View Full Version : Root language and esoteric numerology

20th November 2015, 02:49
This is originally something I wrote for the Bock Saga (http://jandeane81.com/threads/8174-Does-The-Bock-Saga-lead-on-to-the-Lord-Of-The-Rings) thread but I wanted to post it here because I didn't want to derail the ongoing conversation there.

The study of the root language is something that has always interested me. I have my own theories that both agree and disagree with the stuff Bock (Jim Chesnar) is speaking of.

In one of the videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKrzJoToWi8) Chesnar talks about "Aser" people being the root people. That is most definitely true. From my understanding Assur was the first God-King of Egypt. Assur was killed by Set and then resurrected by Isis to conceive Horus. When he was resurrected Assur's name was changed to Osiris. Chesnar called him the "As-KING."

A is for Assur the pyramid and the little "a" is his hand sign.


Assur = Assure or the phrase A-Ok. To be A-Ok means you have the Assurance of the As-King.

This is where the root language comes from. The root language comes from Assur (Osiris).

The sound of the letter A comes from being awestruck "aahh." If one sees something incredible the human body will make a reflexive tone "aahh" because they are in awe. This sound transcends all languages. Every human that is awestruck will make the exact same sound "aahh." It does not matter if human is from Sweden, or America, or China, or the Amazon rain forest. The "aahh" sound is universal tone of being awestruck.

The true root language is completely universal.

Before I get into the rest of the alphabet lets look at the number system: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, zero, 11


The number system tells a universal story and it is a prelude to learning the root language. There is a universal existence based on numbers and math.

It starts with One. The one consciousness who in Egypt is called "TEM." Tem is the one and one means Tem. The origin of "Time," Temporal, Temporary, and the Temple (Tem's people).

The line of Tem's (1) journey into duality (2)
Adam the man

This is called the secret line of Tem. The lineage of Tem. Starts as 1, and then becomes 2, then 3, and so on. Review the number system picture story. This is the story of Tem's enlightenment. Your enlightenment is Assured.

(EDIT all letters are now in the first post)























Summary of the letters and their metaphysical sounds:

A = Assur the "Awestruck" God (sound of A = Awe ahh )

B = Balls (sound of B = things beating and breaking )

C = C-shell (sound of conch shell )

D = The setting sun ( sound of things falling with a thud )

E = The scales of justice (sound of crying with mouth open E = "eeeeyh eeeeyh eeeeyh' )

F = The feather of fate (sound of feathers cutting air F = "Ffooop, feeeh, fep" )

G = Assur's head ( sound of eating and drinking G = "gulp" )

H = The vault of heaven ( sound of hot air riding H = "Ha, Haht" )

I = Assur's neck and throat; Djet column or Jacobs Ladder ( sound of the internal whimper cry I = "Ina, inah, inaa" )

J = Assur's beard (sound of the j-shaped tongue J = "juh juh juh")

K = Assur's cohorts, courtesans, kids (sound of the a whip crack )

L = Assur's walking legs ( sound of being winded from a long walk L = "leh leh leh" breath of the creation "Allah" )

M = Mother ( sound of milk and cows M = "moooo mooo" )

N = Standing legs ( sound of the string pluck vibrating matter N = "twing twang" )

O = Omen or Assur's 3rd eye ( perfect sound of ohm O = "Ohomm, ohmm, oumm")

P = Phallus ( sound of urine hitting the ground P = "Pat, pid, pad, pa po pi")

Q = Water girl ( sound of the quench splash of water Q = "Quish quash")

R = Raven hawk Heru ( sound of the raven call R = "Raww rawk")

S = Snake of Isis ( sound of a snake hiss S = "Hiss hiss")

T = Taurus ( sound of air passing through the teeth T = "Teh, Tah, tha")

U = Urn ( sound hum of an urn U = "Urn")

V = Virgin ( sound of vibrating air V = "vah")

W = wise woman ( sound of the womb W = "woooom wooom wooom"

X =

Y =

Z =

20th November 2015, 07:15
...Zero is a number of transcendence....

Our old mathematicians (Cantor and Dedekind and the rest) will rotate in their graves.
0 is not a number.
Die leere Menge.
It's an old indian style place holder.
The roman number system missed the Zero.

20th November 2015, 09:59
Vigisamal 20 count has O as a number, those Mayans were masters of number/s.

Keet Cinema
20th November 2015, 16:03
Try this one:


20th November 2015, 18:11
Try this one:

That video is linked in my 3rd paragraph. I already watched it seen many of Jim Chesnar's videos. As mentioned before I both agree and disagree with Chesnar's analysis. This thread is meant to be a counter point to the Bock Saga thread.

He doesn't make the connection of why the letters are what they are. There is a reason things are as they are. The scribes of the root language who invented the alphabet designed the language from universal pictures of sounds that were not just meaningless squiggles.

1 is a man Adam (A-Tem) the temple
2 is the snake seduce (duality) see deuce (duo)
3 is the raven (crow foot = toes) All birds have 3 toes. It is universal
4 is the foundation, formula, formal, format
5 is the hand as all humans have five fingers on a hand
6 is the hand holding a pen the writer 6 fingers (Ibis feet twice 3 is 6)
7 is Orion (man of 7 stars) the Pleiadian (7 points to make a man whole) was universally understood in the root period
8 is the elixir of life the Caduceus (2 snakes of DNA 8 Nucleic acids) the building blocks of life
9 is the spirit ☥ the power beyond the life, (a man holding his life soul energy) awakening, rebirth, consciousness ☥☥☥ seven ate nine
0 is completion, whole, transcendence (Ohm- oooh oooh) Orouborous - resolution - 9-> 0->1 or crisis 9-> 1-> 1

These are not meaningless arbitrary squiggles. They all mean something and are shaped like that for a reason.

Here are the questions to ask:
Why is the letter "A" shaped like a pyramid?
Why does the "A" sound like it does?
Where does the "a" come from?

This can only be understood if know who "Assur" really is. It is Osiris the "awestruck" god of the Pyramids. His body is the pyramid and the capstone of the all seeing eye. An alternative way of drawing Alpha is Å again the pyramid eye of Assur. The "awestruck" sound of Aaaah aaaah when when is in the presence of a God.

I will decode B, C, D, E and the rest of the alphabet shortly.

20th November 2015, 18:58
Maybe, as with many teachings,systems,remembering, there may be levels, not all is shared, as within Waitaha lore, the way, what is etc is shared as ones consciousness grows.

Keet Cinema
20th November 2015, 19:09
He doesn't make the connection of why the letters are what they are. There is a reason things are as they are.

Yes i understand you. So... In next year we give this information. Jim know only he know. The full information about We letter A looks like letter A low another man, we think to make video about it.

Keet Cinema
20th November 2015, 19:19
This is not Bock Saga interpretation, but interesting:

20th November 2015, 21:27
This is not Bock Saga interpretation, but interesting:

4 is the cardinal number of formation.
Stand in the place where you are: MAAT
Meaning of this song.


20th November 2015, 21:40
You will be able to understand the meaning of all this better when you learn more about Assur and the root language.

This the language of the gods. The language of fundamental existence.




Spell a word: BAD - Bash Assur Dead

20th November 2015, 22:02
OMG is all i can say right now, thankyou Novusod

20th November 2015, 23:20
This is the language I use for all my chants and healings. It is a mix of all the languages in use on Earth today. As I speak it I usually do not translate, but mostly have some understanding as I go of what it is for, and especially when I begin with what might appear to be swearing from the voice tone being used, especially if I need to resort to one of these chants to stop black magic being used against me, then I really begin to get nasty. the chants work on emotions, mine, plus what I am sending them too.

I was on top of Massada (Israel), when in fact I released all Hebrews, from the burden put on them, when the Lord (not I am that I am, who is/was a Djinn God), told Abraham he would look after all of his descendants (and only those, so not all Hebrews were ever a chosen race) and he charged them with showing the rest of the world what suffering was, this I did in 1988, and told them if they had any suffering now, they were brining it upon themselves, and this chant contained a lot of the Hebrew language, but also Indian, Chinese and Japanese, Lithuanian, Atlantean, Aboriginal, Hungarian and some others, because this language is the basis of most of the Languages used on Earth, except for those where the Annunaki (who took over many areas of Earth) began, and in those places a sodomised version of language of that original race - particularly since they brought so many slaves with them from other ET planets that they had used planet cracking rocks on in order to conquer, pillage and enslave. These slave languages became a part of the language as well.

This original language is the Language of the Gods, but was also used by the Atlanteans of the religious order, who actually governed the people of that time, when Earth was one entire land Gondwana land or as is often called the Tectonic plate, but at different times later on split into different Tectonic plates, but at the time of Atlantis just one rock made up the entire Earth. The Gods gave their messages to Idryss the leader, who was also a seer, and she believed in One god Above All, and she later on became the Goddess of Earth and Skies, and it was she who gave you those ancient stone and huge monoliths, and developed some of the languages to more sophistication later on

21st November 2015, 00:04
Imo it is good to look at all aspects, to question etc. The O is both a number and a sound/letter/s from what I understand so far watching vids, the ring is an O also.

21st November 2015, 01:14
I plan to translate and post the entire universal language. Such sacred knowledge used to belong to everyone in far distant past. Those were the enlightened times when people knew of the sacred number system and could speak the universal language. These present days only a few very wise seers know the root language. This needs to change and I aim to change it myself. This project is my own personal contribution to the disclosure process.

NEXT UP: E and F


To recap six universal sounds have been listed. These sounds transcend both time and culture.

A = Awestruck sound
B = the sound of things being broken and battered
C = the sound of the C- Shell
D = Thud the sound of things falling
E = Eye and the crying baby
F = Fooop sound of feathers and arrows

Every one of these sounds will sound exactly the same in every culture. Things breaking, things falling, crying babies, shells, and feathers all sound the same no matter where you are or where you are from. No meaningless squiggles the shapes of the letters are fundamental to existence.

21st November 2015, 03:40
This is not Bock Saga interpretation, but interesting:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLjJNTBWcAA5WXa.jpgThis shows how the mother rune is used to make the letters and numbers. Very nice.

22nd November 2015, 09:53
The following letters are the metaphysical letters:

GOO - Saliva
Gasp - breath
Agape - Assur's open mouth
gape - the open mouth
Old Norse Gapa - to Open the mouth
Gloat - a grin

(tet) Djet column is related to tetragrammaton (as above as below)
What some researchers call "Illuminati code" is the just the root language.
Illuminati are nothing special they are the fakes (imitators) they didn't create the root language.
il lumns (illuminate) light columns
Bonus trivia: The Djet column played an important roll in Tolkien's early tales which he called the age of the lamps.
Tolkien called one Illiun and the other Ormal.

More to come

22nd November 2015, 10:41
Enjoying this thread, Novusod.

22nd November 2015, 11:32
Hi, Novusod, I'm enjoying this thread too. Will comment soon, when I've got a moment. For now, you might like to have a look at some Orb photos I took last night, that are in the last comment on this thread (http://jandeane81.com/threads/8183-Ley-lines-and-nodes-Share-your-experiences). Enjoy!

22nd November 2015, 13:39
I have also greatly enjoyed much of this, particularly the linguistic portions covering how language evolved.
One thing though, in study of the haplogroups and the ages of each race we have a contrast here with the reports from Helsinki and the Bock Saga vs science that clearly shows white people are not that old! So who were the first people that spoke the root language, the first language? All races? Are we to suppose that the root race starting all language, all other races and all other cultures as they 'ring' down the planet as being composed of negroid, caucasoid, and mongoloid being that they had all the traits of the three skull shapes now seen in man?

What of the age discrepancies? Science for example says the following. Granted some of this updates as they discover new things but this seems to say the oldest people are Negros and that all people were dark at one time. So if this was a first race, speaking a first language it stands to reason they would have the oldest DNA and the oldest DNA on the planet is out of Africa not Helsinki. Just sayin'.

Posted for educational purposes on the discussion of the root race and language

The Paternal haplogroups are families of Y chromosomes that all trace back to a single mutation at a specific place and time. By looking at the geographic distribution of these related lineages, we learn how our ancient male ancestors migrated throughout the world. Note this is not as in depth as a true study would be but interesting none the less.

Haplogroup: B, a subgroup of the PoP
Age: more than 75,000 years
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Example Populations: Baka, Mbenzele, Mbuti (Pygmies), Hadza, San
Highlight: Haplogroup B is commonly found among hunter-gatherer groups in the central African rain forest, eastern Africa, and southern Africa. Chris Rock is this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: C3, a subgroup of C
Age: less than 50,000 years
Region: Central Asia, Eastern Asia, Americas
Example Populations: Oroqen, Mongolians, Sioux
Highlight: C3 is one of only two haplogroups that originally settled the Americas. Genghis Khan is of this Haplogroup based on current DNA studies.

Haplogroup: D2, a subgroup of D
Age: 20,000 years
Region: Eastern Asia, Southern Asia
Example Populations: Ainu, Okinawan
Highlight: Haplogroup D2 is almost exclusively found in Japan.

Haplogroup: E, a subgroup of D/E
Age: 30,000 years
Region: Africa, Europe, Near East
Example Populations: Bantu-speakers, African Americans, Berbers, Bantu-speakers
Highlight: Haplogroup E is the major western African haplogroup but is common across the Near East and southern Europe as well.

