View Full Version : what are you?

17th July 2015, 22:36
Tim Freke has in idea...


17th July 2015, 23:08
“a total stranger one black day
knocked living the hell out of me-
who found forgiveness hard because
my(as it happened)self he was
-but now that fiend and i are such
immortal friends the other's each ”
e.e. cummings


Divine Feminine
17th July 2015, 23:17
Meh....nothing new here. No offense Sam I appreciate you posting. I agree with what he's saying with exception of us being in a 'predicament' down here. I wouldn't call it a predicament, it's by design. Everything is as it should be..His belief system is similar to my own which for me is based off of researching reincarnation cases and NDE's. He calls it playing a character while I say, 'playing a role'...same thing. It's a game, though a serious one and yes it's just like a movie as you are consciousness. Many have yet to understand this, but I have to believe most on this forum at least have a basic understanding of this belief system.

18th July 2015, 03:19
Hi Divine Feminine - perhaps some of us can benefit from these reminders. It is also possible someone new stumbles upon this thread, watches the video and has an a-ha moment which changes their life for the better and thus positively effects their loved ones, friends and neighbors.


Divine Feminine
18th July 2015, 03:48
Ya I understand Sam...sorry I don't mean to be a buzz kill....it just seems the people who'd be 'awake' enough to understand what he's saying have already come to the same conclusion, which is why most of us are on this forum already, so it's like pointing out the obvious. I probably take for granted what I've come to realize which additionally includes the fact that I know I really don't know jack.

It's too bad he doesn't explain the basis for his belief system, it would make his stance more believable to those who have yet to understand. It's surprising to me how many in the public eye leave that part out. People want to know why it is you believe what you believe.

18th July 2015, 04:51
Tim doesn't have a belief system... I don't either. We share our experience and point out what these experiences suggest to us as to who and what we might be. I imagine it is a bit unique in some ways for everyone.

For what it is worth, I have come across many in these forums who haven't explored this question "what are you" very much if at all. Just imagine many readers who are not members who may, for their first time, be seriously asking themselves this question.

Tim explores the mystery thus some may label him a mystic. From my experience, it is a good thing to explore the mystery.


Divine Feminine
18th July 2015, 05:07
If you explore the 'Biology of Belief', the new science shows us that beliefs create realities. So not believing in anything is still a belief and from what I can see there's no getting around that. Which is why I say, "Control the belief systems, control the energy fields." If we all sat around here and believed in nothing this reality wouldn't exist.

Divine Feminine
18th July 2015, 06:24
I find it interesting I've only heard men say they don't have a belief system. So I ask what is it that you fear in having a belief system? Are you afraid of being wrong? What is there to fear if this is only an illusion? This requires a soul to dig deep and look within and be honest in answering the question. Personally for me, I'm not afraid to have beliefs, as I don't fear being wrong. I'm willing to shift my set of beliefs as new truths come forward. Like everyone else, I came down here to learn and grow and in order to do so I have to make mistakes which might entail embracing inaccurate beliefs.

I beg to differ that Tim doesn't have any belief systems as if he didn't believe in anything why would he make a video sharing his point of view which seems to express what he believes? Science tells us that everything around us is energy. Everything vibrates at a frequency including thoughts, beliefs and emotions. So I would have to wonder, if you didn't have a belief system would you even vibrate, would you even exist in the form of consciousness as a human? You are energy, energy is maleable, and it makes sense in order to accommodate the multitude of beliefs which exist and vibrate within the same reality.

18th July 2015, 09:25
To me, this is a case of whose to know, seems that most seem to think it's inside themselves. BUT if? you are now working in guess work, as to who's on the Internet who might know, or who has plenty of books for you to buy, who is supposed to know, or maybe even if gentleness and love were as some seem to think is all we need to be in, then tell me who's belief is this that brought you here to study in a journeyman's way.

