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26th July 2014, 20:04

POST # --------------------------------------SUBJECT

Chris Thomas books available world wide, print on demand: The site http://www.capallbann.co.uk/
They say they will honour all orders placed via the website, and regularly ship globally.



136------------------------THE GIVEAWAY INSTRUCTIONS

119------------------------HUMAN DNA, 2,12,13 STRANDS – AN IMPORTANT ESSAY

70-------------------------48 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS WITH CHRIS THOMAS


103------------------------11 Q & A FROM SANDRA

202------------------------"ALIEN" ABDUCTIONS AS MIND PROGRAMMES - WHO?, HOW?, WHY?


121------------------------IS TIME SPEEDING UP?



316------------------------Lily Earthling - An Excellent Interview On Remembering Humanity's Moral Compass And Much More - Transcribed

This is not a mechanistic Universe – it is a conscious Universe – all souls attract



1 & 11-------Terjes Toftens Voices of the New Paradigm June 2009
24---------------------------Lisa Harrison October 15, 2012
64---------------------------The Spirit Guides 2012
77---------------------------The Spirit Guides December, 2010
78---------------------------The Spirit Guides 2011
79---------------------------The Spirit Guides 2011/2012
152 & 153------------------Bases 8 August, 2010
155 & 156------------------Red Ice Radio April , 2013
159--------------------------Open Your Mind Radio (OYM) June 16, 2013
183--------------------------Patrick Timpone October 17, 2011
383--------------------------Robert Stanley August 15, 2013
390--------------------------Lisa Harrison December, 2012
404--------------------------Robert Stanley December, 2013

THE HISTORY BOOKS ( www.cappalbann.co.uk )

98-------------The Journey Home 1996 and The Fools First Steps – The True Nature of Reality 1999
99---------------------------Planet Earth-The Universe’s Experiment 2003 and The Universal Soul 2005
142--------------------------The Human Soul 2007 and Project Human Extinction 2009
145--------------------------The Annunaki Plan or The Human Plan 2010 and Synthesis 2011

145------------The Pyramids – their purpose and how they were built
141--------------------------Earth’s Purpose – An Essay
147--------------------------Reintegration – what to expect
148--------------------------Time as Energy and Multidimensionality as a measure of Energy – An Essay
4-----------------------------The New Humans with Mary Rodwell – Are they already Velon influenced?

7-----------------------------All abductions since 2000 are Military/Velon

322----------------------------The Only Publisher selling all of C.T.’s Books Worldwide
26----------------------------Massive Velon Deception Starting with Cameron Day
33----------------------------karma as wisdom gathering
34----------------------------Exercising Free Choice
38----------------------------Becoming One with your Higher Self

39----------------------------The Spring Equinox – An Essay
41----------------------------Proof Edgar Casey acted as a Medium for the Velon and not reading the Akashic
42----------------------------Earth’s Purpose by Chris Thomas
47----------------------------Celestoriums and the Risks of Channelling
51----------------------------Inelia Benz agrees with Chris Thomas

52----------------------------10 Simple way to keep from Messing up your Life
60----------------------------Your Higher Self as your Spirit Guide
62----------------------------Implanted Memories – The Sad case of Sanni Ceto
63----------------------------Andrew Basiago – The Velon Deception
68----------------------------Lisa Harrison with Lily Earthling

74----------------------------Individual Akashic readings are really DNA stored memory readings
75 & 165--------------------Not Continental Drift BUT an expanding AND contracting Earth
83----------------------------Sharpening Discernment Skills- George K. synthetic light, Drunvalo Melchizedek
87----------------------------Harald Kautz interview on Earth’s transformation of Alien Black Goo
91----------------------------Questions about the Giveaway

97----------------------------Chris Thomas – My experience with Full Soul Integration
125---------------------------Directing OUR belief systems to create THEIR reality
128---------------------------Marshall Summers vs. Chris Thomas
130---------------------------Channelling the New World Order – Bucegi Mountain tunnel system
134---------------------------An excerpt from Planet Earth – The Universe’s Experiment

175---------------------------Are there Artifacts to Back up C.T.'s information?
162---------------------------An Insider's Revelation of Sitchin as Front-man for the NWO
165---------------------------The Earth Expands and Contracts with Human Consciousness
181---------------------------The Anunnaki are NOT the Fallen Angels - Nephilim - of the Bible
185---------------------------Carl Boudreau Astrology - Saturn's Sane Responsibility replacing 35 Years of Growing Insanity

187---------------------------Plasma Physics
188---------------------------Balanced Humans DO NOT FEAR their Own Power
194---------------------------Dealing with Negativity in a Responsible Way
195---------------------------Earth's First Born Soul Race
199---------------------------Human Origins

200---------------------------Origin of Religions - The Question of Jesus Christ - Fear of the Divine feminine Creator

All 11 Books can be purchased here: Chris Thomas books available world wide, print on demand: The site http://www.capallbann.co.uk/ They say they will honour all orders placed via the website, and regularly ship globally.


This is the best of the 11 interviews Chris Thomas has done because it covers the most ground, while others go into more detail on specific topics. I will be posting all 6 parts on this page as I get time, so be sure to check back if you are interested. It is just a transcript. The video and audio are available for purchase here:



CHRIS THOMAS�Hardwired into the Akashic Record

Chris Thomas is a psychic surgeon and author.
From an early age he has been able to gather information from the Akashic.

Chris Thomas: The Akashic is purely & simply a memory. So everything that has ever occurred within this Universe is recorded within that universal source. I suppose you could think of the mind as having various compartments to it, in one way or another. And so what I do is I recognize the compartment that communicates with the Akashic, so I address any questions I have to that compartment. And then it passes out through my Higher Self, and then in return, I get the answer. And its usually fairly instantaneous, I mean, we�re not talking time-lag, here�lol� We�re talking� I ask the request & the answer is there. Its very rare that it takes more than a couple seconds.

The Concept of Creation

Chris Thomas: Most people think of there being a �God� of some kind, a �Creationary Force�, or what the quantum physicists, I believe, call �fields of possibilities� that existed before the �big bang�.

I don�t agree with the �big bang�, because, ultimately, everything within this Universe is planned in terms of who exists within it, what exists within it, and essentially the Universe came about, not only this Universe but all the other universes that there are, came about because this being, this creator, these fields of possibility, asked of itself a question, along the lines of: �What would happen if I did this?�

And, the first question that it asked itself, really, was: �What would happen if I created a space where all of the souls, all of the consciousnesses that inhabited that space had the absolute �freedom of choice� to choose� all of their actions. And this is how our Universe came about is, purely & simply, to explore the �What if ?� of �freedom of choice�.

So, the Universe did not come into being with a �big bang� but more what, I suppose, the Catholic Church would describe as �Spirituous�, or �Divine Breath��a breath of energy, if you like, into an envelope. So, the Universe itself is not expanding, in the sense that we have an �energy bubble��something shaped very similar to an ellipse that defines the boundaries of this Universe. And within that Universe�within our Universe�it is imbued with the energies that allow all the free moving souls that inhabit this Universe �freedom of choice� to choose whatever action they choose to take. The only limiting factor is, as it were, is that you cannot act in such a way that removes somebody else�s �freedom of choice�.

So, all this began roughly 13.8 billion years ago. I can give you the exact date, but I think that is a little bit silly.

The Evolution of the Universe

Terje Toftenes: What did it start with, then, if it wasn�t the �big bang�?

Chris Thomas: As I say, essentially, a divine breath�a breath of life into the void that was the universe. And, really the first form of evolution within the universe were those who were those that were capable of building places that others could exist�so, in other words, Galaxies. So, what we�re looking at�and, this is where Cosmology breaks down, as far as I�m concerned�is that everything that exists within the universe is a soul, is a consciousness.

I don�t see any difference between the two terms, only one � really, �consciousness� is a scientific term & �soul� you can think of as being a religious term. But, in as far as my interpretation of them is concerned, then the two terms are interchangeable. So, a soul is a consciousness, and a consciousness is a soul.

So, what we began with, say, roughly around about 13.8 billion years ago, is with the development of very large consciousnesses that we call �galaxies�. And within those galaxies, again�a galaxy is really an energy envelope into which other things can work & develop. And so, there was a further stage of development where we have consciousnesses who could become solar systems or individual planets, but mainly a solar system is made of a single consciousness. And it then as an expression of its �free choice� builds planets.

So, there is no matter as such within the universe, what we have is an energy, which then coalesces into various forms. And it is the choice of the individual consciousnesses within whatever parameters of energy that they have available to them to construct from that whatever they choose.

So, we began with that process, and that took quite a few million years. And then about 65 million years ago, our solar system decided to form.

Now, as part of the �freedom of choice� within this universe, one of the questions asked by the Creationary Source was �Is Human life possible? Is life�what we consider to be physical density�is it possible?

And, therefore, our Solar System chose a spot, if you like, in the middle of nowhere, or the edge of nowhere - I suppose is the middle of nowhere. So we exist in a space that is remote from the rest of the universe. And that was quite a deliberate choice, so that whatever occurred within the universe could occur around us but wouldn�t effect us that much. And at the same time, if things within our Solar System went disastrously wrong, then we wouldn�t affect the rest of the universe, as well.

So, these were the first choices made. And I know they don�t bare any resemblance to scientific time frames for these things, but I have a lot of difficulty with the scientific explanation of how old the Earth is. Bearing in mind that its based on the age of a meteorite which is a theoretical age, in any way, of 4 billion years, which essentially, the meteorite could have come from anywhere within the universe. So, I really don�t think there is much value to the figures that the scientists have put onto this.

But as far as this�to keep track of everything that occurs within the universe so that that which created the universe could learn from the experiences, there is something called the Akashic field. Think of it more as a field, rather than anything else. And, what this Akashic does is to record everything that has ever occurred within this universe.

Now the word �Akashic� is Sanskrit, so its ancient Sumerian and goes back about 8,000 years, or something like that. And as far as the Akashic itself is concerned, all the word �Akashic� means is �record�, literally that, nothing else. So its function is purely & simply to record everything that has occurred. Because, after all, if you�re sitting somewhere & you ponder a question, what you are trying to do is to find the answer. And, therefore, this is what this Creationary Source is doing�is trying to find the answer to the question it asked itself. And so, the Akashic acts as a recording device, purely & simply, to record everything that has occurred�all developments that take place, all the choices that individual souls make & how they interact with each other�nothing beyond that.

So that is what this thing called the �Akashic� is about. It�s purely & simply a recording device that allows this Creationary Source to answer the question that it asked. So, everything is recorded within the Akashic, every development that has occurred within the universe, and inevitability within the solar system, & here on Earth, is recorded within it. Its just different levels of recording, essentially.

So at 65 million years ago our solar system first came into being. And in many respects our solar system is unique, because there were originally 13 planets to the solar system, including the sun. And each of those planets is a consciousness in its own right. So, in other words, there is not a solar system consciousness like most of the other solar systems within the universe. Each planet is a consciousness itself, and therefore has infinite choice and creative ability in terms of the energies that it has available to it.

And each of the planets within the solar system began developing in its own way, and chose to develop life that reflected, if you like, the �personality� of the consciousness of that planet. So, in that way, all of the solid planets (rather than the Sun) within our solar system, developed life. And also developed life which you could think of as very similar to human. That was the intention of our solar system, in anyway.

The 6 Non-physical Races (Angels)

Once the galaxies & solar systems had become established, then roughly 100 million years ago, the first �free moving� souls� consciousnesses were created for this universe. These �free moving� souls have no physical form or density, but are just purely & simply an energy form�a pure soul energy. In religious terms these are what most people would call �angels�.

Now these originally started life forms were seeded onto six different planets in various locations around the universe. So you could think of these as being six different races. What the Akashic records them as being is the �non physical� races, its simple terms, but generally speaking, everything is very simple, really, when it comes down to it. And these six non-physical races developed into beings that communicate psychically. They can travel anywhere they choose within this universe. They don�t need craft to do so. They just think themselves somewhere & they travel.

These are what most people would think as �angels�, I suspect. And this is where the root of several religious traditions come from. It�s just purely & simply, you have these free moving, free acting souls within the universe who were, for want of a better word, the first created of �God�.

The 7 Semi-physical Races (Extra-terrestrials)

But as a half-way stage, between the concept of human physical life & these free moving non-physical beings (pure soul-energy beings), there are also what the Akashic describes as �semi-physical� beings. And these are what most people connect with UFOs and all the rest of it. So these are the �Aliens�, as it were. Or, the non-terrestrial biological entities, as the American military now call them. And what you have with these are very diverse range of beings who began life inhabiting seven very diverse planets. And each of them have developed in their own way, and have their own means of transport, essentially. Some of them have been connected with Earth for many millions of years, and others have not been connected with Earth at all.

So, those are the stages of development. To put a time frame on it�roughly 100 million years ago we have the creation of the non-physical races, and roughly 35 million years ago we have the creation of the semi-physical races.

Now, by �semi-physical� what I mean is that they have a physical form & density to each other. But if we had somebody from one of these races standing in front of us in their natural form, then we might detect a presence but we wouldn�t be able to see them, purely & simply, because our brains are just not tuned to the kind of energy frequencies that these are constructed from. But like the six non physical races, these seven have spread throughout the universe, and wherever they�ve found compatible planets, they have settled on & developed. And this is where a huge problem with identification comes in.

I mean, for example, if I immigrated to Australia & took on Australian citizenship, I could call myself Australian. But I am still originally Welsh. So in simple terms, what the Akashic would describe as �soul origin�, in other words, the first place where that soul first came into being, then what we have are seven races. But in terms of what these races call themselves, and how they have spread out throughout the various galaxies, then we have something like 50 or 60 potential races, something like that. So, as far as I am concerned, what I do is to stick with �soul origin� because it makes life a great deal simpler.

The Greys

So, we have these six non-physical races which are essentially unnamed. But what we have with the semi-physical races are those who have come in contact with people on Earth, and therefore, some are known to us. So, to start with one that most people are familiar with is the Grays, called �Zetas�, or whatever people call them these days.

These are the classic aliens of being about 1.2 meters tall, gray skin, large black eyes they appear to have. They don�t actually have black eyes. Their eyes are actually yellow with vertical irises. Its just their home world has very little in the way of natural light, and so when they come into contact with light, they wear sunglasses. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but, I mean, essentially, this is what they wear & why so many have been spotted in deep underground cave systems on Earth is because that is their natural environment.


They�ve been in contact with Earth many, many, many times. And have been connected with, particularly, the American military for a long time, particularly since the Roswell crash. Although, there were several of the races actually crashed in Roswell, it was the Grays who made primary contact with particularly the American military. It is this race that are responsible for many of the so-called �abductions��human abductions that go on.

Much of that is totally over-hyped.

And there is an immense amount of information out there proving that really most abductions, or the worst abductions, are actually carried out by the military themselves rather than by the Grays.

All the Grays are interested in is studying human physiology, because they see the human body as being much stronger & longer lasting than their own, which they�re having a few problems with. And so they�re trying to study the physiology to find out whether they can build for themselves a better body, a stronger, more powerful body.

Although there are an awful lot of horror stories about these beings, the reality is that they�re generally benign, they�re generally friendly, and curious more than anything else.


The taller ones are essentially a hybrid. And they�re a part of this development program that the Greys have been working on now for, certainly, several thousands of years. And the taller ones seem to be a hybrid between some human genetic structures & the Grey genetic structure. And so it gives them a more powerful body, and a greater range of options in terms of how they move around.


A lot of abductees talk about �biological robots�, I suppose is the best way of describing them. And these really are beings that do not contain a soul. So, in other words, they have no consciousness. They are, purely & simply, like a machine�a biological machine that has been developed by the Greys & another race, who I will come on to describe in a minute.

But also, again, the military has been heavily involved in the development of these �biological robots�, for whatever reason. I mean, you know, its very difficult to sort of really work through what the military motives are for an awful lot of things they do.

But I mean the Roswell crash for example, as I understand it, was caused by the switching on of very similar magnetic force generators that they used on the American ships that they tried in the second World War�the USS Philadelphia, where they tried using magnetic generators to take the ship off radar, only to discover that the ship disappeared, basically, and most of the crew were killed by this action. They used similar generators at Roswell to test radar system to see what it would do. And there would appear to be a number of ships from different races watching what was going on with this. And as the drive systems of all of these craft are based on electromagnetic forces, then by switching on a massive magnetic field it literally made these ships fall out of the sky. So, you know it was a major problem as far as these NTBEs were concerned, but I suppose a triumph as far as the military were concerned.

End of Part 1

To be continued . . .


Voices of the New Paradigm


CHRIS THOMAS�Hardwired into the Akashic Record
Interview by Terje Toftenes

Other ET Races

Terje Toftenes: Roswell was also, at that time, a place where they keep the atomic weapons, wasn�t it?

Chris Thomas: Yes. Its just up the road from what was �ground zero��. can�t remember the name of it.

Terje Toftenes: Los Alamos?

Chris Thomas: Los Alamos� Trinity, wasn�t it� they called it.

Terje Toftenes: And was that a reason why there was so much ET presence in the area, do you think?

Chris Thomas: Quite probably. Because, really, once humans had reached the point of self-destruction on that scale, then the radiation effects from these kinds of blasts radiate outwards out beyond our solar system and can cause a lot of disruption in all sorts of places. And so, since the first nuclear bomb was exploded, there has been an increase of UFO activity around the Earth, monitoring�to make sure that we don�t blow ourselves up, essentially.

The Pleiadeans (Diplomatic Corps)

Most of that monitoring is being done by another race we know by the name of the Pleiadeans; because that�s what their star system that they originate on is the Pleiades. They�ve certainly created energy blackouts in areas where it looked likely there was going to be a mass nuclear strike. And certainly the Americans attempted to send a nuclear missile to the Moon, just to see what would happen, basically. And that was stopped by the Pleiadeans, because the potential damage done to the solar system would have been considerable if that had gone ahead.

So, yes, these races will work with us. On the face of it�interfere with human activities�but what it comes down to in the end is that they are trying to protect us from ourselves, in many respects. And the same is true for virtually all the races, that, these seven semi-physical races. Let�s say, the Pleiadeans in particular are almost what you could describe as a �diplomatic corps�, as far as the Universe is concerned, because they become involved in virtually everything that goes on.

The NGC-584 (The Geneticists)

But there is another race that which has been involved with Earth more than any others. And that is� we don�t have a name for them, but they come from a star system that we�ve catalogue numbered NGC-584. And what these beings are, they are �master geneticists�. They hold the record of every living thing that has ever existed within this universe. And they are capable of reconstructing it, or modifying it, to suit other planetary conditions wherever life is required.

Because, as far as planetary life is concerned, it is not created by this Creationary Source. I know this is going to upset a lot of people, but as far as the Akashic is concerned, the �Planetary Consciousness� creates whatever life it sees fit to inhabit its surfaces.

And so, when the Earth first came into being & was looking around to see what kind of life she would like to inhabit Her surface, Her natural inclination was to turn to these beings from NGC-584, to ask for advice & help in creating suitable life, of the kind of physical density that we exists at. Because don�t forget, this is what makes Earth unique, is that we have a physical form & a physical presence which does not exist anywhere else in the universe. And, therefore�


Terje Toftenes: Nowhere else within the universe?

Chris Thomas: Nowhere� Nowhere else within the universe. That is not 100 percent true, but there is a very specific reason why that isn�t 100 percent true, and its only to do with things that are going on with Earth. But as far as the rest of the Universe is concerned, then our Solar System is unique. Because the combination of energies that exist on our planet, within our Solar System, make physical life possible. And nowhere else within the Universe does this combination of energies exist. And, therefore, that is what makes us unique.

And so, as far as the work as a planet & the NGC-584 were concerned, then they needed to redesign & construct energy forms that were compatible with the energy patterns that existed within our Solar System. So again, it was a unique process, at the time. And development has gone on, really, ever since the first life appeared on Earth. All these so-called �extinctions� that have occurred have not necessarily been because of, say, a meteorite had hit the planet, its been because the Earth has made new choices.

So everything that had started life on Earth at the very beginning was a total experiment. And as time has gone on, then the Earth, herself, has introduced new species, and removed others who were not really that compatible with the Earth, itself.

Darwin�s Theory and the Development of Earth

Chris Thomas: Some of it is accurate, some of it is not. As far as the Human side of it is concerned�No, we are not a development from Apes. And if you read a lot of the more recent studies from anthropologists & paleoanthropologists, then they agree.

The biggest problem with sciences is that once somebody comes up with a theory & its accepted, it gets carved into stone. And it takes the equivalent of a nuclear bomb to break the stone up�to look at things in reality, rather than what the theory says they should be. So yes, part of Darwin�s� evolution does occur on Earth. I mean, this is how life develops, is it�s a combination of creation & evolution. And so, Darwin�s statement: �that which is fittest to fit within an environment will be the one that survives�, is perfectly true.

Its not the survival of the fittest, as people have tended to shorten it down to. Its just purely & simply that� if you look at, say, life development on the Galapagos Islands, where there�s fifty types of finches each of which has a slightly different shape of beak. It means that each of those finches has developed & evolved into a particular niche on that island, because, they then become the fittest to survive within that environment.

When it comes to human development�and, I know we�re all suppose to be descended from �Lucy�. But from what I�ve read recently, is that when the bones of Lucy were re-studied, it turns out that she is NOT a human ancestor at all, but is purely & simply an early form of orangutan. And what is hidden because of these theories�* the evidence is that all over the world, what you find is Cro-Magnon going back 3.5 million years. These are studies I�ve read by paleoanthropologists that have been buried away by the scientific world because they don�t want to know about it, because it breaks all the other theories.

So, we are not developed from apes. We did not evolve from Neanderthal Man, or Homo Sapien, or Homo Erectus, or anything else. We are essentially Cro-Magnon Man that has been developed� evolved, if you like. Sometimes, in an accelerated, in other words�others stepped in to help in Human development.

Essentially, Cro-Magnon Man is a development of the Earth in combination with some of the other planets within the Solar System. AND ESSENTIALLY THEY ARRIVED ON EARTH, INTACT, 3.5 MILLION YEARS AGO. This is what the Akashic records. And paleoanthropological studies�(a good word that one)�confirm that, 3.5 million years ago seems to be consistent throughout the whole planet.


But essentially, that is when Human life came to Earth, shall we say. So, we are not a creation of the Earth herself. We could think of ourselves as being a combination of choices made by various planets within our Solar System.

The reason for it being 3.5 million years ago is that our Solar System originally, as I said, contained 13 planets. If you bear in mind that each planet is a consciousness & each consciousness has a �choice of action�, total freedom of choice to act. Four of the planets within our Solar System decided that they no longer wished to be a part of this experiment, so decided to leave, for what of a better way of putting it. So the consciousness of the first planet removed itself from the planet. But because we are looking at a solar system that contains what we consider to be physical matter, instead of the planet essentially just dissolving, what we ended up with was effectively an explosion, which created the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter, and gave Earth a Moon.


So, there were pretty nasty disasters that occurred & the energy released by that explosion effectively destroyed all of the life on all of the planets throughout the Solar System. They�re not entirely dead. There is life on some of the planets, and certainly some of the planetary moons. But as far as life, in terms of how we think of it on a human level, then there is no further life within the rest of the Solar System because of this disaster that occurred. Fortunately, the Earth survived this explosion and continued, reconstructed herself over several hundred thousand years. And then took on board what you can think of as the template of what a Human Being is, or an early Human Being in terms of Cro-Magnon.

So Cro-Magnon developed on Earth & we accelerated, at various points, the development & we ended up with Homo Sapien. You know� there is a huge story behind that, so it depends on how much you want to get into that.


Life on Mars?

Terje Toftenes: There have been many people suggesting that they must have been intelligent life on Mars, that there are traces of old cities, old temples, and stuff like that. What does the Akashic say about that?

Chris Thomas: Absolutely, definitely, without a doubt. In many respects the Earth was a little slow in developing what we would consider Human life. And so, yes, on some of the other planets, the equivalent of Human life was more advanced than it was on Earth. So yes, I mean, if you look at that area around the face on Mars, then, yes, you are looking at pyramids and all sorts of various structures that really were, have been there something like some 4 million years.

Terje Toftenes: So, this was before this big explosion?

Chris Thomas: Before the explosion�yes. So life did exist there, but was then destroyed. And the �remnants�, if you like, of that life was adopted by the Earth, but in its original crude form�So, not the developed form that built pyramids on Mars. You know, I can see why people would think that� you know, we have a civilization on Mars that was capable of building pyramids. Did they then turn up on Earth & start building pyramids here & become the first of an advanced form of civilization?

And the answer to that, really, as far as the Akashic is concerned is�No. The Earth wanted to develop people in her own way.

So, what the Earth adopted were the cruder form.

So, instead of� there are all sorts of names you could put to these things. One of the ones I have heard recently is that Humanity could be developing into something the equivalent to this advanced race that was on Mars. And a name that has been suggested for that would be Homo Spiritus. Which I got no problem with this, I mean it�s as good a name as any. I mean, given the arrogance of Homo Sapien Sapien, then I think then we can call it anything we like. So, if you think of the beings that were on Mars as being the equivalent of this Homo Spiritus, with us being Homo Sapien Sapien, then they are very much in advance, or were very much in advance to where we are now.


Lemuria (An Ice Island)

Chris Thomas: The development of Cro-Magnon Man was taking quite a long time, in terms of advancing as far as its physical form & the ability to hold, what you could think of as a full soul within the body. Because Cro-Magnon, at the time that they were adopted by the Earth, did not have a full soul. They had, if you like, an �energy template� which gave them their physical form & physical density & physical attributes. But not a soul as such.

And that was part of the purpose of creating Human life was to create a Human form, a physical form, that could contain the whole of a soul.

So the development was a little slow on Earth. And so, the Earth asked our friends from NGC-584 to come & have a look & see if they could evaluate where the problems lay. And they took up residence on what was effectively an ice island in the southern Atlantic, which we know by the name of Lemuria. Now I know there are an awful lot of theories about where Lemuria was located�on the South Pole, or one of the Northern islands of Hawaii, and all the rest of it. But there is nothing within the Akashic to support that. What we�re looking at is an ice island.

The reason the NGC chose an ice island is because that�s the closest environment to their home planet, which is literally frozen, which is a very good place for storing DNA, essentially. And they took a look at what was occurring with Cro-Magnon Man & came up with a few suggestions.

What Happened with Atlantis?

But, ultimately, what it was decided that we would accelerate Human development. And in order to do that, we decided to ask a group of Cro-Magnon who lived on an isolated island to make a choice as to whether they would want to be accelerated, or not. Because don�t forget, this Universe is about �freedom of choice�, and therefore we cannot impose a choice on anybody else. And therefore, we needed to make it understood by these Cro-Magnon what we were expecting to do & what we would like to do. And fortunately, they did give their approval for a form of genetic acceleration.

And this large island was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It stretched from off the coast of Ireland into what is now the Gulf of Mexico. And we know it by the name of Atlantis. And that was essentially what Atlantis was established for � was, purely & simply, to accelerate Cro-Magnon Man into something that the Earth would consider to be a Human Being, because certainly at that stage Cro-Magnon was very much a sub-Human species.

This is what occurred on Atlantis. We effectively altered the genetic structure of Cro-Magnon by adding to it, rather than creating from new, and increased the energy potential that could be contained within the physical body. And what we developed was more or less in lines with the concept of Homo Spiritus. It is something far beyond what we are & what we are used to being.

And what became is what the Earth herself considers to be a Human Being, meaning, we are sub human as well�as far as a definition of what a Human Being is. But it was very, very successful on Atlantis. And very, very rapidly we developed this new Being�this new Human body form into which a whole soul could fit.

And those who came to Earth to find out what Human physical life is all about. After all, this is a primary question asked by this Creationary Source�as to whether Human life could exist or not. And those who volunteered, as it were, to come to Earth to a part of this experiment were those of the non-physical races.


So, in other words, without any other way of describing it, the angels came to Earth & took on Human form. And that is what a Human Being is�it is the whole of a soul within a physical body. What abilities we had at that time, really is very difficult, because we just do not have the concepts or the vocabulary to explain it properly.

But certainly, communication was by psychic means. So we only had to think a thought towards somebody we wished to communicate with & that thought would be transferred. If we wished to go & visit that person, then all we would have to do was think ourselves next to them, and then we would carry the body along with the thought. A process know as translocation. We could project a thought to anywhere on the planet. Say, for example, there weren�t any orange trees growing near us & what we really wanted to eat was an orange. We could literally scan the planet psychically to find an orange tree that had ripe oranges on it, project our thoughts to that tree, project the body with the thought, and then be able to eat a fresh orange straight off the tree.

So, it�s those kinds of capabilities that we had then. And hopefully, that is what we�re heading towards again now. Atlantis existed up until about 60,000 years ago, so we had about 25,000 years of this existence�literally paradise. And this really is the origin of the �Garden of Eden� story within the Bible. Because, this is how life should be lived, this is how life should be.

So, no pollution, nobody wants for anything, we don�t need to do anything other than enjoy ourselves, essentially. If we wished to do some kind of work, then yes, we could build buildings if we chose. Or, we could go & play with the tigers, if we chose, because if you have the whole soul within the body, then no wild animal has any fear of us. Neither do we of them. And so, we could walk freely amongst all the wild animals & communicate with them openly & freely without any problems whatsoever.

End of Part 2

To Be Continued...



The Origin of Human Souls

Chris Thomas: So, where did the souls who became Human Beings � where did they originate?

Essentially, its from the six non physical races, that is the first created within our Universe, made a choice to come to Earth & to discover what it is like to have physical form & physical density�something which they�ve never had before. And that, in itself, created problems. Because they weren�t used to having physical form & physical density, then it was a very strange experience for them, and problems resulted because of that.

I mean, yes, Atlantis was a paradise, but at the same time there were problems there, because it was an experimental place. In order to assist in resolving those problems, many of those souls who originated in the semi-physical races also came to Earth & many of them took on Human form. So, in other words, they left their semi-physical bodies behind & adopted a Human body. And they were there to try to help us resolve some of the problems that had existed, or had come about, because nobody knew what was going to happen.

The Change on Atlantis

Chris Thomas: Yes, something started to change. Again, you got to bear in mind that this was a unique situation�Human life had never ever existed before, and inevitably there are going to be problems with it. The story is actually very long & very complicated & would probably take� you know� a film all by itself.

But essentially, there were two problems:
One was, some of our higher capabilities, our higher psychic senses, began to become eroded. And nobody really knew what was causing that, or what that was all about. But also, because life on Earth is so abundant. I mean, its no exaggeration to say that there are more forms of life on this Earth than the rest of the Universe put together. I mean it really is that abundant. And, therefore life on Earth was used as a resource, if you like, for other planets. It doesn�t mean to say life was removed from Earth, just, purely & simply, was copied.

Again, our friends from NGC-584 made copies of life forms & modified them to the requirements of other planet wherever they were within the Universe. As far I can track down, the nearest I can come to it is a form of bacteria that was essential for life on the new planet that was just developing � was being developed on Earth so it could be transferred to this new planet. Now what this bacteria was designed to do was to convert hydrogen into oxygen.

By converting hydrogen into oxygen it was essential for life on the other planet, but as far as Earth is concerned it could be fairly disastrous. And some of this bacteria got loose, and people started ingesting it. And by taking in this bacteria, they didn�t really know how to deal with it, and what you end up with is� If you think of the body, it is made up of a great deal of water, which is two atoms of hydrogen & one atom of oxygen. If you convert all that hydrogen into oxygen, then the body disintegrates. Literally, you end up with a pile of minerals on the floor, not dissimilar to salt.

So, this bacteria somehow mutated within the atmosphere as well, and caused all sorts of problems all over Atlantis, and anyway, it was contained on Atlantis, fortunately. But if it had got loose onto the rest of the planet, then, literally, it could have destroyed all of life on Earth, which was a totally unacceptable situation.

So what we have here really is an example of the very first form of genetic modification�a genetically modified organism (GMO) got loose on Earth, could not be contained, even with the mental capabilities we had at that time. And so the only course of action was to destroy the Continent. This we did by opening up the mid-Atlantic trench, surrounding the whole of the Continent with massive volcanoes, which contained the bacteria, killed-off the bacteria. But the Continent literally sank into the Earth�s core. It was the only way we could think of to totally containing the whole of this bacteria & the problem created by genetically modified organisms. Which is a little bit of a mirror of what is going on at the moment with genetically modified stuff.

The Earth obviously went into shock, because you cannot remove a continent & expect the planet to remain unscathed. And so the massive floods�THIS REALLY IS THE ORIGIN OF NOAH�S FLOOD IS THE DESTRUCTION OF ATLANTIS.

The planet, as a consciousness, when she fulfilled what one of her primary roles was, which is that of developing Human life & supporting Human life, and the expanding consciousness that went with that, as far as Human consciousness is concerned, the planet Herself expanded. IN OTHER WORDS, HER CONSCIOUSNESS RESPONDED TO THE HUMAN CONSCIUSNESS, AND WE HAD A PLANET THAT WAS APPROXIMATELY TEN PERCENT LARGER IN DIAMETER THAN SHE IS NOW.

But with the destruction of the Continent & the removal of Human Beings from the planet, She literally shrank�went into shock & shrank within Herself & reduced in sized to about 25 percent smaller than She currently is now. Which means that you had something like a 35% reduction in the planet�s diameter, which obviously has a major effect on the planet�s surface area, which created a worldwide flood.

But this occurred 60,000 years ago�NOT the 12,000 years ago that a lot of other archeologists talk about. It�s very specific within the Akashic. I mean this is a very, very major event that occurred. And it�s very difficult� you couldn�t miss the record that is within the Akashic of this event.

The Population of Cro Magnon

Terje Toftenes: At that time were there no other human population on the planet, everything was going on Atlantis?

Chris Thomas: Yes, there were other Humans, these were Cro Magnon that were on the planet which we left alone�didn�t interfere with in any way. Because they, obviously, made their choices not to be accelerated in the same way as those who inhabited Atlantis had. It is always �freedom of choice.� And this population of Cro Magnon decided not to be a part of that acceleration. And so they remained on the planet developing in their own way, at their own pace. So they were left totally untouched & unaffected by what went on with Atlantis.


A Variation of Cro Magnon

And, to a certain extent they remain to this day. I mean these are variations on Cro Magnon & how they developed are being like the Yeti & Big Foot, and there are Pigmy races & Very Tall races around the world. There are certainly a number of races on the planet that still exist, that are giants in the terms that they�re about 15 foot tall, which is what� about 5 meters, roughly. Or, we have the pigmy races which are only about a meter tall�1.5 meters tall.

They are all variations on Cro Magnon, on the way in which they�ve developed, and they�ve found ways of hiding away from modern man to keep themselves safe, essentially. So they do exist on the planet, they were never removed from the planet, not totally, in any way. And many of them found shelter when the planet receded, or reduced in size & the surface flooded.

But it gave the planet an opportunity as well to remove a lot of species that She considered to be unsuitable for carrying on. And so what we have starting 60,000 years ago is a development in new life on the planet. Nothing is ever wasted, so the opportunity was taken to construct new life forms & at the same time to repair the planet, to bring it back to its pristine condition.

And for that, many people went to live underground. AND SO THOSE FROM ATLANTIS WHO DECIDD TO STAY ON THE EARTH AND HELP THE RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS WENT TO LIVE IN MASSIVE UNDERGROUND COMPLEXES THAT THEY ESSENTIALLY BUILT FOR THEMSELVES. There�s one on Salsbury Plain, there�s one under Giza Plateau in Egypt and there�s one under Mexico, essentially�the Teotihuacan Plateau in Mexico�these are several thousand kilometers of tunnels�massive structures. So, during the worst of the problems which occurred by destroying the continent, that�s where people went to live.

Again, this is where a lot of people have memories of a period of Human history when we went to live underground for various reasons.

Terje Toftenes: Are these tunnels still intact?

Chris Thomas: Yes, they are.

Terje Toftenes: And how deep under the surface would you suggest they are

Chris Thomas: Some of them are fairly close to the surface, in fact most of them are fairly close to the surface. But they also link into the Mohorovičić layer which is about 3 kilometers down, something like that, which is where volcanic magma rises from the Earth�s core. It spreads out through this layer.

And so when the volcano is expended, then you end up with these massive underground tunnels.

Image Transmitted by Robot Deep Under the Ancient Teotihuacan Plateau Temple

So, that�s where people went to live. And so, if you like, the refugees of Atlantis went to live anything down to 3 kilometers under the Earth. And some of them remained there until very recently. You know, the tunnels were not cleared out until about the year 2000, something like that.

Are Governments or Military Aware of These Tunnels

Chris Thomas: Yes, very much so. There was this huge fuss made a few years ago of the tunnels found under the Giza Plateau. They were meant to being filmed, and I�ve read eye-witness accounts of people who went in to investigate them, but nothing has ever been said about them or officially released. But they do exist, as they do in South America and, as I say, under Salisbury Plain, there is another series of tunnels under there�not as extensive as Egypt, but they�re still there & never officially investigated.

Underground Tunnel System - Giza Plateau

Giza was known anciently as �Rostau�, meaning the �mouth of the passages�.
Reports of cavities and underground tunnels at Giza have circulated for
thousands of years, and the discovery of several are recorded.

So, no, it took 40,000 years, essentially, to get the Earth back on an even keel after that. I mean, removing a continent, removing most of the species off the surface while trying to maintain other species on the surface, proved to be a major problem.

And, it was really 20,000 years ago that the Earth was ready for life to start again.

The Sphinx, the Pyramids and Other Ancient Sites


The Sphinx - A 60,000 Year old Marker

Chris Thomas: Before we destroyed Atlantis, obviously, what we did was to prepare ourselves for what was to come�the holocaust that was to come, essentially. And so these tunnels were prepared. And, certainly as far as the Giza one is concerned, a marker was put there which is the Sphinx, which makes the Sphinx 60,000 years old.

Means that all the weathering patterns�water patterns�on the back of the Sphinx are very genuine. Its just purely & simply its taken 60,000 years to leave those patterns behind. Because the climate of Egypt at the time was essentially sub-tropical. So, they�ve had a lot of rains, a lot of lush vegetation. So, it was an ideal spot to go and live in these tunnels until the worst of what was going on with the planet had completed.

So, it took roughly 40,000 years to get the Earth back to a condition where it was habitable and the Earth, Herself, was happy with the new forms of life & how they would interact with what would become new Humans, essentially. So, Cro Magnon had remained on the planet but was still developing at its own pace.

When we had returned roughly 20,000 years ago, we were as we were on Atlantis�we were this Homo Spiritus.

We had all the capabilities that we had on Atlantis�all the psychic capabilities, a lighter physical form, so we weren�t as physically dense as we are now. And life carried on as it had on Atlantis. In other words, we enjoyed what we were, who we were & where we were, and everything that all the forms of life Earth had to offer.

When we came back, we chose six regions to develop because we�d realized that there were problems that we had on Atlantis before this genetically modified bacteria that caused the destruction. So we wanted to investigate what it was to be Human & what the implications were & also why we started to lose these higher brain functions.

And so EGYPT became one centre, or [ another was ] those who became the SUMERIANS, if you like, that took on a scientific role of investigating everything from a scientific viewpoint, or what would be considered a scientific viewpoint. And that to a certain extent was mirrored by A GROUP THAT WENT TO SOUTH AMERICA, as well.

Again, if you look around, you�ll find evidence for this everywhere in that there are telescope lenses found & microscope lenses found in archaeological digs in ancient Sumeria going back at least 8,000 years�at the very least 8,000 years. There�s an illustration I�ve come across of people in South America using telescopes, quite obviously using telescopes that has been dated to well over twelve and a half thousand years old. So, we were considerably more advanced than we are now.


But, again, we started having problems & we started losing a lot of our higher brain functions & some of our psychic capabilities. And so what we did, or what was chosen to be done, was to build the pyramids. Now the pyramids were built about 18,000 years ago with one specific function. And that was to enhance our psychic capabilities, literally to remerge the whole of the soul back into the physical body.

And so that was the only function the pyramids were built for, they have no other function whatsoever�they certainly were never ever tombs. The so-called �sarcophagus� that is still within the so-called �King�s Chamber� within the Central Pyramid in Giza was actually filled with an alchemical�what we would describe as an alchemically altered form of gold, which helps in psychic enhancement.

Now what we used the pyramid for�was, essentially, we would enter into the King�s Chamber and make sounds specific frequencies. These would resonate within the Chamber & within the so-called �air vents� above the King�s Chamber. And what we would end up with is the creation of standing-wave resonance. And the standing-wave resonance within the King�s Chamber was powerful enough to remerge the soul back into the body.

So, that is the primary function of the pyramids�wherever you find pyramidal shapes�ancient pyramidal shapes such as Bosnia, obviously Egypt, South America. Iraq, even, there are a couple of pyramids, or were pyramids, in Iran/Iraq borders. That�s what their primary function was.

In BRITAIN things were a little different, in that Britain you could think of as the primary energy interchange point with the planet & the rest of the Universe. And so the energy patterns there were much, much higher frequencies than they were on the rest of the planet.

And so we didn�t need to build pyramid structure here. Instead of which, eventually, roughly between a period of 12,000�10,000 years ago, we built the Silbury Hill Complex with Avebury & Stonehenge which served the same function as the pyramids, essentially.

So the circles & the stones of Avebury contained knowledge & information.


The Circles & Stones of Avebury Contained Knowledge & Information

So you boosted your energies, if you like, at Silbury Hill, which is where the primary energy intake point landed on the planet. And then, as you processioned around the stones & the circles at Avebury, you took knowledge & information from each of the stones until you had sufficient knowledge of how to use Stonehenge, which is a primary energy focus point. And by standing in the centre of Stonehenge, particularly the bluestone circle, rather than the trilithon circle. What you ended up with then is the same process as you would have found in the King�s Chamber of the Giza Pyramids.

So we tried all sorts of little tools as ways of maintaining our full consciousness to full soul within the Human body.

But, eventually, the battle became too much. And what we found out eventually was that the planet�s own energy resonance was too low a frequency to accommodate the whole of the soul within the body. Now the planet traditionally resonates at 7.56 Hz, which is fine for where all other life is concerned, but its not good as far as Human life, or what should be defined as �Human life.�

Bearing in mind that Human life is this �Homo Spiritus.� [where the entire soul is contained within the physical body]


And so, what we decided to do was to put into place what the Akashic calls �The Human Plan.� And all this �Plan� really means is that we would live a series of lifetimes, in other words, reincarnate into physical bodies, in order to learn & experience what it is to be Human. And how to work with the planet in ways which were non destructive either to the planet or to ourselves.

And this �Plan� we put into place roughly 7,000 years ago.

And with that came finite limit�we only allowed ourselves roughly the 7,000 years. This was so because the outcome of this �Plan� was unknown. The Earth, Herself, insisted on a finite limit in case we couldn�t find our way back, in which case, then we would have to start again if that�s what the planet chose to do.

Or, we would start again on another planet somewhere else within the Universe.

So, this is what we have been doing for the past 7,000 years. And this is why the ancient Egyptian calendars, the Chinese calendars, the Celtic calendars & the main calendar all end in 2012, its because that is the end of the 7,000 year period we set ourselves.

Because, for this 7,000 year period, we have become �sub-Human��quite deliberately, in order so that it was� by breaking ourselves down to our lowest component, we hope, then, to become more physical & more interactive with the Earth so we could learn how to get ourselves back to what the Earth considers to be a full Human Being�that is, the whole soul within the body.

And so for 7,000 years what we have become is a divided soul, within the physical body�the bodies that we are used to, in any one lifetime we only ever incorporate something like one-quarter of the total soul. So what we have a physical aspect of the soul & what people generally call the �Higher Self,� which is the non physical aspect of the soul, and that makes up about three-quarters of the total soul.

So what we do in-between lifetimes is we converse, as it were, consult with the Higher Aspect of the soul to give our next incarnation a series of goals�a series of challenges, so that we learn from it. And this is a process we�ve come to know by another Sumerian word which is �karma.�

Now I know there are all sorts of interpretations to the word �karma� and the process of karma, but as the Akashic is concerned the word �karma� means knowledge, and it means nothing more than that.

So, for 7,000 years what we�ve been doing is to live a series of lifetimes gaining knowledge in order to become Human again.

This is where the timeframe runs out is this 2012 date. Its not actually 2012, its just that the calendar comes to an end at 2012. But if you look at the Mayan Calendar for example, built within it are a series epochs. And in each epoch marks the end of one phase of life & the beginning of a new phase of life. And the last epoch date ends on the 29th of October 2011, which ties in very closely with the Akashic date, because the Akashic states �towards the end of 2011� is when we must complete our knowledge gathering process & bring the whole of the consciousness, the whole of the soul, back into the physical. And along the way we�ve made all sorts of mistakes, made all sorts of wrong decisions, but that 2012 ended, it is the end date, we can�t change that.

And this is where we are at the moment. In 1996 a new energy was connected to the planet which was essentially there to fuel-up this process of change that most people feel that we are undergoing.

(end of pt3)

To be continued...


27th July 2014, 05:17
Very interesting. I look forward to reading the other parts of this transcript.

Thanks :)

27th July 2014, 17:19
Thanks Herbert. Fascinating. I should think all who are interested in ET's and ET abductions would find this as an explanation to consider.

Looking forward to more.

27th July 2014, 19:51

This interview was passed on today by Chris Thomas. I've never used the word brilliant in my life but I am tempted to do so with this Mary Rodwell presentation. It confirms much of what Chris has been saying about our changing DNA, confirmed by Doctors and scientists.

Not all of the interview material is confirmed by Chris and I think, based on his previous comments, he would disagree regarding the Black Goo and regarding the so-called Humanoid Mantid Race, and the lion beings. Remember that children are just as susceptible to mind control, human gullibility quotient, and Velon channeling as anyone else. A case in point is Simon Parks who was first visited by these 'Mantids' as a child. In direct contrast to Chis Thomas, he is still calling Earth a 'prison planet' and he is still telling people that the reincarnation grid has been captured by the Anunnaki so he says do not walk into the light at the end of the tunnel. What he says is fear porn and it smells of mind control.

But most of this interview is Brilliant. Mary Rodwell is getting out the information coming from those who have experienced both pleasant learning experiences and also traumatic experiences, but she is most concerned with what the new children are saying as starseeds. She does not discriminate as to whether the information is correct. So judge for yourselves. I have transcribed a portion of the video below.




This interview was done in early 2013. My transcript begins very roughly around 30 minutes in.

Tracy Taylor quote: Medical University in California at Los Angeles. It appears that some young children exhibit deep patterning in their DNA for 24 active codons. Normally only 20 are active in most humans. These children, they have found, show remarkable resistance to disease and seem to be immune to everything.

Doctor William Brown quote, a molecular biologist in Hawaii made this statement:

The New Human: I believe that genetic modification occurring right now in utero is actually producing a new human. One with far greater access to information contained and accessed through DNA.

The hybrids are altogether a New Species of human. Emergence of the New Human , exponential increase in Autistic, ADD, Indigo children. They have new genetic and neural architecture, that allows them to perceive the world in a multidimensional fashion. I believe research would show dormant genetic regions are being reintegrated into the biological system, and this is occurring in all of us to produce expanded awareness.

Their brains are working faster and they have access to more information in the beginning. In the classroom learning much faster than normal. But this is even superfluous, as I believe that they already know whats being taught. The have an intrinsic understanding of certain knowledge and information which goes down to bimolecular level, where sentient activity of the brain actually takes place, in the atomic structure DNA molecules.

Its transgenerational information. If the information is encoded in the atomic structure of the DNA molecule, it can be accessed with greater efficiency and produce Savant like characteristics. They are accessing an akashic record of sorts within the DNA molecule. As the efficiency of our DNA increases, more of this kind of information becomes available.

The modification of DNA is more remodelling of the genome to make dormant regions accessible again, because the vast amounts of information and functional capacity is already there. Its more about the architectural arrangement of the chromosomes. Dr Wm. Brown 2012

[Sentient fluid: The Black Goo changing humanity. Something that is coming from the earth itself. Reference David Griffin, Falklands war and Alistair Martin. Species change, Bases 18]

Mary Rodwell: I think this change is happening to us as a species but there are some upgrades and these are the new ones coming in. I think this is both generational, in the sense that we are being upgraded, but the new humans which are the children coming in with less programs but we are also the older models are benefiting from that as well. Consciousness itself is opening up.

There is a war on consciousness where the controllers are trying to hold us back. The education system is used against these new aware and brighter kids. A 9 year old girl in Europe said there are 5 kids like her in the school: They program you out of your light and your knowledge. This is deliberate. She is here to help her family wake up and also she is here to heal water.

Quote from 9 year old kid from Northern Europe; Cathy:

Poor US. Poor kids who come to volunteer, we have such a difficult task ahead of us A Real Fight. Something will happen in the next 5 years to this planet. Cathy talks to water to heal it. I am here to help my family wake up. Everyone is sleeping.

It is a frequency change to water that changes the molecular state of water and purifies it. She has helpers who guide and teach her . One is called Moki and its a blue female with no hair or ears. Her eeys are like human eyes. The green being is male. These are from the dayland which she talks about dimensions. She even says that we all originate from dayland. She doesnt want to use the word god as she says its misused. She is calling it a being in dayland and over-terrestrial where we all originate. It is not a man or a woman. It has no gender. The beings sowed the seed of light and love only. That is where the light and angels live.

She was given access to 7 books but they are not really books but they have information. The red book is about creation and our origins, the brown one is about planets and life there, the light green one is about nature and how we can make contact with plants and animals and how to understand nature, the dark green one is about the body and how it really works and how we get to evolve, the blue book is about light and truth, the red/brown book she cant open yet because she says a dragon took the key from her some time in the 1700s , the black book is about darkness and evil. The black book is dangerous. All the books contain important information.

She also mentioned that she is aware there are intelligences and she seemed to understand the same material as David Icke, regarding there are beings that are trying to alter the work with some humans to limit and close down these new children.

Miles Johnston: Someone I interviewed, Chris Thomas, was aware of this first wave and they had actually done a soul contract for being the first wave, knowing they would be potentially taken. Have you experienced that?

Mary Rodwell: What she is saying is that they look for these children and are doing there best as much as possible to influence them and to shut them down. This is something she is very aware of. It is happening in all the educational systems and through medicines, vaccines, etc. She implied that this is global. She lives in Northern Europe and when I speak to her through an interpreter, she is very wary that I dont give any indication as to her identity. Remember this is a nine year old girl aware of how dangerous it is to be identified with what she is saying. Nine and aware of it already!

Miles Johnston: This is important because we know of a mother who had an incredibly telepathic daughter who could have intelligent conversations with her mother telepathically and THEY heard about her and they TOOK the daughter away. This was a terrible thing and it happens so much. It seems to be a key that they do not want humans waking up.

Mary Rodwell: This is why I do so many interviews. The more this information gets out to wake up the population and the more we can reach people with these children can feel there is someone to connect to. I get e-mails from people all over the world from parents with these children. One of these ladies contacted me because her daughter speaks 3 star languages and learned about me through one of your presentations.

One 10 year old in England went to the school and told them you are not teaching correctly, you are teaching in a linear way and I think in spirals. He told me that he was given information at 7 or 8 years old to create technology to create portals.

Miles Johnston: Where are those portals coming and going from?

Mary Rodwell: He actually describes that he comes through a portal through the sun. His father also says the same. He is being given information like a download of how to create the electronics or technology to create portals. He sais his body creates a kind of alchemy when he is around people. He actually changes their energy by just being around them.

End at 1 hr into presentation.

From here on I have made rough bullet points without actually transcribing:

Some people have guides who are extra-terrestrial like the Blues.

She says there are 165 species of greys and there are 2 species of friendly reptiles.
Some are protected by a blue orb.
There are geometric crystalline beings who some people connect to. They are often taken astrally to their planet of origin which is also crystalline in nature and they see themselves as one of those types of beings.
Light and energy beings are very, very common. [This would be the 6 non-physical races also known as Angels, who 99% of humans embody as the oldest humanoid souls in the Universe.]

There are many names or descriptions of guides and each person interprets them in a different way. It almost suggests that anything we can imagine can have a form and an intelligence. This is what the children are telling me. Many communicate with animals.

One 8 year old talks about moving into his mantid body when he is taken by his people. He makes a chirping noise which he says is the sound the mantid makes. He said like Simon Parks they make the trilling sound when they are happy with me and hold me above their head. An 8 year old boy and a 53 year old man in different hemispheres making exactly the same statement and never having spoken to each other. He spoke of artificial portals in space which technology is sent through. He mentions a Universe where everything in it is geometric in form but these are artificial planets with pyramidal shapes, hexagonal shaped planets. They are artificial in nature and created by these mantid beings. This is in one of the dimensions. He also speaks of Black Holes.

He recognized a painting which was given to Mary of outer space and a planet which he said was actually much bigger than the artistic rendition. The artist is unknown and it has a title which she cant remember. It was painted in 1987 and given to Mary. Many experiencers recognize the painting.

One experiencer told her it was a stargate. Its a portal into other Universes. He went through one on a craft 32 miles long. They told him they seeded other planets.

Miles Johnston: Portals refer to John Urwin in 1957 refers to a set of crystal keys that they recovered while on operation in the middle east , which gave you access to multiple portals. These were ancient pieces of technology which they wanted the good guys to have. one step beyond . . . 16 The artefacts uncovered at Jaraba in Nov. 19??

Mary Roswell: There are portals created through technology that lead to other dimensions through our planet, according to the 8 year old boy. Some of them are artificial and some of them are not.. He said the pyramids were built by the cat people and it was to show us that our origins came from what we called the gods. The pyramids are to indicate that to us, that there is material hidden under the pyramids and the sphinx about our origins.

We as humans are learning to experience and explore the whole gamut of intent from negative to positive duality. Most of those in power are more interested in self-serving than they are in serving humanity. We know that but what is changing is the awareness that what ever you do to someone else comes back in a new way. That is happening faster and faster as corruption is now being uncovered. Peole are no longer tolerating these things whereas at one time we were either not aware of it or we were not ready to challenge it . Now we are challenging 'it'.

The new children coming in are challenging 'it' in a more subtle way, theyre working with energy in a more subtle way, they are affecting us purely by their energy and by their awareness. Every time you put out frequencies that are helping humanity to wake up and to grow, you are actually doing what you need to do to change that blanket of disinformation. So were doing it already, everyone one of us that is bringing in this new level of understanding is acting as a new kind of spiritual warrior. We are being supported in that on many levels and we are transcending these negative energies.

We are changing things purely by what we are doing and what we are becoming. That is the truly important message. All the Armageddon warning came to nothing. That should be a lesson to everybody start using your brain logic and dont fall into the fear agenda.

Article: Star Children Speak
She did a forward for Simon Parks and for Liara.

Many people have incarnated from the stars , our ancestors, they have come in a human form to act from a human star family perspective. They beam back information to the star families while working on the inside at the same time so they have a dual consciousness. They are here to assist with this transition as part human and part star visitor.

What I took away from this interview: Traumatic abductions are always carried out by the military and in some cases it is the E.T.s who are preventing serious harm from being done to them. E.T. abductions are, in contrast, pleasant learning experiences.

Last 5 minutes: What can these abductees do to stop being committed to insane wards? Be careful to sound out the person you talk to. In other words avoid scientists, doctors in general. Check them out s to whether they have ever come across people with abductee experiences.

This seems like an appropriate place to post Chris Thomas' views on DNA. This is a pdf essay of 10 pages long. I can only give the site because I do not know how to post a pdf file. I f anyone knows how to post this in full , please do so. http://api.ning.com/files/MsJ7T**tK5z5D ... ZW/DNA.pdf

27th July 2014, 21:52

Great stuff.

For those interested in:

ET Abductions
Star Children
The Future for this Planet

28th July 2014, 00:14
Thanks for the bump BabaRa. I've been intending to get around to this for a while but I lost it :-)

28th July 2014, 14:46

Great stuff.

For those interested in:

ET Abductions
Star Children
The Future for this Planet

i would be wary of et abducting people,wiping their memory,s and creating hybrids.
if they where interested in humanity would they not be helping our governments to make the right choices for this planet?
if hybrids with their knowledge and esp are being integrated into our population slowly to keep alive the linage of et,then what of humanity?
should et be abducting people creating these hybrids?for what purpose?

if et have been in contact with our political leaders since the 40,s,then we can see now how the world is run.
it is not in our best interest otherwise they would have made themselves known worldwide for all to see and make the choice of evolving.
not behind closed doors in cahoots with the military.

i do not trust the alien agenda!

wrong choices!!!!

28th July 2014, 16:48
i would be wary of et abducting people,wiping their memory,s and creating hybrids.
if they where interested in humanity would they not be helping our governments to make the right choices for this planet?
if hybrids with their knowledge and esp are being integrated into our population slowly to keep alive the linage of et,then what of humanity?
should et be abducting people creating these hybrids?for what purpose?

if et have been in contact with our political leaders since the 40,s,then we can see now how the world is run.
it is not in our best interest otherwise they would have made themselves known worldwide for all to see and make the choice of evolving.
not behind closed doors in cahoots with the military.

i do not trust the alien agenda!

wrong choices!!!!

First of all, calling all ET's bad is like saying all humans are bad or saying all dogs are dangerous. It's equally important not to assume all ET's are benevolent. IMO, there's the good, bad, beautiful and ugly in every species. Discernment is always important.

Secondly, note this statement from Chris Thomas above "And there is an immense amount of information out there proving that really most abductions, or the worst abductions, are actually carried out by the military themselves rather than by the Grays." . I personally believe this is true.

Ronin, I'm not trying to convince you of anything other than to keep searching for the truth, but with an open mind. Sometimes we tend to put things in boxes, i.e. this is good, that is bad before we have the complete picture - and by the time we get the complete picture our good or bad box is too full to allow the new information in. Much love, BabaRa

28th July 2014, 19:30
so true BabaRa the military black op,s abducting people pretending to be et for the purpose of mind control and disinfo.
this is where it really gets fooked up because we do not know who,why and how they are abducting people.

fact is it should not happen,full stop.
if you get invited aboard a craft,so be it as long as it is your choice.
but as yet the people being abducted do not seem to have a choice,whether it be from et or military.

if they are good why erase your experience with them?
do you think if aliens landed tomorrow with gifts of technology and cure for disease that we would see them as a god!a superior being more than ourselves.
so many people are willing to give themselves away to something that they do not understand,eg.religion,control a sense of belonging.

are you willing to have your genes tampered with to become something else over than what you are?
do you want to take a pill to give your brain full capacity?
want to be super human?with esp and psychic abilities?

all these are on the cards now and can be accomplished if not to us but our children.the et agenda is like the Trojan horse where they will infiltrate our society from the inside out.
firstly occupying our governments and changing if not terraforming the planet for there own needs.
is that what we are not seeing?

if there was a good et ,would they abduct?erase your memory,give you a false memory and if you had recall,they are willing to let everyone think you are insane because they abducted you!
we are suppose to be beings of making choices between good and bad,those are our lessons.
we are not meant to be experimented on(although this has happened throughout history) by other beings to be genetically altered for there own purpose.

i for one would not welcome any et but take a backfoot and see how it pan,s out!

just as the video where children are crossing the borders of Mexico to america that may cause major upheaval.
they are genetically altering our children or a new species of children to infiltrate our society.


do we need altering?

28th July 2014, 20:29
Transhumanism anyone no matter what form it takes?
will it be a recall,a download,a microchip to enhance you as a human being?

we should learn and develop naturally as we are capable of doing so.

once the superhuman that has been genetically altered becomes the norm,what will happen to the ordinary human?
are they to be phased out as they will not have the abilities that the superhuman has.

any altering of dna,genes to create something better or more powerful is a control program!for whome evers agenda.

30th July 2014, 21:39


CHRIS THOMASHardwired into the Akashic Record


So we have yes, in 1996, this new energy was connected to the planet which was designed intentionally to help us through this final transition phase between 1996 & 2012.

The amount of energy coming in is phenomenal. Its made up of something like about 53 million dimensions. And its certainly an energy pattern that we have never-ever seen on Earth before. And this is why everything feels like its accelerated since that time.

The energy brought with it also the ability to ask a question of ourselves, particularly of the Higher Self. And the question was, As an individual, are we in a position to go through this change, or not? And 60 percent of the population at that time said they were not, and 40 percent of the population said they were or would be, but would require a little bit more work on themselves to do it. So we have essentially a 60/40 split within the Human population.

What that means in practical terms is that 60 percent has to leave the planet. What that means is thatyes, physically they leave their bodies behind, in other wordsdie, but all theyre doing is releasing the soul. And so, what they need to do is to return to their place of soul-origin, whatever that soul-origin is. I mean, the vast majoritysomething like 99 percent (or so) of all souls on Earth come from that non physical soul origin. And only 1 percent comes from the semi-physical soul origin.

Since 1996 what weve seen is a massive drop in the birth rate, and a massive increase in the death rate, according to the Akashic, not the official figures, because the official figures are very, very misleading, to put it mildly,

So according to the Akashic, the Human population in 1996 was somewhere in the region of 7.4 billion people on Earth. But the official figure recorded something like 6.1-6.2 billion people on the planet. So the Akashic shows that we had far more people on Earth than has ever been in Human history.

But as things have progressed, and people have exercised their choicesdont forget, this is free choice. Each individual soul has made their free choice as to whether they remain, or not. If every single one of those 7.4 billion souls had said, I am ready to go ahead, then they would have done so. There was nothing to prevent them from doing that. It is only individual personal choice that has determined who stays & who goes.

Nobody is standing in judgment. It is only that individual soul who is judges themselves. Of the 40 percent who said they were staying, then they found that their life began to change. And any little challenges that they havent completed, as far as their Higher Self was concerned, needed to be completed. So for a lot of these people life became fairly traumatic, for a period in anyway. Whilst for others everything calmed down & they relaxed & realized that they were going to go through this change & they had done everything they needed to do in order to achieve it.

Now in 2005, we had another look at what was going on with the planet & unfortunately the same question was asked again & the percentages had changed. And what we found in 2005 was that it became 65 percent said they could not go through the change & 35 percent said they could. In other words, we lost 5 percent of the population that said they could go through it.

But from 2005 onwards, people started completing the whole processin other words, bringing the whole of the Higher Self back into the physical body. In other words, for the first time in more than 7,000 years we had [Wholly] Human Beings on the planet again. The first group who did this was a very small number. There was only 79 the first people who attempted it, in various locations around the planet.

But by the start of 2009 what we have are something like 2.9 million people worldwide who have completed this reintegration process.

[a large group of dowsers have independently tried to determine if this number of fully integrated individuals has grown by June of 2014. They have not been able to get a result over 3 million. This may be because the next move will be a mass reintegration when everything that needs to be is in place. Chris Thomas has said that Earths base frequency of 3500 Hz is in place, and the earth is within 1.5 degrees of vertical at the consciousness level. He adds that there are a few other things that must be in place before mass reintegration of the higher self can happen.]

This is the important point: what we are doing is reintegrating the soul back into the body.


As Ive said, we are 2.9 million people now who have completed that, but there are many millions more who are there, or there abouts. They have only one final step to take.

And which means, as far as Earth is concerned, as far as the Universe is concerned, we have answered the primary question that was first asked when this Universe first came into beingIs Human life possible? And the answer to that is Yes! And we are primed to do that, to reclaim the Earth in the way in which we should be living on Earth.

Now, what happens after 2012 is anybodys guess. I can tell you what its going to be like in 2050, lol. But what happens between 2012 & 2050? Its impossible to say, because, again, weve never been here before, this is something entirely new. And, like all transitions, were inevitably going to end up with trauma.

Those who have made the transition already have found it very straightforward, very simple. Generally, they have isolated away from the rest of the world, particularly the Western world, because THE WESTERN WORLD IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORM OF CIVILIZATION WE HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED ON THE PLANET.

So, these 2.9 million people are either in tribal cultures dotted around in various third world countries, or theyre living in more Westernized countries, but are living basically hermit-like, like on top of mountains somewhere. There is a large community living in Europe somewhereIm not going to tell you where it ismade up of several thousand people that have contained themselves within psychic barriers. So, no matter how hard you try, you will not find them.

But they do exist & they live in a very large community, living the life on Earth as it should bevery much on a psychic level. Their material needs are virtually zero. Their needs for food is very, very limited. They just dont need food at all. And what they do need, they just grow themselves to suit whatever it is.

So, it can be done. We are there. Its just unfortunate that so many people have chosen to leave. Because every single soulall those 7.4 billion souls who were on Earth in 1996 had the full capability of undergoing this transition. And it is only their choice that has limited what they now do. And the only choice they have is to essentially to leave the planet & return to their place of soul-origin.

And that is really a great shame, because everybody could have done it, and that would have been wonderful.


I dont believe in labels & titles, I mean this is one thing weve learned during Human development is that Humans like to make things very complicated. And really, it comes down to things are very, very simple. The terms we should speak in are very, very simple. All we are doing is returning to the state we were in at the time of Atlantis, and the state we were 20,000 years ago. That is a Whole Human Being, the whole of the soul, the whole of the consciousness within the physical body.

Now, in order to achieve this, we also worked out what frequency the Earth needs to resonate at. And therefore, a fundamental change occurred in 2002 [ IT ACTUALLY WAS COMPLETED AT THE CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL IN MAY OF 2014] in terms of Earths base note frequencies. So we rose from 7.5 Hz to 3,600 Hz. Now, that was a massive shift in energy potential. A lot of people felt it. Certainly, all life on Earth responded to it & felt it. But there is a bit of a lag in time in terms of how people are feeling it & how people are responding to that. Because if you have the equipment sensitive enough to measure the Earths resonance, were only roughly in the region of 9 Hz, at the start of 2009.

Thats because the shift in energy patterns, in a measurable way, is occurring on a parabolic curve. And so it starts off very, very slowly. But by the time we get to 2010, in other words, by the end of 2009, we should be up around the 10-12 Hz range. By the time we get into 2011 we should be in the 15-20 Hz range, but then we get this exponential shift in energies. So, by the middle of 2011 we will have hit the 3,500 Hz mark.

So, there is that little bit of a time-lag, unfortunately.

Measuring Earth Frequencies

I know that NASA has measured it. Theyve developed instrumentation sensitive enough to do that. And there are other people around the world who also have sensitive enough equipment that will measure these frequencies. So it is confirmed, if you like. So the Akashic says one thing and there are instrumentation readings which confirm the same thing.

So, we are in that process of change. Its just unfortunate, theres a bit of a time-lag between hitting the 3,500 Hz & the Earth shifting into that energy pattern. But, nevertheless, it is going ahead, it is happening.


Nothing has ever been like this before. Nothing even comes close to what we are undergoing. When we lost out higher levels of consciousness on Atlantis & between the periods of 20,000 & about 12,000 years ago, it was a gradual decline.

But what we have now is a shift of monumental proportions. Nothing has occurred like this anywhere within the Universe, let alone on Earth. So, we are undergoing a shift of consciousness that is totally unknown. Never experienced before. Nobody knows whats happening. Nobody knows how its going to turn out, or the stages necessary to achieve what we need to achieve.

We will get there. I mean its pretty obvious from the people who have made it already. But quite what happens to the residue to the 65 percent of people who said they were not going to make itThats where the problems lie. And certainly there are organizations who want to maintain the status quo & theyre doing everything possible to mislead people into believing that nothing is happening, or everything needs to continue as it is.

And, this is reflected in a great deal of political discussion & political information. But underneath it all, those who are changing know they're changing, and they know they're moving forwards. And this is why so many people are divorcing themselves away from the world as it stands at the moment, and particularly politics & why so much information is now coming out that has been hidden before. Because politics has been getting away with corruption & fraud for centuries, and yet nobody really knew that much about it.

But all of a sudden, worldwide, we have a release of information that shows that weve been mislead by fools, and corrupt fools at that. Its this change in energy patterns that is fuelling the change & the release of all this kind of information. And also why we see changes in things like science & cosmology & that sort of thing, because PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT THESE SCIENTIFIC THEORIES ARE WRONG, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN WRONG AND NOT BASED ON ANY KIND OF FACT, JUST PURELY AND SIMPLY ASSUMPTION.


I mean, the speed of light has been well measured & travels at 186,000 miles per second, I cant remember what it is in kilometers. And it does. This is what it travels within our Solar System, but once you get outside of our Solar System, then the speed of light changesits totally different.

And this is why the ages of things, such as the stars, galaxies, whatever have a problem There is this problem between the dates recorded in the Akashic & the scientific assumption of it. And why theres this thing of we have an expanding Universe WE DONT HAVE AN EXPANDING UNIVERSE.


Image Source: Wikipedia


Cold Dark Matter & Cold Dark Energy - Ridiculous!


And we also have I have to call it, this ridiculous concept of Cold Dark Matter & Cold Dark Energy THEY DO NOT EXIST! Certainly, Cold Dark Matter does not exist.


What we have is the Universe that is built of electromagnetic energies thats the nearest analogy, Human analogy, that I can come to in terms of describing what occurs within the Universe.

Everything is energy. In fairness to Einstein, the E = MC squared formula still holds. That is a truth that is universal, essentially. So, everything is energy. So why would there be dark matter around somewhere, that makes up the mass of the Universe to try to make this gravitational theory work.

GRAVITATIONAL THEORY IS A COMPLETE LOAD OF RUBBISH, when it comes down to it, with all due respect to Einsteins theory of relativity, as well. But we have an electromagnetic universe, and if you look at the difference between electromagnetic forces & magnetic forces, the difference is phenomenal.

And if you start to look from a scientific viewpoint, that the Universe is being made up electromagnetism, then all the anomalies, all the problems with their equations & theories become resolved. Its as simple as that you know, it doesnt take much thinking about. I mean, if I can do it as a non scientist just on the physical evidence, never mind with whats within the Akashic, then I really dont understand what this Double-Dark Theory is all about, because it just doesnt work.


Essentially, what we have we are operating under a plan. You can call it a Divine Plan, if you like, or you know, however you want to think about it, what we have is a Creationary Source that brought about this Universe in order to explore a thought. What that thought is, is freedom of choice. And therefore, every consciousness, every soul that exists within this Universe has absolute freedom of choice to choose its form & its actions.

So, that is the only blueprint that exists as far as this Universe is concerned. There are similarities in terms of, lets say, forms of galaxy, but beyond that, then, NO, there is no hard & fast rule. What there is connecting all these things together is this thing called the Akashic, which, as Ive said earlier, is a record, thats all it is, it records everything.

Which means that all the information that has ever been uncovered, investigated or experimented with, within this Universe by using that freedom of choice, is recorded within it. And therefore, any soul that wishes to explore a new avenue can, if you like, access the information that is contained within the Akashic & then build on that to move on to whatever it is that they wish to do. And ultimately, this Akashic field will be what returns to this Creationary Source, because the answers to the question it asked is contained within the Akashic, thats its purpose.


Now, I know there are concepts going around, particularly within quantum physics, of the Akashic being something along the lines of a holographic matrix. But I cannot really see the Akashic working in that way. You know, Ive been actively working with the Akashic for over 30 years. Basically, I DONT CHANNEL IT IN THE SENSE OF BEING A CHANNEL. I DONT GO INTO A TRANCE TO ACCESS IT. JUST PURELY AND SIMPLY, SOMEHOW OR OTHER, I SEEM TO BE ABLE TO TAP INTO THIS INFORMATION SOURCE.

It doesnt mean to say that I can get a hold of all the information, at any one time. But it does mean that I can access what is within it, if my choice is to do so.

And the way I would see it is, more along the lines of charged particles like an energy field. But within that energy field, you then end up with vortices of energy. And its those vortices that contain the information & the record. As I say, all the Akashic does is record, it does not predict. It does not make changes occur, cuz changes will only occur by the choice of the soul that is making those choices.

And so, it is purely & simply a record of events. So, its part of what you could think of as the Human mass consciousness, as far as this planet is concerned.

But then the Akashic also extends out towards the Solar System itself. And then it also links into the Galactic Akashic, and that Galactic Akashic then ties in with the records of all the other galaxies that exist within this Universe, and everything that has ever occurred.

So it is possible, if youre prepared to spend the time, is to go & get a full history of the Universe. Its not something Ive ever done, its because I think theres enough going on with Earth without getting into those sorts of complications. But in terms of specific questions, then it is possible to access specific answers within the Akashic.

By accessing the information, you dont destroy it, you dont remove it, or change it, [it] purely & simply becomes a part of the person asking the question. Because you cannot alter the way in which the information is recorded, because otherwise, there would be little purpose in there being an Akashic.

Because, if you could alter it, then you could if somebody had enough energy potential, then they could create their own story, which is a pointless exercise, as far as the Creationary Source is concerned. Because it wants to know what happened, is all it comes down to in the end.


For a lot of people, when we began this Human Plan 7,000 years ago, they planned all of their lifetimes at that point, and havent really changed very much since.

But for most people, as weve lived each lifetime, we encountered obstacles, shall we say, something that we need to learn about, or learn from. And, generally speaking, most people have coped with those obstacles. We might complain in life that lifes getting tough, but generally speaking, weve accommodated it & lived with it & worked with it.

But, if there was a point at which we felt within ourselves that it was too much, we just couldnt deal with the level of obstacles that we had to overcome, then we could say to our Higher Selves enough of this, I cant cope with this anymore. Then, our Higher Self wouldnt push us in the directions that we really had agreed that we should go on. And it meant, that we could take those obstacles that we could not overcome into a future lifetime. And so we could then learn from those experiences at a later date.

And this is how everything has operated for the last 7,000 years. This is why for some people they have an easy lifetime because theyve completed all the investigative work they chose to carry out. And why for other people life has been very, very difficult. Its because theyve for whatever reason their courage has failed in a previous lifetime, and therefore, theyve had to come up against these obstacles & overcome them in the present lifetime.


Weve always had choice. You know, this is always it. But within that choice has been the want to experiment & explore all possibilities that Earth has to offer. So, within this 7,000 year period that weve been working through this plan, then every single person has been rich or poor, black or white, or whatever skin colour is available on the planet, but also, male or female, homosexual or heterosexual, everybody has undergone those kinds of experiences for their own learning processes.

And so, yes, whatever experiences are available on the planet, everybody has experienced in one way or another, again, determined by their choice. I mean, some people will have lived a series of lifetimes in one country because they happen to like that country. But for the vast majority of people, then they have explored everything on the planet. They have lived in different countries, lived as a different sex, & been rich, poor or whatever in between.

So, everybody has experienced because during this 7,000 year period, each of us have averaged about 100 lifetimes, some more than that & some considerably less, but its been about an average of about 100 lifetimes. And so its meant that weve been able to explore every possibility. And as each generation has come along, new possibilities present themselves. This is why weve had such a rising population, is because more souls have come here from outside our Solar System to experience new things within Human life. And theyve gone away again, and have come back several generations later, perhaps. You know, its to say, its a very complicated subject because of this freedom of choice.

And so, yes, some souls have been here for one or two lifetimes & then have gone back to their place of soul-origin, waiting for this change to occur, for example. Some have been here & lived, you know, 150 lifetimes, lets say...

(end of part4)

To Be Continued...



The Concept of the Soul

Terje Toftenes: Where do the souls reside in between the incarnations?

Chris Thomas: Well, if you think of everything as energy, all we do as a soul - the soul is a lump of energy, basically, which is Humanoid in form. So the basic form of the soul is Human. And that applies to pretty much every race throughout the Universe.

You know, as much as there is much interest to think of perhaps this insect higher life out there, they dont exist, not in terms of the consciousness potential of, let's say, a Human Being.

"This Interest in Insect Higher Life - They Dont Exist!"

http://curezone.com/upload/_T_Forums/Turiya_Files_/AVALON/INSECT_MANTID_ALIEN_DOES_NOT_EXIST_w_BARRED_CIRCLE 2.png

"Not in Terms of the Consciousness Potential of a Human Being"

So when we leave the body on death, then there are several options available to us. What most people will do is still believe that theyre alive. And so they will go & create for themselves a region around them where they feel comfortable. So, if you go & see a medium or clairvoyant, for example, and your great aunt Elsie tells you that she is now living in this little cottage with roses around the door & shes very happy, then that is what that soul has created for themselves, because this is what they believe they will encounter when they die.


And the same applies to hell. People will create a hell for themselves, because thats where they believe they are going when they die. Hell does not exist, in any way shape or form, other than what the individual constructs for themselves.

And then, you got all the extremes in between. Those who are, shall we say, a little more advanced, who have made a connection with their Higher Self whilst they are still alive. They've recognized that there is no need for these intermediary stages, of either going to hell, or having your little rose covered cottage. And they will communicate directly with the Higher Self & review the lifetime theyve just completed, and start a plan for the next time of where they choose to go. So, for those souls they will reincarnate very rapidly, if thats what they choose to do, as appropriate.

Whereas, for those that have gone to the rose covered cottage or to hell, will take a longer period. Because theyve got to realize that they are actually dead, they dont need to be living in the rose covered cottage, they need to connect with their Higher Self. Or, there is no need for any soul to go to hell. And they can get themselves out of it & recombine with their Higher Self. And then, this planning process will start again.

So, each lifetime is meticulously planned. If you think about what has occurred within a lifetime, so the first thing you have to do is to choose your parents that youre born to, they have to choose you, how many children you share that childhood with, who becomes your girlfriend / boyfriend, whatever. Who do you marry, who do you not, you know all these choices you make, to a certain extent, before that lifetime begins.
But you can, then, modify it as you go through life, because there are people that you will encounter who you have relationships with, of whatever type. And some of them suit you very well & you hold onto those relationships, even though its, perhaps, past its time when you should continue with that relationship. Or, if you decide to leave that relationship prematurely, then your Higher Self turns around & finds you somebody else to have a relationship. So that you learn whatever lessons it is that you need to learn. And this is why it appears to a lot of people that they just keep recycling. You know, a lot of women complain that all they meet are men who are very cruel to them. But until they learn the lesson that they are worth more than the cruel man, then they are going to continue with that cycle until the Higher Self says, Right, youve learned it! Once the woman turns around and says, Right, I deserve better than this! all of a sudden they change & Prince Charming turns up.


You know, its the same applies to men. Its just that women tend to have more problems along those lines than men do. Whatever the situation or circumstances, our Higher Self is there to guide us & to help us through whatever situation we find ourselves in, whether its very pleasant or whether its traumatic, to help & guide us into where we need to be, where we need to go & who we need to be with.

So we are never alone in these things. Its just, unfortunately, because we are used to being so physical. And, you know, children are very, very psychic, they know there is something beyond themselves. But more often than not, its the adults in their life, so they literally beat it out of them, and tell them No, this is imagination, it doesnt happen. But if we let those children keep that knowledge, and work with it, then life on Earth would be so much simpler. We would have completed this process of change were now undergoing far, far sooner than we are now.

And, of course, the greatest interference within our ability to connect with our Higher Self has been religion. Whatever religion it is, it doesnt matter which branch of religion it is. All religions are man-made, and they are very limited in their view, and limiting in their view, and restrict people from investigating who they really are & connecting with their Higher Self.


If we hadnt developed religion, and again there is a very long story behind why we developed religion, but if we hadnt developed wed have completed this process of change several thousand years ago. Although, we have a finite time limit on it, there is several points within Human history where we could have undergone this change in anyway. It was anticipated that we would only have taken a couple thousand years at most to do it, but not the full 7,000 years that we have taken.

Bridging Quantum Physics & Spiritual Consciousness

Well, I think quantum physics is doing very well on that at the moment. Certainly, on the principles they are uncovering is that nothing occurs without a choice being made. And, theyre very reluctant to link that into any kind of spiritual concept, because, lets face it, theyre scientists. And, if you cant measure it, weigh it, dissect it, then it doesnt exist. But the quantum physics experiments that are being carried out do show that whatever it is you do has a consequence. And so, as that field is opening up, and people that work in that field are starting to realize that whatever they do has an implication as far as whatever they are observing or creating then, yes, theres hope there is always hope.

And so, I think if people start to look at that, but I mean, its an immensely complex subject. And, even quantum physicists will say that nobody understands everything in quantum physics because its so bazaar in terms of human experience, or at least accepted Human experience. So really, yes, the first place to investigate would be something like quantum physics.

But also, on the other hand, parapsychology is a field which is again opening up, although its been investigated for over a hundred years. The scientists have walked away from it because there are things going on there that they cant explain. And for somebody with an inquiring mind, when they encounter something that they cant understand, they tend to walk away from it & ignore it. And if somebody with an equally inquiring mind tries to explore it, then they tend to ridicule them. And so this is the problem weve had with fields like parapsychology is its not taken very seriously, or certainly hasnt been taken very seriously since the late 1800s. Prior to that it was taken very seriously, and there were massive investigations carried out by amateurs & by scientists. Well, it was Anton Mesmer who started it, with his mesmerizing experiments. And showed that within each of us we have a massive psychic potential which mesmerism, or what is now known as hypnotism, is capable of unlocking.


So, if people want to look at these kinds of things that I am talking about, then those would be the two extremes. Or, the best way of investigating would be to take a look at quantum physics & what it implies, and also parapsychology. I mean there are many universities around the world who have a parapsychology unit.

I mean, I know a lot of peoples idea of parapsychology unit within the university is this sort of image that they have from Ghostbusters- the movie, which isnt very helpfulvery entertaining, but not very helpful as far as serious research is concerned.
But each of us has a massive psychic potential that is untapped.

So its working with that. If people want to start to unlock what they have within themselves & what their potential is, then those two approaches, those two extremes of approach, would be a good way of beginning, I think. And once they start getting into that & understanding either the quantum physics or the para-psychological side of things, then theyll find that things start to unlock within them. And theyll realize there is much, much more to life than the way in which we live it at the moment.

The Nature of Channeling

I cant really describe it as a problem with channeling, but what happens with channeling is that the one who channelsthe channelerhas an ego, and theres a viewpoint. And very often where channeling is shown to be inaccurate, or incorrect, it has meant that the channeler has imposed their ego or their viewpoint on the message, or the information that theyve received.

If you can find a channel who does not have that egotistical prospective, then you will find that the information they channel can be very, very accurate, whether its about an individuals life or whether its predictions of future events.

So, its really finding a channel who works in that kind of way, if thats how you want to investigate it. Theres certainly nothing wrong, in my view, of approaching a channel, if you wish to make contact with a deceased loved one, then its fine, theyre very good at that sort of work, and it can work very well. I know theres a lot of criticism of it, you know, you go to a clairvoyant or medium and they say, I got great-aunt Elsie, here, who thinks youve painted the kitchen the wrong colour. But to the person that the message is aimed at, that is a perfect message, because it confirms to them that the individual that is speaking to them through the channel is that relative.

As far as anybody else is concerned its a complete waist of time, because its not re-inventing Einsteins theory of relativity. Its not what people want. What people want is confirmation of somebody who they loved in this lifetime is, for want of a better way of putting it, alive & well in the afterlife. And that is what its set up to do.

If you want a new theory of relativity, go & talk to a quantum physicist who actually understands what hes talking about. And there are very few of those at the moment unfortunately.

Who Are the 35% That Will be Going Through the Transition?

So how do you know which percentage of the population you belong to? Are you the 35% who are going through this change, or the 65% who have chosen not to?

Really, you can only know within yourself. Theres no hard & fast rules. Theres no strong guidelines to point you in the right direction. Its just purely & simply its a knowing, I think, is about the only way I can describe it. The indicators are, I suppose, that you start to view people quite differently to how youve viewed them in the past. People who, perhaps, you are friends with, you suddenly have nothing in common with any longer.

Ive recently been thinking that were turning into another form of Human Being, or the 65% is becoming what I would call Homo Moronis ("not-so-wise man"), really, because they have no interest in anything other than where theyre going to get their next designer label from. And, that really just is the true reflection. Its those that really want to live in the now to understand what is going on, to understand themselves, and to move forwards within themselves those are the people who make up the 35%. There really isn't any other guidelines or criteria, its purely & simply that inner feeling and a knowing that youve made, or youre beginning to make that transition.

The Connection Between the Soul & the Ego

In comparison of how the ego & the soul, or consciousness, is connected really comes about how can I put it I see the two words soul & consciousness are interchangeable, in anyway, so hopefully, theres no confusion over that. The soul is the part of us that says I am, I exist. And the ego is the part of us that says, I am This, in other words it defines who we are. Because the soul exists, purely & simply as a soul, and everything that is encompassed by that soul is contained within it. But the ego, then defines who we are as a Human Being, because the soul doesnt have an ego. The soul just is, and knows who & what it is, and everything that it is. But the ego turns around and says, I am a mother, I am, you know, a screen-god, screen-goddess, however you want to put it.

The ego can then lead us into all sorts of problems, usually false situations, because we believe ourselves to be something other than we are. Everybody believes lets not say everybody but most people on the planet believes themselves to be something that is a reflection of how other people see them. And therefore, if people around them believe that theyre wonderful, then that ego grows to let them accommodate the concept of being wonderful. If people think theyre useless, then the ego shrinks until people believe that they are useless.
Then they lose confidence in themselves & their whole lives start to fall apart.

What we need to do is to get to the position where the ego & the soul match each other & they say I am. Im not this, Im not that. Just me being me, whoever that me happens to be.
And, again, that is another indication of the changes that are going on is the number of people that are just saying Im fed up with false facades, I dont want to wear this false face any longer. That isnt me. What I am is the person underneath. And, therefore, I am throwing everything off. And if people around me cant accept that person that is me, then thats their problemtough! I dont want anything more to do with them.

So that is really where the differences lie is the soul defines who you are I am. And, the ego I am This, whatever the concept of This happens to be within the individual.

The Concept of Separation

This concept of separation is a difficult one, because its much more to do with teaching & training, the way in which we are brought up to believe that we are separate. Whereas, in fact, on an individual / Human level, we are not separate from each other, were all part of the same thing. And, on a planetary level, again, we are not separate from the planet, we are a part of this planet, the planetary consciousness & all the life we share the planet with.

Because for centuries, if not for thousands of years, theyve taught there is a God who controls everything. And, therefore, we are just a nothing within the whole, because our lives are controlled by this god-like figure, whatever religion it happens to be they all seem to share the same concepts & teachings. And then we have science who tells us that were some kind of chemical machine.

So, this is where you know, weve been brainwashed over the centuries into believing that we dont need worry about the soul because the church will look after it. And we dont need to look after the body because medicine will look after it.
And so weve got into the habit of not taking responsibility for our actions & our capabilities. And so we have become essentially divorced from the whole, because we believe we are divorced from the whole, when in reality no, we are not.

This is the sort of quantum butterfly concept, isnt it you know, an action taken in one place has another action somewhere else. And this is true the world over, and within each individual everything that we do has repercussions with other people & within our lives.

The Origin of Religion

Religion was originally created, or thought about brought about, however you want to think about it, as a means of informing people, of bringing knowledge to individuals, or to the masses. Religion came about, or what the concept we think of religion came about as teaching lessons as how to work the pyramids.


Thats how religion came about, that is the first form, if you like, of a secret knowledge, but that knowledge could be passed onto individuals where it was necessary. But within that sort of concept & construct of this secret knowledge what we then have are individuals who decided to use it for their own purposes. And, essentially, was used as a means for taking power & controlling of a percentage of the population.

And this is how religion has developed or what religion has developed in to, much more than anything else is a means of control. If you look at religious history if you look at countries that have a number of gods, then generally they tend to be peaceful people. And you wont find much in the way of wars occurring between groups of people who have multiple gods. If you look at, then, the history of religions that have single gods, thats where all the conflict arises you know my god is better than your god, and if you dont believe me, Im going to kill you!

And this is the history of most religions is that the conflicts & deaths within that has occurred within Human history really has come about because of religious differences, rather than anything else.
And so religion is a means of power, but it has also been very counterproductive within fulfilling the requirements of the Human Plan. If we didnt have formal religions, we could have completed the Human Plan, as to say, anything up to 5,000 years ago.

Its the religions & the religious conflict & the way in which they have taught people to think & to believe that has created the major problems within the Human Plan in completing it.

Recordings of The Human Plan The Nature of Channeling

The Human Plan, really, is something that is formulated & is recorded fully within the Akashic. But there are aspects of it, then, recorded in written material, for example, some of the material found in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, the Jewish Gnostic traditionsthe Kabbalah even some of the earlier Christian traditions, whole aspects of it. If you look back into the life of Jesus the Christ, for example, then what his teachings really were about were more to do with Kabbalah & Gnostic type knowledge, than it was to do with anything to do with whats in the New Testament.

So much of it is hidden, its because we have dominant religions, then they have suppressed everything that is of real value to people.

Im not taking this out on one religion in particular, all of them are the same, whichever one you look at. Theyve all gone through similar processes of suppressing knowledge & suppressing information. I mean, if you look at early Christianity, that was all about providing knowledge to people, enlightening people, helping them to understand who they are & their purpose. If you look at early Islamic beliefs, they were exactly the same. Islam, if fact, encouraged knowledge, you know passing between people. It has just changed over the centuries into this repressive sort of regime.

Really, its a very great shame, because the information was there, its just been buried. I mean, if you look at religious tradition, if you didnt want something discussed, then you made it a sin. And therefore, it was banned. So, if you were discussing something sinful, then, you know, you could be excommunicated by the Church, or even worse burned at the stake!

This is what the witchcraft debacle was really all about, was really preventing another group of people from reaching that kind of knowledge, because thats all what witchcraft was all about was an honoring of the Earth & how she works & how we work with the Earth. Instead, of which, we have centuries of persecution against these people mainly women, to maintain domination by a church.


The same applied to the Cathars, I mean, the Cathars were a group of people who followed the original teachings of Christ. And, really, what they saw as their sole purpose in life was to allow people freedom of choice, whether it was choice of religion, choice of science, choice of belief, or whatever. And they were then totally massacred & wiped out by the Church to prevent them doing this.

So, its really, yes, the one thing that has held humanity back more than anything else is the Church, or a RELIGION, as we should say.

And then we started finding the same with SCIENCE, because science turned around and took on that same kind of role, but from a secular viewpoint, and said You will only believe what we tell you to believe.

And so, between the two of them, really, have held back humanity by centuries.

End Of Part 5

To Be Continued

30th July 2014, 22:13
does have a correlation with Dr Michael Newtons case studies.
what i do not understand about the HS is.....
the HS is the whole you watching and willing to guide your physical form and experience.
we are the whole at the return,reconnecting to the HS.
if the HS is you,it knows all the outcomes,so why the experience,unless the HS does not know and needs this experience?
can the HS really alter your experience?when it is the experience we need to learn!so why contact the HS?
if it helps us then are we not learning the experience we are meant to learn?

30th July 2014, 22:32
greed comes to mind.
we are chasing the green paper that gives us power over other beings and the planet.
the earth has everything it can offer for every individual to live a comfortable life,it offers food,medicine and connection.
what are we doing,we are creating disease,fracking,gmo,oil spills.
we are creating everything to stop what Gaia has to offer.
we are destroying not only ourselves,species but the planet itself?
for what!
our own advancement?

why do so many people become ill as they become aware and not want to be here?
they become activist fighting against the corruption.
they have that pull and yearn to seek truth?

Gaia has become contaminated by a greed and it does need a reset.
we are meant to come here live life in abundance,learn what we need to learn travel as nomads if we wish and enjoy this planet.
then we choose when to leave and explore other lives in the universes.

1st August 2014, 15:42


The Ego & the Sense of Self

Now, the ego, really we do need an ego because it gives us a sense of self. And, if we dont have a sense of self, then essentially were lost, we really dont know who we are. Its just purely & simply a question of where we go with that ego. So if we you know, theres a lot of talk around now that when we go through this change we lose the ego, and I dont think thats right, because we are returning to the proper self, rather than whether its an inflated ego, or an ego thats too low. Theyre both wrong, because we still are who we are as individuals. Every choice weve made throughout the whole of our existence has led us to understand who we are. And so, we cant lose it, you know WE WOULDNT WANT TO LOSE IT.

The New Children

Children are very interesting, especially the children that have been born over the last 20-25 years. Really, you can break them down into two groups: there are those who have a little bit of experience to undergo. And so, theyre being born & then they are experiencing whatever that experience happens to be, usually fairly rapidly within their lives So, pre-puberty, essentially. And then, either they become a part of this change, or more often than not, theyre actually dying quite young So, you know, the infant mortality rate is very, very high it is the highest its ever been throughout Human history because of that.

So, you know, it could be that this child is being born they need a certain amount of interaction with their parent, or the parents, or a relative and they achieve that interaction during childhood. And therefore, their purpose, here, for this lifetime is complete. So, they can leave because of that, or, as I say, they can then make a further choice to stay & become a part of this change.


But then there are also another group of children being born who people call these Indigo children, Star children, Rainbow children whatever name you want to put to them, who are here, really, as the forefront of this change. Some of these children are pretty awesome in their capabilities, psychically & how they understand the world. But at the same time, in my view, many of these are born too early because the world doesnt understand them. And so this is why they end abandoned in orphanages, or abused through life, because they cant interact with people as they are. You know, some of them are being born anticipating that the world has changed, or people have changed, or choosing to be born to parents that want to go through this change. But for whatever reason, they are lagging behind. And therefore, theyre there to wake these parents up.

And unfortunately, what happens all too often is that the parents refuse to wake, wont listen to the children, and the children become abused in some way or another. And thats a great tragedy.



There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever in my mind, and from the medical research that Ive read, that many of the current afflictions that children suffer are caused directly by vaccinations.

There is no doubt about it. Particularly, the main preservative that they put into vaccinations which is called Thimerosal, which is a derivative of mercury. Now, in Western countries there are something like 33 vaccinations approved for children & the vast majority of children undergo these vaccinations. In America, for example, you cant go to school unless youve had all the vaccinations that are recommended its illegal. And in Britain, theyre drafting a law that says that unless your child has undergone certain vaccination, then they cannot attend a State school & you will not receive child benefit payments.

But basically, if you look into how vaccines are made believe me, you dont want to know how vaccines are made, how theyre preserved. They all contain a derivative of mercury, a lot of them contain derivatives of aluminum & certain an awful lot of them are tainted with material from other organisms like monkey brains, or monkey livers, or whatever, or material from birds. And, the laboratories some of the reports Ive read on the state of hygiene within some of the laboratories is unbelievably bad. So, most of these vaccines are contaminated and never mind about the preservatives within them

Also the types of illnesses that they are trying to vaccinate against really dont exist. But if you come back to these so-called indigo children, they are being born with a greater percentage of their DNA (we can come onto DNA in a minute), a greater amount of their DNA, recombined & intact. Now what they are capable of doing is that if you come in contact with any virulent agent, any virus, whatever it is they can throw it off. You can inject them with whatever virus & their bodies will reject it. If they come down with the symptoms, they will heal themselves. These kinds of children who are born to parents who have AIDS, for example, they repair themselves within a couple of years, they actually throw off the AIDS virus.



So, they are capable of self-repair. This is something that is part of this change that is going on. We will be capable of self-repair & self-renewing within the body. So well never breakdown. Life span becomes a choice of the individual, rather than determined by what happens within the body.


Now DNA has been changing for a long time. Theres certainly been medical papers Ive read going back 20 years that state that the children have been born with DNA of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 spirals to the DNA. Now the medical profession hasnt made this very public because theyre scared stiff. Because what they see it as being is that Humans are mutating, and theyre mutating into something that is non-Human. And to be full Human Being as defined by the Earth & what we constructed on Atlantis some 20,000 years, a full compliment of DNA is 13 strands to the spiral.


Now what DNA is, it is primarily memory. So, 75 percent of all DNA is memory of past lives. When your mother becomes pregnant with you, the 25 percent of your DNA is needed to construct & form the body. Once youve become born, or particularly by the time you get to puberty, at any rate, that percentage reduces. So that to maintain the physical body as we know it, then all that is required is 3 percent of the DNA, which is the 3 percent that the medical profession looks at, and the 97 percent that is considered junk. But within that DNA 75 percent is pastlife memory, of the 25 percent that was needed to build the body to start with, 22 percent becomes memory of this lifetime.

So, memory isnt stored within the brain, Its only very short-term memory that is stored within the brain. Where memory is stored is within the DNA. And, lets say, 22 percent of our DNA is memories of this lifetime, when we die that is what is a review of our activities & actions taken within this life, whether its acceptable within the plans we made for ourselves before we were born. For to retain the physical body, then only 3 percent of our DNA is required.

Thats really what DNA is all about, as I say, the full compliment of it is thirteen, and so 13 spirals of the DNA will give us full memory of everything that weve ever been, everything that we have ever experienced from our point of creation.

And so we will have full knowledge of everything of who we are, once weve completed this transition process.

Forgetting Who We Are

Yes, forgetfulnesswell, you know, were born with, more or less, a reasonable knowledge of who we are, at least an inkling that theres something beyond what we actually are, or what we physically are. But our forgetting of past lives & our forgetting of our true potential, and our past history is in fact partly planned.

Because, lets face it, if you are coming into a lifetime and you know you are going to face a series of challenges, youre going to turn around to your Higher Self and say, Im not going through that, thats too difficult. Im going to live a life that I want to live.

And therefore, we wouldnt face those challenges at all. So its better that we have no knowledge of who we are & what our full potential is, in order that we are more likely to live a lifetime where we undergo the experiences that we have chosen to undergo.

But partly, yes, we have lost it, we lost our memory because we have become much more physically dense than it was ever intended, or thought we would when we first put this Human Plan into process 7,000 years ago. In other words, lets say, on Atlantis the physical body was much less dense than it is now probably by about a quarter, something like that. So, in terms of physical density we were lighter. And when we began this Human Plan, then, yes, we retained some of that lesser density, but during that 7,000 year period, we have become more & more physical, more & more dense, literally.

And therefore, its made it more difficult for us to communicate with our Higher Selves, unless we make a very determined, concerted effort to do so.



Well, a fundamental part of The Human Plan is illness. We have 7 energy centres in the body which most people would call by another Sanskrit word are the Chakras. If we stray off our path in life, the path that we have agreed with our Higher Self, then one or more of these energy centres, these chakras, become depleted of energy & what we end up with is an illness in one or more part of the body. Now each of these chakras relate to who we are as an individual & as a personality, and to different regions of our lives.

So, if we paid attention to the prompts of the Higher Selfwhat the symptoms of illnesses are, then when we first began this Plan we knew exactly where we were going wrong in our life because of the region of the body that became affected. But, again, weve forgotten it, weve become more physically dense, and as weve distanced ourselves from our Higher Self, weve forgotten that illnesses are purely & simply are guides to not being on right path.

And also then weve had a couple of thousand years of religion telling us that illness is a punishment from God.

And so we forget about the fact that the Higher Self is there trying to help us to remember which regions of our lives weve not quite completed properly. And have fallen into the trap of believing an illness is something that just happens. You know, were just unlucky if we get an illness, whilst an awful lot of people still believe its punishment from God.

So, we also need to get back to understanding that every single chakra of the body relates to very specific organs, and were all the same, everybody on the planet is identical in that respect. And that each chakra relates to aspects of how we are living our lives. If weve gone wrong in one part of our life, we end up with an illness that relates to the specific chakra that deals with it.

If we correct activity within that part of our life, then the illness disappears, spontaneously. Its really, we do not need any form of medication, or any form of herbal, or whatever remedy. The body spontaneously reacts to it & repairs you know, again, its reflective in DNA, because theres past life memories can bring about some illnesses, particularly, pre-puberty, or itll happen post-puberty if its an area of a life when we werent capable of working with before puberty.

But what is now turning up is a new field of genetics called epigenetics, which shows that if somebody is being diagnosed of having a genetic illness, or what the medical profession calls a genetic illness what I would call a past life hangover. If that individual takes steps to correct that region of their life, then the DNA changes. In other words, the memory becomes back into a memory & isnt then actively having an effect on the body. And this is being confirmed by geneticists, which is why they call it epigenetics, I suppose, because that means beyond genetics.

WHICH MEANS THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT WAS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, TOTALLY USELESS PROJECT. BECAUSE EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL ON THE PLANET HAS THEIR OWN DNA. And every court of law in the world will say that if your DNA is found at the site of a crime, then it absolutely makes you the criminal.

Four years after the Human Genome Projects completion, scientists say that
epigenetics the study of how genes are turned on and off holds more
medical promise than gene therapy.


So if that is the case, and everybody is unique in that respect within their DNA, how can it be that the Human Genome Project has taken one persons DNA & has mapped it, and said this will now solve all Human problems it cant! Its impossible!

Fortunately, very shortly after the medical people crowed about how wonderful they were in mapping the human genome, epigenetics was discovered. So, in other words, GENOMES CHANGE DEPENDING ON THE ACTION WE TAKE.

Memories From Past Lives

So, if you have an active memory which you didnt resolve in a previous lifetime, then it can manifest as an illness in this lifetime. Ill give you a good example:

As a psychic surgeon, and you know, Ive worked with people with all kinds of problems, we had somebody who came to us who had severe breathing difficulties & extreme fear of enclosed spaces & darkness. And what it turned out to be was a past-life memory of being crushed in a coal mine. And so, the memory of that event, of being crushed in a past-life, was such a powerful one & a traumatic one that it carried forward into this lifetime & imprinted into his DNA in this life.

And this is how past-life memories can impinge on current lifetime is that if you have a memory that is so traumatic, or an event that occurred in a previous life that was so traumatic, and you didnt find a way of resolving it, then you can feel something of it within this life. And it leads to some quite bazaar symptoms sometimes, very strange symptoms weve come across working with people.

Regression Therapy

Regression hypnosis can work extremely well in resolving these kinds of problems. Because, very often once you realize what it is & where the problem has arisen & you realize that you no longer live that life, that youve past beyond that, then people kind of relax & let it go. And it ceases to be a problem as far as theyre concerned.

So, yes, regression hypnosis can work extremely well for healing past-life problems. But its the old hippy thing of, you know, its my karma, meaning its some kind of past-life problemits not my fault, its my past-life stuff. Ninety-nine percent of that is a complete load of rubbish. You know, its just people hoping that its a past-life problem, so they dont have to deal with the problem theyre faced with.

But for a small percentage of the population, then yes, the past-life memory can be a very real problem in their lives. And, for that, regression hypnosis can work extremely well to ultimately break the patterns.

The Future

Terje Toftenes: Where is this going to take us?

I mean, you have now told us about the path we have been on for the last 85,000 years, and, in particular, the last 7,000 years up to now. And we seem to be on a major turning point. So, what kind of future can we now look into? What can you say about that?

Chris Thomas: What I said earlier, I think the future is something that is indeterminate, certainly, in the short-term. Post 2011/2012, then were looking at, obviously, a massive amount of re-adjustment within peoples understanding of the Earth, and how we interact with it.

Fortunately, as I say, there are something like 2.9 million people whove already undergone this transition. And, they havent experienced much in the way of difficulties. Theyve been able to deal with it, cope with it, and adjust everything within their lives to suit that new level of understanding. So, on a personal level, I mean on an individual level, other than me, then the transition itself should be fairly smooth & not too much of a difficulty.

Peoples choice is always paramount. If they decided to stay, then they would be able to undergo the same kind of transition as everybody else has. And even now theres nothing stopping anybody. You know, Id love it to go back up to 100%, I really would. And, theres nothing stopping any individual from achieving that. Its a choice they can still make. But there are many things against us, essentially, and theyre all Human engineered, again, really to make control over the population, to try to hold people in place because they dont want people to change.

You know, it is well known by, you know politicians, whatever, that people are changing. There is so much evidence for it out there that has been published in medical papers, scientific papers, whatever. So it is well known that we are changing into something different to what we are now.

And all of these plans seem to be deliberately designed to prevent us undergoing that change. And so, we are in a race, but again, it is choice whether we give into this sort of mass destruction of the Human Race or whether we move forwards into what our potential is.

(End of Terje Tofenes Interview pt6)

Thanks to Turiya for transcription

4th July 2015, 00:33
An Ongoing Chris Thomas thread for those who resonate with his alternative view of reality and our history as gleaned from the Akashic.

My ongoing Chris Thomas thread at the Final Equinox forum was unfortunately lost when that forum closed without any notice whatsoever. Needless to say it was a shock having put so much time and energy into my Chris Thomas thread there. It had become very popular during the less than 2 years since I started the thread; garnering 1,000 hits per week and a total of over 100,000 views. Most of these views came from non-members, some of whom contacted me in private through other forums such as this one. I can’t help but wonder why the forum was removed within 2 days of finally being relieved of the Trolls.

Hopefully many of those who followed my thread at FE will find their way here.

So I’m starting over again here because the TOT forum seems the most welcoming to alternative views. In C.T.’s case, which expose the overwhelmingly engrained societal belief systems that stem from channelling by a group of Extra-terrestrials known as the Velon (pronounced V-LON). Too many humans over the last 300 years have become duped by these tricksters into accepting their lies as truth. Human Gullibility Factor as labelled by Chris Thomas is at an all time high.

I want to make it clear from the start that Chris Thomas is not a Guru, he is human and he does make minor mistakes at times. When he discovers such a mistake he freely admits it. Also reality is in a state of flux these days meaning nothing is written in stone apart from the Akashic Records of the past which cannot be changed. The Akashic only record events in this Universe, our Solar system. Chris has paid particular attention to events in Human history on Earth and this solar system. The Akashic does not predict the future. The future can only be predicted when all those involved in the specific events have made their decisions as to their actions, hence clairvoyance. Probabilities can sometimes be used by individuals to guess about future events, and sometimes they are correct. Possibilities are endless and subject to our free will and choice. The future can be created through our ability to dream something new.

No event in history is a measure of what is happening now or will happen from here on. Those cyclical times have ended. The future is ours to choose as humanity awakens to the new energies introduced since 1996. Earth is in charge and she has her own plans. There is only one time line in reality and it is organic.

First a brief crash course in the highlights of Chris Thomas’ information.

I am not asking anyone to take what I say in this post as gospel. You need to listen to the 10 videos, read the 20+ essays and read the 11 books before you can consider what I say here in that context.

This thread is important because it helps those who are led here by their higher selves to recognize how they are being deceived. I have come to learn this through my experience with private messages as a result of my former thread.

In particular I have received messages in private from highly psychic young women who have experienced abductions by the black ops military/NSA/Velon since they were 5 or 6 years old. Some of these are the Indigo children they are exploiting. These Velon *******s, with the aid of their human black ops military subservients and through the “elite” NSA mechanism, ( where psychic children are strapped to beds and connected to IV drips and a giant computer bank for performing psychic attacks on individuals) are after human DNA and are actively engaged in taking unborn foetuses from these young women for use in their super soldier experiments. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohx7bSeD5bQ


They are able to track down these highly psychic women because of their family’s military connections to ancestors who were in the Velon service, such as the illuminati.

The Velon are very good at mimicking the love vibration in order to trick their victims. The black ops military is experienced at using their bio-mechanical robotic “Greys” and insectoids, humanoid felines and “teaching” Mantids to deceive their drugged and deep, multi-layered memory inserted victims. These flesh-bearing robots who are programmed with a minimum of DNA for specific functions, do not have a soul

Remember these abductions, embryo thefts, and soul replacements are still going on as we speak. That’s why I started this thread. The victims are often told that they are emissaries from the Gray race sent to experience a human body and provide hybrid children to improve the body health of the Greys. That is an outright lie. All e.t. races were asked to leave the planet by Earth around the year 2000. The only ones who refused were the Velon, who went into hiding through various means.

In addition to the above problem the Velon are also actively engaged in sucking (they use the term vacuuming) souls out of their human bodies in order to replace them with Velon souls in the form of walk-ins. When these young women, are often under constant psychic attack if they do not cooperate, and instead they refuse the Velon advances and bargaining attempts (ex. Healing for services rendered). The Velon may plague them with disease and entities to drive their friends away.

Now that I have explained in part the purpose of this thread, which has proven to help those being deceived by the Velon, I hope we can keep shills and trolls from interfering with our goals of making the information available.

Serious questions are welcome from those who have at least listened to some of the 10 Chris Thomas interviews available at You Tube.

By the way it is HUMANS WHO ARE HOLDING THE REMAINING VELON HERE. The guardians of Earth (Merlin) and our solar system are removing all of the Velon they can find who are not being protected by humans. The Velon have offended every race in this Universe. The Velon want Earth, they want humans removed off planet to their deaths, and they don’t care if they must DESTROY Earth to achieve their goals. In other words ENVY is a far more destructive trait than hatred because it defies common sense.

Examples of Velon lies embedded in society through channelling are Galactic wars, Alternate realities, Ascended masters, Archangels, Councils to govern the Universe, the New Age movement, the label 5th Dimension, Prison Planet, Fear the light at the end of the tunnel, the 12-13 Dimensions model, the Anunnaki “gods as creators” and Ascension – just to name a very few.

I know there are individuals on this forum who disagree with the Chris Thomas model and I only ask that you start your own thread if you wish to present your opposing model. I respect your view which I have listened to and I think we can agree to disagree.

The most important part of Chris Thomas’ presentation is REINTEGRATION OF THE HIGHER SELF part of the soul into the physical body by removing childhood trauma-induced emotional blocks within the central nervous system. This is done through practices such as the GIVEAWAY and it opens the chakras to make room for the other ¾ of your soul which contains your past life memories going back 100 million years when this Universe was created . Reintegration activates the so-called “junk” DNA contained in our physical body, which eventually yields a total of 13 strands, and our psychic abilities, which for one thing, we used to build the megalithic structures.

It’s important to note that NO ONE can do this for you. It is your responsibility alone to do the inner work and maintain your integrity. This Uiverse has 2 purposes. One is to experience free will and freedom of choice, the other is to experience physical life in this solar system. Ours is the only one created for the purpose of physicality. We are currently experiencing only a small compacted portion of the 50 million dimensions of physical life available.

There is still one more of the originally intended 13 Universes to be created.

Over the last 7,000 years we have been participating in The Human Plan, of our own making. It involves living about 70 short lives in order to gain wisdom through the collecting of knowledge (Karma) in order to determine why we were unable to hold our higher self functions within a physical body more than 1,000 years gradually deteriorating to 200 years. The solution turns out to be raising Earth’s base frequency from 7.6 Hz to 3500 Hz. That has been accomplished although current technology is not sensitive enough to read these energetic changes. The result has been that a large portion of the human population has left the planet. The rest of us are hee to use this new energy to reintegrate.

Since our first arrival on Atlantis which ran roughly from 85,000 years ago to 65,000 years ago WE created the human physical body through genetic experimentation. From the sinking of Atlantis, at which time the Sphinx was built, we left the planet, not returning until 20,000 years ago. It was at this time with our whole soul within the physical body that we built Gobekli Tepe, the pyramids and various other megalithic structures. 8,000 years ago we again left the planet and returned 7,000 years ago to initiate The Human Plan, with only about 25% of our soul within the physical body. We divided the soul into the physical and the Higher Self. We also took on human male and female roles and initiated child birth through reproduction. It was at this time that writing and alphabets were developed since we no longer had the ability for telepathy.

The interviews will put all I have been saying into proper context with more details. So please save your questions until after you have looked at them.

This is a Chris Thomas thread so naturally there will be several quotes from him. He does not see himself as a Guru and has pulled back from answering questions and making interviews as well as from writing essays. He has made the material about our true history available because it helps us to resonate to truth. His approach is well grounded in the Earth soul and those closest to nature will find his information most resonant and simple to grasp. There is no need for the channelled complexities or unfounded scientific theories and religions that have been confusing people for so long.

Regarding the full soul integration process:

Keep asking the questions and eventually you will find that you know the answer before you have even completed the question. That is how it worked for me at any rate. Chris Thomas

I found this description of integration on another forum. It describes how it feels in our bodies when the integration begins. Our bodies have to adjust to this higher vibration. To integrate too fast would destroy our slow moving nerve synapses. The religious trinity, and Masonic trine or triune are no longer applicable. Mind, body and spirit are becoming ONE as we do our own clearing work. You feel it happening through the body as it becomes lighter and begins to fill with light. Our body is preparing us for becoming what the Earth recognizes as Wholly Human. This means our body is changing back to our original template before we split the soul.

Remember integration begins as a process.

Do not deny the body and its part in awakening.
It's all about embodiment. Don't forget your body as it is adjusting and changing during the process of "awakening". Many symptoms of dis-ease and dis-comfort we experience at times have more to do with the shift of frequency and metamorphosis we are going through (circuitry/DNA activation) than "illness" as seen through the lens of western medicine.

“What it brings is a sober reminder of how little we know and even less understand about the actuality of the process (of awakening) which demands realignment of all bodily systems to function in a totally different set of circumstances often unleashed by major impact of awakening.”

The Myth: Awakening is a shift of perception, a mental-emotional acrobatic that leaves one refreshingly peaceful and delightfully uninvested in personal identity, but that has no impact whatsoever on the physical body.

The Truth: Awakening is a radical shift of identity that leaves one refreshingly peaceful and delightfully uninvested in personal identity, but that has profound impact on the body (and ultimately requires collaboration of the body).

And rather than the body being collateral damage in this process of awakening, I will suggest it is instrumental.

By that I mean, the body is the vector for enlightenment. It is literally the delivery mechanism by which we experience the vastness of who we really are—at least while alive.”

I am going to begin with transcripts of the Chris Thomas interviews. I will start with the Lisa Harrison interview where Chris Thomas explains:

1. how he was born hard-wired to the Akashic Records for Earth and this Universe,

2. how the Akashic looks when you read it,

3. how the answer to questions comes within a split second through your higher self.

And much more.

4th July 2015, 02:12
I have Chris Thomas' book - Project Human Extinction... mind blowing stuff

Divine Feminine
4th July 2015, 03:38
Hi Herbert,
Perfect timing, I was going to send this video your way. I just happened to catch this movie trailer when it first came out a few weeks ago. Is it not most interesting that they show 'black goo' being dumped on the people?



4th July 2015, 13:40
My first post on this forum and I had a huge reply typed out that accidentally got wiped out. My cursor I swear went up to "reply to thread" on it's own and erased my post. :cracky: So here goes again...

Thank you Herbert for starting this one and only place on the entire internet to discuss the work of Chris Thomas. CT (as we refer to him) and his work has been banned everywhere. There is only one book store you can find his work and he has been attacked so severely he no longer goes public. The Human Plan is being totally buried and the new age movement is now convincing humanity they are victims on a prison planet, did not choose to come here, were forced to reincarnate and don't belong here. If that is not a "mind program" then I don't know what is. I will post below a site to find his essays, the book store to purchase his books and video interviews I can find.

His essays...

The only book store on the planet to purchase his work because it's banned everywhere else...


Videos with more coming as I find them...

Bases 8 Part 1. Click on Part 2 on Youtube


4th July 2015, 13:52
An old thread started by Herbert a year ago.


4th July 2015, 14:13
Hello Herbert, I am here as well. Getting used to the new environment which is sooo peaceful and lovely.


4th July 2015, 16:01
An old thread started by Herbert a year ago.


Considering that Herbert is the original poster of both that older thread -- which seems to be comprised of only one page -- and this newer thread, I would like to propose that we can merge these two threads, if Herbert would prefer this. It is then also perfectly possible to maintain the title of this newer thread here for the merged thread.

I'm afraid I'm not a Chris Thomas follower -- :p -- but I know a few people who are, and I'll be monitoring this thread for a while to see whether Herbert would want it merged with the older thread. ;)

5th July 2015, 13:50
Chris Thomas said the Earth and Jupiter's moon Ganymede are the only two places in the solar system with life.


5th July 2015, 15:48
Considering that Herbert is the original poster of both that older thread -- which seems to be comprised of only one page -- and this newer thread, I would like to propose that we can merge these two threads, if Herbert would prefer this. It is then also perfectly possible to maintain the title of this newer thread here for the merged thread.

As per Herbert's request, I have now merged the older Chris Thomas thread into this newer one. He has also stated that he will be posting a great amount of new material very soon. ;)

5th July 2015, 17:34
Lisa Harrison interview with Chris Thomas Oct. 15, 2012



How his innate abilities developed as a Healer

Lisa: Chris has been somewhat psychic since the age of 7 and has the ability to read the Akashic Records and I want to welcome Chris Thomas.

Chris: Lisa it’s nice to be here.

Lisa: Lovely, now in one of your interviews I did hear you talk about having the ability quite young to read auras. You seemed to develop psychic ability quite young but it wasn’t really supported and you suppressed it somewhat.

Chris: No, My mother had comparatively strong Christian views and so anything that had to do with psychic abilities was heavily frowned upon.

Lisa: So can you really suppress it, can you do that kind of thing, can you switch it off, or did you just stop talking about it?

Chris: Yea, it’s just like everything else, it was just a question of not working with it and trying to think of something else, you know.

Lisa: So you could stop yourself from seeing people’s auras?

Chris: Not entirely, but I stopped talking about it and didn’t really develop what I could do.

Lisa: And when did that change for you?

Chris: When I in was early 20’s. I met someone who was developing themselves into their own version of mediumship and so really I started to pick it up from there and investigate things much more deeply. I found that I had, like a lot of people obviously, that I had a very natural healing ability. Which I then wanted to develop as much as I possibly could.

Lisa: And you mean just energetic hands on healing?

Chris: Yup. And also like a lot of healers I found that I had an empathic response with the people I was working with. In other words I could feel what their problems were within my own body. But I managed to find a way of NOT hanging onto those feelings, if you like, so that by recognizing that they weren’t mine – they were somebody else’s – I could get rid of them. A lot of healers have problems actually ending up with an accumulation of their clients’ problems.

Lisa: Yea a very uncomfortable state to be in I’m sure.

Chris: Ah yes very. And then I made a conscious decision one day to get into what people call ‘psychic surgery’. And so that’s the way I developed along those lines. Eventually what I ended up being able to do was to literally read inside people’s bodies a bit like an MRI scanner.
I could actually see in 3-dimensions and in real time what was actually going on.

Lisa: Now what we’ve seen here in Australia of psychic surgery is footage from predominantly Indonesia usually with the agenda to paint it as a fraud. It is people literally putting their hands in somebody else’s body. Were you getting to that point?

Chris: Yes and I decided not to. Again it felt to me as though I had a clear choice. I could go either way. I could go into what they call the intrusive psychic surgery or non-intrusive psychic surgery and I thought if I get my hands inside someone’s body would scare the life out of me, never mind the one I’m working on. So I thought I’m not going to go down that route.

It is you know quite fascinating in the Philippines they do have a tradition. Unfortunately you do also have a lot of charlatans working in those kinds of way by secreting little blood clots, endoplasm, that sort of thing. So I felt that if I can work without even touching the people, then it’s proof to me that I’m doing what I think I’m doing and it’s proof to the person I’m working with that we’re dong something that is genuine but also different.

About the Akashic Layers

Lisa: When it comes to the Akashic though, I’m interested in a couple of sort of practical aspects of the Akashic Record. Where does the Akashic reside, if we talk densities or dimensions or realms? Where would you say the Akashic lives?

Chris: Right. There are multiple layers to it. So what you actually have is an akashic of the people, so on a human level. All the word Akashic means is ‘Record’ so it’s pure and simply a record of events that occurred. So there’s an Akashic that works with the Earth and with human activities. Then there’s Akashic that works at solar system level. Then there’s another layer that works at the Galactic level and obviously there’s then the overall picture which is part of the Universal Akashic.

So essentially it’s recorded within a scientific way I suppose you could say it’s recorded within Space/Time. It’s actually recorded in energetic swirls within the actual structure of the Universe itself.

Lisa: So how does this relate to what we call the collective consciousness ?

Chris: Yes, you could see the collective consciousness as being 1 layer of the Akashic.

Lisa: So lets say the collective consciousness is a in-the-moment repository of the potentials as well as the thoughts and the various potentials as to the way events could go and yet once it’s done, once it’s happened it becomes part of the Akashic?

Chris: Essentially yes. We live in a Universe that is constructed of the energies of freedom of choice. So literally every soul that exists within this Universe has absolute freedom of choice to choose their actions. What you cannot do is to act in such a way that removes somebody else’s choice to act freely. So what you have on a human level : We all have our free choice so we exercise that free choice in taking the decisions we do to carry on with our lives but once our decision is made then a fixed point occurs if you like and it’s that action that is recorded rather than , as you say, the potentials and the possibilities.

