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29th March 2017, 19:25
A loop dee loop ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albatross_(metaphor))http://www.phrases.org.uk/images/albatross.jpg

"Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung."

Fleetwood Mac - Albatross

(1 Hour Loop)


29th March 2017, 19:41
Noting your presence here now mr, target, perhaps you can enlighten me why your
posting on this particular forum (now) instead of your once preferred PA.2 ?

PS ~ Do not make your posting presence on this thread adversary ...
I am not going to take it like you gave it over there.

Noting I suspected mr bill and his minions would most probably
try and infiltrate ...

They already have, but as far as we know, most of the suspects aren't even connecting to The One Truth anymore (and have not even connected in a very long time).

The infiltration occurred around the time of Corey Goode, as well as when there was a members-only thread on Simon Parkes which was copied back to The House Of The Hat™ somehow. And of course, also when there was a members-only thread about said House Of The Hat™ here around March or April 2015, which was then deleted by my predecessor — Church — because The Man With The Hat™ started threatening The One Truth with litigation. (We all know that gods don't like being criticized, don't we? ;))

I've always considered you a troll.

giggle :)

People can and do have differences of opinion, Gio, and they may feel very strongly about their personal opinions. There are plenty of people here on the forum whom I respect but whose opinions I do not share, and this can and may at times lead to some heated discussions. But that doesn't make anybody into a troll yet. ;)

That is not to say that we don't get any trolls at The One Truth, of course. But they are easy to spot, and they are also easily put into their places again. And then they either leave and never come back, or else we ourselves kindly show them the way to the exit. ;)

29th March 2017, 19:43
I'll mark this thread as one to not post in for your comfort if you'd like...

Thanks, I would appreciate that very much ... :thup:

29th March 2017, 21:11
It should be noted, i wish no one ill intent here ...
But i choose to communicate with who i wish to engage with ...

And to be honest, I really don't need to interact with others members
to fulfill my own personal self/sharing gratification of expression here ...

Noting most of the visits to this thread are from guest/visitors ...

Just telling it like it is folks ... :)

29th March 2017, 21:21
how can you discern"who" visits this thread? other than those listed at bottom of page with their TOT handle, just curious.

29th March 2017, 21:44
Ep. 632 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Jim Marrs : The Illuminati

Published on Mar 29, 2017

Jim Marrs is a native of Fort Worth, Texas and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author and public relations consultant.

Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montel Williams, Today, Tech TV and Larry King.

He is the author of many books, including: Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, The War on Freedom, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Above Top Secret, Population Control and his current release is: The Illuminati.

Air date: March 28, 2017


29th March 2017, 21:59
how can you discern"who" visits this thread? other than those listed at bottom of page with their TOT handle, just curious.

All registered members with an active account can check at any point in time who's online (https://jandeane81.com/online.php?order=asc&sort=username&pp=20&page=1), and that list includes who is looking at what. As such, one can also see the number of unregistered visitors who are looking at any particular thread.

Nevertheless, this overview is merely a vague indicator, and especially for regular members, because there may be multiple entries from unregistered visitors looking at the same thread, but some of those may actually have the same IP address, and only super moderators and administrators can see those IP addresses.

And to make it all even more confusing, many search engine spiders/bots are now disguising themselves as regular people by using a variety of operating system identifiers — Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Android, iOS, macOS/OSX — even if those are fake. We even see such bots trying to register, reply to threads or send PMs. And the only clue we have that they are bots is if we do a reverse DNS lookup on the IP addresses and find out that they are registered to Google, Amazon, or another company like them.

The bottom line is that it's hard to tell. ;)

Fred Steeves
29th March 2017, 22:46
Noting I suspected mr bill and his minions would most probably
try and infiltrate ... I've always considered you a troll.

And to be honest, I really don't need to interact with others members
to fulfill my own personal self/sharing gratification of expression here ...

Ever felt how the air just goes out of a room during a stand up routine, when the presenter crosses that line to where he's no longer entertaining his audience, but p*ssing them off? They can wind up sharing to a room full of mostly empty chairs.

Just telling it like it is folks ... :)

Me too...

29th March 2017, 23:34
Thanks Fred,

Well said.

Bye bye ... :)

30th March 2017, 06:24
Hank Azaria Is Immune To Sadness While Doing 'Simpsons' Voices

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Published on Mar 29, 2017



Will share this again ... :thup:

Will watch as I respect your reposting, meaning a sorta must watch, yes ?

30th March 2017, 14:21
Last Post ... http://www.animated-smileys.com/emoticons/animated-smileys-waving-011.gif

It's just another day ...


30th March 2017, 15:09
And one leg after the other...:laurel-and-hardy-da

30th March 2017, 15:17

30th March 2017, 16:37
Good Morning!

Whaaaa? I come home late last night to the announcement and it was not on this forum. My other half and I have been down this road. I've seen it before and I'll see it again....

You say good by Gio...but I say hello. Thanks for the invite to your thread.


30th March 2017, 23:18
Ladies and Gentlemen, member giovonni has left the building.

Gio requested his retirement from The One Truth yesterday evening (Central European Time), and as we always do whenever a member files such a request, we extended him a 24-hour grace period, just in case he were to change his mind. I have also personally thanked Gio for his enormous contribution to the information being posted at The One Truth during his 6 months of residence here in the Shire.

The 24 hours have now expired, and Gio has not gotten back to me anymore, even though he was apparently still online just a few hours ago. As such, I have moved Gio's account into retirement, as he (so insistingly) requested yesterday evening.


The above all said, we are keeping this thread open, because it wasn't just Gio who was posting here, and Gio himself had already requested that we renamed the thread a few weeks ago in order to remove his name from the title, as — in his own words — "he didn't want to make this thread about himself." So a Cosmic Emporium it remains, and everyone is free to contribute to it. ;)


30th March 2017, 23:28
I see blue.

Been listening to Michael Joseph (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjM3Yp5dkXg). While discussing the difference between exoteric and esoteric meanings, exoteric being for the profane, or common, and esoteric for the adept, he summarizes the prevailing attitude among the adepts:

Stupid people deserve stupid explanations.

That says a lot.

Now that a great deal of knowledge can't be held close or in secret anymore, we face the opposite. Massed input. Information overload.

But it's stupid to keep most of the people stupid.

Sometimes smart people are stupid, eh?:crazy:

I posted this before the cat. That picture can make one believe cats do indeed run the world.

31st March 2017, 00:39
Ladies and Gentlemen, member giovonni has left the building.

And Here I was telling people that I'd turn him into a friend in time.. gonna be hard to do that now :(

Hope all's well with him.

31st March 2017, 04:13
Every time I visit this forum, someone leaves that day. I must stink.

I watched TOTCAST V, was an interesting conversation.

31st March 2017, 11:58
You don't stink, and probably many times someone has joined, too, but you didn't see. There isn't always a welcome or hello thread. Good to see you here anyway. Maybe you might have something to say on a TOT-cast?

31st March 2017, 21:50
You don't stink, and probably many times someone has joined, too, but you didn't see. There isn't always a welcome or hello thread. Good to see you here anyway. Maybe you might have something to say on a TOT-cast?

Not sure I am comfortable enough to be on a TOTCAST unless you can give me some cool or goofy voice. I am also not sure I have much to say or enough of a history in this world of forums. I like the idea of making an impact on the world but struggle with how or even if necessary. Seems to me some of the most promising starting ideas just end up creating bigger cages, sometimes with different masters.

TOTCAST V made me cheer a few times but I am not aware enough to know what the community that is being built is necessarily about. If ** involves less control and allows me to experience this world the way ** was planned, I'm listening. As a good man once sang, "I'd love to hear the plan".

31st March 2017, 22:13
Feel you have or could share much, yourself sounds interesting, if it helps I was hugely nervous and Modwiz skypes with me the day prior and this helped me share and talk and be myself, would love to hear you be yourself best able and feel I would enjoy your experience and thinking of whatever subjects and thoughts discussed, the totcasts so far have been very energy creating community wise imo.

31st March 2017, 22:18
Feel you have or could share much, yourself sounds interesting, if it helps I was hugely nervous and Modwiz skypes with me the day prior and this helped me share and talk and be myself, would love to hear you be yourself best able and feel I would enjoy your experience and thinking of whatever subjects and thoughts discussed, the totcasts so far have been very energy creating community wise imo.
Agreed. The Totcasts get more viewers than my Mystic Brew videos.

1st April 2017, 02:28
Fearless perseverance... determination can surmount nearly anything

Like this guy


Can't wait to see his next vid.

1st April 2017, 16:12
Some Saturday Chanting:


1st April 2017, 22:11
Agreed. The Totcasts get more viewers than my Mystic Brew videos.

That was a fun ramble we had; did we even have a topic? haha

1st April 2017, 22:13
Cosmic Emporium TOTCAST Vl, with Target, has been recorded and it is uploading now. Should be public in about two hours and it will then be posted here. There were some production glitches on my end where my voice drops out temporarily but, it gets fixed fairly quickly.

2nd April 2017, 00:11
I speak with TargeT from The One Truth forum and Project Avalon forum. My voice gets lost for a brief period but, it gets fixed.


2nd April 2017, 11:51
Very enjoyable, feel you'll be annoyed with the techy stuff but great job and lovely to get to know Target.

2nd April 2017, 13:28
I'm so down with you about the shopping. I hate having to shop most of the time. I get headaches doing it. My mom used to drag me around endlessly while she tried on clothes. I think it's psychosomatic.

I do like deals and sales or shopping local, i.e. farmers markets. So those experiences are good. I hate having to shop for big things like appliances.

I'm so glad you addressed projection. It's much easier to do with text.

I have a huge personal problem with a couple people close to me who project big time. Face to face. You speak, and what they react to is not what you said. I've reached the point at times where I've literally had to tell certain persons, If you're gonna jump to conclusions and get bent out of shape over it, do it on your own time. I don't want to hear it.

For me to actually say that to someone means they've already gone way off the reservation.

2nd April 2017, 14:22
"The Igors" That's funny. Kinda close to Ogre.

The do v. talk theme is good. Some, like me, are still learning a lot of stuff. And there's a lot to learn. And a lotta crap to wade through. So both talking as active communication and understanding coupled with action based on that is a winning formula.:winner:

5th April 2017, 06:20
Great to see Gio stride back in and look forward to Gio striding back in again soon.

5th April 2017, 09:05
Great to see Gio stride back in and look forward to Gio striding back in again soon.

Mountain rule #1: It's never too late to turn around and come home. :hug:

5th April 2017, 16:50
As the world sits back and prepares to do a blame game ~ The universe is watching in horror and shock at the inaction for humanitarian decency. Pick a side any side but know the injustice will prevail and not one reason can justify this:

I can hardly believe no one has the balls to get aid in there right now and get those people out! But nobody wants to cross...you know that country that can do no wrong! They are truly on their own. It won't take long (if not already done) for some people to make a video somewhere that they're are all crisis actors to soothe their mind of any wrong doing. Many will find ways to justify this...some will ignore it. Others will of course lay blame to one side or the other...The rebels did it! Right....as jets fly over and drop bombs on the hospital made to treat these people! So please try some way to politically justify this while watching.

Me I'm in shock and will take a line from Shakespeare while I swear I will never come back to a planet and world such as this when I'm gone...never again!

O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
My heart is in the coffin ...
And I must pause till it come back to me.



5th April 2017, 17:30
Yes this is horrible...just saying the way it is...:shocked::belief:

Fred Steeves
5th April 2017, 18:33
Three words came to mind while watching that video clip from NBC: "Wag The Dog".

5th April 2017, 18:46
Three words came to mind while watching that video clip from NBC: "Wag The Dog".

Then watch a video not from NBC...it makes no difference...it a war crime it's inhumane and wagging the dog or not...it should be intolerable and addressed immediately.

But you know what that will take? Confrontation of that country that again can do no wrong.


Fred Steeves
5th April 2017, 19:23
Whether this was the little girl with the kitten, or a real gas attack, I don't believe for one second Assad woke up one day, and decided to start gassing his own people. That just doesn't make any sense to me. Same as the fables of Saddam's troops tearing babies apart upon entering Kuwait. What *does* make sense to me, is that certain entities want the US engaged militarily in as many key spots on this planet as possible.

5th April 2017, 19:41
Where was the out rage last week?

US admits it conducted Mosul air strike 'at location' where '200' civilians died (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-air-strike-mosul-200-civilians-killed-isis-northern-iraq-pentagon-central-command-islamic-state-a7651451.html)

The amount of coverage on this issue (syria, not iraq) is very suspicious...

wag the dog indeed.

5th April 2017, 19:52
Where was the out rage last week?

US admits it conducted Mosul air strike 'at location' where '200' civilians died (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-air-strike-mosul-200-civilians-killed-isis-northern-iraq-pentagon-central-command-islamic-state-a7651451.html)

The amount of coverage on this issue (syria, not iraq) is very suspicious...

wag the dog indeed.

Outrage is directed from the fakestream media, which has experienced an upsurge as haters look for material to spew.

5th April 2017, 20:39
Outrage is directed from the fakestream media, which has experienced an upsurge as haters look for material to spew.

Funny that you say fake...

The claims are that a nerve agent was used, similar to Sarin... you have to have a full body suit on when decontaminating nerve agents; you certainly don't handle contaminated anything with any exposed skin as seen on that video.. Oh and water is useless for decontamination.

I'm NBC trained, been gassed with CS many times for equipment confidence training.

this looks fake

They are truly on their own. It won't take long (if not already done) for some people to make a video somewhere that they're are all crisis actors to soothe their mind of any wrong doing.

Don't even need to make a video about it ;)

the tweet about the attack 24 hours before the attack happened is probably enough.. no video needed at all.


though a video is always nice...


5th April 2017, 21:16
Funny that you say fake...

The claims are that a nerve agent was used, similar to Sarin... you have to have a full body suit on when decontaminating nerve agents; you certainly don't handle contaminated anything with any exposed skin as seen on that video.. Oh and water is useless for decontamination.

I'm NBC trained, been gassed with CS many times for equipment confidence training.

this looks fake

Don't even need to make a video about it ;)

the tweet about the attack 24 hours before the attack happened is probably enough.. no video needed at all.


though a video is always nice...


IMO Lionel's take is appreciated.


5th April 2017, 21:26
Funny that you say fake...

The claims are that a nerve agent was used, similar to Sarin... you have to have a full body suit on when decontaminating nerve agents; you certainly don't handle contaminated anything with any exposed skin as seen on that video.. Oh and water is useless for decontamination.

I'm NBC trained, been gassed with CS many times for equipment confidence training.

this looks fake

Don't even need to make a video about it ;)

the tweet about the attack 24 hours before the attack happened is probably enough.. no video needed at all.


though a video is always nice...


The report is that Syria bombed a terrorist facility that had the nerve agents stored there without knowing it contained the agents. That is a story that makes sense. Assad gassing his own people or terrorists, in the current global tinderbox, does not.

6th April 2017, 03:42
I'm not sure how much more I can take of this brutal and primative way of being ...............not just the wars, but the corruption, deviancy, and on and on!!

No matter the advances; we have not evolved and brutality abounds in every nook and cranny of the world it seems..................we are a sick society>>>>>how much worse does it have to get before the masses say ENOUGH!!!

Weeping.............whether real or not the damage is still done to the psyche.................

6th April 2017, 04:44

Aside from Elen and Sandy you have successfully joined the world in the Blame Game. The very crutch that justifies war.

Fred Steeves
6th April 2017, 11:45
IMO Lionel's take is appreciated.

Lionel's take I always appreciate, and he's come one hell of a long way from the local Tampa AM talk show host I used to listen to back in the day.

IMO he is spot on about media distortions, namely in this one concerning Syria and also North Korea, with the latter being a focus of the war drums as well. The only reason I even continue to watch msm any more, is to be up on the latest propaganda Americans are being spoon fed. North Korea is such a threat to the U.S., exactly how? With their test missiles routinely falling dud into the Sea of Japan? But the trail of logic I'm supposed to follow is that now the Sea of Japan, tomorrow here at home thousands of miles away. This meme is getting so desperate that a guest on Morning Joe yesterday suggested that they don't even need a successful missile program, they can just smuggle a nuke across the border.

