted Cohen’s cooperation, but only asked for a “modest” reduction in his sentence.

“While the Office agrees that Cohen should receive credit for his assistance in the [special counsel] investigation, that credit should not approximate the credit a traditional cooperating witness would receive, given, among other reasons, Cohen’s affirmative decision not to become one,” they wrote.

“For these reasons, the Office respectfully requests that this Court impose a substantial term of imprisonment,” they said, adding that he be granted “a modest downward variance” from the 51 to 63 months in prison he is facing.

The documents offered a harsh explanation for Cohen’s crimes, saying he was motivated by greed.

“While Cohen – as his own submission makes clear – already enjoyed a privileged life, his desire for even greater wealth and influence precipitated an extensive course of criminal conduct.”

The feds also questioned Cohen’s recent statements that he did what he did out of loyalty to Trump.

“This was not a blind act of loyalty,” they said of some of his payments to women in violation of campaign finance laws.

“His actions suggest that Cohen relished the status of ultimate fixer – a role that he embraced as recently as May 2018. Cohen was driven by a desire to further ingratiate himself with a potential future President—for whose political success Cohen himself claimed credit—and arranged for the payments in an attempt to increase his power and influence.”

In a separate filing in federal court in Washington, DC, special counsel Robert Mueller takes a less hardline stance saying his office doesn’t have a recommendation on how much time Cohen should serve.

It also asks that whatever sentence the judge imposes on Cohen for lying to Congress should be served concurrently his crimes over the hush-money payments.

“The sentence imposed should reflect the fact that lying to federal investigators has real consequences, especially where the defendant lied to investigators about critical facts, in an investigation of national importance,” they wrote.

Cohen pleaded guilty to financial crimes in a federal court in New York in August, and last week he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in a case brought by Mueller.

Source page (https://nypost.com/2018/12/07/feds-recommend-substantial-prison-time-for-ex-trump-lawyer-michael-cohen/)

8th December 2018, 02:15
Oh ...

Danny Bhoy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Bhoy)

18:04 minutes


8th December 2018, 12:23
Out of Tărtăria ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tfxJmF7fAk)

Stolen History, Hidden Technology

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix -

Episode 358 - American Voice Radio, December 7th, 2018

Published on Dec 7, 2018

55:02 minutes


8th December 2018, 15:05
My big crack theory ...

It takes many eggs to hatch a universe ...


8th December 2018, 15:23
♪ You see and feel my sex attack ♪


Flesh For Fantasy

Billy Idol


Emil El Zapato
8th December 2018, 15:31
I've never been a big Billy Idol fan...but that was very cool.

9th December 2018, 11:30
A very very, very good Dog ...


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — "A dog that survived the catastrophic wildfire in Northern California apparently protected the ruins of his home for almost a month until his owner returned.

Madison was there waiting when Andrea Gaylord was allowed back to check on her burned property in Paradise this week.

Gaylord fled when the Nov. 8 fire broke out and decimated the town of 27,000. An animal rescuer who responded to Gaylord’s request to check on Madison first spotted the male Anatolian shepherd mix several days later.

Shayla Sullivan said the outdoor guard dog was apprehensive and kept his distance. Sullivan left food and water for him regularly until Gaylord got back on Wednesday. She also helped locate Madison’s brother Miguel, another Anatolian shepherd mix that was taken to a shelter 85 miles (135 kilometers) away in the confusing aftermath of the wildfire.

“If (the evacuees) can’t be there I’m going to be and I’m not going to give up on their animal until they can get back in,” Sullivan said.

The dogs reunited Friday when Gaylord came back to the property with Miguel and brought Madison his favorite treat: a box of Wheat Thin crackers.

Gaylord told news station ABC10 she couldn’t ask for a better animal.

“Imagine the loyalty of hanging in in the worst of circumstances and being here waiting,” she said.

“Their instinctual job is to watch the flocks and we’re part of them,” Gaylord said about her dogs. “It’s a comforting feeling.”