We have a belief system in the Wheel of Life, on which Tarot Cards are based. We give up on these in favour of Evolution (at least some have, we finish in Lord of the Rings story as work in progress, and now whose game to say, "I know who or what I am"? Well, every one of us has a story of what I've been through - stories tell us what I made myself into - one of mine is Why on Earth did I make myself terribly ill - to the point of near death? Not just once, but 5 times!!!!! Is it that I'm a slow learner, or that I had lost hope, couldn't find my way, there are many reasons this could have been, and I could have gone on to explore the many avenues that took me on this journey.

At one stage, I began to search, I knew I was ill and I felt that I was going to die, and I didn't sit back doing nothing, the doctors didn't know what was wrong and I needed to know, so way back then (in the 1980's), I began to search, first with Astrology and Numerology, because I had access to these from magazines and books, and I saw an advertisement for a handwriting analyst, so I started with these. Then Sam I began to discover the synchronicities, that I would just "find" some one in this case a numerologist in a mall when I was off sick, he sent me on to his friend, and she helped me a lot, she sent me to a friend who was a Re-birther, who sent me to a Re-birthing Seminar, I was also sent to a psychologist, who was also a bio-energeticist, and one day I visited two of these for an appointment, who had each receiver a flyer on Reiki and they both thought I needed to do that, so I did. I found an excellent herbalist Iridologist, who told me I needed to be plugged in to the Universal Energies, and guess what, Reiki did that. Then the two from before, decided I needed to attend a bio-energetics weekend workshop, but whilst I was having a later appointment to them both on the same day, they were rung up asking if they knew of any one who could attend the 7 day workshop, and I took it on, it just seemed right. Later I found a homeopath who just "happened to have been with me in Atlantis, who had a partner who did body work who had also been with me in Atlantis, and at a course for Astrology, I found two more who had been with me there.

So, that is only a small part of the just happenings that took me along my journey, because each just seemed the right thing to do. What is my belief system, it is in the FLOW OF LIFE? When you believe in this flow, you begin to see everything as either needed or not needed, but if you are not going with the flow, everything just doesn't work out right for you.

During that time I met a lady, who, when she asked what was the work she was supposed to do, and was told it was to look after me. We had some amazing adventures as part of my work with energies. One week end I called out to the Universe for help with the healing energies I was beginning to use, and my Homeopath, later on told me my Higher Self was coming down to be with me here and told me how to help bring him down. This is the Ivan I always speak of, who is responsible for a large amount of the work I write, and for what I have learnt of what the Above us wish us to be doing , during this lifetime. My great wish had been to find out who I was, and what I could do, if I stopped putting limitations upon myself. For the one big thing everyone is to do whilst here, is to evolve beyond what they were in themselves, when they were born.

This lady who was helping me, was the one who showed me about belief, because, I had a firm trust in the beliefs I had found along the way, and she would go so far, make huge advancements in herself and then slip back into not being able to believe in anything, which usually led her to the lack of hope, which limited everything in her life. What Ivan and all the Gods with us have asked my husband and I to do was to trust them and have faith that that trust will take us to where we need to go. When my husband loses that trust, mainly because he wants proof that everything will be as he wants it, then he loses hope and we have to start all over again. I had enough proof in the beginning that Ivan would never let me down, and so I can remain in that trust.

What this boils down to, is that belief, like everything else, is many layered, and when you find that belief in any way at all, then your fears do vanish, and you can live a life such as you never dreamed of as you grew up.

If you cease to vibrate, you will cease to exist. Your belief system will not cause you to cease to vibrate, nor will you lose your belief unless it is to add to it with more that you have realised about that belief. It might change, but it will not be a confirmed belief, until you reach an editing stage in your realised truth, that your soul is prepared to accept and places it on your Soul as such - a status of having realised a confirmed belief which you can use throughout this life and any to follow.

18th July 2015, 13:31
I like what Tim said about most of the population being numb to the absolute mystery of who and what we are doing on this planet. I do frequently marvel at the fact that so many people lack the curiosity and never marvel at the magnitude and magnificence of the mystery of this life. There are a billion amazing unanswered mysteries that come into our lives every day and very , very few question any of it. I no longer expect to get any answers but I have never lost the awe that I experience here. I have spent my life looking for the answers, and am now quite content in knowing that I don't know crap. But what I have received is the knowing that consciousness is non local, and I do not own a chunk of it. It is on loan, and I am writing a chapter for the Akashic record, and that is all. It does give me a perspective of oneness a lot of the time, and for that ,I am grateful.