Well boy howdy, and here we go again... "Something must be done, that crazy man must be stopped!" And China, Russia, you had better watch the f**k out too for that matter! Hell we'll kill em all, and let God sort em out!

Everywhere I look it's wag the dog, so Cuba, Iran, don't for a second Uncle Sam has turned his eye from you either. And Libya, oh that's right, we already tended to you...

Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is presented not as a war, but as an act of self defense against a homicidal maniac.
George Orwell

6th April 2017, 13:34
I'm not sure how much more I can take of this brutal and primative way of being ...............not just the wars, but the corruption, deviancy, and on and on!!

No matter the advances; we have not evolved and brutality abounds in every nook and cranny of the world it seems..................we are a sick society>>>>>how much worse does it have to get before the masses say ENOUGH!!!

Weeping.............whether real or not the damage is still done to the psyche.................

I agree, real or not this does damage; the very idea of it is appalling.

if it's fake, and a cover for what we did last week / more war hawking, is that worse or better?

I do think it's important to realize that these types of actions (both fake and real) are generally only even known about by a very very small portion of the population as a whole (compartmentalization takes care of that). So I would say that the majority of society is not ok with this stuff.

we truly are being manipulated by the top of the pyramid, the vast vast majority of us are GOOD people; we have just been complacent so long that it's come to this.


Aside from Elen and Sandy you have successfully joined the world in the Blame Game. The very crutch that justifies war.

or perhaps we are trying to understand what is going on so we aren't tricked into going to war with/in syria due to a gas attack... you know, like the same thing that happened (was attempted) 4 years ago? (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/11/obama-diplomatic-path-syria-chemical-weapons)

Every major conflict I've researched has been started by something "not above board"; I believe it is of the upmost importance to realize this and at least look for it. (Question everything, Always.)

we've been too complacent for too long to not do our own research and come to our own authentic comprehension of a situation.

6th April 2017, 14:35
Or ...Maybe you're just wrapped up tight in the Blame Game.

You know...I said earlier after being accuse of being a retard and snarky (?) and called all manner of nuts I said...I't okay I'm in good company. I digress. Who will throw the first bomb? Who cares? It's a Blame Game and people will always justify that blame to open that door.

Some people in my company write songs about it. Yes...I'm in good company. The Dogs of War have your attention now.


Us and them
And after all we're only ordinary men
Me and you
God only knows
It's not what we would choose to do
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the general sat
And the lines on the map
Moved from side to side
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and down
And in the end it's only round 'n round
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside
"I mean, they're not gonna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off lightly, 'cause I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once! It was only a difference of opinion, but really...I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"
Down and out
It can't be helped that there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Out of the way
It's a busy day
I've got things on my mind
For the want of the price
Of tea and a slice
The old man died


Dogs of war and men of hate
With no cause, we don't discriminate
Discovery is to be disowned
Our currency is flesh and bone
Hell opened up and put on sale
Gather 'round and haggle
For hard cash, we will lie and deceive
Even our masters don't know the web we weave
One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world, one world
Invisible transfers, long distance calls,
Hollow laughter in marble halls
Steps have been taken, a silent uproar
Has unleashed the dogs of war
You can't stop what has begun
Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion
We all have a dark side, to say the least
And dealing in death is the nature of the beast
One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world, one world
The dogs of war don't negotiate
The dogs of war won't capitulate,
They will take and you will give,
And you must die so that they may live
You can knock at any door,
But wherever you go, you know they've been there before
Well winners can lose and things can get strained
But whatever you change, you know the dogs remain.


I posted that video because it shook me to the core. It doesn't matter who is to blame and that is what I said. Where's my outrage? What a thing to ask! My outrage has always been there dude. Does it really matter what side of the fence you're on? Blame it away...write it down to the dogs of war and shuffle in your repertoire for another day of playing the blame game...while I stand in horror that we...they ....us....them...did not get there pronto and get those people the hell out of there! Find out and test what it was that was used...because they don't know...they...us.. them... are not there to test it! Appears to be sarin gas...pin point pupils....but who the hell cares! ...Get them out of there!...But NO! Gotta have a meeting to decide! WTF!!!


So now I should be afraid to post that I care? I should be afraid to care? Because to care you must choose a side in the blame game? What?

As I said..I may be mad as hell...but I'm in good company.

Some people write songs about it.


Breathe, breathe in the air
Don't be afraid to care
Leave but don't leave me
Look around and choose your own ground
Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
Run, rabbit run
Dig that hole, forget the sun
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one
For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave

6th April 2017, 14:44
I posted that video because it shook me to the core. It doesn't matter who is to blame and that is what I said. Where's my outrage? What a thing to ask!

your internalizing everything, that wont work.

I said "where was THE out rage", which infers a comment about the media coverage and how it completely ignored the 200 deaths caused directly by the US a week ago.

don't make this about you, it's not.

..while I stand in horror that we...they ....us....them...did not get there pronto and get those people the hell out of there!

Get them out of where they live? displace them? what are you saying here?

So now I should be afraid to post that I care? I should be afraid to care? Because to care you must choose a side in the blame game? What?

it's hard to read through all the projection here...

Why would you be afraid of typing words? Why would you be afraid to care and how does that relate to other people having questions about a situation?

What the hell is this "blame game" you speak of?

6th April 2017, 14:57
If I internalize everything ..that's my business....it's my life. Who are you to decide what I think or care about?

Your lack of understanding is on you...so disregard what I write and move on....are you trolling me? Perhaps Gio was right.

6th April 2017, 15:22
If I internalize everything ..that's my business....it's my life. Who are you to decide what I think or care about?

Because I said a broad generalized term "where was the outrage" and you internalized it and read it as "where was your outrage" which completely changes the message.

so it's my business as well since you are misrepresenting what I said.

Your lack of understanding is on you

yes, it usually is.

...so disregard what I write and move on....are you trolling me? Perhaps Gio was right.

Ahh, so now I see why you've been treating me like this.

fair enough.

6th April 2017, 16:39
Look...I apologize for the troll comment. I have the ability to admit when I do something wrong. Imagine that!

But really who are you to decide what I think? Furthermore if you don't understand what I write...move on. Simple.

I've been writing on this stuff for years now and anybody that knows me knows this. You do not know me but I've been on this train of thought for all my life. War is not healthy for children or other living things...that poster used to be on my wall as a teenager. I have not changed in all those years and never will. So I will happily "shove it" as you suggested to me because this is who I am.

When you take what a person writes and break it down to evoke your own meaning as you do I highly question your method of behavior. It's like you're putting a TargeT on me. How long have you been doing this? Since 1999 you said in the video? And you said in the video you do cyber security for the National Guard a branch of the DOD ? How can you NOT understand what I meant by getting those people out of there? I meant get them medical assistance ASAP! I think anybody who read that got that meaning. But you decide I meant what? you question that I meant displace them? As migration the main concern you percieved? I was pretty clear. So I question how you cannot understand that.

Like I said...the understand is on you. You do not control or decide what I think. It makes no difference that you used the the word THE or YOU in the comment of "where was the outrage". It was TargeTing my post. So one would have to assume you are putting a TargeT on my back.

I write what I think and not you or anybody else here can decide how I think. It's not your place.

Here is some non bias that was shared with me today regarding this train going down the track. The middle needs to be understood as well and that we are all being played. The Dogs of war are speaking loud and clear.


But get this straight...dissecting what I think is not your job...it's not your business to change my mind. As retarded as you think I am...I'm a pretty well educated person and internalized or not WAR is Hell and I come from a STRONG military background. My Brother was a Marine who served in Korea on the front lines and my father was a Captain who became a Major after the war. He was a Doctor who picked up in the field dying soldiers in Germany and worked hard to save them. Don't dare question my ability to discern what war and blame is all about.

So I will end again with an apology...but you do not control how I think no matter how you try to dissect meaning in the fashion you use to brake down my thoughts and put your own meaning to it.

6th April 2017, 16:53
I speak with TargeT from The One Truth forum and Project Avalon forum. My voice gets lost for a brief period but, it gets fixed.

I’m new here.

WOW! That is one intelligent conversation.

Both members showed beautiful insights and gave excellent advice.

Thank you.

6th April 2017, 17:00
Thanks for pointing out the technique of breaking down what someone says to give it different meaning, Shadowself. It's the exact same thing that occurred with bsbray. You may have been spared the drama.

He most certainly put all kinds of thoughts 'in my head' that were never there. I currently deal with that on a face to face basis with certain people in my life. Their motive is to control and redirect the narrative rather than have a dialogue.

I'm not making any claims to understand your motives, TargeT. You want to have exchanges but I can't tell how much you desire actual dialogue.

6th April 2017, 17:44
Yeah...well forgive me for being driven to tears at this atrocity. But picking sides does not make one bit of difference when you see those videos with those children in that state....Blame has little meaning. Internalizing and emotion does not wipe away responsibility. Don't tell me what my reaction should or shouldn't be or that I must choose a side to play the almighty blame game.


6th April 2017, 17:45
But get this straight...dissecting what I think is not your job...it's not your business to change my mind. As retarded as you think I am...I'm a pretty well educated person and internalized or not WAR is Hell and I come from a STRONG military background. My Brother was a Marine who served in Korea on the front lines and my father was a Captain who became a Major after the war. He was a Doctor who picked up in the field dying soldiers in Germany and worked hard to save them. Don't dare question my ability to discern what war and blame is all about.
You are probably already familiar with War Is A Racket (https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html) by Smedley Butler?

6th April 2017, 17:45
Yes...war is a racket.

6th April 2017, 17:49
Thanks for pointing out the technique of breaking down what someone says to give it different meaning, Shadowself. It's the exact same thing that occurred with bsbray. You may have been spared the drama.

He most certainly put all kinds of thoughts 'in my head' that were never there. I currently deal with that on a face to face basis with certain people in my life. Their motive is to control and redirect the narrative rather than have a dialogue.

I'm not making any claims to understand your motives, TargeT. You want to have exchanges but I can't tell how much you desire actual dialogue.

You don't know TargeT very well, from where I am standing he is trying to have a dialogue, which increases in difficulty the more someone misrepresents/misunderstands what you say.

I also wonder what is meant by the "blame game". Perhaps elucidation of that term would be beneficial and would lead to more of a meeting of the minds.

6th April 2017, 18:02
Blame is what usually justifies war. The other country is doing or behaving in a manner that the other country does not agree with thus blame.

Blame the other side of such and such justification. Also the premise for civil wars.

Also as written awhile back and someone once wrote and I posted this on an old thread on Avalon back in 2009;

Why do wars start:

This is grossly oversimplified, but it's basically not much different than robbery. That other country has something we want, let's take it away from them. The "something" can be land, resources, people (to convert to a different religion, for work, etc). The "something" can also be power, if the war-starting country perceives "the other guys" to be powerful, and decides to take them out before they get too powerful. Take a big dose of greed, add in a few dashes of fear, and season with a disregard for human life, and you get the recipe for war.

Thus the world is now blaming instead of getting in there with medical assistance. Which I see...(personal opinion here)...as a disregard for human life.

Edit to ad: I understand the ramifications of getting in there to help these people at this time....but it's raw disregard for life that prevents it.

6th April 2017, 18:35
I don't know what 'blame game' is either. I've heard that term for decades, politically and otherwise. Perhaps it's something to do with being so close to getting personal.

Thanks for explaining it in the context of war, Shadowself.

6th April 2017, 19:15
Look...I apologize for the troll comment. I have the ability to admit when I do something wrong. Imagine that!

But really who are you to decide what I think? Furthermore if you don't understand what I write...move on. Simple.

I've been writing on this stuff for years now and anybody that knows me knows this. You do not know me but I've been on this train of thought for all my life. War is not healthy for children or other living things...that poster used to be on my wall as a teenager. I have not changed in all those years and never will. So I will happily "shove it" as you suggested to me because this is who I am.

When you take what a person writes and break it down to evoke your own meaning as you do I highly question your method of behavior. It's like you're putting a TargeT on me. How long have you been doing this? Since 1999 you said in the video? And you said in the video you do cyber security for the National Guard a branch of the DOD ? How can you NOT understand what I meant by getting those people out of there? I meant get them medical assistance ASAP! I think anybody who read that got that meaning. But you decide I meant what? you question that I meant displace them? As migration the main concern you percieved? I was pretty clear. So I question how you cannot understand that.

Like I said...the understand is on you. You do not control or decide what I think. It makes no difference that you used the the word THE or YOU in the comment of "where was the outrage". It was TargeTing my post. So one would have to assume you are putting a TargeT on my back.

I write what I think and not you or anybody else here can decide how I think. It's not your place.

Here is some non bias that was shared with me today regarding this train going down the track. The middle needs to be understood as well and that we are all being played. The Dogs of war are speaking loud and clear.


But get this straight...dissecting what I think is not your job...it's not your business to change my mind. As retarded as you think I am...I'm a pretty well educated person and internalized or not WAR is Hell and I come from a STRONG military background. My Brother was a Marine who served in Korea on the front lines and my father was a Captain who became a Major after the war. He was a Doctor who picked up in the field dying soldiers in Germany and worked hard to save them. Don't dare question my ability to discern what war and blame is all about.

So I will end again with an apology...but you do not control how I think no matter how you try to dissect meaning in the fashion you use to brake down my thoughts and put your own meaning to it.

I'm reading what your saying, but I don't know who it's about.

I'm trying to control you?

i'm trying to tell you what to think?

please show me where???

I break down posts so that it's easier to reply to the ideas being posted, there's no intent to re-frame, I'm just taking the bit I reply to out and posting my thoughts on it. it seems a bit paranoid that I'm breaking down your post to change their meanings, how would I know how you are going to read what I'm responding to, why does it change the meaning when I reply to just part of it instead of re-posting the entire thing? especially when the original text is just a scroll away from veiwing AND linked to in the reply (since I ensure to copy the code that allows linking to the original text).

The more I think about it, the more I think this is just another clever tactic to smear me, you cannot have ignored all of the above with out malice, correct (or is that me reading into what your doing....)?

That way it's a bit more clear, since these are large and complex posts I figure they deserve nuanced complex responses, typing in the way I am now makes it more difficult.

I surely hope you don't think I'm taking this out of context (because, I feel like I need to repeat this; the original text is just a scroll away from veiwing AND linked to in the reply, oh and it's in this very post):

You do not control or decide what I think. It makes no difference that you used the the word THE or YOU in the comment of "where was the outrage". It was TargeTing my post. So one would have to assume you are putting a TargeT on my back.

yes, one would have to assume, not simply read what was written... in fact in that very same post (that you apparently edited to just one line to twist my presentation? thats what it's done for right?) I also said this:

The amount of coverage on this issue (syria, not iraq) is very suspicious...

wag the dog indeed.

So why would you assume I'm NOT talking about coverage on the issue?

you'd have to WANT it to be something else really...

As retarded as you think I am.

what the hell are you talking about here? why are you trying so hard to paint me as the bad guy? please show me how/when I ever applied that term to you...

I'd more than love to clear this up with you, if you can't tell you have a problem with me, I sure as hell can (and I'm sure anyone reading your last few posts).

I'm open to a skype conversation or what ever you'd like. it's much harder to miss the real message on video.

Blame is what usually justifies war. The other country is doing or behaving in a manner that the other country does not agree with thus blame.

Blame the other side of such and such justification. Also the premise for civil wars.

Also as written awhile back and someone once wrote and I posted this on an old thread on Avalon back in 2009;

Trying to find out what is really going on would be the opposite of the blame game then, wouldn't it?

Yes...war is a racket.

I agree 10000%

6th April 2017, 19:21
So blame money? Power? While I understand the need to have clarity on the impersonal side of the issue, I believe it is an error to eschew all accountability of individual and collective entities. The specific example, while more or less horrific depending on the truth of the presentation, does pale in comparison to the daily atrocities committed all around the world, yet which are not as convenient for leveraging public opinion.

Thanks for explaining, and while I don't disagree I see many sides more to these geopolitical events.

