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23rd September 2017, 20:20
Island fever has just reached new levels.

Having lived in the Caribbean for years I feel for these people. (The victims more than the looters)

From the island of Dominica, which was destroyed by hurricane Maria, ....not to be confused with the Dominican Republic.

1 hr ·
Sent as received from someone in Dominica: People it's getting really bad here!! Looters are no longer interested in food but instead they are breaking into everything. They ransacked a computer shop today.

I am trying to get my family and Myself out as there is no guarantee that we will receive any relief when it gets to Dominica! No one has passed by houses to confirm who lives there and what supplies are needed. Every man jack for themselves. I witnessed upstanding people in society loot and at this point that seems to be the only mode of survival.

My family in Canada have contacted the Canadian government but I have not heard from them yet! I saw a post from a tv network in Canada claiming to know 201 Canadians living here but your numbers are very incorrect!!! They seem to have counted mostly the medical students and they need to know that there are quite a few families here!

They also claimed to have a contact here however none of us know who this person is!

The Americans took some people today and will return for others and the British comes in tomorrow for their nationals. Please note that there are two airports and most the roads to Douglas Charles airport for now is impassable.

If you decide to send for us you are better off sending boats to each main port of entry as to get to Douglas Charles airport now can only be by boat.

I don't even know if you need can use our bank cards! Flow, which is the only telecommunication network currently working has been dropping throughout the day and staying in contact with people has is like playing dodgeball. I must commend them though for their efforts as I know they are tying their utmost best.

The police cannot contain the lawlessness going on in the Capital. There are policemen everywhere but even they are getting attacked. The curfew of 4pm is in place but some people are not respecting it.

The smell of death lurks everywhere as animals that died during the hurricane are decomposing plus the scent of toilets that have not been flushed cover the air you breath.

I have two bottles of drinking water left, biscuits, milk for 2 days and oats. We will only last two days!

Today my landlord gave me some juice! We had oats for breakfast and dinner! ! I broke down for the second time during this ordeal not for myself but for my son ,niece and unborn child! I am in tears typing this cause for the first time in life I feel helpless!

If you have not heard from your families I feel your pain. Those requiring medical attention can hope for a miracle. My friend who is a doctor has been walking to check on patients the last few days but getting to certain areas have been impossible.

Right now I see one of three things happening
1. Getting killed by looters
2. Starving to death!
3. Dying for lack of medical care.

I expect tensions to rise even more after this weekend. This hurricane has destroyed Dominica and the Dominican spirit.

24th September 2017, 02:30
Compassion (And How To Cultivate Compassion) - Teal Swan

Published on Sep 23, 2017
Teal Swan discusses compassion. She teaches how to cultivate compassion so that you feel it. Teal Swan explains that relating to people, which is how to cultivate compassion, is the key to solving the world's problems. Being Compassionate and living in compassion involves finding similarities between those you have differences with.

12:55 minutes


24th September 2017, 05:47
More tales from the past ...

Linda Moulton Howe Interview With Bill Tompkins

part 1


Published on Sep 22, 2017
According to Tompkins, Navy intelligence learned that humanoid reptilians from the Draco constellation were manipulating Hitler to annihilate the Hebrews on Earth and populate the whole planet with blond, blue-eyed Nordics that were another type of extraterrestrial under the control of the Dracos. Bill Tompkins and his Naval superiors were very confused by the idea that hostile Reptiles and beautiful Blond humanoids were working together to take over planet Earth. Adding to their confusion were other beautiful Nordic humanoids that helped the allies TO defeat Hitler. That complex and insidious chess game haunted everyone.

Bill Tompkins was 93-years-old on May 30, 2016. Before he decided to do a book about his extraordinary life, he called Admiral Hugh Webster, Navy League Corporate Director in Washington, D. C. and San Diego, California. Bill Tompkins says they talked frankly. The subject was “extraterrestrial threats to our planet Earth — and after Admiral Webster read portions of my draft manuscript and backup technical documentation, I asked him, ‘How much of this can I include in a published book?’ Admiral Webster said, ‘Bill, TELL IT ALL. This is most important to our country. Don’t leave anything out.”

Everything included flying all over the United States in the 1940s to secret sites at Lockheed, Northrup, Douglas, other aerospace companies and top universities that were doing secret work for the United States Navy.

11:01 minutes

Will post updates here.


Updated ...

Interview with Bill Tompkins part 2


Published on Sep 23, 2017

10:49 minutes


24th September 2017, 11:47
Those poor people. I hope aid arrives soon. The book image is amazing and the piano image is very sad. I played piano and I would be heartbroken if that was mine.

24th September 2017, 15:56
Meanwhile in the Big Apple ...


The single life in NYC is driving millennials to binge-drink (http://nypost.com/2017/09/23/the-single-life-in-nyc-is-driving-millennials-to-binge-drink/)

24th September 2017, 18:26
Note the world's obviously still here, and so is the Sun ... :flame:

"A POTENT SUNSPOT IN THE OFFING? In early September, monster sunspot AR2673 emerged with shocking speed and proceeded to unleash a pair of decade-class solar flares. The resulting severe geomagnetic storms sparked Northern Lights in the USA as far south as Arkansas on Sept. 8th. Now, the sunspot is coming back. The bright loops in this photo from NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory herald its approach"...


"For the past two weeks, AR2673 has been transiting the backside of the sun, carried around by the sun's 27-day rotation. It is due to return in the next day or so. The loops, shown above, trace the AR2673's towering magnetic canopy, coming into view before the sunspot itself. Will it be as potent as before? Probably not, but stay tuned!"

Source (http://spaceweather.com/)

Giant Sunspot Returns/Hurricane Update

Published on Sep 24, 2017


24th September 2017, 18:32
Welcome to the jungle ...


25th September 2017, 09:17
Keep your heads to the sky ...

The Sun/Natural Disaster Connection | Space News


Published on Sep 24, 2017
In this episode, Thunderbolts Project colleague Ben Davidson, the founder of Suspicious0bservers.org, discusses the possible connection between intense solar activity and natural disasters on Earth, including the recent Mexico quakes, powerful hurricanes, and other dramatic natural events.

11:21 minutes


25th September 2017, 09:29
Gobble Gobble ...

Corporate Consolidation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Published on Sep 24, 2017
Big businesses are getting even bigger thanks to a rise in corporate mergers.
John Oliver explains why that could make you want to physically destroy
your cable box.



25th September 2017, 15:02
The latest ...



Published on Sep 25, 2017

The Deep Interview
In this exciting and groundbreaking episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe for Part 1 of her most important and revealing interview ever!

Alien Resurrection Technology
Linda recounts her deep investigation of unique UFO abduction cases where the contactee is shown an advanced genetic material process that involves keeping a human being alive or resuscitating them so they can achieve their true soul's purpose. She documents the case of Linda Porter who, in the middle of her abduction experience, was shown a process where the alien beings she encountered were constructing an identical clone of a dying man to transfer his entity using an advanced process that involved life suspension tubes and bloodless surgery.

The beings explained this was being done to allow the man to continue his present evolution and contact with them. At one point Porter became extremely disturbed after seeing a figure in one of these tubes that closely resembled her.

Mantis Beings Psycho-Spiritual Mystery
In the middle of these ET Resurrection cases is an almost spiritual archetype of a wise advanced figure appearing as a Praying Mantis. In Porter's case, she had the impression that the Mantis being knew the Earth from ancient times and was working desperately to try and remedy the current environmental conditions that threaten the future of the human race.

The Final Answer to the UFO Question
Join us as we travel through the decades of Linda Moulton Howe's stunning investigations of the UFO and Alien Abduction phenomena. Follow her shocking conclusion that in the final analysis, the Earth may in fact be a holographic projection by advanced beings from another dimension!

Part 1

56:23 minutes


26th September 2017, 10:23
Island fever has just reached new levels.

Having lived in the Caribbean for years I feel for these people. (The victims more than the looters)

From the island of Dominica, which was destroyed by hurricane Maria, ....not to be confused with the Dominican Republic.

1 hr ·
Sent as received from someone in Dominica: People it's getting really bad here!! Looters are no longer interested in food but instead they are breaking into everything. They ransacked a computer shop today.

I am trying to get my family and Myself out as there is no guarantee that we will receive any relief when it gets to Dominica! No one has passed by houses to confirm who lives there and what supplies are needed. Every man jack for themselves. I witnessed upstanding people in society loot and at this point that seems to be the only mode of survival.

My family in Canada have contacted the Canadian government but I have not heard from them yet! I saw a post from a tv network in Canada claiming to know 201 Canadians living here but your numbers are very incorrect!!! They seem to have counted mostly the medical students and they need to know that there are quite a few families here!

They also claimed to have a contact here however none of us know who this person is!

The Americans took some people today and will return for others and the British comes in tomorrow for their nationals. Please note that there are two airports and most the roads to Douglas Charles airport for now is impassable.

If you decide to send for us you are better off sending boats to each main port of entry as to get to Douglas Charles airport now can only be by boat.

I don't even know if you need can use our bank cards! Flow, which is the only telecommunication network currently working has been dropping throughout the day and staying in contact with people has is like playing dodgeball. I must commend them though for their efforts as I know they are tying their utmost best.

The police cannot contain the lawlessness going on in the Capital. There are policemen everywhere but even they are getting attacked. The curfew of 4pm is in place but some people are not respecting it.

The smell of death lurks everywhere as animals that died during the hurricane are decomposing plus the scent of toilets that have not been flushed cover the air you breath.

I have two bottles of drinking water left, biscuits, milk for 2 days and oats. We will only last two days!

Today my landlord gave me some juice! We had oats for breakfast and dinner! ! I broke down for the second time during this ordeal not for myself but for my son ,niece and unborn child! I am in tears typing this cause for the first time in life I feel helpless!

If you have not heard from your families I feel your pain. Those requiring medical attention can hope for a miracle. My friend who is a doctor has been walking to check on patients the last few days but getting to certain areas have been impossible.

Right now I see one of three things happening
1. Getting killed by looters
2. Starving to death!
3. Dying for lack of medical care.

I expect tensions to rise even more after this weekend. This hurricane has destroyed Dominica and the Dominican spirit.

Please let us know how you are Ulli, my heart goes out to you...please be safe. I believe TargeT is seeing a light at the end of the tunnel where he is. I really really wish you well my friend. :smile2:

26th September 2017, 13:40
Flying up in those not so friendly skies ...


Airplane Mode (https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/airplane-mode)

26th September 2017, 14:03
"The Pacific Northwest's peculiar relationship with Bigfoot is explored in this documentary/variety show. Featuring interviews with Bobcat Goldthwait, Cliff Barackman, Bob Gimlin, Clyde Lewis and other Sasquatch enthusiasts. Includes the Sir Mix-a-Lot/Bigfoot parody song "Biggie Got Foot"...

Bigfoot, Northwest Idol

Pacific NorthWEIRD
Published on Sep 25, 2017

29:44 minutes

Best viewed in full screen


26th September 2017, 17:09
Alternatives for a new world order ...
Or just a rearranging of the players ...

Echoes of WWI: James Corbett Q & A


Published on Sep 25, 2017
SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=24117

James Corbett answers questions from the audience after delivering his presentation, "Echoes of WWI: China, the US and the Next 'Great' War" to the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 16, 2017. Special thanks to the Open Mind Conference for hosting the presentation and GaiaTV.dk for producing the video.

47:12 minutes


27th September 2017, 05:21
This happened on our Earth 23-26 September 2017


We Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before!
More than a hundred wildfires


27th September 2017, 07:46
With the recent solar activity and earthly volcanic upticks -
From video vlogger - time lapse photographer

Matthew Vandeputte

Mount Yasur volcano, Tanna island. EXPLODING VOLCANO - #climatecompassion

Published on Sep 26, 2017
295 // I finally got to shoot the world's most active continuously erupting volcano in 4K slomo! This is seriously a life changing experience and I can't recommend this highly enough. To get in front of nature's raw power is indescribable. I hope I got to convey a glimpse of what it feels like.

9:30 minutes


27th September 2017, 08:03
Pacific NorthWEIRD


Biggie Got Foot

(Sir Mix-a-Lot "Baby Got Back" Bigfoot parody)


27th September 2017, 09:44
One could ask ...

Wall Street Got a Bailout, Why Not Puerto Rico?


Published on Sep 26, 2017
Puerto Rico was in dire economic straits before Hurricanes Irma and Maria hit, and ongoing
US-imposed restrictions will make recovery impossible, says labor leader Hector Figueroa.

13:53 minutes


27th September 2017, 14:57
For those that have been following him on my other (now closed) thread ...

Gabriel Traveler

How Was My Job in Alaska? & Travel Plans Update

Published on Sep 27, 2017

19:34 minutes


27th September 2017, 15:05
Earlier this morning ...

No static at all ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21766685_10208118108865517_9185778493973561350_n.j pg?oh=c5589f68edd6da6e6c4d7308fb232582&oe=5A55333A

Mt Adams, Washington


by Steely Dan

Best viewed in full screen


27th September 2017, 19:44
Please let us know how you are Ulli, my heart goes out to you...please be safe. I believe TargeT is seeing a light at the end of the tunnel where he is. I really really wish you well my friend. :smile2:

Guys I am fine. FINE! I'm currently living in Costa Rica, where the climate has been normal; perhaps a little bit warmer than in previous years. My only problem is that I am a worrier. I worry whenever I see hurricanes near the Caribbean islands, having lived in Barbados for many years. My son's family live there, as well as many friends.

27th September 2017, 20:27
Puerto Rico aftermath: people in need of food, water, medical supplies, and a roof over their heads, trying to use one of the few cell towers left standing to get their communication out.

27th September 2017, 21:23
Very calming.

28th September 2017, 00:50
"We'll all ride them some day" ...


28th September 2017, 01:04
Over the years i've personally heard what many might call some wild stories ...
The human life experience on earth with no doubts is an individual free fall ...
Never let anyone (insert Project Avalon here) tell you what is real to you !

ET Contact and a Journey into the Bizarre!

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks featuring Joanne Summerscales

Published on Sep 27, 2017
Though more of us are getting used to the idea that ET contact is a reality and inclusive of the human experience, there are some accounts that fall into this category which are still very difficult to grasp.

One such story involves a man named Bill Brooks, who at 44 years of age began having spontaneous recall of what could only be described as life long contact with non-human intelligence. But his recollections didn’t stop there.

Amid this bizarre string of visits that began roughly at the age of 3, were a collection of synchronistic though strange encounters woven into the consistent backdrop of ET contact, like visits from Men in Black (MIB), Freemason and Rosicrucian involvement, and the witnessing of a mass abduction while serving in the military.

Someone who knows Bill Brooks’ story in explicit detail and in fact co-wrote a book with him, simply entitled 44 An Ex-Soldiers True Story is Joanne Summerscales ... In this fascinating and mind-boggling story we get some insight into what can only be called an odyssey of enormous depth.

Visit the website of Joanne Summerscales:



28th September 2017, 04:42
Will share this here for your inspection ...

Movies (That Are Going To Blow Everyone Away) In Fall 2017

"there are plenty of forthcoming films that'll be fighting for your
movie ticket money over the next several months" ...

Preview and release dates ...
Note click below YouTube show notes for direct time link views ...

IT | 0:25
Kingsman: The Golden Circle | 1:05
Mother! | 1:35
The LEGO Ninjago Movie | 2:05
American Made | 2:42
Flatliners | 3:07
Blade Runner 2049 | 3:41
The Mountain Between Us | 4:17
The Foreigner | 4:45
Happy Death Day | 5:16
The Snowman | 5:36
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women | 6:01
Jigsaw | 6:31
Suburbicon | 6:58
Thor: Ragnarok | 7:31
Daddy's Home 2 | 8:15
Justice League | 8:44
Coco | 9:11
The Disaster Artist | 9:33
The Shape of Water | 9:55
Ferdinand | 10:18
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle | 10:40
Pitch Perfect 3 | 11:08
Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi | 11:33

12:16 minutes


28th September 2017, 05:03
hmm ...
After viewing all that i could say ...

We're Going Wrong

by Cream

♫ Please open your eyes.
Try to realize.
I found out today we're going wrong,
We're going wrong ♫ ...
♫ Please open your mind.
See what you can find.
I found out today we're going wrong,
We're going wrong ♫ ...


28th September 2017, 05:18
Happening ...

Sabotage Cited As Ammunition Depot Explosions Rock Central Ukraine (https://gizmodo.com/thousands-evacuated-after-massive-explosion-rocks-ukrai-1818850127)

1:08 minutes


28th September 2017, 08:01
Guys I am fine. FINE! I'm currently living in Costa Rica, where the climate has been normal; perhaps a little bit warmer than in previous years. My only problem is that I am a worrier. I worry whenever I see hurricanes near the Caribbean islands, having lived in Barbados for many years. My son's family live there, as well as many friends.

That is heart-warming to see! Now I don't have to feel guilty when I go shopping for food anymore. Happy to know that you're fine at last whether you worry or not. ;)

28th September 2017, 14:42
the latest ...

Obama Now Selling Himself on Wall Street - #NewWorldNextWeek


Published on Sep 28, 2017
Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news

This week:

Story #1: China Conducts First Ever Live Fire Military Drill In Its First Overseas Military Base In Africa

Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

Kissinger Urges US To Bow To China, Boost Cooperation With Beijing On OBOR

Story #2: Obama Goes From White House To Wall Street In Under A Year

Story #3: Homeland Security To Start Collecting Social Media Info On All Immigrants Oct. 18

DHS Could Demand Social Media Passwords Of US Visitors

British Visitors To US May Be Asked For Passwords, Phone Contacts At Airports

Saudi Arabia To Censor, Monitor All Internet Chat Apps

Revoking The Ban On Women Driving In Saudi Arabia: Too Little, Too Late

15:26 minutes


28th September 2017, 15:02
Worth the listen ...

In The Shadow Of Feeling (Psychopath Documentary)

Real Stories

Published on Sep 27, 2017
At age 14, a young Canadian boy named “Johnathan” decided to murder his friend and fellow schoolmate during a lunchtime recess. He later turned himself in, was found guilty of first degree murder, and is now serving a life sentence in a medium security prison. While on trial, “Johnathan” was labeled as a psychopath, a person with no ability to feel remorse or empathy for his actions.

Psychopaths have a rich history in the media of being portrayed as mastermind serial killers and mass murderers. The real truth behind these individuals is much more frightening and serious than most people imagine. Psychopaths account for approximately 3% of society, and many of that percentage has never and will never see the inside of a prison cell. Psychopathic individuals hold many important posts in society such as business, corporate, politics and military. Although many of them will never commit actual crimes, they still leave an unmistakable mark on the people around them and a wake of broken promises and broken hearts everywhere they go.

This film explores the factors that create psychopaths in society and the ways to identify these individuals. Factors such as genetics, parenting, and consumerism play vital roles in determining the interpersonal bonds that children form in the earliest years of life. Through interviews with professionals, doctors, and even a psychopath himself, the public can gain better knowledge of what causes children to develop into adult psychopaths and hopefully decide to stem these causes at their roots.

42:02 minutes


28th September 2017, 18:14
This is Super Cosmically Cool! I'd never heard of Lior 'till now.


Emil El Zapato
28th September 2017, 21:24
This is priceless...professional propagandists throwing stones...well, at least they are professional. As Carl Spackler would say, they got that going for them!

An Open Letter to James Corbett
by Allan Weisbecker

It’s a tribute to how far you’ve come that I would take the time to write you an open letter; such correspondences are generally to those who, due to their celebrity (or notoriety), are unlikely to respond to a person’s private communication. (You’ve already done this, of course, i.e., not responded to my private communication.)

You’ve come a long way.

Yes, Corbettreport.com has come a long way. Because it is, usually, excellent…

As I’m sure you will recall, we were first in touch in 2009 when you invited me to be on your podcast as an interviewee after you’d seen a bit of the rough cut to my film Water Time; Surf Travel Diary of a MadMan, then changed your mind (and cut off communications with me) when I informed you of my conflict with Alex Jones – the matter of FBI Agent John O’Neill’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks (the myth is that he died that day). But more about that at another time…

I put off writing about the matter at hand – your version of the 9/11/Pentagon attack – and would probably have let it slide completely, but your recent Corbettreport.com video on the ‘missile’ debunking and ‘How to Spot Disinfo’ was just a bit too much for me to ignore. I’ll embed your video here for the convenience of other viewers of this essay:

Well, what’s the big deal, right? I mean why would I find this video ‘too much to ignore’? I mean, let’s face it, that video you expose as being bogus is bogus, right? Yep, sure is. And old Gordy Duff did admit that he puts out disinfo, right? (To ‘stay alive,’ he added. Interesting comment, but which you didn’t deal with, James. But okay.)

The ‘How to Spot Disinfo’ title really bugged me. I’m not a big fan of that sort of irony.

You know about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), don’t you, James? It has several formal definitions but as I refer to it: ‘A system of affecting the behavior or opinions or thoughts of another person or persons without their knowing you have done so, usually through the use of subtextual or subliminal cues, be they verbal or written.’ In other words, you talk about one subject, but what you’re really saying is something else. NLP is a version of mind control. Agencies like the CIA and other intelligence groups, plus the ‘business’ known as Public Relations are especially known for using NLP.

But there are two kinds of NLP, of mind control, right, James? There is the ‘okay’ kind, wherein you are communicating a truth, or at least what you believe is a truth. Then there is the bad kind, wherein you are communicating a falsehood, and you know it. For the purposes of this essay we’ll only deal with the latter sort. The bad sort.

A possible example: You produce evidence that a video of a missile hitting the Pentagon is bogus, a fraud. Disinformation. This is your video, right? (In fact, you go out of your way to be scornful of the other video’s attempt at fooling the public. You imply that a person would have to be an idiot to believe that video, right James? You all but outright say that, don’t you?)

But if what you’re really trying to say is ‘American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11, just as the official story claims’? Then we’re dealing with NLP, with mind control. And if you in fact know that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, i.e., you’re communicating a falsehood, we’re dealing with bad NLP.

Let’s get to the bottom of this, shall we? Your video in its entirety is above. Now let’s check out the relevant ‘information’ in your effort:

I know: You don’t outright say that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon… but you come pretty damn close: …’leaked images may reveal missile impact rather than jetliner struck Pentagon…’ Then you prove that the missile images are faked… and you fail to mention that the falsity of the images proves nothing about what did hit the Pentagon…

To get to the bottom of this let’s accompany you to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012, to the 9/11 Revisited; Seeking The Truth Conference.

