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4th November 2015, 11:24

‘I had a recent e-mail from Mary Magdalene, Stuart Beattie told me. I wasn’t terribly surprised. Beattie, after all, is the project director for the Rosslyn Chapel Trust, and the chapel, just south of Edinburgh, has long provided a focus for all sorts of esoteric lore and the occasional eccentrics who pursue it. The chapel also plays a pivotal role in The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown’s international best-selling novel about Christianity’s secret past. An e-mail from Mary Magdalene? It’s all in a day’s work at Rosslyn Chapel.

Read more here…. http://britishheritage.com/scotlands-mysterious-rosslyn-chapel/

I just want to show Rosslyn Chapel, which isn’t far from where I live and I’ve visited it many times, not because I’m religious and follow mainstream Christianity. I go visit because of the healing energies there. For anybody that is energy-sensitive it’s just amazing. I think a lot of these places around the world are built on leylines that are crossing other lines, so in this case it is the “Rose line” and was originally Pagan or Celtic sacred places (I am sure of it).

There are more rumours than actual legends associated with Rosslyn, but this is part of the baggage with any place. Dan Brown certainly put it on the map with his book: “The Da Vinci Code”. William St. Claire built the Chapel, which was intended to be part of a much larger structure, i.e. a Cathedral, so that makes it unfinished. But having said that, when you visit, you know that it’s right where it’s supposed to be, because if you come to experience a feel good, that’s exactly what happens. When I placed myself on the very centre spot, I was blown away with the power, and all other structures within the Chapel have energies similar to holding powerful crystals in your hands.

Check out your own local leylines crossings at a place near you. You’ll probably find a church or cathedral there, just go and feel the energies that are ours to use, it’s your birthright.

I chose a short video without narrating, because none described what I experience when going there. If Enya get’s in the way, just turn the sound off.



4th November 2015, 18:13
Thank you for posting this Elen , somewhere I would love to visit like you say for the energies .

The Ancestors knew where to build their places of energy and power .

Divine Feminine
4th November 2015, 18:41
One of my few past life dreams that I can remember was at Rosslyn Chapel. The dream placed me during my life as Mary Stuart(Akashic Record confirmed 2011) and I found myself walking inside Rosslyn. I was alone and I remember thinking like a whispered voice as I was walking, ‘The secret lies within the walls of Rosslyn’. A man appeared and I was given a password in which I will never repeat. Before I could make out his face I began to leave my body and the dream ended. Imagine my surprise when the same password appeared in the recent Wachowski creation Jupiter Ascending many months later. Ya…that was off the charts weird…wish I could say more.

Recently I’ve been looking closely at ley lines. The Belinus ley line is the longest running ley line in Britain and Scotland and runs North/South right near Rosslyn Chapel. Double check me, but I believe the Rose Line was a fictitious name created by author Dan Brown.

“The ley itself is intertwined by two other energy lines, the male energy they called Belinus, after King Belinus, who ruled and built roads 380–363 BC, and the female energy they named Elen.”

‘Elen’……twilight music playing, lol. I’ve mentioned before I’m currently working in the reincarnation field and what I’m uncovering is many of us are reincarnating over and over again near specific ley lines. All my core incarnations fall along the Apollo-Athena, St. Michael-Mary and Belinus ley lines with the exception of this lifetime and the immediate life time before that for some strange reason, brings me to the United States, but now I think I know why….Anyways, this makes sense to me as I was told I come from the soul group Archangel Michael and Raphael(which is being confirmed in different aspects of my life today). So Elen, I suspect there’s a good chance the reason you’re in the location you are now might have something to do with your soul group being tied to the Belinus ley line and it would be worth investigating in more depth.

In my most recent Akashic Record reading, Oct. 29, 2015 with Kevin Ryerson/Ahtun-Re, I briefly asked about ley lines and this is what I was told:
Ahtun-Re - It is true about incarnating along the ley lines.
Elizabeth Marie- Can you tell me why that is?
Ahtun-Re- Because energy follows energy. For instance, you know the famous Jacob’s ladder…he saw souls, he saw angels coming and going from the ladder. Do you understand?
Elizabeth Marie -Yes
Ahtun-Re- Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem is one of the places that souls, it is like a portal that they more or less entered into the Earth plain on…It is like a vortex. Then souls will align with certain ley lines, which in turn is like what Mr. Cayce said geographic regions or nations have karma. It is called Geomancy and it is organized energetically according to principals of Feng Shui. Do you understand?
Elizabeth Marie-Yes
Ahtun-Re-The energy points and the ley lines and the correlation points of the astrological charts synchronize to create the point of incarnation. In other words energy follows energy.

Definition of GEOMANCY
: divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features

Now I just figured out something today that ties into Ahtun-Re’s last statement and somewhat confirms.

In my life as Mary Queen of Scots(Mary/Marie Stuart), I was named after Mary Magdalene because I was born on the day of the Feast of Immaculate Conception, Dec.7th (You should be thinking about energy right now in more ways than one) as this would place me near the Belinus ley line... I knew I was tied to the Essenes, I could energetically ‘feel’ it. When I asked who I had been, I was just told in this last reading that I was Mary Magdalene’s cousin and studied under her during my time as an Essene. The Belinus ley line that runs near Rosslyn is connected to the Saint Michael/Mary ley lines and the Apollo ley line. So of course being named after her in 1542 made ‘energetic sense’. So again remembering what Ahtun-Re says,

“The energy points and the ley lines and the correlation points of the astrological charts synchronize to create the point of incarnation. In other words energy follows energy.”

My Zodiac sign in this incarnation is Cancer. According to the Book of Genesis, chapter 49, the twelve signs of the zodiac are tied to the 12 Tribes of Israel. If what I’m looking at is accurate, I’m getting the feeling that I would be part of either the Joseph Tribe or the Benjamin Tribe because I would have been a cousin to both Jesus and Mary. Omg..I don’t even know how to explain all this to you guys….it’s complex and confusing but I can see it…I need time to absorb before I can explain.

So here’s my thought….it is very possible similar energetic lines to that of the Belinus Ley line which runs right by Rosslyn are being created over here in the United States. It’s the very reason why I’m noticing so many people who were with me at Rosslyn as Queen Mary have incarnated with me today here in the States….that time period is paralleling this time period as we are in the midst of a Renaissance and it's all energetically tied.

I will stop here as this gets complicated and I don’t want to take away from the Rosslyn topic, but I thought you guys would find this aspect interesting. No doubt soul groups, large soul groups, are incarnating near specific ley lines and Rosslyn is one point of interest because I believe it represents souls tied to the 12 Tribes of Israel.

FWIW…I was given a picture of a person who is a supposed 'soul aspect' of Mary Magdalene(soul aspect means there's a soul split which happens as a soul becomes more advanced), she looked very similar to myself and even more so my biological mother though we have never met in this incarnation…..And it makes sense that we would as we are energetically tied to the same family. So as I get closer to the truth....maybe in time I'll be able to discover who the 'As above' are, but if I had to answer that question right now, hands down, all bets on the table would have me pointing to the stars leading to none other than Canis Major Sirius B. Why? Because since 2010, that is what my intuition seems to 'feel'.

5th November 2015, 00:04
I enjoyed the look and information about the Rosslyn Chapel Elen.
I enjoy a bit of historical research.

5th November 2015, 11:41
Thank you Divine Feminine for your interest in the ley lines and Rosslyn Chapel. You were wondering if maybe Dan Brown invented the Rose line. It shows up in the local legends that Roslin and Rosslyn actually mean Rose line.

Quoting from the Hedge Druid web site:

The Rose Line
If you draw a line between Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and Cardiff Castle that is 308 miles long then you will have demarcated a line that has come to be known as The Rose Line – an energy ley that connects many places whose names begin with “Red”, “Ros” or “Rhos”. There are all of the usual ley line features too, such as hills, churches and country estates and houses, of course. Let’s look at a brief list of the most obvious places on the Rose Line:
Roa Island
Red Dial
Rosslyn Chapel

End quote.

It’s also interesting that the Freemason didn’t come to Scotland until the 18th century and so for that reason alone, Rosslyn Chapel was not intended for them, it’s just an overlay. Check the link from the British Heritage site above.

I personally do not know all these places, however, I do know healing energies when I feel them.

It is very amusing to see that the entwining female line was indeed called Elen, which is my real name in this life. Thank you for pointing this out.


5th November 2015, 11:48
Another documentary showing the frequencies of sound and I think this all this ties in with healing energies of the power points. If you strike the right note, anything can happen.

Cymatics is the visualization of sound and vibration in particulate matter and liquids, and is found in the art and designs of cultures from around the world and across the centuries and, most significantly, it is found in China, dating back through 5000 years of musical history.

The early Chinese formulated their musical scales from the 'observation of patterns in nature', which led to the formulation of the first pentatonic and chromatic scales.. It is known that the co-designer of Rosslyn Chapel's carvings, Sir Gilbert Haye, had traveled to far off Cathay, known today as Tibet, and he spent 14 years amassing great knowledge, knowledge that he returned with to Scotland, to embed in stone at Rosslyn Chapel.



5th November 2015, 14:25
One of my favorite tunes to play on my favorite and best instrument is call Roslin Castle. Yes, it's Castle instead of Chapel, and it's spelled differently. I think it's from Riley's Flute Melodies originally published in the early 1800s. A minor variation appears in O'Neill's Music of Ireland, and there it's called The Widowed Bride.

5th November 2015, 14:55
One of my favorite tunes to play on my favorite and best instrument is call Roslin Castle. Yes, it's Castle instead of Chapel, and it's spelled differently. I think it's from Riley's Flute Melodies originally published in the early 1800s. A minor variation appears in O'Neill's Music of Ireland, and there it's called The Widowed Bride.

Nice indeed Gord, I appreciate you noticing the difference in spelling.
Just clarification on Roslin. Roslin Castle was the home of the St. Claire Family. William St. Claire gave the name Roslin to the town that was built to house all his stone masons working on the Chapel. Unfortunately the castle is in nearly total ruin now.


5th November 2015, 17:14
If you draw a line between Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and Cardiff Castle that is 308 miles long then you will have demarcated a line that has come to be known as The Rose Line – an energy ley that connects many places whose names begin with “Red”, “Ros” or “Rhos”. There are all of the usual ley line features too, such as hills, churches and country estates and houses, of course. Let’s look at a brief list of the most obvious places on the Rose Line:
Roa Island
Red Dial
Rosslyn Chapel

So Roswell would fit this pattern too right?

That would be a pretty interesting connection, huh?

5th November 2015, 17:21
Yes, bsbray, that would be on the line, check it out. As I said I haven't been everywhere yet, but I do recognise energies when I feel them. And these are amazing, I can assure you. Tomorrow I'm going back for a "recharge".


5th November 2015, 18:54
Have a look at this,

Rosslyn's 'Lady Chapel' is (basically) a 15th Century "CD" and using an ancient/natural way of recording sequences of pitch/frequencies. We call this system today 'Cymatics' also known as 'Chladni Patterns'. Cymatics is natures "resonant notational system', a music system and language that visually display's the frequency of pitch in amazing geometric patterns and are inherent in the fabric of nature. All produced using very simple apparatus and materials.

The designers appear to have applied this formula to record the music in stone carvings and we have translated the frequencies employing this formula to Rosslyn Chapel's cubic, carved patterns.

There is also an angel/music cipher that points out 3 notes of the music to The Rosslyn Motet accounting for 70% of the entire cube sequence. It is so subtle a decoy that you are supposed to think it is a musician playing a Harp or Psaltery, but when you look in detail, he is actually pointing strategically at 3 different lines and spaces of a stave of music. Referring to the first 3 cubes rising above his head.



Divine Feminine
5th November 2015, 21:42
Thanks for the link Elen. This entire ley line business gets complicated fast. For the record, I’m more inclined to believe the legends of the Rose line than those who say its non-existent. I have researched the topic somewhat and seem to find more about the Rose line being false than discussion of its existence, oh brother. But I have to believe if you have corresponding structures to the line and someone has dowsed it...what's the problem? Maybe I'm missing something.....But unless you’re an expert in the field, understanding how the whole ley line system works is challenging and overwhelming especially when you don't live in Europe and aren't as familiar with all the geographical locations. I have looked extensively for a map which might identify all the specific major ley lines so I can have a more worldly perspective, but am not finding anything that provides a one stop shop. Not sure if something like that even exists? I'd like to see where some of these ley lines run in the United States as wouldn't it be most interesting if I could tie past lives of those from the ley lines in Europe such as Rosslyn to over here. Of course we have our own sacred sites, especially in the Southwest, but it would take some investigating to see what major ley lines they intersect with and that coincide with the one's in Europe.

So if I’m understanding correctly, the Belinus Ley line and the Rose Ley line are not one in the same. And the Rose Line can be represented as part of a Lunation triangle according to link you provided. If you added up the numbers inside the Lunation triangle- 12.369 it equates to the #3. Additionally if you add up the numbers on the outside of the triangle 12, 13, 5....again it equates to the #3. FWIW, Interestingly in this last reading I was told Mary Stuart has 5 soul aspects in this incarnation and I can tell you I have many #3's following me in this lifetime and others which ties back to Jesus and the #3's that followed him. I was not surprised to hear the #5 as it ties into the Precession of the Equinoxes(2012 is the year we hit the age of Aquarius which adds up to #5) and the movie V for Vendetta, which is about the Gunpowder Plot against King James VI, I, though I believe the underlying meaning of V represents the #5 rather than the alphabet letter and of course King James was the son of Mary Stuart. So for me it's another energetic match which is how I know what I'm being told about my identity is true and if it's true for me, I have to believe it will be true for others who may fall within the 12 tribes of Israel. How can I not wonder if there is much the same with the other 4 Mary's in existence? and are any of them living along the Rose line?

I found a couple of maps that might help give people a visual. Sorry the pics are so big. The first picture and link explains the Lunation triangle which was discussed in the link Elen provided. I realize for some this is a lot to digest and follow, so don't feel bad if you're having a hard time seeing all the correlations. I thought by sharing my past life identity which correlates to Rosslyn, I might be able to add another dimension of interest to the topic.

EDIT TO ADD: I just realized this is post #12 which adds up to #3, lol.



http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/Idahophotos/Rose%20line.jpg (http://s489.photobucket.com/user/Idahophotos/media/Rose%20line.jpg.html)




The One
6th November 2015, 08:18
Great stuff i would like to add some information below from the bibliotecapleyades werbsite.Be warned lol this is a long post but i think with some great information in it.

Caught between Templars and Freemasons - the enigma of Rosslyn Chapel

Recently, Rosslyn Chapel, just to the South of Edinburgh, has been described as Britain's answer to Rennes-le-Château.

That small village is the focus of a decades-long treasure chase, after the local priest, Berenger Sauniere, was believed to have known a secret, possibly the location of an important treasure. Two chapels, but there the connection seems to end; Rosslyn does not have an enigmatic priest, and fortunately it is much more accessible than Rennes-le-Chateau, situated just outside Edinburgh's City Bypass.

But since a decade, a series of authors have claimed that Rosslyn Chapel contains a secret.

What secret?

Some have grandiosely claimed it is the Grail, others the Head of Jesus, others secret scrolls detailing the life of Jesus. If we take all these theories as a group, it seems that Rosslyn Chapel acts as a magnet for all important treasures; perhaps there is even a bus service between Rennes-le-Chateau (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merovingians/merovingios_renneschateau.htm) and Rosslyn Chapel operated by the Illuminati (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_illuminati.htm) shuttling the various treasures back and forth.

All kidding aside, Rosslyn Chapel was thrown into the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau in the 1980s, by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln. The connection was based on how the last grandmaster of the Priory of Sion (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_priorysion.htm), who claim to guard the secret of Rennes-le-Chateau, was named Pierre Plantard (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_priorysion06.htm). But he added "de St Clair" to that name, and hence made the connections with the "Sinclairs", the modern spelling from the medieval "St Clair" of Rosslyn Chapel.

The lid was opened: as the Templars had their Scottish headquarters near to Rosslyn Chapel, at Ballantrodoch (now renamed Temple), the trio of authors wondered whether the Templars, upon their dissolution went to Scotland - some Masonic legends from the 19th Century claimed as much - and hid their secrets in Rosslyn Chapel.

In the 15th Century, William St Clair built Rosslyn Chapel and by the early 18th Century, copying the example of the English freemasonry, Scottish freemasonry was "made public", with William St Clair, namesake and descendent from the chapel builder, the first Grandmaster. However, the Scots had to outdo the English, and hence claimed that even though they had not gone public first, their Masonic institution had been going for several centuries, and that the Sinclair were the "hereditary grandmasters".

So were the St Clairs the missing link between the Templars and the Masons? The answer seemed to be a straightforward "yes".

Too good to be true? It normally is.

First of all, Plantard taking the name St Clair is nice for him, but there is no evidence at all - and many have looked - that he is connected with Rosslyn. There is no connection between the Priory of Sion and Rosslyn - none of the Priory documents claim such a connection; they only people claiming such a connection are British-based authors who speculate on whether such a connection might exist or not.

And so far, none have found any evidence. Though it is possible Templars hid in Scotland, Ballontrodoch and Rosslyn Chapel were not a safe-haven for the Templars. Falling under English rule at the time, the knights of Ballontrodoch were arrested. In the ensuing trials, the Sinclairs actually testified against these Templars.

In 1736, when Scottish masonry went public, William St Clair, the so-called hereditary grandmaster, was not even a mason; the Scottish masons needed a figurehead, and William St Clair accepted the role. In less than six months, he went from no-Mason to grandmaster, and then resigned his title of "hereditary grandmaster", which had been created for one purpose only: get one over the English.

So is Rosslyn Chapel built on thin air? No.

Rosslyn Chapel is not a piece of a puzzle that people need to try and fit into its proper place. That approach has occurred over the past several years, and has been largely unsuccessful. Rosslyn Chapel has been described as "unique", and hence it needs to be looked as a mature, stand-alone piece of architecture. In this approach, over the past several years, I was able to point out why Rosslyn intrigues and why it did become a central piece in Scottish masonry.

The reason why it was built where it was built, incorporates design features of a ritual landscape that go back to prehistoric times - they are very intriguing, but too complex to detail here. But all of this has nothing to do with the Sinclairs, but with the location of and the imagery used in the chapel. The chapel has been described as a "stone garden"; the chapel is dedicated with lush vegetation, is full of Green men; there is no obvious Christian imagery, except that inserted into it in recent decades by the churchgoers.

Remove that modern layer and you end up with some Christians who wanted to attend mass, but in the end decided against it, saying this was not a Christian place. William St Clair, in the middle of the 15th Century, was a tremendously wealthy person. He had his castle, but all his peers in Scottish matters of states, most of them much poorer than him, were erecting chapels in the style of a collegiate church: a church where certain priests lived, said masses and looked after the church.

The Setons of Prestonpans, a family which has possible connections with the famous alchemist Alexander Seton, built their collegiate church: it is largely without any decorations.

St Clair had much more money and brought in experts from France and elsewhere. To some extent, labor resource was scarce in Scotland, but at the same time, the French builders had a different legacy and knowledge. Furthermore, St Clair had been brought up as one of the most learned men in the country - by one of the most learned men in the country.

St Clair become personally involved in the building of the chapel and when he died before the completion of the church, his son was either unable or unwilling to continue; instead, he decided to close it off and leave it in its present state. The chapel's ground-plan was based on Glasgow Cathedral, the largest religious building in Scotland. The interior was then decorated with more than a hundred Green Men, according to some a pagan symbol.

If so, many Scottish churches have pagan connections, for even Glasgow Cathedral has its share of Green Men.

Green Man at Rosslyn Chapel

Other decorations, such as bag-pipe playing angels or death masks, have all been found in prominent churches in France; though odd for Scotland, it was not odd for the French workforce erecting the chapel.

What is unique, however, is the decoration of the three front pillars, particularly the so-called Apprentice Pillar. Vines circling to the top, dragons on its feet, one woman a few decades ago chained herself to it, saying she would not leave before the pillar was cut down, so that the Holy Grail, which she believed was inside, could be revealed.

She left shortly after making her point, but on one other occasion, apparently one person entered the chapel with a pick axe and was caught just in time before the pillar was demolished. As the pillar is weight-bearing…

What is the mystery of the Apprentice Pillar?

There is a centuries-old legend that argues that during the building of the chapel, the Apprentice Pillar was built by an apprentice, who disobeyed the orders of his master when he had gone to Rome. On his return, he found that the apprentice had finished the pillar, and as a result was killed: the Murdered Apprentice, a well-known theme in masonry. Though many books were written on Rosslyn Chapel, none had been able to explain why this story was told and what the importance of it was.