Lisa: So if you wanted to read potentials and possibilities you’d look at the layer that is the collective consciousness and if you wanted to look at the history you’d look at the level you call the Akashic.

Chris: Aum yes. (Laugh) It’s an immensely complicated question. I mean to answer properly.

Lisa: O.K. Good answer. (Laughs)

Chris: But yes that’s a reasonable summation of it. There are always potential situations which can and cannot occur and then it all depends on what choices made either individually or collectively as to which direction has potential to be, is taken.

Lisa: What language is the Akashic written in? Does it come to you in images?

How to Question the Akashic About Events

Chris: It would be a combination of images and it’s more like thoughts than words. So whatever language your brain works in, then it would be in that form. I don’t know how other people work but for me, I have a very strong connection with my own higher self and so it - basically we work together if you like to look for whatever answers I happen to be looking for at the particular time. Therefore the answers come through the higher self and then into any room they can find in this crazy brain of mine. And then my brain translates it into the images or words or thoughts to find the answer.

Lisa: So how much of it is left up to your personal interpretation? How much do you bring to it?

Chris: Hopefully nothing. The essential test to me is to – if I’m looking for the answer to a question – is to ask that question from about 25 different directions. From as many directions as I can possibly think of. So that what I’m actually homing in on is the reality of the situation – of what actually did occur. Because it is very easy to put an interpretation on it from your own lifetime’s experience. And so I try very hard to avoid that. By asking as many questions as I can think of to try and work out really what the event was.

Lisa: When did you realize that what you were doing was reading the Akashic?

Chris: Again it would have been sort of mid 20’s

Lisa: And how?

Working With His Higher Self

Chris: (laugh) Actually I’ve never thought about that one. My very first book - The very first manuscript I ever wrote – I really wanted to look at what Human history was all about – Why we’re here and what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. And so I set about on that really – of unravelling what is the reality of human history rather than the rubbish that was in the history books. And so I just began on that process. It seemed a perfectly natural way for doing it at the time.

So obviously it was me working with my higher self and it was presumably whatever my higher self had planned as the next thing I was supposed to do in my life was to get this manuscript. And I’d come across something that was contradictory to what the history books say… So I’d think about that and then ask various questions around the Akashic and then I’d find a reference to it somewhere. Whether it was two people I didn’t know speaking like two strangers speaking on a bus or whatever. I’d find that they were having a conversation about the point that I was trying to solve. Or I’d pick up a book somewhere and I’d find a reference to what I was looking at and find that there was a confirmation of what the Akashic said rather than what the history books said. And so really it became a developmental process from that and I found that every time I did come up with an answer to something which was contradictory, somehow or other it was confirmed.

So then gradually over a few years, I learned to recognize what was the Akashic and what were my own thoughts and that I could trust what was coming from the Akashic.

The Velon and the 13 Races

Lisa: Now one of the words you use and that I haven’t heard before is the word Velon. Who are they or what are they?

Chris: Within the Universe there are 13 races of beings who are, if you like, human sized. Their souls have an energy pattern that would roughly correspond to what humans are. So 6 of these races are entirely non-physical. In other words they exist purely as a soul energy. They have no physical form or physical density. But the outline of the energy that they’re constructed from is basically humanoid.

99% of the souls that exist on Earth who originate from these 6 races. So we’re – actually all Humans are aliens in some respects if you like. Then we have in between these non-physical races and the full physical Human we have , what the Akashic describes as semi-physical races and there are 7 of them. So these are the guys you deal with, those who see them, the Greys and all the rest of it so they’re all part of the semi-physical races.

Now one of the semi-physical races calls itself Velon. Now they originate from a Galaxy that in the night sky is in the direction of the constellation of Sagittarius . It’s about 32 Galaxies beyond Andromeda. But in the same way that humans, you know you’re human, I‘m Human, you wouldn’t call yourself human. You’d call yourself Australian, I’d call myself Welsh or Jewish or Greek or Christian or Moslem or whatever it is , we wouldn’t say Human. And so the Velon themselves are made up of 6 different races in the same way as Australian is one Race, Welsh is another race.

So the Velon divide them selves up in that same way and there are 6 of them. They usually call themselves by whatever their race name happens to be rather than call them selves Velon. The 6 races are the Anunnaki, the Hathor, Jjundaa, Johnaan, Oa and Mila . I’m sure a lot of people have heard of the Anunnaki, a few less people probably recall the Hathor. Some will have heard of the Oa and Mila, particularly Hawaii I understand where the Oa and Mila have concentrated on in their communications with us. And so that’s who they really are.

And the Velon are a strange race in many respects in that they’ve kept themselves very much to themselves. They didn’t travel out of their home galaxy as it were, unlike say the Pleiadians or the Greys who get pretty much everywhere when it comes down to it. So the Velon stayed within their home Galaxy , but somehow or other had a revelatory moment and decided they would come to Earth and with basically the intent of moving people off the planet so that they could take over the planet for themselves.

Now I know that sound like the script from a ‘B’ sci.fi. Movie but this is what they’ve been doing ever since for the last 300 years.

Lisa: There are 13 races that are essentially human sized and the soul is human sized.

Chris: Yea human shaped anyway.

Lisa: 6 of them have no form, they’re just energetic and 99% of humans here on Earth are from these races. There are then 7 that are semi-physical , one of which is called the Velon, but the Velon have within it 6 races.

Chris: Yes.

Lisa: So when you say they had a revelatory moment to come here, we were already here then.

Chris: Yes this only occurred 350 years ago. No let me rephrase that a little bit. 1000 years ago it occurred in human time frames 1000 years ago they had this revelatory moment. It then took them 650 years just to get here.

Lisa: So what about the concept that we have been interfered with for a lot longer than that?

Chris: What do you mean the Anunnaki story from Sitchin’s material?

Lisa: Yea the interference on this planet goes back 1000’s of years.

Chris: Rubbish.

Lisa: Oh O.K. (Laughs)

Sitchin and The Anunnaki Lie

Chris: No, No, I understand a lot of people believe in this very strongly because of things like Sitchin’s translations of the Anunnaki material. Now I have read pretty much all of Sitchin’s books on his translations and I think the most interesting thing about it is a proof if you like that this is actually a fabricated story. It’s made up via the Anunnaki. If you think of the old testament which Sitchin says it is the basis of the Anunnaki story.

If you think about the way the Old Testament is written, what you have is – it’s just a record, it’s a story book of all the peoples that are within the story: how they travelled, how they moved and how they ended up in Canaan. And that’s all it is. It just says this is what we did and this is how we did it kind of idea.

If you research in translations what virtually every section of what the stories has, that story is being dictated to a scribe. In other words somebody turned up with a full story already put together and they’re dictating that story to someone whose taking it down in clay tablets. That doesn’t happen. Not if it is genuine history then it doesn’t happen that way. It’s just written as people who are undergoing and living through it – it says well we’re going here – You know we’re travelling from Egypt to Canaan and this is the experiences we have along the way.

Lisa: Well if the Velon only turned up 350 years ago was there another presence here prior to them that came here to mess around?

A Brief History of the Universe

Chris: No. Not really. I’ll tell you. I’ll give you a brief history of the Universe. Even Stephen Hawking can’t do it. The Universe first came into being roughly 14 Billion years ago and that’s about the only date the scientists seem to have got right, as far as the Akashic is concerned.

The purpose of the Universe is – There is a creationary source out there - shall we say however you want to describe it – who had a thought: What would happen if? That’s about the only way I can describe how these things work. So what would happen if there were souls that had free choice and freedom of movement throughout space with all with all the energy patterns necessary to support and sustain that life?

And that’s basically the reason for the Universe. What would happen if every soul that was in this Universe had freedom of choice?

So the first thing to be created is the Universe envelope itself is a conscious being. It’s a soul itself, made up of 13 separate beings, separate souls. But then within that you have what we look at as the galaxies which is actually a consciousness itself. It is another soul

So everything that is within the Universe is alive. It has consciousness and has choices that it can do whatever it is that it chooses to do. And part of the purpose of the Universe was then to work with souls who are of this Human’s game. So that we had choices to move freely around the Galaxies and have experiences and explore whatever we chose to explore.

Lisa: So that we were compatible no matter where we went?

Chris: Yes. And that’s how it was originally and then these 6 non-physical races said: “We’re missing something.” You know: “we can interact with every other soul in the Universe but we can’t touch or feel something physically”. And so a decision was then made collectively within the Universe to think of: “what would human life be like?” So the semi-physical races were brought into being (a half way stage as it were) and then humans, or the Earth started to form and asked for souls as it started to form.

So basically the 6 non physical races were created 100 Million years ago so you yourself are 100 Million years old and then the semi physical races were created specifically to placate being semi physical about 30 Million years ago. But in between about 40 Million years ago this solar system started to form looking for beings wanting to have life and how it could express life. So another scientific view is that the Earth is 4 Billion years old. But that’s based on a meteorite that has come from somewhere no one knows where it came from that was found on the Earth a few years ago. They put this meteorite to test equipment and came up with a figure of 4 Billion years.

Which I think is completely a lot of rubbish and actually scientists themselves say it’s a complete load of rubbish because when scientists first started working out how old life was on Earth , they came up with a figure of 25 Million years and that’s what the Akashic says. That 25 Million years ago life started to develop on Earth.

Lisa: So does that mean that Earth Humans are the pinnacle of evolution in terms of vessels that hold soul mass?

Chris: No. We’re just another layer of experimentation with choice. See everything that’s souls that exist on this planet ‘s Universe is of human scale - is equal.
We’re all the same . No one’s different whether we’re non-physical, semi-physical or human. We’re all essentially equal. So there’s no such thing as pinnacles of development. It’s just another level of exploration of what is possible.

Lisa: I guess what I meant in terms of pinnacle is the most physical vessel.

Chris: Alright in those terms: Yes. The human is the densest form of life in the Universe, whichever way you want to look at that. Don’t forget that everything is energy so we see our bodies with the physical but they’re not, they’re just highly compacted energy. So in those terms humans are the densest form of life in the Universe. We’re the most highly compacted form of energy forms that exist.

Nothing like a human exists anywhere else in the Universe. Only within our solar system can human life exist in the form that it’s in.

Lisa: So does that mean that all the E.T.’s are essentially interdimensional in terms of as opposed to extraterrestrial?

Chris: Um they’re both, because E.T.’s cannot exist in their normal state within our solar system. They have to alter their energy patterns and their physical density for us to see them. This is why you get so many reports of suddenly disappearing from sight or you couldn‘t see an E. T. inner eye kind of thing. It’s because their energy patterns are entirely different to ours. They don’t NATURALLY exist at the kind of energy action levels that we exist at. So to come into our solar system they have to actually alter their energy quite radically to make themselves visible.

Lisa: And what are your thoughts on let’s just pick a couple of well known E.T.’s that are supposedly here because the Greys and say the Reptiles. What are your thoughts on why they’re here and what their agenda is?

The Greys

Chris: The Greys are an interesting bunch. So that’s your classic E.T. you know just over a metre tall, grey skin and big black eyes. They don’t actually have big eyes, Their eyes are actually bright yellow with vertical irises. It’s just the energy patterns within our solar system means they literally have to shield their eyes or otherwise they would get damaged. So they basically wear eye shades.

They have physiological problems. They see their bodies as being unstable and in the process of deteriorating.. and so they’ve come to us to learn about human physiology to see whether they can learn about a more physical form that they can adopt to themselves to make their body stronger. That is essentially why the Greys are here.

Lisa: sounds like nature made a mistake some how in making them.

Chris: No not really because everything is an experiment. Nobody knows what these things are. This is why we’re here to find out what happens. The reason why the semi physical races are there is to find out what happens. And so, as far as the Greys are concerned, that’s how they see their body in that they have slight problems with it.

It’s not a major problem ultimately to sort the Greys out, but they’re here as much out of curiosity as anything else to see what they can learn from humans.

Lisa: do they pose any real threat to humans?

Chris: No. Nobody does other than the Velon. All the other races are benevolent to everybody else. They get on very well. It’s only the Velon. For some strange reason the Velon seem quite bizarre in their approach to things.

The Other Semi-Physical Races

So the other races you’ve got the Pleiadians, again another semi physical race. They act like the universal diplomatic core, getting involved in pretty much everything that goes on within the Universe. They are regular visitors back and fourth to earth and they’re very human in appearance.

The next one is the Blues. Have you yourself come across the Blues?

Lisa: Would that be the ones depicted in India culture sort of like the blue Deities?

Chris: Um no not quite. In terms of living entities, the Blues are like cartoon characters or pantomime. They are very short and covered in thick blue hair . But they are geneticists. That’s where their interests lie is within genetics. How our genetics are built and how they go together.

Lisa: Oh is this what Whitely Strieber described?

Chris: Um could very well be. I can’t remember what he was writing about um but there is these small blue characters but they work very closely with the Greys because they’re trying to find the genetic answer. So they visit the Earth quite a bit as well and yes several people have written where they had close encounters with the alien races. They have described the Blues and the Greys.

So you’ve got those and then you’ve got those who come from Sirius of course and they’re very similar in appearance to the Greys but a bit taller. They’re very friendly towards us and have had an awful lot of contact with people on Earth. There’s a tribe of people in Africa called the Dugong tribe who have a very detailed history of Sirius. Far more than any Western scientist ever got . So yes they’ve had close contact with this Sirian race. And again they’re very friendly.

The people who’ve had the most to do with Earth, we don’t actually have a name for because they’re name for themselves doesn’t translate into any kind of Earth language. But they originate from a star system known as NGC584 . So that is their catalogue number basically. Which is located in the night sky somewhere in the arc of the Pleiadian stars, but many galaxies beyond the Pleiades. They are the ones who worked with the Earth more than any other race. Because they are master geneticists.

So if the Earth wants a new plant form or a new animal form designed to work on Earth than she would call in these beings from the NGC584 star system and they work closely with the Earth to develop a new form of life. They really are superb at what they do at any agenda to help whatever planet requires their help.

The 6 non-physical Races and Human Diversity

Lisa: And what about humanity herself. Were they involved in the creation of these different races on Earth?

Chris: No. It is just biodiversity. You know people were black skinned live in hot climates because a black skin is most appropriate for a hot climate. Like people with paler skins live in cooler climates because that’s more appropriate to the kind of climate.

Lisa: But if 99% of humans are from the non physical races are we representing at least 6 of those races?

Chris: Well yes each of those races do fall into different races. So they are in separate from each other. So yes they will be represented on the earth as being slightly different but I mean we wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Even a very good psychic wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. But where there is a certain amount of variation in human form – and obviously look at the Japanese people, they tend to be fairly short with that sort of yellowish colour skin and then you look at the Nordic races which are very tall with pale skin. So there are variations that could reflect people coming from one of the 6 non physical races but really it’s much more to do with human genetic patterns and energy patterns within particular regions that create the variation in human form.

The Velon Threat

Lisa: So you said the only ones that really pose a threat are the Velon. But what kind of threat?

Chris: Well essentially they want humans off the planet. When they first came here about 350 years ago as I said, they took a look at the place and each of the 6 Velon races took on a different strategy. So the Anunnaki concocted a story which is Sitchin’s translations. It’s based on certain facts that they’ve also embroidered considerably to make it look as they are man’s creators.

So what the Anunnaki hoped was that the humans at this time would get hold of Sitchin’s translations and welcome them as our gods and welcome them in when they turned up. At the present time, that’s what it’s all about. Now the Anunnaki story is a combination of stories so if you go read back into history what you find is – there is an archaeological dig going on at the moment in a place called Gobekli Tepe. Which is on the borders of Northern Iraq, southern Turkey and Turkmenistan I think it is.

All that is there is an old temple complex, what archaeologists are describing as the oldest complex ever found on earth which they date to being 14,000 years ago, but the Akashic dates it as more 7,000 [correction 18,000] years ago. Just down the road form Gobekli Tepe is the ancient biblical city of Ur of the Chaldeas which is where Abraham originated. The old testament is all about Abraham and his descendants and also Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These all originated from Abraham.

The area around Gobekli Tepe they called Eden. They were attacked by a race who came from the north, who they called gods. So this is the origin where it says in the Old Testament “Tall, pale gods” coming from the North and mating with the locals. So what you have is em . . . if you look at the people of Turkey and Iraq at the moment they are pretty much of the same appearance. They are of medium height, dark haired and olive skinned. So you can imagine people at that time living in Eden suddenly finding themselves confronted with people who are fair-skinned , fair haired and something like 8 or 9 foot tall.

What these tall northerners were, the people that invaded this area and the early Chaldeas were hangovers from a different human race which scientists called gigantopithicus. And they no longer exist on the planet. So they have no DNA connection with current humans, with Homo Sapiens. And so what they did was to mate with people and create this new sort of semi race that totally died out. The local people who lived in Eden actually attacked these northerners and they killed them all massively and totally.

This is the reason why they left Eden was to get away from the fact that they had killed their gods. They travelled down into Egypt and they eventually became the Jewish race which then formed the Old Testament and these stories have been written as experiences of what they had experienced as a race. So that part of the Anunnaki story of these tall pale northern gods came down to mate with the inhabitants and they create this new genetic strain. Then on top of that within Sitchin’s translations you have planets that are talked about which are actually the planets of the Velon home solar system and events that occurred within the Velon solar system. So the planet called Marduke hit one of the moons of another planet and dislodged a lot of that planet. You know that sort of thing.

And you also have a planet called Nibiru within the Velon solar system. Their solar system has 9 planets and 2 suns. 3 planets orbit around one sun and 4 planets orbit around the other sun and then one planet orbits both suns so it has a huge orbit and that’s Nibiru. And the Anunnaki originate on that travelling planet . So what they’ve done is to create a story that combines very early human history with their own history to try and make us believe that we are their creation – that the Anunnaki created us - but it’s a false story.

Now I’m not saying Sitchin made it up for whatever reason because in fairness, having read all of Sitchin’s books, he has done his extreme best to translate these clay tablets that are written in Sumerian cuneiform writing that have been buried in the sands for 5000 years. So I’m not saying he’s wrong, I’m saying the story itself is false.

Lisa: But if they’ve only been here 350 years, we weren’t doing a real good job of it either before then so. . . Laugh

Real Human History

Chris: Well if you want to look at real human history, it’s very different again to how the historians have reported it. As far as I’m concerned you know, the early form of human life that appeared on the planet, I don’t know what figure they put to it these days – about 40 Million years ago or something like that and we’ve slowly developed since. And that’s not correct.

What we have is several different forms of very early humans living on the planet. The Earth herself is a consciousness. She is a soul that creates life, so the animals and plant life on the planet are actually a creation of her’s. The Earth herself actually chose and designed plant and animal life with the help of the semi physical race NGC 584. As part of that, obviously she also developed human forms because that was the purpose of our solar system was to explore the potential of the human body form.

Now every single planet within our solar system supported life at that time. So when life began 40 million years ago within our solar system, every single planet had life on it and there were 13 planets originally. Not the 9 we currently have. 4 of the planets disintegrated for want of a better way of describing them because if you think of a planet as being a soul – a consciousness within it’s own right – then it has the choice that every other soul in the universe has. And they decided they did not want to be a part of this Human Experiment. And so they decided to leave the Solar System.

Unfortunately that created difficulties in that two of the planets exploded and what they did was to rip through the solar system and destroy all life on all the planets other than Earth. Earth herself came very close to giving up and we nearly lost all life on the planet at that time. This was 3.8 Million years ago. So that’s when the dinosaurs and all life was destroyed 3.8 Million years ago.

But the Earth decided to start again. At that time what she did was to develop Cro-Magnon man. What you find is Cro-Magnon man is located on every single continent at the same time. So where paleoanthropologists start digging around looking for old bones , what they find is that our ancestors , Cro-Magnon man which later developed into Homo Sapiens originates spontaneously 3.6 Million years ago on every single continent. But they don’t want us to know that. There is an awful lot of what is buried beneath the soil that remains hidden quite deliberately by scientists.

On one level they don’t want to do anything that contradicts stories in the bible and that is written into the charter of ALL ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS around the world. Also of course what is underneath all this cover-up is the Anunnaki story which has been going around for a very long time and higher levels of Free Masons for example and Illuminati firmly believe in that story. And that is what they’re trying to present as fact to most people.

But when you start looking at properly mapped archaeological research and anthropological research, you will find that every single continent on Earth had Cro-Magnon arrive spontaneously 3.6 Million years ago.

Human history as far as it is presented in its official sense, is all a pack of lies. It really bears no resemblance to the reality of what has gone on on Earth.

Lisa: But even if we just looked at the last 1000 years we really aren’t doing a very good job of it, in terms of wars and . . .

Chris: Oh sure we’re coming to that. So what we have is 3.6 Million years ago we start off with Cro-Magnon man and that developed very, very slowly. I mean let’s face it you’ve got a nice life – you’re wandering around the planet free of officials, you have all the possible plants to provide for you. No wars, no violence, no battles , no animosity between peoples – WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CHANGE?

Lisa: There’s no worrying about what you want to do when you grow up and what you’re going to do to pay the bills. Laughs.

Chris: Laughs. So that’s what they did. They didn’t need to develop. I’m not criticizing Cro-Magnon man, I’ve nothing against them, but essentially they were more like animals than they were humans because they didn’t have a whole soul that was in the body. What they essentially had was a group soul so essentially they existed on the level of a mass consciousness. So they existed within an earth consciousness but essentially they were not individuals themselves. What was needed or what was part of the purpose of this Universe was to find out whether we could have individual Human Beings and Cro-Magnon was very ,very slow in developing into a body form that could accommodate the whole soul.

So what we had was our friends from the MGC584 star system were asked by Earth to come in and investigate what the problem was. Why were Cro-Magnon so slow in developing into a full human being. And they took up residence on Lemuria. This is where Lemuria comes from in our mass conscious memories, is that it was somewhere where humanity was investigated was to find out why we were so slow in developing. Ultimately the question was not fully solved even by the NGC584 so collectively, those souls who wanted to be a part of what was going on on

Earth decided to start another experiment and we know that experiment as Atlantis. Atlantis did exist. It was a major continent that spanned the coast of Ireland and the Caribbean basin and at the time the continent of South America was much further out into the Pacific than it is now. So what we did on Atlantis was to genetically manipulate the basic body form of Cro-Magnon.

Lisa: When you say ’we’ what do you mean ?

Chris: All those souls of the non-physical races who wanted to come to Earth to experiment with what it is like to be physical and human.

Lisa: So we were doing that from a non-physical perspective though.

The First Human Beings

Chris: No because what we wanted was a physical body. So WE worked with Cro-Magnon’s body form – accelerated its development and we ended up with a human body form that fulfilled all requirements that the Earth had set for herself and that the 6 non-physical races had set for themselves. Which is a physical human being who is capable of accommodating the whole of the soul of ONE of the non-physical races.

NOW THAT HUMAN BEING in capital letters of the human being was able to do so much more than we are capable of doing now. So in other words it was highly developed, of psychic capability, psychic potential. We communicated with each other psychically. We could communicate with all living things psychically. We did very little in the way of food because the body was very much less dense than we’re used to and so far as the earth was concerned we had achieved what she had set out to achieve. Which was a perfect human being. That filled all the criteria of everybody within the Universe.

Lisa: So what went wrong?

Chris: Energy unfortunately and it’s always, always energy. Everything comes back to energy in the end. What we found was that the ‘Earth herself resonates at a frequency of 7.56 cycles per sec.(or Hz.) That base note frequency of the Earth – the base or root chakra of every living single thing on the planet resonated at 7.56 cycles per sec. but that frequency was too low a frequency for the whole of the soul to remain intact within the physical body.

Lisa: So at the time of Lemuria you could incarnate with the whole of the soul but you couldn’t hold it for long?

Chris: No not Lemuria but Atlantis. Atlantis is where we developed this body formula. The human life span at the time of Atlantis could be anything up to 2000 – 3000 years. So you know the old biblical one about Methuselah living till he was 900 and something yrs old. That was actually true.

Lisa: Having babies at 800 and stuff. Laughs

Chris: Yea. So that was our life-span but we couldn’t hold the whole of the soul within the body so we started losing some of the higher psychic functions. And this is when we started experimenting to see if there were ways around that. So there are people who have very bad memories of Atlantis, of genetic engineering and genetic experimentation and all of that sort of stuff. This is right at the end of Atlantis , because when we were having problems people did experiment a lot and we ended up with all sorts of bizarre combinations and gene structures within peoples’ bodies.

We ended up in a situation where ( this is a huge story but ) we ended up with a bacteria which we couldn’t control and so what we decided to do collectively – so all the souls who were on Atlantis at that time collectively decided to prevent this bacteria from reaching other areas of the planet. We destroyed the continent. So literally we sank the continent of Atlantis into the Earth’s magma core (55:57) to destroy and contain this bacteria. And the Earth took 40,000 years to recover from that.

So we destroyed Atlantis something like 65,000 years ago.

Lisa: This isn’t the black gue is it?

Chris: What, the black gue stuff? No. No. That’s something entirely different. So we destroyed Atlantis and it took 40,000 years to recover and we came back to the Earth 20,000 years ago. By we I mean all those souls from the non-physical races who wanted to come back and continue with this human experiment. So we came back to Earth and we started again with all of this.

5th July 2015, 17:49

The Temporary Pyramids Solution

Chris: And again we found that same problem. We had that 7.56 base note frequency which we tried several ways of overcoming. So this is what the pyramids for example are for in Egyptian pyramids, South American pyramids, Tibetan pyramids, and wherever you find pyramids on the planet. If you stood in the so-called King’s Chamber of the pyramids and you made a tone, a voice tone of a specific frequency and then the whole thing would resonate at that frequency and you could bring the whole of the soul back into the body.

7,000 Years Ago We Decided To Divide the Soul

It worked very well for a while but we started even having difficulties with that. So what we decided to do tactilely was to divide the soul into 2. The so-called higher self makes up about 75% of the total soul and then there is the physical self which makes up about 25% of the totals soul. So what we decided to do was to live a series of lifetimes gaining knowledge as to what frequency we needed to alter our bodies to , and the Earth needed to alter her frequencies to so that we could maintain the whole of the soul within the body. And bring the higher self back in the physical body.

We started doing this 7000 years ago. It’s what the Akashic calls the Human Plan, so literally what we are trying to do is become human again because , as far as the Earth is concerned, for the past 7,000 years we’ve been SUBHUMAN which explains a great deal about human history. And this is where we are at the moment. We’re at the end of that 7,000 year period. This is what December 21st 2012 case is all about.

We have worked out what the new frequency needs to be. Everybody on the planet has raised their frequency. This occurred in early October, 2011.

Lisa: So this 7.56 Hz you mentioned, is that what’s known as the Schumann Resonance?

Chris: Yes.

Lisa: And that’s the one that’s been rising.

Chris: It raised. Yes Earth raised her own frequency back in May, 2000 to what the new frequency needs to be and that is 3.5 KHz. Which is considerably higher than 7.56 Hz. So you’ve gone from 7.56 Hz to 3500 Hz. Now Earth made that change back in 2000 and humans being humans it took us 10 years further to actually start catching up properly, but by the end of October 2011, we also had raised our energy levels. We had that frequency parity back with the earth at 3.5 KHz. And that’s where we’ve been for the past year at that 3.5 KHz which means that we can now move on . So this is what the end of 2012 is all about, the Mayan calendar and all of that.

We are at the point where we can end this Human Plan. Where we can bring the whole of the higher self back into the physical body.

Lisa: Sorry . You’ve just brought up so many things for me – October last year you say?

Chris: Yes. October 29th 2011 was the actual date.

Lisa: So each individual has made a conscious soul choice.

Chris: Soul choice yes. Some have made it very consciously because they are aware of everything. But for most, unfortunately, it’s been only on a higher self level.

Lisa: To either raise our own vibration to match the Earth and to stay here or to leave.

Chris: Yes.

Lisa: I personally had an experience at this time last year sort of end of August , September or where I felt a huge physical split within the collective – that people had made a choice at that point and this could be the choice they made.

Chris: Well actually the choice was made in 1996 by everybody because there were new energy patterns back in 1996 . they have been building up through the years to last October.

Lisa: Well maybe I’m just a bit slow on the uptake. (Laughs)

Chris: That’s the one! Well in fairness we are operating at a frequency that is well below what we need to be, and we are operating at only one quarter of our full knowledge and potential within the body. It was inevitable that humans would be slow in catching up with things. There is no criticism for what our activities are anywhere in the Universe. Trying to understand what it is we have been through because we have been through one hell of a lot. Humans collectively have been through the mill. Literally we have been through everything you could possibly experience that could ever be on Earth. In order to understand and find a way of bringing back the whole of the soul back into the body.

Lisa: Well this is a subject that has come up many times on the radio show that I do and in various interviews about the number of peoples who would be choosing to leave the planet right now, and in the most amazing ways. You know the suicide rate has gone through the roof. I’ve had reports from both Federal and Local and State police that they are under orders not to talk about how many people are committing suicide. They are jumping in front of trains and off bridges and things. Um murder suicides, freak accidents.

Chris: To give you the kind of scale we’re talking about here, in 1996 , according to the Akashic the population peaked at 7.4 Billion. That was the human population in 1996 – never mind what the official figures say. October of 2011, the Akashic said that the human population is between 3.8 and 3.9 Billion.

Lisa: So how can we be getting told it’s more than twice that, and having it justified?

Chris: Propaganda. It’s propaganda. It’s fear-mongering by the Illuminati led government wants us to believe that we’re running out of available resources and that they need to take greater and greater control over the population so that they can control everything that goes on. This is what the new world order is all about.

If you look at something like the Georgia Guide stones in America that were built in 1979 and it says in 8 languages that the earth’s population must be reduced to a sustainable 500 Million. If you look at the Earth Summit agreement in Rio De Janeiro in 1992 , it’s written into a massive document that government policy of all the governments who signed this document to reduce the world’s population to 500 Million in this century.

Lisa: It gets mentioned in Agenda 21 too doesn’t it?

Chris: Well yes that ‘s what that document is is agenda 21 and the biodiversity treaty. So that is their stated aim to kill us off , but that is a Velon agenda because the Velon control the Illuminati. And the illuminati control various governments, Bildebergers, free masons, you name it.

The Illuminati Lucifer Agenda Founded by the Velon

Lisa: Well there’s every reason to believe that the Illuminati have been here for and working behind the scenes for a lot longer than 350 years; so if the Velon have been behind the Illuminati . . .

Chris: Yea I can understand this. I’ve done a lot of research into this and there’s actually a book I wrote with a friend of mine, Dave Morgan called Project Human Extinction which explains all of this.

Lisa: That’s a catchy title.

Chris: Yes and unfortunately it’s very true. The book explains where the Illuminati came from, all the various levels of the illuminati, various organizations that call themselves illuminati. All the history because don’t forget the illuminati just means the illuminated ones who have more knowledge than any others. So you will find religious groups often call themselves illuminati because they believe they have the truth of what the world is all about. So they are more illuminated than other people.

The other side of it of course is that the one who brings illumination is Lucifer. That’s what Lucifer means is the one who brings illumination. So you’ve got all of that stuff mixed up together as well. So there is a huge untold history which is convoluted and really is a different kind of organization to what the current illuminati aims are and what they’re up to.

So ultimately the Illuminati are the Bavarian illuminati which was set up by Ansel Rothschild and Adam Weishapt back in 1776. Now Weishapt , if I can use a term that I really hate using because I don’t like it, is a walk-in. The thing that walked into Weishapt was a Velon. What it did was to take control of the illuminati at its inception, and that’s how they gained control of it all because – how can I put this? – I also remote view. I can look at things from a remote distance which many find a problem. I don’t find it a problem, it comes quite naturally to me.

I keep a very close eye on Velon activities just to find out what’s going on and what really is happening in all of this and a couple of year ago – I can’t remember thee exact date off hand – The illuminati and the Velon made a mistake which allowed to be released a lot of information that had previously been hidden in the Akashic. So I was able to pick up what had been going on and what was going on then.

ESSENTIALLY THE ILLUMINATI WERE DESTROYED PHYSICALLY JUST A FEW YEARS AGO. If you’re working on a soul level rather than on a physical level, then your life span is very different. So this is what the illuminati were all about. Virtually all of the original members of the illuminati were still alive 250 years later as the illuminati. And this is under the Velon influence. So literally George Washington was still alive, as an illuminati 3 years ago (2009). I know how bizarre that one sound but that’s how they did it and that’s how they persuaded people. If somebody comes to you and says: “I can make you immortal in your physical body if you work with me and use the powers that are available to me.” Then an awful lot of people will go along with that.

You look at the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, whatever, they’re power crazy.

Lisa: And they all do seem to live to a decent ripe old age.

Chris: Yes and this is what drives them.. They have a huge drive in them. They want to hold on to the power that they have. So if an alien turns up and says: “I can give you that power to have a long life that you crave if you work with me.” And this is what happened. So this is what happened with the illuminati. They were taken over by the Velon right at their inception.

Lisa: So what do you mean they were destroyed though 3 years ago?

Chris: Um it’s a very convoluted story that one, but essentially because of these energy changes that are going on on the planet, then certain things of Velon and illuminati activity could not be maintained, and it broke some of the energy patterns that the Velon were using to maintain their hold over the illuminati, and by doing that it literally blew some of the Velon energies off the planet which literally blew the bodies of the illuminati apart. Because they could no longer be sustained by the Velon frequencies.

So it’s basically that kind of process that went on and as I say it was only a few years ago.

Lisa: You say this information was actually released into the Akashic. Were they actually able to hold information and stop it from being released into the akashic to be read?

Chris: Yes if you have sufficient energy potential, which is what the Velon were deliberately doing, using some of their energy patterns to create a blank if you like within the Akashic or to not allow information to be released of events. Then yes it can be done but it requires a vast amount of energy over a period of time to do that. But this unfortunately is what they did. The book Project Human Extinction has all the events and dates on this subject.


Because you have a lot of politicians who obviously know about the illuminati and have been pushing to become members for a long time so you have a sort of political coup if you like, occurring oh say about 3 years ago if you like (2009) . So the situation started to shift a little bit so the Velon energies were disrupted and broken so literally the whole pattern of their power base of the illuminati broke at that point. It could not be reconstructed which means that as humans are developing and moving forwards to Dec21, 2012 date, the energies that have been holding us back and causing us a lot of problems have been broken, so there’s nothing holding us back anymore.

Full Soul Integration

But even so there are an awful lot of people on the planet who have already undergone whole soul reintegration. They are scattered in isolated communities around the planet. So it is now known that it is possible for a person to bring the whole of the higher self back into the body, even with the problems the Velon were creating.

The total disruption of the Velon hold on illuminati and governments means there is nothing to stop anybody from going ahead and completing this process. Yo know you said you felt this July the schism appearing within humanity as those who were saying No I can’t stay and those who were saying I want to stay. But those who said they want to stay, there is nothing to stop them from staying if that’s really what they want to do. So nobody is saying: “You’re a bad person. You have to leave the planet.”

The option is still open to every single soul that is still physical on the planet. You can still do it. It just means clearing out a bit of rubbish from your life.

Lisa: So if you’re still here there is still the possibility that you can change your mind. So if our bodies have raised their frequencies so dramatically, how do we know? Is there any physical sign or symptom that will tell us that we’re in the process of doing this? Or is it simply you’ll know because you’ll be … basically the whole soul will be returned?

Our Changing Chakras

Chris: Well as things stand at the moment, we’ve all been changing for 10 years now since 1996 a lot of people have been changing and we saw that first with the change of the colours of the chakras. You know the 7 chakras are traditionally the rainbow colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet colours.
Those changed – so the 1st chakra went to a sort of coppery-gold clour
2nd went to a petrally-blue colour
3rd petral green

And by the time you got to the 4th chakra you started to get into transparencies- so pure energy without any colour.

So there’s the intermediate stage. Literally there is nobody on the planet who is alive now who has the old chakra colours. I know there is a lot of people who say I still see the old chakra colours but that’s because it’s what they are looking for.
They are not looking at what is actually there.

And then after that it changes to a transparency so all of the chakras become totally transparent. And the next change is that the chakras actually disappear altogether. Because what the chakras actually are is aspects of the soul within the body. They are just concentrations of soul energy at particular points within the body. Each point relates to each of us as an individual person also on an emotional level and a physical level.

So you can read the chakras to find out why you’ve got health problems for example because everybody has problems with the abdominal organs – at the 3rd chakra organs.

And what the 3rd chakra continues to deal with is issues of personal power – of how seriously are you taken by others around you. And the emotions connected with those situations. So for example the liver deals with fear and guilt, the gall bladder deals with anger, the stomach deals with literally things you can’t stomach, the intestine deals with emotions that you are trying to process but haven’t dealt with.

So everybody has problems in this region. This is why diets never work. I mean it’s got nothing to do with the food you eat. It’s emotions we haven’t expressed. So where people are having major problems is the abdomen, particularly within the liver because there is an awful amount of fear in the world at the moment. This is why a lot of people are dying from liver disease, liver cancer, whatever, because as that fear builds within people , they don’t understand where it’s coming from so they don’t express it so there liver literally breaks down and collapses.

So literally the chakras were a way for the soul to communicate with us to say you’re going wrong in life. You need to change direction in life. And here’s a symptom to tell you how to do it. I’ve worked with disease for over 30 years and never found anybody who falls out of the chakra patterns on this planet. All the 1000’s of people I’ve worked with as a healer, everybody falls into identical patterns related to the chakras. So it does work, you can tell someone’s personality just by what their symptoms are.

Once we bring the higher self to within the body, we don’t need the chakras any longer because the communication from the higher self is instantaneous. You don’t need the slightly separate chakra division. So that is the penultimate stage where we have brought enough of higher self into the body to where we are ready to make that final change to full consciousness. Quite a few million people around the planet are in that stage.

Lisa: So is that final stage September 21, 2012?

Chris: It should have happened before - the end of 2011. We should have had a year where we sorted ourselves out and gradually changed from the end of October 2011. But because of all the political shenanigans that are going on , the very deliberate attempt using things like HAARP to hold us back has prevented this change form occurring. It has been much more of a struggle than it was intended.

Lisa: It has been an interesting year actually in terms of fear mongering and supposed events we are told will take place and what has actually happened.

Chris: Yes very little in comparison. (1:20:26)

Lisa: And so the fear-mongering has gone into overdrive and you’re saying that’s a part of the attempt to keep people in the fear state so that they don’t go through this integration process.

Chris: Yes. Well one of the biggest weapons they’re using is HAARP. The American military who obviously control HAARP has admitted that they’re flooding the planet with extra low frequency (ELF) entities. And this is a deliberate attempt to reverse the shift from a 7.56 Hz to a 3.5 KHz.

Lisa: but to what benefit though? I mean if their agenda is to eliminate most of the population to under half a Billion people . . .

Chris: It’s about control. That’s all it’s about. It really is about control. You know if you look at several of the books that are written around Sitchin’s translations and the Anunnaki. It says we were a slave race. We were built by the Anunnaki as a slave race. This is what Sitchin’s story is all about. You know we were built to work in the gold mines of Africa on the Anunnaki behalf and therefore that’s in the back of people’s minds – that we are a slave race. What they are trying to do is recreate that slave race.

So what the illuminati agenda appears to be is that we have 500 Million people on the planet that are slaves, literally slaves to however many of the elite are left. So you know there are 3000 elite that are connected with the illuminati and the Velon and the 500 Million become slaves to them. And they just have their power and that’s really all it’s about is just holding onto power.

Lisa: And the more people who are able to integrate more of their soul the less their chances are of doing this.

Chris: They would throw it all away because they cannot have control and power and fear over a population that has the whole soul within the body. That’s why they’re trying to stop people.

The Akashic Does NOT Predict

Lisa: So the Akashic is telling you what’s already taken place, so how do you extrapolate from that what’s going to occur over the next few months?

Chris: Well you see, that’s the problem, the Akashic doesn’t. (Laughs) It doesn’t predict.

Lisa: But you do.

Chris: No, no I make very few predictions. The Mayan calendar ended on October 29, 2011. So Calleman’s date is correct. So it gave us through this year to sort ourselves out and all the rest of it. But we’ve had a hell of a struggle because of all the fear mongering and the use of HAARP frequencies to try and slow everything down. So nobody really knows.

We are faced with a situation that has never existed anywhere in this Universe EVER. Nobody is going through the kind of processes that Humans are going through at the moment. It has never ever been done before. This is the first time, and so nobody knows really how it’s going to work or which way things are going to go and all the rest of it.

All we have at the moment is a rough idea of the number of people who have said YES they can exist and they are going to go through with it and the number of people who said NO they can’t. “We’re not going to go through with it, we’re going to die and leave our bodies behind and return to our basis of origin."

We’re going to go back to the 6 non-physical Races.

Lisa: And you can look at the Akashic and see what the numbers are. Where are we at, at the moment? (October 15, 2012)

Chris: Roughly what we’re looking at on the face of it is something like 2.4 Billion people have said they will. So bearing in mind that the current population is about 3.8 Billion, it means that those who are going to change are in the majority. And those who are not is, you know the remainder, 1.4 Billion people.

Earth is Ultimately in Charge

Lisa: Do you see major Earth changes and catastrophic circumstances as being a way that some of these people leave or what do you think the Earth itself, having made the choice that she’s made is going to do this gently?

Chris: Laughs Well there are some indications as to what is going to happen as far as the Earth is concerned. I mean for example, there is no such thing as ‘tectonic plate movement’. What has happened is that throughout history and over time, the Earth has expanded. All of the continents have always been more or less in the same position that they are now. The Earth has just gotten bigger and at a couple of points she has actually got smaller, and then increased in size again.

So at the moment the Earth is 10% below her maximum size. Actually close to 5% her maximum size. The size she was on Atlantis.

So if you think of the Earth as a consciousness, her consciousness expands and contracts to suit human consciousness expansion and contraction.

Lisa: So it’s like breathing.

HAARP Interference

Chris: Literally yes. So she’s working with us. You know the root chakra is given that name because it literally connects the human soul into the earth. We are all interconnected with the planet herself. So as we alter our situations, the she responds as well.

So the Earth needs to get a little bit bigger than she is now. We should have seen, for example, the San Andreas Fault should have popped 20 years ago, because she needed to get bigger. She needs that room for expansion. But unfortunately what we also have is HAARP frequencies are being used to hold those points together. So those things like the Chile earthquake were caused by HAARP quite deliberately.

There are other regions which are ready to expand, that HAARP is being used to hold closed. There have been many predictions of massive earthquakes and Tsunamis hitting the Pacific Rim like the Eastern coast which is where Sidney is in Australia. There has been a lot of predictions of that happening. And you know we saw the Japanese earthquake a few years ago. The Rim is shifting. It’s trying to move. But HAARP is being used to stitch it together and prevent that form happening because they don’t want the Earth expanding to full consciousness in the same way that they don’t want people moving into full consciousness.

It’s because then they would lose their control. I mean it’s immensely narrow-minded ridiculous views that the Anunnaki and illuminati have. That’s what they seem to have that they are determined to prevent the change from occurring because then they would lose their position of power and controls.

Lisa: So does that mean that when she does get the opportunity to expand she’s going to do it sort of . . .

Chris: It will be spectacular yes. And this has been a problem that has been discussed by all souls connected with the Earth for a long time now as to how to prevent a nuclear winter from occurring because obviously there is a point where we must achieve what we set out to achieve. And then all the people die because there’s no food on the planet because of a nuclear winter.

So there are all sorts of combinations and factors being discussed and looked at and this is why I can’t say to you: “This is what is going to happen.” because literally nobody knows. There is no way you could estimate what is going to happen over these next 3 months leading up to Dec. 21, 2012. Or even the next 50 years.

There are a lot of people who have said: “I am ready to make this change.” Because they have done so hopefully but they are not in any way shape or form ready to make this change because they can’t. At some point, therefore they will have to die. They cannot sustain there positions on the planet because their energy frequencies will be too low. So do these people have to die before Dec. 21, 2012? Or will they be allowed to live out their natural lifespan for the next 40 or 50 years?

Nobody knows the answer to that one. This is what I mean by it is impossible to predict what is really going to happen over the next 50 years. Just because I know what it will be like in 2050 doesn’t mean I know what it will be like between now and 2050.

Lisa: Sorry did you say you know what it will be like in 2050?

Chris: Yes it will be like it was on Atlantis: no pollution, we’ll be able to psychically communicate with each other, communicate with every living thing, freely travel around the planet by translocation. It is literally all you do is remote view a spot, think about it and take your body along with your soul so you can shift continents just by thinking about it.

Lisa: But how do you know that?

Chris: That kind of life is what we should be living and we will be again but for those who make this change by 21/12/12 will be able to do so almost immediately.

Lisa: So is there anything we can consciously do to make this change?

Work With Your Higher Self

Chris: Work with your higher self. That is all that you can really do. It’s the best thing that you can do is make sure your communication with your higher self is as strengthened as possible. And listen to what your higher self is saying to you. I know a lot of people complain about : “My higher self is saying this to me but I want to do the right thing so I don’t miss it or what’s being said in case I misunderstand it.” But it doesn’t happen that way.

Communication from the higher self is basically intuition. So you can be doing something and say: “What I really must do is this. I must sort out this situation with Great Aunt Lucy. It has been hanging on for years and years and I’ve never done anything about it.” That’s communication from your higher self.

Making Room For The Higher Self In the Physical Body

Because by leaving situations unresolved like that means you are holding onto all the emotional issues and problems that you have never sorted out and let go of. Literally what that does is take up space that your higher self could occupy within the body; so you need to clear all of those out.

Lisa: What about relationships?

Chris: Can I plug another book?

Lisa: Absolutely.

Chris: Well my latest book is called Synthesis and what it does is to go through basic overall history of humanity and what’s been going on, but most importantly what’s in the back are exercises for people to do for themselves. It is a series of meditations where you can work with your higher self, reinforce the connection with your higher self so that communication becomes so much easier and then there’s another meditation that allows you to access the Akashic for yourself, so that you can work out what you need to do for you and how to resolve those overall situations for yourself.

And there are a few other exercises as well in the back of that book to help you clear out this emotional debris that is within your system. You know it’s not impossible. If people want to go through this change, this soul integration process, there is absolutely nothing outside of themselves to stop them from doing so. Even if they said no they don’t want to do it in the past it doesn’t matter, they can change their mind as long as they are prepared to put the work in to do it. And all that work is, is getting this connection with the higher self and clearing out the emotional debris. And that’s what we need to do.

Humans Taking Responsibility

Lisa: It all sounds so easy. (Laughs)

Chris: It is. You know I’ve been working with quite a few people over the past years who’ve been working out this process for themselves and they are scared stiff of doing it. They are absolutely petrified of taking the responsibility of looking at what their emotional problems are of dealing with Great Aunt Elsie or whatever it is in your life. And then they start to do it and they realize . . . It’s hard to start but once you’ve started everything starts to fall into place. I mean everything, your whole life just smoothes out and all your problems disappear because you’ve resolved that situation.

Lisa: But what if you’ve got a sort of Aunt Elsie type character in your life who was just a negative, disruptive force?

Chris: Well most people have got those.

Lisa: So what do we do with those? Are we supposed to make peace with them?

Chris: If there’s a way to do it, then yes.

Lisa: I mean it doesn’t mean you have to have them in your life does it?

Chris: Well I’ll give you an example. I mentioned my mother earlier literally preventing me from investigating the psychic side of things and what I could do within the Akashic and stuff. I tried for many years to explain to her what I was doing and why I was doing it and all I ever met from her was resistance and total opposition. And I said that’s enough and I have had no contact with any member of my family for the last 12 years. I just walked away from them, I said get stuffed I’m not having it in my life any longer. And it worked you know. It sounds like a harsh thing to do and even sounds like a difficult thing to do but for a lot of people that is the best way of dealing with it. Just say I’ve had enough of this. Go away.

Lisa: But the important part is dealing with your emotions around it.

Chris: You are the ones carrying it. More often than not, the people causing you problems don’t know they’re causing you problems. Because you’ve never told them that they’re causing you problems.

Lisa: There’s also psychopaths aplenty and many of us have to deal with that. Many of us have them in our lives and in our personal lives and they know that they’re disruptive.

Chris: Yes and so what you have to do is walk away from them. Get rid of them out of your life.

Lisa: A lot of the new age talk is you know you’ve got to be light and love and forgive.

Chris: If I could use a very English word for that: Bullocks!! (Laughs all around.) But it’s true. I’ve had people come on to me and say well surely we must love the Velon because after all they’re only misguided and that’s where that word comes in. I mean it’s utter rubbish, why do you want to love your enemies. It’s not going to change them. It’s not going to make a bloody bit of difference as to how they act.

But what you need to do is to change the way you act so you need to tell them to get stuffed and you need to sort out this emotional debris you’ve been carrying around with you. You do that and you’re there. Literally you can change over night.

People say it’s difficult and all of this, but it really isn’t. As I say I’ve been working with many people over months with e-mails and that’s what they’re finding. Once they stat it suddenly becomes very, very easy. Everything falls into place. They’re life and all the problems in their life just smooth out. They’re gone. Trouble free. Everything just happens as it should be and they know that they’re ready.

Lisa: In your healing work do you work with people remotely?

Velon Attacks

Chris: I have done in the past. I tend not to at the moment. The reason for that is that in trying to find out what the Velon are up to, They’ve been watching me quite a lot and I’ve been attacked quite severely by the Velon energetically, which has resulted in a lot of physical damage to my body. So my concern is that if I go off and remote view someone for healing work, I might then make them a target for the Velon who are watching me, which I REALLY don’t want to do because that then becomes not very clever. I will still do it sometimes but I need to be extra careful so that there are no Velon watchers or even NSA watchers because the NSA watch a lot of the time as well.

Lisa : And as for your books they are available from www.cygnus-books.co.uk aren’t they?

Chris: Yes. Amazon has banned them all. I know quite a few people who have tried ordering through Amazon and they will tell you they are unavailable and Amazon has never ever placed an order with the publishers.

Lisa: You must be doing something right. That’s always a good sign. I want to thank you very, very much.

Chris: Well it’s a pleasure to speak with you. I hope I made some kind of sense along the way.

5th July 2015, 20:32
There is a MASSIVE Velon deception happening right now started by Cameron Day a couple years ago. This lie is that, soon after death, beings in the demiurge or astral reality capture the unaware souls by a light and forces them to reincarnate on their terms. It has spread like a wildfire in the new age community. It is in blogs, interviews, articles and Youtube videos. People who have spread this are, Andrew Bartiz, David Griffin (upwardvector), Lance White, Michelle Wailing from In5D, Lily Earthling, Greg Calise (who is a friend of mine and believes this), Eve Lorgen and more will come to mind after I type this. Oh how can I forget...Simon Parks. If CT says a soul can be unaware of its' higher self after death then could this happen? After all, some souls create hell. Would love to discuss this because it is a hot topic I cannot convince anyone is not true.

The Concept of the Soul

Terje Toftenes: Where do the souls reside in between the incarnations?

Chris Thomas: Well, if you think of everything as energy, all we do as a soul - the soul is a lump of energy, basically, which is Humanoid in form. So the basic form of the soul is Human. And that applies to pretty much every race throughout the Universe.

You know, as much as there is much interest to think of perhaps this insect higher life out there, they don�t exist, not in terms of the consciousness potential of, let's say, a Human Being.

"This Interest in Insect Higher Life - They Don�t Exist!"

"Not in Terms of the Consciousness Potential of a Human Being"

So when we leave the body on death, then there are several options available to us. What most people will do is still believe that they�re alive. And so they will go & create for themselves a region around them where they feel comfortable. So, if you go & see a medium or clairvoyant, for example, and your great aunt Elsie tells you that she is now living in this little cottage with roses around the door & she�s very happy, then that is what that soul has created for themselves, because this is what they believe they will encounter when they die.

And the same applies to hell. People will create a hell for themselves, because that�s where they believe they are going when they die. Hell does not exist, in any way shape or form, other than what the individual constructs for themselves.

And then, you got all the extremes in between. Those who are, shall we say, a little more advanced, who have made a connection with their Higher Self whilst they are still alive. They've recognized that there is no need for these intermediary stages, of either going to hell, or having your little rose covered cottage. And they will communicate directly with the Higher Self & review the lifetime they�ve just completed, and start a plan for the next time of where they choose to go. So, for those souls they will reincarnate very rapidly, if that�s what they choose to do, as appropriate.

Whereas, for those that have gone to the rose covered cottage or to hell, will take a longer period. Because they�ve got to realize that they are actually dead, they don�t need to be living in the rose covered cottage, they need to connect with their Higher Self. Or, there is no need for any soul to go to hell. And they can get themselves out of it & recombine with their Higher Self. And then, this planning process will start again.

5th July 2015, 20:33
By the way Herb thanks for posting the Lisa Harrison interview. I have been wanting to revisit that.

6th July 2015, 03:48
There is a MASSIVE Velon deception happening right now started by Cameron Day a couple years ago. This lie is that, soon after death, beings in the demiurge or astral reality capture the unaware souls by a light and forces them to reincarnate on their terms. It has spread like a wildfire in the new age community. It is in blogs, interviews, articles and Youtube videos. People who have spread this are, Andrew Bartiz, David Griffin (upwardvector), Lance White, Michelle Wailing from In5D, Lily Earthling, Greg Calise (who is a friend of mine and believes this), Eve Lorgen and more will come to mind after I type this. Oh how can I forget...Simon Parks. If CT says a soul can be unaware of its' higher self after death then could this happen? After all, some souls create hell. Would love to discuss this because it is a hot topic I cannot convince anyone is not true.

I would imagine it would be hard to prove that "the light traps" are not real just as much as it would be to prove there might be something to these stories. A real tricky one.

6th July 2015, 12:50
I would imagine it would be hard to prove that "the light traps" are not real just as much as it would be to prove there might be something to these stories. A real tricky one.

EXACTLY! If you were to believe in these "light traps" and that you're forced on to a prison planet then you'd have to accept the belief that you do not live in a free will universe.

6th July 2015, 19:26
EXACTLY! If you were to believe in these "light traps" and that you're forced on to a prison planet then you'd have to accept the belief that you do not live in a free will universe.

Well... isn't it possible though that a being could live in a free will universe and then, for whatever reasons, decide to turn their will over to another (or others)? That would be a free will choice to do and it is also within the set of all possibility.

My observation is that almost every single human being currently living on Earth at this time behaves as if they have... to some degree, done this. This includes myself though now that I have come to recognize this, I have found how to regain more and more of my sovereignty by first and foremost taking personal responsibility for my actions.

7th July 2015, 00:14
Well... isn't it possible though that a being could live in a free will universe and then, for whatever reasons, decide to turn their will over to another (or others)? That would be a free will choice to do and it is also within the set of all possibility.

My observation is that almost every single human being currently living on Earth at this time behaves as if they have... to some degree, done this. This includes myself though now that I have come to recognize this, I have found how to regain more and more of my sovereignty by first and foremost taking personal responsibility for my actions.

Interesting, but how is it possible to give up your free will in a free will universe? Forget that you have free will? How do you forget you have free will? I guess the human mind forgets but does the soul? By regaining sovereignty and taking responsibility for your actions isn't that saying you choose your actions, and have always chosen your actions to create your reality?

7th July 2015, 01:36
Interesting, but how is it possible to give up your free will in a free will universe? Forget that you have free will? How do you forget you have free will? I guess the human mind forgets but does the soul? By regaining sovereignty and taking responsibility for your actions isn't that saying you choose your actions, and have always chosen your actions to create your reality?

Simple - person A suggests to person B what to do. Person B then chooses, freely, to do what person A suggests. It is possible that what person B suggests causes person A to become a slave (such as signing your name on a piece of paper where you now obligate yourself to some sort of long term commitment that emulates enslavement). Person B freely chose to do as person A suggested. Perhaps, if person B had instead looked more carefully at what person A was suggesting, they may not have agreed.

This, to me... is a simplification of exactly what it appears (to me) has happened on Earth.

One might say... "ahhh ok, but once I realize I was hoodwinked, I can change my mind." But I might then say... "What if by the time you realize you have allowed others to create your world... a world where you find yourself so addicted to the technological tit (perhaps even chipped) that even though you still have a connection to your soul, actualizing that connection may have become all but impossible.

Perhaps then you wait for the container within which "you" are imprisoned to "die" and then maybe (a big maybe) your soul's next experience may be different.

7th July 2015, 02:30
People are supposed to learn from their mistakes. It’s known as Karma or wisdom gathering throughout many lifetimes. How do we know when we have learned wisdom? It’s an intuitive knowing based on past life experience. It’s that feeling most of us have known at one time or another where we don’t buy into the lie or the trickery. We have learned discernment over many lifetimes of karma to exercise our free will and say NO.

We have moved from the scientific age to the intuitive age, where knowing comes from within as we gradually clear the emotional blocks and belief systems to feel our connection to or higher selves.

You may say but the oppression the human race has been through over thousands of years has made them slaves to the system so that they have forgotten their sovereign ability to exercise choice.

And that is why the times we are living in grow more insane with each passing day. How much insanity is it going to take to wake up humanity to their own free choice of how we create our future?

Well, 60% of the Greek people just woke up. When the rest of us follow suit, humanity begins to take charge of the future, instead of letting the 1% do it for us.

That’s when the dream is in our hands to exercise our own power and those who fear their own power should be seeking balance through connecting their ego to the heart rather than the mind. The heart chakra brings balance and with balance comes benevolence. Something the 1% cannot comprehend. And that is why they live in fear, clutching for power to replace the hole in their hearts.


7th July 2015, 02:33
Simple - person A suggests to person B what to do. Person B then chooses, freely, to do what person A suggests. It is possible that what person B suggests causes person A to become a slave (such as signing your name on a piece of paper where you now obligate yourself to some sort of long term commitment that emulates enslavement). Person B freely chose to do as person A suggested. Perhaps, if person B had instead looked more carefully at what person A was suggesting, they may not have agreed.

This, to me... is a simplification of exactly what it appears (to me) has happened on Earth.

One might say... "ahhh ok, but once I realize I was hoodwinked, I can change my mind." But I might then say... "What if by the time you realize you have allowed others to create your world... a world where you find yourself so addicted to the technological tit (perhaps even chipped) that even though you still have a connection to your soul, actualizing that connection may have become all but impossible.

Perhaps then you wait for the container within which "you" are imprisoned to "die" and then maybe (a big maybe) your soul's next experience may be different.

O.K. well your example is 2 people making free will choices at mind's level. I think a better example would have been person A is holding loaded gun to person B's head and threatens to take person B's life if person B does not submit to person A's demands. :) At soul level all could have been planned. If not, then it's not a free will universe and we might as well just throw in the towel because we have no power. KWIM? Maybe a soul wants to forget who it is and have the experience of being addicted to the tech tit? Or maybe a soul can choose to remember itself in the container and invent awesome technology.

Good discussion.

7th July 2015, 03:10
O.K. well your example is 2 people making free will choices at mind's level. I think a better example would have been person A is holding loaded gun to person B's head and threatens to take person B's life if person B does not submit to person A's demands. :) At soul level all could have been planned. If not, then it's not a free will universe and we might as well just throw in the towel because we have no power. KWIM? Maybe a soul wants to forget who it is and have the experience of being addicted to the tech tit? Or maybe a soul can choose to remember itself in the container and invent awesome technology.

Good discussion.

This is why... after 54 years of looking for someone or something else outside of myself to blame for my predicament, I finally considered, maybe... just maybe I, in my past life experiences, either played the bad guy or played the allower. Both on my own free will yet both leading to a very serious 'dark night of the soul' whereby I then suddenly got the idea... "wow, maybe I should try taking responsibility for all and everything I experience in my life... and in all levels of my being."

How odd that when I did, suddenly everything in my life instantly transformed and in a very good way. Now it is possible... certainly possible, that my conclusion as well as the actions I took once I made this fundamental change in my foundational point of view only works for me when I applied it... that this view, actualized - only works for me. Yet, I am overwhelmed by the feeling that this may also work for others... maybe even would work for every other sentient being that has the capacity to understand the concept of personal responsibility.

8th July 2015, 15:02
Hi Sam. As an American it's been pretty much impossible for me to not spend some time thinking about personal responsibility since that's been the political catch-phrase being shoved down our throats by Republicans since Reagan and my high school days.

I don't go by their definition, of course, for obvious reasons. I don't need them or any other organization telling me how to be responsible, thank you. I had my family who taught me values and set examples, both good and bad, for me. I have my own sense of right and wrong which, I believe, we all are born with. And I have a very strong desire to take credit and responsibility for what I do. Can't blame anyone else and neither do they get credit for who or what I am. I do.

I have an independent mind and I also have a strong desire to get along with people. This has made it challenging to learn when and how to stand up for myself/to others. Going along to get along doesn't work in the long run.

I've been complaining for years about people who make excuses for themselves by saying things like, "I'm just doing what my boss/spouse/leader told me," or, "I'm just being a good _________(fill in the blank)." Cop outs.

Not that it's so easy to rise above...

8th July 2015, 23:31
Hi Sam. As an American it's been pretty much impossible for me to not spend some time thinking about personal responsibility since that's been the political catch-phrase being shoved down our throats by Republicans since Reagan and my high school days.

I don't go by their definition, of course, for obvious reasons. I don't need them or any other organization telling me how to be responsible, thank you. I had my family who taught me values and set examples, both good and bad, for me. I have my own sense of right and wrong which, I believe, we all are born with. And I have a very strong desire to take credit and responsibility for what I do. Can't blame anyone else and neither do they get credit for who or what I am. I do.

I have an independent mind and I also have a strong desire to get along with people. This has made it challenging to learn when and how to stand up for myself/to others. Going along to get along doesn't work in the long run.

I've been complaining for years about people who make excuses for themselves by saying things like, "I'm just doing what my boss/spouse/leader told me," or, "I'm just being a good _________(fill in the blank)." Cop outs.

Not that it's so easy to rise above...

I am glad to hear this. I believe you. I was not always this way in fact most of my life. I am glad I learned the importance of personal responsibility. I wish the rest of those who are capable would understand this as well. Thanks for the post... Sam

9th July 2015, 17:51

Three Ways to Become One With Your Higher Self

Reposted from: Fractal Enlightenment | by Lauren Simpson-Green

Take Responsibility


Take responsibility. Take responsibility for everything in your life. Start seeing yourself as the centre of the universe where everything relates to. This is all you can change, only this, so start small and recognize that everything starts with you. Catch yourself whining about what that other person did to get your back up and look within.
See that every single thing that has happened to you actually WAS controlled and desired for by you (yes even external events supposedly under the control of someone else like car accidents and fatal disease). Look into your guide or higher self and see yourself as the puppet master – you are pulling the strings and will be for the rest of your life.
People often say that whatever we believe will happen to us at the moment of death of the body. I find this in particular a real eye-opener as to the degree of control we really hold.
Forget about contracts written with family members, events that were pre-destined. If you and your perception completely control how you might experience your own death then it’s up to you to break down those perceptions.

Become Emptiness
Sitting atop a cloud may not be quite the goal here, but the more you create space and gaps in your daily life; in the words you speak, in the retorts or advice you give, in the decisions you make, the more you will become Godly. The creative potential present in Emptiness sloughs away the minds’ restrictions and lets us reacquaint ourselves with the larger things at hand.
To do so we need to meditate, to create silent ritual and a deep reverence for the natural cycles in our days. Just listening to silence; embracing a tree, listening to the stars or watching the clouds can make us tingle with higher vibrations. Nature is a great ally in experiencing Emptiness, and we must do it justice.
Becoming aware of our bodies and how they fit into space; the minute adjustments of weight and the constant movement breed an appreciation for Emptiness. Life is always moving yet chilling when you start tapping in and listening to the Whole. As Japanese theatre practitioner Tadashi Suzuki teaches in his Suzuki method, when under control the body is in a continual and resplendent dance and moving from the centre; never resting but continuously in flux.

Become Egolessness
As Don Miguel Ruiz points out, when you don’t take thing personally we don’t take insults to heart, but nor do we take compliments to heart either. When we fully comprehend that everyone is acting out of their own universe, we see that we needn’t take anything into our own sacred space, instead letting everything we encounter (both negative or positive) as experience and allow it to flow over us.
The wisest people I’ve ever met – probably functioning from a place of divinity in action – take nothing personally. Everything is experience, and as impersonal as our mother and father’s impact on us really was (as in it was everything to do with them and not much to do with us), and but a whisper in the wind.
The mistake we make is to take it personally and let their and others reactions to us make an impact on us. We let it infect us. Do this, and you are constantly rising and falling on a dual for status, always tugging and pushing and being insufferably human in the process.
So pledge and become egolessness instead. Drop the persona, drop the gossip and comparison and let every moment rise out of the death of the last. Move your ego out of the way (or as most meditation methods advise, become the watcher) and delve into the sparkly caves of your true and beautiful self. It can rise up from nothingness if you only let it. You are not funny or clever or nice. You are all that you are in this moment and nothing else. Accept and savour it, and let the Divine potential roll out.

About the Author
Lauren Simpson-Green is an emerging screenwriter, novelist and full time mother who is interested in the art of play and imagination; using story alongside being Present in order to to deepen our experience on earth and reach our full potentials. She also writes a regular blog about spirituality, parenting and travel, as well as her experiences of being in a mixed marriage and living in Turkey.

10th July 2015, 09:19
Might be stuff already covered but this is from FE. i may have more but all i can find at the moment.

Mother Earth
The Spring
Equinox 2012
An essay by
Chris Thomas © Chris Thomas 2012

First of all, I would like to pass on the gratitude expressed by the Earth Consciousness to all of those who expressed their love and support towards Her on the morning of Tuesday the 20th of March 2012.

Much was achieved and a great deal learned.


Over the years, I have spoken to a great many people about the change of consciousness that is occurring on the planet. I always asked the question: What is the best way of achieving soul re-integration? Whether in groups or individuals, the most common answer was:

“Somebody will come in and do it for us”.

It was only on very rare occasions that the correct answer was given:
“We need to work on ourselves and work with Mother Earth”.
Why is it that we look for help outside of the Earth?

Could it be that we lack confidence in ourselves?

Could it be that we have adopted the scientific materialistic view and see the Earth as an inert lump of rock?

Could it be that we have forgotten that everything that we are, whilst human, we owe entirely to Mother Earth?
Or, all of the above?

Humans live on a free-floating planet whose very soul has dedicated Her existence to our nurture and well being.

If it was not for Mother Earth, humans would not exist and yet the majority of people never acknowledge Her existence let alone realise that everything that we are, or ever could be, is totally dependent upon Her and the abundance She has provided us with.

We, as a soul, have chosen to come to Earth in order to take on a human life. In order to become human, our soul receives permission from the Earth and then connects to the Earth consciousness.

This is why the first chakra is also called the “root” chakra as our soul connects itself directly to the Earth's soul in order to take on physical, human form. In order to become human, we literally connect our soul to the Earth's.

This is how it has always been.

Throughout the whole of human history we have needed to become integrated with the soul of the Earth in order to take on human form and yet we seem to have forgotten this fundamental fact.

We also seem to have forgotten that our soul is much, much bigger than the portion that inhabits the physical body. The soul of a human is immense and, for reasons discussed later, we divided it into two portions: the higher self; comprised of three quarters of the total soul and the physical self; comprised of the remaining one quarter.

We are currently very close to the time where we will be able to fully merge the two aspects of our soul back into the physical body but instead of remembering that in order to achieve soul re-integration we need to work very closely with the Earth, we look to something or somebody from outside of our solar system – why?

Spring Equinox 2012

Since 1996, every soul that has chosen to take on human form has made a series of choices.

The primary choice has been whether to proceed to re-integrating the whole of the soul back into the physical body or not. This was a free choice, nobody stood in judgement of us; this was a decision made by both the higher self and the physical self together.

In the period since 1996, other choices have been made and each human alive on the planet today is very different to what they were in 1996.

The last major decision we individually made was in November 2010 when the opportunity to raise our personal energies was available to us. By raising our personal energies, we would reach frequency parity with that of the Earth. The reason for the need to achieve frequency parity with the Earth involves a long explanation and is covered fully in my books and previous essays but essentially the story is this:

The soul is pure energy without any physical density. In order to become physical, we needed to slow down the lower frequencies of the soul to match those originally chosen by the Earth.

The frequency originally chosen by the Earth was 7.56 Hz and all of the life on Earth resonated at that frequency.

When humans first came to the Earth, we had the whole of the soul within the physical body and we modified our root chakras to also resonate at 7.56 Hz. However, this frequency proved to be too low to maintain the whole of the soul within the human body and so we decided to work with the Earth to find out what this “base-note” frequency needed to be raised to in order to be able to maintain the whole of the soul within the human body.

The Human Plan

The Human Plan was begun 7,000 years ago and all that it was intended to do was to work out what the new base-note frequency was needed to be in order to maintain the whole of the soul within the human body.

This is why it was called The Human Plan; it only really applied to humans, all other forms of life on Earth were very happy with the original frequency and experienced no problems.

A time limit was set, on The Human Plan, so that if a new satisfactory base-note frequency could not be found, humans would leave the Earth and return to their place of soul origin.

This is the purpose of human life over the past 7,000 years and, with a great deal of help from Mother Earth, that new frequency was discovered.

On the 30th of May2000, the Earth altered Her base-note frequency to the new frequency of 3.5 kHz overnight. All of the life on Earth, apart from humans, also changed their energy patterns on that day. Humans being humans decided we needed a little more time to think about it.

The final date that humans could make their decision was November 2010 and so began an acceleration of human root chakra frequencies that took a year to complete. Finally, on the 28th of October 2011, humans once again achieved frequency parity with the Earth and the human root chakra now resonates at 3.5 kHz – this was the very last date that could be accommodated within the Human Plan.

Remember, this change of frequencies was solely to benefit humans – every other form of life on the planet did not need to make this change.
This is a prime example of how Mother Earth provides for us, nurtures us and gently guides us to help us achieve our goals.

The 28th of October has another significance – it was the actual end of The Human Plan; allowing us the time between 28/10/11 and 21/12/12 to get our act together and undergo our completions.

Those who are familiar with the Mayan Calendar will know that the date 28th of October 2011 was when the Calendar completed all of its “rounds”.

On that date, the Mayan Calendar registered a date of signifying the end date. On 21/12/12, the Calendar resets itself to signifying that a new set of rounds is beginning and nobody knows how long the new “Sun” will last but it will be an absolute minimum of 5,000 years.

On the 28th of October 2011, to coincide with our base-note frequency change, a new census was taken as to how many people were ready to undergo soul re-integration.

The result was this:

The human population had dropped from its 1996 peak of 7.4 billion and stood at 3.9 billion.

The census revealed that approximately 2.5 billion declared that they were ready; which represented approximately 60 per cent of the total population.
That means that 2.5 billion people considered themselves ready and willing to undergo soul re-integration leaving approximately 1.4 billion people who had chosen not to proceed but instead had chosen to leave the Earth and return to their place of soul origin.

Since that census was taken last October, instead of accelerating soul re-integration, the process seems to have stalled and so the Earth asked if a new census could be taken.

There are several reasons why the movement to achieve soul re-integration has stalled and we will discuss those later.

The new census was sent out in the form of a request for assistance. The emails requesting a simple action on Tuesday the 20th of March 2012 were received by many thousands of people in time to carry out the simple exercise if they chose. In addition, the request was made on a human mass-consciousness level and also made through the soul-to-soul connection every human has with the Earth through the root chakra. This meant that every single human on the planet was made fully aware of the Earth's request.

The results were this:

Nobody expected any kind of response from the 1.4 billion who had decided to not take part in soul re-integration and no response was received.

Of the 2.5 billion people who stated in October 2011 that they were ready and eager to undergo soul re-integration a little less than 2 million responded.

This means that 2.3 billion of the 2.5 billion people who stated in October 2011 that they were ready and eager to move forwards and complete their own soul re-integration either ignored the request, couldn't give a damn or are still expecting someone to step in and do it all for them, thereby ignoring the Earth.

Mother Earth was not impressed.

Outside Influences

However, the taking of a census was far from the only reason for the Earth making the request made on March 20th.

Over recent years, the Earth has been under increasing attack from beings outside of our solar system.

In recent months, the level of attack has become severe. This attack is specifically designed to slow down the Earth?s frequencies and bring to a complete stop the completion of The Human Plan.

Unfortunately, many hundreds of thousands of humans are also taking part in this attack on Mother Earth.

This was the main reason for the request on March 20th; the Earth desperately needed help in fighting off this attack.

Fortunately, the number of people who gave their love and support to Mother Earth on that day was sufficient to break the main thrust of the attack and clear the energies around the planet.

Many people have felt a lifting of a sense of depression and oppression since the breaking of these energy patterns. Unfortunately, there is still more work to be done and Mother Earth cannot do it alone.


The beings who are generating forces that are attacking Mother Earth are a race known as the Velon (for full details of what the Velon have been up to see: Universal Soul, Human Soul, Project Human Extinction, the Annunaki Plan or the Human Plan? and my previous essays).

Most people will be unfamiliar with the name “Velon” and that is because they tend to hide behind a huge number of disguises deliberately designed to fool people into following their agenda.

The names by which most people will know the Velon are:
Annunaki, Hathor, Jjundaa, Johnaan, Oa, Mila, Ascended Sirians, Galactic Federation, Galactic Council etc etc.

But, the name most people know them by is “Angels”.

The name “Angel” has an ancient past. The word itself means “messenger”.
The original use of the word goes back to the days of the Old Testament where it was used by the various branches of the Jewish priesthood to denote those who carried messages between these branches. Messengers were called Angels and the chief messenger was called the Arch Angel.

In more recent times, the Catholic Church reinterpreted the word to mean “Messenger from God” and these messengers were depicted in church paintings as having wings and a halo.

However, in more recent times, the depiction and function of Angels, in a religious sense, became more widespread.

In Britain, it was written into law that everyone in the country must attend a religious service every week. As the vast majority of the population were Christian in their beliefs, they had to attend at least one church service every Sunday or they were fined the equivalent of one day?s pay.

When the Industrial Revolution was in full swing, the mill owners, factory owners, steel works owners, mine owners etc, came together to lobby Parliament to drop the law requiring church attendance in order to gain an extra day's labour from their work force.

With the law repealed, the industrialists became very much richer, men women and children had to work seven days a week and church attendance dropped dramatically.

In order to overcome the drop in attendance, the church set about attracting new worshipers. The main target for the church became the children of the wealthy and so created new traditions such as Nativity Plays at Christmas and the portrayal of Angels took on a highly romantic gloss.

Most people?s understanding of Angels stem from these romantic Victorian child-friendly images.

However, in very recent years, the image of Angels has changed yet again and instead of most people seeing them as messengers from God, they are seen as “Guardian Angels” who work with you every day to do such things as find you a parking space.

In reality, these types of Guardian Angels are “spirit guides”.

Spirit guides are disembodied souls who have died in their human life (left their physical bodies behind) and have stayed around to help loved ones in their lives.

These kinds of spirit guides are usually a great aunt or uncle, a grandparent or someone who you know from this life but they have recently died. These are the souls that mediums and clairvoyants communicate with.

Then there are spirit guides who take on the form of a Chinaman or a Native American, or some other similar guise. These types of guides are not the same as your great aunt Elsie staying around to help you but are, in fact, your own higher self presenting themselves in a form that calls on your own past lives. In other words, you were that Chinaman or that Native American in a past life and your higher self is using that persona to say to you that you have the experience from that past life that can provide wisdom and help in this life time.

When people now speak of “Angels”, what they really mean is a spirit guide and so the name has become very misleading and, in may respects, confusing.

Into this lack of proper definition and confusion has stepped the Velon.
The Velon are a race of “semi-physical” beings who originate from a galaxy 32 galaxies distant from our own.

The term “semi-physical” means that they are beings whose whole soul is within their bodies but their bodies are considerably less dense than humans. To each other, they are as solid as humans are to each other but humans would not be able to see them in their natural state unless they were particularly psychic. The semi- physical races are the ones who travel in “UFO's”.

For full details of the Velon plans, see Project Human Extinction.

Essentially, the Velon underwent some kind of epiphany which made them believe that they were the people who should be living on Earth. When they arrived here, about 300 hundred years ago, the Earth rejected them and they have been forced to remain outside of the solar system ever since.

However, a small group of the Velon did manage to break through into our solar system and land on Earth. Once they landed, they travelled back in time to about 6,000 years ago and dictated a story to a Sumerian scribe. This story was recorded on clay tablets and they have remained buried under the desert sands until Zecharia Sitchin began to translate them (see The Annunaki Plan? or The Human Plan?).

The story that is recorded on these clay tablets is that the Velon – in the guise of the Annunaki – are the creator gods of humans.

The story is complete fantasy but the translator of these tablets, Zecharia Sitchin, insists that the Annunaki story is the basis of the Old Testament.

Since Sitchin's books, containing his translations, first appeared in the mid 1960?s many, many thousands of people have fallen for this fantasy story and firmly believe that the Annunaki (Velon) came to Earth and created humans.

This belief actively works against Mother Earth.

In addition to the thousands who see the Annunaki as their creators there are also many thousands who follow the Hathor. Again the Hathor are of Velon origin and have fooled humans into believing that the music they channel is beneficial to both humans and the Earth.

The Hathor have made direct attacks on the Earth, through their “celestoriums”, but in addition the music they have channelled is aimed directly at attacking the Earth by introducing energy frequencies, that are incompatible with the Earth Herself.

Other branches of the Velon race have channelled numerous requests for humans to build “portals” that are energy gateways from the Earth to outside of the solar system designed to allow the Velon free access into the solar system bypassing the solar system guardians and deliberately going against the Earth's choices.

By deliberately acting against the Earth's freedom of choice, they have broken the only “law” that this Universe works within – absolute freedom of choice to choose one?s actions but such choices cannot remove another soul?s right to choose their own actions.

Given that the Velon have broken the only law that this Universe operates within, they have been forcibly evicted from the rest of the Universe.

They would also have been evicted from the area around the solar system if it was not for the number of humans who actively want the Velon to stay.

Over the years, the Velon have contacted many channels on Earth claiming that they are beings who have come to Earth at this time to help us with our soul transitions.

The organisation that calls itself “Ashtar Command” has promised that they will supply ships that will transport humans away from the Earth in order for humans to “Ascend” to a “5th Dimension”. Many thousands of humans have fallen for this and continue to wish that Ashtar Command would arrive.

Then there is “The Galactic Federation” and “The Galactic Council”, both of whom are Velon and promise their help in humans achieving soul re-integration but re-timed to 2025 or 2032 instead of the planned 2012.

In addition, there are hundreds of other organisations and individuals who channel material to human channels claiming that they are here to help. All of these organisations and individuals are Velon.

According to the Akashic, in the past ten years, every (100%) channelled message received by human channels has originated from the Velon – no matter what source it is claimed the messages come from, the ones producing the messages are the Velon.

The Velon have become such a problem that all of the other races have stopped channelling messages to human channels in the last ten years.

If you receive any kind of channelled message, it will be from the Velon and no one else.

However, by far the biggest problem is with the Velon adopting the disguise of being “Angels”. Given that most people's perceptions of Angels are of the romantic child-like Victorian sort, several million people have begun to work with angels as it seems to be a sort of gentle, harmless pink and fluffy sort of thing to do. The problem is that every time you call on your “Angel”, you are actually reinforcing a connection to the Velon. Every time you reinforce this connection, the Velon implant you with an energy device or, if you already carry an implanted device, another device is implanted in your home.

Given the number of people who have fallen for the Angel fantasy, the number of Velon energy devices has risen to the point where they put Mother Earth under direct threat.

It was this direct and immediate threat that made Mother Earth cry out for help on the Spring Equinox.

In addition to the energy devices implanted into those who call on their angels, and into their homes, the Velon, who control the Illuminati, have found ways to implant huge energy devices that are used by the military. The main installation that uses Velon energy devices is HAARP.

HAARP is mainly used to alter weather patterns and use the weather as a weapon but the military has also admitted that they are using HAARP installations, now numbering 39, to flood the Earth with extra low frequency energies (ELF). The official reason is to use the ELF as ground penetrating radar to uncover underground terrorist bases as well as to discover previously hidden mineral and oil deposits.

As we noted earlier, the Earth raised Her base- note frequency specifically to help humans achieve soul re-integration. The ELF energies are specifically used to slow down the Earth?s frequencies with the intention of stopping people from re-integrating.

All of these actions put Mother Earth under threat and all of them are supporting the Velon.

To return to the question of “Angels”:

About a year ago, many people received a suggestion that they invite three angels into their home for five days. All people had to do was to accept the suggestion and they would be placed on a waiting list and notified of the day on which these angels would turn up.

On the appointed day, you had to open your front door wide at 10.00 pm at night and welcome the three angels into your home. The three angels would remain in your home for five days but you would not know what they were doing for those five days and you were told not to question them. Then, on the fifth day, you would once again open your front door wide, at 10.00 pm at night, and thank the three angels for their visit.

Over 5,000 people fell for this.

Think about it for a minute.
If a friend rang you up and said:

“I am sending over three total strangers who you will welcome into your home. You will not ask them who they are or what they will be doing, but you must welcome them in for five days and nights. At the end of the five days and nights, you will open your front door for them and thank them for their visit”.

Your first reaction would be to ask:
“Who are these people?”
“What do they want with me?”
“What will they be doing whilst they are here?” “What problems am I letting myself in for?” The chances are that you would refuse your friend?s request without having a great deal more information.
Over 5,000 people fell for this.
Over 5,000 people opened their front doors and let these angels in.


These were not angels; they were Velon. Every home that they were invited into had a Velon energy device implanted within it and every person within that household was also implanted with an energy device. Every single one of these implanted energy devices emitted energies that were aimed at attacking Mother Earth.

By continuing to call upon your “angel” you are disempowering yourself and endangering Mother Earth. Instead of an angel; call upon your higher self.


There are those who act as “guardians” to the Earth. These souls have taken on the task of helping the Earth to fend off any attacks that originate from outside the solar system and are aimed at the Earth.

When the Velon first arrived here, Mother Earth rejected them and the guardians ensured that they did not enter the solar system.
Some Velon did manage to gain entry to the solar system but fortunately not that many. Even so, the few that did enter set about becoming influential in human affairs (see Project Human Extinction).

The remainder, many millions of Velon, were forced to stay outside of the solar system.

As they began their activities against the Earth, the Earth?s guardians were able to remove the vast majority of them.

The actions made by the Velon broke the one “Universal Law” – removing freedom of choice. In so doing, it allowed those who exist outside of our solar system to take action and the Velon have been evicted from this Universe (see Human Soul).

However, by then, the Velon had made contact with a large number of humans and these humans, effectively, invited the Velon in. In other words, these humans made a free choice to invite in the Velon who had contacted them. Given this choice was freely made; those particular Velon could not be evicted along with the rest of their race. In all, 3.2 million Velon were able to remain close to our solar system and continue their attack on Mother Earth because humans wanted them there.

To explain “freedom of choice”:

Every soul that has been Created to inhabit this Universe has absolute freedom to choose their actions. The only limiting factor is that you cannot choose to act in such a way that it prevents another soul from making a free choice.

This “Law” applies throughout the whole Universe and it has never been broken by souls from within this Universe until the Velon attempted to take over the Earth.

As soon as the Velon actions became clear, they were removed from the Universe.

Humans invited the Velon in and humans continue to freely choose to have the Velon here. Because of this freely made choice, the guardians ability to evict the Velon is extremely limited. Whilst humans continue to freely invite the Velon to stay, the guardians can do very little.

It could be said that, in contacting people through channelled means, the Velon did not present themselves as Velon but as some other race or being and that would be true.

But, instead of questioning who the Velon were and what their intentions were, the channeller just accepted them.

Don't forget that we all have a higher self who tries to advise us and keep us on the straight and narrow but we have freedom of choice and have a tendency to ignore the messages of the higher self, our intuition, especially if our egos are being inflated by the events that our higher self is attempting to warn us against.

In addition, through our root chakras, we all have a soul to soul connection to Mother Earth and so on a deep level, these channellers would have known that Mother Earth rejected the Velon.

Also in addition, the human mass consciousness contained information on the Velon and why they had been rejected.

So all in all, there were no real reasons why people should have been fooled by the Velon because all the information warning people about the Velon and their intentions was freely available.

And yet, some people's egos were such that they overrode all of the warnings because they wanted to be seen as somebody special because they had been contacted by beings from outside of our solar system.

To explain what I mean by ego:

A few years ago, I was approached by a group of people who asked me if I could help and advise them to open an energy portal.

My first question was “Who has asked you to open a portal?” They couldn't answer.
My second question was “Why do those who have asked you want a portal built?” Again, they couldn't answer.

My third question was “If you don't know who has asked you and you don't know why they want a portal, why do you want to build a portal?” Their answer was that “They would feel that they had carried out „important? work and their group would be recognised for so doing”.

That is ego overriding common sense let alone the mass consciousness, their higher selves and Mother Earth.
Needless to say, I declined their request.

As far as everybody else is concerned, we still have gullibility about accepting the Velon, in whatever disguise they chose to present themselves in.

Everybody alive on the planet today knows, on some level or another, that we are undergoing a change of consciousness but most people look at their lives and think “how can I change?” and the usual answer is “I'll have to do some work on myself but I am not sure I want to do that”. Into this area of self doubt stepped the Velon offering a magic, easy fix to these problems – “We'll take you through to the 5th dimension, don't you worry about it” and people said “yes please” in droves.

If you were walking down the street one day, thinking about life's problems and you were approached by a total stranger. The stranger said to you “I can see that you are troubled, let me deal with all of your problems for you”. The very first thing that would enter the heads of the vast majority of people is “What are they after, what are their motives. Nobody walks up to complete strangers and offers to take care of all of their problems for them”.

And yet people fell for the offer made by the Velon in their thousands without once questioning the motives of the Velon.

Is it any wonder that Mother Earth asked for another census? - especially as so few humans responded in a positive way.

So, Where Do We Go From Here?

According to the Akashic, there are currently one and a half million people on the planet who have fully re- integrated the soul back into the physical body. All of these 1.5 million took part in the exercise to support Mother Earth on the Spring Equinox.

It must be remembered that all of these 1.5 million people underwent full soul re- integration at a time that they chose (freedom of choice) and all of them underwent full soul re-integration at a time when all of the current world problems, as well as their own personal problems, existed.

In other words, there is no barrier to anyone on the planet undergoing full soul re-integration if that is what they choose to do at any time they choose.
If a sufficient number of people underwent full soul re-integration, the Velon would be defeated and Mother Earth would return to nurturing Her children.
So what is stopping people from doing this? Nothing.

Everyone has absolute freedom of choice to choose their actions and so any, or all, of the 2.5 billion people who stated last October that they were ready to complete soul re-integration can so do anytime they choose.

The problem is that many of the statements made by these 2.5 billion about their state of readiness were a little optimistic and seems to be mainly due to The Human Plan coming to its end.

Most people seem to have said “The Human Plan has ended and I have one year to sort myself out so I had better say I am ready even if I am not!”
I can hear many of you starting to say something along the lines of:
“So where does he get off criticising me? If he is so wonderful, why hasn't he undergone soul re-integration?”

The answer to that is: I did undergo full soul re-integration 10 years ago but it was requested that I return.

Since the age of 7, I knew that I could access a source of information that others could not – this is the Akashic. Also, for the past 30 years I have been working as a healer and, in recent years, as a psychic surgeon.

10 years ago, I underwent the process of change, of soul re-integration.
It was wonderful, beyond anything that I had imagined. Every sense becomes heightened to a level where every single colour becomes a rainbow of colours that do not exist in the physical world. Every smell is expressed in colours and impressions of what originated it (although you can switch off to the more unsavoury ones). Touching something is like reading its history and, if it is living, its sense of being. All of the senses become so enlarged that we do not have the vocabulary to express the sensations in words.

Every thought takes on a reality, every sensation becomes a part of you and every living thing shares its reality with you. It is a world beyond human imaginings, beyond human experience and beyond description.

However, given my ability to read the Akashic and to heal people, I was asked if I would reverse the process and return to the world of the human and begin to write about human history and human potential. How could I refuse Mother Earth?

So, 10 years ago, I returned and continued to write my 11 books, to give talks and to push my potential as a healer as far as I could.

My healing work developed in ways which allowed me to remove implants from people?s bodies, particularly Velon implants. This work I did for many years and frequently came under attack by the Velon. Unfortunately, the Velon found a way through my defences – long story – and ended up causing me considerable physical damage.

This damage meant that I had to give up seeing people for healing and stop giving talks. Instead, I have written more books and more articles and essays to try to encourage people to understand that we are a part of Mother Earth, we have a potential and that potential can only be fulfilled by undergoing soul re-integration. My experience of soul re-integration is an extremely happy one. The transition was unbelievably simple and straight forwards – I experienced no difficulties or problems of any kind. One minute I was my normal self; the next my “super self”. The only problems I experienced was with returning to my previous state – that process took several days of recovery.

I am just me – nothing beyond the ordinary, nothing beyond anyone else but if I can undergo soul re-integration in such a calm and peaceful way, I cannot understand why anyone is reluctant to fulfil their potential and to honour the promise they made to Mother Earth at the start of The Human Plan 7,000 years ago.

To explain a little about a “full soul state”:

We are used to living our lives with one quarter of the soul intact within our bodies – the physical self. When the other three quarters of the soul are brought into the physical body, the body undergoes numerous changes.

The body becomes lighter in density and emits an internal translucent glow. Our energy field, the aura, glows very brightly and extends a huge distance beyond the body.

In other words, it becomes extremely obvious that you are not like other people but have an energy about you that marks you as very different.

If someone in this whole soul state walked down their local high street, they would immediately be recognised as someone “different” and either thought of as being some kind of “alien” or, more likely, be treated as some kind of “god-like” figure and a new religion would be built around them.

This is why you will not meet any of the 1.5 million people who have already undergone soul re-integration. They live in isolated communities well away from the westernised world and have cloaked themselves in psychic protection barriers. If anyone, who has not re- integrated, approaches them, they cloak themselves behind these barriers and their presence will not be felt.

What was the promise we made Mother Earth? In order to explore the problems related to the Earth's base-note frequency, we divided the soul into the higher self and the physical self.

In return, Mother Earth agreed to allow us to remain on the planet in a condition She considered to be “sub-human” – a Human Being, Mother Earth considers to be a fully physical being with the whole of the soul contained within the body. Whilst in our sub- human state, She would allow us a great deal of latitude in how we behaved and what avenues of research we pursued; as long as at the end of the 7,000 years allotted to The Human Plan, we returned to our true Human Being state or we left the planet.

This 7,000 year period runs out on the 21st of December 2012 (21/12/12) and there cannot be any time extension.

Not only was the time limit set by Mother Earth, it was also set by us and every other soul within this Universe has been doing everything thing they can to help us achieve our goals and fulfil our promise to Mother Earth – well, everyone in the Universe apart from the Velon as it turns out.

2.5 billion people on Earth stated, as of the 28th of October 2011, that they were ready and able to undergo full soul re-integration. Whilst many agreed together that it would be better if we all underwent soul re-integration together so that we could sweep away the influence of the Velon and the Illuminati in one move, not all of the 2.5 billion agreed to that.

So since the end of October 2011 we should have seen a slow trickle of people completing. As the trickle continued, it should have triggered a growing number of people completing until the growing number of completions brought about the tsunami of over 2 billion souls sweeping away all those who would oppose human soul re-integration.
This has not happened. And yet, at the time of writing, we are almost five months beyond October and only eight months away from December.

The reasons for this lack of forwards movement has been difficult to understand; certainly the Velon presence and influence does not account for the problem as, after all, 1.5 million people have already completed soul re-integration.

So where does the problem lie?

On the face of it, there should be no problems at all given that all of the necessary energy patterns are in place and are freely available to everyone who chooses to make use of them.

The Velon are definitely a problem but they are causing people to be misled, as proven by the 1.5 million, if someone is ready to undergo soul re-integration, even the Velon cannot stop them.

The problem is with people themselves.

Most of the 2.5 billion who claim that they are ready and able appear not to be. If they were, they would have changed.

People?s choices that were confirmed in October 2011 seem to have been very optimistic and coloured with a great deal of wishful thinking.
So how can you tell if you are ready?

This process of self-discovery is detailed in The Human Soul but here is a simple exercise that can help you understand where you are:

Say a family member, a friend or a work colleague starts to criticise you; what is your immediate reaction?

1. You react angrily, totally denying the criticism and think of a way of criticising the person back.

2. You burst into tears and apologise profusely.

3. You consider what they have said and think about your own behaviour. If the criticism is accurate, you apologise and say you will deal with it. If the criticism is not accurate, you gently explain to the person that their criticism is unwarranted.

If your answer was 1 or 2, you still have some way to go to resolve your “issues” before you can re-integrate.

If your answer was 3, it means that you are well on your way to where you need to be and probably could re-integrate at any time you choose.

That is a very simple exercise to illustrate what is meant when people say you still have “issues” to resolve.

Issues are really just an indication of how honest you are with others and how honest you are with yourself.

In answer 3, the person honestly considers whether the criticism is valid. If it is valid, they modify their behaviour. If the criticism is not valid, they calmly explain that the person making the criticism is mistaken. That is being honest with themselves and with others.

Everybody needs to take a long hard, but most of all, honest look at themselves to see if they are totally honest with the world. If you are not, then you need to make some changes in the way in which you see yourself and your relationship with other people.

That is all that is needed. It is that simple – total honesty with yourself and with others indicates that you are ready to move on.

If you realise that you are not totally honest with yourself or with others, you are not ready for soul re-integration and you will need to deal with your lack of honesty very quickly if you still want to undergo soul re-integration.
The Future

Every single soul who is currently in human form chose to be on Earth at this time. Nobody has been forced to be here, every soul made a totally free choice to be here at the end of the Human Plan.

I'll say that again:

Every soul that is in human form, freely made a choice to be a part of the completion of The Human Plan.

That means that every single one of the current 3.9 billion population could have completed soul re-integration.

Many have chosen not to undergo soul re- integration and that is a matter of a choice freely made by them as an individual. Nobody has stood and judged them – they have judged themselves and, for whatever personal reasons, have decided that they will not continue.

As far as Mother Earth is concerned, that is fine; She wishes them well and hopes that they will find their completion when they are away from the Earth. And She is letting them go with Her love.

For those who have chosen to remain on Earth and complete our individual parts of The Human Plan, we have some hard decisions to make.

Do we take the extra few steps necessary to resolve our issues or do we not?

Don't forget, The Human Plan has already completed and we only have until 21/12/12 to fulfil our choices.

There is one thing to remember in all of this: NOBODY CAN DO IT FOR YOU!
Only you can move yourself forwards and you cannot take anyone with you.
Neither can anyone take you with them.

If you have chosen to undergo soul re- integration then it is you and you alone who has to take action to fulfil your choice.

Many people say that they are not sorting themselves out because of their partners, their children or their parents (see The Human Soul).

The reality is that each of the people with whom you share your life is an individual soul and they have made their own choices. They will either undergo soul re-integration or they will not.


If their choice is not to undergo soul re- integration then there is nothing you or anyone else can do, to change that situation.

They have made their choices based on how they see themselves and how they see the world – did they take your choice into consideration when they made their choice?


So what makes you think that you can change their choice? You can't.

If you have chosen to proceed through your own soul re-integration then you cannot take anyone else?s choice into account. It was your choice and they have made their choices if their choice is not the same as yours, you must leave them behind if you are to stay on Earth.

This may sound harsh but it is the reality. Freedom of choice is absolute. If you try to drag somebody with you because you don't think that have made the right choice for themselves, you are breaking the fundamental energy patterns on which this Universe was Created.

Not only are you trying to go against their freely made choice but you will also hold yourself back because whatever you try to do for them will fail and you will run out of time for you to do what you need to do for yourself and you will fail. Is that what you want?

The other concern people have is to do with what happens to their pets? If they complete their soul re-integration, will their pets be OK? All animals are very psychic and so they know what you want of them. The problem is that we usually do not know what they want from us. Undergoing full soul re-integration means that you will not leave your pets behind but will be able to live with them but with you having full psychic communication with your pets. Both of you will know exactly what the other wants and so you will have the perfect partnership.

That is a situation which is worth speeding up your soul re-integration to achieve!

The problem is that humans are being humans and are endlessly prevaricating – I want to do this, but...

Humans will always find an excuse for not doing something and the more times you use the word “but” is an indication of how far away from soul re-integration you really are.

Every single person on the planet has made up their mind about whether they undergo soul re- integration or not. Now is the time to take action.

Remember the agreement we made with Mother Earth at the start of The Human Plan: We will give ourselves 7,000 years to find the new base-note frequency that is needed to return to being a true Human Being living on Earth. If we fail to achieve this goal, we will leave the planet and return to our place of soul origin.

That is the agreement all of us freely entered into with Mother Earth.
It means what it says:

If I do not re-integrate the whole of my soul back into my body by the end of the 7,000 year period, I will die, leave the Earth and go somewhere else.
Given the census results from the Spring Equinox on the 20th of March 2012, it looks as though on the 21st of December 2012, the total Human Being population will amount to something like 2 million.

The remainder of the human population will either have died or be in the process of dying.

Where do you see yourself next Christmas?

Will you be on Earth enjoying yourself as a true Human Being?
Or will you be floating around in the Universe somewhere – literally a lost soul?

It is your choice. Only you can choose. Only you can act.
Think about it and think about Mother Earth.

The books and recordings listed below are all about human history and the healing books are guides to how you can heal yourself of any ailment without recourse to pharmaceutical drugs or remedies.

The Human Soul was specifically written to help people work out and understand where they are in this process of soul re-integration and how to deal with some of the problems that inevitably arise.

Synthesis was written specifically to help people understand human history in relation to the events of 2011 and 2012. It also contains meditation exercises designed to help you make closer and stronger connections with your higher self, to work out what “issues” you have remaining and need to resolve as well as a meditation to help you access the kind of information that is recorded within the Akashic.

The author has been working as a psychic and psychic surgeon for about 30 years. He was born “hard-wired” into the Akashic, the record keeping aspect of the Universal mass consciousness, which he can access at will without any form of meditation or intermediary.

He is the author of 11 books, has two 2 hour interviews available on DVD and four one hour radio interviews available on:


also a one hour radio interview available on:


As well as a 2 hour interview on YouTube. He lives with his wife, Di, in Wales.

10th July 2015, 21:46
This is why... after 54 years of looking for someone or something else outside of myself to blame for my predicament, I finally considered, maybe... just maybe I, in my past life experiences, either played the bad guy or played the allower. Both on my own free will yet both leading to a very serious 'dark night of the soul' whereby I then suddenly got the idea... "wow, maybe I should try taking responsibility for all and everything I experience in my life... and in all levels of my being."

How odd that when I did, suddenly everything in my life instantly transformed and in a very good way. Now it is possible... certainly possible, that my conclusion as well as the actions I took once I made this fundamental change in my foundational point of view only works for me when I applied it... that this view, actualized - only works for me. Yet, I am overwhelmed by the feeling that this may also work for others... maybe even would work for every other sentient being that has the capacity to understand the concept of personal responsibility.

It worked for me too. :)

11th July 2015, 07:49
These are posts that I've been able to retrieve from the shut down FE forum

Question to Herbert
@Herbert - Do you recall there being any information provided by CT regarding Edgar Cayce? - I know it has been mentioned but aside from a name drop, I wonder if there is anything else in his books or through any other material you've come across

Herbert wrote:
As you say; only a mention in passing from C.T. that Cayce and Blavatsky channel Velon. It is obvious to me that his historical readings and the Ra material are Velon channelling and from what Cayce has said himself, he steps out of the way to do the channelling which is NOT the way one reads the Akashic.

This no reflection on your question. It is a good one and you made me think about something I had over-looked. The fact that Cayce was channelling Velon helps us recognize just how embedded in our culture the Velon lies have become and how this came about. As Chris says we must learn to do our own research and clearly if David Wilcock is Cayce reincarnated, then the Velon have latched onto an old friend. It serves to fortify the theory that such attachments can be re-initiated in subsequent lives. Thankfully we are completing our knowledge gathering finally.

Turiya has written a good piece on this subject, which he shared with me:

I have only done a little bit of research regarding Edgar Cayce. And it appears to me that he has been placed on a higher pedestal than should be warranted, imo. As, he's been wrong on a number of occasions - he reminds me of the channel named Dorothy Martin (channelled Sananda) that I had written once before about her on the PA Messengers of.

Deception by Jacques Vallee thread.

Here are some of the things Cayce was incorrect on:

1) Edgar Cayce himself said that 1933 would be a good year. What happened?
This prediction was way off base. -In 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Shortly after this appointment, he dissolved the German parliament, which marked the beginning of the Nazi rampage throughout Germany and across Europe.

-In the U.S., the Great Depression was in full swing when the global economy hit rock bottom in 1933. Also, the U.S. went into bankruptcy & pretty much stole away from 'we the people' all the gold that was deposited in the banks.

2) Atlantis Rising Prediction
One of these predictions stated that the U.S. would discover an Atlantean death ray in 1958. He also predicted that the lost city would rise again in 1968 or 1969.

3) California Earthquake
A large earthquake would hit the sate of California, causing it and the Baja peninsula to slide into the Pacific sometime during the 1960s. How many people have been effected by this, how people have up & moved out of the fear that this prediction propagated. The state of California & the Baja peninsula are both still fully intact, today.

4) Armageddon in 1999 Prediction
While in his self-induced trance, Cayce predicted that Armageddon would come in 1999. Obviously, Armageddon never came.

5) China the New Cradle of Christianity
Cayce also predicted that China would become the new “cradle of Christianity.” He went on to predict that China would be completely converted to Christianity by 1968. Obviously, that didn't pan out.

I received the following comment from someone (not a CT fan) on one of the forums that I post:

"My inner voice said to me that Edgar Cayce seems to be the "real deal". A simple man who only wanted to help his fellow humans. Edgar Cayce remains perhaps the most credible and genuine ‘channellers’ of the past 150 years."

My reply was this:
Yes, Edgar Cayce. A simple man called the "Sleeping Prophet". The 'real deal' is that he had to exit the scene in order to receive a download of information. A download exactly from WHOM?

So effectively, Edgar Cayce wasn't there when the information came through him. The question remains: Just Who? Or What? Entity fed the information?

In other words, what you're saying is that it was the entity that is channelling the information through Edgar Cayce's body/mind that is what you are saying is the "real deal". Because Edgar Cayce wasn't present. His body-mind was being used by the ET entity. Try to understand what the channelling process entails. Ask any authentic channeller if they are present when the information comes "through them". Ask Darryl Anka. He's given the answer before: He's not conscious when the Multi-dimensional being known as Bashar comes through Darryl Anka's body-mind. He has no idea what has come through & what is said to the audience.

CT does mention Edgar Cayce but only in passing. If you look at that Inter-Galactic War essay he says the following:

The Johnaan
When the Velon first arrived at our solar system, the Johnaan took a long hard look at who and what humans are and how we functioned on our planet. The Annunaki and the Jjundaa acted very quickly putting their plans together and set out to fulfil those aims as rapidly as possible.

The Johnaan sat back, seemingly unconcerned about their own plans and even helped some of the other Velon factions advance their plans, particularly the Oa and Mila. Gradually though, the Johnaan began to make moves. They had seen the successes the Annunaki did have with their channelling works with Madame Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce and so began to put together stories that could be channelled to humans that, in many cases, reflected our religious beliefs.

I think Chris knows much more, but steers away from saying too much for the criticism that soon follow from the many Cayce devotee supporters. I remember there was a section from that Robert Stanley interview where Stanley was pushing Chris to tell more what he knew about Jesus Christ. Chris became very adamant about not going into the matter because he said he would upset a lot of people. I think the same is the case with Edgar Cayce.

I have found the following that was written by author Clifford Stone regarding what Edgar Cayce had stated about the idea of an alien life form that has been visiting Earth is from Arcturus. This idea is frequently associated with the writings of Edgar Cayce. "According to Cayce, the Arcturians are a "fifth dimensional" life form, highly advanced both technically and spiritually. Arcturians work in close connection with the ascended masters whom they call the Brotherhood of the All. They also work closely with what they refer to as the Galactic Command. The Arcturians are here to assist humans in entering the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality and in raising their vibrational frequencies."

From another website:
"Since his early writing of this Race of Aliens, Edgar Cayce has been referred to the father of the Arcturians. Today, many people have discovered the different way to communicate with the Arcturian Aliens; however, only one has bee deeded the most sure way" [I believe this would mean Norma Milanovich. geesh! So many]. Source:

CT on Arcturians:
From the Essay, Regarding the Galactic Federation of Light Petition, Chris Thomas further writes:

"The GFOL, as well as many other alien organisations such as The Galactic Council, Ashtar Command, Arch Angels, Angels, Annunaki, Hathor, Ascended Sirians, Arcturians, etc etc are different names put together by an alien race who are more properly known as the Velon."

So, what CT says from the above, I would deduce that the Arcturians are what Edgar Cayce was channelling information from which would mean that the Arcturians are another Velon disguise used by the Annunaki.

Anyways, interesting to find this stuff on Edgar Cayce.
Thanks for the question; as it caused me to have more of a look into what Edgar Cayce was about.


Somebody asked about the movie Oblivion, and here’s what Herbert wrote:
I have not seen the movie but based on Chris Thomas' information found here: http://thespiritguides.co.uk/ChrisThomas/Evolution.pdf

which comes from the Akashic records of our Universe, The moon was sequestered by Earth from the remains of one of two planets that exploded themselves - one between Earth and Venus and one between Mars and Jupiter (if I remember correctly).

Earth was still upright after this sequestering and was the only planet in our solar system able to retain life after the explosions. Not sure if sequestering the moon is what made this possible. During the age of Atlantis, 20,000 years ago, Humans' bodies were able to hold their entire soul and our planet continued to be upright. It was not until we began to lose our abilities and part of our soul that we realized we had to sink Atlantis because we had miscalculated the frequency necessary to hold our entire soul, and this caused the great flood.

It also caused the Earth to tilt. So the moon had nothing to do with the tilting of Earth.

In fact it is not gravitational pull that holds planets in place in relation to each other, it is electromagnetic consciousness through conscious attraction of similar resonant frequencies.

The Annunaki story is a falsification of Earth and Human history designed to make us feel smaller and less in control than we really are. The planet Nibiru is in their solar system not ours, yet people are still looking for it. We at the non-physical level decided to tamper with out own DNA frequency along with Earth. The Annunaki have no claim what-so-ever over our genetics.

We, the Earth and the Sun are the ones who make the decisions jointly through conscious intention. The Annunaki want us to give them credit for our problems, to feel small, to give no credit to Earth's free will. We created our own problems with intention and negativity. We correct the problems by reversing negativity with intention.

The movies and children's electronic games are cleverly designed to encourage us to believe there exists power outside of ourselves. Stop paying them attention and start making room for 100% of your soul. Gravity is our own conscious attraction. The Moon would not be there if we and the Earth did not want it so.

As George, (George Kavassilas) refines his understanding he drifts closer to Chris Thomas' view based on the Akashic. Chris Thomas' story has remained the same from the beginning.


11th July 2015, 08:13
These are another few posts that I managed to save from the FE forum that Herbert so tirelessly worked on.

Earth's Purpose
I remember something Chris Thomas had said about the non physical souls: “Once the physicality of Earth was in fact created, the non physical souls [Angels] said that it was quite a marvellous thing, the various life forms, the beauty of the sky, the oceans & mountains, the variety of living forms, it was just incredible.

Only one thing was missing... they could not smell the flowers, they could not experience the taste of the fruit, they could not feel the rain making everything wet. They could not feel the warmth of the Sun. So, existence provided for them the Human Plan. This was so the non physical "angels" could also experience the physical world, experience for themselves what this beautiful planet Earth had created.”

“Certainly to reach the level of consciousness that say, a planet like Earth has attained, requires a prerequisite - a certain amount of 'growth', or 'expansion', of consciousness has to have taken place, before a consciousness can attain a greater responsibility that involves other souls, other life forms.”

From Chris Thomas:"
Each of the ‘Angels’, that came to Earth and lived a human lifetime, returned to the realms of the six civilizations enriched and invigorated by the experience and encouraged others to experience this form of life for themselves. During the time of Atlantis, very many souls incarnated as human beings and the universe became a better place because of these experiences."
The Journey Home (page16)


Throughout the Universe, many, many billions of souls exist; some are souls that make up galaxies, some are souls that make up solar systems, some souls are more or less “human sized” but have no physical density at all, some are also more or less “human sized” but do have physical bodies that are considerably less dense than human bodies. So there was a form of life that was missing – “physical” life forms that live on “physical” planets.

This is the purpose of our solar system – to explore the possibilities offered by being physical.

A region of an outlying galaxy was selected to be the host for this physical experiment where a sun already existed. This lone sun was also a consciousness, a soul. This solar soul agreed to provide the nurturing energies to a solar system that was formed from thirteen souls who wished to take on “physical” energy densities and explore the different forms of life that being physical could conjure up.

This all happened 40 million years ago.

This time-scale is greatly at odds with current “scientific” thinking but this is the time frame that is recorded in the Akashic.

The scientific time scale, that of 4 billion years, is based on the assumed age of a meteor that could have arrived on Earth from anywhere within the Universe and so is no more than a false assumption.

Our solar system is contained within an energy “envelope” that is shaped a little like a rugby ball. This envelope was necessary in order to keep out all of the other energy patterns that exist within our galaxy and within our Universe – there is not much point in creating an experimental region of space if it could be contaminated by energy patterns that could make the experiment pointless.

So we exist in a controlled and protected “envelope” that originally contained thirteen souls who had taken on the role of forming physical planets that could create and nurture as diverse a range of physical forms of life as possible.

All were successful.

All thirteen planets began to form 40 million years ago, each expressing the “personality” of their soul in the forms of life they created.
Individual souls are created by the Creator; planetary life is created by the soul of the planet.

However, the soul that is the Earth took Her time to consider all options before She settled down to experiment with the type of life forms She wanted to develop. In this way, life on Earth only began to develop 25 million years ago.

Again, this is very much at odds with the scientific view of life on Earth. However, if you research back through the history of scientific thinking, you will find that this figure of 25 million years is one, which was favoured by scientists for a number of years. It only changed when the “new” science of geology came along and tried to find answers to the ages of rock strata.

Most of the assumptions made by these early geologists turn out to be based on false premises but scientists being scientists, they have not admitted to their mistakes and have maintained the false theories and incorporated these false dates into current thinking. When the meteorite, mentioned above, was found, they came up with this new age of 4 billion years for the Earth. The technique used to arrive at this date has never been explained adequately – it seems to have primarily been conjecture and wishful thinking.

25 million years ago, the surface of the Earth began to live. The first life forms were bacteria and plants. In order to work with the plants, the Earth brought about the Sidhé and the Faerie, creating them about 20 million years ago.

At this time, the Earth was also about 40 per cent smaller than She is now. There is no such thing as “Continental Drift”, the Earth grew as life developed and there have been occasions when She has shrunk in size as She brought about major changes to the forms of life that She Created for Her surface.

As life developed on all of the planets of our solar system, the parameters of our experiment changed. It was proven that compressing energies down to the frequencies we consider “physical” worked exceptionally well and that the solar system contained more forms of life than all of the planets in the rest of the Universe combined and so it was decided that all of the planets would work towards developing a form of life that could contain a free-moving and free-acting soul. In other words, Human Beings.

The first free-moving souls that were created for this Universe did not have any physical form or physical density; they were just pure soul energy. These types of souls the Akashic calls the “non-physical” races. [Sometimes called Angels]

In order for them to develop and to gain new experiences, it was agreed that they could come to our solar system and experience what it is like to take on a physical body. But, before they could make that journey, the planets of the solar system needed to develop a suitable body that these souls could inhabit.

All thirteen of the planets that were originally in our solar system began to create new life forms that could fulfil that function and all were successful.

Then, 3.8 million years ago, four of the original planetary souls decided that they had completed all of the experiences they felt they... [To read full article download pdf from here]

http://www.thespiritguides.co.uk/ChrisThomas/ChrisThomasProgressReport2012. pdf


Alexander the Great was the first in history to be infected by the 14 Faction energy, which had nothing to do with the Velon. The 14 Faction energy also allowed the Popes, Vatican, Jesuits, and possibly Constantine to remove people's free will. Another who used 14 Faction energy was Queen Elizabeth II's mother, namely the Queen mother. The last well-known person to use 14 Faction energy was George H. W. Bush otherwise known as Daddy Bush. He lost his ability to remove free will in 2002 when Merlin removed the 14 Faction from our Universe.

The Velon never used 14 Faction energy per se, as C.T. has said. Instead they travelled back in time to about 5,000 years ago to dictate lies to a scribe. These dictated clay tablets were translated by Zechariah Sitchin in the 1990's and a lot of people on various forums actually believe these lies about Nibiru, the Annunaki "gods" as the creators of modern humans, etc. The ones who travelled back in time could not return to the future and one of them ended up in Tibet where he channelled lies to various people over the years, including Madame Blavatsky and these channelled lies have become embedded in our culture so much so that they form a part of many people's belief systems. They form the basis of the Theosophical Society. They continue channelling to this day and still control the minds of the CEOs of corporations, the new world order proponents, and they working through the NSA and military, control or have poisoned the minds of many of the psychic children.

The Mormon Church and the church of Scientology were formed through Velon mind control, fake angels, masters, archangels, council of 7, council of 9 etc. None of these entities actually exist; they are products of Velon channelling.

300 years ago when the Velon first arrived on the edge of our solar system, they took over the newly formed illuminati, actually possessing some of their bodies. The illuminati were only just broken up and defeated in 2009. However one Velon remained, the 6th emissary, and although the heads of industry think they have taken over from the illuminati, they are in reality still controlled by the Velon mind out of Peru - the 6th emissary. The Velon control is achieved through trickery and flattery of gullible humans.

The one bright spot is that with the 50 million new dimensions entering our solar system since 1996, more and more people are awakening to the reality of mind control and trickery. All energetic chips have been dissolved by these new energies. Lost souls are being retrieved and returned to their higher selves. Also with the 14 faction energies gone for some time now it is harder and harder for the George Bushes of the world to establish conformity. They revert to murder instead but there power is most assuredly diminishing very rapidly.

The evil is being exposed from child sacrifice, idiot governments, and hopefully soon no more chemtrails. When chemtrails are removed, the new light will fully enter and full soul reintegration will make us Wholly Human again after 7,000 years of the Human Plan. Hopefully sooner than later.


Here greenbarry asked a question if the 14 faction indeed was the same as the Velon. Turiya answered.

Hi greenbarry,

Since its been some time since you asked Herbert this question, I will interject my 2 cents worth at this time...

Yes, you are correct in saying that it was the 14th Faction that burst into this universe from another universe through the use of a wormhole. When this happened, there were some 33,000 souls that were on their way to Earth to take on human form, who were affected/infected with this kind of energy (energy that takes others' "freedom of choice" away).

Chris had explained, according to his research of the Akashic, the Velon, for some reason, were never influenced by the 14 Faction energies. The Velon seemed to be themselves responsible for their own 'fallen' disposition, which was causing their own solar system to fall into disarray. This is a big part of why they had come here (300 years ago) with the notion to make planet Earth their new home. When the armada of Velon ships arrived & found Earth to be already inhabited, the majority of Velon had no desire or intent to invade a planet that was occupied by others, so they travelled on further. The smaller percentage of Velon fanatics decided to remain & to attempt to fulfil their initial intent.

The Velon are not to be confused with the Reptilian-like 14th Faction energies.

Probably, the most confusing part of this involves those entities known as the Archons, which were a part of the 14 Faction energies. When the 14 Faction was removed from the universe (2002), the Archons went with that ejection of energy patterns. They no longer exist within this universe. However, there are still those individuals that mistaken that which was done in the past by Archons as having been done by the Velon, as well as, that which is being done presently by Velon as still being done by an ongoing presence of Archons.

Hope that makes it clearer.

Herbert wrote:
Apologies Greenbarry; I somehow did not see your question.
Thanks Turiya for taking up the slack with a clear explanation.

A lot of people are confused about the "Archons" and the "Djinn". The titles have been misused down through the ages, which has led to modern day confusion. As with many English words, meanings change over time and usage.

The important thing to remember is that the ego can easily create confusion through dense energy constructs of the mind, but when you attach ego to the heart, it is our subtle feelings which come through the body from the Higher Self that allow us to know truth.

As C.T. says slowly but surely we are waking up more and more to the truth. There is no stopping this progression of awareness. We are about to correct the darkness that has been hiding in plane sight.

Discernment requires practical experience and that is what life on Earth has been teaching us for the last 7,000 years. That and HOPE were born on Earth.

Wishing us all a truly bright and shining future and much sooner than we may expect.

11th July 2015, 10:52
I was enjoying reading and only the velon stuff rattled my discernment bells, learnt nothing new but realised the material is oldish, then this bit > According to the Akashic, in the past ten years, every (100%) channelled message received by human channels has originated from the Velon – no matter what source it is claimed the messages come from, the ones producing the messages are the Velon. < my first ? then becomes who is this person connecting with and is this one of their little mistakes ( we all make them ) ?, that nowadays they know that they were incorrect, or do they stick by this 100% info still ?.

11th July 2015, 12:09
I was enjoying reading and only the velon stuff rattled my discernment bells, learnt nothing new but realised the material is oldish, then this bit > According to the Akashic, in the past ten years, every (100%) channelled message received by human channels has originated from the Velon – no matter what source it is claimed the messages come from, the ones producing the messages are the Velon. < my first ? then becomes who is this person connecting with and is this one of their little mistakes ( we all make them ) ?, that nowadays they know that they were incorrect, or do they stick by this 100% info still ?.

Please be patient, do not take offence, as none was intended. There is still a lot of material to be posted (if you’re interested).


11th July 2015, 15:11
Quote Originally Posted by Aianawa View Post
I was enjoying reading and only the velon stuff rattled my discernment bells, learnt nothing new but realised the material is oldish, then this bit > According to the Akashic, in the past ten years, every (100%) channelled message received by human channels has originated from the Velon – no matter what source it is claimed the messages come from, the ones producing the messages are the Velon. < my first ? then becomes who is this person connecting with and is this one of their little mistakes ( we all make them ) ?, that nowadays they know that they were incorrect, or do they stick by this 100% info still ?.

I may be a bit slow but I don't quite understand your question Aianawa. By "this person" are you referring to Chris Thomas? What mistake are you referring to? Is it that you are inquiring about the 14th Faction energy as distinct form the Velon?

Maybe you could rephrase each question (I think there are 3) separately so that I know exactly what to reply to.

I do welcome the opportunity to clarify, so your questions provide that opportunity.

Thanks, Herbert

11th July 2015, 18:58
CT on Arcturians:
From the Essay, Regarding the Galactic Federation of Light Petition, Chris Thomas further writes:

"The GFOL, as well as many other alien organisations such as The Galactic Council, Ashtar Command, Arch Angels, Angels, Annunaki, Hathor, Ascended Sirians, Arcturians, etc etc are different names put together by an alien race who are more properly known as the Velon."

While I don't know if Arcturians actually exist Velon are using names of ETs who do exist. According to CT the semi-physical races live on many planets and call themselves different names according to the planet they live on. From pictures I've seen of Arcturians they look like the grays. This can be tricky to humans who have memory of the semi-physical races.

11th July 2015, 19:42
I am certain that Chris Thomas said the "Arcturians" are strictly a Velon invention so that anyone channelling the Arcturians are channelling the Velon. I will have to search for that quote which may take some time.

In the meantime I am posting the answers I got from Chris Thomas to 2 relevant questions.

I asked Chris to reply to a well-written and thoughtful, albeit confused comment taken from another forum.

The second question is about those who have been physically in contact with extra-terrestrials that may well be Velon in disguise who are taking them in through subtle flattery and in so doing, using them for dutifully spreading lies that confuse and serve to advance the Velon agenda.


Chris I wonder if you would address the following comment made by someone regarding your Akashic readings.