What makes this an example of NLP (as defined above) is that the purported (stated) subjectof your talk is not ‘what caused the damage to the Pentagon,’ but rather was the behavior of Rumsfeld and Cheney on that day. The average viewer, asked what the video is about, would not be likely to say, ‘The Pentagon was hit by American Flight 77.’ But, as we both know, they surely would come away from the viewing with that thought planted firmly in their minds, given that you repeated eleven times that Flight 77 hit the building. NLP at its best: No one will argue with an idea that he didn’t even realize he was subjected to.

And if you look at the comments section of your video you will find that of the (currently) 344 folks who had something to say a total of one person (aside from yours truly) saw fit to mention that you in essence backed up the official story of what happened at the Pentagon – and did so over and over and over again. Virtually no one noticed!

You even bring up the subject of dumb-ass Comments in your ‘How to Spot Disinfo’ video! Talk about irony!

Yeah, people are stupid, aren’t they, James? Thirty-four comments and only one person brought up fakery. But hey, in your Pentagon video it took ten times as many commenters to find the one who ‘noticed’ what was really going on, i.e., that you were using NLP to plant the transparent falsehood that a 757 jetliner (American Flight 77, to be specific) struck the Pentagon – not only a falsehood but an impossibility by the laws of physics.

344 comments and only one noticed the falsehood. Sound familiar?

But wait. Maybe there is someone out there reading this who has not delved into the issue of the Pentagon attack who might be thinking, ‘Maybe James is right! Maybe Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon!’ Or at the very least, maybe James believes that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. (Remember that NLP mind control involves a perpetrator who knows he is spreading a falsehood.)

Most people reading this already know that no big jetliner (like Flight 77) hit the Pentagon so I’ll not waste too much space. You, James, can use the links provided if necessary.

1) A 100-ton airliner like a 757 has about a million parts that are serial numbered to connect it to the aircraft in question. Not one part from Fl 77 was identified from the Pentagon scene.

2) The damage, as seen in the photographs and videos, does not reflect a strike from a large airliner. Here’s General Albert Stubblebine on the damage as seen in the photographs we are all familiar with:

That should really do it but there is plenty more. Waaay more.

2) No photographic proof of an airliner strike. There were over 80 surveillance cameras that should have caught the crash but the only one released showed something other than a big jet (if it showed anything real). If proof existed, it certainly would have been released, to shut up the ‘conspiracy theorists’. This is so obvious that it should be all that’s needed to debunk a Flight 77 hit. But it goes on and on, the evidence. I mean on and on.

3) The flight path. No commercial jetliner of any sort could have flown the path that the official story (Flight 77) requires. See the Pilot’s For 9/11 Truth videos, like this one.

4) The flight path, Part 2. The Citizen’s Investigation Team proved that the poles were knocked down ahead of time, since the ‘plane’ that overflew (and did not hit) the Pentagon could not have flown through them.

5) The light poles. Check out this video to see how airplane wings and solid objects behave when they ‘meet.’

So even if ‘a plane’ had flown through the poles, it would not have knocked them down. The wings would have been torn off. This is by the laws of physics, James. Newton’s laws. Last I heard, they were still in effect.

6) Speaking of the laws of physics: According to the official story, Flight 77 was traveling at over 500 MPH when it approached – skimming the lawn – and struck the Pentagon. This is impossible. No jetliner can fly at that speed at sea level. Period. Listen to the below Bill Lear link if you have to.

And ‘ground effect’ would make it impossible to ‘skim the lawn,’ as is the story. Google ‘ground effect,’ James. Or listen to pilot Bill Lear (of Learjet fame). Bill is talking about the WTC strikes but the principal is exactly the same.

(That I feel I even have to do this – explain to you, an alt media star,why the story they fed us about the Pentagon is utter horseshit – is very serious evidence that something is very seriously wrong. In fact, I’m outraged that I’m making this list for you, James Corbett.)

7) Flight 77 didn’t wasn’t even scheduled that day. This is via the government’s own records, James. (The same goes for Flight 11, by the way.)

8) Witnesses? If you’re going to bring up ‘witnesses,’ don’t forget Jamie McIntyre. On the other hand, since there are so many conflicting reports (plus you yourself have done podcasts about bogus witnesses), it’s best to stick to physical evidence – like the laws of physics.

By the way: Given that one of the many, many things you do (so well!), writing and filmmaking for Globalresearch.ca is one of them, how could you miss this article, which makes it utterly clear that Flight 77 (or any other jetliner) did not hit the Pentagon?

Surely, James, being the diligent researcher you are, you must have viewed Barbara Honegger’s analysis of the Pentagon attack…

James: Given all of the above (just the tip of the evidence iceberg), that you would repeat (one way or another) twenty-three times – with no qualifications (like ‘alleged’) – that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, is evidence that something is very wrong.

Worse: In over two years since Kuala Lumpur, how could it be that I am the first and only person (to my knowledge) to call attention to the above travesty? Yes, something is very wrong.

And as Barbara Honegger points out:

The most important lie of the 9/11 Black Op Spectacle is the Flight 77 lie.

Why is the matter of the Pentagon attack so important? First, the ‘attack by foreign nationals’ on the heart of the U.S. military establishment was the rationalization for the continuous wars that our country has been waging for a decade and a half. George W. Bush himself has stated and written that ‘It was the attack on the Pentagon that meant we were at war.’

But more importantly: No matter what is ‘proved’ regarding the events in Pennsylvania and New York City – whether it was thermite or space beams or mini-nukes that disintegrated the WTC – the insiders who perpetrated the attacks could always point at someone else as the guilty party. The insiders were ‘removed.’

But if the Pentagon story is proved to be a lie, there is no one else to point at. I know you understand this, James, and how important this notion really is. You’re a very, very smart guy. Which is why – in your Pentagon presentation at Kuala Lumpur – you stuck to the behavior of Rumsfeld and Cheney (meanwhile buttressing the essence of the official story). And what did you accuse them of (especially Rumsfeld)? Incompetence.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, James, but there is nothing you accuse Rumsfeld of that in a court of law could not be blamed on incompetence or even senility. Rumsfeld was a septuagenarian even on 9/11; imagine how the ‘poor old man’ would come across now. Imagine how his attorney would take apart the accusation that he ‘abandoned his post to do a meaningless photo op’:

Imagine Rumsfeld on the witness stand. ‘I know. I shouldn’t have gone out to help those people, but they were my friends and co-workers…. I’m so sorry….I…I…’ and I’d bet the old psychopath could work up a tear.

That would be that, wouldn’t it, James? And the same goes for everything else you ‘accuse’ Rumsfeld of. Regarding Cheney: The best you could do was produce evidence that he wasn’t where the 9/11 Commission said he was at ‘the time in question’? So what?!

You sounded great, though. Intelligently outraged and so forth. That’s the way limited hangout and NLP mind control works…

Given that the conference was supposed to tell us how to prosecute the perpetrators of 9/11, please inform us why the two main points you made in your presentation did the following:

1. Let Rumsfeld and Cheney off the legal hook.

2. Reinforce the official fiction that American Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.

You’ve accused Gordon Duff of being a disinfo agent and (logically) a member of the controlled opposition. I don’t know if Duff will respond to your accusations, but how about doing so yourself?

Don’t dodge the issue, which, one more time, is this: Why – in a carefully prepared speech at a 9/11 Truth Conference (it was your ‘debut’, wasn’t it?) – did you repeat eleven times (23, counting Mineta) the transparent falsehood that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01? (If your response is to ‘own up,’ i.e., say, ‘You’re right, I should have qualified the Flight 77 references,’ I’m sorry, but the repetitions (nearly one per minute) in a carefully prepared speech wherein the subject matter was something else, qualifies as just another level of limited hangout.)

Was it to let your handlers know that you’re ‘with the program’? Or was it to demonstrate once again how stupid the American public really is. That of 344 comments, only one brought up your reiterations of a Big Lie. Or both?

I can’t help recall, James, that you were once asked in an interview ‘How do you do it?’ Meaning make documentary films plus put out about a video a day, plus essays and podcasts and do interviews. All by yourself, apparently. Your very slickly done film on The Fed had no one else in the credits, for example. You made that film solo while doing everything else, so I perked at the above question (I made a documentary film all by myself too, so I know what it takes.) Anyway, in response to the question… It was the first time I’ve ever heard you stutter…

Who’s helping you?

Corbett's History of Fed
Good film, James! How’d you do it?
Final Thoughts

To James Corbett fans who might be thinking nasty thoughts about me: Critical thinking means having the desire and ability to follow the evidence wherever it leads, and to have the self-reflection necessary so that when the occasion arises you are able to slap yourself on the forehead and exclaim, ‘How could I have been so stupid?’

Regarding the Alternative Media: The fact that so few even mention mainstream media direct collusion in the 9/11 Black Op Spectacle is evidence of how riddled with controlled opposition it really is.

Here is my best example of the problem:

Anyone curious about how you and me and Alex Jones and FBI Agent John O’Neill intersect can read about it here (this is part way through a longer essay).

Go to Banditobooks.com to view my film Water Time; Surf Travel Diary of a MadMan…

Post navigation
← Still More ‘Suspicious Activity’!
Corbett Flat Out Busted →

29th September 2017, 12:56
Alternatives for a new world order ...
Or just a rearranging of the players ...

Echoes of WWI: James Corbett Q & A


47:12 minutes


Speaking of and continuing ...

Financial Survival in the China World Order

Corbett Report Extras

Published on Sep 29, 2017
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=24143

James Corbett joins Alfred Adask for his bi-monthly appearance on Financial Survival. They discuss James' presentation on "Echoes of WWI" and how the Chinese-led "alternative" infrastructure is part and parcel of the predetermined globalist "solution" to the coming crisis.



29th September 2017, 14:36
Some week's end standup comedy for you ... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/thud-faint-smiley-emoticon.gif

You Can Now Contribute to the Flat Earth Movement

The Late Late Show with James Corden

"After James looks at Donald Trump's false claim the health vote didn't happen over a
hospitalized senator, he looks at a GoFundMe set up to prove Earth is a flat shape."

Published on Sep 29, 2017


29th September 2017, 15:08
Will bump ... :Bump:

Alternatives for a new world order ...
Or just a rearranging of the players ...

Echoes of WWI: James Corbett Q & A


47:12 minutes


Speaking of and continuing ...

Financial Survival in the China World Order

Corbett Report Extras

Published on Sep 29, 2017
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=24143

James Corbett joins Alfred Adask for his bi-monthly appearance on Financial Survival. They discuss James' presentation on "Echoes of WWI" and how the Chinese-led "alternative" infrastructure is part and parcel of the predetermined globalist "solution" to the coming crisis.



29th September 2017, 15:14
One good bump deserves another ...

Some week's end standup comedy for you ... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/thud-faint-smiley-emoticon.gif

You Can Now Contribute to the Flat Earth Movement

The Late Late Show with James Corden

"After James looks at Donald Trump's false claim the health vote didn't happen over a
hospitalized senator, he looks at a GoFundMe set up to prove Earth is a flat shape."

Published on Sep 29, 2017


29th September 2017, 15:20
Those hard to resist baby carrots ...


29th September 2017, 15:25
It's actually smart. No one will fund a satellite to prove it's a globe. And B.O.B. might get to launch some satellites into space. He'll name 'em, right?

29th September 2017, 15:29
You say goodbye, but I say hello ...

Hugh Hefner bought crypt next to Marilyn Monroe (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41436975)


Candle In The Wind

Elton John


29th September 2017, 15:50
Linda Moulton Howe: Interview with Thomas Campbell

Part 1: Simulated Universe, Fractals, and Entropy Reduction

Published on Sep 25, 2017
Recently I interviewed one physicist who enthusiastically says, “Yes, we’re in a computer simulated universe!” He is Tom Campbell, M. S., now 72 years old, who had a 30-year-career working for U. S. Army Intelligence in Charlottesville, Virginia, beginning in the early 1970s. There at the University of Virginia, he also started a Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics, but left for the Army intel work before he had completed his Ph.D. Now he calls himself an applied physicist.

Tom also worked for the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, during the Reagan Administration in a group called Space and Missile Defense Agency (SMDA) from 1983 to the mid-1990s. Then he did risk analysis for the Aries rocket tests at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, where he lives today.

After Tom Campbell retired from government assignments, he never stopped working on his conviction that this IS a simulated universe by Something Projecting Information from Another Dimension that caused the original “digital Big Bang.”

Tom is a co-author on a new paper to be published in 2017 entitled, “On Testing the Simulation Hypothesis.” Tom told me he envisions that our entire universe is simulated by Another Intelligence to be an “Entropy Reduction Trainer for Souls” in which encoded information participates with consciousness. His ideas began in 1972 when he worked with Robert Monroe on training people to go out of body.

11:24 minutes


Part 2: Avatars, Reincarnation, and Free Will

Published on Sep 26, 2017

11:33 minutes


29th September 2017, 19:57
It's actually smart. No one will fund a satellite to prove it's a globe. And B.O.B. might get to launch some satellites into space.
He'll name 'em, right?

Well if it ever gets off the ground ... Perhaps ???

Though here's a suggestion for his satellite's name ...

Heads Up !



Above and around - B.o.B (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.o.B)

"The Earth is ****ing round.

Update September 26th, 7:10PM ET: A GoFundMe spokesperson has released a statement regarding B.o.B’s campaign, announcing that, while the campaign does not currently violate the terms of service, the company is also temporarily placing the campaign on hold. That means that that B.o.B will be unable to withdraw the funds until he provides more information, and if he can’t, the funds will be refunded" ... more here (https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2017/9/26/16369890/bob-flat-earth-satellite-gofundme-scam-crowdfunding-conspiracy)

30th September 2017, 15:02
Max Igan

The International Net


Published on Sep 29, 2017
Surviving the Matrix - Episode 310 - American Voice Radio, September 29th, 2017

54:36 minutes


30th September 2017, 15:50
From Jeff Berwick - join him on his latest walk and talk ...

Anything Is Possible - Intention Plus Hard Work Becomes Reality...
With Surprise Ending

Published on Sep 30, 2017

35:59 minutes


1st October 2017, 01:07
'Blade Runner 2049' Review: Sequel to Sci-Fi Landmark Is an Instant Classic

Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford and director Denis Villeneuve turn this follow-up into a bold,
"visual feast" that more than lives up to the original

By Peter Travers
1 day ago

"So what I can tell you about Blade Runner 2049 without having the spoiler police on my ass? Elvis is in it; ditto Sinatra. (I won't say how for fear of reprisals.) I can reveal that the sequel runs 2 hours and 43 minutes – that's 45 minutes longer than the 1982 original, based on Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? For Blade Runner junkies like myself, who've mainlined five different versions of Ridley Scott's now iconic sci-fi film noir – from the release print to the Director's Cut and the Final Cut (the last two minus that voiceover Scott and Ford hated) – every minute of this mesmerizing mindbender is a visual feast to gorge on.

Harrison Ford, at his hard-case best, comes roaring back as Rick Deckard, long past his days as blade runner in a relentlessly rainy Los Angeles circa 2019, when his job was to "retire" replicants. When four of these off-world androids escaped and wound up in the City of Angels, he was the assassin assigned to waste the quartet before they could pass as one of us. But then Deckard ran off with a repli-cutie named Rachael to do ... what? Marriage, kids, the whole nine yards? Is that even possible? The first film left us hanging. Scott went on record saying that Deckard was himself a replicant – an idea which horrified Ford who argued for his humanity.

Cut to 2049: Deckard is still missing 30 years later, and Officer K (a superb, soulful Ryan Gosling) is the young blade runner on his tail. His combative boss (Robin Wright) thinks the M.I.A. detective is the key to something that could "break the world." She's not kidding, and that prospect intensifies once Jared Leto shows up as Wallace, a replicant designer and demigod who can't keep up with the demand for his product. As for K's personal life, he lives with Joi (Ana de Armas), a virtual companion who can morph from homemaker to hottie in a nanosecond. But on those cold winter nights, how do you snuggle up to something transparent? Besides, K is haunted by something in his own past? An implanted memory or the real thing?

Am I being vague enough? I can reveal that French-Canadian director Denis Villeneuve (Arrival, Sicario), taking over for Scott – on board as an executive producer – shows a poet's eye for details that reveal emotion. The Blade Runner mythos could not be in better hands. And it's good to have the first film's screenwriter Hampton Fancher return, joined this time by Michael Green, to keep that philosophical Philip K. Dick spirit alive. And camera genius Roger Deakins (give this man an Oscar already!) creates a look that both salutes and moves on from the original, forging its own dazzling identity.

When K and Deckard finally meet – Gosling and Ford are double dynamite together – the film takes on a resonance that is both tragic and hopeful. It turns out that the theme of what it means to be human hasn't lost its punch, certainly not in a Trumpian era when demands are made on dreamers to prove their human worth. Blade Runner 2049, on its own march to screen legend, delivers answers – and just as many new questions meant to tantalize, provoke and keep us up nights. Would you have it any other way?"

Source (http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/reviews/peter-travers-blade-runner-2049-matches-the-sci-fi-landmark-original-w506129?utm_source=rsnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=092917_12)

BLADE RUNNER 2049 - Official Trailer 2


1st October 2017, 02:00
The Monster ...



by Mott the Hoople

Best viewed in full screen


1st October 2017, 15:29
Say what you will about my friend James Gilliland ... But keep in mind this kind of phenomena has been occurring in and around Trout Lake, Washington since the Native American's first came upon it ...

One of my fav's from a few years back ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15726719_1264949280233624_7408345954800059940_n.jp g?oh=4428683e3625fd4ac87e1ae043e0f01c&oe=5A7B5BB1

From 'Up at the Ranch' ...

Incredible UFO shot today, Sep 29, 2017 at ECETI Ranch ...


Published on Sep 29, 2017
This video was shot this morning at 9am by Ryan Wehner on his iPhone at ECETI Ranch in Washington state. He was shooting a panoramic scene at the ranch and after reviewing the footage caught this amazing, saucer-shaped, UFO that flew over the ranch and made a left-hand turn behind the trees at the north side of ECETI.

This is the actual raw footage that was sent to FADE to BLACK right from his iPhone.


1st October 2017, 17:03
Speaking of ...https://r29.imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

Another Close Encounter

(of a peculiar behind)

Saturday Night Live

Published on Sep 30, 2017
Three alien abductees (Ryan Gosling, Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong) are again
questioned by the CIA (Aidy Bryant, Mikey Day).

6:20 minutes


Emil El Zapato
1st October 2017, 17:13

2nd October 2017, 04:01
Will share this here -

From two gentlemen i got to meet and know while living 'Up at the Ranch' ...

Here's an insightful look and listen into ...

Life in the Age of Horus – Freeman Fly with Neil Kramer

September 30, 2017


"The false dichotomy of liberal vs. conservative is leading to the Tribulation of ferocious individualism. The Aeon of Horus is defined by Aleister Crowley as, Horus ruling the present period of 2,000 years, beginning in 1904. "Everywhere his government is taking root. Observe for yourselves the decay of the sense of sin, the growth of innocence and irresponsibility, the strange modifications of the reproductive instinct with a tendency to become bi-sexual or epicene, the childlike confidence in progress combined with nightmare fear of catastrophe, against which we are yet half unwilling to take precautions.

Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its earliest stages, and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism, Health Crazes, Occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalized to the point of practical extinction.

Consider the popularity of the cinema, the wireless, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them.

Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys.

Consider war, the atrocities which occur daily and leave us unmoved and hardly worried.

We are children." The Book of the Law

Listen here (http://freemantv.com/life-in-the-age-of-horus-neil-kramer/)

2nd October 2017, 17:00
As always per-se ...

Check previous page (s) for most recent missed post ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Kind of Rhino/plastery ...


2nd October 2017, 17:09
Hmm ...


What Motivates Bill Ryan of Project Avalon Community Forum? (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/11414-What-Motivates-Bill-Ryan-of-Project-Avalon-Community-Forum?p=841979605&viewfull=1#post841979605)

2nd October 2017, 17:48
More fodder - chaos and distraction for an agenda ...


Las Vegas massacre suspect was known to local authorities (https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-massacre-suspect-was-known-to-local-authorities/)

2nd October 2017, 18:05
I'd go see him but don't know if my current achy-breaky heart could take it ...http://static.skaip.org/img/emoticons/v2/ffffff/heart.gif

Billy Ray Cyrus (https://www.inlander.com/spokane/billy-ray-cyrus/Event?oid=5382783)


2nd October 2017, 18:17
#33 ...


Meet Edward Bernays (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays), Master of Propaganda

Corbett Report Extras

Published on Oct 2, 2017
SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=259

You’ve heard of his uncle Sigmund, so how come you’ve never heard of him? In this classic episode from The Corbett Report archives James dishes the dirt on Edward Bernays, Freud’s American nephew. Learn how to break societal taboos, get the public to demand poison in the water, and prep the way for an overthrow of a foreign government from the man who literally wrote the book on propaganda!

36:57 minutes


2nd October 2017, 23:33
More sad news ...

"He just wrapped a huge tour, ending at the Hollywood Bowl late last Monday."

Tom Petty taken off life support (http://pagesix.com/2017/10/02/tom-petty-dead-at-66/?_ga=2.156208827.1200827547.1500379203-1940877003.1473634568)


Into the Great Wide Open

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


More from RollngStone (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/tom-petty-rock-iconoclast-who-led-the-heartbreakers-dead-at-66-w506651?utm_source=rsnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=100217_18)

3rd October 2017, 00:41
So much distraction is occurring lately/now ...

Do be aware of the slight of hand media barrage affect ...

Keep yours eyes open !


enjoy being
3rd October 2017, 02:25

3rd October 2017, 03:37
John Cooper Clarke - Beasley Street
Far from crazy pavements -
The taste of silver spoons
A clinical arrangement
On a dirty afternoon
Where the fecal germs of Mr Freud
Are rendered obsolete
The legal term is null and void
In the case of Beasley Street

People turn to poison
Quick as lager turns to p!ss
Sweethearts are physically sick
Every time they kiss
It's a sociologist's paradise
Each day repeats
On easy, cheesy, greasy, queasy
Beastly Beasley Street

The boys are on the wagon
The girls are on the shelf
Their common problem is
That they're not someone else
The dirt blows out
The dust blows in
You can't keep it neat
It's a fully furnished dustbin
Sixteen Beasley Street

And these are just 3 of the 12 verses...


Here you'll find the full album
John Cooper Clarke - Snap, Crackle & Bop

3rd October 2017, 04:34
It seems from the track records of high friendly fire rates, an ongoing supply of war, coupled with the very high crazed gunman cases in the USA.. it seems that it could be a case in which there is something in the genetics of Americans that makes them a HIGH RISK around guns.


