25th September 2016, 16:39

People should not be afraid of governmental authority. Justice is in the hands of the people, not governments. Authority does not justify force. For convenience sake individuals have given over their moral compass to authority figures and laws that exploit force and remove freedoms. Short and to the point. Very well done.


26th September 2016, 06:49
2 thumps up Herbert.....Great find!!:h5:

26th September 2016, 12:40
What an amazing video. Imagine showing this to every child on the planet.

27th September 2016, 06:12

Found this for extended info:


27th September 2016, 06:40
“The most improper job of any man, even saints
(who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on),
is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it,
and least of all those who seek the opportunity.”

(J.R.R. Tolkien)

27th September 2016, 14:16
So how do I convince my family? Pretty sure they will say something like, "Well, do you want chaos and death?" Don't know if I can actually get anyone to watch it...

I was discussing TSA procedures with my sister-in-law in the airport and expressing some concerns and she said, "Well, do you want bombs on planes?"

Out loud.

In the airport.


Gale Frierson
27th September 2016, 14:36
Oh, so true. Nothing naïve here. Simply put, the clearest exposition of Truth I've seen in quite a while. Thank you for that. The Einstein quote is key.

27th September 2016, 17:36
So how do I convince my family? Pretty sure they will say something like, "Well, do you want chaos and death?" Don't know if I can actually get anyone to watch it...

I was discussing TSA procedures with my sister-in-law in the airport and expressing some concerns and she said, "Well, do you want bombs on planes?"

Out loud.

In the airport.


Yes, it is sad. The TSA is there because people want it there. I have only flown two times since 2001 because of the TSA. I am basically boycotting the airlines. Not much a a boycott without numbers. It is sad the the non-zombies must suffer the indignities the clueless want. So much for the idea of democracy. Without an informed populace, it is a mess of rule by the ignorant.

We have global controllers (cabal) because people want them. Those who think only chaos would result are projecting their own inner lack of moral compass and self-value.

27th September 2016, 23:58
This is hard for me to write because I do not feel in any position to advise others and really would prefer not to make this post. I always write too much once I get started and really wish I was better at editing. It would be so much easier to say nothing, which is what I do best in everyday life. Nevertheless, since the subject has been raised and since if I wait until tomorrow I won’t post this, my conscience keeps pushing me to say something so here it is.

How can I awaken the human collective consciousness?

This a fundamental question we all ask ourselves in one form or another, as has been demonstrated in this thread.

The answer is one individual at a time beginning with you. Most people on this forum feel a compassionate need to bring change and improvement to the human experience for all. It is especially common among those who have been able to take a step back in their own lives and realized that humanity as a whole, esp. in the western world, have lost their way and become burdened with an oppressive and purely unnecessary system of government, etc…

After all we live on an incredibly abundant planet that gives for free, so why do we find ourselves so helpless in reaching out to our fellow man and communicating the need for change, in a way they can understand?

It has correctly been said that collectively, people get the governments they deserve. So the only way to change what we deserve is to change the collective. How do you as an individual work toward that end? The answer is very simple. By working on you own inner self connection to the collective. We may think that becoming awake and aware puts us in the place of having successfully evolved our own consciousness; so where do we go from here?

Well becoming aware is only the first step. Now we need a method to influence the rest of humanity and most especially to remove our unconscious energy blocks that make it so hard to influence others in a positive way. You cannot do it through the system. The system won’t change until human collective consciousness changes.

You can’t change other people’s minds through logic, argument, or anger. Those methods are usually a waste of time because friendship and true understanding are not the same thing. To really understand another person you need to walk in their shoes for a lifetime.

Each one of us can change the collective one individual at a time by changing ourselves. As the collective changes that higher vibrating energy exerts a powerful influence on individuals everywhere. You won’t need to tell people anything verbally unless they ask.

It was that very powerful energy of the collective, influenced by negative individuals, that brought society to the mess we have created. You can’t work within the mess to change things, you have to raise your vibrations above the mess to lift us out through the collective will. People change automatically when enough of the collective have changed. It becomes easier with each person who awakens.