“I'm pretty certain that in the mess of the Astral-Emotional and Mental Worlds (those dimensions where most of the channeled info comes from, and where 'travellers' and super-psychics access information) there are more than a few 'fake' akashic records setup by these Higher Intelligences. I'm suggesting thatChris Thomas might be being used, just as he suggests everyone else is. It's a clever tactic that will not go away anytime soon.”

I hope everyone will read each line very carefully in Chris' answer.


Hi Herbert

In several of my books, I have tried to explain how the Akashic works and how channelling works - obviously this questioner needs to read my books!

Channelling is a process of one “entity” passing information to a receptive human.

This information can take many forms:

At its basic level, the channeller is communicating with the soul of a deceased relative in order to provide confirmation of the soul’s continuance after it leaves the physical body. This is usually achieved by passing on personal information that is, usually, only known to the person receiving it.

Then there are “friendly entities” out there who genuinely want to help humans in what we are trying to achieve on Earth whilst we are physical.

In the past, there were some very genuine messages of help and encouragement passed through.

Unfortunately, since the mid 1800’s, and the work of Madame Blavatsky, there has been an increasing number of messages that have been deliberately designed to mislead.

In more recent years, ALL channelled messages have originated either directly from a Velon source or the Velon have interfered with the channelled message in some way.

Today, every single channelled message is of a Velon source and is deliberately designed to mislead people into believing that the Velon, in all of their disguises, are our friends and are here to help us and “Ascend us to the 5th Dimension” (see my last essay about the 5th Dimension and its implications and impossibilities here on Earth).

Questions, such as the one you have passed on, only arise from people who have fallen for the channelled Velon fantasy stories but are realising that there is something not right about them.

If they come across my work, the realisation that they were wrong to listen to the Velon is confirmed but they do not want to back-track as that would mean that they would have to admit that they were duped.
In any case, to ask such a question means that the questioner has no knowledge of what the Akashic is and how it functions and has, again fallen for the Velon fantasy stories and their versions of what the Akashic is.

The real difference between channelled and what is recorded in the Akashic is probably this:
In the Akashic version, 7,000 years ago, we (humans collectively) set out on a chosen course of behaviour to learn how to re-integrate the whole of the soul back into the body. This we hoped to achieve by living a series of physical lifetimes (reincarnation) exploring every and all aspects of being physical.

Don’t forget that nobody else, throughout the whole of Creation, has ever experienced life at the level of energy compaction that allows them to build for themselves a truly “physical” body. So everything experienced on Earth was for the first time.

The process we set in place 7,000 years ago we called “The Human Plan” and we set ourselves a 7,000 year time limit. There are a number of reasons for this time limit - see my books.

Inherent within The Human Plan is personal responsibility - each and every soul who has travelled to Earth to be a part of this “human experiment” accepted full and total personal responsibility for their actions as well as a collective responsibility for the outcome of The Human Plan.

As we approached the end of our agreed time limit, new energies were connected to the planet to help us to complete our Plan - this was in August 1996.

With this new energy connected, it built pressure on every single person living on Earth to fulfil both their personal and collective responsibilities.

As the pressure for completion built people looked around for someone to take the blame for their failings but, more importantly, for someone, anyone, who would give them comfort and say “It’s OK, we’ll complete everything for you. You don’t have to worry; we will take you through Ascension”.

A very seductive message, particularly for those who did not want to live up to their personal and collective responsibilities.

This is how the Velon won so many converts and followers - they promised to do everything for humans without them having to take any kind of responsibilities either for themselves or responsibility for their failings.

Not only that, the Velon have recently been trying to bribe people into following them by promising to pay them anything up to $1,000,000. (mind you, if you read the small print on this offer, if you accept it, you have to sign a binding agreement to do everything the Velon tell you to do, without limit).

The "end date” of the Human Plan was the 29th of October 2011 with an allowed period for readjustment up to the 21st of December 2012.

Everybody woke up on the 22nd of December 2012 and said “What happened? We were supposed to Ascend. We should be in the 5th Dimension”.

Everyone who was working with the Akashic knew the reason why.

Everyone who was working with the Velon, in all of their disguises, looked around for someone or something to blame - god forbid that they would admit that they had been duped yet again!

I find the channelled messages that have appeared during this last year to be an unbelievable farce. The Velon, in all of their disguises, have back-tracked, twisted, lied and blamed humans for the failure of their promises. Yet people still fall for this c**p in their droves - all to avoid cleaning up their own mess and taking some responsibility for their lack of action.

It has seriously shocked me to discover that there are a huge number of people who honestly believe that their debts will be paid off, they will be given $1,000,000 and Ascended to the 5th Dimension. All this happening soon - as soon as the “star fleet” Ison rounds the sun and “saviour” Obama makes an announcement of Disclosure.

Given this level of delusion, is it any wonder that we did not meet our deadlines? Is it any wonder that the Earth took pity on our stupidity and is doing everything She can to help us to achieve our goals?

But even the Earth cannot wait forever - people must start to act responsibly to bring to an end their own part of The Human Plan as soon as possible.

A brief description of the Akashic.

The name Akashic is Sanskrit and means “Record”. It does not mean anything else.

The Akashic has been designed to record the events that occur within this Universe. It does not record personal histories, those are recorded in the individual’s DNA with a greater memory held by the whole of the soul.
In other words, in between lives, all of our memories of our existence is recorded, or memorised, within the total soul. When we choose to become physical, take on new life, the memories of our physical existences are downloaded into our DNA whilst the higher self keeps the memories of our soul origins and existences away from Earth.

The Akashic is woven into the energetic fabric of the Universe. Once an event has been recorded within the Akashic, it cannot be altered, neither can it be falsely added to.

If an event has occurred it is recorded, events that did not happen cannot be recorded as they did not happen. The Velon have made a huge number of attempts to take over the Akashic and alter its content to, for example, falsely claim that the Annunaki (one of the Velon races) are our makers.

The purpose of the Akashic is to record all events that occur within this Universe. It is directly connected to the Creator and it is through this connection (Akashic/Creator) that the Creator learns. This is why the Akashic is incorruptible - if it was possible to alter it, the Creator would not learn the truth and the existence of the Universe would be pointless.

To quote one documentary film maker: “Chris was born hard-wired into the Akashic”.

This means that I do not channel. This means that I do not work with “entities” outside of myself/higher self.

Whilst I have come under repeated attacks by the Velon, they cannot break or break into my soul/Akashic connection.

The only measure of whether anyone believes my/Akashic version of reality is to ask yourself “does this feel true?”

If it does, then that is good and you should move on with taking responsibility for completing your part of The Human Plan.

If it does not, then I suggest that you apply the same criteria to the channelled fantasy stories that are out there and you will see that not one single promise made by the entities that are being channelled has ever been kept.

The Akashic is very clear: It was each individual’s choice to travel to Earth in order to experience physical life and it was each individual’s choice to take part in The Human Plan. It is also each individual’s responsibility to complete their own part of The Human Plan.

We have human problems that require human solutions. No alien race could ever possibly understand what we have experienced, and achieved, here on Earth. So how could there be any other solution to our problems other that by humans taking personal responsibility to resolve them.

No one, throughout the whole of this Universe, or any other, can do it for us.


A number of people do not channel but rather claim to be in physical contact with various races of extraterrestrial beings from the time they were children. They believe these beings are benevolent and are supplying them with information as to human history and human inability to solve their own problems; some speak of galactic wars and insectoids, lizards, etc. races. One of the more common physical interactions spoken of is with Tall, White Nordics who sometimes claim to be from around Orion.

Are these people being deceived by Velon posing as benign, benevolent beings of superior intelligence with the ulterior motive of undermining the human souls’ relationship with Earth and the task of clearing emotional blockages in order to make room for 100% soul integration into the physical body? And of course to prevent all the energetic advantages to be gained in terms of conscious awareness and discernment when the majority of humanity have accomplished this task.


As to the other question.

When I first wrote about the Velon race known as the Hathor, I had a very scathing letter from an elderly lady telling me how dare I say anything bad about her “friends" who she has had contact with since she was a young girl.

The Hathor are the Velon race who persuaded a group of gullible humans to construct two “celestoriums” into the Earth. A Celestorium is a copper shaft 100 m (333 feet) long and about 20 cm (8 in) diameter filled with programmed quartz crystals. Two of these Celestoriums were constructed pointing directly down into the earth. Control of these two devices was by the Hathor.

The devices were intended to act like tuning forks in that the Hathor could generate a resonance within the celestoriums. The first time that the first celestorium was resonated it became very clear that its purpose was to create energy frequencies that forcibly evicted the Earth’s consciousness out of the planet.

It also turns out that the clestoriums had a second function in that the resonance focussed on all of the members of the human group that built them and forced the physical aspect of their total soul out of their bodies ( I worked with/was in contact with a number of these people over the following couple of days and all of them confirmed the feeling of being forcibly evicted out of their bodies).

So we have the attempted destruction of the Earth’s own consciousness and the attempted removal of the souls of those who were the “friends” of the Hathor.
So much for that elderly lady’s “friends”.

I do not know . . .who these people posing as “Orion Nordics” are but the chances are that they are Velon.

According to the Akashic, there are no races originating from Orion - Orion is a “gateway” in and out of our solar system that leads to the realms of the six non-physical races and so Orion cannot possibly support a form of life that is not also non-physical in form - the non-physical races are so far removed from our own energy frequencies that they are totally undetectable to us.

The term “Tall White Nordics” has long been applied to the Velon as that is how they sometimes describe themselves.

Why do people want to make their lives so complicated?

Life is so simple: we are a soul who has chosen to build for itself a body in order to experience physical life.

We just need to wake up and get on with what we humans need to do and life will just be simple again.

Have a Cool Yule! (shows I’m an ageing hippy)

Best wishes

11th July 2015, 19:52
another something from FE that may help...

@ vision325 - CT is into soul re-integration and the Human Plan where the soul was divided. If a person is channeling, and all channeled material is Velon, than these people are keeping the V close using "free will." If you keep the V close, and interfere with soul re-integration, CT is going to call it all rubbish. Garbage.

@ Amanda - if you don't have any emotional debri to clear from your body to make room for the full soul, congratulations! I envy you! I had more garbage inside my container than a land fill.

Everyone's clearing is different. Mine included things I did not do! Say what? Wait till your own HS kicks you in the ribs and puts you in a situation where you find one of your siblings did something your parents kept secret. Or how you feel about Bush Beans being a "straw family" and Bean Sr. actually being a Roosevelt!

How would you clear something like this you don't know? You don't. Your HS will put you in a situation, like research, where you find it. Once you realize the horror of it, you need to clear it. Well, I did anyway. I was ****ed off to say the least and that is emotional debris.

Another good example is finding out about our space fleet. They travel through the stars and we go to the gas pump and pay dearly for primitive and harmful "whatever." Once you see a ship, or time machine, with your own eyes, you feel a bit duped. Maybe even ****ed off. Sure, there is the immediate "fluffy bunny land" rush, but when that is gone, the "duped bell" starts a ringing!

I don't like being duped. I don't like being duped by pos that ride through the sky on gold chariots whipping my family. That is an exaggeration, of course, of how politicians have traffic parted for them, ride in private jets, space ships, mass murder before lunch etc. They don't obey a single a law on the books! NOT ONE!

Giveaway time. At least for me.

See, this home boy wants to be free. Not in my mind, truly free. So yes, the entire truth discovery process was riddled with giveaways and some from left field.

My point? it is dynamic. You can be clear one day, and your HS will cackle with a sinister laugh and throw you right into the lions den and say "clear that, physical lump."

The theory is once you start to do the giveaway, other things will get flushed out.

@ Herbert - someone asked a direct question, you gave a direct answer full of examples. Thank you and well done.

@ Everyone - I can recall a CT email where a similar question was asked about people being clear by virtue of living a decent life without hurting others etc. and not really having to do much clearing, if any. His answer was along the lines that he personally knew people that fit this mold and felt many people on the planet did as well (e.g. indigenous). They would integrate en masse when the time was right.

the best to all...


PART1: CHRIS THOMAS Interview with Patrick Timpone of OneRadioNetwork 10/17/2011
PART2: CHRIS THOMAS Interview with Patrick Timpone of OneRadioNetwork 10/17/2011

The Giveaway
Throughout our lives we find ourselves in situations where we feel we are unable to express ourselves as fully as we would like. This can be with members of the family, with friends or colleagues or with our employer.

The problem is that all of the unexpressed emotions of these kinds of situations become lodged in internal organs. If the emotional debris becomes too great, it can the organ to break down and generate symptoms of illness.

This has been bad enough in the past but, as we undergo our process of change, the storage of old emotions will actually hold us back if not actively prevent us from moving forwards. Obviously, these stored emotions need to be removed from our bodies.

The best way of clearing these emotions is to confront the person who brought about the emotions in the first place and express to them how you really feel. If you are unable, for whatever reason, to do that, the next best way of clearing these stored emotions is with a process called "The Giveaway".

The Giveaway

The giveaway is a process of writing down all of the emotions that you have stored away. This sounds as though it cannot work - until you try it. What you will find is that once you start, all sorts of emotions and situations that you thought you had dealt with will come to the surface you will realise that you are carrying a huge amount of emotion your past.

For this exercise, you will need:

-One old newspaper
-Several pencils
-One glass of organic red wine (optional)
-One candle (optional)

The most important thing to remember about this exercise is that: YOU DO NOT READ IT BACK.
The reason for this is that if you read back what you have written, you will take all of the emotions back in and have to start again. This is the reason for the newspaper and the pencil; it is virtually impossible to read pencil on newsprint. It is also the reason for candle; if you use this exercise in the evening with only candle-light, it makes it even more difficult to read.

The optional glass of organic red wine is included as it helps you to relax and and allow your expression of held emotions to flow more freely. So, find a quiet time in your day where you will not be disturbed.

Collect your newspaper and pencils and sit down somewhere comfortable. Think about something that has happened recently which made you upset but you could not express yourself fully. Using a pencil on the newspaper, start to write to the person who brought about the emotions. Write in whatever lariguage you like - the stronger language the better.

As you write, you will find that other emotions connected with other events come to the surface. That is fine, you can add those to what you are writing - just keep on going. Once you have finished a session of writing, rip up the sheet of news-
paper you have been writing on and dispose of it – burning it is best if you can. Don't worry if you cannot burn it, just rip it up into the smallest pieces you can and throw them in the rubbish.

You will need to do this exercise many, many times. This is not just a one-off exercise. You will know when you have witten enough about a particular situation when you are able to think back on the events and not feel any emotion at all. If you think back and still feel emotions rising up, you need to do another giveaway. This exercise sounds far too simple to do you any good. Try it and you will find that a huge weight feels as though it is being lifted from you.

You can also write to inanimate objects that have caused you stress – such as broken pipes, a leaking fridge, traffic jambs, queues in the supermarket, etc. etc. It makes no difference what the situation is, write a letter to it and it will clear out the emotions. Just remember DO NOT READ IT BACK or you will undo all of the work you have done in writing by taking all of the emotions back into the body.

This exercise works and works extremely well and will actively help you through your transition.
Best Of Luck!

11th July 2015, 19:52
I was enjoying reading and only the velon stuff rattled my discernment bells, learnt nothing new but realised the material is oldish, then this bit > According to the Akashic, in the past ten years, every (100%) channelled message received by human channels has originated from the Velon – no matter what source it is claimed the messages come from, the ones producing the messages are the Velon. < my first ? then becomes who is this person connecting with and is this one of their little mistakes ( we all make them ) ?, that nowadays they know that they were incorrect, or do they stick by this 100% info still ?.

Humans who channel only know who they are channeling by what they're told. For instance you could channel a being who calls itself Ralph. Ralph can tell you anything he or she wants you to believe. Before 2000(?) channeled messages were coming from the velon and benevolent ETs and guides. Because of the confusion and lies by the velon, all of the benevolent ETs and guides who want to help humanity have backed off since this date. So humans who are still channeling today are channeling only velon in disguise and they don't know it unless they happen to come across CT's warning.

11th July 2015, 20:00
By the way since I'm seeing FE members I thought I'd let you know I was Amanda at FE. My name was taken here at TOT so I go by Anastasia (since I happened to be reading that book while signing up). :)

11th July 2015, 20:07
Inelia Benns often agrees with information Chris Thomas has learned from the Akashic.

Her presentation here form April , 2015 is right on the mark and we can all learn something from what she has to say. Remember Chris says our world human population total is about half of what we are being told by the CIA. Even they admit their numbers are only estimates. If a small country like Jamaica does not know if it’s population is ¾ of a million or 1.5 million then how could anyone count the number of people on the whole planet? Why would anyone believe CIA numbers?

Also in the Lisa Harrison interview she states that police forces around the world have been ordered to keep suicide reports out of the press.

So there are a lot more people dying over the last 20 years than anyone is aware of. Chris Thomas says they include births but conveniently leave out many deaths in world population figures. For many reasons they want us to think the earth is overpopulated by humans.

Below Inelia shares her experience, insights and advice on how population reduction is proceeding as planned but some humans are raising their vibrations beyond the NEW chemtrails , fear and other low vibrational toxins.

One of my personal friends with links to the police force in the States says the following:

“Makes me think of CT's work in the Akashic regarding the dwindling population and how the numbers are not being reported. I can tell you from my personal experience, I am surrounded by stories of people that are dying suddenly...and they are not old.”


Have you been thinking of dying?

Normally I get one or two suicide notes every few months through my internet pages or social networks. The past two months not only have those gone up, but also messages telling me of friends and relatives, or acquaintances, of the individuals who write to me suddenly dying or committing suicide.

What's interesting about the increase in suicide messages, is that they are coming in from people who have manifested amazingly beautiful and satisfactory lives. They are empowered, love what they are doing, love their environment and the people around them. But suddenly an urge, desire, or simply thoughts of suicide, of exiting the planet, of leaving it all at last, or of "going home", have plagued them for no apparent reason.

In January this year (2015), I had a long road trip from the very Northwest tip of Washington State, to Sacramento, California. During this trip, I noticed that the chemtrails had changed. They were more dense, thicker, stickier, and had a different nature and energy than they had up to then. I also received the "knowing" that the plans to remove the majority of the human species from the planet were being carried out.

The information came directly from the human collective "knowing". Who was being targeted? By all accounts it appeared to be the physical bodies of those who had subscribed to Fear. Those who decided to be vaccinated so they wouldn't die from flu, or measles, or Ebola, or flu again, or chickenpox, or whatever. Those who continue eating GMO products. Those who continue to eat mass, inhumanly farmed animal and plant produce.
Yet, as I scanned the human collective for these millions of deaths, what I saw was perseverance. What I saw was that the human body is not so easily killed or eliminated.

By all accounts, if we take into consideration all the fronts by which the human body is being targeted and hit, most of the human species should be dead by now. But it's not. We persist.

Then the suicide thoughts started to arrive from around the planet. Those who write them, most of them, have already decided not to listen to those thoughts. Even the act of writing is a reaching out for understanding, feedback to comprehend what is happening.
I don't have any judgment on how and when a person decides to leave the planet. I am not sure whether leaving right now is to avoid experiences that we are not subscribing to, as the lower vibrational humans go berserk and manifest an even more hellish experience here, or whether it is an attempt to remove all high vibrational persons so that the awakening of the masses stops.

Here are a few things I do know: Life is extremely short. Most of us didn't come here to avoid life or the games that are being played on the planet, whether these are positive or negative. All our physical bodies ARE MOST LIKELY GOING TO DIE anyway, whether today or in 60 years, they will die because that's how most of them, and some of us, transition to the next level. Some of these physical bodies are waking up and they will not need to die, but does that mean we are then securely trapped inside them? Forever? No. Nothing can actually trap our souls. There are games and situations that can make it hard for us to "leave" but never impossible. For thousands of individuals, who are awake, to suddenly have a desire to leave or commit suicide in the middle of an extremely short game that's just getting interesting (even a lifetime lasting 150 years is less than a blink in a soul's evolutionary trajectory through eternity), is highly suspicious to me.

I'm thinking it's another filter. If you get past this one, as well as the vaccination ones, the food ones, the chemicals in the water ones, the chemtrail ones (do an internal cleanse at least once a month), then you stay.

And lastly, don't take it personally. When we step into a war zone we find that there are blanket explosions, bullets fly from all directions, and we sometimes get hit. It's not personal.

If you have been plagued with thoughts of death and suicide, simply scan them. Waves of these thoughts have been doing the rounds around the planet. Scan them and ask, "is this mine? Is this my body's? Is this coming in from the human collective? From a particular group?" You may or may not get an answer to those questions. But asking them will put them into a more realistic perspective.

You can also Observe these thoughts without judgment. Simply Observe them and allow the eyes of the universe to observe through your eyes.

I would not be surprised if thoughts of murder follow next! Waves of anger, anguish and desperation have been going around too. Let them flow through, and step out, up and into your Source joylighlove core center knowing it's just a human collective wave. No judgment. Life is short enough, your body will die eventually if that's what you both choose.

I normally would never do this but Inelia has written an important novel which gives great insight into the methods the Velon/black Ops Military/ NSAare using to prevent our reintegration.

Read More



Inelia writes novels to impart otherwise inaccessible information which expands our minds and knowledge base on how Earth has been run.

In this interview she explores the journey of Ramona, recruited from her loving parents by a secret world government agency to be educated at an elite school for gifted children. Only this school’s true purpose is to create the perfect assassin. Using technology and skills learned from alien captives, occult orders and super soldier programs, Ramona became their most deadly of weapons. Until she received a target she could not kill.

What was meant to be a straightforward interview quickly turns into a dangerous and mystical adventure into the depths of creation.

Some things just cannot be killed.

If you have enjoyed "Interview with an Alien" you will love this new novel!

11th July 2015, 23:14
i came by this a while back.. i kinda like it and it may help with ego issues.

10 simple ways to save yourself from messing up your life

Stop taking so much notice of how you feel. How you feel is how you feel. It’ll pass soon. What you’re thinking is what you’re thinking. It’ll go too. Tell yourself that whatever you feel, you feel; whatever you think, you think. Since you can’t stop yourself thinking, or prevent emotions from arising in your mind, it makes no sense to be proud or ashamed of either. You didn’t cause them. Only your actions are directly under your control. They’re the only proper cause of pleasure or shame.
Let go of worrying. It often makes things worse. The more you think about something bad, the more likely it is to happen. When you’re hair-trigger primed to notice the first sign of trouble, you’ll surely find something close enough to convince yourself it’s come.
Ease up on the internal life commentary. If you want to be happy, stop telling yourself you’re miserable. People are always telling themselves how they feel, what they’re thinking, what others feel about them, what this or that event really means. Most of it’s imagination. The rest is equal parts lies and misunderstandings. You have only the most limited understanding of what others feel about you. Usually they’re no better informed on the subject; and they care about it far less than you do. You have no way of knowing what this or that event really means. Whatever you tell yourself will be make-believe.
Take no notice of your inner critic. Judging yourself is pointless. Judging others is half-witted. Whatever you achieve, someone else will always do better. However bad you are, others are worse. Since you can tell neither what’s best nor what’s worst, how can you place yourself correctly between them? Judging others is foolish since you cannot know all the facts, cannot create a reliable or objective scale, have no means of knowing whether your criteria match anyone else’s, and cannot have more than a limited and extremely partial view of the other person. Who cares about your opinion anyway?
Give up on feeling guilty. Guilt changes nothing. It may make you feel you’re accepting responsibility, but it can’t produce anything new in your life. If you feel guilty about something you’ve done, either do something to put it right or accept you screwed up and try not to do so again. Then let it go. If you’re feeling guilty about what someone else did, see a psychiatrist. That’s insane.
Stop being concerned what the rest of the world says about you. Nasty people can’t make you mad. Nice people can’t make you happy. Events or people are simply events or people. They can’t make you anything. You have to do that for yourself. Whatever emotions arise in you as a result of external events, they’re powerless until you pick them up and decide to act on them. Besides, most people are far too busy thinking about themselves (and worry what you are are thinking and saying about them) to be concerned about you.
Stop keeping score. Numbers are just numbers. They don’t have mystical powers. Because something is expressed as a number, a ratio or any other numerical pattern doesn’t mean it’s true. Plenty of lovingly calculated business indicators are irrelevant, gibberish, nonsensical, or just plain wrong. If you don’t understand it, or it’s telling you something bizarre, ignore it. There’s nothing scientific about relying on false data. Nor anything useful about charting your life by numbers that were silly in the first place.
Don’t be concerned that your life and career aren’t working out the way you planned. The closer you stick to any plan, the quicker you’ll go wrong. The world changes constantly. However carefully you analyzed the situation when you made the plan, if it’s more than a few days old, things will already be different. After a month, they’ll be very different. After a year, virtually nothing will be the same as it was when you started. Planning is only useful as a discipline to force people to think carefully about what they know and what they don’t. Once you start, throw the plan away and keep your eyes on reality.
Don’t let others use you to avoid being responsible for their own decisions. To hold yourself responsible for someone else’s success and happiness demeans them and proves you’ve lost the plot. It’s their life. They have to live it. You can’t do it for them; nor can you stop them from messing it up if they’re determined to do so. The job of a supervisor is to help and supervise. Only control-freaks and some others with a less serious mental disability fail to understand this.
Don’t worry about about your personality. You don’t really have one. Personality, like ego, is a concept invented by your mind. It doesn’t exist in the real world. Personality is a word for the general impression that you give through your words and actions. If your personality isn’t likeable today, don’t worry. You can always change it, so long as you allow yourself to do so. What fixes someone’s personality in one place is a determined effort on their part—usually through continually telling themselves they’re this or that kind of person and acting on what they say. If you don’t like the way you are, make yourself different. You’re the only person who’s standing in your way.

11th July 2015, 23:43
this is another something that i found interesting..

a religious standpoint

From a religious standpoint, there is good and there is evil. No freedom whatsoever: you must beg for forgiveness and hopefully get into heaven or you waste your one chance for eternity. However, if one is aware of their true nature as light beings, spirits experiencing a physical world, they lose their power over us, and in turn, the individual rediscovers the power within, which eventually turns into a community of free-thinkers, a populace, the people, and a world free to love, prosper and discover.

People point to Revelations and say all these things will happen, and are happening, before the End Times. But, if people that put that book together knew that there would be a great shift and what the characteristics of one would be like, they could give us just enough to point to it later and say hey, this is for real, and thus, everything in the book is real. Obey.

Metaphysical knowledge has been branded occult, a term that is subconsciously connected with Satan. So with this knowledge, that pretty much explains EVERYTHING, those minds controlled by fear refuse to begin to comprehend, change, accept, or believe in these connections:

-Energy: Everything is energy, including thoughts and feelings, which composes your experience, as corresponding vibrations are brought to each other. (But that puts the responsibility on me...)
-Chakras: Where one is not more important than the other. (But there's no hierarchy?!?!)
-Extraterrestrial Life: Seriously. Look at the stars. You think a Divine Being created all that space solely to judge us and make us feel even more infinitesimally small?
-Unconditional Love: You can't truly love another if you don't love yourself. When you love what you're doing, you'll see others' experiences as part of your own. Without it, love becomes distorted towards jealousy, possession and control.
-Purpose: The Universe is abundant and loving and infinite. You can literally accomplish anything if you free yourself from the shackles of fear and doubt. (Astral Travel demonstrates this well.)
-Inter-connectivity: Not only are we more alike than different from each other, each of us has a pineal gland that connects us to the spirit realm. I can attest to human psychic capabilities, as I have had a psychic conversation with four other people in the same room, at the same time.
-Peace: When all of us get this bug out of our systems, we'll realize the "Big Picture of God," or Heaven, is here on Earth. It's to be happy, joyous that all your needs are met, jubilant in feeling-knowing you can do anything you really want, experience anything you really want to experience. The "In times of peace, prepare for war"-mentality won't even exist.

The above mentality is totally consistent with the theory of the 10 dimensions and how we soon will be experiencing life in the 5th dimension and the Age of Aquarius, as we will be able to attract into our experience what we desire MUCH quicker than we do living in the 4th dimension.

If anything 2012 serves as raising global consciousness in hopes for a Hundredth Monkey effect. If the people give in to the fear of total cataclysm, false-flags and self-serving politicians in a broken monetary system, looking out-there for God, they will never find it, and a NWO will step-in with applause. If we choose to look within and realize/actualize our true potential/nature, we will never need another person to tell us what to do ever again.

So when the Bible says that 90% of the people will believe this "Great Deception," know that the Great Deception has been present all along, and we have clung to it as if it's a necessary evil - War, Greed, Enslavement, Factory Farms - they are all the product of someone controlling another. And these concepts cannot stand the test of time, as we can see, they are failing. And logically, they should!
They are built on lies.

12th July 2015, 07:43
Thanks for your reply/s, channelled material that brings self mastery and/or channelling oneself, lets say, conversations with god books by Neil Walsch and Kryon material by Lee Carol, is actually by some velons, mmmm each to their own I spose, if this is so, should I be trying to go straight to the horses mouth so to speak, and contact the velons for further tips ?.

12th July 2015, 13:02
Homo-Spiritus - I like it. I've also heard of Homo-Luminous (or something similar)

Homo-Moronis?:hilarious: I can think of a few....

12th July 2015, 13:14
Sam, this is a good expression (IMO) of how some people fail in the arena of 'personal responsibility':

"So, this is where, you know, we've been brainwashed over the centuries into believing that we don't need worry about the soul because the church will look after it. And we don't need to look after the body because medicine will look after it.
And so we've got into the habit of not taking responsibility for our actions & our capabilities. And so we have become essentially divorced from the whole, because we believe we are divorced from the whole, when in reality, no, we are not."

12th July 2015, 15:47
Sam, this is a good expression (IMO) of how some people fail in the arena of 'personal responsibility':

"So, this is where, you know, we've been brainwashed over the centuries into believing that we don't need worry about the soul because the church will look after it. And we don't need to look after the body because medicine will look after it.
And so we've got into the habit of not taking responsibility for our actions & our capabilities. And so we have become essentially divorced from the whole, because we believe we are divorced from the whole, when in reality, no, we are not."


So how do I give a hug here? Thanks for that

15th July 2015, 17:38
The most important point to be made about having our true human history available is it's effect on the group human consciousness. It adds energy to our individual connection to our higher self which fosters full soul reintegration.

This chronology comes from Chris Thomas’ Reading of the Akashic Records.

The Akashic is sourced through the higher self with no outside intermediary or channelling involved.

The interesting thing about this chronology and the events included is that it gives an explanation for many anomalies that science has failed to answer. Of course it took 11 books, several essays and 10 interviews to explain the details.

It took 15 years to accomplish this monumental task since the information contained in the Akashic is enormous. He explains that it might take up to 30 questions from different angles to achieve one definitive answer.

Several of his discoveries have been later confirmed by science.

Page 229 (The Human Soul- Chris Thomas) CHRONOLOGICAL CHART OF THE UNIVERSE

14.4 Billion Years Ago Creation of the Universal envelope [made up of 13 souls as guardians and energy balancers]

100 Million Years Ago Creation of the 6 non-physical races

[B]40 Million Years Ago Completion of our Solar System with early life beginning to form on most of the 13 planets, [each planet being an individual self-determining soul consciousness in contrast to the rest of the solar systems in this Universe]

30 Million Years Ago Creation of the 7 semi-physical races on 7 diverse planets [soul is attached to a lighter body than humans. They need to build organic space ships to travel from planet to planet. As they spread throughout the Galaxies, they change their racial name to the name of the new planet they inhabit which leads to a multitude of E.T. racial names]

25 Million Years Ago Earth began to explore the possibility offered by physical forms of life [more compressed than the 7 semi-physical races]

20 Million Years Ago Earth’s Creation of the Sidhe and the Faerie [group souls who look after and balance the plant life energies]

4.5 Million Years Ago Neanderthal Man developed by Earth from the early proto-humans. [In total there are 6 proto-humans, 5 of which show less evolutionary promise – Gigantopithicus, Pygmy, Homo-erectus and two, now extinct, aquatic species , and the 7th template brought from Mars, Cro’ Magnon, who evolved faster than Neanderthal. Later, 85,000 yrs. ago, DNA manipulation of
Cro Magnon on Atlantis birthed Wholly Human Individuals (formerly had been group soul supplied by Earth) capable of containing the whole soul within the physical body].

4 Million Years Ago The arrival of Merlin (Guardian and energetic balancer for the entire planet on Earth) and the other 12 planetary Guardians [All of the 13 planets supplied a portion of their soul consciousness to each of these planetary Guardians](see Planet Earth – The Universe’s Experiment) [Merlin is also known as Malkuth in certain teachings of the tree of life from the Kabala]
Also known as The Pool Vu, the South American traditional creationary stories, names ‘their’ Merlin as Zamna. [in North America as Wohanna Wish Hey, in Eastern lands as Enoch, in Greece as Mercury and in the west as Merlin. All the same person.

3.9 Million Years Ago 4 of the original 13 planets in our solar system decide to remove themselves from the ‘physical’ experiment.
The debris of two of these planets forming the asteroid belts, and part of the consciousness of one planet remains in what becomes Earth’s moon. The remains of the other two are just outside of the solar system giving rise to NASA’s detection of Planet X –the tenth planet or possibly now known as the gas giants Tyche and Sedna.

3.8 Million Years Ago The adoption by Earth, of the Cro Magnon template from Mars. Virtually all life was instantly destroyed on planets in the solar system except Earth and Ganymede by the destruction and removal of the 4 planets. Earth rocked on her equatorial axis developed a wobble. Earth adopted Cro Magnon as a possible additional development to her Neanderthal.

3.6 Million Years Ago The 14th Faction break into this Universe in search of raw resources resulting in the contamination of the energies of free choice. (See Planet Earth). 30,000 souls on their way to Earth are contaminated by this lizard energy. Before they are removed the 14th Faction succeed in leaving one third of our universe devoid of energy.

94-98,000 Years Ago Period when Lemuria was established on an ice island in the Southern Atlantic for DNA research to establish plant and animal life variety on Earth. Research was carried out by a semi-physical race known as NGC584 who come from a frozen planet. [Several people have assumed that Lemuria was a warm climate but the Akashic does not agree with this view. At this time in Earth history the South Pole ice sheet extended out to near the tip of South America ]

85,000 Years Ago Atlantis established – stretching as a continent from the coast of Ireland to the Caribbean Basin and Brazil. Included England, Ireland and the Azores.

65,000 Years Ago [Purposeful Sinking of Atlantis down to the core of Earth using a ring of volcanoes and forming the North Atlantic Ridge, the Great Rift in Africa and the flooding of the Mediterranean marsh land. The resulting disruption causes Earth to tilt on her equatorial axis from a vertical position, resulting in a freezing of the North Hemisphere Pole. All non-physical souls incarnate returned to source for 40,000 years.] Immediately prior to the sinking of Atlantis, construction of the Sphinx in Egypt as a marker for the entrance to the principle underground ‘shelter’ used by those who remained on Earth to undo the damage caused by the destruction of Atlantis. Other ‘shelters’ exist in South America, entrance near to Teotihuacan, and in Britain entrance under West Kennet Long Barrow.

28,000 Years Ago New energy matrix constructed around planet to support the shortly to arrive new human population. The energy matrix is more commonly called the ‘Ley Line Grid’

20,000 Years Ago 6 regions of the Earth (1.South America, 2.Mesopotamia the area around Sumeria, 3.Egypt, 4.Britain, Ireland
and Northern France, 5.Tibet, 6.Southern Greece (Volcanic activity destroyed most of this region leaving only scattered islands now). (see The Fool’s First Steps) These 6 regions were re-colonised by souls from each of the thirteen soul origins. Each colonised region began to explore our connections to the Earth. The full soul human template was adopted as the ‘standard model’ for the human body. The new humans arrived as an energy form which they slowly condensed, mainly by using materials [elements] from the planet itself, into a ‘physical’ body (the origin of the Adam and Eve story)

18,000 Years Ago Construction of the Great Pyramid – sometimes called Khufu or Cheops Pyramid. The original concept was that only this pyramid was required to fulfill its psychic reconstruction role for the physical body/whole soul link. As humans became more and more physical, the other pyramids were added, until about 15,000 years ago, all seven principle pyramids were complete. These 7 pyramids, the central 3 at Giza with the other 4 at locations matching the stars of the Orion Constellation, were designed to connect together into a massive energy collection and focusing structure. It was also at this time that Kobekli Tepe in Southern Turkey was constructed.

17,000 Years Ago Construction of pyramids at Teotihuacán and the other colonised sites including Tibet except for Celtic Britain, Ireland and Northern France to perform the same consciousness rebuilding function as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

16,000 Years Ago Adoption of sexual reproduction. Although the ‘normal’ conception and birth process had been experimented with, all new lives were brought about [as with most among the semi-physical races] by a process called ‘Adult Birth’ up until this time. Sexual reproduction was not fully adopted by humans until 7,000 years ago.

12,000 Years Ago First use of a written language based on the electrical impulses that run along the spine. This “binary” language became the root of all written languages.

10,000 Years Ago Construction of Silbury Hill, the Avebury stone circles and the first phase of the construction of Stonehenge. [The Celts were able to hold full consciousness much longer than the other 5 regions because Earth’s central energy centre is located in England, which is why they were later in building and also why they could use open structures instead of pyramids.]

8,000 Years Ago The majority of people leave the planet to merge with their higher self to discuss the way forward for human life on Earth. This “die off’ has prompted scientists to suggest a series of meteorites may have rained down on the planet at this time. The afore mentioned ‘discussion’ led to the formation of ‘The Human Plan’.

7,000 Years Ago The beginning of the Human Plan being put into action. The human template now becomes divided into two, the ‘physical self’[25% DNA] and the ‘higher self’ [75% DNA memory]. The Human Plan meant that every one designed a series of lifetimes in order to gain as much knowledge as possible of how to be human on Earth and to regain the original human template of the whole soul within the physical body. The knowledge gathering process has become known as ‘Karma’ [original meaning: Knowledge]. The Earth has considered people to be ‘sub-human’ ever since. In agreement with the Earth’s consciousness, we imposed a 7,000 year time limit which expires around the end of 2011. [It is not possible to know exactly when it expires because we don’t have exact numbers as to when it began. We could be out up to 50 years. The Akashic is not specific within 50 years as to exactly when the plan began. Also the Earth has the final say in how quickly this process takes place.

5820 Years Ago (3820 BC) The arrival of the Annunaki (Enki and Enlil) in Sumeria having travelled back in time from the present era. Enki begins to dictate the ‘Book of Enki’ to Sumerian scribes who take the story down onto clay tablets. Copies of these tablets travelled to Babylonia, the Hittites and eventually, the Himalayas and Egypt. According to Zachariah Sitchin, the story forms the basis of the Old Testament. [some may find this flow confusing related to time travel]

[1476 Years Ago] [In 538 AD forces led by King Arthur’s son Mordred met Arthur’s forces in battle at Calamus on the Scottish Borders; both were killed. The date and outcome of this battle had a major significance for Humanity. Lost here was a whole philosophy and way of life – the corruption of mankind. The Celtic ways of nature could not be sustained without Arthur’s battle prowess against the invading Anglo Saxon ‘Christian’ ways; likewise without Mordred because of his link with the Sidhe (faerie) and the ways of the land.] Merlin acted on his own (neither the Planet nor the Sidhe knew of his plans; both responded to what appeared to be an act of treachery) to place the Sidhe in ‘Avalon’ out of reach of humans and the harmful influence (exploitation of nature) they would have on the Faerie. They have remained in a place of safety until very recently as a small percentage of humans have completed Soul reintegration. [possibly this removal of faerie nurturing energies lends a very spiritual reality to the term ‘Dark Ages’.]

1,000 Years Ago The Velon race discovers the primary energy flow to our solar system. (see Project Human Extinction)

About 1776 The first of the Velon ships arrive at the Orion Gateway. The Industrial revolution marks a major change in life at this time and human relationship to the Earth. Burning of coal replaces other bio fuels, and so on. ..

August 14, 1996 17:30 BST The connection of the new [ley line] energy grid to North Devon. The new energy overlays and reconstructs the original matrix which was constructed 28,000 years ago . The new grid activated the 12 global primary energy points. Connecting the grid triggers the first census of human readiness for our [soul reintegration] completion process.

December 31, 1999 Start of the acceleration of the human energy structures allowing further free choice and actions. Those energies reached their peak at the end of May 2003. With this peak, the process of change became unstoppable and could not be reversed.

May 30, 2000 The Earth alters her base-note frequency from 7.56 Hz to 3500 cycles per second. It is not certain when the 7,000 yr. time limit began. It could be out 50 years. It is only the Earth and her connection to human consciousness which can now determine when full soul reintegration will happen. Earth is expanding and human consciousness must follow. Those not prepared may be cast off or allowed to live out their lifetimes. It is Earth’s decision and individual choice.

March, 2002 The 14th Faction lizard energy is removed from our Universe, stolen energy radiates back and the Black Holes are closed by Merlin and the Guardians. It is still unknown how they were able to drive out the 14th Faction. Recently [2013] physicist Stephen Hawking, who built his reputation on the study of Black Holes, came forward to say that Black Holes do NOT exist in our Universe. Therefore we have confirmation of the information provided from the akashic in 2002. The individuals in the Vatican and the Jesuits who used this energy to remove other’s free will have lost that power forever.

June 2, 2003 The first people to complete the whole soul reintegration process 25 in the USA (all but 1 taken by the military for experimentation resulting in 2 deaths so far) and 43 in Europe. Several million have completed soul integration since and live in isolated areas for obvious reasons.

August 1, 2004 The Earth confirms that the original Atlantian Human template is the only acceptable Human form to be considered Wholly Human.

August 2, 2004 The Earth charges up all global crystal deposits that remain in the ground.

February, 2005 As energies settled and reinforced, a second census was taken of human readiness to complete their part of The Human Plan. These new energies brought about a further increase in the death rate and slowing of the birth rate.

2009 The Velon living on Earth within the illuminati are the victims of a coup by one of their own group, destroying their safe-house in Virginia U.S.A. which exposes the Akashic information they have been hiding through use of an energy wall. The result is that the Guardians of Earth are able to remove all but one of the members of the illuminati (the one who at the time performed the coup but who was not known about), along with the original human members including George Washington who had been kept alive through Velon technology [the computer Me, pronounced My]. The politicians and corporate leaders and military of the human population have filled in the gap but do not realize they are still under mind control by the Velon remaining – the 6th emissary. A new safe-house is built in Peru by the Velon.

[Late 2013] [With the 6th sun energies a state of constant flux begins with intermittent, meaningful changes taking place throughout the solar system but most especially noticeable on Earth.]

16th July 2015, 06:29
Hello Herbert, i have a question that i would dearly love to know the answer to, would it be possible for you to ask Chris Thomas? It is reguarding a vision i had many years ago. Fearing for my daughters life, i prayed in desperation to "God", beautiful ebony arms and hands appeared and hovered over her head for a prolonged period, they looked "Holy" to me and were outlined in platinum. The arms wore colourful bands/bangels, 2 on one arm and i think 3 on the other. The arms neither looked male nor female, however were slender and beautiful and black.

I suppose i am wondering if my daughter was tended to by one of the semiphysical or non physical races.

Thankyou for this thread and if you or Chris are able to respond :),lb

16th July 2015, 18:32
Hi lb
I'ts been about 3 weeks since I last heard from Chris.

But what I can tell you is that when something manifests for you to see it is one of your spirit guides who is being filtered through your higher self. Everything is energy and how they appear usually reflects an aspect of ourselves that has meaning for us in this life - in other words one of our past lives or just a reminder of who you are. So you can look within and ask yourself questions like: Did this have a deep inner meaning for me? Clearly, from your description, it did and it certainly relates to your prayer. Possibly giving you confidence and trust that your child's well being is in good hands and fear is never an option.

As for your question about race, there are no black semi-physical races. They range from Pleiadians who look like us with fair skin as I understand it to Blues to Greys. The 6 non-physical races are pure energy. Some people call them angels. So how they appear is mostly to do with yourself.

As an example, my main guide manifests as a court jester to remind me to lighten up and not take myself so seriously.

Hopefully this is helpful.

From Chris Thomas:

When people speak of angels what they are really talking about is their higher self, not a separate entity at all but just part of their own soul because we have become so physical that we are almost detached from our higher self, and so when we communicate with something that is non-physical we assume that it is a separate entity where very often it is just your own higher self.

So as far as most people’s concept of what an angel is within the past 20 years or so they are actually talking to their higher self and not to a separate entity at all.

17th July 2015, 05:14
Thankyou for your thoughts Herbert. The hands and arms looked like something out of Egypt or Sumer. I have no connection that i am aware of, maybe it was a past life connection or even something that manifested so differently than my christian beliefs that it would cause me to question my beliefs which i eventually did- hence im here :),lb

24th July 2015, 00:00
The Sad Case of Sanni Ceto - Implanted Memories

This video is continued at you tube with 3 more short videos

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the Black Ops Military Abduction/mind control/layered memory implants of children from infancy run the whole gamut of possible scenarios from test-tube babies to love as a weapon

Given the memory wipes and implanted false memories, why would anyone believe human hybrid children even exist? In fact do extra-terrestrial races procreate? Is there any evidence that they even have children?

So many methods available to the unethical, amoral monsters who torture infants, children and adults alike to create the “right” synapses in the brain to produce false memories :

- simple stimulus/response, reward/punishment, love vibration/physical pain

- drug concoctions making their victims open to suggestion, hallucination, layered memories, holographic projections

- sophisticated Holo-Deck Helmets used to simulate any experience of being on Mars, the Moon or past life memories, etc.

- Velon able to take on the appearance of any humanoid shape including angels to trick humans into believing their lies

- Soulless, Bio-mechanical robots with minimum of programmed DNA to carry out convincing simple tasks as Greys, Mantids, Insectoids, Felines, Avian, etc. in the background.

- Good cop/bad cop and who knows what more advanced technology is available to them now for mind control, psy ops.

Familiar themes:
- Angry, vicious, shape-shifting Reptoids. ( A particularly familiar Velon trait)

- gentle, loving, mantid insectoids as teachers

- human incarnated from their Grey semi-physical family

- life’s purpose to help their race improve by providing human hybrid children

- life’s purpose to teach humans the errors of their ways

Less familiar themes:
- the unforgiving Grey hive-mind exacting karmic punishment for neglect of duty

- Love is the solution to raise human frequencies beyond the reach of the Reptoids

- Even re-integration of the higher self as the subject’s goal; apparently Simon Parkes (who is an abductee since childhood) is saying this now.

I would say Sanni Ceto may well be a test tube baby in the hands of the military/NSA from birth; she could certainly be programmed for anything, including writing in strange symbols.

Whether she is a Grey incarnated as human or whether this is just another implanted memory is less important than the question of what is the plan her Higher Self has in mind for her?

How much more of these sad scenarios will it take to wake up human group consciousness to put a stop to these military abductions?

Or better yet when will parents say NO! And when will young women say NO! to having their fetuses taken?

25th July 2015, 17:49
Excellent Article on Abduction Victims

This is an excellent article for bringing out all the facets of abductions since 2000 when Chris Thomas says most alien abductions (which never involved sex or painful experiences) ended and after that all abductions are military and traumatizing, usually supervised by the Velon who can take on the bodily appearance of Reptoids and probably Mantids to play the roles of bad cop/good cop.

The Greys are portrayed as evil but in fact are not even involved. Instead bio-mechanical, soulless grey robots with simple DNA programming have been built by the military to deceive the Victim. The taking of embryos is involved with psychic young women who have usually been taken since childhood – their memories often wiped. They are usually told that they are helping an alien race by giving their hybrid children. And they often have scarred uteruses as a result of the procedures.

Always keep in mind that there can be no real human clones because the e.t. races do not procreate, would not possibly be compatible even if they did have sex organs, and the subjects are always under chemical and technological, deeply layered mind control.

While I don’t always agree with the conclusions here, I found this to be a useful summary of what we encounter in the military/NSA/Velon abduction scenarios. I’ve added my own thoughts in square brackets. I have only taken excerpts from this long article and encourage everyone to go to the article for reading in its entirety.

Read the entire article here:


I think this may be a very perceptive quote :

What my Tibetan Buddhist meditation teacher, Dr. Alan Wallace, PhD has stated in jest, during one of the many Shamatha meditation retreats I participated in:
Can sceptics even strip away what they fear and desire any more than alien abductees? “ Extreme scientific scepticism and fanatic religious dogmatism are two sides of the same coin.”

So, next time a sceptic balks at the lack of evidence regarding alien abductions and milabs, [or anything else like resonating with C.T.’s reading of the Akashic information including Earth history and the e.t. races] I wonder how far they are willing to go to enhance their own levels of perceptual awareness and equanimity?

[Or are they just in denial of the Divine Feminine source for information and intuitive knowing?]

This is a period in human history where humanity is moving from the male scientific technological (Technocratic) age to the female intuitive age for gaining knowledge and wisdom.

How much reflective empathic awareness have they really demonstrated? How far are they willing to delve into the dragons lair to emerge with the great pearls of wisdom?

One wonders whether even angels dare to tread the places where many alien abduction and milab researchers have gone. This is where I believe, paradigm shifting life choices and priorities must be made to allow the already existing evidence to seep into our conscious awareness.

Otherwise, we may just be barking up the wrong tree, you know, like the fake kind that cover up cell phone towers. Personally, I prefer stately oaks and ringing cedars. How about you?

I have taken some excerpts from the article where I wanted to insert my own thoughts based on what we know from C.T.’s information from the Akashic regarding the Velon who are clearly the ones impersonating the vicious Reptilians (is there any other way of describing the Velon than deceptive, vicious, tricky, intelligent *******s who know how to fake the love vibration?).

The milab super soldiers–according to the memories they are recovering–appear to be operatives who are highly trained to carry out a multitude of functions, usually under mind control in an alter personality mode.

They often see other milabs and abductees in their experiences, being medically examined, tested or in training for specific jobs. (2b,11,12) They may experience taking part in a covert operation together in a human or even “alien environment”. (See Jared interview, (3)) Some milabs such as K. Wilson (2c) have described memories of having been on the dark side of the moon. Zed, (3) recalled being trained on the dark side of the moon with other human super soldiers under a reptilian [Velon] and human military control and command.

He discovered years later in his memory recovery, that the reptilian [Velon] programming and control-deception system is superior to our own military capabilities. In other words, the reptilians [Velon] have the upper hand, not our military/shadow government who apparently are/were in collusion with them.

Some milabs report teleportation and time travel ops (Andy Pero, Michael Relfe, Jared, Andy Basiago, and anonymous ones via personal communication).

This brings up the subject of head gear and Holo-Decks to deceive the victims into believing they had strange experiences which never really happened, either on another planet or through time travel. Andy Basiago’s interview with Lisa Harrison details this Holo-Deck experience which proves they were never on Mars and in fact never left Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHH5dDsIuts


The point I want to make is that many milabs who have come to me to share their experiences of trauma, and their angst about all of this, realized they were being used as some kind of multidimensional operative doing a variety of functions for the aliens and/or “shadow government/military”.

Many milabs are concerned that they are being used to assist a dark agenda but cannot extricate themselves out of their secret life situations. Some have been partially freed, (i.e., Michael Relfe, Zed (3), Seth Coronado (9)) but many still fight an ongoing battle of continued abduction attempts, reprisals and remote mind control influences such as stalking and non-lethal weapons harassment.

Beaming, for example is a term we have created to define when an alien, or perhaps a human perpetrator, influences the victim to see imagery in their minds, or to feel or hear things that compel them to make certain conclusions or act aggressively. For example, screen memories, emotional manipulations and vivid imagery, or training for scenarios in the future.

Some of the beamings are reported to cause bizarre electrical sensations, severe pain, or sensations of burning on parts of the body, like the soles of the feet. At least in one anonymous milab case, these sensations were coincidental with vivid implanted imagery and stage-managed dreams.

Much of what milabs describe parallels what victims of mind control, Illuminati bloodline cult and even black magic victims have experienced. And yet, not all milabs are from Illuminati cult families, and seem to have been plucked for reasons only the aliens or milab controllers know.

“Robert Dean who has often spoken and given his testimony of what he knows says, if these extraterrestrials were bent on destroying us and taking over our planet, they could have done so long ago with the incredibly advanced technology they possess.”(13)

My question is, “Did anyone ever consider the superior mind control capabilities of the aliens, so that an overt takeover of humanity is


All they have to do is distract us with other issues such as environmentalism, endless political arguments, constant relationship manipulations, religiosity, or compulsions to blame each other or our military industrial complex’s dark agenda as the enemy. Even though these are valid concerns, it doesn’t make sense, at least in cases where aliens are observed in collusion with the shadow government abductors.

It has been my educated guess (via consults with milabs and independent studies) that the military industrial complex is heavily influenced, if not taken over, by the malevolent alien factions such as the Draco’s, reptilians [Velon] and some greys, as well as the Illuminati bloodline families.

Furthermore, there is ample evidence quoted from ancient archeology and history experts like Michael Cremo, Richard Dolan, Graham Hancock and Michael Tsarion that our ancient star gods were the same reptilians (i.e., Anunnaki) [Velon] who have corrupted and manipulated Earths religions for thousands of years. They created the secret societies! Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

I have to interject here the Akashic information which qualifies that the "gods" were in fact time travelling Velon who dictated a lie to a Sumerian scribe and they are not naturally reptilians. However they do assume such a shape for abductions to create fear and to further their agenda of owning Earth and humanity. For the past roughly 300 years they have certainly been behind the creation of societies and commissions, the Masonic order, Trilateral Commission, etc. to further their own ends of removing the human population.

I’ve noticed numerous times, whether the milab had MPD/DID or not, that they had a tendency to either preach Christian Fundamentalism or some New Age environmentalist propaganda, instead of getting into any specific detail about their own mind control programming, and how they are healing and processing their experiences. Could the compulsion to preach or get on the New Age environmentalist bandwagon be another program that is inserted as a defense mechanism to avoid the deeper issues of the powerlessness and reality of trauma and mind control? I’m not saying there is anything wrong with having a Christian faith or being environmentally conscious, it’s just the way in which I can see how these belief systems are used as a method of distraction.

If we can focus on unveiling the secrets of mind control, human or alien instigated, I think we can regain our power back as a race, free from the false god, manipulated religious corruptions, or the shadow government-military-industrial complex.

Some contactee’s and “experiencers” as they may prefer to be called, believe they are in contact with benevolent ET’s. They do not necessarily exhibit post-traumatic stress disorder or are “abducted” in the same manner as abductees. [Philip Kramf, (14)] I believe there must be some benevolent or neutral extraterrestrials, but would they need to abduct humans too? The experiencers I am concerned about, such as Jim Sparks, are the ones who have “changed their tune” from being vocal resisters of alien abduction, to sudden promoters of environmentalism, while being distracted from the real healing of the mind control systems the aliens installed to avoid the issue altogether. (15, 35b) I am also disappointed about the absolute denial of malevolent alien abductions by leading proponents of the Disclosure movement such as Dr. Steven Greer.

28th July 2015, 18:41

Transcript excerpts
1. Current Thinking/Soul
2. Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels
3. Alien Agenda, Transhumanism, Technocracy
4. 90% of News is Invented
5. Free Choice
6. Human Consciousness Has Been Changing Since 1996
7. A Black Ops Planned Alien Invasion
8. Reintegration Begins With Discernment

1. Current Thinking/Soul

C.T. The illuminati are doing their best to stop this change from occurring and to stop this process of full soul reintegration. So a lot of people have been influenced by the Anunnaki and this rubbish about ascending to a 5th dimension. And the channelling has just been thrown in to cause fear and panic among people and to try and distract them from our true purpose, which is purely and simply to reintegrate the full soul back into the physical body. So that’s where we are. We’ve done everything that we need to do essentially; all the energies are in place; it’s now a question of when rather than if.

Mark: Will that be a shock to most people when it happens? Will we wake up feeling quite differently or will it be a gradual change over a number of days? How would the majority of people who are not exposed to this kind knowledge react to those changes?

C.T. I think like everybody else; they just wake up one morning and: “Oh yes that’s what it’s about isn’t it! This is what I should be.”

Mark: They just remember then?

C.T. Yes, well it’s a realization; we’ve got something like 2.5 billion people who are ready to undergo this change. Now the majority of those don’t know much about this change at all. They’ve done everything they needed to do in their life and they’ve got everything correct so they’re just ready and waiting for this change to happen.

And then you have those who are not going through the change and they won’t know anything about it at all. And again they will generally be in total denial of everything.

But then there is a percentage of the people who have said they want to go through this change who are holding back. They are creating problems for themselves because they are not actually listening to what their higher self is saying to them. So a lot of people are in a state of denial, they want to go through it but at the same time they don’t want to do the work necessary to make it where they can. So you end up with a certain amount of confusion within these people as to what is happening and why.

But basically anybody, individually, can undergo this change anytime they choose; there’s nothing to stop them. But because of all these forces that are lined up against us, there has been a general vies that the best thing to do would be to pick a date and then we’ll all undergo this transition at the same time. In that way we will sweep away all opposition and nothing can stop us.

If you undergo this change by yourself and live in the Western World then the chances are that you are either going to be turned into a new god, or arrested or both. So a lot of people are holding back on an individual basis in the Western World because of those potential problems. Whereas in traditional tribal cultures they don’t have that kind of problem so as far as they’re concerned they can get on with it as they choose.

The bulk of people who have already undergone this process are living in isolated areas.

Mark: Do you have a vision of how the world will be the next day? The world is currently based on a monetary system, the black gold that keeps everything moving, and the industry that keeps people very rich and everybody enslaved if you like. It a kind of greedy, materialistic world with everybody into fashion and following pop stars. How will the world be the next day after a shift like that? Does everything suddenly change 100% or will that world still be there but kind of fade to a new way of being?

C.T. Laughs. That’s a very difficult one to answer. The transition process for an individual takes about 24 hours. It’s that quick, it’s seamless and there’s no problem. If you are totally ready for it then it just happens. So with the majority of the population looking at the world from a totally different perspective and understanding, then the world as we know it cannot remain. And culture as we know it cannot remain.

The majority of the people who are chasing after gold, money, designer clothes are the ones who are NOT going to make it. So I can see we could end up with a sort of bipolar culture, where you have those who have gone through the change not accepting the world as it is and then we have those who are not going through the change trying to keep the world as it is. There is a potential there for a bit of conflict, which is why I think that the majority view at the moment is that we go through this change together.

So we will have this massive wave of shift that totally wipes out the other way of thinking. Or the way of thinking that created the world we live in at the moment. But that can happen over night so there is no real answer to it in all honesty to your question because we’re in a position where nobody has ever been before. So we don’t know what it is like to have the full soul within the body and nobody knows how long those who are opposed to it will be able to remain on the planet.

So we’re in a state of flux and nobody can predict what’s going to happen in the short term. Long term of course we have a reasonable idea of what the world will be like. Apart from people existing on a soul level there is a sort of collective soul which is the mass consciousness and there is something scientists call morphic resonance. Which is if a specific weight within the mass consciousness says one thing then the whole of the mass consciousness shifts into that idea.

Therefore when the majority of people have the whole consciousness within the body, the mass consciousness with shift with it and those against the change will not be able to stop it and their minds will be changed by the mass consciousness shift. So those opposed may end up going through it themselves at the same time.

It’s a difficult question to answer since it has never happened before and it’s a bit like the question: “What are we going to be like when all of this has happened?” (17:19) The answer is pass.

But when you think about how psychic and how good at healing some people are with only ¼ of the soul in the body, think what they will be like with the whole soul for all of us. Our acute sense of perceptions, well nobody knows what that will be like. We have memories of what we were like on Atlantis and what we were like 20,000 years ago but we’ve been through a 7,000 years process, so as physical beings we are quite different now to what we were on Atlantis.

We’re much more physically dense, we’ve undergone this whole cycle of knowledge gathering through reincarnation and so our memories are very, very different to what they used to be when we did have the whole soul within the body. So ultimately there is no way of comparing ourselves as we are now to what we will be upon reintegration.

I know there are people out there trying to explain it but really we just don’t have the concepts for it. And people who are trying to explain it are deluding or limiting themselves.


Mark: Do you think Spirit has a plan in all of this or how this will tie into our spirit world, ourselves, and guides? Is there an element of how we plan our lives before we are born? Are there certain things that we are sent here to do like kind of a blueprint?

C.T. Every person’s lifetime is mapped out before you are born by you and your higher self. So the whole of the soul combines between lifetimes and plans out what you need to do in the lifetime you are about to be born into. All major events are pre-planned and if you go against what your higher self thinks you should be doing then what you end up with is illness. That’s what causes illness is you’ve taken a wrong step in your life. You’ve stepped off your path and your higher self is saying get back on track. (20:17)

So in previous lifetimes that has been fine, but in this lifetime we have run out of time. In previous lifetimes if we ran up against a situation where said to our higher self this is too difficult I don’t want to deal with this now then the higher self would re-plan. And if we failed to succeed in our goals, we would have an illness, die from it, and come back in another lifetime to have another go at that problem until we resolved it. So what we do in one lifetime will come back to us in another which where the Buddhist concept of Karma comes from. But that is a slight misunderstanding of the situation because all we have really been doing is learning.

How do we get the whole soul back into the body? And the original meaning of the word karma is just pure and simply knowledge. So for 7,000 years we have been gaining knowledge. In order to do that we have had spirit guides, for example. More often than not, what we see as our spirit guide is actually our higher self. So the higher self presents itself as a spirit guide but using a persona that we were in a previous lifetime.

That is to say to us: ‘Look we had the knowledge in a previous lifetime as to how to deal with this situation we have encountered in this lifetime situation so your higher self has presented itself as that persona to try and help with whatever we are dealing with in the current life. So that is where the bulk of ‘spirit guides’ comes from.

In fairness the bulk of what people call their ‘guardian angels’ is actually their higher self.

But there are other entities outside of that. For example, say that your great aunt Elsie has died and the soul that is great aunt Elsie realizes that you are having problems and she decides to give you a hand. So she essentially becomes your spirit guide as somebody who is separate from yourself to try and help you out. That can happen relatively frequently and that other soul will work with your higher self to try sorting things out for you.


In addition to that there are beings who are not of the Earth, and now you are getting into channelled material. Unfortunately there is a race out there known as the Velon or Anunnaki, Hathor, etc. who have an agenda which is not to help people. Their purpose seems to be to take over control of the planet and what is going on here on the planet. It has been the Anunnaki who are primarily behind the illuminati.

The illuminati is controlled by non-human entities.

So the Anunnaki control filters down through all the other structures that we have; so the Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission, High level Free Masonry, Media, etc. are controlled by the Velon so they create situations and scenarios which are trying to fulfil their agenda. So that vast majority of things that have been going on in society for the last 150 to 200 years, where it appears that it is going against people’s wishes, is Velon originated and Velon driven. Everything in the Media is driven by these Velon agendas.

80% of all the media is owned by 5 people, and all five are members of the Bildebergers. By media I mean tv, radio, newspapers, books, magazines, the internet are controlled by these 5 people. So they put out whatever agenda they want put out and what they don’t want published will not be published.


I’ll give you an example of that, if you think of one of my favourite movies, Avatar in which they built the planet Pandora, and what they did was create a new planet with totally different animals, people and plants to make people think they are filming this movie on another world. Now I came across a report written by a journalist who was a tv cameraman where he was in a Middle Eastern country and was asked to take a shot of an empty street. (26:44)

So what you have is a long view down a street with terraced houses on either side and a road junction quite a long way in the distance with cars passing back and fourth at the bottom of a hill. But the street is totally empty of people, and that is the originating shot that he took. But when the shot was presented as a news item, what they had done was put hundreds of screaming people coming towards the camera and covered in blood. It made it look as if they were running away from some kind of massacre. But it never existed, what was on the screen was all generated by computer.

So whatever you see on the news is total propaganda.

90% of all news items are propaganda presented by the illuminati to fool us into thinking these things are going on but primarily to create fear in the population because a fearful population is easily controlled.

And if you’re fearful you are not thinking about undergoing consciousness reintegration.

So what we really need to do is ignore the media because it’s all made up. Remember a little while ago there was a tetrahedral shaped UFO over Moscow, and then there was another one over Peking. Those were holograms. They weren’t actual ships at all, they were just holographic projections from the ground to make it look like these ships were in existence.

If you look at what’s going on in Arabian countries at the moment like Syria and what happened in Libya, those were all engineered to make it look like there were problems in those countries. So it’s all just meeting the illuminati agenda.

Mark: I guess we live on the good side of the equation in the west where they need our tax money to fund their wars so they have to keep giving us the propaganda so that our money is being spent for “humanitarian purposes”, when in fact it may not be.

C.T. The amount of money you and I pay in taxes does not amount to anything in terms of what it costs to run a war. Governments do not rely on taxation. They say that they do but again it’s another con. Most governments have sources of money running into billions of pounds from other sources. There is a world money cartel that operates the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund but again it’s an illuminati controlled system, so money for them comes down to how many digits there are on a computer program, not how may pounds you have in your pocket.

So it’s all a con and all this global collapse and financial recession is again a con that has been engineered and there is proof of that.


Mark: Yes it’s an interesting one because it does seem to be engineered in order to bring in more laws, a greater fiscal union in the form of a European Union where a central body controls the money supply to all the countries in the union and sets their budgets. Something like that would never happen when times are good.

The other thing I’ve been thinking about Chris is as the greater soul we come here to become more integrated, with a greater awareness of our consciousness then there must be some sort of a plan here that if in one sense the money supply is collapsing, but then with we are ultimately to go towards a world where we don’t want money, then perhaps this is helping us in a sense to reach our end goals. Even though people worry about no money in their pocket and things are going to get bad, but at the soul level it might be preparing us for the moneyless world we are going to end up in anyway. So we might as well get used to it so that when soul integration goes through then it becomes easier.

Where does Spirit get into this? Is our reality controlled by this other illuminati agenda energy, or is there an element of spirit in there helping as well. Is it all bad or is there a good part to this collapse that is preparing us for who we become next?

C.T. I think it was David Icke who came out with the expression “sheeple”. And that is basically what the majority of the population is. They listen to authority figures and get fooled into whatever it is. They may grumble but they do nothing about it. As we go through this process of change e see a massive amount of the lies we’ve been told and the manipulation that has been going on coming to the surface. So people are realizing that all those conspiracy theorists were actually right. There are conspiracies against the masses.

But there are an awful lot of people in denial. They are saying: “I don’t want to know about that.” “I don’t want to believe we’ve been pushed in these directions. So if you look back through human history that is where the problem has always lain. The last 7,000 years of human history will show you that the land owners, the mill owners have said to people: “We’re cutting you wages but you’ll be working an extra 20 hours a week.” And people have grumbled and done nothing about it whatsoever.

But if they had done something about it by forming a union or going on strike, then those situations would never have arisen.

So don’t forget it is always choice and it’s choice of the individual. (34:15)

An example in real life of this was the dock worker in Poland who declared he would not work for low wages and he formed a solidarity union which broke the communist system. Just one person said I have free choice and it woke up the others to the reality that they could think for themselves. Things can change and one person can move the group consciousness. You don’t have to accept what you’ve been told.

So he broke the whole system just by one man standing up and saying: “I’m not having this any longer.” This has been the problem throughout human history is they have not thought for themselves. They have not acted for themselves, they have just gone along with the flock. And this is what has allowed organisations like the illuminati to act in the way they have done because nobody has said NO.

Mark: So we’re almost complicit in this aren’t we because if we don’t stand up and oppose it then we’ve almost given our free will away I guess.

C.T. Totally. It’s a choice. You either stand up and say NO I’m not having this or you say I’m going to go along with it.

What has happened is people have given away their free choice or they have said well I’m going to go along with it because I don’t want to fight it.

Mark: Well it’s fear but you also think well what can one person do? You feel almost powerless. One person on their own thinks well I’m not going to be able to change the world. And that is the way the majority of people think and yet there are pockets of people who do change the world on their own

C.T. Lech Walesa did. And there have been numerous other examples throughout history who have stood up and said NO. Some of them have lost their life and become martyrs so the cause is fought on their behalf. Losing you life doesn’t matter if you have inspired a situation which has brought about change.

What we have seen since the illuminati came into being 250 years ago is people saying they will accept it because they don’t want to argue against it.

The first thing the illuminati did was to bring about the French Revolution and that lasted 10 years because after 10 years everybody said well this is a load of rubbish, this doesn’t work, we don’t want it, we didn’t want it in the first place so why are we putting up with it? And the whole thing changed and they broke the revolution. So things changed back to more the way the French people wanted it, rather than what the illuminati were trying to dictate.

Mark: The illuminati were involved in the Russian Revolution as well. They seem to be involved in all the changes really. They are kind of the script makers.

C.T. Everything nasty that has happened on the planet in the last 250 years has been engineered by the illuminati and the organisations that they control. (38:14)

Mark: Do you think that, because of reincarnation, right now a lot of people who are opposing it, took the opposite view in a past life – just to balance things out from the higher self perspective?

C.T. Yes certainly. It’s highly possible that we took a different perspective in a previous life and now the higher self has said: “Right, now let’s see what it’s like on the other side.”

Mark: Because now we’re aware of it but 20 years ago we did not have the information to even be aware of the illuminati but now so many people are aware through various books, films the internet.

C.T. If you look at various tv series like The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan with a cult following. That’s about the illuminati and control. Patrick McGoohan wrote it to try and say to people: “This is what is happening. Try and think about it, do something about it.”

There was a film made by Terry Gillian back the early 80s called Brazil, which was saying this is how society works. Terrorism is created by governments, not by terrorists. Everything is controlled and what the media is telling us is what the government organisations (Bildebergers, Trilaterals) wants us to hear.

So we’ve had 50 – 60 years of people trying to tell us this is what is going on but people have not wanted to listen. “Just follow the flock, keep your head down, keep eating, not a problem, nothing you need to worry about.”

Mark: On days when everything is good, that mentality is o.k. but as more and more people fall victim to the monetary system where they are loosing their jobs, livelihoods, food, etc. you haven’t got the luxury to continue being a sheep.


C.T. If you’ve lost your job and your house then you’re out on the streets so you become worse than that so you are faced with day to day survival and you realize you can’t go along with the crowd any longer because you’re terrified for yourself. So yes some of what is going on is waking people up to the reality and making them fight back a bit. But unfortunately the vast majority have just gone along with it all and refused to lift their head above the parapet. Very few people have said NO. Some have tried but the majority just don’t listen.

What has changed since 1996 is that we have a huge new energy connected to the planet whose whole purpose is to help people raise their own conscious awareness. Over the last several years we have also undergone various other energy shifts so if people think back to what they were like in 1996, what they should be able to see is that now, they are totally different to what they were then in terms of how they understand the world. They know for example how to recognize lies whereas in 1996 they would have just accepted it.

So people’s consciousness has been changing quite a bit over the last 16 years. We’ve been building up to this reintegration process and most people don’t notice gentle gradual change. They only notice sudden changes. But over this 16 year period there have been a gradual rising consciousness. There is a quote connected with someone in the new world order saying “the reason the new world order is not as advanced as it should be is because people’s consciousness is raising, and they won’t accept the stuff the new world order is trying to feed them.

We have changed markedly since 1996. So we are a reasonable way through the whole process and we are waking up but people have to think back to what they were like in the past compared to what they know now, there is quite a remarkable change in each individual. (43:58)

What is really behind everything is the Velon. So we have an agenda that is being controlled by a non-human situation. Those who think they are going through this process called ascension where space ships turn up and lift everybody off planet bringing them to a new earth or some kind of 5th dimension (45:00)and the earth somehow or other is going to follow them. We really need to get over that utter rubbish.

The Earth has existed for roughly 3.5 million years and it does not exist anywhere else. There are no other planets like the Earth anywhere in the universe. This solar system is specifically designed to support what we consider to be physical life. You cannot be physical anywhere else within this universe regardless of what dimension you are in.

As someone who has worked as a psychic surgeon for 30 years, I work with people on a soul level and that’s how I do my healing work. I work with people’s higher selves, but what I also do is read the energy patterns of the body. When you talk about things like the 5th dimension, the total soul has within it something like 50 dimensions. Dimensions are just a collection of energy patterns each a higher vibration than the last. The physical body contains about 13 dimensions which is about ¼ of the total soul. So the 5th dimension is around somebody’s navel level. That’s how ridiculous this concept of a 5th dimension is.

So we need to get over this idea of “ascension”. We are not going anywhere. What we are doing is bringing the whole of the soul into the physical body. If anything it’s the opposite of ascension we are coming into the body, not getting out of it. So this whole thing about Ashtar Command is rubbish and the same as the illuminati type of agenda. It’s trying to confuse people and create fear.

What we need to do is get over that and remember who and what we are and what the Earth is. The Earth is a conscious soul within her own right, but it’s immense in comparison to the human soul. The Earth is doing everything possible to help us reintegrate the soul to within the physical body. So she is taking the lead by providing a lot of the energy and funnelling the energy into where it’s needed. We need to totally forget the notion that we are doing anything other than remaining on earth.

No where else within the universe can we be human. All this stuff about ascension, Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation, Galactic Council, Archangels, and all the rest of it ; all of the channelled material is rubbish. It’s just designed to confuse and create problems.

We’ve recently seen a new timeline saying it’s not 2012 anymore it’s 2025. But that 2025 date is Velon originated, it has nothing to do with humans.

As we change and as changes occur on earth, what we also have are changes that are occurring on the other planets within the solar system. The other planets here also sustained life at one time, but an accident within the solar system several million years ago wiped life out on those planets. So the souls of those planets have been dormant during these last 3.8 million years waiting to se what happens on earth. Because of all the planets, she is the one who has said I’m sticking with this, I like humans and I want them to be here.

So every single planet within the solar system is waking up, there energy patterns are changing and so what we will see in the not too distant future is new life beginning on these planets. So what we will have is a whole solar system full of life on a physical level. But it can only happen within this solar system because this solar system is contained within an energy bubble that limits the kind of energy patterns that come in to affect us. What this bubble does is to allow physical life to exist. It cannot be anywhere else, so the amount of energy we have available to us is a set of energy patterns which make anything within this energy bubble physical.

So all the planets within the solar system are physical and all the life on Earth is physical. There is no other comparable planet anywhere, anytime within the universe. The 5th dimension may sound exotic but it’s meaningless. When you look outside of our solar system you are looking at energy patterns that run into the trillions of dimensions.


Mark: Were you aware of the 1977 broadcast on ITV news from the Ashtar Command?

C.T. Yes I heard about it .

Mark: It said “unless the weapons of Earth are laid down destruction from outer space will quickly follow. All weapons of evil must be destroyed , you have a short time to learn to live together in peace. You must live in peace or leave the galaxy.”

C.T. Yes it fits in with one of the items on the illuminati agenda which is a coming attack from space, which again is a load of rubbish because the alien craft can’t get into our solar system unless they have specifically been given permission.

Each of the planets has a guardian spirit that works with the planetary consciousness to help guard against problems that might occur on that planet. But the same applies to the solar system. There are 2 gateways into the solar system. One is through the constellation of Orion, which connects to the rest of the universe, and another one coincides with the constellation of Draco that allows access into the semi-physical races. So these are the so-called alien races.

Now very, very few races are allowed through the Draco gate. Currently it is those who come from the Pleiades and those who come from Sirius. Everybody else is banned. So the Greys who used to come into the solar system since pre 2000 have been banned.

Mark: Are there beings here who have already gotten through and they are the ones who are monopolizing and menacing?

C.T. Well there are some of them, for instance some Greys are still on earth because when the ban came in they wee already here and there are a few, but only a very few Velon individuals who are still on earth. Most of the Velon control comes from outside of the solar system and acts as a sort of channelled source. There are only something like 250 Velon on the planet who managed to get through in one way or another. They should not have done, but they did. Some of them managed to get past the solar system guardians.

But ones like the Greys who did have free access, don’t any longer. People like the Pleiadeans keep very quiet, but they keep an eye on things so that for example the classic one was in 1969 roughly (can’t remember the date) when the Americans had just introduced a new computer system. It was a very famous UFO incident where the American computer screens showed nuclear missiles coming from Russia and the Americans were about to retaliate when 7 UFOs appeared over Washington and the whole of the electricity system over Washington and gradually over all of America disintegrated. These 7 ships were seen by military aircraft, radar, commercial planes and radar and people on the ground so it was very well documented.

And then the 7 ships disappeared, the electricity came back on , the computers re-booted and what they found was that what looked like missiles coming in from Russia was actually a glitch on the software. So the Pleiadians stepped in and said you are not going to annihilate yourselves or the planet and you are not going to release nuclear weapons.

Mark: There have been people come forward who work at military bases saying that they have seen UFOs come in and actually disarm nuclear weapons.

C.T. There is something very nasty about a nuclear explosion (57:23) as we did them in the 40s. They create all sorts of unhealthy energy patterns throughout the solar system. So the Pleiadians in particular are around to prevent us from annihilating ourselves so they will switch off nuclear weapons if it looks like they are going to be fired.

A nuclear missile was fired at the moon just a few years ago just to see what would happen. It never arrived because the Pleiadians turned up and neutralized the nuclear weapon. So if it looks like there is going to be some type of nuclear war, then the Pleiadians will step in and prevent the missiles from firing. So we do have safe-guards built into the system and there are still non-humans who are allowed into the solar system but generally speaking the UFOs we see are man made. The first UFOs we saw during the 2nd world war were built by the Nazis by Werner Von Braun. The people watching the skies during the war called them Foo fighters because there was something bizarre about them.

And then Von Braun was taken off to America and the space program was built on Von Braun’s knowledge and his genius because he was very good at building these things. But also since then they have continued building flying saucers, man-made flying saucers. Also there has been, like the Roswell crash and other instances where ships have been recovered and so those have been backwards engineered and what you have are human built ships.

So when people talk about abductions. The vast majority of abductions have taken place BY HUMANS flying what look like flying saucers. So they are humans acting against humans rather than non humans acting against humans.

Mark: What about the Eisenhower treaty, have you heard about that? That has come out recently in newspapers of the Eisenhower story where he is meeting ets and signing the treaty.

C.T. Well this is how the NSA got set up initially. He set it up as an interface between humans and aliens. It was set up as a communications system so the NSA (National Security Agency) was set up specifically for that purpose to communicate with aliens. So yes it happened. It was the Greys at the time which is the one that was involved in the Roswell crashes because actually 12 ships came down in the Roswell area during a 3 day period. So it was realized then that these alien beings were around the place and maybe we should chat with them and see what technology we can get off them. And that is really what it has been about and it was kept within America because the Americans wanted the technology. This is where their microchips and transistors, Velcro, etc. come from. And all sorts of things have come out of this alien technology.


So they are literally incapable of attacking people. They can create energy patterns that can switch off electricity for example because it takes an energy pattern to switch off an energy pattern but they do not have weapons.

So if we have the scenario which a lot of people are talking about, some kind of alien attack, what you are going to have is a combination of holograms and human-made craft. If this event ever occurs they will NOT be alien ships unless of course they have got a few captured alien ships around the place now that humans can now fly.

But essentially all of these abductions stories are about what humans are doing to humans, and it’s not what aliens are doing to humans.


Mark: So really we need to progress to our full consciousness . . .

C.T. As rapidly as possible, and then we can get over this and see through this rubbish because then we can stop it because we will have psychic capabilities beyond anything we can understand at the moment.

Mark: And then there will be no manipulating people because as a race we are so easily manipulated aren’t we? And that is our downfall.

C.T. Well we never question. We just accept. As I was saying earlier this has been the problem throughout human history for the last 7,000 years. You know someone who is in authority comes along and say you will do this and people say oh alright I’ll so it regardless of the consequences to yourself or your family or other people.

There is a classic example from the 1950s where they put somebody into an isolated cell and they were told to push the button when ever somebody tells you to. (1:03) And what it’s going to do is pass an electric shock from the button into somebody else. [The Milgram Experiment]

“You will hear the other person react to the electricity but it doesn’t matter, just carry on and do it because it’s fine.” So they could hear the person screaming in another room when they pushed the button and some people did complain but the official ordered them to continue pushing the button, and they did. Now some people, about 50% said “NO I am not going to do this because I am not going to inflict pain on somebody else.” But the other 50% just went ahead and did it.

Mark: And that is the problem because it explains why during World War 2 with the SS people would just go along and kill people in such a psychopathic way because they were given orders to do so by a uniform. People who had apparently been empathetic before hand gave up all semblance of moral, ethical behaviour.

C.T. Yes and it has happened many times since in places like Bosnia and Poland and East Germany. But yes people are some how or another changed in that kind of situation. But ultimately it is a soul’s choice to experience. It’s a difficult one to get your head around.

Mark: It just shows you that as humans we are just one step away from being absolute good or absolute evil.

C.T. No it’s not that straight forward. It’s a very complex thing to look at in terms of freedom of choice. For example it’s a perfectly valid experience to be murdered by somebody. Because what we have been doing for the past 7,000 years is to determine how the human body works and how we interact with the Earth. So to be murdered is a uniquely human experience, because you can’t be murdered anywhere else in the universe.

So soul may say: “I’d like to be murdered, I’d like to have my life cut short just to find out what the experience is like.” So you wander off and find another soul who is prepared to do that for you. So that occurs in that particular lifetime you have planned, and both of you get to have a new and interesting experience. One as the murderer and the other as the murdered person. And that’s fine and they go their separate ways but at some future lifetime the one who was murdered is asked by the murderer if they would mind retuning the favour.

And that is where this concept of Karma comes from. It’s a misunderstanding of free choice. But that’s what free choice is all about. So what looks like an horrendous act on one side or from a normal perspective – On a soul level makes perfect sense.

But now we are done with all of that. Through all of our experiences we have learned and understood all the lessons that we have needed to learn. We’ve reached the point where we know what energies we need to bring the whole soul back into the body. We’ve been working with them gradually since 1996 and we are now literally ready to make the final step of bringing the whole soul back into the body. There may be still a few lumpy bits to go so it’s not as if the world is suddenly going to become peaceful over night.

There are potentially some disasters still to happen but what these nasty events are doing is clearing out all the rubbish that we’ve accumulated over the centuries. Once those are clear we can all move forwards. We also need to overcome the Velon influence and lies that have become imbedded in our society and belief systems, all this channelled rubbish. Once we have learned to ignore these lies and focus on our own inner work, then it will happen.

People may feel it is not happening quickly enough and it may seem it is dragging out too long but that just means we need to be patient. It is definitely going to happen but all the rubbish must first be sorted out.

When people think that we are leaving the planet that hold the Velon energies in place and slows the process. We need to prevent the Velon influence from continuing.

[We will then have a planet where all life, humans and animals alike, is treated fairly and with love.]

1st August 2015, 19:59
An amazing and empowering presentation by Lily Earthling

Working from her connection with the Earth, Lily Earthling provides the same conclusions about the Velon transhumanist agenda and the NSA/ Trilateral Commission’s Technocratic agenda as that of Chris Thomas’ conclusions.


From her own intuitive connection with mother Earth, Lily Earthling has arrived at the same conclusion that Chris Thomas presents in this essay on DNA.

http://api.ning.com/files/MsJ7T**tK5z5D6boe**bZSOURI7XmiiDapDE7n0ie4kqboWCKZ qvDsCzb8SI7xJQNHisif9cv2A9OnnpHVfWcVXPSp8P2sZW/DNA.pdf

Her insight into the “sphere beings” (Velon) motive is right on. The video presentation starts off slow but gets better and better right up to her conclusions.

Very powerful video from Lily Earthling about Velon attempts at harvesting human DNA. Attempts at A.I. insertion within humanity.

She gets into a lot of stuff here to do with transhumanist agenda and even though she may be a bit off regarding Saturn and the mistaken belief that Earth is home to the lizard/Draco humanoids who are actually Velon in disguise, I really like her presentation.

Like Chris Thomas she does not mince words in the last 20 minutes. The Velon have been using technology to compensate for their lost connection to Spirit and their Higher Self.

They have failed in their attempts to harvest human DNA which is created by our Higher Selves to which they have no access. They have failed in their attempts to replicate the human template which was created by Earth and this means they envy the human heart connection to feelings and our creative powers.

They place such value on our DNA beyond any technology they have or ever could have. When we cast them and their technology off, they will turn to dust because they have no connection to Spirit or the creator abilities. Those who have implants can also cast out the implants and make them powerless when they connect ego to the balancing heart chakra and align with their Higher Self through the giveaway to remove any fear remaining in the body.

As Lily says your power will magnify 10 - fold when you align in balance with your higher self. Balance brings benevolence to power. You need never fear your own power when your chakras are in a balanced flow. Your body becomes lighter and your energy becomes fluid like your spirit.

They use lies and appeals to human compassion to trick those psychic individuals into giving their power away when they abduct children to the underground bases run my their human black ops military and NSA Satan-worshipping puppets.

It is every human’s individual responsibility to align with mother Earth and say NO!!! They cannot access our Higher Self Spirit, our internal humanity, our human DNA template, and in that respect their human genome project is a failure.


Another Lily Earthling presentation which ties in with the above

Again slow to get started but makes an excellent point in last several minutes.

Earth timeline/matrix timeline. What we can do to help.


3rd August 2015, 16:26
it is uncanny how close she is to CT in her explanation.
i will get on this more later..

4th August 2015, 11:55
That was really amazing, Herbert! Thank you.

She hit this one right on the head. I must admit that I've not looked seriousely into Lily E's material, but this ties up a lot of loose ends IMO. Shows you - we have a lot to learn from everyone. I'll repeat this very important message:

It is every human’s individual responsibility to align with mother Earth and say NO!!! They cannot access our Higher Self Spirit, our internal humanity, our human DNA template, and in that respect their human genome project is a failure.


5th August 2015, 17:41
Lisa Harrison and Lily Earthling video


Lily E. begins at about 1:08 on this video. It’s hard to hear so I’m just pointing out a few highlights which caught my attention. Lily is the one to listen to . The other 2 aren’t saying much of anything.

- When people with resonant energies interact we give each other triggers in awakening our insight into Truth, and Truth always advances the reintegration process by adding energy to our Higher Self connection.

- The ones trying to control us and the ones operating MK ULTRA abductions, etc and running these Satanic worshipping underground bases, and psy Ops and their Velon masters are realizing Earth has awakened (more accurately she never was asleep but just biding her time until humanity was sufficiently ready) and her unbelievable energy is about to cast them off the planet as she integrates the higher frequencies into physical reality.

- Lily actually says “The Human Plan” at about 1:28 and what a wonderfully beautiful purpose it has always intended for physical life, beginning with Earth.

- Much of the power involved comes from the Earth core as humanity remembers their link to Earth and her ability to heal all of life on the planet.

- Between Earth and the human collective imagination we are writing our future which obliterates the Velon shit nonsense that has been going on far too long.

- The ships waiting on the edge of our Solar System (where Velon have been channelling lies from and trying to trick individuals into opening vortexes for them to enter) are realizing that when Earth initiates the Human Plan and raises the vibratory energies, their matrix of deceit will be no more. Earth was always in charge and the Velon shit never had any hope for success.

- According to Lily the Velon have manged to obtain the physical body template for some animals which include the eagle and the owl. I personally doubt that this is true since each animal species' collective consciousness is connected to and created by the Earth.

5th August 2015, 21:57
Herbert, I've seen some of Lily's youtube uploads. I also saw her liked videos and two of them are CT's interviews. So she is aware of CT's messages. Nevertheless, interesting and informative presentations by Lily Earthling.

7th August 2015, 17:27
48 Q&A With Chris Thomas

Part 1

I have received many questions for Chris Thomas so I decided to bring all the Q&A into one spot on this thread. I also brought a couple in from another forum. If anyone has Q&A from Chris that they can add please do so.

I have spoken extensively with Chris on many subjects including physics, the Boc Saga, and Lost civilizations of Australia. There is not room or time to include all this information. He has a fine scientific mind and an extensive knowledge on many subjects.

A Tremendous Resource

Chris Thomas spent 30 years of his life researching the Akashic and brought much of this information and history of humans and the Earth and souls within this Universe into 11 books and many essays and interviews. This provides us with a unique opportunity to look at an alternative history that can not be offered by scientists.

If C.T.’s information were put forth as a scientific theory, it would answer many of the questions science has been unable to explain and that is what we look for in the best theories. Why are there pyramids on Mars?, How were the pyramids built and by whom?, Why is the moon in so perfect a position in relation to Earth, What was the real purpose of Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge, the Sphinx and pyramids, Why did we split our souls?, Is Earth a conscious soul in her own right, Are there multiple time lines, who invented the notion of Galactic wars? and so on can all be answered with perfect logic by the information he researched over 20 years of questioning the Akashic.

As he describes it, just finding the definitive answer to one question may take up to 20 or 30 questions from different angles and perspectives. That is because the Akashic is such a vast resource that it can contain seeming contradictions without very careful research.

We are now moving from the male oriented intellectual, scientific, technological age into the Divine Feminine heart-felt intuitive age and so resonance is a big part of recognizing truth. The divine feminine knowledge cannot be taught – you just know it as an internal feeling on an individual basis. This is the information we receive through our Higher Self after many lifetimes of experience.

Anyone trying to fit C.T.'s model of the Universe into George Kavassilas’ 12 -13 Dimensions model of the Universe ( I know it's tempting) will fail because George's model is based on false premises. I say a little more about this in a note amongst the Q&A.

All the signs are there that George Kavassilas is still being conned by the Velon/black ops military. They have been using a sophisticated holo-deck technology and head gear in the form of a helmet with multiple uses to convince their victims, through multi-layered memory implants and cocktail injections, that they have had experiences on the Moon and Mars and/or Saturn. They also use this technology to convince their milab victims that they are from the Grey race and even that they have the Grey body during their simulated abduction “experiences”..

But people who have been deceived by this memory manipulation are having their true experiences re-surface. The main thing to remember is don't be distracted from your primary task of clearing and reintegration using the Giveaway. Common methods of distraction from that primary responsibility include confusion, fear porn, like wars and rumours of wars, microwaves and mind control scalar technology broadcasts .

WWIII was never intended to be a nuclear war despite the DUMBS built by the mind managed illuminati. It has always been a war for your minds by the Velon who encourage confusion and divisions like the Law of One series of service to self vs service to others. Contrary to this very clever Velon channelling, which has been promoted by Kerry Cassidy and others, this is designed to create division and mind polarity. Service to self and service to others is a part of being human. They are complimentary. It’s all about love.

What we can do: We must each tap into our own intuition, creative spirit and heart centred egos to imagine better realities into existence, rather than continuing to live in (and suffer under) the reality that others have imagined for us. The Giveaway is one method for clearing our blocked emotional energies, making room in our physical bodies for bringing in and reintegrating the Higher Self which represents 75% of our soul. Each person has the responsibility of doing this for themselves. No one can do it for us.

1. How can the soul be 100% in the body if the soul is operating 2 bodies, in different locations, at the same time here on Earth?

Answer: Up until 7,000 years ago, we all had the whole soul within the body; there was no "physical self" and "higher self" divisions.

But, when we decided to take on our current human form, we considered it more appropriate to make the soul division. Once we had made that decision, it became apparent that the body (the physical self) only required about 25% of the total soul to live out a full lifetime. Once we had made this discovery, we realised that we could live one, or more, lifetimes concurrently and so began the idea of dividing the total soul into smaller pieces.

Over the centuries, this has proved to be a useful tool in our exploration of life on Earth and could also speed up our route to completing the Human Plan.

Not everyone made these multiple soul/body choices but many did.

When it came to the time where we had to bring our explorations under the Human Plan to a close and put the answers into place, the higher self had to "re-group" itself and draw back all of the pieces into which it had divided itself. This decision was made by the higher self. What it involved was the higher self choosing the most appropriate body into which it would ultimately "download" and withdraw itself from any and all other physical bodies.

This action began in 1996 when the initial energies for change were connected to the planet. The death rate accelerated to an enormous extent as the bodies which the higher self rejected as inappropriate died off. As each unwanted body died, the aspect of the soul that had inhabited it was re-integrated back into the higher self.
This re-integration process stopped by 2005.

In other words, everyone now alive has their higher self intact and ready to download at the appropriate time into that body. Effectively, there are no people alive on the planet who are a part of another person. We are back to one person, one soul - all ready to reintegrate at the appropriate time; if that is their choice.

2. How can we verify that the population figures for countries are actually half what they are presented to be. How is it possible to change the census figures so that only births are registered but not deaths?

Answer: When it comes to verifying population figures, we have a very different problem.

The Elite are determined to keep us down and depressed and so their claims to a continuously growing population are difficult to disprove in any official way. Census numbers are deliberately hidden from public view to maintain their illusions. Sometimes there are glimpses of what is actually happening but they are few and far between. There are also some independent observers who have arrived at the same conclusions as the Akashic, as to actual population figures, of around 3.8 billion.

There does not seem to be an easy answer to your question other than to say - trust your intuition as this is likely to be far more accurate than anything that comes from politicians!

As far as population figures are concerned. Try showing any sceptics footnotes 4 and 5 from the Nibiru article.

In 2008, Germany announced that their drop in population was "catastrophic" and Spain announced that they needed to bring in 250,000 immigrant workers just to maintain the current workforce. That is not a growing population.

3. I am sure you are getting lots of questions about Andrew Bartzis these days. I am really just wondering what your take is on him.

Answer: You are the first person to ask me about Andrew Bartzis - I've never heard of him before.

I did take a quick look on the net and was particularly unimpressed both with him, as a person (too much ego and glitz) and as a channel.

I was surprised that he didn't claim to be Sananda as well seeing as everyone else seems to these days.

For some years now, the Velon have been claiming that they have sole access to an akashic that is "higher" than the actual Akashic and only they have access to this higher one.

It is just rubbish. Virtually everything Bartzis claims is wrong and just intended to mislead people back into the clutches of the Velon/Galactic Federation/ OPPT/Drake/Dragon Family/Sananda.

There is only one way of dealing with this kind of material and that is to ask yourself:
"Is this something I can believe is true?"
If yes then best of luck to you.
If no then you need to find something you feel is true.

I can only say what I have said in my books, essays and articles. Many people have said that my work strikes true to them whilst the "other akashic" claims just feel wrong.

4. Since experiences expand human conscious sentience, and that is stored energetically in our soul’s Akashic DNA (increasing the soul energy frequency and expanding size – I guess), do all individual planets also have their own Akashic stored in their soul’s energetic DNA?

Answer: The Akashic exists on many multiple levels, none of which are fractal-like or hologram-like.

As events occur, on planets, in solar systems, in galaxies etc, they are all recorded in the "local" Akashic. All of these local records interconnect with each other to build up to a Universal Akashic. Ultimately, the purpose of the Akashic is to allow the Creator to learn from the experiences undergone in a particular universe.

Strictly speaking, souls do not have DNA, at least not in the way that humans have DNA. DNA memory only exists on Earth because of our peculiar physical nature and the division of the soul into two.

5. Knowing that our moon is positioned in such a way between the Sun and Earth that scientists say goes statistically and significantly against the random odds, does that mean our moon has a soul consciousness and therefore its own Akashic? Or was it simply that Earth consciousness sequestered a piece of the exploded planet and it somehow became sort of globe shaped and Earth/sun consciousness (gravity) put it where it would, fortuitously, allow life to continue on Earth? We have been told there is a lot of technology on the Moon and there is a base on the dark side. Is the Moon really hollow?

Answer: When the first two planets within our solar system decided to leave, they exploded causing the asteroid belt. Both of these planets exploding close to the orbit of the Earth, generated a disruption to the local energy patterns giving the Earth a slightly eccentric orbit. The Earth "captured" about one quarter of one of the planets to use as a counter balance to settle Her orbit. In doing this, the planetary consciousness (of the destroyed planet) left a portion of its consciousness in the fragment to help the Earth. This fragment became the moon and the portion of the original consciousness still remains.

See the essay I did earlier on this year about gravity but, the moon is not held in place by gravity. Gravity, as described by scientists, does not exist. All planets, moons, solar systems, galaxies and the Universe itself hold their relationships by conscious interaction - what scientists call electro-magnetic forces.

There is long-standing base on the dark side of the moon - since the early 1950's - but I would not encourage anyone to try remote viewing it as there are far too many psychic watchers who will attack if they sense your presence. Mars also has a human base, it has been there since the mid 1980's.

The moon is not hollow as such. If you think of magma flows here on Earth, when they cool, gas voids are formed under the hard shell. The same with the moon - it is full of gas voids as the original planet's core cooled. It "rings" if you strike it because of these gas voids.

6. Does the Akashic hold anything that is denoted as “Time Wars”; a Quarantine that is presently in place surrounding Earth or our Solar System? Apart from the Velon travelling back in time are there any other instances where time travel has affected life on Earth?

Answer: The simple answer is no.
It is not possible to travel forwards in time as the future has not yet happened - see Q11 .

7. Given that the Reptilian race were the 14th Faction from another Universe, does that mean there are zero Reptilians left in our Universe?

Answer: Correct, they and all of their energies were removed with the 14th Faction.

8. A lot of people report abductions and even cross bred children with various races like the Greys. I know you said that for example Mantis beings (and I guess also Lion beings) are not in the Akashic and must be bio-mechanical technology based – Is that abduction type of experience based on a higher-self, soul contract (karma) or was it limited to the period prior to 2003 when the 14th Faction energy was still present in our Universe and being used by the NSA, etc. taking away people’s free will?

Answer: That is a difficult question to answer precisely.

I'll give you my experience. Some years ago, I woke up one morning knowing that something had happened during the night but I could not identify it. All I knew was that I had a very sore bottom (yes, the infamous anal probe is true - and they are not collecting farts).

Gradually, I had recollections of being taken out of my bed and examined by the "Blues". A couple of months after the first "abduction", it happened again. But, this time, I was aware of what was happening and I said (psychically) to the Blues carrying me: "you are not going to examine me again as I do not want you to. But, seeing as you are here, can I have a tour of the ship?"

This they agreed to very happily and they gave me a full tour. I haven't been "abducted" since.

The lesson here is that they turned up and asked my higher self if it was OK to take me for examination. As soon as I said no, they were happy not to do any more and they were all very friendly.

So that was my personal experience of abduction. But there are others. I have carried out extensive research on many levels about these hybrids and my conclusion is this:



Since about the year 2000, very, very few abductions have been carried out by any alien race - they have all been by the military.

Because so many people are aware of the Grey race, they have been used by the military in their propaganda, misinformation and disinformation and so virtually every single story about Grey hybridisation is false and intended to add to confusion and fear. Don't forget that one of the next things on their "to do list" is an alien invasion of the Earth. If they can make people believe that the Greys are the bad guys, they have a ready built argument to weaponise space (sorry, make the weapons they already have in space known).

9. Since they are still using psychic children in spy ops, are these children being forced into this because of soul contracts?

Answer: The alphabet spaghetti agencies all have psychic trackers or use specialist contractors (such as the College for Noetic Sciences) to track down children with psychic potential - usually as young as 5 years old. They also recruit adults who do so voluntarily. If the children live in America, they approach the parents and the parents agree to their children working for the government. Some parents are paid for their children others agree because it is their patriotic duty.

Other children are taken from the streets (abducted) particularly in countries such as the US, Brazil and Mexico. Many are brought from orphanages in countries such as Rumania (Indigo Children). The children are persuaded that they are "special" and that they will be allowed to explore their special potential in a special facility. When they get to this "special facility", they are fitted with a colostomy bag and a catheter and strapped to beds in "cells" of 10 children. They are then given instructions on what they are to do. If the children do as instructed, they are "rewarded" with chemicals that stimulate the body's pleasure centres. If the children refuse, they are punished with chemicals that cause pain.

These are not soul contracts but the agencies feeding off gullible and confused children. This has come from personal contact with a few of these "cells".

Chris - In Project Human Extinction, you explain how the FOURTEENTH FACTION gained access to Earth, and “infected” some 33,000 souls that were on their way toward Earth to have a physical life. And that some of the 14th Faction energy patterns were picked up by some of these souls, which gave them the ability, or desire, to remove freedom of choice from others. For example, one affected soul manifested as the human that you identify as Alexander the Great and also one as George Bush Sr. The Queen Mother is another example of the lizard energy, and also some of the Popes.

You say, it took a while for the FOURTEENTH FACTION to be evicted from Earth. This came to be completed in the year 2003, whereby the 33,000 souls who chose to hold onto those frequencies could no longer make use of this energy in this way.

Q: Although you have not said it in your book, is it correct to assume that the 9/11 event (as well as the 7/7 event, war on terror ) was the direct result of the affect of FOURTEENTH FACTION energies influence over those 33,000 souls travelling toward Earth? And, since the 14th Faction is gone, that we are likely not to see another horrific type event like this play out again in our near future, as we continue to move toward completion of the whole soul reintegration process?

Answer: 9/11 was a classic "Hegelian Dialectic" - an act deliberately enacted to cause fear and panic leading to the introduction of legislation that nobody would have wanted until the "attack" took place.

The current state of fear replaces the "Cold War". Now that Russia and communism is no longer seen as a threat, the Cabal/Illuminati/Elite needed a new bad guy to make people afraid.

So "International Terrorism" was invented with the chief bogey-man being Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda.

AQ [Al Qaeda] began life in 1948 when the British realised that the newly created state of Israel had expansion plans towards Lebanon. The British recruited a band of Wahhabi Moslems and set up AQ to harass Israel. When Israel went to war with Egypt, resulting in the Suez war, Israel backed down and AQ was put into mothballs. When Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1987, the CIA was looking for a way of harassing the Russians but without making it obvious that the USA was involved and so the British gave control of AQ to the CIA and the CIA have remained in control ever since.

All atrocities attributed to AQ have been carried out by the CIA including 911.

Bin Laden was the son of a Saudi billionaire who runs several huge transnational organisations.

The White House confirmed a few years ago that Bush senior works for a Bin Laden company since he retired from office. The White House also confirmed that half of all retired senators also work for the Bin Laden family.

Osama was flown from Afghanistan to Saudi for treatment for his kidneys by a CIA chartered jet where he had treatment in the American Hospital and he was flown back to Afghan by the same CIA jet (reported in the Paris newspaper Le Figaro). Osama died at his family home in Saudi in 2003 from kidney failure.

I watched the BBC evening news in October 2005 where there was a live statement made by MI6. The statement said (in part): "The SIS (MI6) can confirm that a rogue cell within the SIS planned recruited and carried out the London bombing".

There is no terrorist threat, just politicians creating fear to control the people.

My suspicion is that we are going to see more of these types of events, particularly in the US and Britain over the coming months as the cabal tries to get people to riot so that martial law can be imposed.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with residual 14 energies.

11. Linear Time is indeed a funny thing and I wondered if the Akashic cannot look into the future, how do some people have premonitions that come true. Some even live the following day in their sleep and find it quite psychologically draining. Is this experience related to individual akashic stored in DNA?

Answer: When one makes a decision, one sets a future path. Up until then, there existed an infinite number of future paths that had a varying degree of possibility. When someone makes an accurate prediction of the future, they have tapped into the most likely possibility and the individual has made a decision that fulfils that possibility. This is why the Akashic cannot predict the future - the future has not been chosen by anybody or anything.

12. Very weird that we once had black holes and no longer which meant Hawking had to retract his statement that nothing comes out of a black hole.

Answer: Confirmation that black holes were made by the 14th Faction and did not exist in this Universe before then. Proof of the removal of the 14th Faction.

13. Also interesting that this [removal of the black holes] is an instance in which we (at least those who studied physics) can actually remember the change which future generations will not have lived through. The ongoing time travel and event erasure theme of movies has driven into our psyches the expectation of memory erasures, not only from our minds but also our books. Just shows how intrusive technology has become.

Answer: This is a case of fiction following fact. School text books now leave out a huge amount of information that I was taught as a child. The whole fiasco over so-called Global Warming/Climate Change being the perfect example of substituting history with political rhetoric to indoctrinate children with lies.

14. Is there something special about dream sleep beyond the usual REM that allows our Higher Selves to interact with specific others and perhaps even create magic? Since dream time does seem to step outside of linear time, is there a strong creative potential there that we can tap into with our consciousness?

Answer: Dream sleep has a number of functions that are beneficial to the body and mind. For example: We use dream sleep to live out events in our lives so that we understand them better or to clear them as they were causing emotional problems.

Also, many people have a "night job". This can be doing healing work, helping people who have recently died to "pass over" peacefully or, if there is a war, many heal the sick and wounded on a soul level.

When we sleep, depending on our personal emotional needs, most of the soul leaves the body and travels to places where our work is needed or helpful. So a proportion of our dreams are of the work we did whilst, apparently, asleep.

15. I have read that the Scythians from the Steppes of Russia took a long time to reach Ireland, travelling through the Mediterranean to Greece, Egypt, Spain/Portugal (Milesian) and hobnobbing with kings and intermarrying with princesses like Scota. This explains the strong similarity between Gaelic and ancient Greek with the strings of consonants, etc. In fact experts say the two languages have the same root.
The Milesian connection may also explain why the Basques could talk to the Picts and understand each other.

Answer: It is most usually assumed that travel between continents did not begin until comparatively recent times
but that is not the case.

To begin with, transportation between continents was carried out by psychic means (translocation) but, by about 8,000 years ago, we could no longer achieve that level of psychic potential.

But, we had become used to meeting with the various human groups located around the planet and could still use ancient energy sites (pyramids, stone circles etc) to travel across the planet up until about 4,000 years ago (one stepped into the pyramid/stone circle and thought of the destination and the energies of the pyramid/circle would do the rest).

Also, we needed to develop a written form of language and so the Sumerians developed a form of writing that was based on the nerve impulses that run up and down the spine. This first language was a little like binary code in that it was a series of lines but with various additions to a line to differentiate one letter from another.

This "first language" was used world-wide but we know it as Runes (northern version), Ogham (Western version). My knowledge of the scientific descriptions of ancient languages is very limited but I do know that the Sumerian version was a precursor to Cuneiform, the Native American and South American versions were similar to Ogham as is the Australian Aboriginal version and the African version and the Minoans had a system identical to the Sumerian original.

This first language came about 12,000 years ago.

The ancient Egyptians also used this "Ogham" form originally and it was the origin of the main Egyptian language. Hieroglyphs were developed as a "sacred" language only for the use of the developing priesthood and the Pharaoh.

When the Victorian scientists first translated Ancient Greek, everyone tried to claim that their language, mathematics, philosophy etc was based on ancient Greek as the scientists identified it as the "First" great civilisation.

Don't forget that the Celtic peoples of northern Europe were using Pythagorean geometry at least 2,000 years before Pythagorus was born.

So attaching language roots to ancient Greek is very dodgy especially as ancient Greek arose from Minoan roots.

When we returned to the Earth 20,000 years ago (40,000 years after the destruction of Atlantis), we colonised 6 different regions of the planet.

One of the main regions was northern Europe. This included parts of Russia, France, Spain, Britain and Ireland. This meant that all of these regions were energetically similar but the primary energy source was in Britain.

When we began to lose our higher psychic functions, these "Celtic" peoples were the ones who built stone circles to record information (within the stones themselves) and to provide the energy links, connecting into lay lines, that allowed for travel across the planet to the other groups.

As we lost more and more of these higher functions, we developed languages, both written and spoken, that evolved along similar lines - not quite a common language, but close.

This is why, even today, there are marked similarities between Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Russian, French and Basque.

16. I have read all of Laurence Gardner’s books and have been a student of ancient Irish history for a few years now.. He was able to tie in the 4 different so-called invasions of Ireland into one tribe with the various groups representing the divisions in ancient Irish or Milesian or Scythian society: farmers (Firbolgs) , warriors (Picts), kings, and Druid priests (those who walked between worlds).

So when you confirmed about the Sidhe (Shee) as the little people or Faery folk, Banshee, and so on whom the Earth created to look after nature, it struck me that there is a strong similarity between the T’huatha D’Anu (Tribe of Anu) who purportedly arrived from the northern mts. or clouds and the Anunnaki.

Is this an example of the Velon channelling to the Irish or even to Laurence Gardner with false information? OR is it an example of the Velon using an already established Earthly name that sounds familiar from our ancient true history? In the sound vibration of Anu –

Answer: First of all, you have to understand that Laurnece Gardner was, first and foremost, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar and so had his own agenda to run.

The Knights were destroyed by the Vatican and the King Philipe 4 of France on Friday October 13th 1307 - the origin of Friday the 13th being "unlucky for some".

Then the Velon took over the Illuminati in 1776 and re-constructed the Knights in 1780 (or there abouts - can't remember correct date offhand). On the same date, the Freemasons were taken under the control of the Velon/Illuminati (Congress of Wilhelmsbad).

So the "old" Knights were destroyed and the "new" Knights were a totally new organisation set up by, and totally controlled by, the Velon/Illuminati.

But, Gardner was also a genealogist for many of the ancient royal families of Europe and so had unique access to some information that others did not.

So Gardner's material is a mix of old family information but polluted with the aims of the Velon/ Illuminati controlled Knights Templar.

Read his work with caution.

I don't know where his work on the Faerie came from and I haven't read the books he wrote about them but it will have been influenced, from the beginning, by the Velon material that modern Freemasonry is based on.

The material that has been unearthed at Kobekli Tepe, in southern Turkey/northern Iraq, confirms that the region was invaded by a group of "Tall Pale Peoples" who came from the north and set themselves up as gods. These "Pale Peoples" were the people behind the Jewish histories that the Velon "stole" to make up their version of human history.

These pale northerners brought with them a great deal of "religious-type" beliefs that have been incorporated into several traditions. When these northern Sumerians moved south through Assyria, into Egypt and then on to Israel to become the Jewish peoples they brought these stories of the invaders with them.

But, as yet, I have been unable to find any reference to the Anu within this history. Most of this is due to the fact that every branch of all religions have condemned the material released by the archaeologists from the site as being heretical as it makes the Old Testament what it really is - a history book as opposed to a book of faith.

Because of this, getting hold of the information archaeologists have released from Kobekli Tepe is buried away in professional journals and not readily available.

It is possible that the name "Anu" originated with these pale northerners but, at the moment, it seems unlikely.

Getting into the Velon section of the Akashic is extremely difficult as they seem to have sealed it away as much as they possibly can. I do know that the Velon did create a false version of their Akashic to try and throw off anyone who tried to investigate their origins or intentions and so it is possible that some of the names they use are of Earth origin rather than Velon but, so far, it is impossible to track all of the truth.

So whether the name "Anu" originated with the pale northerners and was adopted by the Velon is, so far, impossible to trace.

Also, whether the "northern Anu", who invaded Ireland, are the same race as the "pale northerners" that invaded northern Sumeria - well, that is open to conjecture as it depends upon time-frames. Was the Anu invasion in pre-history or are they actually talking about the Viking invasion?

17. Are the Archons imaginary or are they one of the Velon races channelling?

Answer: There are two answers to this question.

Firstly, In the sense of it being the Archons described by the current understanding on the internet, the Archons do not exist - it is just Velon channelling rubbish.

A couple of years ago, a long-running British TV sci-fi series (called Dr Who) ran a story where humans were doing some experimental deep earth drilling and the drill bit broke into a deep underground chamber where a race of reptilian beings lived. These reptilian beings were, according to the story, the original inhabitants of Earth but, because of a massive surface catastrophe, many thousands of years ago in Earth history, they had gone to live underground and put themselves into a form of hibernation and it was the deep-drilling that had woken them up. They were extremely angry at being disturbed and began to want to take back the surface for themselves.

Several months after the screening of this episode of Dr Who, the internet began to become flooded with stories of the Archon as beings who had lived in Lemuria and had gone to live underground. These beings were connected (somehow) with Ashtar Command and Sananda and were now emerging, in the current time, to help humans “Ascend to the 5th Dimension”

It is all Velon rubbish based on a TV script.

Secondly, in the sense of the Nag Hamedi scrolls, they do mention a race called Archons to describe a set of beings that did actually exist - note the word DID. These beings were not Velon. I have written about these in several of my books but have not called them “Archon” or by any other name as names always lead to confusion and misinterpretation and, as far as these beings are concerned, they did not call themselves by any name. The name Archon is a Jewish interpretation of what existed - presumably they felt they had to call them something.

On Atlantis, we experimented with our genetic make-up. Don’t forget that this was the first time in any Universe or any time-frame that physical, human beings and physical life such as trees, plants and animals, had ever existed. So Atlantis was a place of experimentation and some people chose to mix human genes with those of animals or with those of plants. Most of these experiments were carried out as a means of personal expression of a connection with a particular animal or plant (see my books for fuller details) but some took this experimentation to extremes.

Many of those who had chosen the extreme route (imagine how you would look if you mixed together the primary genetic structure of every living thing and incorporated that mix into your physical human body - bizarre to say the least) were shunned by the rest of Atlantean society and they went to live deep underground.

There is a layer beneath the surface that is called the Mohorvicic Layer. This is a level at which magma flows, under pressure, as a precursor to volcanoes or earthquakes. When the volcano/earthquake is spent, the magma recedes and huge tunnels and chambers are left in the Mohorvicic Layer about 3 km beneath the surface.

Given the bizarre genetic structures of these beings, they lived a very long time but they could also reproduce (by seeds or laying eggs), once they had formed a new version of themselves, they could transfer their soul into the new body.

They have had contact with people on the surface, and this is, presumably, where the reference in the Nag Hamedi scrolls came from.
Many of these beings also tried to purify themselves and perfect the human body parts over their many long lifetimes and Hitler is reputed to have been contacted by some of these beings that led to his idea of the “Perfect Arian Race”.

Also the American military has had some contact with some of these beings, particularly in Puerto Rico, and is the source of so much of the disinformation about “alien hybrids”.

ALL of these, essentially, tortured souls were removed from the Earth in 2000 (see my books).

18. Since the Nag Hammadi Codices were Gnostic writings, could it be that prior to the fall of man, when humans inhabited Atlantis, there was no need to record information because everyone could access the Akashic whenever they wanted. Language & a system of recording information needed to be developed because we were losing out expanded psychic abilities. With this, came the birth of the intellect, and the need to remember things.

Hence, we started to accumulate information, knowledge as in a short-term memory. This was also good for learning a language. And so with this lack of accessing Akashic recorded information, the storage of outside information became more of a need. And with this arose what we now call the ego.

Could the Ego be what the Gnostics were calling the Archons - the great pretender(s) that cause much trouble. The ego, imo, fits the description for what was found in the Nag Hammadi Codices.

Answer: I can see how this conclusion was arrived at, but it is wrong.

Full psychic abilities means that we can record everything without recourse to the Akashic - we just remember we “know".

The ego is necessary because it is our sense of self - we cannot survive without the ego. Problems only arise if the ego is too large or too small. If we keep ourselves in balance then the ego is just who we are.

We only needed a method of recording (writing) when we began to lose our higher psychic functions - see my books.

19. Since it seems likely that Gardner had an agenda, and he was caught distorting Barbara Theiring’s information in her book Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, I looked more closely at the Romania archaeological dig that he sites.

The archaeologists, carbon 14 dated a city called Ur in Tartaria, Romania to 1000 years older than the Sumerian city called Ur of the Chaldeas. Gardner says Ur means Lord in Scythian.

Tuatha D’Anu, also spelled Tuadha D’annun from the Gaelic dictionary means People from the North or from above or from the left. Gardner says it means people of the god from above or from the clouds.

Takes us back to origins of the Sythians which Gardner traces to Romania and an archaeological dig in Romania where it is reported there is an Ur 1000 years older than Ur of the Chaldeas.

Answer: Well, having read Gardner’s Realm of the Ring Lords extract… What can I say?

It’s not even a good fairy tale. It is so wrong and convoluted that it is just meaningless.

But, before I go on to that, I’d like to comment on the location of Ur of the Chaldes.

The archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa of Rumania, I have heard of before.

This was in connection with another find in Rumania of a massive horde of Roman silverware.

This silverware was a collection of some of the finest pieces of Roman work ever found and there were hundreds of pieces of it.
From what I can remember of the story, Vlassa claimed that his dig was financed by an English lord and so the find belonged to the lord. Given the find was valued in the many millions of pounds, there has been a very long running court case between the Rumanian authorities, Vlassa and the English lord.

But, there was also something very dodgy about the site of the find and whether the silver was actually found there or had the pieces been gathered from various other archaeological sites, not declared - in other words stolen - and then presented as the find from Rumania where the laws governing archaeological finds are very lax.

The case remains un-resolved but Vlassa is very much at the centre of it.

Given that Vlassa has this dodgy reputation, could he have been open to making other claims to suit someone else’s agenda?

Given that Gardner would be desperate to find an alternative location for the beginning of the Old Testament giving validity to the Velon/Annunaki fantasy story, could there have been collusion between Vlassa, the Knights Templar and others (such as Freemasons, Rockefellers, Rothchilds etc)?

To get to Ur of the Chaldes, we have to return to Kobekli Tepe in southern Turkey/northern Iraq.

Archaeologists have dated the site at Kobekli Tepe to 14,000 years ago making it, in archaeological terms, the oldest man-made structure on the planet.

The Akashic would date it earlier than that at 18,000 years ago making it roughly the same age as the Pyramids of Egypt, south America, Tibet etc.

The archaeologists have been burrowing away at Kobekli Tepe for about 20 years and have uncovered all sorts of material that coincides with the stories in the Old Testament.

With their findings there, they have also found that nobody lived at the Kobekli site but lived about 3 km away in a town called Ur of the Chaldes. A village still exists on the site of the ancient town but I cannot remember what it is now called.

It is known (through both the Akashic and archaeological findings) that the people who inhabited the region around Kobekli called the region Eden. It is also known that they moved from this region, through Assyria and into Egypt then, from Egypt they moved north to Palestine and became the Jewish peoples.

Given that Ur was the home of Abraham, the claimed originator of the Jewish peoples as well as the founding father of Islam, would it not make considerably more sense that this Ur, next to Kobekli, is the actual Ur of the Chaldes of the Old Testament? It could be argued just on the names alone but all of the archaeological findings sort of confirm it really.

This means that Ur could not possibly be located in Rumania.

The peoples of Eden/Ur/Kobekli seemed to have moved from the region about 5,000 years ago, moving through Assyria/Babylon where they would have met the Southern Sumerians moving north to, eventually, northern India and Tibet.

Given this time frame, both groups (N and S Sumerians) would have avoided the Scythians as they did not rise until about 4,000 years ago.

The tablets that Sitchin translated were consistently dated to about 5,000 years ago and so it is possible that the S Sumerians took the story with them on their journey North and became the basis of some of the Indian (Hindu) Vegas.

What is very strange about the Sitchin/Annunaki tablets is that the tablets state very clearly at the beginning of each section of the story something like: “This story has been dictated to a scribe”.

If Gardner was correct in his assertions that the Annunaki were the Ring Lords then it would be automatic that anything they said would be taken down by a scribe. If the scribe was recording historic events, again it would be written as a record of those events and the scribe would not be mentioned. Everyone would know this and so why would the scribe make it clear that it was being dictated to him?

Surely it would only be noted if the dictation was of something unusual?

In other words, this was not history recorded as it happened, but a particular story that was given to someone to write down in cuneiform writing. This is the only story that I am aware of from any past time where the scribe makes this distinction.

Incidentally, the Scythians were so war-like that the Chinese built the Great Wall to defend themselves from them.
* * *
Then we come to Gardner’s saga of the Ring Lords.
I’ll only pick out one bit - vampires.

The Roman Church had taken full control of virtually all of the ancient kingdoms of Europe by the eleven hundreds - except for one: Transylvania.

Transylvania was ruled by a King Vlad who was, amongst other things, a magician and alchemist who would have nothing to do with the Vatican. Any priest that entered his kingdom was asked to leave, if the priest refused, he was killed - see below.

The Vatican was not too happy with this as Vlad’s opposition could spread to other royal families.

Vlad had several unusual practices that the Vatican latched on to.

For example, Vlad believed that menstrual blood contained the “essence” of life and so he, and his followers, used to drink this blood as part of their practices.

If someone broke the law or offended him, Vlad had the moat to his castle lined with sharpened wooden stakes with the points pointing upwards. If anyone offended Vlad too much he had them thrown off the parapets and onto the stakes.

It might sound barbaric but compare that with the Vatican’s practices of boiling in oil, burnt alive, hung drawn and quartered and hundreds of variations that come under the term torture.