Fred Steeves
6th April 2017, 19:38
Thanks for pointing out the technique of breaking down what someone says to give it different meaning, Shadowself. It's the exact same thing that occurred with bsbray. You may have been spared the drama.

He most certainly put all kinds of thoughts 'in my head' that were never there.

Hmmmmm. Bsbray turned into a Right wing fanatic right before our very eyes, I have seen none of that here. What I have seen here, is a good conversation getting absolutely obliterated right before our very eyes. Wow...

6th April 2017, 19:54
Blame is what usually justifies war.
Would you agree that blame for the purpose of justifying an agenda is the whole purpose of false flag attacks?

6th April 2017, 20:23
If I internalize everything ..that's my business....it's my life. Who are you to decide what I think or care about?

Your lack of understanding is on you...so disregard what I write and move on....are you trolling me? Perhaps Gio was right.

Or ...Maybe you're just wrapped up tight in the Blame Game.

I just don't understand what you mean by the blame game or how trying to sort this out in a reasonable manner makes us "trolls"?

IMO it does not make sense that a gas attack was made against one's own people OR how people could say it is definitely sarin when I know that the "rescuers" could not show up and be unaffected themselves without haz matt suits.

You (or any one of us) will not change what really is occurring by our opinions so we COULD all try piecing together the truth OR accuse each other of being trolls.

I could NOT understand what happened with BSbray earlier or Gio lately or you now when it sincerely looks tome that we are all part of a community seeking clarity and how to stand up in this deluge of frothing waves of insanity that is swirling.

6th April 2017, 20:33
I don't know what 'blame game' is either. I've heard that term for decades, politically and otherwise. Perhaps it's something to do with being so close to getting personal.

Thanks for explaining it in the context of war, Shadowself.

"Blame game" is the projection of a person which acts as a deflection of the assigning of responsibility for something

And when you accuse of others of it, you shut down a chance at a conversation that may lead to actual insights about where actual responsibility may lie.

You can easily take any piece of information another person accepts as reality and turn that into them playing the "blame game" when they feel their understanding of the situation is "deeper" than person's

Placing blame and accusing another of "playing the blame game" are two different things, by doing the latter you are projecting thoughts on to that other. While the former (blaming someone) may be counterproductive, blaming someone for blaming gets further away from any sort of clarity I think

Though at the level geo-politics, I doubt very much ANY media provides any information that can lead to conclusions that have any bearing on actual reality, so I kinda get what shadowstalker is saying.

But if you're locked into that track (which I often am) it makes for boring forum conversations imo

6th April 2017, 20:36
To be clear, I wasn't making any direct personal comparisons of TargeT and bsbray. Only the process of breaking down posts which can, and did in that instance, become highly diverted from the issue at hand. People are passionate about issues and that makes it easier to mis- or reinterpret.

I recall people demonizing Iran for not allowing Israeli rescue workers in after the earthquake. Compassion is pretty paramount and if we lose it we will all suffer.

6th April 2017, 20:43
Though at the level geo-politics, I doubt very much ANY media provides any information that can lead to conclusions that have any bearing on actual reality, so I kinda get what shadowstalker is saying.

a very salient point.

The best method for pulling useful information from "the media" I've found is compare and contrast as many sources as possible and look for the discrepancies (and perhaps just as important, look for the similarities, or talking points that are repeated widely) and then apply common logic and see what's left as a question after all that. Every outlet has spin, wading through it is the challenge & probably why I'm such a big fan of independent media, as most content producers do a fairly good job of tackling this.

6th April 2017, 20:53
I doubt very much ANY media provides any information that can lead to conclusions that have any bearing on actual reality,

At the risk of appearing to be unfeeling, what I observe is that invoking "children" is all it takes to split everyone up and make discussion impossible. Honestly I am just as upset by death dealt to anyone as I am about children. People are being killed as pawns in the forever war EVERYDAY.

BUT I do not know even one person killed in a suspicious false flag EVER. I have lost no loved ones to war. Disease (yes), auto accidents (yes), gun violence that may have been homocide when it was declared suicide (yes).

I may seem unfeeling but my response to all the scenarios that appear so bizarre, so inconclusive, so without reason and sense as explained (like my first assault of the JFK assassination and seeing Oswald murdered on TV then the drama of hijackers on 9/11 etc.) is that to even feel upset by what I am told happened is IMPOSSIBLE.

I feel absolute what %^& *#$% hot outrage at what I see as attempts to drive me crazy. When what is seen by my own eyes and what I am told occurred contradicts my "common sense", when my attempt to question is used against me, THAT is what I think is THE POINT.

I do not believe "false flags" have no death and dying victims. Also, I do not think that all false flags are done the same way. Some have dead people, some not.

Sandy Hook was for me the "poster" for a false flag where it has NOT seemed clear that children died.
In this case of "gas attack", it is not clear that the "event" happened as it is claimed.
I will not let my heart be bled dry in vain.

6th April 2017, 21:44
[...] so I kinda get what shadowstalker is saying.

I think you mean Shadowself. Shadowstalker is a poster at Project WhatsItsNameAgain. :p

6th April 2017, 22:47
I have what I call a stupid trigger as well as an authoritative trigger and have taught myself to be fully aware when it goes off...............

Having a Father and 3 Brothers who emulated his ever present military Sargeant Major authoratative character (even while no longer in the forces; we always had to say "yes sir and no sir" when he was interacting with us) left me with always feeling I had to knuckle under or be called a stupid, dumb, overreacting, drama queen, thus it has been many years of carrying this label with the male side of family as I refused to knuckle under to any of them!!!

Probably why I search for answers today tho' and have gained lessons over lessons to become awake and conscious and not always take things for face value .... and these days, "first and foremost search within myself".

I hear both Shadowself and TargeT and both have valid points...........but the blame game IMHO lies with us the people and here is the BOMBSHELL>>>>mainly the masculine energy of the planet................I know there are women who promote this energy and support it but for the most part I believe:






Maybe this is why I am a loner.................hahhahahha

7th April 2017, 01:39
I have what I call a stupid trigger as well as an authoritative trigger and have taught myself to be fully aware when it goes off...............


I hear both Shadowself and TargeT and both have valid points...........but the blame game IMHO lies with us the people and here is the BOMBSHELL>>>>mainly the masculine energy of the planet................I know there are women who promote this energy and support it but for the most part I believe:






Maybe this is why I am a loner.................hahhahahha

Gotta second that! :winner:

Fred Steeves
7th April 2017, 03:15
Surprise surprise, mission of that video accomplished. Problem, Reaction, Solution?


7th April 2017, 03:53
Surprise surprise, mission of that video accomplished. Problem, Reaction, Solution?


Dog, officially wagged.
this trikes me as exactly the response that was desired 4 years ago... same plan different regime.

welcome to the new boss, even more militarily agressive than the last boss.

7th April 2017, 04:28
no solution................only more problems!!

7th April 2017, 08:26
I have what I call a stupid trigger as well as an authoritative trigger and have taught myself to be fully aware when it goes off...............

Having a Father and 3 Brothers who emulated his ever present military Sargeant Major authoratative character (even while no longer in the forces; we always had to say "yes sir and no sir" when he was interacting with us) left me with always feeling I had to knuckle under or be called a stupid, dumb, overreacting, drama queen, thus it has been many years of carrying this label with the male side of family as I refused to knuckle under to any of them!!!

Probably why I search for answers today tho' and have gained lessons over lessons to become awake and conscious and not always take things for face value .... and these days, "first and foremost search within myself".

I hear both Shadowself and TargeT and both have valid points...........but the blame game IMHO lies with us the people and here is the BOMBSHELL>>>>mainly the masculine energy of the planet................I know there are women who promote this energy and support it but for the most part I believe:






Maybe this is why I am a loner.................hahhahahha

Sandy...I'm waving my jacket over my head saying: YEAH...that's it! I'm with you and Dreamtimer and all those that want peace among ourselves...us!

If we can't do it where does it start?

7th April 2017, 08:51
I dreamt it a dozen times as a little girl. We need to put down our guns and talk to each other. Words are what will win the day, not guns. Only a few people listened in my dream. Drops in a wave.

7th April 2017, 15:31
Good Morning!


I’d like to speak of the “yellow brick road”. You know, that road you follow to get to that projected image from OZ. That road of lifes journey. The one that tells you how to get a brain. How to properly install a heart. To instill that courage you feel in need of. For it is certain that this projected image has the KEY. It sends you on a journey to find these things. It is a perilous journey. One filled with peaks and valleys. One that tells you of a future vision. Where freedom rings, and all will be well.

Once you get there you’ll have to follow the next journey given by the projection on the screen from OZ. The projection tells you many secrets to find that freedom where all is well. It will take you home. It tells you all you want to hear. It gives you short cuts, and instruction. It will often times charge you for services rendered. Lesson one, pull out your wallet, and free yourself of the evil dollar. Follow me, you will not be sorry, for it’s the only way to survive the wicked witch of the West. It has the key, and all you have to do is follow.

But if you remember one thing about that wizard of Oz, it was a projection by a man behind the curtain. A man who fell to Oz one day, and became a legend among the folks from Oz. Because he has something no one else had and they wanted some. They made him a hero, and followed his every word. If you recall he was nothing more that a snake oil salesman, who fell to Oz, much the same as Dorothy.

In the journey of Dorothy and her companions, she ran into a good witch, and a bad witch. In the end, it was not the man from Oz that truly helped her to get back home. The man from Oz finally let her know, she had the ruby slippers all along. It was within her all along to get back home, find that freedom and enjoy life's journey.... She had the power within.

When you look outside for that inner knowing, you will only run into a source outside yourself. A journey of the soul...knowing and freedom truly comes from within and not the man behind the curtain.


Sandy I applaud you.

Does it matter who is to blame when war breaks out? I suppose you must take a side...but:

I referenced this on a post further back here on the Cosmic Emporium but I will say it again as I did 10 years ago....it's as true today as it was back then and reflect how I feel about the whole situation:.

After some events that shook the world, I broke down in tears. This was the resulting summation. I asked myself what can I do? Who am I? Just a simple mother with a fear my children will not grow up to see the beauty this world should encompass! So here is the brunt of that summation.

Who am I? I’m a mother of three sons, and two grandchildren. I’m a musician, I’m the one you pass at the market when shopping. I cry at sad movies, and happy endings. I’m the one you honk at while at the traffic light, because I’m changing the radio station and not paying attention to the light. I’m the one who can’t stand to see the starving children in deprived countries. I’m the one who stood by and watched the twin towers fall in disbelief. I’m the one who watched the United States go to war for the sake of oil and power. I’m the one who woke up to the fact that it is all an illusion. One created to use us against each other.

I’m the one who want’s to wake up and find that the illusion is over. That mankind stood up and said , we are through with your lies, we want only the truth and nothing else will be acceptable. We will stop working your war machine, we want nothing to do with your power agendas. We want to see the starvation and suffering ended. We want the children to be nothing but loved. We hold our future dear to us and will not accept your blatant lies. We don’t care about your boarders, we care about our neighbors. We send them love. We bless them with kindness and giving. We will rebuild our future with strength of compassion. Hate is not a word we use in our vocabulary. Giving is our key to success.

Then and only then will the tears I shed today turn tears of joy. Then mankind can collect the grand prize. The universal prize of humanity shedding it’s mask of animal behavior. Then we will be able to join the ranks of Sharing universal love of humanity and creation throughout the universe.


Trump's nuke rhetoric: "If we have them, why not use them?"

So how does this recent action/reaction surprise you?


To date...we're not even a stones throw away from joining those ranks on a universal level.


We may be human...but we're still animals.

Mind you I just got a call from my son....I'm going to be a grandmother for the third time today....My grandson is on his way into this world. I can only hope eh?

7th April 2017, 16:04
Meanwhile amidst the cover-ups and nausea

Flint MI Residents still have to pay full price for water services:



After weeks of meetings aimed at extending state-provided water relief credits, residents of Flint, Michigan, will resume paying the full price for water they still need to filter and have not been able to drink safely since April 2014.

The credits, totaling roughly $40 million in aid, have covered 65 percent of residents' water usage since 2014 when the city's water crisis began. The credits have also covered 20 percent of city businesses' water use.

And don't forget...

Woman in leading Flint water crisis lawsuit slain in twin killing

FLINT, MI - A woman at the center of a bellwether Flint water crisis lawsuit was one of two women who were shot to death inside a townhouse earlier this week.

Sasha Avonna Bell was one of the first of a growing number of people to file a lawsuit in connection to the Flint water crisis after she claimed that her child had been lead poisoned.


But alas they are supposed to now fix the problem which has been going on for how long now?

Turn the page:


7th April 2017, 21:03
Thank you for sharing your Beautiful Shadowself and Congrat's >>>I'm a Grandma of 3 from one wonderful Son, my only one>>>they are all young women who one day will have children .........................I look forward to being a Great Grandma before I leave this body and pray for a world of peace too...................:smiley hug:

Good Morning!


I’d like to speak of the “yellow brick road”. You know, that road you follow to get to that projected image from OZ. That road of lifes journey. The one that tells you how to get a brain. How to properly install a heart. To instill that courage you feel in need of. For it is certain that this projected image has the KEY. It sends you on a journey to find these things. It is a perilous journey. One filled with peaks and valleys. One that tells you of a future vision. Where freedom rings, and all will be well.

Once you get there you’ll have to follow the next journey given by the projection on the screen from OZ. The projection tells you many secrets to find that freedom where all is well. It will take you home. It tells you all you want to hear. It gives you short cuts, and instruction. It will often times charge you for services rendered. Lesson one, pull out your wallet, and free yourself of the evil dollar. Follow me, you will not be sorry, for it’s the only way to survive the wicked witch of the West. It has the key, and all you have to do is follow.

But if you remember one thing about that wizard of Oz, it was a projection by a man behind the curtain. A man who fell to Oz one day, and became a legend among the folks from Oz. Because he has something no one else had and they wanted some. They made him a hero, and followed his every word. If you recall he was nothing more that a snake oil salesman, who fell to Oz, much the same as Dorothy.

In the journey of Dorothy and her companions, she ran into a good witch, and a bad witch. In the end, it was not the man from Oz that truly helped her to get back home. The man from Oz finally let her know, she had the ruby slippers all along. It was within her all along to get back home, find that freedom and enjoy life's journey.... She had the power within.

When you look outside for that inner knowing, you will only run into a source outside yourself. A journey of the soul...knowing and freedom truly comes from within and not the man behind the curtain.


Sandy I applaud you.

Does it matter who is to blame when war breaks out? I suppose you must take a side...but:

I referenced this on a post further back here on the Cosmic Emporium but I will say it again as I did 10 years ago....it's as true today as it was back then and reflect how I feel about the whole situation:.

After some events that shook the world, I broke down in tears. This was the resulting summation. I asked myself what can I do? Who am I? Just a simple mother with a fear my children will not grow up to see the beauty this world should encompass! So here is the brunt of that summation.

Who am I? I’m a mother of three sons, and two grandchildren. I’m a musician, I’m the one you pass at the market when shopping. I cry at sad movies, and happy endings. I’m the one you honk at while at the traffic light, because I’m changing the radio station and not paying attention to the light. I’m the one who can’t stand to see the starving children in deprived countries. I’m the one who stood by and watched the twin towers fall in disbelief. I’m the one who watched the United States go to war for the sake of oil and power. I’m the one who woke up to the fact that it is all an illusion. One created to use us against each other.

I’m the one who want’s to wake up and find that the illusion is over. That mankind stood up and said , we are through with your lies, we want only the truth and nothing else will be acceptable. We will stop working your war machine, we want nothing to do with your power agendas. We want to see the starvation and suffering ended. We want the children to be nothing but loved. We hold our future dear to us and will not accept your blatant lies. We don’t care about your boarders, we care about our neighbors. We send them love. We bless them with kindness and giving. We will rebuild our future with strength of compassion. Hate is not a word we use in our vocabulary. Giving is our key to success.

