View Full Version : The Cosmic Emporium
18th April 2018, 14:47
18th April 2018, 15:01
Dumpster Diver
18th April 2018, 15:11
18th April 2018, 15:31 s%2F815730385523875840
Dumpster Diver
18th April 2018, 15:40
...oh well, so now I need to learn how to do gifs...on brain dead iPad.
18th April 2018, 15:46
Nice attempt, :batman, but what you linked to was not the image. You were linking to the page, and then embedding that link as if it was an image. :p
I believe this is what you wanted to embed. ;)
Addendum: You have to select "view image", and then "copy image link". That way you get the link to the actual image. ;)
18th April 2018, 15:51
...oh well, so now I need to learn how to do gifs...on brain dead iPad.
Ask Siri.:ha:
Nice attempt, :batman, but what you linked to was not the image. You were linking to the page, and then embedding that link as if it was an image. :p
I believe this is what you wanted to embed. ;)
Now, that's some twisted shit.:laurel-and-hardy-da
18th April 2018, 15:53
...oh well, so now I need to learn how to do gifs...on brain dead iPad.
Ask Siri.:ha:
Or Alexa. :p
Dumpster Diver
18th April 2018, 15:58
Thanks Aragorn. I should get up off my lazy ass and do it on the Mac, but it’s kinda cold down in the Bat Cave this am.
Yeah, well, I’m trying to do it according to good iPad procedure, but it doesn’t work that well...about as good as Siri works, I guess. Fat fingers don’t help either.
18th April 2018, 16:00
Thanks Aragorn. I should get up off my lazy ass and do it on the Mac, but it’s kinda cold down in the Bat Cave this am.
I like the atmosphere in the cave. Maybe Zorro will join you guys.
Dumpster Diver
18th April 2018, 16:02 s%2F815730385523875840
...if you look at this lake a bit, the water starts moving like in a gif (he says reaching for another bong hit)...
18th April 2018, 16:03
I like the atmosphere in the cave. Maybe Zorro will join you guys.
18th April 2018, 16:15
...if you look at this lake a bit, the water starts moving like in a gif (he says reaching for another bong hit)...
Yeah, yeah. Now quit bogarting.:wait:
18th April 2018, 16:47 GdQfkA9pfMKsgfs55iWC4-UWQCLcBGAs%2Fs1600%2F61508269-d216-44b0-88c7-b7bcad65c442.gif
18th April 2018, 16:58
...if you look at this lake a bit, the water starts moving like in a gif (he says reaching for another bong hit)...
Looking at the screens too much in the cyber cave?
Trios always make for interesting relationships....
The world looks like a mess and there is too much wrong to right?
Feel chilly and need a friend?
I see three superheroos via google images and (come for the cats stay for the empathy) reddit in a short story of freindship.
Ask Zorrogorn to warm the cave up
and a wizardly whiz to pretzal the drinks
Dumpster Diver
18th April 2018, 17:13
Yeah, yeah. Now quit bogarting.:wait:
Not only has Wizzy taken over Gio’s Thread, he is also channeling Geo himself...:pc:
Looking at the screens too much in the cyber cave?
Trios always make for interesting relationships....
The world looks like a mess and there is too much wrong to right?
Feel chilly and need a friend?
I see three superheroos via google images and (come for the cats stay for the empathy) reddit in a short story of freindship.
Ask Zorrogorn to warm the cave up
and a wizardly whiz to pretzal the drinks
Yup, that’s me in the top gif...I am into cats for sure. :thup:
18th April 2018, 19:45
I figured you’d be a vaper, Dumpy. You could have a super cool sonic screwdriver type of device. :batman:batman:batman
18th April 2018, 21:10
18th April 2018, 22:44
18th April 2018, 23:28
18th April 2018, 23:58
Dumpster Diver
19th April 2018, 01:28
This is a very important concept. Only rarely, if at all, does one have 100% of the truth about something. You must continually question even things about which you think you have the stone cold truth.
19th April 2018, 02:52
19th April 2018, 04:07
19th April 2018, 06:27
The American Dunning-Kruger Epidemic (Or Why Ignorant People Are So Sure They're Right)
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,
It’s time to address an epidemic in the United States. It’s one that could be deadly, particularly to liberty.
It’s an epidemic of Dunning-Kruger. It’s why ignorant people are so certain that they’re right.
What’s that, you ask?
The Dunning Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which individuals, who are unskilled at a particular task, believe themselves to possess above-average ability in performing the task. On the other hand, as individuals become more skilled in a particular task, they may mistakenly believe that they possess below-average ability in performing those tasks because they may assume that all others possess equal or greater ability. In other words, “the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.” (source)
Some of our most stubborn misbeliefs arise not from primitive childlike intuitions or careless category errors, but from the very values and philosophies that define who we are as individuals. Each of us possesses certain foundational beliefs—narratives about the self, ideas about the social order—that essentially cannot be violated: To contradict them would call into question our very self-worth. As such, these views demand fealty from other opinions. And any information that we glean from the world is amended, distorted, diminished, or forgotten in order to make sure that these sacrosanct beliefs remain whole and unharmed…
19th April 2018, 19:05
19th April 2018, 19:12
19th April 2018, 19:22
19th April 2018, 19:31
19th April 2018, 19:37
19th April 2018, 20:01
Emil El Zapato
19th April 2018, 20:19
Cool picture of a man, this is the traditional man...with a code of honor and a limit to his ability to wage anonymous war...A throwback to life as it once was lived but alas now gone. The question for the age is how to recapture the honor without the context of war. Perhaps the starting point is to understand where we are now.
19th April 2018, 20:35
Cool picture of a man, this is the traditional man...with a code of honor and a limit to his ability to wage anonymous war...A throwback to life as it once was lived but alas now gone. The question for the age is how to recapture the honor without the context of war. Perhaps the starting point is to understand where we are now.
What we must come to see is, who organizes war and why. Also, people who enlist, as a way to better themselves, provide too much temptation to those who worship a god that demands blood. Without realizing the nature of the world in which we live, the wars will continue. And, the misery.
19th April 2018, 22:01
19th April 2018, 23:11
19th April 2018, 23:12
Aside from this quote, tell me what you know about St Teresa of Avila. How is she connected to St John of the Cross? What is the name of the poem written by St John of the Cross?
If you have to use Google you're a leaker.
20th April 2018, 02:08
Aside from this quote, tell me what you know about St Teresa of Avila. How is she connected to St John of the Cross? What is the name of the poem written by St John of the Cross?
If you have to use Google you're a leaker.
The point of the post IS the quote...not the author.