Vlad sounds very tame in comparison.

In order to vilify Vlad, the Vatican came up with the idea of exaggerating, to the extreme, Vlad’s practices - especially the drinking of blood and driving a stake through the heart.

When the story made up by the Vatican arrived in Britain, it was turned into the Vampire story by Bram Stoker and the story spread widely as did the concept of Vampires.

Whether the name “Vampire” was a Vatican invention, I do not know, it depends on what it translates to out of Latin.

The Earth Created the Faerie and the Sidhe 20 million years ago to tend the plant life of the planet. For Gardner to suggest that they are somehow connected to the Velon/Annunaki story, I find deeply insulting to the Earth and to the Faerie.

As I said at the beginning, Gardner’s version of the Ring Lords is so farcical and so insulting that I couldn’t really read all of it. It is a blessing that Gardner died in 2010 so we won’t have any more of this guff. Incidentally, Sitchin also died in 2010.

20. Can you clarify any more details regarding G(K)obekli Tepe? Why was the lower layer filled in?

Answer: Gobekli Tepe

To get to Ur of the Chaldes, we have to return to Kobekli Tepe in southern Turkey/northern Iraq.
All that is there is an old temple complex, what archaeologists are describing as the oldest complex ever found on earth which they date to being 14,000 years ago, but the Akashic would date it earlier than that at 18,000 years ago making it roughly the same age as the Pyramids of Egypt, south America, Tibet etc.

Just down the road form Gobekli Tepe is the ancient biblical city of Ur of the Chaldeas, which is where Abraham originated. The Old Testament is all about Abraham and his descendants, and also Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These all originated from Abraham.

The archaeologists have been burrowing away at Kobekli Tepe for about 20 years and have uncovered all sorts of material that coincides with the stories in the Old Testament.

There are two important dates in “recent” human history - 18,000 years ago and 7,000 years ago. 18,000 because it was an attempt to regain full consciousness by building structures that could focus energies, and 7,000 years ago where we began the “Human Plan”.

Both dates being an important change in the “human condition”.

Kobekli Tepe was built roughly 18,000 years ago. It was built as part of the major building works that took place on many continents at that time as a means of re-connecting the whole of the consciousness back into the body, as well as being a means of transportation given that we had, generally, lost the ability to easily translocate.

The site was abandoned roughly 5,000 years ago (3,000 BCE - see, I can speak science) as the “People of the Jars” felt guilty about murdering their “gods” and travelled south to eventually become the Jewish peoples.

There are a great many problems with scientific dating, particularly carbon dating, due to all sorts of contamination so “scientific” dates can be very misleading.
What we have is an abandonment of the site roughly 5,000 years ago and then a second occupation that began about 2,000 years ago by people who came from the Black Sea area. In between, the old floor was covered with desert sands and the new occupiers built a new floor on the sand as they could not understand the energies of the site.

From 7,000 years ago, we became more and more dense, in terms of energy and understanding and so we could not read the energies of a site like Kobekli Tepe, or any other, in the ways we once could as we became more and more physical.

The past is a land that is built on current aspirations and mind control - always look as deep as possible as the answers that lie underneath hold a truth that science will never comprehend.

21. One recurring theme these days is the difference between channelling and reading the Akashic. For instance some are saying that being a clear channel is just as difficult as being a clear reader of the akashic.

I know it is a completely different process, having been in touch with my own higher self on rare occasions, where the question is answered in a split second and it is just a grounded knowing that comes through the body (heart/mind) when there are no emotional blocks attached to the question. Personally I don’t think the rational mind will ever completely understand what the truly grounded heart/mind can know through feelings and the higher self. I guess that is a statement about science . . .

But you are much better qualified to explain the difference and so this is one such naysayer’s comment which I wondered if you would address.

(I know you have talked about the fake akashic set up with Velon energy but we need you to explain how completely different what you do to read the Akashic is - compared to channelling.)

“I'm pretty certain that in the mess of the Astral-Emotional and Mental Worlds (those dimensions where most of the channeled info comes from, and where 'travelers' and super-psychics access information) there are more than a few 'fake' akashic records setup by these Higher Intelligences. I'm suggesting that Chris Thomas might be being used, just as he suggests everyone else is. It's a clever tactic that will not go away anytime soon.”

Answer: In several of my books, I have tried to explain how the Akashic works and how channelling works - obviously this questioner needs to read my books! Channelling is a process of one “entity” passing information to a receptive human.

This information can take many forms:

At its basic level, the channeller is communicating with the soul of a deceased relative in order to provide confirmation of the soul’s continuance after it leaves the physical body. This is usually achieved by passing on personal information that is, usually, only known to the person receiving it.

Then there are “friendly entities” out there who genuinely want to help humans in what we are trying to achieve on Earth whilst we are physical.
In the past, there were some very genuine messages of help and encouragement passed through.

Unfortunately, since the mid 1800’s, and the work of Madame Blavatsky, there has been an increasing number of messages that have been deliberately designed to mislead.

In more recent years, ALL channelled messages have originated either directly from a Velon source or the Velon have interfered with the channelled message in some way.

Today, every single channelled message is of a Velon source and is deliberately designed to mislead people into believing that the Velon, in all of their disguises, are our friends and are here to help us and “Ascend us to the 5th Dimension” (see my last essay about the 5th Dimension and its implications and impossibilities here on Earth).

Questions, such as the one you have passed on, only arise from people who have fallen for the channelled Velon fantasy stories but are realising that there is something not right about them.

If they come across my work, the realisation that they were wrong to listen to the Velon is confirmed but they do not want to back-track as that would mean that they would have to admit that they were duped.

In any case, to ask such a question means that the questioner has no knowledge of what the Akashic is and how it functions and has, again fallen for the Velon fantasy stories and their versions of what the Akashic is.

The real difference between channelled and what is recorded in the Akashic is probably this:

In the Akashic version, 7,000 years ago, we (humans collectively) set out on a chosen course of behaviour to learn how to re-integrate the whole of the soul back into the body. This we hoped to achieve by living a series of physical lifetimes (reincarnation) exploring every and all aspects of being physical.

Don’t forget that nobody else, throughout the whole of Creation, has ever experienced life at the level of energy compaction that allows them to build for themselves a truly “physical” body. So everything experienced on Earth was for the first time.

The process we set in place 7,000 years ago we called “The Human Plan” and we set ourselves a 7,000 year time limit. There are a number of reasons for this time limit - see my books.

Inherent within The Human Plan is personal responsibility - each and every soul who has travelled to Earth to be a part of this “human experiment” accepted full and total personal responsibility for their actions as well as a collective responsibility for the outcome of The Human Plan.

As we approached the end of our agreed time limit, new energies were connected to the planet to help us to complete our Plan - this was in August 1996.

With this new energy connected, it built pressure on every single person living on Earth to fulfil both their personal and collective responsibilities.

As the pressure for completion built people looked around for someone to take the blame for their failings but, more importantly, for someone, anyone, who would give them comfort and say “It’s OK, we’ll complete everything for you. You don’t have to worry; we will take you through Ascension”.

A very seductive message, particularly for those who did not want to live up to their personal and collective responsibilities.
This is how the Velon won so many converts and followers - they promised to do everything for humans without them having to take any kind of responsibilities either for themselves or responsibility for their failings.

Not only that, the Velon have recently been trying to bribe people into following them by promising to pay them anything up to $1,000,000. (mind you, if you read the small print on this offer, if you accept it, you have to sign a binding agreement to do everything the Velon tell you to do, without limit).

The "end date” of the Human Plan was the 29th of October 2011 with an allowed period for readjustment up to the 21st of December 2012.
Everybody woke up on the 22nd of December 2012 and said “What happened? We were supposed to Ascend. We should be in the 5th Dimension”.

Everyone who was working with the Akashic knew the reason why.

Everyone who was working with the Velon, in all of their disguises, looked around for someone or something to blame - god forbid that they would admit that they had been duped yet again!

I find the channelled messages that have appeared during this last year to be an unbelievable farce. The Velon, in all of their disguises, have back-tracked, twisted, lied and blamed humans for the failure of their promises. Yet people still fall for this c**p in their droves - all to avoid cleaning up their own mess and taking some responsibility for their lack of action.

It has seriously shocked me to discover that there are a huge number of people who honestly believe that their debts will be paid off, they will be given $1,000,000 and Ascended to the 5th Dimension. All this happening soon - as soon as the “star fleet” Ison rounds the sun and “saviour” Obama makes an announcement of Disclosure.

Given this level of delusion, is it any wonder that we did not meet our deadlines? Is it any wonder that the Earth took pity on our stupidity and is doing everything She can to help us to achieve our goals?

But even the Earth cannot wait forever - people must start to act responsibly to bring to an end their own part of The Human Plan as soon as possible.

A brief description of the Akashic.

The name Akashic is Sanskrit and means “Record”. It does not mean anything else.

The Akashic has been designed to record the events that occur within this Universe. It does not record personal histories, those are recorded in the individual’s DNA with a greater memory held by the whole of the soul.

In other words, in between lives, all of our memories of our existence is recorded, or memorised, within the total soul. When we choose to become physical, take on new life, the memories of our physical existences are downloaded into our DNA whilst the higher self keeps the memories of our soul origins and existences away from Earth.

The Akashic is woven into the energetic fabric of the Universe. Once an event has been recorded within the Akashic, it cannot be altered, neither can it be falsely added to.

If an event has occurred it is recorded, events that did not happen cannot be recorded as they did not happen. The Velon have made a huge number of attempts to take over the Akashic and alter its content to, for example, falsely claim that the Annunaki (one of the Velon races) are our makers.

The purpose of the Akashic is to record all events that occur within this Universe. It is directly connected to the Creator and it is through this connection (Akashic/Creator) that the Creator learns. This is why the Akashic is incorruptible - if it was possible to alter it, the Creator would not learn the truth and the existence of the Universe would be pointless.

To quote one documentary film maker: “Chris was born hard-wired into the Akashic”.
This means that I do not channel. This means that I do not work with “entities” outside of myself/higher self.
Whilst I have come under repeated attacks by the Velon, they cannot break or break into my soul/Akashic connection.

The only measure of whether anyone believes my/Akashic version of reality is to ask yourself “does this feel true?”
If it does, then that is good and you should move on with taking responsibility for completing your part of The Human Plan.

If it does not, then I suggest that you apply the same criteria to the channelled fantasy stories that are out there and you will see that not one single promise made by the entities that are being channelled has ever been kept.

The Akashic is very clear: It was each individual’s choice to travel to Earth in order to experience physical life and it was each individual’s choice to take part in The Human Plan. It is also each individual’s responsibility to complete their own part of The Human Plan.

We have human problems that require human solutions. No alien race could ever possibly understand what we have experienced, and achieved, here on Earth. So how could there be any other solution to our problems other that by humans taking personal responsibility to resolve them.

No one, throughout the whole of this Universe, or any other, can do it for us.

7th August 2015, 22:29
48 Q&A With Chris

Part 2

22. A number of people do not channel but rather claim to be in physical contact with various races of extraterrestrial beings from the time they were children. They believe these beings are benevolent and are supplying them with information as to human history and human inability to solve their own problems; some speak of galactic wars and insectoids, lizards, etc. races. One of the more common physical interactions spoken of is with Tall, White Nordics who sometimes claim to be from around Orion.

Are these people being deceived by Velon posing as benign, benevolent beings of superior intelligence with the ulterior motive of undermining the human souls’ relationship with Earth and the task of clearing emotional blockages in order to make room for 100% soul integration into the physical body? And of course to prevent all the energetic advantages to be gained in terms of conscious awareness and discernment when the majority of humanity have accomplished this task.

[B]A case in point: There is a young man of 25 who, since the age of 9 on his way home from school, has been taken for rides by sympathetic, tall white Orion Nordics in their space ship. They give him information about outer space tell him various things which have convinced him that they are for real and have the best interests of humanity as their goal. They even told him that Nibiru was destroyed a long time ago. So when he read that these Nordics are actually Velon in disguise he takes exception.

Of course what he chooses to believe is his business and it would do no good to argue. We all have to learn from our own experiences. I only mention it as one of the difficulties with experiential mind-sets – which I’m sure you have run into many times.

Answer: When I first wrote about the Velon race known as the Hathor, I had a very scathing letter from an elderly lady telling me how dare I say anything bad about her “friends" who she has had contact with since she was a young girl.

The Hathor are the Velon race who persuaded a group of gullible humans to construct two “celestoriums” into the Earth. A Celestorium is a copper shaft 100 m (333 feet) long and about 20 cm (8 in) diameter filled with programmed quartz crystals. Two of these Celestoriums were constructed pointing directly down into the earth. Control of these two devices was by the Hathor.

The devices were intended to act like tuning forks in that the Hathor could generate a resonance within the celestoriums. The first time that the first celestorium was resonated it became very clear that its purpose was to create energy frequencies that forcibly evicted the Earth’s consciousness out of the planet.

It also turns out that the clestoriums had a second function in that the resonance focussed on all of the members of the human group that built them and forced the physical aspect of their total soul out of their bodies ( I worked with/was in contact with a number of these people over the following couple of days and all of them confirmed the feeling of being forcibly evicted out of their bodies).

So we have the attempted destruction of the Earth’s own consciousness and the attempted removal of the souls of those who were the “friends” of the Hathor.

So much for that elderly lady’s “friends”.

I do not know who this race that this young man is talking about but the chances are that they are Velon.

According to the Akashic, there are no races originating from Orion - Orion is a “gateway” in and out of our solar system that leads to the realms of the six non-physical races and so Orion cannot possibly support a form of life that is not also non-physical in form - the non-physical races are so far removed from our own energy frequencies that they are totally undetectable to us.

The term “Tall White Nordics” has long been applied to the Velon as that is how they sometimes describe themselves.

Why do people want to make their lives so complicated?

Life is so simple: we are a soul who has chosen to build for itself a body in order to experience physical life. We just need to wake up and get on with what we humans need to do and life will just be simple again.

23. Do you agree with this assessment? At the astral: following death & the usual experience be it Bardo or heavenly, the minions/angels working for the invisible masters will welcome you & shower you with nirvana, mind wipe you & return you back to the cycle of human forgetfulness, slavery, victim hood & karma. There really is NO ESCAPE tis the cyclic journey of the human which entombs our divine spark.

Answer: It’s a total load of Crap.

24. Have you read this immaculately-researched and heavily-annotated article from David Wilcock, about the unravelling of global financial tyranny?


Answer: Oh, deary, deary me!

Wilcock has, for some time now, been the dupe of the Velon and this new one is no different.
This is Velon saying, yeah, well we buggered it all up along the way but now we want you to forgive us and keep us around the planet.


What a load of ********.

25. If those who have chosen not to participate are allowed to "live out their lives over the forthcoming 50 years", I am wondering how hundreds of millions fully-souled beings will be able to co-habit the planet with billions of "sub-humans".

And, more pertinently, if the Illuminati are part of the contingent whose lives will see out their natural rhythms over the next 50 years, then I see the possibility of a very tricky time ahead of us!
That is, unless those who have fully reintegrated their souls all live on a separate continent!

Please understand that I'm not in any way criticising your work, Chris, and I certainly understand that we live in a time of shifting sands. I'm merely interested to hear your current perspective on these matters.


1. Do you still predict that non-participants in The Plan will be exiting more or less arbitrarily at any point over the forthcoming 50 years?

2. Do you still understand that all those who have elected to participate in their soul re-integrations, will have completed this process by the end of 2012?

There appears to be an avalanche of bank resignations going on at the moment, and Ben Fulford is predicting something big happening at the end of this month, by way of an ultimatum from the Dragon Clans..... to the Illuminati.

Answer: No, I didn't see your email as a criticism - just fair comment and reasonable questions.

The fundamental problem is that nobody has ever undergone the kind of processes we are currently faced with.

Everybody "out there" is a complete soul within whatever body form they have. It is only on Earth where we decided to split the soul down into "higher" and "lower" parts. As such, nobody knows quite what is happening or how it is going to happen.

As I have written the books, I have tried to give the best answer that was available at the time - some being "best guesses" based on the information available.

But, we have one massive complicating factor - the Velon.

The Velon should not be here at all, as the rest of the Universe has totally rejected them, and they no longer exist anywhere outside of the region immediately around our solar system.

The problem is that the Velon have fooled so many people into believing that the Velon, in all of their many disguises, have made promises and suggestions that have misled people into believing that they can take actions which will move people and the Earth through into the "5th dimension"; and so many people are looking for the easy answer that they have fallen for it in droves.

Whilst these people only make up a small percentage of the current population, they are the most vocal, and so those who want to give us help (the other races and the universe itself) are confused by the messages humans are sending out.

The date by which everything should have been in place was the 28th of October 2011 - allowing us the one year to complete the process.

The 28/10/11 date was first worked out 7,000 years ago at the start of the Human Plan. This date is when all of the ancient calendars, not just the Mayan, concluded. On 21/12/12, the Mayan Calendar is set to start a new "round", and a new era begins.

This date (28/10/11) was set as it coincided with the alignment of the solar system with the centre of the galaxy. Also, many systems throughout the Universe come into alignment during this time, and so we should have been able to complete soul re-integration with the minimum of fuss, making use of the massive amounts of freely available energy.

However, 7,000 years ago, we did not know of the Velon and the affects they would have on the human population or on the Earth.

Given the complications the Velon have caused, it resulted in a little more confusion about end dates, and the need (or otherwise) of removing all of those who did not choose to be a part of this Plan.

The current situation is that if the energy for change was released, the Velon would use it for their own purposes with totally unknown consequences.

In order to make use of these energies, the Velon have built an energy barrier around the solar system and so the energies from outside have not been released. This barrier also makes it extremely difficult for the Earth's consciousness to communicate with those outside of the solar system and it is also extremely difficult for the Earth's guardians to act.

The way in which this barrier affects us on Earth, and the way in which the elite are assisting the Velon, is through the use of haarp and other systems that generate extra low frequency waves (ELF) around the planet.

The planet is totally flooded with these frequencies as a way of slowing down both the Earth's and human frequencies to try to stop our change from happening, and each haarp station - all 39 - have a Velon djed pillar at their centre. So work is continuing to clear everything that can be cleared, and that is forcing change.

There is the beginnings of a fight back against the Velon barrier starting now and so we should see some change beginning over the next few days.

At the same time, we need to remove as much influence of the Velon as possible down here and this is why we have the beginning of a total collapse of the banking system.

The Velon control the "elite" and the elite control the world through money. By forcing the release of the information behind the current banking scam, it is forcing the elite into a position of retreat. Once the elite have retreated, the Velon have nothing to control and so their influence is destroyed, the Universal and galactic energies can be released, and we can complete our soul re-integration virtually overnight.

Whether those who are not going to undergo this change will be allowed to live out their life-spans, is still open to conjecture, but once we have a mass shift occurring, I suspect that anyone who is not a part of it will be evicted off the Earth and forced to return to their place of soul origin, and the Velon will be evicted from this Universe.

Clench your buttocks and keep your fingers crossed, but it should not be too long before we achieve our goal and it HAS to happen before 21/12/12.

26. What do you know about the first written language or alphabet?

Answer: All over the world. The first written language was similar to Runes. The form that Runes take reflect electrical impulses up and down the spine. All original languages have this basis and are approx. 7,000 years old.

27. I am wondering about the Sidhe who first incarnated as physical beings on Atlantis and were like 12 feet tall. They later served as kings when man began to lose his higher functions. They were sometimes referred to as the Elohim in the Jewish bible. Are they incarnated as humans on Earth now?

Also could those elongated skulls be throwbacks to the experiments done on Atlantis?

Answer: Here’s a little part of the puzzle re Sidhe activities:

On Atlantis, the Sidhe wanted to experience full physicality for themselves. We had developed a “Star Chamber” - a chamber that looked a little like an amethyst geode, which was capable of removing the soul from the body and transfer it into another body. This process was tried a number of times with Pleiadean “hosts” producing a Pleiadean/Sidhe hybrid.

However the process proved to be irreversible so the “merging” became permanent - I have treated several of them - these people have since taken on human form through the usual reproduction process and have DNA patterns that are different - bigger - than other people.

This does not mean that these people look different but they do have a certain charisma - a little like Legolas from Lord of the Rings. For example, I treated someone who worked as a gardener and an alternative practitioner just to keep himself balanced.

On Atlantis, there was a great amount of experimentation with the human body-form - the mixing of a number of genetic groups into one body. Don’t forget that the worst excesses of Atlantis went and hid in the Mohorvicic layer with occasional “genetic throwbacks” in the current time.

I have treated many people who carry Atlantian “Chips” which are activating and producing very strange genetic sequences in this lifetime. Also the ancient “gods” carry gene sequences which go back to Atlantian times.

28. This has been posted by Bill Ryan who is the owner and founder of a very prominent and influential forum:


Answer: Planet Earth is unique in the Universe - there are no “class M” planets out there and especially not Pandora-like planets
particularly not around Alpha-Centauri.

29. Hi Chris and thank you for your last reply. The hints have been helpful regarding the elongated skulls with purportedly no human DNA. I had not realised that a human body could contain larger DNA when it comes from someone affected by (energetic) chips from Atlantis or when the soul is half Sidhe and half Pleiadean. That raises interesting possibilities regarding DNA based on the specific identity of the soul incarnating.

I know you have indirectly answered the following question someone has asked me, when you said that no one can trick the soul, upon death of the body, into walking into a false light where they are sent back in for more karma without proper preparation. I recall you’re calling it B.S.

Nevertheless someone has asked me specifically:

Does CT say anything in his materials about the light, tunnel, etc. at time of death they're really pushing on the planet at this time?

And I will add a more specific corollary question: Is the light we see in near death experiences or when we actually do die, our own higher self?

Note: I believe what Chris is saying below is that there is no matrix of synthetic light in existence – except possibly in people’s minds. In other words George Kavassilas’ model of the Universe is false. It follows that capturing the reincarnation grid is an absurd notion. Our Higher Selves would never permit that. People really underestimate their higher selves.

That is my opinion and I am making it known so that there is no misunderstanding. The ‘synthetic light matrix’ is like the ‘galactic federation of light’ it has been talked about so much as if it were an ‘assimilating borg cube’ that people actually believe that such a federation exists. It does not exist except in people’s minds. I could go on with the rest of the misinformation George has been tricked into believing.

Don’t get me wrong. I like George and his message of ego connected to heart and feeling before you think is good advice. However, at some point he lost his grounding.

Answer: Karma only means knowledge and the direction the higher self chooses for the next life is made directly by the higher self so it cannot be fooled.

There are only two types of genuine light on the planet - the light from the sixth sun and the light emitted by your higher self. Light such as the purple flame is just a myth spread by the Velon.

I did not understand the comment “…at time of death they’re really pushing on the planet at this time”. Who are the they that are doing the pushing and in what direction?

Your question is straight forward and the answer is yes.

We tend to only have near death experiences when our higher self needs to give us a kick up the bottom to get us back on track. If we do not listen we leave the body (die) as the higher self has called us home.

30. I know of a woman who was told she was having all kinds of major problems in her life because of a Djin that had attached itself to her body. She was told this by a medium. What is a Djin?

Answer: The word “Djin” is middle Eastern and translates as something like “space alien”.
The only ‘aliens’ who have formed the type of attachment described are Velon - all the other races have taken a back-seat once the Velon activities were realised and connections from non-Velons to people that cause them problems are unheard of.

31. I am meeting people now who underwent a transformation out of the blue in December of 2012 in which they embodied pure love. They would stop to talk to and hug children on their way home and to offer love to everyone they met.

This was uncharacteristic for them and they thought they had entered into another Universe, they had not heard of ascension, they were just ordinary people who had been going about their ordinary lives. One woman said her husband could tell when she was on her way home because the room would fill with love. This transformation suddenly ended in mid 2013 and now they can only wish to be back in the “state” which of course they miss. They say there seemed to be some uncompleted business which the world must undergo before this transformation can be permanent.

Do you have any knowledge , or can you comment on this?

Answer: The story of the people who felt love is growingly typical as some peoples higher selves show them a lesson of how life could be and I suspect the reason why it stopped, or their experience stopped, is because they are the ones who still have situations to resolve.

32. I understand that Earth is within 2 degrees of righting herself on her axis and that there are now a solid 3.75 Billion people on the planet, and that we have reached the 3500 Hz base frequency at the consciousness energy level. Does this mean mass reintegration is now possible?

Answer: The 3.5 kHz is important but is dependent on other factors at the same time before people can re integrate en masse. The axis is one of the factors involved. Once the axis is vertical then further changes can take place.

33. If the 14th Faction entities and energies have been removed from Planet Earth, the Solar System and Universe, then why are people still able to over ride free will (i.e. murder, rape, war etc.)?

Answer: It’s called freedom of choice.

If people do not say no, it appears as though they are being forced to do something.

Whereas they are making a choice to go along with what they are being told to do.

Not only does this lead to resentment but health problems as the chakra that deals with this part of their lives becomes unbalanced (see the Everything book).

This is so obvious I am surprised people still ask this question!

34. Things are looking bleak in some ways but I'm sure Earth has her own plans and I am all for her. Also the last several months of astrology point to a positive future that will be lasting so the other planets are being supportive in Earth's favour.

Answer: I think that your assessment of the future is correct. it just might be delayed temporarily because of Velon activities and the humans who are, albeit unknowingly, supporting them are adding to the problem. A year ago I was confident about the sequence of events and their time-frame but now I am not so certain. There is no doubt that we are changing and moving into full soul re-integration but because of Velon interference, the time-scale seems to have been slightly disrupted so I can no longer be certain about timing.
Human gullibility and stupidity has a lot to answer for.

35. Recently I've read your essay entitled "A Brief History of Chemtrails". It confirmed my own feeling that it has been affecting the honey bee populations. Sad as it is, I rarely see a honey bee these days, whereas in years previous, I use to see them all the time doing their most excellent work. Most interesting was the part you wrote that said chemtrailing lay behind the military & their reason for the era of cattle mutilations that took place.

This has sparked my reason for writing to you & ask you specifically about whether this chemtrailing is behind the strange rise in the problem that seemingly more & more people are having with Morgellons - a health problem that the NIH (National Institute of Health) has discounted & says it is more a psychiatric issue. In other words, they're saying its an imaginary problem.

I have done a little research on the subject & found that it is anything but imaginary, as there are some researchers that have provided photo images of the various forms that this 'dis-ease' has taken on. It seems to me to be related to fungi & slime molds that gets into the body, but also appears to be associated to a nano technology. The growth of warts & people having a problem with a condition known as 'athletes foot' seems to be somewhat relative.

Just would like your take on this particular health issue: Is this Morgellons problem also related to chemtrailing? Or, could this also be a form of bio-warfare?

Answer: Morgellons is most prevalent in areas of the US where GM crops are grown and eaten. The incidence of the disease is mainly confined to the US. There are extremely few instances in the rest of the world. The EU has banned GM [genetically modified] crops and is, for the time being, Morgellons free.

Australia and New Zealand did try GM but have since put a moratorium on trials because of outbreaks of Morgellons. Although trials of GM crops have taken place in Britain, I am unaware of any Morgellons here. The US, in league with Monsanto, are continuing to pressure the EU to allow the widespread planting of GM and sales of GM products.

36. In The Universal Soul chapter 4, page 50

Those who remained on the planet to sort out the problems caused by the destruction noted that the loss of higher consciousness functions was more marked and now tended to occur after about 200 years. The main cause for the difference in time frames, 1,000 years as opposed to 200 years, appeared to be caused by the shift in the Earth’s axis from totally vertical to a 4 degree angle off the vertical.

I’m trying to understand what this 4 degree tilt is. My understanding is that Earth tilted 23.4 degrees when Atlantis was sunk.
Is it a typing error, or am I missing something?

Answer: The question of the angle of the Earth’s tilt is one which I have been asked many times.

All I can say is that it depends on how the angle is measured.

I have always said that the “official” figure is wrong and too large - so I will stick with my 4 degrees.

Regardless of what it was in the past, the combination of the Iceland and Japanese earthquakes moved the axis closer to the vertical - I can’t remember what the official change of tilt was, but the 23.4 degrees is definitely now wrong.

37. We are experiencing record cold and record snowfall here in Ontario during this winter of 2014/15. It is a very abnormal and unusual combination which makes no sense in terms of my experience with nature.

Answer: Look to haarp - it’s been buggering up our weather for several winters now!

38. If what we are doing here is a first in this universe and a lot of parties are interested in what is going on here; Then in what, way, shape or form is what we are doing here changing the rest of the universe? What is happening now?

In other words; which virtues/qualities created by this reality are expressed outside this reality. (Or rugby ball shaped envelope)

Answer: All things are interconnected - what happens in one reality has an impact on other realities.

In many respects, what happens on Earth, determines the future direction of the Universe as a whole.

So the sooner people remove their fingers from their bottoms and get on with sorting their lives out, the sooner the rest of us can achieve completion.

39. The Akashic records everything and Chris can 'log' on to this. What is the minimum time between an event and the moment Chris can see it? In other words; Can he see the feed of an event simultaneously with the event happening?

Answer: The Akashic RECORDS events.

So the event has to happen before it enters the Records from which it can be read.
I do not “log on” to the Akashic as such as I try to understand the impact of events after they have occurred - I have to know the right question to ask to find the answer.

It is not possible to stay connected to the Akashic 24/7. I have to “tune in” as I try to track the thread of events in whatever time-frame they occur.

40. Could Simon Parkes be used as a tool to promote a hidden agenda by the alien beings known as the “Mantid”?

Also what about the Aliens use of advanced methods for Cloning and Programmed Life Forms in relation to prominent personalities and also in relation to manipulating perceptions and experiences of those who have either been taken or in some cases unknowingly experimented with while serving in the military or as children.

Answer: There have been hints about Programmed Life Forms (PLF's) for a few years now.

They are what could be called biological robots.

They were developed by the Greys along with the military mainly for the purpose of false abductions - abductions carried out by the military. The abductee would be allowed to clearly see these "Grey" beings doing various things in the background to lend strength to the abductees story of alien abduction.

What few genuine alien abductions, that were actually carried out, stopped some time ago; the vast majority of abductions were actually carried out by the military as disinformation and fear-mongering.

My suspicion is that not only do they have "Grey" biological robots but also ones that look like praying mantises.

I've come across a number of abduction stories where the abductee describes a teacher-like figure that was praying mantis in form. I have scoured the Akashic for several years looking for these creatures and they do not exist - except as the insect on Earth.

The existence of PROGRAMMED LIFE FORMS could explain a great deal about abduction stories.

By programmed biological robots I mean that they have a body that is identical to whatever body form has been copied but they have no soul - they are just physical tissue who's very basic DNA can be programmed to carry out basic tasks. Not very nice things."

End of Quote from Chris Thomas

[I would expect this could apply to any other kind of horrific being or benevolent being (in the case of "human/Mantid children programmed to be 'cute and loving') that you care to name. The things of which both nightmares and pleasant dreams are made of; very real to the person who is targeted for the psy op experience.

Also, a lot of people are waking up in the night to these weird monologues that seem to be broadcast through the aethers. The best way to handle it, from experience, is to tell them to *** off.]

41. Given that disease is a result of chakra imbalances, I am wondering what problems in the mouth with tooth infections and abscesses and a need for root canal work or abstractions might stem from in terms of chakras? What is my Higher Self trying to tell me?

Answer: I have always found teeth a problem to diagnose.

Although they are connected to the 1st Chakra they are mainly 5th Chakra. As such they are about a sense of security in speaking one’s truth.

This also works with the 4th chakra in that by not speaking out, it affects the immune system hence the infections.

Don’t forget that although the teeth grow out of the jaw, they are not a part of the body in the way that - say - the fingers are.

Sorry but I cannot be of any more help on this.

42. What is one to make of all the conflicting information in the alternative media? With 40+ HAARP stations around the world focused on life disharmony, and the health damage inflicted by chemtrails, vaccines, etc. and the BRICS claiming to be fighting the New World Order, who can we believe? Has Putin really freed himself from mind control?

Answer: This all seems to be a reasonable summation of the current world situation.

With Obama signing agreements with China and snubbing Putin its not hard to see which way the balance of power is shifting.

What is interesting is that as you begin to shift and get closer and closer to one’s higher self, all of the schemes and controls become more and more clear.
Despite concerted use of HAARP, people are continuing to wake up and see the political control for what it is.

Things might be happening slowly but they are clearly happening in a positive direction.

43. I am wondering if you know much about the black goo. Is it sentient, where does it come from, what is its purpose, does it exist off planet, is it nano technology, etc.? If it does exist is it being used by the Velon to bring the planet into a negative energy by soaking up the life giving nature of the planet? What is it’s source?

Answer: As far as I can work out, the black goo is a GM [Genetically Modified] bacteria that shows evidence of sentience. What it’s designed purpose is I do not know but it cannot be good.

44. I have been re-reading The Fool’s First Steps, on page 53 of Chapter 4 you list the 13 regions chosen for the new wave of change about 15,000 years ago before we started losing our higher functions as we could not maintain the whole soul within the physical body. But you only name 12 of the stated 13 regions.

3 are in Europe, 2 in Asia, 2 in Southeast Asia, 1 in the Pacific, 2 in America, and 1 in the Middle East and 1 is in Egypt. Is number 13 Greece? Or is it possibly Southern Africa where Michael Tellinger claims to have found a large stone circle with stones that ring, which he mistakenly attributes to the Annunaki. I am leaning towards South Africa given the ancient gold mines there.

Answer: 1. South America. 2. North America. 3. Australia. 4. Sumeria. 5. Egypt. 6. China. 7. Asia (mainly India). 8. Ireland and Northern France. 9. Indonesia. 10. Pacific Islands (Polynesia). 11. Scandinavia and Poland/Czechoslovakia.

Britain should be counted as a separate entity as it is the centre of all planetary energies and is driving the change.

Africa should be seen as one continent and separate from the others. So thirteen regions are listed.

45. I see that Amazon in the United Kingdom and Amazon in Canada are now finally carrying your books. But still not Amazon in the US. Your book Planet Earth . . . The Universe’s Experiment is one of the best books I have ever read. I really wish humanity would hurry up and finish this Plan!

Answer: It is long overdue for Amazon to stock some of my books - they do not stock all titles - maybe I’ll consider taking them off my blacklist now.

Judging by recent news items and TV programmes, the predicted uncovering of the “conspiracies” that have been holding us back is now well under way.

46. Is there a simple explanation for why this is NOT a holographic, fractal Universe?

I’ve been asked this question and need some help to answer it.

I know this is a conscious living Universe; that it is based on energies of vibratory frequencies, and I know that the creative force, is the vortex. I think that is why the Fibonacci sequence is seen in what Earth creates because it is the geometric sequence to forming a vortex.

I know that what scientists have been calling gravity is really consciousness in that souls attract and planetary souls attract proportionately to their mass (energy). This attraction is what scientists call electromagnetic and it is the force that holds atoms and solar systems and galaxies and ultimately the Universe together.

Answer: It depends on what your questioner means by “fractal”?

All things in nature can be described as “fractal” in form as all things have a vortex at their core structure and a vortex can be viewed as fractal in form - or at least the vortex forms the fractal depending on your point of view or location from which you are viewing it from.

As for a “holographic” form - a hologram is a reflection - a snap-shot reflected onto another surface (usually glass).

The Universe is an energetic form around which what we consider “physical” is hung - it is not a reflection of anything.

Given the Universe contains many billions of dimensions - everything exists in and of itself - there is no need to copy a reflection as what dimension would you be reflecting?

47. Hi Chris, I’ve noticed lately that the energies are a bit overwhelming in many walks of life, people getting sick, work piling up, and progress seems to be almost at a standstill in the personal field as well as the big picture.

Are the 14th Faction energies still active on our planet, preventing our free will from being exercised in places like government?

I can see how those souls who were infected by the 14 and chose to use that energy to take away free will up until 2002 (when the black holes were closed down), would be now reincarnating to make amends for the karma garnered by their pre 2002 actions and some in this lifetime may even have awakened to the reality of the error of their ways. I would liken it to the individual you treated who had been one of the Annunaki who travelled back in time to dictate lies to a Sumerian scribe. He later incarnated as a human and felt guilt about what he had done in the past when he was a Velon named Enki. That guilt was causing him physical ailments in this lifetime, which brought him to you for healing and understanding of why he felt guilt.

But I am at a loss to understand how the 14 could still be blamed for the hold-up in the Human Plan. It feels to me more like we humans are going through a slow and painful resolution to the consequences of giving our power away willingly, out of laziness as much as anything, to the Velon lies and their henchmen in the corporate government. In other words the karma both at the individual level and the country level has to play itself out, in order to wake up as many of us as is possible. I must say this is a master class in learning patience and persistence for many of us, and for others just grasping the power that comes from within even before or leading up to full soul integration.

So what I am asking you is whether you would give us a statement as to whether you agree that there is still 14 energy operating to remove free will in this universe (does it still take on the shape of the Draco lizards?) or does it only seem that way because we have become so complacent to being (feeling) helpless?

An example of giving our free will energy away would be voting in a system that is clearly rigged. They return to the populace every 4 years for our permission to continue screwing us over and a lot of people consider this action of voting to be a right that needs to be exercised, rather than an insane repetitive action of group insanity.

Answer: Hi Herbert

Yes, the energies are very disruptive and they are building leading to the fullfilment of the Human Plan.

The 14 energies are still working in so far as infected people are still working with their own personal versions.

Other than that; the 14 energies are no more.

Interestingly I came across a report by cosmologists who have noticed that several galaxies on the outer limits of our Universe have dissapeared.
Bearing in mind that the light, and energy waves, from this region of the Universe takes several hundred years to reach us - it’s confirmation of 14 activities in the past.

[The 14 Faction actually succeeded in removing about 1/3 of the energy contained in our universe before the Black Holes they created were shut down by the Guardians.]

Unfortunately. these people who were 14 infected, still believe that they have the power to take away freedom of choice.

So it is likely to be some time before the rest of us can take back full control - But control began back in 2002, so 14 influences are waning.
It is just going to take time.

I gave up on the voting system some time ago - those who are elected choose to be rather than the choice of the people.

Best wishes

48. As we grow closer to full soul integration, I am wondering if it is o.k. to continue eating meat. Do we need to eat as much when we are nearing reintegration?

Answer: What one eats is up to personal preference. However as we bring more energy into the physical body during the process of integration, we will ironically find that we need to eat more protein to keep our energy reserves up.

In Conclusion

Here are a couple of comments from individuals after reading the Chris Thomas thread. I shared it with Chris Thomas and now I am sharing it with those who visit this thread.

Thank you Herbert For Making This Thread, Its Very Much Appreciated !

All my life I knew there was much more ,to life than what we all have been living, in this system of deception..
Since I was a child, I have been on a journey of the truth. The Movie "The Matrix" and Avatar was quite insightful, for me!

I totally resonate with Mr. Chris Thomas. I first viewed several of his videos in February 2014.

When Mr. Thomas spoke on the Annunaki creation lie, and the 5th dimension 2012 ascension myth, it connected the
missing pieces of the puzzle. For many Mr. Thomas, has reminded folks what their souls knew, already but had forgotten..

For myself, I always knew the Annunaki creators never created me. I always knew I was original being from
Earth ..I always knew Earth was not a prison, or in quarantine, Earth was very unique and many wanted to dominate and control her!

Suffice it to state I have never read any of Mr. Thomas's books, but on a Shamanic level my inner sense Higher self, and heart discernment knows Mr. Thomas Speaks truth.

I walk the shamanic path from experience, the dates from 1986 to the present . My journey has been very sacred and transformative. We are the ones we have been waiting for!

I agree with Herbert, There is no need for Mr. Thomas to appear on the Oprah show,
or any other mass corporate controlled media!

Our empowerment is inside out ,the frequency of Mother Earth is rapidly rising,
nothing can stop this..

This past Spring Equinox was powerful , many energies of transformation are unfolding!
For all who will remain on Earth the power of our
higher selves is steadily increasing. The power is within each and everyone to chose!

9th August 2015, 09:29
This is for you Herbert.

If it wasn’t for your consistent tireless work in keeping the thread going (on the other forum), I would never have known about Chris Thomas and the wealth of information he has given so generously without the need for fame, fluff and fortune. I was in a state of information overload at the time with the complexity of it all. But when looking further into CT’s material, it explained and simplified my life plus confirmed what I already know in my heart.

A big thanks to you, Herbert for all your hard work, under very difficult circumstances, I must add. (He was under a lot of pressure from personal attacks by somebody on a mission it seemed, to take him down).

Chris Thomas has given me tools to connect dots in the big picture and if they’re not all connected yet, I’m on my way.

Kudos to you. Long overdue.


10th August 2015, 13:14
This is for you Herbert.

If it wasn’t for your consistent tireless work in keeping the thread going (on the other forum), I would never have known about Chris Thomas and the wealth of information he has given so generously without the need for fame, fluff and fortune. I was in a state of information overload at the time with the complexity of it all. But when looking further into CT’s material, it explained and simplified my life plus confirmed what I already know in my heart.

A big thanks to you, Herbert for all your hard work, under very difficult circumstances, I must add. (He was under a lot of pressure from personal attacks by somebody on a mission it seemed, to take him down).

Chris Thomas has given me tools to connect dots in the big picture and if they’re not all connected yet, I’m on my way.

Kudos to you. Long overdue.


A BIG THANK YOU from me too Herb for all the "refreshers". Even if you've read all of CTs work there is so much info to remember and you Herb are so appreciated in that respect.

10th August 2015, 19:10

As Ealiss notes, this is not the Universal Akashic that Chris Thomas was born hard-wired into. So this essay is just to give readers a feeling for what it looks like to read the Akashic for an individual and their past life records. Her description of the “Angels” who look after and protect the Akashic are, as loving yet solemn. They look right through you to ascertain your motives.

Her experience with “higher” beings is also very interesting. They sound very much like how Harald Kautz describes the Earth Soul when you are able to visit her. She does not mess around. She is fierce. “What are you doing here? What is your question?” she booms out. She is very busy and focused; not interested in wasting her time. You really don’t want to mess with her.

In other words these higher beings do not start out with the crap you read in channellings like “we love you.” or “You are very dear to us.”

Your integrity is being measured when you visit the Earth and you had better have your act together.


I do want to get into the Akashic and what it is.

Quite a few times, I have seen people talk about "what IS the Akashic". I haven't really answered because I only have my own experience. I have read my own past lives. Some of them. I have read other people's past lives - several of them, and as I've said before, the people I read for felt that it all resonated. The places. The things that happened. They felt connected to those places and events in their lives today. And I never met them. They were just pixels on a screen in a facebook group.

So I can access what some people call the Akashic. BUT... reading what Chris says about the personal memory and the earth memory, he is accessing what I would call the "earth memory" and the "solar system memory" and the galaxy and universe memories. Where as I have accessed a different kind that is personal to the people I connect with.

To answer the question "What is it like?" I can therefore only describe my own experience.

First, I have to be in a relaxed state. Then I have to be in a state of caring from the heart about the stranger I am talking to. Then, using metaphors, I will be like a flute that starts playing the high notes. I gently make myself feel super positive, light filled emotions, while being open.

Then I ask my guides to help me get the information that was requested. They either say yes or no. If they say yes, I will start seeing images (which are metaphors that help my ego brain understand what is going on, as our brains translate emotions into images, sound and speech). I will sometimes see a golden library where everything shines in gold and white light and solemn angelic beings are the librarians but also protectors. They are absolutely powerful and it would be insane to even think of going against them.

They then take me to a "book" that I then try to "read". I see no letters. Instead images start to form in my head. As I start feeling things I get pulled to a place. It is like being in a TV series in the middle of the story. Inside the TV set. Except it doesn't feel like TV. It feels every day. It feels human. Good, bad, sad, happy, scared. All kinds of emotions, actions, dramatic events. I am usually pulled to important events in that life. The defining moment. And then describe them to people to the best of my ability. Trying to find correct words for what I am feeling, seeing, even the fast moments. Doing my best to remember what year we might be in, with those dresses and those male outfits. Which country and so on. I usually end up googling to figure it out later.

While doing all of this, I am... it's like an exam. My physical brain is going full blast. Blood flow to my right side of the brain is pumping. I focus super intense to see clearly. I try to sit still and yet type it all up. It is not "channeling" as I am not taking dictation. I am actually there. Seeing the re-run of events. Experiencing it myself. A lot of energy is going through parts of me and it is actually not easy to do. I am also not perfect at it. I should also say, that since I can't prove it, I rarely do it. I hate for people to think it's all made up and unlike dead people talking to me, explaining memories that the living can recognize and say "It's him!" the past lives are not easy to prove.

Now... channeling. I don't do channeling, but from what I have heard "channelers" say, they start out being psychic but to channel they have to relax, and then.... walk away. Not be critical. Not object. Not wonder or ask questions. Let their own personality hide. And then let some Tom, Dick or Harry just use their body to say ANYTHING they please. Totally uncensored.

I just... don't feel drawn to do that. The human spirits out there alone are such a strange mix that giving them total control is not an appealing thought.

And the times I have talked to "higher beings" they don't want me to pass on messages. First of all, they are FIERCE. You have to be brave once they look at you. Partly because they weigh your soul immideatly. A bit like meeting the boss of bosses and he stares at you with piercing eyes and you don't know if you'll live five seconds from now. And these are the NICE guys. They don't start out "we love you". No. They start out "WTF are YOU doing here?" And then I stutter something very nice and they mellow and listen with baited patience and answer briefly and then I leave with lots of thank you's and bowing.

True mega beings out there are badass.

I hope that helps a bit. Sheds some light. The emotions involved are the best way to gauge what is going on, on a personal level. If you are there, critical and investigating, then your own integrity is part of the experience. And I know that sounds like "it is all your imagination" but because I do the same thing, essentially, when doing a psychic reading with a person who "crossed over" I have experience with it being true. In the sense that the living relatives can verify it.

10th August 2015, 20:16

THE HUMAN SOUL 2007 by Chris Thomas

Plate Tectonics
Page 39
The same is true for that other theory which is now presented as solid fact, Plate Tectonics. Essentially what this theory says is that the Earth’s continents float about on the surface of the magma core and have, in the distant past, formed massive “Super Continents”, which have broken apart and drifted around for a bit on their own and then re-formed. This breaking apart and reforming supposedly occurred several times making up continents with names such as Laurasia, Gondwana, Rodinia, Pangaea. This Plate Tectonic Theory is based upon biologists finding various species of plants on different continents and so the geophysicists assumed that the continents with similar plant species must have once been connected.

However, one newer theory is that these “continental drifts” did not occur but that the Earth began life approximately 60% smaller than it is now and has expanded ever since. All of a sudden, virtually all the anomalies that have been found impossible to overcome in the Plate Tectonics theory start to make sense and all the discrepancies fall into place. (Theory proposed by Dr James Maxlow with an extract from is book published in Nexus Magazine Dec/Jan 2005/2006).

Whilst this expansion theory does agree with some of the information recorded in the Akashic, it does not quite make it as it does not allow for periods of contraction, but it is much closer to reality than plate tectonic theory.

Incidentally, the plate tectonic fans have stated that what would prove the theory absolutely would be that the Pacific ocean would reduce in size every year to allow for continuing continental drift. This reducing would not have to be by much, only about 19 mm per year, that’s about three quarters of an inch. The problem is that with current GPS systems (Global Positioning Satellite), it was found that the Pacific is actually growing in size by about 19 mm per year.

Once theories have become accepted and undergone the reinforced concrete treatment, it is acceptable to gently chip away at them but any scientist that tries to blow the theory apart has a very short professional life expectancy.


10th August 2015, 22:10
Yes it is happening. The Earth is preparing for our soul integration and the entire solar system is preparing for new life...just like it once was!


13th August 2015, 20:11

Dec. 10, 2010

Mark Chatterton





1. About Chris Thomas

2. Reading The Akashic

3. Types of Implants

4. Alien Races

5. The Human Plan

6. Population Lies

7. After Full Soul Integration

8. Military And Not Alien Abductions Since 2000

9. David Icke’s Reptilians No Longer Here

10. Angels

By Chris Thomas: Planet Earth - The Universe's Experiment and The Annunaki Plan? Or The Human Plan?

A Transcript Dec. 10, 2010

This weeks show is hosted by Mark Chatterton of Spirit Guides Radio who took time out to speak with Chris Thomas, author of Planet Earth - The Universe's Experiment.

Chris Thomas is a healer and author of ten books on the subject of healing and the path of Human history. He has the ability to access the Akashic records – believed to be the whole written history of everything that has ever happened on Earth.

In the show Chris talks about his direct experiences with the Akashic records where he has been able to scan this huge living consciousness of memories for knowledge of the true human plan, directly. He has discovered a race of beings known as the Velon aka the Annunaki that have been trying to hold us back, whilst also manipulating governments.

However he does say that there are other races here to assist us with our completion to full consciousness, where we ultimately integrate the whole soul in the body, effectively becoming a true Human Being.


Mark: Can you tell us a little bit about your past history and how you became a healer?

Chris: It all started about 30 years ago. Somebody needed help and for some strange reason I found that I could help at some healing level. And because I didn’t know anything about healing at the time, I thought I’d better investigate it and so it all began then. Over the years I’ve pushed myself really to do things I wanted to do. So over the last 15 years people have been calling me more of a psychic surgeon than a healer, because I tend to work very directly with whatever the problem is in my patient’s bodies.

Mark: Could you explain to our listeners how this works, how you go about doing this please?

Chris: A lot of healers have what you could call an empathic response with the people they work on. In other words they feel what the patient is feeling in terms of the pain or discomfort or whatever. I started to feel this but I decided I don’t want this because whatever the illness is belongs to this other person and I don’t want to take on these other person’s problems. So what I said to myself is that I want to be able to see what is going on inside a person’s body so that I can work on the problem directly.

And so over the last 15 years I have been able to scan the body in the same way as an MRI scanner, and also to read DNA. Because DNA is a person’s history. So-called junk DNA is people’s long term memories of things. So being able to target certain areas of the body and see what the energy patterns are doing within the body then I was able to divide the regions which required work. That’s really what psychic surgery is really all about.

If you think of medical surgery then what they do is to work on specific organs and specific problems and that is what a psychic surgeon does but without obviously breaking the skin or cutting organs out. It’s repairing the body whilst it’s still working.

Mark: Apart from doing you healing work, you’ve also written quite a few books about the history of the earth and I understand you are able to access the Akashic records which is about the history of the Earth. Could you tell us a bit about how you are able to do this and what these records tell us that conventional teachers don’t?

Chris: I found out at about the age of 7 I think it was that somehow I cold access information which other people didn’t seem to have access to and then it took me a long time to work out what it was that I was accessing. So essentially I seemed to be hard-wired into the record keeping aspect of human group consciousness, which is what essentially the Akashic is.

The word Akashic is ancient Sumerian. It basically means record. So everything that happens on Earth is recorded in this region that is known as the Akashic. But the Akashic itself is universal so it doesn’t just apply to Earth or solar system wide, it applies to the solar system, to the galaxy and ultimately to the Universe as a whole. It is possible to access within the Akashic every event that has ever occurred within this universe ever since it was first created.

Now the purpose of the Akashic is one generated by the creationary source shall we say because the purpose of the universe is to investigate on behalf of this creator whatever it is the creator wants to investigate. And so the Akashic is a record of anything that has ever happened in this universe so that when the universe collapses and goes back to source, all the answers to the questions it asked are stored within the Akashic itself.

The way I access it is that I was essentially born to it. That’s what it feels like to me. I’m sort of hard-wired into the Akashic so that I can access it at will.


Mark: So you don’t actually go into a trance then when you access it. You just sort of think about it and it’s there.

Chris: Really it’s a question of my asking a question. The problem with the Akashic is that every single thing that has ever occurred anywhere at anytime is recorded within it. So the problem becomes not gaining information from the Akashic but actually tracking down the answer to my question. So it’s like if you have an immense library that is as big as you could ever imagine it could be. You can only work within the library if you know what it is you’re looking for. Because you could you know walk around a library picking up books and reading and gaining knowledge but it does not necessarily give you the information that you are actually looking for.

This can be anything, it can be an individual’s history but an individual’s history is very difficult to track down because an individual’s DNA contains all of their past life memory, everything the person as ever been since they first were created. So it’s very difficult to find the record of an individual within the Akashic because lets say the individual has already returned back to the creator, then all of their memories are primarily created within their DNA. So the akashic really contains records of events, things that occur.

In order to work within the akashic what you have to do is to come at it from several different directions. So let’s just say , you just asked me a question how does the Akashic work? Instead of y asking the Akashic how it works, I have to come at it from about 25 different directions because of the threads that connect into each and every event because people and events are all connected. So it’s quite a complex route to arrive at what seem to be fairly simple answers.

But the complexity of it is really immense and it has taken me quite a long time to gain answers and primarily to get used to working within it. So my history books are based on my ability to navigate within the Akashic.

My first book The Journey Home contains what you could consider to be fairly straight forward and simple pieces of information as I was beginning to find my way, but by the time we get up to Project Human Extinction, for example, what we have are quite complex events that interlink together and I try to explain in a way that people can understand.

Mark: Are you aware of other people like you who can access the Akashic?

Chris: Yes of course there are. You know I’m not unique, but they each have their own way of doing it. A lot of people do need to go into a trance, into some kind of meditation, or work with spirit guides which I don’t. The only time I ever worked with guides is if they are connected with the patient I’m working on. But beyond that no I don’t work with any guides. My access to the akashic is direct. It’s literally like opening a book. It opens in my mind whereas other people will access it through different means.

Mark: So if anyone wanted to access the Akashic, if they were sort of spiritually minded, would they be able to do it themselves or would they need a teacher?

Chris: It can be done but yes it is preferable to have a root map of how you start getting into the process. Also it takes a lot of practice and determination to be able to access it directly, purely because of the amount of information that is in there and sometimes apparently contradictory information that’s in there. But it can be done. Many years ago I developed a simple meditation to help people do this. By using the meditation it’s teaching people to access the Akashic.


Mark: Now I want to move on to some of the aspects in your books. The first thing I wanted to ask you is in your book Planet Earth The Universe’s Experiment, in your capacity as a healer you mentioned you’ve come across patients who have got alien implants. Are these actually physical or psychic objects that are there and have you actually removed them?

Chris: They are psychic objects but ultimately anything in the universe is made of energy. What we see as something physical is because our brains are tuned into the frequency that that object exists at so a desk is actually made out of energy. If you break it down to its atomic structure what you see is an awful lot of space held apart by energy patterns and so the desk is not solid in an energy sense but our sense are tuned to accepting the desk as being a physically solid object.

But if you create something of a slightly different set of energy patterns, then our brains are not tuned to be able to see those energy patterns. This is the level that these energy implants and chips exist at. When I have encountered these objects in people’s bodies they are of an energy form but because I have trained myself to actually track these things down, and work out what they are and to be able to see them, yes I will see them on a psychic level and read the energy patterns they are constructed from to work out what it is these chips are designed to do or what effect they’re having on the person’s body.

More often than not the people who have consulted me with these kind of implants know that there is something there within their system but it is beyond the physical so they can’t understand it or can’t explain it. But it’s these chips that are having the effect.

There are several different types of these things. I know a lot of people are fascinated by these things but they are very rare. No more than about 1% of the population will have any of these chips within their system. I saw a lot of them because I had trained myself to see them, deal with them and figure out how to remove them from people’s bodies, but most healers would not encounter them at all because 99% of the population wouldn’t have them. But the affects they can have on the body can be quite devastating and very physical.

There is one type that has generally very physical affects on people which goes back to the time of Atlantis. Now Atlantis was a period of experimentation. It was the first time that human beings had existed anywhere in the universe. So people decided to play a little bit to see what it was like to be human. So at the time those who were on the planet decided to develop this chip which was a genetic accelerator. So you could program this chip to do just about anything you wanted, so you could let’s say make yourself 15 feet tall, you could say take on animal genes. So if you worked with a particular animal group and you were fascinated by that group you wanted to reflect that you worked with that group so you could take on literally tiger genes. So you, by taking on the tiger gene, your skin would take on the marks that the tiger has on its skin.

Some people went much further than that and created situations which for some people their memories of Atlantis are a little bit scary. But in this lifetime, people who carried these chips, they are being switched on because don’t forget that what we are doing in this lifetime is going through a shift in consciousness. We are changing our consciousness from what we have been more or less to what we were at the time of Atlantis. And as we take on the extra soul energy that is needed to raise consciousness levels , these chips are being activated. And they can have some quite bizarre effects on people’s bodies.

I’ll give you an example, I worked with people who are turning into mermaids. Their legs are beginning to fuse together. They are losing the use of their legs. The pelvis is beginning to change shape. I worked on somebody who has a fin growing out of their spine, as a fish would have a fin. They had had it surgically removed some years before. That’s one example but there are hundreds of them.

We had someone who had taken on tree genes. You know the Lord of the Rings story where the Enks were talking and walking trees, well this is what these people were tuning into. Their skin was turning more to tree bark, their feet were growing like protrusions like tree roots. But with this lifetime, the biggest problem with that is that since we don’t have our full consciousness within our body then the chips cannot be fully active and therefore they create only half the situation but not the whole situation so it creates massive physical problems.

So for people who are into Enks for example, human trees, they were doing what a tree does which was to take up everything that is in the atmosphere and work with it within the body to sense what is going on in the world. But of course the world is very polluted now whereas it never was at the time of Atlantis so what these people were doing was taking massive amounts of pollution out of the atmosphere and they could not deal with it so their bodies were becoming increasingly polluted. Never mind about the strange changes that were taking place physically in their body.

So eventually I found a way of working with these things and removing these chips out of people’s bodies. And then adjusting their DNA so that they reverted back to standard human patterns. So they stopped taking on these oddities that they had added 80,000 years ago at the time of Atlantis.


Mark: O.K. I just wanted to move on to the subject of alien races which you mention in your book The Human soul. How do we assume and be aware of these aliens, both physical and non-physical and what should we be doing about them?

Chris: Nothing basically. There are 7 races who would be considered alien. They’re not called aliens anymore they’re called extra terrestrial biological entities. That’s the official name given to them by the military. The 7 races are the Greys, the Blues, the Sirians and the Pleiadians, and a race that comes from a star system catalogued as NGC584, there is a group of beings who are like giant crystals, and the 7th group is known as the Velon. The Velon have been causing a lot of problems as far as the earth is concerned and so for a lot of people they have caused them problems and influenced a lot of what has been going on in their life.

But the other 6 races are essentially working with us. They are doing everything they can to help us and the Earth undergoing the kind of energy changes we are experiencing. They won’t land because that would create too much distraction for people so they don’t interact with people very much directly.

Now the Velon have been trying to influence people because of some strange agenda that they have and so the vast majority something like 90% from my own research and talking to people who work as mediums, clairvoyants and channels or whatever and as far as the Akashic is concerned and something like 90% of all channelled material that humans have picked up on over the last like 50 years are sourced from Velon. From these Velon peoples who take on all sorts of weird and wonderful disguises so what a lot of people think is material coming from Angels is not, it’s coming from Velon because of the strange way they want things to happen on Earth. And it’s not a very pleasant situation.

But all the other 6 races are doing everything they can to prevent the Velon from influencing what’s going on on Earth too much. It’s just unfortunate that too many mediums, channels , etc. are welcoming in the Velon and taking in the messages they are getting to create a very false impression of what is going on on Earth and what is happening now.

The biggest problem is to do with this thing about ascending to a 5th Dimension. It was the Velon who coined the word ascension and that we are ascending off the planet and that we need to ascend to a 5th Dimension. All of that is a complete load of rubbish. It’s a complete fabrication.

Given my experience with working with the human body and the way in which energy patterns within the body work the 5th Dimension would relate to about our navel level. Ascending off the planet would totally negate our purpose for being here. We are human, we are on a physical planet and we are trying to be the best that we can possibly be on this planet. If we ascend to another planet we are failing in our task. We are failing the creator. Everything in that sense would mean we are failing the task we have set for ourselves and we are so very close to completing the whole journey that we set ourselves to do on Earth.

The vast majority of these NTBE races are very resourceful, very helpful and it’s only this one race and their influence is now diminishing very rapidly [or so we thought in 2010 following the 2009 coup; this did not turn out to be the case, we learned later] The Velon influence on people is becoming less and less and the energy influence in this time frame is accelerating time very much in recent time, which I suspect a lot of people are feeling just now. So yes they have created difficulties and problems through their influence over people but those influences and problems are in the process of being overcome.

The main problem are the Free Masons people who are above the 30 level or 33rd level Free Masons who are connected into this Velon stuff and it has created a lot of problems because of that. They have a lot of influence within governments and the way governments function and that sort of stuff. Never mind about the so called illuminati.

Mark: A lot of this is in your last 2 books Project Human Extinction and The Anunnaki Plan or The Human Plan .

Chris: Yes the Project Human Extinction was written to explain what the background is and don’t be taken in by it. The 2nd book I wrote specifically for people who have been taken in by what the Anunnaki have been saying and this 5th dimensional ascension stuff. To explain that this is a false message and why it’s a false message because it’s created a huge amount of disruption in the way we look at the world. I mean there’s a lot of people out there who wanted to do channelling work with integrity and they wanted to be as good as they can be and it’s very difficult to work out who the entity is that you are channelling because the Velon adopted all sorts of different disguises. They deliberately set out to mislead people. The message in my books is saying to people think about it and think about where this story is coming from and try to look within it to see how you can resolve with your channelling work what is really going on.

Instead of working with the channelled source that you are currently working with is to ask for a different one. One that your Higher self can trust. It has led to a great deal of confusion. A lot of people you know I get numerous messages from people saying there is this mass meditation to welcome in this space craft or to switch on Earth crystal deposits and all this stuff. And all these are led by the Velon. It’s creating all sorts of problems for people trying to understand what is actually going on and it is honed into holding people back and I find that very sad.

By holding people back I mean that we are undergoing the biggest shift in consciousness that has ever been seen any where in the Universe and it’s preventing some people from actually completing that process, whereas what they should be doing is moving forward very rapidly.


Mark: All humans are working to this soul integration by 2011; is that correct?

Chris: Yes, but to explain that, what the Akashic calls the Human Plan. Now when we were on Atlantis we had the whole soul within the body. There was none of this higher self/physical self division. Our capabilities were beyond anything I could ever possibly describe in words. For example we communicated psychically, we didn’t speak, we didn’t write or anything like that, we just psychically communicated with each other and with every living thing. We had all sorts of abilities but we started to lose some of them and we didn’t know why we were losing them.

Then a situation occurred where we had to effectively destroy Atlantis – a long story which took me 11 books to cover. Anyway we came back to the planet about 20,000 years ago and again we were as we were on Atlantis, that is the whole soul within the human body. But we started losing many of our psychic capabilities and what we ended up with is the sort of division we have now – we have the physical self – so the physical body contains roughly one quarter of the total soul – and the higher self which makes up the remaining three quarters of the total soul.

7,000 years ago we put into action a plan to try and find a way to bring the whole of the soul, in other words to reunite the higher self back into the physical body. So we become a full human being again. For the last 7,000 years this is what we have been doing is learning how to be human again [and learning how to keep the whole soul within the physical body]. Essentially the Earth consciousness considers us to be sub-human at the moment because a human being is defined as a physical body containing a whole soul.

So for 7,000 years what we have been doing is living a series of lifetimes through reincarnation in order to experience everything that there is possible to experience by being physical on Earth. What we effectively are doing is to build up sufficient knowledge to find out why we had problems on Atlantis when we came back 20,000 years ago.

Now we found the answer, we know what the answer is and that was put into place in 2,000 and since then what we have been doing is gradually increasing the number of energy patterns that are available on the Earth to allow us to gradually bring the higher self back into the body. So to get a little bit technical for a second, the Earth has an energy frequency of 7.56 Hertz meaning 7.56 cycles per second and we discovered that 7.56 cycles per second is far too low to maintain the energy patterns of the whole soul within the physical body.

The root chakra of the body for every living thing on the planet resonates at 7.56 cycles per second. This is why the first chakra is called the root chakra because literally it roots the soul into the physical body and it roots the soul and the body to the Earth.

In many respects gravity does not exist because gravity isn’t a major force. What keeps humans and living things on the earth is actually the root chakra. But that 7.56 root frequency was too low and over the years we have worked out what the base frequency of the root chakra needs to be raised to. The answer turns out to be 3500 cycles per second or 3.5 KHz. In May of 2000 Earth changed her base frequency to 3500Hz so every living thing on earth apart form humans changed at that point to this much higher frequency.

In contrast, being human, we are very reluctant to change, we don’t like change , even though everything does change constantly. So have been a bit slow in catching up to what Earth has been doing to help us so the energy frequencies as far as humans are concerned have risen gradually so by the end of November of 2010, 10 years after the earth changed her frequency, we had only risen from about 7.56 cycles per second up to about 12 or 13 cycles per second. But as of the start of November of 2010 the energy patterns accelerate so that by the beginning of November 2011, human base frequencies will have to ascend to 3500 cycles per second.

So to put this into the context of the Mayan Calendar, within the calendar there are all sorts of different cycles and one of the major cycles is something called an Epoch. Now the last Epoch of the Mayan calendar ends on the 29th of October 2011 and this is the date where we must have reached that 3500 Hz.

Before individuals can reintegrate they must solve unfinished business in their life. So if you for instance have a dispute with your great uncle which you have never resolved, that problem is going to come very much to the surface and needs to be resolved so that it will allow you two to move on. If you can’t move on with it then unfortunately its means that you will not be able to remain on the planet. Now that is not a judgement. Nobody is standing in judgement of us and saying you failed. The only person who stands in judgment and decides you going to stay and undergo the process is the individual themselves. (7:31) 3/5

It is only the individual and their higher self who can decide whether they can actually go through this process of reintegration of the soul or not. Now it would be nice to think that every single person on the planet is doing that. But very sadly that is not the case. A lot of people have decided they are not in a position to go through this change and they will unfortunately have to leave the planet. No one is throwing them off, it’s just their reluctance to change. Unless you can fit in with the new energy patterns, then it will be impossible for people to stay on earth.


Mark: When you say leave the planet so you mean you physically die?

Chris: Yes. If you look at actually population figures, and I don’t mean this propaganda put out about “we have a growing population”, if you have any doubt about what lies are going on with manipulating population figures – the population is massively dropping. A few years ago the German Chancellor made a speech saying that Germany’s dropping population is catastrophic. Every single country in the world recorded a drop in population. The British tried to fudge it so the British government said no we’ve got a rising population but eventually they had to admit that the only reason we have a rising population is because of immigration.

The same applies to the birth rate. If you look at school closures over the past few years, two years ago Wales closed 26 schools in one go which means literally there are no children to fill the schools. So every child in Britain is accommodated in a school but the number of schools that are closed down country-wide runs into the hundreds because children numbers are not there. So the birth rate has dropped enormously and is continuing to drop. Believe it or not infant mortality, that is children who die after birth, in some of the inner city areas in Britain is higher than 3rd world countries.

So it’s the same throughout the whole of the Western world. All of these figures are identical in terms of the proportions of people dying and the reduction in birth rate. In fact it’s the same globally, whichever country you look at. So this myth about us having a growing population is complete rubbish. Never mind what the Akashic says about it, these are physical figures. So the akashic obviously records it much more accurately but we peaked population back in 1996 with 7.2 Billion people on the planet. We are now currently (2010) down to about 3.7 Billion people on the planet which is almost half the “official” figures.

This drop in population is a reflection of people’s choices about whether they stay on the planet and be a part of this change that is going on or not. The reason for the low birth rate is what’s the point of being born now, we might as well wait until after this transformation has occurred and be born then. The reason for the death rate is because people are exercising their choice and leaving the planet because they are not going to be a part of this change.


Mark: What happens after the change. Is there going to be a golden age on Earth, will all the world’s problems be sorted, or is it going to be more or less the same but better?

Chris: I can tell you what it’s going to be like in 2050 or 2100 but just what it’s like between 2012 and 2050 is anybody’s guess. There is no way of predicting that because nothing like this has ever happened before anywhere within the universe. But once we get passed the inevitable problems in the transition phase, then we return to the sort of state we were in during the time of Atlantis. We have the whole soul in the body which means we have psychic capabilities to remove pollution from the air, from the water, from the body and we would be able to clean up the planet and return it to the sort of pristine condition it was in before we started messing it up.

We would be able to translocate so that if you wanted to travel somewhere on the planet you project a though , a bit like remote viewing to the place you want to travel to and then you carry the body along with the thought so it’s a bit like flying. We will communicate psychically with people and animals. If you communicate psychically with animals then there is no fear either way so we get on as friends. Our requirement for food will reduce considerable so that instead of the kind of food we eat at the moment we will revert to the body sustaining itself on clean air, water, and fruit. The body is physical so it needs protein. What we did on Atlantis was to synthesis seaweed for all of our protein requirements.

We’re basically looking at psychic capabilities beyond anything we’ve even thought of. We will be able to clean the planet of all nuclear waste, oil or whatever. We will be able to destroy it, transmute it into something else. We’ll be able to control weather patterns and anything else that we need to do will be done psychically.

Look at the pyramids for example. They were built psychically. The function of the pyramids is for psychic enhancement. With all the modern technology we have now we are incapable of building the pyramids. Building a half scale replica of the pyramids has been tried and failed. The pyramids were built psychically. We could move 40 blocks of stone by thought alone. This is what we are doing is returning to our natural state.

Mark: There are a few people around now who claim that they do not eat any food at all. Is that the sort of thing we can look forward to?

Chris: Well I think that’s a bit excessive. I couldn’t live without chocolates for example. But yes there are people who claim to sustain themselves on fresh air and any studies I have looked into suggest their claims are accurate. So there’s no reason why not. Again everything is energy so if you can manipulate energy psychically to whatever the body needs then there is no reason you should not be able to live on energy itself.

Mark: How can we in reality avoid GMO crops when we don’t know what is contained in the foods we eat?

Chris: Well there is only one answer to it and that is to only by your food from someone who guarantees it does not contain GMO ingredients. I’ll give you an example (3:36) 4/5 When people said to Marks and Spencers we do not want you to sell GMO food, Marks and Spencers stopped selling GMO food. This is the only way of creating change is to hit corporations in the pocket. GMO crops have the potential to destroy al life on the planet. Once the genes and pollen get loose into the environment they cross with similar plants and you end up with everything being GMO.

(4:44) That is a disaster because this terminator gene means the plant will not set seed. Not only that but several recently published studies shoe that the bee population is dying as a result directly of GMO pollen.

If you kill off the bees it means nothing will get pollinated so the only thing that will grow on the planet is GMO crops. So the only way to stop GMO is stop buying so that there is no more profit in producing GMO. My wife and I only bUy organic food locally grown.


Mark: Am I correct in thinking you have said alien abductions have ceased on Earth?

Chris: MOST ABDUCTIONS WERE NOT DONE BY ALIENS. The vast majority of abductions whether animal mutilations or human abductions were carried out by the military of various countries to make it look like alien abductions were occurring to give everybody the impression that Aliens were nasty. And this is not the case. Apart from the Velon, all the other races are very friendly and very helpful towards us.

The race that we know as the Greys, have carried out some human experimentation but there are many more carried out on people who were first abducted by the military. So this whole thing is a myth being perpetuated to make it look like Aliens are bad guys for all kinds of reasons. There are several reasons for why the powers that be want to make it look like there’s a nasty situation here. I think it may be like Independence Day or if you go back to the 1950s when we first started seeing science fiction movies it was always that the Aliens were bad guys. Or the H.G. Wells story of The War of the Worlds . So there is this thing throughout history for the last 100-150 years trying to say the Aliens are not good for us where in fact the opposite is true.

If you look at the religious side for example, the church has always maintained that we are the only living things in the Universe, that the universe was created for humanity.[the church has changed their views in recent years to conveniently allow for a planned “Alien Invasion”] So if the Aliens exist then it negates a great deal of religious doctrine.[2010]

As I understand it the Vatican has now come out and said well of course Aliens exist. I’ve read transcript of interviews with senior officials at the Vatican who say as far as they are concerned Aliens exist within the Universe. The say something like “it would be pretty stupid of god to leave everything to humans”.

So of course these races exist but the abductions are man made.


Mark: Some of what you say is what David Icke is saying. Is he aware of your books and are you in contact with him at all?

Chris: I have no direct contact with him. I know he has commented via you tube interviews, and supported it. But I have to say I read two or three of his early books but none recently. But yes there are a lot of similarities between his views and my own. I got my information primarily from the Akashic and then I researched whatever it is and as far as I am able to research physically into things. And I know David Icke is doing the same thing, he is researching as much as he possibly can into the physical aspect of research.

Inevitably when you hit upon the truth then thee is only one truth so similarity between his and my research is because there is a truth to it.

Mark: Would you say that the Velon are the same as the Reptilians that David Icke talks about?

Chris: No they are not. That’s another very long story. But to be fair he wasn’t wrong with that. The basic concepts of the Reptilian form for removing free choice from people DID EXIST BUT THET NO LONGER EXIST WITHIN THIS UNIVERSE. They have been removed and their influence on humanity has been removed. Therefore since 8 years ago that influence is no longer here.

But in terms of how David Icke spoke about it and wrote about it, within that context, yes he was essentially correct. But again that has all been taken care of and all of that influence has been removed. The reason this reptilian race was able to do the things it did was because they actually came from a different universe. This is why I say it’s a massive story. They should never have been here in the first place and they have been removed from this universe because of the problems they were causing.

So no there is nothing to worry about on the Reptilian side of things. That has all been sorted. The other side within context is David Icke was correct in what he said.


Mark: You mentioned earlier about angels and channelling and that sort of thing. I just wanted to find out what you belief is of Angels. Are they the same as Aliens or just sort of a belief as mentioned in the bible as messengers?

Chris: The original meaning the word Angel in whichever language you look at it, Latin, Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew it means Messenger. So that is common through out all ancient languages. And the “messenger” was usually between different departments of a priesthood or from one religious belief system to another. So Christians would talk to Jews lets say and the messenger would be an Angel who carried the message. That’s the original context for the use of the word ‘angel’. (12:51) 4/5

But there is a deeper context as well. Essentially there are two types of souls that exist within this universe. There are those that the Akashic calls non-physical. In other words these are beings that exist in a pure soul energy form. They have no physical density whatsoever and these could be considered angels in the biblical context because they were the first created by the creator for this universe. And then we have what the Akashic calls the semi-physical races, the so-called Aliens or Non-terrestrial biological entities, because they have a physical form, and a physical presence and a physical density but it is constructed of very different frequencies to our own. So unless you happen to be particularly psychic then you won’t be able to se these aliens unless they decide to alter their own energy frequencies to make themselves visible to us.

In terms of souls on Earth, 99% of every person on the planet has a soul origin from the non-physical races. In other words 99% of all human beings are closet angels within the biblical context. That leaves 1% of the population whose soul origin is of the semi-physical races. So it’s a very complex subject to just say Angels are this or Angels are that or Aliens are this or Aliens are that.

We’ve had this angelic thing going on for about 20 years now [as of 2010] where I’m talking to my angel or my angel finds me a parking spot. When people speak of angels in that context what they are really talking about is their higher self, not a separate entity at all but just part of their own soul because we have become so physical that we are almost detached from our higher self, and so when we communicate with something that is non-physical we assume that it is a separate entity where very often it is just your own higher self.

So as far as most people’s concept of what an angel is within the past 20 years or so they are actually talking to their higher self and not to a separate entity at all. So if your angel finds you a parking space it isn’t an Angel, it’s your higher self that found you the parking space.

Mark: One last question in regards to the idea of integrating the whole soul into the human body, is that anywhere similar to what people describe as enlightenment or more recently coherence.

Chris: I haven’t come across ‘coherence’ in this context before I have to say – enlightenment, yes to a point – What enlightenment means in it’s traditional sense is that basically you have connected with your higher self and therefore you can access all the knowledge and information that is contained in the higher self. That information that the higher self holds, which is vast, it’s the equivalent to the Akashic , so everybody’s higher self has all the answers that they could ever possibly want, and that really is enlightenment.

So when the religious leaders have reached enlightenment say, they have connected with their higher self and brought more of the higher self into the body and therefore they can access the knowledge and information that is contained in it. And this is really what we are undergoing at the moment and the process is set to accelerate.

There are something like 3.9 million people on the planet who have already completed this reintegration process so in the context you were talking about they may have reached enlightenment. Now you won’t see these people because they put psychic barriers up around them if they are in the Western World and the rest are isolated in tribal cultures because lets face it if you are emanating the kind of patterns and auras that these people emanate then they are going to get turned into a new religion and that just makes life inconvenient. So they hide themselves away until everybody else has caught up.

So it is possible but not probable until people do some work on themselves. In other words it’s clearing out emotional rubbish that we all accumulate. If you can get it out of the way then it allows the higher self to come in and that’s all that we need to do is clear out the past to bring in the new. And to bring in the higher self, with that we all reach this state of enlightenment.

13th August 2015, 22:10


2011 Spirit Guides Interview by Mark Chatterton – A Transcript

Chris Thomas 2011 Synthesis

1. History, Universe from Creation to 2011 – WHY ARE WE HERE?

2. The original 13 Planets, the Asteroid Belt and the Moon

3. Lemuria, an Ice Island

4. Atlantis Experimentation and Sinking

5. The Pyramids and Tunnels

6. World’s Dropping Population

7. Recognizing the Change

8. Mobile Phone Damage to Bees and Insects

1. History, Universe from Creation to 2011 – WHY ARE WE HERE?

Mark: What made you decide to bring out Synthesis Chris?

Chris: We’re going through a huge shift in energy patterns and consciousness levels and a lot of people are feeling a little bit lost. Let’s face it there is so much information out there that people don’t really know what to do with it. So I wrote the book to say look here’s an overview of human history , who we are, what we are, what we’re doing here on earth, why we’re here and basically it’s to try and give a context in which people’s awakening memories and thoughts can be place.

Mark: Am I write in thinking you can access all things that have happened in the universe to date through the Akashic records, but NOT what is going to happen in the future?

Chris: Yes the Akashic records everything that occurs as it happens but it does not predict the future.

Mark: In the book you are able to give us a precise date of when the universe started rounded to the nearest billion years. Does this date tie in with what scientists say?

Chris: Yes generally scientists now seem to accept the date around about the 14 billion year mark. For once science seems to tie in very closely with the Akashic.

Mark: So with the book you start off with the creation of this Universe and various other universes and then you say there were 6 non-physical races created and 7 semi-physical races.

Chris: The 6 non-physical races are what people would call angels, I suspect, because they have no physical density and no physical form essentially. They are just pure soul energy. And then there are 7 semi-physical who have a physical form and density but they are just not as physically dense as we are. As far as humans are concerned we are not a body that has a soul but rather a soul that has constructed for itself a body. And 99% of all humans have their soul origin within the 6 non-physical races. So in terms of their soul energy they have no physical form or density.

But they have come to earth to try to find out what it is like to be physical. All readers need to remember is that humans are the densest form of life in the universe.

2. The Original 13 Planets, the Moon and the Asteroid Belts

Mark: In the book you tell us there were originally 13 planets in our solar system and that 4 of them chose to remove themselves from our solar system and when 2 exploded the debris from them is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Does this mean that the asteroids still floating about in the solar system have come from these planets?

Chris: Yes you have to try to think of everything as a consciousness and every planet has a soul of it’s own. So 2 of them decided that they no longer wished to continue with this experiment so the souls that were those planets left. That caused a massive explosion throughout the solar system which basically killed off all of the life on all of the planets within the solar system apart from Earth. And yes they created the asteroid belts but the 2 other planets, seeing the damage caused by the first 2 leaving decided to leave intact as it were. In other words the consciousness of the souls that were each of these planets moved themselves outside of the solar system.

So there are 2 planets that have been slowly disintegrating just outside of our solar system for the last 3.8 million years and this has lead to current scientific thinking that there is a large planet just outside our solar system , something like a gas giant but the size of Jupiter.

More recently the people at NASA who have been observing these planets slowly disintegrating have called one of them a name like ’Hero’ as I recall. Other people called it ‘Nibiru’ which of course is entirely wrong because they are being misled by a semi-physical race called the Velon. (7:16)

Mark: You say that our moon is a large chunk from one of the 2 planets that exploded, that was originally between Earth and Venus and you state that the moon is NOT hollow and that all the stories of it being an alien base are false.

Chris: There are certainly a lot of rumours that the moon is an alien construct, that it’s made out of metal and it rings hollow if you strike it. That’s a load of rubbish. If you think of a volcano and all the magma that comes out. What you end up as it cools is a lot of gas voids, in other words it looks like a crunchy bar, and the same has happened to the moon. What you are looking at is the magma core a planet that has cooled and what is inside the moon is a honeycomb of these gas voids. So if you strike it in the right place it sounds like it’s hollow.

But it’s a natural attraction, so the Earth didn’t have a moon before this occurred 3.8 million years ago. It’s just that one of the very large chunks of one of these planets came within the Earth’s range of consciousness. And the Earth decided to adopt it. The moon very much has a use and provides variation on the planet through tides and reflecting the sun at night. By bringing the moon in it meant it created greater variation on Earth and actually helped the development of life.

As far as alien bases are concerned, on the so-called dark side of the moon, there is a base that was constructed jointly by humans and aliens and has been there since the late ‘50s. So there is an alien base on the moon but it is not constructed by aliens.

Mark: Now getting back to the explosions that obviously had a big affect on Earth and there were huge tidal waves that virtually destroyed all life on Earth yet it took about 100,000 years for everything to be repaired by the Sidhe and the Faerie. Is that right?

Chris: Yes, if you look at archaeological records what you will find is that there are massive deposits of dinosaur bones that line up along mountain ranges that run east/west across the planet. Which means that the Earth was rocked on it’s equatorial axis as opposed to it’s polar axis by these explosions and essentially everything just got washed up into the foothills of the mountains. There are convincing archaeological records of deposits of these bones. So it basically reflects what the Akashic says and it’s always the time frame that is the problem because the Earth is much, much younger than scientists claim.

The Earth itself is only about 40 million years old as is our solar system. The problem has been that as scientists began to develop various branches of science, they couldn’t quite fit in all the bits and pieces that they thought were going on into the time frames that they were thinking about because basically everything was based on the bible. So some theologian in about the 15th century came up with an age for the Earth as being somewhere between 4 and 5 thousand years old. So they started with that and they could not fit all the information they were finding out about Earth into that sort of time frame. Gradually that time frame expanded, so the Earth became older and older and all the history became more and more convoluted as they tried to work their theories into these situations.

So the current scientific age for the planet is 4 billion years old but that date is actually based on a meteorite that was found on Earth’s surface and has got actually nothing to do with Earth rocks. As far as the Akashic is concerned all of this dating of the age of the earth by scientists is rubbish, I think would be a polite word to use.

3. Lemuria an Ice Island

Mark: So if we move to about 100,000 years ago you say about Lemuria being created as an ice island off the coast of South America. Could you tell us a little bit about this area or continent even?

Chris: What you have to remember is that the continent of South America was further out into the Pacific and was NOT attached to North America at the time. So you had a good sort of flow of tides of water between the Pacific and Atlantic through the Gulf of Mexico. And generally speaking the planet’s global temperatures throughout history at that time averaged about +6 degrees. This means there was very little ice but global temperatures don’t depend on carbon dioxide levels. Global temperatures depend upon sunlight activity. So if the sun is very active global temperatures can be very high but if the sun activity drops like it has done for the last 11 years since 2000 for example, then global temperatures drop so the South Pole could freeze during that time frame.

The ice that froze around the South Pole could extend as far as the tip of South America at that time. And so an ice island was chosen by a particular race of semi-physical beings who are master geneticists who came to Earth to try and solve some problems that were going on here on earth at the time. They were also here in relation to the problems that had been experienced since the 2 planets exploded. So it was known it was going to be a temporary ice island because it depended on when the sun’s activity would increase again. So once sun activity did increase the island of Lemuria melted.

Our normal condition on Earth for basically the whole of the Earth’s history the North Pole was sub-tropical, as was the whole of the Northern Hemisphere. It was only the South Pole that ever froze when the sun’s activity reduced to a certain level that allowed everything to cool down and freeze.

Mark: So the beings on Lemuria weren’t physical beings. Is that what you’re saying?

Chris: They were semi-physical and one of the so-called alien races. [NGC584 WERE MASTER GENETICISTS]

Mark: And they were there to just carry out experiments essentially.

Chris: Yes. Development on Earth following that disaster 3.8 million years ago meant that things were a bit slow in picking up so the Earth as a consciousness asked this particular race, because they are master geneticists. They are amazing at what they do and most of the life on Ea exists because this race has assisted the Earth in development and evolution of the species that are here. So they were a natural choice for the Earth to turn to because of the problems the earth was experiencing at that particular time.

4. Atlantis Experimentation and Sinking

Mark: So if we move on to Atlantis about 85,000 years ago, this was a time when the whole of the soul was incorporated into the human body.

Chris: What really happened on Atlantis was that in the beginning we couldn’t get the whole of the soul into the body which is one of the aims over the years. So Earth called in this alien race to say why don’t we have the whole soul within the body because that’s what should be happening? And so Atlantis was established as a place where experiments could take place where we could experiment in the process of getting the whole soul to within the body. So it took several thousand years once Atlantis was established to achieve that aim.

Mark: So once that aim was established you describe it as paradise on Earth with humans having a life span of around 1500 years (18:01) which ties in with some of the patriarchs in the book of Genesis in the bible. Could you tell us a little bit about what life was like in Atlantis?

Chris: Laughs. I’ll do my best but literally we don’t have the vocabulary to explain it. If we wanted to go somewhere whether it was on Atlantis or another part of the planet, all we had to do was to project our thought to where we wanted to be. So it was a bit like remote viewing only you take the body along with the thought, a process called translocation where you become physical in the spot you choose. The 5 senses we are now accustomed to are like single notes in a symphony like we had at the time of Atlantis. You could sense everything, you could feel the air, you could know what was in the air, know what a animal or plant was thinking. You could communicate with plants and animals.

We could also communicate with the planet’s consciousness and work with the planet and we could regulate the weather. Not that we needed to because global temperatures were around plus 6 degrees centigrade which is about 5.5 degrees warmer than they are now so people did not need any clothes. At the start of Atlantis there was no male or female so we were just androgynous.

The soul in it’s natural state is neither male, female or both so there were never ever children on Atlantis. A soul who wanted to come to Atlantis to experience what life was like then would literally take the soil of the Earth and wrapped that into the soul and that made the soul become physical, in other words human.

So there are many parallels with the Garden of Eden. It’s an entirely different story but there are certain parallels. We’re literally using the soil of the earth to create the physical body. And that’s how birth occurred on Atlantis so we had adult birth. We did not work out the birth process until many thousands of years later.

Mark: We have heard about Atlantis that we started working with the human form and merging it with animal genes and this was the reason Atlantis was destroyed. But the Akashic is saying that Atlantis was destroyed because of bacteria which escaped into the atmosphere which had the potential of destroying all life because they could convert oxygen into hydrogen so this was the real reason Atlantis was destroyed.

Chris: Yes. Now the animal experimentation of mixing human genes with animal genes was very true and it created a huge number of problems and collectively we decided to stop all that experimentation but around about the same time we had this problem with this mutating bacteria. So the problem of mixing human and animal genes was never fully resolved on Atlantis because we had this emergency to take care of on top of it all.

Mark: And when Atlantis was destroyed it created this massive earthquake which took Atlantis under the ground and that is why there is no trace of Atlantis nowadays.

Chris: Yes that is correct we basically opened up the mid-Atlantic trench and sank the whole continent into it to essentially contain this bacteria. The bacteria really did have the capacity to destroy al life on the planet. Another biblical parallel here is that if this bacteria got into the body it would remove all of the oxygen out of the body and then you end up with a pillar of salt which is the basic minerals the body is made from.

5. The Pyramids and Tunnels

Mark: So it’s like the story of Sodom and Gomorra and obviously a lot of people were allowed to leave before the sinking and they went into places like South America, West Africa, Egypt and Britain (24:22)and you say they lived in tunnels and underground shelters. You also say the Sphinx in Egypt was built about 63,000 years ago and was the entrance to a maze of tunnels underneath and also in Britain where West Kennet Long Barrow is near Avery and Silbury Hill in Wiltshire, that was a another entrance to another set of tunnels. Could you tell us a little bit more about those tunnels and do they still exist today?

Chris: Yes all of them exist. The ones in Egypt have been discovered and discussed and filmed quite a few years ago now around about 1998. The tunnels were entered and filmed. The entrance to the tunnels was placed under guard by the American military and is still guarded by them because they don’t want the people to know about the tunnels and what was found in them. There are several thousand kilometres of tunnels under the Giza Plateau including fresh water lakes and all sorts of bits and pieces down there. The same is true in South America where some 8,000 kilometres of deep underground tunnels have been mapped, and they were inhabited a long time in the past and the same in Britain under Salisbury Plain where there are several hundred kilometres as opposed to several thousand. Basically they are all guarded and nobody can get into them unless you have something to do with the military or the illuminati.

This is why there was such a huge interest in Egypt around about the millennium by people like the Bildebergers and the illuminati and that’s why the Americans ended up on the Giza Plateau because there was all sorts of prophesies about things to come out of these underground tunnels.

Mark: O.K. you say the Great Pyramid was built about 18,000 years ago and its purpose was a way of focusing energy to help the whole soul merge back into the human body because that was lost with Atlantis. Is that correct?

Chris: Yes that is correct. The archaeological dating of the pyramids is about 4,000 years ago and that is based on some archaeologist finding a chard of pottery outside of the pyramid buried in the sand and because they thought they could date that particular chard of pottery, they thought it must be the same age as the pyramids then. And they haven’t thought about it since but that has literally become carved into stone and anybody who tried to contradict that or who can prove something different just gets labelled as a Pyramidiot. But as far as I’m concerned it’s the Egyptologists who are pyramidiots, not the people who are presenting alternative theories on the age of the pyramids.

Some of the alternative theories are actually very close to what is in the Akashic. When the underground tunnels were explored by the American military they found that if the cartouche hieroglyphs were read correctly then they knew how to trigger and activate the energy frequencies within the King’s Chamber of the pyramid itself and they found that it still functioned with its original purpose, which was that they could create standing wave frequencies which altered their consciousness state. It also altered the basic structure of the pyramid itself from the inside.

The central pyramid at Giza is an immensely powerful energy spot and remains so to this day. It is still active if you know how to use it.

Mark: Would the other pyramids around the world like in South America and China have the same potential?

Chris: Yes that was their original function. When humans returned to Earth after Atlantis about 25,000 years ago, each of them built their equivalent of the pyramid. So you are looking at South America, Tibet, Iraq and there are 6 primary pyramids around the planet.

The one in Tibet is the most in tact. It is hidden away in a little valley in the Himalayans. I’ve actually seen pictures of it taken by aircraft. It’s in pristine condition exactly as it was 18,000 years ago.

In Britain we didn’t need the pyramid structure because we had Stonehenge because that is the function of Stonehenge to act more or less the same way the pyramids do. So all of these places had a pyramid or the equivalent. Some of them have been lost, some of them have been copied over the centuries so they don’t function in quite the same way as the Giza pyramid. The primary one in South America is at Teotehuacán. It does exactly the same job as the Giza pyramid and the one in Tibet but the Teotihuacán function has been destroyed because the archaeologists decided to dig some of it up and so reduced its energy capabilities.

Mark: Could you date the pyramids by taking a small chip of one of the stones and carbon date it?

Chris: It’s been done many times and all it does is prove the age of the rock because carbon dating only works on living things. They have tried various other dating techniques on it but even if they could prove that it worked 18,000 years ago or whatever, the Egyptologists would not accept it. The pattern of erosion on the back of the Sphinx very clearly shows there is water erosion. But as Egypt has been totally dry for 4,000 years so it’s impossible for the Sphinx to be only 4,000 years old. At the very least, because of the pattern of water erosion on the back, is 20,000 years. That is immensely controversial and the Egyptologists will not accept it.(32:58)

This is why the Egyptologists are currently covering the Sphinx with new limestone so that it hides the evidence.

6. World’s Dropping Population

Mark: Will a lot of people die before the end of this year (2011) if they have said no to the human plan?

Chris: What you have to look at are population figures. Now the official population if you go into the government web site, it tells you global population figures, what you have is a counter that adds one new life every second, but what it does not do is take into account deaths.

So as far as the officials are concerned we have a growing population which is not stopping. But if you go to the Akashic, what you find is quite a different story, in that the global population peaked in 1996 at just over 7 billion people on the planet and what we have now is a population in the region of 3.5 billion. So we have lost half the population in 15 years and nobody noticed because what we have is official figures telling us the population is growing. So there is a lot of confusion over that.

This universe is founded on the energies of absolute freedom of choice. If you are human and feel you are ready to undergo these changes then you remain on the planet. But if you decide you are not ready for any reason, nobody is standing in judgement, it’s only the individual souls who judge themselves, as so those who are not ready have left, and are continuing to leave. If you go back a few years there was a lot of debate about immigration because of the fear of bringing all the countries together, and Germany stated that their drop in population was catastrophic, Spain said it needed more than one quarter million immigrants every year just to maintain its current work force. The same applies to Italy, Britain said oh well we do have a growing population but when questioned on it, the reason for their growth is the growing immigration. That’s what the politicians actually stated in the end.

So essentially every country in the world has a dropping population. Even countries like India which still has a high population but the population growth is virtually zero. China’s population is now about half what it was 20 years ago and Japan has had a dropping population for about 20 years and it is immensely concerned about it. There was a very slight rise in population in Japan in 2009 but even then the rise was only half of what was needed to maintain the current population. So globally we have a massively dropping population . There are countries in the middle of Europe like Hungary, the old Slavic countries and the rest of it where the only people left there are the grandmothers and grandfathers who can’t move to other countries. The country sides are virtually empty. So since the decisions were made in 1996 we have a massively dropping population.

And it is continuing but nobody has actually noticed there is a drop in population in terms of how individuals perceive the population because all we see is what is around us. In global terms the population is now ½ what it was in 1996.

7. Recognizing The Change

Mark: O.K. lets talk about going through the change. How does it physically manifest itself? Does it mean a change in attitude, a change in behaviour, or change in appearance? How do you know if you’ve gone through this change?

Chris: It’s very difficult at the moment. Globally we’re looking at about 4 ½ to 5 million people who have completed this change. Virtually all of these people are living in remote tribal communities like remote parts of Africa, South America and even remote parts of Europe, remote parts of Russia. So they are living in small communities and their existence is pretty much the same as it was on Atlantis, but for the rest of us, unless your higher self says that it is the right time for you to undergo this change all you can do is step up to the last but one step, and what that means is that you feel differently, you see the world differently, you can see the truth of something and the lie of something. Generally you tend to reject anything chemical. So anything made of corn or any food with chemicals, you tend to become organic and you certainly become very holistic in the way in which you view the body but generally you won’t have any illnesses anywhere because if you’re ready to undergo the change then the body becomes self-repairing, and self-cleansing.

The primary change in attitudes is that you can see a lie and this is why so many ridiculous situations are coming to light, like this crazy thing recently about Obama’s birth certificate or Ben Laden’s death. All of these things, people are turning around and saying this is an absolute load of rubbish and the politicians have no answer to it. So that’s one of the biggest indicators of change is that people will just not accept the lies.

In fairness what we have at the moment are somewhere in the region of about 1 billion people who are ready to make that final step, but it’s not time for them to make it yet. When it is time, en masse we will make a major shift and that will literally change the world because if you have the whole soul within the body then you cannot be attacked in any way, shape or form whether it be politically, chemically , or what ever it is. You cannot tolerate any kind of lie and you will shine out to people basically being something to aspire to.

Let’s say you were ready to undergo this change, you had completed everything you needed to do in your life, cleaned out all the rubbish from the past, sorted all your problems out and you were ready and let’s say you did it. So you are the one person within the Western World, what is likely to happen if you did that? And there are 2 things that are likely to happen. One would be you’d be instantly arrested and taken off to a military camp somewhere and experimented on, the other thing that would happen is that you would shine out so brightly as somebody so different that a new religion would be built around you. (43:17) And becomes immediate distraction because all those who have only a few steps to go still want someone to turn around and make it easy for them.

So if you stood up and became a Jesus or Buddha like figure, then they would turn to you and expect you to solve all their problems for them. This is why so few people in the Western World have actually undergone this change because those scenarios would become immediately a problem. So it’s better that it is a mass shift at one time than it is that one or two individuals in various countries undergo the final change.

Mark: So the final change could take several years to happen.

Chris: All the energy patterns are in place to allow people to make this kind of change by the end of 2011. As far as the Akashic is concerned the Human Plan completes at the end of 2011. It then gives us another year to sort out what ever needs to be sorted before the end of 2012. Because 212 is a point of change which nobody can see past. It’s a future which does not yet exist , it’s only something which we humans [and Earth] can make.

The more people who undergo this process of change and reintegrate the soul back into the body, then the better that future will be. But what lies behind the veil of 2012 has not yet been made and there is no way to determine how it’s going to go, how it’s going to turn out, or quite what it’s going to be. All we know is that if we succeed in reintegrating the whole soul back into the body then we are recreating the conditions of Atlantis Eden and Paradise. And we can undo all the damage we have done to this unbelievably amazing planet and get it back to the pristine condition that it should be in. We will have the psychic capability of destroying all kinds of pollution.

And that’s what the contract between Earth and Humanity is about. The planet quite happily allowed us to create the mess but now the contract has run out and either we reintegrate and clean it up or we leave the planet. How we go about achieving it is an unknown quantity after 2012.

Nobody within the Universe has ever stood where humanity is standing at the present time. So we are breaking new ground and new territory and in some respects that is very scary but all we have to do is follow our hearts, our inner knowing, our higher selves because we will work it out and there is no doubt about it. There is over a billion people currently ready to make this change.

8. Mobile phone damage to Bees and Insects

The planet at the moment depends totally on the existence of insects like bees. The bee population is being totally decimated. Today I just read a report that the primary cause of death of bees is mobile phones. The energy emissions of mobile phones, particularly wi-fi emissions kill insects, they kill birds, and currently are causing cancer like growths in trees. What the reporters don’t tell you is what they are doing to the human body. It is horrendous what wi-fi and mobile phones are doing to damage life on this planet. There are other reasons to stop as well. The war in Darfur, Africa for example is purely over a mineral which is only used in mobile phones and electrical equipment. So to stop killing people by the millions in Darfur, stop using mobile phones.

As we go through this change these truths come to light and they can’t be hidden any longer no matter how desperately the illuminati controlled newspapers try. It will come out and this is very much immediate concern. You are destroying the cells that run from the inner ear to the brain. You are making yourself deaf and giving yourself glial cell cancer. For children under 15 there is 100% greater instance of glialcell cancer than there would be normally. In adults it’s about 75% greater. The damage done to the body by these frequencies is horrendous.

14th August 2015, 17:50
#3 Spirit Guides 2011/12 Chris Thomas interview

New Life in Our Solar System - Truth On Awakening


“It comes down to people in the end and what choices they make.” Chris Thomas

“So for about 240 years the Velon have been manipulating human activity and this is why there are so many crazy things going on on the planet.”
Chris Thomas

“There are moves outside our solar system to destroy the Velon and remove them from the universe because of the activities they have been up to. And what the Velon are trying to do is to feed off the people who have invited them into their homes or have gone along with this Ashtar Command, Galactic Council Federation, ascending to a 5th dimension claptrap.” Chris Thomas

“There is no such thing as gravity. The thing that keeps us on the planet is the soul to soul connection between you as an individual soul and the planet as a soul.” Chris Thomas

“So The Human Plan has answered the question we set out to answer 7,000 years ago and all that is now required is that humans who have agreed to complete this reintegration fulfil their end of the agreement.” Chris Thomas

“Oh yes we’ll know. It’s so obvious it’s difficult to describe. We’re used to the 5 physical senses. They are like single notes in comparison to the symphony of what true psychic awareness really is. So when you go through this transition , you know you’ve gone through it, because you are so aware of everything that there is around you. You communicate psychically with people, animals and plants and that comes naturally to you.” Chris Thomas

“Once I’ve got a question I just have to think it and I have the answer. It’s not even like there’s a voice that says this is the answer. I just know instantly what the answer is. And that again is an example of what it will be like when we have undergone this soul reintegration process. Everybody will be able to access the Akashic.” Chris Thomas

“Instead of having an infinite number of choices and decisions available to us, as we approach the end date for completing The Human Plan, the options available to us become less and less and less and less. So we are going through a process where the Higher Self is saying: “You need to do this. It is not a question of whether you think about doing this, it is you WILL be doing this.” Chris Thomas

“Comets have a specific function within the Universe, which is to deliver new life to planets it passes by. That’s how the Earth was seeded with new life, this is the theory of panspermia in packages if you like. That is what the whole of the solar system is doing, is creating new life. ”
Chris Thomas

“So as the planets begin to wake up and start reviewing it, then they are all passing messages back and forth to each other. So some of the Orbs we see on earth are not actually from the Earth herself, but from other planets.” Chris Thomas

“To produce a physical human being again with the whole soul within the body. So all of these planets have been watching what’s going on and thinking – do I start to wake up and start life again or don’t I? So as we on Earth approach this end bit where all our work on earth is coalescing and all coming together, the other planets are saying - I think we can wake up now. I think the Earth has solved the problems and therefore we can get on with our own agendas of creating and welcoming in new life.” Chris Thomas


1. The Problem

2. The Solution arrived at Through the Human Plan

3. Reading the Akashic

4. New Life in Our Solar System

5. Balls of Light and Crop Circles

6. The Guardian Energies

7. Planetary Feedback Using Balls of Light

8. Technology Reflects the Human Flaw

9. The Future

1. The Problem

Chris: The problem is that we have a lot to overcome in the process we are undergoing. We have the Bildebergers, the illuminati trying to prevent it from happening. We’ve got the planet flooded with HAARP extra low frequencies and we’ve got the Velon still messing around, so what we need is a concerted effort by people to live up to the promise that they made both to themselves and to the universe.

First let me say that there is nothing that is going to stop this consciousness reintegration from happening. That’s not in doubt. What is in doubt is how simple the process is and how easy the transitions become. The more people who are ready to go through this change then the smoother the transition will be and the easier it becomes for everybody else.

At the moment we have less than the preferred number who are ready which means it could be a bit bumpy. I think the biggest problem of all is that so many people have fallen for this channelled material.

In recent months it’s been the stuff about angels; somebody was coordinating this and sending out e-mails to people saying what we want you to do is open your door at 10 o’clock at night and welcome in 3 angels who are going to stay in your house for 5 days and 5 nights and they are going to do whatever it is they choose to do, and you are not going to know what it is they do. And at the end of 5 days you will open your front door again at 5 o’clock at night and thank them for being there and allow them to leave.

Mark: This has happened to some people has it?

Chris: 5,000 people fell for this world wide and the “angels” they were letting in were Velon.

Mark: How do they manifest themselves? Do they look human?

Chris: No they don’t. You won’t see them at all. You might sense a presence if you were psychic.

Mark: So people invited them in is the important part isn’t it?

Chris: Exactly. And what they did while they were there was to erect a DJED PILLAR. Now a djed pillar is an energy device. It’s about a metre tall and 15 centimetres diameter, it has some kind of crystalline core to it, and it generates a massive amount of energy and everyone who opened their homes was stuck with one of these djed pillars erected somewhere in their home.

The whole purpose of this exercise was to keep the Velon close to the Earth.

There are moves outside our solar system to destroy the Velon and remove them from the universe because of the activities they have been up to. And what the Velon are trying to do is to feed off the people who have invited them into their homes or have gone along with this Ashtar Command, Galactic Council Federation, ascending to a 5th dimension claptrap. All the people who have fallen for that garbage.

The Velon are using people to try and maintain their position close to Earth so they can try to create even more problems for us in order to stop us from going through the transitions of full soul integration. So the more people who fall for that the more it keeps the Velon in place and more problems it causes.

It’s been a problem for a long time and it is the Velon who are behind the illuminati. They are the ones who (6:03) set it up and controlled it. So for about 240 years the Velon have been manipulating human activity and this is why there are so many crazy things going on on the planet like the dieting industry, the pharmaceutical industry, this rubbish about man-made global warming.

All of it is designed to mislead people and generate fear and this is what the Velon want.

In the American state of Georgia somebody erected these 5 lumps of granite – The Georgia Guidestones – that in 8 languages, carved into them, it says to maintain the human population at 500 million and then this was reinforced by the United Nations conference in Rio De Janeiro which said exactly the same thing. We know the company that manufactured and installed these Guidestones but we don’t know who actually commissioned them and paid for them. The man who approached the company called himself “A. Christian” . This is inevitably something to do with the illuminati [through the Masonic order]. The Agenda 21 documents which have been signed by 93 different governments say exactly the same thing except they use 40 chapters and 10,000 pages to say we want to reduce human population on Earth to 500 million.

So that’s what the agenda is to reduce the population on the planet to 500 million that are totally under the control of the illuminati.

Mark: How do these people manifest themselves to those in power, or do they sort of corrupt their energy, because there are a lot of people who rise to the top through greed, but do they actually see these Velon beings or are they being contaminated by their energy?

Chris: I think it’s a combination of both from what I’ve seen of them.

The Velon are capable of making themselves physically visible but much of it has to do with the influence they have on humans. They have this small group which we can call the illuminati who are made up of 19 members and these 19 humans were energetically altered to have a very long life span.

So what they do is to work through organisations such as the Bildebergers, the Trilateral Commission, and various organisations and they influence very heavily what government policies are.

Some years ago when Margaret Thatcher was still prime minister, somebody leaked Bildebergers meeting’s minutes which said that Thatcher must go and within a month she was gone. They had thrown her out of office. And there was another set of minutes I came across that said Tony Blair is to be the next prime minister. But this was before any action ever took place. So these people influence in that way. And also the people who actually own the media. You know 80% of all the media is actually only owned by 5 people. And all of those 5 people are members of the Bildebergers.

So you have an organisation like that that dictates policy and what people actually hear in the news. Somebody in America took Fox News to court because they were proven to be spreading lies, a deliberate fabrication by Fox News. The high court in America ruled that the press is not under any legal requirement to tell the truth. It is up to the readers and listeners to determine the truth of any situation or report.

So that’s how you get at people by feeding the population through the media and people pick it up because they want simple sound bites and eventually you get to this societal belief structure which bears no resemblance to what we should be doing. [it’s basically a fabricated reality of false beliefs] (12:02)

Mark: That’s right they define what we think, what we wear, what we listen to. Young people think they’re trendy and discovering new things, but in actual fact they have been moulded that way by the media, by powerful people in control.

Chris: On a very simple level, if you look at a woman’s body shape, what we have now is the stick-insect super models, but that’s what the media presents as how a woman should look, yet a woman’s natural shape is more voluptuous. But if you have a stick-insect body shape for example you can’t give birth because your body doesn’t produce enough nutrients to feed a growing child. So by creating a woman in that kind of image they are saying you can’t have children. This is one reason the birth rate is dropping so radically is women are physically incapable of becoming pregnant. It’s a media thing saying we don’t want you to do this so we’re going to present this “ideal image” to you and we will hit our 500 million target.

Mark: Getting back to the Human Plan, with such grand control over the planet and people it just seems as though everything is lost because those who are awakening are so in the minority, how do we have any chance of actually completing this human plan?

Chris: Well at the moment we have something like 15% of the population who said in 1996 that we can make this change. In 1996 there was a new energy connected to the planet that gives us everything we could possibly need to get us through these changes. When that energy was connected there was a sort of question asked or a census taken, if you like, of every single person on the planet at the higher self level saying : ‘Are you ready or are you not ready to undergo this reintegration change?’ 40% of the then population said ‘Yes they were’.

Since then of the ones who said yes we have 15% of those people who have actually done the work and got through it. So they are ready for the final step of full soul integration into the body. That 15% amounts to about 1 billion people world wide are ready. On the other side of it some people have decided to complete this soul integration process early for whatever reason and there are currently (2011-2012) over 3 million people on the planet who have already completed. In other words these are humans who have the whole of the soul back within the physical body. They are located in isolated tribal cultures for the most part. But there is a big group in Europe who have built psychic shields around themselves so nobody will ever find them unless they want you to find them.

So we have the ability to do it and we have all the energy we need in place to do it but, and this will sound like a hell of a criticism but they just are confused and don’t understand what is really going on, people in general don’t want to take full responsibility for their actions. Whether it is past actions or present actions, and so they always look to somebody else to try and sort their problems out and do it for them.

This is why the likes of the Velon and Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation, Galactic Council, all these inventions, the angel thing or whatever – because they are saying to people: ‘Don’t worry about it, we’ll do the work for you.’. And people step back and say ‘o.k. fine that sounds wonderful to me.’

Mark: So if those people are not doing the work, what happens? If the shift is going to happen anyway, does this mean that they will go through it but it just means it is going to be bumpy for the rest of us?

Chris: No. There are certain criteria you have to meet. And that is energy compatibility with the planet. If you cannot meet that criteria, then you cannot remain on the planet. It will be a physical impossibility. How can I put this?

There is no such thing as gravity. The thing that keeps us on the planet is the soul to soul connection between you as an individual soul and the planet as a soul. This is why the ‘root chakra’ is called the root chakra. It literally roots us to the planet. So it connects our soul to the planet as a consciousness.

Unless we maintain energy compatibility with the planet, then literally the soul cannot remain connected with it. So we have to meet certain criteria along the way in order to remain on the planet.

2. The Solution Arrived at Through the Human Plan

Mark: Is this the work where people have to release sort of pent up emotions and baggage and things that are keeping them bogged down really?

Chris: Essentially yes. We go through life and things happen and we have an emotional reaction to whatever it is that happens.

The important thing really is how we express our emotion in whatever that situation happens to be.

In the past if we have not expressed our emotions what we end up with is a physical ailment or illness because it’s the soul’s way of saying : ‘you’ve strayed off your path, what you need to do is correct the situation to get back on path and the best way to do that is to dump the emotion’. This is how illness has always arisen throughout the past.

Now things have changed slightly because the Earth’s energy frequencies have risen considerably to what they have been traditionally. So what we need to do is raise our own personal frequencies to match that of the Earth. If we fail to do that then literally we are incompatible with the planet and the soul must return to its place of soul origin. In other words we can’t stay on the planet.

Traditionally to live a human lifetime you only needed about ¼ of the soul within the physical body. Which means that the higher self makes up ¾ of the total soul. But we’ve been living this thing called The Human Plan which is all about is living a number of lifetimes through the reincarnation process to gain experience of how we find out what the planet’s base note frequency should be.

When we first developed on Atlantis the Earth’s base not frequency was 7.56 cycles per second. That was the basic energy frequency that earth adopted to create physical life.

We have known for an awfully long time that that frequency was too low. We could not maintain the whole soul within the body for the lifespan that we anticipated we should be able to live on the Earth because by shrinking the soul down to meet that base frequency meant that we had lost a lot of the brain’s higher psychic functions that we should have. (21:11)

So 3500 Hz was the base not frequency Earth needed to raise her frequency to and that would not only maintain all the plants and animal life on the planet but at the same time it would maintain the whole soul within the human body. The Earth raised this base note frequency to 3500 cycles per second back in May 2000. So the Human Plan has answered the question we set out to answer 7,000 years ago and all that is now required is that humans who have agreed to complete this reintegration fulfil their end of the agreement.

This is why for the past year (2011) many people have found their lives traumatic. People are desperately trying to dump all their rubbish, get rid of al the stuff they can to be able to raise their frequencies up to this new base level. And a lot of people have been very successful but also an awful lot don’t want to let go of the rubbish they’ve been carrying around. They don’t want to understand what they need to do to sort their bodies out, even though they said back in 1996 that they were ready to go through with this. That’s why this past year has been one of great conflict for a lot of people.

On top of that we have all the propaganda coming at us by those who don’t want us to change like the illuminati, Bildebergers, whatever. They don’t want us going through this change because they want a compliable population that they can control rather than one that will take back the planet and throw them off.

So we have this huge conflict going on where people know they need to sort themselves out, know that they need to change, know that they need to be part of what goes on but at the same time you have this massive amount of propaganda telling people ‘ you’ve made an awful mess of the planet and you’re never going to change anyway.’

When people have accomplished the clearing, they are ready and it’s just a matter of waiting. We don’t have an exact date for when this final change will occur.

Mark: So will it be a case of the future will just unfold differently or will we know when integration has taken place?

Chris: Oh yes we’ll know. It’s so obvious it’s difficult to describe. We’re used to the 5 physical senses. They are like single notes in comparison to the symphony of what true psychic awareness really is. So when you go through this transition , you know you’ve gone through it, because you are so aware of everything that there is around you. You communicate psychically with people, animals and plants and that comes naturally to you.

It’s not a subtle change, it’s a massive shift on a level that we’ve never really experienced before.

3. Reading The Akashic

Mark: Can I just ask about your own journey here? How did you open up in this way with the abilities that you’ve got to tap into the Akashic records? And how do you experience that to step into a vivid reality where you see them? What is the process you go through to discover this information.

Chris: (26:44) It comes naturally to me. I was born this way. I was born hard-wired into the Akashic. It took me quite a long while to work out what I was hard-wired into but literally all I had to do was think of a question and I would get the answer.

Now I don’t need to go into any kind of meditation and I don’t need any kind of intermediary other than just my higher self so I work within my higher self and all the answers I could ever possibly want are available to me. The only problem is finding out what the questions are. You know anyone can think of 10 million questions at any one time but you have to then break it down into what are the basic questions. What is it you really want to know?

Once I’ve got a question I just have to think it and I have the answer. It’s not even like there’s a voice that says this is the answer. I just know instantly what the answer is. And that again is an example of what it will be like when we have undergone this soul reintegration process.

Everybody will be able to access the Akashic.

Mark: Does the Akashic hold future probabilities as well? Does it show probabilities based on actions taken in the past?

Chris: (28:30) The word Akashic is Sanskrit, which is a very ancient language, and what it means literally is ‘record’. So what the Akashic does is pure and simply record, so it does not predict.

Now having said that it is possible to extrapolate a possible future. Everyone in their life has to face many decisions: “Do I go to the café today or do I go to the sandwich shop” so they can be on any level. Now if you go to the café for lunch potentially you are going to meet somebody who you’ve never met before but they could change your life, but if you decide to go to the sandwich shop instead, you won’t meet that person.

So whatever decision you make at any one time in your life creates possibilities for a future event or how the rest of your life is going to go.

Now throughout human history during the past 7,000 years of the human plan, whatever decisions we have made we will go along with the possible futures our actions and decisions take us into. The closer we get to this 2012 date the less and less options we have available to us. So if we decide to go to the sandwich shop or the café today it isn’t going to make any difference, because we’re either going to meet the person regardless or we’re not going to meet the person we need to meet no matter where we go or what we do because we’ve run out of time.

So all the options we had in our history are no longer available to us.

Instead of having an infinite number of choices and decisions available to us, as we approach the end date for completing the Human Plan, the options available to us become less and less and less and less. So we are going through a process where the Higher Self is saying: “You need to do this. It is not a question of whether you think about doing this, it is you WILL be doing this.

So the Akashic can give pointers to where our likely position will be in say, a years time.


Mark: What are you thoughts on a lot of conspiracy theories? There’s a lot of panic at the moment with people worried about Comet Elenin (discovered in 2010) and Nibiru, and I’ve been sort of watching both sides of the argument, NASA presentations trying to get a rational point of view on it and they seem fairly convinced there is nothing to worry about. On the other side of it there seems to be a lot of researchers in the conspiracy camp that have their opinions on it. I just wondered if you have your own opinions on it?

Chris: Laughs. Yes I just got an e-mail this evening saying Elenin isn’t a comet, it’s a guided ship and it’s being followed by a fleet of tetrahedral craft. If you’ll pardon the expression, ********! It’s a comet.

Comets have a specific function within the Universe, which is to deliver new life to planets it passes by. That’s how the Earth was seeded with new life, this is the theory of panspermia in packages if you like.

So what we have again is this massive amount of channelled material from the Velon, whether it be Anunnaki, Hathor, Ashtar Command, Angels, or whatever it is. And what they are trying to say to people is Nibiru is on it’s way because that again is a Velon thing – Nibiru. And people are picking up on it because that’s what they want to believe. They want somebody to take responsibility other than themselves and will continue to do so until they have sorted their own lives out.

A few years ago you may remember the comet that hit Jupiter – the Shoemaker-Levy Comet. Now what that did was to bring new life to Jupiter.

[http://www.imdb.com/list/ls005986729/ Designated CometPShoemaker-Levy9 was a comet that broke apart and hit Jupiter in 1994. This was the first collision of two solar system bodies to ever to be observed, and the effects of the comet’s impacts on Jupiter’s atmosphere have been spectacular and beyond expectations.]

By smashing into its surface it created alterations to Jupiter’s surface and introduced new life forms to it because every single planet in our solar system is waking up. They are beginning to regenerate life and this is what Elenin is doing, even bringing new life to Earth.

So that is what we’ve got to look forward to. This is a process that is quite natural, it is part of the changes that are going on, it has nothing to do with Nibiru, fleets of tetrahedral spacecraft or anything else. It is purely and simply a frozen lump of ice that is carrying new life, which is what comets have always done for the billions of years of the history of Earth and the Universe.

Mark: But don’t they say that comets normally are harbingers of change or rebirth? Some of the native American Indian tribes sort of look as comets as something like that. Is that right?

Chris: Yes I’ve got no problem with that one. Shoemaker-Levy for example did leave a new life form on Earth as it orbited around the solar system. And some of these were washed up by the tsunami that hit the Philippines. And they are crabs that are self-aware. So there are highly intelligent crabs living in the deep ocean that are self-aware and that was brought in on a comet so Elenin is essentially doing the same thing. I have to say that I have no idea what sort of life form she is carrying. Not at the moment anyway.

But essentially that is what their job is, to bring these things in and help the solar system rejuvenate. That is what the whole of the solar system is doing, is creating new life.


Mark: I was quite intrigued by The Balls of Light article you wrote. Especially around the crop circles as well because I’ve never really considered that it could be Earth involved in creating these things. Obviously planet Earth is an intelligent entity and why shouldn’t she try to express herself in some way.

Chris: If you go back to the early 80s, what we had then was the very first of these really complex glyphs appearing in crops. It was a tablet shaped glyph and someone showed it to an ancient languages expert who said it is ancient Sanskrit. (36:26) And what it says is: “we’re in for a dry summer”. And it turned out to be true. That was the very first year of drought that we’d had for many, many years , so that is what this crop circle formation said.

The reason Earth chooses to communicate through Sanskrit is that was the last language we used where we could actually communicate directly with the Earth ourselves. Since then we haven’t been able to and if you look at the crop circles that have appeared ever since, they use quite different symbology. They don’t use direct language as it were.

Mark: Very mathematical aren’t they?

Chris: They are fabulous. I love them. Except of course for those idiots out there faking them. And again if there was nothing genuine to fake then what are they faking?

Mark: Well the military seem to have a keen interest in them. Whenever I go down to see them there are always black helicopters flying in very, very low to basically intimidate.

Chris: Yes scary isn’t it. Basically crop formations are formed by these orbs, or balls of light. There was a classic video taken by 2 students taken about 10 years ago where these 2 balls of light come in, form the formation, they went off and then 2 others come in and finish it off. A lot of people said this footage was faked so it was taken to these people who do Hollywood special effects, Industrial Light and Magic, and they analysed it frame by frame and they said “We could not fake that. At the very least it would take us at least 3 months of the most advanced computer systems we have to fake 2 little pieces of the film.”

So they said no this has not been faked, this is real time film. And that is what I have always felt about it. So all the various attempts by the government to discredit it, it has always been my feeling that it is real time film. That is how crop formations are formed.

What these Orbs are is a little piece of the Earth’s consciousness delivering a message of some kind. And it can be directly to individuals or it can be interplanetary. So as the planets begin to wake up and start reviewing it, then they are all passing messages back and forth to each other. So some of the Orbs we see on earth are not actually from the Earth herself, but from other planets. And the Earth is also generating Orbs that are going off and communicating with other planets in our solar system as well.

