View Full Version : Cancer 'is purely man-made' say scientists after finding almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mummies

The One
27th March 2016, 17:34
Cancer is a man-made disease fuelled by the excesses of modern life, a study of ancient remains has found. Tumours were rare until recent times when pollution and poor diet became issues, the review of mummies, fossils and classical literature found. A greater understanding of its origins could lead to treatments for the disease, which claims more than 150,000 lives a year in the UK.


Scientists found no signs of cancer in their extensive study of mummies apart from one isolated case

Michael Zimmerman, a visiting professor at Manchester University, said: 'In an ancient society lacking surgical intervention, evidence of cancer should remain in all cases.

'The virtual absence of malignancies in mummies must be interpreted as indicating their rarity in antiquity, indicating that cancer-causing factors are limited to societies affected by modern industrialisation.'

To trace cancer's roots, Professor Zimmerman and colleague Rosalie David analysed possible references to the disease in classical literature and scrutinised signs in the fossil record and in mummified bodies.

Despite slivers of tissue from hundreds of Egyptian mummies being rehydrated and placed under the microscope, only one case of cancer has been confirmed.

This is despite experiments showing that tumours should be even better preserved by mummification than healthy tissues.

Dismissing the argument that the ancient Egyptians didn't live long enough to develop cancer, the researchers pointed out that other age-related disease such as hardening of the arteries and brittle bones died occur.

Fossil evidence of cancer is also sparse, with scientific literature providing a few dozen, mostly disputed, examples in animal fossil, the journal Nature Reviews Cancer reports.

Even the study of thousands of Neanderthal bones has provided only one example of a possible cancer.


Caricaturist James Gillray illustrated the taking of snuff, which appears in first reports in scientific literature of distinctive tumours of nasal cancer in snuff users in 1761

Evidence of cancer in ancient Egyptian texts is also 'tenuous' with cancer-like problems more likely to have been caused by leprosy or even varicose veins.

The ancient Greeks were probably the first to define cancer as a specific disease and to distinguish between benign and malignant tumours.

But Manchester professors said it was unclear if this signalled a real rise in the disease, or just a greater medical knowledge.

The 17th century provides the first descriptions of operations for breast and other cancers.

And the first reports in scientific literature of distinctive tumours only occurred in the past 200 years or so, including scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps in 1775 and nasal cancer in snuff users in 1761.

Professor David, who presented the findings to Professor Mike Richards, the UK's cancer tsar and other oncologists at a conference earlier this year, said: 'In industrialised societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare.

'There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.

'The important thing about our study is that it gives a historical perspective to this disease. We can make very clear statements on the cancer rates in societies because we have a full overview. We have looked at millennia, not one hundred years, and have masses of data.

'Yet again extensive ancient Egyptian data, along with other data from across the millennia, has given modern society a clear message – cancer is man-made and something that we can and should address.

Dr Rachel Thompson, of World Cancer Research Fund, said: 'This research makes for very interesting reading.

'About one in three people in the UK will get cancer so it is fairly commonplace in the modern world.

Scientists now say a healthy diet, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can prevent about a third of the most common cancers so perhaps our ancestors’ lifestyle reduced their risk from cancer.'

Link (http://zonnews.com/shock/5163-cancer-is-purely-man-made-say-scientists-after-finding-almost-no-trace-of-disease-in-egyptian-mummies.html)

Gale Frierson
28th March 2016, 00:09
Thank you. Results are heartening. I've believed this myself for a long time, and I'm 79, going on 80.

28th March 2016, 07:25
I'd like to enter into this as having twice had Leukaemia. The first time I had undergone years and years of traumatising myself over needing to begin a life of my own as compared to the state of looking after my mother who had only one lung and most definitely not want me to have a life of my own, the main problem was that if I left, my own conscience would prevent my happiness from leaving my mother to be on her own. The next time I had a husband who found out he had a heart problem which meant that he decided he could do very little to help and thus it was up to me to do it all. My decision in the end was I cannot cope. I said this over and over again, and my higher self/God minder kept telling me Colleen you must stop saying this or you will become ill again. Which I did having to be rushed to hospital to begin treatment of the usual Chemo.

Now, after the first one my sister got breast cancer , followed by lung cancer and she died. I asked my minder, why did she die and I did not, and his answer was, because you only knew you would get over it, even after he had told me that I had an illness that no one could cure, let alone myself, but he offered the help from those Above and I had three visitors from Above every night for three months at the end of which they told me you are cured now. That week end I went to my Herbalist and Homeopath who both agreed and they had been treating me for some time.

Now we were told when I first went to become a Reiki channel in 1983, that Cancer was a matter of nursing hurts. The more you mulled over something the more likely it was to develop into a cancer, depending upon the type of emotion that you go through will be where it comes out in the body e.g. fear - kidneys, rage - liver.

I do have an article I wrote about the causes of caner that got lost in one of our problems earlier on TOT. I am willing to hunt it out if any one is interested.

The One
28th March 2016, 07:54
I do have an article I wrote about the causes of caner that got lost in one of our problems earlier on TOT. I am willing to hunt it out if any one is interested.

That would be great.Remember if you click the quick links menu Cearna you can view all your thread in there


28th March 2016, 10:25
I must apologise for the length of this and the fact that it probably needs a lot of editing, be that as it may you may find some of it interesting - some of it is written by Ivan who was then the Archivist to God, but has since been upgraded to be called the God of Earth and Sky" and the rest was from my own inner knowledge.

The Causes of Cancer

This is a multi level problem. On the one hand there are existing environmental hazards which are carcinogenic in nature, and existing food problems that are increasing in number as man continues to rely upon packaged and processed foods, that are meant to last well on the shelf, but are a problem to the "processing" organs. These are producing carcinogous cells within the body, which when present in sufficient numbers will of themselves commence the degeneration of healthy cells to form large pockets of cancerous cells and the ongoing build up of more cancerous cells until the illness manifests at a later date.

The areas of the body that will be affected are not random, they will depend upon the emotional state of the person. It is definitely a matter of how you think and feel will result in where your body will create the cancerous pockets.