The method I and many others have found to be the most effective and also, deceptively, the most simple is the Native American “Giveaway”.

Scientifically, it works through nerve impulses up the arm to the central nervous system as you write and I have to say it is amazing how it transformed my own attitude toward life and my feeling connection to universal life. Yes you can ignore your very real energy blocks, even be totally unaware of them, but you are missing out on your abundantly fluid energetic flow. Our souls contain far more energy than any of us can even imagine, and it wants to flow freely.

Even though working on yourself may seem selfish, at first, it changes the group energy in a big way. Your own energy flows increase dramatically and they are contagious as it is in our innate nature to share energy with those around us. It happens often by just walking past another person. We are usually not even aware of how much we affect other people in our everyday lives. Our higher selves are in constant communication with each other even though we remain oblivious to this fact of life. Your soul is your link to changing humanity.

The method for performing the Giveaway is very simple and it can be found here:


It really does work and you will feel the changes in your body and in your emotional outlook. Perceived victim hood is one of the many,many attitudes it helps deal with:


It takes time but you should recognize some immediate inner changes very quickly as you become aware of emotional energy blocks from the past you were not even aware of. What to say will come automatically form your own higher self as you proceed from one day to the next. A few minutes each day.

You will eventually find your dreams are changing and becoming more vivid. I could describe a long list of changes you will recognize in yourself but it would be better if each person used it for a while and came back to talk about their own experiences, if they so choose.

Don’t be deceived into thinking you can clear everything very quickly, it’s a matter of 2 steps forward and one step back. You may think something is cleared only to have it come back and bite you, but your higher self will test you on each blockage with real life decisions to make sure the lesson is learned once and for all.

Good luck to those who feel the impetus and courage to even start. Starting is the hardest part of all.

Personal cyclical problems will disappear as you progress in your own reactions to your higher self conceived tests. You learn to recognize those tests and an alternative, healthier way of responding to the challenge. Mind sourced egoistic competitiveness and one-up-man-ship will become a foolish game of the past. Living in your heart frees you from that habitual role. The Giveaway helps your true feelings to flow as you begin to recognize and remember who you really are. This is how we help others to free themselves.

Divine Feminine
28th September 2016, 05:10
Great post Herbert! You know I've gotten in trouble with individuals before on this topic when I try and show them the problems with 'Acquiescing'.

Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition
Acquiesce: To give an implied consent to a transaction, to the accrual of a right, or to any act, by one’s mere silence, or without express assent or acknowledgment.

Another favorite way I like to express the topic is to say, quit playing 'The Simon Says' game.


28th September 2016, 13:21
That was a very thoughtful post, Herbert and certainly not too long.

This ritual sounds like a very good one to engage in with my husband. I'm pretty sure he's more in need than me. But we can do it together.

My sister-in-law has told me that one reason she likes to have me around is that I stop and smell the flowers and she likes to be reminded to do that. My family has a lot of negativity and anxiety - don't know why, they have good lives and live nicely - and when I'm out west I spread laughter and humor as much as I can.

I can't live around them all the time. I can feel the stress affect my heart and my body and it's not good.

I've divorced myself from a lot of drama though they try to draw me in. I've recently had to tell both my brother and sister-in-law the following: "I'm not responsible for words you put in my mouth, thoughts you put in my head and feelings you put in my heart that are not there. If you want to get upset over your own misunderstanding that has nothing to do with what I did or said then you can do it on your own time. I don't want to hear about it."

I really feel like I shouldn't have to speak this way at this point in life but sometimes people just can't learn and keep following the same negative patterns. And so I end my role in it.