Then and only then will the tears I shed today turn tears of joy. Then mankind can collect the grand prize. The universal prize of humanity shedding it’s mask of animal behavior. Then we will be able to join the ranks of Sharing universal love of humanity and creation throughout the universe.


Trump's nuke rhetoric: "If we have them, why not use them?"

So how does this recent action/reaction surprise you?


To date...we're not even a stones throw away from joining those ranks on a universal level.


We may be human...but we're still animals.

Mind you I just got a call from my son....I'm going to be a grandmother for the third time today....My grandson is on his way into this world. I can only hope eh?

7th April 2017, 22:53
I'm a Grandma of 3 from one wonderful Son, my only one>>>they are all young women who one day will have children

So far I'm a grandfather of 1 with 1 on the way, but I have 6 kids... so I expect that number is going to grow quite a bit.

My daughter and granddaughter live with me, so every day I come home to the happiest 2 year old in the world, she usually rushes over and wants to be picked up and carried around. I'm definitely enjoying being a grandparent more than a parent (though I'm currently both at the same time, my youngest is still 9) but mostly because it's more like shared child rearing instead of just going it with just me and the old lady. ;)

8th April 2017, 02:47
You are too young to be a Grandpa/papa... :-) but I couldn't agree more about enjoying being a grandparent versus parent.....no parenting image to uphold only an accepting, too lienient , spoiling Granny!! Love it***

8th April 2017, 11:20
I feel too young to be a grandparent. I'm not yet but could be in just a handful of years. We did just have a new baby born into the family yesterday, a beautiful boy.:D

8th April 2017, 12:37
...why not use them?

Did he not see Dr. Strangelove? How does he think his family will continue to build their commercial empire if nukes start getting used?

I used to wonder, when it came to his sanity. Not wondering so much now.

8th April 2017, 17:49
Good Afternoon!

Afternoon because it took an hour to get signed on....again....and again....Why? Because:

We're Not in Kansas Anymore


Someone REALLY does not want me posting on this forum. At first I thought...what the heck? Am I being passively banned? But no...that was not the case. Somebody figured if they try to log into my account they can screw with my logging on. They were right! But this little game went on for two hours yesterday until I finally had to go to work. This morning I created a new password and got in....then signed out...then signed in again and it happened again. Only this time they only did it enough times for me to blow the new password out....because I did not store the new password. Clever boy/gal!

So here is the email sent in my inbox yesterday showing what IP was working to log into my account:


So I did the obvious and looked up the IP address...who ever did this has a sense of humor! they used a proxy in Kansas...as in Dorothy you're not in Kansas anymore!


Whoa! I get it! LMFAO!

Yes indeed I'm not in Kansas anymore...and neither are you. So the end result of this is YOU WIN! Because I don't have the time or inclination to pursue this as much as you might be inclined to. It's just not a priority in my life. So every time I log into TOT I have to go through this as I did again this morning? I don't think so...and again you win! But don't think for one moment I don't see what you are doing.

So on that note...I still would consider the video with Vern because he's a pretty awesome guy and if that is still on the table I'm game...but this...well whoever did this should take their own advise and that of Big Country:


My advise to who ever did this....you should learn how to rock it dude and get yourself Thunderstruck!


On that note...I'm signing off....have fun wasting your time!

8th April 2017, 18:13
On that note...I'm signing off....have fun wasting your time!

Will the mods please explain what happened to her account and what it means in general?

8th April 2017, 20:24
Will the mods please explain what happened to her account and what it means in general?

I'm not a mod, but it appears someone tried to login with her name and guessed at her password 5 times, she say's it's happened more than once so I assume it's not random.

It also appears they were using a proxy to do so (which is a good way to cover your tracks) so it was an intentional and thought out action.

though other than causing a minor inconvenience I'm not so sure what they were after.

9th April 2017, 00:13
Good Afternoon!

Afternoon because it took an hour to get signed on....again....and again....Why? Because:


Someone REALLY does not want me posting on this forum. At first I thought...what the heck? Am I being passively banned? But no...that was not the case. Somebody figured if they try to log into my account they can screw with my logging on. They were right! But this little game went on for two hours yesterday until I finally had to go to work. This morning I created a new password and got in....then signed out...then signed in again and it happened again. Only this time they only did it enough times for me to blow the new password out....because I did not store the new password. Clever boy/gal!

So here is the email sent in my inbox yesterday showing what IP was working to log into my account:


So I did the obvious and looked up the IP address...who ever did this has a sense of humor! they used a proxy in Kansas...as in Dorothy you're not in Kansas anymore!


Umm... I'm afraid you are badly mistaken, Shadowself. ;)

If you look at the screenshot you took of the e-mail that was automatically sent to you after those five failed login attempts, you will see that the IP address listed there does not correspond to the one in the screenshot of the lookup you did at whatismyipaddress.com (http://whatismyipaddress.com). The IP address from where the failed login attempts came was, but the IP address you had entered at whatismyipaddress.com (http://whatismyipaddress.com) is

Elementary, my dear Watson! ;)

: Sherlock:

In fact, I don't know where you got that second IP address — i.e. the one of the proxy server — but the IP address listed in the e-mail from the server of The One Truth as being the one from which the five failed login attempts originated is your own IP address. So I'm guessing that it must have been some kind of short-circuit in the biological mass between the keyboard and the chair. :p


Apart from having mistyped your password, another possibility — one which should not be discarded — is that your keyboard is starting to go south. This does happen, and especially so with laptop/notebook-style keyboards. You type your password (or something else) and the key press on one of the characters doesn't register, or maybe it registers multiple times instead of once.

In that regard, the only advice I can give you — but it's a matter of taste — is to buy either a Cherry (http://cherryamericas.com/) keyboard, or a Das Keyboard (http://www.daskeyboard.com/), or a Unicomp (https://www.pckeyboard.com/) keyboard. The latter are based upon the technology of the original IBM Model M keyboard, with the even so original buckling springs. They're not exactly cheap and not everyone likes the clicking sound they make, but they are meant to last forever. On account of Cherry keyboards, you specifically want the Professional Line, because they also sell other models. Das Keyboard is a German manufacturer — Cherry is also German, by the way, but the link above points at their US headquarters — which sources its keys and springs from Cherry.

Lastly, the only other option I can think of is that your computer has been compromised. And in that case, I'm afraid there's very little I can do for you. As you're not online right now while I'm typing this, I cannot check for the User-Agent header that your web browser sends to the server, but I have a very strong suspicion that you're using Microsoft Windows as your operating system, because that's what the vast majority of our members are using. And I have just posted a thread about how the CIA has developed a tool for installing malware onto Windows computers while bypassing any anti-malware applications running on the target machine (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/10837-Wikileaks-reveals-Grasshopper-the-CIA-s-tool-for-infecting-Microsoft-Windows-computers).

But it's not just the spooks that do this sort of thing. According to the article, the CIA's malware installer uses components from existing Russian malware. This is all stuff which you can download off the Web if you know where to look — some of it might be hiding in the so-called Deep Web, but this need not necessarily be the case. And it's actually an industry all of its own, because while some malware developers make their tools freely available, others charge big money for them. And one of the biggest customers of this kind of malware is the spam industry. They infect your computer so that it will send out spam e-mails.

Of all the above-listed options, and keeping in mind that every single computer running Microsoft Windows is suspect of having been compromised due to the very nature of the Windows platform, I think that it's most likely that you either mistyped your password or that your keyboard is starting to fail. If the failed login attempts did indeed come from a person with malicious intent, then they were either way trying to get in through your own computer, not through any proxy server. And two important questions you should be asking yourself in that regard is "Why would I be a target for them, and what would they have hoped to gain from attempting to log into my account at a forum for truth-seekers?"

The best advice I can give to all of our members is to, upon your next login, check the box labeled "Remember Me". This puts a session cookie on your computer and will allow you to automatically log in at The One Truth without having to type your password. Anytime you bring up one of the pages here at the forum, you will then be logged in automatically, and it will also keep you logged in until you close all of the tabs for The One Truth in your browser.

Lastly, I would also like to point out to our members that we have now switched over to https, which means that even if you log in manually, your password cannot be intercepted anymore by any sniffers between your computer and The One Truth, because https means that all traffic between your computer and the website — login included — is encrypted. However, if you're using a laptop with a WiFi connection at your home, then the air gap between the laptop and your wireless access point becomes a liability. Always make sure that you are using WPA2 Personal encryption between your router and whatever wireless device you use for accessing the internet!


9th April 2017, 01:40
It's uploaded and available now.

We have two guests this time and they do most of the talking. One topic is Conversations With God by Neale Walsch.


9th April 2017, 02:17
However, if you're using a laptop with a WiFi connection at your home, then the air gap between the laptop and your wireless access point becomes a liability. Always make sure that you are using WPA2 Personal encryption between your router and whatever wireless device you use for accessing the internet!


in this case, on this topic; (wifi and HTTPS) the traffic to HTTPS sites is encrypted before it leaves your computer, by the web client (chrome, firefox, etc...) so the only thing to worry about would be a key logger (see above mentioned malware concerns).

So your saFe!

oh wait, HTTPS is junk in how it is widely implemented and can easily be defeated (https://news.netcraft.com/archives/2016/03/17/95-of-https-servers-vulnerable-to-trivial-mitm-attacks.html)... your definitely not safe by using it.

ToT actually has a pretty good implementation (AFAIK you cannot connect at all via http) but TLS certificate spoofing/hijacking is certainly not impossible.

I've been doing network penetration and incident response for the last few years now; there's literally no way to stop someone that really wants to get to your info... HOWEVER, this takes a massive amount of effort and the talent/skills are not commonly held (not many people can look at a packet in HEX and tell you what it is,) and with that said, this type of concerted attacks generally don't happen to anyone but countries and large companies (maybe certain whistle blowers) the ROI is crap, it's just not done often.

so don't be paranoid, but be paranoid.

9th April 2017, 08:06
It's uploaded and available now.

We have two guests this time and they do most of the talking. One topic is Conversations With God by Neale Walsch.


This is the best TOTCAST ever. Thank you Brook, Vern and modwiz. :fire::magic:,

14th April 2017, 00:12
Where is Gio? Is he hanging out with Waldo?


What Thomas Sheridan observes as basics of living a magical life.


14th April 2017, 06:50
Where is Gio? Is he hanging out with Waldo?


What Thomas Sheridan observes as basics of living a magical life.


Magic is everywhere really, but the best way is through innocence and play with the responsibility of acquired knowledge and experience. Basically it's life with that extra bit of spice. I remember my young niece telling me that she had never ever seen a four-leaf clover, so I suggested to her to go outside and ask for it to show itself. A week later she called me on the phone, excitedly telling me: "Auntie, I see them everywhere now!" So that's about it...ask for it...:magic:,

15th April 2017, 00:41
I enjoyed hearing from Magenta Pixie here. She is accessing "Cosmic" IMO.


15th April 2017, 19:05
Gio has left the building and as a regular poster here will be missed :o
Wish you well Gio

Walda is hiding in the bottom left hand corner next red object tall :winner:

16th April 2017, 02:49

Creating Your Future – One Step at a Time

So why a walking meditation?

I wanted to create a meditation that included standing and walking so that people could take their energy with them, first in their meditation, but ultimately embody that energy throughout the day. I wanted our students to be able to reinvent a new self and to be able to walk consciously in a new state of being with their eyes open—to be able in their waking state to shift into an elevated state that maintains and sustains an energetic, biological, neurological, chemical, hormonal, and epigenetic change during their day.

When we can tap into or embody this state with our eyes open, it begins to form new habits and change our personality. Then, after practicing it over and over, we become more mindful of not returning to autopilot where we go unconscious and miss the present moment. This is important because if the body is the mind, the moment we go unconscious and start living on autopilot, we miss the present moment. And when we’re not in the present moment, we’re keeping our dreams, visions, and goals at arm’s length.

How we do it

We start the walking meditation by anchoring ourselves in the present moment and closing our eyes to disconnect from our external environment. We acknowledge the heart center—the center of oneness, wholeness, creativity, and where the soul and heart intersects with the unified field—and bring to the center elevated emotions such as gratitude, joy, inspiration, love, etc.

By resting our attention and creating an elevated emotion within our heart, we begin to change the energy field surrounding our bodies. While our lower centers are all about consuming and turning energy into chemistry, our higher energy centers are about creation, and in this state we become more energy than matter. Now we’re contributing to our field instead of drawing from it. This is important because this is how we begin the creative process.

After a few minutes of centering ourselves in our hearts, we hold a clear intention in our mind’s eye, thus changing into a new state of being and broadcasting a new electromagnetic field. We then ask our students to begin walking with their eyes open and embodying the energy they created, as well as the frequency of whatever they’re creating in their future. If we can begin to take this energy with us during our waking, daily lives, we are activating the same neurological networks and producing the same level of mind as when we meditate with our eyes closed. So now we’re firing and wiring new circuits while connected to our external environment, and our brains are creating order between our inner and outer world.

By walking in the new energy we create, we’re embodying the energy of our meditation, and with every step we take we’re taking one step closer towards our destiny. In this process we’re not only modifying our behavior, we’re laying down new neurological networks and signaling new genes in new ways. If we practice this enough times, then we’ll begin to not only carry that energy with us throughout the day, but embody it. This type of repetition will make us more mindful in waking hours, and before we know it we’ll start behaving, thinking, and feeling differently, thus we are reprogramming a new personality self.

The walking meditation is a great way for us to begin to not only embody our future while living in the present moment, but to start practicing living in that energy—living in that future behavior, living in those future choices, living in those future thoughts, and living in the feelings that create our future.

Eyes open or eyes closed? It’s your choice.http://www.drjoedispenza.com/blog/meditation/creating-your-future-one-step-at-a-time/


16th April 2017, 03:13
Gio's imo like that favourite uncle, you know will appear, when ready, usually with presents.

16th April 2017, 03:19
I enjoyed hearing from Magenta Pixie here. She is accessing "Cosmic" IMO.


Looking forward to hearing this, a 1320 sister for me also.

16th April 2017, 03:23
TargeT joined me again for Cosmic Emporium: TOTCAST Vlll is uploading now. It will go up when finished in a few hours. My upload speeds are poor.

16th April 2017, 03:28
TargeT joined me again for Cosmic Emporium: TOTCAST Vlll is uploading now. It will go up when finished in a few hours. My upload speeds are poor.

Always enjoyable to have these unscripted rambles with you; I'm not afraid of a format or formal topic though.. we tried to circle around being authentic in an unauthentic world; but I"m not sure if we stuck to that one mostly or not.. haha.

16th April 2017, 04:43
I enjoyed our topic tonight. Moving ourselves forward and sharing experiences with skills of utility.

Cosmic Emporium: Voices of The Forums - TOTCAST Vlll With TargeT


16th April 2017, 08:23
ahh, you had such good closing statements, looks like a technical issue ate them.

16th April 2017, 11:44
Cosmic Emporium: Voices of The Forums - TOTCAST Vlll With TargeT
TargetT, thanks for sharing your thoughts on Reddit. I was also inspired by your thoughts on perseverance. :)

modwiz, at the beginning of the video you said something about the [fill in the blank] of Project Avalon. I couldn't understand the audio on that.

What did you say and what does it mean?

16th April 2017, 13:46
TargetT, thanks for sharing your thoughts on Reddit. I was also inspired by your thoughts on perseverance. :)

modwiz, at the beginning of the video you said something about the [fill in the blank] of Project Avalon. I couldn't understand the audio on that.

What did you say and what does it mean?

"The diaspora (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaspora) of Project Avalon". Quoting Wonkypedia, the source of all misinformation and propaganda...: :p

"A diaspora (from Greek διασπορά, "scattering, dispersion") is a scattered population whose origin lies within a smaller geographic locale. Diaspora can also refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland. Diaspora has come to refer particularly to historical mass dispersions of an involuntary nature, such as the expulsion of Jews from Judea, the fleeing of Greeks after the fall of Constantinople, the African Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the southern Chinese or Hindus of South Asia during the coolie trade, the Irish during and after the Irish Famine, the Palestinian diaspora, and the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries in the 20th century, the exile and deportation of Circassians, and the emigration of Anglo-Saxon warriors and their families after the Norman Conquest of England, many of whom found employment in Constantinople and bolstered the elite bodyguard of the emperor, the Varangian Guard."