Firstly we need to address the environmental issues. Yes, man in his greed, negligence, ignorance, carelessness (sloth is a good word for it), has found new ways of making products and using raw materials with the available technology to alter our daily living,
but did not consider the use of resources, nor its waste disposal both during making and at the end of its useful life.

Electricity is used abundantly without the consideration of just where did that electricity come from. We know it magically appears when certain conductors are available and an energy source is provided, but has it ever been considered that we may be using our
own electrical energy field that every person must have in order to live. We provide a large proportion of that electricity, which is often just fritted away on neon lights and rooms being lit up for long periods of time with no one in that room.

It has been discovered there is a link between overhead electric power lines and a greater proportion of cancer from people living in close proximity to those power lines - firstly they are helping to provide the electricity that goes along that line until their own
electrical energy supply is so depleted they no longer have the energy to live, but they also no longer have the energy needed to provide their own healing.

Another energy not considered by mankind as being important to their well being is magnetic energy. Every person has also a magnetic energy field as well as an electrical energy field. People have discovered the therapeutic value of wearing or sleeping on magnets, although these aids are being used unwisely, but they will help to illustrate the importance of magnetic energy. We have the ability in each and every one of us to call on our own magnetic energy field to bring about our own self healing, but the way of life in a modern community is preventing this from happening and is in fact reducing drastically our own magnetic field and adding to the build up of those cancer cells.

Concrete is one of the worst offenders.

A large space of concrete as in roads and building site foundations are the worst offenders, because they prevent the passage of the earths magnetic field. It no longer travels easily through the ground and air space - it travels most easily through forest lands, because trees readily conduct magnetic energy, and is almost completely prevented from moving through large shopping centres and densely populated areas where concrete is the basis for building. Sun spots will alter the magnetic energy field of the earth for a short period of time, but the eventual effect is to improve the quality of the magnetic energy of the earth as it helps to replace some of the effect of our building techniques. However, each newly built large development decreases overall the magnetic energy available to each person. Increases of population also decreases the supply of magnetic energy and of course all the horrors of badly stored hazardous wastes adds to the overall problem.

In one hundred years of rapid development and increased population, the magnetic energy supply available to each man, woman and child has decreased by 75% and each decade the amount reduces even more. This is now not enough for each person to survive correctly on, unless they live with a lifestyle of eating food which has been
grown to provide all the goodness possible; stress management is essential; a period of quiet eat day is necessary to recoup loss of energy from the frenetic pace of modern living; and some time should be spent in green spaces where energy is able to flow and
improve your well being.

Yes, I know people are living longer than they ever did before, but this is the quiet before the storm - it cannot go on this way. The old had a very different lifestyle, they ate foods that were seldom processed in the way they are now. Most people used to make all their own jams, pickles, preserved their own meats, grew most of their own vegetables (using manures not fertilisers as their best growing medium). Today as you know, most things have chemicals of some kind added for colouring, flavouring or preservative.

Oils are processed in a different way except the cold pressed, food is not the means of providing a happy family life anymore in many homes so the joy of a meal is often not there and the processed foods are tampering with metabolism and the storage of nutrients in the body. They are a large reason for the growing number of overweight, not that people are overeating. The wrong chemicals in the bodies of those incapable of utilising their food correctly, will result in a large build up of fluids and mass in the body. Yes people are also eating more than they ever did, but it is the eating of foods unnatural to the body that is resulting in the overweight, unless the emotions are
also adding to this dilemma.

Remember that many foods are now available from all over the world, we no longer have only the foods which were available in our own locality at our disposal. We eat Asian foods, Mediterranean foods, European foods, tropical foods etc - yet our bodies have been developed to eat the foods that were available to our own ethnic background.
For example the Asians have eaten soy products for a long time and have eaten heavily spiced foods in some regions, Europeans on the other hand have eaten yoghurts and dairy foods, but no soy products. In any culture there is a tradition of eating certain foods that goes back hundreds of years. We may enjoy eating those foods from all over the world, they are a new taste sensation to our bodies, but our bodies are not equipped to digest those foods. People from each ethnic background will have their own intestinal flora and a set up within their body, equipped to deal with the foods of their ancestors.

Most European and Mediterranean backgrounds had a diet containing specific grains and certain herbs and vegetables which grew naturally in that vicinity or they had become accustomed to eating a new diet after the introduction of a staple a long time ago, for example the Irish adapted to the potato and it became their staple. It is not
recognised however that it can take up to 200 years for a new food to be able to be properly utilised by the body. Think of how many new foods our bodies have been subjected to over the last 50 years alone, they may be perfectly good food, but our body will not recognise them as a food and we will not be getting any benefit from them at all, and we will be harmed by them, because the body sets up a rejection system for any food which does not belong in our ethnic background. Not to mention the fact that the body will reject any chemical which does not belong in our ethnic cultural way of life,
such as the chemicals used to preserve food over long periods of time.

Our bodies were even more specific, they were accustomed to eating certain foods at certain times of the year. When food is in season, our bodies began to secrete our own chemical mix to be able to eat that food, but when the season should be over, it stops producing the required chemicals and if we then eat that food out of the season
to which our body is attuned, that food is also rejected by the body. In England Pork was salted and then eaten throughout the winter, this was done for so many hundreds of years that the body adjusted to this and can cope with salted or smoked pork in winter, but only if it was cured in the age old ways - prepare the pork any other way and your
body won't accept it.

So the more a family keeps to the age old ways of their ancestors the more healthy they will be able to remain. The more packaged and processed your food, and the more different it is to the old days the more likely you are to have health problems like asthma, allergies, digestive problems, overweight or even underweight in some cases and different types of cancer. So the modern day maxim of eating healthy food for a healthy diet is not really much use to us unless those healthy foods are the same as the ones our families have eaten for centuries.

The very air we breathe is of course capable of producing cancerous cells within our bodies. Until 100 years ago we had no petrol fumes in the air, people used vegetable and animal oils for lighting and wood, peat or coal for heating, so even though we may now consider some of these as pollutants, our bodies were able to cope with those, they were what they were used to.