So we’re not talking about these are unicorns or guardian angels in disguise as some people claim is really to misunderstand the process involved here.

Mark: Are these ones you can physically see with your eyes, are they called plasma balls vs. the ones you can capture on camera?

Chris: They are not necessarily plasma. Plasma is a highly energized gas with positive ions in it. The Orbs are more electromagnetic in form. Because all consciousness is electromagnetic and so what you are looking at is that the ones that are actually visible to the naked eye are more highly concentrated with electromagnetic energy. I saw one myself not so long ago in plain sight at about 10 o’clock in the evening.

I could hear a Euro fighter jet buzzing around the house. So I looked out the window and there was this glowing ball, basically bright white in the centre and then feathered out to sort of an electric blue colour. This thing was about 12 feet in diameter, it was huge, and it was obviously intelligently controlled as well because it was driving the Euro fighter pilot nuts. And it was quite clear from the way it was doing this that it was doing it deliberately, to annoy the pilot. It was only in plain site for a few seconds and then it just sort of shot off into the distance followed by this fighter.

So the Orbs are used for all sorts of purposes but they are a part of the consciousness of the planet itself, it’s a communication device. It’s the same sort of concept as e-mails because they both have electromagnetic impulses – one on the computer line and the other travelling along the surface of the Earth.


Mark: There is another instance where a guy called Colin Andrews went to see a crop circle and suddenly they (43:19) were intimidated by a couple of black helicopters who were actually following a ball of light on the field. One helicopter followed the ball of light while the other came in very low to intimidate Collin Andrews and the film crew.

So whoever these people are in the helicopters, they don’t want people to see these things flying around. But it makes you wonder a lot of people here about these negative entities and energies like Bildebergers and Trilateral, but there must be a lot of good energies working with the Earth as well that we don’t here about in the media.

Are there guardian energies working with us who are not making themselves known?

Chris: Oh very much so. There are guardians of the planet herself who are fighting the battle against the Velon as much as they are allowed to do. We have positive energy intakes, we have 2 massive energy intakes on the planet. One is at Silbury Hill in Wiltshire which has stabilised now at around 8 million dimensions, that’s a lot of energy, and we have a primary energy point at north of Exmoor which has been pumping massive energy into the planet and the ley line grid, and that’s up at 53 million dimensions believe it or not, but that is a phenomenal amount of energy. That’s what is firing up this change. The one in Exmoor was connected to the grid in 1996, which began this whole process of change that we are undergoing.

So we do have massive positive energies coming in.

The thing you have to remember though is that we are a universe founded on the energies of freedom of choice. So every soul in this universe has absolute freedom of choice as to choosing their actions. Now what we have are the concerted efforts of the illuminati, Bildebergers, etc. trying to tell us one thing and yet on a soul level we know within ourselves something different. It’s a question of what choice we make as to who we listen to.

Do we listen to our own inner voices that the soul is actually saying or do we listen to the media propaganda?

And it’s the choice we make that determines how positive things become. If we continue to listen to the rubbish about climate change, Al Qaeda, the diet, whatever it is – we’ve made a choice to listen to it. (46:24)

If we listen to what the soul is trying to say to us and agree to listen to our inner voice then you ignore everything else that is going on around you because it isn’t your choice.

Mark: Is this a solar system change or a universal change? It seems that other planets are waking up and becoming more energetic, the sun seems to be more energetic but it’s going through a quieter period almost like a contradiction, it’s quieter but it could produce more devastating CMEs that take out the satellites. I’m confused about all that sort of thing. What is your take on that?


Chris: Every single planet in the solar system originally supported life. But we had a disaster in our solar system 3.8 million years ago that destroyed all life within the solar system apart from Earth [and one of the moons of Jupiter]. So all the planets and the sun is a consciousness and they are keeping an eye on what is going on since this solar system came into being 4.5 million years ago. So they have been, for 3.8 million years trying to sort themselves out and get back on track.

To produce a physical human being again with the whole soul within the body.

So all of these planets have been watching what’s going on and thinking – do I start to wake up and start life again or don’t I? So as we on Earth approach this end bit where all our work on earth is coalescing and all coming together, the other planets are saying - I think we can wake up now. I think the Earth has solved the problems and therefore we can get on with our own agendas of creating and welcoming in new life.

It’s sort of like a new house. You get all excited about moving into your new house and then all of a sudden you notice a crack in the ceiling, and that stops you in your tracks for a little bit and then you think about it and get on with it and you move on from that. This is what’s happening with the planets. They’ve made the first moves to bring about new life and then they stop to take stock and think about it and say - well what I need to do is let things evolve, let things move on by themselves until I move on to the next stage.

So the other planets made a start and now they are letting it cook for a little while and then we’ll pick up more information about how things are going to develop. The sun has been doing this as well. We had a really quiet period for 300 years between 1530 and 1800 where we had a mini ice age, where the average global temperature was 1.5 degrees below freezing. Since 1800 the temperatures have been rising steadily up until about 1995 when they stopped rising.

So temperature change occurs because of sun activity. It does not occur because of Co2 or anything else. It’s pure and simply how active the sun is. So the sun warmed us up and woke us up to see what would happen in 1996 when this new energy began t hit. Three months ago (2011) we saw some of the biggest energy bursts the sun has ever produced in recorded history. So what is happening is now is that the sun is taking stock. It’s saying o.k. what is going on, what does the Earth need? What do the other planets need? So let’s get feedback from them, let’s send Balls of Light back and forth to and from them and find out what’s going on.

Once all concerned have got to a point where we know what’s going on then we can start again. So this is what’s happening with the sun at the moment. It’s beginning to wake up. And we’re starting to get massive outbursts from the sun again but this is designed to work not only with Earth but also with the other planets.

So over the next few months we should start to see global temperatures start to rise again, and they will continue to rise for some time to come because it reflects the energy output the sun is creating.

So yes it could take every satellite out of the sky but would that be a bad thing?


Mark: Are we using the right technology? Are we using technology in the right way?

Chris: No . No we never have because all the space technology or human technology is destructive. (51:53) We destroy things to create something else. We don’t take a natural resource and work with it in a way that is beneficial to both.

Mark: I read that Nicola Tesla invented something that tapped into the energy around the planet for free. He had an antenna that took energy out of the upper atmosphere, and yet we still drill for oil in destructive ways.

Chris: Tesla based his technology on using the 7.56 Hz frequency of Earth’s Schumann Resonance. So he was tapping into the electromagnetic emissions from the planet herself and he developed a system where you didn’t need any electricity or wiring for operating an electrical appliance. All you needed was an aerial placed on the appliance which tapped into the 7.56 Hz frequency. Tesla proved conclusively that anything from a car, boat, plane, tractor could run off this frequency.

He made a deal with is sponsor to build a test power station in the middle of New York state but when the sponsor discovered there would be no profit in supplying energy this way, because it was free from the ethers, as Tesla called it, he withdrew his support. The real reason being that the sponsor owned an oil company so it would have meant his losing any profit from his oil and he would make nothing on Tesla’s work. So it has always been based on profit rather than on what technology is best.

If Tesla’s work had gone ahead we would have had 100 years of pollution free energy.


Mark: We could also be 100 years ahead in our spiritual and technical development. So it’s a human issue as well and this exposes the human flaw as well as the technological flaws.

Chris: This is why the Earth raised her frequencies and now we humans have to catch up with them or be thrown off the planet. It’s the only way we can get rid of the fundamental flaws we have always had. Our ultimate goal is to get the whole soul back into the body and live a life that can be 1800 years long, where we communicate psychically with the planet, animals, each other and we live in absolute harmony with everything that exists. That is the goal we are heading towards very rapidly now.

Mark: Is there any element that the change may not happen at all, let alone happen in 2011 or 2012?

Chris: There are over 3 million people on the planet who have already done this so it’s not a question of IF it will happen, it’s a question of WHEN it will happen. Really there is no absolute determining factor here but 2012 is a crucial date.

For example, if you are a remote viewer and capable of travelling around the solar system and also travel back in time, then it is possible to travel forwards in time, BUT only to certain possibilities. Not to the absolute future, but to possibilities that the future could be. [as of 2011-2012] Nobody has ever yet succeeded in getting past 2012, it always proves to be impossible.

So if you like, Dec. 21, 2012 is an energetic barrier with immense power. Nobody can get past that, so we cannot see what the future will be in absolute terms. All we can do is to guess what is to come, but yes Dec. 2012 is very critical to everything that is going on upon the Earth and by extension the whole universe.

Mark: Is there anything further you would like to add?

Chris: Well it really is basically to do with people. People have free choices of where we go, who we believe and what we do. If you choose to disbelieve anything I’ve said that is fine by me and that’s your problem, not mine. It comes down to, forget about the Anunnaki plan about taking people off to the 5th dimension, forget Ashtar Command, forget angels and all the rest of it, it comes down in the end to the choices that people make which will determine what our future is and more importantly it will determine how smooth our transition is from one field of human being into a new human being will be.

The more people who can make it, the better. The 40% in 1996 amounts to roughly 2.5 billion people. But we are now less than half that are ready to make our change at the moment. So get your act together, stop listening to this rubbish being put out by the media and channelling nonsense, and look to your own inner voice to do what you need to do for yourself. The world will be a considerably better place very soon if you do that.

Mark: Excellent.

16th August 2015, 13:54
Thanks again Herb for the CT refresher. I yearn to join the 3 million soul-driven societies. I am so tired of this ego-driven society. Even people who want to "save the human race and/or the planet" are getting on my last nerve.

16th August 2015, 19:45
The veil is really getting thin. I've heard a lot about this great writer called The Ruiner and read one of his/her articles today. It all looked great until the very last line. Only one who is a fan of CT will see this deception. They are really pushing the soul trap agenda.


In case you missed the last line, here it is...

~ Beings who abused her created you here to be used.. But she loves you anyways. Love can be put into action. ~

16th August 2015, 20:04
Not a CT message but one I feel is the velon plan.


16th August 2015, 21:52
Excellent presentation by George kavassilas. Thanks for this Anastasia.

Numbers are arbitrary. The markabah is an artificial light body based on "sacred geometry" and designed for the matrix.

It is purely a Velon trap first named in Jewish mysticism about 100 AD as a vehicle to ascend to "heavenly places" and used by the "Ascended Masters".

Like Angels, "Ascended Masters" are Velon in disguise. Channelled lies from the Velon and found in their literature "the Theosophical Society" and infused throughout the New Age society.

"New Age", Ascended Masters", "5th Dimension", "Ascension, and "Merkabah" all being terms first introduced through channelling from the Velon.

Yes they channelled in biblical times too.


Anyone who has followed Chris Thomas' information from the Akashic knows that Drunvalo Melchizedek has been teaching this left brain oriented lie which he gained from 2 so-called "Angels" (meaning Velon is disguise).

Whether he knows it or not Melchizedek is teaching Velon lies.

They always use individuals who are well liked with compelling personalities. George Kavassilas broke free of them for a time.

One must have their discernment muscle well tuned when they listen to anyone.

I hear it over and over again from those who stumble on his alternative view of reality: "Chris Thomas has proven to be someone who really sharpens discerning awareness. This comment consistently comes from highly psychic individuals who have been tricked tin the past by these Velon disguises."

17th August 2015, 00:12
Someone posted this on a site I visit. I find it interesting so thought I would share here.


17th August 2015, 14:06
I met a woman almost two decades ago who was a follower of Melchizedek and tried to get me interested. I was just a bit too shy to get involved and also too independent. I had decided since 16 not to have any kind of master or guru. I'm finding myself relieved and glad of that decision.

Basic wisdom has always been available in life. It comes from many directions. One of the things I heard as a kid was that wisdom is in your own backyard. Truth is within the self and is self-evident. So I kept those ideas in mind.

Sometimes people might have thought it was presumptive of me to think I could learn for myself. If I'm going to be responsible for myself, it's the only way.

Thanks so much for sharing these ideas, videos and transcripts. Very interesting.

17th August 2015, 14:41
Does anyone in this CT fan group have insights on Saturn's role with CERN and the other colliders? My feeling is that they were planning to use them as an energetic connection to create a wormhole for the velon to come in and us to leave.

17th August 2015, 15:49
The Irony of Control – It backfired

Re Harald Kautz video: Human bio-robotic mind control through the RNA/DNA Trinary system of bio-photons which infected every human with chemtrails spraying.

A must listen. Best part begins at 22 minutes. It helps to clarify what he has said in the past. In the beginning before the 22 minutes he is talking about BSE in cows. It sounds like he is saying TSE so wanted to clarify that.

He talks about “Rachel” from the Bases 25 video and how she is trained as a super soldier to protect the elite who obviously do not have the activated heart center so they very much fear the artificial intelligence that they have created with the help of alien technology.

The aliens (Velon) led the intelligence community to believe there was a shut off code but it turns out it is a trinary light activated system and binary codes can’t turn off this system.

Your only protection is being fully heart centered.

This makes it clear why the elite are in dread of what they created and are trying to create heart-centred super soldiers to protect them.

*It also explains why they want someone to teach them empathy. I mean Harald makes it clear every human on the planet has been infected with these chemtrails technologies.

*NB I have been talking to a milabs abductee who was asked by the biorobotic Greys if she could teach them empathy.

The desire for control has been their (elite’s) only goal and now they are finding out control is too rigid and they should have gone with sensitivity, empathy and the ability to adapt to change. Becoming wholly human through integration, living through the heart, is our greatest gift to ourselves and the universe.


17th August 2015, 19:02
thanks herbert..
hrmm. not sure how to write anything about that video.
it seems not only humanity but also velon are controlled
by there very own creation as well.. kind of ironic.
just one thing i think will be different.
we WILL beat this.!

17th August 2015, 21:02
thanks herbert..
hrmm. not sure how to write anything about that video.
it seems not only humanity but also velon are controlled
by there very own creation as well.. kind of ironic.
just one thing i think will be different.
we WILL beat this.!

Velon (involved with us) are controlled by their religious god solar system consciousness velus. From what i am gathering in info, Earth and guardians are controlling velon by using their own creations against them.

18th August 2015, 18:53
said giveaway is to get rid of negative energy.
these velon feed off of negative energy.
so, this thing to be done to "give away" this energy
seems to be feeding them.. the velon.
right or wrong?
i see where it can be clearing out the baggage we
accumulate over time. to make room for the HS.
is it not also feeding this velon by doing it?
i know i said the same thing twice but i am asking
what your take on it is.
i want to be clear in my question about the giveaway.
why is it called the giveaway? who am i giving this too?
is it mine for balance? is it what makes me who i am?
both the negative and the positive = balance?
i know GK has been compromised and i seen that long
before the dec 12 stuff.. picked up on it a few times but
never said anything. is it possible that CT might have
also been tricked to teach this giveaway?
i mean no disrespect to anyone.
would like your input on this.
thank you

18th August 2015, 21:32
My Reply To Greenbarry:

Because humanity has been living in their heads rather than their hearts. Because individuals, most especially in the western world, have identified their personalities, their individuality, their Egos with their mind-centred intellect rather than their heart-centred feelings, they have lost the ability to process emotions.

When you move to your heart center, and admit you have feelings, and allow those feelings to flow in their natural abundance, your world opens up to the multi-dimensional , fluid, elastic, unbounded soul.

The matrix is a fiction that each one of us created in our minds, and as long as we live in our brains, where resides fear , worry and the need for control, we will continue to feed the Velon (Matrix). Why ? Because when you can't process your emotions, when you are in denial of feelings, when you don't even have the capacity to identify what it is you are feeling, the result is excess DRAMA.

The Velon feed on excess human emotions and they are rising off the planet in abundance, because we don't know what to do with them. They impede our natural energetic flow.

So the Giveaway is one means of expressing those emotions that have been damaging our cells, causing disease, and taking away our freedom. They are holding us bound to the past. Each time we deny, or fail to express what we are feeling in the moment, we form a link to the past which puts a Control System into place over our freedom.

You may ask who is controlling humanity? Well from a mind perspective it is the Velon, through the illuminati, who vampirize our energetic emotions. BUT as Harald Kautz has indicated, when we become heart-centred, they lose their power over us.

So who in reality were the controllers? To use an old expression: "We have seen the enemy and it is us."

When we use the Giveaway those old stuck emotions are cleansed through fire. They cease to exist. And once you have successfully used the Giveaway over several months, you will find you need to speak your truth in every moment. If you do not you will feel the block as pain in one of the appropriate organs of your physical body.

So in summary, the real matrix is one's own mind which always seeks control.

Freedom lies within the heart mind which seeks flexibility, boundless energy, and takes us even beyond the multidimensional universe, burgeoning forth to infinity. I would say that when you live through your heart all things meet in you. I would not say you are the universe because that is too limiting, too restricting. This is a future lesson in store for us all even after full soul integration.

Remember change (Divine Masculine) and experience (Divine Feminine) go hand in hand.

Chris Thomas has explained that we are in the process of returning our physical template to the template created on Atlantis which can contain the whole soul energy. BUT our experience since Atlantis over the last 7,000 years of gathering wisdom, has greatly added to our energy and it may be there is more to this new template than we could have imagined on Atlantis.

You are source.

If you are wondering how I arrived at this conclusion, well I listened to a rare interview last night with Patrick McGoohan. He wrote a 17 episode British tv series called The Prisoner back in 1967. The interview was done in Canada in 1977.

In it he explains how he came to write The Prisoner and how his final episode resulted in his having to move into the mountains literally to avoid lynching by his viewers. That is how in denial humanity had become even then. To explain this, you must listen to the interview. The final episode reveals who created “the village” in which he is one of the many prisoners. As a prisoner he becomes nothing more than a number. Number 6. The question becomes: who is number 1, the creator and enforcer behind the scenes who runs the village? All orders and controls come down from number 1. The final episode reveals who number 1 really is.

Obviously he was a man ahead of his time even though he admitted that "the prisoner" whom he directed, produced wrote and starred in was still trapped even after he escaped the village. The village being a metaphor for the matrix prison we all create in our mind.

The Interview 1977 done in Canada

The Series from 1967 http://watch-series-tv.to/serie/the_prisoner_%28uk%29

Reply To Your Specific Questions

is it [the Giveaway] not also feeding the Velon by doing it?

No. On the contrary. The fire is important because it is cleansing. It dissolves the energy block for the mind to witness before its very eyes. The subconscious mind is incredibly sensitive to witnessing events. It's like a child, holding on to lasting impressions. Most of our trauma comes from childhood without us even being aware of it happening.

We have been reinforcing this trauma throughout adulthood by not exercising free will. Voting in elections is an example of giving your power away.

The Velon welcome human energy blocks because it makes us easier to control. Society has conditioned us to think it wrong to express our feelings. So we hold them in and remove our own freedom. That is called self-censorship.

Hence all the fear porn, confusion, false flag "disasters which never happened" distractions, movies which threaten disaster. As is evidenced in Anastasia's post, they don't even have to release or complete the movie, they just leak parts of it onto the internet with a voice over pointing out the threat.

Look at how many people are now worrying about September. That is a distraction plain and simple to keep us from focusing inwardly toward integration work.

The "Matrix" exists only in your mind. You created it by allowing technology to override your own DNA. Herald Kautz explains the science behind this. The media, news, movies, computer chips, cell phones microwaves designed to brainwash your mind. Move your focus to the heart. There is a war for our minds but the war ends when you move your ego to the heart.

why is it called the giveaway?

Because so long as you hold onto that stuck energy it imprisons you to the past at the subconscious level. You are physically in a prison of the mind. You have a choice in a universe of free will to give away the pain from past trauma. You will be surprised what you have forgotten you've been holding on to. You will also be surprised how much lighter you feel, how much easier it is to take a deep breath and what a burden it has been when you lift it off your shoulders.

A close parallel is all those physical possessions you have been hanging on to in the attic. They are just rubbish taking up space, as are belief systems, symbolism like numbers and sacred geometry and superstitions. The societal ingrained fear of the number 13 for example.

who am i giving this too? is it mine for balance? is it what makes me who i am? both the negative and the positive = balance?

Oh yes it's yours until you realize it has been yours by choice. It's been your excuse for not finding freedom. It’s your fear of your own power. Power is only feared when you are out of balance. Opening the heart yields balance and with balance comes benevolence. With balance comes compassion, empathy and flexibility. Limitless energy.

You aren't giving it to anyone. You are dissolving it by fire. You are banishing it from your subconscious mind. You are turning it to ashes and dust. It no longer exists.

i know GK has been compromised and i seen that long
before the dec 12 stuff.. picked up on it a few times but
never said anything[COLOR]

George has a mixture of truths and confusion. Listening to him sharpens your discernment skills. You will feel truth through your body because it enhances the energetic connection to your higher self. With that connection comes greater sensitivity to lies. They become painful so that you can no longer listen to people like Simon Parkes.

[COLOR="#0000FF"]. is it possible that CT might have
also been tricked to teach this giveaway?
i mean no disrespect to anyone.[/

When you feel the results of the Giveaway, you won't have to ask that question. I have a friend who has been abducted since she was a toddler. She is highly psychic. Her fear and worry was that they can abduct her at any time without her being aware until after the fact. They do it through a link to the subconscious mind, interdimensionally using Alien technology.

So she started doing the Giveaway. She gives away her hate arising from her childhood memories, her fear and worry, her soul contracts that she fears might exist, and so on. From the very beginning of the Giveaway she has felt her power returning, she has been able to multiply her DNA strands to 4. She feels the energy of her chakras from her higher self being activated through her body. Not all of us will experience so profound a beginning but it serves to demonstrate the value of the Giveaway.

She has not been abducted since she began the Giveaway. And her wiped memories are slowly returning.

19th August 2015, 06:53
I both threw away and burnt the paper. It made no difference to me.

Greenbarry, the Velon do not feed of negative emotions. They cleverly invent and make conflicts that produce negativity in us and between us. When the two parties argue the third one uses that conflict to profit. So, they don't feed OF our negative emotions, they rather use negative emotions that are stuck in us to control us through them. By doing the giveaway, you release and get rid of that negative energy/vibration from your system. You free yourself and raise your vibration. All is energy!

19th August 2015, 08:15
Excellent questions Greenbarry, they yielded great answers!


19th August 2015, 10:05
Sandra said it the way I would have.

Greenbarry this newcage concept that we feed them is in my opinion mind crap. If anything, we are the ones being fed all kinds of low frequency energies which create negative thought forms and dis-ease in mind and body. The Giveaway is not the only method of getting them out. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is another one of many. From my innerstanding if the technique does not work you have not yet reached the core issue and it is usually a fear.

19th August 2015, 17:25
i do the giveaway all throughout the day & night..
cant see worth a shit so reading it back isn't a problem.
writing everything that comes to mind.
not sure if anything i write is helping me clear baggage.
but if it pops up it comes out!
which i tell people that when i spit..
the EFT thing i checked into that as well.
i like the guy who teaches it but not sure if it is for me.
although, i may try it again.
seems to me writing is something more solid and releasing.
but thank you Anastasia.
anyhow, i do talk to folks about the giveaway and what to do.
seems i would get better results by Doing it with them. :eyebrows:
then i can support and all that what not crapolio.
thanks again guys and gals!

19th August 2015, 21:48
i do the giveaway all throughout the day & night..
cant see worth a shit so reading it back isn't a problem.
writing everything that comes to mind.
not sure if anything i write is helping me clear baggage.
but if it pops up it comes out!
which i tell people that when i spit..
the EFT thing i checked into that as well.
i like the guy who teaches it but not sure if it is for me.
although, i may try it again.
seems to me writing is something more solid and releasing.
but thank you Anastasia.
anyhow, i do talk to folks about the giveaway and what to do.
seems i would get better results by Doing it with them. :eyebrows:
then i can support and all that what not crapolio.
thanks again guys and gals!

Finding a core issue can be really difficult and may take a professional to help you, especially if it is something you cannot remember. I watched lots of Dvd footage of EFT founder Gary Craig heal people and he had that gift but many times it took hours and a few sessions. The Giveaway and EFT are only tools. Teal Swan has some great "shadow work" videos that help people find core issues. Then you can apply the tools and clear the negative energy.

21st August 2015, 16:59
The giveaway, my experience with full soul integration, maintaining good health, need for protein

The Human Soul by Chris Thomas

Page 214 Signs of Clearing: The more of the past emotions you clear and the more of the higher self you take in, the quicker you feel emotions in the body’s organs. The reason for this is that as you clear things out, the energies of the higher self begin to make the internal organs less dense and so you have less of a buffer between you and the emotional world. On the positive side, however, when you get to this stage of emotional clearance, you might feel emotions more quickly, but you can also clear them more quickly.

As you take in more and more of your higher self, the less the giveaway works. The reason for this is that your higher self wants you to be as honest in your dealings with people as possible. The more down the route of clearance and change you go, the more honest you will need to become. This is another reason for having to leave behind those who have tried to hold you back.

Source The 6th sun a survival guide 2013 by Chris Thomas http://www.unicusmagazine.com/PDF/6th%20Sun.pdf

The Giveaway, about the author, maintaining good health.

If there is someone in your life who you have avoided clearing the air with, you must now do so. If that person is dead, use the• giveaway. Use the giveaway to clear all of the• accumulated emotional debris you have acquired during your life. This is extremely important as all of the space taken up by these unwanted emotions takes up space that should be occupied by your higher self.

Learn to make greater contact with• your higher self – listen to your intuition and your body; this is your higher self communicating with you. There also meditations to help in the book Synthesis.

Make sure you have a proper diet.• Ensure that you eat some meat and saturated fats and avoid anything containing chemicals, trans-fats, or is genetically modified. Make sure that your cholesterol levels• are as close to natural as possible.

This is particularly important if you live and work in areas that are saturated with Wi-Fi frequencies – Wi-Fi slowly destroys the body‟s cells and so you need cholesterol to protect you from and undo the damage.

Avoid news papers and TV news as• much as possible. The reports they carry are designed to create fear and disinformation.

Avoid channelled messages. These are• deliberately designed to mislead you and prevent you from re-integrating.

Avoid taking to the streets to protest.• All this kind of protest will get you is arrested and jailed without charge or shot.

A Note by Chris Thomas about himself: My waking up to the fact that I had some kind of psychic capabilities began when I was aged 7. I didn’t know at the time what these abilities were nor was there anyone I could ask and, like so many children who exhibit psychic potential, I was “actively discouraged” by my parents. In the following years, I worked as an architect but began to investigate the psychic potential in my early twenties after I had left home.

What I found was that I was somehow “hardwired” into the Akashic (see footnote 2) – the record keeping aspect of the Universe. At the same time, I also began to develop as a healer and later a psychic surgeon. For the last 35 years, I have been actively working with the Akashic and as a healer. All of the information in my 11 books has come from the Akashic and from my experiences as a healer.

Following a determined effort by the Velon to kill me, and a continuing series of psychic attacks by both the Velon and the NSA, I have had to give up seeing and healing clients as well as stop travelling to give talks and workshops.

I live in Wales with my beloved wife Di. As a Further Note This is reproduced from a previous essay but it seemed appropriate to repeat it here. I can hear many of you starting to say something along the lines of: “So where does he get off criticising me? If he is so wonderful, why hasn’t he undergone soul re-integration?” The answer to that is: I did undergo full soul re-integration 10 years ago but it was requested that I return.

Since the age of 7, I knew that I could access a source of information that others could not – this is the Akashic. Also, for the past 35 years I have been working as a healer and, in recent years, as a psychic surgeon.

10 years ago, I underwent the process of change, of soul re-integration. It was wonderful, beyond anything that I had imagined. Every sense becomes heightened to a level where every single colour becomes a rainbow of colours that do not exist in the physical world. Every smell is expressed in colours and impressions of what originated it (although you can switch off to the more unsavoury ones). Touching something is like reading its history and, if it is living, its sense of being. All of the senses become so enlarged that we do not have the vocabulary to express the sensations in words. Every thought takes on a reality, every sensation becomes a part of you and every living thing shares its reality with you.

It is a world beyond human imaginings, beyond human experience and beyond description.

However, given my ability to read the Akashic and to heal people, I was asked if I would reverse the process and return to the world of the human and continue to write about human history and human potential. How could I refuse Mother Earth? So, 10 years ago, I returned and continued to write my 11 books, to give talks and to push my potential as a healer as far as I could.

My healing work developed in ways which allowed me to remove implants from people‟s bodies, particularly Velon implants. This work I did for many years and frequently came under attack by the Velon. Unfortunately, the Velon found a way through my defences – long story – and ended up causing me considerable physical damage. This damage meant that I had to give up seeing people for healing and stop giving talks. Instead, I have written more books and more articles and essays to try to encourage people to understand that we are a part of Mother Earth, we have a potential and that potential can only be fulfilled by undergoing soul re-integration.

My experience of soul re-integration is an extremely happy one. The transition was unbelievably simple and straight forwards – I experienced no difficulties or problems of any kind. One minute I was my normal self; the next my “super self”.

The only problems I experienced was with returning to my previous state – that process took several days of recovery. I am just me – nothing beyond the ordinary, nothing beyond anyone else but if I can undergo soul re-integration in such a calm and peaceful way, I cannot understand why anyone is reluctant to fulfil their potential and to honour the promise they made to Mother Earth at the start of The Human Plan 7,000 years ago.

3. The Giveaway: Throughout our lives we find ourselves in situations where we feel we are unable to express ourselves as fully as we would like. This can be with members of the family, with friends or colleagues or with our employer. The problem is that all of the unexpressed emotions of these kinds of situations become lodged in our internal organs. If the emotional debris becomes too great, it can cause the organ to break down and generate symptoms of illness.

This has been bad enough in the past but, as we undergo our process of change, the storage of old emotions will actually hold us back if not actively prevent us from moving forwards. Obviously, these stored emotions need to be removed from our bodies. The best way of clearing these emotions is to confront the person who brought about the emotions in the first place and express to them how you really feel.

If you are unable, for whatever reason, to do that, the next best way of clearing these stored emotions is with a process called “The Giveaway”. The giveaway is a process of writing down all of the emotions that you have stored away. This sounds as though it cannot work – until you try it. What you will find is that once you start, all sorts of emotions and situations that you thought you had dealt with will come to the surface and you will realise that you are carrying a huge amount of emotion from your past.

For this exercise, you will need: One old newspaper Several pencils One glass of organic red wine (optional) One candle (optional)

The most important thing to remember about this exercise is that: YOU DO NOT READ IT BACK. The reason for this is that if you read back what you have written, you will take all of the emotions back in and have to start again. This is the reason for the newspaper and the pencil; it is virtually impossible to read pencil on newsprint. It is also the reason for the candle; if you use this exercise in the evening with only candle-light, it makes it even more difficult to read. The optional glass of organic red wine is included as it helps you to relax and allow your expression of held emotions to flow more freely.

So, find a quiet time in your day where you will not be disturbed. Collect your newspaper and pencils and sit down somewhere comfortable. Think about something that has happened recently which made you upset but you could not express yourself fully. Using a pencil on the newspaper, start to write to the person who brought about the emotions. Write in whatever language you like – the stronger the language the better. As you write, you will find that other emotions connected with other events come to the surface. That is fine, you can add those to what you are writing – just keep on going.

Once you have finished a session of writing, rip up the sheet of newspaper you have been writing on and dispose of it – burning it is best if you can.

You will need to do this exercise many, many times.

This is not just a one-off exercise. You will know when you have written enough about a particular situation when you are able to think back on the events and not feel any emotion at all. If you think back and still feel emotions rising up, you need to do another giveaway.

This exercise sounds far too simple to do you any good. Try it and you will find that a huge weight feels as though it is being lifted from you. You can also write to inanimate objects that have caused you stress – such as broken pipes, a leaking fridge, traffic jambs, queues in the supermarket, etc. etc. It makes no difference what the situation is, write a letter to it and it will clear out the emotions. It can also be on any type of paper not only newspaper.

Just remember DO NOT READ IT BACK or you will undo all of the work you have done in writing by taking all of the emotions back into the body. This exercise works and works extremely well and will actively help you through your transition.

Please Note: this exercise has to be written by hand – it cannot be done on a computer. If you try to use a computer, you will inevitably read it back.

22nd August 2015, 18:40



Chapter 1 The Recent Past, The Heart Chakra, Avalon, The Karmic Process, The New Consciousness

Chapter 2 The Story Behind the Headlines

Chapter 3 Pre-Birth and After Death

Chapter 4 Sexuality

Chapter 5 Channelling, Clairvoyance, Spiritual Healers

Chapter 6 Multidimensionality

Chapter 7 The Origin of the Soul

Chapter 8 The Present

Chapter 9 Current and Future Possibilities

Chapter 1

page 28
We are currently living our last incarnations that are ruled by the karmic cycle of an eye for an eye. There has been a rush to complete these cycles before the cycle changes to one of completion and renewal. The current global situation would appear to be one of chaos, but it is really only the affects of people clearing out the residue of their life plans. [this clearing also happens at the level of countries]

The “Human Plan” is completing and as much individual experience as possible needs to be cleared before any leap of consciousness is attempted. Put into this context, current human affairs are actually following a logical route to completion and it is not the anarchy that it might appear on the surface, to be.

After Death
Once an individual’s life plan has run its course and all of the chosen areas of exploration have been completed, the physical aspect of the soul returns to its ‘higher’ aspect. The life that has been lived has usually been one where most of the chosen experiences have been undergone and the body’s energy reserves begin to be depleted, allowing the soul to release itself from its physical clothes.

The journey to reunify the soul’s aspects is made in several stages.

The first feeling is usually one of relief at the release of physical constraints.

The second is re-uniting with the loved ones who have passed out of the physical during the individual’s life time.

Over recent years, there have been a number of reports of near death experiences (NDEs) where an individual has undergone the first stages of the return journey. Very often the reports of the NDE has included the arrival of an individual who has taken charge of the person undergoing the NDE, and explained various aspects of what it is the person is experiencing. Identification of this individual is usually coloured by the NDE person’s religious beliefs and aspirations. Whatever identity is placed on this individual, the NDE person usually describes them as being unknown but somehow familiar. The new individual is, in fact, the ‘higher’ aspect of the NDE person’s soul and usually appears in its “normal” form, that is human in shape, but glowing with an almost blinding white light.

The two aspects of the soul remain totally separate, that is, unmerged. The decision as to whether the two aspects merge is dependent on the physical aspect’s choice of whether further physical experience is required. This decision is made by the physical aspect reviewing its recently completed life and assessing whether it completed its chosen tasks to a satisfactory degree. This life review is carried out by both aspects of the individual’s soul, no other parties are involved. Nobody sits in judgement or makes any kind of assessment. Only the individual can judge themselves and choose their next move.

The importance of this reality cannot be stressed too strongly. It is the individual, and only the individual, who can judge their life and the success or failures made. We have been led to believe that the Creator sits in judgement of an individual’s actions, but this is not what actually occurs. No one, not event he Creator, is in a position to judge another, it is only the individual that has that right. Once the soul’s review has been completed, further choices are made as to whether the individual remains in “spirit”, reincarnates or merges the two aspects of the soul. The decision is made totally by the individual and is determined on the basis of total experiences gained and the most appropriate course to be taken to either put the accumulated experience to work or to gain further understanding by one, or more, physical incarnations. As with all aspects of life, throughout this universe, the next situation is one of totally free choice.

THE FOOLS FIRST STEPS – The true nature of reality 1999



Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 2 The Dawning of Man

Chapter 3 New Beginnings

Chapter 4 The Karmic Cycle

Chapter 5 The Higher Self

Chapter 6 Other Forms of Universal Life

Chapter 7 The Earth’s Mysteries – Part One

Chapter 8 The Earth’s Mysteries – Part Two

Chapter 9 The Process of Change
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Breast Cancer
The Second Chakra
Persistent Coughs

Chapter 10 The Symptoms of Change

Chapter 11 The Fool’s First Steps

Author’s Note

Notes as transcripts.
The Akashic Records is a source of information that is the human higher self, or more accurately the collective mass consciousness. Access to this source is not denied to anyone, all that is required is the desire to question. Within this book there is a closer look at those with whom we share this universe of ours and their role in shaping human history. As old memories that have lain dormant and unused for centuries open up , we will discover that we are everything we have ever dared to dream and considerably more.

We are not a body that has a soul but a soul, an immense eternal consciousness, that has built for itself a body. Our origins take us back to the formation of the universe itself and perhaps beyond even that. We have placed ourselves within our confinement in order to further available experience and to re-define the limits to life.

The creator could be described as a limitless energy source which incorporates the consciousness, and the will, to investigate every possibility that could exist. Life begins with a curiosity for the possible. Our universe contains all the energy that is required for life and all the possibilities that life is able to incorporate and investigate. This is our purpose, to freely choose to experiment with possibility.

Our Universe was created for this reason.

Page 9

Chapter 3 page 38 New Beginnings

Atlantis was lost. [the legend of Sodom and Gomorrah was born]

The affects on those who lived on the island were devastating. Almost all of the inhabitants had been killed. Those who were of the other civilizations had been able to cast off their physical bodies, so at least their soul consciousnesses were intact, those who had been party to the most bizarre modifications were so tortured by their ordeals that they could not face any kind of continuation and had perished, including their souls, with the continent. This was also something new, no souls had ever been destroyed before.

The loss was total and the shock waves rocked the whole of creation. All including the Earth consciousness were a part of the decision to destroy the island, and they worked together to open up a crack in the planet’s crust.

23rd August 2015, 19:50


Chapter 1 Before Time
Universal Consciousness. Other forms of Universal life. The 13 Civilizations. NGC 584. Pleiadeans. Sirians. Greys. Blues. Unnamed Civilizations. Other Life Forms. The birth of humanity. The Creation of Merlin. The history of the Earth. The Beginnings of Life. The Arrival of the Planetary Guardians.

Chapter 2 Before Atlantis
The Faerie. Human Development. Lemuria.

Chapter 3 Atlantis
Human Mass Consciousness. Paradise. Genetic Manipulation. The Destruction of Atlantis.

Chapter 4 After Atlantis
Adult Birth.

Chapter 5 Human Development
Beginning Again. A Fresh Start. Sidhe Development. Human Completion.

Chapter 6 The Removal of the Faerie

Chapter 7 Merlin, The Celts and Arthur
Celtic Society. Other ‘Celtic’ Cultures. Roman and Celtic Christianity. Angles. Saxons and Jutes. The Death of Arthur. The Removal of the Sidhe.

Chapter 8 Attempts At Understanding
The Hunt for Answers. The Greek Empire. Human Lives, Human Choices. Author’s Note.

Chapter 9 Merlin and the Knights Templar
The Brotherhood of Sion. The Birth of Jesus The Christ. A Route to Change? The Templar Energy Grid. Disinformation and Persecution. The Ark of the Covenant. The End of the Templars. Author’s Note.

Chapter 10 Completions
Seeds of Completion. Seeds of Destruction. Final Choices. New Energies. The Final Answer. Other Problems. The Legacy of Atlantis. Biotechnology.

Chapter 11 Future Roles
Merlin’s Future. The Future Present.

Appendix One The Symptoms of Change
DNA and Multidimensionality. The Thirteen Chakras of the Soul. Phases of Change. Earth Changes. Physical and Emotional Symptoms. Knowing the Truth. Ancient Energies and Ancient Promises. Links. Chips. Sirian Chips. The Legacy of the Fourteenth Faction. Future Solutions.

Appendix Two Earth Chronology



Other Life Forms

Page 24
Jupiter is a planet that was dramatically affected by the self destruction of the two planets that exploded within our solar system (see The Beginning of Life later in this chapter). It went from a world of life to a gas giant which is potentially turning into a second sun. Of its thirteen moons, one harbours fully conscious life. This is Ganymede.

Ganymede is a little smaller than Earth and is covered in a two mile thickness of ice. Under the ice, there is a great deal of volcanic activity and like the black smokers in Earth’s deep oceans, there are sufficient nutrients to support life.

These beings are a development of the life which originally inhabited Venus, that is, a little like a dolphin in form but with enlarged front limbs and their skin is like a snake’s skin. On Venus they were truly amphibian and lived in both the vast seas and forest covered lands.

On Ganymede, they have adapted to life under water and live on the smaller life that is nourished by nutrients supplied by deep volcanic vents.

They too are waiting for us to reach their level of understanding and will not show themselves until humanity does so.

Page 34-37 . . . 4 Million years ago Merlin first came to Earth.


All 13 of the planets in our solar system were given a guardian by the universal consciousness and each of the 13 guardians arrived at different times to suit the stage of development appropriate to each planet. Each planet developing at its own pace and in its own way. As the emergence of a life form capable of developing into a conscious being occurred, the guardian was despatched to their appropriate planet. In this process Merlin was the last to arrive as Earth was the last planet to develop.

Merlin’s first task was to work with the Sidhe and the planet to rebuild. A great deal had been lost [when 2 planets decided to leave resulting in their physical form exploding and the death of all life on the surfaces of every planet except Earth] and much was needed to be done. His second task was to introduce life forms from some of the worlds who no longer sustained life. The primary task was to bring in the humanoid form that had been developing on Mars. We know these new arrivals as Cro Magnon Man.

With the beginnings of the work with the two potential human groups, Neanderthal and Cro Magnon Man, the Earth began a new period of expansion and its diameter slowly enlarged. By the time Atlantis was established, 85,000 years ago, the planet’s diameter was 10% larger than it is now. As Atlantis developed (see chapter 2), the planet continued to grow and by 75,000 years ago it was about 30% larger than it currently is. This meant that sea level was about 200 feet lower than present.

With the destruction of Atlantis, the planet underwent a rapid shrinkage to about 90% of its present size. The rapid shrinkage brought about the surface changes that were experienced at the time. The rising of the Alps, the formation of the Himalayas etc. were all brought about by the shrinking. The sea level rose by about 300 feet and many lands were flooded.

The whole topography of the planet changed. As the planet underwent its axis shift, the polar ice caps formed reducing the new sea level down to present levels.

The planet has remained fairly stable since then with only the occasional earthquake shaking its surface. As humanity underwent its knowledge gathering processes, our interaction with the earth had diminished and the planetary consciousness has rarely stirred. With the coming of the 20th century and as humanity began to rise to the completion of the Karmic process, the planetary consciousness has begun to move with us. The more that we change, the more the planet begins to expand. This is where most of the glacier and ice cap melt water has been accommodated, the planet is once again expanding.

It is very sad that several groups are working globally to halt earthquakes occurring. What is not realized is that earthquakes are occurring as a result of the Earth’s expansion [and humanity’s expanding conscious awareness]. Working to prevent these growing pains is having two effects. The first is it is slowing down the planet’s ability to move and work with us [to expand our awareness and consciousness]. The second is that where earthquakes occur they are more severe and damaging than if the Earth was allowed to move in its own way.

As humanity undergoes its final clearance and soul integration, the planet will continue to expand and change the atmosphere to what they were at the middle of the Atlantis period. This time, hopefully, mankind will be able to maintain its level of consciousness and the earth will once again be working with us to maintain the physical paradise the Earth truly is.

Availability of this book:

Chris Thomas' books have been banned by Amazon in the U.S.. the one company there who offered to sell his books had their accounts frozen by the NSA. Since then Amazon in Canada and the U.K. have been carrying only some of his books. I have been told that his books are still available in the U.K. but they are banned from shipping to California. The following site carries his books but some are out of stock.


8 pounds

Planet Earth and its human population are undergoing changes associated with developing a higher level of vibration. As a psychic surgeon, Chris Thomas works on a daily basis with the physical and emotional consequences of these changes. He has written this book to enlighten us as to how the Earth and the human race got to this point, and what we need to do now to achieve our chosen goal, which is full consciousness of the higher self while in a material body. He also describes some of the obstacles that have been put in our way by those who seek to exploit and enslave the planet. Most of his information is drawn from his own readings of the Akashic record, and to simplify for us the often confusing wealth of detail, he traces the thread of one soul who has always been connected with the Earth's story, the being he calls ?Merlin?, whose special task it has always been to act as the Earth's custodian and advisor. Full of information not available elsewhere about humanity, the Faerie and other beings who inhabit this planet, this book is sure to intrigue.

199pp, 144mm x 205mm, illus. in b&w, Paperback, 2003




Chapter One The First Attempt at Humanity

Chapter Two New Beginnings

Chapter Three The Road to Answers

Chapter Four The Human Plan

Chapter Five Some Added Complications

Chapter Six Other Forms of Interference

Chapter Seven New Life, New Directions

Chapter Eight Changes Beyond Our Earth

Chapter Nine The Process of Change

Chapter Ten Transitional Problems

Chapter Eleven Conclusions

Author’s Note

Appendix One Some Helpful Exercises

Appendix Two Chronological Chart

The Universal Soul: Pages 19-20

"With hindsight, the story can be told.

The problems began with the slowing of the higher brain functions. This is to do with our abilities to psychically communicate with other people and other living things on the planet. We, ever so slowly, began to notice that it was increasingly difficult to communicate in this way. All souls within the Universe communicate by psychic means and so, to those who were on Atlantis, this form of communication was natural.

As we began to, apparently, slow down, losses to this function were the first to be noticed. It was a little like television reception and transmission was perfectly clear but ‘interference’ began to be noticed. Images and messages began to become a little fuzzy around the edges and then they gradually slowed so that an act of extreme concentration was required to pass even the simplest messages. This slowing took place over several hundred years; this is why it took so long to notice.

Other things then began to happen. Our communication with wild, predatory animals was instantaneous but this began to slow and so we began to feel threatened by their presence, particularly at night. We began to build shelter, communal sleeping places where a guard could be kept to ensure that no predators could approach unnoticed.

The beginnings of the loss of trust between man & animals.

This loss of trust began to build fear amongst the human population, very subtly at first but also insidious, like a drip feed into the sub-conscious. Never before had this kind of fear and mistrust ever been experienced. We began to shrink inwards, away from the world. Daytime was fine but night time began to hold fear for us. Protection became an issue, whereas it had never been before. As fear began to take hold, we also began to close inwards into ourselves and we began to argue. Factions began to form. Aggression began to show up for the first time. How? We lived on a world of perfect harmony. For fifteen thousand years we had lived in harmony with all living things, now we had begun to develop fear for other living things and aggression towards each other.

Then things began to really deteriorate…"

23rd August 2015, 21:32
groups, Neanderthal and Cro Magnon Man, the Earth began a new period of expansion and its diameter slowly enlarged. By the time Atlantis was established, 85,000 years ago, the planet’s diameter was 10% larger than it is now. As Atlantis developed (see chapter 2), the planet continued to grow and by 75,000 years ago it was about 30% larger than it currently is. This meant that sea level was about 200 feet lower than present.

not really grasping this concept on how at first the diameter slowly enlarged.. but then Atlantis 85k yrs ago
and the diameter was bigger than it is now.. by 10%.. then again the planet grew more but by 75k yrs ago it is still larger than it is now?
did you mean the opposite? the planet was growing and it is 10% smaller and 30% smaller?
heck i am getting confused trying to ask my question..
i have realized the earth is growing a long time ago. but how can it get smaller? i can see for instance
and apple getting smaller.. cuz i am eating the mass away but i think the earth once grown it is just that
big now.!

my thought is.. 85k yrs ago the planet grew 10% bigger than it was then.
then at 75k yrs ago as Atlantis developed earth grew 30% more than it was at that time.
which makes it in the current time 40% bigger than what it was then and she is still growing.!
the water levels wont rise but fall to land mass. although, there is no loss as to how much ocean there is.
just distributed to equal out the growth. still just as deep and none is actually lost.


With the destruction of Atlantis, the planet underwent a rapid shrinkage to about 90% of its present size. The rapid shrinkage brought about the surface changes that were experienced at the time. The rising of the Alps, the formation of the Himalayas etc. were all brought about by the shrinking. The sea level rose by about 300 feet and many lands were flooded.

now i just cant get my head around how when atlantis was sunk where 90% of the land went? was it floating? so when it sank it caused the water to rise? it still seems even if it was floating that the mass
of it would already have been calculated in the shore line of the water.
the rising of the alps and himalayas etc.. seems to me were growing not shrinking.? this can cause the
water to rise? arent both these areas on a land mass? and not poking up out of the ocean? now, i think
if the poped up out of the ocean then it can cause this to happen, the water rise.

http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8p8QO9pVP3kA.902nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIyNj c1aWlwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzMzRlMGI0YmVjMjNk ZGMxZjk4NTgyNWJiZWVkMzQ5MARncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2F search%3Fp%3Dalps%2Band%2Bhimalayas%2Blocatoin%26n %3D60%26ei%3DUTF-8%26type%3Ddrg_dwndlm_15_20%26fr%3Dyhs-iry-fullyhosted_003%26fr2%3Dsb-top-images.search.yahoo.com%26hsimp%3Dyhs-fullyhosted_003%26hspart%3Diry%26tab%3Dorganic%26r i%3D1&w=538&h=360&imgurl=www.worldatlas.com%2Faatlas%2Finfopage%2Fal ps.gif&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldatlas.com%2Faatlas%2Fin fopage%2Falps.htm&size=135.6KB&name=%3Cb%3EAlps%3C%2Fb%3E+Mountain+Range&p=alps+and+himalayas+location&oid=334e0b4bec23ddc1f985825bbeed3490&fr2=sb-top-images.search.yahoo.com&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&rw=alps+and+himalayas+location&tt=%3Cb%3EAlps%3C%2Fb%3E+Mountain+Range&b=0&ni=240&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11it9vavm&sigb=16vr11cdb&sigi=11bkjg1tn&sigt=10qt0epom&sign=10qt0epom&.crumb=4Ws.i3sz/mk&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&fr2=sb-top-images.search.yahoo.com&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003&hspart=iry&type=drg_dwndlm_15_20
i dont see how this can cause water rise when it was not poking out of the water but sprouted on existing
land mass. is the continent floating too?

help me out here.. plz.
i dont know how the planet would shrink..

24th August 2015, 11:57
groups, Neanderthal and Cro Magnon Man, the Earth began a new period of expansion and its diameter slowly enlarged. By the time Atlantis was established, 85,000 years ago, the planet’s diameter was 10% larger than it is now. As Atlantis developed (see chapter 2), the planet continued to grow and by 75,000 years ago it was about 30% larger than it currently is. This meant that sea level was about 200 feet lower than present.

not really grasping this concept on how at first the diameter slowly enlarged.. but then Atlantis 85k yrs ago
and the diameter was bigger than it is now.. by 10%.. then again the planet grew more but by 75k yrs ago it is still larger than it is now?
did you mean the opposite? the planet was growing and it is 10% smaller and 30% smaller?
heck i am getting confused trying to ask my question..
i have realized the earth is growing a long time ago. but how can it get smaller? i can see for instance
and apple getting smaller.. cuz i am eating the mass away but i think the earth once grown it is just that
big now.!

my thought is.. 85k yrs ago the planet grew 10% bigger than it was then.
then at 75k yrs ago as Atlantis developed earth grew 30% more than it was at that time.
which makes it in the current time 40% bigger than what it was then and she is still growing.!
the water levels wont rise but fall to land mass. although, there is no loss as to how much ocean there is.
just distributed to equal out the growth. still just as deep and none is actually lost.


With the destruction of Atlantis, the planet underwent a rapid shrinkage to about 90% of its present size. The rapid shrinkage brought about the surface changes that were experienced at the time. The rising of the Alps, the formation of the Himalayas etc. were all brought about by the shrinking. The sea level rose by about 300 feet and many lands were flooded.

now i just cant get my head around how when atlantis was sunk where 90% of the land went? was it floating? so when it sank it caused the water to rise? it still seems even if it was floating that the mass
of it would already have been calculated in the shore line of the water.
the rising of the alps and himalayas etc.. seems to me were growing not shrinking.? this can cause the
water to rise? arent both these areas on a land mass? and not poking up out of the ocean? now, i think
if the poped up out of the ocean then it can cause this to happen, the water rise.

http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8p8QO9pVP3kA.902nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIyNj c1aWlwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzMzRlMGI0YmVjMjNk ZGMxZjk4NTgyNWJiZWVkMzQ5MARncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2F search%3Fp%3Dalps%2Band%2Bhimalayas%2Blocatoin%26n %3D60%26ei%3DUTF-8%26type%3Ddrg_dwndlm_15_20%26fr%3Dyhs-iry-fullyhosted_003%26fr2%3Dsb-top-images.search.yahoo.com%26hsimp%3Dyhs-fullyhosted_003%26hspart%3Diry%26tab%3Dorganic%26r i%3D1&w=538&h=360&imgurl=www.worldatlas.com%2Faatlas%2Finfopage%2Fal ps.gif&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldatlas.com%2Faatlas%2Fin fopage%2Falps.htm&size=135.6KB&name=%3Cb%3EAlps%3C%2Fb%3E+Mountain+Range&p=alps+and+himalayas+location&oid=334e0b4bec23ddc1f985825bbeed3490&fr2=sb-top-images.search.yahoo.com&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&rw=alps+and+himalayas+location&tt=%3Cb%3EAlps%3C%2Fb%3E+Mountain+Range&b=0&ni=240&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11it9vavm&sigb=16vr11cdb&sigi=11bkjg1tn&sigt=10qt0epom&sign=10qt0epom&.crumb=4Ws.i3sz/mk&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&fr2=sb-top-images.search.yahoo.com&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003&hspart=iry&type=drg_dwndlm_15_20
i dont see how this can cause water rise when it was not poking out of the water but sprouted on existing
land mass. is the continent floating too?

help me out here.. plz.
i dont know how the planet would shrink..

I think the only way to innerstand the "how" would be to think of the planet as energy. Years ago I watched a lecture of a scientist who explained the contraction and expanding theory of Earth. This theory has been buried because of the continental drift status quo theory. If I can ever find that video Greenbarry I'll share it. CT said Atlantis was sunk to the core of the Earth so no doubt that had severe energetic consequences.

26th August 2015, 11:42
I have a few questions if anyone knows the answer(s) and is willing to answer:

1. This Universe is about 15 billion years old. What was before that time? What had been going on before this Universe was created? If the Universe was created, where the Creator had been living before that happened and what it had been doing?
2. Is the so called Jeti being actually the Cro-Magnon being?
3. Did carnivore animals kill other animals for food (as they usually do now) in the time of Atlantis? Has the food chain as we know it existed since the beginning?
4. If all the animals are the creation of the Earth, why does she allow humans to enslave, torture, kill/eat them, do horrific experiments on them without their (animals') consent? A horse doesn't want to be ridden or to pull a wagon! They are bitten and forced to do that/to obey.
5. What do a problem with heels (heel thorn) and hypochondria mean as HS messages?
6. Why would one be afraid of chemtrails, HAARP, GMOs,...if that's not what one's HS and incarnated self want? How can one be affected if one doesn't want that?
7. In 'Planet Earth - Universe's Experiment', on page 9, CT says: "The first phase of this universe choice lasted 395 000 million years and its choice was to start again." Now, I do not have all the CT's books, so I don't have all the information. What does it mean "...to start again."? Was there the first attempt of the creation of the Universe, and if there was, what happened?
8. CT agrees that there are/were pyramids on Mars. If that's true, were the beings that Mars created so advanced that they knew how to make pyramids. Why weren't they used by non-physical beings as body model then?
9. If there are beings/people on this world who want to harm the Earth and they use they free will to help the Velon, so those Velon cannot be removed because of that, why does the Earth allow those people to stay here?
10. What do non-physical beings do when they are not on Earth? What's life like up there?

Thanks in advance!

26th August 2015, 16:13
Hi Sandra, I will answer some of your questions with the caveat that others may have different insights. But I first want to recommend 2 books which I read before I knew about Chris Thomas. They fill in many gaps in the story which makes it a lot easier to understand C.T.'s information.

And they are by two individuals did not get interfered with by the Velon when they did their work. One is Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. The other is The Explorer Race and the Next 50 Years by Robert Shapiro.

The former offers insight into who the creator is and life outside of this universe.

The latter gives remarkable insight into Source and how our feelings are our greatest resource. I really enjoyed this book but it is not a quick read. It takes a lot of thought and introspection.

1. This Universe is about 15 billion years old. What was before that time? What had been going on before this Universe was created? If the Universe was created, where the Creator had been living before that happened and what it had been doing?

Discussing past experiences and possibilities of future experiences in terms of experiments and questions. Having fun together. This may sound trite but you would have to read the above mentioned books to get a feeling for the infinite possibilities of reality, the friendships, and things we have no words for.

2. Is the so called Jeti being actually the Cro-Magnon being?

Cro Magnon before the upgrades but also related to the experiments on Atlantis. In addition, Sasquatch et al are mostly the 4 proto-human groups who mainly chose not to participate in the upgrades on Atlantis. They have evolved very, very slowly for reasons not fully understood. Sasquatch have a group consciousness connected to the Earth Soul in the same way animals have a group consciousness. It has evolved to a point where it's ability to communicate telepathically is more advanced than most animals. But all animals have that capacity as do plants. Only humans have lost that ability.

3. Did carnivore animals kill other animals for food (as they usually do now) in the time of Atlantis? Has the food chain as we know it existed since the beginning?

If a carnivore has to eat meat then the answer is obvious but the harmonious nature of life was so very different then. For instance a deer might decide it was ready to return to spirit and a lion was needing subsistence so it was mutually agreeable. It's hard for us as sub-human to grasp this kind of cooperation and sharing. There has to be a limiting factor in population with all creations. That is understood in nature.

Also less food is needed when you can live on sunlight to some extent so I think it's something we will have to experience to really know.

4. If all the animals are the creation of the Earth, why does she allow humans to enslave, torture, kill/eat them, do horrific experiments on them without their (animals') consent? A horse doesn't want to be ridden or to pull a wagon! They are bitten and forced to do that/to obey.

When the Fourteenth Faction was driven out of this universe it left 1/3 of the universe devoid of life and energy. Had it not been for the importance of the experiment taking place on Earth, the Universe would have been shut down and collapsed at that point. Every soul in the universe was consulted and it was unanimously agreed that The Human Plan was so close to completion that it was worth the extra energy required to keep the Universe going. We are answering one of the two most important questions asked by this universe.

Is it possible for non-physical souls to experience physical reality?

When we complete our full soul integration to become wholly human again, the resulting exultation will inspire every living soul to rejoice and this will be an impetus for the semi-physicals to begin their leap to non-physical. All eyes are on Earth and many races are doing what they can to ensure we are successful.

Earth does not interfere with free will. The first purpose of this universe is to express all possibilities including the shadow side. Earth is waiting for humanity to remember our purpose which is to love and care for our friends the animals. Every animal wants a purpose and if a horse chooses to be ridden that is its way of expressing sharing and cooperation.

The primary emphasis should be doing the inner clearing. The distractions in the news are designed to prevent this.

5. What do a problem with heels (heel thorn) and hypochondria mean as HS messages?

Someone who has read the 3 healing books by Chris Thomas should be able to answer this.

6. Why would one be afraid of chemtrails, HAARP, GMOs,...if that's not what one's HS andincarnated self want? How can one be affected if one doesn't want that?

The Higher Self works with whatever possibilities humans have created. It did not envisage chemtrails as something it wanted. But it is able to deal with anything that we can imagine. So someone imagined chemtrails and now we have to deal with them. We do this by being heart centered which, as the scientist, Harald Kautz has ably explained in his videos, makes us immune to the effects of chemtrails. When the ego is connected to the heart we become empathic and balanced and our vibrations rise above the reach of any influence on our DNA.

Earth has done her part by taking the alien black goo and converting it to a 7 chakra system which is connected to the Earth consciousness. It is now heart centered like all animals.

Earth is moving slowly to putting everything in place for a mass reintegration by those humans who have done their inner work. This slow process is designed so that as many as possible will be prepared for the change.

7. In 'Planet Earth - Universe's Experiment', on page 9, CT says: "The first phase of this universe choice lasted 395 000 million years and its choice was to start again." Now, I do not have all the CT's books, so I don't have all the information. What does it mean "...to start again."? Was there the first attempt of the creation of the Universe, and if there was, what happened?

Yes there was a first attempt and it was decided to start again. What happened is not discussed anywhere in C.T.'s books that I'm aware of..
I believe the Jane Roberts' books cover this to some extent.

8. CT agrees that there are/were pyramids on Mars. If that's true, were the beings that Mars created so advanced that they knew how to make pyramids. Why weren't they used by non-physical beings as body model then?

Earth, being the last planet to create higher life forms, decided to take the Cro' Magnon prototype rather than the evolved Cro Magnon from Mars so that she could put her own organic stamp on Cro' Magnon's development and evolution. The pyramids on Mars prove that they also had a problem with the base frequency of the planet not being high enough to support the whole non-physical soul within a physical body. They simply could not maintain the higher dimensional vibrations with whatever low frequency Schumann Resonance Mars chose to use.

9. If there are beings/people on this world who want to harm the Earth and they use they free will to help the Velon, so those Velon cannot be removed because of that, why does the Earth allow those people to stay here?

Universal free will allows every human to make that choice. Even not making a decision is a choice. Also the Velon have found ways to hide and disguise their vibrations. We can't force a person to stop channeling the Velon. It is their choice, even when they are being tricked with false love vibrations which the Velon are perfectly capable of doing. It takes experience to recognize false love and sometimes children do not have that experience so they are easily misled in seeking desperately to find a purpose in life. Sadly the Velon are only too ready to give them a sense of purpose.

10. What do non-physical beings do when they are not on Earth? What's life like up there?

Robert Monroe's trilogy beginning with Journey Out of Body gives insight into this. They explore, play sports where one soul is the ball, another is the bat, and so on. Crack the whip is a favorite sport. They have experiences but do not have the richness of experiences offered by Earth.

11. I have one more question that I forgot to ask. If you know and if you'd be so kind to tell. Eight thousand years ago the majority of souls present on Earth left in order to discuss and arrange a new way of leaving. So, seven thousand years ago, HP began. If the way we come here is through a birthing process, who gave birth to the first arrivals back then?

I am answering your final question here Sandra so that they are all together. When we left the planet to consult with our higher selves, 10% of the population volunteered to stay behind for tending to the crops and the animals. The birthing process had fully taken hold by 12,000 years ago and most of the primate/humans had become humans after 3 generations with their consent. So 10% of the population was here for birthing the new template of a split soul. We were already accustomed to splitting the soul because of the birthing of children where the whole soul has not entered the physical body until the late teens.

The only change was that the soul would remain split throughout each incarnation for the next 7,000 years so that past life memories were forgotten and not available during the lifetime. You may wonder how long it would take for us to reincarnate given only 10% of our original population was here to give birth. But you have to remember that our current birthrate of 1 or 2 children per family is an anomaly. My own grandparents, great grandparents and great, great grandparents had an average of 10 to 12 children. It is only in this past 100 years of "modern" society that birthrates have dropped. So it would only take about 3 generations to replenish the human population after the exit.

My first thoughts on this subject were how much work it must have been to bury all the corpses when the great die-off took place. Scientists have mistakenly attributed this die-off to destruction by meteors hitting the Earth. The Akashic does not record any such destruction. It was simply a choice made by the human population to leave for 1000 years in order to work out a plan, The Human Plan, for solving the problem of the loss of our higher abilities.

Those are my thoughts but others will have more insight, so I welcome additional answers from anyone who wishes to share.

26th August 2015, 17:57
Herbert, thank you for your help!

Unfortunately, I read only two healing books by CT and his wife. So, if the answers are there, my mistake I didn't find them! I can figure out the message myself to some degree, but I though someone can tell more precisely.

I have one more question that I forgot to ask. If you know and if you'd be so kind to tell. Eight thousand years ago the majority of souls present on Earth left in order to discuss and arrange a new way of leaving. So, seven thousand years ago, HP began. If the way we come here is through a birthing process, who gave birth to the first arrivals back then?

Thanks once again.

28th August 2015, 02:39
Well Herb it looks like we have more proof of the conspiracy to bury the work of Chris Thomas. I guess it's not considered "The One Truth". Hope all participating and reading this thread are able to find it. I guess I should say thank you to the mods that it has not totally disappeared. :D

28th August 2015, 02:57
There has been a reorganization of the forums that you can read about on this thread: http://jandeane81.com/threads/7680-Major-Forum-Overhaul-from-25-to-27-August-2015

The actual URL of the thread should not have changed for anyone who bookmarked it. For those who use the forum to navigate to their favorite threads, I can offer two suggestions:

1) Use the "New Posts" link under the "Home" button in the menu area to see all of the most recent posts (this is what I do personally).

2) Click on the "Quick Links" link on the same menu, and in the drop down list you'll see a link to all of the threads you have created, and all of the posts you have made. From there you should also be able to find threads you have participated in, no matter what forum they are in.

I apologize for threads being moved around but the idea is that in the long run this will actually make it easier for people to find threads, because they will actually be in forums that reflect their content, rather than scattered around haphazardly as many threads are (especially in the General Discussion forum).

28th August 2015, 04:21
Well Herb it looks like we have more proof of the conspiracy to bury the work of Chris Thomas. I guess it's not considered "The One Truth". Hope all participating and reading this thread are able to find it. I guess I should say thank you to the mods that it has not totally disappeared. :D

There is no conspiracy here, Anastasia. ;) As my colleague bsbray said, there has been a major reorganization of the forum categories in the past couple of days. If you click here (http://jandeane81.com/threads/7680-Major-Forum-Overhaul-from-25-to-27-August-2015?p=841935620&viewfull=1#post841935620), you will see the difference between the new forum layout and the old one, side by side. ;)

Now, creating new forum categories, consolidating and/or splitting up forum categories, moving the categories around inside and between the forum blocks, and giving everything a different screen order is all one thing -- and, again as bsbray said, that should not have had any impact on the URL in your browser's address bar for any of the individual threads -- but putting all the threads themselves where they belong is quite a different matter. At this point, all but two of the forum categories have been checked and now contain all that they need to contain, but the General Discussion and Off-Topic categories still need cleaning up. For that matter, General Discussion is the biggest of all the categories at The One Truth, specifically because many of our members were just dumping everything in there without even wondering what other category would be best for the subject of their threads. So for instance, there is a lot of stuff under General Discussion which is actually completely off-topic.

At this point in time, the General Discussion category still contains 1'228 threads -- we've already moved many of them over to a more appropriate location on the forum -- that we all need to wade through. Now, we don't do "quick & dirty" over here, so we look at every single one of those threads individually, and we read several posts on the thread, in order to decide on where it should best be put. As such, we have moved all of the threads which have the name Chris Thomas in their thread title out of General Discussion.

Here's the list of the Chris Thomas threads here at The One Truth and the categories that you can now find them in... (Note: each item in the table here below is a clickable link.)

Thread Title

A Brief Update from Chris Thomas (http://jandeane81.com/threads/2954-A-Brief-Update-from-Chris-Thomas)
Earth's Purpose by Chris Thomas (http://jandeane81.com/threads/3663-Earth-s-Purpose-by-Chris-Thomas)
A Brief History of Chemtrails by Chris Thomas (http://jandeane81.com/threads/3831-A-Brief-History-of-Chemtrails-by-Chris-Thomas)
A most interesting Chris Thomas Q&A article (http://jandeane81.com/threads/1798-A-most-interesting-Chris-Thomas-Q-amp-A-article)
I asked Chris Thomas for his take on Andrew Bartzis (http://jandeane81.com/threads/754-I-asked-Chris-Thomas-for-his-take-on-Andrew-Bartzis)
Chris Thomas Inter-Galactic War September 30 2013 (http://jandeane81.com/threads/727-Chris-Thomas-Inter-Galactic-War-September-30-2013)
I and some friends asked Chris Thomas 10 questions Tues. Oct. 15, 2013 (http://jandeane81.com/threads/1066-I-and-some-friends-asked-Chris-Thomas-10-questions-Tues-Oct-15-2013?highlight=Chris+Thomas)
Dec. 14, 2013 Chris Thomas Latest Energy Frequency Update (http://jandeane81.com/threads/1617-Dec-14-2013-Chris-Thomas-Latest-Energy-Frequency-Update)
Balls of Light, sometimes called Orbs - What are they? An essay by Chris Thomas (http://jandeane81.com/threads/2264-Balls-of-Light-sometimes-called-Orbs-What-are-they-An-essay-by-Chris-Thomas)
An ongoing Chris Thomas thread for those who resonate with his alternative view of reality and history (http://jandeane81.com/threads/7336-An-ongoing-Chris-Thomas-thread-for-those-who-resonate-with-his-alternative-view-of-reality-and-history)

Forum Category

Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Conspiracies & Cover-Ups (http://jandeane81.com/forums/11-Conspiracies-amp-Cover-Ups)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)
Alternative History & Reality (http://jandeane81.com/forums/73-Alternative-History-amp-Reality)

28th August 2015, 04:22
There has been a reorganization of the forums that you can read about on this thread: http://jandeane81.com/threads/7680-Major-Forum-Overhaul-from-25-to-27-August-2015

The actual URL of the thread should not have changed for anyone who bookmarked it. For those who use the forum to navigate to their favorite threads, I can offer two suggestions:

1) Use the "New Posts" link under the "Home" button in the menu area to see all of the most recent posts (this is what I do personally).

2) Click on the "Quick Links" link on the same menu, and in the drop down list you'll see a link to all of the threads you have created, and all of the posts you have made. From there you should also be able to find threads you have participated in, no matter what forum they are in.

I apologize for threads being moved around but the idea is that in the long run this will actually make it easier for people to find threads, because they will actually be in forums that reflect their content, rather than scattered around haphazardly as many threads are (especially in the General Discussion forum).

You can't pull the wool over my eyes and it is very obvious why and where you moved this thread. Seems Chris Thomas' work was getting way too much attention on this forum. While I think it is a disgrace I still thank you for at least not deleting it.

28th August 2015, 04:54
You can't pull the wool over my eyes and it is very obvious why and where you moved this thread. Seems Chris Thomas' work was getting way too much attention on this forum. While I think it is a disgrace I still thank you for at least not deleting it.

Well you are entitled to your opinion but for what it's worth I have never really paid attention to the guy or really looked at any of this stuff up until now. The threads can still be found, they're just in a forum that makes more sense than where they were before.

Also, Herbert has expressed a concern that I believe is legitimate, that having "Mythology & Alternative History" threads grouped together may send the wrong message to people who are interested in ongoing re-evaluations of conventional historical narratives. If this is part of the problem here then we can talk about that as well.

28th August 2015, 04:58
You can't pull the wool over my eyes and it is very obvious why and where you moved this thread. Seems Chris Thomas' work was getting way too much attention on this forum. While I think it is a disgrace I still thank you for at least not deleting it.

Your allegation is completely unwarranted and perilously close to full-blown paranoia, Anastasia. It was my colleague bsbray who moved over this particular thread here, but I myself was the one who moved over all the other Chris Thomas threads which I've listed above, and it has nothing, zero, zilch, nada to do with any conspiracy against Chris Thomas and his material, but everything to do with putting some order back into this forum, so that the forum becomes easier to navigate for our members, and easier to maintain for us in the staff room.

Anyway, I have provided you with the links to where you can find the other Chris Thomas-related threads, and you will find them all unscathed. If we were trying to obfuscate the Chris Thomas material for whatever crazy reason, then we wouldn't even allow you to post it. As much as I have my own thoughts about Chris Thomas' claims, I respect the man for trying to make a difference for the better, and we respect all of our members in their respective belief systems. One of my dearest friends is a Chris Thomas fan, even -- she's a member here under the name FireHorse, and she has a birthday coming up in two days, by the way.

No outside influence is ever going to forbid our members from discussing anybody's material here, so long as it's all within the scope of the Forum Rules (http://jandeane81.com/announcement.php?f=&a=1) and within the spirit of why The One founded this forum.

28th August 2015, 15:01
Does anyone know the answers to the questions I asked?

28th August 2015, 16:17
Here are Sandra's questions again for anyone familiar with the material here to answer:

1. This Universe is about 15 billion years old. What was before that time? What had been going on before this Universe was created? If the Universe was created, where the Creator had been living before that happened and what it had been doing?
2. Is the so called Jeti being actually the Cro-Magnon being?
3. Did carnivore animals kill other animals for food (as they usually do now) in the time of Atlantis? Has the food chain as we know it existed since the beginning?
4. If all the animals are the creation of the Earth, why does she allow humans to enslave, torture, kill/eat them, do horrific experiments on them without their (animals') consent? A horse doesn't want to be ridden or to pull a wagon! They are bitten and forced to do that/to obey.
5. What do a problem with heels (heel thorn) and hypochondria mean as HS messages?
6. Why would one be afraid of chemtrails, HAARP, GMOs,...if that's not what one's HS and incarnated self want? How can one be affected if one doesn't want that?
7. In 'Planet Earth - Universe's Experiment', on page 9, CT says: "The first phase of this universe choice lasted 395 000 million years and its choice was to start again." Now, I do not have all the CT's books, so I don't have all the information. What does it mean "...to start again."? Was there the first attempt of the creation of the Universe, and if there was, what happened?
8. CT agrees that there are/were pyramids on Mars. If that's true, were the beings that Mars created so advanced that they knew how to make pyramids. Why weren't they used by non-physical beings as body model then?
9. If there are beings/people on this world who want to harm the Earth and they use they free will to help the Velon, so those Velon cannot be removed because of that, why does the Earth allow those people to stay here?
10. What do non-physical beings do when they are not on Earth? What's life like up there?

Thanks in advance!

28th August 2015, 17:21
11. I have one more question that I forgot to ask. If you know and if you'd be so kind to tell. Eight thousand years ago the majority of souls present on Earth left in order to discuss and arrange a new way of leaving. So, seven thousand years ago, HP began. If the way we come here is through a birthing process, who gave birth to the first arrivals back then?

When we left the planet to consult with our higher selves, 10% of the population volunteered to stay behind for tending to the crops and the animals. The birthing process had fully taken hold by 12,000 years ago and most of the primate/humans had become humans after 3 generations with their consent. So 10% of the population was here for birthing the new template of a split soul. We were already accustomed to splitting the soul because of the birthing of children where the whole soul has not entered the physical body until the late teens.

The only change was that the soul would remain split throughout each incarnation for the next 7,000 years so that past life memories were forgotten and not available during the lifetime. You may wonder how long it would take for us to reincarnate given only 10% of our original population was here to give birth. But you have to remember that our current birthrate of 1 or 2 children per family is an anomaly. My own grandparents, great grandparents and great, great grandparents had an average of 10 to 12 children. It is only in this past 100 years of "modern" society that birthrates have dropped. So it would only take about 3 generations to replenish the human population after the exit.

My first thoughts on this subject were how much work it must have been to bury all the corpses when the great die-off took place. Scientists have mistakenly attributed this die-off to destruction by meteors hitting the Earth. The Akashic does not record any such destruction. It was simply a choice made by the human population to leave for 1000 years in order to work out a plan, The Human Plan, for solving the problem of the loss of our higher abilities.

I copied the question and Herbert's answer. Thank you, Herbert for your kind and tireless work.

bsbray, thank you for your help as well.

28th August 2015, 18:43
Does anyone know the answers to the questions I asked?

Sandra I don't recall answers to some of your questions in CT's work. Great questions though and some I have contemplated myself like what are we before we are created as souls in this universe? Herb did answer some of your questions on page 7.

28th August 2015, 21:38
Anastasia, I've read Herbert's answers. Thank you! Yes, we are the souls who search for the truth. I personally, long to find out the real truth about all the history. The deeper the past the better (the sign of cancer is like that). When I discovered CT I felt his words to be as close to the truth as one can get. Also, the giveaway is a tool which I found very powerful.

I can only guess some kind of an answer to your question - if we are created/embodied entities, we are the expressions of the creator and we return to the source at some point, then we must have been and still are that energy. Always and forever. I am very interested to know what was before this Universe. Something must have been!

30th August 2015, 15:45
Herb, I have searched and cannot find CT's essay on DNA and how the soul builds it's human body. If you have it can you post it as a new topic so it is easy to find? Thank you in advance. Maybe not an essay and is from one of his books? If you guide me I will take the time to post it. I also want to post the physical process of integration from Planet Earth. Will do it soon.

30th August 2015, 16:26
Anastasia, here you are.

http://api.ning.com/files/MsJ7T**tK5z5D6boe**bZSOURI7XmiiDapDE7n0ie4kqboWCKZ qvDsCzb8SI7xJQNHisif9cv2A9OnnpHVfWcVXPSp8P2sZW/DNA.pdf

30th August 2015, 16:47
anastasia, here you are.

http://api.ning.com/files/msj7t**tk5z5d6boe**bzsouri7xmiidapde7n0ie4kqbowckz qvdsczb8si7xjqnhisif9cv2a9onnphvfwcvxpsp8p2szw/dna.pdf

a huge thank you!

31st August 2015, 15:10
Here is the entire essay in an easy to read format


DNA – 2, 12, or 13 Strands


We are all aware of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) but very few of us actually know what it does in the cell structures of the body.

Medically; it is described as:
“The very long molecule that winds up to form a chromosome and that contains the complete code for the automatic construction of the body. The molecule has a double helix skeleton of alternating sugars (deoxyribose) and phosphates...”

But this is far from being the whole story.

In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of workshops being offered, sometimes at considerable expense, to help people raise their number of DNA strands from the traditional two to twelve.

So what is the benefit of changing our DNA in this way? Is it a benefit, or even desirable, to change the coding “for the automatic construction of the body”?

To understand these questions, we first must understand what DNA actually is.

The Construction of the Human Body

We are used to hearing from scientists that the body is a collection of cells which seem to follow some sort of pattern in which DNA plays a part and, somewhere or other, we have a consciousness.

From a religious viewpoint, we are told that we are a body that has, somewhere or other, a soul.

The terms “consciousness” and “soul” meaning very much the same thing but are used separately to differentiate between the scientific view and the religious view.
Most people believe that we are a body that has a soul (consciousness) but are unsure of where that soul is.

The reality is that we are a soul that builds for itself a body – not a body that has a soul but a soul that has a body.

In order for the soul to take on a physical body, it borrows the “etheric template” of a human body, makes a copy and begins to build the body inside the womb.

When the father’s sperm meets the mother’s egg, an automatic process is begun that is a function of the fertilisation process – the soul does not connect at this stage – all that really happens is that the egg begins to divide.

From both parents, the new foetus “borrows” some aspects of both parent’s DNA. These are basic characteristics such as skin colour and hair colour; no more than that, everything else about the foetus is determined by the soul of the incoming child.

After about 800 cell divisions, the soul of the foetus makes its first connection to the growing bundle of dividing cells. At this stage, the soul is not connected to the cells but begins to imprint the etheric template. After about 16 days, the soul’s connection to the foetus begins to strengthen and it is at this stage that DNA begins to play its role.

At this stage in a foetus’s development, DNA breaks down into 2 separate parts:

75 per cent of the total DNA is the storage of memories from past lives. If an experience in a past life needs to be resolved within the body during this lifetime, then the memories of that past life trauma are added at this point. These memories can take the form of a disability, such as a missing limb; or they can be as a result of the past life event imprinted into the body for this life. For example, if a previous life ended by your being shot to death, the memory of the bullet wounds can show themselves as moles on the skin.

The remaining 25 per cent of the total DNA is needed to construct the physical tissues of the body around the etheric template. As the foetus grows, this percentage gradually drops until, at birth, only about 10 per cent is needed to continue the body’s development. At puberty, when the body has effectively stopped growing, the percentage drops to about 3 per cent. This 3 per cent is the amount of DNA that keeps the body functioning for the remainder of its life.

When doctors claim that they have worked out how DNA works, it is this 3 per cent of which they speak whilst claiming that the remaining 97 per cent is “junk”.

However, from puberty onwards, the function of DNA breaks down like this:

75 per cent is the storage of past life memories.
3 per cent maintains the body’s physical processes.
22 per cent records memories of the events that take place in this lifetime.

Physical memories are only stored in the brain for very short term periods – only a couple of years at most. Long term memory is stored within the DNA. This is the reason why the elderly can remember very little of their recent lives but can remember their earlier life in great detail. As the cell structures of the brain begin to break down as we become older, much of the short term memory is lost whereas the long term, DNA, memory is fully intact and becomes easier for the elderly to access these memories as their brain cells become less efficient.
This is the actual make up of DNA – it is principally memory.

The Higher Self and the Physical Self

Human Being is defined, by the Earth, as a physical being that contains the whole of the soul. When we first came to Atlantis, this is the state in which humans were.

However, we encountered problems and, eventually, decided to divide the soul into two parts. The soul was to be divided into the “physical self” – about 25 per cent of the total soul and the “higher self” – the remaining 75 per cent of the soul. This division took place about 7,000 years ago and we have been in this divided state ever since (see Synthesis).

However, we set ourselves a time limit of 7,000 years to find a way to re-merge the two aspects of the soul back into the physical body. This is the process we are currently undergoing.

To understand what this means, we need to take a further look at the body/soul connection.

As can be seen from earlier, the soul begins to make a very tentative connection with the growing foetus at about 800 cell divisions following egg fertilisation. The connection of the soul to the developing foetus remains limited until about 16 weeks into the pregnancy. As the foetus develops in the womb, all of the past life memories or disabilities are incorporated. After about 16 weeks, the soul decides whether all of the memories to be incorporated into the foetus have worked correctly. If they have not incorporated correctly, the foetus is miscarried. If incorporated correctly, the soul begins to draw itself into the body.

This drawing into the body by the soul has three stages:

At about 16 weeks, the foetus is given life and begins to respond to the mother.
At birth, or just before, enough of the soul is drawn into the body to be independent of the mother.
At puberty, the final piece of the soul, that is to be incorporated into the body for this lifetime, is drawn in.

The soul is not located in a particular region of the body; the soul infuses every single body cell. The body takes the shape of the soul and the soul inhabits the body. Or at least, the “physical aspect” of the soul inhabits the body; the “higher aspect”, or higher self, remains outside of the physical body but very closely connected with it.

However, in this lifetime, we are re-writing the rules.

Between now and the end of 2012, we are undergoing a process whereby we are drawing the higher self into the body – soul re-integration – and this process has repercussions for our DNA.

[please note interferences by the Velon race with human activity have meant Earth has prolonged indefinitely the period leading up to full soul integration so that more humans have time to prepare through their own inner clearings of emotional blocks]

Changes to DNA

As noted above, we are used to having two strands to the DNA helix. This is because we have been living a series of lifetimes in order to learn how to bring the whole soul back into the body – The Human Plan.

The Human Plan has been worked with for the past 7,000 years by every soul who has decided to take on a physical body on Earth.

In order to carry out this Plan, we have experienced everything that there is to experience whilst living on Earth in a physical body.

As we have undergone each experience, we have stored those experiences as memories in the 22 per cent of our DNA designed to so do. As we have completed each lifetime, we have reviewed our memories, with our higher selves, and transferred the important or relevant memories into the 75% of our DNA that stores our memories of our past lives.

By the time we moved on to our next life, we kept the past life memories but wiped clean the 22 per cent needed for our new life time. As we move forwards into soul reintegration, and incorporate the higher aspect of the soul, we need to make room for the memories that the higher aspect has stored. These additional memories are everything that has ever happened to us since we were first Created. These are all of the memories of the times before we came to Earth and took on a physical body as well as all of the memories of the times between physical lifetimes.

Incorporating these “higher” memories into the physical body requires a huge amount of additional physical memory storage.

In other words, we need to build more strands to our DNA.

Over the past twenty years or so, there have been an increasing number of articles in medical journals warning that many children are now being born with a “mutation”.
This mutation is seen in children being born with anything up to five strands to their DNA helix.

Given the moronic level of understanding of the scientific community, they do not see this change to our DNA as being positive and a natural progression but rather as a genetic mutation that will wipe out the human race.

Most people will know these children with the additional DNA as “Indigo Children”, “Star Children” or “Rainbow Children”.

What makes these children so special is that they are being born with a higher percentage of their souls already incorporated into their bodies. They are here to show us that change on this scale is “normal”.

What the scientists see as a “dangerous” mutation to their DNA is in fact a child born with a greater knowledge of itself, its origins and its past lives - an extremely positive step.

As far as those of us who were born with two strands to our DNA spiral, and are in the process of undergoing soul re-integration, are concerned, the picture is a little different. As we begin to incorporate more of our higher selves in to the physical body, we begin to download the memories the higher self holds. As we download these memories, our DNA naturally begins to expand.

The more of our higher selves we incorporate, the more memories we can access and the more strands to our DNA we build. It is a natural process and cannot be forced. We cannot build more strands to our DNA without bringing in more of the soul.

This is why these workshops that promise to teach you how to build up to 12 strands to your DNA are a sham. You cannot build more DNA without bringing in more of the soul and you can only bring in more of the soul when you are ready and it is your higher self who will determine when you are ready.

It makes no difference how many meditations you do, if your higher self believes that you are not yet ready then you cannot change and you cannot build more DNA.

The reason for these DNA expanding workshops and therapies is that there is an agenda behind them and the agenda is not helpful to you or to humanity – see later.

So how many strands of DNA will we eventually build?

When we were on Atlantis, and incorporated the whole of the soul within the physical body, we had our full compliment of DNA memories intact. This full-memory DNA amounted to 13 strands to the DNA helix.

It is extremely unlikely that those of us who are currently undergoing the process of soul re-integration will be able to build the full complement of 13 strands. It is more likely that we will achieve a total of 12 strands. This situation of being 1 strand short of the optimum is not a failing on our part. Neither does it mean that we will not have incorporated the whole of the soul.

The reason is to do with our physical natures.

On Atlantis, we had the whole soul within the body which meant that our bodies were much lighter in physical density than we have been used to for the past 7,000 years. During the past 7,000 years of The Human Plan, we have become much more physically dense than we planned – this has been to do with the energies of the Earth and not a failing on our part.

However, because of this increase in physical density, we will not be able to raise the body’s frequencies sufficiently high enough to be returned to the lightness of density we were on Atlantis.

Remember, this is not a failing on our part, just a consequence of our physical lives.

Many of the “Indigo Children” will be able to achieve the full complement of 13 strands but this is because they planned their lives that way. Those who are born after we have completed our soul re-integration will also have the full 13 strands.

But for those of us who have fought the battle to find our answers and bring us to the point where soul re-integration is achievable, the “war wounds” of our journey mean that we are only likely to achieve 12 strands. The missing strand should be seen as “battle honours” and not a failing.

A Hidden Agenda

In 2005, the scientific world announced in a fanfare of headlines that they had succeeded in mapping the whole of the human genome. A task so monumental that it had taken three years to complete by numerous laboratories around the world and was the first step in science eradicating all human illness.


Most of us are familiar with the American television series CSI – Crime Scene Investigators which, every week, tells us that each individual has a unique DNA. DNA evidence is accepted by every criminal court in the world as the absolute proof of someone’s guilt of committing a crime.

So how can the mapping one person’s DNA provide the key to all of humanity’s illness?

Answer – it doesn’t.

As we saw above, 97 per cent of our adult DNA is memory and each of the memories stored are unique to that individual; so the mapping of one person’s DNA only tells them about that one person – even if they could understand what it was they were looking at. So apart from this “minor” detail, there are two other reasons why the Genome Project was not for the benefit of mankind.

The first is to do with the reasons for the Genome Project in the first place and the second is to do with the actual body cell and DNA that was mapped.

The Genome Project

We have been led to believe that our genes control everything that happens within the body and if the whole genome could be understood, all illnesses could be eradicated, our lives would be magnificently enhanced and we would live for ever.

But where did this concept of the genes originate?

The Genome Project was the pinnacle of research that has been underway since the mid 1800’s only, when the research was started; it had a different name – Eugenics.

In simple terms, Eugenics is about creating a “master race” of humans – the “Aryan Race”.

Aryan’s are tall, blonde and white skinned, all other skin and hair colours were considered to be inferior, undesirable and to be removed from the human race. If you were tall, white and blonde, your place on Earth would be assured all other people would be killed or, by selective breeding, their traits would be removed from the human race.

Two countries embraced the concepts of Eugenics more than any others and they were America and Germany.

Although the American Eugenics Society was the most powerful mover in their search for the master race, all other countries had influential people who were, if not fully supportive, did not object to the ideals; very quietly, where America led with Eugenic research, the “elite” of all other countries supported them.

So why is it that the human master race is personified by tall, blonde “Nordics”?

To answer this question, we need to look at the work of Zecharia Sitchin.

The Annunaki

For a more complete explanation of what follows, see Project Human Extinction and The Annunaki Plan? or the Human Plan?

Zecharia Sitchin was an expert in ancient Sumerian writing known as cuneiform writing.

Over the years, archaeologists have unearthed a huge number of clay tablets in the region of ancient Sumeria – modern day Iraq and Iran.
Sitchin became interested in one of the stories that was told on some of these clay tablets.

A very brief outline of Sitchin’s translations is this:

A rogue planet entered our solar system on a 3,600 year orbit. On its first pass through our solar system, it caused a great deal of damage to the existing planets and also became trapped by the sun’s gravity field and joined the other planets within the solar system. This planet is known as Nibiru. The inhabitants of Nibiru are a race of beings who call themselves Annunaki.

Following the first few disastrous orbits through our solar system, the Annunaki realised that they had a problem with their atmosphere and in order to repair the damage, they needed large quantities of gold. They searched through the planets of our solar system and discovered that the Earth contained more gold deposits than any other planet. Following this discovery, the Annunaki came to Earth and began extracting gold from sea water. They soon realised that there was not enough gold in sea water to meet their requirements and so built gold mines.

After a period of time, those Annunaki who were mining the gold, began to complain about the hard work involved and insisted that something be done about it. Those in charge of the Annunaki on Earth, known as Enki and Enlil, set about creating a new form of life that could be used as slave labour in the gold mines. Enki takes overall charge of the slave project and sets about blending Annunaki DNA with the DNA of one of the early human forms – probably Homo erectus. Eventually, Enki is successful and creates a short; dark skinned being who the Annunaki call adamu and sets them to work in the gold mines. The adamu prove to be very successful at their task and gold production increases.

In the meantime, some of the Annunaki find the adamu females very attractive and mate with them. This mating produces an Annunaki hybrid that is more like the Annunaki in appearance – tall, blonde Nordics. By mating in this way, a racial conflict begins to arise as the hybrid adamu/Annunaki feel that they are above the dark skinned adamu and should hold equal status and equal rights with the Annunaki – their “creator gods”.

There is much more to the story than we have room for here and Sitchin insists that the Annunaki/adamu story is the basis of the Old Testament.

As can be seen from this very brief summary of the Annunaki fantasy story, the basic concepts behind Eugenics originates in the idea of short, dark people being inferior humans only fit to be slaves; whereas those who are tall, blonde and Nordic are made in their god’s image and are far superior.

So how did a 5,000 year old story become the ideal human sought by scientists?

The answer lies with the Illuminati – again, see Project Human Extinction for a fuller explanation than we have room for here.

The Illuminati

There is only one truth in the Annunaki story and that is that the Annunaki have visited Earth.

The Annunaki are one of six races that are part of a race the Akashic records as the Velon.

The Velon originate in a galaxy that is 33 galaxies distant from ours. The six races call themselves: Annunaki, Hathor, Oa, Mila, Jjundaa and Johnaan.

As a race, the Velon kept themselves very much to themselves and remained within their home galaxy.

About 1,000 years ago, they discovered an energy flow that was just outside of their galaxy and that energy flow led them to Earth.

For an unknown reason, the Velon began to see themselves as “god’s chosen people” and that they should live on “god’s chosen planet” which was Earth. Again there is very much more to this story than we have room for here but, ultimately, the Velon teamed up with Amschel Rothschild and became the Illuminati.

Since 1776, when the Illuminati were formed, the Velon have been in control whilst the Annunaki have virtually taken control of every aspect of life on Earth.

The Annunaki story claiming that they were humanity’s creator gods has been a fundamental part of the Illuminati’s thinking. As each “elite” group has been taken over by the Illuminati, the Annunaki story has taken on greater prominence and has been adopted and believed by more and more people and has, gradually, become a very firm belief of all of the elite who are under Illuminati control.

But is there any truth in the Annunaki fantasy story? No.

The Annunaki story is the blending together of the history of the Velon solar system and some of the experiences of a small group of humans. A very brief explanation follows. For more details of this explanation, see The Annunaki Plan? or the Human Plan?

Modern humans did not originate in Africa; Australo Pithicus Afarensis (Lucy) is not a direct ancestor.

Modern humans (Cro-Magnon man) [In their pre-human form prior to the evolutionary upgrades we performed on Atlantis beginning 85,000 years ago] appeared on Earth about 3.6 million years ago and were present in all regions of the planet.

One group that have had an influence on human written history lived in a region of northern Iraq and southern Turkey. In this region is the ancient city of Ur of the Chaldeas where the biblical figure of Abraham lived. Abraham is often known as the father of the three major religions and this is why some aspects of the Annunaki story relate to human life.

Near to the city of Ur is an ancient site known as Gobekli Tepe. This site is currently being excavated and archaeologists consider it to be the oldest human building dating back 14,000 years. Originally, the local inhabitants called this region Eden.

The people who lived in this region were hunter gatherers who were invaded by a group of people who came from “the north”. These northern invaders were much bigger, stronger and more aggressive than the locals.

These northerners were probably some variation on an early human prototype known as Gigantopithicus and were tall with blond hair and a fair skin – tall blonde Nordics.

These northern invaders took over the local people and forced them into slavery. They also mated with the local women producing a pale skinned hybrid.

Eventually, the local people attacked the northern invaders and killed all of them.

Following this massacre, the people of Eden moved south into Sumeria and Egypt, taking the story of their experiences with them.

What the Annunaki have done, in putting together their fantasy story, is to blend together the experiences of those who originally lived in Eden and their own solar system history to create the story laid down in cuneiform writing on clay tablets and translated by Zecharia Sitchin.

In other words, there is no factual basis behind the Annunaki story. The Annunaki are not our creator gods, humans are not a slave race and all of the wonderful variations in skin and hair colour that exists amongst humans is perfectly natural. All humans are equal – nobody is lesser than another.

Nevertheless, the Illuminati believe the Annunaki fantasy and see the Aryan form as being superior to all other hair and skin colours – the origin of Eugenics and the reason for the Genome Project.


Despite these beliefs in the Annunaki being humanity’s creator gods, the Velon/Annunaki have been unable to prove their claims. They have tried mating with human females and failed and they have tried building a new form of human from scratch and failed. Because of these failures, they persuaded the Illuminati to begin their Eugenics project.

This project was a combination of racial cleansing – think of all the experiments carried out on black prisoners and black hospital patients carried out in America and you will have some idea of the scale of what the Illuminati attempted.

However, not all such experiments were carried out in America; the most direct human experiments were carried out in Germany between the two world wars. When Adolph Hitler came to power, these experiments were extended into the concentration camps.

With the end of WW2, and the world realised the horrors that the concentration camps held, there was a realisation amongst the Illuminati that if they were to continue with the Velon/Annunaki wishes, they needed to distance themselves away from Hitler’s atrocities.

In order to create distance, they changed the name from Eugenics to Genetics. Genetics is described as the study of all living things on a DNA level. However, the real reason for genetic research is, ultimately, to build a new master race that the Velon/ Annunaki can use as slaves.

Scientists understand very little about the structures and functions of DNA; after all, they believe 97 per cent of DNA to be “junk”.

Science began their research into DNA by starting with simple insects and vegetables. As they have progressed through their experiments, the results of their meddling with DNA have produced Genetically Modified Foods, mainly vegetables, and the cloning of some animals. More recently, they have begun to develop methods of manipulation that are known as Nano-technology – this is where atoms are moved around within molecules to alter the basic structure of virtually anything.

In more recent years, these atomic manipulation techniques have resulted in the creation of bacteria that have been built from scratch. In other words, scientists have created new life in their laboratories.

Attempts have been made to create alterations to the DNA of all species, including man, and this is what the Genome Project has really been about – how to build a new form of human in a laboratory.

Fortunately, there are two problems with working on human cells when they are no longer in a live body.

The first is that it has proven impossible to keep human cells alive for more than a few days, in a growth culture, once they are detached from the body. The reason for this is that every single body cell is infused with the energy of the soul. Once body cells are removed from the body, the soul is no longer in contact with them. When this happens, the cell cannot survive without the soul’s energies and the cells die.

The second reason is to do with the way in which DNA works.

When a cell is approaching the end of its life, it reproduces an exact copy of itself, including the DNA it contains. During the course of a lifetime, each cell copies itself many, many times. However, there is a limit to how many times DNA can be copied as there is a “copy limit” built into the DNA structure. This copy limit is known as telomeres and is a sequence attached to each chromosome. These sequences set a limit to how many times a cell, and the DNA it contains, can copy itself – a kind of built in lifespan which cannot be extended or changed. So even if cells could be kept alive outside of the body, they would still quickly die as the telomeres cannot be overcome.

In addition to all of this, there is another peculiar circumstance that has effectively destroyed every attempt to study and map human body cells and DNA effectively.

HeLa Cells

Given the impossibility of keeping human body cells alive once they have been removed from the body, scientists were astonished when they found one set of human cells that are capable of replicating themselves to an infinite degree and they never die.

For all people who believe that one individual is not capable of making a difference, read on because this lady has single-handedly stopped the Velon/Annunaki/Illuminati plans for building a new human slave race in its tracks.

The term HeLa derives from the first two letters of the first and last names of a lady called Henrietta Lacks.

Henrietta was born in Roanoke, Virginia in America on the 18th August 1920. She was descended from a slave family and lived in very poor living conditions. Despite this background she seems to have been a very happy and generous woman who was loved by all who knew her.

In February of 1951, she was diagnosed as suffering from cervical cancer. Unfortunately for Henrietta, cancer treatment at the time was even more barbaric than it is today.

As part of her diagnosis, two samples were surgically removed from her cervix – one of healthy, non-cancerous cells and one of the cancer cells.

The healthy cells were put into a growth medium but they died after a couple of days. The cancer cells, however, did something very different.

Henrietta had the standard treatment for cancer that was available at the time. A vial of radium was sewn into her cervix and left there for a number of days. She also received a large number of x-ray treatments. The combination of these two treatments meant that the skin of her abdomen was burnt black and “crispy” and her body became riddled with new cancer growths.

Because of these treatments, Henrietta Lacks died on the 4th of October 1951, seven months following her diagnosis.

(If you wish to know more about Henrietta Lacks’ remarkable story see: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot published by Pan Macmillan, London 2010. ISBN 978-0-330-53344-7)

Her cells, however, live on to this day.

When Henrietta’s cells were put into growth culture, they grew and then they continued to grow. Because of this unique ability, every single laboratory that carries out research into human cells and DNA use HeLa cells as the basis for their research.

The biggest problem with HeLa cells is that they will not stop growing and, in addition, they appear to have become capable of travelling through the air. If a laboratory has used HeLa cells, then everything within the laboratory becomes contaminated with them. The only way of getting rid of them would be to demolish the laboratory, build a new one and start again and even then lack of contamination cannot be guaranteed as virtually all cell stocks and growth mediums are also contaminated world-wide.

The repercussions for Eugenics and Genetic research is horrendous because no laboratory is “clean”, they are all contaminated by HeLa cells.

So, is contamination by HeLa cells so bad?

Well, look at it this way. The whole purpose of Eugenics, Genetics and the Genome Project is to build a new master race of tall, white, blonde people. Henrietta was short, black and a woman who had cancer; hardly the ideal from which to model the new master race as far as the Velon/Annunaki/Illuminati are concerned.

By Henrietta’s soul modifying the cells that were removed from her, she has single-handedly destroyed the plans of the Geneticists and rendered all research into the human genome as void.

You see, the cell from which the DNA was removed for mapping for the Genome Project was a HeLa cell and nobody realised it at the time. The Genome Project has been rendered totally useless and the plans of the Velon/ Annunaki/Illuminati have been stopped totally and, because of the contamination of laboratories, the Genome Project cannot be carried out again – ever.

So the author bows his head to Henrietta Lacks in thanks for her sacrifice; the human race owes you a debt of gratitude for your foresight and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.


All of this means that the plans of the Velon/ Annunaki/Illuminati failed and failed spectacularly.

In addition to this failure, the whole of the genome concept was thrown into disarray when, a few days after the completion of the Genome Project was announced, a young genetic researcher made another discovery that was to cause even more problems for scientists.

This young geneticist had been working to help a patient who had been diagnosed with a “genetic illness”. Analysis of the patient’s DNA had shown up a “defect” on a particular chromosome that was believed to be responsible for the patient’s physical symptoms. What the geneticist was attempting to do was to isolate the chromosome and see if it was possible to correct it.

In the meantime, the patient was receiving the usual drug treatments but was also having a physical therapy as well. Following a crisis in the patient’s family life where he had to take strong and immediate action, it was found that the chromosome had built a “patch” over the damaged area which removed the symptoms of illness.

This meant that the Human Genome Project had also failed on this level as using one person’s genes to create this map meant that the kinds of chromosomal defect this patient had would not have been shown up on their gene “map” and would not have been of any value in diagnosis or treatment of the patient’s problems.


This “discovery” has opened up an entirely new direction of genetic research known as “Epi-genetics” – the prefix “epi” means “beyond”.

For those who understand the concepts of DNA being 97 per cent memory, the patient being able to heal himself of a so-called genetic illness, should come as no surprise.

The “genetic” problem should be seen as a past life problem that was unresolved.

When the patient’s soul “downloaded” the patient’s past life memories, this unresolved issue was transferred to this lifetime where the patient’s higher self would place the patient into a situation where, by resolving what was occurring in this life time, the patient would also resolve the past life situation.

Remember, 75 per cent of all DNA is past life memory making “genetic illnesses”, chromosomal damage, an unresolved issue from a previous life. By following his higher self’s guidance in this lifetime, by resolving his family crisis, he completed the task left unfinished from that previous life. By doing this successfully, the past life memory was switched off and the symptoms of illness caused by those memories disappeared.

This is how all illnesses are cured. If you listen to the promptings of your higher self and fully resolve the situation you find yourself in, ALL symptoms of illness will be cured and not return (see Everything You Always Wanted to Know... and The Sequel to Everything).

This situation with the Genome Project and the realisation that genes can be repaired by positive action left the Velon/Annunaki/ Illuminati with a major problem.

Instead of the Genome Project moving their ideal of building an Aryan super race forwards, they were unable to move forwards and a total rethink of their situation was required.

The Velon then came up with a new solution – DNA used directly from “donors”.

The Stealing of Memories

This returns us to the start of this essay: is the promise of DNA cleansing or reconstruction beneficial?

The Velon/Annunaki/Illuminati plans failed so the Velon looked for a new solution to how they could achieve their long-term goals of creating a slave race.

They realised that using one person’s DNA was not the answer and so began a new approach where they would take someone’s DNA and try to construct a body around their memories.

The Velon do have traditions within their own cultures of making use of genetics – see The Human Soul.

The Velon have developed technology that is centred on the use of what they call “Me’s” (pronounced may). These Me’s are a little like our computer hard drives but can be considerably more complex than anything we have developed on Earth.

For example: the Velon do not have children; they do not reproduce. The bodies of the Velon are, effectively, immortal and self re-generating. However, they do have a liking for children and see them as a necessary part of Velon culture. The way in which they generate children is this:

An adult decides that he would like to totally regenerate his body and so “downloads” his soul into a Me. His body is recycled and not used again.

The next stage is that the Me builds a new body but of child size – this is not truly a child’s body as we would understand it but an adult in miniature. Once the “child’s” body has been built, the Me then begins to download the soul into the new body. The soul of the person regenerating is in control at all times and so can programme the Me to build a new adult body or to generate a child’s body whose development can be halted at any stage.

In this way, the individual Velon can remain at any age below adult for as long a period as he chooses.

The Velon are a semi-physical race and their bodies are much less dense than ours. Their bodies are also, in many ways, considerably less complex than ours. For example: the Velon are 35 million years old. They can and do regenerate and build new bodies from time to time but the soul does not download memories into their DNA as we do on Earth.

The semi-physical races have the whole of the soul within the body and the memories of their existence are held within the soul itself. They do not have a need for DNA as they do not need to store their memories anywhere else.

The semi-physical races do have their version of DNA but it is more comparable with the 3 per cent humans need to run the body when adult.

Because the Velon do not have experience of dealing with human DNA, they need examples from people in order to familiarise and programme their Me’s so that they can then go on to build their Aryan slave race.

This is why there has been such an explosion of web sites offering workshops or therapies to either cleanse or expand your DNA – they are set up by the Velon to, for want of a better word, steal peoples’ DNA.

So how do we know this is Velon?

There are two answers to this question.

The first is to do with the methods used by those who run these workshops.

The second is to do with the process of soul re-integration.

DNA Workshops

To look at one of these web sites offering DNA cleansing chosen at random from the dozens available.

There are key phrase that need to be looked out for:

“5th dimensional technology”
“Vacuum up soul memories”

According to the Akashic, over at least the past 50 years, at least 90 per cent of ALL channelled material has originated from, or has been interfered with by, the Velon.

If the DNA workshop you are considering going to advertises that the methods or technologies used are from channelled sources then those sources will have been the Velon.

5th dimensional technology is a phrase that was originally channelled by the Velon.

We are used to our 3 dimensional world (with time possibly being seen as a 4th dimension) that anything beyond the 3 dimensions is seen as being something good, something to be aspired to.

The 3 dimensions we are used to are physical dimensions, usually expressed as length, depth and height. But when used in this sense, a dimension is not a physical measure but a measure of energy frequencies.

By using the phrase “5th dimensional”, the Velon are attempting to fool us into believing that they are leading us to somewhere exotic.

As a psychic surgeon, the author has explored the energetic nature of the human body for over thirty years and can state with confidence that the human body actually contains 13 dimensions. To state that someone will expand your consciousness to the 5th dimension means that they are raising your consciousness to about the level of your navel.

The expression “vacuum up soul memories” tells you exactly what the workshop or therapy is up to – removing your DNA.

To exist as a human being, we need our entire DNA as it contains all of the memories of who we are and what we have been. If we lose those memories, we lose our sense of self, our sense of identity, making it very much harder to undergo the process of soul re-integration – see below.

Soul Re-integration

Many people still seem to be under the impression that the only way in which we can develop further as a human is to leave the planet by moving to a 5th dimension and, somehow, a new Earth will be built for us in this 5th dimension.

This is totally incorrect and is part of the Velon plans to remove humans off the planet so that the Velon can inhabit the Earth.

To achieve our greater “enlightenment”, we must remain on Earth otherwise the last 85,000 years of human history would have been utterly pointless.
So no, we are not going anywhere. We are not “Ascending” to a 5th or any other dimension not accessible on Earth.

What we are doing is bringing the whole of the soul back into the physical body.
It has taken us all of the 7,000 years of The Human Plan to work out how we achieve that and we are at the time where all of the lessons we have learned along the way are to be put into practice.

In order to achieve soul re-integration, we need all of our memories intact. Everything that we have learned, individually and collectively, is stored in our DNA. If we do not have our entire DNA fully intact, all of our memories fully intact, then soul re-integration becomes impossible.

However, our DNA does not contain ALL of our memories. Our physical DNA only contains the memories of our experiences whilst we are physical.

The memories of our existence of the times when we were out of body and of the times of our existence before we came to Earth are stored within our higher selves.

As we clear ourselves out of emotional debris, in preparation for full soul re-integration, we allow our higher self to begin entering the physical body. As the higher self begins to move in, it begins to download our personal non-physical memories and creates new DNA to store it.

This is why the so-called Indigo Children have more DNA strands than the two we are used to – they have more of their memories already intact.

As stated above, those of us who are living through the soul re-integration process will probably only be able to fully reconstruct 12 strands to our DNA – this is not a failing, just an aspect of the hard work we have done.

The full compliment of DNA is 13 strands and those who are born after the end of 2012 will have all of those strands intact.

However, it must be understood that there are no short cuts for our memory reconstruction. Nobody can take you through an exercise or a workshop or wave their hands over your head to give you 12 strands or 13 strands.

Memory, DNA, reconstruction can only occur as your higher self re-integrates into your body. Without your higher self re-integrating, you cannot change your DNA and so the workshops etc. that offer the promise of DNA reconstruction are run by people who do not understand how the body and soul function or they have been misled by the Velon as the Velon “vacuums out” your DNA.

Only the individual can bring themselves to a point where they can re-integrate their soul back into the body – there are no short cuts, no easy fixes. Only when your higher self thinks that you are ready can this process begin.

Do Not Panic
If you have attended any of these workshops or therapies offering either to clean out your DNA or to reconstruct 12 strands to your DNA, do not panic – there is an answer.
Too many people want an easy answer to the kind of change we are undergoing and are prepared to try almost anything to avoid doing any work on themselves and so these kinds of workshops or therapies will always find people who are prepared to pay the fees and fall for the con.

If you are one of these people, there is a way to undo any damage that has been done to you.

What is needed is that you make as strong a connection with your higher self as is possible. This is best achieved by meditation – no workshops are needed for this, it is easily achieved by yourself.
These meditations are printed in Synthesis – see author’s note.


We are at a time of massive change. Nobody has ever stood where we are currently standing. The achievement of our long awaited goal of soul re-integration can only be achieved by each individual. There are no easy fixes and nobody can do it for you.

But, we are not on our own; all we need to do is to fully connect with our higher self and listen to what our higher self has to say.

The soul is not a hard task-master; your soul wants you to undergo soul-reintegration – this is why we are in physical form at this time. Everyone who is in a physical body can achieve this re-integration; nobody is excluded.

It is not a difficult process, it just requires a little application and ensuring that your body has the correct nutrients to help it through and all will happen as it needs to in the time that it needs to.

Trust the inner voices of your soul, your higher self.

Author’s note
The meditations mentioned are not included in this essay; to have done so would have been as bad as offering to do everything for you. Yes, it might sell more books but the royalties made from each book sale averages about 50p – hardly a way of getting rich quickly.

The author has been working as a psychic and psychic surgeon for about 30 years. He has carried out extensive research into the workings of the body and diets and medical research as well as who and what is behind the New World Order and what their aims are during this 30 year period. He can access the Akashic at will.

3rd September 2015, 18:48
This is a follow-up presentation to Chris Thomas' essay on our changing DNA and how it is awakening us to who we really are.

As our consciousness expands into the higher dimensions of awareness, we find that time speeds up and Earth responds by expanding her own energies physically.

It is not gravity that holds us to the planet, it is consciousness which scientists have labelled electromagnetic energy.

Souls attract and expand according to their dimensional energies.


The higher self, the light body, edits our DNA all the time. Genes are not governed by on off switches, but more as dimmer switches.


12 Strands of DNA – Our Spiritual Heritage
By Kate A. Spreckley

For years science has recognized that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have a further ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for many centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, have identified them as ‘junk’ DNA.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains all the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living things. The main role of DNA is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells.The DNA segments that carry genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes or are involved in regulating the use of genetic information.

Our DNA is therefore our personal blueprint and as such contains all our mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information.

The original Human Being had 12 Strands [13 according to the Akashic] of DNA actively working and maintaining the full function of the Human as a Spiritual Being. With our over preoccupation with left brained thinking and the closing down of our heart centers, these ‘extra’ DNA strands have been lost. The consequences of this loss are that we live in a spiritually deficient society and our intuitive and healing abilities have been hugely reduced. It has also resulted in us only accessing and using a very small part of our brains.

The human body is very valuable. It stores and holds a wealth of information, wisdom and knowledge on every aspect of ourselves, our world and all of life. Combinations of intelligence are stored within the Human and a great amount of data is stored inside the body. Inside our bodies are the formulas required to replicate other forms of intelligence throughout the Universe.

At conception, we receive, from our two different bloodlines (our parents) certain matched and paired recessive genes. These genes hold light codes that give us the highest opportunity for accessing and developing our Spiritual abilities and for healing the damaged and wounded aspects of our Soul.

At the same time these genes hold memories which have created blocks to our path to oneness and initiated our deep-rooted feelings of separation, separation from our true essence and our Creator. This memory of separation has forced us to created experiences and situations where we are given the opportunity to heal ourselves, our world and our separations.

As a Soul we carefully picked and chose our parents and their bloodlines in order to facilitate experiences and situations that will enable us to heal ourselves. We have therefore handpicked our own DNA structures and the possible opportunities to activate and awaken further strands of DNA.
The energy of our Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts and into higher levels of consciousness. As the Earth raises Her vibration, we as Human Beings are being given many opportunities to raise our vibration.

This shift is being referred to as the Ascension [As Chris Thomas has pointed out, the term ‘Ascension’ originated with channelling ‘new age’ deceptions from the Velon. It is in fact reintegration of our higher selves into our physical bodies that we are experiencing] and there are many people around the world who are experiencing confusion and chaos in their worlds. Yet in this seeming chaos and confusion lie great opportunities for us to grow, expand and evolve.

One of the most exciting aspects of our evolutionary process is the retooling of our DNA. Cosmic light encoded rays from our Creator have been coming into our Earth stimulating change and reordering our Human bodies. As the light encoded filaments are absorbed into our being our scattered DNA is being activated and reformed into new helixes or strands of DNA and being reordered into bundles.

As this rebundling and reordering progresses we create a more evolved nervous system that facilitates new information and data to move into our consciousness. Many of our dormant brain cells are being awoken and we are being able to access our full body potential. As our bodies fill with more light so our memories are opened and we evolve as our DNA evolves into conscious Multidimensional Beings.

Our 12 strands of DNA activate and connect to our 12 Chakra points, energy doorways through which we access our Spiritual heritage. The 12 strands of DNA serve as links through the 12 chakras to the energy web outside of our bodies. The 12 chakras act as energetic doorways into our body connecting us to the vital forces of existence. It is through opening and activating these portals of energy that we can begin to truly know ourselves.

As all 12 strands of DNA are now forming, whatever issues we have not dealt with and peacefully cleared in our personal history, will create chaos. [This is where many people are finding the Giveaway or something like it is a valuable tool for clearing blocked energies to allow for a smoothly flowing energetic integration] Feelings and memories are emerging offering us an opportunity to experience the fabric of our being and revealing who we are through the events and beliefs that are intricately woven into us.

Our task is to awaken, activate and unite all 12 creating the spinning of the 12. This spinning of the 12 strands of DNA and 12 chakra points will draw to us energies that will intermingle and move throughout our beings activating and awakening the many different aspects of ourselves. This will trigger new versions, understandings and meanings to all the events in our lives and our world.

Our 12 chakras are collections of energy where events can emerge. They hold memory and identity and each corresponds to a strand of DNA. These 12 energy centers must be accessed from within where we can feel the data corresponding with and translating our experiences within the context of our minds.

By opening our hearts and minds all the answers to the great mysteries will be found within. We are required to step out of our current belief systems and to create new belief systems as the mind is structured to evolve and form our experiences based on what we command. Our mind is not our master; we are the masters of our own minds. The mind is but a tool to be used to create reality and nothing more.

By consciously working with the waves of energy and light moving into our Earth, we are able to realize and understand that the transformation of this planet is based upon the healing and power of our minds.

Activating the full 12 DNA strands will create a connection between our human genetic coding and give us access to all knowledge and wisdom. This is the awareness and understanding of who we truly are.

In activating all 12 strands of DNA we create an alignment within ourselves allowing us to gently shift into much higher vibrational levels and frequency of light, helping our ascension process by further awakening our human consciousness.


Our DNA is mutating, no doubt about it. The old human species is evolving at a very high rate. We are regaining the lost DNA strands and we will consciously reconnect to the source. Nothing can and nothing will stop this process, because the Creation will make it manifest.

Our mission is to accept the new energy that is being sent to us and help the Creation modify our physical bodies. Do not fight evolution! Accept and embrace it! We are shaping -as we speak- the new human race.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” - Albert Einstein

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
– Nikola Tesla

The Spiritual Connection

As scientific research has now proven, our DNA, shown on this page in the familiar double helix configuration, holds the genetic codes for your physical and emotional evolution. Still to be discovered by science is the fact that your DNA has a much greater purpose than simply being a blueprint for your body.

The Genome Project decoded only approximately 3% of the total physical DNA. The remaining 97% was then termed “junk”, inferring it has no purpose. The truth is that the human body is extremely efficient and anything that is of no use becomes atrophied and is evolved out of existence within a few generations.

If 97% of our DNA is junk, why do we still have it?

That so-called “junk DNA” in your body contains all your history since you first incarnated onto this planet, many lifetimes ago. It’s where your Akashic record, the record of your Soul, resides.

Our DNA has been called a living library because of the wealth of information stored on it.

There are ten additional strands of DNA, or five double helix strands, which were disconnected or de-activated eons ago. Science has yet to discover these strands, although they have seen the shadows of them on their electronic microscopes.

They call them “shadow DNA”. With 12 Strands of DNA activated, you have access to ten times the information available from your DNA.

These additional strands encompass the following areas of your life:

- Connection to God / Supreme Creator;

– Inner vision, receiving messages from spiritual guidance;

– Communication, both physical and spiritual;

– Love, both human and Divine;

– Physical Body;

– Life force energy (Chi) and personal will;

Signs of spiritual progress

Thirst for clean water:

The new intracellular electromagnetic connections in your body will naturally encourage you to drink more pure water. This results in a more pure body, free of toxins. Your body will be working with a greater number of electromagnetic connections and needs to be properly hydrated to ensure clear, strong communication between you and your spirit guides.

Hunger for pure food:

Your cravings for food will change effortlessly to that which is more pure and has a greater nutritional content, such as organic and raw foods. This process will be effortless, almost seeming to be automatic.

Greater health:

You’ll have a clearer, stronger connection to your body and will be able to communicate with and reprogram the DNA in every cell. Additionally, as you shift your eating and drinking habits to include healthier choices, your body will respond by having better health.

Inner peace

Greater energy:

The increased number of electromagnetic connections within your body will enhance the natural flow of energy throughout all your physical systems.

With Each Extra DNA Strand, One is Closer to the Creation

Spiritual Guidance:

A Perfect connection with the Creation. The activation of the each extra DNA strand is a reconnection to your true Divine Self.

Connection to all living things:

animals, devas, nature spirits, and Gaia herself.

Connection to other dimensions:

You’ll be able to connect with ease to higher dimensions for spiritual wisdom. You are a multidimensional being, residing in many dimensions other than this, the third dimension. What you call your Higher Self is often you, in another dimension.

[Your physical body occupies 13 dimensions. Your higher self occupies an additional 39 dimensions. Making a total of 52 dimensions occupied by the physical body when you become Wholly Human, upon reintegration.]

Human Energy Field and DNA – The Origin of Health

In the Western world our doctors go through almost a decade of schooling, and in that time they become masters of human biology, anatomy, and physiology. They become adept at understanding disease, and diagnosing all forms of illness, yet in a large majority of cases, what is their prescription? Drugs or Surgery.

All illness has a spiritual/energetic origin. When you do not cleanse your human energy field your energetic field becomes distorted, stagnant, and impure. It becomes extremely imbalanced and charged with low-energy vibrations which cause disease in mind, and spirit, and eventually in our bodies. But why?

The reason why this occurs is because one of the major functions of our DNA is that it receives and transmits energy. This has been shown to be one of the major functions of ‘junk DNA’ (which make up about 95% of the human genome) which is what it was called before they understood what it was all about, but now it is beginning to be shown as the an essential component of our biology and DNA.

One of the new discoveries in DNA as Bruce Lipton talks about is epigenetic control, which means literally “above-genetic” control. Thus the new understanding of DNA is that the genes which our DNA codes is dictated as a response to the environment. In essence we are in a perpetual process of adaptation, which means that we have the potential for continuous evolution in our environment, moreover, spontaneous evolution.

More specifically, what is it that our DNA responds to in order to determine the nature of our environment? Our DNA does not have eyes, or ears, so it cannot see or hear what is going on. Instead it determines the environment by ‘reading’ the energy. It receives energetic signals from the environment and interacts directly with the information and codes encoded within the unified field, reads them, and then our DNA codes and/or activates the appropriate genes suitable for the environment we are in.

What do you think happens to DNA when the human energy field is all polluted by negative energies? To answer this question, we have to look to water.

Consciousness and Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan for the last number of years has been doing some truly revolutionary work with water. What he is doing is researching the effects of human thought, emotion, and intention (directed attention) on the structure of water. (The source for this section is The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto, and it is a truly enlightening book.)