Haplogroup: E1b1a, a subgroup of E
Age: 20,000 years
Region: Africa
Example Populations: Bantu-speakers, African Americans
Highlight: E1b1a is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup among African-American men. Guess for an example of a Nigerian famous person of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: E1b1a, a subgroup of E
Age: 20,000 years
Region: Africa
Example Populations: Bantu-speakers, African Americans
Highlight: E1b1a is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup among African-American men.
Desmond Tutu is of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: E1b1b1c, a subgroup of E1b1b
Age: more than 15,000 years
Region: Near East, northeastern Africa, southern Europe
Example Populations: Ethiopians, Jordanians, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews
Highlight: Most people who bear E1b1b1c trace their roots to the Near East about 15,000 years ago.
Napoleon was of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: G, a subgroup of F
Age: 16,000 years
Region: Central Asia, Near East, Northern Africa, Europe
Example Populations: Palestinians, Ossetians, Georgians, Moroccans
Highlight: Haplogroup G probably originated in the Caucasus but made its way across the Near East, northern Africa, southern Europe, and even into China.
King Louis XVI was of the Haplogroup G2a3b1a

Haplogroup: I1, a subgroup of I
Age: 28,000 years
Region: Northern Europe
Example Populations: Finns, Norwegians, Swedes
Highlight: Haplogroup I1 reaches highest frequencies in Scandinavia.
Warren and Jimmy Buffet both are of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: J, a subgroup of F
Age: 20,000 years
Region: Southern Europe, Near East, Northern Africa
Example Populations: Bedouins, Ashkenazi Jews, Greeks
Highlight: Haplogroup J was carried out of the Near East by Muslims and Jews during the first millennium AD.
Matt Lauer is of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: J2, a subgroup of J
Age: 18,000 years
Region: Southern Europe, Near East, Northern Africa
Example Populations: Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews, Lebanese
Highlight: Haplogroup J2 is found in nearly one-quarter of Sephardic Jewish men.
Dr. Oz is of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: O1, a subgroup of O
Age: 30,000 years
Region: Eastern Asia
Example Populations: Han Chinese, Indigenous Taiwanese
Highlight: O1 is exceptionally common among indigenous Taiwanese.
Yo Yo Ma is of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: R1, a subgroup of R
Age: 15,000 to 30,000 years
Region: Europe, Western Asia
Example Populations: Basques, Britons, Irish, Germans
Highlight: R1 is the dominant haplogroup in Europe today.
Anderson Cooper is of this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: R1b, a subgroup of R1
Age: less than 30,000 years
Region: Western Europe
Example Populations: Irish, British, Dutch, Germans
Highlight: Haplogroup R1b expanded across most of Europe after the Ice Age.

Haplogroup: R1b1, a subgroup of R1b
Age: less than 30,000 years
Region: Western Europe
Example Populations: Basques, British, Dutch, Germans
Highlight: R1b1 was confined to Iberia and southern France during the Ice Age.

Haplogroup: R1b1b2, a subgroup of R1b1
Age: 17,000 years
Region: Europe
Example Populations: Irish, Basques, British, French
Highlight: R1b1b2 is the most common haplogroup in western Europe, with distinct branches in specific regions.
Stephen Colbert is this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: R1b1, a subgroup of R1b
Age: less than 30,000 years
Region: Western Europe
Example Populations: Basques, British, Dutch, Germans
Highlight: R1b1 was confined to Iberia and southern France during the Ice Age.
Pres. William McKinley and Woodrow Wilson were this Haplogroup

Haplogroup: T, a subgroup of F
Age: 21,000 years
Region: Europe, Near East, Northern Africa
Example Populations: Iraqis, Ethiopians, Egyptians
Highlight: T can be found across much of the Near East and Europe, although typically at low frequencies.
Thomas Jefferson was this Haplogroup

Maternal haplogroups are families of mitochondrial DNA types that all trace back to a single mutation at a specific place and time. By looking at the geographic distribution of mtDNA types, we learn how our ancient female ancestors migrated throughout the world.
Haplogroup: A, a subgroup of N
Age: greater than 50,000 years
Region: Americas, Siberia, East Asia
Example Populations: Native Americans, Siberians
Highlight: Mitochondrial DNA from haplogroup A was extracted from the "Ice Maiden," the mummified remains of a teenage Inca girl who died about 500 years ago.

Haplogroup: C, a subgroup of M
Age: greater than 50,000 years
Region: Americas, Asia
Example Populations: Native Americans, Evenks, Altai-Kizhi
Highlight: Haplogroup C was one of four major haplogroups involved in the peopling of North America.

Haplogroup: D, a subgroup of M
Age: 45,000 years
Region: Americas, Asia
Example Populations: Native Americans, Yupik, Chukchi
Highlight: People carrying mitochondrial DNA from haplogroup D may have been among the first to reach the tip of South America.

Haplogroup: H, a subgroup of R0
Age: more than 40,000 years
Region: Europe, Near East, Central Asia
Example Populations: Basques, Scandinavians
Highlight: Mitochondrial DNA extracted from the remains of St. Luke belonged to haplogroup H.

Haplogroup: J1, a subgroup of J
Age: more than 38,000 years
Region: Europe, Near East
Example Populations: British, Scandinavians
Highlight: J1 spread from the Middle East all the way to Iceland.

Haplogroup: K, a subgroup of R
Age: 35,000 years
Region: Near East, Europe, Central Asia, Northern Africa
Example Populations: Ashkenazi, Druze, Kurds
Highlight: One branch of haplogroup K ties about 1.7 million Ashkenazi Jews living today to a single maternal ancestor.

Haplogroup: L3e, a subgroup of L3
Age: 45,000 years
Region: Africa
Example Populations: Bantu-speakers, African Americans
Highlight: The maternal lines of African Americans bearing the L3e1 branch of L3e likely trace to present-day Mozambique.

Haplogroup: L3f, a subgroup of L3
Age: less than 50,000 years
Region: Northern, Eastern, Coastal Western Africa
Example Populations: Yoruba, Fulbe, African Americans
Highlight: Haplogroup L3f is widely distributed across the Sahel belt of Africa.

Haplogroup: M8a, a subgroup of M
Age: greater than 18,000 years
Region: Central and Eastern Asia
Example Populations: Koreans, Uyghurs, Siberians
Highlight: Haplogroup M8a originated in Siberia during the coldest period of the Ice Age.

Haplogroup: V, a subgroup of R0
Age: 16,000 years
Region: Europe
Example Populations: Finns, Saami (Lapps), Sardinians, Basques
Highlight: Haplogroup V was probably common in Doggerland, an ancient land now drowned beneath the North Sea.

Additionally: Haplogroup R1
R1 is the dominant haplogroup in Europe today, accounting for well over half of all men. After being confined to the continent's southern fringes during the Ice Age, it expanded rapidly in the wake of the receding glaciers about 12,000 years ago. Various branches of R1 also trace the many migrations that have shaped Europe since then, from the arrival of farmers between about 10,000 and 7,000 years ago to the movements of ethnic groups such as the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
Haplogroup R1b

Haplogroup R1b was confined during the Ice Age to pockets of the area of today's Mediterranean Europe. The largest is thought based on current info to be in the Iberian peninsula and southern France, where men bearing the haplogroup created the famous cave paintings at Lascaux and Altamira. They also hunted mammoth, bison and other large game in a climate that was more like present-day Siberia's than the mild conditions prevailing in southern Europe today.

Some men bearing R1b Y-chromosomes also seem to have spent the Ice Age in the Balkans and Anatolia, where the haplogroup is still present today.
After the Ice Age, the haplogroup expanded rapidly in the wake of the retreating glaciers. Today R1b is by far the most common haplogroup in the western half of the continent.
Haplogroup R1b1b2

R1b1b2 is the most common haplogroup in western Europe, where it is found in more than 50% of men. Ancient representatives of the haplogroup were among the first people to repopulate the western part of Europe after the Ice Age ended about 12,000 years ago. In the process the haplogroup differentiated into even more distinct groups that can trace the details of the post-Ice Age migrations.
Haplogroup R1b1b2a1a2b

R1b1b2a1a2b arose about 20,000 years ago, when the Ice Age was at its peak. It appears to have originated among the ancestors of the present-day Basque, because of the relatively high diversity of the haplogroups in that population compared to neighboring ones. Today R1b1b2a1a2b is found in about 5% of Basque and 1% of Iberians.
Haplogroup R1b1b2a1a2f2

R1b1b2a1a2f2 reaches its peak in Ireland, where the vast majority of men carry Y-chromosomes belonging to the haplogroup. Researchers have recently discovered that a large subset of men assigned to the haplogroup may be direct male descendants of an Irish king who ruled during the 4th and early 5th centuries. According to Irish history, a king named Niall of the Nine Hostages established the Ui Neill dynasty that ruled the island country for the next millennium.

Northwestern Ireland is said to have been the core of Niall's kingdom; and that is exactly where men bearing the genetic signature associated with him are most common. About 17% of men in northwestern Ireland have Y-chromosomes that are exact matches to the signature, and another few percent vary from it only slightly. In New York City, a magnet for Irish immigrants during the 19th and early 20th century, 2% of men have Y-chromosomes matching the Ui Neill signature. Genetic analysis suggests that all these men share a common ancestor who lived about 1,700 years ago. Among men living in northwestern Ireland today that date is closer to 1,000 years ago. Those dates neatly bracket the era when Niall is supposed to have reigned.

Outside Ireland, R1b1b2a1a2f2 is relatively common only along the west coast of Britain.
Haplogroup R1b1b2a1a1

Today R1b1b2a1a1 is found mostly on the fringes of the North Sea in England, Germany and the Netherlands, where it reaches levels of one-third. That distribution suggests that some of the first men to bear the haplogroup in their Y-chromosomes were residents of Doggerland, a real-life Atlantis that was swallowed up by rising seas in the millennia following the Ice Age. Another theory supposes that the shore for some distance, perhaps covering many miles out to sea was not actually shore but ice shelf! This theory proposes they sailed around the coast of ice shelf occasionally making settlement stops and cache spots for drops along their exploring.

Doggerland was a low-lying region of forests and wetlands that may have been ice at one time which was melting off at a accelerated pace. It must have been rich in game; today, fishing trawlers in the North Sea occasionally dredge up the bones and tusks of the mastodons that roamed there. It is believed by experts that many huge mammals such as mastadons and more would get stuck in the swampy areas becoming lodged in making them easy prey!

Doggerland had its heyday between about 12,000 years ago, when the Ice Age climate began to ameliorate, and 9,000 years ago, when the meltwaters of the gradually retreating glaciers caused sea levels to rise, drowning the hunter's paradise. Doggerland's inhabitants retreated to the higher ground that is now the North Sea coast.

22nd November 2015, 15:45
I have also greatly enjoyed much of this, particularly the linguistic portions covering how language evolved.
One thing though, in study of the haplogroups and the ages of each race we have a contrast here with the reports from Helsinki and the Bock Saga vs science that clearly shows white people are not that old! So who were the first people that spoke the root language, the first language? All races? Are we to suppose that the root race starting all language, all other races and all other cultures as they 'ring' down the planet as being composed of negroid, caucasoid, and mongoloid being that they had all the traits of the three skull shapes now seen in man?

What of the age discrepancies? Science for example says the following. Granted some of this updates as they discover new things but this seems to say the oldest people are Negros and that all people were dark at one time. So if this was a first race, speaking a first language it stands to reason they would have the oldest DNA and the oldest DNA on the planet is out of Africa not Helsinki. Just sayin'.

This is another very interesting topic. The migration of the root race is something I have looked into a lot.

Especially the Kurgan Hypothesis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurgan_hypothesis) and the origin of the much newer white race.

These maps explain the halplogroups visually so it is easier to keep track of.

However, this is a really deserves its own thread. I can give you more in depth analysis.


L is for Legacy (the walking migration)
Universal sound "out of breath" after long walk "lah, lah, lah" or alternatively allah allah allah. "EL" is Allah (breath of creation)
More on this later.

22nd November 2015, 17:26
Much of the Survivor series of videos demonstrates how undependable institutional science has proven to be. Research is not allowed to contradict established ideas. History has been manipulated greatly and all official science will interpret data to back those theories up. I read all data and them make my own mind up about it. Same scientists tell us, GMO's vaccines and a host of other things are harmless or good for us. Klaus Dona has been dealing with these "scientists" for decades. They also consider Darwin's theories to be absolute truth.

22nd November 2015, 18:47
Much of the Survivor series of videos demonstrates how undependable institutional science has proven to be. Research is not allowed to contradict established ideas. History has been manipulated greatly and all official science will interpret data to back those theories up. I read all data and them make my own mind up about it. Same scientists tell us, GMO's vaccines and a host of other things are harmless or good for us. Klaus Dona has been dealing with these "scientists" for decades. They also consider Darwin's theories to be absolute truth.

This is very true. Darwin didn't even believe in his own theories. If fact he didn't even call it a theory. Darwin wrote many disclaimers in his works stating that his book was just a guess and he had no proof of anything. It was just wild speculation on his part which was a position he maintained until his death.

After Darwin died "they" raised him up the status of saint and declared his theory the absolute truth.

If a scientist doesn't believe in evolution = no grant money = no research
There has not been a significant challenge to his theory in over 100 years. The research isn't allowed. It is forbidden. Taboo.