Now that's a rather cynical way of looking at it. ;)

I myself happen to have a keen interest in firearms, even though I don't own any. Or that is to say, I don't own any working firearms — I do currently own two replicas, one of which is indistinguishable from the real thing. Either way, here in Nazi-Belgium™ you have to jump through lots of burning hoops to acquire a license for a firearm, and if you then finally qualify, then you are still subject to periodic psychiatric and medical evaluation, and the firearm is subject to periodic inspection by your town's local police department — there is a designated officer for that.

But as I said, I do happen to like and appreciate firearms for their principles of operation, and for their beauty and craftsmanship. And I know how to use them too, because I am old enough to still have been subject to compulsory military service, which was only abolished here in 1995. In fact, I even turned out to be the best marksman of my unit.

As such, I applaud the fact that the constitution of the United States of Acronyms still allows citizens to own and — depending on the circumstances — carry a firearm. Carrying a firearm should not be a matter of wanting to be like a Wild West gunslinger, flaunting that gun on your hip and hoping for another guy to pull out a gun so you can shoot him and prove your manhood to everyone, yourself included — which is unfortunately a psychological trait I have already discerned in a lot of gun owners — but rather a matter of protecting yourself, your loved ones and even people whom you don't even know against a clear and present threat on their lives. In lots of cases, this would make the difference between life and death, compared to when you have to sit and wait for the police to arrive.

There's even an anecdote about such a thing, and I don't even know whether it's a true story or not, but it certainly illustrates the problem with having to rely on a privileged caste who are authorized to carry and use firearms. The following story allegedly took place somewhere in a small county in the USA.

The phone rings at the sheriff's office, and when the sheriff picks up, the man on the other end of the line tells the sheriff that there are two burglars inside the house, and he asks for police intervention. He provides the sheriff with his name and address.

The sheriff's reply is that all of his patrol cars are tied up elsewhere already, and it will take at least another hour before he can send someone over. He tells the caller to lay low, and the conversation ends.

About ten minutes later, the same man calls back in, and he tells the sheriff...

"Hey Sheriff, it's me again. I just wanted to let you guys know that everything's under control now. I took out my shotgun and I've killed both intruders, so there's no rush anymore."

Exactly seven minutes later, the man's house is surrounded by police squad cars. The man is standing outside with a shotgun, and the two burglars are sitting in front of him on the lawn, on their knees with their hands over their heads. After the deputies take the intruders into custody, the sheriff walks up to the man and says...

"I thought you said you had shot and killed them?"

The man replies...

"I thought you said you didn't have anyone available, and it would still take an hour before you could get here?"


The salient humor of the above anecdote notwithstanding, gun ownership should come with proper training and a proper sense of responsibility. Responsible firearm owners know that a firearm is always loaded, even when it's not. ;)

Now, the above all said, and if we discard that lone gunmen scenarios could be engineered so as to pave the way for a legal bill that restricts gun ownership, or that it could be a false flag operation so as to blame a given country or ethnic group against whom the US government would like to plan their next military operation, then I believe that a lot of these mass shootings and gun accidents would be down to people with mental problems and people without a proper sense of responsibility.

And this in turn has a lot to do with both US Acronymian culture and the poor quality of the education system in the USA. At the risk of insulting US Acronymian readers — which is certainly not my intention, but then again, if the following insults you, then you are identifying with your nationality instead of identifying with whom you are as a person — it is a known fact that the USA doesn't even make the top-10 of the world's average IQ scores.

To understand this, you have to know that the meridian of the Gaussian bell curve representing the IQ score distribution among any given population is always calibrated to be exactly 100. So the average Acronymian has an IQ of 100, but so does the average Brit, the average German, the average Chinese, and so on.

Now here lies the problem... When it comes to a comparison between the IQ scores of different countries, then it is these meridians which are being compared, and then the meridian of the US population's IQ scores sits between 15 and 30 points lower than that of other western countries — according to recent tests, Asian countries score the highest.

So if you read in the news about this or that US Acronymian celebrity who has an IQ of 150 and was allowed into university at the age of 15 — <cough> Sharon Stone, Madonna <cough> — then you have to keep in mind that on a European test, their IQ might actually be only 120 to 135 at most, and that being admitted into a university in the US is not such a big feat in and of itself.

For most people in the US, whether or not they get to send their kids off to college or varsity is primarily a matter of finances. With the USA having such a competition-driven culture, certain universities even have talent scouts looking for successful baseball or American football players among high school teams, and if they find such "promising kids", then these kids will be granted a scholarship, so they get to go to college or to the university, while at the same time, much smarter kids may find themselves having to miss out on a continued education after high school because they never qualified for a scholarship and their parents don't make enough money to be able to pay for it on their own.

In terms of the level of education itself however, the first couple of years of college/varsity in the USA are comparable to the high school level here in Europe, and the average American teenager wouldn't even be able to make it through an academically-oriented European high school.

(There are three main branches of middle and high school education here: academic, technical and professional. The academic branch is geared toward a continued education after high school, the technical branch is open to that but also allows a student to immediately find a job after high school, and the professional branch is geared toward providing immediate employment after high school. The latter branch also has only a minimum amount of education by way of the classroom making up for the time spent in this branch, as most of it is comprised of training via internships.)

The bottom line, and the point of all of my above elaboration, is that the USA combines the worst possible scenario in terms of education and preparation with the virtually unregulated freedom to possess and handle firearms. Just think of the typical high school shooting. Some kid is bullied at school, or maybe they are emotionally unstable, and they manage to get hold of their dad's handgun, so they take it to school and they kill some people.

By comparison, here in Nazi-Belgium™, every firearm has to be stored in a locked vault in your home, and its ammunition must be stored separately — there may not be any ammunition in the weapon when it is stored or transported. And if you are going to transport it, then the weapon should be kept in the trunk/boot of your car, with the ammunition in the glove compartment. Now, I'm not saying that Nazi-Belgium™ has the best possible system in that regard, but it does at least force one to think about gun safety — or at least, for those who've managed to legally acquire a firearm.

Of course, the vast majority of firearms circulating in Belgium are all illegal, but that's another matter. If you make it extremely hard for people to legally own a firearm, then you are only driving them toward the acquisition of an illegal one, and the Russian and Albanian mafia here are very happy to supply you with one at (what they consider) a bargain too, not to mention that criminals aren't exactly going to be using any legally registered firearms for their own activities either. ;)

enjoy being
3rd October 2017, 04:51
The gun laws in NZ are very similar in code and strictness to what you describe of Belgium. I think NZ has one of the highest gun ownership per capita statistics in the world.
We probably don't have an awful lot of illegal guns with being a nation completely surrounded by sea, there are less ways of smuggling guns in.
As far as I know most countries give their citizens the right to own firearms.
But yeah, I am partially serious about my, sarcastic, rather than cynical quip that it seems Americans have something happen to them when it comes to guns and they can't handle them/ get all silly around them or something ;-P

3rd October 2017, 06:47
Bears repeating ...
Will bump this now that its been (updated) and uploaded on YouTube ...

Will share this here -

From two gentlemen i got to meet and know while living 'Up at the Ranch' ...

Here's an insightful look and listen into ...

Life in the Age of Horus – Freeman Fly with Neil Kramer

September 30, 2017


"The false dichotomy of liberal vs. conservative is leading to the Tribulation of ferocious individualism. The Aeon of Horus is defined by Aleister Crowley as, Horus ruling the present period of 2,000 years, beginning in 1904. "Everywhere his government is taking root. Observe for yourselves the decay of the sense of sin, the growth of innocence and irresponsibility, the strange modifications of the reproductive instinct with a tendency to become bi-sexual or epicene, the childlike confidence in progress combined with nightmare fear of catastrophe, against which we are yet half unwilling to take precautions.

Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its earliest stages, and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism, Health Crazes, Occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalized to the point of practical extinction.

Consider the popularity of the cinema, the wireless, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them.

Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys.

Consider war, the atrocities which occur daily and leave us unmoved and hardly worried.

We are children." The Book of the Law

Freeman Fly
Published on Oct 2, 2017

1:05 minutes


enjoy being
3rd October 2017, 07:26
RIP Tom Petty, now officially left the building.

3rd October 2017, 09:31
We have problems in America dealing with mental health. We're not very good at it. Most of these shooters have had mental health issues. The training of our police in such matters sucks.

The breakdown of the family system contributes to the problem. My parents warned me when I was growing up that I would have to work because the economy was changing and families couldn't make it on just one salary anymore. They knew it was going to be much harder for my generation.

Dog-eat-dog capitalism is pretty much unequipped to handle social issues. Our national illness is evident in how much social programs are maligned and arts are falling to the wayside.

Our soul is incomplete.

3rd October 2017, 15:20
Will share this here for your inspection ...

From Red Ice TV - Jay Dyer - The Strange Facets of the Las Vegas Shooting

Published on Oct 3, 2017
Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay's work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.

Jay returns to Red Ice to discuss the recent mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas. We discuss the various odd circumstances regarding the event, ranging from the high kill ratio to Stephen Paddock’s curious background. Jay reminds us that the mainstream media isn’t to be trusted, given their slanted coverage of mass shootings in the past. We then discuss some of the more amusing responses to the tragedy, such as Hillary Clinton calling for a ban on silencers. The show covers much more, including how our globalist overlords benefit from terror and chaos.

1:12:44 minutes


3rd October 2017, 17:09
Remember to enjoy your life cos ...


3rd October 2017, 17:18
Getting there ...

I Feel Unbelievably Good - Here's How I Got Here

From Jeff Berwick

Published on Oct 3, 2017

25:03 minutes


3rd October 2017, 17:30
Everyday ...

I Say A Little Prayer

by Dionne Warwick


3rd October 2017, 17:54
A reading of tales from the past ...


From Paul Stonehill Paranormal Research

Published on Oct 2, 2017
A very unusual object entered the airspace over the forbidden Soviet strategic mining town of Dalnegorsk in 1986, crashed, and left behind enigmatic, mysterious metals, and strange objects. This is my continuous investigation of this dramatic case, As time goes by, there are even more mysteries, and as the Russian UFO researchers leraned, foreign powers are also interested in the object that crashed in 1986. But this was not the only disaster that month and year; and UFOs visited the site repeatedly thereafter...

27:15 minutes


3rd October 2017, 18:08
'Forget enlightenment - How about just a little peace of mind' ...

Terence McKenna - Gaia`s Midlife Crisis

[ FULL ]

From those now - long ago 1990's.

Published on Oct 3, 2017

54:24 minutes


3rd October 2017, 22:25
This happened to many since 4 days

Getting there ...

I Feel Unbelievably Good - Here's How I Got Here

From Jeff Berwick

Published on Oct 3, 2017

25:03 minutes


4th October 2017, 01:04
Ep. 730 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Whitley Strieber: The Super Natural (his new book)

Published on Oct 3, 2017

Whitley Strieber is the author of the Communion series of books and many novels ranging from the Wolfen and the Hunger to the Grays and his exciting new Alien Hunter series. Communion, the Wolfen, the Hunger and Superstorm have all been made into movies, Superstorm as the Day After Tomorrow.

Whitley is a Texan, and The Secret School has been listed by Texas Monthly among the top 10 books written by Texans. Alien Hunter has been made into TV series by the SyFy Channel.

Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained (The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained) is Whitley’s recent book… written with Professor Jeffrey Kripal, redefines the meaning of the close encounter and UFO phenomena and has been called “the most important book on the paranormal in 40 years” by author Gary Jansen.

Tonight we are going to cover Super Natural…and Whitley’s latest book, still to be published, that he has written with his wife, Anne… later we are going to see if we can get some of his private experiences out that he has never shared.

Air date: October 2, 2017

Whitley Strieber segment commences at the 33 minute mark

2:58:53 minutes


4th October 2017, 05:11
Will share this here for your inspection ...

From Sarah Westall

U.S. Citizens Have No Rights with Prime Minister David Williams

Published on Aug 30, 2017
David Williams gives us a paradigm changing view of the constitution and international law. He gave up his citizenship and became Prime Minister of his own country. In this process he gained diplomatic immunity and rights that regular citizens do not have. A very interesting and thought provoking discussion.

David Williams is the Prime Minister and Head of State for the Dominion of Melchizedek (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_of_Melchizedek). Before he became Prime Minister, he was the ambassador at large for the country from 2006 thru 2012.

Prime Minister Williams was also the CEO and founder of Matrix Solutions, a membership website which helps individuals understand the concept of Self-Determination found in International law under peaceful settlements of disputes. After taking office as Prime Minister, he resigned his position at Matrix Solutions and focuses mainly on humanitarian work worldwide.

See more at the official site of the government of the Dominion of Melchizedeck: https://www.melchizedek.com/

57:31 minutes


Part 2

Elite's Education is Different & Rome Never Fell with Prime Minister David Williams

Published on Oct 3, 2017
Prime Minister David Williams rejoins the program to answer questions from the last show and to discuss more paradigm changing ideas. He discusses the set up of Vatican City, Washington D.C., and the City of London. He discusses how the Roman Empire never fell and what it became. We also discuss how the children of the Elites are educated differently to understand the true history of our world.

1:02:01 minutes


4th October 2017, 05:54
Then and surely now ...


Strange Days

From The Doors


4th October 2017, 16:31
A look back tribute ...

Tom Petty | Long live Rock n Roll

"There's some kind of actual magic going on there."

18:04 minutes


4th October 2017, 18:38
'Walking that fine line' ...
I don't totally agree with all this - But it's definitely worth the listen ...

Abby Martin w/ Peter Joseph: Eviscerating Capitalism & Building New Alternatives

Empire Files

Published on Oct 3, 2017
Peter Joseph is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, a grassroots, worldwide organization that advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation and human need. His most recent book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement,’ delivers a startling exposé about the violent oppression that defines our economic order, while issuing an urgent call for global activism to unite to replace it. Abby Martin sits down with Joseph to talk about the contradictions and crises of capitalism and what he advocates to save the future of the planet from catastrophe.

45:40 minutes


5th October 2017, 10:11
The Chemical Brothers - The Golden Path (3:58)
As i walked along the supposed Golden Path i was confronted by mysterious spectrum he pointed to the graveyard over on yonder hill i paused in cosmic reflection confused on wondering

of how i came to die

Hm!... i was confused 'coz if i was dead how and why did i die

But i composed myself and decided i should face it

Then i stood paralyzed on the supposed Golden Path and i was confronted by powerful demon force and there was the devil and we spoke his words flowed like glowing lava from the mouth of a volcano and i said:

Help me, lord.

i found myself in some kinda hell

But i did not believe in heaven and hell world in opposites kind of reality And i gained control of myself and decided to press on

As i walked along the supposed Golden Path i was trembling with fear all the lions and the wizards yet to come i seen in the distance silver mountains rising high in the clouds and a voice from above did whisper some shining answer from the moon

Please forgive me i never meant to hurt you! Please forgive me i never meant to hurt you! Please forgive me i never meant to hurt you!

Please forgive me i never meant to hurt you!


5th October 2017, 13:40
For your review and inspection ...


Published on Oct 4, 2017

Breakthrough Revelations Part 1
In this Special Part 1 Presentation of a 4 Episode Series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt lays out the keys to understanding two powerful areas driving the intense secrecy in our modern society: The Secret Space Program (SSP) and Continuity of Government (COG) planning.

Top Experts and Insiders
Drawing on the work of experts like Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell and UC Berkeley Professor Peter Dale Scott, along with interviews with Watergate Attorney Douglas Caddy and the Late Jim Marrs, Dark Journalist outlines how 70 years of Covert Operations relating to COG and the SSP have made Official Institutions unaccountable to the general public.

Deep State Historical Action & Black Budget
Prepare for an in-depth analysis of the Deep State machinations that created the National Security Act of 1947 under President Harry Truman to help create the CIA and a secret Black Budget System of finance to build an underground infrastructure as part of Continuity of Government Planning ostensibly to survive a Nuclear Attack by the Russians. This National Security State project and its shadow system of governance and off the books eventually became a huge problem for the public state and the JFK Presidency became one of the major casualties in the war for transparency.

Reagan and Star Wars SDI
President Ronald Reagan attempted to use this system of secret finance and covert action for what he came to believe was a noble purpose: preparing for an alien attack and asking Mikhail Gorbachev is Russia would come to the aid of the US in event of an all out Space war with off world UFOs.

36:12 minutes


5th October 2017, 14:30
I was fortunate to meet Dr Roger Leir back in 2010 while living 'Up at the Ranch' ...
I was taken by his humble and caring human nature ... God bless his soul !

His back story

Dr. Leir dramatically advanced research into physical evidence of the close encounter experience. Along with his surgical team, he performed seventeen surgeries on alleged alien abductees, which resulted in the removal of objects that revealed numerous anomalies, including objects that were buried in deep tissue and yet encased in the skin of the host, objects that were able to move in order to resist excision, objects that were magnetic and objects that were emitting radio signals. One object which was studied at the Southwest Research Institute and the University of Texas at San Antonio became invisible to x-rays after a first pass in an X-ray diffraction device.

In addition to the studies at Southwest Research, the objects were scientifically investigated by others of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, Seal Laboratories, the University of Toronto, York University, and the University of California at San Diego. Dr. Leir was also involved in investigations of other areas of Ufology involving physical evidence. He traveled to Brazil and performed exhaustive research into the Varginha, Brazil case. In 2003 Dr. Leir worked with one of the worlds leading geneticists and the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) on a DNA study pertaining to evidence collected in a famous California alien abduction case.

Dr. Leir was a Podiatric Surgeon, who was in private practice in Ventura County, California, for nearly 50 years. He held academic degrees of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Bachelor of Science, and Associate in Arts and was a board certified podiatric surgeon.

He was a figure of historic importance in the field of UFO studies and one of the seminal pioneers in the field."

Sadly Dr. Roger Leir died on Friday, March 14, after a long illness. He is survived by his wife and daughter. He was the author of the Aliens and the Scalpel, UFO Crash in Brazil, Casebook Alien Implants, Chopped Liver and three other books published outside the United States, including Implantes Alienegenas published in Portuguese in Brazil, and Ovnis and Implants published in France by Le Mercure Dauphinois.

Patient 17- UFO Alien Implant Documentary
Official Trailer

"Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advanced implants, nanotechnology microchips imbedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology."

Published on Oct 4, 2017

1:54 minutes


5th October 2017, 15:02
From Gabriel Traveler

San Francisco at Night: Cable Cars, Street Music & City Lights

Published on Oct 4, 2017

7:08 minutes


Also ...

Exploring San Francisco, California: Walking Through Chinatown

Published on Oct 4, 2017

6:49 minutes


5th October 2017, 16:01
Note posted new today items from the previous page ...

For your review and inspection ...


Published on Oct 4, 2017

Breakthrough Revelations Part 1
In this Special Part 1 Presentation of a 4 Episode Series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt lays out the keys to understanding two powerful areas driving the intense secrecy in our modern society: The Secret Space Program (SSP) and Continuity of Government (COG) planning.

Top Experts and Insiders
Drawing on the work of experts like Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell and UC Berkeley Professor Peter Dale Scott, along with interviews with Watergate Attorney Douglas Caddy and the Late Jim Marrs, Dark Journalist outlines how 70 years of Covert Operations relating to COG and the SSP have made Official Institutions unaccountable to the general public.

Deep State Historical Action & Black Budget
Prepare for an in-depth analysis of the Deep State machinations that created the National Security Act of 1947 under President Harry Truman to help create the CIA and a secret Black Budget System of finance to build an underground infrastructure as part of Continuity of Government Planning ostensibly to survive a Nuclear Attack by the Russians. This National Security State project and its shadow system of governance and off the books eventually became a huge problem for the public state and the JFK Presidency became one of the major casualties in the war for transparency.

Reagan and Star Wars SDI
President Ronald Reagan attempted to use this system of secret finance and covert action for what he came to believe was a noble purpose: preparing for an alien attack and asking Mikhail Gorbachev is Russia would come to the aid of the US in event of an all out Space war with off world UFOs.

36:12 minutes


__________________________________________________ _______________

I was fortunate to meet Dr Roger Leir back in 2010 while living 'Up at the Ranch' ...
And was taken by his humble and caring human nature ... God bless his soul !

His back story

Dr. Leir dramatically advanced research into physical evidence of the close encounter experience. Along with his surgical team, he performed seventeen surgeries on alleged alien abductees, which resulted in the removal of objects that revealed numerous anomalies, including objects that were buried in deep tissue and yet encased in the skin of the host, objects that were able to move in order to resist excision, objects that were magnetic and objects that were emitting radio signals. One object which was studied at the Southwest Research Institute and the University of Texas at San Antonio became invisible to x-rays after a first pass in an X-ray diffraction device.

In addition to the studies at Southwest Research, the objects were scientifically investigated by others of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, Seal Laboratories, the University of Toronto, York University, and the University of California at San Diego. Dr. Leir was also involved in investigations of other areas of Ufology involving physical evidence. He traveled to Brazil and performed exhaustive research into the Varginha, Brazil case. In 2003 Dr. Leir worked with one of the worlds leading geneticists and the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) on a DNA study pertaining to evidence collected in a famous California alien abduction case.

Dr. Leir was a Podiatric Surgeon, who was in private practice in Ventura County, California, for nearly 50 years. He held academic degrees of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Bachelor of Science, and Associate in Arts and was a board certified podiatric surgeon.

He was a figure of historic importance in the field of UFO studies and one of the seminal pioneers in the field."

Sadly Dr. Roger Leir died on Friday, March 14, after a long illness. He is survived by his wife and daughter. He was the author of the Aliens and the Scalpel, UFO Crash in Brazil, Casebook Alien Implants, Chopped Liver and three other books published outside the United States, including Implantes Alienegenas published in Portuguese in Brazil, and Ovnis and Implants published in France by Le Mercure Dauphinois.

Patient 17- UFO Alien Implant Documentary
Official Trailer

"Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advanced implants, nanotechnology microchips imbedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology."

Published on Oct 4, 2017

1:54 minutes


__________________________________________________ __________

From Gabriel Traveler

San Francisco at Night: Cable Cars, Street Music & City Lights

Published on Oct 4, 2017

7:08 minutes


Also ...

Exploring San Francisco, California: Walking Through Chinatown

Published on Oct 4, 2017

6:49 minutes


5th October 2017, 16:07
A reminder to always drink plenty of water ...


5th October 2017, 16:13
Stowin' away the time ...

Reelin' in the Years

Kyle Gass Band

5:35 minutes


5th October 2017, 16:25
From Al Zen ...