19th April 2017, 13:46
I haven't listened to this yet, but how could I not post such a cosmic discussion with the man with the cosmic hair? They sell posters of him at SoundGarden...


25th April 2017, 13:53
I enjoyed our topic tonight. Moving ourselves forward and sharing experiences with skills of utility.

Cosmic Emporium: Voices of The Forums - TOTCAST Vlll With TargeT


Good stuff, I haven't been watching so many videos lately...like TargeT (who it was really nice to "meet", thanks for putting yourself out there) I've been trying to be more of a "doer" lately. The beauty of the internet as a medium for me is the possibility of recieving feedback from individuals you'd otherwise not have the opportunity interact with.

I like what you're doing...if you'd have me, I'm ready to participate...I believe you have my skype?

25th April 2017, 15:42
I've been trying to be more of a "doer" lately.

I'm trying to mix the two now,

I taught a guy to weld (well, as much as I know) after learning via the internet & we came up with a way to repair a gate for one of my horse pens
*video shot, needs editing

I installed an off grid solar system on my house
*Video shot, needs more editing, possibly multiple videos for more detail.

I have some footage and pictures of the horse we performed surgery on after it spent the night stuck in barbwire
*video shot, needs editing

We broke 3 horses this weekend, went from never having anything but a halter to going on a short trail ride and even a canter (all in about 3 hours).
*video shot, needs editing.

My problem is the editing, I usually spend way too much time editing; I like modwiz's method a bit better.

25th April 2017, 18:15
I'd love to hear/see you on a TOT-cast, donk.:thup:

25th April 2017, 21:20
I'm trying to mix the two now,

I taught a guy to weld (well, as much as I know) after learning via the internet & we came up with a way to repair a gate for one of my horse pens
*video shot, needs editing

I installed an off grid solar system on my house
*Video shot, needs more editing, possibly multiple videos for more detail.

I have some footage and pictures of the horse we performed surgery on after it spent the night stuck in barbwire
*video shot, needs editing

We broke 3 horses this weekend, went from never having anything but a halter to going on a short trail ride and even a canter (all in about 3 hours).
*video shot, needs editing.

My problem is the editing, I usually spend way too much time editing; I like modwiz's method a bit better.

I'm glad you're partaking in both, I enjoy the more abstract thoughts you share, usually I enjoy spending time on thoughts I disagree with but I found myself in so much agreement but your perspective (military, less social, unique locale/vocation/life path, etc) is so different

...like Rad points with what he's doing, it's the beauty/versatility of this medium

25th April 2017, 21:49
I'm glad you're partaking in both, I enjoy the more abstract thoughts you share, usually I enjoy spending time on thoughts I disagree with but I found myself in so much agreement but your perspective (military, less social, unique locale/vocation/life path, etc) is so different

...like Rad points with what he's doing, it's the beauty/versatility of this medium

Don't forget, some would like to hear you in a TOTCAST. If interested, let me know. PM or skype.

25th April 2017, 22:23
Don't forget, some would like to hear you in a TOTCAST. If interested, let me know. PM or skype.

I like what you're doing...if you'd have me, I'm ready to participate...I believe you have my skype?

Different pages, same ideas ;)

26th April 2017, 05:22
hey Phil

You reference a person who acts out victim scenarios. It is very difficult to be in a close relationship with people who are push you, pull you dramatists.

The thing about victimization as a concept is as excuse to accept "help". I identify with the kernal of victim mindedness...one NEEDS so much and is deprived. People GET the support by being someone we can pity and help. They get second hand juice of Source through the helpers. But in the social milieu, this works to a certain extent as so many OTHERS need to be Saving to get THEIR juice from Source.

I think there is a possibility that I did not expect before...maybe the triad of victim, Savior and the needed Persecutors is just a shallow blah blah of connecting.

A theme that is in contrats to the triad is one I see around but worded many ways says...seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all will be added...THAT rocks.

That rocks because I think as You may be thinking...suffering is self imposed and just a drama. But we cannot have this freedom until we are diorectly Juiced from Source. How do we RECEIVE SOURCE? The greatest easy way is learn to relax. Justy by loosening up all the kinks, we can tap into the energy for no reason at all, JUST BE CAUSE we are MEANT to be in the flow of the energy that CREATES all "worlds"...

To choose freedom of the ideal of real love that we always HAVE and can extend endlessly is not draining because it is to be in the flow of Source. Yes, it can even help in the triad. People can still be halfway sourced and in with some energy.....mostly it is being traded around between characters acting out drama so "tired" energy. I think everyone is living just fine for what they are expecting. The fun part is upgrading and losing suffering.

Everyone does get something to live on in the degraded energy scene. The victim gets the trickle down of saints illumination. The Savior gets the tickle of touching madness, as insanity in proximity meets a desire. The Persecutor draws on the whirlwind of evil which is entropy and death. Players can even trade places.

Yours is not a necessarily and entrapped Theirs when YOU decide how to give and receive the energy of All.
IMO it is far from suffering to be alive in the Kingdom of "God" (name matters not) which is closer than our breathing.

Best for all who seek. Who cares if seeking is not finding because we have to do something around here to make time. Also, we choose to live in Community which is where all the great trimphs and challenges of relating bring pleasure or pain. IMO we could really interact in sharing pleasure IF we live in the kingdom of Love.

To the Shipibo Nation, that maintains the tradition of healing with song.
Somewhere in timeless time lives a twin soul that is identical and different from you, who loves you and awaiting you, This song calls your twin soul.


I think this "twin" is our Self? I think we meet Self when we are ready? Bye Bye suffering.

Love, maggie

6th May 2017, 10:07
A new Cosmic Emporium is out.

Shortly after the crash and burn of the earlier livestream, Vern joined me for a conversation of our own on the topic. The real story is neither Bill or Corey but, the community.

Cosmic Emporium: TOTCAST lX - Bill Ryan/Corey Goode Alt-Community Spat


7th May 2017, 03:57
Fatoumata Diawara is, like,... Cosmic,...





7th May 2017, 04:19
A new Cosmic Emporium is out.

Shortly after the crash and burn of the earlier livestream, Vern joined me for a conversation of our own on the topic. The real story is neither Bill or Corey but, the community.

I wasn't able to join via my phone, but I did get to watch you struggle... haha though you still had good things goin.

9th May 2017, 08:04
Aianawa/Vern joins me again to speak about a community that we care about.

This is tied into the conversation started by the Bill Ryan and Corey Goode discussion.


9th May 2017, 13:03
This will sound a little corny, I LOVE YOU GUYS! :h5: Just two pennies from me..

9th May 2017, 16:02
Synchronicity seems to work when someone is heading in the right direction.

I recently was reminded of the importance of asking the right question. And since the answer lies within the question, it's worth finding.

I like your question, Radagast. How much truth do we need in order to act? Just enough, imo, if we can ask the right question.

Another thing I recently heard was about knowing the difference between fact and truth. Truth is very intimately connected to belief.

14th May 2017, 22:09
Another side to the BR/CG story.


18th May 2017, 18:17
Note revised thread descriptive ...

Greetings Everyone,

Welcome to my new 24/7 open share musing emporium thread ...

It is an open thread and do invite all members to share and post here ...

♪ So Lets Make Some Beautiful Music Together Here ♪


Well i'm back ... :D

Please note i will be soon starting a new personal musing thread here in this column
It will now become my primary (personal musing) thread...

Again ...

It should be noted, i wish no one ill intent here ...
But i choose to communicate with who i wish to engage with ...

And to be honest, I really don't need to interact with others members
to fulfill my own personal self/sharing gratification of expression here ...

Further, i would very much appreciate other forum members try to reframe
from posting on it ... It kind of interrupts my flow ... If you get my drift ...

If members do feel the need to communicate with me - Please post on either my
profile page (https://jandeane81.com/member.php/2755-giovonni) (or also you can PM me there) ...

Thanks much and happy to be back !

18th May 2017, 21:02
Note revised thread descriptive ...

Well i'm back ... :D

Please note i will be soon starting a new personal musing thread here in this column
It will now become my primary (personal musing) thread...

Again ...

Further, i would very much appreciate other forum members try to reframe
from posting on it ... It kind of interrupts my flow ... If you get my drift ...

If members do feel the need to communicate with me - Please post on either my
profile page (https://jandeane81.com/member.php/2755-giovonni) (or also you can PM me there) ...

Thanks much and happy to be back !

So we can still post on the Cosmic Forum? It IS a rather nice place to put our definition of "Cosmic" bits that do not need a separate thread.
Happy you are happy to be back Gio. Good to see your name.

18th May 2017, 22:28
I taught a guy to weld (well, as much as I know) after learning via the internet & we came up with a way to repair a gate for one of my horse pens
*video shot, needs editing

I installed an off grid solar system on my house
*Video shot, needs more editing, possibly multiple videos for more detail.

I have some footage and pictures of the horse we performed surgery on after it spent the night stuck in barbwire
*video shot, needs editing

We broke 3 horses this weekend, went from never having anything but a halter to going on a short trail ride and even a canter (all in about 3 hours).
*video shot, needs editing.

A month gone and no progress, (actually negative progress, I might have lost the majority of my solar install recording :(.. still going through backups)

Se la vie (sorry french, I dunno how to spell with u)

Just got informed that I have to spend another night in the tents... GAH!

Well, I hear 100 years ago or so "bleeding" was a "health cure".. Mosquitoes count right?

One of my favorite movies as a kid is being brought back... I hope they don't F it up...


18th May 2017, 22:35
Se la vie (sorry french, I dunno how to spell with u)

"C'est la vie." ;) You're welcome. :p

18th May 2017, 22:57
"C'est la vie." ;) You're welcome. :p

Got it half right! (I hear in Europe that anything above 40% is passing... so on that continent I'm good?)

18th May 2017, 23:13
Got it half right! (I hear in Europe that anything above 40% is passing... so on that continent I'm good?)

I wouldn't count on that if I were you. ;) Our education system is very strict. :belief:

For instance, in college and at the university, when there is a single course that you don't pass at the end of the academic year — i.e. with a score below 50% on that course — then they'll have you come back during summer vacation to be tested again on all courses where you did not get a 65% score or better. And it's already more lenient now, because in my days, you were tested again on all courses where you didn't attain a 70% score or better. ;)

I even remember that in my first year of college, there was a day where we had five (5) exams in a single day. Two of them were both of the same course, but then one was a verbal exam and the other was written. But that particular course was comprised of ~700 pages worth of knowledge, plus written notes. And the other courses for which we had exams that day weren't all that much better. :belief:

18th May 2017, 23:33
I wouldn't count on that if I were you. ;) Our education system is very strict. :belief:

For instance, in college and at the university, when there is a single course that you don't pass at the end of the academic year — i.e. with a score below 50% on that course

Our cut off starts at 60% but you won't be retained unless your at 70% and you cant keep your loans unless your at like 75%-80% and if your on a scholarship you can't get below 80%...

But I was just teasing, I think modern schooling is utter crap (easy to say for me since I only did 2 years of college before being fed up and leaving) I vastly prefer autodidactation (New word!).

18th May 2017, 23:43
Our cut off starts at 60% but you won't be retained unless your at 70% and you cant keep your loans unless your at like 75%-80% and if your on a scholarship you can't get below 80%...

Well, yes, there are separate cutoffs for the individual courses versus the required total score, and I'm not even sure anymore on the exact percentages.

And our regulation of scholarship grants is quite simplistic: you can get one only if your parents — or if you don't live with them and you have your own income, then it applies to your own salary — don't earn more than a certain amount, which isn't very high. You can also only get a scholarship once per college/university year, so if you have to double the year because you didn't make it the first time, then you won't be receiving any scholarship for your new attempt, regardless of how low your parents' (or your) salary is.

But I was just teasing, I think modern schooling is utter crap (easy to say for me since I only did 2 years of college before being fed up and leaving) I vastly prefer autodidactation (New word!).

Having a tutor assist you in your studying is a good thing, in my opinion. But I will agree that the organized education systems — especially in the West — leave a lot to be desired. ;)

18th May 2017, 23:48
Having a tutor assist you in your studying is a good thing,

I agree, but I'm ENTP (http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/entp) (heavy on the E)...So finding assistance hasn't been an issue yet with youtube and skype treating me well in that arena (mostly for physics, I'm not the goodest at math and need my hand held at times when trudging through formuli)

20th May 2017, 23:02
I agree, but I'm ENTP (http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/entp) (heavy on the E)...So finding assistance hasn't been an issue yet with youtube and skype treating me well in that arena (mostly for physics, I'm not the goodest at math and need my hand held at times when trudging through formuli)

I want to speak Russian so I can go to the Ukraine where hardly anyone speaks English. I think Ukraine has amazing ancient sites.
Youtube is getting me started. I love youtube!!





21st May 2017, 06:00
:cool::cool::cool: That is sooo cool Maggie! Why don't you put this in the Atlantis thread as well, and so the people interested can access from there in addition...;)

21st May 2017, 12:36
It is out and I don't think it will disappoint many. The three of us certainly hope we handled this well. Gio's return is powerful.

Gio is back with us an re-energized, as you will see. First 12 minutes have a thumbnail and then the video comes on. Bill Ryan is a central focus of discussion. It is civil, loving and coming from a place of integrity. That is not to say it is absent of critique but, it all centers around the good of our community and Bill's important place in it.


21st May 2017, 16:26
Can I get a Hallelujah?! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70i8gTb3fZQ) Kate McKinnon is so funny I can't stand it. The Joe and Mika thing had me guffawing. I'm still simultaneously creeped out and amazed by her Jeff Sessions.

She is indeed a Master of Impressions.

21st May 2017, 17:07
Can I get a Hallelujah?! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70i8gTb3fZQ) Kate McKinnon is so funny I can't stand it. The Joe and Mika thing had me guffawing. I'm still simultaneously creeped out and amazed by her Jeff Sessions.

She is indeed a Master of Impressions.

Here's the one Hallelujah that I love...


I apologise if I bust bubbles...it did not mean to...:chrs:

21st May 2017, 17:09
Can I get a Hallelujah?! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70i8gTb3fZQ) Kate McKinnon is so funny I can't stand it. The Joe and Mika thing had me guffawing. I'm still simultaneously creeped out and amazed by her Jeff Sessions.

She is indeed a Master of Impressions.

God Bless America ...


Cold Open - SNL

Published on May 20, 2017


21st May 2017, 17:40
Most Excellent.

22nd May 2017, 21:23
will share this here ...

Crystal Clark provides an interesting open with James joining in at the 21min. mark

Been a while since these two have been together ...

SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN | James Horak & Crystal Clark | May 2017

Published on May 22, 2017

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog: http://emvsinfo.blogspot.com


22nd May 2017, 22:22
Ah that travel bliss ... :rolleyes:

ANGRY Melania SLAPS Donald Trump's Hand Away When He Tries To Touch Her

Published on May 22, 2017

Angry Melania Slaps Donald Trump's Hand Away When he Tries To Touch Her #savemelania

Melania Trump (born Melanija Knavs [mɛˈlaːnija ˈknaːu̯s], April 26, 1970; Germanized to Melania Knauss[2]) is the First Lady of the United States, married to President Donald Trump. She was born in Slovenia (then part of Yugoslavia), became a permanent resident of the United States in 2001, and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006. Prior to marrying Donald Trump, she worked as a model; by 2016 she considered herself a "full-time mom". Trump is the first naturalized citizen to become First Lady, whereas Louisa Adams was born in London to an American father and acquired US citizenship automatically

After moving to New York City in 1996, Melania met her future husband, Donald Trump at a Fashion Week party in New York City in September 1998. He and Marla Maples had separated in May 1997 and divorced in June 1999. Their relationship gained attention after a 1999 interview on The Howard Stern Show. In 2000 she appeared with Donald while he campaigned for that year's Reform Party presidential nomination. Their relationship gained additional publicity after the 2004 launch of Donald's business-oriented reality television show, The Apprentice. Donald described their long courtship in 2005: "We literally have never had an argument, forget about the word 'fight' ... We just are very compatible. We get along."[38]

After becoming engaged in 2004, Donald and Melania were married in an Anglican service on January 22, 2005, at The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida, followed by a reception in the ballroom at Donald's Mar-a-Lago estate.