Gale Frierson
29th September 2016, 07:28
What you are intertwining and threading throughout your entire discussion is the same thing Neale Donald Walsch and the "Course in Miracles" are saying. Plus you go further by pointing out the Native American way. Being a teacher (always have been, and I'm 80), I understand human psychology very well. Further, I'm one-eighth Cherokee. Don't worry about getting in trouble for trying to make these points with people. This is just what's needed. Walsch's series "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with Humanity", and his website "The Global Conversation" all point the same way. They're way-showers, just as Jesus was. Now I make no attempt to take away from TOT, as it's doing the one wonderful humanitarian thing that's needed, as it's providing the "channel", if you will, for the expression of these ideas. Don't recall who, but someone wisely alluded to the face that complacency is deadly. Until 9/11, I was extremely complacent, and really didn't have any idea what to do in regard to the problems of the world. Shortly thereafter, I met a young man from Mongolia, and lost my complacency almost overnight, as the impetus of the depths of my compassion for him, suddenly made me realize that my problems were minor compared to the ones he was bearing up to at the time.
Taking up his cause and trying to help him with his immigration issues brought out the best in me. I had to get angry, then overcome my own anger, and settle down into a cool way of unlearning everything I ever thought I knew about enlightenment and relearning how to live (not just for him, but for myself as well). What I say here is without having viewed the links above. More later on this hopefully. I wish to add: We are all messengers, and few of us realize the import of the message. Another important messanger at work in the world today is the Britisher David Icke. Icke's 840 page treatise entitled "Perception Deception" is one good example. I think I've read almost all of his works. He looks at the illusions of the world, which is what Walsch and the "Course in Miracles" also do. Basically, it all comes down to the idea that "All Is One" and we're all a part of that One--as some would say "Children of God".

29th September 2016, 10:45
Thank you so much, Gale Frierson, for informing us all about Walsch's series "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with Humanity". I will surely do my own research of the subject.

I used to have sensations similar to yours. Out of goodness of my heart, I was helping and giving advice to many, especially young people. I would give advice and wanted so much that a young individual use that advice wisely. But, the feeling inside was letting me know I had a problem. Even though I was doing it for all the good reasons, I was actually trying to control other people's lives. The feeling was a disappointment if the advice wasn't listened to. I was working on that issue. A few months ago I had a situation where I could easily see I lost that negative trend. When the advice wasn't followed, I had no feeling of attachment. No 'positive', no 'negative' emotions. No program running my feelings. Only me, allowing others making their own decisions and learning their own lessons.

I invite you, Gale Frierson, to read the thread about Chris Thomas's work (if you already haven't done it). There are a lot of essays written by CT on various subjects. There's also an instruction how to do a GIVEAWAY - a method of clearing negative emotions and vibrations out of our body/system.

If you don't want to explore this topic, I'll thank you anyway for sharing your thoughts and experiences with all of us. Wish you all the best:group hug:

Gale Frierson
29th September 2016, 12:25
Not a bad idea at any point. With side explanations for them to be sure they fully comprehended.

Gale Frierson
29th September 2016, 14:16
Thank you, Sandra. Yes, I danced the dance of trying to be sure I wasn't monopolizing this young man's life. I think the outcome was in both of our best interests, as in the process, he finally got his visa to come back here (which he did after 13 long years). Additionally, and most importantly, in the process he met and married his present wife and now has a wonderful family. Now he has felt the fulfillment of growing into manhood. He started out as a late teen (18) and is now a fine young gentleman. He attributes his growing up in great part to me. He even said: "You made me a man. Thank you"! And it's been a real pleasure for me. As my whole intent in working with him was to empower and strengthen him.

29th September 2016, 16:13
Thank you, Sandra. Yes, I danced the dance of trying to be sure I wasn't monopolizing this young man's life. I think the outcome was in both of our best interests, as in the process, he finally got his visa to come back here (which he did after 13 long years). Additionally, and most importantly, in the process he met and married his present wife and now has a wonderful family. Now he has felt the fulfillment of growing into manhood. He started out as a late teen (18) and is now a fine young gentleman. He attributes his growing up in great part to me. He even said: "You made me a man. Thank you"! And it's been a real pleasure for me. As my whole intent in working with him was to empower and strengthen him.

It is a great feeling and gift when you help someone on their path of evolution. I understand you perfectly, Gale Frierson.

26th November 2016, 00:14
I missed reading most of this thread till now, a few tears, nice, some powerfullll beautifullll members we have.