This is the Black Economy A conversation with Catherine Fitts

(Part 1 of 2)

Forum Borealis

Published on Oct 5, 2017
Former Federal Commissioner for HUD under Bush Sr spills the beans about global financial fraud, mortgage scams, & the Black Budget. In part 1 Mrs. Fitts share her personal journey of discovery from Wall St to the Bush regime. In Part 2 we take on specific facts & figures, understanding the global black economy & how its larger than the white. Some issues touched: What's the Deep State's nature? How's the plunder of the public done? How do they get away with their covert schemes? How many trillions have disappeared? What's the big milking cows? What's the loot used for? And hear the Arlington Institute's offer to introduce an alien...

1:36:15 minutes


5th October 2017, 16:34
The latest ...

Techsperts Propose Driverless Highway - #NewWorldNextWeek


Published on Oct 5, 2017
Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: 4chan Warned About Vegas 3 Weeks Early

"Steve was an arms dealer". Set up by arms dealers doing a real life demonstration of their new drone toys

Users on /pol/ have discovered flight records and a plane that belonged to the Las Vegas Shooter. It is connected to an intelligence contractor who's owner previously worked for the Obama administration.

The Killers Interviewed By Jimmy Kimmel

Trump, Sheldon Adelson Talked Las Vegas Shooting, Policy At White House Meeting Monday

Complete 9/11 Timeline: Nellis Air Force Base

“The News” is a Social Construct. It is Used to Program You.

Story #2: Tech Experts Propose Reserving Stretch Of I-5 For Driverless Cars

Benedict Evans on the Future of Cars

The "Possible Problems" with #V2X, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

Story #3: US, Russia Planning To Build Moon Base Together (So Are China, Europe)

NWNW Flashback: US to Create ‘Space Corps’ in Radical Air Force Overhaul (Jul. 6, 2017)

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Cord-Cutting Winter Is Coming

20:05 minutes


5th October 2017, 17:00
Speaking of reelin in the years ...

The Doors- 'Smothers Brothers'

"Resistant to performing on T.V. The Doors did go on the 'Smothers Brothers' show, which was considered a bastion of liberal hippie thinking! CBS sensors battled with the Boys comedy, so it seemed a natural fit for our heros! The T.V. ratings were off the chart. The taping of the show was Dec. 6th, 1968."

13:02 minutes


5th October 2017, 17:18
The Beautiful People ...
"It's all relative to the size of your steeple" ...



The Last Word: Marilyn Manson on Bowie, Drugs and Losing His Virginity (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/marilyn-manson-on-bowie-drugs-and-losing-his-virginity-w507170)

5th October 2017, 19:52
Nice capture ...

UFO Coming out of Mount Adams Filmed by the GoPRo video team.

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel

Published on Oct 5, 2017
James has Waited over a year to receive this footage [we are still waiting for the original clip.


6th October 2017, 02:45
She sure has been busy posting her stuff lately ...

Linda Moulton Howe

2017 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference - Are we Living in Someone Else's Computer Simulation

Published on Oct 5, 2017

"Part 1 of 5 Videos Linda Moulton Howe appears as a guest speaker at the 2017 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. She discusses the topic: Are we living in someone else's computer simulation?"

22:54 minutes


Linda Moulton Howe Ozark Mountain UFO Conference - Part 2

24:24 minutes


6th October 2017, 02:54
The Beautiful People ...
"It's all relative to the size of your steeple" ...

I've got this thing with MM that I want to share with you.
From 1997-2001 I was editor of a talk show hosted by Patty Brard.

At the start of the season we’d made a wish list of international celebrities and Marilyn Manson was one of my favorites. Patty didn't give it much of a chance but when MM was doing a gig in O13 (Tilburg, 1998) she was invited by Manson's record label.

I hardly ever showed my face at the office because I couldn’t concentrate there. I worked at home and kept in touch with Patty on a daily bases. The other 3 editors on the program had to be at the office from 9-5 and they started to make a big fuzz about my absents. Fact was that my input was essential for the program and Patty had told me that as long as I came up with enough ideas and subjects I could do as I pleased.

Usually I was the one who prepared the interviews with international celebrities, but not this time. On Tuesday morning I got a call from Patty that she had given that task to her ‘office crew’. Because she was fed up with them criticizing me, Patty let them do the interview preparations. Marilyn Manson was/is feared for his attitude towards journalists – not because he’s allergic to journalists, he just hates stupid questions, as Patty also knew. And because Marilyn Manson’s music wasn’t really her cup of tea she relied on my input and/or that of her editorial office staff.
“I’ve given them till Friday to come up with something I can work with. You can take the rest of the week off if you like, but keep in mind that you probably have to work in the weekend because I have my doubts they can even produce one good question, let alone a whole interview.”

Friday afternoon. Patty on the phone.
“Right, they came up with 4 questions and this is the first one: ‘Is Marilyn Manson your real name?’ What do you think will happen?”
“Duh, end of the interview.”
“Exactly. Monday evening 18:00 we go to Tilburg, so you have 3 days.”

Monday morning at 06:00 I dropped an envelope with the interview in Patty’s postbox – she lived on walking distance, and went to bed.

I prepared 25 questions and the first one was:
‘What is Marilyn Manson more than the sum of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn4EOGJMAgU) Ziggy Stardust (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq8gG3pzMrU) and Quay Lewd?’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmXc4d_J3Q)

Sigue Sigue Sputnik and Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie) were easy, but Quay Lewd, the character Tubes frontman Fee Waybill played in ‘White Punks on Dope’ was one for the experts.

My theory was that this question would trigger and impress Marilyn Manson enough to do a longer interview with Patty, than the 5 minutes she was already told she'd get when Universal invited her. That was the reason I prepared 25 intriguing questions, all written down in impeccable English, which would give Manson a chance to present himself as the super smart and intelligent human being he most definitely is.

Patty said I was crazy, but I just knew I was right.

Now this is what happened: after the gig Patty was told to wait on the stage while Marilyn first took a quick shower. 15 minutes later he walked on stage with only a towel around his waist, and Patty said: “Marilyn, I thought I had seen everything but your show really blew me away. So what is Marilyn Manson more than the sum of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Ziggy Stardust and Quay Lewd?’”
Marilyn Manson looked at her with amazement, started to laugh and said: “Quay Lewd, Quay f#ckin’ Lewd!”

He than grabbed Patty’s interview papers out of her hand, quickly looked through the questions, called his manager and showed her what I had written down.
“Are they yours or do you have a very smart editor?” MM asked.
“The latter,” Patty said, “but when I lived in London I used to hang out with Neal, the guitarist of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, and I also met Bowie more than once.”
“Allright girl,” Marilyn said “let’s do this; shoot!”

The whole interview lasted an hour and a half and was later edited to 45 minute version that was sold to Universal Records for $25.000,-

It also silenced those 3 incompetent morons at the office.

This is the 8 minute edit that was broadcasted on Dutch tv.


6th October 2017, 03:02
From 'Up at the Ranch' ...

Incredible UFO shot today, Sep 29, 2017 at ECETI Ranch ...


Published on Sep 29, 2017
This video was shot this morning at 9am by Ryan Wehner on his iPhone at ECETI Ranch in Washington state. He was shooting a panoramic scene at the ranch and after reviewing the footage caught this amazing, saucer-shaped, UFO that flew over the ranch and made a left-hand turn behind the trees at the north side of ECETI.

This is the actual raw footage that was sent to FADE to BLACK right from his iPhone.


Ep. 732 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ James Gilliland : The new ECETI UFO video

Published on Oct 5, 2017
A new video was just posted on YouTube from ECETI Ranch showing an incredible high-speed saucer shaped craft... Ryan Wehner, who shot the video, joins the show to tell us how he caught it and what happened... the video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAxcs...

James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee.

He is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon.

James’s books include: Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. He is the host of the documentary Contact Has Begun and has been featured on His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hot-spots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special and Paranormal State.

He is a speaker at events such as the International UFO Congress, Contact in the Desert and the Star Knowledge Conferences.

Tonight we are going to discuss the recent video footage shot over the last week up at his ECETI Ranch…with some special guests…do not miss this show!

Air date: October 4, 2017

James Gilliland segment commences at the 33 minute mark

2:58:52 minutes


6th October 2017, 03:44
Everything You Believe In, Is Based Upon Lies
A long, long time ago, somewhere on a planet in a galaxy many thousands of light years away, there were beings like us, who over time evolved.

Than, one fine day, they became so advanced that they figured out how to turn themselves into pure energy, and ascend to a higher plain of existence.

Upon that, they discovered how to stay in this form & become even more powerful. This was done by tapping of the energy of ‘regular’ beings who worshiped them as Gods.

Armed with this knowledge they decided to create ‘self-replicating regulars’, whom they taught a religion that forced them to prostrate in Their Name.

The more the ascended were worshiped, the more powerful they became. So powerful in fact, that they started to believe themselves that they were indeed Gods.

To keep the ‘regulars’ believing in this religion, their society was build up in the shape of a pyramid. The higher up a ‘regular’ stood in the pyramid, the closer (s)he came to ascension.

For that was what the religion also taught. That the Gods were benevolent & in time would help the ‘regulars’ to ascend as well.

In this way, the Ascended accomplished their goal, to create an inexhaustible well of energy. The further they spread this religion over the inhabitable planets of their galaxy, the more they believed they actually were Gods.

And they lived happily ever after and still do, to this day, spread all over the planets of numerous galaxies.

One of these planets is called Gaia, or Earth, as most of us know it.

6th October 2017, 04:17
This happened on our Earth 03-05 October 2017


Nina Simone - Sinnerman
Oh sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna run to?
All along dem day


6th October 2017, 05:22
Usually I find it difficult to listen to these kinds of lectures without getting bored, because there's hardly anything/nothing that I haven't heard or read already.
I noticed that quite often I fall asleep while listening and I also tend to use them for this very purpose.
Perhaps it's just me, but the past 5-6 days I've hardly slept at all - I guess due to the strong influence of the (full) moon.

Anyway, much to my surprise these two overlapping lectures kept me awake because they were both fascinating to listen to.

Linda Moulton Howe: Aliens Sent a Message, This is What it Said
Linda Moulton Howe has translated squares and ones on an alien message, they turned out to be binary code, part of which included a cryptic warning about star systems in Orion and Zeta Reticuli. She explains that these particular messages (and UFOs) seem to come from human time-travellers, who live thousands of years from now in our future, in Nuremberg, Germany at latitude 49o 27’ North, longitude 11o 05’ East. Their purpose is to “protect humanity” over long periods of historical time, by watching and/or influencing the flow of events in past eras.


Linda Moulton Howe: Alien Binary Code Contains an SHOCKING Warning for Mankind
Linda Moulton Howe translated some of the binary code from an Army Sergeant who had received a downloaded message from alien intelligence of which included a cryptic warning about star systems in Orion and Zeta Reticuli. Binary code symbols and codes have also been recovered from crashed UFOs. It has been independently confirmed both by Linda Moulton Howe and another researcher (Dr. Horace Drew) that C.J.’s symbols are in fact a message written in binary code that can be translated via a standard ASCII table. C.J.’s message reads as follows: “Continuous protection of humanity 49.27n, 11.5e. Expose Hidden Knowledge to ALL ` citizens. Advancement imperative for planetary survival. Beware of Orion 1350.3 and Z Ruticuli 39.170. Avoid [signal] messages sent.”


6th October 2017, 05:43
Speaking of reelin in the years ...

The Doors- 'Smothers Brothers'

"Resistant to performing on T.V. The Doors did go on the 'Smothers Brothers' show, which was considered a bastion of liberal hippie thinking! CBS sensors battled with the Boys comedy, so it seemed a natural fit for our heros! The T.V. ratings were off the chart. The taping of the show was Dec. 6th, 1968."

13:02 minutes

Cheers gio, I really enjoy your Doors posts because they always open other Doors, like this vintage trip


6th October 2017, 14:33
Everything You Believe In, Is Based Upon Lies
A long, long time ago, somewhere on a planet in a galaxy many thousands of light years away, there were beings like us, who over time evolved.

Than, one fine day, they became so advanced that they figured out how to turn themselves into pure energy, and ascend to a higher plain of existence.

Upon that, they discovered how to stay in this form & become even more powerful. This was done by tapping of the energy of ‘regular’ beings who worshiped them as Gods.

Armed with this knowledge they decided to create ‘self-replicating regulars’, whom they taught a religion that forced them to prostrate in Their Name.

The more the ascended were worshiped, the more powerful they became. So powerful in fact, that they started to believe themselves that they were indeed Gods.

To keep the ‘regulars’ believing in this religion, their society was build up in the shape of a pyramid. The higher up a ‘regular’ stood in the pyramid, the closer (s)he came to ascension.

For that was what the religion also taught. That the Gods were benevolent & in time would help the ‘regulars’ to ascend as well.

In this way, the Ascended accomplished their goal, to create an inexhaustible well of energy. The further they spread this religion over the inhabitable planets of their galaxy, the more they believed they actually were Gods.

And they lived happily ever after and still do, to this day, spread all over the planets of numerous galaxies.

One of these planets is called Gaia, or Earth, as most of us know it.

So these Ascended Masters are actually energy vultures? (I'm so glad I avoided the Ascended Master thing)

6th October 2017, 15:04
Really enjoyed the LA Woman video, Outlander. Thanks.

I'll be honest in saying that Marylin Manson always freaked me out, but I also knew nothing about him or his music. It's not my favorite, but every time I hear him interviewed it's interesting. The butt part is pretty funny.

He talks about a balance of chaos and order. Made me think of Paloma's Law of Both.

6th October 2017, 15:20
Seemingly abound ...

bi·po·lar dis·or·der

"a mental disorder marked by alternating periods of elation and depression ...

also known as manic depression."

Note here's a sing along for those inclined ...

Jimi Hendrix - Manic Depression - Karaoke


6th October 2017, 15:29
5 Creepiest & Most Haunted Locations in the World | Episode 1 | United Kingdom


Published on Oct 5, 2017

"The world is full of haunted locations and in this series, we are looking at five locations
that are said to be plagued by paranormal activity... This episode is based around the
United Kingdom, grab your pillow, hit the lights, sit back and enjoy."
__________________________________________________ ____________

13:12 minutes


6th October 2017, 15:41
Speaking of ...

6th October 2017, 15:50
'Up at the Ranch' ...

Multiple ships with Lorcan O'Tool

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel

Published on Oct 4, 2017
'There was a total of seven ships James caught Five of them in one clip...Enjoy'


6th October 2017, 16:01
After causing havac in Central America ...

Tropical Storm Nate Moves Toward the Gulf Coast (https://www.wunderground.com/news/tropical-storm-hurricane-nate-impacts-gulf-coast)


6th October 2017, 16:43
Cheers gio, I really enjoy your Doors posts because they always open other Doors, like this vintage trip

Yes, 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' ... They say ... http://static.skaip.org/img/emoticons/v2/ffffff/think.gif

Here's another one for all you Doors fans ...

Jim Morrison at his finest ...

'Build me a Woman'

The Doors

contains mature content


6th October 2017, 17:00
Back to business ...

Why Big Oil Conquered The World


Published on Oct 6, 2017
TRANSCRIPT AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil

The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by the oil industry. But as the "post-carbon" era of the 21st century comes into view, there are those who see this as the end of the oiligarchy. They couldn't be more wrong. This is the remarkable true story of the world that Big Oil is creating, and how they plan to bring it about.

1:53:00 minutes


6th October 2017, 17:18
The latest ...

Be A Beacon in The End Times - Morris

Published on Oct 6, 2017

6:09 minutes


6th October 2017, 18:08
Not just a city in New Jersey ...


Transpicuous News, The Equifax Con: Where's the Money?

From Dani Arnold-McKenny

Published on Oct 6, 2017

The Rules are the Rules, and “They” have to play by them. So when the Rule’s are cracked open for everyone to see…. they have to do something else to change the game. The deep secrets of The Treasury Direct Accounts- and all the other accounts based on your “Strawman”, has been cracked opened up for the world to see…..

…that they are empty. Opps.

Now the “Con” job. Equifax and the hacks are being used as a spring board to campaign to “get rid of the Social Security ID Numbers”, hence changing the system so that the “Crack” in the system no longer exists. Thus keeping “Their” dirty secrets secret a bit longer. (or so they think, lol).

This ties into sooooo much more! As I said, I was up at 6am and researching old material, looking into Puerto Rico, the IRS, the entire Corporate “government” system and how it runs, the ISO Amendments that show the legal name changes to countries in 2015, the “DUNS” and “EDGAR” listings for corporations (countries), and the similarities between Hurricane Maria In Puerto Rico and Hurricane Sandy in New York in 2012…. There is a LOT of information to re-look at and to review, with a new comprehension as all these pieces of transparency are coming to light.


26:45 minutes


6th October 2017, 19:43
My generation was tough we watched clowns on television ...


It (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKJmEC5ieOk)was all considered normal back then.

6th October 2017, 20:09
Cheers gio, I really enjoy your Doors posts because they always open other Doors, like this vintage trip

Yes, 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' ... They say ... http://static.skaip.org/img/emoticons/v2/ffffff/think.gif


6th October 2017, 21:03
Shocking Blue - Never Marry a Railroad Man
Shocking Blue was a Dutch rock band from The Hague and is best known for their world-wide hit Venus, which reached #1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in February 1970. Personally I like Never Marry a Railroad Man (1972) better.


7th October 2017, 09:08
Some might remember my comments here about having a dream during the weekend Hurricane Irma struck, which envisioned during the recovery period - that it would be an opportune moment for these islands states to reconnect with a newer energy technology - The kind of grid that would be a more efficient and a more environmental friendly fit into these islands setting needs ...


Puerto Rico’s governor asks Elon Musk for help with power grid (http://nypost.com/2017/10/06/puerto-ricos-governor-asks-elon-musk-for-help-with-power-grid/)


7th October 2017, 11:41
The painted ladies are on the move over Denver.

Painted ladies look a little like Monarchs. It was a group 110 km wide.


7th October 2017, 12:02
Golden Earring - Twilight Zone (Leiden 1984)
Golden Earring, also from The Hague, - where I grew up, are called the Dutch Rolling Stones, because they started their career around the same time and are still going strong. They had an American #1 hit with 'Radar Love' - also the American #1 road song, according to the readers of Rolling Stone. About 10 years ago Barry Hay, the lead singer, moved to a house in Amsterdam, literally around the corner where I live and we became very close friends. We spend lots of nights - after he had played with the Earring, drinking, talking and listening to music till the break of day. Coming both from The Hague we shared the same sense of humor and mentality, which is different from Amsterdam. This track 'Twilight Zone' is my personal favorite, although there are a couple more I love to hear. Enjoy!


Emil El Zapato
7th October 2017, 15:51
I remember these guys...drank more than a few beers to them... :)


7th October 2017, 17:49
Will ... :Bump:

Some might remember my comments here about having a dream during the weekend Hurricane Irma struck, which envisioned during the recovery period - that it would be an opportune moment for these islands states to reconnect with a newer energy technology - The kind of grid that would be a more efficient and a more environmental friendly fit into these islands setting needs ...


Puerto Rico’s governor asks Elon Musk for help with power grid (http://nypost.com/2017/10/06/puerto-ricos-governor-asks-elon-musk-for-help-with-power-grid/)


7th October 2017, 17:56
The Most Dangerous Parallel Reality - Teal Swan

"The Most dangerous Parallel Reality exists here on earth. It is something that many people
suffer from every day. Teal Swan teaches that the way out of them, is intimacy."

Published on Oct 7, 2017

18:52 minutes


7th October 2017, 18:08
Nosy cave dwellers ...


7th October 2017, 21:29
Sarah Westall w/ Robert David Steele: Las Vegas Massacre False Flag Case Study

Robert David Steele rejoins the program to discuss the Las Vegas Massacre and his summary of what he believes really occurred. We also discuss false flags and compare this event to false flags in history (i.e. patsy, multiple shooters, shots from wrong direction, crisis actors, etc...).

American Herald Tribune, October 6, 2017
Referenced article: Steele, Robert. “Las Vegas Massacre: A Hybrid False-Flag, Treason, or an Act of War?” (https://ahtribune.com/las-vegas-massacre/1938-hybrid-false-flag.html)

Also referenced: Jeff & Prof James Fetzer - Las Vegas…The Searing Truth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbUUphyZ_6s&feature=em-uploademail)

Published on Oct 7, 2017

54:48 minutes


7th October 2017, 23:09
From my friend ...

Norio Hayakawa

The strange reality of the UFO phenomenon

"Patrice M. Sheridan of Global Newsmaker Focus interviews Norio Hayakawa on October 6, 2017"

Published on Oct 7, 2017


7th October 2017, 23:17
My gosh, powerfullll

The Most Dangerous Parallel Reality - Teal Swan

"The Most dangerous Parallel Reality exists here on earth. It is something that many people
suffer from every day. Teal Swan teaches that the way out of them, is intimacy."

Published on Oct 7, 2017

18:52 minutes


8th October 2017, 19:34
Via Norio Hayakawa - who wrote the foreward for Anthony Sanchez's controversial book "UFO HIGHWAY"...

Now 5 years 10 months ago ...

by Norio Hayakawa, sponsor of the Civilian Intelligence Network whose focus has been on the study of how a segment of the population's "beliefs in UFOs" (as physical alien spacecraft) may have been manipulated and (in some cases, may even have been created) and taken advantage of by the U.S. Intelligence community and by the military in certain counter intelligence programs and operations:

Where I stand on UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies and my take on Anthony Sanchez's intriguing but highly controversial book, UFO HIGHWAY

I hereby reiterate my stance on this matter:

As far as I am concerned, there has never been any single, solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable (publicly acknowledged) evidence whatsoever that we have ever been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial entities in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft. ("physical", based on our concept and understanding of the terminology)

This has been my bottom line for many, many years and I will continue to take this stand until the day such evidence is manifested beyond question.

However, this does not mean that the so-called UFO phenomenon does not exist.
In fact, it is my belief that this phenomenon has existed from time immemorial.
Unfortunately, I have seen no solid evidence that this phenomenon has anything to do with physical extraterrestrial visitations.

Despite having been involved in the so-called "UFO research" for 50 years or so (I began my involvement with this field since around 1961), I am the first to admit that I have found no answers when it comes to this puzzling phenomenon.

I am bascially in agreement with the statement recently issued by the WHITE HOUSE (on November 7, 2011), i.e., that the "U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engage any member of the human race...in addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye".

I am also in agreement with the following statements issued by the WHITE HOUSE:

"Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe thee is a planet other than ours that is home to life.

Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them - especially any intelligent ones - are extremely small, given the distances involved.

But that's all statistics and speculation.