The event was attended by celebrities such as Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Rudy Giuliani, Heidi Klum, Star Jones, P. Diddy, Shaquille O'Neal, Barbara Walters, Conrad Black, Regis Philbin, Simon Cowell, Kelly Ripa, then-Senator Hillary Clinton, and former president Bill Clinton. At the reception, Billy Joel serenaded the crowd with "Just the Way You Are" and supplied new lyrics about Donald to the tune of "The Lady Is a Tramp". The Trumps' wedding ceremony and reception were widely covered by the media.[37] Melania wore a $200,000 dress made by John Galliano of the house of Christian Dior.[41]

On March 20, 2006,Trump gave birth to her only son Barron William Trump. Melania suggested his middle name, and her husband suggested his first name

Melania assumed the role of First Lady of the United States on January 20, 2017. She is the second foreign-born woman to hold this title (after Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, who was born in 1775 in London to an American father and British mother).She is the first First Lady to be a naturalized (rather than birthright) citizen of the United States, the first to speak English as a second language,[61] and the first to be fluent in more than two languages. At 5 feet 11 inches (1.80 m), she is also one of the tallest First Ladies to hold the office, tied with Michelle Obama and Eleanor Roosevelt.[62] She is expected to continue living in Trump Tower with her son Barron at least until the end of the 2016–17 school year

Her Secret Service code name is "Muse" (beginning with the same letter as Trump's code name, "Mogul", per Secret Service tradition).

When asked by The New York Times in 1999 what her role would be if Donald Trump were to become president, Melania replied: "I would be very traditional. Like Betty Ford or Jackie Kennedy." In 2016, she told CNN her focus as First Lady would be to help women and children. She also said she would combat cyberbullying, especially among children, having quit social media herself due to the "negativity".


22nd May 2017, 22:28
Speaking of traveling together ...


Head Hunter's Bliss

22nd May 2017, 22:46
The exasperated comedian asked "What the WTF is going on?", "Is this real life?"
in summary of allegations against President Trump ...

Stupid Watergate: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Published on May 21, 2017

24:5 minutes


22nd May 2017, 22:52
Will ... :Bump:

Crystal Clark provides an interesting open with James joining in at the 21min. mark

Been a while since these two have been together ...

SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN | James Horak & Crystal Clark | May 2017

Published on May 22, 2017

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog: http://emvsinfo.blogspot.com


23rd May 2017, 01:31
Tackling Ebola Outbreak In Remote Congo Presents Huge Challenge ... (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tackling-ebola-outbreak-in-remote-congo-presents-huge-challenge_us_591e109ce4b034684b0adceb)


New Ebola outbreak, or is it a hoax?

by Jon Rappoport (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2017/05/22/new-ebola-outbreak-or-is-it-a-hoax/)

23rd May 2017, 03:58
Tackling Ebola Outbreak In Remote Congo Presents Huge Challenge ... (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tackling-ebola-outbreak-in-remote-congo-presents-huge-challenge_us_591e109ce4b034684b0adceb)


New Ebola outbreak, or is it a hoax?

by Jon Rappoport (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2017/05/22/new-ebola-outbreak-or-is-it-a-hoax/)

Good article. Same as I thought before reading it. Ebola in Africa? Duh!

Anything to worry about? Mandatory vaccines.

Hoax? Depends on the definition of outbreak. Numbers of actual cases properly diagnosed does matter.

My call? Keep moving, nothing to see here.

23rd May 2017, 11:33
More rehashing of rehashing (s) ...

Shane The Ruiner: The Evolution Of Corey Goode-Part 2-After Avalon

Randy Maugans

Published on May 22, 2017

Shane Bales, The Ruiner, and Randy Maugans cover the continued development of the media creation that is the Blue Avians-Secret Space Program entertainment franchise. Post-Avalon , the forum wars, the entrance of David Wilcock as he looks for his next vein of material, Gaia(m) TV, and the mechanics of intelligence operations that run through the so-called "alternative media" communities.


23rd May 2017, 16:42
Published on May 22, 2017

Shane Bales, The Ruiner, and Randy Maugans cover the continued development of the media creation that is the Blue Avians-Secret Space Program entertainment franchise. Post-Avalon , the forum wars, the entrance of David Wilcock as he looks for his next vein of material, Gaia(m) TV, and the mechanics of intelligence operations that run through the so-called "alternative media" communities.

Do you know when you have met the Devil?


23rd May 2017, 16:58
Way to go Maggie...way to go! :ha::ha::ha:

23rd May 2017, 17:10
Holy Crap. That's disturbingly funny.

23rd May 2017, 17:17
Way to go Maggie...way to go! :ha::ha::ha:

That is a funny advert.

By the way, when we take in information, what are we able to perceive anyway? IMO it is our filter we must be seeing.. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Ganesh? Is it an alien? Is Ganesh an alien? is an alien an alien?


23rd May 2017, 19:52
Yes you can be quite witty Maggie, though it would be nice if you'd grace us with some of it live ...
And come out and really share yourself on a Cosmic Emporium ToTcast sometime ...

That goes for all the other talent that seems to lurk only in the shadows of ... :thonetruthsmiliey:

What say ye ... :wiz:

24th May 2017, 03:38
If loving him is wrong, I don't want to be right ... giggle :)

Sphere Being Alliance, The Musical

C.W. Chanter

Streamed live 14 hours ago - 3/23/2017

"Rough notes, musical sketches and show ideas"


24th May 2017, 11:34
That is a funny advert.

By the way, when we take in information, what are we able to perceive anyway? IMO it is our filter we must be seeing.. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Ganesh? Is it an alien? Is Ganesh an alien? is an alien an alien?


You're on a roll...keep it coming and please add this one in the Atlantis thread as well. ;)

24th May 2017, 14:08
Yeah, Maggie. Do a TOT-cast.:thup:

I haven't watched CW in a little while. Last year he said his girlfriend was having a baby. I wonder if they got married.

Did he cut his beautiful hair?:(

Shout out to "Our boy Radagast" and Gio.:thup:

"Our Larping community." Wow. I like to go to the Renaissance Festival and I even like to dress up but I don't have an alter ego or identity. I have a friend whose adult children do full on Larping where they go stay at a place for a week and live the identity of their character.

24th May 2017, 17:02
Yeah, Maggie. Do a TOT-cast.:thup:

I haven't watched CW in a little while. Last year he said his girlfriend was having a baby. I wonder if they got married.

Did he cut his beautiful hair?:(

Shout out to "Our boy Radagast" and Gio.:thup:

"Our Larping community." Wow. I like to go to the Renaissance Festival and I even like to dress up but I don't have an alter ego or identity. I have a friend whose adult children do full on Larping where they go stay at a place for a week and live the identity of their character.

I am game but not very talkative really. I'd be happy interacting with the other "ladies" of TOT.
There are several of us and lately Amanda, you Dreamtimer and Elen and I are active. I'd love to meet you all in talk about what we feel passion in!!!!

Modwiz can be there as Mod...

24th May 2017, 17:20
:h5:God loves you Maggie...take it from me...;)

24th May 2017, 17:31
:h5:God loves you Maggie...take it from me...;)

HUH? When people here say "God loves you", they mostly follow up by an invitation to their church.
And THAT means you were seen sinning and need saving.
Don't watch the video unless you feel called hehe


24th May 2017, 17:58
HUH? When people here say "God loves you", they mostly follow up by an invitation to their church.
And THAT means you were seen sinning and need saving.
Don't watch the video unless you feel called hehe


OK OK but not where I come from Maggie...God is also "god" and your "Higher Self" or whatever you call your "inner self"...it's very confusing...but all the same...:cool::p take a pick. I was just using a phrase...abused by the many...

24th May 2017, 18:10
OK OK but not where I come from Maggie...God is also "god" and your "Higher Self" or whatever you call your "inner self"...it's very confusing...but all the same...:cool::p take a pick. I was just using a phrase...abused by the many...

I was actually NOT being serious. It's just reading the phrase reminded me that I am invited to church and know "they who invite" think I need some saving. Lately there is a seeming ramp up of back lash against the woowoo "new age" pagan feminism that STILL makes sense to me. I don't have the "look" of weird but then i will open my mouth>>>>>>

Yes, GOD (within me everywhere and all) loves me so THANKS!

OK so now I googled pagan feminism anthem and here is what i got

Witch - Lady Isadora


"Why do you call yourself a Witch?
Why do you dress yourself in black?
Why don't you use some other word
And get the devil off your back?"
I call myself a Witch because
A Witch is what I am
And like a Jew in Nazi Germany
I don't define my name
To suit the Master Plan
The Propaganda Man
Never again! Never again!

"Why do you call yourself a Witch?
You know we just don't understand
People will think you're sinister
You know they'll say your soul is damned!"
I call myself a Witch because
I don't believe the lie
That the Creator is a macho man
Who wants to tell me what to do
Until I die
For pie in the sky
That's such a lie! That's such a lie!

I don't believe in Satan
He's a poor excuse for Pan
I'm a child of Holy Mother Earth
And I'm gonna stand up to
The Propaganda Man
In every way I can

"Why do you call yourself a Witch?
Such a pretentious fantasy!
Magic is just a childhood dream
Come on and face reality!"
I call myself a Witch because
I'm not afraid to tell
That the magic is in Life itself
Not just in some ancient book
Or secret spell
And I know damn well
That there's no Hell
Except the Goddess of that name

No, the devil doesn't turn me on,
He's too much of a chauvinist pig
No self-respecting feminist
Would be caught dead around
A masculine ego that big

"Why do you call yourself a Witch
And talk of Witchcraft openly?
Wicca's a nice disguise to use*
When you're in mixed company"
I call myself a Witch because
There's power in the word
There's power in the truth about
What we really feel
And who we really are
Live by the Star
And you'll go far
Yes, you'll go far

"Why do you call yourself a Witch?"
Because a Witch is what I am!
"Why do you call yourself a Witch?"
Because a Witch is what I am!


24th May 2017, 18:30
I was actually NOT being serious. It's just reading the phrase reminded me that I am invited to church and know "they who invite" think I need some saving. Lately there is a seeming ramp up of back lash against the woowoo "new age" pagan feminism that STILL makes sense to me. I don't have the "look" of weird but then i will open my mouth>>>>>>

Yes, GOD (within me everywhere and all) loves me so THANKS!

OK so now I googled pagan feminism anthem and here is what i got


Alright Maggie, you are as crazy as the mad-hatter...I like it...we should all be as mad as that...I know cats are...If I was to choose to be an animal...I would choose CAT, because a cat can never be told anything.

26th May 2017, 00:14
Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film


Jay Dyer discusses his book 'Esoteric Hollywood – Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film'. Delving into the deep, dark and mysterious undertones hidden in blockbusters and cult classics alike, Esoteric Hollywood explores philosophy, religion, symbolism and geopolitics, and their connections to film. We probe the prevalence of cinematic propaganda and predictive programming in promoting an ignorant, apathetic, dumbed-down generation of compliant consumers concerned only with instant gratification, unable and unwilling to challenge authority or subvert the status quo. We break down some of our own personal film favourites and ask whether, in an era dominated by gaming and social media, movies are less influential on the youth of today than they were in the past.

We also reveal Hollywood's covert links to the CIA, how the border between fantasy and reality continues to blur, and the history of profound truths being hidden in plain sight on the silver screen. And from the dystopian sci fi and gritty, hard-boiled thrillers prevalent in the 1970s to the airbrushed, CGI-infested aberrations of today, we examine the extent to which movie makers are, unwittingly or otherwise, laying before our very eyes a real-world future which draws closer frame by frame.


Part 1

published 4/3/17

117:27 minutes


Part 2

published 4/17/17

120:45 minutes


Part 3

142:23 minutes

published 5/23/17


26th May 2017, 00:23
I am game but not very talkative really. I'd be happy interacting with the other "ladies" of TOT.
There are several of us and lately Amanda, you Dreamtimer and Elen and I are active. I'd love to meet you all in talk about what we feel passion in!!!!

Modwiz can be there as Mod...

That's good to hear Maggie ... :thup:

Whether on screen or just an audio talk ...

Perhaps a one on one with Rad to get a start/introduction first might be best ...

You might even enjoy it and want to come back for more afterwards and share with other members ... :group hug:

PS ~ I am sure Rad will reach out to you with the details real soon.

Blessings Gio

26th May 2017, 00:32
Those showbiz moments ...

At contact in the jungle ...


26th May 2017, 01:25
Slick ...

This Week On Gaia | May 22nd, 2017

Published on May 25, 2017

4:09 minutes


26th May 2017, 22:13
Ep. 663 FADE to BLACK FADERNIGHT w/ Jon Rappoport, Brad Olsen

Published on May 26, 2017

Another Thursday...another FADERNIGHT with Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake New Room, Live... then Brad Olsen joins the show to give us an update on the Malibu Underwater Base and the earthquakes that have been happening at the entrance...followed by open lines!

Air date: May 25, 2017

Jon Rappoport starts at 32 minute mark ...
followed by Brad Olsen segment 1:02:44 ...


26th May 2017, 22:43
Firstie's ...


Trump Pushes Montenegro’s Prime Minister at NATO Summit (http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/trumps-first-foreign-trip/trump-pushes-montenegro-s-prime-minister-nato-summit-n764966)

26th May 2017, 22:52
Richard Dolan - Artificial Intelligence: The "Runaway Train"

(ALL NEW May 2017)

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Published on May 26, 2017

Higher Journeys sits down once again with UFO researcher and alternative historian Richard Dolan to discuss the imminent reality of artificial intelligence. Will our world eventually be ruled by A.I.? And if so, just who or what is responsible for this drive to merge man into machine?

What role, if any does the ET/UFO component play in the big picture?

Will humans eventually become "expendable" if A.I. takes over?

These issues and more are discussed in this exclusive interview, filmed on location during the 2017 Contact in the Desert event in Joshua Tree, California.

Visit Richard Dolan's website at: http://www.richarddolanpress.com

56:10 minute


28th May 2017, 23:24
Will share this here ...

Resistance Without Anger - James Corbett

With Freeman Fly

Can we have resistance without anger and anarchy without chaos? With A.I. technology like Watson, even lawyers are about to be obsolete. How can we possibly know what we want to be when we grow up, if we don't know what is possible in our future?


Published on May 28, 2017


29th May 2017, 00:08
the latest spill ...

PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode May 28, 2017

"On this edition for Sunday, May 28, President Donald Trump’s administration considers a surge in troops to Afghanistan. Later, remembering President John F. Kennedy on the 100th anniversary of his birth, and The Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” turns 50. Hari Sreenivasan anchors from New York."


29th May 2017, 10:17
I found this on Gio's other thread and in this way I'm bumping this post a bit. I'm already nearly into hour 2. This is really great stuff...guys. Take the time to listen if you can...so far it doesn't seem as long as 3 hours. :tiphat::ht:

Published on 28 May 2017

Mr. Skeptiko joins the conversation & debunks the cult of Scientism. We explore many issues ruining academia & corrupting society, and also indulge in an ontology debate (such as waves vs particles). Apart from exposing the fanatical materialists & militant new atheists, we ask: Why are Intel agencies involved in paradigm shaping? Who stands to gain? Why do controllers fear metaphysics? Why is scientific research ignored? What do the suppressed data show? Ought we distinguish between science as a method & as an institution? Can it be liberated from its corporate & ideological grip? And hear why "science" is wrong & about what...


29th May 2017, 14:57
I haven't listened, yet. The Skeptico site is quite interesting. :thup:

29th May 2017, 16:01
And speak/walking science ...


30th May 2017, 01:26
Four people makes for many layers and good listening.