My investigation into the root language really isn't research. It is kind of an intuitive thing. When I was young I read an entire 1500 page dictionary cover to cover and a good part of the encyclopedia. I have a huge vocabulary and can "see" truths. Part of it is remote viewing I have seen with the 3rd eye. I can also see atoms, quantums, and other invisible things with the 3rd eye.

What we call science was invented by the Jesuits. The scientific method was created by Sir Francis Bacon in his book the "New Atlantis." He admired the inquisition and their ability to extract the truth from heretics and sinners. He argued that science should "torture" mother nature herself. Bacon actually used the word "Torture" because he was in love with the inquisition and was a Jesuit. As far as Bacon was concerned Mother Earth and Gaia was a 'witch' that needed to be tortured on the rack until she confessed and give up her secrets.

That is not science. That is evil. If you torture and twist something enough it will tell you anything you want it to tell you. Torture only brings out false confessions. That is what evolution is, a tortured twisting of the truth.

My beliefs are somewhat around what Charles Darwin actually wrote. Evolution is guess, something to explore intellectually, not something to ram down everyone's throat as the absolute truth.

22nd November 2015, 22:57
While I agree with all said about Darwin etc I don't see the fact that he was actually not a believer in his own theories as helping. Science apparently listens intently to every utterance until those which state such things that fall on deaf ears apparently. For example science today will not recognize that modern day humans existed beyond the oldest skull found. The one they accept as the oldest example is one that was found in Ethiopia and dates to 196,000 years ago. If one considers that land equaling in size to the the total combined continents of China and Europe once was habitable and above sea level before the flood one realizes that a lot of evidence could have been submerged on those lands. If found that could push this back but to date that is as old as science will accept that mankind has been around as he is today. DNA is not even dated beyond this but actually as you can see by the ages posted the oldest DNA is that of like 70,-80,000 years. I guess DNA was impossible to extract from the older find but they did carbon 14 date it.

23rd November 2015, 05:20
Metaphysical letters continued...

J is the kings beard.

Bonus: anyone who speaks Korean knows about the J-shaped tongue.
Korean (Hangul) is in part a metaphysical language because it is based around tongue and lip shapes and shares traits with root language.

23rd November 2015, 18:26
We have another confirmation of a statement from one of the videos here. Very interesting indeed! Physical proof! Gotta love it! http://www.livescience.com/52868-fossil-forests-norway.html

25th November 2015, 01:05
K is the whip crack of the task master and school master

Note the word Kenosis which means complete devotion to God. Which God? Ken + Osis (Osiris) which is Assur.

25th November 2015, 17:42
This is just so wonderful Novosod...I am really enjoying your extensive work.

This was posted here http://jandeane81.com/threads/8229-Root-language-and-esoteric-numerology?p=841941244&viewfull=1#post841941244



The Oera Linda Manuscript (http://www.sacred-texts.com/atl/olb/olb02.htm) has the Frisean language as shown above.... The video is tending to back claims that the manuscript is a fraud. One can read between the lines however to get an idea of what it says.


I dunno why youtube videos fail to embed well for me.....

25th November 2015, 17:57
We have another confirmation of a statement from one of the videos here. Very interesting indeed! Physical proof! Gotta love it! http://www.livescience.com/52868-fossil-forests-norway.html

That's an amazing article, Jengelen. Not so much for the conventional dating guesswork being thrown around there so much as the hard evidence staring us in the face of a tropical forest of bizarre looking trees in Norway. I've seen similar things before, with Siberia apparently being temperate during the last ice age, but it excites me every time I see new evidence for these sorts of things.

26th November 2015, 02:06
Letter L is Assur's Leg
Universal sound of being out of breath (Lah Lah Lah)

Anyone old enough to remember the $10,000 Pyramid show from the 70s and 80s?

It wasn't called $10,000 Pyramid for nothing. That is how the root language works.

26th November 2015, 09:56
I'd like to expand on the name/word 'Assur' a bit more, and its meaning.
As you have said, Assur is connected to Asir/Aesir - which is connected to Asura (India) and Ahura (Middle East). In the north, 'ur' became 'ir', also in the name Os-ir-is (Asir-IS). 'Ur' means 'ancient', and 'As' is the original creator beings (the soul group Aesir/Ahura), so 'Ass-ur' means 'ancient creator being'.
Assur was considered the head of the pantheon in Assyria (named after him), also interchangeably spelled Ashur. Ash-Ur relates to the Tree of Life, the Source life network - it is no accident that Yggdrasil, the nordic World Tree was depicted as an ash tree. So his name also denotes one who came in ancient times from the life network of Source, through the Tree (through the nine realms, the nine dimensions).

Ashur was depicted in ancient Assyria as the protector of the Asherah Tree:


The Asherah Tree was the feminine principle of Source (Ash-e-Ra - the Tree of the Light of Source), and worshipped in the ancient Middle East as the wife and counterpart of El, the father/masculine principle. In the above image, Ashur shoots the arrow of Immaculate Conception (the lily-headed arrow) through the Bow/Crescent of the Mother, within the Ring of Life (also symbolically, as a sun god, through the Sun's Ring, the solar portal of Light).
Later on, the priesthood fell into distortion, and they destroyed the Asherah Tree (literally cut down statues and living trees that symbolized Asherah, such as terebinth trees) and erased the Mother principle from their teachings/texts, leaving only El, the masculine part. The worship of Ashur became military/martial, revering the bow of war, rather than the bow of Life, if you feel that twist into lower energies.

Assur/Ashur was often depicted as a winged bull (with a bull's or man's head). Right at the time I was connecting deeply with him and posting about him (in his current 5D soul aspect form as Arnap, brother of Ashtar) ISIL militants broke into the Mosul Museum in Iraq and destroyed the statues in there - including drilling the faces off the winged bulls of Ashur - and then bulldozed Nineveh, the old Assyrian capital. This was exactly at the time the 'Divine Bull' energy was inflowing strongly - the lower masculine 'control' energy reacting against it, albeit subconcsciously. From a galactic/star family point of view, the Bull energy is connected with the constellation Taurus, especially its alpha star Aldebaran (the Eye of the Bull), and the star systems Hyades and Pleiades within it, and from the closely related system of Alpha Centauri, within the constellation Centaurus - Cen-Taurus means 'new bull' (the new bull being a centaur - formerly, some civilizations described Centaurus as a bull). The horseshoe (of the horse/centaur) was seen in ancient Egypt as the Door of Life...and came down through later cultures as a sign of good luck...

The astrological symbol for Taurus, the stylized bull's head (the masculine) is also the Bow or Crescent of the feminine on the Ring of Life, so its a merged whole energy:


'Ashtar', or more fully, Ash'Ta'Hor, means the Hour that brings the energy - of the Tree of Life to land ('Ta' is land, base, foundation, 'Hor' is hour, time), in other words, a soul that anchors/lands the Life energy, in Divine Timing. The Ahura are with us, Novusod, many of them - may humanity see and feel them again, free of distorting beliefs, ego projections, or religions old and new....

27th November 2015, 00:47
Remade the "A" card with more information:


Letter M is the Mother
Sound of Mooo milk
Note there are two side to the female just as their are two sides to man.
- One side is the nurturer and creator
- The other side is an angry mother bear
(Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned)

28th November 2015, 05:17
N letter card (Legs)
Sound of N is the sound of string pluck: Twinnn Twannng


Examples of what N tones sound like (warning adjust volume lower)


Some are harmonious and create patterns.
Other N tones are disharmonious and destroy patterns.

28th November 2015, 10:57
Not entirely happy with O presentation. Likely redo it later.

O is for Osiris' 3rd eye enlightenment (Omen concept)
Universal sound of Ohm


29th November 2015, 00:38
Hi Novusod, ive been busy with other things past few days so good to catch up! Do you think there is a reason one might feel "bound" by certain words which all begin with one particular letter?

Thanks, lookbeyond

29th November 2015, 01:06
I'd like to expand on the name/word 'Assur' a bit more, and its meaning.
As you have said, Assur is connected to Asir/Aesir - which is connected to Asura (India) and Ahura (Middle East). In the north, 'ur' became 'ir', also in the name Os-ir-is (Asir-IS). 'Ur' means 'ancient', and 'As' is the original creator beings (the soul group Aesir/Ahura), so 'Ass-ur' means 'ancient creator being'.
Assur was considered the head of the pantheon in Assyria (named after him), also interchangeably spelled Ashur. Ash-Ur relates to the Tree of Life, the Source life network - it is no accident that Yggdrasil, the nordic World Tree was depicted as an ash tree. So his name also denotes one who came in ancient times from the life network of Source, through the Tree (through the nine realms, the nine dimensions).

Ashur was depicted in ancient Assyria as the protector of the Asherah Tree:


The Asherah Tree was the feminine principle of Source (Ash-e-Ra - the Tree of the Light of Source), and worshipped in the ancient Middle East as the wife and counterpart of El, the father/masculine principle. In the above image, Ashur shoots the arrow of Immaculate Conception (the lily-headed arrow) through the Bow/Crescent of the Mother, within the Ring of Life (also symbolically, as a sun god, through the Sun's Ring, the solar portal of Light).
Later on, the priesthood fell into distortion, and they destroyed the Asherah Tree (literally cut down statues and living trees that symbolized Asherah, such as terebinth trees) and erased the Mother principle from their teachings/texts, leaving only El, the masculine part. The worship of Ashur became military/martial, revering the bow of war, rather than the bow of Life, if you feel that twist into lower energies.

Assur/Ashur was often depicted as a winged bull (with a bull's or man's head). Right at the time I was connecting deeply with him and posting about him (in his current 5D soul aspect form as Arnap, brother of Ashtar) ISIL militants broke into the Mosul Museum in Iraq and destroyed the statues in there - including drilling the faces off the winged bulls of Ashur - and then bulldozed Nineveh, the old Assyrian capital. This was exactly at the time the 'Divine Bull' energy was inflowing strongly - the lower masculine 'control' energy reacting against it, albeit subconcsciously. From a galactic/star family point of view, the Bull energy is connected with the constellation Taurus, especially its alpha star Aldebaran (the Eye of the Bull), and the star systems Hyades and Pleiades within it, and from the closely related system of Alpha Centauri, within the constellation Centaurus - Cen-Taurus means 'new bull' (the new bull being a centaur - formerly, some civilizations described Centaurus as a bull). The horseshoe (of the horse/centaur) was seen in ancient Egypt as the Door of Life...and came down through later cultures as a sign of good luck...

The astrological symbol for Taurus, the stylized bull's head (the masculine) is also the Bow or Crescent of the feminine on the Ring of Life, so its a merged whole energy:


'Ashtar', or more fully, Ash'Ta'Hor, means the Hour that brings the energy - of the Tree of Life to land ('Ta' is land, base, foundation, 'Hor' is hour, time), in other words, a soul that anchors/lands the Life energy, in Divine Timing. The Ahura are with us, Novusod, many of them - may humanity see and feel them again, free of distorting beliefs, ego projections, or religions old and new....

Wow Joanna, what a plethora of interconnecting information, thankyou! Could i ask are we all Ahura, how does one know?

Thanks, lookbeyond

29th November 2015, 04:39
Hi Novusod, ive been busy with other things past few days so good to catch up! Do you think there is a reason one might feel "bound" by certain words which all begin with one particular letter?

Thanks, lookbeyond

The subconscious will often pick up on root language even if your mind does not fully understand it. When you read my presentation here your subconscious will be telling you: "yes, yes this is true. These letters are connected." The root language is meant to be intrinsically understood at a metaphysical level. You will feel the words being bound to the particular letters on an emotional level before you see it logically.

Letter P is Phallus
Universal sound of urine hitting the ground: Pat pid pad pa pi


Note this is but a small sampling of Phallic words. There are many hundreds more words that I did not cover here.

30th November 2015, 04:49
The letter Q is Assur's water bearer Aquarius.
Universal sound of Q is the slosh and splash of water.


There a few words with q in them that also mean water such as squash which is drinking gourd.

Antiquity is another is another example. Anti (Before) Quity (water or flood). True antiquity was the golden age of Aquarius.

* Note of the word Quarantine: the ancient secret of purifying dirty water was to let it sit in the sun for ten hours. The silt would settle to the bottom and most of the bacteria would die thus making the water safe to drink.

** Q always goes next to a U because U is an urn. Can't carry water without a container to put it in. I will cover this more under the letter U.

30th November 2015, 08:56
Wow Joanna, what a plethora of interconnecting information, thankyou! Could i ask are we all Ahura, how does one know?

Thanks, lookbeyond

lookbeyond, that's a deep question...and I would go first here back to the roots of the word 'Ahura', which I prefer to the words Asir/Aesir/Asura because it is a straight energetic 'soundform' from the original Light Languages that exist throughout the multiverse (from which our Earth languages are derived, in closer or less close forms). In the Light Languages - of which there is an interweaving triad/trinity from Leonine, Carian/Dragon, and Angelic streams - A HU RA means 'A' = 'I' (the whole I, that knows itself as one with Source)+ 'HU' = the sound of creation + 'RA' = Light, the indivisible light of Source, that streams through stars, suns and all life.

So if you feel into the composite sounds of the word 'A-Hu-Ra': I create Light, or more fully, I am the sound of creation and light of Source, then in that sense, yes, every being ever created is Ahura. Innately so.