The reason is to be found in the fact that masonry has three degrees:
Master Mason
Each has its initiation ritual and early on, Rosslyn Chapel was chosen by the masons as a place for their services and initiations.

The three degrees are linked with the three pillars at the front. The three rituals are distinguished in where the initiate stands. And in Rosslyn, there is a small problem: to make the rituals work, you would expect that the most lushly decorated pillar marks the Master degree. But in Rosslyn, that is marked by the Apprentice.

And thus we have the story, I believe, of why the Apprentice was allegedly killed: to explain the anomaly. But that is what the masons made of the pillars. What did the builder try to convey when he ordered the Apprentice Pillar to be erected in that way?

The dragons encircle a vine that has been compared with a pillar, or a tree; the symbol is well-known in mythology and is pagan in origin: the world tree connected heaven and Earth, and the Underworld (the dragons at its base) and was used by angels ascending to and descending from heaven.

One such angel, the fallen angel, Shemhazai, is depicted on the wall not too far from the Apprentice Pillar. He was expelled from heaven and as punishment had to hang upside down, tied, from heaven. Is there an overall theme to the chapel? There is only one inscription in the entire church, and it is a quote from the bible - unremarkable, were it not for the fact that the quote is directly related with Zerubabbel, the builder of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Zerubabbel is a major figure in freemasonry: he set the Jews free from captivity and rebuilt the Temple of Solomon, the central focus of masonry.

There is one depiction of a Masonic ritual, from the 19th Century, where the Apprentice Pillar has been used in a "boardgame" that marks the various steps of the initiation of a Scottish mason in his degree; the initiate is identified with Zerubabbel. Two authors with a more than casual interest in Rosslyn Chapel, Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight, have been claiming for several years that the chapel itself is based on the Temple of Solomon.

Their main focus is on the west wall of the building. This, they claim, resembles the wall of the Temple of Solomon; rather than unfinished, they believe St Clair wanted it to look like that, to mimic the temple wall. They claim it could never have been part of a larger church - even though there are drawings of much larger church for the site - as the wall itself is non-weight-bearing and hence could never have supported the larger structure.

So is there no hidden mystery?

From the mid 1990s onwards, the steady stream of books resulted in continued attempts to gain approval for various explorations of the chapel. Of course, proposals to "smash open the Apprentice Pillar" are never granted, but modern technology has brought about a new arsenal of non-destructive, often remote survey methods that can identify the presence of caverns, presence of metals, etc.

The first potentially successful proposal came from two authors, Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight, whose first book, The Hiram Key, was launched inside the chapel in 1996. As a consequence, a proposal for non-destructive scans was created, which received the support of Historic Scotland. The Rosslyn Chapel Trust, however, first approved, then withdrew the permission.

To quote Knight and Lomas:
"They suggested that we might be able to work with them on future, commercially based scanning, but we would be required to agree to keep the results secret and even deny that the scans had happened if so required by the Trust."
They declined, but a befriended scholar, James Charlesworth of Princeton University, filed one their behalf. The Trust has not acknowledged this proposal. Rumour goes that the Trust have used the services of an Edinburgh firm to do non-destructive scans, and that the results of this scan have been kept a secret.

In 1997, Niven Sinclair and a few friends did what could be described as "ad hoc" exploratory excavations in the vicinity of the Chapel. Soon, they discovered the existence of a tunnel that lead from the chapel to the castle. Equally soon, Historic Scotland became aware of this work going on and stopped the exploration, which involved a camera on a 32-foot pole.

Niven Sinclair described the tunnel as "huge and very deep underground" at the point where it enters under the foundations of Rosslyn Castle. Beneath the floor of the crypt is a flight of steep steps, leading in the direction of the main building, to a vault directly underneath the engrailed cross in the chapel roof. A tunnel connects this vault with the castle; its location is directly below the south door, at which it is three feet wide and five feet high. Its roof is eight and a half feet below ground level.

After a straight run of approximately twenty five feet, the passage turns ninety degrees towards the east and then drops down the hillside, its roof twelve and a half feet below ground level. The tunnel then continues under Gardener's Brae towards the castle. Anyone can try and trace the tunnel in the landscape; what comes immediately to mind is that the tunnel would extremely steep in places. Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight have highlighted that the design mimics the design of a similar tunnel connecting the Palace of Solomon with the Temple of Solomon, as mentioned in the mythology of freemasonry.

All remained relatively calm until 2003.

Then, the newspaper Scotland on Sunday (the Sunday edition of The Scotsman) complained about the "absent landlord" Peter Lougborough, the Earl of Rosslyn. Loughborough had been at the heart of a national controversy: in charge of police protection of the royal family. Loughborough's credibility was officially challenged when a stand-up comedian evaded the security measures during Prince William's 21st birthday party at Windsor Palace, gaining access and possible control of the royal family.

Bringing the national news story down to the local drizzle, the article reported that Loughborough had received large amounts of funding for the preservation of Rosslyn Castle, a house next to the Chapel (College Hill House) and the Chapel itself; yet the public had received no benefits from this public money; in fact, certain people had complained that access to the Castle had been refused, even though under the terms of the agreement, this should not be possible.

In fact, Loughborough seemed to receive financial benefits from all, including, it seems, money paid from the Trust to the Earl for the monstrous construction hovering over the chapel.

Apart from the owner, the Trust also became the centre of controversy. I myself experienced this first-hand: preparation for the first edition of my book, The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, was underway in 2001. It is local knowledge - underlined in the newspaper article - that the chapel and everything connected with it is seen as a money-making, if not myth-making machine by those operating it.

When I approached the Project Director of the Trust about the creation of the book, and later of the existence of the book, I twice received extremely negative, but insightful comments. On the first occasion, he phoned, stating the book was seen as direct competition with their own guide, and as such would not be sold on the premises - despite the fact that this book is one of handful of books - and the first by a non-Sinclair or Sinclair-sponsored - solely dedicated to the chapel.

Though the various often outlandish theories about the chapel are published, like the Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln book, various mysteries get discussed and Rosslyn Chapel only gets a few pages or chapters dedicated solely to it. The book also goes against various unfounded allegations made in other books on sale in the bookshop, books which promote the fame of the chapel, but not the "understanding" of the chapel.

On the second occasion, the Director had either forgotten the first correspondence, or chose to neglect it, and informed me of his outrage that such a book had come about without his approval!

At the same time, John Ritchie, a native of Roslin and press secretary for a group of modern Scottish Knights Templar, had created an international stir by stating that a ground scan of Rosslyn Chapel would soon take place. This scan would occur from Gardener's Brae and as such would be able to scan for anything underneath the chapel, by directing its beam horizontally.

This greatly upset the Project Director again, but there was nothing that he could do about the situation, as the area is not in the ownership of the Trust. The Trust, and particularly the Director, then embarked on a rather desperate campaign, which resulted in public mud slinging against Ritchie and various others, whereby - as always - far too willing and far too simple minds (as usual operating on the Internet) sided with the loudest, rather than the wisest.

One important stake was, of course, the known existence by Ritchie, as well as the Trust, of the subterranean tunnel, a major discovery which they knew would become public knowledge once the scans occurred. The fact that Ritchie had the eyes and ears of the international media meant the Trust could do nothing but wait, and blasphemy "the opposition".

The Trust was furious as this tremendous revelation would occur without their control - and reading from the evidence, one could argue the Trust actually tried to suppress awareness of the existence of this tunnel. In 2001-3, somewhat enigmatic modifications were made to one part of the crypt: they could be interpreted as a one-time attempt to foil plans relating to the tunnel - but plans, it seems, never carried out, hence resulting in a useless building.

Knight and Lomas describe parts of this work as follows:
"the wide trenches dug across Gardener's Brae, to lay fairly modest drain pipes."
Though it is doubtful the tunnel will reveal great secrets, the tunnel itself is a major discovery and as such, Lomas and Knight decided to incorporate it in their book, The Book of Hiram, published in 2003. This meant that the existence of the tunnel stopped being a local story, and entered the public arena. Where will it end and when will it be opened?

That mystery will continue to linger for some time more

Rosslyn and "The Secret"

In the 16th century, the Sinclairs of Rosslyn were close advisors to the Scottish kings, and thus to Marie de Guise, the French Regent. In 1546, Marie de Guise wrote one of her letters to William St Clair.

The letter included this remarkable passage:
“Likewise that we shall be Leal and trew Maistres to him, his Counsill and Secret shewn to us we sall keep secret.”

“Likewise that we shall be loyal and a true Mistress to him, his Council and the Secret shown to us, which we shall keep secret.”
In 1556, she sent William St Clair to France, to find more support for her daughter, Mary, Queen of Scots. It underlines the close relationship Marie de Guise and the Sinclairs had in the defense of the Scottish monarchy, a cause which was always close to the heart of the Sinclairs.

The question is what “The Secret” might be.

There is some speculation that this included jewellery, which had gone missing and of which the Sinclairs were suspected for being involved in. However, it seems that such a secret would not be referred to as “The Secret”, nor would it require a letter from the Queen Regent, pledging her cause to Sinclair.

Rather than Sinclair pledging his loyalty to the Queen Regent, it is the Queen Regent saying she will obey the Sinclairs and not betray him.

What could it be?

Abbé Augustin Barruel (February 10, 1741 - May 10, 1820) was a Jesuit priest mostly known for creating a conspiracy theory involving the Knights Templars, the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jacobinians in his book Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (original title: Mémoires pour servir l’Histoire du Jacobinisme) published in 1797. He wrote the book while living in London.

Among other things he called Adam Weishaupt (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_illuminati_0.htm), the leader of the Illuminati, “a human devil”. His basic idea was that a conspiracy dating back through time existed, with the aim of overthrowing Christianity.

Of interest is Barruel’s reference to a Scottish-Templar and Masonic connection. Barruel wrote in 1797, when all these subjects were popular - and as such not too much credence should be given to coming up with such a suggestion; it was not novel. But what is interesting is that he wrote that the Templars had discovered three stones in Temple of Solomon, one of which carried the Name of God.

He argued that the three stones were secretly moved to Scotland after the Templar’s dissolution in 1312. “The Knights of the Temple made them the foundation for their Lodge. Their successors, heirs of the Secret, are currently the perfect Masters of Freemasonry, the High Priests of Jehova.”

The three stones were a slab carrying the name of God, a cover stone which gave access to a hidden room and which displayed a four-headed cherub. The third stone was a square, white stone on which the Ark of the Covenant had originally been placed.

Barruel’s book is believed to have been a reaction against the French Revolution. Originally, he felt the freemasons were behind this. Barruel had returned to Paris in 1802, where he now had a great reputation as a witch-hunter. In 1806, Barruel circulated a forged letter, probably sent to him by members of the state police opposed to Napoleon Bonaparte’s liberal policy toward the Jews, calling attention to the alleged part of the Jews in the conspiracy he had earlier attributed to the freemasons.

It opened the way for books such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, another conspiracy tome from the early 20th century, detailing the Jews were involved in a massive conspiracy.

It was coincidental that another book, John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Government of Europe carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, was published at about the same time as Barruel’s book. Professor John Robison was a secretary of the Royal Society and academic at the University of Edinburgh.

The two men were not acquainted and their respective works were written independently.

By contemporary standards Barruel’s Memoires and Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy were best-sellers. Robison’s book was soon forgotten, but Barruel’s became known all over Europe and was still available more than a century after its original publication in E. Perrenet’s abridged edition (Paris, 1912). Barruel and Robison influenced public opinion because, then as now, there was a ready market for “sensational disclosures”.

In his old age, shortly before his death in October 1821, Barruel was obsessed with the idea that Europe was covered by a network of Masonic Lodges which was controlled by a supreme council of twenty-one members which included no less than nine Jews. This supreme council, in its turn, was supposed to be governed by an inner council of three. The latter appointed a Grand Master who was supposed to be the secret head of a vast conspiratorial organization whose hidden aim was to produce revolutions.

Professor Norman Cohn remarked that,
“clearly the supreme council, even although partly Jewish, already possessed that superhuman capacity for organizing vast and invisible maneuvers that later generations were to attribute to the Elders of Zion”.
It is clear that Barruel made a lot of noise, and a lot of unfounded allegations.

Like David Icke in the late 20th century, his message of a conspiracy became more and more wild, reaching a point of ridicule, whereupon the original promise and cry of a conspiracy were completely lost amidst the stupendous and ridiculous allegations that would follow afterwards - in Icke’s case that the Queen of Britain, as well as many members of the British royalty, were reptilian aliens in disguise.

What to think therefore of his allegation of a connection linking the Templars with Scotland, and it being linked with “The Secret”?

A century after William St Clair’s display of “The Secret” to Marie de Guise, French royal circles would be alive with rumors of another secret. This was a secret held by the Compagnie du Saint Sacrement, a French secret society that included the entourage of the French King Louis XIV, including his mother, Anne of Austria, and some of his ministers, including Nicolas Fouquet.

In 1656, Fouquet had received a letter from his brother Louis, in Rome, in which he referred to an important secret which Nicolas Fouquet would be informed of next time they met. Louis Fouquet added that he had attained the secret from the French artist Nicolas Poussin, and that the secret itself was something that would move royals.

It seems that in the previous decades, the French king himself had asked Poussin to confide in him - unsuccessfully, it seems.

We are thus left with three references to “The Secret” - capitals. The first reference is in Rosslyn, involving Marie de Guise, in 1546. The next reference is in a letter between the Fouquet family, in 1656. The next references are in the documents of the Compagnie de Saint-Sacrement, whose purpose was the “protection of the Secret”. The vital question is whether or not “The Secret” is of course the same secret.

Nevertheless, it is clear that there is an intriguing parallel within these references: all involve a great Secret, affecting specifically French royalty. The approaches of William St Clair to Marie de Guise might indeed mean that it was of specific interest to the French throne.

If we were to believe Barruel, then it is clear that treasures of the Knights Templar taken from the Temple of Solomon at the time of the Crusades, specifically involving the First Temple of Solomon and including stones connected with the Ark of the Covenant do warrant a classification of a secret with a capital S.

Whether or not this is the case, it definitely inspired Umberto Eco to incorporate Barruel and the Secret - transformed into “The Plan” - in his novel, Foucault’s Pendulum.

A Rosslyn Meridian?

Some researchers have suggested the possibility that Rosslyn was part of a larger complex. For example: should we look into the idea that Rosslyn might be connected to Roseline, a meridian that is believed to have been the nickname of the French Zero meridian?

Should we read any significance into the presence of a gnomon on top of a gravestone in the cemetery?


Meridians were created for timekeeping.

They served as local timekeepers at first. Until two centuries ago, most cities, towns and villages would set their own time by the sun. For this, they established a “local meridian”. One often used technique was the gnomon, i.e. the sundial, which charts the shadow of the sun through the day to set the time and find the directions.

When the railways came, the companies needed to set their timetables using a single countrywide standard meridian which synchronized with local times. With Global trade becoming a normal feature of society, there was the need to set a single Zero meridian that the world could take as a standard by which time could be set.

There were competing interests for the location of 0°, especially with the French, who set their Zero Meridian, known as the Paris Meridian so that it passed through the greatest possible uninterrupted landmass in France, passing through Paris in the North and Carcassonne in the South. In the end it was at a conference in Washington, USA in 1884 that Greenwich was chosen, because of the overwhelming influence of the British Empire and its Navy.

Quite often the traces of these old meridian lines can still be seen, as is the case in Paris; and perhaps there is such a trace in Rosslyn also, although on a much smaller scale, of course, than in Paris.

Are there any specific features north and south of Rosslyn that might indicate the presence of such a local meridian?


Exactly to the North is Arthur’s Seat, the most famous geological feature of the Lothians. Arthur's Seat is an 800 ft. high extinct volcano, which erupted last some 350 million years ago.

Nearby stands Holyrood Abbey. In the “mythical origins” of the Sinclair dynasty, it is said that the Sinclairs were instrumental in building this abbey, named after the Holy Rood, supposedly a piece of the true cross of Christ, brought to Scotland by Princess Margaret under the protection of a Sinclair.

Although it is now known that this account is not accurate, several Sinclairs have been buried inside the Abbey. At least seven of the stones in the floor of Holyrood Abbey are memorials to Sinclairs, although most of them date from the 18th and 19th Century.

From Rosslyn Chapel, it is possible to see Arthur's Seat.

Thanks to the presence of the canopy and its walkway, we are able to look over the new walls and buildings that would otherwise obscure the view… but which were absent when the chapel was erected. Most intriguingly, Arthur’s Seat is visible as a twin-peaked mountain.

Furthermore, it is the only mountain visible above the northern horizon. Imagine that there are no houses, and then Arthur’s Seat could be seen to rise as the only hill above the northern horizon. Even today, in sunny weather, it is a magnificent view… though somewhat difficult to discover as one is distracted by the modern buildings.

Vincent Scully, a Yale University architectural historian, researched the sacred landscape of Crete and came to the following conclusions: all Minoan palaces were situated in an enclosed valley.

There was a mounded or conical hill to the north or south of the palace and on its axis, a higher mountain, with a cleft summit or double-peak, further away on that axis.

In fact, Scully’s observations have since been found elsewhere in many cultures and in the “holy places” of Europe - though with variations.

The themes are there, but the interplay of the various features is sometimes slightly different.

Notice how closely this works for Rosslyn. Rosslyn Castle is set inside an enclosed valley. For St. Matthew's Church, the original church, this was also the case.

Rosslyn Chapel, however, has been set on top of a hill, which stands above the Castle.

Directly north from the chapel, one can indeed see the twin-peaked Arthur’s Seat. This has been linked to a pair of horns, raised arms or wings, the female cleft, or a pair of breasts. Furthermore, the fact that Arthur’s Seat is volcanic in origin must have strengthened its mythological significance, for it is known that in ancient societies volcanoes were given sacred attributions.

Above Arthur’s Seat, the Pole star would shine and it would be a natural focal point for anyone wishing to observe the stars. Anyone standing in Rosslyn Chapel, looking to the Arthur’s Seat, would literally see the stars move around… rising in the East, setting over the Pentland Hills in the West.

The Northern polar stars have been described in many mythologies as the “everlasting stars”. They were linked with the Afterlife. In many mythologies, including Celtic and Egyptian mythologies, the opening between a twin-peaked mountain was said to be the passage through which the souls of the deceased would enter the Afterlife.

Can it be a coincidence that this age-old mythology is present in Rosslyn Chapel? Or was it by design?

Intriguingly, the connection between the Hill and Arthur’s Seat was only made in the 15th Century, when the chapel was built. Before then, it was named differently. Arthur’s constellation is the Great Bear, which circles around the pole star. To observe this, one has to look North.

Therefore, to observe this feature above Arthur’s Seat, one would have to be South of Arthur’s Seat, with College Hill, where the chapel was built, a perfect location to make astronomical observations. So, as Arthur is the Great Bear circling around the Pole Star, which is visible (from Rosslyn Chapel) above Arthur’s Seat, this could be one reason why the mountain was renamed: it “anchored”, or “sat” Arthur, who ruled the land.

In mythology, the Great Bear was said to be the chariot of the heavenly ruler, the pole star. But it was also considered to be the vehicle of the sun god, i.e. the sun.

North was linked to the World of the Dead. In some cultures, the sacred mountain to the north was sometimes called “Storehouse of the Dead”. The twin-peaked hill between the temple and the “Everlasting Stars” of the North was thus considered to be a way-station to “Heaven”.


Directly to the South is the impressively named “Mount Lothian”.

It is, however, “merely” a low hill. The hill is crowned by a grove of thirteen sycamore trees, the thirteenth being set off-centre. In the centre of the grove is the ruin of a 14th Century chapel, dedicated to St. Mary.

Mount Lothian marked the western outpost or gate of Balentradoch, the Templar headquarters of Scotland. It was the location of a Cistercian abbey, to which the chapel belonged.

The chapel is now in ruins, but once, it was the place where William Wallace was knighted - the scene made famous in the 1995 Academy Award winning movie “Braveheart”.

Sycamores were often considered to be sacred trees. Their life-span is approximately 250 to 300 years, so the trees there now could not have been present during that knighthood. However, local farmers have discovered tiling in the adjacent field, as well as debris of dwellings that make ploughing impossible.

The name “Mount Lothian” also suggests it is an important place, the primary mountain for Lothian and therefore possibly the location from which the ruler of the Lothians ruled.

The legendary ruler of the Lothians was Lot. He was father of Gawain and his brothers, husband of Arthur’s sister Anna (according to Geoffrey of Mommouth) or Margawse (according to Malory book II chapter XI).

