View Full Version : Put a fork in it – Thirdphaseofmoon.

3rd March 2016, 16:02
This UFO enthusiast proves that, not only does Third Phase of the Moon post CGI,
they have them created, by a fellow named, Ed.

This one's for Mojo...


Also note, that many of TPM's YT views and subscribers are phony...

3rd March 2016, 18:23
Ufo § 13

The more wonderful the Ufo picture the better is the photoshop.

Mr. Serl has also build a flyufo-disk.

Mr. Searl

Meine Magnete
sind 'ne Rakete
sie drehen geschwinde
ganz ohne Gewinde
tanzen den Reigen
bringen Kritiker zum Schweigen.
Wir sparen dem Strom
am Zähler vorbei
führt das Kabel ins home
jedes fremde Elektron.

Jetzt drehen wir schneller
die Disk wird schon heller
es sitzt keiner drinnen
sie ist weg fliegt von hinnen.
Deshalb kann ich nicht zeigen
Euch Equipment im Reigen
der wirbelnden Räder
ihr müßt warten bis später.

3rd March 2016, 19:04
here's my attempt to translate a part of the german statement:

My magnets
is 'ne rocket
they turn geschwinde
completely without threads
dance the round dance
bring critics to the silence.

makes sense to me :whstl:

The One
3rd March 2016, 19:12
I cant stand thirdphasemoon and for me they are a laughing stock

I remmebr doing a thread here (http://jandeane81.com/threads/4282-UFO-Faker-Blake-Cousins-of-ThirdphaseofMoon-does-the-UFO-community-injustice?highlight=thirdphaseofmoon)

4th March 2016, 00:37
There are some good old photos from before there was photoshop. Many have been covered here.