View Full Version : Nassim Haramein 2015 - The Connected Universe

3rd February 2016, 06:00
Nassim Haramein says: "The universe is an infinite scalar fractal of embedded toroidal dynamics: holofractographic."

These are all from Nassim's photo collection:

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12392069_439345532923377_6917010055939300085_n.jpg ?oh=3f3691d493b06086594ce62eb42c48aa&oe=57304B68


https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12376517_438681869656410_5753356851011604452_n.jpg ?oh=16b86d833b297057dd62c1933da56312&oe=576E1749



3rd February 2016, 16:10
I've watched part of this. One thing that stood out to me: He described us as beings who are on the event horizon between the physics of the micro- and macroscopic. :smiley-dance013:

4th February 2016, 17:37
guy fellow may have cracked the code: we are all connected via molecular black holes.
carl jung would be interested in this explanation of his 'collective unconscious' theory.
looking forward to seeing what he has to say...

28th February 2016, 04:48
Universe is not random or entropic and happening by chance. Observation (because of the mere fact that we observe the biosphere and our complexity within the biosphere as organisms in nature) points to a nonrandom, highly organized, highly communicative and coherent Unified system.




28th February 2016, 08:27
Haramein is doing ESOTERISM EnTeRtAiNmEnT physics.

look what I wrote in big and in little letters:

28th February 2016, 11:12
scibuster, do you mean entrainment? Capitals only makes etranet. I'm not sure how Mr. Haramein can entrain our brains with his theories...:scrhd:

28th February 2016, 16:21
Haramein is doing ESOTERISM EnTeRtAiNmEnT physics.

look what I wrote in big and in little letters:

What are you suggesting? I did not understand?

28th February 2016, 17:39
What are you suggesting? I did not understand?

I have written in big letters his importance and in small letters his less important studies.

ESOTERIC's his prime mover.
His physics is of lesser to no importance.
His entertainment is a bit a mixture of both.

29th February 2016, 15:45
Now that you've explained it, it is actually much clearer. Thanks.

Esoteric approaches appear to be much more important than is currently thought or indicated in mainstream. It seems that esoteric aims and practices can be found in the highest echelons, up at the top of your cake.

It also seems that there is a belief that the esoteric ways bring power. And there is practice behind that belief.

If Mr. Haramein is bringing physics and esoteric matters together and openly and in a positive way for all of us to benefit, then God Bless him for it.