Geoffrey presents him as a supporter of Arthur, and already King of Lothian, whom Arthur placed on the throne of Norway - a country with connections to the Sinclairs when they acquired the Orkney Islands.

The name Lot means “Lothian ruler” and therefore it is not a personal but a generic name. It seems certain that there was a king in the Lothian area in the 5th Century, but his headquarters appear to have been at Traprain Law, near Haddington, some thirty kilometers to the west of Edinburgh.

However, maybe mythology had him rule from Mount Lothian, and as a result, this sacred place was later converted into a chapel. As Lot ruled the Lothians as a nation, the Scots looked upon William Wallace, at his knighthood, as the Guardian of Scotland, and looked to him to make free it from English rule.

Is it coincidence, or design?

If by design, then the setting of Rosslyn Chapel within the landscape was a deliberate attempt by William St. Clair to make his kingdom a magical setting; a magic kingdom, very much like the concepts of Camelot and other Arthurian and Grail traditions with which William St. Clair must have been familiar.

Furthermore, as we have seen, his teacher, Gilbert Hay, definitely knew about such legends, and stories about the Earthly Paradise, or the Garden of Eden.

Keeping up With the Neighbours - Crichton Collegiate Church

Rosslyn Chapel is unique. But its uniqueness is that there is no other chapel like it. Still, each individual element of that chapel, even the spiraling decoration of the Apprentice Pillar, has been found elsewhere, even though some elements are only found in places such as Spain or France.

Rosslyn Chapel was neither a unique venture: it was constructed as part of the collegiate church “trend” that swept through Scotland in the 1400s.

Collegiate churches housed a college of priests, whose role was to pray each day for the souls of the Lord and his family, whereby, it was hoped, their path to salvation would be eased.


One such “college collegiate church” is Crichton Collegiate Church, dedicated to St Mary & St Kentigern, which lies, quite literally, at the end of the road - and not far from Rosslyn.

A few hundred yards of single track road separate it from Crichton Castle, already another parallel with Rosslyn, where castle and chapel were set apart from each other too, in the same sequence, and with the same intervisibility between the two structures.

As in Rosslyn, the castle came before the church, and Crichton came before Rosslyn. Unlike Rosslyn, which is not named after the Sinclairs, Crichton is named after its lords, even though the “Lords” of Crichton were members of the ranks of the lesser mobility, until 1424, when William was knighted at the coronation of James I.

His family fortunes were raised by his son, William, the Lord Chancellor of Scotland, who became, during the minority of James II, the most powerful person in the kingdom.


Crichton Castle had been built in ca. 1400, but was attacked and damaged by the Douglas family in the early 1440s.

William Crichton spent much of his life quarrelling with the powerful Black Douglases. Crichton was responsible for the famous "Black Dinner" in Edinburgh Castle at which the Sixth Earl of Douglas and his brother were murdered.

As a consequence of the damage to the castle, William, who became Lord Chancellor in 1447, had to effect repairs. While he was at it, he decided to build Crichton Collegiate Church.

Confirmation of the status of a collegiate church was given by James Kennedy, Bishop of St. Andrews, and the church was finished in time to hold its first service on December 26, 1449 - at a time when according to the most likely scenario, Rosslyn was not even started. At its inauguration, provisions had been made for a provost, eight prebendaries, two boys or clerks and a sacrist. The money to sustain this religious community was coming from the revenue of neighboring churches, and elsewhere.

Though the church opened in 1449, it was never totally completed - a further parallel with Rosslyn. In 1452, when he was keeper of Stirling Castle, the eight Earl Douglas was killed in Crichton castle - this time by King James II himself! But 35 years later, the Crichtons fell out of favor with James III. In 1479, William's son, also named William Crichton, had an affair with the sister of James III, the result of which was a child.

The king was further displeased when allegations were made in 1484 that Crichton was plotting against him: the family's titles and possessions were forfeited. As quickly as the family had risen in the ranks of nobility, even faster they had fallen.

In 1488, Crichton Castle was among a number of properties bestowed by James IV on the Earl of Bothwell.


After the rise and demise of the Crichton family, the Reformation of 1560 swept away the system of collegiate churches in Scotland.

By the time the new owners embarked on a major program to rebuild Crichton Castle in the 1580s, the chapel was already in a state of disrepair. Still, in 1641, the church formerly known as collegiate became Crichton’s parish church.

Its near neighbor Rosslyn, meanwhile, remained largely neglected, until a series of visitors descended on the chapel, eventually leading to its reopening in the late 19th century.

In the 19th century, the future of Crichton looked equally bleak. In 1822, it was decided that repairs had to be carried out imminently, or, it was suggested, perhaps it was better to abandon the chapel altogether - underlining the desperate state in which the building was found to be in. It was nevertheless decided that repairs should be carried out, which occurred in 1825.

The church, now without its original nave, saw a pulpit placed high on the south wall (a ring in the wall is today the only remnant of it), and with the extensive use of galleries around three walls, as many as 600 people could be seated in what must have been a very cramped space when full.

Despite these renovations, in the late 19th century, further repairs and renovations had to be carried out. In 1898, when all “innovations” were cleared out, only leaving the bare and solid walls. The church reopened on May 11, 1899.

The latest series of restoration work was carried out in 1999, to coincide with the church's 450th anniversary.


Apart from sharing a largely similar history, Crichton and Rosslyn also have several structural similarities, though in execution, Rosslyn was far more eccentric; the Sinclairs were definitely trying to outdo their Crichton neighbors.

But though less elaborate, it was elaborate enough, and in size, there is little difference between the two buildings.

Like at Rosslyn, where some structures of what could have been further foundations have been found, some kind of structure extends forty feet out from the existing building. Rosslyn’s unfinished western wall has drawn extra-ordinary comparisons with the Temple of Solomon, yet Crichton’s equally unfinished parts of its walls have hardly been noted - or perhaps properly identified or what they were: unfinished.

But the most important similarity are the series of heads that in Crichton adorn the outside the church - whereas in Rosslyn, they are displayed largely inside - though much more elaborate. But in essence, all of the enigmatic faces that have made Rosslyn such a magnet are present in Crichton too.

Like Rosslyn, none of the glass in Crichton is original; all original glass was destroyed during the Reformation. By 1706, not a pane of glass remained.
Nevertheless, Crichton has some aspects that are not as easily identifiable in Rosslyn. On the south side of the chapel are the “sedilia”, three elegant arches where the clergy would have sat during the various stages of the Mass.

The seats were later chipped away. On the north wall, there is a niche or aumbry, where the sacraments would be housed.

Traces of such structures are today absent from Rosslyn’s interior.

Today, visitors to Rosslyn Chapel enter via the north door, but at the time of its construction, people would have been encouraged to enter via the south door - which now remains largely closed. The same arrangement would have applied to Crichton, but here, all original doors have been altered. The north door was largely there to be used by “evil spirits”.

As such, in Rosslyn, the north door has far more “demonic” illustrations than the south door.


Like Rosslyn, Crichton church and castle have attracted painters, including JMW Turner, who sketched the church in 1818 while he was painting the castle.

As at Rosslyn, there are rumors of a secret passage between church and castle, which at Crichton was called the Velvet Way. A search for it was made in 1867 - without success - and thus as in Rosslyn, its existence remains shrouded in mystery. Unlike Rosslyn, no-one seems to suggest it might contain a treasure.

Endless speculation also exists why Rosslyn was built where it is. Some have argued that it was for the presence of a Temple of Mithras or a megalithic structure that existed there. In Crichton, evidence of Pictish and Roman settlements have been found very close by and everyone agrees that Christians probably worshipped on the site of the present church even before the first building was constructed - perhaps as much as a millennium before the Collegiate Church was erected.

And thus, we know that formally, Crichton Collegiate Church is older than Rosslyn, but whereas there is no trace of whether there was anything at Rosslyn Chapel before ca. 1440, there is more consensus as to what there was at Crichton.

Today, Crichton Collegiate Church might seem dwarfed by the decorative extravaganza that is on display at Rosslyn.

One is the older brother, the other the more extravagant one; but both chapels were part of the same family, with several more brothers and sisters located throughout southern Scotland.

Excursions from Rosslyn Chapel

Although it has been restored over the centuries, the church at Temple, roughly five miles from Rosslyn, is the only existing Templar property in Scotland. It is situated in a valley, next to the river.

The Knights Templar (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_masonsknightstemplar.htm) first came to Scotland in 1128 during the reign of King David I, whom Hugues de Payens visited as part of his international recruitment drive. De Payens made a very favorable impression on King David, to the extent that he later surrounded himself by Templars and appointed them as “the Guardians of his morals by day and night”.

As a result of this Royal favor, through gifts from both the King and his Court, the Templars acquired a substantial property holding in Scotland.

There were two major Preceptories at the time: in Midlothian, there was Ballantradoch, also known as Balintradoch or a number of other spellings, but now renamed Temple, which was regarded as the main Preceptory and the administrative headquarters of the Order in Scotland; the other was at Maryculter in Aberdeenshire, on the southern bank of the River Dee.


The centre at Temple was opened in 1129.

It is alleged that Hugues de Payens was married to Catherine St. Clair, whose family had given the land to the order. However, there is no evidence for these allegations. The Sinclairs were not present in the area at this time and it is known that Ballantrodoch was donated by King David I himself.

At the Battle of Falkirk, where King Edward defeated William Wallace, the king’s archers stayed at Temple and were assisted by the Master of England and the Preceptor of Scotland. Edward’s march to Falkirk had been under Templar command.

But despite this allegiance to the English king, the Knights Templar suffered a similar fate to their French brethren.

When the Templars were rounded up in France in 1307, Scotland itself was not affected; but then the area south of the Firth of Forth, where Rosslyn is situated, belonged to England at that time. This fact is often neglected and it is frequently assumed that the Scottish borders were then as they are now, and that the Knights Templar of Temple were affected by the ban.

Upon receiving the Papal Decree, Edward ordered all Templars to surrender themselves at Holyrood Palace. Two Knights were arrested, Walter de Clifton and William de Middleton while a third, Thomas Tocci, surrendered voluntarily. None of them were of fighting age, or Scottish by birth, but all were residents of Temple, the Templars’ Scottish headquarters.

They were tried in 1308 by an ecclesiastical court, presided over by William de Lamberton, Bishop of St. Andrews. The Knights Templar were prosecuted by John Solario, the papal legate to Scotland. During the trials, both Henry St. Clair and his son William were called as witnesses. Researcher Mark Oxbrow points out that this evidence is at odds with the popular accounts, which state that the Sinclairs were the Knights’ protectors.

The evidence suggests nothing of the kind. In fact, the Sinclairs stated that they felt the Knights Templar were of no good, for “if the Templars had been faithful Christians they would in no way have lost the Holy Land”.

In spite of such testimony, which was after all merely the Sinclairs airing their personal prejudice against their neighboring knights, the verdict was that the accusations were not proven and the Knights were released. Acceding to French pressure, in 1312 Edward did abolish the Templars in both England and Scotland. Any Scottish Templars under arrest were confined to the Cistercian Houses.

Two charters show that members of the Seton family, staunch Catholics and esteemed friends of the Sinclairs, were Masters of the Knights Hospitaller in 1346 and were in control of Temple. As in most countries, the Hospitallers were granted many of the former Templar lands, although North of the Firth of Forth, Robert the Briuce was reluctant to grant them that privilege.

Despite the fact that the ban did mean the end of Temple’s association with Templars, one legend has it that treasure of the Knights Templar was removed secretly from Paris, to be hidden in Temple.

A local legend states:
“Twixt the oak and the elm tree/You will find buried the millions free.”
French legends about the Templar treasure apparently also state that the treasure was taken to Scotland, with the knights landing on the Isle of Mey, the first island they would encounter in the Firth of Forth.

Geographically, this would take them to the mouth of the river Esk, which could take them on to Rosslyn - though this is theory, since seafaring ships would find it virtually impossible to reach that far inland. A route over land would definitely have been easier.

Only the outside walls of the church at Temple remain standing. In 1989, Dr. Crispen Phillips discovered a wall and a set of steps running north-south at right angles to the church. Subsequent excavations showed there was at least two feet of dressed stonework above the foundations revealing steps and the foot of a doorway.

On all four sides, it is surrounded by graves, many of which show the familiar “skull and bones”-motive.

This design has been linked to masonic degrees, but in truth, the motive is quite common, and was a “memento mori”: a reminder of death, expressing the knowledge we must all die eventually.

Abbotsford is the house that Sir Walter Scott built for himself. It is situated on the banks of the River Tweed and contains an impressive collection of relics, weapons and armors.

It cannot come as a surprise that a writer of Scott's fame had a famous library, containing over nine thousand rare volumes.


Scott’s love for Rosslyn Chapel is expressed in one room, where carvings from the chapel have been reproduced.

It should be stressed the room is not a replica of the chapel; instead, the decoration of the room is based upon the decoration of Rosslyn chapel.

Soutra Aisle is all that remains of the medieval hospital of Soutra.

It is here that excavations have uncovered details of how medicine was practiced in one of the biggest and most famous hospitals in Europe.


Situated along Dere Street, which connected Newcastle to Edinburgh (the route of the A68), it was a medieval highway, whereby the hospital functioned both as a hotel, first aid, spiritual retreat and hospital.

Archaeological discoveries on the site have revealed the use of hallucinogenic substances, used during the treatment of patients, particularly as anesthetics.

The small remaining building is in itself not worthy of a visit, but the views from the Aisle over the Lothians, the Pentland Hills and the coasts of Fife are spectacular - weather permitting.

Videoclip of Soutra Aisle below


Legend has it that a pilgrim let fall a drop of oil used to embalm St. Catherine of Alexandria that he was carrying to Queen Margaret from Mount Sinai. Where the drop fell, a spring welled up.

There are coal deposits in the area and these are most likely linked to the water in the well which has an oily balm on its surface. This is a black tarry substance which was an effective ointment for some skin complaints and was also used to relieve the pain of sprains, burns and dislocations.

As well as treating eczema, it was alleged that this well was used for treating leprosy, Robert the Bruce being one of its patients. This speculation is based on the assumption that Liberton is derived from “Leper-Town”, but this is known to be incorrect. There is also no evidence to suggest that there was a leper colony near here or that lepers are connected with the well.

Because of its dedication to St. Catherine, one of the patron saints of the St. Clairs, it is believed they held this well in special reverence. Apart from the St. Clairs, this healing well was a place of pilgrimage for many Scottish monarchs. In 1504, James IV visited it and left an offering. In 1617, on a visit Scotland, James VI (and I of England) ordered that the well-house and steps be built, so that access to the balm was easier.

In 1650 Cromwell’s troops demolished the well. Over 200 year later, in 1889, the well-house was once again carefully rebuilt. Inscription belongs to Lord Prestonfield.

Originally a chapel to St. Catherine (known as St. Catherine of the Kaims) stood nearby.

But in the early 19th Century, this was rebuilt as a house, and is now The Balm Well restaurant.

The French Rosslyn?
This article appeared in 'Les Carnets Secrets 9' (2007)

St Bertrand de Comminges

St Bertrand de Comminges has what is popularly called “The Cathedral of the Pyrenees”. But you could also argue it is France’s answer to Rosslyn… predating it, and with a potentially genuine Templar link

Mix one enigmatic cathedral, the Knights Templar, stories about their survival. Result: Rosslyn. Add one pope. Result: St Bertrand de Comminges.

Its cathedral, known popularly as the “Cathedral of the Pyrenees”, is a major tourist attraction. Like Rosslyn, it does not need an esoteric dimension to shine. It has a magnificent organ, which has been labeled one of the three beauties of the Gascogne region. It has an enigmatic crocodile hanging from the wall.

Popular opinion has it that it crawled up the river, beached itself and that St Bertrand (from whom the town takes its name) killed it with the power of his prayers. More likely, the crocodile was an ex voto, brought back from the Middle East by a pilgrim or a knight, as a gift to the church.


There is beautiful tomb of St Bertrand, as well as extraordinary wood carvings.

What is so special about this place that made it one of the oldest churches in the Gaul - France? The answer is hiding in the latter part of the town’s name first: Comminges. Under the Roman occupation, the town was called Lugdunum Convenarum.

It is believed that in 72 BC Pompey, a Roman General, was victorious in Spain, and upon his return, established a town here. The local tribe was labeled “the Convenae”, “the assembled ones”. Lugdunum shared its Latin name with Lyon (perhaps why it received Convenarum attached to it), which is largely accepted to mean “Fortress of Lug”, the sun god.

The Roman presence is attested by numerous finds. It was obviously an important centre, equipped with an aqueduct to bring water from the spring of Tibiran three kilometers away. In “The Templar Revelation”, the town is mentioned as it is believed to have been the place of exile of Herod Antipas, the man from the Bible, whose daughter Salome requested the head of John the Baptist - and got it on a platter.

It was the Jewish historian Josephus who wrote that Caligula punished Herod and sent him to “Lugdunum”, which was a city in Gaul. In another text, Josephus added that Herod went into exile to Spain, but ended his life in what everyone accepts is St Bertrand de Comminges.

Though we do not know where he may have been buried, or lived, the claim is largely undisputed.

It is therefore of interest to note that the town had one of the oldest churches in Gaul - though the present cathedral was not the site of the first church.

In fact, it is possible, after archaeological considerations of the substructure of the cathedral, that it may have once been the location where a pagan temple stood. The original church was near the Chapelle Saint-Julien du Plan, at the foot of the hill. There are records from 409 AD confirming the presence of a “Christian basilica”. A basilica is a specific term, arguing for the conclusion that the site held a precious relic.

As archaeologists have found no further evidence for this, they argue that the term may have been loosely applied. If this was Rosslyn, Herod’s presence, its status as an old church, the possibility of a precious missing relic… someone would conclude that relic could only be the head of John the Baptist, taken here by Herod himself. But this is not Rosslyn.

St Bertrand de Comminges sits on a 515m outcrop in a valley, with the Pyrenean mountains beginning to rise nearby. Often described as sitting by the river Garonne, it is actually more than a kilometer removed from the river itself. The fortress on the top of the hill is furthermore not a singularity. In the valley below, much closer to the river, sits the basilica of Saint-Just de Valcabrère.

This church is constructed with numerous remains of previous sacred - and pagan - structures. It is accepted that the location was once the site of “a privileged necropolis”. The church once had a relic of the True Cross and is linked with the martyr Saint Just.

It is most remarkable for the martyr’s relics stored in a stone sarcophagus.

This sarcophagus sits at the far end of the church and pilgrims could walk and stand underneath the sarcophagus, which was a novel custom of the time, whereby pilgrims believed that close proximity if not actual contact with the tomb of a martyr was the most powerful method for the pilgrim’s prayers to come true. Hence why the tomb was raised and pilgrims could pass underneath.

The old pilgrim’s route would have taken the pilgrim from this basilica past the Chapelle Saint-Julien du Plan, the original church of St Bertrand de Comminges, up to the hill, to reach the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary.

The cathedral is the work of three people. St Bertrand de l’Isle, in the 12th century; Bertrand de Got, the future pope Clement V, in the 14th century; and Jean de Mauleon, in the 16th century. With the first one, we can explain the first part of the name of the town.

Bertrand was the local bishop, a cousin of Count Raymond IV of Toulouse, nominated in 1073, canonized in 1218. Apart from giving his to the town, he was responsible for the first and now oldest phase of the cathedral.

Tourist guides direct the visitor’s attention to the decoration about the entrance porch, showing the twelve apostles, surmounted by the adoration of the Magi, presenting their gifts to the Virgin Mary. The consensus is that the figure in the background is Bertrand - even though at the time, he was not yet canonized - and he is indeed depicted without aureole. Today’s tourist steps in the footsteps of the pilgrims, who began to visit the site on the way to Santiago de Compostela.

Trevor Ravenscroft would have drawn a parallel to Rosslyn here too…

It are the decorations in the cloister that awards the site its first notion as the French equivalent of Rosslyn. The numerous pillars here depict a profundity of Green Men; foliage, plants, leaves abound everywhere. Even the “entrelacs”, non-specific decoration of columns, resembles that of key pillars in Rosslyn. Speaking of pillars: Rosslyn may have its three enigmatic pillars, but this cathedral’s narthex ends by two huge pillars, with a circumference of no less than 11,45m.

They are gigantic, so much so that most tourists will fail to spot them.


The second man linked with the town is another Bertrand - Bertrand de Got.

He was Bishop of Comminges from 1295 to 1299. In 1304, he became archbishop of Bordeaux, but continued to have a specific devotion to his former residence: he made sure that the foundation stone for a series of extensions - the current cathedral - was executed.