20th April 2018, 23:05
20th April 2018, 23:13
21st April 2018, 02:35
21st April 2018, 08:52
21st April 2018, 08:54
Way to go Rad...that's a safe speed in life. ;)
21st April 2018, 09:02
Gio would be proud
21st April 2018, 09:02
21st April 2018, 09:16
Sunrise, Sunset. Part of the rhythm of Life.
21st April 2018, 09:22
Monkeys get it.
21st April 2018, 09:32
Shinto reveres Nature. Gnostics call Her, Mother.
21st April 2018, 09:40
21st April 2018, 09:51
21st April 2018, 10:06
The beauty of Nature and Nature loving humans.
21st April 2018, 10:31
Not everyone loves beauty and Nature.:cry:
21st April 2018, 11:00
Art and the artist, Sabina Nore.
More of her art.
"Insight & Marvel"
21st April 2018, 11:24
Hoo is there?
21st April 2018, 11:32
Done for the "day" and it's off to dreaming.:cloud:
21st April 2018, 13:14
21st April 2018, 13:21
Emil El Zapato
21st April 2018, 13:42
21st April 2018, 13:45
Guys, this is not a music thread. :fpalm:
Emil El Zapato
21st April 2018, 14:31
Guys, this is not a music thread. :fpalm:
yeah, but isn't Stevie Ray sublime... :)
you have my good 'graces' to remove my posts...though I know you don't need my permission. :)
22nd April 2018, 01:01
22nd April 2018, 01:12
22nd April 2018, 01:18
22nd April 2018, 01:33
22nd April 2018, 02:31
22nd April 2018, 02:43
The Earth being formed.
22nd April 2018, 03:12
"While my goddess gently sweeps"
22nd April 2018, 03:20
22nd April 2018, 09:12
You crack me up sometimes Aragorn, your so funny not on purpose, your verz luckey to have that
Guys, this is not a music thread. :fpalm:
22nd April 2018, 09:27
Pagans before religion 'saved' them.
22nd April 2018, 09:41
Pagans before religion 'saved' them.
Nail on the head!! :bump2:
22nd April 2018, 10:16
Some short talks will compliment this thread well. Thomas Sheridan is a delight for me because he speaks with passion and common sense. Also, he helping restore the Olde Ways and calling BS on the 'systems'. This one is more interesting and accessible.
22nd April 2018, 10:49
Thought to close with this one I call, "Welcome To The Shire". The Hobbits are enjoying themselves inside.
22nd April 2018, 14:11
I saw swans nesting in Ireland. I've seen them many times, in many places, but not nesting before. One was asleep on a large bed of straw.
The canals in Galway have signs about being part of a permaculture waterway. I thought that was great.
23rd April 2018, 09:16
23rd April 2018, 09:43 above so below.
23rd April 2018, 10:05
Starry starry night...Vincent
23rd April 2018, 11:02
I have starry night socks. No joke. I was wearing them yesterday.
23rd April 2018, 11:06
I have starry night socks. No joke. I was wearing them yesterday.
Serendipity! I must have seen it in a dream, hey...and I bet they are animated too! :p
23rd April 2018, 11:12
This is Sumerian art. I'd like to add it to the Emporium.
Dumpster Diver
23rd April 2018, 15:05
I have starry night socks. No joke. I was wearing them yesterday.
I have Batman socks and underwear, and I wear them all the time...:banana:
23rd April 2018, 15:07
“Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine,
(wo)man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.”
— George Gurdjieff
23rd April 2018, 15:48
This is a wild one.
23rd April 2018, 23:16
23rd April 2018, 23:32
This picture is quite the visual.
24th April 2018, 00:57
24th April 2018, 21:17
25th April 2018, 04:52
Understanding this and applying it provides amazing clarity and cuts down on 'research'.
25th April 2018, 05:01
25th April 2018, 06:28
25th April 2018, 07:30
Received this in an e-mail from a friend today, speaks volumes: TMzAC0wMAItMDAKAEYAAAOPoILkd7TWQZpK7L2pG9FPBwDfYKd zyddoRL5X%2BfgWG%2BSGAAACAQwAAADfYKdzyddoRL5X%2Bfg WG%2BSGAAGZ6CCMAAAAARIAEAAsGmivj7%2BQR42L%2FxjE0MC 2&X-OWA-CANARY=RZpwEKAwKkuqkSmicECWpyCtZiRtqtUYBNk4WHKdeqU MzzuLr3ubEUaEiNBRBqvpkKZu3-uT_WU.&token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6 IkJnRDU5blJpQnpmbk5BVGloOFJhZ1l5M3pyZyJ9.eyJ2ZXIiO iJFeGNoYW5nZS5DYWxsYmFjay5WMSIsImFwcGN0eHNlbmRlciI 6Ik93YURvd25sb2FkQDg0ZGY5ZTdmLWU5ZjYtNDBhZi1iNDM1L WFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYSIsImFwcGN0eCI6IntcIm1zZXhjaHByb3R cIjpcIm93YVwiLFwicHJpbWFyeXNpZFwiOlwiUy0xLTI4MjctN DQyMzY1LTIyMzY3Nzc3NzlcIixcInB1aWRcIjpcIjE4OTk5NDU 0NDQ2NzI4MTlcIixcIm9pZFwiOlwiMDAwNmJmZmQtODU1Mi04N TMzLTAwMDAtMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwXCIsXCJzY29wZVwiOlwiT3d hRG93bmxvYWRcIn0iLCJpc3MiOiIwMDAwMDAwMi0wMDAwLTBmZ jEtY2UwMC0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBAODRkZjllN2YtZTlmNi00MGF mLWI0MzUtYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhIiwiYXVkIjoiMDAwMDAwMDItM DAwMC0wZmYxLWNlMDAtMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwL2F0dGFjaG1lbnQ ub3V0bG9vay5saXZlLm5ldEA4NGRmOWU3Zi1lOWY2LTQwYWYtY jQzNS1hYWFhYWFhYWFhYWEiLCJleHAiOjE1MjQ2MzQ1MzYsIm5 iZiI6MTUyNDYzMzkzNn0.YVobUkGKzPIiZzUFBQ2pFw-EkEQrPbivcLqvyseiQ_AjhLHprpwSTgNdmKfRIW0R5msUk1j5W KHGgXP2aZ2h59snlPcpzCz6Fe8w34IuRXGFVEj0UeovWMO6KE0 wjVQ-ioTsrrgW7m_f6pteF_5rqEVD_uEq-gmP4f1t3NQaD_wDDbHs-88yE2H6Com_LSw5veH9jOdIqMCz0tgFL4O46tt27p5EJL4ICkG Tn0RLF0LwBuWaYKowKiGn16iu08G6X4D80-BmZ_jMnwUbIpniXwRpW08-aUJqZKMEtUZmC4b6irsdSFVh1DtnTuw7TwGgOki8i9bMp0I-n2pn3bQKHw&
A wolf pack on the move: look at the picture.