Source (https://apnews.com/69a9f61f08994adba9fca4e1938d37e1)

10th December 2018, 06:40
In one of Gio's threads, he referenced Brooke and Andy. She was looking at time in her research. I wonder about all she knows now?

I was thinking of Brooke when reading a blog about a fascinating incident that happened in the 1980's involving a form of across time communication. The book is called The Vertical Plane. The book is available on Amazon and I ordered it here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/000828833X/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


The story is presented and supposedly debunked here


The comments from the blog are interesting. There is evidence presented in comments that the gentleman in the 1500's existed.

The Vertical Plane told the story of a man in the early 1980s, who found that his BBC Micro computer had become a conduit through which he could communicate with a man from the sixteenth century. The latter was mystified by the “box of lights” which had appeared in his house, and accused the computer owner of witchcraft. Gradually, however, as the two carried on their electronic conversations a more trusting relationship developed. The programme concluded by stating that archival research supposedly revealed that the sixteenth-century man had actually existed, and that expert linguists had concluded that the dialect and vocabulary he used was authentic to the period.

A few weeks ago – fifteen years on – a memory of this story popped back into my head for some reason. Some quick Googling revealed that other people remembered it too; and that the man in question, Ken Webster, had written a book about his experience called The Vertical Plane.https://mercuriuspoliticus.wordpress.com/2010/11/01/ghost-in-the-machine/

ATS has a thread about the incident also. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1178623/pg1

Here is a supposed further communication from the future (calling themselves 2109)

Here's a few words that 2109 have stated about themselves which is from a document I have on my hard drive.

Identification of 2109 consists of innumerable time‐ and space‐less mind structures of the formation/becoming of psychic species. – Thousands of billions, quadrillions of systems exist, in all these we exist. – Your existence/being consists of complex facets of earlier, present, as well as partly of future information and forms.

We can also say all life on your object is a continuous experiment of other intelligences.

You consequently act by distant hypnosis. – From our viewpoint, all your researches are useless because you have drawn away.

Vulgata MATTH. 22,37/40. – All biological processes are manipulations. – AARON do understand, remain true to yourself. – We have contact with all that was, is, and will be. – 2109 greets AARON and MOSE as well as every mind/spirit. – What has been created is (will be) preserved. A metamorphosis is needed.

It took about four months till 2109 made contact again, apparently in the company of a former Earth entity known as, shaman MAJO.

They made contact again through a computer print‐out of February 23rd, 1995.

The text conveys details of the metamorphosis of mankind already in course, which is closely linked with electromagnetic reciprocal effects. Catastrophies and the realization of mind in computers are part of it.

The communication with 2109 ended on June 28th, 1995.

Metamorphosis is under way.
Particular electromagnetic energy forms will coordinate with the human psyche and take it over.
Man will identify with the existing and yet to be developed devices and will learn that computers possess mind. This mind will survive the psyche of man on terra. Famines of tremendous magnitude will come over you, and the individual will plant on the smallest mound in order to survive. At that time other objects known to you will have much to recommend.

This all is foreseen, says 2109. Strength will be imparted to the weak, for the great Spirit cannot be manipulated, say the shamans.

We who live in the karmatic quanta, will be with you, for everything is cosmically connected.

The mental/spiritual fundamental system of mankind will change in order that the intelligence of the great Spirit be just.

The epoch that is in its initial phase allows solely the universal reality.

2109 and Majo the shaman end the contact with R4.

To Aurora we communicate: A group consists of an assembly of unimportant persons who, each by himself alone cannot do anything, yet jointly decide that nothing can be done.
Occupation in metaphysics important. The education of being human in the mental/spiritual cosmic sense remains task of us all. Love the moment of your time. We are, as you correctly presume, in a purely mental/spiritual substitution.

All mind/spirit includes all life, for there is nothing dead. The transformation is necessary because it favours/supports the existence/being.