Even the very smoky coal towns were not responsible for the ill health of the people, however, the vast array of fossil fuel fumes, metallic fumes from steel, aluminium and other metals in the air, chemicals and any hazardous materials within the air now, are foreign to our bodies, they are not yet accustomed to them and when we are in contact with them our bodies recoil in horror and either commence a combat method against the effect they are having on us, or have lost the ability to do this any more and our bodies begin to suffer from any prolonged exposure.

This can be particularly harmful to those living on or near major highways or close to industrial areas. One of the areas of or body badly effected is the respiratory tract, another area is the blood and circulatory system, it can filter out dangerous materials, for only so long. The brain is also badly affected by some of the metallic substances. When the body can no longer resist so many problem materials, our cells deteriorate until cancer can be the result.

The most important thing in any persons life is joy. The presence of joy in our life is really the benchmark to aspire to, not health or well being or spiritual aspirations, joy is the thing that will give us not only happiness of course, but the health and well being we aspire to. Think of the man and wife who are looking forward to the birth of their
first child or the engaged couple who are about to get married, or the person who has just met their 'true love', there is a joy at these times which is special and palpable to those going into this experience with wonder, happiness and that extra 'something'.

If you are in a state of joy your health should be at its optimum. Lack of joy in your life will usually result in illness of some kind, depending on the feelings and thoughts you have at the time. Of course there is always the unseen power that may be taking a hand in your life that can never be accounted for and these effects are beyond any steps you
may take in your life.

There are many people who have cancer and it is hard to see why they are the ones who get so sick. They may be beautiful people in their own life. They may appear to be happy; they may appear to need very little other than what they have; they may give a great deal of themselves to others, family , friends or community; they may seem to
have no lurking fears, sadness, overwhelming memories from the past; or anything that may seem to be a reason for them to have become so ill. It is in fact that some people simply have come to the end of their given or allotted time on earth, but even though they may not be consciously aware that it is their time to go, their spirit knows that their family and loved ones would not willingly let go of them and this is important to those who must die. They could simply have a heart attack and die, but this would often leave the family very angry and anguished because they had no preparation time.

A loving person in this situation will often choose to have a very debilitating, painful, disease because their family will then know that it is a blessing for them to be released from this pain and will let go of their ties to keeping their family member here. This also allows the person to prepare themselves to go, although they are sick and in pain and possibly undergoing difficult treatment, they do have time enough to come to terms with their life and loved ones and usually have some quiet time even if sick, to know what is happening to themselves, know it is their life’s end and are ready to themselves let go of anything that may be holding them here.

At the end of your journey through life, if your time is up, you will go - this is a good though painful choice for some to end their days. There is no turning back the clock and returning to health, we all have an allotted time to end our life and if we do not take our own steps as these people do, then God has to just step in and take us, but we are not prepared - nor are our family. Our own body clock knows when this time is, but some of us are not prepared to take notice of it.

There are others who simply have had enough of living, maybe they are very old, but some could be very young babies. You may simply just be too weary to continue any longer in this world, for others, living may just seem to be too hard and for others they are too unhappy to want to live any more. This is indicated so forcefully to the body, even though it may not be consciously uppermost in your thoughts, but your body will attempt to bring about your demise for you even though your allotted time may not be up. This is perfectly acceptable to God, under the circumstances of your life, and since
cancer is a well known, but usually considered to be fatal disease, this is often the method the body chooses to answer your request to die.

For these people, the onset of cancer can be a huge wake up call, not only to the person involved but to their families and those around them in their lives. The fact that they could die is enough for many to evaluate their lives and how they are living and for the
families to find out just how important this person is to them. This re-evaluation can be enough for the person to see that they still have more they wish to do. They may find that they are able to stay, or that those around them have realised their love for and need
for this person and they change the way they behave and feel for the cancer patient.

This change in attitude may be sufficient to make the cancer patient feel loved and able to continue in life. If this is the case, these cancer sufferers may be able to undergo a complete recovery. As long as they believe in this recovery as being something they want and will now achieve, they may have no recurrence of the symptoms ever again. Of course this may be subject to the cancer being found early enough that it will be treatable.

This of course leads to the emotional background that may have brought on the onset of cancer. Every single cancer that is produced from an emotional cause has the underlying problem that the person continually thinks about a problem in their life or is unable to face an aspect of their life that they must come to terms with. The particular problem that is theirs will result in a cancer in a specific part of the body. Every person who has that particular emotional problem will have their cancer in the same part of the body.

If asked to think about that emotional issue they may not be aware of it having been a real issue in their life, but in some way they have either been dwelling on the problem for a very long time and it becomes more and more something they either talk about or think about; or the opposite, they refuse to think or feel about a problem that is very
important to them to allow them to live a life that is much happier. To these people it may not have entered their heads that they even have to review this issue, which makes it doubly difficult for them to overcome and makes recovery a long way off. If they cannot find a solution, the cancer will most certainly take over and will go to
other parts of the body if they have more than one issue to resolve.

So with emotionally caused cancers, it is often a very long standing problem, often caused in childhood, but the main thing is that it is either denied or becomes a nursing of the hurts from life - the wording of those hurts as you go over and over in the mind will be the way your body interprets your wishes and will result in cancer cells in a specific part of the body.

Often those thoughts are about hurts suffered during your life and on much
reflection can result in what would in the old days have been called a
canker – or a festering wound. The more your mind festers on those hurts, the
more the cancer cells spread, until they spread just from their own momentum. It can be seen in a simple analogy that cancer cells spread by increasing their numbers as normal cells are eaten up or decreased. In the same way the thoughts that began the spread of cancer begin to eat away at the person until it is consuming them. They can break this
cycle, by breaking the thoughts and putting them behind them, then they can get on with a cancer free life, but it takes a very strong person to do this completely.

The shock of diagnosis, and the treatment involved will often take a person away from the damaging thoughts for quite a long period of time, but once they feel the cancer is going ok and they get back into normal life, then the thoughts may recur and back will come the disease again.