The first 3 are the old or sick, they give the pace to the entire pack. If it was the other way round, they would be left behind, losing contact with the pack. In case of an ambush they would be sacrificed;
Then come 5 strong ones, the front line;
In the center are the rest of the pack members;
Then the 5 strongest following.
Last and alone, the Alpha. He controls everything from the rear. In that position he can see everything, decide the direction.
The pack moves according to the elders' pace and help each other, watch out for each other.
Again I am left speechless by nature ... I knew that wolves are different, but didn't realize how much we could learn from them....
I didn't know wolves put the ELDERS of the pack FIRST. People on this planet should take note ... Elders are to be seen up front, setting the pace and direction while enjoying the protection of the rest... And not struggling at the back of the line.
25th April 2018, 07:48
Received this in an e-mail from a friend today, speaks volumes: TMzAC0wMAItMDAKAEYAAAOPoILkd7TWQZpK7L2pG9FPBwDfYKd zyddoRL5X%2BfgWG%2BSGAAACAQwAAADfYKdzyddoRL5X%2Bfg WG%2BSGAAGZ6CCMAAAAARIAEAAsGmivj7%2BQR42L%2FxjE0MC 2&X-OWA-CANARY=RZpwEKAwKkuqkSmicECWpyCtZiRtqtUYBNk4WHKdeqU MzzuLr3ubEUaEiNBRBqvpkKZu3-uT_WU.&token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6 IkJnRDU5blJpQnpmbk5BVGloOFJhZ1l5M3pyZyJ9.eyJ2ZXIiO iJFeGNoYW5nZS5DYWxsYmFjay5WMSIsImFwcGN0eHNlbmRlciI 6Ik93YURvd25sb2FkQDg0ZGY5ZTdmLWU5ZjYtNDBhZi1iNDM1L WFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYSIsImFwcGN0eCI6IntcIm1zZXhjaHByb3R cIjpcIm93YVwiLFwicHJpbWFyeXNpZFwiOlwiUy0xLTI4MjctN DQyMzY1LTIyMzY3Nzc3NzlcIixcInB1aWRcIjpcIjE4OTk5NDU 0NDQ2NzI4MTlcIixcIm9pZFwiOlwiMDAwNmJmZmQtODU1Mi04N TMzLTAwMDAtMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwXCIsXCJzY29wZVwiOlwiT3d hRG93bmxvYWRcIn0iLCJpc3MiOiIwMDAwMDAwMi0wMDAwLTBmZ jEtY2UwMC0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBAODRkZjllN2YtZTlmNi00MGF mLWI0MzUtYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhIiwiYXVkIjoiMDAwMDAwMDItM DAwMC0wZmYxLWNlMDAtMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwL2F0dGFjaG1lbnQ ub3V0bG9vay5saXZlLm5ldEA4NGRmOWU3Zi1lOWY2LTQwYWYtY jQzNS1hYWFhYWFhYWFhYWEiLCJleHAiOjE1MjQ2MzQ1MzYsIm5 iZiI6MTUyNDYzMzkzNn0.YVobUkGKzPIiZzUFBQ2pFw-EkEQrPbivcLqvyseiQ_AjhLHprpwSTgNdmKfRIW0R5msUk1j5W KHGgXP2aZ2h59snlPcpzCz6Fe8w34IuRXGFVEj0UeovWMO6KE0 wjVQ-ioTsrrgW7m_f6pteF_5rqEVD_uEq-gmP4f1t3NQaD_wDDbHs-88yE2H6Com_LSw5veH9jOdIqMCz0tgFL4O46tt27p5EJL4ICkG Tn0RLF0LwBuWaYKowKiGn16iu08G6X4D80-BmZ_jMnwUbIpniXwRpW08-aUJqZKMEtUZmC4b6irsdSFVh1DtnTuw7TwGgOki8i9bMp0I-n2pn3bQKHw&
A wolf pack on the move: look at the picture.
The first 3 are the old or sick, they give the pace to the entire pack. If it was the other way round, they would be left behind, losing contact with the pack. In case of an ambush they would be sacrificed;
Then come 5 strong ones, the front line;
In the center are the rest of the pack members;
Then the 5 strongest following.
Last and alone, the Alpha. He controls everything from the rear. In that position he can see everything, decide the direction.
The pack moves according to the elders' pace and help each other, watch out for each other.
Again I am left speechless by nature ... I knew that wolves are different, but didn't realize how much we could learn from them....
I didn't know wolves put the ELDERS of the pack FIRST. People on this planet should take note ... Elders are to be seen up front, setting the pace and direction while enjoying the protection of the rest... And not struggling at the back of the line.
In Native American Animal Medicine traditions, Wolf is "Teacher", its lesser organized cousin Coyote is "Trickster" and teaches us to laugh at ourselves and learn from our mistakes. Mother Nature/Gaia has given us companions to teach us. They have never lost contact with Her.
Thank you for this, Elen. There is amazing synchronicity here. Green Tara represents that aspect of our Mother and this lunar cycle, until the next New Moon, is Her 'shift'. I had posted Her image a short while ago.
Also, you may have inspired a new thread on Animal Totems/Teachers/Medicine. Three words that live together, in Nature.
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 08:14
When I worked on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, they brought a pack of real wolves over from the USA. They were set up outside our paint shop here in West Auckland, a converted horse float with a run fencing coming off it. Flyers were handed around on how to behave. No eye contact, no noise, no sudden movements, no food.
They were purebred and kept wolves, but they were being kept as wild as possible.
The way in which the handlers interacted with the wolves was via a conduit. And that conduit was a domesticated dog. A boxer breed, who had been brought up with the pack and the handlers had manipulated it so he was the leader of the pack. He was the one who was trained to do things, and then told to wrangle all the wolves to follow his lead. It was quite amazing to arrive at work in the morning for a week and hear the howling first thing.
25th April 2018, 08:21
Found this on YouTube, and it's appealing to me...
About Green Tara Mantra Tara Mantra is pronounced by Tibetans and Buddhists who follow the Tibetan traditions as oṃ tāre tu tāre ture soha. Within Tibetan Buddhism Tārā is regarded as a Bodhisattva of compassion and action who manifests in female form. Tara means "star" in Hindi. Tārā is also known as a saviouress, as a heavenly deity who hears the cries of beings experiencing misery in saṃsāra. Meaning of Mantra : OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA Green Tara Mantra is actually a loving play with her name OM is the sound of universe. So the mantra could be rendered as “OM! O Tara! I entreat you, O Tara! O swift one! Hail!