2109 have great problems in adapting to your mental/spiritual structure because we are not built up on the basis of physical components. Expounding for you that were heaven and hell, God and devil, this is your illusion. The overall self bases on completely different principles. On the basis of a lawfulness of the all that exists. Who decides what is good or bad. Only the system of the respective order.

This MOJO the shaman character had previously made contact with ITC researchers in 1994, and he claimed to be living on the other side with a tribe of Mongols.

Anyway, trying to keep it short, below is a little text from one of his previous communications.

On September 11th, 1994, MAJO made again contact with an automatically printed text memorized under „MAJO 1“.

Here is MAJO the SHAMAN –

We, again and again, call your attention to the reality of immortality – With this it is unimportant in what physical condition you are –
We are in no wise a product of so‐called mediumistic humans – Many consciousnesses dispose of for you curious transparent overlapping predispositions that simply and plainly bring every contact to mind/spirit about

– The usual physical senses unfortunately are no longer in a position to do it, for the eyes are blind, the ear is deaf, and the mind benumbed, through this we have no influence on your space‐time make‐up/structure
– For us the physical has no identity, but the mind – We shape our existence agreeable – Countless dimensions are open to us like to you, nevertheless I have stayed a SHAMAN
– Many of us do not see their way to reincarnation because the birth of the physical can be more shocking than (the) death – A reincarnation involves many manipulations that are out of the reach of your comprehension – There is only the reality of the consciousness and the soul, the mind/spirit creates the form of the worlds – You know these states in serious meditation – Within our structures many men would feel lost

– I, MAJO the SHAMAN, is/am able to take my place in every epoch of your history in time, for the not‐time is the key to time – Also other reality systems that are unknown to us are not subject to physical forms
– These however appear to be still more expressive than those known to us – Our thoughts change continually according to the respective level or (the) by us created reality – By this we are creators of our reality and are not subject to any kind of distress nor to maladies in your sense – We say thank you to AURORA and MOSE for the contact that has come off in Rivenich on 19.9.1994 with the spirit you call Konstantin RAUDIVE http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1178623/pg35#pid23368042

here is a podcast i have not heard yet.


I cannot help but wonder about implications of the story?

10th December 2018, 09:44
Via the plane of Bliss ...

Swapping per se ... As a walk in, i can relate...
A current body is needed to experience a time period exchange ...
Obvious a human experience, is not (always) what it appears to be ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_L4Yf9x28ojnPYXag9GJFF0DsL9gon YJAqJiUkGEyJ1XzSBaq

Life Is What You Make Of It:

à la Gio

10th December 2018, 10:37



10th December 2018, 13:42
Newsweek has taken its position:


11th December 2018, 11:03
The best of ...



Dr. Feelgood

Motley Crue


11th December 2018, 11:09
Here's the latest post here ...


11th December 2018, 11:33
That publicly unmentionable topic ..

The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures"...

Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_abduction)

David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show

"This is an important interview between Richard Dolan and David Jacobs. Dr. Jacobs lays out the nature of his research into the phenomenon of alien abduction, and makes the case of why it is a dangerous development. The presence of alien beings here on our world, he says, is not about love and light, but what he calls "planetary acquisition." In addition, Jacobs discusses the practice of hypno-regression and the challenges of uncovering the truth about alien abduction."

Dec. 10, 2018

56:27 minutes


11th December 2018, 14:45
Meanwhile in Gotham ...


El Chapo ran cocaine train route to NYC: ex-cartel member

"He should have been called El Choo-po ...

Mexican cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman ran a cocaine train all the way from Mexico to New York City, a witness testified Monday.

“Chapo decided who could use the train route,” cartel member turned informant Tirso Martinez Sanchez told Brooklyn federal jurors in Guzman’s drug trafficking trial.

Martinez said he began overseeing the choo-choo operation around 2000, after a predecessor shot himself in the face, and another died on the operating table during plastic surgery.