In 1305, Bertrand de Got became Pope Clement V, the first pope of Avignon, though he was elected in that other Lugdunum, Lyon. It could be a coincidence… In 1309, he went on a pilgrimage, on January 16-17, 1309 visiting St Bertrand, where he “elevated” the relics. A papal bull explains the details of the event.

In 1307, of course, Clement V consented to the arrest of his Knights Templar and in 1312, he officially abolished the order in Vienne, just south of Lyon. He would soon die and the Gothic church of St Bertrand de Comminges was completed in 1350, under the authority of Hugues de Castillon.

The third man in the story of the cathedral was Jean de Mauleon.

He built “the church of wood in the church of stone”, executed in the Renaissance style and inaugurated on Christmas 1535. The central area of the church is fenced off by a majestic wooden rectangle. Inside of this is the “church of wood”: a smaller church, for the privileged, made up out of 66 stalls, on two levels (38 on top, 28 on bottom), each and all supporting some of the most magnificent wooden carvings.

Here, again, we find depictions of angels, Green Man and other enigmatic features.

There is a depiction of Jesse’s tree; more remarkably still, are the depictions of various Sibyls, pagan oracles that the Church was able to weave into its mythology, but which are totally a totally unexpected - though highly welcome - sight at the foot of the Pyrenees. As in Rosslyn, you will expect to see an enveloping theme, but like Rosslyn, you leave the cathedral what that story could be.

Though this wooden church (mostly oak and walnut wood) was commissioned by Jean de Mauléon, because of a lack of documents, the artist is unknown, though it is assumed to be the work of Nicolas Bachelier and his school, which worked with artists from France, Spain and Italy - very much like William St Clair used a foreign workforce to construct his chef d’oeuvre, Rosslyn.

Three men, all of importance, but one more important than the other two. Bertrand de Got was born in 1264 in Villandraut, Aquitaine. He was a canon and sacristan of the church of Saint-André in Bordeaux, then vicar-general to his brother, the archbishop of Lyon, who in 1294 was created Cardinal Bishop of Albano. He was then made bishop of St Bertrand de Comminges, and apparently and specifically wanted to be assigned to this site.

Why remains unclear, though it is known that at the time of this assignment, he was equally elevated to be chaplain to Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303), who made him archbishop of Bordeaux in 1299 - a required step if de Got ever aimed for the papacy.

He was elected Pope Clement V in June 1305, after a year's interregnum occasioned by the disputes between the French and Italian cardinals, who were nearly equally balanced in the conclave. Bertrand was neither Italian nor a cardinal, and his election might have been considered a gesture towards neutrality.

But according to the contemporary chronicler Giovanni Villani, there were rumors that he had bound himself to King Philip IV of France by a formal agreement previous to his elevation. It puts Clement’s agreement to disband the Templars a few years later in a different light, each having desires and ambitions with which the other had, or wanted to agree.

At Bordeaux, Bertrand was formally notified of his election and urged to come to Italy, but he selected Lyon - the other Lugdunum - for his coronation instead. He is recorded as the first pope to be crowned with a papal tiara, but it seems that the coronation did not go as planned - some believing it was a curious omen. During the papal parade through the town, a wall collapsed, injuring and killing several bystanders.

Some in the papal parade were injured too; the pope himself lost his balance and a precious stone loosened from his tiara - to be lost forever.


Rosslyn lacks a pope. It also lacks miracles, unlike St Bertrand de Comminges.

St Bertrand’s canonization was supported by a document detailing a list of no less than 31 miracles. One of these involved the corn of a unicorn, today still on display in the treasury of the cathedral. In truth, it is a tusk of the Arctic Narwhal (monodon monoceros), a species of whale.

Though the object may seem to be without too much interest, it is reported that Bertrand de Got had a veritable fascination with it; and so, it seems, had the larger community, as the object was used in a festival that commemorated one of the miracles performed by St Bertrand.

Such horns had become an obsession amongst the nobility and even among the higher clergy. Unicorn horns were said to sweat in the presence of poisoned liquid or food; it was also believed that they could detect heresy. As such, Vikings and other northern traders were able to sell them for many times their weight in gold.

Central to the intrigue of Rosslyn, before The Da Vinci Code (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/davi/davincicode_index.htm), was its place in history as the possible location where the Templars deposited certain knowledge, protected by the St Clair family, who later might have passed it onto Freemasonry. The evidence for this claim is tentative at best. At least, St Bertrand de Comminges has something in writing: one document, known as the “Rubant document”, dating from the 18th century.

It claims that Clement V was so obsessed with this unicorn that he worked it into his papal cross. He instructs three Templars form the nearby commandery of Montsaunès to guard over the relic. But, the text continues, when the Knights Templar were arrested and afterwards abolished, Clement V made a special dispensation for these three guardians.

He informed them that if they continued to guard this relic, they would not be arrested, nor interrogated, definitely not thrown in prison, or killed. In return for this exceptional clemency, all they had to do was guard the relic - and apparently after their and the order’s demise, had to elect and prepare their successors to continue to safeguard the relic.

Here, we are therefore confronted with a clear example of Templar survival and continuation, though the Rubant document should not be considered as primary evidence - but at least there is one document, unlike Rosslyn where there is none.


One question should be asked: is it possible that the guardianship of this “unicorn” was but an excuse? Could it be that the Templars instead guarded something far more precious? Perhaps…

And no doubt, someone could conclude that this precious relic may have been the Grail… or Baphomet? And when we “know” that Baphomet, the idol apparently worshipped by the Templars, was “apparently” a bearded head… the head of John the Baptist? It does make sense, doesn’t it?

All that is missing, is a link to the story of Rennes-le-Château (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merovingians/merovingios_renneschateau.htm). And we do not even need to invent one. The story goes that in 1285, one Pierre de Voisins, lord of Bézu, just south of Rennes-le-Château, required the arrival of a group of Knights Templar, who come from the Roussillon. Why he chose to have Templars sent from so far whereas there were other commanderies nearby is not known.

Officially, they were there to protect the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostella, but the rumor goes that they were there to exploit, bury or survey a treasure - or secret. Like the Templars in St Bertrand de Comminges, this contingency is not arrested. It is also known that at that time, they were under the command of a lord known as “de Goth” - the same surname as the pope.

If you need to work a bloodline into this story, we should know that “de Got(h)” was derived from Visigoth, the tribe which various authors have already identified as being of the bloodline.

But we won’t go into that direction.

Instead, genuine amazement is required when we learn that the mother of Pope Clement was Ida de Blanchefort, of the same family of Bertrand de Blanchefort, grandmaster of the Knights Templar from 1156 to 1169.

Is it therefore not rather remarkable that a descendant of a grandmaster of the Knights Templar would be the one who is responsible for the abolition of the order, but that we have at least two locations where for rather unclear reasons, certain arrest warrants were not given, likely through the direct intervention of Clement V, whom in the case of Bezu seems to have had a family member in charge and whom in the case of St Bertrand de Comminges appears to have had a personal desire to protect precious relics?

And this is where the parallels with Rosslyn end. In fact, whereas Rosslyn is believed to have been the receptacle of Templar knowledge, it is clear that if there ever was any secret in St Bertrand de Comminges, the Pope himself made sure that it remained - or came - in his possession.

So where did he take it to? The Scottish Rosslyn?

In 1306, the family de Got took over the château de Duras. Pope Clement V had a nephew with the same name of Bertrand de Got - perhaps the commander in Bézu? Perhaps.

In 1306, with Clement in charge of the Knights Templar and a year to go before their arrest, the de Got family expanded the chateau and made it into a veritable fortress, in the years 1308 to 1310.

The nephew Bertrand de Got was responsible for the works, which resulted in a 3000 m² fortress complete with eight round towers. It was a war machine, well equipped to defend the valley and its produce, and the roads passing. The money for this operation apparently came from the Knights Templar.

The question, therefore, is whether this castle is perhaps a possible location where a “precious Templar relic” was hidden.

And that might make it not only the “French Rosslyn”, but the “real” Rosslyn.

Source (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merovingians/rosslyn_chapel01.htm)

Divine Feminine
6th November 2015, 20:13
Rosslyn and "The Secret"

In the 16th century, the Sinclairs of Rosslyn were close advisors to the Scottish kings, and thus to Marie de Guise, the French Regent. In 1546, Marie de Guise wrote one of her letters to William St Clair.

The letter included this remarkable passage:
“Likewise that we shall be Leal and trew Maistres to him, his Counsill and Secret shewn to us we sall keep secret.”

“Likewise that we shall be loyal and a true Mistress to him, his Council and the Secret shown to us, which we shall keep secret.”
In 1556, she sent William St Clair to France, to find more support for her daughter, Mary, Queen of Scots. It underlines the close relationship Marie de Guise and the Sinclairs had in the defense of the Scottish monarchy, a cause which was always close to the heart of the Sinclairs.

The question is what “The Secret” might be.

There is some speculation that this included jewellery, which had gone missing and of which the Sinclairs were suspected for being involved in. However, it seems that such a secret would not be referred to as “The Secret”, nor would it require a letter from the Queen Regent, pledging her cause to Sinclair.

Rather than Sinclair pledging his loyalty to the Queen Regent, it is the Queen Regent saying she will obey the Sinclairs and not betray him.

What could it be?

Marie de Guise is alive and well and resides near the 33rd parallel. I've conversed with her extensively and find her to be intelligent and engaged. Her memories are congruent to my own in that they're reflected in her choice of style. I had to laugh when she sent me a Christmas card as her holiday decor reflected a similar theme and color schematic as my own, which is pretty remarkable considering neither of us have ever seen or stepped inside of each others home. I can only assume our tastes stem from memories of long ago brought on by the allure of living amongst the royal decorum.

When the time is right, 'the secret' will be revealed if necessary, but no sooner. 'The secret' lies within the Aether Field and most likely can be accessed with ease by those who maintain a higher vibrational balance outside our dimension. I presume that additional hidden knowledge and secrets will come to fruition more quickly as society repairs and rebuilds its energetic foundation. Things of spiritual alchemy and value have no place in a world encompassed by man(meaning all humanity), who insist on imbalanced behavior to control and dominate both the individual and the masses for their own personal benefit.

One topic of interest shared by Marie de Guise, had the earmarks of somehow relating to the depicted and infamous Sword of the Marquis which appears to run through the Rose Line.


And somehow I believe there may be a connection to this:

Located in Burgundy, France, Vezelay Abbey, it depicts the zodiac above Jesus' head. Remembering me telling you about the 12 Tribes of Israel and their association to the zodiac signs. Hmmm, and how can I not miss the Cancer sign to the left of his head and the Leo to the right. Enough for now.....

Divine Feminine
7th November 2015, 00:23
If anyone has time in the States, History Channel series 'Digging Deeper' is doing a spot on Rosslyn Chapel right now. It originally aired on November 6, 2015, Episode 6 if you can't catch it right now.

EDIT TO ADD: Just watched,......no new information worth noting. Love the Chapel though!

7th November 2015, 00:50
I live in the states and have not supported MSM cable since 2010. Can't complain about what we support, and having cable TV is supporting the problem. The bigger problem is the supporters/enablers.

Awake and aware:fpalm:.

Divine Feminine
7th November 2015, 01:14
I live in the states and have not supported MSM cable since 2010. Can't complain about what we support, and having cable TV is supporting the problem. The bigger problem is the supporters/enablers.

Awake and aware:fpalm:.

"Yes, bsbray....maybe I'll do that every time I notice his negative interjections. Like a broken record I'll repeat the same statement over and over again in response to the repetitive tick that seems to be out of his control.

"Your comments about members are [not my personal favorite]. Your persona comes across as [not my personal favorite] which is a shame because I think you have intelligent things to say, but are lost in your commitment to talk down to people bringing imbalance to the conversation."-Divine Feminine

7th November 2015, 03:46
"Yes, bsbray....maybe I'll do that every time I notice his negative interjections. Like a broken record I'll repeat the same statement over and over again in response to the repetitive tick that seems to be out of his control.

"Your comments about members are [not my personal favorite]. Your persona comes across as [not my personal favorite] which is a shame because I think you have intelligent things to say, but are lost in your commitment to talk down to people bringing imbalance to the conversation."-Divine Feminine

What is wrong with my comment? Is it incorrect in its assessment or does it merely ruffle your petticoat? You avoided dealing with my assertion by saying I have 'tics'. Any good Shirley Temple movies on TV?

My point is TV is a human programming technique and a big contributor to the zombie apocalypse we are witnessing. These zombies were formally known as sheeple. TV is the main cause of zombieism and that is my point. Supporting cable and the programming sewage that seeps from it is self-defeating at best. Aiding and abetting criminals is another way of putting it. Maybe some should stop complaining about the cabal if they still financially support its most potent anti-human tool.

I don't care what you call me. I consider the source and don't take it as meaningful. A self-validating person does not seek the approval of the insecure. You might try responding to the original statement and its meaning, if you are emotionally capable.

7th November 2015, 04:08
Maybe we can find common ground here. I don't like supporting mainstream cable either, but that's not to say everything on it is totally worthless, and besides, the same corporations (and their puppetmaster think tanks and 3-letter agencies) are trying their damnedest to screw up the Internet too. Actually where I live, the local monopoly doesn't even allow you to get internet separate from cable. I'm at my girlfriend's apartment right now, about an hour away, and even though she doesn't watch TV, and there is no TV in the place, a bill still comes every month for basic cable plus internet. If I were her I would raise hell about it and see if I had options to switch to another provider (maybe satellite but doesn't seem too likely in this apartment complex, apparently they try to make everybody go through one company, not sure how legal that is) but she isn't the kind of person who would be comfortable doing that, and I'm not sure how it would go anyway. I consider buying her an old TV just so we don't feel like we're being totally jacked.

I'm not trying to get off topic but it looks like that's what's happening anyway. When I get a chance I'm going to have to read that article Malc just posted on the previous page. That website has tons of good info on all kinds of subjects: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_tema.htm

Divine Feminine
7th November 2015, 04:11
Modwiz, I feel very sad for you as you seem to relish in making underlying jabs and insinuations at people which is exactly the point behind your post and anyone can see it's purposely directed as in insult to me. It doesn't take 'Captain Obvious' to figure you out. I hope some day you find peace within which in turn encourages you to obtain a more balanced and heart-centered approach when dealing with people. I stand behind my statement.

7th November 2015, 10:39
Divine Feminine, you can post as much as you like on my thread. You are bringing up some very interesting points. You have all the rights to do your own research in your own way. Thank you for giving a wider and colourful aspect to the forum.

with respect

7th November 2015, 12:08
Yesterday I went to Rosslyn Chapel and filled up my being with new energies. It was very uplifting even for the ones that don’t believe in the natural energy points. I met Maureen who is one of the guides there, and she had a lot of stories to tell. Queen Victoria, was the one that rescued the chapel when it was in bad need of help by adding an Organ and some religious statues outside and inside on an extension that was also added.

She said that before Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code (and movie), they were having annual visitors 30 000, and after 175 000. So you couldn’t get better publicity, but it came with a baggage. A lot of people are coming to look for the Holy Grail, and then again a few really unstable ones are insisting that they help out themselves. I.e. the guy with the axe and the woman, who chained herself to the Apprentice Pillar insisting that they show her Mary Magdalene, but gave up when she needed a “potty brake”. And not to forget the group of Russians dressed in hooded capes, claiming to be the protectors of the Grail. They were intending a ceremony right there and then.

But in all this drama, there’s always a calming effect throughout the Chapel, those are the energies that I feel. Maureen told me that there’s one spot that she has to avoid because if she stands on it too long, her legs give in and her vision gets blurry: not good if you are speaking for an hour in front of the visitors. It’s that strong!

Holy Island, just south of Berwick upon Tweed in North of England, is another powerful place that I’ve visited. The energies hit me already in the parking area, as soon as I stepped out of the car. Thomas Sheridan said once that when you visit these powerful places, you would find out who you are. These are the ways of the ancient Celts. He could be on to something there and it’s not going to harm in any way, it’s quite the opposite.

Happy leyline hunting everyone!


Divine Feminine
8th November 2015, 02:06
Elen, it’s fun to take part in your experiences at Rosslyn, I enjoy hearing about your adventures and hope you continue to share. I had to laugh when your thread first popped up, as at the same time I just so happen to be in the initial stages of planning a trip to Scotland. How coincidental I thought, and of course Rosslyn Chapel will no doubt be a destination stop. Once inside, I’m anxious to see if I can place the location of my dream.

I bet the tour guide at Rosslyn has met some very interesting people…she’s probably heard and seen it all. I suspect her tales would be just as interesting as the tour itself or even more so. I always thought it would be funny if I could ever get permission, to give a group of unsuspecting people, a tour of one of my former homes and finish off the visitation by saying something like…’thank you for touring my castle and former home, my name is Elizabeth Marie and I’m the reincarnation of Queen Mary, enjoy your visit to Scotland!…..” lmao….I like to kid around with people once in a while, cause who does something like that, it’s so absurd, but that’s what makes it funny. It’s like visiting Jerusalem and having Jesus show up as your guide, imagine that! Ok…well let’s be real, Jesus would be far more interesting than myself so maybe that’s not a good comparison, but you get the idea. Wouldn’t that be entertaining if in the future when reincarnation is more accepted, we see people do this very sort of thing.

One memory I seem to recall as Queen Mary, were the times spent riding through the sea of lush green surroundings of Scotland. I remember I use to love riding my horse to a specific point that overlooked the ocean. It’s where I liked to go to clear my head during difficult times or when I just wanted to be alone so I could hear myself think. The same behavior was replicated in this lifetime in my earlier 20’s. I found myself craving the cliffs of Northern California. There was a place just past Bodega Bay that was high up, covered with green grass overlooking the Pacific. I could stand there forever just taking the view in and never grow tired of the surroundings. Later on, when I moved further north, I was happy to find identical solace in the cliffs of Ecola State Park which overlooked Cannon Beach, located in Oregon. I had no idea that what I was doing had any relation to a past life as I did not know who I had been until much later. It just felt right. I’m hopeful in time as I do more research, I’ll come across mention of this kind of experience to validate what I already know to be true.

I have wondered how much I knew about ley lines back then. I cannot wait to walk the grounds once again to see if I can remember the surroundings and feel the energy of the ley lines. I do have memories of looking at maps and I believe it stems from my time as Mary. I don’t know why, but maps seem to fascinate me. Obviously, for political reasons I could see the connection, but is it possible we had access to maps with ley lines? I’d be interested to know if you ever come across such things while touring historical buildings around Scotland.

Speaking of Queen Victoria, I have recently come across the reincarnation of both Prince Albert and Queen Victoria herself and hope to meet them early next year since we will both be in a mutual location around the same time. I worked as an assistant to Queen Victoria in the mid to late 1800’s. It is not uncommon for those who play roles of nobility, to find themselves in later incarnations, working in the capacity of a servant. I was told in my most recent Akashic Record reading to take a closer look at John Brown, favorite and assistant to the Queen. Imagine the look on my face when I realized John Brown was none other than my dear and close friend Mr. Anderson in this lifetime! Mr. Anderson is also the reincarnation of my second husband as Queen Mary, Henry Stuart/Lord Darnley(Akashic Record confirmed). I was told I worked closely with Mr. Brown while assisting Queen Victoria. I’m attaching some pictures so you can see as long as I can keep them somewhat small. Though I have not pin pointed my name as of yet I believe I’ve found a picture that looks like me. This incarnation would most likely place me either on the Rose line or the Belinus line as I would have lived in England. I’m beginning to wonder if my name back then will surface as a derivative of ‘Mary’ because so far, all my core incarnations starting with Mary Queen of Scots and moving to current times, have names relating to Mary or Magdalena. When I figured this out, all I could think of was the famous silly saying…’Where does one hide the truth, but right in front of you.’ Lol

Take a close look and compare profiles and shapes of faces. From a scientific aspect we are seeing similarities in bone structures from one incarnation to the next. It's why I immediately recognized the identity of John Brown. So we can actually measure faces and find matches, which makes sense because your energy signature carries on with you. You may look somewhat different in each incarnation due to family DNA, but your bone structure will be very close in shape and measurement. I am being very candid with my case so it helps give others ideas as to what to look for so they can research and discover on their own.

http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/Idahophotos/AndersonStuartBrown_1.jpg (http://s489.photobucket.com/user/Idahophotos/media/AndersonStuartBrown_1.jpg.html)

Mr. Anderson **********Henry Stuart **** John Brown

http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/Idahophotos/Frogmore%20House.jpg (http://s489.photobucket.com/user/Idahophotos/media/Frogmore%20House.jpg.html)http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/Idahophotos/Marie%20Stuart_1.jpg (http://s489.photobucket.com/user/Idahophotos/media/Marie%20Stuart_1.jpg.html)

Frogmore House 1861 ************************ me? ******** Elizabeth Marie * Mary Queen of Scots

Larger picture of Frogmore House here:

8th November 2015, 02:28
David Wilcock does resemble Cayce in one of Cayce's pics that I will say. Really went downhill in this lifetime.