25th April 2018, 08:31
When I worked on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, they brought a pack of real wolves over from the USA. They were set up outside our paint shop here in West Auckland, a converted horse float with a run fencing coming off it. Flyers were handed around on how to behave. No eye contact, no noise, no sudden movements, no food.
They were purebred and kept wolves, but they were being kept as wild as possible.
The way in which the handlers interacted with the wolves was via a conduit. And that conduit was a domesticated dog. A boxer breed, who had been brought up with the pack and the handlers had manipulated it so he was the leader of the pack. He was the one who was trained to do things, and then told to wrangle all the wolves to follow his lead. It was quite amazing to arrive at work in the morning for a week and hear the howling first thing.
Love that Mr. Nothing! ;)
25th April 2018, 08:36
Imo rest homes etc have the potential to be schools.
25th April 2018, 08:37
Found this on YouTube, and it's appealing to me...
I am listening now. The comments below the video reveal a transformational effect on some.
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 08:53
Imo rest homes etc have the potential to be schools.
Oh my... you just triggered tears.
When I was 12 we had electives at school. We used to choose an activity and a sport or something like that, but one block of electives was made compulsory for us to all go and visit a rest home for a day.
Everyone was a bit peeved about that, when compared to doing some sport or art.
Well I still remember with a tear to this day, that day.
It started of with playing Euchre in the lounge with all the buoyant ladies, which was fun, they were pretty cheeky.
Then the two of us who went to this rest home were farmed out to go and visit some of the other ones who the caregivers had selected as maybe benefiting from a visit.
I was first taken to see this old man, but it didn't last very long, he threw a wobbly at the suggestion of needing company, and it was quite uncomfortable.
Then they took me to see Mary. Wow, that's what makes me cry a little. I was having so many many bad things happening to me back then, and this lady was an angel. She just told me about her life and times, and asked me about myself. I ended up spending the WHOLE day sitting with her. It was mutually healing I think. I promised to return.
But my mum, well she thought it was odd, she forbid me to go back.
It took a while to come to terms with that, I felt like I had let her down.
I couldn't believe my mums attitude as it was not what I expected from her.
So it kind of soured it a little. And made it more emotional. My girlfriend Mary.
I had a reading once, 10 or so years ago. And Old woman came in, and her name was Mary, and she was smiling and saying she was always watching, and so thankful for what I did that day.
I didn't even know I had really done anything.
25th April 2018, 09:00
Oh my... you just triggered tears.
When I was 12 we had electives at school. We used to choose an activity and a sport or something like that, but one block of electives was made compulsory for us to all go and visit a rest home for a day.
Everyone was a bit peeved about that, when compared to doing some sport or art.
Well I still remember with a tear to this day, that day.
It started of with playing Euchre in the lounge with all the buoyant ladies, which was fun, they were pretty cheeky.
Then the two of us who went to this rest home were farmed out to go and visit some of the other ones who the caregivers had selected as maybe benefiting from a visit.
I was first taken to see this old man, but it didn't last very long, he threw a wobbly at the suggestion of needing company, and it was quite uncomfortable.
Then they took me to see Mary. Wow, that's what makes me cry a little. I was having so many many bad things happening to me back then, and this lady was an angel. She just told me about her life and times, and asked me about myself. I ended up spending the WHOLE day sitting with her. It was mutually healing I think. I promised to return.
But my mum, well she thought it was odd, she forbid me to go back.
It took a while to come to terms with that, I felt like I had let her down.
I couldn't believe my mums attitude as it was not what I expected from her.
So it kind of soured it a little. And made it more emotional. My girlfriend Mary.
I had a reading once, 10 or so years ago. And Old woman came in, and her name was Mary, and she was smiling and saying she was always watching, and so thankful for what I did that day.
I didn't even know I had really done anything.
Reading that brought tears to my eyes...:love: In loving memory of my own childhood with the elders.
25th April 2018, 12:50
Sacred Valley of the Incas
25th April 2018, 15:12
25th April 2018, 15:19
25th April 2018, 15:24
This is so gorgeous it must be a painting...somebody's Soul is coming through. Can a camera manage this?
Dumpster Diver
25th April 2018, 15:28
Stare at this one for a while and tell me the water is not moving...
This is so gorgeous it must be a painting...somebody's Soul is coming through. Can a camera manage this?
Layered photoshop image, is my guess based on thousands of hours working with PS in the 90s.
25th April 2018, 15:56
Stare at this one for a while and tell me the water is not moving...
If you stare long enough...everything starts moving...:ha:
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 15:57
They are both digitally manipulated images, the night one is nice and clean and is very much a digital painting where it has been drawn and painted in software such as photoshop, which is cool, I like it. Where as the mountain one is an enhanced and edited photo possibly even using elements from different locations and composited as a scene. You can see digital artifacts up in the sky there too from the colour being ramped up and possibly stretched.
What's that fancy camera shooting system they have now, HDR imaging or something. Those are a quite impressive way of photographing a scene.
25th April 2018, 16:00
They are both digitally manipulated images, the night one is nice and clean and is very much a digital painting where it has been drawn and painted in software such as photoshop, which is cool, I like it. Where as the mountain one is an enhanced and edited photo possibly even using elements from different locations and composited as a scene. You can see digital artifacts up in the sky there too from the colour being ramped up and possibly stretched.
What's that fancy camera shooting system they have now, HDR imaging or something. Those are a quite impressive way of photographing a scene.
That is so cool, thanks for showing :cool:
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 16:06
All the images disappeared from the forum page?
This one is one of the HDR images from that link. A real place just enhanced with HDR
Emil El Zapato
25th April 2018, 16:10
If you stare long enough...everything starts moving...:ha:
Back in the day one of the tests for schizophrenia was to stare at a red dot on a black wall...if the dot started moving it was a positive indicator. I can't tell you how many times I repeated that test. Can anyone say...neurotic... :)
Dumpster Diver
25th April 2018, 16:13
Back in the day one of the tests for schizophrenia was to stare at a red dot on a black wall...if the dot started moving it was a positive indicator. I can't tell you how many times I repeated that test. Can anyone say...neurotic... :)
By this test, everyone is skitzo...yup, I’ll buy it...
25th April 2018, 16:16
All the images disappeared from the forum page?
This one is one of the HDR images from that link. A real place just enhanced with HDR
OK OK Batman and Nothing...I stand to be corrected! It's a photograph :D And NAP that is funny!