It is not easy for some people to talk to others even professionals about these old memories, and some never want to think about it at all, so the problem may never be resolved. It is especially difficult for older people, because cruelty to children was commonplace and hardship was the norm for many, so they often cannot do much about the abuse they received when young, which may have been physical, but to many
was also emotional in that they were seldom given to believe that they were good, the idea was to prevent them from being evil, so they often have difficulty in believing in their own worth. showing love in many families was something that was not done, so many people still believe themselves unloved. It is hoped that more young people today
are shown they are loved and wanted. This would reduce the rate of
cancer growth considerably.

It is because cancer has become well known and feared as a life threatening disease that are bodies are now choosing to develop cancer cells to interpret our need to die and leave this life which for so many is an unhappy state. If we had other diseases that are also known as life threatening then the body may also choose them as the means to die.
It is not suicide, it is simply our need to leave a life we find is nothing but unhappiness and suffering, or too difficult to keep living under harsh circumstances. If we found a cure for all cancers so that it was not considered life threatening, our bodies would find a new disease to take its place as a life threatening illness which would take a long time to find a cure for.

I do not intend to give the emotional cause for each individual cancer here, that will be done separately, if I feel the need for them to be documented, but consider the function of each part of the body and the emotions we may have embedded into that part of the body, over long periods of time (e.g. venting the spleen) and it will not be difficult
to associate the illness that will be associated with the pent up emotions a person may be suffering from. Much suffering can be laid at the doorstep of society and the way they treat each other. Greater concentration on showing love and living in contentment and joy, rather than providing and achieving by how much you own and give would
result in a happier, healthier society, instead of a society that believes in pain and suffering as real - get over it.

Cancer Of Any Part Of The Digestive System

From nursing hurts from the past and refusing to release, feeling life has passed you by, feeling someone or something is to blame for your unhappiness, but unable to go about changing. Lesson in life was to learn balance.

Cancer and Tumours of the Lungs

“He/she/it/society/the government has hurt me over and over again and blamed me for that which I did not do. I have suffered torment within myself as a result of this, because I did no wrong and I did not deserve to be punished”. (People of the Lie).

There is a constant nursing of this hurt and repetition over many years, to deny any fault or wrongdoing. At the same time there is gathering momentum of anger and resentment that this should be done to them. If it were sadness it would lead to congestion within the lungs but this is a growing spreading belief of mistreatment in the face of wrongdoing.

It is in fact, the building blocks or the putting in of the foundation stones to a very bitter person who instead of letting go of hurts, builds and reconstructs a personality, so unlike the picture they have of themselves, that there is no way to cure the one, whilst the other exists.

This person wants to hit back and will, but will do it in such a way as to preserve their own picture of their very “goodness”. This is a very longstanding condition, usually from childhood. The cancer will develop and grow proportionally to the amount of thought given to the hurts.

For a woman the breast is not only symbolic of her ability to mother or nurture her children, but it is also the symbol to the world of her femininity or her state of womanhood.
Someone who in their innermost heart longs to be a “mother” to love, nurture, protect, watch grow and bring joy to a child will from the time of that yearning begin to develop the type of breasts that will encompass all of that meaning to her. She will probably also develop those “Child bearing hips” at the same time. So firm, voluptuous breasts will symbolise to her the fact that she is ready and waiting to become a “mother”.

Smaller, underdeveloped breasts mean to a woman, that she is not yet ready to cross that bridge between being an “I”, to being a “we “ in terms of motherhood. This does not mean that she may find it impossible to bear a child, just that the emotional tie she has to motherhood is not as yet developed. If a child is born, she may then bridge that gap readily and willingly, but if not then many problems may develop within her “child bearing organs”. The same thing can occur when for one reason or another, she is unable to have a child even though her whole being was ready and willing to have it.

They are, along with her body shape, the window to how she sees herself in her physical surroundings. If she is unsure of herself and insecure her body shape will become one that wishes to sink into the surroundings and not be seen. If she wants to be seen, to stand out, maybe ambitious to make her way in society her body will conform to the perceived need for that to occur. If the woman sees herself as only being “worthwhile” in a sexual way then her body will conform to that need.

Thus her body and breasts become the focus of her inner being, if there is any imbalance in her perception of herself , her emotional well being and her thought processes will manifest an imbalance within her body. If her perception of her femininity and her worth as a person is at risk, then the breasts will be where an illness will occur and will spread to any other focus of that perception she has of herself in the bodily part which is symbolised by her perceived lack of worth. Since the upbringing of women from

Edwardian times worldwide was to denigrate and undervalue the worth of the young and the method of discipline was harsh, the words spoken, especially to young girls, was often to show a worthlessness in their existence, women have been battling to prove they have a right to exist, and can give all the value of untold centuries into the makeup of a society which can be more balanced, protective and nurturing.

Many young girls collapsed under the strain of their environmental background, and are suffering to find their own place in the world that to them is harsh and unsupportive. The worthless place of woman has resulted in untold misery and confusion. Breast cancer is the result of the plight of the young women brought up within that society. A more loving family background brought about since the 1960’s and the battle of the many feminists over the years, has begun to present a place for a woman to live out a less strained life in the future.

Breast cancer will usually result from one of the reasons mentioned above. Even if the woman was able to become a mother in accordance to her needs, and bring up her children in a more nurturing manner than the subservient way she may have been brought up, she has often not been able to be secure in her right to her place in the world. If she was a very sensitive child, the hurts of her world as a child may have overwhelmed her. The thought of those hurts will eventually create a breast cancer. It is as if all her world was a grey, lifeless place and that greyness lives within her.

It may also be that she grew up expecting to live out the great ideal which grew in most people after the Second World War. It seemed possible for every girl to grow up, marry the man of their dreams, have children they would love and give everything they could, and build or buy the dream house. For a while this seemed possible, but many of these dreams fell apart with the husband who was not the man of her dreams, and the mortgage and trying to be the “supermum “ of the working wife. Marriages fell apart, often she became the sole parent with little support, and in trying to give all she could to others, lost her own identity and cannot find her own loving, loved place in the society in which she lives. For many the only security to make them feel loved and cared for comes from sex. Hurting, creates this cancer. Mostly from a feeling of little right to exist and a worthlessness since that was the means of showing young people how to behave in their own childhood.