30th May 2017, 03:51
I found this on Gio's other thread and in this way I'm bumping this post a bit. I'm already nearly into hour 2. This is really great stuff...guys. Take the time to listen if you can...so far it doesn't seem as long as 3 hours. :tiphat::ht:


Bumping again. This conversation is just grand.

30th May 2017, 04:21
Was listening earlier to the Richard Dolan (http://kgraradio.com/richard-dolan-show/)radio show earlier ... Then next Jimmy Church's (http://kgraradio.com/fade-to-black/) Fade To Black show ...

While Richard was praising the likes of Avalon forum postings ... Jimmy's was on a rant calling out all the forum posters as just plain haters ...

There's obviously two emerging alternative groups becoming more and more torn in schizophrenic bent by the so called alternative community's media personalities types backtoback.

30th May 2017, 04:30
Speaking of ...
Note this is a live podcast so prompt the video at the beginning ...

Coreygate 2017, another brick in the wall

C.W. Chanter again with Shane

Started streaming 2 hours ago

C.W. & Shane discuss what's in the blues today



31st May 2017, 00:33
Shane's on a roll ...


Started streaming 1 hour ago

A conversation with Shane the Ruiner about his role as well as my own small role in the Corey Goode / David Wilcock Story. The various confusion and untruths going around the alternative sector as well as targeting. We will also be talking about how unsuspecting people can be used to confuse the narrative.

..."The Rashomon effect is where the same event is given contradictory interpretations by different individuals involved."-- Wikipedia



31st May 2017, 01:40
"America where are you now" ...


John Kay (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kay_(musician))



Written in 1969

Recorded live in Louisville, Kentucky 2000

31st May 2017, 02:49
Shane's on a roll ...




Don't think I lasted 5 minutes. All the same new age retardation minus blue avians. Talking about the bleach blonde here. Stronger stomachs and weaker minds might last longer, lol. Is there a sour grape kool-aid?:hmm:

The companion video for Camelot content.


31st May 2017, 22:16
"The Return of Jordan Maxwell" ...

Ep. 665 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Jordan Maxwell

Published on May 31, 2017

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations include documents and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.

Jordan has been away from major media for over six years...and tonight he's ready to speak out, once again, to everyone.

Air date: May 30, 2017

Jordan Maxwell segment starts at the 32 minute mark


1st June 2017, 00:32
Jimmy/Jimmy ...

While all the alternative stars rest and prepare for their summer circuit circus fare ...
In the aftermath of the commercially epic Contact in the Desert ...

And you run out of guests and relevant (new) material ...
It's always wise to roll out with an old, safe and original ... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sport/bowler-smiley-emoticon.gif

Fade To Black !


1st June 2017, 05:54
hmm ... (http://mathewpeavyspatrioticarticles.blogspot.com/2016/01/american-greed-clinton-clan-sells-off.html)

Bill Clinton met with Vladimir V. Putin in Moscow in 2010. (https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0)

Suppose Trump had Hillary’s incredible Russian connection? (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2017/05/31/suppose-trump-had-hillarys-incredible-russian-connection/)

by Jon Rappoport

2nd June 2017, 06:35

Getting Into The Nuts & Boltzmann

The Anthony Patch Show Ep#24

"Kev Baker and myself reveal the paradigm shifts of next-generation quantum computers from D-Wave, something they refer to themselves as the Boltzmann Machine.

As well, the software running on these systems for the intelligence communities, the Palantir company’s Gotham program, explaining the recent photos of President Trump and friends in Saudi Arabia’s anti-terror command center; and the ‘crystal ball’. It’s deep this time!"

Kev Baker has been on the front lines since 2009. Hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, Kev was recently featured in VICE magazine as a front-line consultant and expert on activist groups in the United Kingdom. You can listen to Kev Baker on AM/FM in Colorado, Oregan, California, Sydney and London or tune into any of the TFR internet streams or listening options.

Kev Baker has set his mark as a professional broadcaster by featuring cutting edge analysis, current events and breaking news. However he does not stop there! Together with his co-host Johnny Whistles, Kev is joined by a great panel of expert researchers and whistleblowers in the field of space technology, metaphysics, human origins, black operations and international terrorism.

Published on Jun 1, 2017

1hr 40:11 minutes


2nd June 2017, 20:03
For your inspection and review ...

The Alternative 2017 UK Election Special


Published on Jun 2, 2017

Andy Duncan discusses the 2017 UK General Election and the wider political and economic scene past, present and future.

Like many political systems around the world, UK politics is deeply divided and in a growing state of disarray. Many feel that voting today has become all but irrelevant and in future may, at best, achieve little more than cementing a series of conflict-ridden coalitions. At worst, the current schizophrenic state of paralysis and upheaval may trigger the rise of a party – perhaps as yet unknown – of the ultra-extreme right or left.

In the face of enormous global challenges – in energy, economy, and environment in particular - we hear little from the political class beyond predictable, pie-in-the-sky promises and empty rhetoric about values, aspirations, and hard working families. And yet many citizens still believe that their vote actually counts for something when in the vast majority of cases it rarely – if ever - makes any real difference to anything. Who can blame them? We have long surrendered our sovereign status and personal agency to a kleptocratic elite obsessed with power, wealth, and self-aggrandisement. Now, entire generations know nothing else.

We explore these and other related issues including why the differences between the main political parties are disappearing, where we are headed if things continue as they are, and how the global financial crisis of 2007/8 - which was not allowed to run its rightful course - is coming back to bite us – hard. In a system where voters can see no real alternatives and increasingly resign themselves to disillusion and apathy, what will so-called representative democracy and indeed industrial civilization itself look like in the coming decades?


3rd June 2017, 12:41
A brain fart moment ...


Watch State Department Spokesman Freeze After Question About Saudi Arabia


Published on Jun 3, 2017

A journalist doing his job and actually asking an adversarial question is now officially such a shocking thing that State Department talking heads literally do not know how to respond to it. So this is what it looks like when a robot short circuits...

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=22908


3rd June 2017, 12:53
In memory ...


3rd June 2017, 12:57
My dog caught her tail once and then walked in spirals over to the couch where, one leg at a time, she got up, prize still in her mouth. I laughed so hard I couldn't even walk to go get my camera.

3rd June 2017, 13:04
My dog caught her tail once and then walked in spirals over to the couch where, one leg at a time, she got up, prize still in her mouth. I laughed so hard I couldn't even walk to go get my camera.

Now that's taking it to another (master) level ... :thup:

3rd June 2017, 13:31
"Up on the hill they think i'm OK ...
Or so they say" ...



Steely Dan


3rd June 2017, 17:24
I choose to parse some of what is going on in our online community in somewhat mythic language to keep complex topics in a simpler yet coherent form. If time allows, this will be a busy day for me. A statement of desired intent without "promising". I do have to work on getting a more robust internet but, finances will not allow for it yet.


3rd June 2017, 20:21
Via The Think Tank ...

Hickory dickery Wilcock ...

David and Corey being authentic sh!ts ...

Cosmic Disclosure Behind Scenes: A day with David Wilcock - Corey Goode

23:43 minutes


3rd June 2017, 20:56
Wow. Three minutes of that was all I could manage.
So he doesn't like to pay for things, but enjoys corporate perks?
Maybe that's human nature but it also shows he doesn't understand that there really are no free rides in the universe, unless you are just a parasite. And which also shows that his identity is not quite as intact as he would like us and himself believe.

And for about fifteen minutes I trusted that he knew about universe secrets. That was back in 2002 when a friend from LA recommended that I checked out his website, DivineCosmos. A little later the same friend
emailed me about how he had been ripped off by DW to the tune of $150, with the most useless personal reading session ever. I told him that the best psychics had their off days, and kept my eye on him.
But now I see that the direction he has taken is really most unwholesome and I regret that there are going to be many little lemmings who will be badly affected by this Pied Piper.

4th June 2017, 18:26

Phil Collins officially ended his retirement Friday night with a concert in Liverpool, England ...
the singer's first full show in nearly a decade.

The gig, a warm-up of sorts before Collins and his band kick off a five-night stand at London's Royal Albert Hall on Sunday, featured the singer dusting off some of his greatest hits on stage for the first time since Genesis' 2007 reunion tour and, in some cases, for the first time ever as a solo artist.

For instance, the Liverpool gig found Collins singing his No Jacket Required track "Sussudio" as well as "Dance in the Light" live for the first time since November 2005. "Invisible Touch" had its first live airing since Collins sang it with Genesis in October 2007.

RollingStone (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/phil-collins-performs-sussudio-for-first-time-in-12-years-w485725?utm_source=rsnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=060417_12)

Phil Collins - Sussudio - 06/02/2017 - Live in Liverpool

"Collins performed a majority of the concert sitting down, as “60 years of drumming messed up my back and hips. I’ve had back surgery to sort it out but it’s left me with a dropped foot. I’m hoping it will get better as my nerves regenerate,” he previously explained. Collins’ 15-year-old son Nicholas is playing drums on the tour."


Phil Collins 2017 Tour Dates:
06/04 – London, UK @ Royal Albert Hall
06/05 – London, UK @ Royal Albert Hall
06/06 – London, UK @ Royal Albert Hall
06/07 – London, UK @ Royal Albert Hall
06/08 – London, UK @ Royal Albert Hall
06/09 – London, UK @ Royal Albert Hall
06/11 – Cologne, DE @ Lanxess Arena
06/12 – Cologne, DE @ Lanxess Arena
06/14 – Cologne, DE @ Lanxess Arena
06/15 – Cologne, DE @ Lanxess Arena
06/16 – Cologne, DE @ Lanxess Arena
06/18 – Paris, FR @ Accor Hotels Arena
06/19 – Paris, FR @ Accor Hotels Arena
06/20 – Paris, FR @ Accor Hotels Arena
06/22 – Paris, FR @ Accor Hotels Arena
06/23 – Paris, FR @ Accor Hotels Arena
06/25 – Dublin, IE @ Aviva Stadium
06/30 – London, UK @ Hyde Park (British Summer Time Festival)

4th June 2017, 19:19
Just a primer ...


How to get a start in the cryptocurrency game (http://nypost.com/2017/06/04/how-to-get-a-start-in-the-cryptocurrency-game/)

4th June 2017, 19:48
Hello Gio. Ready to do another CE and treat our peeps?

5th June 2017, 00:51
Hello Gio. Ready to do another CE and treat our peeps?

Even though I joined very late into it, it was an interesting conversation and great to meet new people (and hear about another forum of like minded individuals).

Thanks again R. and your gracious providers of the Zoom room we are able to utilize.

5th June 2017, 03:05
Note, it is going to take a while to upload the CE video ...
From what Rad says ... Perhaps sometime tomorrow...

It's over about 2 hr. 40 minutes ...

And i sense a good one!

Perhaps Rad will update and let us know ... :)

5th June 2017, 05:11
55% uploaded after almost 5 hours. It will be well worth the wait, IMO.

5th June 2017, 06:21
I have taken the liberty of spending a few hours (and several browser crashes) in the creation of a contiguous and centralized library-like thread (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/11064-The-One-Truth-s-TOTcast-Playlist) with all of the TOTcast conferences, which I've put under the Highlighted Threads (https://jandeane81.com/forumdisplay.php/6-Highlighted-Threads) forum just now. The thread is marked as sticky, i.e. it will always appear at the top of the Highlighted Threads (https://jandeane81.com/forumdisplay.php/6-Highlighted-Threads) forum.

Each post on the thread contains a single TOTcast video, along with the date it was uploaded and the forum names of the participants. The first post of the thread in turn contains an index in the form of a table with hyperlinks to the individual posts, so that one can immediately jump to the post with the pertinent TOTcast. And of course, I will keep the thread and the index updated as newer TOTcasts are published. ;)

Do however note that this new thread contains only the TOTcasts, not any of the other Cosmic Emporium videos, nor any of the Mystic Brew videos.

5th June 2017, 07:31
I have taken the liberty of spending a few hours (and several browser crashes) in the creation of a contiguous and centralized library-like thread (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/11064-The-One-Truth-s-TOTcast-Playlist) with all of the TOTcast conferences, which I've put under the Highlighted Threads (https://jandeane81.com/forumdisplay.php/6-Highlighted-Threads) forum just now. The thread is marked as sticky, i.e. it will always appear at the top of the Highlighted Threads (https://jandeane81.com/forumdisplay.php/6-Highlighted-Threads) forum.

Each post on the thread contains a single TOTcast video, along with the date it was uploaded and the forum names of the participants. The first post of the thread in turn contains an index in the form of a table with hyperlinks to the individual posts, so that one can immediately jump to the post with the pertinent TOTcast. And of course, I will keep the thread and the index updated as newer TOTcasts are published. ;)

Do however note that this new thread contains only the TOTcasts, not any of the other Cosmic Emporium videos, nor any of the Mystic Brew videos.

Thank you. Following your method and logic as well.

5th June 2017, 09:09
Forums quiet, went and checked where everyone was on board, most in the totcast vid section viewing lol, nice

5th June 2017, 09:34
Forums quiet, went and checked where everyone was on board, most in the totcast vid section viewing lol, nice

Not according to the Who's Online (https://jandeane81.com/online.php) list, they're not. :hmm:

(Note: non-members cannot access this screen.)

5th June 2017, 09:47
About twenty miutes before my post above there was 20 ? people in there, likely less than half those here at that time, please see my exsaguration as excitement meant

5th June 2017, 10:03
Forums quiet, went and checked where everyone was on board, most in the totcast vid section viewing lol, nice

Not according to the Who's Online (https://jandeane81.com/online.php) list, they're not. :hmm:

(Note: non-members cannot access this screen.)

About twenty miutes before my post above there was 20 ? people in there, likely less than half those here at that time, please see my exsaguration as excitement meant

Well, I did notice that there was an unregistered Guest looking at it, and when looking up on the IP address, it turned out to belong to Facebook. So I'm guessing that Malc has posted a link to the thread at the The One Truth Facebook page. ;)

On account of registered members, at this point in time, only six have visited that thread, yourself and myself included. The other four were Malc, Elen, Catsquotl and boja.

Maybe it'll get more attention once the BR/CG thread starts losing its appeal to a number of people. :p

5th June 2017, 10:44
The new Cosmic Emporium: TOTCAST XlV is now up.

This TOTCAST was epic in many ways. I start with Gio and Kathy of Eye-Rise forum. About an hour in we are joined by Vern and Target who are both outdoors as they speak. Both coasts of the USA are represented with Gio on the West and myself East. Kathy is in the UK, Vern from New Zealand and TargeT from the Virgin Islands. We get to see TargeT's horses and cat doing their thing and is worth the view.

We cover a range of topics starting with Kathy's forum, Vern's understanding of "covfefe", our online community, Bill Ryan and much more.


5th June 2017, 13:26
The new Cosmic Emporium: TOTCAST XlV is now up.

This was a very long one, but one of the best so far. I've enjoyed every minute of it, and I like the formula of having multiple people share their thoughts. :) Well done, people. :) :thup:

5th June 2017, 15:29
I would also like to apologies for dominating the conversation, of course a lot was discussed prior to and leading up to this TOT-cast ... The main point was to bring Kathy into the fold - allow her to share the CE space and to become comfortable for future contributions into this kind of video format.

For my Spirit ...
Listening to this has always grounded me ...
Whenever I've had too much of myself ...

Too Long At The Fair

Bonnie Raitt


5th June 2017, 17:16
Well done! Looking forward to listening.:D

6th June 2017, 07:38
a quickie ...

Randy and Emily - OffPlanetRadio - The Disclosure Show excerpt SSP/Breakaway

Randy Maugans

Published on Jun 5, 2017

Aug Tellez ripped this excerpt from our recent podcast, he felt we hit some important points:
The dichotomous arguments on the internet that are NOT any form of disclosure, but semantic echo chambers that loop and repeat fabricated memes.

The so-called "Secret Space Program"/Breakaway Civilization...all based on pre-defined notions that fit a narrative. We offer an alternative that is based on some intuitive, and foundational concepts.

4:05 minutes


6th June 2017, 13:24
We're still roving around on Mars. And there have been several 'cleaning events'.


6th June 2017, 15:04
The new Cosmic Emporium: TOTCAST XlV is now up.