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 17:00
But Elen, I am pretty certain that the night image is not all photo. It is a painting, but one done with a computer painting programme rather than an easel. There's a few factors that make me think this, so you are right that in essence it is a painting and has an arranged composition. But, it could be part collage, using photographs of say, starscapes. Though there is at least one fellow I have seen that makes images like this purely hand drawn on the computer and it could very easily be all 'painted'.
25th April 2018, 17:05
But Elen, I am pretty certain that the night image is not all photo. It is a painting, but one done with a computer painting programme rather than an easel. There's a few factors that make me think this, so you are right that in essence it is a painting and has an arranged composition. But, it could be part collage, using photographs of say, starscapes. Though there is at least one fellow I have seen that makes images like this purely hand drawn on the computer and it could very easily be all 'painted'.
I can accept that...of course ;) I've also done some painting, but never managed the clarity of that picture.
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 17:35
I can accept that...of course ;) I've also done some painting, but never managed the clarity of that picture.
Oh look..
Oh have you been keeping secrets from us Elen? :-P
25th April 2018, 21:37
26th April 2018, 01:29
26th April 2018, 08:04
Oh look..
Oh have you been keeping secrets from us Elen? :-P
No secrets as such, maybe one day...haven't done any artwork for years now. So may other things that I have to do, ;)
Thanks for the link to Alex Ruiz's picture and for getting to the bottom of it. It's a gem no matter what. Vincent Van Gogh would have been honoured to see this made in his memory. :love:
26th April 2018, 10:29
26th April 2018, 15:11
26th April 2018, 15:25
26th April 2018, 15:40
This is brilliant. Like a compass for the Self.
26th April 2018, 16:03
26th April 2018, 19:11
I think multicolor Mandelbroccoli sets might be very good for you...;)
26th April 2018, 23:18
Plaza de España
27th April 2018, 00:25
27th April 2018, 00:43
27th April 2018, 02:18
I think this is cosmic
Emil El Zapato
27th April 2018, 02:55
yeah, that is weird...I've never seen anything like it...interesting subject for study, for sure.
27th April 2018, 04:32
Dionysus is Ambrosia (once thought to be wine but new archeological evidence suggests that Dionysian ritual was performed with the psychedelic mushroom 'aminita muscaria'.)
enjoy being
27th April 2018, 05:36
Dionysus vs St John the Baptist.
Based on the beheading of St John, by Lucas Cranach the Elder 1515, and Painted in the Davinci style of layering primary colours like colour separations, not mixing greens etc.
27th April 2018, 05:54
Based on the beheading of St John, by Lucas Cranach the Elder 1515, and Painted in the Davinci style of layering primary colours like colour separations, not mixing greens etc.
I find this style of depicting biblical scenes may be more than an adaptation to what, at the time of the painting, were modern clothes. Methinks that they may be clues that align with the work of Anatoly Fomenko that biblical times were, in fact, Medieval or Dark Age times.
Alos, the pikeman looking at the viewer is interesting as well as the trollish executioner.
enjoy being
27th April 2018, 06:03
Yeah, the Pikeman, is what is called in renaissance painting, "The witness", it is a tool included in many religious paintings meant to engage the viewer in the action.
...and is the one leg exposed a masonic symbol?
Oh actually I got that a little wrong as I call it the lesser name of The Witness, but often it is called, The Spectator Figure/s. They will look out of the picture plane at the viewer with a knowing look, and sometimes even be pointing at the action within the painting, was trying to find articles on the witness but no one uses that term any more and call them spectators.
27th April 2018, 06:38
They will look out of the picture plane at the viewer with a knowing look......
Like This?
enjoy being
27th April 2018, 06:54
27th April 2018, 08:27
27th April 2018, 12:49 4Dk1trz0oFLcEPV5huO_rmJDQCEw%2Fs1600%2F7%252Bwonde rs.jpg
27th April 2018, 17:43
27th April 2018, 17:49
27th April 2018, 18:41
27th April 2018, 23:38
28th April 2018, 01:24
28th April 2018, 03:04
28th April 2018, 03:16
enjoy being
28th April 2018, 04:57
I feel sorry for people like Lemmy Kilmister who might have a useful observation but sound frightfully caught up in that even harder train to jump off.
But then I remember that feeling sorry for people can often attract their demons to yourself so I let his perceived wrongs, be
28th April 2018, 16:49
I like the concept but not the language. We need whole and wholesome and not holy. Language reveals itself in the spelling that is chosen and it speaks to the subconscious. Holy has holes in it as a concept. It is why I spell wholistic with a 'W'. Despite what spell check thinks.:ha: Holism is more of a religion than wholesome.
28th April 2018, 16:55
I hate politically correct silliness but, the word 'one' fits where 'man' is used and works better. I do understand that man can be gender neutral but, ideas this good need better packaging or they risk being ignored.
28th April 2018, 17:20
Attacus Atlas Moth
28th April 2018, 17:47
If one has not heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect, here is a short start. Actually, the concept is simple and doesn't need a long video. Still it is a primer and general. Nuances are important.
enjoy being
28th April 2018, 20:07
Is this going to become the new catch word like Narcissism.
I have seen it appear suddenly in view in recent weeks.
Somewhere off of this site.
Then a random new member joined a few weeks ago, with the name Mr Dunning Kruger of which I noticed turn up in the latest member entry at the bottom of the page.
And now you have mentioned it twice.
I wonder where these things come from. And the response was to be picked up as a catch phrase and transmuted into mainstream brawling, like narcissism was.
But that is the destiny of the scraps from the wisdom of the thing. (tonguetangle)
I probably first heard James O'dea talk about the effect by calling it premature certainty.
28th April 2018, 20:22
Is this going to become the new catch word like Narcissism.
I have seen it appear suddenly in view in recent weeks.
Somewhere off of this site.
Then a random new member joined a few weeks ago, with the name Mr Dunning Kruger of which I noticed turn up in the latest member entry at the bottom of the page.
And now you have mentioned it twice.
I wonder where these things come from. And the response was to be picked up as a catch phrase and transmuted into mainstream brawling, like narcissism was.
But that is the destiny of the scraps from the wisdom of the thing. (tonguetangle)
I probably first heard James O'dea talk about the effect by calling it premature certainty.
Did you watch the short video?
I agree too many memes and catch phrases out there constituting the new Woke AF thing which, for me, is an empty can pretending to be full. I heard about D-K from Butch Robbins, the banjo player two years ago so, it is not a new catch phrase for me. It is an observation that can be useful as long as it is used for self-examination and understanding of others. Without that understanding it could be easily weaponized. Like the SJW movement which is a form of weaponized compassion, IMO.
Catch phrases without depth of comprehension make up the corpus of Woke AF.
enjoy being
28th April 2018, 20:32
Did you watch the short video?