The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth".

Having said all this and having my position clarified, I am still intrigued by the "beliefs" of a segment of the population when it comes to UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies, i.e., that we have been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial entities in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft and this is all covered up by the government.

This is the reason why, despite my skeptical stance, I try to be open-minded enough to welcome anyone to write a book on UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies.

As I mentioned in the beginning, one such book that I am quite fascinated with is Anthony Sanchez's controversial, book UFO HIGHWAY, http://www.ufohighway.com

So much so that I offered to write a short FOREWORD to it, regardless of whether his "findings" and his alleged "source" are credible or not.

As I stated clearly in the FOREWORD, there is not a single, solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever that there is a physical U.S. operated underground base (much less a joint U.S./alien one at that) in Dulce, New Mexico.

However, there seem to be (at least to me) some circumstantial evidences (including many reports and testimonies from many individuals in the local Jicarilla Apache community of Dulce, an area filled with deep-rooted cultural and spiritual beliefs) that "something" is there in Dulce. What that "something" is, I do not know and I do not claim to know.

Ultimately, at least to me, Anthony Sanchez's intriguing book is not about UFOs, nor about aliens nor about an alien base. It is about the role of "belief".

Could collective "beliefs" ever create another level of "reality" somewhere in time and space?

As I insinuated in the FOREWORD, could it be that there is a "highway" through which other "realities" could be interacting with the human psyche in certain locations?

Is there an alternate "reality" lurking and interacting with the human psyche behind the physical facade of Dulce and its surroundings and, by further extension, the entire region east of the Four Corners area of New Mexico?
Yes, this is all nothing but speculation.

We may never know.

I highly recommend UFO HIGHWAY because it is not only a great read but it is a psychological eyeopener and makes us want to ask questions, questions that could very well affect our understanding of what reality ultimately is.

UFOs in Dulce, New Mexico, Part 1 - - by Norio Hayakawa

Published on Oct 8, 2017

26:59 minutes

Note will post part 2 when updated:


8th October 2017, 20:52
Donna Summer - State of independence (1982)
Donna Summer's 'State of Independence' is one of my ultimate 'goosebumps' tracks - and for long a bit of a guilty pleasure, I must admit. Few people know who actually did the backing vocals.


8th October 2017, 21:49
Probably the best sitcom ever


9th October 2017, 03:02

Gary Lachman - Beyond The Robot: The Life and Work of Colin Wilson

Part One

Published on Oct 8, 2017

Gary Lachman discusses his book 'Beyond the Robot - The Life and Work of Colin Wilson'. Colin Wilson was a literary and cultural rebel, and one of the most adventurous, hopeful, and least understood visionary intellects of the past century. Author of over a hundred books including the 1956 classic 'The Outsider', Wilson purveyed a philosophy of mind power and human potential that made him arguably the only optimistic existentialist.

In part one, we outline Wilson's core philosophy and worldview which saw the purpose, meaning, and destiny of humanity - and indeed all life – in the evolution of consciousness toward ever more expansive states of complexity and awareness. Although Wilson felt that in many ways Western civilization has hit a dead end, he ultimately rejected responses rooted in nihilism and negativity. For Wilson, consciousness does not passively reflect the world, rather it reaches out and grabs it. Perception, he believed, is participatory, and we are active agents in shaping reality. However, our inculcated fear of responsibility, of freedom, and of our own creative capacity for greatness, keeps most of us mired in a meaningless, mechanistic view of the Universe drifting between hedonism and despair. Many of us ask if there is more to life than this, and the answer is a resounding 'Yes!' As Wilson himself wrote “My life's task is to light a fire with damp sticks. The drizzle falls incessantly. Yet I feel that if only I could really get the blaze started, it would become so large and fierce that nothing could stop it.”



1:02:42 minutes


9th October 2017, 05:45
New Film Shines Spotlight On Kubrick's Right-Hand Man At Cannes



Stanley Kubrick’s Right-Hand Man Speaks:
The Personal Toll of Working With a Genius

Leon Vitali’s career spent working alongside Stanley Kubrick is a case study of both
selfless devotion and self-destructive mania. He wouldn’t have it any other way.


"Every serious cinephile is aware of Stanley Kubrick, but far fewer are familiar with Leon Vitali, the English co-star of Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon who, following that performance, became the auteur’s steadfast right-hand man. Doing everything asked of him by the legendarily meticulous filmmaker—from taking notes, creating marketing materials, and color-coding prints, to casting, rehearsing with stars, and acting himself—Vitali was the irreplaceable assistant who helped shepherd to the screen The Shining, Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut, even as his vital role in those projects remained largely hidden from the public.

That situation is justly rectified by Tony Zierra’s Filmworker, a superb documentary about Vitali’s career alongside Kubrick that serves as a case study of both selfless devotion and self-destructive mania—as well as a much-deserved celebration of a true artist-behind-the-artist. And according to its subject, it certainly doesn’t overstate how uniquely demanding it was to work with one of cinema’s true geniuses.

“Balance is a word that rarely came into my vocabulary throughout my whole time, whether I was working with Stanley or not,” Vitali chuckles when speaking to me from Los Angeles, two days before Filmworker’s premiere (this Tuesday) at the New York Film Festival. “I’m just one of those people who gets quite emotional once they got locked into something. And some things take on proportions of life and death.” Though he found watching himself on screen in this form “a little bit weird,” he confesses, “I can honestly say it didn’t exaggerate, in any stretch of the imagination, how fraught or tense it could be. Or how time intensive.”

As revealed by Zierra’s intimate portrait, Vitali and Kubrick’s relationship was a knotty one. It began on the set of Barry Lyndon, a 1975 period piece epic in which Vitali—a trained Shakespearean actor who, to that point, had enjoyed significant success on the stage and screen—was cast as the stepson of Ryan O’Neal’s title character. At one point, Kubrick had O’Neal and Vitali repeatedly re-do a scene in which O’Neal’s Lyndon viciously beats Vitali’s Lord Bullingdon, to O’Neal’s mounting horror—a moment emblematic of the forthcoming relationship between Kubrick and Vitali. When production neared completion, Vitali—enamored with Kubrick’s brilliance—asked if he might work alongside the filmmaker in the future. That request would lead to his eventual role as Kubrick’s veritable right-hand man, handling every major or minor task asked of him by the demanding director, be it coaching Danny Lloyd in The Shining (in clips, we see him literally running beside the camera, coaching the young star), or overseeing VHS box art and perfecting celluloid prints of past movies, each of which Kubrick insisted be personally inspected."


"It was, in short, a dream job, albeit one that took many of Vitali’s confidants by surprise (since he was forgoing a promising acting career), and which eventually took an immense toll on his health, with round-the-clock toil—always on call, always managing the tiniest minutia—leading to multiple hospitalizations and severe weight loss. “When I started to talk to a lot of people, I started to realize, wait a minute, Leon was really in the middle,” Zierra says. “He was the filter. The go-between.” Yet the price for that closeness was considerable: loss of time with his family, risks to his well-being, and a subordination of his own identity. “What a story. Because you go in and want to talk about Kubrick, but then you realize that all that Kubrick has left is this kind of apprentice. He was so loyal to Stanley, but the guy almost didn’t exist.”

Convincing Vitali to participate in the documentary wasn’t easy, as Zierra soon learned. “I had an expectation in my mind [about Vitali], and then I found his address. He literally lives off Venice Boulevard in this tiny house. I pulled up, and this being just came out, and he looked like he’d been run over by a train. So done. He was almost like a helpless puppy,” he recalls. To overcome the man’s reticence, Zierra figured out a way to get his would-be subject talking. “I told him, ‘I’ll make you a deal—I’ll clean your house. I’ll put all your stuff away, empty all your boxes.’ That was me being savvy, in the sense of, if I clean everything, he’ll remember as we open boxes, and he’ll start to talk.”

The trick succeeded, and for the next three years, Zierra interviewed not only Vitali but also former colleagues, including Full Metal Jacket stars Matthew Modine and R. Lee Ermey, the latter of whom credits his role, and career, to Vitali’s efforts. Using a wealth of film clips and behind-the-scenes footage and photos, Filmworker gets as close to Kubrick as any previous documentary, presenting a warts-and-all snapshot of the director vis-à-vis his close bond with Vitali, who was responsible for (among innumerable other things) helping Kubrick decide to make The Shining, as well as performing in a variety of roles—notably, the Red Cloak in Eyes Wide Shut.

It was, by all accounts, a taxing partnership. But as Vitali says, it grew into its eventual form slowly, with new responsibilities emerging over time. “The nature of the profession, for want of a better word, is that it is, generally, a short-term tenure. So what was also to me a rather beautiful process was—you know, he’d spring something on me. During Full Metal Jacket, for instance, he wasn’t having much joy with layout for the newspaper and magazine ads. And so he just said, ‘Oh my god, you do something.’ So I did something, and he looked at it, and he said ‘Yeah, that’s it. That’s exactly what I wanted.’ So I had to do all the magazine and newspaper ads throughout the whole world, except the U.S. And it takes a long time! You’re going by millimeters—I’m not joking.”

Filmworker suggests that Vitali’s willingness to put up with Kubrick’s incessant, exacting demands was born from his relationship with his own father, a similarly kind-yet-volatile individual. Yet Vitali claims a more central reason for going to such lengths to please Kubrick was that he believed in the man’s greatness, and had to give as much to his vision as the tireless Kubrick did. “When some people talk about leading by example—well, it’s a nice idea, but you don’t quite get it. Then you come across somebody who gets it, but pushes it further past those lines, and doesn’t make it easy for himself – that’s the thing. He could be working until six in the morning, if we had a release day for Hong Kong, say. And we’d check every reel of every print before we’d let it go. A lot of people say, ‘Well, what’s the point, people don’t notice this or notice that.’ Well, the thing is, some people do. And more importantly, he did. And then, over time, I learned that you can’t escape it. If you see something is wrong, you’ve got to fix it. You can’t avoid it. It just becomes a bit of a mission, I suppose, but one that is fulfilling when you finally get to the end of it.”


"Zierra agrees. “He saw what Stanley did to himself. Stanley did more things to himself than he did to other people. I mean, Stanley really pushed himself to death, to get the work done. So if Stanley is going to do it to himself…”

Moreover, Vitali simply craved the overarching experience of teaming with Kubrick on an undertaking, from start to finish—a desire he’d first felt when he was just acting. “Maybe I was just ripe for it. I wanted that totality of feeling that you get when you start a project, and then you’re there at the very end of it, and that includes distribution and everything.”

Even after Kubrick’s passing in March 1999, Vitali remained the doggedly loyal steward of his collaborator’s oeuvre, supervising the arduous process of restoring Kubrick’s movies, even when others—including those at Warner Bros.—grew tired of his painstaking methods. To Vitali, such steadfastness came, and continues to come, naturally. “If I didn’t [feel obliged to protect the movies,] I’d feel like a shameful hypocrite. Because I believe in it so totally. I really, really do. And I know that not every film is a Stanley Kubrick film. As some used to say to me, ‘He’s dead now, what does it matter?’ I used to pull what hair I had left out, just wanting to scream—it seemed to me such an illogical reasoning, especially when you’ve been a part of getting the work to where it is. That would feel like a terrible negation.”

To this day, Vitali regrets the long-worked-on Kubrick projects that never came to fruition, most notably The Wartime Lies, a drama about a Jewish woman’s survival of the Holocaust with the aid of Nazis that, he states, had “all sorts of nuances that I thought were so great, and would have been so beautiful to bring out. And we worked so hard on it, we really did. The day he decided not to do it, believe me, it was the quickest funeral you’ve ever been to in your life. He had these drawers where he kept these projects, and he just opened the drawer, looked at the script, and said ‘Goodbye to that,’ and off it went into a shredder!”

Furthermore, though he expresses respect for Steven Spielberg and his A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (a movie Kubrick had originated, and tried to make for years), he dubs that entire endeavor “a trap,” considering that there was just no way for anyone to truly duplicate what Kubrick might have ultimately achieved—both because his artistry was so singular, and because he often didn’t figure out how to shoot a given sequence until he was on set. Thus, any attempt by Spielberg to mimic Kubrick would have required “a 24-hour séance,” he laughs.

In the documentary’s most heartbreaking sequence, Vitali is both not consulted on, or even invited to the premiere of, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s (LACMA) 2012 “Stanley Kubrick” exhibit—an insult of the highest order for a man who was so crucial to Kubrick’s final three decades. To Zierra, that’s part and parcel of an industry that has little respect for the myriad men and women whose unheralded contributions make the industry—and celebrated artists—thrive. “No one wants to sit and talk about the janitor, or the grip guy. They’re not important. It’s a status thing. That’s why Leon wasn’t invited to LACMA. Not because people hated Leon,” he stresses. “So the whole point of this documentary, as Lisa Leone says in the movie, is [to highlight that] it’s the people below the line who are the ones that elevate the people above the line.”

A film of both formal gracefulness and intense compassion that digs deeply into the way acquiescing to another’s vision can be both insane and insanely rewarding, Filmworker movingly lionizes Vitali as an essential component of Kubrick’s work, and legacy. For his part, Zierra isn’t sure that, with Kubrick now gone, Vitali will ever quite be the same. “It’s almost like Stanley basically built Leon from scratch. He molded and shaped Leon to be a devoted spokesperson and guy behind him, because at the end of the day, the movie is what mattered. And Leon learned that. I think Leon got so buried inside that, he has no idea what the hell happened. And I don’t think he’ll recover.”

Talk to Vitali, however, and he sounds not only still devoted to the late filmmaker, but deeply proud of what they accomplished together. “When I started Barry Lyndon, I had one dialogue scene, that was all, and a couple of poncing-around and looking like a spoiled young brat [scenes],” he remembers with audible joy in his voice. “But from the first moment I met him, I thought it was going to be more hero-worship, and it wasn’t. You got talked to like an adult. You know, I was a young actor, and he spoke to you as if you should know everything that we’re trying to do. So it wiped away the luster of ‘Ooh, I’m acting in a Stanley Kubrick movie.’ It was, in the end, driving you as well. You weren’t acting anymore; you were being. And there’s a big difference. It was wonderful.”

And as for whether old habits die hard? “I brought him to see a rough cut [of Filmworker], and I could see that he’s been programmed by Stanley,” says Zierra. “Because there was this ticking sound that I was still working on, and he was like ‘I hear a tick! I hear a tick!’ But that’s what makes Stanley’s movies beautiful, and so amazing—is that everyone gave their best, whether they liked it or not.”

Like mentor, like apprentice."

Source (https://www.thedailybeast.com/stanley-kubricks-right-hand-man-speaks-the-personal-toll-of-working-with-a-genius)

9th October 2017, 06:17
From 'Up at the Ranch ...

James Gilliland's ~ As You Wish Talk Radio 10/7/2017

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel

Published on Oct 8, 2017

57:00 minutes


9th October 2017, 19:25
Things are not always what they seem ...


Wooly Bully (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wooly_Bully)

Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_the_Sham)


9th October 2017, 19:34
Speaking of Wooly ...


9th October 2017, 19:43
The Rise of Eugenics - Why Big Oil Conquered The World


Published on Oct 9, 2017
WATCH THE FULL DOCUMENTARY FOR FREE: https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/

Eugenics. This was the guiding vision of JDR3 and the Rockefeller family’s “philanthropy.” A vision that cast the Rockefellers and their fellow oiligarchs as superior families, fit by very virtue of their wealth and success to guide the course of world events. The power to determine who was fit to breed and who was too poor to pass on their genes...

3:38 minutes


Emil El Zapato
9th October 2017, 21:34
Things are not always what they seem ...


Wooly Bully (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wooly_Bully)

Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_the_Sham)


Number 2 song of the year...1965 and my dad's favorite song....

10th October 2017, 00:41
Actually from US > China then Singapore !

What's It Like Flying Halfway Around the World? USA to Singapore

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Oct 6, 2017

23:52 minutes


10th October 2017, 01:07
TheAnarchast (https://anarchast.com/about/)

Making Money via Multilevel Marketing & Cryptocurrency Mining

Jeff Berwick with Joby Weeks

Published on Oct 7, 2017

Anarchast Ep384

Jeff interviews returning guest Joby Weeks of BitClub while in Monaco. Topics include: there is no poker in Monaco! big money and boats in Monaco, permanent travelers, traveling the world promoting bitcoin, passive income, wealth creation, Bitclub has to throttle growth, shares limited to 100 shares and hour, Ethereum and GPU mining, Peter Schiff vs Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin silver coins, Bitclub's network marketing system, referrals and residuals, old money moving into bitcoin.

28:36 minutes


10th October 2017, 05:21
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Official Trailer (2017)

Published on Oct 9, 2017

Plot Summary Luke Skywalker's peaceful and solitary existence gets upended
when he meets Rey, a young woman who shows strong signs of the Force...

Release Date: December 15th, 2017


10th October 2017, 05:56
Rage Against The Machine - Voice Of The Voiceless
Through steel walls / Your voice blastin' on
True rebel my brother / Mumia I reflect upon
You be tha spark / That set all tha prairie fires on
Make tha masses a mastodon path
To trample tha fascists on / At fifteen exposed Philly's finest killing machine
With boots and mad guns / They tried to pacify you young
Cause and effect / Smell tha smoke and tha breeze
My panther my brother / We are at war until you're free

You'll never silence tha voice of tha voiceless


10th October 2017, 06:16
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Official Trailer (2017)

Published on Oct 9, 2017

Plot Summary Luke Skywalker's peaceful and solitary existence gets upended
when he meets Rey, a young woman who shows strong signs of the Force...

Release Date: December 15th, 2017

Serge 'Merde' Skywalker's Finest Hour

Veteran Jedi Serge Skywalker's peaceful and solitary existence in a small French village gets upended by agents of The Dark Side
Facing his destiny he shows strong signs of the Force when picks up his light saber again


10th October 2017, 14:42
Some trumpsationalism ...

Bob Corker Gives Trump A Taste Of His Own Medicine: A Twitter Insult

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"The President lashed out at Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker with a
trilogy of tweets over the weekend. Corker only needed one for his rebuttal."

Published on Oct 10, 2017

7:18 minutes


Also ...

Jon Stewart Grants Trump's Request For Equal Time On Late-Night

"The President called for 'anti-Trump' late night host(s) to give him 'equal time' on their show.
Stephen can only think of one person to help play, excuse the phrase, devil's advocate."

6:56 minutes


10th October 2017, 15:06
Funny stuff. Was just watching these. :lol::lol::lol:

Emil El Zapato
10th October 2017, 15:16
Hi Dreamtimer,

I can't even appreciate the humor because it is so true...the only difference between him and the Vegas shooter is that Trump is President of the United States!

10th October 2017, 15:26
Tragedy has long been coupled with comedy and I believe they are well-suited. Sometimes comedy gives the best avenue for expression while providing the opportunity for the relief of laughter. And there's often a fine line between laughter and tears.

We are in a time of chaos. Good, smart comedy is a necessity. And there is a lot of it. I'm personally very glad I can catch it on You Tube because I can't stay up late to watch all the shows.

10th October 2017, 18:41
This happened on our Earth 09-10 October 2017


10th October 2017, 20:50
Todd Rundgren - A Wizard, A True Star
I was filling up a usb stick with mainly modern dance music - psy trance, techno, deep house etc - for a kid I met at a brainstorm weekend over the concept of a new hugely sponsored festival in 2018, and decided to also put a top 10 on it with albums I would take with me to a deserted island. This is one I certainly would not forget, because it still hasn't worn out

Arthur Wood made the painting that is featured on the cover. Arthur included cryptic symbols in his cover art that, when deciphered, spell out the following messages:
- "I, Arthur Wood, painted this."
- "Be true to your words, and your words will be true to you."
- "Be true to yourself and your work."
- "I will be as true to you as I can."
- "Tenderness is the secret to love, as far as I can see. -- Todd Rundgren"


NB: at 26:25 starts a track called 'Sometimes I Don't Know What to Feel'. It's buzzing in my head for a week now.

11th October 2017, 05:36
How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news

PBS NewsHour

Published on Oct 10, 2017
The country’s largest owner of local TV stations, the Sinclair Broadcast Group, which reaches over a third of homes across the nation, wants to get even bigger by merging with the Tribune Media Company. But Sinclair is raising concerns among media watchers because of its practice of combining news with partisan political opinion. William Brangham reports.

8:57 minutes


11th October 2017, 05:45
No clowning around with these guys ...


11th October 2017, 05:55
Exploring SINGAPORE: Multi-Cultural City of the Future

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Oct 8, 2017
One evening in the awesome city of Singapore.

15:27 minutes


Continuing ...

How to Get from Krabi, Thailand to Ko Lanta Island

Published on Oct 9, 2017
The bus and ferry trip from Krabi to Ko Lanta island in southern Thailand.

11:28 minutes


11th October 2017, 14:03
♪ He's a newsman living in Manhattan ...
Got a rock band that plays all the rock oldies ...
Got a girlfriend named Mika Brzezinski sitting by his side ...
And he's free - free falling - And he's free falling down Park Avenue boulevard ♪


Joe "Scarborough" Performs 'Welcome To The Monkey House'


11th October 2017, 14:24
WTF ...

Before ...


After ...

https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims3/GLOB/legacy_thumbnail/1028x675/format/jpg/quality/85/http%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fhss%2Fstorage%2Fmidas% 2Fa06bd9b26bde11aab1e162795f293138%2F0%2FRTS1FSWX. jpeg

‘Armageddon’: Apocalyptic images show the devastation caused by deadly wine-country fires (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/10/09/these-images-show-the-devastation-caused-by-californias-deadly-wine-country-fires/?utm_term=.cf1f0fe230c7)

11th October 2017, 14:42
His latest topical musing ...

Who Is Telling YouTube To Censor? - Morris

Published on Oct 11, 2017

12:34 minutes


11th October 2017, 15:02
Happy to report today this local young lady has finally reached her goal ...


Kids start lemonade stand to pay off Coeur d'Alene lunch debt (http://www.khq.com/story/36204542/kids-start-lemonade-stand-to-pay-off-coeur-dalene-lunch-debt)

11th October 2017, 15:50
Working for the company ...

5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA


Published on Oct 11, 2017
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=24203

When you think of a CIA agent, you probably think of the Hollywood stereotypes: a tall, athletic man in a black suit with dark sunglasses, walking around with one hand on his gun and the other on his ear piece.

But that's stupid. Spies are meant to blend in, not stick out, and the best spies are the ones you're least likely to expect. So I bet you never knew these people were secretly working for the CIA...