Regarding belief systems, I have held rigid belief systems in the past. Systems that are rigid, and controlling and allow someone else to make my decisions for me. I moved on to attempting to abandon belief systems because I was afraid of being wrong. Recently, I realized that I could make up any belief system I choose. I can believe anything I want, and that is really freeing. So at this point I have made up a set of beliefs that make me feel most comfortable in this world and that is artistic freedom at its best. We all tell ourselves stories to get through the day. Who says our personal believes must be authenticated by having others who believe as we do? Does that make them any more real?

18th July 2015, 13:53
If you explore the 'Biology of Belief', the new science shows us that beliefs create realities. So not believing in anything is still a belief and from what I can see there's no getting around that. Which is why I say, "Control the belief systems, control the energy fields." If we all sat around here and believed in nothing this reality wouldn't exist.

What you have stated here is considered by many to be a "new age belief" and there's lots of information as to why these beliefs were implanted into our world today as well as by who.

From my experience, believing lies doesn't bring the lie into creation as if it is now reality... it may bring a lie into the individual's illusory experience as if it were true (at least for the beLIEver) but there is a vast difference between reality and one's self generated illusion. It could be seen that this entire experience we share is a mass illusion yet drop a 10 pound brick on your toe and try and tell yourself it is illusion.

One can hold beliefs that do not make up a system. Believing in yourself doesn't make a system. Believing the universe is ultimately just doesn't make a system though you might live in times where you do not hold that belief.

A mystic knows all beliefs are temporary... that is in part why a system never develops unless you call "allowing your world view to constantly change with the input of new information" (which is the only thing consistent in my own process) - a system.

One belief I have held for quite some time now is I believe personal responsibility is intrinsic to my attainment of sovereignty yet I only apply this to myself and maybe one day I will reject the idea.

I took your post, Divine Feminine, to imply something like Hinduism (which is a very structured and rigid belief system). Pointessa said it well.

I like to compare my process to clothes. I may try on a new pair of clothes... like them for awhile, then discard them in the future OR wear them for a long time... never forever though as they wear out and new ones serve better.

One can also understand their deepest nature and simultaneously accept the role one plays in one life. The point is about the mystery as to how this all came to be... one that students of mysticism are aware has yet to be solved.

18th July 2015, 15:17
Something I wrote a bit ago;

What Are You?

Regardless of what “WE”, as in individuals, think, believe, or, have faith in, the bottom line is that we most undoubtedly “ARE”. Whatever our personal thoughts of existence may be, we are presently “Conscious” and share this arena of “Consciousness” with other beings that “ARE”.

From one extreme to another of personal beliefs, “faiths” if you will, from Atheism, organized religion, to some type of hybrid conglomerate of thoughts and anything in between. We “ARE”. And, like it or not, we share this space called “Consciousness” with others. So what determines what our “Consciousness” is? In a very general sense our “knowledge” has a lot to do with how we interact within the environment that we share as “Consciousness”.

Over the course of the past, as an example, a few thousand years to the present, many changes regarding the human condition have happened. One of the most paradoxical of them was the invention of the idea of exchange. Exchange in the sense of acquiring of something desired by giving of something desirable. This is the premise of that which “IS” and who/what we “ARE”.

By the acknowledgment of “We don’t know, what we don’t know”, we who “ARE” will transform ourselves into what we desire, ultimately through knowledge, divinely through understanding, WE WILL BE. WE ARE.

Will we be happy? Will we be hostile towards others? Will we choose existence or non existence? What do we know?

I challenge you to be what you “ARE” rather than, what you are not.

18th July 2015, 16:05
Interestingly, RikkiTikkiTavi, this is what Tim suggests as well. He also suggests that the answer is ever unfolding.

18th July 2015, 17:10
Tim Freke has in idea...

