View Full Version : God's Last Secret

25th September 2015, 00:30
It is getting harder and harder for me everyday now, to even focus on what is going on here. Almost like it does not matter...

Are we existing in a organic matrix?

Is everything code, is it time to inner-stand...? Inside I feel a break-through is near.


25th September 2015, 12:42
I had no idea how many different people I would come across who are basically saying that the building blocks of our reality are information packets, or bits of code. That we're a hologram or simulation or some such.

It's disturbing.

And it means that we can do all kinds of things we've considered impossible because we're in a malleable reality, not the hard stone one we've been told.

Let's be like the Oracle and the girl, not the Architect and certainly not agent Smith.

25th September 2015, 14:25
I have always or for a long time at least found myself drawn to the Toltec, Shamanic or Mystery School trains of thought when pondering the nature of the Reality we find ourselves in.
John Lash's take on the Gnostic material from the Nag Hammadi Codices would inform us that we indeed live within an organic matrix with Galactic Center as the origin and the Earth, Moon and Sun as the natural order. However with the anomaly of the archons and their long told endeavour to control/contain humanity with a false matrix like a shadow over the natural order we find ourselves held captive so to speak. I too feel the time is now for a correction ( as foretold by the Gnostics ) to shake of the false, simulated reality ( easier said than done ) and begin to claim and enact our birth rite as impeccable, co-creators with the Earth Goddess ( Gaia ) Sophia in concert with Galactic Center.

"It's been a long time coming, but I know
A change is gonna come, oh yes it will" Neville Brothers

26th September 2015, 17:37
First, what God?... especially as organized religiously characterized. I've lost all belief in some overlord who watches everybody's every move in the entire universe, listens to individual prayers of quatrillions+ of sentient beings simultaneously and you have to answer to at death.

But in the meantime, what bothers me the most is that if the PTB's and ET's have long had such massively advanced technology, time travel, remote viewing, access to hidden archaeological data... they think they have the 'answer'.... and consider it completely unnecessary to be ethical. They murder with absolute fearlessness of spiritual ramifications, hold 'cremations of care' and think of the Earth/the universe is just a big playground for wars with no reason not to do anything they want to anybody.

27th September 2015, 08:54
organic vrs matrix/machine
know the difference..
biology is not mechanics
seems like alot of likenesses
but there will never be a machine
that can do more than the human mind.
nothing is impossible for anyone.