If we are speaking about cosmic creator beings as Ahura, those who create with Sound and Light of Source, including those who have been involved with the creation of life on this planet, then we are speaking of souls who are 'ancient', in the sense that they are old souls, world builders and sustainers across star systems, galaxies, universes - rather than 'newborn' souls who have just emerged as individuated consciousness within the whole Source creation.
Think of stars being born right now in the star nurseries of nebulae, brand new and just forming, extending fresh into form and matter from the indivisible Light, or old stars in transition, that once warmed planets and moons in their orbit. Beyond Time, the energy within the 'new' and the 'old' is infinite and eternal, only in the form level there is the appearance of finite change...
The whole universe is like this, within the 'Time frame'; there are old souls, co-creators of Life over aeons, across universes...there are 'middle aged' souls who have individuated through a particular star system, like Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion, Andromeda etc, and there are souls individuating right now, as we speak, here on Earth and all throughout the universe, in countless forms, in many dimensions, beginning their co-creative journey in form...
So in that context, the Ahura are an older soul group or soul family of creational beings, world builders.... does that answer your question?

1st December 2015, 04:29
Letter R is the raven hawk Heru
Universal Sound of the the raven: Rawww Rawk


* R is an very significant letter because it represents manifestation. Not only Hitler used it but the Statue of Liberty does it, Napoleon did it, Caesar did it, the R power shows up all throughout history.

** Russian R is the proper R. The English R is backwards.

Quintessential heroes:


1st December 2015, 06:50
this is really interesting and important information for me. I appreciate this thread a great deal.

I have been very interested in the connection between sound and intention. I know this is slightly off your topic but is related.
If one looks to the Universal sounds like the natural sounds, some sounds have a certain emotional similarity and are human sounds. So in a way behind the words,we always give the sound of what we feel.

I read people on youtube well by how they sound to me. It is not analyzed but like a scent of "Yes"or "Nah"....

In the past I recall reading that yoga postures are what naturally occur as energy moves (Kundalini or Prana) and causes contortions releasing the nadis....
We have a natural inside out yoga that was codified...much as words codify sound.

I suspect that when we learn to "read one another telepathically",it will be as sounds that relate to the energy signatures that we do not need to translate to words. I see it like broader reception and recognition.
If we can grok directly, the babble ends.
I am getting more and more interested in sounds heard consciously.
We already grok more than we admit.
Also,we have sound signatures. I remember the voices of people (and can recall them in my inner hearing) > recognize them even better than visually.

Don't ever go with something that sounds off Is my motto. hehe. Love and gratitude,

1st December 2015, 09:40
Wonderful comment maggie, that is what I like to see.

It is interesting that you mention Yoga contortions and the Kundalini as means of codifying knowledge. The letter "I" Djet Column in particular refers directly to the Kundalini and its' up vs down energetic intentions. Many of the other letters are just contortions of the Djet column.

There is certainly a relation between these body shapes and the root language. Just by looking at the way these people are standing you can deduce a bit of the root language just from these alone.

Of the letters I have not explained yet T, V, and W should be fairly easy to guess. Maybe X and Y as well.

The word "grok" is good way of explaining how one can communicate via metaphysical intentions of energy. The word grok itself is purely root.
G - Gull (head) Grab
R - project raven
O - Omen (3rd eye)
K - Kingly Ka (communicate) knowledge
Grok = head projection of omens knowledge
That is what telepathy is metaphysically. Projecting omens and knowledge between people's heads.

Here is another word you might know intrinsically understand right away: Grep.
Again it is purely root.
G - Gull (head) Grab
R - Project raven
E - sight
P - Phallus (Poke, point, paste)
Grep = Heads projecting sight for point and paste. In laymans terms a metaphysical search.

For instance Google the search engine is the world's largest grep at least to the minds of mere mortals. The google "grep" searches the internet for whatever target you have given it and then pastes out the results for you.

However, here is an even larger grep in the universe than google and it has been inside you the whole time.

I believe in the far distant past the "root language" was not a directly spoken language. It was purely a telepathic language based around the communication of energy. In the practice of deep meditation and remote viewing it is possible to hear energy directly via the sound of silence and seeing phosphenes (http://jandeane81.com/threads/7442-When-the-Atlantis-survivors-wake-up?p=841940550&viewfull=1#post841940550).

It is possible to grep the universe the same way google grep's info off the internet.

State intention: GREP
Project: (your target)
Sight it and paste it.

With a little practice anyone can grep the universe.

2nd December 2015, 09:20
Ok Novusod, please teach us to GREP :)

3rd December 2015, 12:11
I will get to making a more detailed explanation of the grep after the remaining letters of the root language are complete.

Next is the Letter S which is a tiny pictogram of the snake of Isis.
The universal sound of S is the hiss of a viper: Hissss Hissss

Isis is an extremely important character and practically deserves a thread of her own. The following is just a very brief overview.

Isis' relation to Uraeus was in the earliest mythology Isis' came from the sky accompanied by a winged disk called the Uraeus. The word Uraeus literally means The Urn seen on high hisses.
Isis' mother was Nut (night) and her father (Geb) Earth but there is also a connection in her origin to the star Vega. Isis was not like the other Anunnaki gods who came from the Sirius star system. Isis was from Vega.
The more archaic name of Vega is "Wegan" which means vessel or transport in various proto languages.

In later centuries Uraeus was deified and being a god in his own right. We know Uraeus better by the Greek spelling as Uranus. In Latin Caelus. In the Greco-Roman telling of the story Uranus was castrated and has his genitals thrown into the sea out of which rose the goddess of love Aphrodite. Both both spelling Uranus and Caelus imply in the root language "a hissing urn."

What is this hissing sound the ancients are describing? Just my theory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNi5FzB4N9c) if you get the idea.

Another theory recounts that Isis (or nut) was actually Lilith who was Adam's first wife before Eve. Lilith refused to lay under Adam so she was cast out of Eden.
In Genesis (1:27) it says that God created man as "Male and Female." However, this contradicts Genesis (2:22) where God created Eve from Adam's rib. So who were the original "Male and Female?" The answer is Adam knew another woman before Eve and her name was Lilith. In the story of Lilith she is kicked out of the Garden of Eden for disobeying God's command to lay under Adam. Lilith in a sense was the first Feminist. This story was cut out of the bible but remained in older texts and legends.

The story of the woman refusing to lay under the man is fundamental part of the creation myth as shown on many Egyptian paintings.

( To the Greeks the woman was called Cybelle. Origin of the word Celibate. She was the woman who frustrated the first man. )

Going back to the Egyptian creation myth. Nut would immaculately conceive Isis and Isis herself would immaculately conceive Horus after resurrecting Assur. As shown in the S letter graphic Isis was the original Madonna. Isis would later found a cult called the "Sisterhood of Isis" which kept up the traditions of these older legends. Over the course of thousands of years the "Sisterhood of Isis" evolved into the cult of the Virgin Mary as Christianity displaced the pagan religions. Perhaps you have heard of the Rosicrucian Order? They are the modern day sisterhood of Isis. They don't discuss their secrets with outsiders but I believe this is the story they have been hiding.

* Note this is not to be confused with the terrorists.

4th December 2015, 18:44
Letter T is Assur's headress (Ta-wer) also his face and teeth.
Universal sound T is the sound of air passing between the teeth. Thhhh Taa Tah


There are two main ways to interpret the letter T when seen in words of the root language.

- Things that are tall (or bull like)
- Things that talk

I didn't realize this until made this post that name "Tolkien" actually means story teller in the root language.

T - Talk
O - Omen
L - Long
K - Knowledge
I - Individual
E - Sight
N - Standing

Tolkien - is someone who stands around talking about long omens and knowledge. Definition of an old time story teller. A "Tolkien" is someone who talks about hidden knowledge. In that regard I am a Tolkien.


What do you think your name means in the root language?

Major Breakthrough
For those following Sylvie's Survivor series.

The name Russia originally meant bull. On the old maps Russia was called: Tartaria or the Great Tartaria.

The root word would be Taurus. Taur Taur means bull. Tartaria means "bull" people or people of Taurus.

Taurus = Taurussian = people of Taurus.

Taur Taur Russian Taurussian.

Also the Etruscan means Taurus people. Tauruscan.

8th December 2015, 04:10
U is the universal Urn
The sound of U is the sound of air passing over the opening of the urn: Uuunnn Unnnn (blow on the urn and the sound says "Urn")


In the Egyptian creation story the One God TEM emerged from the water's of chaos. He was without form as a being of pure consciousness but he had a voice. With the sound of his voice TEM moved across the waters and calmed them. TEM then took on a physical form and became Atum (the Urn) of creation. Atum commanded a mass to arise from the water which he called "benben" (the bin). From this mass all things were made by him.

This story would be somewhat repeated in the Christian bible: Genesis Chapter 1
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

What is metaphysically true is that sound played over water does create a harmony.


8th December 2015, 08:15
...and the word/sound moved upon the waters.....

Thank you Novusod, interesting to read about Russia - the Tartars' - connection with the Bull energy, Taurus. I didn't know that, but it fits/connects with current energies/alignments.
'Tau' was the last letter in the old Hebrew and Phoenician alphabets....Alpha to Tau, rather than with the Greek added letters, taking the span of letters/sounds from Alpha to Omega.
Tau also was/is used to denote the Golden Ratio. Phi is more commonly used, but Tau can be used, and harks back to a more ancient knowing, connected with Assur, the Divine Masculine aspect of the creation stream through the Golden Ratio, the Golden Triangle, and the related Fibonacci sequence....

I would be interested to know why you see Isis's origin as Vega.

8th December 2015, 09:33
The real programming dilemma is to get around the perversion instilled in minds regarding how exactly these people became telepathic. Lets be honest they routinely consumed each others ejaculates. Holy water, or water of life was water mixed with the ejaculates of men and woman of the entire village! They baptized babies in it, they drank it, they offered to all father that drank some of all of them. They connected soul to soul in this way. This is how they connected and its how they knew of the one, the entire concept of one ness and soul and so on. This entire thing is a program instilled by the Vatican to make this knowledge repulsive. Today disease fear will prevent anyone from looking into it. Lets be honest no one is jumping in here to take part in this aspect of the teaching or understanding.

What you see happening is that the elite of the world, separate from the rest of us have kept these teachings. They practice it still, they do it, that is what Saville was doing, its what the royals do now involving children, their own families and more and we all have been seeing it as deviant behavior when it fact they are practicing these old ways right in front of us. Still connected among themselves in this same way that everyone used to be connected. The new system wanted to eliminate yarlettes, carlettes, and trailettes and make just a superior man and a inferior man.

The superior man is still doing this old system of breeding up, taking in chi, keeping chi, and that is why they rule. No one here is going to rise above the programming. These memories have to be formed as core memories. The idea that anyone here can 'cross the great sea' to rise above the programming that says this understanding is perverted is the main obstacle i see. The water of life can't be repeated today. No one would drink it knowingly due to Vatican programming.

8th December 2015, 15:49
...and the word/sound moved upon the waters.....

Thank you Novusod, interesting to read about Russia - the Tartars' - connection with the Bull energy, Taurus. I didn't know that, but it fits/connects with current energies/alignments.
'Tau' was the last letter in the old Hebrew and Phoenician alphabets....Alpha to Tau, rather than with the Greek added letters, taking the span of letters/sounds from Alpha to Omega.
Tau also was/is used to denote the Golden Ratio. Phi is more commonly used, but Tau can be used, and harks back to a more ancient knowing, connected with Assur, the Divine Masculine aspect of the creation stream through the Golden Ratio, the Golden Triangle, and the related Fibonacci sequence....

I would be interested to know why you see Isis's origin as Vega.

That is all true Joanna what you said about the bull energy Taurus.

The word Tao in Chinese also has some connotation of the direction of the Taurus. They simply call it "the way." The brightest star in the constellation Taurus is Tauri which points to the 7 Pleiades. As explained before in section on the esoteric numerology the 7 Pleiades represents the 7 chakras on "Orion's quest for enlightenment." Everything man needs to know about the quest for enlightenment is written in the stars. The stars, Gaia the Earth are all living conscious beings and they are here to help us remember our true origin and our true history.

The Isis connection to Vega is that the star is the brightest in the constellation Lyra "musical instrument." (origin of the word Lyric)
As said Uraeus was an Urn that hisses. This is all about visualization.

Vega was also centered on the old north pole some 12,000 years ago when when the world changed.

8th December 2015, 15:50
The real programming dilemma is to get around the perversion instilled in minds regarding how exactly these people became telepathic...........

............Lets be honest no one is jumping in here to take part in this aspect of the teaching or understanding.........

............we all have been seeing it as deviant behavior when it fact they are practicing these old ways right in front of us.

I never thought about the link you made between sharing body fluids and telepathy. I am not sure that is causal but may be coincident? It might help but I am sure we are more limited by the fears that we have of revealing who we are?

I was shocked at one time by stories about Sai Baba.
I have some curiosity about Sai Baba because one of my friends is involved with a small (family home opened as) temple of Sai Baba devotees in North Atlanta. There are daily manifestations of vibhuti from pictures and many stories of other powerful manifestation even now. The stories of Sai Baba and sexual activity with young males have been explained as NOT being perverse but beneficial to the "devotee"?. At least one account I read suggested that when the physical contact occurred the young man did have a large energetic boost.

IMO we are so conditioned and I think it would definitely be a "new generation" raised in a wholesome manner that would be a key IF we could ascertain just what IS wholesome. EVEN if we felt betrayed by our conditioned responses and "morally" nauseated, IMO IF we were convinced that what we have been taught to abhor is actually natural, then we might set aside our prejudices?