His tests involve him sending specific thoughts to water (or getting others to do so), and then he flash freezes that water so that he can take a look at the crystal formed, and examine the relationship between the energy/thought/emotion sent to the water, and the crystals that are formed as a result.

Amazingly he found that when positive thoughts, energies, and words were directed to the water, they formed beautiful, highly coherent crystals.

Whereas when negative, angry, or hateful thoughts and emotions were directed towards the water, or in some cases with words directly, he found that there was no more coherent structure, and that the crystals froze with no sacred geometrical pattern. In other words, there was no coherence.

This work proves two things: (1) That our thoughts and emotions influence reality directly; and (2) That the type of energy matters.

What is going on with these water crystals is that when an individual thinks a certain thought, speaks a certain word, or feels in a certain way, their energy is oscillating the human energy field which restructures the geometric patterns within space according to that energy.

Then the frequency of our energy radiates throughout space (or it is transmitted non-locally – I truly have no idea) and it restructures the field in accordance with our energy, and this restructures the field – the space – around the water molecules because atoms are 99.9999% empty space.

Then when the water is flash frozen, it freezes along the geometric pattern created in the space around its molecules by human thought, emotion, and intention.

As we have seen from the images, the highest emotions of love, kindness, joy, and gratitude create highly coherent geometrical patterns in the field which creates crystals that are truly perfect, beautiful, and harmonic which resonate those emotions within us as we observe them.

Negative energies on the other hand seem to distort the natural structure of the field, vibrating the field in a discordant fashion, which create crystals that radiate a sense of ugliness, imperfection, dis-coherence, and in essence, disease. If it is possible for water crystals to look sick, ill, and literally diseased, it is these ones.


So if our bodies are 75% water, and if our genes are bio-oscillating crystalline structures which read and interpret energy, and if we are 99.999% space, then how do you think the energies within the human energy field are impacting our DNA, and most relevant of all, our health?

As I said before, the latest, and possibly the cutting edge of genetic sciences is working with epi-genetic control, meaning that our DNA and the genes which are coded are determined by the energy of our environment. Well, what determines our environment?

It is not what is out there which has the greatest impact, it is our perception of what is out there. In other words, what we believe, think, and feel to be true about our environment determines how we perceive our environment. So if we think the world is negative, it becomes negative to us. But the opposite is also true. If we live in a state of love, happiness, and inner peace, then we perceive our environment to be the same and thus what we attract is much different.

The human energy field directly informs our DNA and is directly responsible for the genes coded, our health, any illness or disease which may appear in our body, and even our intelligence, memory, and ability to heal is directly affected. All aspects of our lives are determined by the quality of our consciousness.

The Phantom DNA Effect

Another important piece of evidence that helps us to understand really what is going on when our DNA interacts with the unified field and with consciousness is known as the Phantom DNA Effect. It was discovered by Dr. Peter Gariaev who put DNA in a tiny quartz container and zapped it with a mild laser. He then observed the DNA with equipment so sensitive it could detect a single photon. He found the DNA acted like a sponge, and absorbed the photons storing them in a cork-screw shaped spiral.

After he finished his experiments he removed the quartz vial with the DNA in it and left. Yet to his utter amazement when he returned to his lab he discovered that the machines were still detecting the photons of light spiraling in the same cork-screw spiral as if the DNA was still present, even though he had removed it from the machine! The spiral was visibly for a further 30 days.

(Source: p.160-163 of The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock)

What does this mean?

I believe that we can safely make these deductions based off of the evidence at hand:

1. The structure of the vacuum, the unified field, actually stores information, energy, and light, which in reality are all the same thing.

2. This strongly suggests that the DNA molecule and structure is resonant with the structure of space-time. In other words its structure is somehow coherent as to cause the field to interact with it in this way once it is charged with energy, in this case a mild laser. Could it be the field responding with the codes necessary for the DNA molecule to adapt to its new environment?

3. This process infers that to some degree the DNA molecule is like a biological computer chip, an interface between our biology and the unified field. It means that an interesting function of DNA is to store light (which is information), and that this structure leaves a particularly strong energetic imprint onto the fabric of space-time. Maybe even that the process of the DNA storing energy activated an energetic construct already present in the unified field.

4. The evidence also suggests that there is communication going on between our DNA which stores energy/information/light, but it also seems that our DNA is not just informing the field and leaving an energetic imprint on the human energy field, but that the field is informing our DNA right back.

As a continually growing body of information related to energetically driven evolution is suggesting, all the codes, imprints, and information may very well be stored directly in the energetic field which creation emanates from; in essence, within light itself.

And when we are young or when our energetic fields are pure and unpolluted, our energy resonates most clearly with the universe in this state causing an unobstructed communication between our consciousness and universal consciousness, and between our DNA and the field. When this communication is undistributed, we become the epitome of mental, spiritual, and physical health.

If our emotions were negative or incoherent, that would be disrupting the communication between the field and our DNA, and it is this above all which evidence is suggesting is the source of all disease.

The field of intention, conscious awareness, energy, the universal mind, whatever you choose to call the infinite energy density of the vacuum, the fact remains that the energy of space all around us, is infinite. In other words, it is love, for that is the highest energy that we have a name for.

As Masaru Emoto’s work shows, the more positive, loving, and compassionate the person’s energy, the higher the degree of coherence in the water crystals. Imagine what these positive energies do to our bodies which are 75% water, and imagine the effect of that highly coherent energy on our DNA.

When we align with this energy, with our source, and thus with our higher self, we are embodying this energy which clears all the negativity and energetic disturbance within us manifesting health in mind, body, and spirit.

6th September 2015, 14:21
A question from Divine Feminine: What does Chris say about time speeding up, cause I could swear it's moving faster than ever before and I can't seem to keep up!

The Universal Soul

Page 50
. . . time is ultimately relative. Fifty years ago, one year ‘felt’ like it was one year long. More recently, particularly since 1996, we have felt that time is passing very much more quickly and one year ‘feels’ more like 6 months. This change in perception has arisen because of the shift in energy patterns and levels of consciousness of everyone on the planet. The higher the levels of consciousness we achieve the faster time relatively passes. Chris Thomas

As human conscious awareness rises into the higher vibrating dimensions, time and the speed of light increase. This is why cutting edge science is realizing that the new light energies entering our solar system since 1996 travel at a higher speed than the old light speed which had always been a constant without variation. It was always intended that The Human Plan would end precisely when these new light energy waves were scheduled to enter our solar system and assist us in our reintegration and rising consciousness.

We are becoming wholly human.

As we expand our life-force frequencies into the higher dimensions the Earth also expands physically as all energy compression is a function of vibratory frequency. In other words as Earth energy vibrates at a higher rate it eases the compression of solidity and she expands outwardly. We find our bodies becoming lighter. We still live in a physical environment but we are about to find out there is much more diversity in physicality than we ever dreamed possible, at the sub-human level we have been experiencing over the last 7,000 years of soul division.

Up until now we had been limited to 396 organic physical dimensions but the new light is bringing in approximately 50 million new physical dimensions according to the Akashic as read by C.T.

For the last 7,000 years we have been confined to the very heaviest ranges of physical compression possible. And so time has dragged out to its slowest possible passage. Also what we have been calling gravity (in reality it is planetary consciousness) will be easing up as it becomes more fluid and expansive, and as we shed the oppressed mind-set. Opening up our hearts is what sets us free.

This is why we should stop paying attention to the news which is designed to close us down through fear and worry and confusion.

In the highest dimensions of non-physical space, 1 year for us on Earth is about 1 million years to us as non-physical souls. In semi-physical space it is more like 1,000 years. This is how time passage is relative to light speed and gaining conscious awareness releases compressed energy.

As we reintegrate our higher selves, we will find our bodies become more fluid and we will experience the elasticity of our whole soul as our physical awareness expands outwardly from 13 dimensions of awareness to occupy 52 dimensions, moving effortlessly between dimensions.

Our burgeoning life force expands and time speeds up. We are embodying more vibrant light. We are changing back to who we really are, but with 7,000 years of hard-gained wisdom we won't forget.

This despite what the news media would have us believe. The evidence is in the speeding up of time and light being shone on the dark shadows, exposing all secrets that have been holding us back.

7th September 2015, 23:31
Hi all. I have been meaning to type up and post this excerpt from CT's book "Planet Earth The Universe's Experiment". Since I am a slow typist I've had problems finding the time. I also cannot figure out how to copy and past in readable form in this forum. For those who don't have this book he describes the physical process of integrating the soul. I found this very interesting and thought you might also.

Appendix One
The Symptoms of Change
From "Planet Earth The Universe's Experiment" by author Chris Thomas
Pages 166 - 179

The whole purpose of The Human Plan is to understand the constraints of a physical body, how it functions and how to live within it upon a planet of immense density.

Fifteen thousand years ago we began a process of discovery. Seven thousand years ago we began to accumulate knowledge to help us understand our discoveries. This knowledge gathering process we have come to know by a Sanskrit word, 'Karma'. This is all that the word karma means, "knowledge". The means we have used to gain knowledge is to experience. We have experienced all that this world and the human condition has to offer.

This is where the incorrect concept of karma being a 'debt' process arose. By experiencing all of life, all the potential experiences that life has to offer, we have interacted with many other souls who have also wished for experience. In this interaction, all possibilities have been explored. On some occasions, we have chosen to undergo our experiences with the same souls over several lifetimes, interchanging and switching roles as we underwent the experience we chose. If one chose to experience a particular event in one lifetime, the other complicit in that wish might also wish to undergo the same experience for themselves in a subsequent lifetime and call upon the original one to 'give back' their experience to them although free choice always remained. If the people involved did not wish to return the 'favour' the one wishing for the experience would find someone else to help them.

In this way, it has appeared as though there are cycles of cause and effect but all there has been is a wish for experience, an opportunity to gain knowledge. As we experience each event, we store the memory of that event in our DNA. In this way, DNA is always changing and how it can influence future lifetimes.

No event occurs by accident. All event occur because we have chosen them to occur.

Traumatic events are a major part of the knowledge gathering experience. How will the body respond? How will the soul respond? All knowledge. Sometimes, however, the chosen experience was more traumatic than we envisaged and the memory of the event can imprint itself into the body we next construct to experience the next life. Or, most commonly, we will choose to undergo a similar experience in a future lifetime in order to better deal with the trauma of the original event and clear it from our store of memories.

Generally, we have enjoyed our lifetimes' experiences. Human life is something which cannot be experienced anywhere else within this universe. Our interaction with the life of the planet and other physical beings has proven to be something of great joy.

Many have chosen to experience lifetimes of joy and not dealt with the memory of the traumas the soul has wished to better deal with. As we approached the beginning of the twentieth century, and the time of ending of The Plan, many have realised that these accumulated memories of trauma needed to be cleared in a very short period of time and for these people, this lifetime has been one of re experiencing these traumas in order to clear them out of the system. For other, this last lifetime has been one of peace and enjoyment as they have cleared traumatic memories in previous lives.

This memory, DNA, clearing process was the reason for a low level pulse of energy being released when Merlin switched on the new energy intake point in 1996. This pulse carried the frequencies necessary to clear these accumulated traumas and release everyone on the planet of their past.

This pulse also worked on a community, country and global level. As these accumulated memories have been released, they have been brought to the attention of the conscious mind and brought up old feelings. The conflicts and turmoils experienced over the world since 1996 have been the symptoms of clearance.

Where these memories have been let go cleanly, there is peaceful release. Where the individual is still hanging onto some of the emotions of the memories, conflicts have arisen, individually or on a country level. Where the conflict is on an individual level, illnesses have arisen which has given rise to the medical profession claiming the arrival of new viruses. Where the trauma has arisen on a community level, wars have been fought. All symptoms of clearance and change.

We have experienced all that life on this planet has to offer. Everybody who is in physical form at the beginning of the 21st century has experienced all of these possiblities. Male, female, white, coloured, black, asian, African, Indian, European, homosexual, heterosexual, etc. all have been experienced by each and every individual as part of their knowledge gathering journeys. All adding to the accumulated whole of life.

DNA and Multidimensionality

With this clearance come other aspects of change. When we first arrived on Earth, we designed a physical body which contained the whole consciousness. This meant that the body was lighter in density and contained all of the memories of our individual existences. This meant that our DNA was comprised of 13 spirals. It is a good indicator of how far we have slipped from our original state when it is considered that we have contained only two spirals of DNA for the last 7000 years.

When we began our knowledge gathering process, 7000 years ago, we realised that there was potentially not enough time to gather all of the necessary knowledge together.

To 'drive' the body through a human lifetime we actually only need about 10% of the total soul (consciousness). This means that the remainder of the consciousness, the 'higher self' could divide itself into human sized pieces and live one or more concurrent lifetimes. We generally live a human life with about 25% of the total soul within the body, the remaining 75% making up the higher self. This still leaves the potential for two concurrent lifetimes to be lived by the total soul.

As we divided ourselves up into two or more 'pieces' each piece of the totaL soul has explored various variations on a particular theme. Each aspect, following a series of lifetimes where the chosen theme was explored fully.

As we undergo the process of drawing the whole soul into the physical, we have to accomodate all the the memories contained within our 'multidimensional' journeyings. Each aspect of the soul must be drawn together into the higher self and the accumulated memories brought into the physical structures, into the physical body, of the one who is to be the 'vessel' for the total soul.

As we clear our old memories, we begin to take in the memories of the other aspects of our total selves into our cleansed DNA. As we take on these memories, our DNA begins to grow as these memories are stored away. If the flow of these memories is interrupted, the memory can be brought to the conscious mind and a certain degree of confusion can arise. Many recent cases of so called schizophrenia are an example of this integration process being disrupted.

As we take on board more and more of these memories, our DNA grows and new spirals are added. Many children who have been born in the last decade have up to 5 DNA spirals already intact making the medical community believe that humanity is mutating into something unknown. We are not mutating, we are integrating.

The Thirteen Chakras of the Soul

Since the start of the karmic cycle, we have had two aspects to the consciousness. The physical aspect which inhabits the physical body and the higher aspect which remains outside of the physical, the higher self. Linking the two aspects together is an energy link which is composed of the higher energy components of the body's chakras. In this way we have 13 chakras. Seven located along the spine of the physical body and six within the link to the higher self.

There has always been a degree of confusion about the chakras and their locations. Many have subconsciously recognized that there are 13 chakras and tried to fit them into the physical body, leading to a great deal of misunderstanding.

The chakras are vortices of energy located along the spine which are aspects of the soul made physical. The energy is then distributed around the body by the meridians. Where the meridians cross, a miniature vortex is formed. It is these miniature vortices that have given rise to the confusion over the location and number of the chakras. In all, there are 326 such crossing points and are used by acupuncturists to clear the energy flow within the meridians. There are only 7 chakras within the body.

As we begin our integration, the energies of the 6 non physical chakras begins to be drawn into the 6 lower physical chakras. This drawing in alters the energy frequencies within the chakras quite radically.

Traditionally, the chakras have been coloured red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet from the first to the seventh. With the integration of the 6 higher chakras, these colours have changed.

The first becomes a copper gold vortex into which, as it spins, appear 'ribbons' of energy made up of stripes of clear gold, violet and 'petrol' blue. The second chakra becomes a clear 'petrol' blue with ribbons of clear gold, violet and copper gold. The third becomes a clear 'petrol' green with ribbons of clear gold, violet and petrol blue. The fourth chakra changes to a transparent energy shimmer with ribbons of 'flecks' of all the other colours. The fifth becomes transparent with random flecks of all the other colours covering the whole surface. The sixth becomes transparent with random flecks of all of the other colours but much fewer than the fifth. The seventh becomes totally transparent without any flecks, just pure energy.

This is the first phase of the integration process, the drawing in of the non physical chakras into the body. With this change, the first chakra takes on an energy frequency higher than the crown chakra used to have. This would appear to be the origin of the practice of 'raising the kundalini'. We have been attempting to raise the energy of the first chakra to that of the crown and there appears to have been a misinterpretation of this process by assuming that you brought the first up to the crown. This brings the lowest energy frequencies of the body up to the highest. The true integration process connects the highest energy to the lowest, thereby raising its' energy. Bringing the first up to the crown, raising the kundalini, brought the lowest energy into all of the chakras ultimately causing disruption and confusion. Raising the frequency of the first chakra as high as the crown chakra's frequency brings enlightenment.

Phases of Change

Integrating the energies of the six non physical chakras into the physical chakras is the first phase of the change. Once this is completed all the the colours of the chakras have changed, and the DNA has reconstructed seven spirals.

The second phase of the change starts to bring in the energies of the higher self and all of the chakras become totally transparent. As the second phase is undergone, the body's internal organs begin to change and lose most of their density. There is a shell of dense matter but, inside, the organs are pure energy. By the time the second phase is complete, we will have integrated nine spirals to the DNA.

The third phase is where the chakras disappear all together. As the higher self is drawn into the body, it replaces the chakras in turn until the whole of the spine becomes one chakra. In other words, the energies within the spine become one smooth transition of energy frequencies from the lowest at the coccyx to the highest at the crown without there being specific 'points' of energy (chakra locations). As this happens, the bone, muscles and skin become much less dense and we take on an inner 'glow' of energy. At the end of the third phase, we will have integrated eleven spirals to the DNA.

It is unlikely that those who have lived through the integration process will be able to achieve 13 DNA spirals, that situation will only be possible for those born after we have completed our processes, but at least our work will have cleared the way for those who are to follow.

The physical body is built around an energy template that tells each component of the body where it is to be located. When a soul wished to take on a human body, it approaches the mass consciousness and asks for a copy of the template. The soul then uses this 'etheric' template to form the physical tissues around. At the end of May 2000, the human template was changed to incorporate these new chakra colours. This means that no one can take on human form without being able to 'fit' into the new phase one chakra colours. In July 2001, the template was further changed to incorporate the totally transparent chakra energies. As we progress through these changes, the etheric template will be further changed to suit the changed form and colours of the chakras. The end of September 2002 was the time when the template was changed to the third phase condition, that is, no chakras at all.

Earth Changes

In frequency terms, the chakras are also changed. Colour is only a function of frequency. The planet had its' own energy 'signature' which began at 7.56 cycles per second. The red of the old chakra colours also began its frequency range at 7.56 cycles per second. All physical life on the planet also resonated with this frequency. The first chakra contains the energies of the first three dimensions and it is these energies which give us our physical form. As we travel through our own changes, the planet has altered to suit.

Part of the problem of being human is that this base frequency is too low. The energies contained within the soul are immense and slowing the base frequencies to the 7.56 level was a major component in humanity's demise. With this process of change well underway, the planet has also changed its base frequency from 7.56 to 3500 cycles per second. This change also took place at the end of May 2000. This has allowed us to raise the base frequency of the first chakra to suit.

With the old colours, the frequency range for the human chakras was 7.56 cycles per second at their lowest to about 75000 for the crown chakra. With these changes, the first begins at 3500 cycles per second and the crown rises to in excess of 225000 cycles per second.

Another way of measuring energy is by dimensions. A dimension can be defined as a marker point along a range of energy frequencies that incorporates above the last dimensional marker but below the next. With the old colours, the first chakra contained three dimensions whilst the total energy within the physical body contained a total of twelve dimensions. These new energy changes mean that the first will still contain the first three and the crown a minimum of 42 dimensions.

Physical and Emotional Symptoms

As with all periods of transition, problems can occur. Not all of the symptoms of change are comfortable.

One of the first signs of change that most notice is a headache. There are four psychic centers within the brain. These are located just above and behind the ear and at the base of the rear brain lobes. There are one of each on each side of the brain.

The human race is the only species in the whole universe who needs to communicate by speech. All other races communicate psychically. With our fall into the physical depths, we developed ways of communicating in a purely physical way and the psychic communication centers fell into disuse. As we begin our climb back to full consciousness, these centers need to be reawakened and they begin to expand.

To allow for expansion, the bones of the skull have to move very slightly and it is this skull plate movement which causes the headaches. The skull is made up of 32 bones and by the time you reach the age of 30, these bones can become fairly fixed. The internal pressure from the psychic centers means that all of the plates need to move together but usually cannot. This results in enormous pressure inside the head which can manifest itself as headaches, tooth ache for no apparent reason which can randomly move around the jaw, jaw ache and tension down the back of the neck and shoulders.

The only effective way of easing these pains is to consult a cranial osteopath or some one who can give a head massage. They do ultimately pass but they can be extremely painful whilst they last.

There can be a tendency to delve into the past and question actions taken and their outcome. This is part of the DNA clearance process. It is impossible to be impassive in this process. Illness arises because we have gone against the wishes of the soul and these transgressions are transmitted through the chakras and into the appropriate organs of the body. In the past, we could ignore these promptings and forty years down the line, we would die of one illness or another. With the change of energies, communication between the soul and the body becomes immediate. Holding on to these past situations and the emotions that go with them will lead to the rapid onset of illness. There is nowhere to hide from the soul any more and all of these issues must be dealt with and cleared (for a full explanation of the relationship between the consciousness, the chakras, the body's organs and illnesses, see "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Body But, So Far, Nobody's Been Able To TEll You" by Chris Thomas and Diane Baker.

The same applies to relationships. We can put up with unacceptable behavior within a relationship for some time by closing our mind to it. As with past issues, these problems can no longer be ignored. Relationship problems must be resolved or severe illness will arise very quickly. If they cannot be resolved, the relationship must be ended.

One of the symptoms of change is the sense of tension within the body, leading to high stress levels. This symptom comes about because there is a sense of something going on but not being able to identify it. The answer to this is we are changing and all that we can do, once we have begun the process, is to go with it. We cannot accelerate our progress through these changes as we are changing at a rate to suit us personally. But, if we try to fight these changes, we can slow their progress down and prolong the problems. Some are finding an increased need for sleep and feel tired even following minor exertion. The body's organs and processes are changing. As they change all of the body's systems need time to adjust. The ones which take longest to adjust are the immune system, the endocrine system, and the lymphatic system. The endocrine system in particular can be a problem.

The endocrine is the body's hormone system. Hormones pass messages around the body to keep the organs etc. functioning correctly. There are dozens of hormones in the body so keeping them in balance has always been a potential problem. With the processes of the body now speeding up, the hormones are put to greater use and if there is any imbalance in the system, the messages can take longer to arrive, putting stress within the body sometimes leading to bouts of depression for no apparent reason but especially tiredness.
There are many other symptoms which appear on an individual basis. The ones listed here are the main ones. Other symptoms are usually a variation on these.

Knowing the Truth

As we progress through these changes, there is a growing realisation that we are more than we thought we were. Somehow a space seems to open somewhere which makes us think that we have been living with only a small part of ourselves attached. As the higher self becomes more and more easily accessible, the speed at which answers arrive increases. The more we question, the more we seem to receive answers. In the past we have relied on Gurus, Avatars, priests, etc. to lead us to some answers. The more we realize that we have all of the answers to any of the questions we might ask contained within ourselves the more we beging to realize that a guru is not necessary.
Our search for answers, in the past, has quite often led us into the clutches of unscrupulous so called teachers and many problems have arisen. There is a new 'meritrea', 'he' is contained within each and every one of us, the soul. We no longer need to look outside of ourselves to find the answers we need for our lives. They are already available, we just have to ask.
There is a growing body of people who reject authority. Politicians, doctors, scientist, priests, industrialists, bankers, governments, etc. no longer hold any answers and the falseness of their activities no longer fool us into believing that they have any answers. Along with change comes the truth and an unwillingness to accept anything other than the truth. Where falsehood exists, it is spotted immediately as only the truth resonates with the body.
The same is true for out day to day dealings with friends, family and colleagues. We begin to find that we can only respond to situations with total honesty and can only accept total honesty in return. Anything else does not fit.

8th September 2015, 17:39
Question: How can one tell how far down the process of change one has travelled?

Chris Thomas : There are several “yardsticks” that can help to judge the individual’s state of readiness. For example, can you hear someone speak or read and automatically know is it is the truth or not?

Can you honestly communicate your thoughts and feelings with those around you? This includes partners, children, parents, and friends.

If someone criticizes you, can you judge whether it is a fair comment that helps you to improve? Or do you automatically become upset? If you can judge the comments honestly and rationally without becoming defensive, the chances are that you are getting there.

Can you look at someone with wealth and material goods and think “best of luck to them, but I no longer need those things.”?

All of these are a guide to your state of being.

Another indicator is if you are not honest in your comments, do you feel a reaction in one of the body’s organs? This indicates that your energy patterns within the body are now at such a high frequency that there is no spare organ tissue to hide the unexpressed emotion away.

Really speaking, our physical and emotional responses to how we live our lives becomes the best guide of all. The more we express our thoughts, feelings and emotions as honestly as we can (although diplomacy is still sometimes called for) the more of the higher self we can incorporate into the body. The more of the higher self we take in , the more honest we have to become and the whole process becomes self-perpetuating until we reach the point where honesty becomes so natural that we wonder how we ever managed to be untruthful in the past.

This is the crux of the situation. All that our higher self wants us to be is honest. The more honest we become the more our higher self works with us and the closer we approach our state of completion.

So what is meant by being honest? If you are walking down the street and you see someone with a big nose, you do not walk up to them and say “you have a big nose”, that is not being honest, that is just plain rude. But, if you are asked a direct question then you should give an honest answer. There is of course a thing such as diplomacy or situations where you could get sacked or evicted. Again, being brutally honest is rude whereas saying the truth in a friendly and helpful way benefits both of the people involved in the conversation.

So with all due respect to Douglas Adams’s book “The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy”, the answer to “Life, the universe and everything” is not 42, it is being true to yourself and honest with everyone else. It really is not difficult once you start. It is amazing how empowering speaking your truth is, and once you begin to be truthful and honest, it gives those around you permission to do the same and your relationship with these people becomes deeper and stronger and we all begin to move forwards together.

From page 34-36 The Human Soul by Chris Thomas

Products of Soul Reintegration

As we progress through our process of soul reintegration, we all begin to develop our psychic vision and the realms that are currently closed to us will gradually become visible.

In other words, we will be able to communicate with the souls of those who are no longer physical, we will be able to communicate with the realms of the Faerie and we might also be able to communicate with the planet’s own consciousness. So it is not that “entities” or “beings” will arrive, but we will be able to see and communicate with those that have always been there but our limited five physical senses have prevented us from doing so in the past. This should be seen as a positive step.

These “days of darkness” predictions have been circulated as a way of creating fear and confusion in the human population that are at the forefront of soul reintegration. This is a deliberate attempt by the “Neo-cons” to prevent people from fulfilling their potential and so should be ignored as they are untrue and have no positive benefit.

These predictions are designed to cause doubt and fear, nothing else, and should be treated with the contempt they deserve.

9th September 2015, 13:50
Thank you Amanda, just what I needed, at the right time! :group hug:


9th September 2015, 14:35
This is a quote from Terragunn at Avalon. I mostly agree with what he is saying.

It explains all the mixture of lies and truth we see in these mind programmed victims who come forward to “expose” the illuminati/cabal..

And it is as he says a case of directing public opinion and beliefs, fear or otherwise toward creating a reality envisioned by the illuminati/Velon. They need us and our creative energy to manifest what they want. We are very cleverly being guided into choosing our future by them. Not only via these unknowing shills but also the media including most movies.

It’s not that they have to telegraph their intentions through the movies, as so many people have been saying lately, it’s that they are directing our belief systems to create their reality.

They directed the election of Obama and now they are directing the election of Trump.

That is where Chris Thomas’ information is valuable in learning discernment. The future is created by us so we need to get our acts together through internal clearing. The more we work on removing emotional blocks and false belief systems, the easier it is to see through the lies and recognize when the public is, for example, being led by the nose to the polls.

A less than 10% turn out at the polls would be the best thing that could happen in taking away the power of the cabal. Nothing can change until government is done away with and people can choose their own futures. Stop giving your energy over to them by voting.

There are of course many other examples.

One of the branches of learning in the Illuminati is spiritual. Like the Illuminati who serve in the political branch, those in the spiritual branch are expert double-talkers, trained in contra-programming methods of communicative relay. Each serves a particular angle, and each angle corresponds at a certain degree or degrees to one or more of the other particular angles. When I say this I envision a sphere grid with a finite number of different angles connecting at one point or more with each other, forming Equilateral, Scalene, and Isosceles triangles within. Contained within the sphere grid overlay and the triangular overlays is an infinite number of chaotic, squiggly, non-angular lines.

These chaotic, squiggly, non-angular lines are trajectories of our thoughts, and all thoughts are creation. It matters not whether such thoughts are manifested/perceived in our light-encoded ‘physical’ reality: the I AM presence of All There Is and that which we are is creation. The angles that form the triangular overlays and the sphere grid overlay are all components of the overall computation Matrix grid. The primary function of the computation Matrix is to gather, contain, compress, and redirect thought through its network structure. In a very literal sense, it puts chaos (our thoughts) in order. Control our thoughts and our reality is controlled. The Astrals cannot create so they use us to create for them. And when the Astrals say to us – via different forms of connectivity – that we create our own reality, they are speaking the truth. But, as always, they leave out pertinent information. As is said, ‘A half truth is a whole lie’.

If the Ruiner is as he states, then the Ruiner serves an angle of the spiritual/philosophical branch of the Illuminati. What is salient to dissect and discern is the angle/programme/cause itself that the Ruiner serves and, by way of suggestion, propagates. The relayed double-talk information of the Ruiner is not as important as the angle/cause of which the Ruiner serves and propogates. Such is the same with all those who are instruments of the Cabal, whether witting or unwitting.

The posts of the Ruiner are exercises. As with the other instruments of the Cabal, the Ruiner baits a rod with information. It does not matter whether the information is true or not, only that it serves the angle and causes thoughts amongst the recipients to be in formation. Plant an idea, allow it time to seed, and if it does, then watch it grow, like a clinging vine, within the confines and along the structure of the interconnecting angles of the computation Matrix.

It appears that a lot of people are more and more realising how thoughts are manipulated to support this structural overlay, and how difficult it is, without clinging to some angle of the structural overlay, to function without its framework and ‘guidance’. Our thoughts are constantly course manipulated and have been for a long time, so this feeling of disconnectedness will, of course, through our conditioning and implants, seem as though we have lost our way, when in actuality, it is quite the opposite – we are freeing ourselves from the mind control entrapment of the computation Matrix: the Mind of the ‘Father’ and the Womb of the ‘Mother’.

Divine Feminine
9th September 2015, 16:50
This is a quote from Terragunn at Avalon. I mostly agree with what he is saying.

It explains all the mixture of lies and truth we see in these mind programmed victims who come forward to “expose” the illuminati/cabal..

And it is as he says a case of directing public opinion and beliefs, fear or otherwise toward creating a reality envisioned by the illuminati/Velon. They need us and our creative energy to manifest what they want. We are very cleverly being guided into choosing our future by them. Not only via these unknowing shills but also the media including most movies.

It’s not that they have to telegraph their intentions through the movies, as so many people have been saying lately, it’s that they are directing our belief systems to create their reality.

I concur....I said this on Avalon I think back in March 2014:
“Control the belief systems, control the energy fields.” - Elizabeth Marie
Translation- Beliefs vibrate at frequencies, those who control ‘the field’, control the reality.

What's being said is known to have scientific backing thanks to the Study of Epigenetics, so while many know this, there may be viewers unaware and I like to bring it up so people don't blow us off as talking some New Age nonsense. I continued on with this:

"Recognize that often, you are in essence being psyoped at every angle! See definition below. They are taking the concept of ‘creating your own reality’, and using it against you by planting belief systems based in fear. There’s a reason why “they” consistently take the stance of ‘assume the position’. Because it works! This is discussed in ancient texts and how to speak the language of 'the field"(the Aether Field)Turn it around on them! “They” don’t operate in the position of the famous storybook theme of the” Little Red Engine That Could”. “They” operate from the viewpoint of its `already done’."

"Definition of Psyop:

PSYOPS or Psychological Operations: Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives. Also called PSYOP. See also consolidation psychological operations; overt peacetime psychological operations programs; perception management. (Source: U.S. Department of Defense)"

Not too long after stating this, I quickly got shut down. God forbid anyone says something intelligent over there. It's all about controlling the narrative, how fitting as it's nothing more than a mirroring of the reality we are experiencing......

It's my personal belief that this entire planet is one big psyops. It's actually pretty brilliant from a spiritual perspective. It has to be this way otherwise there would be no spiritual growth. It's how 'the game' is played and 'the game' can't be mastered in a higher vibrational environment. My belief is inspired by researching reincarnation cases and believing in one's immortality. When you compare cases you will see patterns and parallels to the lifetimes one has experienced which shows meaning and purpose to the madness of planet Earth.

10th September 2015, 19:39
I'm new to this forum, so this is my first post. Thank you Herbert for posting all this amazing info from Chris Thomas. I've also stumbled on Marshall Vian Summers works, videos and books... much of what Chris Thomas says is very similar to what Marshall says in the sense that we have been deceived by malevolent ETs through interbreeding, population control, false history, false medical, false spirituality, and so on. Marshall actually says that the Illuminati was actually taken over by the Annunaki, and not sure if this is the same ET race that Chris calls the Velon... Also Marshall has books about the Allies of Humanity that are watching over us and there are warnings in his books with the same title. I'm just seeking the truth, the real truth. The truth of our (and my) existence, the truth of our purpose, and how I can (in my own little way) help. There are so few people that I can actually talk to about this, most would blow me off as crazy, and stay far far away from me. Anyone out there got any thoughts about this? Anyone else familiar with Marshall's works, and see any correlation between what Chris and Marshall are saying? I'd also be very curious as to what Chris thinks of Marshall, what does he 'see' in the Akashic records about Marshall?
Thanks again,

all the best!

11th September 2015, 17:48
I'm new to this forum, so this is my first post. Thank you Herbert for posting all this amazing info from Chris Thomas. I've also stumbled on Marshall Vian Summers works, videos and books... much of what Chris Thomas says is very similar to what Marshall says in the sense that we have been deceived by malevolent ETs through interbreeding, population control, false history, false medical, false spirituality, and so on. Marshall actually says that the Illuminati was actually taken over by the Annunaki, and not sure if this is the same ET race that Chris calls the Velon... Also Marshall has books about the Allies of Humanity that are watching over us and there are warnings in his books with the same title. I'm just seeking the truth, the real truth. The truth of our (and my) existence, the truth of our purpose, and how I can (in my own little way) help. There are so few people that I can actually talk to about this, most would blow me off as crazy, and stay far far away from me. Anyone out there got any thoughts about this? Anyone else familiar with Marshall's works, and see any correlation between what Chris and Marshall are saying? I'd also be very curious as to what Chris thinks of Marshall, what does he 'see' in the Akashic records about Marshall?
Thanks again,

all the best!

Thanks for your interest Life2essence.

I have listened to the Kerry Cassidy interview with Summers. Yes he is correct in saying we have been deceived by an e.t. race (the Annunaki) who took over the illuminati. They appealed to illuminati greed and desire for power over their fellow humans.

Apart from that I see no resemblance between Summers' information and the information Chris Thomas presents from the Akashic. A couple of examples:

- E.T. races cannot interbreed with us or even themselves since they do not procreate. They practice adult birth in most cases and do not engage in sexual activity. Human DNA is unique and individual, as is our human template provided by Earth.

- Summers states: "Freedom is rare in the Universe and particularly in our region of space." In contrast C.T. makes it clear that all energies in this universe are purposefully designed for complete free will with the one exception of not interfering with another's free will.

- I would also question the premise that there is a great deal of competition among e.t. races over natural resources. Even their space ships are built using plant material that renews itself. Only humans are using metal mineral resources. Spiritually advanced beings do not require technological resources, with one big exception being the Velon but of course they are not spiritually advanced even though, as a semi-physical race, they have advanced psychic powers. A spiritually advanced race lives in complete harmony with nature.

Chris was born hard-wired to the Akashic for the universe which answers questions in relation to events of the past. He does not read individual's Akasha in his books, except when they play a pivoting role in Earth history.

The Velon consist of 6 different factions. Although they sometimes work together for convenience, they are in competition with each other for control of Earth. It's really a case of, if they can't have her then they will destroy the Earth soul. They are envious of humanity and they have proven themselves to be vicious liars. They have come to rely too heavily on technology and that is their undoing. Those present on earth have lost their higher selves so that when the Guardians finally take them out , they will turn to dust.

It is humans like Summers and many others who are keeping them close to the Earth.

As for the voice Summers hears in his head, even the black ops military and CIA now have patents on technology for beaming voices into individual's minds. At the center of every HAARP station is a Djed pillar which is constantly broadcasting mind control impulses. The solution is to raise your vibrations through the heart to beyond their reach. This frees your attention to do your inner work which is accomplished by using something similar to the Giveaway to remove energy blocks for previous trauma, making room in your body for reintegrating the higher self.

Summers seems a sincere person but he has a high human gullibility quotient, as Chris would put it. The best thing he could have done when confronted by those voices would have been to tell them to 'F. off', or "go to hell". Many abductees have found this method to be effective and I personally can vouch for it. Unfortunately he is presenting a pack of lies with just enough truth to make use of the Velon tactic for confusion.

As Chris Thomas has said of Kerry Cassidy. She has been promoting Velon lies [in the form of 'the law of one' series] throughout Australia. "I wouldn't touch her with a 20 foot barge pole."

There is much that could be said regarding the assertions coming from the voice of "The Allies of Humanity". For instance they speak of Galactic governments - no such control exists. Every soul is consulted when a decision is to be made and every soul in this universe has unanimously called for the removal of the Velon.

The relatively new Earth nonphysical souls will replace them as a race in this Universe so that we still have 13 races after all Velon have been removed.

The 6 Velon races who each use a different ploy in their channellings are Annunaki, Hathor ( who also practice healing), Oa, Mila, Johnaan, Jjundaa.

I think we can add "The Allies of Humanity" to the long list of Velon disguises which also include:

Chris Thomas:
"The number of disguises invented by the Velon is immense and certainly far too many to list here but some of the main ones are:
Ashtar Command, The Great White Brotherhood, The Council of Nine, The Annunaki, The Hathor, Galactic Federation of Light, Orion Empire, Reptilians, Ascended Sirians, Tall White Nordics, Venusians, Zetas and many, many more.

The Velon also claim to be:
Ascended Masters, Metatron, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germaine, the Christ Consciousness as well as many hundreds of Arch Angels and Angels."

Certainly Edgar Casey, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and even David Icke have been fooled by Velon channelling. People really need to question these faceless voices. Don't get me wrong, When he stays with what he knows David Icke is a very effective critic of the cabal.

Our connection to our higher self is a completely different and intimate experience. Learn to recognize it's daily action in your life. Listen to the subtle energies of your body and remain heart centred.

It's not what you can do in this world that matters, it's WHO YOU ARE that really matters. JUST BE YOURSELF AND BE TRUE TO YOURSELF. It seems to be the human condition that so many of us need to be regularly reminded of this.

12th September 2015, 01:36
Hi Herbert, do you know if the residents of the supposed lands Shambala and Agartha are included in the list of Velon disguises?

I recently read of the discovery of underground caves in Romania under the Bucegi Mountains containing advanced "extraterrestrial technology" that will be revealed to humanity when we are humane enough to use it for good, similar sites exist apparently across the world in Iraq, Egypt and from memory somewhere in South America, could Chris possibly give his opinion on this?

Many Thanks, in advance,lb

13th September 2015, 17:26
Hi Herbert, do you know if the residents of the supposed lands Shambala and Agartha are included in the list of Velon disguises?

I recently read of the discovery of underground caves in Romania under the Bucegi Mountains containing advanced "extraterrestrial technology" that will be revealed to humanity when we are humane enough to use it for good, similar sites exist apparently across the world in Iraq, Egypt and from memory somewhere in South America, could Chris possibly give his opinion on this?

Many Thanks, in advance,lb

The lands of Shambala and Agartha were popularized by the channellings of Madame Blavatsky and her successors Annie Besant and Alice Bailey, all of whose channellings form the basis for the Theosophical Society. All 3 attribute the source of their channellings to Djwhal Kuhl in Tibet. Blavatsky also popularized, through her channellings, the ideas of 7 root races. This is all Velon channelling and forms the basis for the 30th degree and beyond Masonic worship of Satan and the Satanic practices of human sacrifice which are coming to light as so prevalent in the world today.

Alice Bailey writes:

"The hour for the ancient mysteries has arrived. These Ancient Mysteries were hidden in numbers, in ritual, in words, and in symbology; these veil the secret. There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the Church and the Masonic Fraternity."

She further writes:

"Out of the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order must be built.

Since reading Chris Thomas information from the Akashic, I've been wondering just how much of these occult teachings have been ingrained into our present day humanity, especially world leaders & banking elite.

Well, as you can see, from the above, that this is where the "New World Order" phrase seems to originally have come from. As, it is a well-known fact that most politicians (probably banking system as well) know that they will advance more quickly if they become Freemasons. So, you can see from where President George HB "Daddy" Bush, and many others, have gotten this commonly spoken phrase.

The "New World Order" was first channeled by Alice Bailey through "automatic writing" from a Velon hiding in Tibet for 5,000 years- Djwal Khul.

Here are some quotes from Chris Thomas:

"Velus 1 left the Velon system and followed it [the energy stream coming from the centre of the universe] to Earth. On arrival, he found the

Annunaki ‘base’ in Tibet that had been there, by now, about 5,000 years – movement in time takes a little

while to ‘get your head around’.

During this time period, they had been watching and studying humanity but also slowly influencing religious thinking amongst those who lived in the area."

Project Human Extinction (page 151)

Page 175


The Annunaki built a base for themselves in Tibet where they occupied a deep cave system. The cave openings were protected by energy barriers constructed by a device that looks a little like an Egyptian “djed” pillar (see illustration 4). This device not only provided the energy disguise but also the means to travel backwards and forwards in time whilst on Earth.

It is the existence of this base which has led to many stories of encounters with tall aliens in the Himalayas.

In 2006, the Akashic records that the djed device exploded, flinging the Annunaki across several time frames and as far back as 200 AD. Where mummified or petrified bodies of tall aliens have been found in Himalayan caves, they are of the Annunaki caught in this blast. It is currently [2007] unknown if any Annunaki survived and are still present on Earth – in whatever time frame.

[note the djed pillar looks like a bishop chess piece except that it has 5 caps on it instead of one and it is about 20 inches high.]

[It should be further noted that a Velon Djed pillar sits at the centre of every HAARP station on the planet for purposes of subconscious energetic mind control of susceptible humans]

It was the Theosophical Society channellings that started the new age movement and terms like ascension to 5D and humanity having to leave the planet with the help of alien (Velon) space ships.

From the above information it should be apparent that any "residents" of Shambala or Agartha that humans meet are Velon in disguise, since it was they who originated the fantasy stories.

In regard to the giant e.t.s found in the Carpathian mountains it seems logical that they are Velon, like the ones in the Himalayas, if they are in fact real. But that is not necessarily so. I am only speculating.

It may also be that the Bucegi find is fiction. That location is never mentioned in the Akashic readings by Chris Thomas. It was not one of the 6 original settlements after the sinking of Atlantis, nor was it one of the 13 original settlements 12,000 to 14,000 years ago when humans began to seriously populate the Earth through childbirth, with the primate/humans in the beginning.

For those who want to learn more about this subject of the Bucegi site in Romania:

Sept 20 2014 The Millennium Report Alien base and tunnel system


Also longer but less intelligible




The Iraq, Egypt, and S. American sites you mention lookbeyond, are a different story which I will get back to with Chris Thomas information when I have time. I just want to add that Chris has voiced reservations about "claimed finds" in Romania.

Romania is one of the few countries in the area where the finder of archaeological treasures is allowed to remove them without interference. This has prompted unscrupulous people to smuggle finds from other countries into Romania and claim they were found there. A fairly well known example is the claim to have found a city of Ur 1000 years older than the biblical Ur of the Chaldeas.

I know the story above is intriguing but where is the real evidence?

13th September 2015, 19:57
Penney Pierce describes our ongoing process of "reintegration" in terms of the real world. She very much reflects what Chris Thomas has been talking about. You will enjoy this interview. I know I did.

Red Ice Radio 3q8q620EXRQ

Evolution, revolution and rebellion, Soul as the unified field, Everything meets in us, Ego necessary for individuality but unified in us (unity of the 12 archetypes)

Leap of perception 7lmJSgEW4Jc

Am I the soul or the ego? The fearful mind or the love based heart. Integration, The transforming power of your intention, we are experiencing waves of acceleration in human evolution, we are moving from slow, linear cause/effect mental thinking to vertical torque, intuitive, experience based, in-the-moment direct KNOWING. It is smooth, creative and requires no language. We are becoming the whole Gestalt where imagination becomes form instantaneously. Wisdom comes through sensitivity to the whole body at the cellular level. No language is required.

We have moved through the Industrial Age, through the Information Age and we are increasingly accelerating into the Intuitive Gestalt of being Wholly Human again. It is a physical illumination.

Her 3 books:
The Intuitive Way
Leap of Perception

13th September 2015, 21:42
Great interview. She was about to discuss and put into words many of the things I have been thinking and going through. I am going to look into her books/interviews.

14th September 2015, 08:55
The Iraq, Egypt, and S. American sites you mention lookbeyond, are a different story which I will get back to with Chris Thomas information when I have time. I just want to add that Chris has voiced reservations about "claimed finds" in Romania.

Romania is one of the few countries in the area where the finder of archaeological treasures is allowed to remove them without interference. This has prompted unscrupulous people to smuggle finds from other countries into Romania and claim they were found there. A fairly well known example is the claim to have found a city of Ur 1000 years older than the biblical Ur of the Chaldeas.

I know the story above is intriguing but where is the real evidence?

Great question from lookbeyond, thank you.

I have been wondering about the likelihood of the Romanian story. It's been hyped up and admittedly very interesting, but as you said, where is the real evidence. After all the three big no-no's are present (Illuminati, Military and Freemasons). They are either pushing an agenda or covering it up, letting us believe that the Truth about our History can only be found there, however, they are not counting on our full Soul-integration which will restore the memory of our history anyway.

Basically, the Annunaki has entered our "Sandbox", and when we are finished playing in it, we will see it for what it is: A GAME.


15th September 2015, 21:14
An Introduction to
Planet Earth - The Universe's Experiment


"Ever since the advent of the Neolithic Revolution some 10,000 years B.C., elements of mankind have increasingly striven to carve up, control and dominate the land, creating an increasingly stratified social hierarchy in which those at the top use force and coercion to dictate to the masses and ensure their subjugation. Whether this has manifested itself as authoritarian dictatorships or the so-called “liberal democracies” of the modern world (a term which is rapidly losing any semblance of credibility in an age of corrupt, self-serving plutocracies), the essential dynamic has remained.

Those who seek to live outside these systems of control – which went into overdrive upon the advent of our mastery of agriculture; only to accelerate a thousand fold in the age of industry and technological advance – have found themselves increasingly embattled as “civilization” has endlessly expanded. The nomadic traditions of old – gone today in all but the most remote corners of the planet – and the hunter-gatherer tribes which find themselves under threat as corporate interests seek to exploit the rainforests of the world seem like the last vestiges of a way of life that has become all but extinct."

Read more: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/07/0...ontrol-matrix/

NOTE 1: There are 6 factions of Velon. Each has their own method of deceiving the human race and they usually work independent of each other (not trusting even their own race) but sometimes they work in pairs.

This comes from Chris Thomas:

The Jjundaa

"When the Velon craft screeched to a halt just outside of our solar system about 300 years ago, the consciousness that forms the Velon system, Velus, took over the control of a newly formed organisation we know as the Illuminati (see Project Human Extinction).

In order to maintain Velus’s hold over the Illuminati, and their families, Velus decided to bring with him six “emissaries”. These emissaries were members of the Jjundaa. The Earth’s Guardians have removed five of these emissaries from the Earth in the intervening time period but one remains – the 6th emissary.

At the end of 2008, an attempt was made by a group of politicians to take over control of the Illuminati. On the face of it, they were successful as the original members of the Illuminati are all dead (see Project Human Extinction) and so the “new” Illuminati believe that they have taken over total control of this organisation and its web of power. Except, they have forgotten about the 6th emissary who had assisted them in their coupe to remove the original members. Although the new controllers of the Illuminati (made up of ex-politicians and industrialists) believe that they are in total control, they have not realised that the 6th emissary is channelling directions to them – a form of direct mind control from his new safe-house in Peru. The safe-house in Virginia having been destroyed by the coup.

And so the Velon (Jjundaa) remain in total control of the Illuminati." Chris Thomas

The Books

This short essay is essentially describing a book which contains a wealth of unique information regarding the Celts. The interviews available though U-tube readily demonstrate Chris Thomas’(healer) sincerity and grounded resonance – a Celtic trait I am sure. If he seems shaky it is a result of the vicious attacks by the NSA (Illuminati) vis a vis the Velon.

What Chris most wants people to understand is that life is meant to be simple, that the structure of the Universe is really very simple, that time wars and parallel universes do not exist, that all channelling is lies sometimes mixed with a little truth, and that each individual must clear their emotional blocks caused by childhood trauma in order to make room for integration of the entire soul (all 52 dimensions) to within the physical body which occupies 13 dimensions. This is done through a practice which comes from Native Americans called the Giveaway.

You change the world not by focusing your attention on the media fear-mongering and lies but by paying attention to your own emotional blocks which prevent you from being honest with yourself. Your past life trauma and shadowy feelings of inadequacy must be cleared to make room for the whole soul and becoming Wholly Human again.

About Chris Thomas

I am going to post a source for Chris Thomas books because they are so cheap and because they are a unique source for information you can get no where else. They are not channelled. Chris was born with a connection to the akashic Records for this Universe. He knew answers to questions as a child which he could not know and often contradicted the scientists and historians of the day. His mother literally beat it out of him, “not understanding why the child lied so”. He eventually stopped speaking about these things until he was in his twenties and began to understand that the information was coming through his higher self. He worked as a healer (psychic surgeon) for 30 years and then in 1996 he began writing down the information that went into his books, always checking records to verify everything that he could.

So the 11 books are a history of our planet Earth and the solar system as recorded in the Akashic as events. An individual like Merlin is also recorded because he had so much to do with the events and he is the guardian and energy creator/balancer for our planet.

The Celts

In his books, Chris Thomas provides unique information regarding the Celtic races and he points out that indeed all the indigenous tribes on the planet may be thought of as Celtic in their way of life and relationship to nature.

The Celts of Bri ‘ tain, ‘Land of the Covenant’, readily accepted the true teachings of Jesus because they matched what in fact the Celts had always known – that man is meant to work with the animals along side the Faery who work with the plants and mineral kingdoms. He is not meant to conquer, own, or abuse nature but rather is meant to be respectful of all life.

Each individual is connected to the Earth soul (the physical template and physical elements come from Earth). Earth is the creator in her own right of all things physical and all things in spirit for the animals, minerals, Sidhe and Faery, who have group souls emanating from this planet.

The Sidhe (pronounced Shee)

These are the coordinators of the Faerie folks energy work.

In fact a small number of Sidhe chose to become physically incarnated as humans during the days of Atlantis (of which Ireland, Britain and the former Azores were a part). It is the unique nature of the soul that determines the DNA strands, and those individuals maintained there natural Sidhe stature of 12 feet. Another example would be the result of an irreversible process where a small number of Sidhe souls became irreversibly blended with either a human soul or a Pleiadean soul.

They have an ethereal quality about them which could be likened to Legolas in Lord of the Rings. For example, in this lifetime as a human, to find balance, one of these individuals works at two jobs, a gardener and a naturopathic healer.

Other Races

It is the 6 races of non-physical souls and 7 semi-physical races which come from the creator, along with the guardians, stars, planets and Galactic suns, and The Lady who is a non-physical soul (an angel or, Goddess in mythical lore) that came to Earth and chose to stay in a bond with Merlin that will never be broken. Also from the creator are the Earth Race of non-physical souls of which there were roughly 1700 created on Atlantis. An increasing number of the Earth Race of souls are now being born into the physical, as of 2008. All souls must enter through the Earth core to incarnate here, with the exception of this Earth Race of souls who are already a part of Earth like no other.

Jesus and Christianity

Celtic Christianity was flourishing when the Romans arrived in Britain. The true teachings of Jesus (who learned of the Human Plan through access to the Ark of the Covenant, given to him by Merlin) had been seeded to the Celts by John, Jesus’ brother and his son Jesus Justice. Jesus’ true teachings were also spread to Southern France by Mary Magdalene and some of her disciples.

It was the Anglo Saxons, the English, who ensured the corrupted form of Christianity would wipe out Celtic Christianity so thoroughly in Britain. Their hierarchy of priests could not permit Earth to be a creator in her own right because this would remove power from the priests whose male dominated religion relegated the power of creation to “the one and only creator god who required worship”.

Roman Christianity was in fact a complete distortion of Jesus’ message which was The Human Plan. His image was also distorted along with much of the story regarding the cross. He did not die on the cross. Had it not been for the lies of Christianity, the Human Plan of full soul integration into the physical body would very likely have been completed 2000 years earlier.

The Celts

The love of mother nature practiced by the Celts, the Earth as the mother creator of all things physical, even the wonderful variety of life, had to be stamped out along with the Druids, and the Celts who were viciously attacked by the Anglo Saxons to the point of virtually eradicating their very existence, their alphabet, language and way of life.

This practice continued into the new world where the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines were treated likewise. In fact there are only 1/3 the number of Native Americans still living today in the United States. In contrast there are 3X as many living in Canada compared to when the French first arrived.

King Arthur

In 538 A.D., at the Battles of Camlanna (near Hadrian’s Wall) and Dawston-on-Solway, the last hope for becoming wholly human (full soul integration) during Celtic times was removed with the death of Arthur (the unifier and leader of the British tribes) and his son Mordred who represented the Celtic ways. Mankind was changing into something subhuman who only wanted to dominate Earth and Nature. Domination of others’ free will meant wars of conquest. (courtesy of the Fourteen Faction)

This was followed on by the founding of America by the Illuminati controlled Velon, where the corporate logo might have read “competition for survival of the fittest” in contrast to the Celtic way of "cooperation and sharing for survival of all".

The 6 factions of the Velon had been studying mankind for 5000 years through time travel, even though they had only arrived at our solar system about 1770. They were always ready to exploit human weaknesses and Christianity provided ample opportunity. In fact it is clearly apparent that the Mormon religion was a Velon invention along with Scientology, through channelling.

Merlin also known as Malcouth in the Kabbalah

Merlin acted quickly to remove the Sidhe and Faery from Mankind’s corrupting influence. Neither Merlin nor the Earth understood what had happened to mankind (the fourteen faction was unknown to them at that time). It took 10 years for Earth to realise that Merlin was acting on her behalf by removing the Faery and Sidhe to Avalon. Disease and plague followed because no one was attending to the plants and nature. This was truly the Dark Ages and they have continued to this day in one form or another related to, for instance, the industrial revolution. But most emphatically the West has been at the forefront of corruption via false Christianity and they have spread this human disease around the planet. It is they who are holding back full soul integration through mind control and greed [Ego].

The Velon

The Velon with their Djed pillars at the centre of every HAARP installation have replaced the Fourteen Faction for mind control but all channelling is initiated through appealing to human Ego. “Humans have a lot to answer for”, as Chris Thomas puts it.

Mankind lies to himself because he has attached ego to the mind rather than the heart. This makes it much easier for the Velon to manipulate our minds and belief systems.

Once we re-gain our higher abilities through focusing on our inner work, ignoring the media, and clearing energy blocks through the Giveaway, there will be no way for the Velon, or any other race, to manipulate mankind the way it’s been done thus far. Once we have reintegrated our higher selves into our physical bodies, we will easily see through the lies and our energy levels will increase with the inner light we bring into this world.

The Earth Soul

Earth has her own plans and the planets are moving into alignment to help her in her goals of bringing the Human Plan to fruition.
There are a number of things that have to be moved into place by Earth before mass soul reintegration can take place. At the consciousness level Earth has now permanently raised the base frequency to 3500 Hz. She has also straightened on her axis to within 2 degrees of being perpendicular and continues to change a little more every day.

Other Factors

Chris has not told me what the other factors that need to be in place are but I suspect our higher selves and our own individual work at clearing, the lessons our soul is giving us which demonstrate to us how life can be a paradise if we change our own behaviour, are part of it. I suspect everyone reading this has experienced one of these uncharacteristic higher self interactions where you find yourself doing or saying something that you just know did not come from you. These experiences are often hard to share with another because they would simply dismiss it with some rational explanation because they did not experience the feelings that went with it.

These unusual and unmistakable soul lessons are becoming more and more common as we come to recognize and work with our higher selves on a daily basis leading up to soul integration. Also people need to remove the Velon hold of channelling lies, so that Earth and Merlin can deal with them (the Velon). It is humans that are holding them close to the Earth.

The Sidhe and faery realms are already returning, thanks to the few million souls who have already reintegrated. Although they are in seclusion you can be sure these 3 Million plus reintegrated souls are ably performing the tasks relegated to them. There is a reason they are not out in the open for the rest of us to see. Unfortunately mankind has a tendency to shirk his duties when he is in awe of others.

It is possible that one of their tasks may be to smash the facilities which hold psychic children strapped to beds on intravenous feed of reward and punishment. These psychic children are connected to giant computer systems to perform psychic attacks and no doubt they are the means of mind control for our so-called leaders. This is essentially the hold that is causing the insane actions going on in the world today. These military/industrial/ congressional freaks would be very different people if set free from this monstrous control.

It would be unkind of me to print long excerpts from Chris Thomas’ books here because they are not only under copyright but they are very inexpensive to purchase. In fact they are only available from one publisher in Britain. A few of them have recently become available through Amazon Canada and U.K. Amazon U.S.A.has banned them and any publisher in the U.S. who offers to print them has their bank accounts frozen by the NSA, who are also the ones who have been psychically attacking Chris in a vicious attempt to kill him. His last 3 books were very difficult to write because of this psychic surveillance. The Velon even put a Djed pillar in his garden to control his mind but he was able to destroy it psychically.


"Merlin" is the name given to Earth's planetary guardian by the Sidhe. It means Energy Creator. His soul was created by the creator using a portion of each of the 13 original planetary souls in this solar system. He was the last assigned Guardian of the 13 Guardians (1 for each Planet) because Earth was the last planet to begin forming life, choosing a wait and see position. After the explosion of 2 planets, Earth was the only planet to avoid a complete loss of life on her surface. This was in no small part thanks to her consequent moon (containing ¼ of the consciousness of one of the exploded planets) which served to stabilize the resulting wobble.


Among the Celtic race it was the tradition to name the most powerful shaman in the land, amongst the Druids, as the "Merlin". Hence King Arthur and Merlin. These are the Merlins written about in mythic Lore. Roman Christianity had to, of course, portray him a shadowy, dark figure in order to discredit Celtic beliefs and ways of life even hypocritically suggesting sacrifice among the Druids and relegating the Faerie to some fantasy world of make believe.

If you are interested in Merlin, The Lady, the faery and Sidhe, the real Jesus, and the Celtic history of the Earth I highly recommend this book which is a wonderful history and costs only 8 pounds. It is well worth ten times that amount in my opinion.

It is available here: http://www.cygnus-books.co.uk/planet-earth-the-universes-experiment-chris-thomas.html


Unfortunately it is out of stock until enough people sign up for a new printing.

17th September 2015, 00:59
This is very interesting, and it's been said there are MANY underground 'bases'. I read Branton's Dulce Book a few years ago, and it was so upsetting I wasn't able to finish it. Almost to the point that it was better to not know the rest of that story... It completely blew apart my fantasy that there were 'good' aliens out there just waiting to help us... At that same time, I realized that all the other communications from 'aliens' like Ashtar, Metatron, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germaine, etc. were actually false and to not be believed. Thank you for your post :-)


Thanks for your interest Life2essence.

I have listened to the Kerry Cassidy interview with Summers. Yes he is correct in saying we have been deceived by an e.t. race (the Annunaki) who took over the illuminati. They appealed to illuminati greed and desire for power over their fellow humans.

Apart from that I see no resemblance between Summers' information and the information Chris Thomas presents from the Akashic. A couple of examples:

- E.T. races cannot interbreed with us or even themselves since they do not procreate. They practice adult birth in most cases and do not engage in sexual activity. Human DNA is unique and individual, as is our human template provided by Earth.

- Summers states: "Freedom is rare in the Universe and particularly in our region of space." In contrast C.T. makes it clear that all energies in this universe are purposefully designed for complete free will with the one exception of not interfering with another's free will.

- I would also question the premise that there is a great deal of competition among e.t. races over natural resources. Even their space ships are built using plant material that renews itself. Only humans are using metal mineral resources. Spiritually advanced beings do not require technological resources, with one big exception being the Velon but of course they are not spiritually advanced even though, as a semi-physical race, they have advanced psychic powers. A spiritually advanced race lives in complete harmony with nature.

Chris was born hard-wired to the Akashic for the universe which answers questions in relation to events of the past. He does not read individual's Akasha in his books, except when they play a pivoting role in Earth history.

The Velon consist of 6 different factions. Although they sometimes work together for convenience, they are in competition with each other for control of Earth. It's really a case of, if they can't have her then they will destroy the Earth soul. They are envious of humanity and they have proven themselves to be vicious liars. They have come to rely too heavily on technology and that is their undoing. Those present on earth have lost their higher selves so that when the Guardians finally take them out , they will turn to dust.

It is humans like Summers and many others who are keeping them close to the Earth.

As for the voice Summers hears in his head, even the black ops military and CIA now have patents on technology for beaming voices into individual's minds. At the center of every HAARP station is a Djed pillar which is constantly broadcasting mind control impulses. The solution is to raise your vibrations through the heart to beyond their reach. This frees your attention to do your inner work which is accomplished by using something similar to the Giveaway to remove energy blocks for previous trauma, making room in your body for reintegrating the higher self.

Summers seems a sincere person but he has a high human gullibility quotient, as Chris would put it. The best thing he could have done when confronted by those voices would have been to tell them to 'F. off', or "go to hell". Many abductees have found this method to be effective and I personally can vouch for it. Unfortunately he is presenting a pack of lies with just enough truth to make use of the Velon tactic for confusion.

As Chris Thomas has said of Kerry Cassidy. She has been promoting Velon lies [in the form of 'the law of one' series] throughout Australia. "I wouldn't touch her with a 20 foot barge pole."

There is much that could be said regarding the assertions coming from the voice of "The Allies of Humanity". For instance they speak of Galactic governments - no such control exists. Every soul is consulted when a decision is to be made and every soul in this universe has unanimously called for the removal of the Velon.

The relatively new Earth nonphysical souls will replace them as a race in this Universe so that we still have 13 races after all Velon have been removed.

The 6 Velon races who each use a different ploy in their channellings are Annunaki, Hathor ( who also practice healing), Oa, Mila, Johnaan, Jjundaa.

I think we can add "The Allies of Humanity" to the long list of Velon disguises which also include:

Chris Thomas:
"The number of disguises invented by the Velon is immense and certainly far too many to list here but some of the main ones are:
Ashtar Command, The Great White Brotherhood, The Council of Nine, The Annunaki, The Hathor, Galactic Federation of Light, Orion Empire, Reptilians, Ascended Sirians, Tall White Nordics, Venusians, Zetas and many, many more.

The Velon also claim to be:
Ascended Masters, Metatron, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germaine, the Christ Consciousness as well as many hundreds of Arch Angels and Angels."

Certainly Edgar Casey, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and even David Icke have been fooled by Velon channelling. People really need to question these faceless voices. Don't get me wrong, When he stays with what he knows David Icke is a very effective critic of the cabal.

Our connection to our higher self is a completely different and intimate experience. Learn to recognize it's daily action in your life. Listen to the subtle energies of your body and remain heart centred.

It's not what you can do in this world that matters, it's WHO YOU ARE that really matters. JUST BE YOURSELF AND BE TRUE TO YOURSELF. It seems to be the human condition that so many of us need to be regularly reminded of this.

Thank you for this clarification, it helps very much. We all must be extremely discerning these days, there is so much deception everywhere, all vying for our attention, our energy, whether adoration or fear.

Do you have any information that goes into more detail about this sentence in your last post:

"The solution is to raise your vibrations through the heart to beyond their reach. This frees your attention to do your inner work which is accomplished by using something similar to the Giveaway to remove energy blocks for previous trauma, making room in your body for reintegrating the higher self."

I've heard reference in his videos about the 'giveaway' concept, but not totally clear how it works. I'll look in this forum to see if it's explained here. I'm still waiting for my Universal Soul book to arrive, hopefully next week.

thank you!

17th September 2015, 21:00
Do you have any information that goes into more detail about this sentence in your last post:

"The solution is to raise your vibrations through the heart to beyond their reach. This frees your attention to do your inner work which is accomplished by using something similar to the Giveaway to remove energy blocks for previous trauma, making room in your body for reintegrating the higher self."

I've heard reference in his videos about the 'giveaway' concept, but not totally clear how it works. I'll look in this forum to see if it's explained here. I'm still waiting for my Universal Soul book to arrive, hopefully next week.

thank you!

The importance of the Giveaway cannot be overemphasized. Yes our true history is also helpful with our discernment and our connection to our Higher Self, but the Giveaway is what sets the process of reintegration in motion. It is the most important part of Chris Thomas' work and information. For that reason I am putting it in enlarged type.



Throughout our lives we find ourselves in situations where we feel we are unable to express ourselves as fully as we would like. This can be with members of the family, with friends or colleagues or with our employer. The problem is that all of the unexpressed emotions of these kind of situations become lodged in our internal organs. If the emotional debris becomes too great, it can cause the organ to break down and generate symptoms of illness.

This has been bad enough in the past but, as we undergo our process of change, the storage of old emotions will actually hold us back if not actively prevent us from moving forwards. Obviously, these stored emotions need to be removed from our bodies.

The best way of clearing these emotions is to confront the person who brought about the emotions in the first place and express to them how you really feel.

If you are unable, for whatever reason, to do that, the next best way of clearing these store emotions is with a process called “The Giveaway”.

The Giveaway

The giveaway is a process of writing down all of the emotions that you have stored away. This sounds as though it cannot work – UNTIL YOU TRY IT!! [My Emphasis having learned that lesson, you will think of al kinds of excuses for not doing the giveaway]

What you will find is that once you start, all sorts of emotions and situations that you thought you had dealt with will come to the surface and you will realize that you are carrying a huge amount of emotion from your past.

For the exercise you will need:
One old newspaper
Several pencils
One glass of organic red wine (optional)
One candle (optional)

The most important thing to remember about this exercise is that: YOU DO NOT READ IT BACK.

The reason for this is that if you read back what you have written, you will take all of the emotions back in and have to start again.

This is the reason for the newspaper and the pencil; it is virtually impossible to read pencil on newsprint. It is also the reason for the candle; if you use this exercise in the evening with only candle-light, it makes it even more difficult to read.

The optional glass of red wine is included as it helps you to relax and allows your expression of held emotions to flow more freely.

So, find a quiet time in your day where you will not be disturbed. Collect your newspaper and pencils and sit down somewhere comfortable.

Think about something that has happened recently which made you upset but you could not express yourself fully. Using a pencil on the newspaper, start to write to the person who brought about the emotions. Write in whtever language you like – the stronger the language the better.

As you write, you will find that other emotions connected with other events come to the surface. That is fine, you can add those to what you are writing – just keep on going.

Once you have finished a session of writing, rip up the sheet of newspaper you have been writing on and dispose of it – burning it is best if you can. [Because fire is cleansing to the subconscious mind and if you do it immediately it is most closely associated with the experience of clearing. Also if you find you have intense anger or hatred still lingering from the exercise, envisage a purple flame next to the fire and imagine your self throwing those residual emotions into the purple flame at the same time as the fire consumes the newspaper. This helps because the purple flame is transformational in converting unwanted emotions to pure and clear flowing energy]

Don’t worry if you cannot burn it, just rip it up into the smallest pieces you can and throw them in the rubbish.

You will need to do this exercise many, many times. This is not just a one-off exercise.

You will know when you have written enough about a particular situation when you are able to think back on the events and not feel any emotion at all. If you think back and still feel emotions rising up, you need to do another giveaway.

This exercise sounds far too simple to do you any good. Try it and you will find that a huge weight feels as though it is being lifted from you.

You can also write to inanimate objects that have caused you stress – such as broken pipes, a leaking fridge, traffic jambs, queries in the supermarket, etc., etc. It makes no difference what the situation is, write a letter to it and it will clear out the emotions.

Just remember DO NOT READ IT BACK or you will undo all of the work you have done in writing by taking all the emotions back into the body.

This exercise works and works extremely well and will actively help; you through your transition.

Best of luck!

Please note: This exercise has to be written by hand – it cannot be done on a computer. If you try to use a computer, you will inevitably read it back off the screen making the exercise pointless. Chris Thomas

[I would like to add that the reason hand writing is so helpful is because of the connection the central nervous system has to the writing arm. The nerve impulses go up the arm to the spinal column and allow clearing down through the chakras to each organ. This was an important part of our first creation of writing. There is an emotional component to each of the symbols for language.]

[Another point I have learned through talking to those who have used this method, is that it is a very powerful force in clearing trauma for those who have experienced painful abductions and also retrieving memories that have been purposely erased from the conscious mind. It is a balancing tool which activates your DNA memories which connect you to your higher self. You will be surprised at how the integration process accelerates and daily illumination becomes a part of life. Your attention in the moment becomes luminous.]



Intuition is also greatly magnified during the process of reintegration because intuition is a product of experience, conscious and subconscious, including past life experience of 100 million years which is found in your reactivating, dormant DNA. Intuition is related to the Divine Feminine in each one of us, although slightly more in most women which , being a man, I can say makes many of them so wonderfully mysterious.

Intuition seems mysterious because it comes from FORGOTTEN experiences we mostly do not remember. So as you come to trust your instincts you just know things but seldom have an explanation for how you know them. For example you may hear someone's words, like Chris Thomas or Harold Kautz or Penney Pierce, and you "just know that they have spoken truth."

Intuition is the opposite to a belief system which is mostly about faith in something like science or religion. Intuition does not require the Divine Masculine proclivity for explanation, although here I am explaining it. With experience you come to trust in your intuition to the point where engaging the Higher Self becomes a matter of first trust and then, more to the point, understanding. This is why it is very beneficial to link with others who are experiencing reintegration. So you add to and magnify each other's profound experience and of course there will be certain people you can most resonate with when it comes to experiencing such a link.

In C.T.'s book Synchronicity you will find an appendix for connecting with your chakras. And another for connecting with your Higher Self. And a third appendix for receiving answers from the Akashic if your Higher Self deems you are ready.

I am linking this video because it is very helpful in understanding and linking to our higher abilities.


21st September 2015, 16:55
Great questioning and reading in this thread. Thank you Herbert for the time you put into it. It is now a great go-to place I link people interested in CT.

Is it me or has anyone else noticed more archeological digs and finds lately? Lots of them being shared on
Facebook. CT said this would happen but I cannot remember which book/essay/interview.

22nd September 2015, 17:29
Thoughts of Love, Friendship, Our Soul's Journey,

From a Celtic Point of View

― John O'Donohue, Celtic Wisdom
“The world rests in the night. Trees, mountains, fields, and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back into its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Nighttime is womb- time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night.”

Each person’s life is a work of art. Each stroke of the brush reflects your integrity; learn to listen between the lines and speak from the heart.

"If you send out goodness from yourself, or if you share that which is happy or good within you, it will all come back to you multiplied ten thousand times. In the kingdom of love there is no competition; there is no possessiveness or control. The more love you give away, the more love you will have.”

“Real friendship or love is not manufactured or achieved by an act of will or intention. Friendship is always an act of recognition.”

“No one else has access to the world you carry around within yourself; you are its custodian and entrance. No one else can see the world the way you see it. No one else can feel your life the way you feel it. Thus it is impossible to ever compare two people because each stands on such different ground. When you compare yourself to others, you are inviting envy into your consciousness; it can be a dangerous and destructive guest.”

“When love awakens in your life, in the night of your heart, it is like the dawn breaking within you. Where before there was anonymity, now there is intimacy; where before there was fear, now there is courage; where before in your life there was awkwardness, now there is a rhythm of grace and gracefulness; where before you used to be jagged, now you are elegant and in rhythm with your self. When love awakens in your life, it is like a rebirth, a new beginning.”

“Beauty is the illumination of your soul.”

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfilment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfilment.”

“We do not need to go out and find love; rather, we need to be still and let love discover us.”

“We do not need to grieve for the dead. Why should we grieve for them? They are now in a place where there is no more shadow, darkness, loneliness, isolation, or pain. They are home.”

“If you try to view yourself through the lenses that others offer you, all you will see are distortions; your own light and beauty will become blurred, awkward, and ugly. Your sense of inner beauty has to remain a very private thing.”

“The ego is the false self-born out of fear and defensiveness.”

“The world rests in the night. Trees, mountains, fields, and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back into its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Nighttime is womb- time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night.”

“You are as young as you feel. If you begin to feel the warmth of your soul, there will be a youthfulness in you that no one will be able to take away from you.”

“Real intimacy is a sacred experience. It never exposes its secret trust and belonging to the voyeuristic eye of a neon culture. Real intimacy is of the soul, and the soul is reserved.”


This thread is not meant to reflect the limitations of the society that we know all to well.

It is meant to approach the vision we all have of a free Earth where all life flourishes and no one feels repressed or intimidated; where animals run free to play in their natural habitats; where human cities are built with the presence of nature foremost in mind. We are all friends here having a discussion and when people and their views are treated with respect, there is no need for the kind of words which inevitably lead to arguments.

Every contribution is welcome, and if a topic is entertained which Chris Thomas has not touched on, just as he would say: he is not our Guru, and we are free to consider alternative views. In fact we have every right to look at all the angles as to their truth.

I think the majority of us have learned that words are not as conducive to understanding as we would like. Sometimes they can be used, as in a poem or story, where the feelings invoked are the message rather than the words. The story does not even have to be true for it to touch the realities of perception we once knew when we were Wholly Human; A memory of being all that we can be, full of new ideas and the burgeoning energy to create.

Youthful enthusiasm is an infectious energy and, as C.T. has said:

“We are needed as our reintegrated selves to help [Earth and] the other planets return to nurturing life in their own soul's unique, conscious variety.”

Human kind was always meant to work as partners along side the Faerie folk in the role of nurturing all of life in its lush variety. Animals are here to be our friends. Man cannot own an animal. Like all of humanity, animals are here to love and to be loved.

To know something is absolutely true with all your heart is an inner soul trait that we all aspire to. Words cannot describe that symphony of perception that George Kavassilas speaks of and that Chris Thomas relates in his experience of full soul integration.

We lighten the path together when we connect Ego to Heart feelings rather than mind thoughts of separation.

It is the divine feminine energy that connects us to the Earth.

The masculine is about explanation and change. The feminine is about experience and creativity. In every one of us they seek energetic balance and hence our benevolent powers of creating beauty, just by being our true selves.

Dolores Whelan on Celtic Spirituality:

It is the feminine energy that connects us to the Earth.

Stop seeing a field as a potential building sight. Honour the presence of the divine in every single blade of grass and in every single atom. That was the tradition of our ancient Celtic and Indigenous tribal ancestors. We understood that all life is sacred in this world. Those who have awakened to the divine feminine have the job now of re-enchanting the world. That we may begin to walk on the Earth with more reverence and to walk in gratitude for what we have. In so doing we actually evoke and create abundance into our lives.

The new creation will weave together the best of our past with the best of our presence. The new world will be a place that celebrates life and death, the heavens and the Earth, that sees heaven in the Earth, that celebrates the creativity of every single human being, that understands .

In fact the reverence codes of the Brehon laws were based on the right relationship, to be Just was to be in right relationship, to be unjust was to break the bond of relationship with yourself, with your neighbour, with family, god, with the land. The whole idea of sovereignty was so much a part of the ancient ways of this land. Sovereignty was to be aligned heaven to Earth and to live within the core placement in yourself, that you lived your truth because you went into that core place to find how you needed to move forward and it was never about expediency, it was about truth.

I am walking on the path of my truth
I am walking on the path of my vision

I believe that we have lost the concept of a vision for our lives and have replaced it with the next thing we can accumulate or the next thing we can buy. We hardly ever ask what is it I came here to do. What are my particular talents and gifts that I can offer into the world that I am co-creating?

Tell us what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life. A question that should be at the heart of our education sytem. And the idea that if I am walking my path of truth then the Universe comes in and supports me in everything I need.

A sense of well being and a sense of self worth.



23rd September 2015, 15:33

Here is the latest email update from Inelia Benz ... These are very wise and accurate words in these times of fall of 2015. Inelia encourages for us to not be distracted by all the BS going on around us concerning "end of the world" and "saviour" mentalities ...

Inelia has stated in the past her agreement with Chris Thomas that people should not be distracted by world events, but rather should focus on their own inner work to clear their bodies of energy blocks in order that they may embody their own power, responsibility, and vision for creating our future through integration.

“We can do nothing positive until we have finished our awakening. When we have awoken, we will know. All else is ego.”
Chris Thomas The Journey Home 1996

September, 2015

Inelia Benz loses her patience ...

WARNING! The next four paragraphs are filled with what is going on in the alternative and main media outlets... but bear with me, it will all become very clear from the fifth paragraph onward:

The past month, or three, has seen a flurry of end of the world predictions, with their accompanying saviors. Apparently we have avoided two major world and species annihilations thanks to the dedicated work and organized world meditations by ultra dimensional beings and their followers. OH! and apparently they have ensured we will "wake up and evolve" more for the next year, due to their diligent work. Thank you :D

We are not out of the woods yet apparently, as yet another scheduled end of the world comes up in about a week from now. And it doesn't matter if you are reading this in 2015 or 2017, it's very likely there's a scheduled end of the world scenario every month for the next several years or decades.

And... at least three spiritual teachers have fallen off their pedestals by exploiting their followers sexually, emotionally, mentally and sometimes financially too. There are now dedicated sites stating that all spiritual advancement, empowerment sites and teacher are bull**** and their followers are now liberated, going back to "real life" and rejoining the workforce.

At a personal level, I have found myself to having to set up strong boundaries with new and old acquaintances and individuals as well as having to cut people off and ban them from my life. It's been more than traumatic! It is almost like sleepers in our lives have been focused and triggered to "attack". People who were mostly keeping their evil intent and insecurities (their true colors) under wraps, are now on the warpath. Not only that, but people who are awake and awakening, can now see the real reasons and true intent of those sleepers. And they are finding it hard to "excuse" the sleepers behavior away.

So... what does all these social and personal attacks, fear mongering, warring havoc mean? Why now?

We entered the present accelerated evolutionary locational window in the universe about 200 years ago. The 1800s saw the first incling of it. Our society and the lives of the most oppressed began to shift and change. You may think that there are plenty places on the planet that life is still super hard for certain sections of the population. And that is true, but even there it is easier for them today than it was 200 years ago.

The epicenter of that locational window is coming up on us now. We are inside the center and getting to the most "dense" point of the energy which exists here, which can be most accurately described as "infinite potentiality". The epicenter is about 2 years long. After that, we go back to more "stable", "slow" and "established" reality.

By pumping the alternative media, and the main media, with fear stories, doomsday stories, and end of the world or humanity stories, the people who want to keep a power over others game going on Earth are simply collecting their "stock".

Individuals who subscribe to all those stories and fall into fear, and those who become spiritually, emotionally and mentally exhausted and give up on their own awakening, are simply cattle being duly guided back to their barn to be milked like good little cows. And what is the main indicator of who is being taken back to the barn and who is not? Well, even among the most "spiritual" of people, the ones that are going back are those who give their own power away.

What does giving one's power away look like? Well, one way is to believe that the Savior of the Universe is HERE and he/she/they are making sure you are SAFE. Have you heard that lately? Yeah, just a line to the old paradigm where saviors where "the only ones" who could liberate eternal, divine, all powerful beings, from enslavement. Like an eternal, divine powerful being could be enslaved.

But people when they start to wake up, still have powerful firewalls that tell them they are not as "powerful" or "wise" as another person or being. So, there are lightworker traps out there that snare them in and keep them busy until the lightworker gets wise or exhausted.

If he or she gets wise, they step away from the dogma they were following and continue their journey in a more eclectic and self guided way.

If they get exhausted, they call all spiritual teachers "cult leaders", go back to their church, job and 9-5 matrix.

But most don't even make it that far. Most people who are waking up get snared in the "doomsday" scenarios, stories and whistle blowers. End of the world dates come and go over and over again.

And whistleblowers (45 top secret levels above the President of the USA) come and go, come and go.

They say some interesting things, to pull people in, then they go on a tangent. And what does this cause?

Well, most individuals will at some point get tired of it all and go back to their 9-5 lives.

Others will realize that this age and time is about them taking responsibility for their own expansion of awareness, spiritual development, and move into the "spiritual community".

Most of these will then fall prey to people who are ready and waiting to take their power. People who have "a unique and the only way, or group of extra dimensional beings" that fixes everything, or is the salvation of the individual and the planet.

Because of all the many programs the human population has that makes them give away their power, most of these individuals will then fall into these traps and either spend the rest of their life waiting to be saved, or ... leave their spiritual journey because "it's all a load of BS".

But some make it. And if you are still reading this article, that means YOU.

After that journey, or parts of it, the person realizes that they ARE powerful.

That all they need to do is learn how to take back and use their own power, stop giving it away, and become highly eclectic in their self guided spiritual and evolutionary education. The person has graduated to follow their own guidance.

Now they can go out into the world and learn everything that resonates with them. Drop everything that doesn't, and become powerful, able, and deprogrammed.

adjective: eclectic; adjective: Eclectic

deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources."her musical tastes are eclectic"

 of, denoting, or belonging to a class of ancient philosophers who did not belong to or found any recognized school of thought but selected such doctrines as they wished from various schools.

noun: eclectic; plural noun: eclectics

a person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

In joy/light/love,

- Inelia

[I would just like to point out that if you vote in the coming elections, knowing full well that their really is NO CHOICE in the mind-controlled candidates or kind of government you are voting for, then you are exercising your right to be screwed and that means giving your power away!!!

Each future leader is groomed to appear as if he is the choice the people want, the underdog, the one who seems to understand, who is different in defying the powers that be. Sound familiar? They need your power to continue screwing you. Why would anyone vote in this kind of system? Low voter turnout is the thing they most fear. As it is, they have to return every four years to the polls for a reason. It is the voters who give them their power over the people.]

23rd September 2015, 17:34
I nearly posted this article today, Herb. I agree totally with what she has to say about this, as we're experiencing it here on the forum presently. Malc is under attack presently by members and non members. We should all be aware of this and give him our support to rid ourselves of this attack. I've given him my support anyway.


25th September 2015, 18:40
I remember something Chris Thomas had said about the non physical souls: “Once the physicality of Earth was in fact created, the non physical souls [Angels] said that it was quite a marvellous thing, the various life forms, the beauty of the sky, the oceans & mountains, the variety of living forms, it was just incredible.

Only one thing was missing... they could not smell the flowers, they could not experience the taste of the fruit, they could not feel the rain making everything wet. They could not feel the warmth of the Sun.

So, existence provided for each non-physical soul the opportunity to build for itself a physical body with the help of the Earth soul. This was so that the non physical "angels" could also experience the physical world, experience for themselves what this beautiful planet Earth had created.

“Certainly to reach the level of consciousness that say, a planet like Earth has attained, requires a prerequisite - a certain amount of 'growth', or 'expansion', of consciousness has to have taken place, before a consciousness can attain a greater energetic responsibility that involves other souls, other life forms.”

From Chris Thomas:
"Each of the ‘Angels’, that came to Earth and lived a human lifetime, returned to the realms of the six civilizations enriched

and invigorated by the experience and encouraged others to experience this form of life for themselves. During the time of Atlantis, very many

souls incarnated as human beings and the universe became a better place because of these experiences."

The Journey Home (page16)



Throughout the Universe, many, many billions of souls exist; some are souls that make up galaxies, some are souls that make up solar systems, some souls are more or less “human sized” but have no physical density at all, some are also more or less “human sized” but do have physical bodies that are considerably less dense than human bodies.

So there was a form of life that was missing – “physical” life-forms that live on “physical” planets.

This is the purpose of our solar system – to explore the possibilities offered by being physical.

A region of an outlying galaxy was selected to be the host for this physical experiment where a sun already existed.

This lone sun was also a consciousness, a soul. This solar soul agreed to provide the nurturing energies to a solar system that was formed from thirteen souls who wished to take on “physical” energy densities and explore the different forms of life that being physical could conjure up.

This all happened 40 million years ago.

This time-scale is greatly at odds with current “scientific” thinking but this is the time frame that is recorded in the Akashic.

The scientific time scale, that of 4 billion years, is based on the assumed age of a meteor that could have arrived on Earth from anywhere within the Universe and so is no more than a false assumption.

Our solar system is contained within an energy “envelope” that is shaped a little like a rugby ball.

This envelope was necessary in order to keep out all of the other energy patterns that exist within our galaxy and within our Universe – there is not much point in creating an experimental region of space if it could be contaminated by energy patterns that could make the experiment pointless.

So we exist in a controlled and protected “envelope” that originally contained thirteen souls who had taken on the role of forming physical planets that could create and nurture as diverse a range of physical forms of life as possible.

All were successful.

All thirteen planets began to form 40 million years ago, each expressing the “personality” of their soul in the forms of life they created.
Individual souls are Created by the Creator, planetary life is created by the soul of the planet.

However, the soul that is the Earth took Her time to consider all options before She settled down to experiment with the type of life-forms She wanted to develop.

In this way, life on Earth only began to develop 25 million years ago.

Again, this is very much at odds with the scientific view of life on Earth.

However, if you research back through the history of scientific thinking, you will find that this figure of 25 million years is one which was favoured by scientists for a number of years.

It only changed when the “new” science of geology came along and tried to find answers to the ages of rock strata.

Most of the assumptions made by these early geologists turn out to be based on false premises but scientists being scientists, they have not admitted to their mistakes and have maintained the false theories and incorporated these false dates into current thinking.

When the meteorite, mentioned above, was found, they came up with this new age of 4 billion years for the Earth. The technique used to arrive at this date has never been explained adequately – it seems to have primarily been conjecture and wishful thinking.

25 million years ago, the surface of the Earth began to live. The first life-forms were bacteria and plants. In order to work with the plants, the Earth brought about the Sidhé and the Faerie, creating them about 20 million years ago.

At this time, the Earth was also about 40 per cent smaller than She is now.

There is no such thing as “Continental Drift”, the Earth grew as life developed and there have been occasions when She has shrunk in size as She brought about major changes to the forms of life that She Created for Her surface.

As life developed on all of the planets of our solar system, the parameters of our experiment changed.

It was proven that compressing energies down to the frequencies we consider “physical” worked exceptionally well and that the solar system contained more forms of life than all of the planets in the rest of the Universe combined and so it was decided that all of the planets would work towards developing a form of life that could contain a free-moving and free-acting soul.

In other words, Human Beings.

The first free-moving souls that were Created for this Universe did not have any physical form or physical density; they were just pure soul energy. These types of souls the Akashic calls the “non-physical” races. [sometimes called Angels]

In order for them to develop and to gain new experiences, it was agreed that they could come to our solar system and experience what it is like to take on a physical body. But, before they could make that journey, the planets of the solar system needed to develop a suitable body that these souls could inhabit.

All thirteen of the planets that were originally in our solar system began to create new life-forms that could fulfil that function and all were successful.

Then, 3.8 million years ago, four of the original planetary souls decided that they had completed all of the experiences they felt they... [ To read full article download pdf from here]


26th September 2015, 21:15




Chapter One General Questions

Chapter Two The Scientific Answer?
Big Bang Theory, Plate Tectonics, Human History – One, The Age of the Earth, Human History – Two, Dating Techniques, Scientific Scepticism, Quantum Physics

Chapter Three The Medical Approach
Vaccination, Cholesterol, Genes and DNA

Chapter Four Spirituality and Religion
The Life of Jesus, Destruction of Celtic Beliefs, The New Spirituality

Chapter Five The Story So Far – Possibly
Crowd Control, Free Energy

Chapter Six UFOs, Alien Contacts
Human UFOs Alien Abductions

Chapter Seven The Velon Peoples of the Velus Solar System

Chapter Eight The Velon Activities Around Earth
Jjundaa, Oa, Mila, Johnaan, Annunaki, Hathor

Chapter Nine Present Trends

Chapter Ten The Future?

Glossary Try Thinking About It First

Appendix Chronological Chart


List of Illustrations
Map of Atlantis and Lemuria
A Velon “Me”
Velon “Communicator”
An Annunaki “Djed” Pillar
The Solar System “Gateways”


Page 37
Ever since I was a lad I have been reading scientific books, reports and papers to find out if anything in scientific research coincides with the information within the Akashic. I am sad to say that very little scientific research does.

Once you begin to investigate how scientists work, you begin to realise that this is not surprising. Science operates a system of theory. Someone arrives at a theory which is then explored by other scientists who will then confirm or deny the original scientist’s findings. The theory then develops and is recognized by other scientists working in the same field. Once accepted, the theory becomes carved in stone and, in many instances; the stone chips from the carving are incorporated into the reinforced concrete that the carved stone becomes surrounded by. In other words, once a theory is accepted, it takes the equivalent of a nuclear bomb to change the minds of scientists, no matter how much evidence there is to show that the theory is wrong. The really sad thing is that most of the theories governing modern science were first invented in the eighteenth hundreds or, sometimes, even earlier.

Why am I talking about theory instead of proof? If you take into account the hundreds of fields of scientific research that have been investigated over the past 400 years, the amount of information that scientists can say is proven would fill a document with fewer pages than the first chapter of this book.

Everything in science is an unproven theory and not something that can be stated as a fact.

Even Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “If you uncover a new fact that does not fit in with your theory, you are free to ignore the new fact if it could upset your theory.” – or words to that affect as there seem to be several variations of the same quote. For every “accepted” theory there are an average of 93 other theories covering the same subject, some of which are the exact opposite of the accepted theory. In some popular areas of research, the number of opposing theories can run into the hundreds.

Big Bang Theory

Take, for example, the theory for the origin of the universe, Big Bang Theory. If you listen to scientists they give the impression that they know everything about the universe’s origins down to 2 nanoseconds after the big bang happened. Wrong.

The Big Bang theory contains so many holes and discrepancies that scientists have to dream up new “elementary particles” just about every week to try and fill some kind of hole that has the potential to pull the theory apart.

The scientists started to pull everything down to “quantum” particles such as quarks, leptons, fermions, gluons, etc., etc. The list is starting to become endless.

However, even with all these theoretical particles, they still cannot explain where the bulk of the universe actually is.

The universe is obviously there, it just seems to be missing about 90% of its mass. So they invented Cold Dark Matter (CDM) but that did not explain enough, so they then came up with Cold Dark Energy (CDE) which also did not explain where the rest of the universe was, so they invented a particle called the Higgs Boson which probably does not exist but, if it does, it could explain how energy is transferred to matter.

Then there are WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Mass Particle) and MACHOS (Massive Compact Halo Objects) all of which can be summarized by, as one physicist put it, DUNNOS (Dark Unknown Nonreflective Nondetectable Objects Somewhere). Confused? So are the scientists – and some are also very annoyed.

In May of 2004, a group of 33 scientists from 10 countries issued a hard-hitting public statement that the theory is seriously flawed and that insufficient resources are being given to researching viable alternatives. In mid 2005, they convened a conference on the crisis in cosmology. In their own words:

“Big Bang Theory relies on a growing number of . . . things we have never observed. Inflation, dark matter, and dark energy are the most prominent. Without them there would be fatl contradictions between the observations . . . and the predictions . . . In no other field of physics would this continual recourse to new hypothetical objects be accepted . . . what’s more, the Big Bang Theory can boast of no qualitative predictions that have subsequently been validated by observation . . .”

The statement carries on in the same vein (quote reported in The Science of Oneness by Malcolm Hollick).

Science likes to present itself to the public as being in total agreement about all things and that scientists have proven how all things work. As can be seen from the above statement, there is very little agreement and if the back-stabbers used actual knives, very few scientists would still be alive.

Plate Tectonics

Page 39
The same is true for that other theory which is now presented as solid fact, Plate Tectonics.

Essentially what this theory says is that the Earth’s continents float about on the surface of the magma core and have, in the distant past, formed massive “Super Continents”, which have broken apart and drifted around for a bit on their own and then re-formed. This breaking apart and reforming supposedly occurred several times making up continents with names such as Laurasia, Gondwana, Rodinia, Pangaea.

This Plate Tectonic Theory is based upon biologists finding various species of plants on different continents and so the geophysicists assumed that the continents with similar plant species must have once been connected.

However, one newer theory is that these “continental drifts” did not occur but that the Earth began life approximately 60% smaller than it is now and has expanded ever since. All of a sudden, virtually all the anomalies that have been found impossible to overcome in the Plate Tectonics theory start to make sense and all the discrepancies fall into place. (Theory proposed by Dr James Maxlow with an extract from his book published in Nexus Magazine Dec/Jan 2005/2006).

Whilst this expansion theory does agree with some of the information recorded in the Akashic, it does not quite make it as it does not allow for periods of contraction, but it is much closer to reality than plate tectonic theory.

Incidentally, the plate tectonic fans have stated that what would prove the theory absolutely would be that the Pacific ocean would reduce in size every year to allow for continuing continental drift. This reducing would not have to be by much, only about 19 mm per year, that’s about three quarters of an inch. The problem is that with current GPS systems (Global Positioning Satellite), it was found that the Pacific is actually growing in size by about 19 mm per year.

Once theories have become accepted and undergone the reinforced concrete treatment, it is acceptable to gently chip away at them but any scientist that tries to blow the theory apart has a very short professional life expectancy.




Chapter 1 Potential

Chapter 2 Dissemination and Opposition

Chapter 3 Force and Falseness

Chapter 4 Illuminati

Chapter 5 Other Races

Chapter 6 The Unseen Hand – The Real Illuminati

Chapter 7 Modus Operandi – Population Control

Chapter 8 Brainwashing

Chapter 9 Conclusions and Solutions

Appendix One A Diary of Illuminati Activities

Appendix Two A Diary of Population Control

Appendix Three The Secret Government

Appendix Four The Affects of GM Crops

Appendix Five The Ashtar Command


Human Potential

[We are the explorer race of souls.] We come from several different planetary systems to experience life on the most beautiful and diverse planet in the Universe. That is what we all share in common - that youthful passion for exploring physical feelings.

Page 17-20
There is a blueprint for human existence, a means by which humanity, as a whole, can achieve its full potential. This potential is the reintegration of the "higher" aspects of our consciousness with our "physical" aspects of consciousness. Once we have achieved this reintegration, we will understand fully who we are, where we originated and how we came to be.

To put it another way, the soul is capable of dividing it's consciousness, investing 25 % in the physical body which it has created for itself using the Earth's template ( energetic, morphological field ) and elements from the Earth. The other 75% of human consciousness is outside of the physical body existing as energetic potential. Our job is to clear emotional energetic blocks arising from childhood trauma, so that our physical body contains room for higher frequency energetic flow so that 100% of our soul consciousness can be available to our physical selves.

When each of us have achieved this reintegration, we will experience being wholly human and fully conscious. One of the first steps is to realize that religion is man made. There is no being out there that requires our worship.

The Creationary Source, using terms expressed by quantum physics, could be described as the "Fields of Possibility".

It is a consciousness that contains all the energy potential that exists in this Universe.

And that source has chosen to explore the potential of physical life.

It has invited us, who are also source to explore this potential for physical life.

We are the explorers of the question: What if non-physical souls could occupy a physical body that contained 100% soul conscious awareness?

What does it FEEL like to walk in the grass, hold hands with another wholly conscious physical body, what is it like to fully, consciously feel the senses of a soft summer breeze, to be fully aware of those fragrant orange blossoms, to drink the summer wine, feel light-hearted, and see your smiles reflected in a pond?

In other words, the Universe has a consciousness, a soul, the galaxies are consciousness, souls, and solar systems are equally consciousnesses, souls.


Chapter 2 Dissemination and Opposition

Page 42 - 43
It is easy to be sceptical about the idea of a conspiracy, the intention of which is to hide away or to distort information to give a misleading view of world events . . . There is an illustration of two men viewing the night sky by telescope from the Ica River near the Nasca plain in South America. The image is carved into stones called andesites which are stones as hard as quartz. There are several thousands of these stones , all depicting life in that area of South America. The stones, ‘snap shots’ of life, depict humans living next to dinosaurs and many dinosaur and human bones have been found together in the area. Needless to say, the stones have not been accepted by the archaeological mainstream. The stones were being investigated by Dr Javier Darquea of Lima, (Dr Cabrera’s book: The Messages of the Engraved Stones of Ica) until his death in 1991; he also linked the stones with the Pleiadean star system. Dr Cabrera’s book has in fact been banned by the USA.

We all know that the telescope was invented in 1608 in the Netherlands, yet here is a clear illustration showing the use of telescopes at least 12,500 years ago.

Another example would be where archaeologists insist that Celtic societies were ignorant savages and civilization was only brought to the west by the Romans and Greeks. However there is a huge body of evidence showing very clearly that the Celtic peoples of Northern Europe, particularly in northern Scotland, were investigating and working with, sophisticated geometry 2000 years before the Greeks.

There is a huge list of archaeological findings of this nature which are never made public because it would upset a very careful cover-up of our true past. . . In addition, the British Archaeological Society, the governing body for all archaeological studies in Britain, has it written into their charter of incorporation that they will not publish any material which contradicts the Bible.

Our real history is very different to the one that is taught in schools.

The History of the Secret Teachings

Page 44
Following the destruction of Atlantis, those who chose to still be a part of this “human experiment” returned to Earth and colonised 6 regions of the planet. These regions were:

1. South America
2. Mesopotamia (the area around Sumeria)
3. Egypt
4. Britain, Ireland and Northern France
5. Tibet
6. Southern Greece Volcanic activity destroyed most of this region leaving only scattered islands now. (see The Fool’s First Steps)

Each region began its own investigation into how life could be lived and how best to interact with the Earth herself. They also began to try to understand the reasons for the loss of the higher brain functions. One other “peculiarity” at this time was that there were no children. A human being is defined within the Akashic, for this early stage of our development, as being someone of human form with the whole of the soul [all 50 dimensions of perceptual awareness] within the physical body.

At the time of Atlantis, [85,000 to 65,000 years ago] [there was a break from human physical occupation of Earth for 40,000 years after we sank Atlantis so that humans only returned about 20,000 years ago] and up until about 12,000 years ago, the method of becoming human was for a soul to arrive on Earth, copy the human “etheric template” which was created by Earth [morphological field vortex] and wrap the soul with the Earth’s energy patterns to create a “physical” body – a process known as “adult birth” – this is probably the origin of the Adam and Eve story in the Bible.

We did not work out the process for bringing forth children until we had learnt how to divide the soul into its higher and physical functions. Childbirth is achieved by attaching a very small amount of consciousness to the slowly developing foetus at about 16 days following conception; the level of consciousness is then gradually added to as the foetus develops, through birth, to puberty when the last “piece” of consciousness enters the body that is to be downloaded for that particular lifetime. We did not understand or fully explore this process during the time of Atlantis and so there were no children.

Page 45
By about 18,000 years ago, we were experiencing some serious problems with the erosion of our higher functions and decided to build structures that could be used to enhance and recreate the functions being lost. At a parallel time, both South America and Egypt began designing and building pyramid structures. The pyramid form was decided upon as the geometric shape of the structure is capable of generating its own internal energy patterns as well as enhancing any other energies that were worked with. This is the true age of the pyramids in both south America and Egypt; 18,000 years old.

Just to add further confusion to accepted dates, according to the akashic, the sphinx was built as a marker to the entrance of the huge network of under-ground tunnels under the Giza plateau that were constructed at the end of Atlantis to shelter those who chose to remain on Earth to help undo the damage done by destroying the continent. The “face” of the Sphinx was also originally that of a lion to match its body, this entrance marker being built around 60,000 years ago – at least this date allows for the proper time-frame for the water erosion to the top of the Sphinx.

Page 46
The way in which the Egyptian pyramids were used was as follows:
If you felt as though you were experiencing a loss of functions, you entered the so-called "King's Chamber" and formed sounds of specific frequencies. As these frequencies resonated with the form & structure of the chamber, it set up specific resonances within the so-called "air vents" above. The resulting combination of frequencies restructured the body's energy patterns and reconstructed the higher aspects of the soul within the body.

In order to make use of the pyramids, specific sound sequences needed to be used in order to generate the required resonance. There were instructions as to how to do this were written out in hieroglyphs. These images were not meant to be literally read, but were designed to trigger a psychic response. In other words, the "student" psychically requested the imprinted hieroglyph to release the information it contained.

These are the real "Keys of Enoch".

As time went on, we gradually lost the ability to "read" on this psychic level. Teachers were recruited, and a "school" was set up to teach other teachers on how to psychically read these glyphs & release the information that they contained.

These teachers came to be known as "Key Keepers", as in the Keys of Enoch, and formed the basis of the much later priesthood.

This was the first of that which could be described as "secret knowledge" & later "mystery schools"... only because that which was once known, later became lost or unknown because of our increasing loss of our natural psychic ability.

Over the centuries, this knowledge has been lost and a great number of theories have been forwarded as to the real use to which the pyramids were put - some more viable than others - certainly, no bodies were ever found in the Giza pyramids, so they were never tombs as what is generally taught in our "public 'fools' system" of education.

30th September 2015, 03:48
Thank you for your reply Hebert, very much appreciated. I'm reading the Universal Soul, very good stuff.


2nd October 2015, 15:49
Even though I have read most of CT books these quick reviews are awesome. Thanks again Herbet.

Saw this AOL video today and I thought of a soul building its' body in the womb.

http://m.aol.com/article/2015/10/01/mother-sees-dead-grandfather-kissing-unborn-baby-in-4d-ultrasoun/21243551/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl12%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D68551504 5

I am editing this post weeks later to illustrate why I shared this link in case new people find it bizarre. The following is from Chris Thomas' essay "DNA - 2, 12, or 13 Strands? 2011 Dedicated to Henrietta Lacks"

Most people believe that we are a body that
has a soul (consciousness) but are unsure of
where that soul is.
The reality is that we are a soul that builds for
itself a body – not a body that has a soul but a
soul that has a body.
In order for the soul to take on a physical
body, it borrows the “etheric template” of a
human body, makes a copy and begins to
build the body inside the womb.
When the father’s sperm meets the mother’s
egg, an automatic process is begun that is a
function of the fertilisation process – the soul
does not connect at this stage – all that really
happens is that the egg begins to divide.
From both parents, the new foetus “borrows”
some aspects of both parent’s DNA. These are
basic characteristics such as skin colour and
hair colour; no more than that, everything
else about the foetus is determined by the soul
of the incoming child.
After about 800 cell divisions, the soul of the
foetus makes its first connection to the
growing bundle of dividing cells. At this
stage, the soul is not connected to the cells
but begins to imprint the etheric template.
After about 16 days, the soul’s connection to
the foetus begins to strengthen and it is at this
stage that DNA begins to play its role.
At this stage in a foetus’s development, DNA
breaks down into 2 separate parts:
75 per cent of the total DNA is the storage of
memories from past lives. If an experience in
a past life needs to be resolved within the
body during this lifetime, then the memories
of that past life trauma are added at this
point. These memories can take the form of a
disability, such as a missing limb; or they can
be as a result of the past life event imprinted
into the body for this life. For example, if a
previous life ended by your being shot to
death, the memory of the bullet wounds can
show themselves as moles on the skin.
The remaining 25 per cent of the total DNA is
needed to construct the physical tissues of the
body around the etheric template.
As the foetus grows, this percentage gradually
drops until, at birth, only about 10 per cent is
needed to continue the body’s development.

7th October 2015, 22:49

One Will Kill You
The other
Will Save Your Life


Introduction We are not a slave race

Human History The Scientific View, The Creationists’ View

The Annunaki Plan The Annunaki Fantasy Story

The Basis of the Annunaki Story The Akashic’s view of the Annunaki

The Akashic View of Human History

The Development of the Solar System

Life on Atlantis

Life After Atlantis

The Human Plan

The Effects of the Annunaki Plan
Control of Science, Magnetic Pole Shift, International Terrorism,
The War on Iraq, Population Decrease, Actions Taken to Specifically
Promote the Annunaki Plan, UFO Disclosure, Black Holes & Worm
Holes, Channelled Communications, The Return of the “Christ Consciousness”

The Process of Completion The Giveaway, Changes Within the Body’s Energies


Human History Page 11
This book is about human history, not as we currently understand it but in the way in which it is recorded within the Akashic. However, the events recorded within the Akashic are greatly at odds with the version of human history we are used to hearing. Really, there are four versions of human history:
1) the scientific view
2) the creationist view
3) the Annunaki version
4) the actual Akashic recording of history

The Annunaki version might be new to many people so I will be explaining about this a little later.

The Scientific View
This is the history of human development as it is taught in schools and presented whenever the topic comes up for discussion.

According to paleoanthropologists, those scientists who dig up old bones and make up stories about them; they claim that human life began in Africa.

According to this “official” version, the first pre-human being is called Australopithecus Afarensis, Australo meaning “southern”, pithicus meaning “ape” and Afarensis is the Afar region of Africa where the bones were found. These remains are more commonly known as Lucy (after the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” which happened to be playing the evening after discovering these bones).

After Lucy came Homo Erectus or “upright man”, then Homo Habilus or “handy man”, and then Cro-Magnon Man. Also, somewhere around here arrived Neanderthal Man. There have also been a number of other candidates for our first ancestor. For example, there was the 9 foot tall “Gigantopithicus”, there was “Peking Man” and many others, most of them named for the region the remains were found in. Cro-Magnon Man then developed into our direct ancestors, Homo Sapiens.

At some point around 13,000 years ago, Lucy’s descendants left Africa, in the middle of an ice age, and travelled north across Asia and Russia to cross the frozen Bering Sea and then into Alaska where they slowly travelled south until they reached South America. The whole process taking several hundred years to complete.

Think about that for a second; here you are living in your nice warm cave, in a warm climate, you know where the water holes are and you know all of the game trails so you can feed yourself. So why would you leave all that behind so you could trek thousands of miles across ice and frozen tundra? Especially as you did not know where you were headed for or what you were going to find along the way or even what you would find on arrival. If that was me, I’d have stayed in my nice warm cave and waited til spring.

All of this happened about 13,000 years ago. Remember this date of 13,000 years ago as it has significance in terms of where and how it originated. These travelling people are known as hunter gatherers or Homo Sapien – meaning “wise man”. We have since evolved into Homo Sapien Sapien or wise, wise man – scientific arrogance at its best.

This is the “official” story of human development and woe betides anyone who contradicts it, anyone in a scientific or archaeological field.

Many scientific researchers have actually found themselves in the situation where they have uncovered human or early human remains, which they have dated to times far earlier than 13,000 years ago and they have found themselves “drummed out” of their profession and not allowed to work in their scientific field again.

But if you investigate what is currently happening in archaeology and paleoanthropology you very quickly begin to realise that there is something not quite right in the official view. There are many failings in the scientific method, particularly in dating technologies but, what you do find in the archaeology of human remains is something very interesting, especially when modern DNA analysis techniques are used.

New DNA analysis of Lucy’s remains show that the bones have no genetic connection to us but are, in fact, an early form of orangutang. Homo Erectus and Homo Habilus are so similar, genetically, that they are the same. Neanderthal Man has no genetic connection to modern man [more recent studies seem to tentatively indicate there was some limited inter-breeding] and neither do the ‘false starts” like Gigantopithicus or Peking Man.

Our direct genetic ancestor is Cro-Magnon Man. What has been found is that wherever ancient human bones are unearthed, the one finding that is consistent is that Cro-Magnon Man is found on every single continent, literally all over the world, and these early Cro-Magnon remains have been consistently dated as being 3.5 million years old. This date of 3.5 million years ago DOES have significance and I will come on to that later..

In other words modern man did NOT originate in Africa but spontaneously appeared all over the world 3.5 million years ago.

As these recent findings are totally at odds with the accepted, mainstream scientific version of events, they are not made publicly known as the scientists insist on maintaining this MYTH OF MOVEMENT OUT OF AFRICA 13,000 years ago.

There is a reason for this and again I will come on this later.

The Development of Our Solar System Page 35
Now we come to development of life on Earth.

Our solar system is unique. It was designed to be a place where another aspect of the question asked by the Creator could be explored – is life at the energy densities we consider “physical” possible? In order to explore this aspect of the Question, our solar system was planned to be, essentially, self-contained. Our solar system is also positioned at the back end of nowhere. This was also quite deliberate as we could explore all of the aspects that we wished to explore but also be separate from the ebb and flow of universal energies and universal life.

Our solar system is also unique in the sense that each of the planets is an individual soul. In virtually all other solar systems, the sun is the primary consciousness and any planets are a part of the sun’s consciousness. In other words, in those solar systems the sun and planets are one soul. In our solar system, because we were to be a new experiment in life, it was decided that each of the planets, as well as the sun, needed to have as full a potential for life as possible and so the sun and each planet are individual souls.

Our solar system began to form about 40 million years ago. I appreciate that 40 million years is nowhere near the 4 billion or so years that cosmologists talk about, but 40 million years is what the Akashic records.

There were originally 13 planets in our solar system, each developing life in the way that consciousness decided to create life. Each of our planets is a creator in its own right, this is why a full consciousness was needed for each planet, to maximize potential and creativity. Every single one of these planets developed their own form of life, all of which were what we would term physical.

Each individual planet designed and created forms of life which it felt was appropriate to its own consciousness. This provided for the maximum amount of creativity and diversity and all were successful. Each planet supported life and the universe gloried in the complexity and variations in form.

Our Earth was a slightly late starter in this process as She did not begin to fully develop life until about 25 million years ago. This date of 25 million years is actually borne out by early scientific investigation into the development of life on Earth.

The 25 million year period was widely accepted by biologists and zoologists until geologists became involved and tried to fit the 25 million into their theories of how rocks are formed. Given that the geologist’s theories required increasingly longer periods of time for sedimentation to occur as well as the formation of other types of rock, the age of the Earth was made progressively longer and longer, regardless of the evidence to the contrary.

The currently accepted date of 4 billion years was arrived at by dating the age of a meteorite. Nobody knows where the meteorite originated but IT IS ASSUMED that as everything was formed at the same time following The Big Bang (see later), everything in the universe must be the same age and so it makes no difference that the meteorite is not an Earth rock, it just needs to be a rock that fits into their theories and gives the scientists a date they can work with. [NOTE: WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR THEORIES, SCIENTISTS ARE VERY GOOD AT ASSUMING]

Regardless of any dates the Earth was as successful as all of the other planets in the solar system in developing a huge range of life-forms. The Earth began with the extremely small, making use of many of the organisms that exist within the Universe, but very rapidly moved to big – as in the dinosaurs, giant trees and giant insects. The reason for this was to do with the effects of physical density on the physical body, once it was realized that smaller forms of life were just as feasible as the large, mammals became the primary forms of life and the plant-life was redesigned and created to suit the needs of these kinds of animals.

The scientific view is that there have been a series of ice ages or natural disasters which wiped out all life and then new life began to develop after these disasters. This is not true, apart from one major catastrophe, the forms of life, and the changes that have taken place to them, have all occurred because of a deliberate choice of the Earth’s consciousness – a kind of fine tuning of design upon the realization that some life forms were not fully viable and needed to be changed for new designs. In other words, all of the animal and plant life on Earth has been designed and created or adopted by the Earth herself. With a universe of free choice, why would the Creator impose It’s view on anything?

About 3.9 million years ago, 4 of the planetary consciousnesses, within our solar system, decided they did not want to remain a part of this solar system and chose to leave. Unfortunately, in removing themselves from their planetary shells, they triggered a solar system –wide disaster, which virtually destroyed all life in the solar system.

The first 2 planets to leave did so quite rapidly and the planets, the planetary consciousness had built around themselves, for want of a better word, exploded. One of these planets was positioned between Venus and Earth and the other between Mars and Jupiter. The resulting explosions created a wave of destruction throughout the whole solar system. Virtually all solar system life was destroyed. Only 2 planets still supported life: Earth and Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter. Virtually all of the life on Earth was destroyed, the planet was rocked on its equatorial axis and a large quantity of the atmosphere was lost. Life on Earth was almost abandoned because of this disaster but the Earth decided to start again. Apart from Ganymede, all of the other planets decided to think again and did not begin rebuilding life until very recently – more about this later.


The debris from these exploding planets formed the asteroid belts and several planets, including Earth, gained a moon. The other 2 planets, who decided to leave, did so much more gently, moving the whole planet to a position just inside of the solar system’s limits. The location and gravitational influence of these 2 planets on Pluto and Uranus has given rise to speculation, in recent years, of a tenth planet – Planet X.

Page 38
3.6 million years ago the Earth began again but, this time, She was not beginning from scratch.

The primary purpose of the Earth, and our solar system, was to explore the possibility of “physical” life, that is, a physical body which was capable of containing a whole soul. Each of the planets, throughout the solar system, had begun their own exploration of this requirement. On Earth, She had been experimenting with a body form closely appearing like our own human form – Neanderthal Man, as well as numerous other “false-starts”.




Chapter 1 The Present

Chapter 2 In The Beginning…

Chapter 3 The Semi-Physical Races

Chapter 4 Our Solar System

Chapter 5 The Development of Life on Earth

Chapter 6 The Development of Human Life

Chapter 7 The First Humans

Chapter 8 After Atlantis

Chapter 9 New Beginnings

Chapter 10 Language and Writing

Chapter 11 Interference

Chapter 12 Current Planetary Changes

Chapter 13 Religion

Chapter 14 The Future

Appendix One Thirteen Most Asked Questions

Appendix Two Earth Chronology

Appendix Three Chakra Meditations

Appendix Four Higher Self Meditation

Appendix Five “Akashic” Meditation

Appendix Six The Giveaway

The Pyramids

Page 80

Even in this paradise, we began to encounter problems with maintaining our higher psychic functions.

Our average life span was around 1500 years and as these reductions in capabilities happened over a period of a few hundred years, they were not immediately noticed or even seen as a particular problem. However the problems were sufficiently worrying to look for solutions.

The problem seemed to be that the whole of the soul could not be fully accommodated within the Human body for a full life span. This was not some kind of partial “death” that was being experienced but the partial “leakage” of some of the soul’s higher energy frequencies out of the body which created a kind of “aura” around the body but they were not consciously available.

Several forms of investigation were tried to see if the problem could be overcome but none seemed to present any kind of answer.

Eventually, we decided to attempt to remerge these higher frequencies back into the body. In order to achieve this we built the Great pyramid on the Giza Plateau in Egypt.

The reason for building a pyramid was to make use of the energy patterns that square pyramids generate. If you construct a square pyramid, you will find that the shape itself generates and concentrates energies at a point about one third its height up from the base. By enhancing these natural energy concentrations, the soul could be fully remerged back into the body. This is why the so-called “King’s Chamber” is located where it is – it is at the point of greatest energy concentration.

The chambers that have been found within the Great Pyramid are only half of the number of chambers that were built. The Queen’s Chamber and the King’s Chamber have mirror images within the pyramid that have not yet been “officially” found.

The pyramids were constructed psychically. A group of people collected together and created a collective, focused thought in the limestone quarry from where the stones were taken. This “group thought” cut through the solid rock to form individual blocks of stone perfectly shaped for their locations.

Once the stones were cut to shape, they were psychically transported and then lifted into position on the pyramid. When in place, the stones would be “rubbed” together, again psychically, so that there was always a perfect fit between them.

Above the King’s Chamber are the so-called “air vents’, chambers that contain carefully cut and placed stones which form a pattern known as a “djed” pillar. These djed pillars are not part of some kind of conditioning system but are energy accumulators and reflectors.

Into the King’s Chamber was psychically transported a granite “box” that has become erroneously called the sarcophagus.

There are many theories about how the pyramids were built; virtually all of them ignore a psychic means of construction.

There have been numerous attempts to build half-scale replicas of the Great Pyramid using these construction theories – non of them work. Some aspects of the theories have been shown to work: such as the use of greased slides to move massive stone blocks as the ancient Egyptian did not have use of the wheel. With the success of this extremely small part of their theories shown to have some benefit, the archaeologists then claimed that the whole of their theory is correct even though all other aspects have been proven not to work.

It is worth looking at some aspects of these theories just to show that the title of “pyramidiot” belongs more to the Egyptologists than those who put forwards “alternative” theories.

Page 82

The only form of metal found from ancient Egypt is copper and the Egyptologists claim that stone cutting tools were made from this metal. Copper tools cannot cut solid rock – every attempt to show that they can has failed. Copper tolls cannot even shape solid rock once it has been cut.

The sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber is made from an extremely hard form of granite. The sarcophagus is also 2.4m x 1m (8ft. x 3ft.) and about .8 m high (about 2ft 7 ins) and the whole of the inside of this huge block has been hollowed out. Attempts were made to cut a small version of the sarcophagus using the latest diamond cutters and laser cutters. Neither of these techniques could cut through the granite without shattering it.

The setting out of the Great Pyramid, on its base is so accurate and so perfectly aligned that we could not set it out as accurately even using the latest technology.

The theory that the cut stones were moved into position by using greased slides sitting on top of sand ramps has also been studied in detail.

It is possible to move very large blocks of cut stone by sliding them over greased timber slides providing you have enough man power to pull the weight of the blocks. However, to build a sand ramp that reached to the top of the pyramid is a non-starter. The sides of the pyramid slope inwards from its base which means that the ramp has to increase in width as it climbs up the pyramid walls. This increasing width puts enormous pressure on the ramp which is almost certain to cause a collapse of the ramp. It could be possible to make a stable ramp but the volume of sand needed to build it is greater than the volume of sand available in the surrounding landscape even if the sand was transported several miles. Although this region of Egypt looks like desert it is, in fact, a limestone plateau with only a thin cover of sand.

Then there is of course the theory that the pyramid was a tomb.

When archaeologists fist blew their way into the pyramid and made their way to the King’s Chamber, the sarcophagus was full of a grey powder and not a body. In other words, no burials were ever carried out in the pyramid itself. There was one body buried at the base of the pyramid, but even the archaeologists describe this as a “break-in burial” made some time after the pyramid was finished and had nothing to do with the pyramid at all.

Lastly of course is the age of the pyramid.

Egyptologists have dated the Great Pyramid to about 4,000 years ago. The date was arrived at when an archaeologist, who was digging outside of the pyramid, uncovered a pottery shard which was dated to that time. That is it, there seems to be no other way in which the “official” dating of the pyramid has been arrived at.

There are a number of pyramids dotted around Egypt. All of these are more crudely built than the Great pyramid of the Giza Plateau and all, and all of them are dated as being built after the Great Pyramid. In other words, the later pyramids were not prototypes for the Great Pyramid with the Pyramid being the pinnacle of the techniques learned by building the others. The Great Pyramid predates all of the others.

The Akashic records the date for the Great Pyramid’s building as 18,000 years ago. [note: it also records the date for the building of Gobekli Tepe in Southern Turkey in the Sumerian settlement as 18, 000 years ago.]

Author’s Note: the scientific testing of their theories I have given here has been collected from various journals and books over the years and so I cannot give a list of the publications or their dates but the information given is accurate.

To return to the purpose for which the Great Pyramid was built.

Page 84-85

The Great Pyramid was finished with smooth white limestone, which shone bright in the sun. Half way up each corner was positioned a quartz crystal about 1.8m (6ft) tall. On the very top, the pyramid, was positioned a crystal that was over 2.4m (8ft) tall. These giant crystals gathered together huge amounts of energy, which were focused, through the so-called “star shafts”, into the King’s Chamber.

If you were someone who wished to re-merge the higher frequencies of the soul back into the body you entered the Pyramid and made your way to the Queen’s Chamber. This was used as an ante chamber, somewhere where you could prepare yourself. Once ready, you entered into the King’s chamber where you created a specific sound. This sound was both psychic as well as verbal. This sound generated a standing wave frequency which resonated with all of the massive energies contained within the King’s Chamber and this combination of energies increased your own vibrations so that the whole of the soul would re-merge back into the body.