The next generation are gradually building their own cancer from the lack of opportunity in the workplace to show what talent they may be able to give to others. They are behaving at a younger ag, the lack of hope they may possess from having little opportunity to develop an identity that shows them who they are and that they are capable of holding a place they have forged from their own ability to be needed. Breast cancer then is the illness produced by the values of society. A woman can cure her breast cancer when she finds her worth, her needs, her value to others, her own sense of what she is and what she needs to do with her life. If she continues to dwell on the old hurts the cancer will probably progress and cause an early death

I must apologise for the length of this and the fact that it probably needs a lot of editing, be that as it may you may find some of it interesting - some of it is written by Ivan who was then the Archivist to God, but has since been upgraded to be called the God of Earth and Sky" and the rest was from my own inner knowledge.

The Causes of Cancer

This is a multi level problem. On the one hand there are existing environmental hazards which are carcinogenic in nature, and existing food problems that are increasing in number as man continues to rely upon packaged and processed foods, that are meant to last well on the shelf, but are a problem to the "processing" organs. These are producing carcinogous cells within the body, which when present in sufficient numbers will of themselves commence the degeneration of healthy cells to form large pockets of cancerous cells and the ongoing build up of more cancerous cells until the illness manifests at a later date.

The areas of the body that will be affected are not random, they will depend upon the emotional state of the person. It is definitely a matter of how you think and feel will result in where your body will create the cancerous pockets.

Firstly we need to address the environmental issues. Yes, man in his greed, negligence, ignorance, carelessness (sloth is a good word for it), has found new ways of making products and using raw materials with the available technology to alter our daily living,
but did not consider the use of resources, nor its waste disposal both during making and at the end of its useful life.

Electricity is used abundantly without the consideration of just where did that electricity come from. We know it magically appears when certain conductors are available and an energy source is provided, but has it ever been considered that we may be using our
own electrical energy field that every person must have in order to live. We provide a large proportion of that electricity, which is often just fritted away on neon lights and rooms being lit up for long periods of time with no one in that room.

It has been discovered there is a link between overhead electric power lines and a greater proportion of cancer from people living in close proximity to those power lines - firstly they are helping to provide the electricity that goes along that line until their own
electrical energy supply is so depleted they no longer have the energy to live, but they also no longer have the energy needed to provide their own healing.

Another energy not considered by mankind as being important to their well being is magnetic energy. Every person has also a magnetic energy field as well as an electrical energy field. People have discovered the therapeutic value of wearing or sleeping on magnets, although these aids are being used unwisely, but they will help to illustrate the importance of magnetic energy. We have the ability in each and every one of us to call on our own magnetic energy field to bring about our own self healing, but the way of life in a modern community is preventing this from happening and is in fact reducing drastically our own magnetic field and adding to the build up of those cancer cells.

Concrete is one of the worst offenders.

A large space of concrete as in roads and building site foundations are the worst offenders, because they prevent the passage of the earths magnetic field. It no longer travels easily through the ground and air space - it travels most easily through forest lands, because trees readily conduct magnetic energy, and is almost completely prevented from moving through large shopping centres and densely populated areas where concrete is the basis for building. Sun spots will alter the magnetic energy field of the earth for a short period of time, but the eventual effect is to improve the quality of the magnetic energy of the earth as it helps to replace some of the effect of our building techniques. However, each newly built large development decreases overall the magnetic energy available to each person. Increases of population also decreases the supply of magnetic energy and of course all the horrors of badly stored hazardous wastes adds to the overall problem.

In one hundred years of rapid development and increased population, the magnetic energy supply available to each man, woman and child has decreased by 75% and each decade the amount reduces even more. This is now not enough for each person to survive correctly on, unless they live with a lifestyle of eating food which has been
grown to provide all the goodness possible; stress management is essential; a period of quiet eat day is necessary to recoup loss of energy from the frenetic pace of modern living; and some time should be spent in green spaces where energy is able to flow and
improve your well being.

Yes, I know people are living longer than they ever did before, but this is the quiet before the storm - it cannot go on this way. The old had a very different lifestyle, they ate foods that were seldom processed in the way they are now. Most people used to make all their own jams, pickles, preserved their own meats, grew most of their own vegetables (using manures not fertilisers as their best growing medium). Today as you know, most things have chemicals of some kind added for colouring, flavouring or preservative.

Oils are processed in a different way except the cold pressed, food is not the means of providing a happy family life anymore in many homes so the joy of a meal is often not there and the processed foods are tampering with metabolism and the storage of nutrients in the body. They are a large reason for the growing number of overweight, not that people are overeating. The wrong chemicals in the bodies of those incapable of utilising their food correctly, will result in a large build up of fluids and mass in the body. Yes people are also eating more than they ever did, but it is the eating of foods unnatural to the body that is resulting in the overweight, unless the emotions are
also adding to this dilemma.

Remember that many foods are now available from all over the world, we no longer have only the foods which were available in our own locality at our disposal. We eat Asian foods, Mediterranean foods, European foods, tropical foods etc - yet our bodies have been developed to eat the foods that were available to our own ethnic background.
For example the Asians have eaten soy products for a long time and have eaten heavily spiced foods in some regions, Europeans on the other hand have eaten yoghurts and dairy foods, but no soy products. In any culture there is a tradition of eating certain foods that goes back hundreds of years. We may enjoy eating those foods from all over the world, they are a new taste sensation to our bodies, but our bodies are not equipped to digest those foods. People from each ethnic background will have their own intestinal flora and a set up within their body, equipped to deal with the foods of their ancestors.