Divine Feminine
8th November 2015, 03:12
I think he does too, but what I don't understand is why the A.R.E. foundation doesn't seem to honor his identity...any idea why? Do you know if David has ever had his face measured? You can't fake this.....so there are specific measurements such as distance between the two eye sockets, the nose to the chin, etc....The older the incarnation the more difficult it becomes as then you only have paintings and sculptures to work with. As you can see, often the paintings of long ago are only side profiles so you can't get a full measurement of the face. I was fortunate enough to have a death mask to work with for Queen Mary which gave one of my measurements from my nose to my chin an exact match. Common sense tells us that you don't get exact matches unless you are that person. But there are additional objectives to consider, not just how you look in comparison. It's a package deal we're attempting to put together. The compilation of objectives is also based on observations and patterns of cases explored through the years including a psychological profile.

I recently heard a researcher say that Edgar Cayce had not reincarnated during this time though he didn't say why....I think it may have been Robert Schwartz. So it would be interesting to measure David's face. I do believe in soul splits and it's possible he is a soul aspect of Cayce.

What we're attempting to do with our work is establish a scientific protocol that we and others can follow on every case we explore, document, and then create an archive of our work for future generations. It's going to take us a couple of years to get this together as we're in the middle of writing a book and haven't even established our website as of yet.

8th November 2015, 04:51
I don't know anything about face measurements and reincarnation. I am inclined to think it doesn't matter and people's faces and sexes change throughout reincarnations. I only know of one true case of reincarnation in my own family and that is of my third daughter who is the reincarnation of my nursemaid. I felt "L" 's spirit pass through my body one late afternoon. It was a very definite sensation- this was only 3 years after her death. I then had dreams I had become pregnant with her (this was akin to an immaculate conception I might add as well) and then after several negative pregnancy tests several weeks later gave up on the pregnancy idea until a few weeks later I got a twinge of nausea. Another test confirmed the pregnancy. "L" spoke with me throughout the pregnancy and told me early on the cord would be wrapped 3 times around neck- I had to see a yoga therapist in order to work on my fear surrounding that issue. I had the baby the same month "L" was born, cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times, midwife just unwrapped it, and when my midwife walked over to my bathtub to show me the heart shaped placenta it was yet another weird confirmation as I had placed a heart shaped wreath of red roses to be placed on "L" in her coffin with a note to her.

Several years later when my daughter Sofia L was 3, I had brought back a picture of "L" holding me as an infant. Sofia walked up to my night table and picked up the picture and blurted out, "Mommy, that was me when I was a lady and I used to take care of you". Sofia grew up gravitating towards friends of other colors- you see "L" was a Southern black mammey. Sofia does not look anything like her, but she has "L"s taste in food and her very gentle and patient mannerisms. So I don't put a lot of stock into face measurements and look alikes. There have been plenty of famous peope throughout the ages who look like other (famous as well) people and I don't believe they are reincarnations.

I think all this stuff is hard to actually prove. I have a lot of memories for example of being one of Henry VIII's wife, and the first time I went to England at age 8, our chauffeur got lost on the way to Windsor Castle , well guess who directed him? I did and got us there. Does this prove I am the reincarnation of one of Henry's wives? No, I have a lot of specific memories of that lifetime but it would be almost impossible to prove.

If you study portraits, each painter depicts each subject differently so it's almost impossible to get an accurate picture of what they looked like in reality. I can name many examples,, entire face shapes very different from same year of depicted person, but one can still get a general idea.

8th November 2015, 05:54
I don't know much about forensic facial reconstruction but here is an article about Mary Queen of Scots and the facial reconstruct they did.


8th November 2015, 13:07
Elen, Rosslyn chapel is just beautiful. I'm very glad to have you share this with us.

ERK & DF, I love your stories and perspectives. I believed in reincarnation as soon as I learned what it was. It makes sense to me. I'm pretty sure I was a soldier in war in my last life. It would have been WWII based on what I saw. It was a recurring childhood dream. The only one like it. It was always the same scenario. It was all in sepia. That was weird because I always dream in color. This was the only time I dreamt in "black & white" but it was sepia tones, not greys. The ultimate takeaway for me was the lesson learned that we need to stop war. We all need to put down our guns. I began to tell everyone around me this. Most wouldn't listen and just kept fighting. I would awake very angry.

I have no idea who I was other than being a soldier and thus male.

8th November 2015, 14:23
Elen, Rosslyn chapel is just beautiful. I'm very glad to have you share this with us.

ERK & DF, I love your stories and perspectives. I believed in reincarnation as soon as I learned what it was. It makes sense to me. I'm pretty sure I was a soldier in war in my last life. It would have been WWII based on what I saw. It was a recurring childhood dream. The only one like it. It was always the same scenario. It was all in sepia. That was weird because I always dream in color. This was the only time I dreamt in "black & white" but it was sepia tones, not greys. The ultimate takeaway for me was the lesson learned that we need to stop war. We all need to put down our guns. I began to tell everyone around me this. Most wouldn't listen and just kept fighting. I would awake very angry.

I have no idea who I was other than being a soldier and thus male.

I have memories of WWII as well- past life one's, as well as memories from many other lifetimes. Many are very specific.

8th November 2015, 16:26
Nice to see the direction this is taking us here. Reincarnation, hey? Do more people remember their past lives? I could certainly chime in with what I’ve experienced. When I visited Holy Island, I had this experience:

My friend Sheila and me went for a drive on the autumn equinox 2011. We decided to head for wherever the Sun was. We checked the weather forecast and it looked pretty good on the East Coast, so that’s where we headed. And to make this a bit shorter: We ended up on Holy Island, just south of Berwick upon Tweed.

The moment we got out of the car, we were hit by an elevating energy, so strong, it nearly took our breath away. Wow, what a greeting it was! I felt my way around and just kept walking straight toward a point that seemed familiar to me, and I knew that it was inside some church ruins. I wasn’t aware of having to buy tickets and all that nonsense, so I was stopped by a guard, but too late, I was in. We were ushered out, but it didn’t matter, because I realised that whatever it was, it had been accomplished. The rest of the afternoon we just spent looking and wandering about, purchased some local vegetables and some honey from the Island. The energies were wonderful.

So, I woke up very early in the morning (I very often have clarity of knowing upon waking) and I felt myself or HS speaking, I never hear anything, just feel the words:
I have anchored the energies; they cannot run away with “the ship” again. I am an Anchor for these energies, WE ARE THE ANCIENT ONES, and we have come back! I was a druid there, a long time ago.

I saw the hidden records, and I saw what had happened there. Not the official story about the Christians having saved everyone from pagan worship. They claimed that Vikings had attacked the Christians, but I knew that the Vikings had helped them balancing their Karma after the murdering of Druids and the wise women in the area. I saw how they’ve covered things up, like painting over; the new buildings, churches and castles are just an attempt to cover up the real places. It’s a very special place all right, but not the way they want you to believe.

This experience is something that I’ve kept to myself all this time, but I think the time is now to let it go, to let people know what happened to me. I’m nothing special; I’ve been reminded many times in my life…it’s just my experience on Holy Island.


8th November 2015, 16:35
Yes- many memories of past lives are interesting Elen! That is amazing you saw the hidden records there! I had one "download" when my third child was around 2 years old. We boarded a 3 seater plane on one of the Caribbean Islands and he was so panic stricken he passed out from fright. I got an instant download we were both pilots in WWI and had been together on a plane that went down. It was a download that really shook me up but I also remember being on a flight with him when he was 4 months old during what they call a "Noreaster" storm as we headed to NY from North Carolina and the plane was very turbulent and it stirred up weird feelings of him and I as well.
He overcame his fear recently at age 19 by skydiving lol. I am still terrified of air travel and will put off vacations and such just because I hate to travel via air.

9th November 2015, 01:39
Divine Feminine- check out this article. Scroll down to see the pictures of Eddy and Frederick. If you keep scrolling there are more pictures of royals and more royal look alikes born several generations later.

"Eddy, or Albert Victor as his proper name was. He died before he became king. The rumors about his life became pronounced after this death. He bears a striking likeness to Queen Elizabeth’s cousin Prince Michael’s son Frederick. "


Divine Feminine
9th November 2015, 03:04
Gosh I've been trying to get on here all day, but too busy..I love reading your past life stories and have more to say. I know what I'm experiencing is not my imagination and the more I dig the more interesting it's getting affirming both my identities and thoughts on a bigger picture. I think as others start doing the same, they will see/experience some of the same things I am, just as I'm noticing on this thread as you all share your stories. My intuition tells me I'm hovering right where I need to be and it's tied to ley lines and energy. Clues of the truth are in my writings and all that's stopping some from believing or understanding is compelling affirmations brought on in grandeur fashion via a different medium.

ERK, thanks for the link, but when I click on it, it says that page doesn't exist. If I'm understanding what your saying....my response would be this....yes, some do reincarnate back into the same bloodlines. One of the colleagues I'm working with has come across this in his own family line. The same has happened to me. My maiden name today is an extension of the Stuart bloodline, so in essence I have reincarnated into my own bloodline. There's an interesting scientific study that came out not too long ago which I was pleased to see. Check it out and then think on your own- how this might tie into reincarnation. There's reason why your DNA is similar to your friends....because your 'friends' have often been your mothers, fathers, brothers and lovers etc.. from long ago. I should know as today I'm married to a soul aspect of my son, King James VI, I(Akashic Record confirmed Oct. 2015)....and even still, every so often just to poke fun, I will make promises swearing on King James bible...lmao....:hilarious:

Back tomorrow I hope..

Friends Have More DNA In Common Than Strangers

9th November 2015, 03:48
Fixed the link- it works now. The daughter I speak of in the reincarnation story shares the same exact birthday and time as Queen Anne born Feb 6th 1665 except my daughter was born in 2000. Just a weird coincidence when you speak of the Stuart line, Anne being the last monarch of that line and then house of Hanover came in.

Divine Feminine
9th November 2015, 04:47
Anyone notice my prior post ended up being 33? I'm seriously not doing this, I just answered ERK above not even realizing what I was doing...it just keeps happening.

Thanks for fixing the link ERK, will look at tomorrow! You are on the right path to look at dates, these are clues because it's all energetically tied. Dates are forms of 'objectives'. So when looking at reincarnation cases, it's not just about looking similar to the person you think you are, it's also finding objectives that match to that person as well as a psychological profile which can be explained at a later time. For example, my birthday as MQS I know was Dec. 7, as today it's my wedding anniversary date. My birthday in this incarnation is July 10. In my life as Queen Mary, July 10 was the date of my coronation to the throne of France. My birth year, is the same as my son King James VI, I, 1566, however in this year I was born 1966. Notice how my birth date adds up to the #3? Now remember what I was told in my reading:

Ahtun-Re-The energy points and the ley lines and the correlation points of the astrological charts synchronize to create the point of incarnation. In other words energy follows energy.

For my own case there are tons of objectives matching. It will not be like this for everyone, so I don't want to imply it's this easy for every case all the time. I know it's because that time period is paralleling this one. Even those around me who I've been able to identify to the times of Mary are displaying 'objectives' in the same manner....it's not just me. This is not a coincidence, but clues. Keep looking.....you will know if you're on the correct path by what you discover. It's only your imagination if you are still thinking in 3D.

9th November 2015, 15:42
As for dates, I don't in any way think my daughter is connected to Queen Anne, it's just an odd coincidence. On a similar note both my youngest son (4 years old) and I share the same birthday as Prince George (July 22). Only I was born 1966, my son was born 2011 and George was what 2013? I was born at 4:20 PM- my son born on my 45th birthday was born exactly 2:10 hours earlier at 2:10 PM. What are the chances of that (he wasn't even due on my birthday - he was due on July 8th).

9th November 2015, 23:21
My understanding of how reincarnation works is that the people in your current lifetime that you have long term interactions with, or short term but highly significant interactions with, are people you have likely significantly interacted with in other lifetimes and now have an opportunity to work something out. I understand that astrology fits in here as well. i.e. reincarnation, karma, and astrology (should) work together.

I have memories of a number of previous lives, mostly bits and pieces, but for some I remember more. I don't have any memories of ever being anyone famous, or even important. I've visited a number of old forts not far from where I live, and several somehow seemed very familiar right away, the top four being Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Niagara, the Citadel in Quebec City, and Fort Louisbourg on Cape Breton. So 18th century. I have a lot of relatives in Nova Scotia.

As far as the subject of bloodlines go, there's really only one aspect of it that really interests me. It's clear that several groups of very powerful people place extreme importance on bloodlines and I'd like to understand why.

10th November 2015, 02:37
[...] On a similar note both my youngest son (4 years old) and I share the same birthday as Prince George (July 22). Only I was born 1966, my son was born 2011 and George was what 2013? I was born at 4:20 PM- my son born on my 45th birthday was born exactly 2:10 hours earlier at 2:10 PM. What are the chances of that (he wasn't even due on my birthday - he was due on July 8th).

Numerologically, that all translates to...

The year 1966 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 6 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4. The year 2011 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4. However, the actual birth number is comprised of the complete birth date. The 22nd of July is 2 + 2 + 7 = 11 = 2. So you and your youngest son have the same birth number, being 6. There's also a significance in the "base 9" number obtained by numbering all letters of the alphabet from 1 to 26, and then analyzing your complete legal names, including any middle names, but not including the name of your husband as part of your own name.

The hour of your birth was 04:20 PM = 0+ 4 + 2 + 0 = 6, but in the 24-hour system, 16:20 = 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 = 9. 6 and 9 are graphically each other's opposite, but they are two of the three corners in the "base 9" numerological system — the third corner being 3, of course.

The hour of your son's birth was 02:10 PM = 0 + 2 + 1 + 0 = 3, but 14:10 = 1 + 4 + 1 + 0 = 6. Again two corners of the "base 9" system. (The difference between the 12-hour AM/PM system and the 24-hour system is of course always going to be 3 (for 12 hours = 1 + 2).

Your son's birth hour was exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes earlier than yours. 2 + 1 + 0 = 3. The third corner. ;)

I'm not an expert on numerology, but whatever the significance is, there is definitely a numerological link between yourself and your youngest son, as if you're both two corners of a triangle, and the third corner is formed by the difference — i.e. the numerological distance — between yourself and him. The best I can interpret that at this moment in time is by assuming that the two of you will always need each other in order to attain completion of the triangle, whatever that triangle may signify. (A certain objective that is to be attained in life, perhaps? Maybe the number(s) obtained from your names will shed some light on this?)

Divine Feminine
10th November 2015, 03:25
So I don't put a lot of stock into face measurements and look alikes. There have been plenty of famous people throughout the ages who look like other (famous as well) people and I don't believe they are reincarnations. I think all this stuff is hard to actually prove.

Your thoughts are not uncommon, but those working in the field would most likely disagree. In all fairness, to have this alternative viewpoint of researchers, you would have to spend a lot of time looking at cases, measuring faces and observing the patterns within between the dead and the living. Paul Von Ward has been measuring faces for quite some time as has Adrian Finkelstein, M.D. and they are well aware of similarities in bone structures of various individual reincarnation cases. So this isn’t anything really new, but most in the public aren’t even aware it’s being done. We’re attempting to change this in Paul’s upcoming sequel book to The Soul Genome. But keep in mind determining one’s past life is not based solely on how one looks. It’s the combination of several factors that can validate whether one has a strong case or not. For me personally I don’t worry whether people believe me or not and I would recommend the same for others who come forward and go through the same process/protocol of discovering. I cannot expect people to believe only things I can ‘feel’ in regards to who I’ve been. Additionally I find most don’t have the ability to recognize the difference between a strong case and a groupie wanna-be and I understand completely why. ……Unless you have a lot of time to study dead people, lol, how would you even know what protocols to follow to justify a legitimate case in the first place? I’ve been doing this awhile myself and I still have much to learn. The public isn’t well- versed, especially Western Cultures, to even make a proper determination as to who has a strong case and who doesn’t. So as I become more seasoned, my goal will be to simplify and share with the public, so they too can have a better understanding. By no means is this a put down and I'm just making a general statement not directed at anyone,…I know, it’s just how it is right now. People have a difficult time with subjective material because part of 3D thinking is you have to be able to see it, touch it, feel it, taste it, for it to be true.

Exploring ones past life identities is a personal experience and most aren’t comfortable revealing what they uncover. I have no problem sharing my discoveries with the point being to benefit others by offering clues on how one can research their own cases. My case will be in our upcoming book in greater detail as will my colleague James, who played the role of King Francis II, my 1st husband as MQS. James has several compelling cases. If all goes well, we should have the book completed by next year.

I don't know much about forensic facial reconstruction but here is an article about Mary Queen of Scots and the facial reconstruct they did.

Yes I’ve seen this. I believe they took the measurements off of her death mask which was my saving grace to be able to measure my own face in comparison as the portraits of the times were all side shots. This is how we obtained an exact match on one of the measurements. What’s really odd about the whole thing is I believe both James and I are the only 2 royals who have had a facial reconstruction done on our faces. One of James’ past life incarnations is that of King Richard III. The same group of people who did Richard also did Mary, which we thought was really ironic.

Here’s a facial comparison of myself to Mary Queen of Scots death mask. You can see how close the bottom of my face is compared to her mask. Look at the shape of the face, the lips, the chin…..The death mask is made of wax and was poured over her face shortly after she was killed which is why we thought it was the best item to work with rather than pictures. I also included a comparison of her eyes from the reconstruction to my own. The nice thing about being able to measure faces is you can use the science of probability. One of the closest matches I’ve seen is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.

http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/Idahophotos/DEATH%20MASK%20AND%20EYE%20COMPARISON%20OF%20MQS_1 .jpg

So, I woke up very early in the morning (I very often have clarity of knowing upon waking) and I felt myself or HS speaking, I never hear anything, just feel the words:
I have anchored the energies; they cannot run away with “the ship” again. I am an Anchor for these energies, WE ARE THE ANCIENT ONES, and we have come back! I was a druid there, a long time ago.
I saw the hidden records, and I saw what had happened there. Not the official story about the Christians having saved everyone from pagan worship. They claimed that Vikings had attacked the Christians, but I knew that the Vikings had helped them balancing their Karma after the murdering of Druids and the wise women in the area. I saw how they’ve covered things up, like painting over; the new buildings, churches and castles are just an attempt to cover up the real places. It’s a very special place all right, but not the way they want you to believe.
This experience is something that I’ve kept to myself all this time, but I think the time is now to let it go, to let people know what happened to me. I’m nothing special; I’ve been reminded many times in my life…it’s just my experience on Holy Island.

I was going to ask if you were connected to the Druids! It’s probably tied to why you’re there now. I think people have experiences like this all the time, but don’t make the connection to a past life and therefore just blow it off because it’s subjective, which isn’t easily explained to those still living in 3D. It wasn’t until 2005 that I realized I was having my own past life experiences. As the years passed, it began to bother me enough that I chose to seek help in order to properly make an identity match. Once made, so many things began to make sense. I became more and more keen to what was taking place around me, which allowed for further past-life connections to come to fruition. Currently I’m doing my best to turn over every stone possible, which only strengthens my research skills and will enable me to assist clients with every specific detail possible so their own cases can flourish.

Yes- many memories of past lives are interesting Elen! That is amazing you saw the hidden records there! I had one "download" when my third child was around 2 years old. We boarded a 3 seater plane on one of the Caribbean Islands and he was so panic stricken he passed out from fright. I got an instant download we were both pilots in WWI and had been together on a plane that went down. It was a download that really shook me up but I also remember being on a flight with him when he was 4 months old during what they call a "Noreaster" storm as we headed to NY from North Carolina and the plane was very turbulent and it stirred up weird feelings of him and I as well.

I believe the term for this type of experience is called ‘spontaneous past-life recall’. My friend James had this happen to him quite a bit when he was little.

As for dates, I don't in any way think my daughter is connected to Queen Anne, it's just an odd coincidence. On a similar note both my youngest son (4 years old) and I share the same birthday as Prince George (July 22). Only I was born 1966, my son was born 2011 and George was what 2013? I was born at 4:20 PM- my son born on my 45th birthday was born exactly 2:10 hours earlier at 2:10 PM. What are the chances of that (he wasn't even due on my birthday - he was due on July 8th).