This is the only purpose for which the Great Pyramid was built.

The grey powder found in the sarcophagus was, at first, dismissed as dust but it is now known that the powder was form of alchemically altered gold – known as “shew bread” or “star-fire bread”. Ingesting this substance is known to increase someone’s psychic abilities.

Five of the six regions that had been re-settled by Human Beings followed suit and built their own Pyramids for the same purpose.
I have only focused on the Egyptian Pyramid as it is the one best known to people and, because it is best known, it is assumed that Egypt was the greatest of these ancient settlements. This is not true. The buildings and work carried out in South America is far greater than anything found in Egypt and this is yet to be uncovered by archaeologists.

Incidentally, the reason why the Egyptian Great Pyramid is now stepped on the outside is because the smooth limestone blocks that originally faced it were scavenged to build some to the older buildings in Cairo.

Pyramids were built in five of the six re-settled regions; the sixth region adopted a different approach.

The primary energy intake point onto the planet is in Southern Britain and so the region of Northern France, Britain and Ireland had maintained their higher psychic functions for longer. Also, because there was a huge clean energy source available, the construction of pyramids was unnecessary as other forms could be used to concentrate energy frequencies as happened in the King’s Chamber…..

The Earth has two energies. The first is Her own soul or consciousness energy whilst the second is the energy she supplies to sustain the life She created. The “life energy” is distributed around the planet by an energy grid we have come to know as “ley lines”. To assist and enhance the ley line energy, the planet draws on a source of universal energy.

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This universal energy was put into place at the start of the development of our solar system as a means of providing as much energy as was necessary to bring about our “experiment” in physical life. All of the planets of the solar system had access to the energy flow, including the Earth. The universal energy arrives on the planet at what is now Silbury Hill in Wiltshire.

18,000 years ago, the English Channel did not exist and Britain and Iceland were only separated by a tidal river so there were, effectively, one land.

The huge energies that came into Silbury Hill meant that instead of building a pyramid, this region built Stonehenge to perform the same function. This was the earliest development at Stonehenge, the later trilothon structures were added at a later date – see below.

Finding Answers

By the time the Great Pyramid was built, we knew what the problem was, we knew why we were losing some of the higher aspects of the soul. The reason was this: in order to generate and nurture “physical” life, the Earth generated an energy frequency of 7.56 Hz (cycles per second). This base-note frequency coalesced the energies connected with the planet into “physical” form. The base-note frequency was fine for animal and plant life but was too low for the much higher frequencies needed to fit the whole of the soul into the Human body. This is why the pyramids were required: They increased and raised the body’s frequencies to a point where the soul could remerge. The problem was nobody could figure out just what the Earth’s base-note frequency needed to be raised to.

The point about frequency was a critical problem. If the frequency was not raised enough, Humans would still encounter the same problems but over a longer period. If the frequency was raised too high, it could destroy animal and plant life and nobody wanted that to happen.

The problem with Earth is that it is the most beautiful planet in the universe with more forms of life than the rest of the Universe combined. It is, therefore, an extremely distracting place to live. How can you concentrate on finding this one answer when everywhere you look there is a new life form to distract you especially if you can convince yourself that this new life form might help you to find the answer. So the vigour with which we pursued an answer became a little slowed. Also we were beginning to slow down even more; the longer we stayed on the planet, the more of the higher psychic functions we lost.

We did however decide to take one radical step to see if it could produce a solution.

Up until this stage, we had continued with the process of “adult birth”; we did not have any children. Given that the slowing of the higher psychic functions showed that the soul could be divided we, collectively, decided to try giving birth to children. It was hoped that the children would “grow” into their full soul and solve the problem.

The first Human child was born 16,000 years ago.

This birth process proved to be only moderately successful and only about 30% of the Human population adopted it. However, it was realized how special children are and the process was continued just for the pleasure of sharing the world with children.

This might seem as though it was taking a long time for things to happen. After all, we had now been on Earth for 1,000 years and we seemed to be no further forwards.

It must be remembered that the majority of souls who had taken on Human form were from the non-physical races to whom time is immaterial. Also, those who were form the semi-physical races were used to extremely long time-spans and so 4,000 years did not appear to be a very long time. In addition, with an average life-span of 1500 years, we had only been on Earth for just over 2 generations.

In addition our higher psychic functions were slowly being eroded and this slowed down our ability to investigate. Also our loss of higher psychic functions was accelerating and this acceleration seemed to be connected to the shift in the Earth’s rotational axis that had occurred at the end of Atlantis. In fact, this accelerated slowing down brought with it its own set of problems.

enjoy being
8th October 2015, 04:12
from the creation story of Rangi and Papa.

As soon as the sky was torn from the earth there was light in the world, and crowds of human beings were discovered who were the children of Rangi and Papa, and who had been hidden until now between the bodies of their parents.

9th October 2015, 21:01


http://www.thespiritguides.co.uk/Article_Chris_Thomas_-_Questions_Arising_from_Mother_Earth_Equinox_Essay _9545.aspx

Chris Thomas:

- we need to resolve our own problems and we cannot rely on anyone else to sort our problems out for us.

Those who know that they have problems, or “issues”, still to be resolved reacted with interest but tended to grumble about “lack of time”.

Those who’s ego made them think that they were not only ready but were in the forefront of change started to realise that maybe they had work to do after all.

Those who are the drones of the Velon reacted by attacking me and my work – both verbally and psychically. This I see as a good sign as the essay obviously rattled the Velon’s cage.

Most people read the essay in realistic terms and have recognised that they now need to move their lives forwards working very closely with their higher selves.

However, there were a few aspects which were not fully covered or explained in the essay, for which I apologise, and these aspects are addressed in this addendum to the essay.

Question: I believe that I am ready to re-integrate but nothing is happening. I have tried shouting at my higher self but still I feel no signs of change. Why is this?

Answer: There are two aspects to this question.

Firstly; it could be that you hope you are in a position to re-integrate but your higher self can see that you still have a few problems (issues) to clear and so you are not actually ready to undergo re-integration just yet.

Secondly: it could be that you are ready for this change; it is just that your higher self considers your best option is to wait until it is a better time where there can be a mass re-integration for those in the western world.

Do not forget that you and your higher self are one soul.

You – the physical aspect is about one quarter of the total soul whilst your higher self makes up the remaining three quarters – you are not separate from each other.

This means that your higher self has a much greater perspective on what is needed to be done and has access to a much higher level of knowledge than you as the physical self does. If your higher self can see that it would be better for you to wait until a mass shift is possible then that is what your higher self will plan to happen and no amount of screaming and shouting by the physical self will change the situation.

So it is a question of being patient and ensuring that you are as ready as you can be. When the time is right, your higher self will let you know in terms that you will not be able to misunderstand.

Question: If people are ready to re-integrate and their higher self agrees, how can they carry on with their normal lives if they then give out an unmistakable aura?

Answer: Essentially, they cannot. People who have undergone soul re-integration give off an aura that is very much more powerful and far ranging than “normal” people.

If you tried to carry on your normal life, you would not be able to – you would either be swamped by people demanding that you sort their problems out for them – effectively a new religion would be built around you – or you would be arrested and taken into custody and experimented on by the military.

There are those who have fully re-integrated their soul back into their bodies in the last number of years.

Most of these Human Beings live in traditional, tribal communities away from the western world. However, there are groups of Human Beings who do live in communities in the west. You will not have encountered or heard of these communities as they keep themselves very much to themselves: if someone approaches their community, they place a psychic barrier around themselves, or the community, and so you will not be able to make contact with them unless they want you to and the only people they want to make themselves known to are those who have also re-integrated.

These communities also have psychic barriers around the whole area so that if someone tries to remote view them, they will see a normal landscape psychically projected and not the community itself.

These communities of true Human Beings are totally self-sufficient in their every need. They have psychically cleared all pollution from their area – whether that was air, ground or water and grow all of the food the community needs for themselves. They do not have, and do not need, any contact with the outside world.

However, they do work very closely with Mother Earth and do all that they can to ensure that She is helped in any way that is needed.

Question: If [MORE THAN 3 MILLION] people have re-integrated since October 2011, why have we not heard about them?

Answer: Well that was really answered in the last question: except for one point.

If your higher self has decided that it would be best for you to re-integrate before everyone else does, then your higher self will make special arrangements.

You will know several days in advance that your higher self considers that all is ready for you to re-integrate. By the time you reach this stage of readiness, there will not be any confusion about whether it is your higher self speaking directly to you.

This will allow you enough time to say your farewells to those who are not re-integrating with you.

In the days leading up to your re-integration, your higher self will have communicated psychically with several of the already established communities. By communicating in this way, your higher self will have made arrangements for you to join the community that is considered best for you.

On the day that you re-integrate, a member of that community will translocate into your home and help you to understand your new capabilities. You will immediately recognise this visitor because of your heightened awareness and psychic communication capabilities – you would not be misled if someone other than a Human Being turned up.

When you are ready, you will then translocate, with the community member, and take up residence in your new community.

In other words, you would effectively disappear from your home area.

Question: How do children and teenagers fit into this situation. Surely they are too young to understand the concepts involved?

Answer: We have known that we needed to return to being a full soul within the body during this period ever since the Human Plan was put into action 7,000 years ago. This means that every single soul that is physical on the planet, at this time, is here to be a part of this change.
Do not forget that, on a soul level, children are the same age as adults; they just have a newer body.

Virtually all of the children born, in the last twenty years, have decided to be physical at this time; many have come here to try to help adults understand that change is necessary and that they cannot continue on the planet unless they change.

So children are at the forefront of this change, it is adults who have the problems.

To give you an example:

A few years ago, a seven year old child was brought to me for healing by its parent. It soon became clear that the child had problems that related back to past lives, particularly to the time of Atlantis.

I explained what I could see going on in the child’s body with both the child and the parent. The parent virtually had a fit as they could not understand the concepts I was talking of. The child just looked at me and said, yes I understand, that is exactly what it feels like. Being a child or a teenager is no barrier to undergoing soul re-integration – they are here for that purpose, and they know it. It is the adults who have the problem but, if they listen to what their children have to say, the adults might very well find that their children are talking a great deal of sense and can help the adult through their problems and move on with their children.

Don’t forget that, on a soul level, your children chose you to be their parents and you chose your children to be born to you. There were very strong reasons for so doing - on both sides.

Question: You say that the Velon have been attempting to reduce Mother Earth’s frequency down from 3.5 kHz. Did they succeed and has this frequency reduction affected people’s own energy frequencies?

Answer: The short answer is no to both parts of the question. But, that is not the full answer. There have been two main attempts by the Velon to disrupt and reduce the Earth’s new frequency of 3.5 kHz.

The first major attempt was by the Velon “race” known as the Hathor.

Through channelled material, the Hathor (Velon) directed a group in America to build two “celestoriums” – these were copper shafts 100m (333 feet) long that were sunk vertically into the ground and filled with programmed quartz crystals. The first of the celestoriums was switched on by the Hathor on the 10th April 2006.

As soon as the first of the celestoriums was switched on, the Earth’s consciousness came under severe attack from the energy patterns emitted by the copper shaft – the celestoriums were, effectively, tuning forks designed to emit very specific frequencies.

The Earth’s guardians stepped in immediately and destroyed both active and non-active celestoriums on the same night.

Even with the quick actions of the Earth’s guardians, two people were killed, two Sidhe´ were killed and many members of the Hathor channelling group were badly, but temporarily, affected.

The second attempt by the Velon to reduce the Earth’s frequencies was carried out by the military.

The “communication” system, known as HAARP, has, at its core, a Velon energy device known as a “djed” pillar.

These djed pillars are a huge source of energy and all 39 HAARP stations contain one.

In 2010, the military announced that they were flooding the planet with Extra Low Frequency (ELF) waves as a form of ground penetrating radar to uncover underground terrorist hideouts – amongst other things.

Given that these ELF waves contained Velon frequencies, the flooding of the planet with these frequencies were also designed to attack the Earth’s raised frequencies and, since November 2011, people’s raised frequencies as well.

It was as a result of the combined attack on both the Earth and the human population that the Earth sent out Her request for assistance on the spring Equinox this year. The thoughts of people working with Mother Earth helped to break the Velon (HAARP) frequencies that were starting to slow down our frequencies for change.

Again, the Earth’s guardians also helped in this task and have continued to remove and destroy all djed pillars wherever they are to be found – see below.

Question: If I was gullible enough to call those so-called “Angels” into my home and they implanted energy devices there, how can I get rid of them? Similarly, I have been working with my “Angels” for some time. Does this mean that I have also been personally implanted with some kind of energy device? If so how can I get rid of those?

Answer: First of all, do not panic about this.

The people who invited the Velon masquerading as “Angels” into their homes for five days, this amounted to about 5,000 people, have had their homes and bodies checked and all of the Velon energy devices implanted during the “Angels’” visit have been removed.

The removal was carried out, at night, by a group of dedicated people who worked closely with your higher self to ensure that all Velon energies were removed. You would have been unaware of the devices being removed but the “cleansing squad” was called in by your higher self.

In addition, if you have been working with “Angels”, the chances are that you have also been implanted with Velon energy devices. You must remember that you made a choice of working with these so-called “Angels” and so it must be your choice to have any implanted devices removed.
It does not matter that you did not know that by working with these beings you were actually working with the Velon – you made a specific choice to invite them in and so you must also make a specific choice to have any implanted Velon devices removed.

To do this is very simple – you sit down and quietly ask your higher self to contact the “cleansing squad” who will work with your higher self and any unwanted energy devices will be removed from your home and your body.
If you are concerned that there might still be some Velon energy around you, or your home, the other thing you can do is to “smudge” yourself and your home.

Smudging is an ancient Shamanic and Native American practice to remove “bad” or unwanted energies.

You can readily buy smudging sticks or you can make your own dried sage leaves. If you are using smudge sticks indoors, don't forget to open a couple of windows and switch off any smoke alarms.

The way to make your own smudge stick is to obtain a small bunch of sage. You can pick this from your garden or you can buy fresh sage from your local supermarket. It doesn’t matter where the sage comes from, it must have the leaves still attached to their stalks.

Once you have your fresh sage, you must allow it to dry fully, both stalks and leaves.

Once dry, bind the stalks tightly together with some string including the leaves – this is a smudge stick.

Once you have your smudge stick, home made or bought, this is how you use it:

With a candle flame, set alight to the ends of the leaves. If the leaves catch on fire, blow the flames out because all you want is the smoke that comes from the burning leaves.

If, whilst carrying out the smudging exercise, the leaves stop burning, just re-light them from the candle flame.

Don’t forget that you invited the so-called angels into your home and into your life intentionally. When using your smudge stick, you must have a firm intent held in your mind that you want to cleanse yourself and your home of the energies they brought with them.

For smudging your body, it might be useful to have a friend do it for you.

Hold the smoking smudge stick about 15cm (about 6 inches) away from your body. Start at your feet and, using slow circular movements of your hand, bring the smudge stick slowly up your body until it is over you head. This must be done to your front and back as well as the sides of your body. You must also breathe in the smoke to ensure that you are fully cleansed.

To smudge your home:
It will be best if you have a small bowl that you can hold under the smudge stick so that you catch any ashes that fall from the leaves.

Start in one corner of the room and, again using gentle circular movements of your hand, work along the wall and into the corners. This can be done with the smudge stick at about waist height.

Go all of the way around a room and then into the centre of the room. Once you have finished one room, carry on until you have smudged every room in your home.

Remember that, depending on how dry or damp your smudge stick is, it can generate a great deal of smoke so it would be advisable to temporarily disable any smoke detectors as well as to open a couple of windows.
Once you have smudged yourself and anyone else in your home, as well as all of the rooms, you should feel cleansed and energised and you should also be cleared of any unwanted energy frequencies.

Don’t forget to switch your smoke detectors back on!

In future, if you feel the need for help in finding a parking space or a stool at the bar or any of the other reasons people have called on their “Angels” for, instead of calling on an “Angel” all you have to do is to make the request to your higher self.

If we are to undergo soul re-integration, we must work more closely with our higher selves at all times. If you send up a thought to your higher self, it is probably advisable to insist that you are working only with your higher self and not some other being – if you insist on your higher self, nobody else can step in between you and your higher self.

Calling on any being, other than your higher self, will just get you into more trouble.

It is inevitable that some people will consult a healer to check to see if they have any kind of energy implant in their bodies.

As someone who worked as a healer for over 30 years, I developed ways of recognising “implants” in people’s systems and of removing them safely.
In doing this work, I did not work with any other healer at any time nor have I trained any healer in my techniques and so if a healer claims to have worked with me in any capacity, their claim is untrue – see statement at the end of this essay.

I am not saying this to try and promote my own healing practice. I am currently unable to see clients for healing – this is due to my own circumstances. My concern here is that a small number of healers will try to promote their abilities by claiming some kind of affiliation with or training by me – as has already happened – see statement.

The best way of dealing with anything is to work as closely as possible with your higher self. The more you work with your higher self, the closer your connection becomes and the easier it is to understand the answers – it just takes practise.

If you work closely with your higher self, the answers to any and all questions become available to you and you realise that you have all of the answers within yourself.

Question: If people are unable, for whatever reason, to re-integrate before December 2012, will they be able to re- integrate “in spirit”?

Answer: This is to misunderstand the purpose of “The Human Plan”.

We have spent the past 7,000 years exploring how we re-integrate the whole of the soul back into the physical body. This means that we have to be physical in order to become a true Human Being once again.

If people are close to being able to re-integrate but for whatever reasons do not, they must die – leave their physical bodies behind – and return to their soul state.

Once in that soul state, it is a question of discussing the situation with your higher self and making choices about the next step.

If you higher self thinks that you were more or less there, you can return to a physical body but you will have to be able to achieve a full soul state in your new incarnation.

If your higher self considers that you have too much work to do to achieve a full soul state in a new body, you must return to your place of soul origin.

Don’t forget though that we only exist in a divided soul state whilst on Earth. Once we leave the solar system, the soul re-merges back into one.

Question: When you said that people will either re-integrate or become "lost souls" - what do you mean by a lost soul?

Answer: Essentially, what I meant by that statement was that you will be lost to the Earth.

Since 1996, when the first full census was carried out, many millions of people have acted on the choices they made at that time and have left their bodies behind.

This means that we have had a rapidly reducing population since 1996. In 1996, the population peaked at around 7.4 billion whereas now, at the start of 2012, we have a total population of about 3.9 billion.

These deaths are people making their choices about whether they were in a position to undergo soul re-integration or not and then having the integrity to act on that choice.

When the first of these people returned to their place of soul origin – the six non-physical races – they carried with them unfinished or un- cleared emotional problems which the six non- physical races were too inexperienced to deal with.

To try and help these souls recover, a planet was temporarily used as somewhere where these souls could go and have another physical incarnation to allow them to solve these kinds of problems but from the perspective of the total soul.

Time is strange stuff – time does not pass on Earth in the same way as it does in other regions of the Universe.

The planet that chose to take on the role of a “New Earth” to help these souls existed in a region where time passed significantly faster than it does on Earth. In other words, a hundred year period for us would feel like a few months for them. And so it was possible for these troubled souls to live at least one physical lifetime in what we would see as an impossibly short period of time.

By these souls leaving Earth and experiencing one, or more, further physical lifetimes on this “New Earth”, it meant that a great deal was learned about how to deal with those who had not completed their personal part of the Human Plan so much so that the assistance of the planet was no longer required.

Given the lessons learned on the "New Earth" all of the souls who have left the Earth and returned to their place of soul origin are now helped with any traumas that they may still carry with them and so are gently cleansed of any problems they may have.

It is possible that, if they so chose, these souls might be able to return to Earth at some future date. When and especially if, they could be in a position to return has yet to be decided.

However, the real meaning of the term “Lost Soul” was how the Earth sees the situation. Mother Earth sees every living thing on the planet as being Her “children”. If someone had the potential to re-integrate but did not and had to leave the planet, Mother Earth sees that person as a child lost – a soul lost to its Mother.

Question: You say that you have re-integrated but then came back – why did you come back?

Answer: I ask myself that question every single day!

[Note: Chris Thomas has stated that he did fully reintegrate his higher self into his physical body but was asked by the Earth to return to being "sub-human" in order to make people aware of The Human Plan. He described the integration process as being very smooth and fast, however, the return took considerably more time and it was very difficult to give up and adjust to the "loss". However he could not say "No" to the Earth's request for help in waking up humanity.

10th October 2015, 17:30
Chris Thomas has spent 40 years studying the Akashic Records in order to find definitive answers to specific questions. His work culminated in 8 books on the History of our Universe and in particular the History of our solar system, Earth and Human Beings. He went on to do 11 interviews and about 20 essays. This is a unique and valuable source of information made available for us until we can fully reintegrate our higher selves at which point we will have our own knowing .

The Akashic information provided by Chris goes past scientists’ theories and speculation to the embedded records which define the Akashic. Much of what he discovered is only beginning to come to light through cutting edge science.

No one else has ever spent so much time thoroughly investigating, and with a scientific mind, the vast resource library of the Akashic.

Varying speed of light

Physicists say the speed of light may not be constant http://www.livescience.com/29111-speed-of-light-not-constant.html


An essay by Chris Thomas ©2011 http://www.thespiritguides.co.uk/Article_Time-Lines_-_An_Essay_by_Chris_Thomas_8298.aspx

There is a great deal of confusion raging over the issue of time and whether there are alternate time-lines at work on Earth and, if so, will these alternate time-lines have any affect on the changes in consciousness we are currently undergoing.

To begin with, we need to understand the nature of time and how if affects our lives; whether on Earth or in the Universe beyond.

On Earth, we are used to understanding time as being a linear progression. Our Earth revolves around the sun on an orbit that takes a regular, measurable, quantity of time to complete. We take this orbital time as one year. Each year is sub-divided in ways which depend upon the amount of sunlight received by regions of the planet – these are the four seasons.

Next, the Earth revolves on its own axis, producing periods of day light and periods of darkness, called night. We have divided this regular day-time/night-time pattern into 24 hours; each hour being divided into 60 minutes which are further sub-divided into 60 seconds. So, as far as the inhabitants of Earth are concerned, time is divided into a series of regular units which count off the time-span of our lives.

Ultimately, this form of measurement and division is dependent on light and the speed at which it travels. In our solar system, light has been measured to travel at 30,000,000 metres per second or 186,000 miles per second – or thereabouts.

However, we live in a solar system which is unique and the speed at which light travels is not the constant that scientists like to think it is once we leave the solar system.

Time As An Energy

To begin to understand how everything fits together, we have to step away from the limited scientific ways of gaining knowledge and turn to the “memory” that is a fundamental part of the structure of this Universe. This “memory” is more usually called “The Akashic”.

The Akashic contains the record of everything that has ever occurred within this Universe. As someone who has the ability to access this record keeping aspect of the Universe, the author has spent thirty years exploring this information source to try to find answers to the problems we have been encountering on Earth. When it comes to understanding the workings of the Universe, the Akashic is a totally reliable source and is totally contradictory to the way in which scientists have theorised its workings over the centuries.

We live in an energetic Universe. This means that all that we see in the night skies is comprised of energy. The same applies to Earth; everything we think of a being physical is not actually solid but comprised of energy. Our brains and senses work in such a way as to make us believe that we live in a physical world whereas all is energy of different and differing frequencies which our brains interpret as being solid.

In this sense, we tend to experience time as a solid thing – one second follows another as the Earth revolves and the sky darkens or lightens – time “feels” physical to us.

However, if we step outside of our solar system, everything begins to change. Light travels at different speeds and, therefore, our perceptions of time alters and linear measurements of time do not necessarily apply and certainly do not apply in the way in which we measure time on Earth.

If it were possible to stand at a point which was at the centre of the Universe, we would see time as two energy spirals – one stretching behind us, back in time, and one stretching in front of us, which would represent the future. If we had sufficient energy potential, we could travel backwards in time but we could not travel forwards – we cannot travel to a time which does not yet exist.

Quantum Physics’ Alternate Universes

Most of the explanations provided by scientists are based on the world being a physical place; as theorised by Isaac Newton in the 1700’s. Science sees the conditions that exist on Earth and tries to apply those same conditions to the Universe as a whole. The scientific view began to change about 100 years ago when they began to explore that which exists at levels below the size of an atom - the term “quantum” means the smallest quantity of some physical attribute that a process or system contains.

In this new realm, everything that they thought applied to the world had to be newly explored and understood. As far as science is concerned, the quantum world bears little resemblance to the world outside, the world they thought they understood. As their exploration of the quantum progressed, they began to develop new theories to make their experiments explainable.

One thing they did find was that the scientist could create his own reality. If a scientist “thought” that light travelled in particles, his experiments “proved” that light travelled in particles. If a scientist believed that light travelled in waves, his experiments “proved” that it travelled in waves. In other words, the experimenter “created” his own reality.

The experiments and observations carried out into quantum phenomenon showed time and time again that it is what the scientist believed the outcome would be that determined what actually happened. This led to a great deal of theorising about how the world, and the Universe at large, actually works.

As they day-dreamed about the nature of reality and how the scientist could create their own, they began to postulate about “alternate” realities. Quite why they should do this is not explained given that they have not even begun to understand our current reality.

Essentially, scientists studying the quantum world started thinking about their experiments – if what I think is going to occur does occur, what happens to all of the answers received by other scientists? To try to make sense of this, they came up with the idea that every scientist’s experiment formed its own reality, and these alternate realities must exist somewhere. If the nature of the Universe is determined by how someone thinks it works then all of the other theories must create a universe of their own. And if new universes were created, then there must be different time-lines running parallel to ours.

So this is how the concept of alternate, parallel universes arose and how the concept of alternate and parallel time-lines fitted in with it.

The alternate, parallel universe concept runs something like this: If I am faced with making a decision, I consider all of the possible alternate options I am aware of. I consider all of these alternative answers and choose one which I believe will work and then act on it. Taking action on my decision fits into the current time-line.

But what of all of the alternate options that I rejected? Each of those answers were viable in some way and could have resolved the problem I needed to decide on. Therefore, each possible option could lead to a different solution to the problem and that alternative solution must exist somewhere which runs on its own independent time-line which obviously does not encroach on our current time-line therefore, it must exist in an alternate universe!

The author’s own research into this theory would indicate that it is a hangover from too many post-conference alcoholic beverages.

To return to reality and the Akashic.

The Nature of This Universe

Our Universe exists because a question was asked and the question was: What would happen if...? This question was asked by the Creationary Source who wanted to find answers to the possibilities offered by its own existence.

For a more complete overview of the history and purpose of this Universe, see “Synthesis” (published by Fortynine Publishing).

In order to answer this question, The Creator brought about our Universe. The “What if...?” that our Universe explores, is the question: “What would happen if a Universe existed where all of the souls that inhabited it had complete freedom of choice over their actions?” This is the reason and purpose for our Universe to exist.

In order to explore this question, The Creator built an energy “envelope” which contained all of the energy frequencies that allowed for a full exploration of the original Question.

Into this envelope, free-thinking and free-acting souls were Created that would explore the answer on the Creator’s behalf.

These free-acting and free-thinking souls comprise the thirteen “races” that inhabit our Universe (see the author’s books for a full description).

These races break down into two different types of existence. The first are souls who do not have any physical form or density but exist in a state of pure soul energy. These, the Akashic calls “non-physical races”.

The second are souls who have a physical form and a physical density but exist in a state that is very much lighter in density than we humans do. These, the Akashic calls “semi-physical” races. We would call them “aliens” or Non Terrestrial Biological Entities.

All of these many, many billions of souls populate our Universe in order to find an answer to the Creator’s question.

The first free-acting and free-thinking souls Created for this Universe were the non-physical races. Their Creation took place about 100 million years ago.

Following their Creation, these non-physical races set about exploring all of the possibilities that our Universe has to offer. However, by after about 40 million years of their existence, they realised that they had limitations and could not provide the Creator with a full answer. Their assessment of the problem led to a fundamental re-think of the purpose of this Universe and its direction was altered.

To fulfil this new criteria, two major developments took place about 60 million years ago; both of these developments ultimately led to the Creation of the semi- physical races and the Creation of Earth.

The Development of Life on Earth

The limitations of the non-physical races were that they could not fully interact with their environment. They could travel anywhere, without ships, and they could experience everything, on a purely energetic level, but they could not interact with anything. In order to overcome this limitation, the semi- physical races were Created about 30 million years ago.

Hand in hand with the Creation of the semi- physical races, it was agreed, collectively by all of the souls connected with this Universe, that beings who lived a more full “physical” existence were required to provide the Creator with a full answer to It’s question.

To fulfill this requirement, our solar system came into being (about 40 million years ago) which was charged with the task of developing a fully functioning “physical” body into which the souls of members of the non-physical races would fit in order for them to gain greater experience of the Universal potential.

The result of all of this development work led to the creation of homo sapien sapien, in other words, humans, about 85,000 years ago on Atlantis.

All of these new developments led to a total re- think of the way in which this Universe works and functions. With the successful development of humans on Earth, we took over the responsibility of finding the answer to the Creator’s original question.

In other words, the events and developments on Earth determined the outcome of the search for answers within this Universe.


We inhabit a Universe that is comprised of energy. The source of this energy is the “soul” from which this Universe is comprised. In other words everything that exists is a consciousness, a soul, and it is the energies with which the soul is Created that provide all of the needs of our Universe.

In scientific terms, this “soul” energy is observed and measured in terms of being electro-magnetic. Gravity does not hold this Universe together. Dark Energy and Dark Matter do not hold this Universe together. Consciousness, soul, holds this Universe together.

In order to understand this, we need to explain a little about the nature of the energies contained within “a soul”. We are used to measuring energy in terms of KW’s or Joules; these are a measure of the energy potential contained within some kind of action taken. This can be the energy required to do a job or the energy produced as that job is carried out.

But there is another way of measuring energy and that is in dimensions.

If you think of a radio dial, it is divided into “stations” with each station having a particular frequency. A dimension can be thought of as being similar to a radio dial in that a dimension, in energy terms, is a marker point along the whole range of energy frequencies that demarcates one group of energy frequencies from another. So a dimension is literally a measure of energy frequencies. The energies contained within a dimension are a collection of frequencies that are lower than the frequencies contained within the next, higher, dimension.

To give some idea of the immensity of the energies contained within this Universe, the Akashic records that it contains the energy potential of 39 to the power of 39 dimensions – that is the number 39 followed by thirty nine zeros. That is the amount of energy made available to us by the Creationary source. When it comes to individual souls, the energy potential that each contains can also be measured in dimensions.

As far as humans are concerned, our souls contain something in the region of 50 dimensions within the total soul. This total energy potential is divided between the Higher Self, the higher, non-physical aspects of the soul, and the Physical Self, the amount of soul contained within the physical body.

The author is a psychic surgeon who has the ability to “read” energy frequencies, whether those energies are within the body or in the world around us. Over the thirty years that the author has been working in this way, he has consistently found that everybody contains roughly the amount of energy and dimensions.

As stated above, the whole soul contains about 50 dimensions. However, the soul is divided between the higher self and the physical self. This division is along the lines of 75 per cent of the total soul is contained within the higher self and 25 per cent within the physical self.

In other words, three quarters in the higher self and one quarter in the physical self, with the physical self containing roughly 12 dimensions.

Although we usually divide the soul into these percentages, it can also be further divided. In order to live a human lifetime, the minimum “quantity” of the soul needed can be as little as 10 per cent (one tenth).

For the past seven thousand years, we on Earth, have been exploring life on Earth as part of an investigation known as “The Human Plan” (see the author’s books for full details of this plan).

Essentially, The Human Plan came about because we had difficulties living the kind of life that we should have been living on Earth. At the time of Atlantis, we had the whole of the soul within the physical body. However, we began to lose our ability to maintain this whole soul/body state and we realised that the problem was to do with the Earth’s base note energy frequency being too low to maintain the whole of the soul within a human physical body.

7,000 years ago, we formulated The Human Plan in order to discover what the Earth’s base note energy frequency needed to be raised to in order for us to reintegrate the whole of the soul back into the human body. In other words, instead of having only between 10 per cent and 25 per cent of the total soul in the body, the body would be able to contain and maintain 100 per cent of the soul.

In order to investigate what the Earth’s base note frequency needed to be raised to, we decided to live a series of lifetimes (reincarnation) experiencing everything that it was possible to experience whilst we lived within a physical body on Earth.

In order to maximise our abilities to experience, some people decided to further divide the soul in order that two, or more physical lifetimes could be lived at the same time.

The Akashic records that this further sub- division of the soul is called multi- dimensionality. The way in which it worked was this:

In order to live a human lifetime, the physical body only needed to contain a minimum of 10 per cent of the total soul. This meant that the higher self could further divide itself into human lifetime-sized “pieces”. In theory, the higher self could divide itself into ten separate lives all being lived at the same time. This total division of the higher self did not occur in practice but many souls divided themselves into living three separate but concurrent lifetimes. By dividing the soul in this way, it was hoped that we could experience life on Earth in such a way as to bring The Human Plan to an early conclusion.

There were many complicating factors involved with human life on Earth and so we did not manage to complete The Human Plan as quickly as hoped. The reasons for these complications are outside the scope of this essay and are covered by the author’s books on the subject.

However, The Human Plan is now coming to its completion. When we embarked on The Human Plan, we, and the Earth agreed on a 7,000 year time-span and this time-span reaches its end date at the end of 2011/2012.

As we arrive at our point of completion, we are poised to reintegrate the whole of the soul back into the body and remain on Earth. In other words, we are completing this process of human development on the Earth Herself; we do not need to leave the planet as numerous channelled messages insist (see below). What would be the point of spending the last 7,000 years learning how to live on Earth as a true “Human Being” but then have to leave the planet in order to complete the process? If this were true there would not have been any point in beginning The Human Plan at all.

As we have arrived at these “final times”, the soul has no need to be further divided and so the higher self has chosen a body into which it will fully merge.
This process involves the removal of the multi- dimensional aspects from the body that has been built by the higher self and the percentage aspect of the soul that inhabited that body re-merges with the higher self. This means that the body that that aspect of the higher self built for itself has to die.

This drawing together of the soul’s multi- dimensional aspects is accounting for a high percentage of deaths that are currently occurring.

The Human Population Lie

In “official” terms, we have a growing global population but this is not true. The official population web site shows a counter which rises by the count of one, approximately every second, reflecting an assumed birth rate. What these official counters do not show is the death rate. In other words, no matter how many people die, globally, their deaths are not counted in the official figures.

According to the Akashic, our population peaked at 7,376,000,000 (7.4 billion) in 1996 and is currently, mid 2011, down to about 3,800,000,000 (3.8 billion) – the official figures show that we are currently heading towards the 7 billion mark.

The figures in the Akashic are made up of both multi-dimensional deaths as well the deaths of those who have decided, for whatever reason, not to take part in the process of soul reintegration.

Human Soul-Origins

There have been three distinct stages to the development of free-moving life within our Universe. The non-physical races were Created about 100 million years ago, our solar system came into being about 40 million years ago and the semi- physical races were Created about 30 million years ago.

There are no differences between these souls, all are Created equal. In order for human life to develop on Earth, the souls who came here to take part in the experiment of physical life are primarily those of the non-physical races. In other words, 99.9 per cent of the souls who inhabit human bodies were the first souls Created to inhabit this Universe but, because of their limitations in their ability to experience, they chose to come to Earth and take on physical bodies.

The other 0.001 per cent of the human population are souls made up from the semi- physical races.

Note: both soul origins are equally valid and of equal importance. As human beings, those same equalities apply – no one is greater or lesser than another; just different.

To summarise: All life within this Universe was Created to find an answer to the Creator’s question of “What if...?”

Each stage of Creation and development led on to the next stage until we arrive at the Earth and the life that She supports. The potential and possibilities that life at the physical energy patterns that we exist at were seen as a means by which all of the questions implicit within the Creator’s “What if..?” could be answered and so life on Earth became crucial to the existence of the Universe.

By developing, and working through, The Human Plan we have answered virtually all of the Creator’s questions. However, one question remains: Is Human life possible? By Human life, the Akashic means the existence of a fully physical being that is capable of containing the whole of the soul. We achieved this goal on Atlantis but then lost it. Since then, the Earth has considered us to be “sub-human”.

As we approach the end of 2011/2012, it looks as though we will achieve full Human status again. [Note complications section] Once we have completed our process of soul reintegration, the Universe will take on a new lease of life and all things become possible. There is, now, no possibility of failing to complete The Human Plan, it is only a question of how many will achieve soul reintegration.

The Universal Time-line

TO return to our theme of time-lines.

When we encounter a problem, and what is needed to solve that problem, what we end up with is a series of steps, taken in sequence which will, hopefully, lead to a successful conclusion.

But, in order for this problem to be solved, each step must follow on from another in a sequence of steps and a time-line is created. In other words, each step of our problem solving follows on from the previous step in a sequence that provides us with the answer to the problem.

This sequence of steps follows a time-line to its conclusion. Only one time-line is generated.

If we return to the quantum physicists’ concept of multiple universes and multiple time-lines, we can begin to see that this concept cannot answer our basic questions.

Solving a problem is achieved by living through, or experiencing, what has gone before. By taking each step necessary, we add to our sum of knowledge and can arrive at the solution.

If it were the case that every option we considered created a new set of problems then we would never end up with the solution but a multitude of new problems and we would rapidly deplete the resources of the Universe. This is what the theory of multiple time-lines does – it creates an infinite number of new problems whilst never answering the original question.

Given that the purpose of our Universe is to answer the original question, then generating an infinite number of alternate universes and alternate time-lines would not help.

It would also make our, human, existence meaningless and pointless.

Our, human, lives do have purpose and that purpose has only come about because of what has gone before. In other words, previous attempts at finding an answer to the Creator’s question concluded that human life was necessary and was the only potential way of finding suitable solutions.

Complications [which have delayed mass reintegration]

In recent years, we have seen an inordinate rise in channelled communications. The Akashic records that over the last 50 years 90 per cent of all of these messages have originated from, or have been influenced by, one source. This source is one of the semi-physical races.

The story behind these channelled messages is very long and complicated and has been covered in several of the author’s books, all we have space for here is a very brief summary.

Everywhere you go throughout our Universe, you will find life. Most of the non-physical and semi-physical races have spread out throughout the Universe and live on many planets.

One of the semi-physical races is different in that it has always chosen to remain within their own galaxy of origin; that is, until comparatively recently.

The name of this race is the Velon [pronounced Vee’lon] although they rarely call themselves by that name.

On Earth, we generally do not call ourselves “Earthlings” but prefer to call ourselves Australian, French or German etc. Or we might choose to call ourselves Jewish, Muslim or Zen Buddhist etc.

It is the same with the Velon. They divided themselves up into six races that seem to be based on both religious and ethnic divisions. These six races are: Annunaki, Hathor, Mila, Oa, Johnaan and Jjundaa.

An event occurred, about 1,000 Earth years ago, just outside of their home galaxy, which led them to take the view that they were “god’s chosen people” who should live on “god’s chosen planet”, namely Earth.

Ever since this point of revelation, the Velon have been attempting to convince the inhabitants of Earth that we must leave the planet in order to “ascend to a 5th dimension” where we will achieve our “enlightenment”.

Velon Disguises

[Many, otherwise intelligent and empathic people, have been tricked into channelling the Velon over the past 250 years because they are quite capable of emanating what only “feels” like a very loving, compassionate vibration. The channelling “victim” feels surrounded by love and accepts these channelling’s without ever questioning WHO is REALLY behind these messages. That has been the problem and since these Velon can even impersonate Angels, their messages have become so embedded in societal belief systems that a large number of people actually believe their lies regarding the nature of reality. This is particularly a problem on forums. Examples of those who have been deceived include Drunvalo Melchizedek, Edgar Casey, David Wilcock, “The Law of one” channellers, David Icke who at one time channelled Rakorski (St. Germain) in regard to Reptillians, Jeliala Starr, Madame Blavatsky – godmother of the “New Age” movement and Alice Bailey whose channellings have affected even the United Nations ]

The main method of persuasion adopted by the Velon races has been by channelled messages. To try to make their messages more believable, they have adopted a huge number of disguises and claimed, in these channelled messages, to be from various origins and formed numerous committees and organisations that function on a galactic level. These disguises include:

The Council of Nine, the Galactic Council, the Galactic Federation, The Great White Brotherhood, Ascended Masters and Ashtar Command.

They have also called themselves Ascended Sirians, Blond Nordic Humanoids, Abenaki, Alpha Draconians, Dracos, Orions, Elohim, Reptilians, Santinians, Venusians, Zetas and many, many others.

Other disguises include: Ra, Metatron, Sananda, Mary Magdalene, The Christ Consciousness, Saint Germaine as well as many hundreds of Arch-Angels and Angels. The whole plethora of messages purportedly received from Angels, in the past number of years, have all arisen from Velon sources. Except for the types of messages about finding parking spaces: these are from your higher self.

All of these channelled messages are an attempt to make us believe that we must leave the Earth if we are to stand any chance of increasing our levels of consciousness and that the Velon are here to take us off planet to an unspecified destination where we will “Ascend to a 5th dimension” and where the Earth will “Ascend” with us.

As part of these deliberately misleading messages, they have also raised the concept of alternate time-lines. It is from these channelled messages that most peoples’ confusion about time-lines has arisen.
As stated above, there is only one time-line that applies to this Universe there are no others.

The Velon did attempt to build an alternate time-line, in order to cause us further confusion, but this attempt was stopped by those who guard our Earth. This Velon time- line was an attempt to by-pass the 2011/2012 end date.

When questions about alternate time-lines arise, it is from these channelled sources that this disinformation has arisen.

Given the total saturation of channelled messages that the Velon have generated, there is only one safe source of information and that is from your own higher self. As we progress through our path to consciousness reintegration, we all become closer to our higher selves and finding honest answers to our questions becomes easier.

Do not be fooled by channelled messages as they will lead into the hands of the Velon and prevent you from making your own completions.

11th October 2015, 22:27
Given my last post, this seems to be the appropriate time to follow up on this theme of how alarmingly infused our societal beliefs have become with “information” (Vee’lon lies) taken on as belief systems by much of the public including forum members.

More than David Icke is covered in the following post from Turiya and researched jointly by Turiya and myself.

It is also alarming to learn that NASA, the United Nations, and CERN were founded with information channelled by the Velon and much of it comes directly from the Theosophical Society which contains a veritable history of Velon lies and the occult.

David Icke is an excellent researcher when it comes to the Masonic, Zionist, Jesuit, illuminati , corporate cabal. But he goes out of his depth when he talks about Reptilians and a hollow moon.

People often say this is a conscious universe yet they continue to talk about it as if it were a mechanical universe. All planets are conscious souls with free will and intention. The atomic vortex is the basic building block of a sentient Universe. It is the source of plasma drive systems. Typical of scientists and esp. electrical engineers they has picked apart the atom to produce electron flow energy, while remaining oblivious to the fact that you can’t have over unity energy if you kill the holistic source – the atom.

They can’t see the forest for the trees. CERN is a perfect example of this – looking for the “god particle” while smashing it up into smaller and smaller broken pieces.

I realize some of the channellers and mediums (Edgar Casey) are fairly "worshipped" but keep in mind that you channel only because you don’t trust your own higher self who represents the inner you.


Note: If you have been talking to a reptilian then you have been talking to a Velon is disguise and in many cases the same goes for angels and tall Nordics.

David Icke Debunked
(Full Movie)


Uploaded on Dec 8, 2010
For footnotes and free downloads go to http://davidickedebunked.com
This is 2.5 hour film from Chris White takes a very close look at
David Icke's history and beliefs. It reveals the true sources of David
Icke's theories which are often shocking , and should be very
concerning for a genuine seeker of truth. This is a well rounded
expose which is done respectfully, while still attempting to get the
average truther to reevaluate what they really know about the
"endgame" of the Illuminati.

Theosophical Sources of David Icke's Reptilian Theory

Submitted by David Livingstone on Sun, 12/08/2013


Although most recently popularized by David Icke, the notions of the connection of a worldwide conspiracy orchestrated by Reptilian beings, like the UFO mythos itself, has its origins in Theosophy, the occult tradition founded by H. P. Blavatsky, godmother of the New Age movement, and pre-eminent personality of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century.

Essentially, Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S, is an ardent critic of the Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are Theosophical, and therefore identical to those of the Illuminati, which he is purportedly denouncing.

As revealed in another excellent documentary by Chris White, called David Icke Debunked, Icke claims to be imparted with insights from a spiritual entity named Rakorski, who he also identifies with the name St. Germain, a notorious charlatan who was a key occult figure of the late eighteenth century, and regarded as a spiritual master of Freemasonry.


Rakorski is none other than the “Master Rakoczi” of Alice Bailey, Blavatsky’s leading representative in the twentieth century, whose channeled information not only shaped much of the New Age, but guide many of the programs of the United Nations, which is seen to be the seat of World Government awaited with the coming of the Age of Aquarius. To Baily, Rakoczi is one of the “Ascended Masters” of Theosophy, the “Lord of Civilization,” whose task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Icke calls Rakorski the Lord of All Creation, saying that he is “directly responsible for the changes the earth will undergo.”

The concept of making contact with extra-terrestrial beings begins with the Occult Revival, when it became popular to conduct séances to make contact with lost relatives or long-gone famous personalities. Blavatsky contributed to this trend by claiming to be in contact with beings she called “Ascended Masters,” who resided in the mystical city of Shambhala of Buddhist legend, led by Sanat Kumara, as King of the World, which she identified with Lucifer and the Fallen Angels. Alice A. Bailey believed that Sanat Kumara came to Earth 18,500,000 years ago from the etheric plane of the planet Venus, accompanied by 30 “Lords of the Flame.”

Thus the spirit channeling of the Occult Revival became the “UFO” contact of the twentieth century, a mythos that continued to be closely tied with Theosophy. Christopher Partridge wrote that the works of Bailey and Theosophy in general all influenced the so-called “UFO religions.”[1] “UFO religions” are groups which deal with alleged communication between humans and extra-terrestrial beings, and include the Aetherius Society, Church of the SubGenius, Heaven’s Gate, Industrial Church of the New World Comforter, Raëlism and even the Nation of Islam.


Partridge writes that the first UFO religion was the “I AM” Activity, founded by Guy Ballard, in 1930. Almost all communication from his Ascended

Masters though came “telepathically,” or by appearing to him from the etheric plane. During his first encounter he met the ascended master St.

Germain in a cave underneath Mount Shasta, who showed him a television set that could receive transmissions from the planet Venus. An I AM

offshoot was the Church Universal and Triumphant, established in 1958 in Montana and led by Mark Prophet and later by Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

where St. Germain was also a central figure. The movement gained media attention in the late 1980s and early 1990s while preparing for potential

nuclear disaster.

Chris Thomas wrote:

With the successful overthrow of Velus/Lucifer and the Illuminati, this sixth emissary moved the seat of Velon activities

on Earth away from their traditional Himalayas to a new location next to Lake Titicaca in Peru. Together with a small group of Velon, this sixth

emissary has been attempting to create disruption to the primary Earth energy point located there, as well as to continue contacting human

individuals and groups through channeled means. There would appear to be a number of Velon plans that are, as yet, unfulfilled and their attempts

at disrupting the Earth's energy patterns and human development are continuing.

Velon Have Moved Their Location From Tibet to Lake Titicaca in Bolivia/Peru

I was sent the link to the above article by way of Herbert.

Herbert wrote:
Hi Turiya,
I am wondering if there is anything here that you were not aware of. I mean the part about David Icke and a spiritual entity called Rakorski.

Thank you, Herbert, for providing the link to the David Livingstone article (12/08/2013).
I have not delved much into David Icke. I have previously noticed that there was the youtube video present called Debunking David Icke, but was not compelled to really check it out until you sent me that David Livingstone article link.

Madam Blavatsky

However, while going through the article, and what the various beliefs that have been propagated by those promoting New Age Theosophy. I’ve been quite aware that the very early UFO contactees & religious movements have pretty much all had strong connections to Blavatsky’s Theosophy, as well as alien entities that seemingly show themselves in various forms that the Velon use to disguise themselves with.

In going through the reading of the article, I have found that this was the first I have heard of David Icke’s connection to a spiritual entity named Rakorski, who he also identifies as being the same as St. Germain, and which notably has also a connection to Alice Bailey, Blavatsky’s leading
representative in the 20th century.

Andrew Bartzis, Rob Potter, Guy Ballard

As I’ve written previously, I had particularly noted that Andrew Bartzis, along with fellow cohort Rob Potter, are strong proponents of the “I AM” Activity (Ascended Master Teachings), founded by Guy Ballard. They have held many gatherings in Mount Shasta & elsewhere. One of the main events that is promoted is that of attempting to open up a Mount Shasta Portal, which would allow alien (Velon) ETs access to planet Earth.

The interview conducted by Lance White with Andrew Bartzis in fact was held in the Mount Shasta vicinity. Andrew Bartzis having specifically stated in that interview his belief that the alien races need to be involved with the upcoming transformation of planet Earth into the 4th & 5th dimensions. Hence, the purpose & proposal to followers to put their meditation efforts toward opening of Portals in various locations that they’ve held their gatherings – under the guise that Earth needs the help of such off-world aliens. Andrew specifically believes that the Anunnaki are victims in all of this just like us human beings are, seemingly “trapped” in a ongoing & endless recycling process of endless reincarnation.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

In a most recent question & answer youtube, Drunvalo promotes the notion that The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (Alice Bailey material) now physically exists in Bolivia – (Was it not in Bolivia (or Peru) where David Icke received his first spiritual contact? And also, did not Chris Thomas make reference to the fact that the Velon that resided in Tibet had made a move to Lake Titicaca, the Chris Thomas quote is below) – Anyways, on the side of the Andes mountain that faces the sun, as Drunvalo states, there is a crack in the side of this mountain. And upon entering this crack one will find what seemingly he describes as a kind of Shambhala, which is always warm, with lush tropical vegetation, with waterfalls. Accordingly, this is where the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays chose to place their physical location on Earth.

Drunvalo continues to explain that ‘The Brotherhood’ is prepared to receive the 7.1 billion people on the planet as we go through the ascension process, to make sure that everyone will remain safe & secure – making sure that nobody will get lost on their way to the 4th & 5th dimensions – a kind of an alternate rendition to the people of the planet being picked up by spacecraft to take them off-world, imo.

In a previous interview with Lilou, Drunvalo explains how he took 99 of his followers down within the Earth to meet with Plasma beings that have lived within the Earth for thousands of years. To me, this is another version of the Hollow Earth myth (and the belief of the Vril Society), except these entities can live within the molten lava. In that same interview (or close follow-up one), Drunvalo claims that these Plasma beings had visited him in a location in Sedona on top of some of the red rocks there.

If you ever get time to read his story from the time he got into the Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priesthood_of_Melchizedek), you may find it an interesting read. In much the same manner that Tom Kenyon had met two angels, in which they direct him to construct the Celestoriums...

Drunvalo has met with Plasma Beings
who reside within molten lava within the Earth

As we have both realized previously, the amount that the Velon have influenced the way human beings are thinking is quite massive. Wondering how humanity will ever come to rise above all the BS that has been propagated is undeniably a daunting affair. I can see why Jordan Maxwell has come to believe that the human race will not win the fight against those that intend to rule this world & make the rest of us part of their slave empire.


12th October 2015, 07:28
"As we have both realized previously, the amount that the Velon have influenced the way human beings are thinking is quite massive. Wondering how humanity will ever come to rise above all the BS that has been propagated is undeniably a daunting affair. I can see why Jordan Maxwell has come to believe that the human race will not win the fight against those that intend to rule this world & make the rest of us part of their slave empire."

I do not agree with this..

12th October 2015, 17:31

While this article is not about soul integration it does have great insight about the present condition of the human race. I would copy and paste article but I am using touch screen technology at the moment and it is challenging (to say the least) to me. So apologies for that.

13th October 2015, 21:40
The Second Interview Done By Chris Thomas

August 2010


AN ALIEN RACE called the Velon (Anunnaki) have designs on our planet, and are using the Illuminati, the Ruling Elite and the Masonic Order to further their agenda—according to author and healer, Chris Thomas.

In the interview below Chris details the true Human Plan, Humanity’s vital role in the universe, and its involvement with many other ET groups over the years. He then outlines what he refers to as The Project for Human Extinction, detailing how the Rothschild elite and Illuminati were taken over by a small number of Anunnaki and ‘Hathor’ Velon ETs about 300 years ago.

This is a rare, detailed and engaging two-hour long interview recorded in August 2010. Chris’s comments are highly controversial, as he suggests many channelors as being tricked by these Velon ETs to further their ends. A 3rd interview is planned.

(Chris was severely weaked some years ago, when he woke up to discover he’d been injected with poison, (a radioactive isotope designed to make it look like he died of liver cancer) which has left him seriously debilitated.)

Interview part 1:

We visit Chris Thomas at his home in South Wales





August 26, 2010

1. Energetic Implants

2. Crystal Genetic Accelerators on Atlantis

3. Atlantian Throwbacks

4. The Velon Who and What Are They?

5. The Faerie and The Sidhe

6. Anunnaki and Nibiru A False History

7. The Anunnaki Lie

8. The True Story

9. The Creation of Early Humans – Homo Sapiens, Other Human Forms

10. Velon and Earth – Their Arrival

11. The Ark of the Covenant – The Green Crystal


Miles: We introduce Chris Thomas at his home in South Wales .

Chris: Well I found out at a very early age that I was sort of a natural psychic so I’ve not had any psychic training or anything, and really just about 30 years ago I found myself in a situation where I could help somebody for which I needed basic sort of psychic skills and healing skills and I found that I could. So basically that’s how I began with it and decided I’d better find out what this was all about. So I’ve spent the last 30 years investigating how healing works, how the body works, how illness arises, and from that; what I’ve discovered in people’s bodies is very surprising.

So People started approaching me, requesting for me to give them healing and I found that the health problems people were bringing to me became progressively more complex. I tried to find methods of reading the energies that work within the body and to my surprise I quite often found energy patterns inside people’s bodies that were not human. They related to energy frequencies that were not of existence within this solar system. So basically people were carrying around implants with them which were causing them health problems; so that led me into investigating what these particular implants were, where and how they originated and what kind of problems they were causing for people.

So over the years it has really been a question of looking at the problems people have brought me and trying to find an answer for them.

Miles: What did these implants look like? Could you take a photograph or X-ray of them?

Chris: No unfortunately not. These are again energy implants so for example, I know somebody in the states has got his collection of metal objects that he claims to have taken out of people’s bodies but they cannot be so-called alien implants because the energy patterns that these aliens are made from and the technology these aliens use are entirely different to the ones that humans use. Therefore implants are essentially an energy pattern and not a solid object as we would see a solid object.

So basically these implants do have a form and a shape which varies considerably. It depends on the type of implant based on the race that manufactured them and what the implant was intended to be used for. Now a lot of people took these implants on quite deliberately at the time of Atlantis for example. But also a lot of people have had these implanted without their knowledge and against their will, and that is really not a good thing.

Miles: What are they designed to do, how many types are there, is there a basic set of different genres of them?


Chris: Yes there are quite a considerable number. If I start at the beginning of human history which is about 85,000 years ago on Atlantis; what all of those who came to Earth, who intended to take in what I would call The Human Experiment basically to see whether life at the sort of physical densities we experience could be lived. When we came to Earth what we found were basically Cro Magnon Man on a very basic form and what we decided to do, with their agreement, was genetically accelerate them.

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The way in which we did this was to implant them with what looks a little bit like a crystal. It’s a six-sided crystal. Ladies would probably find it very familiar because it looks an awful lot like a diamond you’d put in a ring. So it’s a six faceted diamond, flat at the top which comes to a point and these are genetic accelerators.


What they did essentially was to create higher energy patterns within Cro Magnon Man which then created more DNA and that became a cycle so that each time more DNA was created, higher energy patterns were created until in the end what we ended up with was a human being. Now a Human Being, according to the Akashic and according to the way the Earth looks at human beings as a species is that we have the whole soul within the body. What WE are used to is having only a physical component of the soul within the body and a higher self aspect of the soul effectively separate from us.

So as far as the Earth is concerned, as a species we’ve been sub-human for several thousand years. But we used these implants in people to genetically accelerate Cro Magnon man into a situation where we had a body form that could actually accommodate the whole soul within the physical body. Once we had achieved that, people started experimenting with these genetic devices and what we could actually do with the body.


All the sort of strange memories people have of Atlantis and the strange beings, part human, part animal; those kind of memories and experiences actually existed because those who were on Atlantis decided to experiment with this human body and to see what we could do with it because after all as far as the universe is concerned this is the first time that a physical body had ever existed.

These Atlantian implants have become a problem over the last few years because as we increase our energy levels, we undergo the kind of energy changes we are headed for in 2011, 2012. So we are taking more of the higher self into the body and therefore it’s increasing the body’s frequencies and it’s switching on some aspects of these Atlantian chips.

For example I’ve worked on people who were mermaids. They had mermaid genes within their body basically, which in this lifetime was actually making them lose the use of their legs because they were starting to weld together to form the fish tail. I had somebody who had jellyfish genes in their system, which meant that every time they moved the body couldn’t quite deal with the movement and they would end up rupturing muscles. I had another mermaid form of growing fins on the back of their spine and had medical surgery to remove this spine growth out of the spine.


There are all sorts of examples of how these are switching on and causing immediate health problems for people because we’re in an intermediate stage. If we have the whole soul within the body then these people could turn back into mermaids but since there in a sort of middle stage then it’s just causing massive physical problems for the body. Of course the medical profession can’t deal with these kind of problems. So that’s one kind of implant.

Some thousands of years ago when we became as we are now; in other words when we consciously decided to divide the soul into two divisions, one of the races decided to help us by providing us with an additional memory potential. There is a long story behind why we needed extra memory but this particular type of energy chip sits right on the very base of the spine on the sacrum and coccyx, so one component fits into the sacrum and it basically acts as a tape recorder, and just above that sitting on the second vertebrae above the pelvis is a little device that acts like a microphone. So it records everything we do in our lives. So as I say it’s benign and is just an additional memory to assist us in the lifetimes se have lived during the last few thousand years.

The problem is that once this type of chip has recorded an activity you do in your life then it recycles it and you just keep recycling the same kind of emotion and the same kind of health problem all the time but you can never clear it because the chip has recorded it.

Miles: Is that with past lives?

Chris: No with this memory chip it’s current life. Say you had a difficult childhood and you had a lot of emotional trauma, the chip records that you had all this emotional trauma, sees that it’s natural for your body, and keeps putting it back into your body so that it doesn’t matter how calm your life has become since you had all the emotional trauma. It keeps putting all the emotions and all the adrenalin back into your body so it keeps you at a high state of tension constantly. (11:05)

And this is what I’ve been doing with a lot of people over the last 10-14 years, which is removing these devices which gets there life back to normal. There are about 15 different types of these kind of implants that I’ve been finding in these people’s bodies and they create all sorts of different problems.

Miles: Are these implants just a carry over from past lives or are any of them specifically hostile?

Chris: There are 2 essential types. The first type which I’ve been talking about goes back 85,000 years but there are implants that I have encountered within people that have been implanted during this lifetime and these have all originated from the Velon. Everything that has happened in the last 300 years really relates back to the Velon.

4. The Velon Who And What Are They?

The Velon originate in a galaxy that is about 23 galaxies away from our own galaxy and is located behind the constellation of Sagittarius. The Velon solar system is fairly standard in that there are 2 suns and it has 8 planets; 3 planets orbit one sun, 4 planets orbit the other, and 1 planet orbits both suns. Now what is most interesting is the one that orbits both suns because the inhabitants of that planet call it Nibiru or Anu. They call it Anu because the name that they call themselves is Anunnaki. So this is the origin of the Anunnaki story and the Anunnaki peoples originate in the solar system of Velus. This Velus solar system has 6 different races for want of a better way of describing them. It is basically one population in the same way humans are humans on Earth but we don’t call ourselves humans or Earthlings or anything like that, what we would describe ourselves as is Italian, German, Australian, whatever or perhaps Jewish , Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, that kind of thing and this is the kind of divisions that seems to have happened with the Velon peoples. They have a division more along religious lines than anything else.

The names for the 6 factions are Jjundha, Mila, Oa, Anunnaki, Hathor and Johnaan. What happened was about 1000 years ago they encountered an energy flow just outside of their galaxy which is an energy flow that comes to earth. There are all sorts of different energy flows around the Universe which are aimed at particular solar systems, planets to help in whatever work that planet is doing and what they encountered is the primary energy flow that comes to earth from the centre of the Universe. They decided to follow it and it took them several hundred years to build the kind of ships that would allow them to travel the kind of distances from their galaxy to ours.

They arrived outside of our solar system roughly about 300 years ago. They took a look at our solar system and what was happening on Earth and they decided that what they ought to do was to observe rather than try to take over the planet because encountering this energy flow coming to Earth, the Velon peoples decided for some strange reason which I have not been able to get to the bottom of is that the Velon peoples must be God’s chosen people and therefore they must live on God’s chosen planet. And that was the reason really for them coming here. So to come here and find that there was human habitation on earth was really a surprise to them.

So they decided to observe rather than to land. The vast majority of the Velons people decided to leave our solar system because it was inhabited. They did not want to take over somebody else’s planet as it were. I know this sounds like a plot for a second rate sci-fi movie but this is what was recorded within the Akashic and everything that I can find out leads me back to this story all the time. So they decided to leave leaving only possibly 1% of the total Velon population behind.

The 2 primary and most aggressive aspects of the Velon population turned out to be the Hathor and the Anunnaki and so ever since that time both races have been trying to find ways of getting humans off the planet so that they can claim it as a prize. Both of those races decided to take different directions so what we have are the Hathor working with people from a psychic channelling perspective. So they have been channelling a lot of material to mediums, clairvoyants and what have you, trying to influence them to make them believe that the Hathor are the good guys and they should be here on earth helping us with whatever it is that we’re going through.

One plan the Hathors came up with was working with a group of people in America who have an organization with a world wide following. The Hathor persuaded this group of people to build what they called a celestorium. One was located in Texas and one was located in Belize in south America. These celestoriums were 333 feet long made from 100 metre long copper tubes set vertically into the Earth and filled with programmed quartz crystals. Essentially their intention was that they are tuning forks. The first celestorium was fired up back in 2006 and everybody who was a part of this group working with the Hathor felt themselves literally being sucked out of their bodies. The purpose of these celestoriums was to do that, to remove the soul out of the body and throw it back into the original Velon solar system.

Fortunately there are a lot of people working on earth as what you could describe as Guardians to try and make sure that the safety of the earth is maintained and obviously humans and all life that is on the Earth.

5. The Faerie and The Sidhe

Miles: Are these Guardians healing or spiritual – what do you mean?

Chris: Several of the Guardians are human but they operate on much higher [vibrational] levels compared to most people. Some of the guardians are connected with Earth herself and essentially with the Faerie or more accurately with the Sidhe (pronounced Shee) more than the Faerie.

Miles: Can you explain who the Faerie and the Sidhe are?

Chris: Laughs. We’ve got about 3 months to go through this have we? O.k.

The Faerie: The planet is a consciousness. The Earth is a consciousness, is a sovereign soul in her own right. Somebody came up with the name Gaia but the Earth does not seem to quite like that. All life that exists on Earth is created by the Earth herself. The way in which the Earth does this is to create an energy template or what a lot of people call an etheric template which is the design of a plant or an animal and then the energy patterns that exist on earth put substance to it. In other words a physical body is built around the energetic template.

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In order to maintain the energy patterns and to maintain life the Earth created the Faerie. These are little energetic beings who exist in a realm far beyond our physical capability to them, unless you happen to be particularly psychic.

The Sidhe: In order to keep check on the Faerie, as it were, the Earth created a sort of management level. I know that sounds flippant but I can’t think of any better word to describe them, known as the Sidhe. The Sidhe are quite remarkable beings. I think it’s a Gaelic word because of it’s spelling with accent over the ‘e’. The Sidhe are about 12 foot tall and again they are made of pure energy and they really are quite remarkable beings and what they do is to help the Earth in her creationary processes of building or modifying animals or plants or whatever. They also ensure that all the energies on the earth are doing whatever they are supposed to be doing.


They have obviously been around ever since there has been life on Earth so for 25 million years or so we have had the Faerie and the sidhe operating on the planet. Some people obviously have interacted with the Faerie and the Sidhe and have benefited greatly from it.

Of course most people regard the faerie and the Sidhe as literally fairy stories. They don’t believe they exist. But from my own experience they do. I mean as a psychic I have seen the faerie and I have worked with the Sidhe for many years. As I say they also act as guardians. If there is any peculiar energy patterns that turn up on Earth then the Sidhe will investigate and this is what happened with the celestorium.

This one celestorium when it was activated, if both had been activated at the same time the story might have been very different because most people on the planet would have been affected. But as it was it was only the group who were a part of this Hathor channelling group that became affected by the first celestorium being switched on. (23:22)Both celestoriums were destroyed that night by those active guardians around the Earth, so they cannot be used again.

Miles: How were they destroyed?

Chris: Again, energetically. The problem with being human is that we see everything as physical. If we can’t touch, smell it, feel it, whatever, then as far as we are concerned it doesn’t exist. But good ole Einstein’s Theory of Relativity: E=mc2 is very true. Everything is energy. Underlying everything is energy. The only thing that makes it visible or invisible is the frequency or frequencies by which those energies are connected together.

Miles: So getting back to the Velon and 300 years ago?

6. Anunnaki and Nibiru a False History

Chris: 300 years ago the Velon and the Hathor arrived here so the Hathor went through their processes but the Anunnaki decided on a different route. What they did was to start implanting devices into people’s bodies which are essentially cameras and recording equipment. What these devices did was to relay back to the Anunnaki everything that that person did during their normal day; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; every single thing that that person did was fully recorded and monitored by the Anunnaki. And this was all done without these people’s knowledge. But what it allowed the Anunnaki to do was to build up a very strong picture of how humans lived their lives.

So what they decided to do was to come up with a story, what I would call a fantasy story of human history and how humans were developed. The reason they did this was that by creating a fantasy story they hoped that when they appeared in this current time, all the changes that we are going through, then we would acknowledge them as our Omegas and our Gods essentially and therefore they could take control of everything that is on the planet. So what they did was to blend together parts of the history of their own solar system, parts of the history of our solar system and parts of our religious beliefs and traditions.

By mixing them all together, they then travelled back in time to about 5,000 years ago to ancient Sumeria and they dictated this story to a scribe in Sumeria who took it down in cuneiform writing and is recorded on clay tablets. Thousands of these clay tablets came to light a number of years ago and several people have been translating them and what we have is translations of these stories presented as books saying what the Anunnaki want to say. The basic story that the Anunnaki put together is that quite a few millions of years ago a new planet entered our solar system, which travelled in the opposite direction and at an oblique angle to the existing planets within our solar system and this planet they called Nibiru which takes 3600 years to orbit in and out of our solar system. On one of its orbits, one of the moons of Nibiru hit one of the planets of our solar system splitting it into two.

One half of the planet became the asteroid belt and the other half of the planet became the Earth. Now the fact that splitting a planet in half and forming a fresh planet from that half divided planet is impossible because everything that made up that planet, the sphere of that planet has been fractured and it will not form itself back into another sphere. So ignoring that part of the story for a minute, following that formation of the earth Nibiru continued orbiting through our solar system and roughly 425,000 years ago, I think it is, the Anunnaki who live on Nibiru decided that there was a problem with their atmosphere and they needed to put gold dust into it’s atmosphere essentially so that they could make it more robust so that as it travelled all these distances through space, it protected the planet’s surface.

And the planet with the most gold on it was Earth. So the Anunnaki came to earth to extract gold from sea water and when they realized they were not getting enough gold extraction out of sea water, they decide to switch to gold mining and they moved to Africa. So when they first came to Earth they set up a base as it were between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which is basically ancient Sumeria, or modern day Iran and Iraq. And this is where they extracted gold from sea water, but they moved to Africa to dig gold mines and they decided that that was too much like hard work.


The Anunnaki Creation of Early Humans Lie – The Adamu Fantasy Story

So what they then decided to do was to take the basic proto-human form that was on the planet which seemed to be basically Homo Erectus or Homo Habilus and genetically modify it into what they called the Adamu. So what they did was to construct a slave race that they called Adamu that would take over the gold mining on their behalf. None of this ever happened, but according to their story there were not enough Adamu to do as much work as they wanted so what they just did was they decided to make the Adamu self-replicating by creating a female. So essentially Adam and Eve because they also called this area they took over in Sumeria as Eden.

So they created Adam and Eve by blending Anunnaki genes with Homo Habilus genes and created a new species as a slave race which did all the work for them and it became very, very successful, and the adamu worked very, very hard and as far as the Anunnaki Velon were concerned this was a perfect solution to their problems and they started ferrying much greater quantities of gold back to Nibiru ever since every time they came through our solar system ever 3500 years.

The problems started when the Anunnaki “looked on human females” I think the expression was, and decided that they were very attractive and started mating with them. So what you ended up with were human or Adamu/ Anunnaki hybrids. This caused great problems within the Anunnaki because of their social structure and problems within the Adamu on earth as well. The Anunnaki who was in charge of this whole operation on Earth decided what needed to be done is that the Adamu should be allowed to die off to solve all of these problems.

This they tried to do but could not make it work because the adamu were very intelligent and able to deal with all sorts of deprivation. But then it was noticed that the next orbit of Nibiru would come much closer to the Earth than it had done, and it would pass very close to the South Pole and it would break up the ice pack and it would end what was supposedly at that time, the ice age. So it was decided that the Anunnaki would leave the planet and let all the disasters that were supposed to happen caused by Nibiru’s transit and then they would come back and finish mining again and hoping that all the other Adamu would have been killed off.

But the chief engineer who was in charge of the project, the Anunnaki who had actually carried out all the genetic modifications to create the Adamu liked the peoples basically and got one of them to build a ship, an Ark ship that would survive the flood. The ship that was built was more like a submarine than it was like one that floated on the surface and he was given technology that allowed him to record all of the genetic patterns of the Adamu and all other forms of life on Earth. So that when the flood receded the Anunnaki could rebuild all the forms of life.

So this is what the story says happened, that Nibiru passed by the South Pole, broke up the ice pack, created massive flooding over the whole earth surface and destroyed all life all over the planet. And when the flood waters went down they returned and started again. But in the end they were happy that the Adamu had been saved because they were still very useful slaves.

They decided to speed up their operations on earth and build a way station on Mars (34:20) so that the gold was ferried to Mars because future orbits of Nibiru would take it closer to the Martian orbit then it was to Earth orbit and in order to help with the extra flying saucer movement, I suppose you could call it, they built flight control beacons which are the pyramids.

So this is basically the Anunnaki [fantasy] story. This is what they said they did and how they created humans by creating a slave race.

Miles: But you would differ from that?

Chris: It is the biggest load of ******** that I have ever read in my life. I might rephrase that: It is the biggest load of rubbish I ever read in my life.


Velon and Nibiru The True Story

When I started my healing work and my psychic work, what I found was that I was “hard-wired” into an aspect of human mass consciousness that is traditionally known as the Akashic. Now the Akashic is the record keeping aspect of the human mass consciousness. So every event that has ever occurred on Earth and by extension every event that has ever occurred throughout the universe is recorded in the Akashic.

What I found was that I could access it at will so that if I wanted to find out an aspect of human history lets say, then all I did was to work through my higher self and access the Akashic directly. So I did not need to go into a trance or need an intermediary like some sort of spirit guide or whatever. I could access this absolutely directly by myself and this is what I’ve been doing for the last 30 years is investigating the Akashic to try and find what is the truth of human history. There is NOTHING in human history that relates to the Anunnaki story in its entirety. There are small bits and pieces that the Anunnaki have pulled together of our human and solar system and they have blended it together with their own solar system’s history and they have tried to make a new story out of it to make us believe that the Anunnaki are our Gods.

Ultimately it is a complete fantasy, it is a total fabrication.

One piece of truth, as it were, that I came across was somebody who approached me as a client for healing some years ago turned out to be of Velon origin. But he had taken on a human lifetime. There were a number of Velon on this planet who had managed to find a way of taking on a human body. Again there is a very long story behind that.

Miles: Are there very many of Velon here on Earth?

Chris: Not a huge number. Only about 250, something like that. He had particular health problems which he could not understand and because of the kind of work that I have been doing with people, I can read people’s DNA and DNA is essentially memory. 75% of all DNA is past life memory. What this guy carried within his DNA were very strong memories of travelling back in time to Sumeria to translate the Anunnaki story to the Sumerian scribe. He was very confused about these memories that were starting to come up within his life.

So basically ,as far as I was concerned, he was absolute confirmation that the Anunnaki had travelled back in time deliberately to plant the story that made the Anunnaki the creators of humanity.

So the Anunnaki travelled with the Adamu who were migrating out of Sumeria, and they travelled north and eventually ended up in Tibet which is where the Anunnaki time travellers ended up and remained in the 5,000 years since and so a lot of channelled work is originating from Tibet. The most famous one I suppose is Madame Blavatsky when she set up the Theosophical Society. Her guide that she was channelling was from Tibet. His name was Djwal Kuhl. He was actually a Velon, someone who had remained on Earth for 5,000 years, since planting this story, within catacombs of the Himalayan Mountains.

So what we have beginning in the mid 1800s the beginnings of the re-emergence of the Anunnaki story but this time through channelled means through Madame Blavatsky and then Alice Bailey. (39:43)


Miles: So is the Dalai Lama essentially a continuation of the Velon?

Chris: No. The Dalai Lama is what he appears to be as far as I can make out. I cannot find any influence in Buddhism, for example, by the Velon which I find quite interesting. I find it quite intriguing and quite strange in many respects, because the primary influence of the Sumerian story and the Anunnaki story as spread around by the Sumerians seems to be through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in terms of the Old Testament.

But there is also another route for the Old Testament. It has got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Anunnaki and it’s that route that the Anunnaki used for the basis of the story they tried to present through these clay tablets.

Carved stone vulture head found at Göbekli

Now if you go to the area of Northern Iraq, Turkistan, and Southern Turkey what you find is that there are traditions there that go back 5 or 6,000 years, if not even further – there is a building under excavation there that archaeologists are saying is about 11,000 years old. And it’s in that region that these stories originate.

Collectively these traditions are known as The Cult of Angels and have as their primary symbol what they call a Winged Disc. So if you imagine a disc with eagles wings. This is the symbol that the cult of angels had as a basis for their belief system.

How this winged disc came about is that they have a tradition that quite some time ago these very tall and very pale northern people invaded their area and turned the locals into slaves. Now the locals you could think of as Homo Sapiens I suppose the farmers, hunter-gatherers that developed from Cro Magnon.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSb2C7IZTFpgWFq0BWemQ3lL9xzgt3SP ZgSY7rowCwiPUZz-rQO

9. The Creation of Early Humans – Homo Sapiens, Other Human Forms

The Earth, in trying to find a suitable human body form, experimented with a great many different types and one of them was Gigantopithicus.

Now Gigantopithicus is what was potentially an ancient human prototype who was about 9 feet tall. The way in which this cult of angels described these northerners, they could very well be a descendant of Gigantopithicus because they were much, much taller than they were, and they had very pale skin.

So this would appear to be the origin of the “Tall, White Nordics” of the Velon story; which is of course what the Velon- Anunnaki now call themselves – certainly as far as UFO watchers are concerned.


This tradition in Southern Turkey, Northern Iraq and Turkistan is that these Tall White Northerners were physically very powerful and they enslaved the people who lived in that area and mated with the local women to create hybrid children. These are known as Children of the Jars. Eventually the Locals had had enough of these Tall, White Northerners and they actually massacred them and they killed every single one of them. The Northern Iraqis than left the region which they called Eden and they moved from Eden and travelled south to Egypt and they took with them these traditions.

As far as I can work out, if you look at the bulk of their traditions, this forms the basis for the Old Testament because these are the peoples who were eventually ejected out of Egypt and they took all of these traditions with them. And The Winged Disc is a symbol you will find quite a lot of in ancient Egypt and The Winged Disc is also a symbol the Anunnaki have adopted to make it look as though they are connected in with human history. Because these Tall, White Northerners who invaded Iraq had basic religious beliefs centred around Birds. And their major symbol was The Winged Disc because they used bird feathers for their sort of shamanic type processes and works they did with Shaman. This was enforced upon the people of Iraq and it became their traditional symbol. [The persecution of these people by the Tall, White Northerners went on for many generations resulting in the Winged Disc symbol becoming blended into their own traditions] So they took this tradition of the Winged Disc with them to Egypt.

The Winged Disc

The Anunnaki have adopted that symbol to give them credence as being the Gods of the humans.

Miles: What about the Hathor in Egypt?

Chris: No, I know there is a name ‘Hathor’ as one of the aspects of the primary god in Egypt; it’s the cow god I think, so the name Hathor would have come from, who knows?, I haven’t been able to get to the bottom of that particular thread. I haven’t been able to find a connection between the Egyptian Hathor god and the Velon faction called Hathor. That is not to say there isn’t one but I have not found it.

Miles: So where do we connect with the illuminati at 300 years ago? How did that process actually happen, bringing us to the present?

[SIZE=3]10. Velon and Earth – Their Arrival

Chris: The Velon arrived in our solar system about 300 years ago. Now don’t forget that one strand of the Velon has been on Earth for 5,000 years because they’re travelling back in time. They are the ones who moved to Tibet. The ones in Tibet tried to do all sorts of things on a genetic level to try and make themselves look more human. Because in their natural state the Velon, depending on which race it is, they’re anywhere between 8 and 15 feet tall. So they tried to make themselves a lot more human looking and this is one of the reasons they hid themselves away in Tibet.

Around about 300 years ago in 1776 a character called Amschel Rothschilds decided to set up an organization which he called the Bavarian Illuminati and the intention of this organization was to take over the world. This is what was written into the original documents to set up this Bavarian Illuminati. Recognizing that there was some kind of power base beginning to build here the Velon, or the Anunnaki who had moved to Tibet, took over this organisation. Now the way in which they did this requires a very long explanation as to the technology the Velon have available to them. But essentially they took over total control of the illuminati virtually from its inception. This they did as much on a psychic level as on a physical level.

Miles: How did these non-human e.t. like beings walk in and take control of the illuminati and what was the function of the illuminati before that?

Chris: The illuminati was there purely and simply to take over the Earth, to take control of human activity on the planet.

Miles: And it getting very clear that they have been successful.

Chris: Well they have had 300 years to practice at playing at it and they have been building up slowly to do it. But everything has accelerated over the last number of years because they are running out of time.

Miles: Why are they running out of time?

Chris: Well lets come back to your first question. The way in which they took over the illuminati was what psychics would describe as a walk-in. That is where one soul displaces and walks into somebody’s body and in doing so displaces the soul that was in there originally. It’s a bit of a bizarre concept but it’s one which the Anunnaki used to take over the illuminati. By doing so they convinced Rothschilds that they were an immensely powerful race of beings and could provide whatever energy potential the illuminati required to carry out their plans.

Again you have got to remember that everything is energy. So if you have a massive energy potential then you can manipulate anything that you choose to manipulate. And this is what Rothschilds took on board because the that was taken over was the person that he had chosen to be the physical leader of the illuminati with the Rothschild in the background. So the physical leader was a guy named Spartacus.

From that point onwards it meant the Anunnaki had full control of the illuminati and all of their activities. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the aims of the illuminati and the aims of the Anunnaki is the same. Namely the control of the human population on the planet. And this is what they set about doing. I mean the first thing the illuminati did was to set up the French Revolution to depose the monarchy in France and take control of the people through a socialist ideal. This obviously failed and essentially the illuminati were thrown out of Europe because the various other heads of other countries didn’t want them there any longer so it became very difficult for Rothschild to operate within that sort of climate.

So what the illuminati did was to move to America. And again at the time what they did was the illuminati took over the Free Masons and they re-established the Knights Templar. Now the Knights Templar had been eradicated by the Vatican and the French king in 1307, so after 1338 they were officially disbanded. But in history the Knights Templar had traditionally a very important role and this was to guard the Ark of the Covenant.

11. The Ark of the Covenant –The Green Crystal

The ten commandments don’t really mean much of anything because after all it a basic moral code that people are living under anyway. What is important about the Ark of the Covenant is what they call the Tables of Testimony.

[B]The Tables of Testimony is a green crystal which has been programmed with the history of the human race all the way from Atlantis up until the Knights templar were destroyed. So it is a very, very important artefact because if the Anunnaki could take control of that, they could literally rewrite human history. They could impose the fantasy stories that they built onto the crystal and literally alter the Akashic by doing so.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTj8TnE_QekTUZBa9vBVI6hX1HcIdnBT NIvrrtojU7eoed0q5fr

Fortunately the Tables of Testimony and the Ark of the covenant are in a place which is inaccessible and will remain inaccessible. By re-building the Knights Templar they were hoping that they could get sufficient knowledge and ancient knowledge back together to find out where the ark of the covenant is located and how to access it. Fortunately they couldn’t and that is the situation as it remains to this day. The Ark remains in hiding as does the Tables of Testimony.

Miles: Is this a time lock?

Chris: Well it’s a question of how deep you want to get into this. I’ve tried to avoid too much detail or we’re going to be here for 25 hours sort of thing. The Ark of the Covenant and the Tables of Testimony remain in a safe hiding place and they will never be found, not until the time is right.

So what the illuminati then did, because they were essentially kicked out of Europe, was they moved to America and they formed the bases of the first American government. So they were all tied in together, so you have the illuminati, the Free Masons, and the Knights Templar, at this time in history are all tied in together doing different aspects of the same job, which is what the illuminati and the Anunnaki declared they were going to do which is to control everything that occurs on Earth.

So they took control of the American constitution in which America functions and are still in control now and have been in control ever since America came into being.


14th October 2015, 17:30
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-RSwTihJQ0 A TRANSCRIPTION

The Velon And Human History
Miles Johnston: interviewer
August 28, 2010

Bases 8:-Chris Thomas Velon ET Threat to Humanity Part Two

C.T. . . . is that we have 3 Velon ships outside of our solar system; they can’t get in. Now there are 3 million Velon on these ships and they are deliberately being held out by The Guardians. Basically the Solar System does not want them in the Solar System. The Earth doesn’t want them in the Solar System. Nobody wants them in the Solar System. So the ones who are in here have been around for awhile, you know, quite some time. So this is a deliberate attempt to build a black hole to build a gateway through the Solar System to allow these Velon ships in.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHKBnf48wB2oy1YTmtIbh44Cci_Sr6o k-pCsJzoN3vSnetNO37EQ
The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator (Image: CERN)

And this is what I think CERN was built for; you know, the particle accelerator in CERN was a deliberate attempt again to try and create enough energy on Earth to create a black hole. But this is what people are thinking because don’t forget the propaganda from the Velon, or from the Anunnaki, through an organisation called Ashtar Command.

You’ve never heard of Ashtar Command? Well they say thousands of cloaked ships within our Solar System are waiting to lift us off the planet to ‘save’ us so that we can move to another planet -That’s another load of bullocks - so we can ‘safely ascend to the 5th Dimension’. So basically it’s depopulating the Earth, which goes along with the Georgia Guide Stones thing of reducing the population to 500 million. So it’s a case of slavery for 500 million while everyone else is taken off the Earth and, as far as I can see, dumped into space because there isn’t another planet that we can live on.

So this is what these wormholes are for and what the Norwegian Spiral too are for, is to make people believe that worm holes and black holes are being created so that we ‘Have’ this fleet of ships within the Solar System.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvWvg--Acm6a8qczoU4XV6jj6G5QfdeG5fSQiNUw0Gla6yF0COJHHE85U g

So basically, pre 1900 you had the Eugenics Society set up to try and create the perfect human. So they tried to make that a law so that they had control of who reproduced. So if you were thick you couldn’t reproduce, if you were black you couldn’t reproduce, if you were disabled in any way you couldn’t reproduce. They were trying to create laws to make that happen within America in particular.

The headquarters of the American Eugenics Society is on Long Island and the building which was their headquarters was the headquarters of the Human Genome Project.

MJ : So is the Human Genome Project associated with the DNA . . . ?

CT : Yes the thinking behind it is that they are trying to create a perfect human, and this is what GM crops are all about. They started with crops because genetically manipulating plants is far less complex than manipulating animals but there is why they started cloning Dolly the sheep and all the rest of it.

Starbuck II Today

Now 9 years of age, Starbuck II is in good health and has developed normally. He is identical to his homonym.

MJ: Well if we have an immediate, now in 2010 we have these cloned cows and we have cattle mutilations and stuff like that .

CT: Well no the mutilations are a little bit different. All the research I’ve done into that, and I know they’re connected with UFOs and all the rest of it, but the majority of cattle mutilations are actually carried out by the Americans themselves, partly for testing of, sort of cattle diseases and partly because of genetic research. It’s got nothing to do with UFOs.

The only people who are Aliens who have been doing anything in terms of human genetic research are the Greys and the Blues. And they are only interested in the human body. They’re not interested in animals or anything else. So why would they go around mutilating animals?

MJ : One of the military facilities in Britain I’m told is where they generate life forms.

CT: Um, The worst thing we have at the moment is that 2 years ago when an American genetics company created an artificial life form. It’s a bacteria, at the time, so literally they spliced together a load of genes and the thing lives, and it reproduces, and it was announced by the lab that they did it to say how wonderful they were and they were immediately shut down by the military and all the people working there were immediately taken into military control.

So you’ve got that side of it and then you’ve got the genetic manipulation to soldiers to make them super soldiers and all this sort of stuff.

MJ: Do you know much about that Super Soldier Program?

CT: No not a great deal. Again um, I’m basically under 24 hour psychic watch, not by the Velon, it’s by the NSA. So it’s difficult at times to get in to look at things.

MJ: What do you mean by that?

CT: Well just psychically I’m watched all the time. Um, to get that PROJECT HUMAN EXTINCTION book out I was permanently under psychic attack all the time.

The majority of psychic attack is done by the NSA and the NSA abduct children who have psychic potential and they put them together in groups of 10, in underground wards, strap them to the beds, stuff them full of tubes to keep them alive, and they force them into psychically attacking people; or creating psychic protection around the Gulf lets say or the dark side of the Moon.

MJ: Why do they want to protect the dark side of the Moon?

CT: Well there’s a permanent base up there that’s been there since the 1950s. It’s co-run by the Americans and the Russians. It was done using UFO technology.

MJ: Is that the German Flying Disc technology?

CT: No. Well, I mean you’ve got to wonder where some of that came from, I have to say. But no, Roswell.

MJ: Do you think that the Germans had E.T. involvement?

CT: Well don’t forget the Eugenics Society of America was supporting the Germans and an awful lot of technology and money went from America TO Germany to support Hitler. You know, the Bush family made their fortune by supplying stuff to Hitler.

So I suspect, I know the Roswell crash was in ’47 but, there’s obviously been an awful lot of observation of UFOs over the years and recognizing them as flying discs. I suspect that as the Germans had massive research and built facilities, is it any wonder that the Americans supplied them with all of this kind of information for them. I mean there is some evidence that the first contact between the Greys and the Americans was um 1928, not Roswell at all.

MJ: I think Roswell has been used as a big distraction.

CT: Well it’s true it did happen, but given the Velon connection with the illuminati, who knows what technology the Velon have passed on?

MJ: What about the U.K.?

CT: Not so much the U.K. because, in fairness, the British actually kept themselves separate from the illuminati for a long time. So although they were influenced in overall terms, British politics remained comparatively clean ummm .

MJ: What about our concept of the relation to our Queen; I mean did the knights Templar ?

CT: Well, another thing about the Reptilian look, there is another story behind that, it has nothing to do with the Velon but it is alien related, and again it depends on how complicated you want to get. Because you know this is where it really gets into the bizarre because a race of beings that managed to build a wormhole linked our Universe and their Universe together. So these beings are not even of this Universe.

They came in bringing with them energy patterns that allowed them to remove freedom of choice. Now our Universe is built, literally all the energy patterns within this Universe are built around the concept of freedom of choice. And you cannot be in a position where you can remove freedom of choice, and this is what this other race, called the 14 Faction in the Akashic, brought with them were energy patterns that allowed them to remove freedom of choice.

The destruction caused within our Universe by this race is vast, about a quarter of the Universe’s resources disappeared because of this race. Because if you bring with you energy patterns that can remove freedom of choice, how can you remove it, you know, you can’t; so it took many thousands of years to actually get to the point where we could evict these people.

Now the problem is they brought with them a legacy and, as far as I can work it out, something like 30,000 souls on the way to Earth got caught in the crash, where the wormhole opened, and they became INFECTED with energy patterns which allowed them to remove freedom of choice. And so, at varying times, there were 30,000 people within this Universe that were capable of doing that.

The first instance we saw of it on Earth was Alexander the Great because he was the first conqueror, essentially. Everyone before that had been localized squabbles or water supply things or whatever. But he was the first one who set out to conquer people and he had these 14 Faction frequencies built within his system.

And so, at varying times, there’s never been 30,000 on the planet at one time. Never more than usually a few hundred, but they brought with them these frequencies capable of doing that. And this race that came in from the other Universe is Reptilian in form. You know, they’re humanoid but Reptilian features. So Icke is not wrong in that, in the basic story, it’s just that they have nothing to do with the Velon. And also this race was destroyed and totally removed from the Universe, and their energy patterns removed from the Universe.

Time is bizarre, but in the way in which it relates to Earth, it was about 2003 that it happened with us here on Earth. So all of the energy patterns they brought with them have been removed. George Bush senior, for example, exhibited some elements of that energy when he stood up and said we’re going in to fight the Gulf War. And everybody went “yea, we’re going to fight the Gulf War!” And then when George Bush junior said we’re going to fight the Gulf War, everybody looked at him and said: “Why?” Whereas George Bush Senior had enough of the 14 element energies within his system to be able to force people into accepting what he said.

So it is immensely complex, or at least that is a complexity within the story which really is a bit beyond the illuminati and the Velon because the Velon were not affected by the 14 Faction energy, and the illuminati have not been affected by the 14 Faction energy, but there have been 14 Faction energies at work on Earth, which potentially aided the illuminati in their plans.

MJ: So how do ordinary people wake up and defend against these very serious?

CT: The 14 Faction you can’t – but well they’re gone anyway.

MJ: How did they get expelled from the Universe? In terms of what we need to know in order to do this what has to happen?

CT: Well no it’s got nothing to do with them. It’s done. The Universe is clear of those energies. I mean I’ll give you a good example of how these energies are clearing:

Black Holes did not exist, you know in the way in which Stephen Hawking described black holes, they did not exist before the 14 Faction turned up, but now that the 14 Faction have been removed, they’re having to re-write the books about Black Holes, because Black Holes are collapsing.

You know they’re disappearing, they’re collapsing in on themselves and all the stuff that they collected within themselves over the last couple of centuries or whatever is actually being ejected back out.

[Stephen Hawking has now acknowledged that Black Holes do not exist in this Universe]

What’s the name of that woman who gave that talk on the AV4 Forum [Alternative View Conference], you know about the ejection spikes that are coming out?

That’s the stuff that’s been collected in the black holes being ejected back out again as the black hole collapses.

[NB: What Chris is referring to is an observed phenomenon which can only be short lived because once the Black Holes were shut down, any energy that was still remaining within the event horizon, is being returned to our Universe, these ‘black holes’ have closed. Some quasi scientists have been calling them White Holes because they have been (temporarily) radiating out the building blocks for future suns, planets, etc.

Having observed this new phenomenon, in her papers, Dr Manjir Samantha-Laughton, whose presentation ‘Punk Science: the Real Deal About Planet Earth’ took us into the more esoteric and speculative realm of a new framework for the Universe she refers to as the ‘Black Hole Principle’]


[As Chris rightly points out – she is mistaken]


I don’t care what these bloody scientists talk, it’s just a load of bullocks again.

So they’re collapsing and they’re disappearing, so all the problems created by the 14 Faction is gone, totally gone. The Universe had to find a way of creating energy patterns that did not exist within this Universe before the 14 arrived. The way you remove something is you create an energy pattern that is equal/opposite to the problem you’re dealing with, the energies that you’re dealing with.

That’s why it took a long time to deal with the 14 Faction, it was because: How can you create an energy from nothing? - because the components of that energy don’t exist in this Universe.

So it was a major problem to remove these characters out of the Universe. They’re done. But the Velon have not been influenced by the 14 Faction and there are no longer any 14 Faction energies available on Earth either. So in many respects they have no connection with what’s been going on with the Velon or the illuminati.

MJ: Why are you under attack for writing the book Project Human Extinction?

CT: Well the Velon don’t want it out there. Neither do the illuminati. I mean, bless his cotton socks, David Icke has been doing an amazing job for 30 years trying to get as much of this information out there as possible. I think he’s wrong about a lot of things and I think there’s a reason why he’s wrong about a lot of things, but the core material he talks about, I think has a basic truth to it. And particular his chasing the illuminati, and he’s under a lot of attack a lot of the time, I suspect because otherwise his work would be much more accepted.

Because I work on a psychic level, I go and look at these things. Now about 13 years ago I got psychically attacked and I went to have a look at what was going on – why was I being attacked and who was doing it? And I tracked down an underground base under the Nevada desert, which is using alien technology to enhance human psychic potential to attack people. The installation they built has massive potential, they hold records of 100s of thousands of people in one little machine. So all the operator has to do is think about that person and the full details come into his head, and that can then be used to project towards that person giving them a problem.

So I went to have a look at this and what I did was added a little more energy than the machine was used to, shall we say, and it blew the installation up. The following night, we were living in Exeter at the time, the house got entered and I was injected with a radioactive isotope. I woke up with a hypodermic puncture mark in my arm. I had it checked out by a couple of other people to confirm that I wasn’t just imagining things, and I’ve been under attack ever since.

Because I found a way of counter-acting the isotope in the body, because what it was designed to do was give me terminal liver cancer. I would have been dead within 6 weeks if I couldn’t have done anything about it. So it’s little events like that … laughs… That’s why I’m under psychic attack all the time.

To try and write a book like Project Human Extinction and the other books that are going through much of the true human history, because they don’t want a real human history out on the streets. They don’t want that made public because it counter-acts the Anunnaki story, and the scientific story, and the creationist story … so they don’t want those out.

I want to find out what it is [they’re hiding], what these things are and what’s going on and why it’s happening, who’s done what to who and all of it. The only way of doing that is to do it psychically. And so they don’t like me doing it basically.


MJ: So can you just give a brief synopsis of each book?

CT: O.k. the first book was THE JOURNEY HOME. Capall Bann Publishing, ISBN 1861630417, (1-86163-041-7)

What that one looked at was we had a massive energy shift occur on the planet in 1996 so it starts with 1990-96 and it goes on to explain some of the details of how humans are constructed, how we’re put together and the higher self/physical self division, how that works.

Then the second book The Fool’s First Steps (1999) the true nature of reality ISBN 1861630727 looks more toward Earth mysteries like Stonehenge, Crop formations and this sort of thing.

The 3rd book Planet Earth: The Universe’s Experiment (2003) really looks at an overall picture of human history. But I hadn’t tracked down the Velon by that time but what I did was to go through the 14 Faction history and explain about all of that.

Then there’s THE UNIVERSAL SOUL (2005) which is a bit of everything. There’s a bit of human history and a bit of earth mystery stuff and that’s the first one I got into the Velon with and put in some of the drawings of some of the things I’d found in people’s systems, the implants.

And the same then with THE HUMAN SOUL (2007) again a bit more. So each book is a development , as each bits and piece I find out, I’ve gone into greater depths of things than in the previous books.

The PROJECT HUMAN EXTINCTION book is, if you like putting the whole story together. It goes into the human history and how the illuminati were formed and how we were taken over by the Velon and the Anunnaki.

THE ANNUNAKI PLAN OR THE HUMAN PLAN?(2010) highlights the Anunnaki plan, how it works, where it originated, how it originated and then comparing it to what I would call The Human Plan – what we’re REALLY doing on Earth. So really it’s trying to bring the whole of human history up to date and put it in the context of 2011 – 2012.

2011 - 2012

CT: We got a huge amount of misinformation and propaganda about 2012 because people have been picking up on this date in the Mayan calendar. You know we’ve got movies like 2012 which are saying basically that the world’s going to fall apart and we’ll disintegrate in 2012. Which is a complete load of rubbish. The Mayan calendar isn’t the only calendar on the planet. There’s an Egyptian calendar, Chinese, Celtic, native American, they all have calendar systems and all of them come to a conclusion end of 2011, running to the end of 2012 and the reason for that is that humanity as a whole set up what I would describe as the human plan.

Now this came into being 7000 years ago, and we set ourselves a 7000 year time limit to complete this process of planning. All the plan is, is it’s very, very simple, we need to, as it was on Atlantis, we had the whole soul within the body. Essentially ever since then we have not had the whole soul within the body. The purpose of the human plan is to find out how do we get the whole soul back into the body? And we found the answer to it. That’s what it comes down to in the end and again it’s to do with energy patterns.

The Earth, in order to create physical life and physical existence, generates a base energy signatures of 7.56 Hz (cycles per second). This is the frequency Tesla was using, for example, for his free energy experiments that he did. He was tapping into the Earth’s own energy band to the earth’s 7.56 Hz. But the problem with 7.56 Hz is that it is too low a frequency to maintain the whole of the soul within the body. It’s ultimately just a fundamental energy problem and what it needs to be is much higher than that because basically the energy contained within the soul is immense. I mean we’re talking, the average person, the average soul contains an energy potential that encompasses 50 Dimensions.


I would describe a dimension as being a band of energy, a bit like your radio dial. So you know you have frequency stops along the way, so a Dimension is a way of measuring energy at a level that encompasses all the frequencies before that particular band and then the next dimension contains all the energies that are above that particular band. So this soul itself contains 50 dimensions as an average.

This concept of moving into a 5th Dimension is a complete load of rubbish. It is fabricated by the Anunnaki to mislead us. So what we’re trying to do is get the whole soul back into the body. We’re not ascending anywhere, we’re not going anywhere, we’re staying on Earth, that’s the whole purpose of Earth, why would we want to go anywhere else for god sake?

That 7.56 Hz signature level was too low and in 2002 the Earth altered her own signature level from 7.56 Hz to 3.5 KHz. And everything has changed since. The chakras within the body have changed colour. You can’t alter frequency without altering colour. Nobody on the planet has the traditional red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet rainbow colours of the traditional chakra colours. That’s gone, most people have an intermediary set of colours which are copper, gold, petrol blues, petrol greens, and transparencies, by transparencies I mean pure energy, energy without a colour, you know like a heat haze you get on a hot day. Then there are millions of people world-wide who have no colours to their chakras at all. They’re just pure energy and there are millions of more people on the planet who don’t have any chakras at all because the reason for having chakras is very specific, and if you bring sufficient soul energy into the body then you don’t need the chakras anymore so they’ve gone.

Many millions of people world-wide do not have any chakras. Currently (mid 2010) something like 4 ½ million people on Earth have undergone their full soul transition. In other words they have brought the whole of the soul back into the body. Now you won’t see these people because they are living in isolated communities and isolated spots. I mean lets face it if you were wandering around the streets with that kind of energy emanating from your body, you’d be turned into a new religion, or you’d be taken in for experimentation by the military, which is what did in fact happen in America.

A small group in America, they were the very first people to undergo this transition process and they were immediately arrested and taken in for experimentation by the American military and they’re still held on one of the American Air force Bases. And the experimentation they’ve been put under is worse than anything we saw under Hitler, believe me it’s horrendous what they’ve been trying to do to these people’s bodies. But they knew that it was going to happen so basically what they did was to volunteer, if you like, to be taken in to undergo this treatment in the hopes that others undergoing this process would not have to undergo it themselves.

Two of these people have actually died. Now that should not happen because if you have the whole soul within the body, your natural life span is somewhere in the region of 1500 years.

People on Atlantis lived 2000 years if that’s what they chose to do. So the primary experimentation is inject the body with just about any chemical you can think of to see if the body can throw it off; inject the body with any disease you can think of, or even some of the engineered diseases to see if the body can throw it off. How much electricity can the brain take? This kind of experimentation and it’s been going on for some years. And it’s still going on, but as progressively more and more people are going through this final transition to bring the whole soul into the body.

MJ: How do they recognize these people?

CT: Oh you know because there is no comparison. It’s very, very difficult to describe what it’s like to have those kinds of potential because lets face it, we don’t have the vocabulary to explain what it is like to be psychic, what it is like to communicate with a blade of grass, with a rain drop, with a wild animal, with each other without the need for language. What it’s like to well let’s use the example of remote viewing, so say you’re walking down the street one day and you say to yourself, I’d love to eat an orange. So what you do is your remotely view an area where oranges grow and you think yourself to the tree where the orange is and what you do is you take the body with the thought process (it’s called translocation) you can then pick the orange off the tree and return by the same process back to where you started from.

That’s the kind of potential and abilities that these people have, it’s just phenomenal. We do not have the vocabulary to describe the kind of abilities that these people will have in how they deal with everything that is on the planet. And this is what humans are designed to be.

Everything we’ve ever done on this planet in 85,000 years has been leading up to is for everybody to have those kinds of potential, and everybody can do it.

There’s no block, nobody’s standing in judgement of you and saying you can’t do this because you’re a bad person. There’s no such thing. If anybody wants to do it they’re perfectly capable of doing it.

But this is what the Anunnaki are trying to stop, and what the illuminati are trying to stop.

MJ: So we would be more powerful than they are.

CT: Yea we would throw them off the planet immediately. We would get rid of the Velon immediately. They would have no control over the Earth whatsoever. And the illuminati would cease to have any kind of control over anybody who has those abilities, because you cannot be contained, you cannot be controlled if you don’t want to be. Because the human potential is astronomical. As I say we don’t have the vocabulary to describe how we are.



There’s an expression I used in one of my books which was that if you think of our 5 senses, they are like single nodes, compared to a symphony that is a true understanding of the world and what our potential and abilities actually are. So we’ve defined ourselves quite deliberately into this sort of minimal space that we inhabit in the body and we’re ready to break out of it so that we become again, at long last a full human being back on the planet.

HAARP (U.S. military war on human consciousness)


This is what the illuminati are trying to stop, they are trying to stop people from fulfilling that potential. For example the American military announced a few months ago that they were using HAARP to flood the planet with ELF (Extra Low Frequency) waves and ostensibly the reason they gave was to uncover secret underground military bases belonging to Al Quaeda because of its ground-penetrating radar basically.

The real reason for doing this is to counter-act the Earth’s shifting frequency from 7.56 Hz to 3.5 KHz. That’s what it’s there for, that’s what they’re flooding the planet with and also it is trying to affect people’s ability to change consciousness levels, because it’s trying to slow down the frequencies of the body to stop us undergoing this kind of change and soul reintegration process. They’re using HAARP to create these sky spirals like the one in Norway and there are two others as I understand it. I think there was one in Russia and the other in china around about the same time.

And there’s also this phenomenon which people are describing as wormholes (Svein-Engil-Haugen). They’re all HAARP generated quite deliberately to make people believe that aliens are entering our solar system and are in the orbit around the planet because ‘Ashtar Command’ or ‘Galactic Federation’ which are some of the Anunnaki’s made up groups who want to convince us that we cannot complete this process on Earth. – we must leave the Earth and therefore all these ships are arriving to take us because the Anunnaki are such wonderful people to take us off the planet and transport us somewhere else. Where they’re going to take us they haven’t specified yet.

But believe me there is no other planet in the Universe that is capable of supporting human life, because Earth is unique in that respect and therefore anyone who steps onto one of these ships isn’t going anywhere other than dead, it’s as simple as that. And this what these sky events are there I believe to make us believe is that there are a load of ships arriving to help us ascend to the 5th dimension which again is some thing the Velon have come up with.

We are not ascending anywhere. We’re doing the exact opposite. We are bringing the whole of the soul into the body and this thing about the 5th dimension is also a load of rubbish because the soul already contains 50 dimensions so why on Earth would we limit ourselves to 5? So the whole process that is going on at the moment is to try and prevent humanity as a whole from undergoing this change and fulfilling our potential and becoming human again.


MJ: And that’s going to be done by October 28, 2011?

CT: Well the Mayan calendar is slightly confusing, I mean you’ve got all those tuns, baktuns and rens or whatever it is mixed in because I’ve never studied the calendar so I can’t speak about it in any detail. But what I do understand is that within the 5 suns of the cycles are events called ‘Epochs’. And these epochs are markers if you like, along the way up to 2012. Now large changes are taking place in human history at the end of each epoch, like the Second World War or the end of the Roman Empire, that kind of thing.

[The Mayans used 5 units of time by the long count calendar which allowed them to track many, many larger cycles:
1 Kin = 1 Day
The Winal = 20 Days
The Tun = 360 Days
Katun = (20 X 360) = 7,200 Days
Baktun = (20 X1 Katun) or (20 X 7,200 days) = 144,000 Days.]

And the last epoch within the calendar ends on the 27th of October 2011. Now as far as the Akashic is concerned, the end of this human plan comes to an end at the end of 2011, and not 2012. What I think this calendar does is to say there is a little bit of leeway between the time period between the end of 2011 and the end of 2012 for us to get our act together. So 21/12/12 as the Mayan calendar ends says right that is the absolute completion date for the 5th sun and then we move into a 6th sun. Essentially the whole cycle begins again, which means in overall terms essentially humanity becomes humanity. We become proper human beings again and not the sub-humans we’ve been for the last 7000 years.

MJ: So HOW do we accomplish that? People who are up to their armpits or they’re under attack or . . . What essential guide would you give to people to help in that process in the next year or so?

CT: Well my view is that I think going out on the streets and rioting against these new laws and restrictions that have been imposed on us over the last few years by various governments, going out and having street revolution against it, is probably a pointless exercise. Because there are so many new prisons having been built over the last few years and laws are in place where people can be held without charge. So if you go out in the streets and riot, all that’s going to happen is you’re going to get arrested and shoved within the prison and forgotten about. So I don’t think that’s an answer to anything

And really the answer to the way in which we complete this process can only be internal, because it IS an internal process. What we’re doing is bringing the soul back into the body, bringing the higher self down into the body and so it can only be done on an individual level.


Nobody is going to turn up and say: ‘well you struggled hard. Good for you, so we’ll help you out.’ Because that’s not going to happen. That’s not the point of being human and that’s not the point of The Human Plan.


Step 1. So basically the first thing to do is to make a decision for yourself: Are you going to undergo this process of change or aren’t you? It’s as simple as that. If you chose that you are then it must be a very sincere choice because you must be prepared to work at it, because it’s work we need to do to get ourselves ready to undergo this process.

Step 2. Now once you have made that decision and you really do believe that you are going to do this process and are determined to do it then next stage is just that. Sit down quietly one day and say to yourself with as much positive intent as you can inject into the statement is to say to yourself (and also by doing that you are saying to your higher self): “I want to complete this process. I want to undergo this process of soul integration. I want to stay on Earth.

Step 3. And after that your higher self will find ways to sort out the problems that you have in your life, the problems that NEED sorting out. Not all problems that you have in your life require sorting out. But what I mean by problems is things like; what we’re doing is bringing the higher self into the body. We’re increasing the amount of soul energy we contain within the body, and in order to do that we need to make some space.

Step 4. So what we need to do is get rid of all the emotions we’ve accumulated over this lifetime. Now everybody accumulates emotions. We never express ourselves properly. I mean everybody’s found themselves in situations where their mother has told them they need to do something and instead of shouting back at your mother: “I’m NOT doing that, it’s MY life not yours!”, we don’t say anything.

All of that angst gets stored in the body. So I mean, daily, if you are out working and the boss says: “Do this.” And you want to tell him where to get stuffed , and you can’t or you’re going to get sacked it’s the same thing again. We store that emotional waivers in the body. So we need to do this to clear all that emotion out.

Step 5. The best way of doing that is to use an old technique, it’s native American originally, but the technique is very simple. What you do is you get yourself a newspaper, an old newspaper and a pencil, and what you do is to start writing to the people who have made you angry, made you annoyed, frustrated, whatever it is and you write to them on the newspaper BUT YOU DON’T READ IT BACK. That’s the important thing, DON’T READ IT BACK.

Because if you read it back, what you are doing is taking all the emotion back into the body, so you need to get it out, we need to clear the body out. So by writing it on newspaper it’s physically impossible to read it back because you’re writing in pencil so you can’t actually read what you’ve written. Once you’ve finished writing to your mother, your boss, great aunt Elsie or whoever it is, it makes no difference – just rip it up and get rid of it. Burn it if you can someplace, just get rid of it, but rip it up into little pieces, so that what you are doing is getting the emotion out.

And once you’ve finished writing that, if you think back on what you’ve just written and you still feel angry or whatever the emotion is connected with it, then you know that you need to write again because you haven’t cleared that situation out of your system. Your system isn’t clear enough yet, so you need to do more writing over that situation, rip it up again and get rid of it.

It’s when you can think back on events that have occurred in your life and you can see them as events without any emotions arising attaqched to that event, then you know that you have cleared the emotion out of your system. And essentially that’s all you really need to do is the statement of intent, and the clearance of old emotional debris out of the body. It’s as simple as that.

Now I know people don’t like simple answers. I mean humans, god bless us, like everything as complicated as possible. ‘Unless it’s complicated it can’t work’. It never does work that way. THE SIMPLEST ANSWER IS ALMOST ALWAYS THE CORRECT ANSWER. And the easiest way to do something.


This give-away process sounds like it cannot possibly work, until you try it. And then you realize just how much RUBBISH you’re hanging onto, and have held onto all of your life. You’ll find stuff coming back from childhood that you thought you had dealt with, but you haven’t, it’s there, it’s still there, you think about it and it creates an emotional response within your body even now.


Using this process will clear that out. And the more rubbish, the emotional debris you clearout, the more of the soul you can take in. The more of the soul you can take in, the more of the rubbish you can clear. So it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle eventually. So eventually what you have is the whole of the higher self back within the body. And then at that point everything changes.

The world changes totally because your view of the world changes, your interaction with the world changes, your interaction with people changes, everything changes. There are 4 ½ million people who have already completed this process and they are finding that they can communicate with wild animals. They don’t have the fear of wild animals anymore. Because after all most of these people do live in isolated communities, traditional tribal communities such as darkest Africa or South America, or whatever it is. Where they areaway from centres of population and this is what they are finding - They can move things around psychically, they can communicate to each other psychically, they know when somebody is approaching their region because they can pick up their thought forms psychically so they can hide or put psychic barriers around themselves so that people physically can’t see them.


So everything changes once we reach that point. We are not as we are now. We are so much more and this is what the human plan is all about, what the last 7,000 years is all about, and what our development is all about – is arriving at the point where we take on all of these abilities that we actually have.

What the illuminati and Anunnaki are trying to do is stop us from achieving this.

MJ: How do we recognize somebody like that? If we had a Velon or Anunnaki person in our workplace or we encountered them somehow, how do we recognize it, how do we deal with it, and how do we survive it?

CT: Well first of all it’s really not much of a problem. I have to say, because there are very, very, very few Velon in human form. I mean we are talking a maximum of something like 250.

MJ: What about the ones who aren’t in human form but still have –

CT: Well the ones that aren’t in human form are essentially invisible to us.

MJ: But can they affect us?

CT: Well they can to a certain extent but it would have to be a determined effort on their part, because the method that they’ve chosen to work with is through the illuminati and of course the illuminati control the Bildebergers and organizations like the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the United Nations, virtually every government on the planet is controlled by the illuminati through organisations like the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission, all this stuff.

MJ: And that CONTROL affects us all very much. So how do we deal with that?

CT: It does very much so. Well this is what I was trying to say. Most people’s natural reaction to finding how the British government has been manipulated into signing the Lisbon Treaty - The implications of the Lisbon Treaty are horrendous in terms of personal freedom in Britain or any country that has signed the Lisbon Treaty. But as I understand it has actually been written into the Lisbon Treaty, you can be imprisoned without charge indefinitely, so how are you going to get around that? I mean we can rely on the French I suppose, possibly the Germans to have street riots. I mean the French are superb at that – they won’t take rubbish and they fight back – good for them – I wish more people did.

But under these laws that have been passed in these countries over the last few years since the likes of Bush and Blair have been in power – it means that people will just get rounded up and herded off into detention centres and held without charge. The country that has the most riots for example is China, but we never hear about it.

What the Chinese have done since Tiananmen Square and all the protests by Western countries about personal freedoms and everything is THEY HAVE ISSUED PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION CARDS WHICH CONTAIN RFID CHIPS.

Now these are Radio Frequency Identification things so basically instead of arresting people at riots, like they always used to do which caused all the problems with the west, is they have policemen who walk amongst the crowd who have RFID readers and so they know the identity, address and all the personal details of the cards for every single person who is in that particular riot. So they don’t have to arrest people en mass during a riot, they just quietly go around to the people’s houses and pick them up at night. That’s how the Chinese have got away with it.

The reason the Western countries like America and Britain dropped the idea of personal identification cards is because they couldn’t make them work properly. The original idea was that they would produce A CARD THAT WAS SATELITE TRACABLE so that every single person that carried one of these cards could be tracked wherever they went in the world, literally. But the technology isn’t there. They couldn’t make a card small enough to contain the kind of traceable chip. So they dropped the idea of personal identification cards.

What they [Western countries] have done instead is switch to cars. This wonderful British thing that Peter Mandelson came up with where you give everybody a tax rebate of 2000 pound if they buy a brand new car. The reason is that the computer in the car has the technology that has a transponder fitted to it which means you’re identifiable by satellite tracking. Every single car on the road that is less than 10 years old is track able by satellite and not only does it carry a transponder, it caries an immobilizer and the police carry computer units within their cars that will immobilize your car if that’s what they choose to do.

That’s the reason for encouraging people [in Western countries] to have brand new cars is because they contain this technology. [for satellite tracking]


MJ: And that of course is where the cars and climate change comes in to the carbon problem.

CT: Well climate change again is another piece of complete rubbish. It’s a total hoax. If you look back over global climate history, what you find is that 2000 years ago, global temperatures were on average of about 3 degrees above freezing. We know this because the Romans wrote about growing grape vines on Hadrian’s Wall that produced an extremely drinkable red wine. To grow grape vines on Hadrian’s Wall means that the global temperature must have been about plus 3 degrees. I know plus 3 degrees doesn’t seem very much but don’t forget we’re talking average global temperatures.

So we’ve got a temperature range of lets say minus 60 at the North Pole, plus 60 at the equator, and minus 60 at the South Pole, so you average those all out and the average global temperature is in theory 0, but it never is exactly 0 . So if we go back about 2000 years we find that the temperatures were about +3 degrees, they then dropped a bit and then rose again and we ended up in a period which the scientists call the Medieval Warm Period. Now this lasted from, approximately 950 to 1300.

[Evidence for the Medieval Warm Period ] https://sites.google.com/site/globalwarmingquestions/mwp

And the temperatures then were about +2 degrees. From the end of the 1300s, the temperature started to drop and in 1480 the average global temperature became 0. But the temperatures continued dropping and they went down to about -1.5 degrees centigrade. They remained that way until the early 1800s, so between about 1500 and 1800 you had 300 years where the global temperature was 1.5 degrees centigrade below freezing. It’s what the scientists call the mini ice age. And then about 1800 the temperatures started rising again and around about 1850 the average global temperature rose to 0.

This is why all the graphs that politicians are coming out with saying global warming started in 1850. I’m sure most people are aware of the Christmas Fairs they had on the Thames where the Thames was frozen. It could only do that because the temperature - we were in a mini ice age. 1850 was the last time the Thames froze, so the temperature change we are undergoing at the moment is natural.

Now the temperature continued to rise from about 1800 up until 1995 according to figures from the meteorological office, they’re official figures. So in 1995 the temperature started to level out at about +1.5 degrees C. In other words, half the temperature it was under the Romans. Since 1995 the temperature stabilized at about +1.5 degrees until 2000. So in 2000 the global temperatures actually started to drop. They haven’t dropped by very much but they are still dropping. Now that’s going to change slightly next year in 2011 when sun activity picks up again because we’ve been in a period called ‘Maunder Minimum’ for the last few years.

[The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum)] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maunder_Minimum


MJ: We just had a solar flare. What are the influence of solar flares?

CT: Yep, which is showing that sun activity is starting to pick up again. The solar flares don’t influence the temperature greatly. It’s the actual overall activity of the sun that influences the temperatures. The sun has actually been very quiet over the last few years, but it’s set to start up again next year and it’s all part of the process to helping us through this change.


We need the temperatures to be warmer and we need the CO2 levels in the atmosphere to be higher than they are at present. Man made CO2 produces about 25 million tons of carbon dioxide through the year. The Earth produces on average 980 million tons of CO2 every year, so how can man made CO2 have an influence on the temperature? When we’re producing less than 1% of the total CO2. And the other side I seem to remember about temperature charts is that all the ice cores that have been drilled to monitor temperature change shows that the CO2 levels follow behind the temperature change.

In other words the temperature goes up and the CO2 levels don’t go up until quite some time later, so CO2 does not cause temperature change; temperature change causes rises in CO2.

The biggest problem with the mini ice age was that people starved to death. You couldn’t grow enough food. I mean in Britain you could have snow showers in July anywhere from the Midlands north, so we just couldn’t grow food so malnutrition was a massive problem. Most people died of malaria so this claim that rising temperatures would mean that more people would die of malaria is complete fabrication. More people died of malaria in Britain because of malnutrition and freezing temperatures than have ever done because of the warmth.


I think most people are becoming aware of the Anunnaki story. A lot of people are picking up on Zachariah Sitchin’s translations of the cuneiform clay slabs that tell the Anunnaki story which is essentially that humans were made by the Anunnaki as a slave race. It’s gaining more and more prominence, more and more people are becoming aware of Sitchin’s translations and there’s also an awful lot of channelled material out there, and a lot of websites containing channelled material saying that the Anunnaki are here to save us.

Organizations like the Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, the Great White Brotherhood; organizations like this are essentially set up by the Anunnaki and THEY ARE HERE TO DELIBERATELY MISLEAD US.

The way in which they are doing this is they are using the basic human knowledge that we are undergoing some kind of change on the planet. What the Anunnaki are trying to say is that we are ascending to the 5th Dimension. Now this whole concept of ‘ascension’ is an Anunnaki word, likewise the 5th Dimension is an Anunnaki concept. It has nothing to do with what is really happening on Earth.

And it is all done to mislead us, to try and make us believe that the Anunnaki are actually our gods, they are our creators, and that is not true. It is totally against that human history is all about human aspirations and potential for all of us. The Anunnaki are trying to remove people from the planet as much as possible and this is what this whole thing is about.

The other process they are using of course is the religious concept of the second coming of Jesus. So we have ‘the Christ consciousness returning’ is something which is spoken about a great deal. And this ‘Christ consciousness’ is personified by an Anunnaki who calls himself Sananda, or to give him his full title, ‘lord Sananda’.

Now if this being is an ascended consciousness, the highest level of consciousness that you are able to achieve in this Universe, why would it have an ego that requires the title ‘lord’? Also the Velon or Anunnaki are saying that Sananda is a word that means ‘the ascended Christ’. Now this is just deliberately done to mislead, to make people believe that the Anunnaki are our makers, our gods, whatever it is, and that they are working or have been working for a long time with the illuminati. The illuminati control governments and world wide organizations or corporations.

All of these are attempting to do the same thing, to dampen down our ability to change. Because what is really going on is that we are not ascending anywhere. We are staying on Earth and what we are doing is bringing the higher self, the other part of the soul, into the physical body. We have to try and remember, or understand, that we are not a body that has a soul, but we are a soul that has built for itself, a body.

Now what we are doing in this lifetime, before 2012, is bringing the whole of the soul into the body so that we fulfil the potential that all of us has, and that potential means we can do things like translocate, in other words we can just think ourselves somewhere else on the planet and take the body with us, we can communicate with wild animals, we can communicate with all living things psychically, we can communicate with each other psychically.