What he says reminds me about what some call "your double" or "spirit" (not soul) or the "higher self". So as someone you are (or well theoretically should be) in contact with - constantly. Something similar as in saying "you are here experiencing yourself". The "idea" further evolves into the problems resulting from this contact either not being maintained or not being possible at all due to our own shortcomings...result of it all being that our minds/ideas/desires are not our own and might have even been "planted" there.

18th July 2015, 17:45
Interesting to see his t-shirt, b[lie]f? If the lie is inside of belief, then the truth is outside of belief?

I use the word frequently, it doesn't always have the same meaning. (no word does)

"...waking up from the dream of separateness." Nice.

18th July 2015, 18:05
What he says reminds me about what some call "your double" or "spirit" (not soul) or the "higher self". So as someone you are (or well theoretically should be) in contact with - constantly. Something similar as in saying "you are here experiencing yourself". The "idea" further evolves into the problems resulting from this contact either not being maintained or not being possible at all due to our own shortcomings...result of it all being that our minds/ideas/desires are not our own and might have even been "planted" there.

Hi, Tanta... I am glad you were able to extract something from some of the things Tim suggests and do so in your own words.

I also imagine that others who might encounter this thread might also benefit and in time, may experience an "a-ha" regarding some of these views which I have found quite freeing. They then may begin to share in their own words some of these same suggestions which may assist others in finding some freedom and peace through a deeper understanding.

This was my intention for starting this thread.

Divine Feminine
18th July 2015, 21:02
What you have stated here is considered by many to be a "new age belief" and there's lots of information as to why these beliefs were implanted into our world today as well as by who.
But if you follow yours/Tim’s line of thinking, which is a ‘belief’ by the way, your above comment can be considered part of the whole beLIEver concept, lol. People can label the concept as a ‘new age belief’ all they want but the scientific studies show validity. When you spend the time researching and understanding the biology of belief, you will see how empowering the information is to the human race.

From my experience, believing lies doesn't bring the lie into creation as if it is now reality... it may bring a lie into the individual's illusory experience as if it were true (at least for the beLIEver) but there is a vast difference between reality and one's self generated illusion. It could be seen that this entire experience we share is a mass illusion yet drop a 10 pound brick on your toe and try and tell yourself it is illusion.

It is an illusion regardless of whether you drop something on your toe, get run over by a truck, or shot in the head. And if it isn’t, then why are you reincarnating? Because you’re not your body, you’re consciousness, so no matter what tragedy you may face, bottom line, you’re consciousness and that is what you discover when you study the work of researchers who explore in depth NDE’s and reincarnation cases looking for patterns.

One can hold beliefs that do not make up a system. Believing in yourself doesn't make a system. Believing the universe is ultimately just doesn't make a system though you might live in times where you do not hold that belief.

A mystic knows all beliefs are temporary... that is in part why a system never develops unless you call "allowing your world view to constantly change with the input of new information" (which is the only thing consistent in my own process) - a system.

One belief I have held for quite some time now is I believe personal responsibility is intrinsic to my attainment of sovereignty yet I only apply this to myself and maybe one day I will reject the idea.

I took your post, Divine Feminine, to imply something like Hinduism (which is a very structured and rigid belief system).

I study no religion so I can’t comment on whether it favors Hinduism or not. I find it curious that you think my ‘belief’ is ‘structured and rigid’ when I said this: “You are energy, energy is malleable, and it makes sense in order to accommodate the multitude of beliefs which exist and vibrate within the same reality.” And this: “I'm willing to shift my set of beliefs as new truths come forward.”

This isn’t rigid; in fact it’s the opposite. What I’m saying is, I’m not married to my beliefs I am malleable just as energy is malleable. Which is the same as your comment “A mystic knows all beliefs are temporary..”-Sam

I like to compare my process to clothes. I may try on a new pair of clothes... like them for awhile, then discard them in the future OR wear them for a long time... never forever though as they wear out and new ones serve better.

Sam, you’re saying the same thing I am: “I’m willing to shift my set of beliefs as new truths come forward.”-Divine Feminine

One can also understand their deepest nature and simultaneously accept the role one plays in one life. The point is about the mystery as to how this all came to be... one that students of mysticism are aware has yet to be solved.