While researching cases, I have noticed a lot of royal birthdays seem to fall in December and July. I’m assuming the patterns I’m noticing might have to do with specific soul groups, but I’m still unsure. Both James and I have a few Tudor incarnations amongst us in our families, so if you ever want to get serious about exploring a possible connection to Henry VIII, let me know as I’d be interested in comparing photos with our own family members. If I remember correctly Henry would have been my great Uncle as his sister Margaret Tudor was my grandmother, and her daughter, Margaret Douglas Tudor was my mother-in-law while married to Lord Darnly/Henry Stuart. We are aware of both Margaret Tudor's identity and that of Margaret Douglas Tudor.

EDIT TO ADD: And again post 39 adds up #3...ok, I'm gonna stop looking, because it's getting weird.

10th November 2015, 14:05
http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/Idahophotos/DEATH%20MASK%20AND%20EYE%20COMPARISON%20OF%20MQS_1 .jpg

Hmm, I don't see any likeness with Shirley Temple. :p :ttr: :ha:

10th November 2015, 14:33
Hmm, I don't see any likeness with Shirley Temple. :p :ttr: :ha:

There you go again, Aragorn. :ha:

Divine Feminine
10th November 2015, 16:04
Hmm, I don't see any likeness with Shirley Temple. :p :ttr: :ha:

I dunno....maybe I should measure the shape her mouth compared to my own, the next time I come across something I can hardly believe, lol.

10th November 2015, 16:56
I dunno....maybe I should measure the shape her mouth compared to my own, the next time I come across something I can hardly believe, lol.

I like your attitude, DF, this is the way to go! Carry on, the way you were.


Divine Feminine
10th November 2015, 17:43
Since ERK brought up the facial reconstruction of Mary Queen of Scots. I thought you guys might be interested in seeing the facial reconstruction of Richard III which is the reincarnation of James who is also the reincarnation of L.W. R. Blair.


It's a little weird to James and I that the same forensic artist would just so happen to do both of our faces....I mean what are the odds?....we cannot help but think this is all by design and I think I'm getting closer to understanding why.

I don't mean to go off topic here and if you guys feel all this reincarnation stuff should be moved to another thread, I won't be offended. I realize this thread is about Rosslyn and I only brought up my story about Mary as she would have frequented Rosslyn.

I'll quickly share a couple more stories...one memory that I have in this incarnation is about churches and I wonder if it's tied to Rosslyn....for some reason I always loved small little Catholic churches. When I lived in Boulder, CO for a year, there was this small church I just adored....dang where was it....it was on the way to a specific mtn. outside of Boulder going towards the Continental Divide.....it sat on a cliff, it was beautiful and I didn't want to leave. I can see it in my mind and the mtn which stood behind it. Now I'm wondering if that memory comes from my times in Scotland when I would have frequented churches especially Rosslyn. I was 16 during my time in Boulder so this is why my memory is fuzzy.

Speaking of churches, one other strange coincidence recently just happened which James pointed out.....I shared with you what I was told by Ahtun-Re in my recent reading Oct. 29, 2015(and no it doesn't add up to 3, already checked, it is 2 though, lol)....anyways, again he was confirming my observation of reincarnation and ley lines....he said:

Ahtun-Re- Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem is one of the places that souls, it is like a portal that they more or less entered into the Earth plain on…It is like a vortex. Then souls will align with certain ley lines, which in turn is like what Mr. Cayce said geographic regions or nations have karma. It is called Geomancy and it is organized energetically according to principals of Feng Shui. Do you understand?

So when I shared this with James, he said, do you remember the church we went to for Easter Sunday when you came earlier this year to visit? (Side note, James and I met for the first time this year in this incarnation earlier in the Spring) I said yes, and then he said...but do your remember the name of the church? Which of course I had forgotten....and then he said to me....it's called Mt. Moriah Church........omg.....too weird!

I do not practice religion as I have mentioned in posts before, but I do respect the rights of those to practice whatever religion they are comfortable with, which is why frequenting a church is not uncommon for me should that be in the plans. It's not that I don't believe in God, I have just stayed away from organized religions because I feel people are often being mis-guided.

10th November 2015, 18:44
DF I don't mind if you stay here with your postings. It's all OK with me. I will be posting other things later about the Rosslyn Chapel, as I'm going back soon. No worries from me here, unless you would like to start another thread about reincarnation yourself. I certainly have other memories from past lives. But not royalties or anything like that. It's very interesting that you have so many royal incarnations, one after another, and I'm sure that you're honest about it all. Again, thank you!


10th November 2015, 18:48
I don't mean to go off topic here and if you guys feel all this reincarnation stuff should be moved to another thread, I won't be offended. I realize this thread is about Rosslyn and I only brought up my story about Mary as she would have frequented Rosslyn.

Well, it was Elen who started this thread, and all threads do wander off-topic eventually, so I'll leave it up to her to decide. Splitting the thread off is definitely possible. ;)

Speaking of churches, [...]

I do not practice religion as I have mentioned in posts before, but I do respect the rights of those to practice whatever religion they are comfortable with, which is why frequenting a church is not uncommon for me should that be in the plans. It's not that I don't believe in God, I have just stayed away from organized religions because I feel people are often being mis-guided.

There's a certain religion-agnostic aspect to churches as well. In the Highlander (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_%28franchise%29) universe, churches, dojos and burial grounds are all considered Holy Ground, regardless of religion or creed. Holy Ground is the only place where Immortals can safely meet one another, because none of them — not even the most evil among them, as stated by Duncan MacLeod in the Highlander television series — will violate that law.

In the original movie, it is stated by Ramirez that "it is tradition", but in Highlander III: The Sorcerer and in the series, it is established that there will be some "magical intervention" if two immortals were to fight on Holy Ground. In Highlander III: The Sorcerer, Kane initially attacks Connor MacLeod in a dojo, but as his sword shatters that of Connor in an attempt to behead him, a mysterious wind flares up inside the dojo and causes a fire, and in the television series, it was hinted that the volcanic eruption at Pompeii was the result of two Immortals having a battle on Holy Ground.

It is my personal take that holiness is not tied in with religion, but rather with spiritual purity and sacredness. :)

10th November 2015, 19:04
I'm all good here guys.

Divine Feminine
10th November 2015, 19:28
Found it!!! Allenspark! This is the church! I remember thinking I would love to get married here some day. And this isn't a coincidence,...it's a Catholic church, which I'm just figuring out right now.... and I was a Catholic in my life as Mary Queen of Scots. Most likely this church felt familiar to me which is why I was drawn to it.....I was remembering who I was.


Here's youtube video so you can see the inside...just seeing this again almost makes me cry for some silly reason:


No worries from me here, unless you would like to start another thread about reincarnation yourself. It's very interesting that you have so many royal incarnations, one after another, and I'm sure that you're honest about it all. Again, thank you!

Maybe in the future I will, but time-wise it's difficult for me to manage running a thread. I believe the royal lines are tied to specific soul groups which is why some of us keep popping up into the same bloodlines and I can see how it's all energetically tied. It's not just me, I'm seeing it with others too. In this lifetime, though I am of the royal bloodline, I'm not a royal, however I do work in a servant capacity(service to others) as I am a caretaker for people's homes and pets while they are away. I love what I do. It makes energetic sense I would surround myself with animals as it's the closest thing to unconditional love one can find within the 3D world.

There is nothing special about me, and if you were to meet me you would never have any idea who I am as I'm just the girl next-door type. And if you knew me spiritually, then you would see and understand who I truly am and how those traits correlate to all the persona's I've been and will be in the future.

James and I think(maybe too over-confidently), we're gonna get so good at this reincarnation stuff that we may be able to predict where souls crop up in the next lifetimes, lol.....So when you can see our behavior as a collective is showing signs of going backwards like I've mentioned before in past posts..it's not hard to wonder if roles you played back in the times will be the roles you'll be playing in the future(even better) as it mimics the thought that past, present and future are all merely one in the same.

“The past is your future.” - Elizabeth Marie (July 2010, written in a letter to a friend before my past life was identified)
Translation- everything you are today aligns with who you were and who you’ll be in the times to come.

“In my End is my Beginning….” - Mary Queen of Scots before her death possibly January 1587.

10th November 2015, 20:15
I was also drawn to that church the first time I saw it - as I happen to live not too far away.As for royal memories Elen, I also don't really have any. I do have specific memories of being around Henry 8th's court but have zero clue as to why. I grew up in a Tudor manor house and my parents once dressed up as Henry 8th and Anne Boleyn, there were also paintings of Henry in the house I grew up and well my father changed his name to suit that. He had a similar facial structure as Henry 8th but I wouldn't say he was a reincarnation. In this life though his good friend is a royal Prince of the Aragon line.

I'm not sure how I feel about bloodlines and all that stuff, my belief is we are all made of the same material and that stuff does not really matter. Here on dualistic planet earth we see things as good, bad, black, white, royal, non royal - it's an elitist thing that stems from ego and it gets played out on planet to the max. One sees this in religious institutions as well, from Judeo Christian stuff to Buddhism and so on.

This might be interesting http://www.iisis.net/index.php?page=semkiw-reincarnation-past-lives-principles as it delves into some of the physical traits in different incarnations.

Divine Feminine
10th November 2015, 23:13
Funny thing about Boulder...it's where I read my first book on reincarnation...right on top of the Flat Irons over-looking the Continental Divide..couldn't have asked for a more perfect setting.

The site you listed belongs to Dr. Walter Semkiw. He's who I originally went to when I was first trying to figure out who I was. He works closely with Kevin Ryerson, the person I mentioned as who I go to for Akashic Record readings. By perusing through Semkiw's work I was able to learn how to look for what's called 'objectives'. Kind of what you're pointing out below, lol. These are clues the universe is telling you. I see this happen all the time.

I do have specific memories of being around Henry 8th's court but have zero clue as to why. I grew up in a Tudor manor house and my parents once dressed up as Henry 8th and Anne Boleyn, there were also paintings of Henry in the house I grew up and well my father changed his name to suit that. He had a similar facial structure as Henry 8th but I wouldn't say he was a reincarnation. In this life though his good friend is a royal Prince of the Aragon line.

This might be interesting http://www.iisis.net/index.php?page=semkiw-reincarnation-past-lives-principles as it delves into some of the physical traits in different incarnations.

You would be amazed how many things you're saying and doing that are related to who you've been. James and I have had much fun figuring out people's identities that are close to us....because when you know who they are, some of the things they say are downright funny considering their past life identity. I'll never forget an email he sent, where he said, "hey I just taught Margaret Tudor how to ride a bike." lmao

Or a time when I observed a conversation where someone close to me said to her Grandmother...."I'm not a princess Gramma, I'm a queen!" ...And she was, lol......What was funny is everyone looked at me when she said that, because not too long before, I had told them who I thought she was and I think originally they weren't 'buying' it. A few days after I had told my husband who I thought he was(it may have been 3), a piece of our computer equipment broke....he went to the store, replaced it, set it up and he comes down stairs and says' "you'll never guess what the password was on this piece of equipment"...and I said kinda annoyingly because I was busy...'what?'.....and he says James I.....lmao....which is exactly who I had told him he was a few days previously...So if I'm so full of crap, how do you explain that one? What are the odds?

"It's only a coincidence if you're still thinking in 3D"....lol.

I hope you don't think I'm being an 'elitist' ERK by discussing this? People shouldn't be afraid to tell their stories for fear of being called 'elitist' because of who they were. We all have soul paths to follow and they will not all be the same. For myself I know working in the reincarnation field is where I'm suppose to be and this stems from looking at my own cases and James as well because of how our lives intertwined...it's as if everything is laid out perfectly as a story that's meant to be told, though only James and I can see this right now, because our cases aren't public.

Understanding reincarnation has taken the fear out of dying for me because from the experience you realize you are immortal. It is something I hope to help others overcome. I have had several incarnations where I have either witnessed the horrific death of someone close to me, such as Jesus in my time as an Essene, or experienced a horrific death myself such as being burnt alive in Pompeii during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius or having my head cut off as Queen Mary. I am interested in cases where the person was well documented because that is what allows us to understand in more depth the 'how's' and 'why's of reincarnation. Which is why I encourage people if they have a reading, one of the first things they should ask....'Was I a well-documented' individual? It's not about being someone famous...it's so you have something to work with so you can make those connections which makes the experience even more believable because now you have something tangible in front of you. I didn't know enough at my first reading to even think about asking this question...I just got lucky, because Kevin Ryerson/Ahtun-Re knew what was significant enough to put in front of me so that I could see.

One of the amazing benefits of finding out who you were is it gives you the opportunity to identify Karmic related issues. Some call them virtues. For me, one lesson was abandonment. As Queen Mary, I was forced to abandon my son at a very young age as I was incarcerated by Elizabeth I. I never saw my son again before I was killed. And it's the very reason why I'm married to him today. We were put into a situation where abandonment could have occurred again but I was able to clear that karma in this lifetime because I made the right choice. Had I not known who I had been I would have never made the correlation. Pretty amazing stuff is all I can say.

Divine Feminine
11th November 2015, 01:36
As far as the subject of bloodlines go, there's really only one aspect of it that really interests me. It's clear that several groups of very powerful people place extreme importance on bloodlines and I'd like to understand why.

I'm gonna take a stab at this, and my thoughts are based on all I've come across through researching and my own ties to the bloodlines. I have wondered the same myself and is it possible they are looking for the reincarnation of Lucifer himself? I am very weak on my bible knowledge so someone help me out here....Hasn't it been said that the royal bloodlines contain the Fallen Angels which were the Archangels? I can tell you from my own experience that the Archangels are incarnating within the royal bloodlines....they are tied to the Apollo/Athena ley line, the Saint Michael/Saint Mary ley line and the Belinus ley line and obviously the Rose Line. As the story goes, didn't Archangel Michael battle Lucifer, a Fallen Angel, on Mount Saint Michael in France?

I know 'they' know reincarnation is real based on specific movies where screenplays are manifested and controlled by those in charge. I also know 'they' know who 'we' are based on what I've seen portrayed in the recent t.v. series 'Reign', which is about the life of Mary Queen of Scots and those who were around her. Do not put much stock in the program as it is historically inaccurate, fyi......Unless you know some things about who she was, who she is and where she comes from, you would not have the viewpoint I do as you would not see the subtle innuendos and underlying meaning of some of the topics covered in the scripts of this show...so I realize what I'm saying can easily be blown off and sound crazy. But I will tell you I have seen enough to get the message, 'they' know who we are, where we are...and then some. So I believe 'they' are possibly looking for the reincarnation of Lucifer and I would bet my life that those they put in power throughout the various countries have the O-negative blood-type aka, the sociopaths who by design cannot 'feel' and therefore have no problem wrecking havoc amongst powerless souls as most likely they're "Lucifer" is one of them and could be reincarnating back into the royal bloodlines as history repeats itself to resolve karma. Now this may only be half the story if it even is 'the story'....but this is my best guess.

EDIT TO ADD: And ask yourself this...why is it necessary to have a series about Mary Queen of Scots anyways? Why now? Haven't we heard enough about her already? or have we? I find the timing most interesting.

11th November 2015, 02:15
Hi everyone, so im going with the flow of the thread here :). I hav a question or two if anyone would like to answer. Im wondering if it is true that we reincarnate with a similar face each life, does this allow for both male and female incarnations? I was also wondering does the possible reincarnating along the grid allow for varied experiences such as living in poverty as opposed to wealth or does the soul choose not to experience some scenarios? Thanks,lb

Divine Feminine
11th November 2015, 02:42
Hi everyone, so im going with the flow of the thread here :). I hav a question or two if anyone would like to answer. I'm wondering if it is true that we reincarnate with a similar face each life, does this allow for both male and female incarnations?

The answer is yes and if you click on the link ERK provided above there's a case or two on there explaining exactly what you're looking for. :thup:

I was also wondering does the possible reincarnating along the grid allow for varied experiences such as living in poverty as opposed to wealth or does the soul choose not to experience some scenarios? Thanks,lb

Most definitely! Look at my case and also my friend Mr. Anderson that I shared earlier on this thread. Both of us have played roles of nobility and then together at the same time we were servants to Queen Victoria few hundred years later. And if you research Victoria a bit, you'll quickly see, she wasn't the most pleasant to work for....Though I'm not sure about our pay, some of us probably weren't very wealthy. I would think some of the best lessons learned would be those which create hardships. If you look at researchers who do past life regressions some will explain your lessons as virtues. So you will have specific experiences that will help you to understand and grow from whatever 'virtue' you may need to learn. Hope that helps answer your question.

I'm reaching here cause I can't remember...but I thought one past life regressionist stated he had uncovered like 32 virtues....I believe it was Robert Schwartz. Google his name and you can pull up his website. He was just on coast to coast am and Malc probably has that particular show posted.

I hope others chime in who may have insight.

11th November 2015, 02:51
Thankyou DF, shall check them out. Just wondering, you may or not hav a theory on this query, what about those souls who are unplanned conceptions? or even opportunistic rapes? Can the reincarnation theory "fit" those born in to these circumstances?- in particular with your theory DF, are there "spare" incarnations where we could just not resemble anyone simply because we are an "accident"?

Many Thanks,lb

11th November 2015, 03:27
I think my sister in law had a reading with Kevin some years ago. I remember when I first read about him many years ago.

I also used to do past life readings myself- seems like eons ago as I was in my early 20's for the ashram I was involved with at the time. Of interest is that simultaneously they used to send for past life readings in India (back then you sent specific info via the mail and were then mailed back a whole sheet on it) and many of my readings matched up (person/some of their past lives) nearly if not identical.

These days I have a very different mindset and it's something Sam Hunter and I have spent many hours discussing- in particular the synchronicities that surround these areas of investigation. I no longer see the synchronicities as confirmations. 10,20, 30 years ago I would have.

Lookbeyond- supposedly I was a rape conception. My mother states she was raped (by a well known person now deceased) and if I look at my life I see it as nearly all directed. I was then purchased on the black market by other elites and raised by them. My biological mother has been paid off all these years to keep quiet because of the nature of it all (government). 2 of my daughters look like the mother I grew up with (not my biological one) while I don't look anything like her.

11th November 2015, 03:48
It is my opinion now that many folks take their experiences that come in the form of dreams, visions, synchronicities, meditations and any form of imaginings as "messages from beyond," "memories of past lives," etc. That from this they begin to fantasize in ways no different than playing the game Dungeons and Dragons. Yet they are playing the game first on themselves and then... as their confidence grows, they begin to play it on individuals one by one. In time, they get so good at it that they then go to the next stage ala a Simon Parkes.

So my position now with these folks is... I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they believe their stories but I feel they are just making it all up.

Sure they get all sorts of confirmations coming from the reality... but my opinion is that this is all and only from the depths of their own sub conscious and not from "God" or their incredible "telestic abilities," their "gnosis," the Archangel Micheal, on and on and on...

I feel (just like I experienced myself first hand) that sometimes folks have a strong desire for relevancy... they want to be noticed, they want to impact and indeed change the world. Add in a dash of narcissism and the potential for megalomania and... well, I know for certain the combination of these three elements (the third being a messianic complex) is just the right recipe - things I have within me where I was one step away from heading down that same road. Thus its easier to see this in others though I could be completely wrong and everything all these others say is all 100% true.

Divine Feminine
11th November 2015, 03:48
Lookbeyond, I don't think anything is unplanned in the spiritual world...It's more and more seeming like it's all by design. Robert Schwartz touched on your question a bit in his recent interview with George Noory. If I remember correctly, it would have been towards the end of the interview where callers call in and ask questions. I could swear a girl called in asking something similar to what you are. I do pay attention to people like Schwartz because their work involves looking at case after case after case, in other words, they observe patterns. Common sense tells us that if a continual pattern exists, it must be something of relevance to consider.

Everything I've come across in the reincarnation field suggests we have an energy signature unique to each individual. Your facial appearance can change depending on what your soul is subjected to in order to have that particular experience. You will understand better when you go through that link from Dr. Semkiw's website. And though your facial appearance may change, your bone structure won't.

It is not uncommon to carry over injuries from past lives further verifying an energy signature. I can tell you the x-ray of my neck shows severe arthritis at the base though I feel nothing. It's right in the spot where someone might have their head severed. So I believe this injury has carried over from my life as Queen Mary as she was killed by having her head cut off. Oh and by the way...it took 3 strokes, lol. This happens in a lot of cases and as you read, you will see discussions such as birthmarks corresponding with past life injuries as they are carryovers from days of long ago.

I perceive an unplanned pregnancy or a rape involving a lesson/virtue to be learned. Being raped can sometimes suggest boundary issues. So the person getting raped may be a person who has trouble putting their foot down so to speak, this is not always the case, but I have heard this come up in this manner for this very reason. Unpleasant experiences are where the best lessons are to be learned, you are not a victim as this is the mind trap many get lost in.