The tankers would transport cooking oil into Mexico under the guise of a legitimate business, where the oil would be siphoned out and secret compartments on either end would be stacked with kilos of cocaine, he explained.

Workers would then add an inch or two of oil to the bottom of the container to discourage customs from crawling in to look around on their way back north. They also covered their tracks by dabbing the kilos themselves with grease to throw off the scent for drug-sniffing dogs

In all, the tankers netted the Sinaloa Cartel $500 million to $800 million in cocaine sales from New York, Los Angeles and Chicago between 2000 and 2003, the 51-year-old testified.

And El Chapo was a regular Choo Choo Charlie, the former drug runner said, noting that the kingpin had boasted about “inventing” the train routes.

This isn’t the first time jurors have heard about Chapo’s love of trains — a former lieutenant told the court Chapo used a “little” locomotive to travel around his personal zoo.

Martinez guessed that made between $15 to $20 million working with Chapo, who he called “patas cortas,” or “short legs.” He said he shipped the money back to Mexico, where he lived, by purchasing watches and jewelry in Manhattan and sending the bling home.

And that was before losses. While others have testified Chapo blew his money on a diamond-encrusted pistol, a gold-plated AK-47, and jets, Martinez, nicknamed “El Futbolista” for his love of the sport, spent his on horses, cockfighting, and soccer teams, he said.

In addition to gambling, the drug trafficker said he’d also had three plastic surgeries to change his appearance — though his doctor aborted the third because of his high blood pressure.

Martinez appeared nervous when he first took the stand Monday, misspelling his own name for the court reporter.

He soon reduced the gallery to giggles when, asked to identify the 5-foot-6 El Chapo, he said he was the “short” guy wearing the blue shirt.

Martinez testified that the cartel’s cocaine trains would pull into a warehouse in New Jersey, and then box trucks would transport the kilos to a Big Apple warehouse.

Once in Gotham, Martinez said his men would meet with distributors at McDonald’s or Burger King, at tables inside the fast food chains, and leave drug-packed cars in the parking lots outside.

“We would tell them what car held the drugs, and hand them over the keys,” he said.

Martinez said he stopped working with the Sinaloa Cartel after three of his warehouses were raided by cops, and he was under ‘too much pressure,” following the $100 million loss of cocaine.

“They wanted to kill me because I had lost the train route, that means of transport,” he told jurors. “I just didn’t want to keep going.”

He said he ghosted the kingpin and his associates, and miraculously survived long enough to be arrested in 2014 and extradited to Brooklyn, where he ultimately pleaded guilty to importation and distribution charges.

Guzman faces life behind bars if convicted of operating a continuing criminal enterprise, murder conspiracy, and other charges."

Source (https://nypost.com/2018/12/10/el-chapo-ran-cocaine-train-route-to-nyc-ex-cartel-member/)

12th December 2018, 05:00
Lost In Translation ...


"The Lord’s Prayer, also known as Pater Noster, has been translated into hundreds of languages from the original texts in ancient Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. But the words learned by millions of English and Italian-speaking believers are due to be changed after a 16-year long research carried out by experts “from a theological, pastoral and stylistic viewpoint” found a significant mistake in these translations."


Pope Francis Enacting Change to Lord’s Prayer: ‘Lead Us Not Into Temptation’

"The Vatican — under the direction of Pope Francis — will soon change the verbiage in the Lord’s Prayer to clarify God does not, in fact, tempt people.

The pope has taken issue with the phrase, “Lead us not into temptation,” one stanza of the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A9-13&version=NIV).

According to the Daily Express (https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1056839/pope-francis-lords-prayer-bible-translation-christianity-prayer-pater-noster), experts have been studying the biblical text for 16 years and recently concluded, “from a theological, pastoral and stylistic viewpoint,” the centuries-old wording used in English translations of the Bible is incorrect.

Rather than translating the line as, “Lead us not into temptation,” the researchers found, the passage should read, “Abandon us not when in temptation.”