7:09 minutes


11th October 2017, 16:28
With flicking lights, a banging door, rattling lockers, and a wet floor sign that goes flying out of nowhere, this video footage could be a scene taken straight from a horror movie.

Yet, for those skeptics out there, it isn't the only evidence of a ghost (or multiple ghosts) floating around the school. Deerpark's headteacher, Aaron Wolfe, told Unilad that teachers and students have reported other strange happenings over the years, including a strange chill outside of the religion room and unexplained noises from the bathroom."Our caretaker has worked in the school for over 30 years he recalls many stories of ‘paranormal activity,'" Wolfe told Unilad. "For example on one occasion the school was hosting an exotic bird show, and the birds arrived the day before, because the organisers were worried that someone might break in and steal the birds, someone had to stay overnight.

That person left the school in the middle of the night — they refused to stay any longer as they said that they heard ‘the last call’ being played on a trumpet — of course this could have just been the wind!"

At another time, a student thought he heard someone crying in the bathroom stall, but there was no one there when the stalls were checked. Deerpark C.B.S is the oldest school in that part of Ireland, having been founded in 1828, Unilad reports. So, it's not that shocking that a spirit or two has stuck around.

Luckily, it doesn't seem that Wolfe or the other staff and students at the school are all that frightened, though if anyone has the Ghostbusters' number, they'd be happy if you passed it along.

source (http://www.refinery29.com/2017/10/175989/haunted-high-school-ghost-video)

Ghost/poltergeist caught on camera?

"Prank or poltergeist? CCTV footage from Deerpark CBS, the oldest
(and most haunted!!!!?) school on the south side of Cork City."

Published on Oct 2, 2017


11th October 2017, 17:27

From the 2nd show in LA - July 21, 1969


The Aquarius Theatre

The Doors - Light my Fire'

'Busted, Pussycat a Go-Go!'


12th October 2017, 08:27
a Capitol perk ...


An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress,

12th October 2017, 17:09
#NewWorldNextWeek ...
The Harebrained Scheme to Use Clooney and Jolie as Super Spies

And much more ...


Published on Oct 12, 2017
Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Clooney Asked To Spy On Gaddafi, Jolie On Kony

The International Criminal Court Exposed

The Assassination of Gaddafi – GRTV Backgrounder

Angelina Jolie ‘Offered' To Help Snare Kony In Honeytrap Dinner

History Commons: Luis Moreno-Ocampo

Wikipedia: Satellite Sentinel Project

CFR: “Clooney”

CFR: “Jolie”

5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA

NWNW Flashback: CFR Clooney Raised $15 Million For Hillary & DNC, Denounced Money In Politics Day Later (Apr. 21, 2016)

NWNW Flashback: Full Disclosure and the Further Exposure of the So-Called Elite (Dec. 18, 2014)

Story #2: Blackwater Founder Prince Weighing U.S. Senate Run

Michael Krieger on Erik Prince’s Insane Post-Blackwater Career

Douglas Valentine on the Resurrection of the Phoenix Program

Story #3: After Massive Show Of Uprising, Catalonia Bails On Formal Independence Declaration

NWNW Flashback: The Radical Leftist, Anti-Bailout Syriza Party Won in Greece’s National Elections (Feb. 4, 2015)

President Trump Meets With Dr. Henry Kissinger… Again

16:48 minutes


12th October 2017, 17:54

Marilyn Manson on WTF with Marc Maron


Despite being born Brian Warner, Marilyn Manson doesn't separate his stage persona from who he is as a person. That makes for an interesting chat with Marc in the garage. Marilyn talks about his early years getting kicked out of Christian school, being beaten up for playing the triangle in the school band, and starting up a poetry night for his first taste of performing. He also talks about becoming friends with Alice Cooper, patching things up with Trent Reznor, and getting a kick out of David Lynch. This episode is sponsored by The Jim Jefferies Show Podcast and Squarespace.

Published on Oct 12, 2017

1"11:27 minutes

For those inclined


12th October 2017, 21:57
Published on Oct 12, 2017

1"11:27 minutes

For those inclined


Haha, good one gio!

13th October 2017, 02:21
#vanlife ... (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23vanlife)

How A Hippie-Inspired Lifestyle Gets Monetized For Social Media | Outliers Ep. 3


Published on Oct 12, 2017
A scroll through the #vanlife hashtag on Instagram is replete with images of lovingly restored VWs, enviable campsites, and golden hour yoga. These posts represent a kind of crowd-sourced lifestyle brand that promises a simpler, more aesthetically-pleasing existence, free from 9-5 jobs, mortgages and bad lighting.

With more than 2 million posts tagged on Instagram, #vanlife’s growing popularity has attracted the attention not only of journalists, but also of social media marketers. As ad-blocking technology spreads and audiences fragment, companies are employing more novel and creative work-arounds to reach consumers. One crucial strategy is influencer marketing, where social media micro-celebrities advertise directly to their followers on behalf of brands. And now some #vanlifers are getting in on the action, using their counterculture aesthetic to court ad dollars.

VICE drove up to Vermont’s Green Mountains to meet with the couple behind one up-and-coming #vanlife account to see what it takes to turn an off-the-grid life into an online brand.

6:50 minutes


13th October 2017, 15:02
Via Norio Hayakawa - who wrote the foreward for Anthony Sanchez's controversial book "UFO HIGHWAY"...

Now 5 years 10 months ago ...

by Norio Hayakawa, sponsor of the Civilian Intelligence Network whose focus has been on the study of how a segment of the population's "beliefs in UFOs" (as physical alien spacecraft) may have been manipulated and (in some cases, may even have been created) and taken advantage of by the U.S. Intelligence community and by the military in certain counter intelligence programs and operations:

Where I stand on UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies and my take on Anthony Sanchez's intriguing but highly controversial book, UFO HIGHWAY

I hereby reiterate my stance on this matter:

As far as I am concerned, there has never been any single, solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable (publicly acknowledged) evidence whatsoever that we have ever been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial entities in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft. ("physical", based on our concept and understanding of the terminology)

This has been my bottom line for many, many years and I will continue to take this stand until the day such evidence is manifested beyond question.

However, this does not mean that the so-called UFO phenomenon does not exist.
In fact, it is my belief that this phenomenon has existed from time immemorial.
Unfortunately, I have seen no solid evidence that this phenomenon has anything to do with physical extraterrestrial visitations.

Despite having been involved in the so-called "UFO research" for 50 years or so (I began my involvement with this field since around 1961), I am the first to admit that I have found no answers when it comes to this puzzling phenomenon.

I am bascially in agreement with the statement recently issued by the WHITE HOUSE (on November 7, 2011), i.e., that the "U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engage any member of the human race...in addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye".

I am also in agreement with the following statements issued by the WHITE HOUSE:

"Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe thee is a planet other than ours that is home to life.

Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them - especially any intelligent ones - are extremely small, given the distances involved.

But that's all statistics and speculation.

The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth".

Having said all this and having my position clarified, I am still intrigued by the "beliefs" of a segment of the population when it comes to UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies, i.e., that we have been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial entities in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft and this is all covered up by the government.

This is the reason why, despite my skeptical stance, I try to be open-minded enough to welcome anyone to write a book on UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies.

As I mentioned in the beginning, one such book that I am quite fascinated with is Anthony Sanchez's controversial, book UFO HIGHWAY, http://www.ufohighway.com

So much so that I offered to write a short FOREWORD to it, regardless of whether his "findings" and his alleged "source" are credible or not.

As I stated clearly in the FOREWORD, there is not a single, solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever that there is a physical U.S. operated underground base (much less a joint U.S./alien one at that) in Dulce, New Mexico.

However, there seem to be (at least to me) some circumstantial evidences (including many reports and testimonies from many individuals in the local Jicarilla Apache community of Dulce, an area filled with deep-rooted cultural and spiritual beliefs) that "something" is there in Dulce. What that "something" is, I do not know and I do not claim to know.

Ultimately, at least to me, Anthony Sanchez's intriguing book is not about UFOs, nor about aliens nor about an alien base. It is about the role of "belief".

Could collective "beliefs" ever create another level of "reality" somewhere in time and space?

As I insinuated in the FOREWORD, could it be that there is a "highway" through which other "realities" could be interacting with the human psyche in certain locations?

Is there an alternate "reality" lurking and interacting with the human psyche behind the physical facade of Dulce and its surroundings and, by further extension, the entire region east of the Four Corners area of New Mexico?
Yes, this is all nothing but speculation.

We may never know.

I highly recommend UFO HIGHWAY because it is not only a great read but it is a psychological eyeopener and makes us want to ask questions, questions that could very well affect our understanding of what reality ultimately is.

UFOs in Dulce, New Mexico, Part 1 - - by Norio Hayakawa

Published on Oct 8, 2017

26:59 minutes

Note will post part 2 when updated:


In summation /The bottom line ...

UFOs in Dulce, New Mexico, Part 2 - - Norio Hayakawa

Published on Oct 12, 2017

14:23 minutes


13th October 2017, 15:11
Listen up ...


Where's all the - Ice ice baby ...

Solar Storm Continues, La Niña Forecast | S0 News Oct.13.2017


Published on Oct 13, 2017

5:33 minutes


13th October 2017, 15:20
'Talk to the hand' ...


13th October 2017, 16:04
In the spirit of the day ...

5 Creepiest & Most Haunted Locations in the World | Episode 2 | United States of America


Published on Oct 12, 2017
America is full of haunted locations, and in this episode, we are looking at five that are
believed to be especially haunted... Grab your pillow, hit the lights, sit back and enjoy.

14:47 minutes


13th October 2017, 16:13
Take it all for what its worth for you ...
Some differing search engine choices ...

So You've Decided To Boycott Google...


Published on Oct 13, 2017
JOIN THE OPEN SOURCE INVESTIGATION: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=24412

You've decided to boycott Google? Congratulations! That's a great idea! But now, where do you go for alternatives? Are there any other search engines? Join The Corbett Report's open source investigation into search alternatives as we explore the good the bad and the ugly of online filter bubbles.

14:54 minutes


13th October 2017, 21:17
The Rodney Dangerfield of the rabbit hole community ...
Who never gets any respect ...

C.W. Chanter

This Week in Conspiracy (analytical overview)

Streamed live 3 hours ago - Friday 10/13/17
Many topics will be discussed, please do enjoy

1:33:10 min.

Gets going at the 6 minute mark


Emil El Zapato
13th October 2017, 21:35
I like this guy, he actually makes sense...

13th October 2017, 21:44
Time to pay the piper ...


Harvey Weinstein

The End

by The Doors


13th October 2017, 23:03
Will share this here ...


Via Norio Hayakawa ...

It is quite rare for me to post an item such as this, especially a photo such as this, unless I consider it to be significant.

I have known Dave for quite a number of years and I consider him to be a sincere and trustworthy colleague of mine in our mutual desire to get to the bottom of this phenomenon, whatever it is.....and going beyond the superficiality of speculations and not coming to a definitive, dogmatic conclusion of what it is.

I know that he carries his camera (I am not talking about a cellphone) with him quite often (just like me). I would say that he was lucky at this moment when he took this fascinating photo. I wish it was me who took it, but I rejoice just as much the fact that it was he who was lucky enough to take this photo that evening:

Photo taken by Dave Oz on November 28, 2011 in his Farmington, New Mexico neighborhood. A series of photographs shows an object hovering almost motionless and silent, slowly moving to the left. The stars are showing some streak, yet the object is quite stationary.

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22449668_10213896786685024_2923746154629359655_n.j pg?oh=b611cb4366173de52ce2d72d7761e3d1&oe=5A82E64C

Close up of the above photo

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22405597_10213896806965531_4714965371724031286_n.j pg?oh=76b9a12b195cff08b94af04f6d4e8c66&oe=5A704EB1

14th October 2017, 04:08
Marylin Manson without makeup and with eyebrows. I enjoyed this one. He tells his story without a bunch of spin or BS. I like how he talked about having morals and ethics.

CW is a lawyer. (Don't hold that against him:whistle:)

At 46:33 in CW's vid he mentions the we're a small community. Most people aren't tuned in to this stuff. We're like people who dress up to go to the Renaissance festival. Yeah, baby. I'm not like one, I am one. Although I keep it pretty simple. I have a friend who has an entire room in her house for her gowns. They're beautiful.

14th October 2017, 11:03
Highway tales ...

Linda Moulton Howe interview with Sergeant First Class "C.J."
Strange Symbols on Disk in Georgia


Published on Oct 13, 2017
The sun set at 8:35 PM Eastern on Tuesday, June 28, 2015, in Richmond Hill, Georgia, a few miles southwest of Savannah and the Hunter Army Airfield. Two hours before at 5:34 PM, Army Sergeant 1st Class “C.J.”, his wife, two children, a dog and a cat set off in their pickup truck for a family move to Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Fort Carson. C. J. programmed their Colorado Springs “final destination” into his new GPS.

C. J. told Earthfiles, “We had animals in the back of the truck, and it's safer for us to travel with our dog in the back of the truck with a topper on it. And we wanted to drive in the evening so that our dog and cat would not get overheated. That's also when there's less traffic and we can cover more ground.”

But high strangeness set in on Route 16 that mysteriously caused them to veer onto US 1 north to Wadley, Georgia. Even more strange was the large disc with odd symbols on it that suddenly came over their car in Wad ley around 1:20 AM Eastern, on June 29th.

After the disc took off, C. J. looked at his cell phone and it read 1:28 AM Eastern. He and his wife were very confused about what had happened for nearly five minutes when the disc was over the road in front of them. How could they be in Wadley off course 112 miles from Richmond Hill? Why would it have taken 5 hours, 8:30 PM to 1:30 AM? C. J. had only stopped briefly a couple of short stops on I-16, first for the kids to use the bathroom and he bought a bungee cord to hold down their belongings in the back of the pickup that had been shifting around.

Immediately after the UFO encounter, C. J. drove up the road a few miles to the Shake Rag express on HWY 1 South. “We needed to stop because we were shook up.” C. J. told Earthfiles. “When we got back on the road and drove a while that's where we ended up at the church with the graveyard and had to reset our GPS. It took us on other highways toward Atlanta. We never got back on HWY 1. We avoided going back.”

C. J. was still driving northwest when the sun came up at 6:30 AM on June 29, 2015. An hour later at 7:30 AM, exhausted and troubled, C. J. got his family checked into a motel for much needed sleep. But even then, high strangeness continued. Here now is C. J. on the record, but asking for anonymity because he wants to protect his Army career.

11:27 minutes


An independent summary:

Five Star UK Admiral & Chief of Defense Blows Whistle on UFOs

2:43 minutes


Just as I do not question the truth of my colleague and friend Dr. Jesse A. Marcel Jr.’s story about his first-person involvement with a crashed Extraterrestrial UFO in Roswell in 1947, or the above statement from Lord Hill-Norton, I am just as certain that journalist Linda Moulton Howe publishes what she believes to be reliable, but oftentimes difficult to verify information on her website, Earthfiles (www.earthfiles.com).

Over the past few days and after reading Linda Moulton Howe’s October 3, 2015 report concerning a series of strange events that involved U.S. Army Sergeant 1st Class “C.J.” and his family, I have been feeling a deeper-than-usual level of frustration, resentment, and grave concern regarding our government’s / military’s long-standing and ongoing cover-up of the UFO / ET reality. I continually wonder what we might all do to help end this ill-conceived and harmful policy which began so long ago, and that continues through the present day. Given the content of the message (see below) received by “C.J.” as related in Linda’s Earthfiles report, I believe that we should all be very concerned. However, because our nation’s leaders have chosen to withhold the honest truth about ET visitation to this planet for so long, I know that most people are unlikely to take C.J.’s story or similar accounts seriously unless and until they hear the Truth spoken from our President in the up-front, straight-forward manner that Truth should always be spoken by a President of the United States of America.

Briefly summarized, Army Sergeant 1st Class C.J. and his family leave Hunter Army Airfield, Richmond Hill, Georgia at 8:30 PM on June 28, 2015. The family is moving to C.J.’s new post assignment at Fort Carson near Colorado Springs, CO. C.J. enters their final destination of Colorado Springs, CO into his new GPS. They leave the Savannah metro area following Interstate Hwy 16.

While still following their GPS but for an unknown reason (perhaps due to an unusually dense fog) they deviate from their I-16 course and instead turn on to US Hwy 1 N. At 1:20 AM on June 29, they find themselves in Wadely, Georgia (135 miles from Richmond Hill) and experience a huge, brilliant disc-shaped (UFO) over the road and above their truck. The UFO is an estimated 820 feet long and 160 feet high, and is at an altitude of 200 feet above their vehicle. They believe their UFO sighting to have lasted for between 5-8 minutes. However, it had been almost 5 hours since they left Richmond Hill. (i.e. the couple has approximately 3 hours of missing time). When they become re-oriented near a church in Wadely, their GPS unexpectedly indicates “arrived final destination”.

C.J. resets the GPS for Colorado Springs, CO and then drives just north of Atlanta to Kennesaw, GA. At 7:30 AM they check into the Magnuson Hotel. They rest there during daylight hours and then drive on through the following night (now June 30) to Padukah, KY, where they stopped to check into a Motel 6 at 5:34 AM. C.J. then finds himself in the bathroom of their Motel 6 room, awakened from an apparent trance state, during which he was unconsciously compelled to write down symbols consisting of lines and squares from left to right, on the back of the Motel 6 full page receipt. The symbols on the page as written by C.J. are shown in the photo below.

Squares and lines, actually binary code, written by C.J. on the back of a Motel 6 receipt.

It has been independently confirmed both by myself and another researcher (Dr. Horace Drew) that C.J.’s symbols are in fact a message written in binary code that can be translated via a standard ASCII table. C.J.’s message reads as follows:

“Continuous protection of humanity 49.27n, 11.5e. Expose Hidden Knowledge to ALL ` citizens. Advancement imperative for planetary survival. Beware of Orion 1350.3 and Z Ruticuli 39.170. Avoid [signal] messages sent.”

Linda’s Earthfiles report continues on from here, but it is here that I will end my summary of her report with this quote from her interview with C.J. that summarizes, in part, his “gut-feeling” assessment of what all of this might mean for humanity:

“I know its something that will affect us here on Earth. I know that our current state and our current advancement and technology and how we are progressing is happening too slow. And the way to fix that is opening up and allowing everyone here who’s kept in the dark or not being offered the information or not being told the information. One of the main things that needs to happen is we need to allow outside minds to know about this in order to solve the challenge of having to increase our advancement in technology and speed up our process for advancement.”

C.J., I completely agree with your assessment of what this all means, although I believe that our lack of advancement in our spiritual and social development (rather than our technological development) are the areas of greater concern. In my view the words in the message “imperative for planetary survival” carry with them a sense of urgency that should not be minimized or overlooked (nor covered up).

That those in our military / government who have taken the “might makes right” approach to preventing U.S. citizens and indeed all of Earth’s citizens from knowing the Truth about ET visitation to this planet is an example of the most un-democratic, unwise, and ignoble decision/policy-making that I have encountered during my 60 years of life on this planet Earth. From the message we have been given through you, C.J., and via Linda Moulton Howe, I, too, believe that it is clear that those who have for so long covered up this information MUST IMMEDIATELY RESCIND the UFO/ET Truth Embargo before it is too late. Through this message “they”, whoever “they” are, have delivered a mandate, a mandate that I would interpret as AN ORDER, that the Truth about the reality of ET/UFO visitation to this planet be revealed to all of mankind. From the tone of this message it does not sound as though there is a moment to lose.

As pointed out in Linda’s article by message analyst / code breaker Dr. Horace Drew, the first set of numbers communicated in the message, 49.27 n, 11.5e, are exactly the latitude and longitude geographical coordinates of Nuremberg, Germany. One visitor to The Jesse A. Marcel Library stated that her interpretation of why Nuremberg was referenced in this ET message had to do with the Nuremberg Trials held post WWII, during which members of Hitler’s Nazi regime were tried for war crimes and for crimes against humanity. This clear reference to Nuremberg may have been included in the message as a reminder that those who continue to engineer and sustain “The Truth Embargo” have now transitioned into the realm of what many (including myself) will consider to be a conscious and willful perpetration of yet another crime against humanity, a crime which may well justify trials similar to those that were carried out post-WWII in Nuremberg. My advice: “Expose Hidden Knowledge to ALL citizens.” Do it NOW.

Richard O’Connor, M.D.

Updated ...

Interview with "C.J" Part 2: Binary Code Telepathic Download


Published on Oct 14, 2017
By the early morning of June 30, 2015, after driving again all night from Kennesaw, Georgia, north of Atlanta, C. J. and his family checked into a Motel 6 in Paducah, Kentucky. Exhausted, C. J. fell into a deep sleep and remembers dreaming and becoming conscious in the motel bathroom writing down all the above squares and vertical lines on the back of his letter-size Credit Card Sales Receipt.

"It was about an hour after sunrise at 7:36 AM when we finally got just north of Atlanta and checked into the Magnuson Hotel. I could not sleep. I might have closed my eyes, but I really didn't sleep. I felt like I was wired. My wife closed her eyes briefly and might have only slept about an hour. The kids passed out for a little bit. But they were up and playing games on their tablets.

So we drove on later that day until early the next morning on June 30th, when we reached a 2-story Motel 6 in Paducah, Kentucky and checked in at 5:13 AM, according to the Credit Card Sales Receipt printed out on letter-size paper and given to me after we checked in and paid for a day to July 1, 2015. But we slept through June 30th and took off again that night of June 30th to July 1st, traveling while it was cooler and less traffic.

The Motel 6 let us bring our dog and cat to our room. We took an elevator up to a second floor room and got the kids in bed. Then my wife and I laid down. By this point, I was pretty exhausted and started to go to sleep. I know I was sleeping and I was having a dream of lights all around me. I don't know where I was in the dream."

10:58 minutes


14th October 2017, 20:36
An ongoing elephant in the room ...

Susan Clark | The 5G Conspiracy, Radiofrequency Radiation, & Eco-Genocide


Published on Oct 14, 2017
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast, as he talks... with guest, Susan Clark.

While we distract ourselves with Facebook or mindless television and damage our health with nutrient deficient foods, the elite have been carefully crafting a full spectrum attack.

Indeed, a war is raging and we find ourselves in a fight for our lives as an eco-genocide aims to depopulate the planet by depleting us of nourishment and bathing us in harmful radio-microwave frequency rays known to do damage down to microscopic levels.

Fortunately, today's guest, Susan Clark, has dedicated years to studying radio-frequency radiation bio-effects during her time spent as a research assistant for Harvard Medical School, and today, she joins The Higherside to help us understand these ongoing projects against the people.