Here's one for you....As Queen Mary it was said I was raped by my third husband.. This is a disaster for a queen on many levels. So to avoid problems, it was said Mary went ahead and married James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell to protect her honor. I believe history is unclear if this story is true or not. I will tell you it's true because I experienced James Hepburn in this lifetime as my 'first', if you get what I mean. The point of the experience in this lifetime was so that I could give him my 'consent' something I wasn't allowed to do back then obviously. This is how I know what really happened in history by what has transpired today. This was confirmed in my Akashic Record reading. So in giving him consent the karma has been cleared. Had I not known who I was, I would never had made the correlation....though making the 'correlation' isn't necessary for the karma to be cleared. I'm just trying to show you how knowing who you are can offer insight as to why you are having specific events transpire in your life today.

What I'm sharing is very candid and personal and I ask all of you, when looking at cases not to judge the people involved, no matter how terrible their atrocity may be. You are here to learn lessons and if you truly believe in reincarnation and understand...you will see 'down here' really isn't what's real! It's an illusion created for souls to learn and grow. So people will do bad things to one another, play the game, so to speak so the lesson can be learned. I believe part of getting out of 3D thinking involves love, forgiveness and compassion at all costs. I no longer judge people in the manner I use to because of what I have learned through my experiences. My insight comes from looking at patterns in cases and paying close attention to other researchers and the patterns they observes. You are immortal, you are consciousness and no one can take that away from you.

To make your understanding well rounded, always take into consideration what a variety of people have to say, not just one person, and of course keep an open mind. Be willing to shift your set of beliefs as new truths come forward. You are energy and energy is malleable.

Divine Feminine
11th November 2015, 03:57
Very interesting...Sam and I posted at the same time...but my post ended up being #57 which adds to the #3....there's no way I could have known Sam was even posting nor ERK as I was busy writing my post.....I am energetically tied to the 3# and it has happened way too many times for it to be a figment of my imagination. It's tied to energy and vibration.

11th November 2015, 03:57
It is my opinion now that many folks take their experiences that come in the form of dreams, visions, synchronicities, meditations and any form of imaginings as "messages from beyond," "memories of past lives," etc. That from this they begin to fantasize in ways no different than playing the game Dungeons and Dragons. Yet they are playing the game first on themselves and then... as their confidence grows, they begin to play it on individuals one by one. In time, they get so good at it that they then go to the next stage ala a Simon Parkes.

So my position now with these folks is... I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they believe their stories but I feel they are just making it all up.

Sure they get all sorts of confirmations coming from the reality... but my opinion is that this is all and only from the depths of their own sub conscious and not from "God" or their incredible "telestic abilities," their "gnosis," the Archangel Micheal, on and on and on...

I feel (just like I experienced myself first hand) that sometimes folks have a strong desire for relevancy... they want to be noticed, they want to impact and indeed change the world. Add in a dash of narcissism and the potential for megalomania and... well, I know for certain the combination of these three elements (the third being a messianic complex) is just the right recipe - things I have within me where I was one step away from heading down that same road. Thus its easier to see this in others though I could be completely wrong and everything all these others say is all 100% true.

You know I resonate with a lot of what Chris Thomas says, BUT he's still reading the akashic which when it comes down to it doesn't make him different from the rest of these folk even though he seems to present a clearer picture. Thus it still remains unproved. 30 years ago I bought it all this stuff, I cannot tell you how many psychics, hypnotherapists, astrologers and so on I've been to. I had a reading with Carol Clarke like 2 years ago and nothing she said was true or came forth- that was after I swore off astrologers, psychics and so on. Like gurus I think you are your own best expert and will have way deeper insight into yourself than anyone else.

My bio mother is an astrologer and lets it rule her life. Her grandmother was a medium in Sweden.

11th November 2015, 04:03
I personally no longer subscribe to any "design" idea or concept. Maybe it is but then... where went all our free will? Anyways, all of us could be totally mind controlled and if that's the case then perhaps the controller(s) have some plan (or design) in mind.

If my life is managed in any unseen or unknown way by any third party, be it some "god" thingie, aliens, evil cabal developed mind management tech, demons, angels, archons, Djinn, my ex-wife... any of those then guess what? I have no responsibility in what I speak/write or do! Its black or white for me.

And I don't know for a fact which might be the case but I sure as heck know which of the two I prefer to be true and it certainly is not that my life or anyone's is fated by some unseen third party. If so, check me out of the game now... please.

Very interesting...Sam and I posted at the same time...but my post ended up being #57 which adds to the #3....there's no way I could have known Sam was even posting nor ERK as I was busy writing my post.....I am energetically tied to the 3# and it has happened way too many times for it to be a figment of my imagination. It's tied to energy and vibration.

hahahah! I love it as 57 is a special number to me as it is 3 19s

also this -

m = 13
a = 1
g = 7
i = 9
c = 3
i = 9
a = 1
n = 14

add that up and you get


BAM - Holographic Mathematics (as Shane taught me to call it)

11th November 2015, 04:11
LOL Sam- 57 was also my now deceased ex husband's favorite number as well.

Divine Feminine
11th November 2015, 04:41
It is my opinion now that many folks take their experiences that come in the form of dreams, visions, synchronicities, meditations and any form of imaginings as "messages from beyond," "memories of past lives," etc. That from this they begin to fantasize in ways no different than playing the game Dungeons and Dragons. Yet they are playing the game first on themselves and then... as their confidence grows, they begin to play it on individuals one by one. In time, they get so good at it that they then go to the next stage ala a Simon Parkes.

So my position now with these folks is... I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they believe their stories but I feel they are just making it all up.

Sure they get all sorts of confirmations coming from the reality... but my opinion is that this is all and only from the depths of their own sub conscious and not from "God" or their incredible "telestic abilities," their "gnosis," the Archangel Micheal, on and on and on...

I feel (just like I experienced myself first hand) that sometimes folks have a strong desire for relevancy... they want to be noticed, they want to impact and indeed change the world. Add in a dash of narcissism and the potential for megalomania and... well, I know for certain the combination of these three elements (the third being a messianic complex) is just the right recipe - things I have within me where I was one step away from heading down that same road. Thus its easier to see this in others though I could be completely wrong and everything all these others say is all 100% true.

I think you are unfairly putting everyone in the same box. So sharing an experience makes one narcisstic and a player of Dungeons and Dragons? Sam you can believe whatever you want, as that is your choice, but I find the one's who often say exactly what you're saying, usually don't do the homework or have complete knowledge on the topic their criticizing, so their opinion is based off of.....???? There is plenty of research on reincarnation not done by myself validating it's existence and patterns similar to what I've mentioned. Energy cannot be disappeared it's malleable. There's no fantasy involved.

Funny I never did fall for Corey, Shane, or Simon like most people..in fact I warned against it....Why you might ask?

Because I've been following exactly what ERK just stated: "I think you are your own best expert and will have way deeper insight into yourself than anyone else."

So my writings are a product of the above mantra and why I know what I know..and why I am sharing what I have learned to help those who may be interested. I'm sorry if this offends you and others. I think you are trying to direct your experience onto everyone else and what you experience is not necessarily going to be the same for all. I believe you have a MILAB background if I remember correctly in which I don't, so most likely this will have an impact on your viewpoint and why we differ in opinion.

So I will stop posting as my intention is not to mislead, be narcisstic or play dungeons and dragons with people as you are implying.

11th November 2015, 14:13
Actually, in my case, DF, I didn't have to do the homework, I lived and experienced the very thing I wrote about.

None of this is easy to share on a public forum but I feel the trend I see on forums and in the alternate community (mostly behind the scenes) is no good for humanity as a whole. I have no idea if my opinion may be right but I am compelled to act upon it anyways. My acting upon it is to share my views and back them up with my own experience. Note I do not state my opinions are fact. I also do not state that just because I have a strong opinion as to my own experiences does not mean that the premise of my opinion applies universally or even to another being. I give opinion and I use words that suggest probability. I find the more ego that appears to erupt from folks with fantastical stories, who they were in all sorts of past lives, etc seems directly correlated to narcissism and the underpinnings of megalomania. Again I use my own experience as an example.

Is it wrong for people to explore these things? How could I possibly say either way when I do not even have room in my world view for those sorts of judgements coming from any source much less myself. Could folks who go great distances in pushing these types of stories out to others - especially when done "privately" where the more vulnerable types become part of the story tellers story in emotionally entangled ways be harmful to others emotionally? My opinion is - Yes - and I base this on personal experience.

In early 2011, I discovered I was the reincarnation of Horus. Better stated, I finally admitted to myself I was Horus reincarnated. I was so convinced I set up a meeting with a friend who is a "defense contractor" close to alphabet agencies as well as a very well known former executive branch individual. I set this up to break the news to him and to show him the evidence of why. This happened in December of 2011. I felt this was important such that it not be known by the general public and instead was known by the US government and intelligence agencies. One of the reasons I felt it was important is because I was able to manipulate energy as it is indeed malleable. Perhaps I could be a helpful asset to these folks was my thinking.

Since that time I have come to look at all of this quite differently. I started to open to much different reasons I had such an uncanny set of incredible synchronicities with the mythical Horus. I looked at why I was seemingly led to information that increased my perception I was Horus reincarnated. What I discovered was that I had a messianic complex, had issues with narcissism and megalomania. If the reader is not familiar with these terms I suggest they look it up.

I realized that I suffered from a condition some folks get as they get older when they realize their better days are behind them. What I mean by better days is that I realized the youthful energy was in my past. I realized my attitude that I was going to change the world was no longer fueling me because the window of opportunity was behind me. These things can leave a deep hole in one's being (depending on one's personality makeup) and I realized I had that deep hole.

And then I considered quantum theory, quantum entanglement and saw the possibility that, as a conscious being, that if there be an aspect of me (something we might call "the soul") that perhaps my soul (being out of time) had some desire or need to create all of this such that I might explore these types of fantasies such that perhaps I might actually come to realize even deeper truths about "life" about "the reality" and about things such as "god."

My realizations that have now come forth are true for me and true for me only in this moment. I might change my mind. In addition, what I believe today to be true does not mean it is true for another much less a group much less for everyone. At the same time though, I can speculate as to what I believe might be the truth regarding folks who make fantastical claims of immense detail and whereby they then imply things such as "universal design" or a specific "purpose" for one's life as if some powerful third party has determined these things.

One of the reasons I feel that type of thinking is BS is that I have found so many people that hold that view also share the view that "free will" is some "divine right." I do not see how both can be true.

How can my life be determined and I have free will? Free will does not mean I am free to do as has been determined by some outside agency. Again, this is just my opinion and I apply it only to myself today and I may change my mind.

Going back to quantum entanglement. I studied the mystery. My hand was held by supposed authorities on the mystery. These authorities that held my hand in my own process are considered by many to be the most advanced students of consciousness alive today on planet Earth. Just because all these things are true does not mean they really have any clue as to what I am about to state.

Through my studies of "the mystery" I discovered (again I am only speaking for myself as well as speaking reasonably well for these sages I referred to)...

I discovered that (and it is important the reader understand I am using words here to point to something otherwise ineffable)...

I discovered that "i" am "that."

I will now phrase this in detail -

“I (as us all) am (are)
simply the ‘All that Is’
that found a way to trick Itself
that It wasn't Itself
and simultaneously
hid Itself within Itself
such that It might (re)discover Itself
alive and individuated
within Its self-created Magick Kingdom.”

If this is true (and currently this is my truth) then "i" was everyone and all life who lived before, I am everyone and all life that lives now and I am all and all life who will live in the future.

From this point of view "i" was also Mary Queen of Scotts. So from this point of view I would validate anyone's opinion they were someone else in the past. But there is a vast difference in what I do with this information having the view I just shared. I avoid specialness, I avoid narcissism, I avoid emerging as a megalomaniac and best of all for the rest of life, I avoid saving what is likely just fine as it is.

So if Jung is on track... that the building blocks of consciousness are archetypes then perhaps - I, as a living being that is experiencing a single life that seems to experience a deep affinity to one or more historical and/or mythical beings, is actually opening up to the archetypal representations that are represented by the stories surrounding these beings and that because I do "manipulate energy" through the vast creative ability of one's subconscious as it melts into the sea of collective consciousness, I have manifested the very clues that my minuscule, relatively finite, waking state mind decides validates a desire that is likely (opinion) generated by this one life's ego and is not actually factual.

"The mystery" suggests we are "the All that Is" and all is "That." In addition I can say I am Sam Hunter living this one life and that has a story unique to Sam Hunter. What I can only hope for is that there is a "me" that continues beyond this life (and perhaps has existed before) but I cannot know this... I can only hope this, I can only desire this be true. When I start taking that hope and desire to another level, I open myself to expressing personality traits that can suck in the vulnerable into things which may or may not have any real truth.

It is like taking a dream and telling folks its real (as in 3D, gross realm, material realm, physicality real). Its not yet to imply imaginations, visions, dreams and synchronicities validate what are otherwise fantasies as real does not seem helpful for humanity, it seems misleading. This last statement was opinion only.

11th November 2015, 15:07
I think cross correlation is always good when investigating these cases. This is another researcher/author who says Dodi Fayed was actually the reincarnation of Mary Queen of Scots. Also says Edgar Cayce has not reincarnated.

Even Yogananda met several women who made same claim: Aspiring Queens of Scots

In New York a woman told Yogananda of a wonderful man who had told her wonderful things about herself, including that she had been Mary, Queen of Scots, in a former life. Yogananda did not believe her. A few days later a student came to see him and said excitedly that she had been told by a psychic that in a past life she was Mary, Queen of Scots. Yogananda now called the first woman into the room and placed the two women face to face, asking, "Which one of you is the real Mary, Queen of Scots?" [Ak 222-23]
He did not believe the women blindly.

Moral of the story- psychics...........who channel........I agree with Chris Thomas in this regard. It's not channeling that is bogus, it's the tricksters behind the channeling.



11th November 2015, 15:20
There are thousands of mental health facilities. In almost every one is at least one inmate that thinks they are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Sometimes there are more than one individual in the same facility. I state this because I once experienced being in a 45 man unit where three different inmates thought they were Jesus Christ. Imagine now how many people are Jesus Christ! Imagine how many are not even in any institutions yet are running around secretly believing they are Jesus returned.

So what could actually be behind this? Could it be the correct personality makeup and then the individual's act of validating their belief based on what they are actually (in part) creating (manifesting as energy is malleable) in their ongoing life experience?

My opinion -

The archetypes may have their own living space and through the human vehicle they are having a field day due to all the drama that arises from humans who draw these types of conclusions.

Why is it not good enough for me to just be Sam Hunter (along with what I believe is also "the All that Is")?

Guess what?

It now is.

11th November 2015, 15:24
Sam, I read your post so fast I have to go back. One of the things I've learned every time I think I'm doing something unique is that other people do it too.

The first time I dreamt about something before it happened my mind was blown. It's impossible! Except it's not. It's not even that unusual.

My dream about being a soldier wasn't even about me. It was about ending war. And no one listening.

The key with dreams is you have the chance to see or even practice before something manifests in waking, physical reality. Not just you or me, everyone. I've referenced Robert Moss before because he teaches people how to access the power of their dreams themselves. How to speak to each other respectfully about dreams. He doesn't call himself a shaman and he doesn't want to be a guru.

I used to very carefully separate awake from dreaming from fantasy. It was a hard lesson to see their connection. Your powers of creation lie in ALL of it: imagination, dreaming, fantasy, and waking creativity.

Elen, I was driving under a bridge that had lines of blocks overhead. I thought of the blocks in the chapel and their patterns. Then I dreamt I was driving under a bridge with blocks overhead that had these same patterns. I'm fascinated by sound and cymatics and the video clearly made an impression.

11th November 2015, 15:30
Sam, I read your post so fast I have to go back. One of the things I've learned every time I think I'm doing something unique is that other people do it too.

The first time I dreamt about something before it happened my mind was blown. It's impossible! Except it's not. It's not even that unusual.

My dream about being a soldier wasn't even about me. It was about ending war. And no one listening.

The key with dreams is you have the chance to see or even practice before something manifests in waking, physical reality. Not just you or me, everyone. I've referenced Robert Moss before because he teaches people how to access the power of their dreams themselves. How to speak to each other respectfully about dreams. He doesn't call himself a shaman and he doesn't want to be a guru.

I used to very carefully separate awake from dreaming from fantasy. It was a hard lesson to see their connection. Your powers of creation lie in ALL of it: imagination, dreaming, fantasy, and waking creativity.

Elen, I was driving under a bridge that had lines of blocks overhead. I thought of the blocks in the chapel and their patterns. Then I dreamt I was driving under a bridge with blocks overhead that had these same patterns. I'm fascinated by sound and cymatics and the video clearly made an impression.

We agree completely and as you depicted things here, this appears to me a very healthy view of it all. This is why the mystics call the dream world - the subtle realm and this waking state - gross reality.

To be brief, it is my opinion that what got me in trouble is when I took subtle realm experiences and applied them to my experience in this gross realm. It is my opinion the internet and forums have opened the flood gates to folks who are susceptible to doing this and that perhaps some folks take things a little too far (and perhaps way to far) in literalizing what comes forth from the subtle (and causal) realms.

In doing this, we may miss opportunities to know the deeper self and instead get in the rut of ego aggrandizement which serves no one.

11th November 2015, 15:47
I've just been thinking about lucid dreaming which seems to be high on peoples' lists.

The ego is prominent when in this state whereas it isn't in the non-lucid state(s). It seems that one had better have a good grip on their ego if they're going to pursue lucidity.

Imagine going to Rosslyn chapel in a lucid dream. You could float around and look at the details all you want. The chapel would never close. You might meet others there, though...

11th November 2015, 16:03
Actually, in my case, DF, I didn't have to do the homework, I lived and experienced the very thing I wrote about.

None of this is easy to share on a public forum but I feel the trend I see on forums and in the alternate community (mostly behind the scenes) is no good for humanity as a whole. I have no idea if my opinion may be right but I am compelled to act upon it anyways. My acting upon it is to share my views and back them up with my own experience. Note I do not state my opinions are fact. I also do not state that just because I have a strong opinion as to my own experiences does not mean that the premise of my opinion applies universally or even to another being. I give opinion and I use words that suggest probability. I find the more ego that appears to erupt from folks with fantastical stories, who they were in all sorts of past lives, etc seems directly correlated to narcissism and the underpinnings of megalomania. Again I use my own experience as an example.

Is it wrong for people to explore these things? How could I possibly say either way when I do not even have room in my world view for those sorts of judgements coming from any source much less myself. Could folks who go great distances in pushing these types of stories out to others - especially when done "privately" where the more vulnerable types become part of the story tellers story in emotionally entangled ways be harmful to others emotionally? My opinion is - Yes - and I base this on personal experience.

In early 2011, I discovered I was the reincarnation of Horus. Better stated, I finally admitted to myself I was Horus reincarnated. I was so convinced I set up a meeting with a friend who is a "defense contractor" close to alphabet agencies as well as a very well known former executive branch individual. I set this up to break the news to him and to show him the evidence of why. This happened in December of 2011. I felt this was important such that it not be known by the general public and instead was known by the US government and intelligence agencies. One of the reasons I felt it was important is because I was able to manipulate energy as it is indeed malleable. Perhaps I could be a helpful asset to these folks was my thinking.

Since that time I have come to look at all of this quite differently. I started to open to much different reasons I had such an uncanny set of incredible synchronicities with the mythical Horus. I looked at why I was seemingly led to information that increased my perception I was Horus reincarnated. What I discovered was that I had a messianic complex, had issues with narcissism and megalomania. If the reader is not familiar with these terms I suggest they look it up.

I realized that I suffered from a condition some folks get as they get older when they realize their better days are behind them. What I mean by better days is that I realized the youthful energy was in my past. I realized my attitude that I was going to change the world was no longer fueling me because the window of opportunity was behind me. These things can leave a deep hole in one's being (depending on one's personality makeup) and I realized I had that deep hole.

And then I considered quantum theory, quantum entanglement and saw the possibility that, as a conscious being, that if there be an aspect of me (something we might call "the soul") that perhaps my soul (being out of time) had some desire or need to create all of this such that I might explore these types of fantasies such that perhaps I might actually come to realize even deeper truths about "life" about "the reality" and about things such as "god."