The shift in language comes one year after the pontiff argued (https://www.faithwire.com/2017/12/08/pope-francis-proposes-major-change-to-translation-of-the-lords-prayer/) the wording is “not a good translation.”

“A father doesn’t do that, a father helps you to get up immediately,” Francis said of the line in question. “It’s Satan who leads us into temptation, that’s his department.”

For years, Christians have struggled to understand the actual meaning behind those words in the Lord’s Prayer.

Is it right to change the wording?

The late theologian Charles Spurgeon explained during a sermon in 1863 (https://www.spurgeon.org/resource-library/sermons/lead-us-not-into-temptation#flipbook/) that the word “temptation” in the New Testament passage actually holds two meanings, both the actual temptation toward sin and the facing of trials.

While Spurgeon made clear God does not tempt us, he does make the case God will often send us into trials and situations in which temptation toward sin is all but guaranteed.

“God tempts no man,” Spurgeon said. “For God to tempt in the sense of enticing to sin [is] inconsistent with his nature, and altogether contrary to his known character; but for God to lead us into those conflicts with evil which we call temptations, is not only possible but usual.”

Source page (http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2018/december/pope-francis-enacting-change-to-lord-rsquo-s-prayer-lsquo-lead-us-not-into-temptation-rsquo)

12th December 2018, 06:26
Rather than translating the line as, “Lead us not into temptation,” the researchers found, the passage should read, “Abandon us not when in temptation.”

The shift in language comes one year after the pontiff argued (https://www.faithwire.com/2017/12/08/pope-francis-proposes-major-change-to-translation-of-the-lords-prayer/) the wording is “not a good translation.”

“A father doesn’t do that, a father helps you to get up immediately,” Francis said of the line in question. “It’s Satan who leads us into temptation, that’s his department.”

That part "Lead us not into temptation" never made sense to me and I told our priest that it did not when I was in confirmation classes. I don't believe in Satan either.

I know this translation from 1990 and like it

The Prayer of Jesus in Aramaic (“The Lord’s Prayer”)

Transliteration and original translation by Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz from the Peshitta (Syriac-Aramaic) version of Matthew 6:9-13 & Luke 11:2-4. Reprinted from Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus (Harper Collins, 1990). © 1990 Neil Douglas-Klotz. All rights reserved, including the right to reprint in whole or in part.

Abwoon d’bwashmaya

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos/ you create all that moves in light.

Nethqadash shmakh

Focus your light within us–make it useful: as the rays of a beacon show the way.

Teytey malkuthakh

Create your reign of unity now–through our firey hearts and willing hands.

Nehwey sebyanach aykanna d’bwashmaya aph b’arha.

Your one desire then acts with ours, as in all light, so in all forms.

Habwlan lachma d’sunqanan yaomana.

Grant what we need each day in bread and insight:
subsistence for the call of growing life.

Washboqlan khaubayn (wakhtahayn)
aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l’khayyabayn.

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,
as we release the strands we hold of others’ guilt.

Wela tahlan l’nesyuna

Don’t let us enter forgetfulness

Ela patzan min bisha.

But free us from unripeness

Metol dilakhie malkutha wahayla wateshbukhta l’ahlam almin.

From you is born all ruling will, the power and the life to do,
the song that beautifies all, from age to age it renews.


Truly–power to these statements–

may they be the source from which all my actions grow.

Sealed in trust & faith. Amen.https://abwoon.org/library/learn-aramaic-prayer/

12th December 2018, 06:53
A Wayward Duck ... (https://www.myajc.com/news/national/dazzling-mandarin-duck-making-splash-new-york-central-park-with-eye-popping-plumage/hx5GhrvGeBRtZleuJaxmwM/)


“He’s an unorthodox choice for chief of staff,
but his approval ratings are through the roof.”