IMO, that is why I am not sure about anything of what I have learned but not willing to reactively just take on some other beliefs. There is definitely a caste system that hangs over us as a fence. What the caste system suggests is "good" (including racial issues of "white genocide" etc.), do not occur IMO when I see "mutts" have the best qualities show up. I trust that there is an orchestration way beyond the rational mind.

Epigenetics and the consciousness of LIFE itself is the ROOT IMO.

What the religious system suggests (we are sinful, needing forgiveness form authority of God, needing a mediator because WE cannot approach God), what doctors suggest (that we are less than the placebo itself) are major influences of people in my life. The perversion that IMO is most corrupting is instilling a belief that power is a like a commodity to be given, bought, stolen, hoarded, etc.,.....

What I mean by this is that in "culture", we can agree to not use our power believing have not access. IMO we did stop being able to directly observe from an energetic vantage point. An analogy is that our information/ energy birthright is like the water fish swim in and invisible to most. We see the second hand effect. It is easy to be persuaded we are not IN the source.

In culture, the weak are the victims, the strong rescue as savior or are the persecutors. This triad is one that is limiting in all aspects because we twirl spinning around in circles. I see all of us as moving outside this spin and beyond the program in this triad.

What appears to me...nature is expansive and we are in nature, even if veiled from our power, by right of being alive. IF alive, one is always in touch (and can be touching more) the innate energy that is IMO called the "water of life" because it comes through every aspect of living beings. We are sexual beings. Sex is definitely multi-dimensional and mysterious and attractive and repulsive.

I do not think we are limited except by our own outer fixation on formalities and inner separation from origins..... Just IMO.

8th December 2015, 17:05
The real programming dilemma is to get around the perversion instilled in minds regarding how exactly these people became telepathic. Lets be honest they routinely consumed each others ejaculates. Holy water, or water of life was water mixed with the ejaculates of men and woman of the entire village! They baptized babies in it, they drank it, they offered to all father that drank some of all of them. They connected soul to soul in this way. This is how they connected and its how they knew of the one, the entire concept of one ness and soul and so on. This entire thing is a program instilled by the Vatican to make this knowledge repulsive. Today disease fear will prevent anyone from looking into it. Lets be honest no one is jumping in here to take part in this aspect of the teaching or understanding.

What you see happening is that the elite of the world, separate from the rest of us have kept these teachings. They practice it still, they do it, that is what Saville was doing, its what the royals do now involving children, their own families and more and we all have been seeing it as deviant behavior when it fact they are practicing these old ways right in front of us. Still connected among themselves in this same way that everyone used to be connected. The new system wanted to eliminate yarlettes, carlettes, and trailettes and make just a superior man and a inferior man.

The superior man is still doing this old system of breeding up, taking in chi, keeping chi, and that is why they rule. No one here is going to rise above the programming. These memories have to be formed as core memories. The idea that anyone here can 'cross the great sea' to rise above the programming that says this understanding is perverted is the main obstacle i see. The water of life can't be repeated today. No one would drink it knowingly due to Vatican programming.

See my post here from the Bock Saga thread: I already debunked the idea that "Milit = sperm." Milit in the root language is "grain." Millet is the oldest cereal crop grown since the dawn of agriculture. It is where the surname "Miller" comes from.

Homosexuals eat sperm all the time and they do NOT become telepathic.

The way to become telepathic is to learn the GREP and GROK by focusing on the sound silence and viewing the phosphenes while in the dark.

8th December 2015, 18:54
See my post here from the Bock Saga thread: I already debunked the idea that "Milit = sperm." Milit in the root language is "grain." Millet is the oldest cereal crop grown since the dawn of agriculture. It is where the surname "Miller" comes from.

Homosexuals eat sperm all the time and they do NOT become telepathic.

The way to become telepathic is to learn the GREP and GROK by focusing on the sound silence and viewing the phosphenes while in the dark.

Yes I saw those when you posted it. Thanks tho. While I greatly appreciate your contribution I must add I think Jim speaks some truth here regarding the immune system, and indeed there would be practical benefit medically speaking for a father to use this 'holy water' to baptize new borns. I think there is a lot of truth here also regarding a give and take system. The ancients certainly did believe a common core belief around the world regarding give and take. They knew in many cultures that for every ounce of pleasure it must be paid with equal amounts of pain. Nothing came for free. It was always reciprocated and they knew life fed on itself. The one organism theme was apparent. They knew eating anything meant eating an aspect of self. Mayan, Incan, Aztec and Navajo, Hopi, all talk of connectedness to a source being. They infact fed that being. What they fed it was life energy, souls. They also used sperm to and burned it with offerings to get answers from the gods.

Now I'm not trying to say you don't have a lot of credit here I know you do certainly. But we can't disregard IMMUNE system where the very word comes from. It is related to this dragon eating it's own tail theme, of life, universe feeding all and receiving back all. Even the money system fed itself this way. I see a lot of connectedness here with these concepts symbolically that I don't know how any of us can overlook so I felt compelled to mention it.

Yes many homosexuals eat sperm and perhaps they are not telepathic but what I am saying is these people were more connected in a physical, spiritual/soul and emotional way. Much closer and more in tune with each other certainly, intimate in fact. We can't compare to that today in our minds. People are too distant. The net itself promotes that I think.

8th December 2015, 22:41
Yes I saw those when you posted it. Thanks tho. While I greatly appreciate your contribution I must add I think Jim speaks some truth here regarding the immune system, and indeed there would be practical benefit medically speaking for a father to use this 'holy water' to baptize new borns. I think there is a lot of truth here also regarding a give and take system. The ancients certainly did believe a common core belief around the world regarding give and take. They knew in many cultures that for every ounce of pleasure it must be paid with equal amounts of pain. Nothing came for free. It was always reciprocated and they knew life fed on itself. The one organism theme was apparent. They knew eating anything meant eating an aspect of self. Mayan, Incan, Aztec and Navajo, Hopi, all talk of connectedness to a source being. They infact fed that being. What they fed it was life energy, souls. They also used sperm to and burned it with offerings to get answers from the gods.

Now I'm not trying to say you don't have a lot of credit here I know you do certainly. But we can't disregard IMMUNE system where the very word comes from. It is related to this dragon eating it's own tail theme, of life, universe feeding all and receiving back all. Even the money system fed itself this way. I see a lot of connectedness here with these concepts symbolically that I don't know how any of us can overlook so I felt compelled to mention it.

Yes many homosexuals eat sperm and perhaps they are not telepathic but what I am saying is these people were more connected in a physical, spiritual/soul and emotional way. Much closer and more in tune with each other certainly, intimate in fact. We can't compare to that today in our minds. People are too distant. The net itself promotes that I think.

I both agree and disagree with many of Jim Chesnar's theories in the Bock Saga. There are many things he get right and other things he gets terribly wrong. The whole reason I created this thread was be prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the root language exists and it is within mankind's grasp to understand it.

Lets start with word "Immune."

The origin of the word in the root language is MUN. It roughly means a burden, duty, and bound.

The breakdown:
M - Mass
U - Urn ( carried in )
N - Stand (ren - legs gait)

Mundane, Municipal,
Represents a physical burden

Immune were those who were unburdened such the priesthood. Amun Priesthood = The unburdened priest class of Egypt.

MUN has direct a metaphysical visualization. Using the power of the GREP in the mind's eye I saw the visualization just now. I asked the universe and I received the knowledge. This is what I saw.

Mun is the burden being carried by the common man. Represents mundane life. Ordinary and dull slave like mentality.

LINK (i.imgur.com/tbSKDo6.gif)

The opposite is the immune. Those who exempt from the burden.

This is what REAL telepathy can do for you. I have seen the visions. The power of the GREP was not created by eating sperm.

You must say you have the power. If you say that mankind no longer has the connection than it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. If you say that you cannot rise above the programming than you shall not rise above it. Self sabotage is one of traps that has been laid in front of mankind to prevent enlightenment. It is easy enough to overcome when one sees the trap of self sabotage for what it is.

Ask and you shall receive. Ask not and you shall receive not.

It is very healthy and good that you have debated my synopsis because it inspired me to look beyond and GREP the universe for even more answers.

What you see happening is that the elite of the world, separate from the rest of us have kept these teachings. They practice it still, they do it, that is what Saville was doing, its what the royals do now involving children, their own families and more and we all have been seeing it as deviant behavior when it fact they are practicing these old ways right in front of us.

This is especially true in Vatican Church where they practice the "Seminary." The root word of seminary is Semen. Latin seminare educare is the drawing out of semen. That is exact literal translation of the seminary education is a masturbation ritual. It means drawing out of semen. Seminis is semen. That is the definition.

Saville and other like minded "sperm eating" elitists are some of the most blind, least connected to the universe, and least empathetic people on the planet. Saville's soul has been found wanting and HAS be devoured by Ammit. How can any of these fools claim to be enlightened and empathetic while harming so many innocent children. They are complete opposite of enlightened. They are the embodiment of darkness.

9th December 2015, 00:32
What of the holy water, the water of life? If not imbued with the soul of life through sperm then what? Sunlight? Also, mystery/mis story destruction and history/his story change to incorporate a parasitic system to replace the old self replenishing one? Did not the ancients see that all life on this planet feeds on itself and that no matter what it is we eat here, be it plant, animal or whatever it is an aspect of us, and both are connected to the same one? It appears they did to me and tried to mimic what they saw happening in nature.

So the idea of fight or flight and only survival of the fittest fits right into a self feeding system composed of one organism , all one organism mind you, made up of many aspects all of which consume each other in some way. So if they saw life this way, as one being of many aspects eating self which it appears they did, and if they saw sperm as the soul, which again they apparently did, it would add up that perhaps they didn't find it so odd to ingest some aspect of themselves, maybe no different than biting off a hang nail or dead skin or some prey animal they killed if it was all the same thing in their minds as just another aspect of self.

Also, the yoga position referred to actually exists so someone at some time in Vedic culture apparently came up with it, again which points to the people of the north if you believe that the Aryans were whites from Hel. Oh and no I'm not homosexual and I would rather you were correct believe me, I just want to cover all the bases. Thanks again

9th December 2015, 02:30
What of the holy water, the water of life? If not imbued with the soul of life through sperm then what? Sunlight? Also, mystery/mis story destruction and history/his story change to incorporate a parasitic system to replace the old self replenishing one? Did not the ancients see that all life on this planet feeds on itself and that no matter what it is we eat here, be it plant, animal or whatever it is an aspect of us, and both are connected to the same one? It appears they did to me and tried to mimic what they saw happening in nature.

As I explained in letter's N and U the creation force is vibration. Vibrations in both water and solid materials will create geometric shapes. If one meditates and listens to the sound of silence it is possible to hear and see the sounds of creation. Mr Casual (http://jandeane81.com/members/1499-MrCasual) gives a very good account of his experience listening to hums in the silence.

The sound of silence is perpetual and forever. It never ends. It is the force that sustains all life and non-living things as well. Mother Earth is not some dead rock. She is alive. All the ancients believed this beyond any shadow of a doubt. Gaia herself is a conscious living being. What sustains Gaia's energy vortexes? Not sperm I can say that much.

The symbol of Gaia is the spiral.

The spiral of life. It is what a spirit is.
The Mortal Coil, need I go on?

Image from the New Grange spiral glyph. It is NOT a sperm.
Anasazi and Charter Cathedral

Consider the very building blocks of matter. What keeps electrons perpetually in motion around the atoms. It is vibration, constant never ending vibration. If the vibration and sounds ever stopped the Earth would literally vanish out of existence. The entire universe is hologram of vibration.

The Assur Ninevah seal describes the holographic and vibration nature of our existence.


So the idea of fight or flight and only survival of the fittest fits right into a self feeding system composed of one organism , all one organism mind you, made up of many aspects all of which consume each other in some way. So if they saw life this way, as one being of many aspects eating self which it appears they did, and if they saw sperm as the soul, which again they apparently did, it would add up that perhaps they didn't find it so odd to ingest some aspect of themselves, maybe no different than biting off a hang nail or dead skin or some prey animal they killed if it was all the same thing in their minds as just another aspect of self.

Survival of the fittest is false teaching of Darwin and evolution. In the creation story Atum merged with his shadow to create his children. Atum sneezed and created the air god "Shu" and then he spat out the life force of "Ptuh." From the creation story spirit exists independent of sperm.

Later on Nut would reject the advances of Geb's sperm and still manage to produce children.


Also, the yoga position referred to actually exists so someone at some time in Vedic culture apparently came up with it, again which points to the people of the north if you believe that the Aryans were whites from Hel. Oh and no I'm not homosexual and I would rather you were correct believe me, I just want to cover all the bases. Thanks again

The Vedic culture believed in Breath-Aryans. They lived on air and vibration alone. Consider the Boy with Divine Powers. He neither eats nor drinks yet lives. Modern science tried disprove the miracle but could not.

Watch and see:


9th December 2015, 04:14
I both agree and disagree with many of Jim Chesnar's theories in the Bock Saga. There are many things he get right and other things he gets terribly wrong. The whole reason I created this thread was be prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the root language exists and it is within mankind's grasp to understand it.

Lets start with word "Immune."

The origin of the word in the root language is MUN. It roughly means a burden, duty, and bound.

The breakdown:
M - Mass
U - Urn ( carried in )
N - Stand (ren - legs gait)

Mundane, Municipal,
Represents a physical burden

Immune were those who were unburdened such the priesthood. Amun Priesthood = The unburdened priest class of Egypt.

