View Full Version : Independent Media Solidarity "The Life of Adam"

29th December 2015, 21:16
First off I LOVE this name. Independent Media Solidarity.


Independent journalists are an integral part of our modern society. Traditional news institutions don't want to admit that, and even go as far as seeking to narrow the definition of "Journalist" in the eyes of the law. No doubt there is a disperity of quality between the average blogger and an experienced reporter. But, it's a trap to think there's an easy way to classify journalists and by extension the work they produce.

Independent Media Solidarity is a loose knit group of independent journalists that have come together to tackle the issue of Sandy Hook. We are normal people with normal lives, who have families, children, and jobs. Although many of us haven't physically met each other, we are united. All we seek are answers to the many inconsistencies. But most importantly, we just want the truth made available to all who might seek it.

Whether the group will continue to collaborate in areas unrelated to the Sandy Hook event is unknown at this time.

If ONLY we had a solidarity front for alternative research. I would appreciate a source where there is 100% integrity and willingness to debate the hard questions, vetting of provenance and screening of bogus infiltrators who exist to twist the mind!!!! I would support that because often we do not have the time to go trough all the details.

2016 COULD be that year? If we can go to a group of willingly transparent and reliable investigators for the presentation and fielding of information, we will take back what has been stolen...trust that we given information based on as much truth as is possible by real Journalists......

I also have been following the Sandy Hook event evidence. The reason it was done was to make us feel afraid like all the other events IMO.

I see a couple of repeating memes that are accomplished by this kind of horrific psyop like Sandy Hook.....
Along with weapons that need confiscation, we will need to identify "crazy" people. These madmen are "out there" and doing random and amazing feats of violence. Thisis a big discussion we will see more about IMO. It is one finger on the hand on the arm on the shoulder of "terror overload" that will drive us to welcome remedies of control in many various ways.

There are mandatory vaccines for disease. Will there be mandatory drugs next for all deviants?

My first and most happy nursing experience was in the "old days" of mental health treatment. I was working at a hospital attached to a major medical school when many aspects of mental health treatment QUICKLY changed with DRG's (diagnostic Related Groups).

Adam Lanza...you all may recall his name. What this documentary tries to do is bring all we "know" together....

Published on Dec 28, 2015
Adam Lanza has been studied, labeled, categorized, mythologized. Like Gumby or Stretch Armstrong Adam has been contorted from super-human to super-killer.

Who or what is Adam Lanza, and why did "he" become the "shooter?" The 2nd release from the producers of "We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook." An in-depth look into the life of Adam.


Check out a discussion if interested....
Reviewing THE LIFE OF ADAM on December 29 at 8PM EST


Max Resistance is a group of freedom loving, truth seeking people that have come together to share insight and research with each other and the greater community at large.