Most European and Mediterranean backgrounds had a diet containing specific grains and certain herbs and vegetables which grew naturally in that vicinity or they had become accustomed to eating a new diet after the introduction of a staple a long time ago, for example the Irish adapted to the potato and it became their staple. It is not
recognised however that it can take up to 200 years for a new food to be able to be properly utilised by the body. Think of how many new foods our bodies have been subjected to over the last 50 years alone, they may be perfectly good food, but our body will not recognise them as a food and we will not be getting any benefit from them at all, and we will be harmed by them, because the body sets up a rejection system for any food which does not belong in our ethnic background. Not to mention the fact that the body will reject any chemical which does not belong in our ethnic cultural way of life,
such as the chemicals used to preserve food over long periods of time.

Our bodies were even more specific, they were accustomed to eating certain foods at certain times of the year. When food is in season, our bodies began to secrete our own chemical mix to be able to eat that food, but when the season should be over, it stops producing the required chemicals and if we then eat that food out of the season
to which our body is attuned, that food is also rejected by the body. In England Pork was salted and then eaten throughout the winter, this was done for so many hundreds of years that the body adjusted to this and can cope with salted or smoked pork in winter, but only if it was cured in the age old ways - prepare the pork any other way and your
body won't accept it.

So the more a family keeps to the age old ways of their ancestors the more healthy they will be able to remain. The more packaged and processed your food, and the more different it is to the old days the more likely you are to have health problems like asthma, allergies, digestive problems, overweight or even underweight in some cases and different types of cancer. So the modern day maxim of eating healthy food for a healthy diet is not really much use to us unless those healthy foods are the same as the ones our families have eaten for centuries.

The very air we breathe is of course capable of producing cancerous cells within our bodies. Until 100 years ago we had no petrol fumes in the air, people used vegetable and animal oils for lighting and wood, peat or coal for heating, so even though we may now consider some of these as pollutants, our bodies were able to cope with those, they were what they were used to.

Even the very smoky coal towns were not responsible for the ill health of the people, however, the vast array of fossil fuel fumes, metallic fumes from steel, aluminium and other metals in the air, chemicals and any hazardous materials within the air now, are foreign to our bodies, they are not yet accustomed to them and when we are in contact with them our bodies recoil in horror and either commence a combat method against the effect they are having on us, or have lost the ability to do this any more and our bodies begin to suffer from any prolonged exposure.

This can be particularly harmful to those living on or near major highways or close to industrial areas. One of the areas of or body badly effected is the respiratory tract, another area is the blood and circulatory system, it can filter out dangerous materials, for only so long. The brain is also badly affected by some of the metallic substances. When the body can no longer resist so many problem materials, our cells deteriorate until cancer can be the result.

The most important thing in any persons life is joy. The presence of joy in our life is really the benchmark to aspire to, not health or well being or spiritual aspirations, joy is the thing that will give us not only happiness of course, but the health and well being we aspire to. Think of the man and wife who are looking forward to the birth of their
first child or the engaged couple who are about to get married, or the person who has just met their 'true love', there is a joy at these times which is special and palpable to those going into this experience with wonder, happiness and that extra 'something'.

If you are in a state of joy your health should be at its optimum. Lack of joy in your life will usually result in illness of some kind, depending on the feelings and thoughts you have at the time. Of course there is always the unseen power that may be taking a hand in your life that can never be accounted for and these effects are beyond any steps you
may take in your life.

There are many people who have cancer and it is hard to see why they are the ones who get so sick. They may be beautiful people in their own life. They may appear to be happy; they may appear to need very little other than what they have; they may give a great deal of themselves to others, family , friends or community; they may seem to
have no lurking fears, sadness, overwhelming memories from the past; or anything that may seem to be a reason for them to have become so ill. It is in fact that some people simply have come to the end of their given or allotted time on earth, but even though they may not be consciously aware that it is their time to go, their spirit knows that their family and loved ones would not willingly let go of them and this is important to those who must die. They could simply have a heart attack and die, but this would often leave the family very angry and anguished because they had no preparation time.

A loving person in this situation will often choose to have a very debilitating, painful, disease because their family will then know that it is a blessing for them to be released from this pain and will let go of their ties to keeping their family member here. This also allows the person to prepare themselves to go, although they are sick and in pain and possibly undergoing difficult treatment, they do have time enough to come to terms with their life and loved ones and usually have some quiet time even if sick, to know what is happening to themselves, know it is their life’s end and are ready to themselves let go of anything that may be holding them here.

At the end of your journey through life, if your time is up, you will go - this is a good though painful choice for some to end their days. There is no turning back the clock and returning to health, we all have an allotted time to end our life and if we do not take our own steps as these people do, then God has to just step in and take us, but we are not prepared - nor are our family. Our own body clock knows when this time is, but some of us are not prepared to take notice of it.

There are others who simply have had enough of living, maybe they are very old, but some could be very young babies. You may simply just be too weary to continue any longer in this world, for others, living may just seem to be too hard and for others they are too unhappy to want to live any more. This is indicated so forcefully to the body, even though it may not be consciously uppermost in your thoughts, but your body will attempt to bring about your demise for you even though your allotted time may not be up. This is perfectly acceptable to God, under the circumstances of your life, and since
cancer is a well known, but usually considered to be fatal disease, this is often the method the body chooses to answer your request to die.

For these people, the onset of cancer can be a huge wake up call, not only to the person involved but to their families and those around them in their lives. The fact that they could die is enough for many to evaluate their lives and how they are living and for the
families to find out just how important this person is to them. This re-evaluation can be enough for the person to see that they still have more they wish to do. They may find that they are able to stay, or that those around them have realised their love for and need
for this person and they change the way they behave and feel for the cancer patient.

This change in attitude may be sufficient to make the cancer patient feel loved and able to continue in life. If this is the case, these cancer sufferers may be able to undergo a complete recovery. As long as they believe in this recovery as being something they want and will now achieve, they may have no recurrence of the symptoms ever again. Of course this may be subject to the cancer being found early enough that it will be treatable.

This of course leads to the emotional background that may have brought on the onset of cancer. Every single cancer that is produced from an emotional cause has the underlying problem that the person continually thinks about a problem in their life or is unable to face an aspect of their life that they must come to terms with. The particular problem that is theirs will result in a cancer in a specific part of the body. Every person who has that particular emotional problem will have their cancer in the same part of the body.