Also please note: A few valuable link resources from the interview under Youtube show-notes.

1:23:49 minutes


15th October 2017, 05:27
Once upon a time there was a human being ...

Joachim of Fiore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joachim_of_Fiore)

And his theory of the three ages.


15th October 2017, 12:23

The Age of the Father, corresponding to the Old Testament, characterized by obedience of mankind to the Rules of God;

The Age of the Son, between the advent of Christ and 1260, represented by the New Testament, when Man became the son of God;

The Age of the Holy Spirit, impending, ushered in by an Angel with a sword, when mankind was to come in direct contact with God, reaching the total freedom preached by the Christian message. The Kingdom of the Holy Spirit, a new dispensation of universal love, would proceed from the Gospel of Christ, but transcend the letter of it. In this new Age the ecclesiastical organization would be replaced and the Order of the Just would rule the Church. This Order of the Just was later identified with the Franciscan order by his follower Gerardo of Borgo San Donnino.

15th October 2017, 13:13
He was a thousand years ahead of the times ...

"According to Joachim, only in this third Age it will be possible to really understand the words of God in its deepest meanings, and not merely literally. In this period, instead of the parousia (second Advent of Christ), a new Epoch of peace and concord would begin; also, a new religious "order" of spiritual men will arise, thus making the present hierarchy of the Church almost unnecessary ...

Thomas Aquinas confuted his theories in his Summa Theologica, but in The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri placed him in paradise. Among the Spirituals, the stricter branch of the Franciscans, a Joachite group arose, many of whom saw Antichrist already in the world in the person of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (who died in 1250).

His views also inspired several subsequent movements: the Amalricians, the Dulcinians and the Brethren of the Free Spirit. All of these were eventually declared heretical by the Catholic Church.

Of importance is the fact that Joachim himself was never condemned as a heretic by the Church; rather, the ideas and movement surrounding him were condemned. Joachim the man was held in high regard during his lifetime."

Note he is attributed for the creation of the Christian symbol of the Holy Trinity ...

And also his order and abbey later became my father's ancestral home of San Giovanni in Fiore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Giovanni_in_Fiore)
and my Franciscan namesake.

The truth will set you (us) free !

15th October 2017, 23:03
Good One ...

Linda Moulton Howe w/ - Grant Cameron & Nancy Tremaine


Published on Oct 15, 2017 /Recorded - Oct 12, 2017

From KGRA Radio / "Phenomenon Radio is a show concept blending one of the most high profile experiencers with an Emmy Award winning investigative journalist to bring the most up to date and late breaking news and interviews to create a unique live weekly broadcast that delves into the UAP/UFO phenomenon like never before. With over 60 years of experience between them, John and Linda will combine their efforts in a monthly series format that focuses on specific levels of the Phenomenon that cannot be properly covered in a single 2 hour program. This show researches thought-provoking breakthroughs in the field of UAP/UFOs, to discover fascinating truths through first-hand accounts with investigative insights into the expanding confluence of physical and mental exposure to this worldwide phenomenon."

1:59:06 minutes


15th October 2017, 23:09
Art of throwing ...


15th October 2017, 23:33
♪ 'Let it roll all night long' ♪ ...


The Doors
Fillmore East - 1968

Roadhouse Blues


15th October 2017, 23:45
How Much Does it Cost to Travel in THAILAND? 1 Day on a Thai Island

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Oct 12, 2017

9:55 minutes


Also ...

What Do You Do On a Rainy Day in Thailand? Go To the Beach!

Published on Oct 15, 2017

15:48 minutes


16th October 2017, 00:32
Dogs - Art and Museums ...:)

Artist William Wegman and his Weimaraner muses

PBS NewsHour

Published on Oct 15, 2017
For more than 40 years, artist William Wegman has been making portraits and videos of his own beloved Weimaraner dogs, which have appeared in countless publications and featured on Sesame Street and Saturday Night Live. This month, he published a career retrospective book with 300 images from his vast collection. NewsHour Weekend’s Megan Thompson visited his studio and current canines in New York.

7:29 minutes


16th October 2017, 01:31
Where have all the shinny happy people days gone ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYOKMUTTDdA)

Michael Stipe Opens Up About R.E.M. and President Trump:
‘It’s a Very F*cked Up Time to Be’

The R.E.M. frontman sat down with Stereo Williams to discuss the 25th anniversary of their celebrated album ‘Automatic for the People’ and the not so shiny happy state of America ...


By Stereo Williams

"There are certain things Michael Stipe recalls about his most visible years as a rock superstar that give a clear indicator of his paradoxical relationship with icon status. He’s alternately cocky about R.E.M.’s heyday (“we were ****ing audacious”) and self-effacingly dismissive about their most celebrated ’90s album (“I feel like I’ve been repeating everything I’ve been saying for the last quarter century”). The band’s Automatic for the People, released 25 years ago in October 1992, was a creative triumph at the height of R.E.M.’s most commercial period. The quartet from Athens, Georgia, had famously risen through the ranks of ’80s college rock to become ’90s pop stars, and frontman Stipe was wrestling with newfound superstardom.

And on a balmy day in the East Village, he’s still wrestling with that fame in hindsight.

“I became extremely famous—suddenly,” Stipe recalls. He smirks when thinking back to when he’d suddenly gone from college rock enigma to Bono-level rock star.

“I used to be able to identify the people that would recognize me walking on the sidewalk in New York,” he muses. “That went from those identifiable music fans or punk rock fans or whatever—to everyone. I went from a singer in a band with a few hits and a core audience—a large core audience—but [after] ‘Losing my Religion’ and the popularity of that video… I was hugely famous and that was weird for me. I’m still and always will be shy. I’ve learned how to deal with it and finish my sentences and talk to people in a regular way, but it was intense.”

But R.E.M. was in an enviable place. The success of 1990’s multiplatinum Out of Time and its monster hit singles “Losing My Religion” and “Shiny Happy People” put Stipe and his bandmates (guitarist Peter Buck, bassist Mike Mills, and drummer Bill Berry) in the position to call some shots.

“The good part about it was, going into Automatic, it gave me the immense confidence to do whatever I wanted,” he says. “And I don’t know where that—well, the confidence came from feeling like we could do anything because we had a song of the summer, we had a No. 1 hit record around the world, we had everything. How we went from that to Automatic, which is this very, very, I mean—we stepped off a cliff together.”

The band’s confidence was justified. And they weren’t going to waste the moment.

“We understood at that point that we could release any single as the first song and radio had to play it,” shares Stipe of their newfound clout. “We were in a position of great power—to change, to shift culture towards what we wanted to hear, what we were responding to. And we took that and ran with it. It bit us in the ass eventually with ‘E-Bow the Letter’ as the first single off of New Adventures in Hi-fi. The world just whatever at that point. But for a moment for a few years there, we had that power to kind of offer anything as a music video or as a single and it would get shown and get played. And that felt really good. That felt like we were bringing popular culture to us—to the outsiders, to the island of broken toys.”

Stipe became a big brother of sorts to artists like Kurt Cobain and Thom Yorke; their conversations would inspire their respective bands in far-reaching—and often unexpected—ways. Stipe laughs thinking about his anxiety while working on “Disappear” from R.E.M.’s 2001 album Reveal.

“I wrote it, I loved it, I put it down, we were mixing and one night later I was like, ‘Holy ****ing shit. I’ve written a Radiohead song.’ So I reached out to Thom and he didn’t get back to me and I was like, ‘Uh oh, this is bad.’ So I called him and I was like, ‘I’ve written a song that was already kind of done and I think I stole it from you—‘How to Disappear Completely.’ He started laughing. ‘Michael that song is from a conversation we had and it was advice that you gave me. I think we’re even.’ Plagiarizing myself through Thom Yorke.”

Self-deprecating reflections notwithstanding, Stipe doesn’t back away from celebrating R.E.M.’s legacy as pioneers, both for their work on record and visually.

“We introduced filmmaking to MTV,” he says directly. “Madonna did an amazing thing. Michael Jackson did an amazing thing. It took too long, with MTV, for him. But I didn’t like giving people imagery like that. I thought it was silly. I’ve always been really serious about whatever it is that I do. And then I have a sense of humor about it and I’m pretty self-deprecating or whatever. I have a really good balance of ego and insecurity to be who I am or who I was, but having that power to release anything and know that it would get played—it felt really good. Pop music always felt really bad, like awful to me—the mainstream stuff. Every now and then something great would come through, Jeff Lynne, or even ‘My Sharona,’ The Cars,’ ‘Drive.’ But hearing that on pop radio or in the mall, was for me, phenomenal. I was never gonna hear ‘Birdland’ or ‘Marquee Moon’ in the mall—but I wanted to. So when we found ourselves in this position of power, we exploited it.”

But what helped “Shiny Happy People”-era R.E.M. sustain credibility were the props the band consistently got from the new grunge stars taking over the charts. These bands that a decade earlier would’ve been indie misfits not unlike R.E.M. were constantly referencing the band as a touchstone.

“Some of the ‘misfits’ were kind enough—or actually ****ing cool enough, truthfully—to say, ‘Hey, this pop band, these big guys over there, they’re ****ing cool,’” Stipe remembers. “I can’t tell you how much that meant to us. Behind the scenes, Peter had moved to Seattle. He bought a house to raise his family. Kurt and Courtney [Love] bought the house next door because they wanted to live next door to Peter Buck.”

For Stipe, that love was significant—especially considering the timing. R.E.M. was at its poppiest when Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and their ilk ascended the charts. They could have easily been framed as “The Enemy.”

“There was a camaraderie there and Peter felt a lot of warmth. And I felt vindicated and validated. This is post-‘Shiny Happy People,’ by the way. It would have been very easy for people to go, ‘That guy is an asshole for putting that out in the world.’ I like the song, but it’s a song for kids. I felt vindicated and I felt validated that these cool kids were name-checking us. Eddie Vedder and Kurt and Courtney—it meant a lot to us. Outside of Seattle, there was more… I was jealous of what was happening there. It felt really inspiring to me. There was definitely a swapping of ideas. We’d established ourselves and we were an established act, but we were still, in our own way, we were pretty punk rock. We were punk rock enough to put out ‘Shiny Happy People,’ which is the least punk rock thing you could ever do.”

And after the breakthrough success of “Shiny Happy People” and “Losing My Religion,” R.E.M. delivered these ruminations on death and loss; none of Automatic for the People’s singles had the commercial impact of Out of Time’s monster hits, but the album was an honest depiction of where Stipe was at the time.

AIDS still loomed large. Stipe himself would be hit with rumors of his own status—with wild and widespread speculation that he was dying from the disease. He would later say he didn’t talk much about it then because of the people he had seen suffer; he didn’t want to further stigmatize their struggle. In fact, that pain was part of what inspired his approach to the lyrics when he heard the music Buck, Mills, and Berry were working on.

“I went for the stuff that was super melodic and, in this case, unconsciously really somber and kind of dark,” Stipe explains. “That’s where I was. I’d watched so many people die of AIDS. My grandparents were going—they were on their way out. I had a sick dog that I was taking care of that was not gonna make it. And that sounds very conflating, but I was surrounded by death and by sadness and by darkness. I’m ultimately a really, really optimistic person and hopeful person. My glass is definitely half full. But there’s a darkness as well, and I get that from my father and I honor that from him. My sisters have it as well. It’s just very, very intense. Luckily, there’s the balance of hopefulness and optimism to kind of bring that darkness to a place of light.”

That place of light didn’t include much political subject matter. Stipe had earned a reputation for his stance on issues like environmentalism on Green and anti-Reagan rants on songs like “Exhuming McCarthy,” but Automatic largely eschews topicality.

“As a music lover, I can always tell when someone intended to write a ‘political song,’” he says with an almost offhand eye-roll. “When the intention is there, it almost always falls flat to me. When the intention is not there, when it’s instinctual and you’re like, ‘Ohmigod this is about…’ whatever. When I was in Guatemala, I didn’t mean to write about a poisonous flower that grows in Guatemala [1986’s “Flowers of Guatemala”] and I did and I was like, ‘This is clearly about U.S. intervention in Central America and what was going on behind the scenes that was murderous.’ I don’t go to music for that; I go to music for emotion.”

Stipe and politics have made for controversy in the wake of Trump’s election; the singer has gotten criticized for statements that seemed to emphasize compassion for Trump supporters. A few weeks after the 2016 election, Stipe was blasted on social media for stating that, “Rather than people voting for a racist, xenophobic agenda, an intolerant agenda, I think they were just trying to smash the machine,” during a Q&A session at the London Borderline. He says now that things are getting worse.

“We became George W. Bush’s idea of the good guys and the bad guys. And it ****ing sucks. It’s across every spectrum. Race relations in the U.S. is our No. 1 problem. It’s a really weird time to be a woman right now because there’s this incredible schism within the feminist movement—as a male feminist, it’s hard for me to talk about because I’d get shut down right away; but the election last year really ****ed it up for a lot of feminists and now there’s no conversation to be had.”

Stipe still believes that a sense of understanding and practical cooperation are the keys to moving forward.

“I tried unsuccessfully to inject a bit of nuance into a few things, and I got shut down really fast. Which is gonna happen. I understand that. I knew that I was putting myself in a firing line—I hate to say that—but in a firing line. But that’s OK, I can take it,” he says. “It’s not a time for nuance, but it’s exactly what we need. What we need is to stop talking about things like we’re living in a ****ing action movie with superheroes. These are real people with real problems and real lives. The people who are falling between the cracks are who I’m concerned with. It’s a very ****ed up time to be. That said, I’m an optimist. I think maybe things need to get really bad for people to recognize what needs to be done. I’m not sure I know what needs to be done. But we need to start listening to each other. That’s a very hippie thing to say, but… we don’t all need to have opinions on everything. We just need to listen a little more.”

Source/The Daily Beast

16th October 2017, 02:03
Nothing wrong with him ...
Something has got to give ...

82 year old man tells it like it is !


16th October 2017, 03:02
the latest ...

Randy Maugans - OffPlanet Media

Cara St. Louis (https://byebyebluesky.com/cara-st-louis/): Gangstalking, A.I., Egregore, and The Fae

"Cara St. Louis joins Emily Moyer and Randy Maugans for a freewheeling discussion on topics from the Patreon platform to gangstalking and the strange thought forms called egregore, what they tell us about our powers of imagination for good and evil and...why we need to do inner work to discern our true voices, and we also talk more the Fae."

Published on Oct 15, 2017

1:34:54 minutes


16th October 2017, 13:29
:omg: I think the audience reaction to the 82 year young man is just as good as his singing. I can't stop laughing.

Heidi Klum looks gobsmacked.

Emil El Zapato
16th October 2017, 13:56
Nothing wrong with him ...
Something has got to give ...

82 year old man tells it like it is !


Brain damage...way too much time in the Jet... :)

16th October 2017, 17:36
the latest ...


Published on Oct 16, 2017

ET Galactic Consciousness In this fascinating episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Intuitive Coach Gigi Young who has developed a unique method called 'Sovereign Spirituality' that outlines the ability to push beyond boundaries and move into personal transformation. Her own experience with ET Consciousness has given her unique insight into the alien question and she has developed a strong identification of various ET types and what their mission is here on Earth.

Timelines Atlantis and UFOs Gigi outlines the strange connection between ET experiencers and the Lost Continent of Atlantis and why so many people are drawn to this obscure time in history. She suggests that during that period humanity had a full understanding of psychic powers and were in regular contact with offworld civilizations. Later, as our consciousness dimmed we started overall to forget these visitors and the mythology around Atlantis and UFOs became a cultural memory preserved in traditions. Now it is slowly coming to the surface in the 21st century!

Ascension Into Higher Consciousness Vs. Spiritual Harvesting Gigi sees a major movement towards higher awareness as individuals take a greater role in their own spiritual advancement and stop relying on Cults, Gurus and Marketing Obsessions that are the major obstacles in modern times to spiritual communities.

Running parallel with this new awakening is a major movement designed through promotional companies on one side and covert intel operators on the other, to harvest the uprising of higher consciousness and to exploit people's genuine interest into esoteric mysteries. She sees that now more than ever we need to take charge of our spiritual growth on this planet as we seek knowledge of greater forces outside of the material realm.

Dark Journalist also recounts the fascinating story of two boys in 1945 in San Antonio, New Mexico, that came across a crashed UFO and saw Mantis type beings inside that impressed unusual images and deep emotional feelings on them.

46:11 minutes


16th October 2017, 17:45

Equifax: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on Oct 15, 2017
John Oliver discusses the massive impact of the cybersecurity breach at Equifax
and their massively misguided attempts to mitigate the damage.

15:21 minutes


16th October 2017, 18:26
'The lamb lies down on Broadway' ...

http://static.playbill.com/dims4/default/70394ba/2147483647/crop/5254x2957%2B0%2B409/resize/970x546/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.playbill.com%2F98%2F6f%2F 71c49e464e4caec88634ed9b39c0%2Fspringsteen-on-broadway-marquee-2017-02-hr.jpg


Review: Bruce Springsteen's Broadway Show ... (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/live-reviews/review-bruce-springsteen-on-broadway-is-a-triumph-w508674?utm_source=rsnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=101317_11)

16th October 2017, 18:47
An unconditional ...


Easy Lover

Philip Bailey & Phil Collins


16th October 2017, 19:46
How and Why California Fires Were DEW Created - Drone Directed Energy Weapons
Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates.


16th October 2017, 19:59

- Timing is Essential for the Outcome of a Rain Dance.

16th October 2017, 23:33
After only one year ...
While noting this is page #230 ...
And having personally posted 2,310 on this thread ...

Don't think i need any help ...

giggle :)

Will refresh my earlier posted fare from this morning...

the latest ...


Published on Oct 16, 2017

ET Galactic Consciousness In this fascinating episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Intuitive Coach Gigi Young who has developed a unique method called 'Sovereign Spirituality' that outlines the ability to push beyond boundaries and move into personal transformation. Her own experience with ET Consciousness has given her unique insight into the alien question and she has developed a strong identification of various ET types and what their mission is here on Earth.

Timelines Atlantis and UFOs Gigi outlines the strange connection between ET experiencers and the Lost Continent of Atlantis and why so many people are drawn to this obscure time in history. She suggests that during that period humanity had a full understanding of psychic powers and were in regular contact with offworld civilizations. Later, as our consciousness dimmed we started overall to forget these visitors and the mythology around Atlantis and UFOs became a cultural memory preserved in traditions. Now it is slowly coming to the surface in the 21st century!

Ascension Into Higher Consciousness Vs. Spiritual Harvesting Gigi sees a major movement towards higher awareness as individuals take a greater role in their own spiritual advancement and stop relying on Cults, Gurus and Marketing Obsessions that are the major obstacles in modern times to spiritual communities.

Running parallel with this new awakening is a major movement designed through promotional companies on one side and covert intel operators on the other, to harvest the uprising of higher consciousness and to exploit people's genuine interest into esoteric mysteries. She sees that now more than ever we need to take charge of our spiritual growth on this planet as we seek knowledge of greater forces outside of the material realm.

Dark Journalist also recounts the fascinating story of two boys in 1945 in San Antonio, New Mexico, that came across a crashed UFO and saw Mantis type beings inside that impressed unusual images and deep emotional feelings on them.

46:11 minutes


__________________________________________________ ____


Equifax: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on Oct 15, 2017
John Oliver discusses the massive impact of the cybersecurity breach at Equifax
and their massively misguided attempts to mitigate the damage.

15:21 minutes


__________________________________________________ ______

'The lamb lies down on Broadway' ...

http://static.playbill.com/dims4/default/70394ba/2147483647/crop/5254x2957%2B0%2B409/resize/970x546/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.playbill.com%2F98%2F6f%2F 71c49e464e4caec88634ed9b39c0%2Fspringsteen-on-broadway-marquee-2017-02-hr.jpg


Review: Bruce Springsteen's Broadway Show ... (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/live-reviews/review-bruce-springsteen-on-broadway-is-a-triumph-w508674?utm_source=rsnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=101317_11)

__________________________________________________ ________

An unconditional ...


Easy Lover

Philip Bailey & Phil Collins


16th October 2017, 23:45
Food for thought ...


17th October 2017, 00:41
Some more distastefulness ...

Last Call


4:45 minutes


17th October 2017, 02:54
hmm ...

Linda Moulton Howe w/ guests Joe Buchmann & Michael Gerloff


Published on Oct 16, 2017

Here is another great KGRA show with Linda Moulton Howe and John Burroughs.

Nearly half a century ago in 1970 British television premiered a television series called UFO. In it, the earth was being invaded by aliens from a dying planet. The aliens could control human minds when they took over human bodies. A top-secret government agency called “Shadow” investigated, but it’s an agency that no one knew existed because Shadow used amnesia drugs to erase the memories of its own shadow operatives.

That was TV science fiction but it was based on real work military and intelligence programs used to study and use mind control, for example, beginning in early 1950 the CIA explored how to erase memories and control human mind by using chemicals, drugs, sound, or other frequencies that can cause brain concussions and amnesia. That highly classified CIA project was called MK Ultra. The first two letters MK are CIA code for the agencies technical services staff the word ultra was used by WWII intelligence to designate the highest secrecy classification. The US Navy research and related project MK 54 ultra they used sub oral infrasound frequency blasts to erase human memory for human events before and during the infrasound. One reason the govt. intelligence agencies might want to erase memories may be to protect potential whistleblowers from leaking highly classified information to the public and media.

1:57:20 minutes


17th October 2017, 16:52
This happened on our Earth 14-17 October 2017


17th October 2017, 18:17
From 'Up at the Ranch' ...

It should be noted Jordon lives here in Washington state, and made an in person
drop in at James for a get together this past weekend ...

James Gilliland's ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 10 /14 /2017

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel
Published on Oct 16, 2017
Jordan Sather is interviewed this evening. Jordan is a researcher of higher dimensional
esoteric topics as well as cutting edge scientific research.

57:08 minutes


17th October 2017, 18:47
A behind the glamour scene look back ...


Hollywood’s horror stories of sex predators long before Weinstein (http://nypost.com/2017/10/16/hollywoods-horror-stories-of-sex-predators-long-before-weinstein/)

17th October 2017, 20:04
Joe Walsh, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai & Brian May - Rocky Mountain Way (Sevilla 1991)
Doesn't get any better than this!


17th October 2017, 21:01
ELP - Fanfare For The Common Man
There are a zillion live versions of this track on YT, but only the 1992 Royal Albert Hall one is perfect and with a bit of fantasy makes you feel you're actually there 'cos of the exceptional camera-work


18th October 2017, 00:08
My last post ...

Leave you all to it !