I agree too many memes and catch phrases out there constituting the new Woke AF thing which, for me, is an empty can pretending to be full. I heard about D-K from Butch Robbins, the banjo player two years ago so, it is not a new catch phrase for me. It is an observation that can be useful as long as it is used for self-examination and understanding of others. Without that understanding it could be easily weaponized. Like the SJW movement which is a form of weaponized compassion, IMO.
Catch phrases without depth of comprehension make up the corpus of Woke AF.
Yeah I did, and I looked it up when I saw it a few weeks back, and I appreciate some one has given it a name, and appreciate you having placed it here for people.
And given the way I mentioned it having popped out, and the oddness of a new member joining recently with that name,
it was time also to just mention that which I have.
The dynamic of premature certainty is a part of it, but not all, but is quite rife in this age of information especially.
28th April 2018, 20:41
Yeah I did, and I looked it up when I saw it a few weeks back, and I appreciate some one has given it a name, and appreciate you having placed it here for people.
And given the way I mentioned it having popped out, and the oddness of a new member joining recently with that name,
it was time also to just mention that which I have.
The dynamic of premature certainty is a part of it, but not all, but is quite rife in this age of information especially.
I also noticed the member with that name and it caught my attention. I wonder if the four categories will make it into the vernacular of social media. It is painful to hear an unconscious competent person not recognize their abilities but, it is excruciating to hear an unconscious incompetent speak as an expert. YouTube would be empty without them.:ha:
I share my observations as a fellow human who has put time into what interests me. Agree, disagree or give me the middle finger. It comes with sharing
enjoy being
28th April 2018, 20:47
And wow I had to look up this woke af business. There is no way for me to tell for certain if this is mainly flowing in the USA or is here in NZ too as I stay away from social media as a general rule. Things like this, are wtf to me. Like the photo on the last page with all the people using phone cameras to capture moments. I just can't even begin to understand how the neurons zip around the head for some people any more. I'm still really just a kid, thinking at times though I understand the way humans get to thinking the way they do. Yet when I see such photos, or hear of wokes and twerks, can feel a little dismayed to say the least. There's the dk in action. lol.
28th April 2018, 20:53
And wow I had to look up this woke af business. There is no way for me to tell for certain if this is mainly flowing in the USA or is here in NZ too as I stay away from social media as a general rule. Things like this, are wtf to me. Like the photo on the last page with all the people using phone cameras to capture moments. I just can't even begin to understand how the neurons zip around the head for some people any more. I'm still really just a kid, thinking at times though I understand the way humans get to thinking the way they do. Yet when I see such photos, or hear of wokes and twerks, can feel a little dismayed to say the least. There's the dk in action. lol.
As an alcoholic who is now 8 years sober, it took accepting it to correct it. Information like the D-K effect can serve as a way for us to understand each other and adjust ourselves or lend a hand. I recently shared with Butch how I needed to make an adjustment on how I rated myself as a musician after playing with him. I was a bit of a top dog in most situations but, he presented me with another level of competence to respond to and, I did so. D-K is a useful perception tool if honest assessment of abilities is more important than vanity.
Emil El Zapato
28th April 2018, 21:24
Is this going to become the new catch word like Narcissism.
I have seen it appear suddenly in view in recent weeks.
Somewhere off of this site.
Then a random new member joined a few weeks ago, with the name Mr Dunning Kruger of which I noticed turn up in the latest member entry at the bottom of the page.
And now you have mentioned it twice.
I wonder where these things come from. And the response was to be picked up as a catch phrase and transmuted into mainstream brawling, like narcissism was.
But that is the destiny of the scraps from the wisdom of the thing. (tonguetangle)
I probably first heard James O'dea talk about the effect by calling it premature certainty.
yeah, it's been around for a long time...something I began gaining solace from quite sometime back.
enjoy being
28th April 2018, 21:32
As an alcoholic who is now 8 years sober, it took accepting it to correct it. Information like the D-K effect can serve as a way for us to understand each other and adjust ourselves or lend a hand. I recently shared with Butch how I needed to make an adjustment on how I rated myself as a musician after playing with him. I was a bit of a top dog in most situations but, he presented me with another level of competence to respond to and, I did so. D-K is a useful perception tool if honest assessment of abilities is more important than vanity.
Yes, great example. Which made me wish to note, from my own familiarity with such things involving honest self assessment, striving for the best, emperors new clothes syndrome, dealing with the jealousy of others or ones own wake up calls.. stuff I have been constantly faced with..
That which came to mind is of some other analogy regards the crest of the wave. Say each wave being a group striving to better themselves. The front tows the next, but the next pushes the front. It can be a failure of both, who can tend to take turns anyway, when they each stop in the flow and recognise themselves or each other as separate.
There may be a time to wait for those to catch up? or is it that all the hands aren't linked to tow everyone through. A loss of concentration. Perhaps concentration as the opposite of dilution.
The harmony of, you are okay, I am okay, lets ride the wave. And yes, sometimes words may need to be said, before that symbiotic riff is played. The acknowledgement of the grits stuck in the handclasp perhaps. But sometimes, it doesn't need to be said, the understanding will come, and the saying of it may become the grit.
The right move to take at any point comes from being in tune or at least keeping the beat as always I suppose.
enjoy being
28th April 2018, 21:47
It really pisses me off when I go surfing with my mates (I don't surf this is an analogy)
and there we are riding the ultimate wave, and one or two keep wanting to stand up and say, but dude what if we all crash on the beach? But dude I don't believe the water is real? But dude I'm cold..
Sure, if the person in front keeps kicking your face, or the person behind keeps grabbing your leg, move, or get out, but don't make me go making up more analogies to tell you what to do next!
29th April 2018, 00:32
[...] and the oddness of a new member joining recently with that name, [...]
I also noticed the member with that name and it caught my attention.
As the administrator of The One Truth, I have to approve of every new member registration, and therefore, I am aware of this new member's chosen screen name.
However, he has so far not reconnected to the forum since his registration, and I therefore suspect that it was just another drive-by registration. All forums get that. People stumble upon the forum while they're surfing, then impulsively decide to join up, and then by the next day they've already long forgotten that they have. :rolleyes:
Most of humanity seems to be afflicted with a combination of ADHD and Alzheimer's, and as frustrating as it is, this is not a new observation. :fpalm:
enjoy being
29th April 2018, 00:54
As the administrator of The One Truth, I have to approve of every new member registration, and therefore, I am aware of this new member's chosen screen name.