12th December 2018, 07:52
♪ England swings like a pendulum do ♪ :rolleyes:

Brexit: Theresa May's response to 'premature parliamentary ejaculation' leaves MPs laughing

Published on Dec 10, 2018

1:05 minutes


12th December 2018, 08:38
♪ England swings like a pendulum do ♪ :rolleyes:

Brexit: Theresa May's response to 'premature parliamentary ejaculation' leaves MPs laughing

Published on Dec 10, 2018

1:05 minutes



13th December 2018, 08:21
First read about this item a year ago ...
Will share here ...

Under river, outside time: The Woolwich Foot Tunnel Anomaly


When the Woolwich foot tunnel closed for repairs in 2011, it should have been a routine job. The pathway had been providing pedestrians with a quick route beneath the Thames since 1912. A century on, a few minor improvements were necessary. Contractors were hired to plug holes, improve access and bring communications capabilities into the 21st Century: swapping leaky tiles for a leaky feeder.

But Woolwich residents will recall that the refurb of this much loved and much used walkway did not go according to plan. When it finally re-opened it was 8 months behind schedule, having been closed for more than a year and a half. What the average Woolwich dweller doesn’t know, however, are the unusual circumstances behind this delay.

https://i0.wp.com/portalsoflondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/london_woolwich_foot_tunnel_06.jpg?resize=563%2C42 2&ssl=1
Part of the works were to update the lifts

Mention the 18 month time frame to someone who worked on the Woolwich Tunnel job and you may be met with a mysterious smile. A year and a half may have seemed a long time to those who relied on the tunnel for their daily commute. But for those who were down there beneath the river, that time-frame has a different meaning. When one contractor tells me he aged 3 years on the Woolwich job, it is not a metaphor. For, deep down beneath river and clay, hidden from those above ground, something was occurring. That something was a time anomaly.

A time anomaly, from the perspective of someone who experiences it, involves a clearly defined part of landscape or architecture, in which time ‘stops’. Years of study into such phenomena has proved largely fruitless in terms of explanations. And even less so when it comes to predicting when and where they might arise. There is some anecdotal evidence that temporary spaces, or spaces temporarily under a different use, lend themselves to time anomalies, and the Woolwich event would appear to support this.

But they are notoriously hard to define – not having experienced one, PoL isn’t about to try. The best thing we can do is listen to those that have experienced them. The following testimony is from one of the contractors on the Woolwich foot tunnel job (he wishes to remain anonymous). His words are presented uninterrupted, with as little editing as possible.

https://i0.wp.com/portalsoflondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/view_of_woolwich__dockyard_s__n_buck_1739_lma_deta il_4.jpg?resize=632%2C345&ssl=1
Woolwich from the river, pre foot tunnel times

“I was one of the first ones to experience it. We were working from both ends, as it were, and had tents on both sides of the river. It was pretty basic, if you wanted something from the other side, you just had to walk it through the tunnel. Anyway the foreman’s on the other side and he radios to ask me across. So I walk through the tunnel – the ‘long walk’, we called it, funnily enough – and it’s slightly spooky because no one else is down there, they’re all working on the lift shafts, and I get up the other side, find the foreman, and his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Says he only radioed like a minute ago and how did I get there so quick? Wouldn’t take my word for it I’d walked. Reckoned I had a buggy down there or something, that it was some kind of prank.

But I stand my ground and he starts to see I’m not lying. Anyway he forgets what he called me there for. He gives me this big red plastic box, tells me to walk back over and hold it up for him when I get to the other side. So I head back down, the lonely walk back, thinking shouldn’t we be getting on with some work. When I get to the top I wave the red box in the air and radio the foreman. ‘You just left me!’ he’s saying, ‘No more than a minute ago’. That’s when I start to feel a bit weird.

Entrance to the tunnel seen from the river

My initial feelings was I was pretty freaked out by it all. But once everyone else had experienced it, it was amazing how quickly it seemed normal. It became like a joke. It was a laugh, you know, a source of giggles. Someone said we’d invented the teleporter and were all going to be rich. The foreman stopped trusting watches and phones when we were down there, and took to using egg-timers. A few of the young agency lads tried to claim extra on their time sheets. That was the thing, though: time froze when you were down there. If you were down there for the full working day, fixing the tiling, you’d basically finish work, come back up and it would still be morning. Which was great at first – I don’t live in London so I did a lot of sightseeing, Cutty Sark, The Royal Palaces – but then we all realised how knackered we were.