MUN has direct a metaphysical visualization. Using the power of the GREP in the mind's eye I saw the visualization just now. I asked the universe and I received the knowledge. This is what I saw.

Mun is the burden being carried by the common man. Represents mundane life. Ordinary and dull slave like mentality.

LINK (i.imgur.com/tbSKDo6.gif)

The opposite is the immune. Those who exempt from the burden.

This is what REAL telepathy can do for you. I have seen the visions. The power of the GREP was not created by eating sperm.

You must say you have the power. If you say that mankind no longer has the connection than it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. If you say that you cannot rise above the programming than you shall not rise above it. Self sabotage is one of traps that has been laid in front of mankind to prevent enlightenment. It is easy enough to overcome when one sees the trap of self sabotage for what it is.

Ask and you shall receive. Ask not and you shall receive not.

It is very healthy and good that you have debated my synopsis because it inspired me to look beyond and GREP the universe for even more answers.

This is especially true in Vatican Church where they practice the "Seminary." The root word of seminary is Semen. Latin seminare educare is the drawing out of semen. That is exact literal translation of the seminary education is a masturbation ritual. It means drawing out of semen. Seminis is semen. That is the definition.

Saville and other like minded "sperm eating" elitists are some of the most blind, least connected to the universe, and least empathetic people on the planet. Saville's soul has been found wanting and HAS be devoured by Ammit. How can any of these fools claim to be enlightened and empathetic while harming so many innocent children. They are complete opposite of enlightened. They are the embodiment of darkness.

I am a female and therefore rape has been a fearful concept. There has been a force that uses rape to over power. YET, I know of at least one woman who decided it did not matter that she was raped. Having experienced that event, she made it unimportant and was not held back by fear of this potential.

My vision of a healthy world would be to respect children as our future. I have explored the idea that sexuality is not a Bi bit multilevel aspect of humans. I follow a Reichian view that our sexuality is an expression of our energetic nature. it is something that wells out from within us. I think I was shamed in my experience as a child. The child who voluntarily explores masturbation would not be shamed in health. Sex play with other peers would not be shamed in health. An adult would not touch a child in a sexual manner in health.

IMO there is a great deal I appreciate about the Bock Sa Ga (Giving and Receiving is the meaning given by Ior Bock of Sa Ga).
because I do not accept that we have to repeat anything and because I think the context of our lifestyle has altered, I think castes and the breeding system is no longer valuable as invisioned by some past system of any kind.

Health is one ideal that I believe is Universal. I think we are here to learn how to live in health and this includes letting humans be themselves. If we do not know what that is?

In the meantime, we can increase the attention to our personal individual exploration of health and ability to know ourselves.

If there is a human being who is supported from the beginning to stand her or his ground, to say "No", predators cannot lure that one to harm as easily. Being part of a loving community, the adults in a protective circle allow all children an experience of protection. That IMO is the Divine masculine energy. It is not combative, just firm and resolute and honoring.

To me the terrible phase of predation is part of our evolution. It is a survival mind set of desperation. It is ignorance of the basic law that what we do is what we have done to us. I am not afraid of the mind set that is so desperate EXCEPT when and Be cause it is my own mindset.

It is not necessary to make what was wrong right. It IS necessary to make what is right now more right......
I personally do not think that whatever has been done in the past, matters. only our now state of being matters (Bashar saying I subscribe in) Now we can choose how we wish to proceed.

So I love concverstaion about what has worked for people to empower themselves and the children we bring into the future.
Thanks for letting me be in this conversation....Maggie

You must say you have the power. If you say that mankind no longer has the connection than it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. If you say that you cannot rise above the programming than you shall not rise above it. Self sabotage is one of traps that has been laid in front of mankind to prevent enlightenment. It is easy enough to overcome when one sees the trap of self sabotage for what it is.

Ask and you shall receive. Ask not and you shall receive not.

9th December 2015, 07:23
Maggie it is good that you are female because women are needed to keep the peace between the men. Men often stumble where woman do not. Know that behind every great man is an even greater woman. This thread would not have been possible without many discussions with highly thoughtful women.

There is a saying in Ancient Egypt that a man can be "once wise" but a woman can be "twice wise." This is the case with Isis and Assur.
Assur was once wise but Isis is twice wise. There would be no resurrection of Assur if not for the double wisdom of Isis.


Her second face represents her connection to the spirits and energies beyond. Woman intrinsically have a deeper more profound connection to the spirits than men. The sound of silence and the vibrations will trigger emotions in women long before men can become aware of it logically. In the earliest root times the greatest shamans were women because they were double wise.

In connecting to the GREP you will always feel the answer emotionally before you understand it logically. Emotion FIRST then comes the LOGIC. This is incredibly important when dealing with the energies. The creation energies are almost entirely emotional. Logically the universe should NOT even exist because of various chicken and the egg paradoxes. The universe was created emotionally through vibration.

The parasitic and predatory age we are living in demands we always put logic first and then ignore emotion. By putting logic first we deny our own existence. This is why so much is wrong in the world and everything is upside down. Many children are born with deep existing connections to the spirits and then blind and foolish adults bully the connections out of the kids.

This little excerpt is true on so many levels.
Whether it is the abhorrent perversions of "the seminary" or the immense dumbing down of public education the result is the same. This is by definition a parasitic education. We have failed as a society to protect our children from both mental and physical abuse.

Biologically the sperm is actually parasitic to the egg. The egg does not need the sperm but the sperm certainly needs the egg. In many higher animals females routinely can self impregnate. It is called parthenogenesis or immaculate conception. Humans can do this too if they reach a certain state of enlightenment.
Nut immaculately conceived.
Isis immaculately conceived.
Mary Mother of Jesus immaculately conceived.

Fertilization with sperm is Mundane but self fertilization is divine.

Going back to the Bock Saga. Ior Bock's research is certainly enlightened but I believe the themes outlined above are where he loses track of real "Saga." It is too male concentric. The male is really secondary to the female role in the creation story. It is only because we live in this parasitic time that the male gets all the credit.

Just one final thought here Maggie is I'm exceedingly grateful for your contributions to this thread. To get the right answers one must first ask the right questions. Commentary such as yours is key bring out the enlightenment of this thread. Thank you very much. Regards...

9th December 2015, 08:11
Novusod said:

The word Tao in Chinese also has some connotation of the direction of the Taurus. They simply call it "the way." The brightest star in the constellation Taurus is Tauri which points to the 7 Pleiades. As explained before in section on the esoteric numerology the 7 Pleiades represents the 7 chakras on "Orion's quest for enlightenment." Everything man needs to know about the quest for enlightenment is written in the stars. The stars, Gaia the Earth are all living conscious beings and they are here to help us remember our true origin and our true history.

Yes, all is living consciousness, all stars and planets. Feel into this too: Aldebaran (Cor Tauri), the brightest star and 'eye' of the Bull, connects with the Hyades, which form the horns of Taurus - which are related to the disc within the horns of both Isis' and Hathor's head-dress. Hathor represents the feminine energy of the constellation, the Cow, to the masculine Bull representation of Assur and Apis. The feminine Vessel (the 'V' shape of the Hyades) widens into the chalice, bow, arch, crescent of the cow horns.

Vega was also centered on the old north pole some 12,000 years ago when when the world changed.

And it will be again, my friend. In around 11000-13000 years Vega will be again the Earth's northern Pole Star. The cycle completes.

Lyra, mythologically, was formed from the Lyre of Orpheus after his death, the golden harp given him by Apollo, made by the child prodigy Hermes as a toddler. The story of Orpheus and his lover Eurydike is a metaphor, a memory, of the fall of the planets of Vega, Lyra's alpha star, to reptilian invasion from Draco, and the destruction of the first galactic federation. Eurydike was bitten by a snake and died - meaning, she 'fell' in vibration from immortality into this mortal coil, the cycle of mortal life and death.
Hermes guided the grief-stricken Orpheus down into the 'underworld' ruled by Hades, God of Death, where Orpheus played his lyre for Hades so beautifully that the God of Death shed a tear, the only time he ever cried. He agreed to allow Eurydike's soul to return (RE-turn - rise to the Light again) to Life, on the condition that Orpheus must not look back, or she would fall back into the death realm forever. Hermes led Orpheus back up to the surface/life & light world, but just before they reached the surface, Orpheus was overcome with fear and looked over his shoulder to make sure his love was following, and she fell back.
There's a lot in this, to do with what happened to male and female energies, the 'serpent' energy that swept through this universe (said with compassion, no judgement of any being), and the vibrational drop into the polarity band, of survival, eat or be eaten, predator and prey...as is reflected in many stories and myths, and every level of our human culture...
The Soul of which Isis is an aspect I also feel to originate from Vega, in this universe...though by a different name. 'Isis' is more connected to her Sirian energy, slightly altered in Egypt, as Aset.


Isis and Hathor's head-dress is also connected with the red giant, Aldebaran, in the Hyades:



9th December 2015, 08:20
PS: Isis as 'Aset' in Egyptian - 'As' (As, singular of Asir/Aesir) +'et' (feminine name ending, 'et' and 'at') means a female of the Aesir/Assur/Ahura.

9th December 2015, 11:31
What of the succeed statement and word origins? (suck-seed-suc-ceed reference) Thanks

10th December 2015, 09:40
Jengelen, if 'holy water' is being equated with body fluids that create immunity, then mother's milk could be seen as the holy water - especially as breast milk of all mammals and humans passes on the mother's antibodies to their infant, which builds their immune system...

To my intuition, there are truths and distortions in the Bock material...but, I also do not see/feel the sperm to egg relationship as 'parasitic'. One could just as well say the fertilized egg has a parasitic relation to the mother's womb, feeding off her body to build itself - when at the deepest level, it is pure Love, and sacred creation via a sacred act in material form.

Immaculate conception and self-fertilization aren't the same thing. Self-fertilization is one form of immaculate conception, and it is known in human women. However, self-fertilization ie: egg fusion (two eggs released and combining in the womb) can only produce girls, as there are no Y chromosomes, only doubled X.
Bees (thanks to Maggie for bringing this up on another thread) were considered divine into the medieval period, because they were thought to reproduce via the Queen Bee's parthenogenesis (self fertilization). If that were so, there would be no male bees, however.
In the Greek and Roman myths, Juno/Hera conceived the god Mars/Ares by parthenogenetic conception, fertilizing herself with a Lily. (If you look back on this thread, I posted a picture of Assur/Ashur hovering above the Asherah Tree - feminine tree of life - with a Lily-headed arrow drawn in his bow. This is about sacred conception, flowing through the lifestream, through the Ash-e-Ra, the Source tree of divine Light.

This is echoed in the visitation to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel, carrying the Lily of the Anunciation - in some medieval versions, he holds the Lily to her ear, and she conceives Jesus by hearing the word of God...the sound of creation, entering through her ear...


The name 'Mary' is connected to water. Latin 'mare', French 'mer' etc for the sea. Water is a Yin element (feminine) in both western and eastern cultures - life starts and grows within water, the amniotic fluid sac within the womb, the vessel of the water. Sumeria and Samaria are names connected to ancient 'mother goddess' dwelling places.

Feel 'the Spirit moved upon the Waters' in this context, and it is not about worship of, or ritual use of, sexual body fluids, but a recognition of the sacred vibrational nature of creation (which is all about intent and levels of frequency rather than any 'right physical methodology', though of course intent and levels of frequency reflect into physical).
From an 'Ascension' point of view, immaculate conception - or inception - of our own higher vibrational selves into our physical cells is what we are collectively undertaking at this time...this is also the meaning (or one of them) of the Caduceus symbol...the double-spiralled wand is the descent of higher frequency 'life' into and through the double helix of the DNA.


10th December 2015, 10:28
I went to medical school and I know of no cases of immaculate conception so forgive me if I balk at that idea. It hasn't happened to reference it as a reality. No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real. The other thing that makes hesitate this morning is the video of the supposed holy man in India that doesn't eat. I mediated on that and my telepathy sees two men, under the ground behind and below that tree the boy sits in. Quite clearly there are other men involved in something here under this tree involving deception. That is all I'm saying about that boy but my ESP sees deception there. Scratch that one in my book but the rest of this thread has my interest. Thanks Jonanna I don't see it quite clearly but more like the way my grandmother told me which was more clear cut.

Part of my bias is that I have heard these stories before. In fact great excitement came to me at first because I had not heard some of these tales since my grandmother told them and some elder uncles. I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first. I do remember my grandparents concern that some parts of the story were too 'adult' to be around so us kids were ordered out at those times but I don't think it was regarding succeed or any of that but more about the sin of wasting seed. It was a sin to just throw it away apparently. Its a mortal sin to jack off in the Catholic church the same way by the way.

For example in one story it talks of how whites were created and its not quite the same as what we've heard but similar. Then stories of the from 7 years old an on, well my family told of some of this also not regarding quite the same stimulus but sun and other such things and grandmother seems to hold great favor to the old stories regarding the first brown peoples with beards and how they had to escape and got ice locked in and separated away from the rest of the planet and were caught in the aurora borealis for eons where it changed them over time into golden hair white people of the snow. When the ice melted and these people could finally come forth the original people that they stemmed from that had been brown were gone, they only resembled them in physical stature, build shape, beards and so on but were white. These came forth after the others died and then these new ones finally freed mingled once more with those they once mingled before that were brown, but now the original group was white and the amnesia set in. It goes on, but I don't want to conflict. Or friction things, I just want to pick it apart piece by piece to understand the people, their needs and the story better.