However, he has so far not reconnected to the forum since his registration, and I therefore suspect that it was just another drive-by registration. All forums get that. People stumble upon the forum while they're surfing, then impulsively decide to join up, and then by the next day they've already long forgotten that they have. :rolleyes:
Most of humanity seems to be afflicted with a combination of ADHD and Alzheimer's, and as frustrating as it is, this is not a new observation. :fpalm:
Yes, all noted that he was a drive by and all that. The actual name was the only point being made! :thup:
But its a shame he hasn't posted, I sense he would have been quite humorous!
enjoy being
29th April 2018, 04:15
29th April 2018, 12:56
I knew a woman in college who thought she was the best singer ever. Not just in the choir. She was not. She had lots of enthusiasm and plenty of confidence and no pipes. She would go around talking about how she could sing better than Whitney Houston and others.
(she was also a pathological liar and so she was able to convince herself by deluding herself)
I noticed the "WIZ" in the first minute the video. ;)
My favorite quote from this video is at the end: "When arguing with a fool, make sure the other person isn't doing the same thing."
Words of wisdom.
(oh, and I had to go look up the term because I didn't know what the AF stood for.:rolleyes::whstl: )
29th April 2018, 13:47
29th April 2018, 14:27
This Gif is like a short clip.
I love hummingbirds. Their Animal Medicine, (totemic energy) is joy.
29th April 2018, 14:34
That's wonderful. Hummingbirds are amazing. They seem to be much more noisy out west than here where I live. Don't know why.
29th April 2018, 14:51
This Gif is like a short clip.
I love hummingbirds. Their Animal Medicine, (totemic energy) is joy.
I am totally mesmerized and in total JOY watching that beautiful bird. The totem must be right! :love:
29th April 2018, 15:24
I am totally mesmerized and in total JOY watching that beautiful bird. The totem must be right! :love:
Thank you, Elen. It is my pleasure to be able to bring this magic to people and use technology to our advantage. Fortunately, this serves to bring back memories of encounters with this teacher in my Natural life.
The wisdom of indigenous people is self-evident, IMO. Nature is our teacher. The modern world, a form of hell, does not want us to heed this wisdom, as it would break 'their' spell and revenue streams.
29th April 2018, 15:34
My favorite quote from this video is at the end: "When arguing with a fool, make sure the other person isn't doing the same thing."
Words of wisdom.
The version I've heard is just as good, though. ;)
29th April 2018, 15:36
29th April 2018, 16:08
Full Moon in Scorpio at the moment...3 days. It will be a bit like Halloween. Talk to the ancestors, spirits or nature. Go deep :)
29th April 2018, 16:15
Full Moon in Scorpio at the moment...3 days. It will be a bit like Halloween. Talk to the ancestors, spirits or nature. Go deep :)
Wonderful picture and statement, Elen.
It has been a powerful Lunar cycle and the Full Moon is the center point. Memes that had power have died, or are dying, and new ones like Korea arise.
29th April 2018, 17:44
Wonderful picture and statement, Elen.
It has been a powerful Lunar cycle and the Full Moon is the center point. Memes that had power have died, or are dying, and new ones like Korea arise.
Way to go Korea! I was watching the Olympics in Korea and they joined up in unity then (it had nothing to do with Trump) and people of Korea were weeping with joy that this could happen. I felt this was a very important moment for Korea then and it is now. The people made it happen then as the people will make it happen now. I love your connection to the Koreans Rad, I love their take on hot spicy food and their simple way of life. Laugh a a lot...yeah? :love:
30th April 2018, 00:05
Emil El Zapato
30th April 2018, 00:15
A co-worker friend of mine has developed with help of a couple of other individuals a 'natural' medicine for cystic fibrosis. His youngest daughter is a sufferer. He wants to do a Netflix video exposing the not for profit organization that owns the donation market. He says most of their money is paid to the managing board.
30th April 2018, 03:29
1st May 2018, 04:44
1st May 2018, 04:56
enjoy being
1st May 2018, 05:10
Wow, those marks stripes and colours have several times been passed in the minds eye during creative ponderings. Did a quick search and will have to go read up about it.
Wow, those marks stripes and colours have several times been passed in the minds eye during creative ponderings. Did a quick search and will have to go read up about it.
Interesting to see and heartbreaking that vandalism/looting has had it's course there. A lot of work and contemplation has gone into. Amazing colours...:D
1st May 2018, 10:56
1st May 2018, 16:37
1st May 2018, 16:46
Happy May Day! May your day be full of loving connections.
1st May 2018, 19:15
Max Ernst - The Eye of Silence
enjoy being
2nd May 2018, 01:36
Golden Pond
It clicks each buttons on the listz's
That period of Max Ernst, is precious. 1943.
2nd May 2018, 04:52
2nd May 2018, 04:59
2nd May 2018, 05:05
2nd May 2018, 05:37
2nd May 2018, 06:26
2nd May 2018, 10:54
2nd May 2018, 11:11
As Mark Passio has pointed out, it is the order followers that keep the trouble-makers safe. Military is but one example only.
On a lighter note.
On a lighter note.
Very funny :ha:
2nd May 2018, 11:35
Might be my favorite Jack White song, "My Doorbell". He is backed by his all female band dressed in evening wear. The guy has STYLE.
23 minutes of style and musical brilliance. And, if one likes mood, here it is.
2nd May 2018, 11:50
Same band, different performance. One song.
2nd May 2018, 12:01
Elephants are profound animals. A baby elephant is something special.
2nd May 2018, 12:34
While the theme of style is still in the air, let's remember Crazy Ludwig. He had it too.
2nd May 2018, 13:06
2nd May 2018, 13:31
These images are wonderful inspiration for creating a Dream Sanctuary. It's probably time for me to start to create my home in the afterlife. It would have many elements of what you have posted, Modwiz.
While the theme of style is still in the air, let's remember Crazy Ludwig. He had it too.
Who is Crazy Ludwig? :scrhd:
2nd May 2018, 13:49
Who is Crazy Ludwig? :scrhd:
The man responsible for the building of the iconic castle. The model for the Disney castle.
Another view of the castle. The front.
The man responsible for the building of the iconic castle. The model for the Disney castle.
Another view of the castle. The front.
Nah...:ha: he was just like you or me...but with the ability to do what he really wanted...i.e. a castle to be reckoned with. WTG Ludwig...:D it's beautiful!
His enemies were jealous, I'd say.
2nd May 2018, 14:05
These images are wonderful inspiration for creating a Dream Sanctuary. It's probably time for me to start to create my home in the afterlife. It would have many elements of what you have posted, Modwiz.
We can enter them now in our inner life. We are naturally magical, it is why the new desert religions forbade magic.
Nah...:ha: he was just like you or me...but with the ability to do what he really wanted...i.e. a castle to be reckoned with. WTG Ludwig...:D it's beautiful!