If asked to think about that emotional issue they may not be aware of it having been a real issue in their life, but in some way they have either been dwelling on the problem for a very long time and it becomes more and more something they either talk about or think about; or the opposite, they refuse to think or feel about a problem that is very
important to them to allow them to live a life that is much happier. To these people it may not have entered their heads that they even have to review this issue, which makes it doubly difficult for them to overcome and makes recovery a long way off. If they cannot find a solution, the cancer will most certainly take over and will go to
other parts of the body if they have more than one issue to resolve.

So with emotionally caused cancers, it is often a very long standing problem, often caused in childhood, but the main thing is that it is either denied or becomes a nursing of the hurts from life - the wording of those hurts as you go over and over in the mind will be the way your body interprets your wishes and will result in cancer cells in a specific part of the body.

Often those thoughts are about hurts suffered during your life and on much
reflection can result in what would in the old days have been called a
canker – or a festering wound. The more your mind festers on those hurts, the
more the cancer cells spread, until they spread just from their own momentum. It can be seen in a simple analogy that cancer cells spread by increasing their numbers as normal cells are eaten up or decreased. In the same way the thoughts that began the spread of cancer begin to eat away at the person until it is consuming them. They can break this
cycle, by breaking the thoughts and putting them behind them, then they can get on with a cancer free life, but it takes a very strong person to do this completely.

The shock of diagnosis, and the treatment involved will often take a person away from the damaging thoughts for quite a long period of time, but once they feel the cancer is going ok and they get back into normal life, then the thoughts may recur and back will come the disease again.

It is not easy for some people to talk to others even professionals about these old memories, and some never want to think about it at all, so the problem may never be resolved. It is especially difficult for older people, because cruelty to children was commonplace and hardship was the norm for many, so they often cannot do much about the abuse they received when young, which may have been physical, but to many
was also emotional in that they were seldom given to believe that they were good, the idea was to prevent them from being evil, so they often have difficulty in believing in their own worth. showing love in many families was something that was not done, so many people still believe themselves unloved. It is hoped that more young people today
are shown they are loved and wanted. This would reduce the rate of
cancer growth considerably.

It is because cancer has become well known and feared as a life threatening disease that are bodies are now choosing to develop cancer cells to interpret our need to die and leave this life which for so many is an unhappy state. If we had other diseases that are also known as life threatening then the body may also choose them as the means to die.
It is not suicide, it is simply our need to leave a life we find is nothing but unhappiness and suffering, or too difficult to keep living under harsh circumstances. If we found a cure for all cancers so that it was not considered life threatening, our bodies would find a new disease to take its place as a life threatening illness which would take a long time to find a cure for.

I do not intend to give the emotional cause for each individual cancer here, that will be done separately, if I feel the need for them to be documented, but consider the function of each part of the body and the emotions we may have embedded into that part of the body, over long periods of time (e.g. venting the spleen) and it will not be difficult
to associate the illness that will be associated with the pent up emotions a person may be suffering from. Much suffering can be laid at the doorstep of society and the way they treat each other. Greater concentration on showing love and living in contentment and joy, rather than providing and achieving by how much you own and give would
result in a happier, healthier society, instead of a society that believes in pain and suffering as real - get over it.

Cancer Of Any Part Of The Digestive System

From nursing hurts from the past and refusing to release, feeling life has passed you by, feeling someone or something is to blame for your unhappiness, but unable to go about changing. Lesson in life was to learn balance.

Cancer and Tumours of the Lungs

“He/she/it/society/the government has hurt me over and over again and blamed me for that which I did not do. I have suffered torment within myself as a result of this, because I did no wrong and I did not deserve to be punished”. (People of the Lie).

There is a constant nursing of this hurt and repetition over many years, to deny any fault or wrongdoing. At the same time there is gathering momentum of anger and resentment that this should be done to them. If it were sadness it would lead to congestion within the lungs but this is a growing spreading belief of mistreatment in the face of wrongdoing.

It is in fact, the building blocks or the putting in of the foundation stones to a very bitter person who instead of letting go of hurts, builds and reconstructs a personality, so unlike the picture they have of themselves, that there is no way to cure the one, whilst the other exists.

This person wants to hit back and will, but will do it in such a way as to preserve their own picture of their very “goodness”. This is a very longstanding condition, usually from childhood. The cancer will develop and grow proportionally to the amount of thought given to the hurts.

For a woman the breast is not only symbolic of her ability to mother or nurture her children, but it is also the symbol to the world of her femininity or her state of womanhood.
Someone who in their innermost heart longs to be a “mother” to love, nurture, protect, watch grow and bring joy to a child will from the time of that yearning begin to develop the type of breasts that will encompass all of that meaning to her. She will probably also develop those “Child bearing hips” at the same time. So firm, voluptuous breasts will symbolise to her the fact that she is ready and waiting to become a “mother”.

Smaller, underdeveloped breasts mean to a woman, that she is not yet ready to cross that bridge between being an “I”, to being a “we “ in terms of motherhood. This does not mean that she may find it impossible to bear a child, just that the emotional tie she has to motherhood is not as yet developed. If a child is born, she may then bridge that gap readily and willingly, but if not then many problems may develop within her “child bearing organs”. The same thing can occur when for one reason or another, she is unable to have a child even though her whole being was ready and willing to have it.

They are, along with her body shape, the window to how she sees herself in her physical surroundings. If she is unsure of herself and insecure her body shape will become one that wishes to sink into the surroundings and not be seen. If she wants to be seen, to stand out, maybe ambitious to make her way in society her body will conform to the perceived need for that to occur. If the woman sees herself as only being “worthwhile” in a sexual way then her body will conform to that need.