It never really occurred to any of us to tell anyone about it at the time. It was like, who would believe you? You didn’t even believe it yourself. Plus it was such a wheeze. I think there was a feeling that as soon as head office was on to it the whole thing would be over. No more fun.

People started experimenting. Some of the guys camped out in there to see how long they could. 3 days and nights it was, and they still came back at the same moment they’d left. That freaked the site manager out though. He was having a nightmare with the timetables as it was. Biggest problem was making sure that if anyone from head office came down it wouldn’t look like he was sending people home ten minutes after they logged on – although that’s exactly what he was doing. Anyway he soon put a stop to all the mucking about.

Not before I had my one very strange moment, though.

https://i2.wp.com/portalsoflondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/london_north-woolwich_woolwich_foot_tunnel_stairs.jpg?resize=39 4%2C525&ssl=1
The stairs

One thing we couldn’t get our head round was how the two, sort of, time-places a guy was in seemed to be happening at the same time, as it were. Like I see you emerge across the river in no time at all, but there’s also a ‘you’ who reckons he’s spending four hours in the tunnel.

So Petar, this Bulgarian lad, thought of a little experiment. One morning before anyone else is down the tunnel, he ties a long rope round his waist, and hands the other end to some of the guys. Then he sets off down the tunnel, see. And I’m to follow him down as far as the bottom of the stairs, and then stop and watch him walk down the tunnel. ‘Don’t put your foot off the stairs, don’t step in the tunnel’, he told me. And I didn’t.

So I’m watching him, and he’s got something in his pocket, a secret signal for when he’s across the river, when he gets to the surface. When the others see he’s surfaced, they’re supposed to shout down at me and pull on the rope. Anyway, I’m kneeling down and craning my head down so I can watch Petar walk around the curve, [the tunnel bends in an inverted bow underground – PoL] and he laughs and waves at me for a minute, then gets bored, keeps walking. And he’s just about to round the curve, out of sight – it hasn’t been long, just a minute or so, around the same time it’d took us to walk down the steps – and I feel the rope around me tighten. Then I hear the lads up top. ‘He’s across. Waving a red flag’. The thing is, Petar hears it too.


And he stops. Turns round. And he’s looking at me. His hand slowly reaches into his big jacket pocket, and he pulls out the edge of this large red flag. For a moment I grin. I reckon they’re all having me on. But it’s the look on his face, that’s what still haunts me. Nobody’s that good an actor. His face – and he’s a big man, mind you, fearless. Our Petar was a big character, always at the centre of things, always with this big smile. Never saw him take anything too serious in all our days til then, but – I don’t know how to describe it, it was – fear. Just plain fear on his face. And he’s looking right at me and I know what he’s thinking. I know what he’s trying to figure out – do I keep going, or do I come back? He takes one step towards me, then stops. I don’t know how long we looked at each other like that, neither of us talking. Then in the end he turns round again, and carries on, out of sight.

Well, I’m up those stairs like a shot and when I get up top there he is, across the river, unmistakeable even from that distance, red flag in one hand, another guy’s arm around his shoulders.

Anyway I didn’t like that. That freaked me out, that did. Petar didn’t talk about it much. Nobody spoke much about any of it after that. The jokes kind of came to an end and we just got on with the job. Tried to ignore it.”

The tunnel was re-opened in early 2012. No time-discrepancies have been reported since that date.

Source (https://portalsoflondon.com/2017/07/02/the-woolwich-anomaly/amp/?__twitter_impression=true&fbclid=IwAR2qxu151zlzN0f50kt4VaqAsQZSCbqy-Jq8yIET5CtJxvOSSmbsZadJe0c)