His enemies were jealous, I'd say.
Yes, Elen. He was called crazy by normies, the uninspired people.
2nd May 2018, 15:13
Just a friendly reminder..........:D
Buckle up.
2nd May 2018, 15:14
This one is probably my favorite.
2nd May 2018, 15:26
Wondering about members who don't ever post.
2nd May 2018, 15:47
2nd May 2018, 16:26
We can enter them now in our inner life. We are naturally magical, it is why the new desert religions forbade magic.
So true. I have some places of refuge, beyond my home. I try not to engage in too much escaping while I'm still functioning in this physical realm. Unfortunately (I guess) I don't know too many people who can journey with me to other realms. Not that I'm any master or anything.
I need to put this in physical form and give it to a couple family members who see giving as filled with obligation, expectation, image, and often one-upping.:fpalm:
2nd May 2018, 17:08
Wondering about members who don't ever post.
Hey! I am working my way back in to it!
2nd May 2018, 18:26
Hey! I am working my way back in to it!
Hey brother, infrequent posting was not my target.
While I'm at it. Here's a dazzler.
2nd May 2018, 19:38
2nd May 2018, 19:48
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2018, 20:57
My 2nd favorite entity to ever walk the Earth:
oh well, it was a beautiful image...
2nd May 2018, 21:07
My 2nd favorite entity to ever walk the Earth:
oh well, it was a beautiful image...
Name of entity?
2nd May 2018, 21:28
2nd May 2018, 21:53
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2018, 23:21
Name of entity?
Leonardo Da great great great great great great great great great grandfather... :) not really
3rd May 2018, 04:48
3rd May 2018, 06:06
3rd May 2018, 06:23
3rd May 2018, 09:23
3rd May 2018, 12:24
That is fucking hilarious.
3rd May 2018, 23:40
Nature continues to enthrall me.
Emil El Zapato
4th May 2018, 02:29
Nature continues to enthrall me.
Perhaps weird but that invokes the 'Langoliers' for me.
4th May 2018, 02:36
Perhaps weird but that invokes the 'Langoliers' for me.
Awesome movie. ;)
4th May 2018, 02:58
Awesome movie. ;)
Thank you, brother. I was feeling stupid for not knowing a word. Now, I feel blessed for not knowing it.:lol:
4th May 2018, 03:04
Nature continues to enthrall me.
Note the toroid movement of the "feathers" as the animal swims. Toroid shapes are abundant all over the laws of physics, and life seems to favor them as well.
Even US law enforcement officers deal with toroid shapes on a daily basis, but they call them donuts. :ha:
4th May 2018, 03:18
Even US law enforcement officers deal with toroid shapes on a daily basis, but they call them donuts. :ha:
It helps them create gravitational fields.:fpalm:
4th May 2018, 03:22
Perhaps weird but that invokes the 'Langoliers' for me.
Awesome movie. ;)
Thank you, brother. I was feeling stupid for not knowing a word. Now, I feel blessed for not knowing it.:lol:
Now now, don't be so quick to judge, Brother. ;) "The Langoliers" is a movie — it was broadcast as a two-part miniseries on US television — based upon a novel by the illustrious Stephen King.
It's a very intriguing and scary thriller about an airplane that passes through a strange rift in time and gets stuck a few minutes in the past. As the plane passes through the rift, the flight crew and most of the passengers disappear. Among the remaining passengers is a pilot, who manages to put the plane on the ground at a small and seemingly abandoned airport.
Once they get out of the plane, they discover that everything is lifeless and/or doesn't work, because they are now a few minutes "out of time". There is however a pocket of "normal time" in the airplane itself, where it all does work again. Between a few incidents with an unstable passenger, the survivors must hurry to get the plane refueled so they can take it back to the rift in time and hopefully end up back in the reality from where they came, because at the horizon, they can see the Langoliers coming — creatures that devour the past and everything that goes with it. ;)
Even US law enforcement officers deal with toroid shapes on a daily basis, but they call them donuts. :ha:
It helps them create gravitational fields.:fpalm:
Especially around the waist area, I would imagine? :p But then again, law enforcement is often one big waste area. :ha:
4th May 2018, 07:33
This a coordinated series of picture memes with a point.
4th May 2018, 13:45
4th May 2018, 18:46
4th May 2018, 20:05
5th May 2018, 05:26
Pretty funny cartoon. Might take a moment.
5th May 2018, 22:53
6th May 2018, 03:00
6th May 2018, 20:43
Silly Sunday.
For the 'news' deprived. Eating Tide pods and snorting condoms has been a 'thing' among young people. People have actually been doing this.:fpalm:
6th May 2018, 20:54
This is not silly.
7th May 2018, 17:45
7th May 2018, 19:38
8th May 2018, 23:55
This post could turn into an experiment.:ttr:
9th May 2018, 00:28
Even all of the hot air from this fellow couldn't make the false statement real.
BTW, I did vote for Obama in 2008. Have never voted Repub. Voted for Nader when Gore ran. I stopped voting and watching TV around the same time, 2010.
Emil El Zapato
9th May 2018, 00:33
It's an experiment all right...I've been wondering for more than a few years what happened to you guys.... :)
He wasn't lying, he was just a classic hypocrite...following in the footsteps of his progenitors.
9th May 2018, 00:35
It's an experiment all right...I've been wondering for more than a few years what happened to you guys.... :)
He wasn't lying, he was just a classic hypocrite...following in the footsteps of his progenitors.
Who are "you guys"?
His last statement is eerily prescient. Even at this very moment.
Emil El Zapato
9th May 2018, 00:39
Who are "you guys"?
His last statement is eerily prescient. Even at this very moment.
it's too soon ... :)
9th May 2018, 00:49
it's too soon ... :)
Too soon to indicate who "you guys" refers to?
Are you a Russian agent?:ttr:
9th May 2018, 01:08
Too soon to indicate who "you guys" refers to?
Are you a Russian agent?:ttr:
OK. Avoiding questions is more a thing a politician would do, not a Russian agent.:ha:
Emil El Zapato
9th May 2018, 01:13
OK. Avoiding questions is more a thing a politician would do, not a Russian agent.:ha:
yeah, I have to avoid answering the question for now...not to be anything but me, but not the resident incorrect assumptioner... :)
9th May 2018, 01:19
yeah, I have to avoid answering the question for now...not to be anything but me, but not the resident incorrect assumptioner... :)
Going back to posting pictures now. They don't leave a greasy feeling on the hands.:dan:
enjoy being
9th May 2018, 01:27
9th May 2018, 01:35
enjoy being
9th May 2018, 01:45
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