Is it not the continual mystery that allows for continual possibilities? So maybe it’s not meant to be solved as in doing so creates the rigid structure you were referring to?

Divine Feminine
18th July 2015, 21:15
This lady who was helping me, was the one who showed me about belief, because, I had a firm trust in the beliefs I had found along the way, and she would go so far, make huge advancements in herself and then slip back into not being able to believe in anything, which usually led her to the lack of hope, which limited everything in her life.

Yes, this is validating part of my point and I perceive this to be a form of fear. Again it goes back to living in an illusion and the purpose of the illusion is to create a false reality so a soul can learn and grow, otherwise what's the point to incarnating here? My personal perception comes from studying my own reincarnation experiences up close and personal in addition to others. I am also influenced by patterns documented and shared by researchers who study both NDE and reincarnation cases.

I moved on to attempting to abandon belief systems because I was afraid of being wrong.

Thanks for the validation, this is what I suspected...not of you personally, but those in general who take this path.

18th July 2015, 23:43
What are you ?, loving the discussion so far, so very interesting hearing differing and/or similar perspectives, for myself the what are you is in line with what you are not > http://jandeane81.com/threads/6307-You-are-not-your-Thoughts < also, you are not your body but your a bit stuffed here without it lol, you are not your thoughts which I see a lot of above written eg be Tim's thoughts or someone else's, you are not your mind but a part of the collective mind unless you know thyself/mind, then your holding hands with your mind, logic, intuition etc, you are your consciousness ( where ever you are at present ) and it's fractuals above this, higher self, and whatever is energy higher above this, on the way to knowing thyself/mind one must usually use others minds/thoughts, advancing to higher minds/thoughts along the way, sorta like reading Doris Virtue then Seth then Kryon then thyself, sorta = crawl, walk, run, fly.

19th July 2015, 03:13
I see "me" as both and also something in between. I do not assume this to be true for another though it may be. I do not see one as illusion and the other as not but I have no issue with someone who might.

A belief does not make a system.

Note: "System" - a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular.

A belief also does not make the belief true.

What is true for you might not be true for another and this is why I shy away from imposing my truth on others though when I share my experience I have found sometimes others are compelled to adopt my view which would be all and only there responsibility if they so do.

Why I share these experiences and some of my temporary conclusions is that I have found they have helped me become a better person and I have a "belief" (which could be wrong) that this world could use more folks who find ways to improve their impact upon others.

19th July 2015, 03:46
I find it interesting I've only heard men say they don't have a belief system.

I find it interesting that you've been keeping separate tabs in your head for what men say versus what women say. I've just been taking in information as it is and don't keep track of the gender of the messenger, but maybe I'm going about this the wrong way? :hmm:

I wonder how clear-cut these divides between the genders are and where you think gay men and women fall into this.

Edit to add that I'm just prodding into this issue of course, I know there are differences in the psychology of men, women, and all the different flavors in between, but the differences are so diverse and varied that I gave up on trying to make distinctions at all. Like Jung says, we all have a bit of everything in us (very heavily paraphrased of course :p ).

19th July 2015, 03:54
There are a billion amazing unanswered mysteries that come into our lives every day and very , very few question any of it. I no longer expect to get any answers but I have never lost the awe that I experience here. I have spent my life looking for the answers, and am now quite content in knowing that I don't know crap.

Same here more or less. I still see patterns and recognize them as such, but I don't cling to them as strongly and as emotionally as I did in the past. Politics is an example of this. I lost all interest in politics, don't have "political" views that fit into the two-party system anymore, and don't really care when people are bashing one side or the other. As far as that goes I think everyone in that paradigm is "wrong" by default, because it seems to me as nothing but a control system. Just like you pointed out, about control. :)

And notice that I said "seems." I try to use words like "seems" or "might be" or "supposedly" instead of the hard-and-fast "is." There is even a version of English that logicians/philosophers came up with called "English prime" or "E-prime" that makes the verb "to be" (and its forms "is" and "are") totally obsolete, as you can't definitely say that anything "is" anything else. You can only really tell how you perceive things to be. Of course I still use "is" and "are" but I also remember that I can always back up and admit that I've made a mistake if the pattern no longer seems to fit.