10th December 2015, 11:15
I went to medical school and I know of no cases of immaculate conception so forgive me if I balk at that idea. It hasn't happened to reference it as a reality. No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real. The other thing that makes hesitate this morning is the video of the supposed holy man in India that doesn't eat. I mediated on that and my telepathy sees two men, under the ground behind and below that tree the boy sits in. Quite clearly there are other men involved in something here under this tree involving deception. That is all I'm saying about that boy but my ESP sees deception there. Scratch that one in my book but the rest of this thread has my interest. Thanks Jonanna I don't see it quite clearly but more like the way my grandmother told me which was more clear cut.

Part of my bias is that I have heard these stories before. In fact great excitement came to me at first because I had not heard some of these tales since my grandmother told them and some elder uncles. I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first. I do remember my grandparents concern that some parts of the story were too 'adult' to be around so us kids were ordered out at those times but I don't think it was regarding succeed or any of that but more about the sin of wasting seed. It was a sin to just throw it away apparently. Its a mortal sin to jack off in the Catholic church the same way by the way.

For example in one story it talks of how whites were created and its not quite the same as what we've heard but similar. Then stories of the from 7 years old an on, well my family told of some of this also not regarding quite the same stimulus but sun and other such things and grandmother seems to hold great favor to the old stories regarding the first brown peoples with beards and how they had to escape and got ice locked in and separated away from the rest of the planet and were caught in the aurora borealis for eons where it changed them over time into golden hair white people of the snow. When the ice melted and these people could finally come forth the original people that they stemmed from that had been brown were gone, they only resembled them in physical stature, build shape, beards and so on but were white. These came forth after the others died and then these new ones finally freed mingled once more with those they once mingled before that were brown, but now the original group was white and the amnesia set in. It goes on, but I don't want to conflict. Or friction things, I just want to pick it apart piece by piece to understand the people, their needs and the story better.

No one can cite an example other than myth so its not real.

That statement of what is 'permitted' within or without the boundaries of 'the real', Jengelen, is a little ironic, given the story you have shared about human race origins...which is a story, yet you're interested in looking into the possible 'reality' of it. :) Whether someone can cite an example of something in 3D reality is irrelevant to my sense of 'real', and by what parameters the real is allowed to be defined.
Obviously I'm speaking from a metaphysical viewpoint - but I also did first year med school and recall reading something about self fertilization in human women. It's so long ago I can't remember who the researcher was, and have just searched online, but didn't see anything related there. From a medical point of view, the people who could potentially self fertilize (other than egg fusion) would be hermaphrodites and chimera.
Bear in mind that the 'medically impossible' does happen...and also that what is considered possible/impossible changes in medicine over time...so defining criteria of 'the real' by what is known now in 3D medicine or science is rather arbitrary....

10th December 2015, 14:35
I want to say that my family has similar stories passed down verbally and later in writing that my grandmother, aunts and uncles all had. I was given a book by my grandmother also that covers some of this. It adds up and makes sense in many ways now but my story differs in places. I had planned to explain that some but I wanted to get my ducks in a row better first.

I am looking forward to the knowledge passed to you within your family!

10th December 2015, 15:02
Jengelen, if 'holy water' is being equated with body fluids that create immunity, then mother's milk could be seen as the holy water - especially as breast milk of all mammals and humans passes on the mother's antibodies to their infant, which builds their immune system...

To my intuition, there are truths and distortions in the Bock material...but, I also do not see/feel the sperm to egg relationship as 'parasitic'. One could just as well say the fertilized egg has a parasitic relation to the mother's womb, feeding off her body to build itself - when at the deepest level, it is pure Love, and sacred creation via a sacred act in material form.

Immaculate conception and self-fertilization aren't the same thing. Self-fertilization is one form of immaculate conception, and it is known in human women. However, self-fertilization ie: egg fusion (two eggs released and combining in the womb) can only produce girls, as there are no Y chromosomes, only doubled X.
Bees (thanks to Maggie for bringing this up on another thread) were considered divine into the medieval period, because they were thought to reproduce via the Queen Bee's parthenogenesis (self fertilization). If that were so, there would be no male bees, however.
In the Greek and Roman myths, Juno/Hera conceived the god Mars/Ares by parthenogenetic conception, fertilizing herself with a Lily. (If you look back on this thread, I posted a picture of Assur/Ashur hovering above the Asherah Tree - feminine tree of life - with a Lily-headed arrow drawn in his bow. This is about sacred conception, flowing through the lifestream, through the Ash-e-Ra, the Source tree of divine Light.

This is echoed in the visitation to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel, carrying the Lily of the Anunciation - in some medieval versions, he holds the Lily to her ear, and she conceives Jesus by hearing the word of God...the sound of creation, entering through her ear...


The name 'Mary' is connected to water. Latin 'mare', French 'mer' etc for the sea. Water is a Yin element (feminine) in both western and eastern cultures - life starts and grows within water, the amniotic fluid sac within the womb, the vessel of the water. Sumeria and Samaria are names connected to ancient 'mother goddess' dwelling places.

Feel 'the Spirit moved upon the Waters' in this context, and it is not about worship of, or ritual use of, sexual body fluids, but a recognition of the sacred vibrational nature of creation (which is all about intent and levels of frequency rather than any 'right physical methodology', though of course intent and levels of frequency reflect into physical).
From an 'Ascension' point of view, immaculate conception - or inception - of our own higher vibrational selves into our physical cells is what we are collectively undertaking at this time...this is also the meaning (or one of them) of the Caduceus symbol...the double-spiralled wand is the descent of higher frequency 'life' into and through the double helix of the DNA.


Thanks for this post!

Yes, the egg IS treated as a foreign invader by the mother's body. That is one of the most mysterious aspects I recall of biology.

The physical coming together of two DIFFERENT lines of switched on or off/imprinted/ active DNA is going to lead to larger variety of expression of the child. That is IMO completely helpful to body development. IMO "self fertilization" (which I think is possible) would be more limiting to the genetic expression than the possibilities two bring?

Some of the latest info I have seen shows that the egg actually unlocks a gate for the chosen sperm. It is not an invasion.

Feel 'the Spirit moved upon the Waters' in this context, and it is not about worship of, or ritual use of, sexual body fluids, but a recognition of the sacred vibrational nature of creation (which is all about intent and levels of frequency rather than any 'right physical methodology', though of course intent and levels of frequency reflect into physical).
From an 'Ascension' point of view, immaculate conception - or inception - of our own higher vibrational selves into our physical cells is what we are collectively undertaking at this time...this is also the meaning (or one of them) of the Caduceus symbol...the double-spiralled wand is the descent of higher frequency 'life' into and through the double helix of the DNA.

This is so beautifully put!
If we are fractal, perhaps we see iterations of the same principles in various ways. If ALL physical fluids express the vibrational frequency of life, then none are "waste" but have a proper "place".
Would the sharing of body fluids bring greater power to the process of possibility in fertilizing as described by Bock???
I do not know???

But even if I don't know, I suspect treating the body and all its workings as wHoley automatically changes our frequency.
Thanks, Maggie

10th December 2015, 17:23
I am looking forward to the knowledge passed to you within your family!

I am not sure where to put that. I have videos but I made them only for my son and they are unlisted. If the OP will forgive I'll slip in some highlights. It is on topic tho.

Our tale says that due to dwindling numbers for total population that 13th and 14 and 15th sons were common during the immediate aftermath of the burning of our paradise as well as after those that escaped went north. The clan that survived went farther north and eventually ice locked themselves into the Auroa Borealis for 50,000 plus years.

They relied on warm waters coming up until it did cause the flood that wiped the scab lands and bad lands of America clean and much of the rest as well as much of Europe. This freed those that turned white with golden hair in the north who came down and landed on a mountain near a cave. They then attempted to pick back up but were unable to counter the already growing Etruscan influence as well as Vatican before it was known as such.

Our tale says that the people of our clan have a mark and that if a child male or female is born with at first orange hair at birth, with bright blue eyes, and when inconjunction with these markers if they have the birth mark and not just the mark but in a specific place in a specific shape and if their hair later after a year or slightly more turns golden these are the child carrying the gift.

I am one such child in my family. At an early age I was separated from my father and he did not raise me, and I did not raise my son for the same reason. Then in the same light my family through tradition which I can't really explain, I'd like to but they tell me no, but those with the marks that are deemed the one to carry the family honor forward are told that at some point in their life they will exhibit certain of these things occur. One of those was astral travel. When I was still very young my grandfather died. That evening after his death he came to me in the astral and took me from my body.

We went around the block speaking and very little was remembered but he said it was time to receive my nature gift fully. This opened me. I was never shut again and to this day pop out not by my control, it just happens but I see, hear, walk through doors, fly. I rarely talk about it or the next thing I share. I have horns. Well, as warned these things show up in our family. Night paralysis, night terrors, astral waking on the ceiling thinking you died, dreaming you are walking and you jump and then keep going passing the moon and more and its very scary. The other things are scaly patches that can show, which I do not have. And when all the other factors are present, not always one can tho rare, develop horns. Mine are concealed by my hair. I am told by my private doctor that in time they will have to be taken down if I wish to continue to hide them under my very convenient full head of hair! Thick hair too thank God! My son is now developing this. Which is why I have shared the videos with him to carry it forward. His two sons have the same mark only neither have turned golden hair at old enough to matter so it looks good for them so far. At least no horns for them.

Please don't pry. This is a sensitive area for my family. Other difference in our story is that there is tales of boys and girls in India being taught from 7 on to please each other not themselves. They were not allowed intercourse until time to make a baby in the 'proper' way but they brought each other to orgasm often in our tale. This was one of things in our story that made the Vatican take action to do something. They saw this and it was reported back. This was the beginning of the end and it was another 13th son that did this in India, confused things in Egypt and before that Hittite empire and before that the age into the ice was upon them having taken the paradise time of 24 hour sun in the north and twisted it to six months sun six months dark. Our story seems to indicate that the brown people escaped to become the first golden hair people that showed up on mount herman with the animals and seeds, ability to graft and grow trees using roots of surviving trees and more.

We also have nearly the exact same thing about the pele and the pelu or monkey and the goat and in fact our records show that some in my family going back had horns and were greatly revered for it. Apparently even the queen bowed before these guys. The family of my father has a geneology to beat all. I kid you not when I saw it I could not believe the size. It goes back as far as I want to look. I really am amazed at that kind of record keeping but truthfully what kind of family does that but one that was at one time Earls. We are not Earls now. Our story tells of how we were bumped and how an agreement was made that the 'hand' would stand down. The Red Hand was our shield, emblem apparently? I don't know, maybe just one family but whatever it was agreed, survivors got away because our story says that after the agreement was signed with the Vatican the Vatican pope ordered the deaths of those that signed so they had no intention of saving any of them.

10th December 2015, 17:50
Our tale also says the sun made a yoke ball of yellow spermia inside with all the seeds of life. That this also was filled and surrounded by a salty water sak and that the ball floated out. The sun admired it for a time and pulled it near to warm it to burst. Then the ball sak of water broke free and was held in place by the hard shell and so life started and the land and seas formed.

Our tale says the rays of the sun near the shore shown on the water and life saks burst in all sizes coming forth with new green life. This algae green spread to land and sea and the planet was green.

In time one plant one day moved. First it struggled to climb and then swim. Then it was a biting stinging plant that grew and learned and it began to sense.

This learning plant found its way free to swim, where it developed appendages to propel itself and in time this learning plant that now swims became swimming amphibs and from this eating fish, and eating eels with gills. These rose up from the waters leaving to the land developing lungs to breath and some grew wings of feathers mutated from scales and feathers became hair, and as above so below all manner of hairy animals, and feathered animals and scaly animals grew and learned.

The snake became the fish, and the eel became the apes. The snakes grew legs and some grew feathers and the snake with legs ran and the snake with wings flew. The birds became real. This was the paradise times. In time the ape with legs stood, and in time this came to meet a goat. This goat said BAAAAKKKK and the ape put its pepe in the pepu of the goat.

Our tale says as this took place the sun changed! This conscious shift of the sun during the pregnancy of the goat made first man. First man was Fray with horns, and his sister Fraya the pure. The rest matches pretty much Jim's story almost scary how close.

10th December 2015, 18:54
What of the succeed statement and word origins? (suck-seed-suc-ceed reference) Thanks

Succeed only sounds like "Suck seed" because of modern English suffix conjugations and homophones.

The root word of succeed is "Cede" as to be given or to be next. Not seed or the implied semen.
The suffix "Sub" when conjugated next to "c" becomes a "suc" ~~( the consonant pair "bc" is unpronounceable without a vowel in between )
Sub + Cede = Suc cede = succeed

[ suspect has a similar "Sub" conjugation of Sub + Spectate (to see) = suspect ( to hold a viewpoint ) ]

In the root language "suck" is spelled with a "G" which becomes evident if you look at the old Germanic and old Norse or proto-Indoeuropean.

The root breakdown:
S - Snake
U - Urn
G - mouth ( to gulp )

Sug = to gulp on to the "urn" of mouth. Metaphysical definition of "suck."
Origin of the word Suggest. To gesture with the urn of the mouth.

I won't comment on your grandparents stories as this is getting a little off topic here. But I thank you for the star charts and your explanations of them.