Excellent show! :chrs:

7th June 2017, 00:41
Will share this here ...


Ep. 668 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Mary Rodwell : The New Human ET Contact

Published on Jun 6, 2017

Mary Rodwell is a former nurse & midwife and is currently a Clinical hypnotherapist, counselor, International speaker, researcher and author.

Her books include: Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Change Your life and The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage (2016)

Mary is the founder and principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network and is the co-founder of The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE).

Mary offers counseling, information and support to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences, specializing in Encounters with Non Human Intelligence’s (NHI).

Mary has worked with over 3,000 cases including children and appears in the new film, Gods Among Us, The Science of Contact.

Tonight we discuss ET contact with children...a subject that is very rarely covered in UFOlogy.

Air date: June 5, 2017

Mary Rodwell segment starts at the 31 minutes


7th June 2017, 04:12


Creator Clif High with SGTreport.com

Published on Jun 6, 2017

Web bot creator and everyone's favorite woo woo commentator Clif High returns to SGT report to discuss the crypto compendium and the future of silver.

Regarding the crypto currency space, when asked if it's in a bubble Clif responds emphatically, "We are in a bubble actually, but we're not in a crypto bubble. We're in a Dollar bubble. The whole planet is so flooded with Dollars that bubble is popping. And so that bubble is popping right at the moment, and some of that is going into cryptos and some of it can be expected to go into precious metals. But there's so many Dollars in this bubble that they're not able to fit through the narrow openings that we have into the precious metals space and into the crypto space. And that's what we're watching at the moment."

And as for the bankers VS. the crypto currencies, "The powers that be a freaking out because they're losing. They didn't anticipate the springing of cryptos. It was universe providing us the opportunity to express ourselves outside of the slave system that has been imposed on us and it's got them all freaked out because they can't close these doors once universe makes them."

36:32 minutes


7th June 2017, 04:21
oops ...


7th June 2017, 05:12
The doctors in ...


7th June 2017, 05:38
Especially for all my Friends ...

With hair ...

Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood


7th June 2017, 05:54
COSMIC :Bump: ...

Will share this here ...


Ep. 668 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Mary Rodwell : The New Human ET Contact

Published on Jun 6, 2017

Mary Rodwell is a former nurse & midwife and is currently a Clinical hypnotherapist, counselor, International speaker, researcher and author.

Her books include: Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Change Your life and The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage (2016)

Mary is the founder and principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network and is the co-founder of The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE).

Mary offers counseling, information and support to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences, specializing in Encounters with Non Human Intelligence’s (NHI).

Mary has worked with over 3,000 cases including children and appears in the new film, Gods Among Us, The Science of Contact.

Tonight we discuss ET contact with children...a subject that is very rarely covered in UFOlogy.

Air date: June 5, 2017

Mary Rodwell segment starts at the 31 minutes


7th June 2017, 06:05
Something strange is indeed going on in space ...

More Big Problems for Big Bang | Space News


A recent Scientific American article aroused a letter of protest from some prominent cosmologists, including renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who dispute the article's challenge to the Big Bang theory. In this episode, we explore the many theoretical problems for the Big Bang, and we highlight alternatives available in the Electric Universe and plasma cosmology.

Source story: Cosmic Inflation Theory Faces Challenges (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cosmic-inflation-theory-faces-challenges/)

Published on Jun 6, 2017

11:57 minutes


7th June 2017, 06:20
Something strange is indeed going on in space ...

More Big Problems for Big Bang | Space News


Published on Jun 6, 2017

11:57 minutes


Someone should remind Mr. Genius Hawking that theories are meant to be challenged so they can go from theory to fact. The church of scientism needs to develop a protective amulet against heretics.:ha: I guess ear plugs are too open source.

7th June 2017, 06:23
Holding Space ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10300315_680137738714784_8228459756685850705_n.jpg ?oh=a10e8956cbb1fa97b0ad29336c0d158c&oe=59D92E03

7th June 2017, 09:11
a giggle/break ...

Cartoon Donald Trump Can't Stop Tweeting

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"Washington's looniest toon just can't seem to cut tweeting cold turkey."

Published on Jun 7, 2017

7:59 minutes


7th June 2017, 10:43
Smooth as silk ...
Chantilly/Va lace ...

What We Didn't Learn At Bilderberg 2017

Published on Jun 5, 2017

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=22955

What do we know about the secret, behind-closed-door globalist soiree that was Bilderberg 2017 in Chantilly, Virginia? Only what the Bilderbergers told us, and we know they're lying to us about who is in attendance so why should we trust them about anything? This year James breaks down what we were and weren't told about what was happening at Bilderberg, and what other globalist conferences might be worth keeping our eye on.

15:04 minutes


8th June 2017, 01:52
You can count on it ...

How the ISIS attack on Iran may escalate regional conflict

PBS NewsHour

Published on Jun 7, 2017

Gunmen stormed Iran's parliament building Wednesday morning, igniting a siege that lasted for hours, killing 13. Meanwhile, the shrine of the Ayatollah Khomeini was also attacked. Chief foreign affairs correspondent Margaret Warner reports, and William Brangham speaks with Randa Slim of the Middle East Institute and Karim Sadjadpour of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

11:44 minutes


8th June 2017, 06:50
Real life ...

C.W. Chanter

My Dinner with Randy

Streamed 5/7/2017

"Randy Maugans is a soul who is currently incarnated on planet earth, as am I. Join us now for a talk" ...


8th June 2017, 07:04
the latest ...


Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union

by Jon Rappoport (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2017/06/07/exposed-the-nazi-roots-of-the-european-union-2/)

8th June 2017, 07:37
then and now ...


Shanghai Confidential

Donald Fagen


8th June 2017, 09:53
Onward and (back) Upward ...


Air Force Will Launch X-37B Spaceplane on SpaceX Falcon 9 for the First Time (http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a26794/spacex-to-launch-air-force-x-37/)

8th June 2017, 10:09
Reality Intercept_ed as Deep State Winner Busted - #NewWorldNextWeek

Published on Jun 8, 2017

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: Hey Intercept, Something’s Very Wrong With Reality Winner

Statement On Justice Department Allegations

Do Not Trust The Intercept; or, How To Burn A Source

Secrets for Sale?: The Greenwald/Omidyar/NSA Connection

Story #2: PM May Says Internet Must Be Regulated Following London Bridge Attack

UK Police Starting to Make Arrests Based on Facial Recognition

Story #3: Supreme Court Struck Another Blow Against Asset Forfeiture Abuse

Media Monarchy: “Asset Forfeiture”

#GoodNewsNextWeek: The Sharing Economy Is The Real Economy

You can help support our independent and non-commercial work by visiting http://CorbettReport.com/Support & http://MediaMonarchy.com/Support. Thank You.

16:35 minutes


9th June 2017, 02:47
From Nick Redfern


Mysterious Universe

Roswell’s Legendary “Memory Metal” (http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/06/roswells-legendary-memory-metal/)

9th June 2017, 10:07
Hawking his wares ...

Courtney Brown - Remote Viewing Roswell, Rethinking Reality: Part One


Published on Jun 9, 2017

Courtney Brown discusses the Farsight Institute's recent remote viewing project 'Roswell – Crash at Corona'. If you are unfamiliar with remote viewing we recommend that you first listen to our show 'Remote Viewing, Consciousness, and Reality' which you'll find here: http://legalise-freedom.com/radio/cou...

In July 1947, an airborne object crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico in the United States. Following intense initial interest in the object which was rumoured to be a 'flying disc' of unknown origin, the US military stated that it was merely a conventional weather balloon. Although interest in the incident persisted, it waned somewhat until the late 1970s, when ufologists began claiming that one or more alien spacecraft had crash-landed at Roswell, and that the extraterrestrial occupants had been recovered by the military, who then engaged in a cover-up. Then, during the 1990s, the US military published two reports insisting that the true nature of the crashed object was in fact simply a nuclear test surveillance balloon. However, controversy still surrounds Roswell with many researchers continuing to claim that the official story hides a much stranger and more shocking secret.

As well looking at some of the results of Farsight's Roswell and Time Cross projects, we discuss the possible nature of alien spacecraft, space travel, and the warping of space-time itself. We ask whether the potentially inter-dimensional nature of extraterrestrial life could be linked to parallel realities that we cannot ordinarily perceive, and what quantum physics is currently suggesting about the true nature of reality. Keeping in mind the adage 'Science advances one funeral at a time', we also ask how our world might change if remote viewing was finally accepted by science, academia, and society at large.



9th June 2017, 10:22
Paradoxically delicious ...


9th June 2017, 16:36
Paradoxically delicious ...


Fleas have fleas too! :p

9th June 2017, 16:38
Gio, your Far Side as well as Far-Sight posts today are pretty far out.

9th June 2017, 18:32
Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Linda Moulton Howe - Is Our Universe a Computer Simulation?

Published on Jun 9, 2017

*** RECORDED MAY 2017 ***

Alexis sits down once again with investigative reporter and ET/UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe to discuss the possibility that reality is virtually based.

"Is Our Universe a Computer Simulation" was the name of a powerful lecture Linda delivered at the 2017 Contact In the Desert.

With stunning evidence presented by some of the leading science researchers of our time, Linda synthesizes several theories that lead to the plausibility that our universe is indeed virtual rather than "actual" as we believe it to be.

In this provocative episode we discuss the work of Michael Talbot and his holographic model of reality, David Bohm and his "implicate order," the stunning testimony of Jerry Wills, physicist Tom Campbell and his ideas about a computer generated reality, as well as thoughts on how the afterlife and of course the role that UFOs may play in all of this.

Filmed on-location at the 2017 Contact in the Desert, Joshua Tree, California.

Visit Linda Moulton Howe's website at: http://www.earthfiles.com


9th June 2017, 18:38
the results of the results ...

David Icke talks to Richie Allen about election on Friday June 9th 2017

Published on Jun 9, 2017

59:21 minutes


10th June 2017, 02:03
Ep. 671 FADE to BLACK FADERNIGHT w/ Jon Rappoport NMFNR Open Lines

Published on Jun 9, 2017

Another Thursday, another Fadernight with Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News Room Live... followed by back to back open lines... great calls and conversation all night long.

Air date: June 8, 2017

Jon Rappoport segment starts at the 31 minute mark -
Topic - U>S opioid/drug/addiction becoming a national epidemic.


10th June 2017, 19:25
hmm ...

The Victim Control Dynamic (Escaping Control Drama in Relationships) - Teal Swan -

Published on Jun 10, 2017

The Victim Control Dynamic may be the reason we experience a lot of drama in our own relationships. People tend to alternate between playing 3 roles (like a triangle) in relationships… Either the Victim, the Villain, or the Hero. In this dynamic, a person plays the victim to manipulatively get what they want from other people.

27:48 minutes


10th June 2017, 19:41
Go Teal go. Will watch when time permits. Do not wish to comment beforehand. Hope there are extrapolations as to how drama mucks up "communities".

11th June 2017, 00:44
Will also share this here ...

I identify 5 factions in this discussion,
though there may be more, and why there is a "race" for Disclosure.


11th June 2017, 05:18
Thanks Rad ...

~ Hitting your strive now - Taking it to the next level - Making real sense !

11th June 2017, 05:52
Go Teal go. Will watch when time permits. Do not wish to comment beforehand. Hope there are extrapolations as to how drama mucks up "communities".
Indeed the Victim Control Drama.
I feel like 9eagle9 could have taught Teal a thing or two about Victim Control Dramas mucking up communities.
I have to say, with folks showing up here like they have been, it would be pretty cool to see 9 showing up around these parts.
Can the reverend get an amen? :chrs:

11th June 2017, 05:54
And speaking of making real sense ...

Discourses on an Alien Sky #30 | Sekhmet: The Raging Eye of Ra


In Discourse#30, we consider the popular Egyptian story, "The Destruction of Mankind,” recounting how a rebellion occurred and the primeval sun god Ra sent the goddess Sekhmet to destroy humanity. Though nothing in the tale makes sense to the modern mind, the cross-cultural connection to the "comet Venus” throws considerable light on the story. Ancient memories of Venus as an agent of global catastrophe are too consistent to be ignored.

Published on Jun 10, 2017



View the other Discourses--

See the three full documentaries in the Symbols of an Alien Sky series:
Episode 1, Symbols of an Alien Sky documentary; Episode 2, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars documentary;
Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric Comet documentary

11th June 2017, 06:23
In memory of Adam West (http://deadline.com/2017/06/affleck-pays-tribute-to-west-1202111154/)



11th June 2017, 06:29
Gee DNA , You could always go and visit 9eagle9 at the Topic of Topics forum if you miss her essence....:getcoat:

11th June 2017, 07:07
Gee DNA , You could always go and visit 9eagle9 at the Topic of Topics forum if you miss her essence....:getcoat:

And she could always honor and join us with say a Cosmic Emporium podcast get together ... :)

11th June 2017, 07:16
Super domestic bliss ...


11th June 2017, 07:22
Speaking of becoming ...




11th June 2017, 07:29
:Bump: ...

I identify 5 factions in this discussion,
though there may be more, and why there is a "race" for Disclosure.


11th June 2017, 08:03
Best possibilities for signs of cosmic lifeforms in our solar system ...

Here's an interesting related share from Joseph P. Farrell ...


CERES: THE OCEAN OF TIAMAT (https://gizadeathstar.com/2017/06/ceres-ocean-tiamat/)

11th June 2017, 14:41
I've been hearing this song "Human" on the radio for some months now. Love that voice. One of the first times, the DJ was asking the listeners what they think of this guy, Rag and Bones man. He then said he was playing the song again even though he had just played it within the hour. And he did.

To me the voice has a rich quality often heard with black people. I listened a few times before I decided to go look him up. Thanks for posting the video.:thup:

He looks like he could be a real teddy bear. And he also looks like he'd be the bouncer that would kick your ass without asking questions.

11th June 2017, 15:22
I've been hearing this song "Human" on the radio for some months now. Love that voice. One of the first times, the DJ was asking the listeners what they think of this guy, Rag and Bones man. He then said he was playing the song again even though he had just played it within the hour. And he did.

To me the voice has a rich quality often heard with black people. I listened a few times before I decided to go look him up. Thanks for posting the video.:thup:

He looks like he could be a real teddy bear. And he also looks like he'd be the bouncer that would kick your ass without asking questions.

He is really good, and why he is so unique, is that he hasn't been created by these music companies ...he writes his own music, it came from him.

11th June 2017, 15:56
Celebrating The Love
Under The Cosmic Skies

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19029678_1539531442724860_4099622047803839487_n.jp g?oh=4154a0c1e35d21e544134e0440eb3b57&oe=59DD527C

11th June 2017, 16:04
hmm ...

Andrew Basiago-Operation: Truth Movement-Part 1

Randy Maugans

Published on Jun 11, 2017

OffPlanet Radio Special Report - Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer with Andrew Basiago , childhood subject of jump room and Tesla Quantum Access technology; Project Talent, and the Mars ARK projects, joins us for an extensive examination of the so-called "alternative media".
Website: http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/

In this, part 1, of a two-part, three-hour interview we break out the critical aspects of Truth Movement infiltration and subversion---and name the agents:
~The truth movement is threatened by subversion from within and without.
~. The truth is actively attacked by opinion makers in the mainstream media.
~Academic gatekeepers within the Truth Movement regularly attack truth tellers, misrepresent their testimony, suppress their testimony, and foment public disdain for truth tellers.
~Synthetic activists working for the US intelligence community steer the Truth Movement toward ineffectual outcomes.
~Synthetic scholars contrive false claims and inconsequential research priorities.
~Synthetic experiencers dilute the force of and confuse the public about real experiencers.

We discuss the standards by which all information should be presented, assessed, and critiqued; how COINTELPROL Ops have been in effect since the advent of independent internet media; and how gatekeepers are installed to prevent genuine research and investigation.
PDF Original show notes: http://bit.ly/andynotesOTM

1:39:52 minutes


11th June 2017, 16:25
New TOT member Hector Melo joins us to talk about his new book "What Really Happened?", and here it is.
