View Full Version : The Maya Glyphen and the Voynich Manuscript

13th November 2015, 06:10
Beware: very German !


A very short introduction to Erhard Landmann:

He a self proclaimed amateur philologist.
Landmann caims that the Maya pictures have glypen inside which are in Altdeutsch language.
He works 40 years as an amateur philogoge and has never heard of the voynich manuscript for 40 years
until now he has a little help of youtube.

Gurki Tierchen vor 7 Monaten
Es wird Zeit eine Hitliste der dümmsten und verblödetsten Youtube-Videos zu erstellen und obiges Video dürfte es mühelos
in die oberen Ränge schaffen. ' Ein Sprachwissenschaftler, der sich seit über vierzig Jahren mit vergleichender
Sprachwissenschaft (?), Entschlüsselung fremder Sprachen und Übersetzung von altertümlichen Texten befasst und erst nach
über vierzig Jahren vom Voynich-Manuskript zu hören bekommt ??? Ein Video, das zu Beginn ohne nähere Angabe von Gründen
mit einer einfachen unsinnigen Behauptung alle Bemühungen bisheriger Sprachwissenschaftler, Übersetzer und
Altertumsforscher mit einem Federstrich zunichte machen will, um uns dann mit einem Gesülze von einer Elidiutschen
Sprache zu überschütten ? LÄCHERLICH !




I'm only fit in microprocessor so I never can give here any comment to Maya or Voynich.

13th November 2015, 06:28
Wow I really really wish to understand the first vid especially, can you give an outline ?.

13th November 2015, 07:16
Even though I can't understand everything he's saying in the first video, I understood enough, especially with the examples and then glyphs he's trying to interpret, to get the feeling that this guy is really reaching. That is to say that I think this guy is being a little bit too imaginative in this case. It doesn't help his case that he gives no actual reproductions from archaeological artifacts, but recreates all of these glyphs himself by hand, so we have to take for granted that he is even drawing these glyphs accurately in the first place.

What gets me is that the connections between these languages and German, if they can be said to exist at all, must be extremely old, and likely so old that it obscures any relation to the Indo-European languages in general. And that creates a lot of problem when we consider the times during which these languages are respectively supposed to have emerged. French and German are both known to be Indo-European languages and related to each other, but don't show anywhere near the similarity that he is picking out of these glyphs to match with German. I'm sure that German itself has changed a lot since the time of Tacitus' Germania, not to mention how the letters themselves have changed over these hundreds of years.

Correct me if I'm wrong (my German is very poor, I only started studying it earlier this year), but is he also talking about Egyptian hieroglyphics from ancient dynasties? This would more obviously complicate the issue with letters, because I am not sure who (if anyone) used these types of letters back then. Even the predecessors of the Romans used something more similar to the Greek alphabet, and the Germans didn't even have an alphabet until the Romans gave them one. With the Mayan case he could at least argue that maybe some ancient Germans went to Mexico and encrypted their letters (which they had quickly taken from the Romans) and then they all died out, even though that would be a lot to swallow perhaps more of this starker Tobak. But bringing in the ancient Egyptian dynasties would make an even greater problem that would require even more imaginative solutions to make these ideas work.

The One
13th November 2015, 07:37
Wow I really really wish to understand the first vid especially, can you give an outline ?.

You can set the subtitles on the video to your preferred language.

Click on settings then subtitles then click the auto translate and choose your preferred language.

cheers :chrs:

13th November 2015, 08:04
I tried that just now Malc, and it said a bunch of stuff that was pretty much unintelligible, like "whether the cork popping, Apple's iPad, a Fake, a show of strength, most notably feedback Iran." All of this was Google's translation while the guy is actually just saying the names of letters in the German alphabet. :fpalm:

13th November 2015, 08:31
This translation is absolut funny.

It's not translated by a text-script.
For me it sound like a Google word spoken into a speech to text conversion software and then running a Google translater of this text.

Every German will "rolling on the floor" when he read the subtitles in english. LoL

Landmann his accent is sächsisch Saxon.

13th November 2015, 14:35
Is the voynich manuscript still undeciphered? My understanding is that no one knows what it says. But there must be many trying.

14th November 2015, 06:51
Is the voynich manuscript still undeciphered? My understanding is that no one knows what it says. But there must be many trying.

When you do a youtube search with "voynich" some reports make this claim that this manuscript is encrypted.
Also Landmann make this claim by using his glyphs decoding on this manuscript.
And also Prof. Stepehn Bax make this claim.

But the most lying claim is this one:

Jutta Kellner:



Jutta Kellner
Varmisser Str. 38
37127 Dransfeld

I call this in my own words:
"Bettelbrief einer blöden Votze" she asks for 185 000 Euros:
begging letter of a stupid ****

voynich make approcs 30000 hits at youtube.
You will never look/read this all in your complete lifetime.