11th December 2015, 05:54
I won't comment on your grandparents stories as this is getting a little off topic here. But I thank you for the star charts and your explanations of them.

Maybe a new thread might be interesting from Jengelen.

I don't want to take the thread off course either.

from my limited study of secondary sources about Egyptians of Zep Tepi's "time", the multileveled meanings given of written symbols is a recurrent theme.
People with 360degree senses were groking several levels of comprehension at once.

can we greb some sense back now?

PERHAPS at one or another juncture of near extinction, perception was drastically impaired. In some ways it is a folding of the fan. The fan was compressed to seek attention on an environment that was altered.

I also think it important to recall that we also still "feel" everything on all levels, we just cannot participate in all the levels. That is what I consider the play of our individual shadow (what we project on the screen) onto what is real. There is that dark barrier of our perception capacity through which the light (and sound, the original true "tone") breaks through throwing out scenes as patterns. We interpret patterns the best we can.

There are Universal geometries but a symbol may take on an interpretation that can be very un-natural.
Experience can be variously interpreted.
IMO, we have been playing something out, something that IS on its way out.
It's our interpretation that has the sense of choking us. Our perception as we interpret it took on some memes created in the collective IMO for some reason but no longer appropriate. Our interpretations can be very ignorant.
We are questioning our interpretation.

I have faith in an ultimate teleology of consciousness expanding (that Creator is not separate from creation and we are within creation for a reason we participate in always) that is all for the sake of goodness. We forgot to remember this fact of our necessary purpose of We eternal beings to be present in this experience IMO.

The barrier that blocks touching reality seems our experience of Kali Yuga where we are covered over in materiality?
Then there is the possibility we can create in matter if one is NOT the matter itself. But one needs the larger perception to make the point stick.
The perception is narrowed to see just the barrier and forgetting what we are seeing is a pattern WE cast on the holographic screen between us and the light.

On the subject of what this thread is discussing, There are meanings attached to sound. If the sound is the original, if frequency goes higher and lower and vibration speeds or slows, IMO that creates the pattern.

The interpretation of what the pattern means?

11th December 2015, 14:56
Maggie said:

The physical coming together of two DIFFERENT lines of switched on or off/imprinted/ active DNA is going to lead to larger variety of expression of the child. That is IMO completely helpful to body development. IMO "self fertilization" (which I think is possible) would be more limiting to the genetic expression than the possibilities two bring?

Maggie, that is undoubtedly true of self-fertilization....but not of interdimensional or transdimensional 'immaculate' conception. You just reminded me of a passage in Drunvalo Melchizedek's 'Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life', which I quoted in this post (http://heartstar.org/2015/03/19/spiralling-in-from-the-rna-world/) about RNA/DNA and immaculate conception. He ended with these words:

"So I started reading everything I could find on the
subject. The more I read, the more amazing it became.
If you want to take the subject further, go ahead. You may find that
having a baby can be a doorway into immortality. If you really do love
someone and that person really loves you—if the love between you is true
love—then you may have another option available, in terms of ascension,
through sacred marriage and interdimensional conception. Through your
union you re-create the living holy trinity on Earth."

And I agree, treating your body as a Wholey Temple is a great start. ;)

12th December 2015, 23:07
The letter V is the vibration of Heaven
Universal sound of vibration air: Ven Vah.


Divine Intervention: "Hands up Don't shoot"
Stronger than bullets.
When is the last time you ever saw an angry mob suddenly start holding hands and singing while trigger happy cops lowered their weapons?

Hands up was a sign of non aggression since the earliest days of antiquity. Hands to Heaven "Hallelujah" was the original way to pray. To kill someone while in a state of prayer like this had enormous consequences for the higher self. It would be seen as an attack on heaven itself.

14th December 2015, 15:13
The skies were being filled with trails yesterday. They made a V that stretched nearly across the sky.

14th December 2015, 19:15
The skies were being filled with trails yesterday. They made a V that stretched nearly across the sky.

Makes me think there were "V" shaped trails in the ancient skys as well. The word for prehistoric aircraft was Vimanas.


Funny how modern science still can't even figure out why birds fly in "V" formation while the ancients understood it perfectly. It is completely metaphysical ie vibrational. The vibration of air is V shaped as one of the sounds of creation.


Even cave men knew that an arrow head had to be "V" shaped to fly straight.

27th December 2015, 09:01
Sorry for the delay but I but I finally had some time to make the next letter card.

The letter W is for wise woman ( double vv for double virgin )
The universal sound of W is the sound of the womb: woooom wooom woooom


Sound of the womb:


23rd April 2017, 07:09
The letter X is the sound of wood. Tables, squeaky floors, boats, carts, boxes.

XBOX is named after ancient knowledge. Very clever Microsoft.


In the root language an "Ox" is a wheeled box. The animal is named after the cart that it pulled.


25th April 2017, 06:21
I see some connection of v and w , from your posts, is there more interaction ?.

26th April 2017, 06:43
The letters V M and W are all connected in that represent that the three wise women: The virgin the mother and the crone.

The original root language of the human race evolved organically around metaphysical sounds that had an intrinsic meaning that never changed. The metaphysical root language was a way tribal humans who had no contact with each other could communicate.

A womb no matter from what tribe will always sound the same:
The universal sound of W is the sound of a womb: woooom wooom wooom (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b0Y8nc9m6w)

A womb in Africa will sound exactly the same as womb in Europe which sounds exactly the same as a womb in Asia. You can go to an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon rain forest and say "woooom wooom wooom" and they would understand what you are talking about especially if you were talking to a woman (a womb man).

This is a 8000 year old idol carving of the "Mother Goddess" currently on display in the Louvre.


A Babylonian carving:


An Egyptian scroll:


The idol symbolized the fertility of the womb, is shaped like a "W" and represents the sound of the womb. This can be seen in three different cultures from three different continents, separated by thousands of years. The word for Womb may change but the sound the womb makes never changes. The concept is metaphysical and this ageless.

Funny how these ideas just keep getting recycled over and over again.


The original ROOT language of the human species is based on metaphysics that never change.

1st May 2017, 03:25
Your work is deep. Thanks.

Thought this might go here FYI

The Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet (https://archive.org/details/TheEsotericStructureOfTheAlphabet)

Shlain argues that learning written language, especially alphabetic language, alters human brain function in a way that emphasizes linear thinking over holistic thinking.


Mythos and Cosmos: Mind and Meaning in the Oral Age, ...discusses mythology, mythic consciousness, and more.


vertical and horizontal thinking


1st May 2017, 03:54
Your work is deep. Thanks.

Thought this might go here FYI

The Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet (https://archive.org/details/TheEsotericStructureOfTheAlphabet)

Shlain argues that learning written language, especially alphabetic language, alters human brain function in a way that emphasizes linear thinking over holistic thinking.


Mythos and Cosmos: Mind and Meaning in the Oral Age, ...discusses mythology, mythic consciousness, and more.


vertical and horizontal thinking


This looks like a yummy bunch of videos. I will definitely be checking them out.

1st May 2017, 05:58
Great info, insight, philosophy and resources >>thank you

1st May 2017, 07:02
Shlain argues that learning written language, especially alphabetic language, alters human brain function in a way that emphasizes linear thinking over holistic thinking.

I remember learning the Dreamspell etc, mind blown, brain changed, life synchronized well. All because imo the use of arkeytypes, base 20 count, 13 moons instead of 12 etc etc and losing the vaticant cloak.

1st May 2017, 07:04
Shlain argues that learning written language, especially alphabetic language, alters human brain function in a way that emphasizes linear thinking over holistic thinking.

He made a pretty solid case for it too.

1st May 2017, 09:15
The differences in mind and brain amongst those who speak Chinese, for instance, is remarkable. The tonal expression as well as a more present connection to past and future have a profound effect on behavior and outlook.

With how much have we been overlaid? :ninja:

1st May 2017, 09:21
Thanks again Maggie, this is really important info to ponder upon...:smiley hug:

1st May 2017, 09:29
This looks like a yummy bunch of videos. I will definitely be checking them out.

Maggie, this was three hours of a line of thought that brought multiple "aha's". My Sophian Gnostic-lite cosmology loved the theme. Very well presented and wide ranging.

2nd May 2017, 17:18
Your work is deep. Thanks.

Thought this might go here FYI

The Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet (https://archive.org/details/TheEsotericStructureOfTheAlphabet)

Shlain argues that learning written language, especially alphabetic language, alters human brain function in a way that emphasizes linear thinking over holistic thinking.

Mythos and Cosmos: Mind and Meaning in the Oral Age, ...discusses mythology, mythic consciousness, and more.

vertical and horizontal thinking

Thanks for sharing these are very good videos. I think his logic is a bit reversed though. He talks about how every culture in deep antiquity worshiped a goddess. Then over time a male god came and replaced the female goddess. His hypothesis blames written language for this end of the goddess worshiping cultures. It is TRUE written language DOES indeed change the way the brain works and thinks.

The good doctor sees these myths as just myths or fairy tales. I tend to think of these myths as being actually true. IE: There was a REAL mother Goddess who was slain and usurped by a male GOD. In the mystery schools this male god is called the Demiurge though some may be more familiar with his other names such Marduk, Baal, Yaldabaloth, Yahweh, or SETH. The Demiurge was the one who changed the language. The remnant of the language change can be seen in the tower of Babel story. The male GOD (lord destruction that he is) punished humankind by taking away the root language.

Language didn't didn't change the gods, it was the other way around. The GODS changed the language.

The root language that I have been documenting in this thread is a "Goddess based language." Each sound and letter I have described means something metaphorically, symbolically, and esoterically. The root language was extremely deep and spiritual language. Then over time this language was broken up and dumbed down. Why would any society dumb down their language? A few sounds and syllables in the ROOT language could explain entire story. It was dumbed down because the male GOD wanted his people to be dumb golems.

enjoy being
18th May 2018, 07:58
I found this interesting back when it was being posted, never got a chance to read it all deeply.
Maybe I will look at it a bit more, and some of the more recent posts to it.
But I also feel it is a little bit Euro African biassed/centric believing in the out of Africa history, which is to be expected I suppose. But personally I feel this root language was not actually the root language but language2. The more primitive language tends to have no written component and only has the long vowel sounds and limited consonants. Aa ee ii oo uu.

18th May 2018, 08:48
Love the Q needing U to pour into

The letter Q is Assur's water bearer Aquarius.
Universal sound of Q is the slosh and splash of water.


There a few words with q in them that also mean water such as squash which is drinking gourd.

Antiquity is another is another example. Anti (Before) Quity (water or flood). True antiquity was the golden age of Aquarius.

* Note of the word Quarantine: the ancient secret of purifying dirty water was to let it sit in the sun for ten hours. The silt would settle to the bottom and most of the bacteria would die thus making the water safe to drink.

** Q always goes next to a U because U is an urn. Can't carry water without a container to put it in. I will cover this more under the letter U.

18th May 2018, 11:40
The void in the vessel allows for the filling. The power of nothing, eh?

Bruce Lee says to be water. Hmmm...:eyebrows::hmm::meditating:

enjoy being
18th May 2018, 11:57
Still missing the eww sound for the u. It renders the d differently. No do.
I sue pose it is there with the Y in front of it, yew. But not ew like in Japan, Pacifica, South America.

There is something about these threads and the white persons myth world that is crying out to be seen in relation to joining the races back into acceptance, I can't or aren't willing to put words to it as yet.
Interesting that in 18 hours a ritual binding a royal white and black mixture is to be had at Winds oar.

11th October 2018, 20:48
Assur/Ashur was often depicted as a winged bull (with a bull's or man's head). Right at the time I was connecting deeply with him and posting about him (in his current 5D soul aspect form as Arnap, brother of Ashtar) ISIL militants broke into the Mosul Museum in Iraq and destroyed the statues in there - including drilling the faces off the winged bulls of Ashur - and then bulldozed Nineveh, the old Assyrian capital. This was exactly at the time the 'Divine Bull' energy was inflowing strongly - the lower masculine 'control' energy reacting against it, albeit subconcsciously. From a galactic/star family point of view, the Bull energy is connected with the constellation Taurus, especially its alpha star Aldebaran (the Eye of the Bull), and the star systems Hyades and Pleiades within it, and from the closely related system of Alpha Centauri, within the constellation Centaurus - Cen-Taurus means 'new bull' (the new bull being a centaur - formerly, some civilizations described Centaurus as a bull). The horseshoe (of the horse/centaur) was seen in ancient Egypt as the Door of Life...and came down through later cultures as a sign of good luck...

The astrological symbol for Taurus, the stylized bull's head (the masculine) is also the Bow or Crescent of the feminine on the Ring of Life, so its a merged whole energy:


'Ashtar', or more fully, Ash'Ta'Hor, means the Hour that brings the energy - of the Tree of Life to land ('Ta' is land, base, foundation, 'Hor' is hour, time), in other words, a soul that anchors/lands the Life energy, in Divine Timing. The Ahura are with us, Novusod, many of them - may humanity see and feel them again, free of distorting beliefs, ego projections, or religions old and new....

Well, I have something to offer to this thread perhaps? The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, a feminine world age of earth ... color is black. It is not a bull, but a cow - it has been intentionally confused. Cancer is feminine, Gemini masculine, Taurus feminine, Aries masculine - alternatively, negative / positive changes with each different sign of the zodiac.

5th October 2021, 10:46
This thread is a wee resource indeed