I moved on to attempting to abandon belief systems because I was afraid of being wrong.

I get what you're saying. You can never be wrong so long as you admit to yourself that you don't really know anything. :cool:

There is a saying that I think comes from Asia (and btw I love Taoism and Zen Buddhism and I get the feeling that you may be familiar with them yourself), that goes something like, "The fool knows he's wise while the wise man knows he's a fool."

19th July 2015, 04:04
Perhaps this explains things better...


19th July 2015, 04:09
Oh lord Sam. :fpalm:

19th July 2015, 04:15
Oh lord Sam. :fpalm:

I wasn't the one that brought up gender.

Divine Feminine
19th July 2015, 05:02
I find it interesting that you've been keeping separate tabs in your head for what men say versus what women say. I've just been taking in information as it is and don't keep track of the gender of the messenger, but maybe I'm going about this the wrong way? :hmm:

I wonder how clear-cut these divides between the genders are and where you think gay men and women fall into this.

Edit to add that I'm just prodding into this issue of course, I know there are differences in the psychology of men, women, and all the different flavors in between, but the differences are so diverse and varied that I gave up on trying to make distinctions at all. Like Jung says, we all have a bit of everything in us (very heavily paraphrased of course :p ).

Let's not take out of context what I've said. I research, a lot, I notice patterns. I have a pretty good memory most of the time. There is no judgment taking place in my observations. I merely pointed out what I have observed as I thought it was interesting and in my attempts to understand, I have found patterns can be clues. Is there meaning behind it? I don't know. If I had to guess I would say it has something to do with ego and I find men to have more of an ego than women. It's just how they're wired. So I can understand why being wrong may be more difficult for the male gender than the female gender which is why they might feel more comfortable not believing in anything for fear of being duped as they might perceive it as a blow to their ego. I have no idea where gay men or women fall into this as I'm not taking surveys. I just thought it was noteworthy that I have had several men say the same thing in regards to beliefs and not wanting to believe in anything and I would say this is fear based. My hope in sharing what I have learned is to help take that fear away. FWIW all my best friends are men, so I have no hang up with guys.

I thought I was dealing with a mature group, maybe I've miscalculated?

19th July 2015, 05:28
I thought I was dealing with a mature group, maybe I've miscalculated?

I was just having fun on a Saturday night... amazing that video has millions of views though.

Anyways, I appreciate your comments DF... Sam

Divine Feminine
19th July 2015, 05:33
A belief does not make a system.

Note: "System" - a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular.

Why I share these experiences and some of my temporary conclusions is that I have found they have helped me become a better person and I have a "belief" (which could be wrong) that this world could use more folks who find ways to improve their impact upon others.

And in the same spirit, it's why I'm on this thread sharing what I have learned.
Definition of Belief System:


faith based on a series of beliefs but not formalized into a religion; also, a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society


Belief Systems and How They Effect Our Biology

19th July 2015, 06:15
If I had to guess I would say it has something to do with ego and I find men to have more of an ego than women. It's just how they're wired. So I can understand why being wrong may be more difficult for the male gender than the female gender which is why they might feel more comfortable not believing in anything for fear of being duped as they might perceive it as a blow to their ego.

I can't speak for all other men but my unwillingness to be self-deceived into something has less to do with hurting my ego than just the practicality of the situation. If I'm wrong about something I don't have an issue in admitting it and learning more about whatever I had missed before, so in that sense it's not as if it's difficult for me. I just see no advantages in any form in being wrong about something, so if I get to make a choice between being "right" or "wrong" about something then I'm going to opt for the former. And if I don't have enough information to come to a determination then I leave it there, because guessing about things also tends to lead to errors.

When I was maybe 10 or 12 or somewhere in there, I started playing with html coding for websites. That really expanded my mind as to what "logic" really is, because in programming, there is no gray area to play with, and formal logic as it's taught in universities is the same way. This is the underlying structure of the entire scientific method. You either get the procedure right (regardless of the results), and then you "know" something within a very narrow frame of reference (from which other inferences can be made, which outline the "pattern"), or else you don't get it right (ie, don't apply the tool of logic correctly), and then you don't know any better than before one way or another. I'm not saying that this kind of formal logic is the be-all/end-all in terms of perceiving patterns in the universe, but it's something that gives a firm frame of reference that can be held onto.

