View Full Version : Karma Clean Up?

10th July 2016, 13:17
Interesting article imo > http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/07/andrew-bartzis-insights-karma-clean-up.html

Karma Clean Up

Now, 490,000 years ago, the timeline wars had gotten so bad that it literally risked the migration patterns in other universes. Think of it like this, if you come to Earth and you're a DNA lineage that's very old or that is newer and you experience Earth and all of a sudden you're a part of a timeline genocide and you get erased from reality, your future that still exists on the Akashic Records of your home world doesn't exist, and if you have future beings that are souls that are going to migrate and go into that lineage, you quite literally create a cork in reality. And this has happened so much that there were these timeline incursions that were expanding on a universal level. The prime creators of each galaxy came together and were putting out timeline creation fires everywhere. So finally the only resolution was that the first, second and third degree beings that were in separation of Prime Creator, put all the prime planets of drama and timeline wars into a single solar system, and Earth was the capstone because it literally was what created all the timeline genocide scenarios, so 66 timelines of drama, all 66 planets that were the ones spread throughout the galaxies were put into our single solar system.
Our sun was then put here. Our sun is a very unique sun. It's a group of soul families that have the soul codes to get to any other solar system in our universe, and our DNA codes have that in there. So, literally, when you put all the drama in one area, all those migration patterns that are looking to resolve karma have to come here, which clears up this karmic pollution.

“Our sun is a very unique sun. It's a group of soul families that have the soul codes to get to any other solar system in our universe, and our DNA codes have that in there.”

12th July 2016, 18:19
This essay is just another way of saying Earth is a prison planet. In short if a soul does something bad anywhere in the galaxy they get sent here for punishment.

Personally I don't subscribe to this theory. The ancient civilizations that once thrived on this planet prove the Earth was once a free and beautiful place. It wasn't 490,000 years ago but much more recent times a few thousand years to only a few hundred years ago. There has been a concerted effort to erase the Earth's true history and blame humanity for its' current predicament. The souls on Earth are not here for some "Karma clean up" or whatever they call it these days. That is just a trick to place blame on humans living on Earth for the crime of merely existing. In Christian dogma it is called original sin and we all know how that scam worked. So don't buy the hype and fall for the same dirty tricks that have enslaved us for centuries. Tell the Lords of Karma you are sovereign and we not going listen to their lies anymore. Humans were born free.