Thus her body and breasts become the focus of her inner being, if there is any imbalance in her perception of herself , her emotional well being and her thought processes will manifest an imbalance within her body. If her perception of her femininity and her worth as a person is at risk, then the breasts will be where an illness will occur and will spread to any other focus of that perception she has of herself in the bodily part which is symbolised by her perceived lack of worth. Since the upbringing of women from

Edwardian times worldwide was to denigrate and undervalue the worth of the young and the method of discipline was harsh, the words spoken, especially to young girls, was often to show a worthlessness in their existence, women have been battling to prove they have a right to exist, and can give all the value of untold centuries into the makeup of a society which can be more balanced, protective and nurturing.

Many young girls collapsed under the strain of their environmental background, and are suffering to find their own place in the world that to them is harsh and unsupportive. The worthless place of woman has resulted in untold misery and confusion. Breast cancer is the result of the plight of the young women brought up within that society. A more loving family background brought about since the 1960’s and the battle of the many feminists over the years, has begun to present a place for a woman to live out a less strained life in the future.

Breast cancer will usually result from one of the reasons mentioned above. Even if the woman was able to become a mother in accordance to her needs, and bring up her children in a more nurturing manner than the subservient way she may have been brought up, she has often not been able to be secure in her right to her place in the world. If she was a very sensitive child, the hurts of her world as a child may have overwhelmed her. The thought of those hurts will eventually create a breast cancer. It is as if all her world was a grey, lifeless place and that greyness lives within her.

It may also be that she grew up expecting to live out the great ideal which grew in most people after the Second World War. It seemed possible for every girl to grow up, marry the man of their dreams, have children they would love and give everything they could, and build or buy the dream house. For a while this seemed possible, but many of these dreams fell apart with the husband who was not the man of her dreams, and the mortgage and trying to be the “supermum “ of the working wife. Marriages fell apart, often she became the sole parent with little support, and in trying to give all she could to others, lost her own identity and cannot find her own loving, loved place in the society in which she lives. For many the only security to make them feel loved and cared for comes from sex. Hurting, creates this cancer. Mostly from a feeling of little right to exist and a worthlessness since that was the means of showing young people how to behave in their own childhood.

The next generation are gradually building their own cancer from the lack of opportunity in the workplace to show what talent they may be able to give to others. They are behaving at a younger ag, the lack of hope they may possess from having little opportunity to develop an identity that shows them who they are and that they are capable of holding a place they have forged from their own ability to be needed. Breast cancer then is the illness produced by the values of society. A woman can cure her breast cancer when she finds her worth, her needs, her value to others, her own sense of what she is and what she needs to do with her life. If she continues to dwell on the old hurts the cancer will probably progress and cause an early death

28th March 2016, 12:40

A divide and conquer type strategy within the body...


28th March 2016, 18:56
Thank you for this . On Saturday my friends husband passed after being diagnosed only two weeks ago with a rare , aggressive stomach cancer .

For the past two years he has been caring for her following a serious back operation that has left her almost unable to walk and needing more surgery.

Last year their great grandaughter was taken from her mother (their grandaughter ) as she was living with a known drug dealer and taking drugs herself. The little one remained in the family with my friend and her husband taking on most of her care despite being late 60's /early 70's.

Then last year their eldest daughter passed away suddenly , she was an alcoholic .

I feel that all this has contributed to the cancer , is it the cause ? I don't know but reading the posts above make me feel this way.

May I ask if the lovely people here could send their love and energy to Maureen , I worry for her now . Thank you .

29th March 2016, 07:43
Thank you for this . On Saturday my friends husband passed after being diagnosed only two weeks ago with a rare , aggressive stomach cancer .

For the past two years he has been caring for her following a serious back operation that has left her almost unable to walk and needing more surgery.

I feel that all this has contributed to the cancer , is it the cause ? I don't know but reading the posts above make me feel this way.

May I ask if the lovely people here could send their love and energy to Maureen , I worry for her now . Thank you .

This I feel is so much the struggle of being able to cope with life itself - which is symbolic in the stomach cancer most cancers or indeed any paricular idseas, I think you will find a wording in our own language that describes what the problem is - in the case of stomach cancer simply put is "I can't stomach life". In this poor Soul's case yes with all that he is seeing and experiencing of life around him are you surprised that he might be wondering why should all this be happening, and why so much of it, or what did they do to deserve all this suffering? So many feel this way, which becomes impossible to understand until you begin to understand how it all works and this comes only from studying this. I've been fortunate to have been gifted with the help I had from my minder Ivan. He came to me after I had found Reiki and found how much it helped me, but then I discovered I had already learnt much more than this in past lives since I had often become a Shaman in almost every part of the world, learning from Life and the teaching of Shamanic principles and being gifted some of the most wonderous being above during those lives to help me to learn (Seth was one who has often taught me, I know him well.) I called out to the Universe to ask for help to teach what I had discovered were my gifts, however, I didn't believe in gharging for any of this so now, I am a pensioner and cannot teach except in this way, but as you know I got dissilusioned from the lack of response to my need to teach what I know.

However, I still like to help as often as I am allowed to, and believe me this is very difficult to do, because so few wish to accept my offer. I am able to offer, the gift of many extremely high energies of the most benefit for healing, and if you Maureen is ready to accept them I will send my Ivan to her to allow her to help herself, for problems with the spine have to do with the feeling of having little support in life. I found for example, that if I gave this healing for a short time to a man hospitalised for tlife with MS, he was able to get up and stand for himself, my only problem was not being able to continue to treat him, but if she can put her own two hands on herself she may at least gain some improvement in her self in some way. It is freely available to me, and can be to her, just by saying yes to my offer. Love Colleen

29th March 2016, 20:41
Colleen , thank you so much for your words and for your offer of healing . I saw Maureen today she is still in a state of shock and loss . they barely had time to come to terms with the fact he was ill .

Because of the holiday they have been unable to start making arrangements and to follow what he wanted . "No fuss, no weeping and wailing ". I think he accepted his body's death and chose to go quickly to avoid more pain and distress to those he loved .

I will talk to Maureen about your wonderful offer when the time is right , Charles her husband insisted she continue with consultations and treatment when he was diagnosed and I know would want her to go on. Thank You , Love Kath