If you forgive me going out into some heavily metaphorical speech, I can relate to what the "divine feminine" aspect of all of this would be, at least in terms of how I have personally learned the archetypes of the two genders. If the example of logic I give above is "something that gives a firm frame of reference that can be held onto," then the feminine aspects of belief relative to this would be the inferences that are doing the "holding on" part. Because in any pattern you can perceive, there are "hard" parts to the pattern that are simply a matter of straightforward perception and speak for themselves, and there are "soft" patterns of the perception that are the more nebulous inferences that may take things to a "higher level" but are also more subject to interpretation depending on personal taste (and everyone has their own way of seeing things). If I had to extrapolate this out into more general relations between the male and female archetypes I suppose I could do this with a long enough post, but hopefully you get what I'm saying. If you are representing the "Divine Feminine" here then I may as well step up to balance the other side of the equation with the "Divine Masculine" point of view, that even in non-human terms, it takes two to tango, and we live in a dualistic reality where protons have electrons to balance them out, up always has a "down" as a reference somewhere, darkness and light only make sense in relation to one another, and many life forms reproduce in very dualistic ways. This is just what we have to work with on this plane of reality.

There has been too strong of a focus on aggressive masculine archetypes in society over the past few hundred years or more, which is not the only kind of masculine archetype, but it has played a large part in contributing to wars and of course the herd-controlling religions that all refer to their monotheistic deity as a "he." So I think that is why real femininity in its various forms has had a legitimate need to be more fully expressed in society today, but of course any kind of imbalance one way or another is going to lead to some kind of "situation." Living in this dualistic world would not be so bad at all, I think, if it weren't for the things that remind us of this dualism by how divisive they are, splitting everyone and everything into categories that have to be reconciled. In the end everything has come from one thing ("source," "God," "universe," the "big bang," whatever) and continues to be that one thing, just in many different forms.

19th July 2015, 13:54
Thank you, bsbray. This was the point of the absurd video... how we can have an out of balance view and how that may get a few laughs or nods of agreement from one side or the other... when we balance it seems to end up as an "us" which ties right back in with what this thread is all about.

I am glad I started the thread as it may be something new for some but it also may be a good reminder for others.

19th July 2015, 16:39
One minute into the video and I'm laughing already. The crazy axis and the hot axis...:ttr:

Unicorns...if you find one, capture it. (watch out for trannys):hilarious:

The analysis does indicate just how much more complex women are.

The only problem I have with it is that men are so distracted by women and their hotness that I find it very hard to believe that they would be able to really objectively gather data....

A college friend who always had to have a boyfriend, even if she didn't like him a whole lot had three criteria. Hot, smart, rich. He had to have at least two of those qualities. But really she couldn't date a guy who wasn't hot. She had money, and went into a career making money so that wasn't an absolute. She didn't mind having more money than the guy but she felt she'd respect him more if he made more money than her.

My friend Jeannette said that you should know where you stand on the scale of 1-10 and be sure to date someone who is around two less than you on the scale.

IMO, there is no reasonable way that men can really assess if a woman is crazy. They're just too smitten with the physicality. They also seem to be unable to see the ways in which they drive women crazy. Probably because they're too busy thinking about her body to really listen and understand...:whstl:

Like DF, many of my friends are men. They make awesome friends.;)

19th July 2015, 19:13
Cristina, my wife, is a a 10 hot and a 1 crazy... except when she's mad. But I don't attribute that to her being female as much as I attribute it to her being Colombian. But note, that passion has its positives as well... :eyebrows:

19th July 2015, 20:25
Sam, you've found yourself a true unicorn! :congratulations: Passion is good. Especially if the person isn't actually crazy.

As usual, I'm more the exception than the rule so my husband is both more emotional and more crazy than me. He'd freely admit it. :o