18th October 2017, 07:28
Joe Walsh, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai & Brian May - Rocky Mountain Way (Sevilla 1991)
Doesn't get any better than this!


Are you sure that this concert took place in 1991? I myself seem to remember that it was 1992, which would make perfect sense, because the Gibson Les Paul model was first introduced in 1952, and it was a series of concerts in honor of the 40th anniversary of the solid-body electric guitar. The series was kicked off by Les Paul himself. I've watched the whole series in real-time on the BBC, but the concert with Brian May, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Joe Walsh was the most memorable one for myself personally, as up until that point in time, I had only known Joe Satriani by name, and I had not heard his music yet.

By the way, the Gibson Les Paul was not actually the first solid-body electric guitar, though. Les Paul had already approached Gibson with a self-built prototype in 1945, but the management of CMI (later renamed to Norlin) — who had become Gibson's parent company after Orville Gibson sold his business to them in the late 1920s — had mockingly sent him away, calling his prototype "a broomstick with a pickup on it."

By happenstance, over in Fullerton, California, an electrical engineer called Clarence Leo Fender stumbled upon the recipe of a completely solid electric guitar in 1948 by attaching a fretted guitar neck to the body of a lap steel guitar in order to demonstrate a new pickup he had designed. Immediately, country & western guitarists started lining up outside of Fender's workshop in order to rent his concoction, and being a keen businessman, Leo then sold his workshop, started the Fender Guitar Company and subsequently introduced the Fender Broadcaster in 1949 as the world's first mass-produced solid-body electric guitar.

When newly-hired Gibson engineer and later Gibson president Ted McCarthy found out about the success Leo Fender's Broadcaster had, he encouraged the brass at CMI/Norlin to re-establish negotiations with Les Paul on account of making a solid-body signature model for him, which then ultimately led to the introduction of the "gold top" Gibson Les Paul Model in 1952.

The bottom line is that in spite of Leo Fender having been the first to start mass-producing solid-body guitars, it is Les Paul who is usually credited with their invention. Les had been granted permission from the Epiphone management to use their workshop in New York on Sundays, because that was the only day of the week that nobody else was working there, and that's where he built his first prototype in 1945, known as "the Log". Being a Gibson fan, he then took his Log to Gibson's headquarters in order to persuade them to make him a signature guitar with an entirely solid body, and that's when he was then condescendingly dismissed by Maurice Berlin, the then-CEO of CMI/Norlin.

As karma would have it, it was then Leo Fender — a guy completely new to the business of making musical instruments — who started producing solid-body electric guitars in 1949. Gibson had missed the boat — the first in a long series of very poor decisions made by Norlin, who then ultimately pulled out of the musical instrument business in 1986 by selling Gibson and all of its subsidiaries to its current owners.

Strangely enough, the Fender Guitar Company has known a very similar destiny. Due to Leo Fender being ill and his doctor having told him that he was going to die soon, he made the decision of selling his company to CBS in December 1964. He still stayed on for a while as an adviser, but then he left CBS. Ultimately, he found a doctor who could cure him of his illness, and with renewed energy, Leo started a new company called Music Man, where he continued to refine his earlier Fender designs.

Music Man was fraught with difficulties — financial as well as ego-clashes — and was then ultimately sold to renowned string maker Ernie Ball. The Ball family is currently still manufacturing Music Man guitars, but Leo left there again because of a conflict of interests. While he was still employed at Ernie Ball Music Man, he had already begun working together with George Fullerton on a new brand of guitars, called G&L. So eventually, Leo left Ernie Ball Music Man to work with G&L permanently, and that's where he stayed until his death in 1991.

Meanwhile, CBS, the corporation to whom he had sold the original Fender Guitar Company, would also make a number of poor business decisions, just like Norlin did with Gibson, and they too sold Fender and all of its subsidiaries to Fender's current owners in 1986, the same year as when Norlin got rid of Gibson.

Up until the early-to-mid 1980s, Gibson and Fender had been archrivals. They were in different leagues on account of the retail prices of their respective instruments — the designs were also radically different — but they were the two main US Acronymian manufacturers of electric guitars. Sure, there were others still like Rickenbacker, Gretsch and a few others, but when it came to the musical revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, it was mainly Gibson and Fender that you saw everywhere, and either brand had their endorsers and guitar heroes.

But then the 1980s came along, and with them, the heavy metal boom and a whole invasion of very affordable high-quality guitars from the Far East, such as Yamaha, Ibanez, ESP, and various others. And even back home in the US, there were brands like Kramer, Jackson and Charvel who were all offering high-quality alternatives to the more classical Gibson and Fender designs, and both Gibson and Fender took quite a beating in the market.

Meanwhile, and under the leadership of their respective current owners, both Gibson and Fender have become more powerful as companies again, mainly by acquiring other brands. For instance, Fender now owns Guild, Gretsch, Jackson, and of course, their own subsidiary Squier. Gibson in turn owns Epiphone, Steinberger, Maestro, Baldwin (pianos), Tobias (bass guitars) and Slingerland (drums).

Anyway, Les Paul passed away in 2009 at the age of 94, and he had always been a Gibson player, but he wasn't really interested in any of Gibson's later developments. He owned several Gibson Les Paul guitars, but his favorite was a heavily modified 1978 Les Paul Recording, which he kept on playing until before he fell ill of the pneumonia that killed him. And as I said already, Leo Fender died in 1991. I'm sure both Leo and Les — not to mention Orville Gibson himself — would have already face-palmed quite a lot from within the hereafter over how their legacies had been squandered away by corporatitis. ;)

20th October 2017, 19:31
I will miss this thread. Gio kept it active and interesting. Knowing his artistic temperament, others using the popularity of this thread to get "eyes" for their posts did not work out. People would do well to examine their motives or, at least, look at things we may not have negotiated with grace.

20th October 2017, 19:38
I will miss this thread. Gio kept it active and interesting. Knowing his artistic temperament, others using the popularity of this thread to get "eyes" for their posts did not work out. People would do well to examine their motives or, at least, look at things we may not have negotiated with grace.

Gio will be missed. :( I hope he makes it back soon, and with improved health. :priest:

20th October 2017, 19:41
Gio will be missed. :( I hope he makes it back soon, and with improved health. :priest:

I see Gio exited with grace.

20th October 2017, 21:13
I will miss this thread. Gio kept it active and interesting. Knowing his artistic temperament, others using the popularity of this thread to get "eyes" for their posts did not work out. People would do well to examine their motives or, at least, look at things we may not have negotiated with grace.

If I'm one of those 'others' you mention: I never had dubious intentions or reasons to post here nor did I ever get the feeling that Gio didn't appreciate my contributions

What I posted in this thread was imo in line with what Gio posted himself.

If this was a one-man-thread someone should have told me so.

And now...


Emil El Zapato
20th October 2017, 21:22
I agree, Outlander. People should make plain what they expect from a thread they start. It sure would make things a lot simpler for those such as me, who tend to ramble and babble...ADHD - :)

20th October 2017, 21:41
Gio had specifically asked for his Northwest Musings thread to be his posts only. He never made the request with the Emporium, and for a while it was not even his thread. That is, he asked for his name to be removed. Later, he asked that it be put back. He did state that he was doing it mostly for his own amusement, and that was quite different from the very specific request he made with his Musings thread.

If people wish to keep the vibe going, they are welcome. No one will try to imitate Gio, since that would not be possible. And perhaps he will be back with more to share. Either way, I hope he will be well.

Emil El Zapato
20th October 2017, 21:49
Hi Dreamtimer,

it seems so weird to me that someone starts a thread, puts a sundry list of cool stuff on it and then expects what? For posters to just stay mum with their thumbs up their bum ... :)

Seriously, I would think that having eager responses would be the desired result. :scrhd:

20th October 2017, 21:56
That seems to differ. I've found that Outlander, for example, has always appreciated input from forum members. Jimmer, who maintained a Sasquatch thread also welcomed additions. Shane, aka the Ruiner, had some issues, and he's now gone. He has his own site for his followers.

The point is to discuss things, so I'd say, for the most part, keep on commenting.:thup::batman

20th October 2017, 22:13
That seems to differ. I've found that Outlander, for example, has always appreciated input from forum members. Jimmer, who maintained a Sasquatch thread also welcomed additions. Shane, aka the Ruiner, had some issues, and he's now gone. He has his own site for his followers.

Actually, no, it was Corey Goode who had issues. Shane (alias The Ruiner) never posted his own blog here. That was Ria, Breeze and a few others. Most people — including the aforementioned — didn't even know that Shane Bales was a member here, until he himself came out of the closet to his followers. And from there on, there was a war between the Shanolytes and Corey Goode. :)

enjoy being
20th October 2017, 23:54
Get well soon Gio.
I am sure I heard you mention something about going away for some health thing..

Interesting hearing comments regards protectiveness of the thread. I had noticed that quite significantly. I had also noted his displeasure at others posting in his thread. I find it a little bit precious myself, but in some cases fair enough and maybe I missed all the back chats. Though I find it a bit insulting hearing such behaviour being called an artistic temperament as that makes us out to sound particularly irrational and egotistical. Apart from that, I think he is okay, quite a cute Italian stereo type... being most of my experience of USA is from movies, he just fits one of those characters, maybe a Danny Devito or something...
Anyway, get well soon sir, I hope it all works out for you.

21st October 2017, 00:40
My last post ...

Leave you all to it !

Gio is more than a little eccentric, but then he has good reason to be. His interests are exposed on his thread, and he just loves music and tot. He has, in fact, left tot a legacy, imho.

21st October 2017, 00:47
I agree, Kathy. A very good legacy. It was also his threads at PA which kept my interest there.

It was the followers rather than Shane himself who made trouble about me posting on the thread, Aragorn is correct about that.

21st October 2017, 07:19
Gio will be missed. :( I hope he makes it back soon, and with improved health. :priest:

Gio...if you're seeing this..."Get yourself back here a.s.a.p." We miss you already!

21st October 2017, 08:46
What the heck is going on, Gio is being very rude imo, where is his bye bye thread or expected return message, damn rude from such a beautifullll gentleman

1st November 2017, 16:34
For those that would like to continue following my posts ...

Updated ...

Again please note, i am continuing with my cardio rehab therapy ...
But still have a ways to go ...

So for now i will only exclusively post here at this forum and thread ... (http://eye-rise.com/forum/showthread.php?6580-Musings-From-The-Great-Northwest&p=16360&viewfull=1#post16360)

Thanks to all who have been loyal friends and followers ...

Blessings Gio


Ah ... The world sure needs more J.D. "Jed" Clampett's on it ...


20th December 2017, 23:03
I kept expecting to see an offering on the cosmic emporium and wish Gio happy adventures offline.
This is fun and cosmic....


The idea behind the Spanish Christmas lottery is to spread as much wealth to as many people as possible. Unlike draws like EuroMillions, which pays one lucky winner the lion's share of the prize pool, El Gordo distributes millions to hundreds of winners- which it can do, with a prize pool of over £2.1 billion!

The top prize, "El Gordo", is worth approximately £3.5 million, and there are 17 different prize tiers in total.

Another way in which the Spanish Christmas Lottery sets itself apart from other lotteries is its format, which is more like an old school raffle, rather than a lottery draw.

In the main draw, lines are sold with different numbers, with each line consisting of five digits. They are printed in series of hundreds. So say you have a ticket number 12345, there would also be dozens other people with the exact same numbers as you – and potentially you could all win a big prize!

A full bet line with Lottoland would cost you a whopping £249.99, which is why in Spain people tend to club together and buy smaller shares. Not only does it split the cost, but it also means you have the chance to win together.

This is why you often hear stories of multiple winners living in the same town or village, or whole families banking the big prize.http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/special-features/its-chriiiistmas-time-spains-world-14053763

Dumpster Diver
21st December 2017, 16:16
Yeah, I miss the Geo threads. I’ve even thought about starting up my own thread. But what name would I use?

Things I found at the bottom of the Dumpster?
Dark doings of Dumpy?

...what I like is:

Bat-cave Guano

21st December 2017, 16:18
Bat-cave Guano implies a rich content...

Dumpster Diver
21st December 2017, 16:28
Bat-cave Guano implies a rich content...

Ambiance with a certain aroma...

4th April 2018, 00:01
I wonder what Gio is doing. I am using the thread to post an old sci fi piece I'd never seen.

Plot: Five people from all around the world – Jonathan Clark, a newspaper reporter from Los Angeles; Englishwoman Eve Wingate; German physicist Klaus Bechner; Ivan Godofsky, a soldier from the Soviet Union; and Su Tan, a Chinese peasant woman – are abducted by an alien spaceship. The alien gives them each a palm-sized container that can only be opened by them and holds three capsules. If they say a set of meridian coordinates before any of the capsules, it will destroy all human life within a three thousand mile radius but spare everything else. The aliens are from a dying planet and want to relocate on Earth but their moral code prevents them from destroying humanity and so they offer the capsules so that humanity can do it for themselves. If each of them can go for 27 days without activating the capsules, the aliens will depart and the capsules will become inert. The five are returned to Earth. Eve immediately flies to L.A. to join Jonathan, just as the aliens take over airwaves to announce the names of the people who have the capsules. As a massive manhunt is mounted for them, Jonathan and Eve go into hiding at a racecourse that has been closed for the season. Behind the Iron Curtain, Godofsky is imprisoned and tortured by his superiors to force him divulge how the capsules work. When the Soviets announce that they have the weapon and demand that the US withdraw from Europe, war seems imminent.

The 1950s was the great period of Reds Under the Bed hysteria. With anti-Communist paranoia whipped into a frenzy by the House Un-American Activities Committee and Senator Joseph McCarthy, people began to suspect Communist infiltration on every street corner and suburban home. Many of the paranoid science-fiction classics of that era – Invaders from Mars (1953), It Came from Outer Space (1953) and especially Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) – have been referred to as allegories for the fear of Communist infiltration that was sweeping the country. To which all one can say is maybe. They are not films that come out and directly make the case as opposed to just being works that are paranoid, meaning that any attribution of political metaphor on the part of people in the present is being entirely speculative about the filmmakers’ intent.
Not that one should worry about concerning themselves with science-fiction films that may be Communist threat allegories when there were plenty of efforts that were making the case directly. Genre examples include:– The Whip Hand (1951) about a small town housing a Communist fifth column who are planning to unleash a deadly virus; Invasion USA (1952) about a Russian nuclear attack and military invasion of the USA; Red Planet Mars (1952) in which Earth starts to receive a series of radio messages from God on Mars that inspire a popular uprising against the Soviet regime; and Rocket Attack USA (1958), a pseudo-documentary that railed loudly in the need to build a strong military defence against the Soviet threat.

The 27th Day is one of those films that made the Communist issue direct. The bit that gets everybody is when the device is finally activated and destroys all “enemies of human freedom” – where the only one that we get to see being killed is Stefan Schnabel’s ruthless leader, while the rest of the Western world is spared. German actor Stefan Schnabel is cast as the Communist apparatchik with unmistakeable intent – where it seems all he would need would be a mustache to be a ringer for Josef Stalin. (Schnabel’s seemed to specialise in these roles – his most memorable part was in Clint Eastwood’s Firefox (1982) as a buffoonish Communist bully).

The 27th Day has clearly drawn much from The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), one of the key films of the 1950s SF boom. Where The Day the Earth Stood Still had alien Michael Rennie arrive to deliver a stark warning about nuclear proliferation, The 27th Day has aliens arrive to conduct a test about humanity’s warlike tendencies using select individuals. The 27th Day is not the most outstandingly written of films in terms of dialogue or characterisation but what it does well is play out the moral arguments for and against the use of the devices and the tensions that escalate on an international level. All of that said, there are certain problems with the premise. The boxes are essentially only science-fictional McGuffins and the aliens have no real purpose in the story other than to set the situation up between the competing nations. Certainly, as an alien relocation plan goes, the idea of giving another race boxes that could destroy all life to see if they will use them and deciding to just die en masse if they do not, surely ranks as one of the least likely schemes that an advanced race would conceive. It is also worth pointing out that it is only George Voskovec’s realisation of the ambiguity hidden within the wording of the original message that allows him to turn the capsules around and use them for good. It would have been interesting to see the film push this to the extent of showing what would have happened without such a deus ex machina ending.

On the minus side, The 27th Day is visually nondescript. It lacks the style of The Day the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers et al, the way in which the respective directors drew on film noir to create a stark paranoid look on screen. By contrast, William Asher seems no more than a B movie director who sets shots up and move onto the next as quickly as possible. One of the more amusing lines in the film is when Valerie French gets in the taxi and Gene Barry turns on the radio and she asks “What in heaven’s name is that?” “Rock‘n’roll ... Music, almost” – where clearly the filmmakers are trying to jump aboard what was the new trend of the day – only when the music that we hear comes through, what we get is 50s not rock‘n’roll but standard big band music.

The 27th Day was the third film for director William Asher. Asher will probably be best remembered for the various teen Beach Party films of the 1960s, which included Beach Party (1963), Muscle Beach Party (1964), Bikini Beach (1964), Beach Blanket Bingo (1965) and one gonzo genre melding How to Stuff a Wild Bikini (1965). Asher’s one other film of genre interest was the slasher film Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1982). Asher also did a good deal of tv work as director and producer, most notably producing the tv series Bewitched (1964-72). The film is based on a novel The 27th Day (1956) by Canadian writer John Mantley who also wrote the screenplay for the film version. Mantley later became a regular writer and producer on tv shows such as Gunsmoke (1955-75), The Wild Wild West (1965-9) and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979-81). His only other genre film was the script for the psycho film My Blood Runs Cold (1965). http://moria.co.nz/sciencefiction/27th-day-1957.htm

11th April 2018, 17:31
Gio would approve his friend Neil Kramer's appearance here.

Neil shares his ideas for acquiring and maintaining self authority, designing your own life outside of the control construct, and how to reclaim and embody "soul" on your path for living.

As Neil has so aptly said, "We must be willing to engage the mystery" in order to get the most out of our lives.

Visit Neil Kramer's website: http://www.neilkramer.com


11th April 2018, 18:51
I wonder what Gio is doing. I am using the thread to post an old sci fi piece I'd never seen.

I forgot the movie itself... haha. It's not as good as "the day the world stood still" and it is propaganda but worth a view for people looking for antique memes that are showing up in spokespeople's current "revelations"


The One
11th April 2018, 19:09
I wonder what Gio is doing. I am using the thread to post an old sci fi piece I'd never seen

Gio is posting over here http://mistsofavalon.catsboard.com/t9233-gio-s-cosmic-emporium?highlight=Gio+s+Cosmic+Emporium

Dumpster Diver
12th April 2018, 22:54
Good old Geo. I hope he comes back.

...as for me, I can barely keep up in this forum, much less post in two...

15th April 2018, 09:10


15th April 2018, 09:48

Emil El Zapato
15th April 2018, 15:15


16th April 2018, 05:41

Dumpster Diver
16th April 2018, 05:45

Yup, and there is a good reason for this: when you are recruiting for the top levels of Deep State management, you want to have bubbled up serious candidates thru lower and middle management.

16th April 2018, 05:51

The gif was great. This is a beauty too IMO.


16th April 2018, 08:10
Looks peaceful to me.:smiley-dance013:

16th April 2018, 22:08

Dumpster Diver
16th April 2018, 22:09

16th April 2018, 22:16

Soooo, why did the two guys who went to Starbucks get arrested? They were just paying customers.

Oh, yeah...

(they were brown)

16th April 2018, 23:00

17th April 2018, 06:23

17th April 2018, 06:28
Has any person seen an apology ?


17th April 2018, 22:43

17th April 2018, 22:54

17th April 2018, 23:16


17th April 2018, 23:28

17th April 2018, 23:41

17th April 2018, 23:44
Mmmmm...cozy. I could use a little of that now.

I'm so sick of ego making people be stupid. (not at all thinking about anyone here...)

17th April 2018, 23:53

18th April 2018, 00:06

18th April 2018, 00:15

18th April 2018, 00:24

18th April 2018, 00:29

18th April 2018, 00:48
Modern women too. Want to be inclusive.:ttr:


18th April 2018, 02:04

18th April 2018, 03:17

18th April 2018, 03:35

18th April 2018, 05:26
Jaggi Sadguru Vasudev describes Krishna and essence of Leela.

"When we say Krishna, the essence of who he is, he is an irrepressible child, a terrible prankster, an enchanting flute player, a graceful dancer, an irresistible lover, a truly valiant warrior, a ruthless vanquisher of his foes, a man who left a broken heart in every home, an astute statesman and kingmaker, a thorough gentleman, a yogi of the highest order, and the most colorful incarnation.

Krishna has been seen, perceived, understood and experienced in many different ways by different people. For example, in Duryodhana’s words, Krishna is a “smiling rogue if there ever was one. He can eat, he can drink, he can sing, he can dance. He can make love, he can fight, he can gossip with old women, and play with little children. Who says he’s God?” That was Duryodhana’s perception.

Krishna’s childhood lover Radhe, who became so big that you cannot talk of Krishna without Radhe – we don’t say “Krishna Radhe,” we say, “Radhe Krishna” – she said, “Krishna is with me. He is always with me wherever he is. Whoever he is with, he is still with me.” That was her perception.

Shikandin, who because of a certain situation within himself was an absolutely tortured soul right from his childhood said, “Krishna never gave me any hope. But when he is there, the breeze of hope touches everybody.”

Explore the most profound and the most serious aspects of life, but playfully.

I could go on like this. Different people saw different facets of who he is. For some, he is God. For some, he is a crook. For some, he is a lover. For some, he is a fighter. He is so many things. If we want to taste an essence of what it means when we say Krishna, if we want to be touched by the consciousness that we refer to as Krishna, we need Leela. Leela means, it is the path of the playful – we explore the most profound and the most serious aspects of life, but playfully. Otherwise Krishna won’t be there. The reason why the most profound dimensions of life have been missed by a vast population of the world is because they do not know how to be playful.

To explore this path playfully, you need a heart full of love, a joyful mind, and a vibrant body. Only then there is Leela. To explore the most profound dimensions of life in a playful way, you must be willing to play with your awareness, with your imagination, with your memory, with your life, with your death. If you are willing to play with everything, only then there is Leela. Leela does not mean just dancing with somebody. It means you are willing to dance with life. You are willing to dance with your enemy, you are willing to dance with the one whom you love, you are willing to dance at the moment of your death. Only then there is Leela". http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/yoga-meditation/history-of-yoga/krishna-stories/


"Krishna as the essence and symbol of divine love, with human life and love as a reflection of the divine. ... According to John Koller, "love is presented not simply as a means to salvation, it is the highest life"."