My realizations that have now come forth are true for me and true for me only in this moment. I might change my mind. In addition, what I believe today to be true does not mean it is true for another much less a group much less for everyone. At the same time though, I can speculate as to what I believe might be the truth regarding folks who make fantastical claims of immense detail and whereby they then imply things such as "universal design" or a specific "purpose" for one's life as if some powerful third party has determined these things.

One of the reasons I feel that type of thinking is BS is that I have found so many people that hold that view also share the view that "free will" is some "divine right." I do not see how both can be true.

How can my life be determined and I have free will? Free will does not mean I am free to do as has been determined by some outside agency. Again, this is just my opinion and I apply it only to myself today and I may change my mind.

Going back to quantum entanglement. I studied the mystery. My hand was held by supposed authorities on the mystery. These authorities that held my hand in my own process are considered by many to be the most advanced students of consciousness alive today on planet Earth. Just because all these things are true does not mean they really have any clue as to what I am about to state.

Through my studies of "the mystery" I discovered (again I am only speaking for myself as well as speaking reasonably well for these sages I referred to)...

I discovered that (and it is important the reader understand I am using words here to point to something otherwise ineffable)...

I discovered that "i" am "that."

I will now phrase this in detail -

“I (as us all) am (are)
simply the ‘All that Is’
that found a way to trick Itself
that It wasn't Itself
and simultaneously
hid Itself within Itself
such that It might (re)discover Itself
alive and individuated
within Its self-created Magick Kingdom.”

If this is true (and currently this is my truth) then "i" was everyone and all life who lived before, I am everyone and all life that lives now and I am all and all life who will live in the future.

From this point of view "i" was also Mary Queen of Scotts. So from this point of view I would validate anyone's opinion they were someone else in the past. But there is a vast difference in what I do with this information having the view I just shared. I avoid specialness, I avoid narcissism, I avoid emerging as a megalomaniac and best of all for the rest of life, I avoid saving what is likely just fine as it is.

So if Jung is on track... that the building blocks of consciousness are archetypes then perhaps - I, as a living being that is experiencing a single life that seems to experience a deep affinity to one or more historical and/or mythical beings, is actually opening up to the archetypal representations that are represented by the stories surrounding these beings and that because I do "manipulate energy" through the vast creative ability of one's subconscious as it melts into the sea of collective consciousness, I have manifested the very clues that my minuscule, relatively finite, waking state mind decides validates a desire that is likely (opinion) generated by this one life's ego and is not actually factual.

"The mystery" suggests we are "the All that Is" and all is "That." In addition I can say I am Sam Hunter living this one life and that has a story unique to Sam Hunter. What I can only hope for is that there is a "me" that continues beyond this life (and perhaps has existed before) but I cannot know this... I can only hope this, I can only desire this be true. When I start taking that hope and desire to another level, I open myself to expressing personality traits that can suck in the vulnerable into things which may or may not have any real truth.

It is like taking a dream and telling folks its real (as in 3D, gross realm, material realm, physicality real). Its not yet to imply imaginations, visions, dreams and synchronicities validate what are otherwise fantasies as real does not seem helpful for humanity, it seems misleading. This last statement was opinion only.

Sam, I like you, because you have gentleness about you. I appreciate that you’ve been through some torment here on the forum, it’s been tough for you and I’m sorry about that. So now you want to rectify the wrongs you see around you. I appreciate that as well.

Now in the case of DF’s posting here on my thread, it is by invitation. She actually asked me for permission, and I find her very colourful and with a great sense of humour, so I let her tell her story. DF herself has said that she’s nothing special, but DF has special memories. There are people that are made to be royals, I do not think it is an easy task, to be honest, and another thing is this: a lot of people have decided to hate the royals for some reason or another. They hear secrets being told about them and believe these sensations. They are staring into darkness and demanding light. The royals are just playing roles like the rest of us. We have all the same value in the bigger picture. Even gods like us, hey? :eyebrows:

11th November 2015, 16:03
The question seems to be -

Who is the "i"

I am Sam Hunter - this one life... this story.

Via my mystical studies it is now my truth that "i" am actually "the All that Is" (and I operate such that this is true for all life, all manifestation of form in any type of form, even thought).

The only real question for me is... is there any individuated aspect of "me" that has been before and that might continue when the body of Sam Hunter dies.

I want to believe so.

I have some experiential evidence that supports that my desire may be true - my 4 OBEs as part of my case building.

Yet I would never take subtle realm experiences (including the vastly lucid one) to definitively support such things as that "I am the reincarnation of Joe Blow" because I cannot know this at the level of certainty I can know I am typing on a black Logitech keyboard at this moment. I can say I am typing on a black Logitech keyboard at this moment with confidence that what I am saying won't negatively effect a reader who may be vulnerable. Yet if I say I am the reincarnation of Jesus or state all sorts of other fantastical things to others, especially if I do so in private one on one situations where the vulnerable has the opportunity via my words to get pulled into the story emotionally, I might one day find that person has been emotionally harmed. What is they had also thought they were Jesus and now are faced with the dilemma of who then may be the real Jesus? That could undo unstable individuals.

11th November 2015, 16:05
The question seems to be -

Who is the "i"

I am Sam Hunter - this one life... this story.

Via my mystical studies it is now my truth that "i" am actually "the All that Is" (and I operate such that this is true for all life, all manifestation of form in any type of form, even thought).

The only real question for me is... is there any individuated aspect of "me" that has been before and that might continue when the body of Sam Hunter dies.

I want to believe so.

I have some experiential evidence that supports that my desire may be true - my 4 OBEs as part of my case building.

Yet I would never take subtle realm experiences (including the vastly lucid one) to definitively support such things as that "I am the reincarnation of Joe Blow" because I cannot know this at the level of certainty I can know I am typing on a black Logitech keyboard at this moment. I can say I am typing on a black Logitech keyboard at this moment with confidence that what I am saying won't negatively effect a reader who may be vulnerable. Yet if I say I am the reincarnation of Jesus or state all sorts of other fantastical things to others, especially if I do so in private one on one situations where the vulnerable has the opportunity via my words to get pulled into the story emotionally, I might one day find that person has been emotionally harmed. What is they had also thought they were Jesus and now are faced with the dilemma of who then may be the real Jesus? That could undo unstable individuals.

Sam, I like you, because you have gentleness about you. I appreciate that you’ve been through some torment here on the forum, it’s been tough for you and I’m sorry about that. So now you want to rectify the wrongs you see around you. I appreciate that as well.

Now in the case of DF’s posting here on my thread, it is by invitation. She actually asked me for permission, and I find her very colourful and with a great sense of humour, so I let her tell her story. DF herself has said that she’s nothing special, but DF has special memories. There are people that are made to be royals, I do not think it is an easy task, to be honest, and another thing is this: a lot of people have decided to hate the royals for some reason or another. They hear secrets being told about them and believe these sensations. They are staring into darkness and demanding light. The royals are just playing roles like the rest of us. We have all the same value in the bigger picture. Even gods like us, hey? ;)

11th November 2015, 16:06
Sam, I like you, because you have gentleness about you. I appreciate that you’ve been through some torment here on the forum, it’s been tough for you and I’m sorry about that. So now you want to rectify the wrongs you see around you. I appreciate that as well.

Now in the case of DF’s posting here on my thread, it is by invitation. She actually asked me for permission, and I find her very colourful and with a great sense of humour, so I let her tell her story. DF herself has said that she’s nothing special, but DF has special memories. There are people that are made to be royals, I do not think it is an easy task, to be honest, and another thing is this: a lot of people have decided to hate the royals for some reason or another. They hear secrets being told about them and believe these sensations. They are staring into darkness and demanding light. The royals are just playing roles like the rest of us. We have all the same value in the bigger picture. Even gods like us, hey? :eyebrows:

Yes - apologies - I totally derailed the thread. I request the mods move my posts to another thread - I can make it now - no clue where to put it either so I will do it in general.

11th November 2015, 22:39
is it possible they are looking for the reincarnation of Lucifer himself?

That's what seems like to me. It's some kind of weird variant of the savior complex. Physical beings physically looking for something that just isn't physical might find themselves in an interminable series of elaborate and convoluted wild goose chases.

EDIT TO ADD: And ask yourself this...why is it necessary to have a series about Mary Queen of Scots anyways?

Memes have been seeded into every aspect of the entertainment industry for a lot longer than any of us have been alive. Why? I wouldn't know.

Divine Feminine
12th November 2015, 04:06
I think cross correlation is always good when investigating these cases. This is another researcher/author who says Dodi Fayed was actually the reincarnation of Mary Queen of Scots. Also says Edgar Cayce has not reincarnated.

Even Yogananda met several women who made same claim: Aspiring Queens of Scots

In New York a woman told Yogananda of a wonderful man who had told her wonderful things about herself, including that she had been Mary, Queen of Scots, in a former life. Yogananda did not believe her. A few days later a student came to see him and said excitedly that she had been told by a psychic that in a past life she was Mary, Queen of Scots. Yogananda now called the first woman into the room and placed the two women face to face, asking, "Which one of you is the real Mary, Queen of Scots?" [Ak 222-23]
He did not believe the women blindly.



Cross correlation is only important when both parties are using the same methodology. I've seen this website before. Having a past-life regression is not enough evidence to prove anything, so I'm not even sure why it's being considered as substantial evidence? And especially when there are additional aspects being used by others in the field to assist in identifying individuals. Again take a look at the Marilyn Monroe case covered by Adrian Finkelstein. M.D., look at Dr. Walter Semkiw's site, look at Paul Von Ward's website.

If I would have come on here and said this was my sole method of discovery would you even take me seriously? LOL, most likely you would have discounted the idea just as much as you and Sam are now. I see no protocol listed as to how they came to the conclusion Dodi Fayed could be the reincarnation of Mary Queen of Scots other than 'someone said'. Can we really consider this to be legitimate research? It's not to say he couldn't possibly be a soul aspect, but c'mon...there's no substance here.

Again, the general public has no idea how to even recognize a solid case because they're not familiarized with the combined methods or techniques used in the first place. To have this viewpoint you would have to work in the field and immerse yourself in cases so you have the ability to identify the patterns for yourself. Most people won't take the time to do this and of course it's just easier to cut someone down and tell them it's all crap right? I think it's important to look at a variety of researchers so you have a well-rounded viewpoint, and even better....if you truly want to understand, go through the method yourself as this is the best way to experience it first hand and maybe then you'll have a better idea of what you're talking about.

I am interested in working with others who may think they're Mary. We are aware of soul splits. But we're not interested in people who just want to make erroneous claims. We're interested in the one's who are willing to do the homework and go through the same process I did when I submitted my case to Paul....such as facial measurements, psychological profile by a 3rd party, etc. None of the above covers any of this.

Divine Feminine
12th November 2015, 04:32
The question seems to be -

Who is the "i"

I am Sam Hunter - this one life... this story.

Via my mystical studies it is now my truth that "i" am actually "the All that Is" (and I operate such that this is true for all life, all manifestation of form in any type of form, even thought).

The only real question for me is... is there any individuated aspect of "me" that has been before and that might continue when the body of Sam Hunter dies.

I want to believe so.

I have some experiential evidence that supports that my desire may be true - my 4 OBEs as part of my case building.

Yet I would never take subtle realm experiences (including the vastly lucid one) to definitively support such things as that "I am the reincarnation of Joe Blow" because I cannot know this at the level of certainty I can know I am typing on a black Logitech keyboard at this moment. I can say I am typing on a black Logitech keyboard at this moment with confidence that what I am saying won't negatively effect a reader who may be vulnerable. Yet if I say I am the reincarnation of Jesus or state all sorts of other fantastical things to others, especially if I do so in private one on one situations where the vulnerable has the opportunity via my words to get pulled into the story emotionally, I might one day find that person has been emotionally harmed. What is they had also thought they were Jesus and now are faced with the dilemma of who then may be the real Jesus? That could undo unstable individuals.

Yes you have derailed the thread immensely. In doing so you are making it about 'you' the very thing you seem to be accusing me of. So I have to ask, if you think I'm so narcisstic in telling my story, why is it you're the one, who has a facebook page, your the one with a blog, and you're the one on approx. 3 or 4 forums maybe more, who knows? Uh, ya...it seems a little hypocritical.

I came on here to share my story due to my connection to Rosslyn Chapel. I'm interested in reincarnation cases and enjoy exploring the field in depth. Is that a sin? This is my right and I harm no one in sharing what I have learned. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it, but seriously cut the witch hunt. I don't have a facebook page, I don't have a blog, I don't have a website and even if I did, so what?.....I'm not doing interviews with 'Project' people and I'm not selling junk such as aprons on Zazzle. Again pulling out the Capt Obvious card, you and ERK seem determined to gang up and discredit what I have shared....how 'Avalon' of you.

12th November 2015, 06:00
No one is ganging up on you. If you have an extraordinary claim then expect it to come under some scrutiny. I saw it came under scrutiny on another forum. People are always going to doubt these things especially when you have multiple people all claiming to be the same person reincarnated.

12th November 2015, 06:36
Imo it is so incredibly difficult, on one level or levels we are all one but not till one knows, so everyone you engage with is but you When you know, add in dimensional time Earthwise and it's cycles ( or spirills lol ), alongside reincarnation, alongside DNA family wise, add a few more vaiables, what a soup indeed.

Divine Feminine
12th November 2015, 16:04
No one is ganging up on you. If you have an extraordinary claim then expect it to come under some scrutiny. I saw it came under scrutiny on another forum. People are always going to doubt these things especially when you have multiple people all claiming to be the same person reincarnated.

Listen, I don't object to scrutiny. I told you on the Kundalini thread I don't mind questions as it allows me the opportunity to explain better. The reincarnation field doesn't have all the answers, which is why it's helpful when people come forward with their cases. We know reincarnation is happening, but we are still trying to understand all the intrinsic details, something we may never know. What came out of Sam's post was accusations and insinuations, and suggestions implying what's being said could harm others, I don't see intellectual scrutiny, I see a witch hunt because in his mind everyone is a 'charlatan'.

What I find, especially on forums, is most people don't understand the content of the very subject they're trying to scrutinize in the first place. They have no knowledge of the characteristics and traits of the historical person they're looking at and they will make assumptions and assertations minus having all the facts in front of them. So how can you even determine if someone has a case, if you aren't privy to the proper info or even understand the protocol? Are you employed by the 'Reincarnation Police"? This thread is not about laying out every detail of my case. And in all honesty it won't matter what information I provide, how or where I provide it, as there will always be some individual with ridiculous ravings and rantings making it their life mission to discredit another's personal discoveries.

People have been talking about Mary Stuart for almost 500years now. I was told by the Marie Stuart society, something to the fact that she's the most talked/written about female in human history. So please continue, talk about me in other forums whatever it is you deem necessary to make yourself feel better as I suppose humans just can't get enough and history is destined to repeat itself. What can I say...I guess the mantra there's 'Something About Mary' must have some truth to it, lol....I dunno...I don't get it, but seriously carry on.

The 'Hunter' needs to be more well versed on the content of the hunt or how can anyone take him seriously? Worse yet, the 'Hunter' may find himself being the 'prey' because one thing humans do quite well is eat their own.

12th November 2015, 16:09
Um, I don't talk about you in other forums. I just happen to see this one: http://www.childpastlives.org/vBulletin/showthread.php?t=22026

There are many people who believe they are the reincarnation of Mary Queen of Scots, add to that Joan of Arc, Marie Antoinette etc; list goes on. This gets mentioned in books on reincarnation, I have one right now in my hand Exploring Reincarnation by Hans TenDam- page 190.............

Divine Feminine
12th November 2015, 16:36
Yes the child past life forum of Carol Bowman has individuals that do the same thing I speak of, that's taking place on this forum. People making determinations without having their hands on the entire case....it's just silly and of all places you would think a 'past life forum' would 'get it'. The problem lies in the fact there is no established protocol. This is what we're attempting to accomplish in our work. Carol Bowman I believe mainly places her focus on adolescent cases. I think, though I'm not 100% sure, they skim the forum for potential content for her to work on, which is her right to do. I explained in detail why I pulled my case off of there.

I'm actually glad I posted some of it, because just by a one in million chance, the reincarnation of Francis II, my former husband and now colleague, just so happened to catch the posts and reached out to me. We knew we had to find one another and we both suspect it's for the very reason of working on the reincarnation field together.

EDIT TO ADD: Yes, many people think they're someone famous...but what do they do about it? Just talk about it or explore in more depth?

14th November 2015, 07:36
I'll throw in my 2 C worth, sometimes, some of what appears to be past life experiences, seen to tie in to-gether, and with your present life. One example for me was that I began to remember a life in France, roughly 11/12th century - a time during the bubonic plague, when as a small child, my mother contracted the plague and I asked God to save my mother, and if she were saved I would go to become a nun. She was saved, so, at that age I went to become a nun, when I was put to learning to read and write so that I could work on those beautiful bibles. At a young age still our Mother superior and many others died of the plague (a slightly later one) and somehow I became the mother superior, and I taught all the nuns there at the time, how to read and write. We were then put to work by the Priest to make shrouds for the dead, but somehow, they managed to forget that we needed to eat and we had no means of providing ourselves with food, so I don't know how, but I taught the nuns how to make lace, and we made lace to sell to the nobles, whom at that time wore lace collars of some sort. This provided us with food, but the priest said we must stop and all we were to do was to make the shrouds for the dead with the plague. This lifetime seems to haunt me as all my nuns eventually died from starvation. It came about from originally, whilst having a massage, I suddenly realised that I still felt guilty in the eyes of the Lord, which to me at the time was ridiculous because it seemed to be a Catholic thing, and I had had no religion whatsoever, up to that stage in this life.

How did this also connect to me in this life time - well, I was going to a therapist who asked me to check about what I thought might be behind the door in her massage room, - it was a ghost, a manevolant one, and we began to piece together the story that the therapist and her partner and the ghost, had some sort of romantic triangle going on somewhere in England at the same time, and the partner left and came to France to the very same nunnery where I was, and somehow we were able to match up her ability to read and write and use fine motor skills in handwork to this earlier learning in France.

I have only just to-day tied up the ability to read and write to being some sort of a scribe in ancient Greece, not gone into it yet and the lace making ? Well in my first trip to Europe, when we were in Chartres there were ladies outside the Cathedral selling hand made lace, and I just had to buy some, although I put that down to being a sewing teacher. The in Brussells, I just really felt at home with all the Middle Age Guild buildings and it was just "right" to be there, and once again I went looking for some Belgian lace - this was in 1973, when you could still do this. In a later trip, in Amsterdam, I just had to make another trip to Brusselles and once again it just felt right - today I find out that at some time before the lifetime in France I learnt to make lace in Brusselles.

On another trip in Kyoto, I went to visit the home of the shogun of Japan and felt I had lived in that home, and later Tokigawa came to visit me here for some time and talked to me a lot, he left me to go to work with my friend who was the first lady to become a Tao Priestess and using chi quong in Australia - sorry about my spelling.

Divine Feminine
14th November 2015, 17:51
Cearna I enjoyed hearing your story. I know exactly what you mean when you say it just 'feels right'. When I first started having past life memories I was feeling things I couldn't explain. I honestly thought I could be my cousin Elizabeth I, but the French connection was so strong, something I couldn't shake and it obviously had a huge impact on my tastes as my home is decorated with French antique cherub lighting and Baroque style decor, before I knew who I had been or what soul group I was from. I do have French in my blood, but I knew it had nothing to do with what I was feeling....What I was sensing were memories I couldn't place.

So when I was told who I had been it just made sense of all the emotions swirling around me. Even still, I knew an additional layer of undiscovered heritage remained. During my reading this October I didn't 'ask' if I had another past life in France, I said 'who was I during the times of Napoleon'(because I just knew) and I was given the name of Madeleine and told there are pictures though I have yet to find them. Again this places me at French court during the times of Marie Antionette which explains why I unknowingly purchased an old antique portrait of her long ago because it was a form of establishing a memory of what once had been. And yet I have to admit, my consciousness still isn't satisfied as I can feel the energy of an additional lifetime in France and will have to go back again to ask for guidance. It doesn't matter to me who I was, I just want to validate the accuracy of my feelings. I'll have to dig deep for this one, as my intuition takes me to the time directly after my Pompeii incarnation 79 A.D. I now know why earthquakes make very nervous, lol.

Reincarnation is a personal experience to each individual and I truly believe you will just know when you're on the right path as you cannot deny the feelings of affirmation that overtake you when your truth is found, which is why you can't worry about convincing others, you have to go with what feels right. And when you eventually figure it out, if you are willing to take the time, the possibility for an amazing history lesson awaits on the horizon.

15th November 2015, 15:49
Thank you for posting both Colleen and Divine Feminine, there is definitely things that cannot be proved, but you have a knowing feeling about them.