That is what the end of the Mayan calendar is all about; it’s not about the end of the world. It is the end of human existence as we know it, because we are becoming so much more than we even believed possible. There are already over 41/2 million people on the planet who have achieved this process. Everything that is going on is designed for stopping the rest of us, you and me, from undergoing this process of change. And that is what it is all about is a deliberate attempt to mislead us.

So what we need to do is to remember who we are and what we are and what our potential is. Imagine what it will be like to be able to travel to any country just by thinking you can do it and then let’s say communicating with tiger cubs, playing with the tiger cubs, anything like that we will be capable of. But the way in which we achieve it is actually very, very simple. We’re not being lifted off the planet by any kind of alien race in spacecraft, we’re not ascending anywhere, we’re not moving to a 5th Dimension.

We are staying firmly footed on Earth and the way in which we achieve staying on Earth and bringing the whole of the soul into the body is very, very simple.


The best way to protect yourself through this whole process is to go through the process, essentially. Because the more aware you are, the more psychic you are, the more soul you have within the body, the more aware you are of other peoples intentions and other people’s actions towards you and towards the planet.

Therefore by undergoing this process of reintegrating the soul you become far stronger than you ever believed possible you could be. And you will be able to protect yourself from anything that comes in. I think one of the tv channels aired a questionnaire that they’d carried out about what people feared the most and the top number one answer to this survey was that people feared most coming under psychic attack.

As far as psychic attack is concerned, the more that you take in of your higher self, the more able you are to deal with problems like psychic attack. Very, very few people actually do come under psychic attack. You need to go out and do something that makes you noticed on a psychic level, but if you’re not acting on a psychic level, the chances of you coming under psychic attack are very slim.

So the best thing anybody can do to protect themselves is essentially to undergo this process of change. Once we undergo that process, we are essentially invincible; nothing can touch us, no disease, no illness, no psychic attack, nothing unless we want it to.

MJ: Many thanks indeed Chris for your time.

CT: My pleasure.

MJ: And good luck and god bless.

CT: I’ll drink to that.



Quote from Inelia Benz :

What an interesting time we are having!

There have been lots of "fearful" events predicted the past few months, which have not come to pass. And more fearful events predicted for the rest of the year too, which won't come to pass either.

The reason is that the human collective is raising its vibration, one person at a time.

Yup, it's you, and everyone you teach how to raise their personal vibration, who are creating the shift we want to see in the world.

The higher our vibration, the more aware we become, the more able we are in creating the present life we want for ourselves and the planet. I've been searching for ways we can accelerate our life expansion as well as any limitations we may have that are holding us back.

Do not allow yourself to be limited by contracts of the past.

14th October 2015, 20:18
What the Chinese have done since Tiananmen Square and all the protests by Western countries about personal freedoms and everything is THEY HAVE ISSUED PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION CARDS WHICH CONTAIN RFID CHIPS.

Now these are Radio Frequency Identification things so basically instead of arresting people at riots, like they always used to do which caused all the problems with the west, is they have policemen who walk amongst the crowd who have RFID readers and so they know the identity, address and all the personal details of the cards for every single person who is in that particular riot. So they don’t have to arrest people en mass during a riot, they just quietly go around to the people’s houses and pick them up at night. That’s how the Chinese have got away with it.

The reason the Western countries like America and Britain dropped the idea of personal identification cards is because they couldn’t make them work properly. The original idea was that they would produce A CARD THAT WAS SATELITE TRACABLE so that every single person that carried one of these cards could be tracked wherever they went in the world, literally. But the technology isn’t there. They couldn’t make a card small enough to contain the kind of traceable chip. So they dropped the idea of personal identification cards.

What they [Western countries] have done instead is switch to cars. This wonderful British thing that Peter Mandelson came up with where you give everybody a tax rebate of 2000 pound if they buy a brand new car. The reason is that the computer in the car has the technology that has a transponder fitted to it which means you’re identifiable by satellite tracking. Every single car on the road that is less than 10 years old is track able by satellite and not only does it carry a transponder, it caries an immobilizer and the police carry computer units within their cars that will immobilize your car if that’s what they choose to do.

That’s the reason for encouraging people [in Western countries] to have brand new cars is because they contain this technology. [for satellite tracking]

Here in the U.S. all new credit cards are now being issued with chips so the west finally has this technology. Excuse for it is to prevent identity theft. Public radio economists such as Clark Howard has stated we are the last country to adopt this technology. Proof CT is correct.

16th October 2015, 18:36

This is a transcription of a 2Hr interview done in 2013 with Red Ice Radio. The 2nd transcribed hour is particularly interesting and only available in radio format to paid subscribers. In it C.T. explains things I have not heard anywhere else.

Hour 1
April 11, 2013

Interview on April 11, 2013
Chris Thomas is an author and healer who describes himself as having been `hard-wired to the Akashic since birth.' This gives him a unique perspective from which to describe the human path of development, how humanity first appeared on planet Earth and what is our destiny. Our information on this has, says Chris, been distorted and mis-remembered over the course of millennia. In the first hour, Chris talks about the 13 races in the universe which include non-physical, semi-physical and physical form entities. We'll also discuss the soul origin of these entities. Chris then explains how Earth is a unique, physical manifestation. He'll discuss Earth's beginning and the early human prototypes. We end the hour on beneficial technology given to humanity from non-human races.

In the second hour, Chris expands on beings called Velons and their relationship to Earth. He'll also talk about UFO activity. Chris explains how the "blues," and the greys are attempting to develop a physical body form. Then, Chris shares his thoughts on what it would take for humankind to experience a global, vast shift in consciousness. Later, we discuss the current economic system and Agenda 21. Chris shares information revealing different numbers on the world's population. The second hour ends on wi-fi and harmful body effects. He concludes with good advice.

Interview-Hour 1


Chris: For the last 30 or so years I’ve been working as a psychic surgeon, and at the time, actively researching through the Akashic to find out about human history, how humans have progressed & worked. Its been an interesting journey.

Henrik: Well I bet, that sounds a real interesting journey. So how did you figure that out along the way, in terms of the Akashic records? Was there something that you had knowledge about beforehand or did you have to look into this, and do research on it, etc.?

Chris: Really, it was talking to other people – psychic mediums, whatever – to try to find out the kinds of information that they could access, and the processes that they went through. And, fairly quickly after I started looking at it seriously. It was more a self-realization, I think, that it was direct to the Akashic. And then, with further discussions with other psychics & mediums, they basically confirmed that it is what I was doing was a doing was this… a direct connection, in other words, I didn’t need an intermediary between me & the Akashic. I could access it directly.

Henrik: Like a psychic, in other words, you could tap into it. So, in terms of the whole ET question & other life forms, and kind of the situation of the human race, overall, & the bigger picture. Is this something, then, that you’ve, basically, haven’t had any direct experience of these things – you’re tapping into the Akashic Record & that’s where your getting your information from, or have you actually had experiences yourself with these things?

Chris: It’s a bit of both… the word we have for it, I suppose, is I have been abducted twice some years ago, which was an interesting experience. It gave me a chance to have a good talk with the beings that ET watchers would call The Blues – an interesting bunch of peoples. So, yes, I’ve had experience on that level. And also doing the healing works that I did, we had a lot of people that come to us had, what I could only describe as implants in their system. And, so in finding a way to remove those implants, I then encountered one of the races who has put these things into people without their permission, and without their knowledge, and this is what the Akashic calls the Velon.

So, I’ve definitely had a lot of contact with the Velon which mostly of which I didn’t want, so they’ve been attacking me quite a bit over the years. Yeah, it comes from both directions.

If I can explain a little bit about the Akashic, because a lot of people misunderstand about the Akashic. The word ‘Akashic’ means ‘record’. That’s all it means, its an ancient Sanskrit word.

And there are a number of levels of the Akashic… there’s an Akashic on a human level… there’s an Akashic on a Solar System level, an Akashic on a Galaxy and then there’s an Akashic on the Universal level. But all of them interact and inter-work with each other. And what the Akashic does is to actually record events. Like for example, there’s been an earthquake in Russia this weak. So, that will be recorded as event that occurred on Earth.

But what people do within their lives is not recorded within the Akashic, so there isn’t an Akashic that has that you & I are talking this evening – there isn’t a record of that within the Akashic. It only records the events that occur on a human level or on a planetary level. Because the memory of you & I having this discussion this evening will be recorded in your DNA & my DNA. Because that’s what DNA is, it’s primarily memory.

But by being able to access the human level of Akashic, and the Solar System level of Akashic, then it means that I’ve been able to also access the Universal level of Akashic. So, I’ve been able to work my way through many of the events within the Universe at large, as well. Which means I’ve been able track the other races, where they exist, how they exist & what form they take.

-Collective Memories are Stored in the Akashic

Henrik: I wanted to ask you more about the DNA because that pretty interesting. I’ve read elsewhere that DNA can basically store data because its so incredibly rich & complex in that regard. And some people have actually speculated that the whole planet Earth with the incredibly diverse genetic make-up that exists here with all life & everything. It’s actually a storage place for another race.

Chris: There is a great deal of speculation about what DNA & what its function is, but from my own experiences of working with people, what I found is that it only takes about 3 percent of the DNA to run the body. In fairness to the medical profession, for once, this is what they have identified is that there is about 3 percent of our DNA works as instructing the body what to do & the body cells what to do.

Then there is about 22 percent of the DNA that records everything that occurs within this lifetime. So if you think of somebody, let’s say, who has the illness of Alzheimer’s, they have very little short-term memory, but they can remember events that occurred 40-50 years ago in their life with great detail. That’s because what they are doing is accessing the DNA memory of this lifetime. And then the other 75 percent of all DNA is past-life memory. So everything we’ve experienced as a soul as we’ve moved through the centuries & different lifetimes we’ve lived – all of that is recorded within the bulk of the DNA.

Henrik: Do you think in the DNA is there also a collective memory of the human race, as well?

Chris: No, because that is what the Akashic does, that’s the function of the Akashic – is to record that collective memory.

Henrik: So how does one tap into this, how do you do it, to tap into it?

Chris: Well, for me, you know, I get a lot of people very jealous about the way I do things, because its just simple for me, I just think that I needed an answer to & I get an answer back.

Henrik: That’s convenient. LOL…

Chris: It has its eases. But on the other hand, there are meditations that are very simple meditations that I’ve developed with other people in groups that I’ve worked with in the past that allows people to access the Akashic. Its not a difficult process. The problem is for most people is their lives get in the way, you know, all the day-to-day minutia of the children, getting food on the table, do your job & and all the rest of it.

Means, that all of that just gets in the way, and so people don’t have enough time to sit down & really think about what it is their doing, or how they want to think about things in the past or alter things around in their lives. But there are ways of doing. There’s a fairly simple meditation that anybody can access the Akashic.

Henrik: Well, that’s what I’ve heard as well. Its not a privilege, its just about having the intention & the will power & allowing yourself to quiet your mind enough to stop the chatter, pretty much, and actually connect to the larger knowledge… the data base, if you will, that is actually out there.

So, why don’t we talk a little bit more about The Blues, and then I want to talk more about the Velon, and what is going on there with their agenda & with your experiences there. We can begin wherever you want.


Chris: Sure… Essentially, there are thirteen races within the Universe. I know that doesn’t sound like very much, but there’s many billions of all of them. There are six non physical races, in other words, they only exist as a consciousness, as a soul energy – so they have no physical form or density whatsoever. And these the Akashic, not surprisingly, calls the Six Non Physical races. They can freely travel around the Universe, they don’t need any kind of ships, they don’t need any kind of food. They just draw on the energy that’s available within the Universe. They get everywhere because they have a curiosity about everything, and they want to learn about everything.

And when this bazaar concept of Earth & Humanity was first brought into being, they were curious enough about earth so that a lot of the souls from non physical races came to Earth. So, in fact, about 99.9 percent of the human population are souls from non physical races. Those souls who’ve come here to experience what it is like to be physical, because within their natural state, they have no experience of what physical density & physical life is all about. So, a lot of human experiences, purely & simply, are these souls wanting to experience physicality for the first time.

But then we also have seven, what the Akashic calls, semi-physical races. These are beings who have a physical form & a physical density. And their soul is intrinsic to the physical body. So, if you think about humans, we’ve built for ourselves a physical body, and then at the end of that particular lifetime, we die & the soul leaves the body. Whereas, with the semi-physical races, the soul & body are one. Therefore, they don’t die, if you like, they’re pretty much an eternal existence. They are self-regenerating, so that, although, they have what they consider to be a physical body, they don’t have illness, they don’t degenerate, particularly, and if they do start to degenerate, for whatever reason, they can rebuild themselves from the inside-out again.

It’s the semi-physical races that most people are aware of in terms of UFO watching, for example, because, apart from one, six of the races need physical craft to move them around the Universe, or the Galactic system that they were brought into.

Now, I call these beings according to from what is their soul origin. So, let’s take The Blues, or the Pleideans, or the Grays, or the Sirians, or the Velon, whatever. That is their soul origin. But they have spread out over many Galaxies, and live on many different worlds, and call themselves by very different names, quite often.

Now that leads to a lot of confusion. This is where a huge amount of confusion comes in with the people who are researching UFOs and where these races originate. So, I prefer to stick to their soul origin because it simplifies the whole matter. Because, let’s face it, there’s one book I came across where somebody made a very determined effort to try & track down how many races there are, or that have been identified, or communicated with through human channels, there’s something like five and a half thousand (5,500) listed. And so, how do you differentiate between those, because sometimes races identify themselves by different names, even though they’re the same race. Because, for example, if you’re a Pleiadean soul, but you originated on the planet Zog, for example, you’re a Zog-liff, as far as you’re concerned, but at the same time, the origin of your soul is compatible with that of the Pleiadean.

So, it creates a lot of difficulties around the place, so I’ve tried to stick to the soul origin name to try to simplify it as much as possible.


Henrik: Its kind of like people from Holland moving down to South Africa, and you’re trying to figure out – Are they Dutch or are they the new name they have for themselves down there… I forget that… you know, that kind of level, right? The origin of where they come from, once, because if they go to another planet, they might develop differently there, is that correct? They might even take on a different appearance, even, develop or evolve in that way?

Chris: No, they generally don’t take on a different appearance, because what they find are planets that are compatible with their body forms. So, in the same way, if we ever broke out of our Solar System, and looked somewhere to colonize, then we would find a planet that would be compatible with our body form, and our requirements. And this is what they basically do is the same thing, is they search around their Galaxy, or other various other Galaxies, and seek out planets are compatible with them.

Henrik: Well, I want to talk a lot more here about the Velon, obviously, but at the same time want to talk about what the Human Race is in all of this, and planet Earth. You have a book called Planet Earth – The Universe’s Experiment, and a lot of people have said there’s a lot of interesting ideas about a reason for the planet, and its kind of like a bridging point. Some people have said that it’s an experiment to try to bring diverse origins of different races together in one spot, to have a physical experience to bridge the differences, and all that… what you think about some of those ideas?


Chris: Essentially, if you like, the first creators of this Universe are the beings that the Akashic calls the non physical races, & we have six different races of beings who have no physical form or density whatsoever. And so, they can interact with the energy patterns, but they do not have any physical senses, they do no know what its like to, say, smell a flower, or to touch a piece of wood.. So there’s no texture or context to have the experience of life in the Universe. So, they approached, what I suppose you can call the "Creationary Source" and said, “Is there a way of allowing us to have more experience of what its like to be within this Universe?"

And so, this idea was formulated, so the semi-physical races were brought into being, were created, if that wasn’t enough, then a further physical density would have been created to allow for full physical life, working with full physical senses, as to how its like to be very physical within this Universe. So, in many respects, that is the primary reason for the Earth – is, purely & simply, to find out what it is like to be physical. If you look at it in terms of time, a hundred million years ago was the time when the non physical races were created.

So most of the souls on Earth are literally 100 million years old. And about 30 million years ago was when the semi-physical races were created.

But Earth was created at around the same time.

So, our Solar System… you have to think as everything as being a consciousness… although we see the Earth as a lump of rock with a few plants growing on it. Really, what she is, because its very female energy that makes of the Earth’s consciousness. She’s a conscious being, a soul – or however you want to think of it. Each of the planets within our Solar System is also a separate consciousness, as is the Sun. So, the consciousnesses that are the planets & the Sun within our Solar System volunteered to see what it would be like to create physical life.

If you look at the semi-physical races, for example, then the regions of space that they inhabit cover several galaxies. Whereas with Earth, our Solar System is the only place within the Universe that experiences physical life.

Nowhere else in the Universe is there life with the kind of physical densities that we experience will be found. So we are talking ‘unique’ in that respect.

Henrik: So what of things like dinosaurs, and all this, that allegedly are millions of years old, do they have a part in this [Universe’s Earth experiment] as well?

Chris: Oh yes. Well, everything, all development of life throughout our Solar System has a very big part to play in this whole experiment, as it were.

Henrik: But you’re talking primarily about development of the Human and having other entities, or souls, or spirits being incarnated into humans – that’s what you are talking about?

Chris: The ultimate purpose of Earth & our Solar System is to find out where the created souls can experience physical life – whether it is possible or not. And so, along the way a development program was carried out, if you like, to see where we develop... how could we start to develop physical life?

And so, like everything else, you start small with something like bacteria, or blades of grass, or plants, or something, and then you move onto animals, and then development from there. So, this is what the planets within our Solar System did, because originally every single planet in our Solar System supported life. The idea was… there were originally 13 planets within the Solar System, not 9. And, every single one of them started to develop life in the way in which the planet’s consciousness felt life should be developed.
So, you ended up with 13 different solutions to the one problem. So each planet created flora & fauna that suited the planet best. So, like plants & animals are the creation of the planet that they live upon, not the creation of the Creator, or anybody else within the Universe. They are of the planet itself.

But in order to find out what would a Human Being look like… I mean, nobody knew – where on Earth do you start – designing a Human body? So all these developments to place on all of the planets within our Solar System, to try to a way of building a prototype – a prototype Human – how do we build a physical body that can contain the whole of the soul?

So all of these developments took place through the Solar System, things like the dinosaurs & reptilian life forms led on to an alien life form. So, the mammals became the predominant life form, eventually. There was something about this concept of ‘live birth’ that was more compatible with Human experience & Human development, than if we, let’s say, if we gave birth to eggs & children hatched out of the egg.

When scientists first started looking at the history of the Solar System & the age of the Earth, what they came up with was a figure of roughly 25 million years. And so, everything on Earth has happened within that 25 million year period. And it does accord with what the Akashic says – as far as the Akashic is concerned, life on Earth has been here about 25 million years. And the age of the Earth is about 40 million years old.

Now, I know it is totally at odds with scientific theory on it. But, let’s face it, the scientist have dated the Earth as something like 4 Billion years old, but that isn’t based on dating on Earth rocks, that is based on dating a meteorite, which could have come from anywhere… literally, anywhere within the Universe. And so, its just when geologists got hold of it, they started looking at rocks & how they formed, and they ended up with longer & longer periods. But if you look at life, and the formation of life, then the scientists came up with this figure of 25 million. And, so it coincides with the Akashic.

Henrik: Yeah, okay, that’s interesting – what is it, they talk about dinosaurs being around 250 million years ago, being developed & dying out about 65 million years ago, as well. So, and their always trying to look at the rocks & make determinations of age, but let’s be honest about this, its tremendously difficult when we get down to those kinds of levels of strata & try to figure out in the hundreds of millions of years old. So, this is a counteractive theory to that – and, yeah, why not.

How is it, then, with the development of the Human Being as we know it today? There’s this interesting point, in this development, where something seems to have happened… you know, the so-called ‘missing link’, but there is one point where to go from – some kind of primordial being, if you will, Neanderthals or Hominids, or what have you, over to the current form of mankind. And, there’s a lot of theories about us being manipulated, or genetically altered, into existence. What do you make of all that?

Chris: Some of its true, some of it isn’t. If you look at the forms these non-physical races take, for example, then they are basically Hominid in form. So, although they don’t have physical density, the energetic outline of their existence is basically Human. So, there was a certain amount of template, if you like, already in place, which is that Human sort of form. And the semi-physical races, again, take on, roughly, a Human form, but more suitable to whatever planet they originated on.

And so on Earth, when it came to development of life within our Solar System, then we had a basic concept of what a Human Being should look like. And so, the Earth experimented with quite a number of different forms of what could potentially turn out to be Human Beings.
But it has nothing to do with chimpanzees or apes. They were a useful step, if you like, to say, ‘Well, chimpanzees are getting there, but they don’t have a means by which they can progress further’. Because its no good creating something if that something can’t evolve.

So, creation & evolution go hand & hand.

So what the Earth did was to consider how a Human body should function. Because she had already developed various animal forms, so she knew the type of organs that were required, the type of skin, whatever else was required to bring about a form of life. Then, Humans developed from the early works that the Earth did.


We did have a lot of help from one of the semi-physical races who are themselves Master Geneticists. And they hold a record of every form of life that exists, or has ever existed, within this Universe, and they can recreate that life on another world. They can manipulate, or alter it, whatever it is that’s needed to be done to alter the basic form to the energy patterns that exist on the other planets.

So, they are Masters at what they do, they are absolutely brilliant at what they do. They come from a Galaxy we don’t have a name for. We’ve just given an astronomer’s catalogue number to, which is NGC-584, which I understand is, if you look at the night sky, it’s in the constellation of Pleiades – NGC 584 is under the arc of the Pleiades, 30 Galaxies distant.

But they are amazing little people, they are brilliant at what they do. And the Earth, and all the planets within the Solar System, have worked with this race over the millions of years they’ve been trying to develop life, evolve life & work with it.

So, there has been a little bit of help. But the Earth has developed, what you could call, six prototypes, I suppose.

This went from Gigantopithicus, which was something like 9 or 10 feet tall, that would be 2-1/2 to 3 meters tall… right-away down to a pygmy form, a very much shorter- smaller form, which was only a meter, and had various forms of life in-between, of various sizes.

There were even aquatic forms, amphibious forms developed at certain times, that could be the origin of the concept of mermaids, for example.

So, the Earth experimented with different forms, different sizes, different heights, whatever. But then, unfortunately, about 3.9 million years ago, there was a disaster within the Solar System. And because two of the planets… again, if you think of it [a planet] consciousness that can make decisions for itself, two of the planets decided to leave the Solar System. They didn’t want to continue with this strange physical experiment that was going on. And in doing so, the best way I can describe it is, they exploded.

This is why you have two asteroid belts (AND SO MANY MOONS) – this is the remnants of the two planets that exploded when they decided to leave.

Henrik: So, no cosmic collision, or incoming planetary body, or ancient space war, or anything like that.


Chris: You mean Nibiru?

Henrik: Well, there’s tons of different theories, of course, and names on it as well, but the idea the cosmic catastrophe was, in some regard, spawned because something was entering into the Solar System. This is a different take on it that you’re saying that the planet consciously exploded because it didn’t want to be here anymore.

Chris: Yes. So, that’s what happened to two of them. The other two also decided to leave, but they had seen what happened to the first two, and sort of literally took themselves out of the solar system. What they’ve been doing is slowly disintegrating ever since. Now, we have evidence of this one, because NASA’s Far-Seeing Telescope, whatever they called it, not the Hubble, but there’s another one, said there’s evidence of a gas giant planet just outside of the Solar System, which they’ve christened TaiChi [may be the name of the individual who made the find]. And so, what is out there is these two planets slowly disintegrate & turning back into energy patterns.

Sedna – artist’s rendition

So, there is that extra planet outside the Solar System. But, as far as our Solar System is concerned, when these two planets exploded, they caused massive disruption throughout the whole of the Solar System.

Effectively, they destroyed most of the life on all the other planets. Earth managed to survive, and what she did was to adopt part of one of the planets as the moon, because we didn’t have a moon prior to this explosion occurring. So the moon is there because the Earth wanted… well, I’m not entirely certain what she wanted… so the moon is sitting there, and having influence on Earth & the Earth is influencing the moon, and all the rest of it.

Henrik: Well, allegedly there’s stories from mythology describing a time, allegedly, without a moon, then all of a sudden, you know, something arrives in that capacity & creates different conditions on the Earth – that’s interesting.

Chris: That’s right. So, as far as the Akashic is concerned, that’s essentially what happened. Unfortunately, with a lot of these theories going around, is that people tend to embroider them, and make a romantic image, if you like, of what’s going on.

Whereas, what the Akashic does is stick to the facts, the hard facts, and so there’s no embroidery, there’s no show thinking, or anything like that. So, all I can really talk is on a factual level, if you like.

Henrik: Let me ask you this, it might be difficult then, but let’s say, as you said before, that not, you know, conversations, or I guess, you would encapsulate in that, even, emotions are not recorded into the Akashic of the human level, is that correct?

Chris: That is correct, yeah.

Henrik: So, what if we have an event taking place, let’s say, let’s be more, you know, kind of closer the current timeline about this… and let’s say we have a terrorist attack, or whatever, or something explodes on the planet causing death & mayhem, what have you… Then if those intentions, or emotions, or whatnot, are not recorded from the human being, the Akashic record won’t have a record of why this actually happened, just that it happened, correct?

Chris: Not entirely. It’ll have a record of why it happened, but not the emotions connected with it. Because emotions are very much a human thing. And so, human memory, or the human DNA records the emotion of the event, but the Akashic records that the event occurred.

Henrik: But it will have a reason for it. Okay. So, we can, effectively, tap into that to try to understand historically, maybe, why certain things have happened, or why certain characters, or persons, in history have done a certain thing.

Chris: That’s right, yeah.


Henrik: mmm… Okay, that’s also very interesting. I wanted to… you know, definitely continue, if you want to talk more about the Earth, on a whole, and the path & all that. But I wanted to tie in, again, the Velons, so we don’t miss out there. I want to ask you who they are, what their agenda is, and how they are tied to the Human experience.

Chris: Sure. Okay. The Velon are a semi-physical race. They originate in a Galaxy – if you look up at the night sky, the Galaxy is behind the constellation of Sagittarius, but about 38 Galaxies beyond the constellation. Although, the Velon have access to several Galaxies, like the other semi-physical races do, they intended to stick to their own Solar System.

Now, their Solar System has two Suns – it’s a binary system – and, eight planets. Three orbit around one Sun, four orbit around another, and the 8th planet orbits both Suns. I am trying to think of the names of the planets… There’s a Marduk, there’s a Tiamat, and a Nibiru. Nibiru is also called Anu, by the people that live on it.

The Velon have six different races, in the same way as, you know, you could be Australian, Japanese, German, Russian… whatever. Then the Velon would divide themselves up along those kinds of lines, although in fact, really its more along a religious division. So, more like Jewish, Christian, Muslim… whatever. There are six of them, and the names they give each other are Johnaan, Jjundaa, Oa, Mila, Hathor and Annunaki. So, those are the names of the six Velon races have given to each other.

And the Annunaki live on the 8th planet, the one that orbits both Suns within the Velon Solar System. And this is why the planet is either called Nibiru, or can be called Anu, as well. And, they’ve had various disasters within their own Solar System. In many respects, the Solar System consciousness, as it were, has given up.

They’ve been around for 30 million years, and their getting bored with what they do. That’s very flippant, but I mean, that’s what it amounts to. So, in other words, the Solar System is going into a decline. And, for some strange reason, they’re the only semi-physical race that has ever remained within their own Galaxy. None of the others have, they’ve all been outside of their own Galaxy, but the Velon, for some strange reason, have always stayed within their own Galaxy.

If you stand on the main planet, what you find is the ground is a sort of blue-ish color, and the sky is a yellowy color. And, it’s almost like a permanent twilight, because the two Suns are going into a decline. So, there’s no daytime/nighttime cycles like we have on Earth. What they have is almost a permanent twilight.

They have stripped the planet of all life. So, the only beings that exist on that planet are the Velon themselves.

There is a division across the six different races. The Velon vary in size from being about [8 feet] 2.4 meters tall, all the up to about [16 feet] 5 meters tall, depending on which race. How can I describe how the way they live… They live in what you can think of as tower blocks. And they’re very technological – so, the tower blocks contain a great deal of technology to make life easier for them.

And they’ve developed a computer programming system – again, its not a computer in the same way as we would think of it, but it’s the nearest description I can come to about it.

And the ‘hard drives’ of these computers is something called a ‘Me’ – pronounced ‘May’. There’s two different levels of these Me’s, one is in the same way that we would use a computer program, or hard drive. And so, you could take one of these Me’s and throw it into a slot in the dashboard of your car, let’s say, and that would, then, program the car to drive wherever it is you wanted to drive to.

And, the higher level of ‘Me’, if you like, is capable of performing many, many functions, and can even work on a soul level, as well – So, immensely compact, very powerful computer-like systems.

Henrik: Does that mean the technology that we currently have on our planet is actually meant to… its built from attained technology, or with the intention that its suppose to work with theirs. Is that correct?

Chris: We have various levels of technology on the planet, most of it on this planet is developed from military programs. And where the military has obtained a lot of the technology from is from alien sources, whether that’s Blues, Grays, Pleiadeans or the Velon. So, we got a mix of technologies on the planet.

Henrik: So, it could be a partial compatibility, in other words.

Chris: The biggest thing about Human technology is that it is destructive.

So, in other words, everything we do to build something involves the destruction of something else. Even, doing something supposedly simple like taking oil out of the ground, uses a massive amount of energy in order to do so, creates massive pollution, and then requires massive more amounts of energy to refine that oil into something we can use.

If you look at the semi-physical races, what they do is work with what is available on their planet. So, if you want to build a flying saucer, for example, they don’t mine material in the way that we would. What they do is they work on very psychic levels. And so, what they do is create a psychic template for the shape of the craft they want to build.

And they use living plants to grow that shell. So, in other words, the plant grows & expands itself around the psychic template that’s been built. So, its like an organic metal, almost. So, that’s the kind of technological level that the semi-physical races work at, which is on a very natural level – they only use whatever is available within their environment. They don’t actually destroy anything.

And if you look at the propulsion systems that all the semi-physical races use for their craft, they use the natural flux of electromagnetic energies that actually hold this Universe together. I mean, forget about gravity. Gravity doesn’t exist. What we have is a conscious Universe that’s held together by electromagnetic forces. So they use those electromagnetic forces as a means of propulsion.

So, in other words, they are not taking from anything, they’re not destroying anything on their planet, they’re not creating any pollution anywhere. They’re using what is naturally available.

And the same, more or less, applies to the Velon. The Velon technology is based on that level, as well. For example, these ‘Me’ computer discs are actually made from something like yeast.

Again, that’s the nearest I can come to in terms to what we have available on Earth.

Henrik: It’s a biological technology.

Chris: Yes, it’s a biological memory system, yes, that’s a good way of putting it. So, they put the ingredients… whatever their equivalent to yeast would be put into a mold, and they psychically program that mold. So, as that mold grows into the shape of the disc, it takes on the imprint of whatever its been programmed to do. So again, its very natural technology.

Although, the… Velons on their home planets do mine for minerals & raw materials.

But, again, they don’t destroy the planet. They’ve got some kind of factory system which is programmed… say you wanted to… I don’t know… create a computer. So, you would program this factory, to say, “what we want you to do is create a computer, and here’s a psychic model with the ingredients that are needed, and all the components that are needed. And the factory would then extract the raw materials out of the ground, pull them together, and create the device you’ve asked it to create.

So, they have the technology on that kind of level. Which is a little more advanced than the kind of technology that we have.

Henrik: Yeah, it sure sounds like it.

Chris: Definitely more fun, to me.

Henrik: They are heading in that direction, allegedly, with computers based on neural networks, and biological computers, and all kinds of crazy, wacky, scary stuff. So, we shall see… I just thought it was interesting in this regard, if our development of the technology on this planet, as you alluded to, is in some regard, developed because we’ve had… its been captured… attained… from crashed ETs, and, you know…UFOs & stuff like that, that its something that has inspired us, that naturally, its technology that has not been something that we’ve developed, but we’ve gotten ideas from the outside, if you know what I mean, Chris.

Chris: Yes. But also, the non Human races have provided us with technology, and that is kept hidden, because it doesn’t use oil, for example, because oil is the one thing that everybody makes massive amounts of money on. So, if you have technology that doesn’t use oil, then nobody wants to know about it.

Like Tesla’s work in the early 1900’s. You know, he developed energy structures that required virtually no input. And there was no pollution. And everything was free. But, because it was free, Tesla & his work was destroyed. So, we got those things, as well. No, these races have provided us with technology, but its been kept hidden from the population because of political reasons, or financial reasons…

Henrik: Well, it would mean, to certain degree, freedom & independence from the centralized global governmental system & everything else. A lot of this is about control & subjugation of the Human race.

Chris, we’re going to take a break & will continue of course with discussion talk more in the second hour…

(end of Hour1)

16th October 2015, 18:46



Henrik: Chris Thomas, from Wales in the UK, is with us. We are talking about planet Earth, the Human race, and other races, and the history of the Solar System. Lastly, we are talking about the Velon, we’re going to continue on this. I want to get what the agenda of the Velon is, how the development of the Human race have been interaction, basically, because there’s an interesting history here.

You were, of course, talking their kind of ‘hard drive’, and everything else, Chris, and I wanted to give an opportunity to continue on that track & tell us more about that. How that is important, and how the technology functions, and if there is more to that story…

Chris: Sure. The higher end of the Me’s can be used to build a new body. So, what they can do with these higher Me’s is to download their soul into the computer. And, they can then instruct the Me to build a new body form for them. So, they can take on the shape & form of other life forms, if that’s what they choose to do, which gives them quite a lot of flexibility around the place. And that has played a certain part in the Velon activity on Earth, for example, the Tall White Nordics, of Area 51 fame are the Velon using their Me’s to create, for themselves, a new body that is more Human in form than their natural Velon state.

So, it adds to the confusion, if you like, of what’s been going on.


Henrik: Well, that would certainly do that, wearing a costume, posing as someone else, would, obviously, cause a problem. But they can’t, I mean the Nordics, allegedly then, they obviously have a very, very human look, as far as I know, there’s just a few little details that are off, that would kind of give it away. But can they not create just straight-up Human bodies & pose as Humans?

Chris: Not really, because it’s a fundamental aspect of being of a semi-physical race. By semi-physical, I mean, although they have a physical form & density, if we had one of the Blues standing in front of us at the moment, chances are you wouldn’t see it. You probably wouldn’t even detect its presence. So, in order to present themselves on a more Human level, then they have to alter their energy patterns. So when they come into our Solar System, they are invisible to us – literally invisible on every level. But they can alter their energy patterns so they become more physical, or at least they fall within the Human range of sensory perception.

Henrik: So, its the basic limitation of our senses that is preventing us from seeing them. They’re outside of our bandwidth, so to speak. Is that correct?

Chris: Yes, that’s correct.

Henrik: These Blues, though – I wanted to ask you quickly about that before proceeding. Do they have anything to do with the vast record that we have on this planet of all these blue gods that we see everywhere. Of course, the whole Avatar movie picked up on this theme, in India & Hindu tradition. The blue people have a tremendous, you know, influence & power. And there’s blue people showing up different capacity. Is this the same ones, do you think?

Chris: Its entirely possible, because the Blues have been working, again on Earth, on a genetic level. They’re not as advanced & experienced as those from the NGC system. But the Blues tend to work within a healing capacity. So, a lot of energetic healers on Earth have, as it were, their spirit guides as Blues. That has been diminished in recent years, for a lot of different reasons, because everyone has been asked to get out of the Solar System because of the problems the Velon have been causing.

Yes, traditionally, the Blues have worked with Humans to help them with healing work, and healing work on Earth, because basically the Blues want to learn about Human physiology & how everything is put together. There is a reason for that which is connected to the works they do with the Grays. Because the Grays bodies they feel are very weak & starting to break down. So the Blues & the Grays have been working together to try to develop a new body form that the Grays can adopt. And so that’s the reason for a lot of UFO activity that has been around the Earth, and abduction stories, and experimentation, and all the rest of it, is because basically the Blues & Greys are trying to develop this new body form for the Grays. However weird that one sounds, but that seems to be the case.

Henrik: And so are the Blues & Grays trying to counteract the agenda of the Velon, and what they are doing here?

Chris: Not really, no. They’re basically observing what the Velon are up to, rather than becoming involved.

Henrik: Ah, thanks guys, we need help, come on! LOL

Chris: LOL, Well, to a certain extent its true. The fundamental energy pattern of this Universe is about ‘freedom of choice’. So, literally, every soul within this Universe has absolute ‘freedom of choice’ to choose its actions. And what we’ve done on Earth is to say, “Right, we’ve got this problem to solve, which is – How do we develop a Human Being that is capable of taking the whole of the soul within the body?” Because what we’re used to is this physical self/Higher Self shift/breakage with the soul that is a Human – What we've been trying to do is to get the Higher Self back into the body. You see what I mean, because when we first developed true Human Beings on the planet, the whole of the soul was contained within the physical body.


Henrik: Well, that would explain potentially the so-called ancient high civilizations where we’ve seemed with higher capacity, a greater understanding, we had greater architectural feats than we even have today, in some regards. And we can’t figure it out – something happened, right? Some people claim its just a cycle of consciousness, etc., or something like this – like what you’re trying to explain.

Chris: Exactly. I mean, if you look at the Great Pyramid in Egypt – we are incapable of building it. Even now. I mean, with all the technology we got, we could not build the Egyptian Pyramids to the kind of tolerances to the way in which the Pyramid is built. Several people have tried, to build half scale replicas of it, and they’ve given up. So at even half the size of the Giza Pyramid, its impossible, we don’t have the technology for it.

We’ll come back to Human development very quickly…

Henrik: Sure, no problem.


Chris: So, we had all these prototypes… When those two planets left the Solar System and created the destruction they did, the Earth adopted the equivalent of the Human life form from one of the other planets. And that other life form we know as Cro-Magnon Man. Another name for Cro-Magnon Man is Homo Sapien, which of course is us, so the Cro-Magnon are our direct ancestor.

What we had on the planet then were 6 or 7 different types of potential Human Beings & Cro-Magnon looked the most promising. Essentially, we settled down. The Earth provided every single possible need that we could have. And so, for quite a few million years we didn’t progress at all. Bearing in mind that the whole purpose of our Solar System, and particularly Earth, is to develop a body form that could take the whole of the soul. And the Cro-Magnon form, although quite advanced, could not, was not capable of holding the whole soul within the physical body. So we took Cro-Magnon Man, again its all ‘free choice’ involved, so it wasn’t just picked, everybody on the planet was asked if they wanted to go on some kind of acceleration.

And so we took Cro-Magnon onto an island in the middle of the Atlantic that we know as Atlantis. And there Cro-Magnon was genetically developed. In a very pleasant way, so it was done properly – not the kind of rubbish that GMOs are going through at the moment on Earth.

Cro-Magnon was developed into something beyond what we are. Because they were capable of having the whole of the soul within the body. Now if you have the whole of the soul within the body, your senses expand to something that we can’t even imagine. We communicated psychically between each other, so we didn’t have language. You could communicate with all living things on the planet, whether that is something like a dolphin, all the way down to a blade of grass.

I mean, you couldn’t actually speak to a blade of grass, but you could ask what its function was, how it is constructed, and what its benefits that would be for eating it, or for medicinal purposes. In other words, you can have that psychic communication with plants & animals.

And that’s how we were originally, and that’s how we are intended to be on Earth – the whole of the soul within the body.

Henrik: Do you think that animals have this capability at the moment. Because certain animals seem to instinctively know exactly what to eat to remedy what they are suffering from?

Chris: That’s just a natural part of what they are.


We destroyed Atlantis quite deliberately, it’s a very long story, so I won’t go into it, now. But, I mean we destroyed Atlantis quite deliberately. It took the Earth 40,000 years to recover, and we came back to the planet 20,000 years ago. So, most souls who were in Human form, or would have been in Human form & connected with Earth, left the planet, allowed the planet to recover for that 40,000 year period. Because you can’t destroy a continent without causing all sorts of problems.

And so when those who had chosen to be Human came back onto the Earth 20,000 years ago, we were as we were on Atlantis, which was the whole of the soul within the physical body. So we had all the faculties that we were suppose to have. And we began to lose them, because [we later] realized that Earth’s energy frequency , the basic base note frequency of the Earth was too low a frequency.

And the Earth has always resonated at 7.56 Hz, and that was too low an energy frequency for us to maintain the whole of the within the body. Because the soul that we are, that Humans are, is made up of massive energy patterns – we’re looking at 50 dimensions of energy contained within the soul. And, to squeeze all of that energy into a physical body, when it resonates at that 7.56 Hz, was too big of a leap. So, we couldn’t maintain the whole of the consciousness, because that base note frequency was too low.

So, Earth needed to raise her base note frequency up to a new level in order for us to bring the whole of the soul back into the body. And so, that’s what the Human experience & the Human Plan is all about, it is a learning… trying to find out what that new frequency needed to be, so that we could bring the whole soul back into the body. And it has taken 7,000 years to do that. But we have got this. We now know what that frequency needs to be.

The Earth has already altered her frequency levels. She did that back in 2000 or 2002, I can’t remember off hand. So, she is operating now at 3.5 kHz, which is a considerably more than 7.5 Hz. And Humans have been accelerating our own frequencies since then, since 2000, to try bring ourselves up to sort of energy parity with the Earth again. We achieved that at the end of 2011, it was October 2011.


And so, we’re in a position where we can bring the Higher Self back into the body - if that’s what we choose to do. And so we could have undergone that shift last December, that’s what the end of the Mayan Calendar was all about, and all the rest of it. But there’s been a lot of disruption on the planet. I think a lot of the main reason why people, certainly in the Western world, didn’t undergo this consciousness reintegration, this soul reintegration, is because they don’t believe it can happen.

So, at some point we need to alter the way in which we think, and stop believing in some of the things we do believe in, because that’s what is holding us back from making this move, that we are now capable of achieving anytime we choose to. Because we have whole new sets of energy patterns connected with the Earth, what you could call the Mayan 6th Sun, because the 5th Sun disappeared, or ended, on the 29th of October 2011, and a new Sun was built on the 21st of December 2012.

So, we can shift now, at any time we choose to, it just the problems we have in the Western world are holding us back, basically. Because in the non Western world, the vast majority of the population, there, are ready, and perfectly capable of making the shift. You know, its something like 98 percent of the population in some countries can do it. They're only holding themselves back because we have a collective agreement to do it at the same time.

So, the Western world is holding back.


Henrik: So what does this mean, Chris, will this change the experience, or the body, or the intention, soul, …what have you?

Chris: It changes everything. It changes the body’s density. We become much lighter in density that we’re use to. We have phenomenally different energy patterns within the body, we will be able to communicate psychically, again, with each other & again, with all living things. Our senses… if you think of the five senses that we have, they’re basically single notes in what could be a symphony, as the kind of senses you have when you have the whole soul in the body. So everything changes. And also it means that you have to absolutely honest with yourself & with everybody else.

So all the problems we have in the Western world at the moment would automatically disappear, because we would be able to see through all the lies & all the propaganda. We would all need to be able to be honest with each other in any situation. So, it creates a massive shift, potentially a massive shift. And, this is what the Velon have been trying to prevent, what the New World Order (NWO) is all about, what the Illuminati are all about, is trying to prevent this change from happening.


Disagreement at the Mass Consciousness Level

Henrik: So these others, from other parts of the world – and not from the Western world, if they have the capability to be able to change in this way, they would be able to solve, I guess, many of their issues, that they are having, independently from what the West are doing, is that correct? Or, do they… or everyone have to do it at once, is that how it works?

Chris: Well, there is disagreement that we have on a sort of mass consciousness level. And, that is, if we’re going, then we’re going to do it – together. There are currently something like 3 million people on the planet who have already undergone this shift in consciousness, this process of reintegration, but they’re hiding away, basically, from the Western world. Because, otherwise, they would come under immense pressure & attack from the Western world – the politicians, the military, whatever – to try to destroy them. So, they’re there, they’re working with us, they’re working within the Akashic & the mass consciousness to try to help people as much as possible.

Exercising the Free will Option AND Being Aware of Misleading Indoctrination

But it always comes down to this ‘freedom of choice’. And unless people choose to undergo this process of reintegration, then its going to be a much slower process than it could’ve been.

Henrik: If people are manipulated, propagandized, there, from a very young age being indoctrinated in the school systems, et cetera, how much of this is, then, really a ‘free choice’?

Chris: Well, you can break through it. But the problem is that most people don’t want to, or aren’t aware that there is an alternative – that there’s a truth out there that isn’t what we’ve been taught.

You know, as I said earlier, everything is based on… cosmology & science is based on gravity, and, yet, gravity doesn’t exist. Its all held together by electromagnetic forces. And yet, the whole thing of gravity is being promoted widely, even now, by those behind the New World Order, for example, are promoting gravity as part of what they still want to teach & make people believe. Because, if you consider that everything that exists within this Universe is a consciousness, then electromagnetic energies is consciousness energy.

Its just that our scientists have called electromagnetic, whereas, in fact, its consciousness energy – its soul energy – that is all freely available within the Universe.

Now, if you alter the way people think from a physical process, like gravity, to one of a consciousness level of thinking, then you alter the way in which people think about themselves, and understand their world, and their place within it. So, this is why we’re still taught that gravity is what holds the Universe together, & holds everything on Earth, is because it maintains everything within a very physical position & where your thinking. We need to break through that & to start looking at things from a much higher level.

Einstein said something like – ‘You can’t solve you existing problems by the same level of thinking that created them in the first place.’ You know, you have to shift the way in which we think. What we should have done, but unfortunately, we’re propagandized into believing a great many things, and science is just one of them. Because if you scratch the surface of science, if you go through the veneer that’s on the surface of it, you’ll find… you know, for every scientific theory that is accepted as the truth – what is presented to the public, you’ll find an average of 93 different theories.

So nothing is proven within science, it’s just presented to us as being absolute truth, where its, in fact, just a theory. You can think of tectonic plate movements, for example, you know, we’re told all the plates on the Earth have shifted around at various times, so Earth’s history lasts some 400 million years, whatever. They haven’t, what has happened is the Earth has expanded from its original size. And has contracted at various time, as well. So the Earth expands & contracts. So, there hasn’t been any continental drift, its just purely & simply the Earth has got bigger, & more. So you see, its fundamental things like this that are holding people back, and that’s where a lot of the problem lies.


Henrik: I wanted to talk some more about the problems of science & the scientific field, & kind of, I guess, where you draw the line, as well. Because, overall, the way science is run today is fairly new, I mean, we’re just talking a hundred / 200 hundred years, really, but the whole scientific field was started a little bit earlier. I mean, it goes back to everyone from Thales & Aristotle, Roger Bacon, Newton – you have these kinds of people, and they were more into the natural philosophies that seems, to me, was tied more to nature & the real world of observation, you know, also called empirical evidence, and all that.

Chris: Really, it’s the 1700’s & 1800’s, that’s where it really begins. End of the 1700’s & into the 1800’s, so through the Victorian years is the one that really caused us the problems. And, itself, coincides with the beginnings of science. I know Newton was the end of the 1600’s, but, nobody really caught up with Newton until we were in the 1700’s. And when Victorian thinking & arrogance that created a lot of the problems. I mean, one of the things that all Victorian scientists believed absolutely, above all else, was that if a woman attempted to solve problems using higher mathematics, her brain would explode. They firmly believed that. And so, that’s the kind of thinking that’s caused a lot of the problems that we have.

You know, Newton came up with gravity, and 400 years later, we’re still trying to find, really, what gravity is all about. Because nobody really knows, all the theories that have come up so far are just utter rubbish. You know, this double theory leaves me speechless, really, at how convoluted it is.

Henrik: Yeah, its complicated, all these unknown variables have to be put into the picture to be able to explain certain things & phenomena, which is not understood. And so we have things like dark matter to, you know, these unproved particles & everything else. So, there trying, I guess. LOL!

Chris: Yes, LOL – very trying! LOL

It’s Not Gravity, It’s Conscious Agreement
The Propaganda of Gravity

Henrik: How would you explain it, is it a simplified idea we need to look at? Explain the idea of electromagnetism a little bit – how that generates many of the effects, like the gravitational effect, and all that?

Chris: Well, it isn’t a gravitational effect, in the way in which gravity is explained, because it isn’t a gravitational force that, let’s say, is holding the moon in place. What is holding the moon in place is the consciousness that is the moon, and the conscious which is the Earth, has agreed that they will work together.

And it’s the same with the Universe – the Galaxies within the Universe, whatever. If you think of each of those components as a consciousness, then its agreement – its choices made by each of those consciousnesses to work with whatever situation their in. So if you’re a planet within the Solar System, you’re working with a consciousness that is the Sun, if you’re a consciousness that has taken the form of the Sun, you’re working with the consciousness that is the Galaxy.

So its all agreements – agreement all along the line. And the energy patterns created by linking souls together in this way, or souls acting together in this way, creates these huge energetic fields, that on Earth, scientists have interpreted & called electromagnetic fields. But in reality, what they are – they’re consciousnesses working together.

Henrik: Consciousness, then, is ultimately is what generates these fields… its creating the many effects that we can observe scientifically, is that correct?

Chris: Correct, yeah.

Henrik: Do you think we ever could bring this in into the scientific field, let’s say, variables & such. Many people have speculated that, you know, we need to just understand everything that is out there, and also, then, have the tools & the capacity to measure these things. But what about consciousness, itself, as a tool to understand these things.

Chris: Well, we already have it, because the vast majority of cosmologists reject gravity & double-dark theory. And what they insist is that the Universe is held together by electromagnetic energies. They’ve actually started calling these energies the ‘Fifth Dimension’. And so, you know, Einstein said Time ought to be the Fourth Dimension, and electromagnetic energies are the Fifth Dimension.

And so, its already there. And if you look at a lot of people, that are slightly on the edges, perhaps, of the scientific world, but the cosmologists, whatever… well respected people within their own field… I’ve seen many lectures where they’re talking about consciousness energy holding the Universe together, everything within the Universe is a consciousness.

So, they’re already working along those lines, and heading in that direction. Its just we have this veneer on the surface of the propaganda of gravity, because its convenient for whatever reason, and since, whoever is generating this propaganda, then we’re stuck with it.

Henrik: How do you think if we recognized consciousness as a force in the Universe, or the Solar System & the entire world as we know it then, is this a dangerous idea, that is prevented from being known at this point, do you think?

Chris: Yes, because if we became aware of who & what we are, and if we integrated the soul back into the body – the whole of the soul back in the body – get the Higher Self back in, then we would not be able to be controlled. And that what seems to be the primary driving force within the world at the moment – is to control the population by certain people that consider themselves to be ‘elite’, and the driving force behind the ‘elite’ seems to be the Velon.

There is an agenda at work here, which seems to filter down from the Velon, and their intentions would appear, as far as the Earth is concerned, and they are controlling the people at the top. And that’s filtering down through the things we are taught in school & what we told through the media. And how we end up thinking about ourselves.

Henrik: Why is it, do you think, that they want to control us & dominate the planet at this stage? What is their agenda?

How The Elite Are Working at Aganda 21 – Population Reduction

Chris: Well, let’s look at it from the Human level, to start with…I see from your website, that you picked up on a press release on using Agenda 21 as a basis for working with the New World Order, basically.

Henrik: Sure

Chris: And so, Agenda 21 is a document that was actually part of the inside agreement in the Climate Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, so its been around for 20 years. And, what’s contained within Agenda 21 is removal of people from the countryside – either force-ably evicted, or forced into moving back into cities for economic reasons. On the face of it, they say its for environmental reason, ”we want to return 50 percent of the countryside back to wilderness”, so that it supports all the animals & plants that are becoming extinct.

But also written within Agenda 21, it says they want to reduce the global population to 500 million by the year 2100. This is why it is called Agenda 21. So, the “official” figures at the moment are there are 7 Billion people on the planet. That means that 6-1/2 Billion people must die before the year 2100. And anybody who is born, then the death rate & birthrate must balance itself to maintain this 500 million figure they have in mind.

Henrik: And they are working at, right now, as we speak.

Chris: Oh yes, in all sorts of different ways. Yes, this is what they are trying to do. This is the agenda they have. And all of this comes from what people know as the organization that calls itself the Illuminati. Now, the Bavarian Illuminati were formed in 1776 by Amschel Rothschild, who founded himself as to head the organization & it set an agenda. Its things like, all ownership of housing belongs to the State, people cannot have private ownership. And the State must run all sorts of things, and take over peoples’ lives.

So, if you look at the economic agendas that have been going on recently, like the 2007 bank crash. Now, I mean, if that wasn’t designed to take housing out of private ownership & put into State ownership, then I don’t know what did. So, their agenda is continuing, I mean, basically they’ve been following that agenda since 1776. I mean, the first thing they did was to bring about the French Revolution to form a Socialist State within France. The people rejected. And, the vast majority of the Illuminati fled to America, where they’ve, more or less, been ever since. But the Russian Revolution creating again a Socialist State was brought about by the Illuminati using American & British banks to fund it. So, it was an engineered situation. And, you know, that’s collapsed & failed, I’m glad to say. But we still have, instead, is this so-called ‘Capitalist Society’. And, if you try to accumulating capital, what happens? They’re going to take it from you, as what is happening in Cyprus at the moment with the problems there with the banks.

And I heard on the news today – Canada is in the middle of passing a law that will allow them to remove money from peoples’ bank accounts, if they get into economic difficulty.

Henrik: Isn’t that amazing… And if people just… I mean, what I get angry about, as I am seeing this, is as well – why are people still having their money in these banks still? Get them out, move out of there! Set up your own thing, or have have any cash – go back to something else. Yeah, many people are kind of just following into it, unfortunately. I mean, a few are taking measures, of course, trying to get out of this system. Its evidence of the collapse of also the thinking that has produced this kind of system, Chris. And we’re seeing this crumbling before our eyes. And I think, ultimately, a good sign, and that’s an excellent opportunity to see how it functions, what the reasons are, and actually disconnect themselves from it, and get out of it.

Chris: Yes. I would share that view. I’ve seen what’s going on, as a good sign. I know, in the short term, its going to create a great deal of hardship, and problems & difficulties for people. If, for example, we had gone through this consciousness integration at the end of 2012, we could’ve avoided all of this. Put seriously, we really could’ve avoided all of this, but because we didn’t, then what we have to do is start stripping down all the structures that caused the problems in the first place… that prevented from achieving what we set out to achieve 7,000 years ago.

And so, yes, we have to dismantle the old before we can build the new.


Henrik: So, is there a bigger purpose behind these different, various power structures & such. I’ve heard other people argue that, you know, some of these people have taken on a role, if you will, to act this out, to be able to nudge humanity forward. I guess what I’m saying is that if there wasn’t any seeming threat out there or something, that was threatening to, you know, control all of our lives, basically, to dominate in the way they’re trying to do it, right now. Then people wouldn’t get motivated, to have the incentive to get off their ass, if you know what I mean, Chris. So it actually serves a purpose at the end, right?

Chris: Yes, I would agree with all of that. This is the problem with Humans – they need a very hard kick up the bottom before they actually move.

Henrik: Yeah – seems like it. LOL!

Chris: And so, this is what we are going through. And, what’s occurring now – the collapse of the banking system has been working its way through, now – well before 2007. Its just totally unsustainable. I mean, America’s been bankrupt for, god knows how many years… it’s only because oil is still traded in dollars that’s actually keeping America afloat. If China reneged on all the amount of money that it owes America, America would collapse overnight.

Henrik: Yeah.

Chris: And so we have some very strange financial policies going on at the moment which is reflected in the way in which the banks are collapsing.

Henrik: Let me also just tie this in here, with the destruction or dismantling of the banking system as it exists, there is a window of opportunity that kind of goes both ways, because if the economic structure, as we see it, then they might want to bring in a completely controlled & dominated system – just what you’re alluding to, what they’re doing in Cyprus & trying to do in other countries, as well, with all the bail-outs & everything.

Basically they just take peoples money, they take the assets that they have, to pay for themselves. And so, with the destruction with a system like this which is their problem, their going to offer the solution, which is basically a completely controlled & regulated system, where people might not even have any of their money anymore. Its like some kind of credit pot, that you basically have to apply to in order to get anything anymore… in other word, we’ll be completely dependent on, a kind of, a welfare State, if you will, a Socialist System, ultimately.

Chris: Yes. Well, that seems to be what they’re looking to set up. I mean, they already began doing this with all this rubbish about Global Warming & carbon usage, and all the rest of it. There is a proposal to introduce the new financial system based on your personal carbon usage. So, if you have a very low carbon use, then you are given a large amount of credit. As you use carbon, then your credit diminishes. So, that is already proposed. And the introduction of Smart Meters will rise, Smart electricity meters will rise. It’s the beginning of that process – of introducing this form of exchange.

Henrik: Yeah, remotely measure everyone’s usage, et cetera. And then, you know, basically, well control peoples’ lives accordingly, and it does tie into Agenda 21 & also getting people, as you’ve said, out of the rural areas, into big cities, where they’re more easily controlled, pretty much. Do you think there will be a natural kind of revolt against this, with… I think we’ve seen it within the past few years, people moving out to the countryside more, they’re trying to get out & get away from it.


The Music of the Spheres

Chris: Yes, in energy terms, cities are becoming ‘black holes’, they’re really very, very low frequency, whereas in the countryside you have a much higher frequency. So, if you’re somebody who is looking towards this process of soul reintegration, then you’re going to be very, very uncomfortable living in the city, and you need to get out. And what that has produced, now costs an average of 20 percent more than a comparable property in a city, which is totally unprecedented. It’s the exact opposite of how its always been.

So people are moving in that way. And, in the same way as, let’s say, Planets & the Galaxy work together within the Universe, they have an energetic compatibility on a soul level. And this is what people are finding, is that they are attracted to others who have a similar hope of being able to go through this process of reintegration. And those that don’t want to take a part of it, are the ones who are moving into the cities.

Henrik: So, they’re splitting off. Is there two different strands here, is this a fork in the road, if you will?

Chris: Very much so. But, again, it’s to do with the ‘freedom of choice’. So everybody on a higher level, on a soul level, made a decision – whether they were going to go through this reintegration process, or not. And some people said ‘yes, they were, very much so’. And, others said ‘no, they’re not interested’ – for whatever reason.

I mean, there’s no judgment here. Each individual has judged themselves. And made a choice accordingly. So, yes, there is a division, has been a division, within people, really since about 1996, because there was a lot of energy changes that took place in 1996 that fueled up a lot of things that have been happening since. And so, in that sort of sense, then yes, people are divided. There are those that want to stay on Earth, and get on with all the things that they want to do. And there are those who have decided not to continue with whatever they are doing on Earth.

POPULATION REDUCTION AND LIES-people exercising choice

Populations figures, again, are a sham. I mean, they’re again a piece of propaganda. They’re trying to say its people, you know, resources are running out, and so we’re going to charge you more, and we need to put these Smart Meters in, and all this sort of stuff. Whereas, population peaked in 1996. According to the Akashic, global population, at that time, was 7.6 Billion people. The current population level according to the Akashic is between 3.7 & 3.8 Billion. So we’ve literally halved the population of the planet within that 20 year period.

And these people exercising their choices. They say… maybe some people are using it to highlight the kind of problems that are going on with the planet, so others will take notice of it. And, I know that it is very true. So, a lot of those deaths are from people… I don’t know, they’ve died of a medical treatment to show how poor medical treatment is. Or, how damaging pharmaceutical drugs are, or how damaging GM crops are – so they’ve used their deaths to try to highlight those problems, but of course, the media doesn’t report these things, because the media is controlled by the elite, the Illuminati, or whatever you want to call them. So we never get to hear them, so in many respects, unfortunately, a lot of those deaths have been wasted, because they haven’t had the impact that it was hoped that they would have.

So, as you’ve said earlier, you know, this sort of collapse that is going on at the moment, to all political systems, the banking system, the medical system, through science, and all the rest of it – all these collapses are coming about because they need to happen. We need to strip these lies & propaganda away from our understanding in life, so we can understand who we are & what we need to do.

Henrik: Yeah. And I think they’re pushing as well, they’re using these various methods to, as you say, to help depopulate the planet. I think this ongoing eugenics program, pretty much of culling the herd, is very much a ‘soft kill’, I don’t think that they’re going to show up with machine guns at everyone’s door & try to imprison them, or kill them on the spot. This is by voluntary choice, pretty much… well, not really, but indirectly, it is still a choice, because many people are choosing to go to the same doctor, to eat the food that is not GMO labeled, et cetera. They’re taking the chemical route, if you will, instead of trying to clean-up and go a natural organic way. So we are partially responsible, but at the same time, then they’re using people because they are gullible & believe that, you know, they have our best interest at heart, and that we’ll be taken care of. And so, we’re being fooled into this, at the same time, they are achieving their agenda of depopulation. I mean, there are so many people that are sick around the planet, and getting sicker. And there’s tremendous amounts of people that are constantly on, you know, pills, SSRIs, and everything else which is slowly just kind of numbing them off & shutting down their system.

Chris: Yes, one of the worse ones is WI-FI. There haven’t really been many studies carried out yet into WI-FI & the effects of WIFI on the body. But I came across one fairly recently, its four years of research of the effects of WIFI on the body. And what the doctor who carried out this research found was that the cell structures start to breakdown. So, if you subjected to Wi-Fi for a period of 2-3 years, then your body cells start to disintegrate & crumble. So, you literally fall apart from the inside-out. And where it starts is in the brain, because it’s a nerve tissue in the brain. There are cells called Glial cells, and they’re the first ones to breakdown & become cancerous. If you use mobile phones a lot, for example, the energy patterns, the microwave patterns from the phone, actually creates cancer of the glial cells between ear & the brain.

And, you have all of that going, and at the same time, we have a reduction in cholesterol. So, everybody’s been told ‘you must reduce your cholesterol’, whereas cholesterol is basically food for the cells. So, if you’re subjected to WiFi & your cholesterol levels are at their normal levels as produced by the body, because the body produces cholesterol, you don’t get it from your foods. The body produces it itself. Cholesterol primarily builds new cells, & maintains the structure of integrity of the cell structures of the cells within the body. So most of the people on the planet taking statins – reducing their cholesterol levels, subjected to WiFi, they’re going to end with full body cancer within two or three years.

And the damage done to the brain patterns – brain waves – by WiFi is extreme.

Henrik: Yeah, exactly. It seems a lot of this is targeted towards… basically, is kind of numbing people off – shutting off those capabilities of making a better options, a higher option. Its like… well, we know about the dumbing-down that’s going on, but its very much literal in the sense what methods they’ve chosen, with the technologies, and with the food, as well, to really target people from being able to rationally being able to think, and to make critical choices.

Chris: Exactly. It’s a very coherent targeted attack on people & how we function.


Henrik: So how do you think, within the last few minutes, here, for this time, Chris, that we can topple the power structure & the propaganda. Is it tied to a raising, as you talked before, of the frequency, and us moving into a higher level? And if so, how can we do that, at the time, in this stage, when, as we’ve been detailing here, we have so many attacks from so many different angles, if you will?

Chris: Well, disable your Wi-Fi to start with, that’s always a good place to start. And, really, start to look at things in a different way. So, again that Einstein quote, you know – “you can’t solve the problems with the same level of thinking that you’ve created them.” And so we need to shift the way in which we think about ourselves, and world, and the Universe, at large. So, instead of accepting the propaganda as it comes in, is to really stop reading newspapers, stop watching tv, and stop looking at the internet. Because that’s the main tools that are used to propagandize us. So, if you get off that, and start looking to people who think in different ways, who think in ways, who think in ways that can start to break these patterns.

But, really, so much of that comes from within. There are meditations that people can do, for example, where they can work within the Akashic, they can heal themselves, they can work with all sorts of energies, to try to break these patterns & to bring about the situation where we can join people in the non Western worlds & be ready to undergo this shift in consciousness.

That’s primary key to it. If we can break these patterns, and undergo consciousness change, then nobody can hold us. Because we will be able to see everything for the lies that it is, and the whole structure will breakdown totally.

To a certain extent its gone a little too far. People have been so brainwashed into believing certain things & thinking in certain ways. But what we’re now faced with is a complete breakdown of all the structures, like the politicos, the banks, and all the rest of it, before people start to wake up to realize there is an alternative to it.

Henrik: Yep, yep, seems to be the case. Well, this has been very interesting. We appreciate you sharing your perspective with us, Chris. I hope you will be able to do it again at some point. Its always interesting to, of course, to have more to talk about, and you have much more material available in many of your books & essays. Books are available at Cygnus Books. Thank you, Chris, it was interesting having you with us, so thank you for your time today.

(end of HOUR 2 & done)

Greenbarry asked for some things of a more positive note:


and also Free energy in exchange for world peace:


17th October 2015, 02:07
is there anything with a more positive note?

19th October 2015, 18:40
i like the free energy idea..
i know its possible.
as positive as it is, it brings up
questions.. many questions.
im in hopes that it will be open to all
soon.. to be a real game changer.
it would be a good start nonetheless.

21st October 2015, 20:51
Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio - Chris Thomas - 16th June 2013


Interview starts at 21 minutes in. Covers a wide range of topics with interviewers who are not familiar with his work but very open and interested.

- The first attempt on his life by the NSA on behalf of the Velon.

- Files on 50 million individuals targeted for psychic control using alien technology and psychic children

- The Akashic (and the morphic field) as swirls of energy in the matrix of the Universe.

- Chris demonstrates his integrity during the interview, puts a lot of work into researching his subject from every angle possible over 40 years.

- The Velon/Black Ops search for The Ark of the Covenant containing the Green Crystal called The Tables of Testimony (a physical Akashic)

- Kobekli Tepe - Eden, The people of the Jars, The story on the Stones, Jupiter=Nibiru, real story of the Nephilim, Enki and Enlil

- The changes to expect once 100% of soul is integrated - 5 sense nodes become a symphony,

- Agenda 21 and the rapidly falling human population between 1996 and 2013. The growing human population lie.

- The real Jesus and Mary Magdalene – There never was a “first Coming” so how could there be a “second coming”.

- Removing emotional debris being more important than following political changes, Illuminati, etc . . .

- Miscarriages and Abortions: When does the soul enter the body of the developing foetus?

- World events have ZERO impact on anyone who has wholly reintegrated.

- The changing Earth resonance frequency currently (2013) allows life to exist between 14 Hz and 3500 Hz


Alan: Chris tell us about your background and talk about how the powers that be tried to kill you as well.

Chris: Well I found out at a relatively early age that I could access information that other people didn’t have, and this is Akashic information. I could also read energy patterns, so if I walk into a field I can tell you where the ley lines are, where the wells and energy spots are, and that sort of thing, just by looking. And the same applies in working with people for healing. I see the energy patterns within the body and track them back to what the root causes are, I read DNA to look at life problems, and also work with any kind of implants people have within their bodies.

The books I’ve written are all about human history, so using the Akashic for the basis of information, all my books just tell the story of humanity and the universe; who we are, where we’re from, what other races there are within the universe and how they’ve interacted with the Earth, if at all. Also what’s going on at the moment with them. So you’re looking at everything that has an impact on Earth because I am in a human body so what goes on with Earth is of interest to me.

Alan: Now in looking at you tube a lot of people consider the information you give, to be very down to Earth. Some people go off on a tangent when they talk about stuff but you work on the very grounded common sense perspective. When I saw that video I said I must get Chris on because if anybody knows it would probably be you. Just tell the listeners why the powers that be tried to kill you.

Chris: Em . . oh that was the first one, that was about 12 or 13 years ago. I got attacked by somebody psychically, or at least I was approached by somebody psychically, which I took to be a psychic attack, and so, because I am psychic I can psychically project myself and I tracked back where the source of this attack was coming from. What I found was an underground base under the Nevada desert near Las Vegas, where the NSA were running this particular project and what they were doing was using alien technology to enhance human psychic capabilities, and they were using it to monitor people.

They had files on, believe it or not, 50 million people on the planet contained within the technology that they were using and they could call up those records and from the machinery they were using, you would call up a name and the person would appear on a tv screen in front of them. Using the psychic enhancement they would attack or project thoughts into that person’s mind to create problems for them.

Alan: So these targeted individuals globally, that feel they are being targeted and attacked, this would be the kind of technology they would use to attack these individuals.

Chris: Yes it is all alien technology, none of it is human based. 26 min.

And so what I did was take a dislike to what they were up to so I put a little bit of energy into the machinery which basically phased it, setting off the hellion fire-alarm system and shut the whole process down. I didn’t know that was going to happen when I put the extra energy in, I was just trying to blow up some of the components because I didn’t like being psychically attacked.

The next night, the house I was living in was entered and I was injected with a radioactive isotope which was designed to give me an extremely rare form of liver cancer which would have killed me within about 6 weeks.

Alan: So did they break in physically and inject you?

Chris: Yes. I woke up in the morning with a puncture mark in the inside of my elbow joint which clearly was an injection mark.

Alan: And did you not wake up and hear them coming in or did you not feel it being injected into you?

Chris: No. There are some stories going around and how true they are I’m not certain. When groups like the CIA, NSA break into private homes they spray the place with sleeping gas so it literally knocks you out and you are totally unconscious like an anaesthetic so you are totally unaware of their presence or activities whilst they get on with whatever it is they are doing.

Alan: O.K. so you got injected, what happened?

Chris: Well as a healer I’m accustomed to dealing with all sorts of weird and wonderful things in people’s bodies and so I was able to track it through and find out what it was and to deal with it. Fortunately I prevented it from killing me.

Alan: Based on what other’s I’ve interviewed have said about attacks, that’s a constant and horrendous worry in itself isn’t it.

Chris: Well yes I do get attacked fairly frequently on a psychic level by the NSA or their subcontractors who run psychic attack programs. You know there was that ridiculous film they came out with staring George Clooney based on the book “Men who stare at goats”, well that is the training program so the book and film are actually based on reality. What they do is train people up to enhance their psychic capabilities to do something like kill a goat. I know the project is still going on with that, but the colonel who was in charge about the time the book was written has gone off and formed an organization called “The College of Noetic Studies” in Canada, and he is now recruiting civilians into that kind of program.

Alan: Yea there is a military guy over there named Ed Dames I think, and he was training remote viewers.

Chris: Well the CIA has had a remote viewing program for many years. They ran an advertising program some years ago where they put an advert in a newspaper where it directed anyone interested to a grid reference and that reference was inside a locked room inside the CIA headquarters. So you had to be able to remote view into that room to read the instructions for what you did next.

Alan: Yea some people question the whole remote viewing thing saying is it really there?, did it really happen? Is it real? Well I was watching a documentary about the remote viewers and basically they were looking for funding, and a politician turned up to ask what this project was about and they said ‘remote viewing” and the gov’t. said we can’t afford to pay for this. So they said put something in your house in a drawer and come back to us. He did so and 2 remote viewers told him what he put in the drawer so he opened up the check book and said how much do you want?

So remote viewing probably still goes on from the black ops programs and the NSA/CIA.

Chris: There is no ‘probably’ about it. The military were very sceptical about it to start with until the CIA showed them the results of a remote viewer looking at a Russian military establishment. They gave them very detailed plans of what was in that establishment even down to the equipment and type of machinery. Whatever time frame this was, the American military were allowed into this facility and confirmed the remote viewer’s findings exactly.

And now some listener questions from Steve: Chris did you ever hear of Ingo Swann or Joseph McGonagall? Neither of them ever mentioned aliens and went on to say looking for aliens will relegate you to quackdom.

Chris: No I’m sorry I haven’t.

Alan: O.K. Chris tell us a bit more about the Akashic records and what they are all about.

Chris: Akashic is an ancient Sanskrit word which means literally ‘record’. The Akashic records every event that occurs everywhere in the Universe. It’s recorded from the energy patterns from which this Universe is made up, so it’s not recorded in a book or filing cabinet or such but it’s more a PHYSICAL RECORD. They are like little swirls in the matrix of the Universe. So they are little pieces of information stored within the energy patterns that the universe is made up from. And they record everything but only in terms of events. There is a lot of confusion about the Akashic because a lot of people say there is a personal Akashic so you , as an individual, do whatever it is you do in your life and there is a personal Akashic for you and that personal Akashic must be part of the larger Akashic. But it doesn’t really work that way.

What the Akashic does is to record events. Personal events and experiences are recorded in your DNA. They are not recorded in the Akashic because your personal experiences are yours alone and therefore do not belong to anybody else who can access the Akashic. But events like WWII are recorded. So individuals who are involved in those events are not recorded and individual experiences are not recorded within the Akashic, but big events which effect history are recorded within the Akashic.

Alan: So can you tap into the Akashic to see what’s coming down the line?

Chris: I seem to have been born hard-wired to the Akashic so I don’t need to meditate, or go into a trance. It’s really a matter of asking questions. So by asking questions through my higher self, I can gain access to the Akashic and I get the answers back. I’ve been working with this all my life and every time an answer comes back I try to check it from as many different directions as I can possibly think of. So that may be from different directions within the Akashic, different directions through archaeological evidence, human records, scientific records, anything like that. So over the years I have built up a great deal of confidence in what I do get back from the Akashic is always accurate in as much as I can check it with known facts.

Very often people will say one thing and I will say No, the Akashic says this. Well after a few years or whatever the time-frame is, they will come back and say Well actually you were right because we can’t find any evidence for what we thought was going on.

So the Akashic , as far as I’m concerned, has proven to be 100% accurate 100% of the time.

Alan: Do the powers that be use this as well?

Chris: Yes anybody can gain access to the akashic. I mean it’s not closed to anybody. If you choose to do so then there are ways of doing it.

Alan: Are the records written in stone? I mean if you can look at a future event, can that be changed?

Chris: No the future is not recorded. It hasn’t happened yet. Therefore future events depend upon what is happening now. Therefore what is happening now is recorded but what will happen in the future, because it hasn’t happened yet, there is no record of it.

Steve: Are the Akashic records similar to the Morphic Field or is it the same thing?

Chris: The Morphic Field makes up a part of it so the human aspect of the Akashic, because every living thing on the planet has, what you could describe as a morphic resonance and each individual being, plant, animal, human or whatever resonates at certain frequencies and those frequencies create the Morphic Field. And everything that occurs as events are recorded within that Morphic Field and would become part of the human and planetary Akashic.

Steve: I’ve been reading the works of Ralph Ellis about the real history of Jesus Christ. Has Chris Thomas ever looked into what we have been told about this individual through the Akashic Records?

Chris: Oh yes. Many times. I’m really not going to say very much about that because what we are talking about here are people’s personal religious beliefs. A person’s faith is dependent upon what they choose to believe, and faith is not the same as fact. So whenever I have started talking about Christianity and the material behind it, then people become very upset because they feel as though I am attacking their faith. And I really don’t want to offend people because everybody has free choice in whatever it is they choose to believe. And I’m not going to tell them to believe otherwise. Let us just say that our understanding of this person Jesus Christ has been manipulated by the church to suit the Vatican’s agenda.

Steve: Well we would be only getting your opinion so technically . . .

Chris: Lol. Well let me give you a simple one. It says in the bible that Jesus was a Nazarite, which has been interpreted to mean that he comes from Nazareth. Now the term Nazarite does not mean somebody who comes from the village of Nazareth. The Nazarite were a Jewish sect which included the Essenes who were people who worked with things like the Cabbala, the Gnostic traditions, and worked with the healing Therapeutates traditions of Egypt. The reason why there is a place called Nazareth is because when the Romans sacked the temple in Jerusalem in AD73, all the Jewish tribes fled from the centre of Jerusalem and set up encampments about 2 or 3 Km away from the centre of Jerusalem. The Nazarites had a camp which became known as Nazareth, which is now a suburb of Jerusalem. This settlement was set up 30 odd years after his death, so how can you come from somewhere 30 years after you were born that did not exist at the time you were born?

So there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about Jesus because the Emperor Constantine wanted to establish some kind of coherence to what was then, a very crumbling Roman Empire and in 325AD he set up an establishment called The [First] Council of Nicea. Basically they wrote the New Testament. It’s been modified for several hundred years since. There are known modifications to it where various Popes or Bishops have attempted to alter what is in the New Testament, but those are only the ones that have been found out. There’s a lot of evidence, for example, of the book of Matthew being rewritten gods knows how many times to suit whatever some Bishop wanted it to be. So it was written by them.

And you also have in Istanbul which is the ancient Constantinople, which is where Constantine set up his new headquarters to set up this, what he called, new Christian faith – there is a tomb of his daughter, and on the walls of the tomb are 2 images of this person Jesus. One is the Victorian tall, blonde haired image that we’re used to and the other is of a Nazarite Jew, which is what Jesus actually looked like. He was dark and short, about 5 foot 6 inches and there are Roman descriptions of this person called Jesus – wispy beard, centre parting to his hair, quite a large hooked nose – so that is really what he looked like.

Jesus’ father we call Joseph but he was not Joseph in the sense that was his name. It was a title – the Joseph – which is the crowned prince as in next in line to the thrown of Israel, and Jesus was crowned King of the Jews. And Jesus was crowned King of the Jews, it says so in the bible, and Jesus the Christ, which is his proper title, actually means Jesus the king. “Christ” is an abbreviation of a Greek word “Kristos” which means King.

Now Jesus’ father was described as an artisan. In Roman times 2,000 years ago the word artisan meant somebody who was at the peak of their professional career. When the Victorians reinterpreted it, artisan was taken to mean somebody who worked with their hands so you end up with Jesus’ father was a poor carpenter whereas in fact he could have been a lawyer, an accountant, whatever. He was somebody at the peak of his profession which is the Roman interpretation of the word artisan.

So you see how interpretations have changed over the centuries makes a huge difference in how people understand what these belief systems are all about. What has come down in terms of who Jesus the Christ was, how he behaved, what his acts were is very much manipulated into the story Constantine wanted to give and successive Popes have maintained the myth. One Pope in the 13th century said it has served us well this myth of Jesus, hasn’t it.

So the historical evidence is really very different. And anyone saying the Christ consciousness is going to return, which is all channelled material, the soul of that individual who was Jesus the Christ did live a subsequent life and his name was Yasser Arafat. That’s what it records in the Akashic. And if you think about it, what Yasser Arafat was doing is exactly what Jesus was doing. He was the leader of his people and he was fighting an occupying force. In Jesus’ time it was the Romans, in Yasser Arafat’s time it was the Israelis just trying to destroy Palestine.

Alan: Do you recon the second coming has come and gone?

Chris: There was never a first coming. Jesus was not here to be the saviour of mankind. That has become a religious myth.

Alan: There are actually people who believe there is going to be a second coming.

Chris: As I said I didn’t want to really get into this because it’s going to upset an awful lot of people. This is NOT my opinion. This is based on my research into the akashic and everything I’ve been able to find. I’ve read millions of words and done a phenomenal amount of research, as well as going into the Akashic, so it’s not an opinion so far as I’m concerned. It’s a much more realistic view of who this individual was, what he did at the time. Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, they had 3 children and Mary Magdalene moved to the south of France where she lived until she died. Her belief and her children’s beliefs were Jesus’ beliefs and what they eventually became were the Cathars. So Jesus believed in more what the Cathars believed in and NOT what the Vatican tells us. 51:14

Steve: What do you think the Ark of the Covenant is?

Chris: The Ark of the Covenant is exactly as described in the Old Testament so 2 or 3 books give quite a detailed description of it, how it was made and how you protect yourself against it. The Ark itself is a protective box and it is designed to protect what is in it, so if you approach the box without knowing what it is capable of it will kill you by electrical shock. This is the area that the freemasons are interested in because the free masons have come out of the Priesthood that was charged with looking after and protecting the Ark of the Covenant.

What the Ark contains has nothing to do with the ten commandments, because if you think about the 10 commandments were a basic moral code that people lived by anyway at that time, so why set them in stone from god? What was in the Ark of the Covenant was a green crystal called The Tables of Testimony . What this crystal does is record human history up to that point about 4,000 years ago. And that is why it’s so important because everything is recorded in it, everything humanity has undergone, everything that has occurred on Earth is recorded in that crystal and if you can remotely psychic project then it possible to access into that crystal and gain knowledge that the crystal contains. It’s a bit like the crystal skulls of South America. Mitchell Hedge’s skull is one of them but it’s possible to enter into that skull and record the information that’s contained within it. There are 13 of those skulls, each containing aspects of human history and knowledge and universal knowledge./ So you have to put all 13 of those together, whereas with the Ark of the Covenant with The Tables of Testimony are all contained within a single crystal.

Many attempts have been made to find the Ark of the Covenant in order to get this crystal and all the records that are within it and all the records that are within the Akashic which is what the Velon have been trying to do. They have come up with this fantasy story which Zachariah Sitchin translated. All he did was to translate what was found on the Sumerian clay tablets that were found in the desert. But the story itself is a fantasy story because the Annunaki did not create humans in any shape or form. The Annunaki had nothing whatsoever to do with Earth until about 300 years ago. They at that point, travelled back in time and created this fantasy story to try and make people in this time believe that they are our gods and creators.

The Velon have been trying to get hold of the Tables of Testimony and they have been trying to break into the Akashic to try and alter what is recorded in them in order to try and make everybody believe that they are what they pretend to be in their fantasy story.

Steve: O.K. where do you think the Ark of the Covenant is buried?

Chris: I’m not going to tell you. All I can say is that it is buried in a time vault, which means you must be able to slip through time for a few seconds to be able to access it. Which means you must take yourself out of the present reality, move forwards in time a few seconds, so you are out of reality to be able to get to it.

Steve: O.K. because I was talking to someone during the week who believed the Ark of the Covenant is buried in Ireland.

Chris: No. I know for certain it is not. There are rumours it is in Ethiopia, there is a copy in Ethiopia but that’s about it.

Look I read a book recently which purported to carry out all due research and they reckoned it was buried under Lincoln Cathedral. So take your pick.

Alan: Chris can you give us a heads up on what you know about what is going on in the world now and what’s going to happen?

Chris: O.K. everybody knows about Dec. 21 2012, and a lot of people are looking around and saying well what happened? That date was basically about setting ourselves a goal 7,000 years ago. At the time of Atlantis, when humans first appeared on Earth, we had the whole of the soul within the body without this higher self/physical self division. 7,000 years ago, what we did for numerous reasons was to divide ourselves into those two aspects. The higher self makes up about 75% of the total soul and the physical aspect makes up about 25%. What we decided to do collectively, at the soul level, 7,000 years ago was decide to live a series of incarnations, a series of lifetimes to find out an answer to a fundamental question that we had not been able to answer on Atlantis or since.

The question had to do with the field resonance of the Earth, the actual basic frequency that the Earth resonates at. 1:00 It’s the Schumann Resonance which has always been traditionally 7.56 Hz. Humans collectively found that 7.56 resonance was too low a frequency to maintain the whole of the soul within the physical body. Because that is what a Wholly Human Being should be. What we should be is a physical body that contains the whole of the soul. The soul is a vast amount of energy. We’re talking about 52 dimensions as the average size of the soul, which is a lot of energy.

There are traditionally 7 energy centres in the body and that 7.56 Hz represents the resonance of the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra connects us into the earth. So if you think of the Earth as a consciousness, not as a rock floating in space but as a soul in her own right, that 7.56 frequency literally roots each soul in the physical body into the Earth itself.

So forget about “gravity” keeping us on the planet, it is that soul to soul connection we have with the Earth that keeps us on the planet.

We found that 7.56 frequency was too low to maintain the whole soul within the body, so we ended up over time with this dividing of the higher self from the physical self. Over the past 7,000 years we have been living a series of lifetimes to experience everything there is to experience on this planet in order to find out what that frequency needed to be raised to in order to allow us to bring the whole of the soul back into the physical body.

So that is one aspect of what has been going on. The reason it was Dec. 21, 2012 is that the Mayan Calendar is only one of the ancient calendars – the Chinese, the Egyptians the Sumerians – all of those people had calendars run in the same time frame. So all of the ancient calendars all ended up on Dec. 21, 2012. The purpose for that was because it coincided with the 26,000 year energy cycle. We come into the new energy patterns every 26,000 years and on that date they were at their peak. All of humanity had an opportunity to raise our base energy frequencies in order to bring the whole of the soul back into the body.

On some level, every single person on the planet was aware of that event. For most it was subconscious but they knew something was going on and they knew they had to perform something to meet this request that we raise our energy frequencies.

Unfortunately we in the Western world got distracted, and instead of being able to change on the 21st of December we failed. Humanity failed to achieve its goal. The Earth did everything She could do to raise energy frequencies, and what we have instead is a situation where we could have become complete again by the higher self stepping into the physical body on Dec 21, 2012.

Unfortunately we have situations like the Velon, a semi-physical race with an agenda. Their agenda was to take over the Earth. They saw the Earth as somewhere they should live and they saw themselves as God’s chosen people and the Earth as God’s chosen planet. So they came to earth about 300 years ago and screeched to a halt when they realized the planet was populated. They decided to take a look around at what was going on here on Earth and how they could achieve their goal of coming to live here.

The Velon are a collective name just as we are under the collective name of ‘humans’. We traditionally divide ourselves into nationalities or religions. It’s the same with the Velon, they are divided into 6 different races: Annunaki, Hathor, Jjundaa, Mila, Oa, and Johann. Those are the names the Velon have given to themselves.

The Annunaki decided to study human history and they travelled back in time 5,000 years to ancient Sumeria. The reason they chose ancient Sumeria was that 5,000 years ago was the first time written records started to be made and hence you have cuneiform writing recorded on clay tablets, which is what Sitchin has been interpreting. The Annunaki created a hybrid story. They took what they had found out about human history up to that point and they blended it with their own solar system and created this fantasy story to make it look like the Annunaki were human creators.

I think I should explain how this background story originated because it is kind of important and an awful lot of people believe this story from Sitchin’s translations. They actually believe the Annunaki were man’s creators and it is a complete fantasy. Ancient Sumeria was divided into 3. Sumeria is modern day Iran, Iraq, parts of Turkey, and parts of Egypt.

The people who lived in Northern Sumeria called the region where they lived between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers ‘Eden’. Now there is an archaeological dig going on for several years in southern Turkey which is just over the border from Iraq, called Kobekli Tepe and this is where they found the records of the people who lived in Eden. Kobekli Tepe is about 3 kilometre from Ur of the Chaldeas, which is where Abraham was born.

Abraham is seen as being the father of the 3 main religions, Judaism, Islamism and Christianity, and he was there at the time these events took place. What happened was that region was invaded by what they called tall, white northerners or Tall, White Nordics which is a part of the Annunaki fantasy and many UFO watchers. The people who were living in Eden, Northern Sumeria, looked like the Iraqis do, short, dark people with very dark hair. These invading Northerners were very tall, very pale, and very blonde. It looks as though they were probably a relic of an ancient species which were nothing to do with the human race, called Gigantopithicus.

So they were very tall, very aggressive and what they did was to take over that entire region. Right out of the recorded history of these people you will find traditions of angels and they are known as The People of the Jars, and their traditions were that to prove your faith to these new gods, as the Tall, white Northerners described themselves, or wanted to be seen as by the people who lived in Northern Sumeria, that you had to kill your first born child. This of course is the Biblical story of Abraham being told by god to kill his first born son in the wilderness and then being told no you’ve proved your faith you don’t have to. That is the origin of that story.

Now the people who lived in Eden got really fed up with these Northerners pretending to be gods, particularly as they took the local women and mated with them to produce hybrid children. So you think of that in relation to the Annunaki story.

Alan: Are you talking about when they mated with the women in Genesis and produced the “Nephilim”?

Chris: Yes the gods coming down to Earth and mating with the women to produce the Nephilim. The gods multiply. This is the origin of that story in the place they called Eden and it is recorded in the stones and artefacts of Kobekli Tepe.

The people living in this region attacked the Northerners en masse and the massacred their gods. So these Northerners were totally wiped out. So they felt ashamed of what they had done and what they did was to move south. More or less at the same time, the people who lived in Southern Sumeria had problems with their irrigation systems. They were taking waters from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the whole area became silted up so they needed new land, so they headed north and where these 2 peoples met was in the ancient empire of Assyria which was centred around the city of Babylon. So in the city of Babylon you have 3 peoples meeting: You have the Northern Sumerians coming south because they just massacred their gods, you have the Southern Sumerians coming north because they were starving, and what happened was all of the 3 peoples who now lived around Babylon mingled together and shared the information each of the groups had.

What you find is an interesting correlation because the ancient Syrians – the middle Sumerians if you like – had one god called Enlil who was god of the air and you had one god called Enki, who was god of the water. The Sirian name for the planet Jupiter in our solar system was Nibiru.

Alan: Wow, that’s interesting!

Chris: So you have those 3 traditions meeting in the same area around about Babylon and around about the same time that the Annunaki travelled back in time to meet these people. So they got their stories and they mingled the history of the Velon solar system up with the history up to that date of the humans living in ancient Sumeria.

This can all be checked by the way, archaeologically. There are records everywhere of this stuff, not of the Annunaki travelling back in time but of the Northern Sumerians moving south and the southern Sumerians moving north into Babylon.

Alan: Could you talk about what you feel is happening now and suggestions on what we can do?

Chris: O.K. I just wanted to set the record straight as to the difference between the assembled Annunaki story and what really actually happened on Earth in Sumeria. [They used our names Enki, Enlil, Nibiru and changed their meaning so that it had a familiar ring in our DNA resonance memories to trick us into accepting the fantasy story they made up.]

So what we have as that fantasy story is brought forwards, and Sitchin insists it is the basis for the Old Testament, so a lot of mistaken beliefs have stemmed from that. You also have this group who call themselves the Illuminati 1:15 When the illuminati were formed in 1776, by Amschel Rothschild and a lot of things happened at that time where the Annunaki moved to take control of that organisation as soon as it was formed. So what you have amongst the Illuminati is beliefs in the Annunaki fantasy story, the Free Masons believe in the Annunaki story, and so all of those who consider themselves to be elite within society believe in the Annunaki fantasy story. So they are doing everything that they can to create this New World Order based on this Annunaki fantasy.

So what has been going on on the planet is on one side you have the Illuminati pushing toward a new world order – one world bank, one world government, one world police, one world currency and on the other hand you have ordinary people, the likes of you and me undergoing, what the Akashic calls “The Human Plan” of finding away of bringing the whole of the soul into the human physical body.

The problem is that people don’t want to do any work. What they want is somebody to turn up and say don’t worry about it we’ll do everything for you, we’ll just turn up. So you have a huge amount of channelled material coming from the Velon, whatever race they claim to be : Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light, you get all of this rubbish coming from them saying that one version of the Velon are going to do everything for people and save them. And that they’re going to be ascended to the 5th dimension, taken off the planet and saved. 1:18
What that is about is the Velon saying we want to get you off the planet because we want to have the planet. Now what you have the illuminati and New World Order people saying, if you look at Agenda 21, which came out of the Rio De Janeiro Climate Change talk of 1992, you’ve go 100 and some governments of the world who are signatories to that document who are stating within Agenda 21 that their aim is to reduce the human population on the planet to 500 million people. And people don’t believe that. You know they’ve got this mental block that says oh our governments wouldn’t do that sort of thing to us. But 120 some governments are signatory to that document. Aganda 21 is LAW in all of those countries.

And that is the stated aim of those people, to reduce the global population to 500 million. Now if you look at the official figures of what the population is supposed to be, the Akashic shows very different figures than the “official” ones. According to the official figures (2013) we are just past the 7 Billion mark, which means according to the Agenda 21 agreement, 6.5 Billion people MUST BE KILLED BY THEIR GOVERNMENTS the year 2100. That’s what the document states! That document is LAW in 120 countries! People don’t want to believe that. They don’t want to get their head around that one.

So you have that agenda going on with the illuminati, the elite, whatever you want to call them and then you have The Human Plan trying to come to its fruition, which involves people doing a certain amount of work on themselves which is clearing out past emotional debris in order to start raising their own personal energy frequencies so they can undergo this soul reintegration process that we’ve all been planning for 7,000 years. And then you have a further distraction by the Annunaki of the Velon and all their various disguises, turning up and saying: “well we know you want to raise your frequencies to the 5th dimension, and you want to ascend away from Earth or whatever it is, so WE are going to do all of that for you”, and people are falling for it – in the western world at any rate..

Alan: and where are we now Chris, at the moment?

Chris: I will get to that. Now I did survey through the Akashic, and I asked several people who do very accurate dowsing to see what figures they could come up with as well. What we eventually found out, because separately they all did their own work without sharing until everyone was done, is that in Western countries (2013) less than 1% were actually in a position to undergo a soul reintegration process. Whereas in Non-Western countries, so-called 3rd world countries, anything up to 98% of populations there were ready to undergo the soul integration process. And this is why, on the face of it, why the Dec. 21st, 2012 date failed. Because we are all supposed to undergo this process together at the same time – East and West alike.

Because those in the Western World were so far behind, and so far misled by the likes of the illuminati and the Velon, that it was realized collectively that we had too many problems left to be resolved. They should have all be resolved by Dec 21, 2012 but humans being humans, we don’t do anything until the 14th hour. So that’s where we are now. Every single human being on the planet is waiting for the point where they can reintegrate the higher self back in to the body – full soul integration. And at the same time you have the Velon still trying to play out their agenda which is the same as the illuminati agenda. So we have a massive clash at the moment where people know within themselves that they have to get on with getting themselves into a position where they can reintegrate the soul back into the body.

At the same time you have the Velon led illuminati doing all they possibly can to kill people and prevent them from undergoing soul integration. Because once we undergo soul reintegration, we can remove any problem that has been holding us back. So in other words the Velon, illuminati, banks, government, etc. would have ZERO IMPACT on anybody who has reintegrated. There attempts to effect us would not be effective in any way, shape, or form.

Alan: There is talk about The Event, where portals are being activated and there is an energy coming from the centre of the Galaxy on its way coming to hit the planet, and it’s supposed to be a positive thing and there are a few things going on. Have you heard this yourself?

Chris: This is the energy I was talking about with the 26,000 year cycle. It was at its peak on the Dec. 21, 2012 date. So it’s coming from the centre of the galaxy, it’s coming from the rest of the Universe in many respects because everything within this Universe wants us to succeed.

You see we have set ourselves a goal and the Universe is built around the energies of FREE CHOICE so literally every single soul that exists in this Universe is absolutely given free choice to choose their actions, but we were asked by this being who created the whole thing to start with: “could we examine human life, physical life as we describe it on earth. And so we have A DIVINE INTENT is one way of putting it, to complete this whole process of soul reintegration.

Alan: My argument with that Chris is that we were given freedom of choice, but we don’t have freedom of choice at the moment because the Velon . . .

Chris: Of course you do. Everybody has freedom of choice.

Alan: But we don’t! We are restricted, there are so many things that we can’t do!

Chris: NO YOU ARE NOT! Nobody is. Everybody has freedom of choice to choose their actions. You can walk away. Now I know what you’re saying and I know a lot of people view the world in that way: I have no choice because of whatever . . . the government restrictions or the bank wouldn’t let me . . . Walk away! Choose a new life!

Alan: That’s easy to say and harder to do!

Chris: Of course! But many people have done it. I’ve done it. They have said: “Enough of this! I’m walking away from this. I’m having nothing to do with anything that I don’t want to happen.

Alan: Hmmm. O.K. listen we have a few questions, so I’ll pass you over to Steve.

Steve: Remote viewing is based on protocol and can be reproduced in lab setting by anyone. Can you ask Chris if anyone else can do what he claims he can do?

Chris: Yes. You just have to work at it.

Steve: Was Jesus connected to Egyptian royalty?

Chris: lol. Only in so far as he followed the Therapeutates traditions, and in order to be a Theraputate, in other words a healer, then you would have had to have connections with the priesthood and the Pharaohs. No other reason.

Steve: Nazarites were ? and sworn to celibacy. Their mentioned in the Old Testament but I have not seen anything pointing to Jesus being a Nazarite, apart from him coming from the area called Nazareth.

Chris: As I said, he is actually described in the New Testament as being a Nazarite. The Roman records indicate Nazareth did not exist until after AD73 when they sacked the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. So how can Jesus have been born in a village that did not exist until 73 years afterwards?

Steve: What are human beings and where do we come from?

Chris: You have to look at Earth as an experiment. The Earth and our solar system exists to find out whether physical life is possible. Every single planet within our solar system originally contained physical life. Every planet had plant forms, animal forms and to the equivalent of humans. Don’t forget, we are not a body that has a soul, what we are is a soul that has constructed for itself a body. That’s the important thing to remember. And so all of the souls that exist on earth now, I mean the disaster that happened 3.8 million years ago in this solar system wiped out the life forms on the rest of the solar system, only leaving life on earth. So currently, this is the only planet in the Universe capable of sustaining physical life.

99.99 % of all the souls who exist in human form on Earth come from what the Akashic calls the 6 non-physical races. These 6 races are the first souls created in this Universe as [free-ranging] individual souls who have no physical form or physical density at all. They exist purely as an energy form. 99.99% of humans are from these 6 races who have chosen to come here to experience what physical life is all about.

The other .001% of humanity has come from what the Akashic calls the semi-physical races. This applies to the Greys, the Blues, you know the UFO mob. Now the semi-physical races have a physical body BUT THEIR SOUL IS INTRINSIC TO THAT BODY. So in other words they can only exist within their original body form, UNLESS THEY FIND A WAY OF TAKING THE SOUL OUT OF THE BODY, which they did on Atalntis.

So 0.001% of the human race is made up of souls from the semi-physical races.

Alan: Does this touch base with the 144,000 people who will only ascend?

Chris: Every single person who exists on the planet at the moment, who has ever existed on the planet, has the option and the ability of reintegrating the soul back into the body. All 7.4 Billion of them, because that was our peak population number in 1996. since then it has been reducing rapidly. We are down to about 3.8 Billion at the moment on the planet.

Alan: And why is that? Why is it reducing?

Chris: People making choices! Don’t forget we have this plan where by the 21st of Dec, 2012 we should have reintegrated. Those who decided they could not do it have been leaving the planet since 1996. In the year 2000 Earth raised her frequencies to 3.5 Khz which is the frequency necessary to maintain the whole of the soul within the physical body. Since 1996 the Earth has maintained an energy spread of the original base human resonance of 7.56 Hz up to the 3.5 Khz, so everybody living on the planet exists within that energy band.

There are 3 million people on the planet who have reintegrated their souls back into the body so they resonate at 3.5 Khz. At this point (2013) the 7.56 Hz is gone. The lowest frequency now (since 2012) is 14 Hz. So there are people on the planet who resonate between 14 and 3500 Hz base chakra frequency. [Note since 2014 everyone left on the planet resonates at 3500 Hz] We are not ascending anywhere, it’s just making a choice of whether we can raise our vibrations the required amount to reintegrate.

We are doing the exact opposite of ascension, we are bringing the soul into the body. Otherwise what would be the point to human life if we didn’t have a physical body? What would be the point of ascending somewhere else?

Alan: So the 2 questions are how do we integrate the soul into the body and what happens when that happens. Are we still in physical form with more abilities or something?

Chris: We have 5 physical senses with which we perceive the world. In terms of reintegration those 5 senses are like single notes in a symphony. So our sensory perception capabilities upon reintegration become the symphony, not the 5 notes. So we can communicate with each other and al living things psychically, if you want to find out the healing properties of a plant for example as a herbal remedy, you can literally psychically look into that plant and see what properties it has that would be beneficial to a person. That’s the kind of capabilities I’m talking about, the ability to translocate across the planet which is an extension of remote viewing and remote scanning. You send out a thought and in stead of sitting where you are, you could think your body to where you took your thought.

So you won’t have to worry about air pollution or chemtrails, you can just think yourself somewhere and take your body with you. These are the abilities we used to have.

Alan: How do the people who have already integrated know they have this ability? How do we reintegrate ourselves.

Chris: 1:37 Because they use those abilities regularly! By sorting out all the problems you have in your life through the giveaway. Part of the process is getting rid of the elephant you have in your living room, which is something everybody has in one form or another. The other part is clearing out all the emotional debris you are holding in your body. Every inner emotion like anger or fear you have not expressed is taking up space that could be occupied by your higher self. You have to clear it out. I’m not talking about what is going on in the world, it’s about YOU.

What is going on with YOU as an individual? What is happening in your life? And you need to resolve those problems – like arguments with family or friends, neighbours, your boss. You must get those resolved and also you must remove the emotional debris that you have been carrying around. That’s all you have to do. It can sound very simple but it can be very hard to change. There are an awful lot of people on the planet who have achieved this or at least are close to achieving this clearing. As I say there are 3 million people who have already achieved this.

They are in hiding. You will never see them because if you go anywhere near them, they will put up a psychic barrier around them and you won’t be able to see them. That is because they are concerned about what the Velon or the illuminati would do to them, or how the rest of humanity would turn them into gods, create a new religion around them. You know, you’ve seen what it is like with Swamis and Gurus and all the rest of it. So that’s why these people are hiding, they don’t want that kind of ego, they don’t need adoration so they’re in hiding away from it all. Because people will try to interfere with them and drag them down.

Steve: John Irwin says the soul does not enter the body of the foetus until 12 weeks and it enters through the pineal gland, which coincides with when the mother will start to feel kicking and movement. What are your thoughts on that Chris?

Chris: I basically agree with him. When the sperm and egg collide and they fertilize, there is no soul involved with that performance. That is just a chemical reaction. It takes roughly 13,000 cell divisions, which is about 16 days I think, before the soul connects with it. So the soul that is to be that child will connect with the collection of cells to oversee its development because, for instance, to be born with a disability is a soul’s choice and so the soul will imprint into those cells whatever it chooses in order to experience the particular lifetime that is to come. But that’s about it.

So from about 16 days to about 16 weeks there is very little soul activity, it’s only monitoring if you like, but not entering into the foetus. But after that 16 weeks , when the mother will feel movement, that is the point where the soul properly enters the body, but not all of the soul enters at that point. It’s only a very small percentage that enters at that point to check out if the body is developing in the way the soul wants it to. And then gradually more and more of the soul comes into it until birth. And then at birth you get a “lump” if you like of the soul entering the body.

And then between birth and puberty there is a further downloading of soul energy into the body itself. This is why puberty is so painful, it’s because the last piece of the soul that you are bringing into this life, hits, and you start waking up to reality and what’s going on in the world and what’s going on with your body. This is why you have such crazy hormone shifts at puberty because that last piece of soul has come in to create maturity, or to begin maturity development.

So yes I would agree with him in my experience as a healer and working with people through pregnancy, birth and up to puberty. It also agrees with what I have researched within the Akashic. Sometimes when a woman looses a pregnancy it is because the soul was not ready to enter and then when the couple does have a child later, it is very frequently the same soul returning to go through with the birth at a point where it is actually ready to be born. This not only happens frequently with women who miscarry but also with women who have abortions.

When they go on to have another child it is frequently the same soul who has come through again, but this time to carry through to full term to be born. So if the child dies in the womb, you are not losing the soul. All that happens is that, for whatever reason, the incoming soul has decided that either body is not quite yet ready, or perhaps it’s not quite ready for birth, something else is going on and so it removes itself from the foetus which is still born.

Alan: Would a scanner register the 3.5 Hhz that Earth has raised her base frequency to?

Chris: I don’t know who came up with the Schumann resonance at 7.56 Hz to start with but he was right on accurate so there must have been some kind of instrumentation. I know there is a lot of debate about these frequencies at the moment. A lot of people are measuring with whatever instrumentation they are using more towards the 14 Hz end rather than the 7.56 end, so the human resonance of 7.56 is essentially no longer in existence.

But if you go back to Tesla 100 years ago, Tesla was working with the 7.56 frequency, because it can be used as free energy, because that was the electromagnetic resonance of the Earth. It is essentially the aspect of the Soul that is the Earth. It’s the energy frequency she gives out that connects all living things to the planet.

Alan: Will people be able to find your books on Amazon Chris?

Chris: Amazon have banned my books.

But Cygnus books stock all of my books: http://cygnusreview.com/pages/search-results?q=chris%20thomas&p=1

[Note: Amazon.ca and Amazon.uk do finally [2014] stock a few of Chris Thomas’ books now but not all titles.]

22nd October 2015, 01:39
Thanks Herbert, great posts. Thank you.

Reading Chris's information, one question pops up.

Why does a "semi-physical" race - the Velons - want to take over the only planet in the universe, that can support "full-physical" life. Surely the density of the Earth would be too much for them, or do they intend on transferring their souls to the human template. If so, can they only do that if the Earth allows it? ... Why would she?

Thanks again for your work :)

22nd October 2015, 21:31
Thanks Herbert, great posts. Thank you.

Reading Chris's information, one question pops up.

Why does a "semi-physical" race - the Velons - want to take over the only planet in the universe, that can support "full-physical" life. Surely the density of the Earth would be too much for them, or do they intend on transferring their souls to the human template. If so, can they only do that if the Earth allows it? ... Why would she?

Thanks again for your work

Thanks for expressing your interest Citsym.

I wish more people would ask thoughtful questions. I know there are a lot of non-members following this thread and basically they are the main reason I persist in making this information available because there are a very small percentage of humans on the planet who even are aware of C.T.’s research.

The short answer is that the Velon, in their religious fervor, consider themselves "God's chosen people" and they consider Earth (because of the energy streaming into our solar system from the central sun) "God's chosen planet". Therefore they believe Earth is meant for them.

I'm going to take the opportunity to express a longer answer than is necessary in order to keep people informed of some things that have been happening that they may not be fully aware of, in terms of a few things the Velon/black Ops Miltary are capable of. I'm not going to talk about the hybrid children because it's not clear what their purpose is or what souls occupy their bodies. It would be easy to say Velon but there just are not that many Velon souls on the planet.

Every soul in this Universe was consulted and they unanimously asked that the Velon be removed from our universe. The problem is that some are hiding in various ways like folds in past and future time/space, and some are being protected by humans for various delusional reasons.

The Velon were finally able to develop their own “template” for appearing to be human without the loss of their higher abilities and they are also capable of tricking human souls out of their body to be replaced by the Velon soul – which of course results in a change to the DNA. Matt Kahn is such an example in my opinion.

Only 14 of the Velon have used the human template to incarnate as true humans. This means they have given up the high energy and immortality that goes with being a semi-physical and they have been given amnesty. Of those 14, only one has violated that trust and been removed by the Guardians. The other 13 are now experiencing being sub-human like the rest of us. So the human template remains just that – sub-human as we all are, except the 3-5 million who have reintegrated successfully, and , in so doing, changed their template to that which we originally had on Atlantis.

The Velon interference coupled with Western ego and unwillingness to do the inner work partly caused by methods of constant distraction in the world today is what holds us back.

The Velon aim is to prevent us from gaining the energy that goes with becoming wholly human through integration of the higher self into the physical body. With each new strand of DNA we reactivate, we bring in more of our higher self. They attack those who are closest to reintegrating first. These are the psychic children of which Mary Rodwell speaks. Many, if not all of them, have been under psychic influence by the Velon. Some of them are saying things that could only have come from the Velon.

The short answer to why the Velon want Earth is envy and greed of Earth’s uniqueness which warrants her, and our solar system, receiving “special” energy coming in from the central sun of this Universe. This is a tremendous amount of energy amounting to 5o million new dimesnions according to C.T.

Everything is energy and that is what the Velon want.

The ones who have remained here in hiding from the guardians, with help from deluded humans, are particularly nasty. It is they who take on the appearance of what have become known as Draco. But the worst part of their abilities is they can also send purely loving energy (Angelic) to deceive humans who are not able to use their discernment for whatever reason. This also applies to many of the new children who have not yet learned to set boundaries.

A case in point would be the so-called Mantid beings who are often characterized as teachers. They may be Velon in disguise or they may be bio-mechanical robots with just enough DNA to function in whatever way they are programmed to “endear” themselves to the abducted young toddlers.

Earth does not interfere with “the prime directive” of non-interference in another’s free will so long as that free will does not violate another’s free will. So when Velus 1 (who became known as ‘Lucifer’ - now removed by the Guardians), a planetary soul who shed his planet in the Velus system, arrived here about 1000 years ago before the Velon fleet, and tried to forcibly replace the Earth soul, he was rebuffed. He went off to explore the rest of the galaxy for a time, until the fleet arrived 300 years ago. This new arrival and a number of Velon entering the star gate to arrive on earth, resulted in refusal to allow any more in. So the fleet parked just outside our solar system. Meanwhile some of the Velon who entered made a journey back 5,000 years in our time to place a fantasy story to gain the help of humanity in their goals. That was their response to Earth's refusal, a plot to enlist the help of humanity in stealing Earth.

But in the same vein of non-interference, each human has free will and Earth cannot interfere with those who are keeping the Velon close to the Earth and falling for their lies. It is their choice alone. This includes the illuminati greed and human gullibility which leads to channelling and many other deceptions which amount to both fear and flattery of psychic children from a very early age, as mentioned in C.T.’s books.

There are several generations now of families who have been working with the Velon in Black Ops programs of the past, and it is their descendant children who are still being abducted to this day.

As one of a kind, Earth is special, and the remaining Velon, in their "religious fervor" think of themselves as special. So they think this planet is meant for them – in short they are envious of the Earth and humanity. This makes them vicious and foolhardy, but also cunning. They would rather see Earth trashed than give up their envious greed for the planet that is receiving all this energy from the central sun of the Universe. They believe, in their twisted religious sickness, that this energy is rightfully meant for them. They have deluded themselves into believing they own Earth. They almost seem to have come to believe their own lies.

As a semi-physical race they have access to far more energy than we sub-humans can even imagine. They can occupy several dimensions at the same time and each dimension offers exponentially (in terms of the natural Fibonacci sequence) more energy.

Also they can twist energy coming from us into whatever form they choose. One example would be if you were to send healing energy to a sick friend who was under psychic attack by the Velon. They could easily intercept that healing energy from you and twist it into a weapon to serve their purposes. They could send an energy spike down a person’s spine, causing a stroke or blowing out of a heart chamber.

There seems no end to the impersonations the Velon are capable of.

As an aside:

Keshe and the Blue Box
There is a lot of hope surrounding the Blue Box Keshe is releasing to the public. His science makes sense in terms of the atomic vortex as the basis of creation. The CERN scientists are typically picking apart the monatomic basis of conscious energy creation into its component parts and then further smashing up the parts into so-called "god particles". So I would say Keshe has the right idea in that he works with the atom as a whole, rather than the component parts.

The problem is where did he get this information. Was it pure scientific thought coming from intuitive knowledge, or was it channelled from the Velon?

I don't know the answer, but more and more he is handing out false information. For instance the nonsense about impossible Richter Scale earth quake predictions. Now he is saying Earth is about to collide with a second sun in the next 30 years. These are the ravings of a mad man and not the careful and measured grounded logic of scientific though. So one has to question where his atypical "scientific mind" is at.


Is he:

1. purposely being inundated with NSA/Velon directed false information to stress him out and loose his credibility so that the Blue Boxes are discounted? Or

2. Are the Blue Boxes secretly hiding an invisible djed Pillar energy device designed by the Velon, to be switched on when enough homes are enjoying this free energy? These djed pillars are at the heart of every HAARP station on the planet and designed for broadcasting low frequency mind control waves. It would not be the first time the Velon have tried to smuggle such invisible devices into 5,000 homes. One that would be welcomed into every home for what it apparently offers.

I suspect number 1 based on his erratic behavior but I can't rule out number 2. It may be he is being set up for failure. In any case the guardians of the planet would not allow a deception using Djed pillars to take place as they have already demonstrated in the past.

So here's to hoping these silly declarations from Keshe are the Velon messing with his mind to prevent acceptance of the Blue "free" energy devices. I have put free in quotations because this energy actually comes from Earth's consciousness in the from of her magnetic field bases for life on the planet. It is free in terms of being non-destructive and non-polluting.

But we will not need these devices when we have fully integrated so one wonders if they will distract us form our inner task of clearing emotional blocks.

I have more questions than answers. Just sharing my concerns.

I have just learned that the Keshe blue box can only work if it is connected to a power grid. If this is true then it is not perfected technology, is very unstable, and very, very dangerous in the case of nuclear power sources. I don't know how it could work in a country like in Africa where there is no power grid, given this new information.

Correction: It seems the connection to a power source is only temporary for 2 weeks so that the in-house wires can be monotomically nano-coated.

23rd October 2015, 00:23
Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio - Chris Thomas - 16th June 2013


Interview starts at 21 minutes in. Covers a wide range of topics with interviewers who are not familiar with his work but very open and interested.

- The first attempt on his life by the NSA on behalf of the Velon.

- Files on 50 million individuals targeted for psychic control using alien technology and psychic children

- The Akashic (and the morphic field) as swirls of energy in the matrix of the Universe.

- Chris demonstrates his integrity during the interview, puts a lot of work into researching his subject from every angle possible over 40 years.

- The Velon/Black Ops search for The Ark of the Covenant containing the Green Crystal called The Tables of Testimony (a physical Akashic)

- Kobekli Tepe - Eden, The people of the Jars, The story on the Stones, Jupiter=Nibiru, real story of the Nephilim, Enki and Enlil

- The changes to expect once 100% of soul is integrated - 5 sense nodes become a symphony,

- Agenda 21 and the rapidly falling human population between 1996 and 2013. The growing human population lie.

- The real Jesus and Mary Magdalene – There never was a “first Coming” so how could there be a “second coming”.

- Removing emotional debris being more important than following political changes, Illuminati, etc . . .

- Miscarriages and Abortions: When does the soul enter the body of the developing foetus?

- World events have ZERO impact on anyone who has wholly reintegrated.

- The changing Earth resonance frequency currently (2013) allows life to exist between 14 Hz and 3500 Hz


Alan: Chris tell us about your background and talk about how the powers that be tried to kill you as well.

Chris: Well I found out at a relatively early age that I could access information that other people didn’t have, and this is Akashic information. I could also read energy patterns, so if I walk into a field I can tell you where the ley lines are, where the wells and energy spots are, and that sort of thing, just by looking. And the same applies in working with people for healing. I see the energy patterns within the body and track them back to what the root causes are, I read DNA to look at life problems, and also work with any kind of implants people have within their bodies.

The books I’ve written are all about human history, so using the Akashic for the basis of information, all my books just tell the story of humanity and the universe; who we are, where we’re from, what other races there are within the universe and how they’ve interacted with the Earth, if at all. Also what’s going on at the moment with them. So you’re looking at everything that has an impact on Earth because I am in a human body so what goes on with Earth is of interest to me.

Alan: Now in looking at you tube a lot of people consider the information you give, to be very down to Earth. Some people go off on a tangent when they talk about stuff but you work on the very grounded common sense perspective. When I saw that video I said I must get Chris on because if anybody knows it would probably be you. Just tell the listeners why the powers that be tried to kill you.

Chris: Em . . oh that was the first one, that was about 12 or 13 years ago. I got attacked by somebody psychically, or at least I was approached by somebody psychically, which I took to be a psychic attack, and so, because I am psychic I can psychically project myself and I tracked back where the source of this attack was coming from. What I found was an underground base under the Nevada desert near Las Vegas, where the NSA were running this particular project and what they were doing was using alien technology to enhance human psychic capabilities, and they were using it to monitor people.

They had files on, believe it or not, 50 million people on the planet contained within the technology that they were using and they could call up those records and from the machinery they were using, you would call up a name and the person would appear on a tv screen in front of them. Using the psychic enhancement they would attack or project thoughts into that person’s mind to create problems for them.

Alan: So these targeted individuals globally, that feel they are being targeted and attacked, this would be the kind of technology they would use to attack these individuals.

Chris: Yes it is all alien technology, none of it is human based. 26 min.

And so what I did was take a dislike to what they were up to so I put a little bit of energy into the machinery which basically phased it, setting off the hellion fire-alarm system and shut the whole process down. I didn’t know that was going to happen when I put the extra energy in, I was just trying to blow up some of the components because I didn’t like being psychically attacked.

The next night, the house I was living in was entered and I was injected with a radioactive isotope which was designed to give me an extremely rare form of liver cancer which would have killed me within about 6 weeks.

Alan: So did they break in physically and inject you?

Chris: Yes. I woke up in the morning with a puncture mark in the inside of my elbow joint which clearly was an injection mark.

Alan: And did you not wake up and hear them coming in or did you not feel it being injected into you?

Chris: No. There are some stories going around and how true they are I’m not certain. When groups like the CIA, NSA break into private homes they spray the place with sleeping gas so it literally knocks you out and you are totally unconscious like an anaesthetic so you are totally unaware of their presence or activities whilst they get on with whatever it is they are doing.

Alan: O.K. so you got injected, what happened?

Chris: Well as a healer I’m accustomed to dealing with all sorts of weird and wonderful things in people’s bodies and so I was able to track it through and find out what it was and to deal with it. Fortunately I prevented it from killing me.

Alan: Based on what other’s I’ve interviewed have said about attacks, that’s a constant and horrendous worry in itself isn’t it.

Chris: Well yes I do get attacked fairly frequently on a psychic level by the NSA or their subcontractors who run psychic attack programs. You know there was that ridiculous film they came out with staring George Clooney based on the book “Men who stare at goats”, well that is the training program so the book and film are actually based on reality. What they do is train people up to enhance their psychic capabilities to do something like kill a goat. I know the project is still going on with that, but the colonel who was in charge about the time the book was written has gone off and formed an organization called “The College of Noetic Studies” in Canada, and he is now recruiting civilians into that kind of program.

Alan: Yea there is a military guy over there named Ed Dames I think, and he was training remote viewers.

Chris: Well the CIA has had a remote viewing program for many years. They ran an advertising program some years ago where they put an advert in a newspaper where it directed anyone interested to a grid reference and that reference was inside a locked room inside the CIA headquarters. So you had to be able to remote view into that room to read the instructions for what you did next.

Alan: Yea some people question the whole remote viewing thing saying is it really there?, did it really happen? Is it real? Well I was watching a documentary about the remote viewers and basically they were looking for funding, and a politician turned up to ask what this project was about and they said ‘remote viewing” and the gov’t. said we can’t afford to pay for this. So they said put something in your house in a drawer and come back to us. He did so and 2 remote viewers told him what he put in the drawer so he opened up the check book and said how much do you want?

So remote viewing probably still goes on from the black ops programs and the NSA/CIA.

Chris: There is no ‘probably’ about it. The military were very sceptical about it to start with until the CIA showed them the results of a remote viewer looking at a Russian military establishment. They gave them very detailed plans of what was in that establishment even down to the equipment and type of machinery. Whatever time frame this was, the American military were allowed into this facility and confirmed the remote viewer’s findings exactly.

And now some listener questions from Steve: Chris did you ever hear of Ingo Swann or Joseph McGonagall? Neither of them ever mentioned aliens and went on to say looking for aliens will relegate you to quackdom.

Chris: No I’m sorry I haven’t.

Alan: O.K. Chris tell us a bit more about the Akashic records and what they are all about.

Chris: Akashic is an ancient Sanskrit word which means literally ‘record’. The Akashic records every event that occurs everywhere in the Universe. It’s recorded from the energy patterns from which this Universe is made up, so it’s not recorded in a book or filing cabinet or such but it’s more a PHYSICAL RECORD. They are like little swirls in the matrix of the Universe. So they are little pieces of information stored within the energy patterns that the universe is made up from. And they record everything but only in terms of events. There is a lot of confusion about the Akashic because a lot of people say there is a personal Akashic so you , as an individual, do whatever it is you do in your life and there is a personal Akashic for you and that personal Akashic must be part of the larger Akashic. But it doesn’t really work that way.

What the Akashic does is to record events. Personal events and experiences are recorded in your DNA. They are not recorded in the Akashic because your personal experiences are yours alone and therefore do not belong to anybody else who can access the Akashic. But events like WWII are recorded. So individuals who are involved in those events are not recorded and individual experiences are not recorded within the Akashic, but big events which effect history are recorded within the Akashic.

Alan: So can you tap into the Akashic to see what’s coming down the line?

Chris: I seem to have been born hard-wired to the Akashic so I don’t need to meditate, or go into a trance. It’s really a matter of asking questions. So by asking questions through my higher self, I can gain access to the Akashic and I get the answers back. I’ve been working with this all my life and every time an answer comes back I try to check it from as many different directions as I can possibly think of. So that may be from different directions within the Akashic, different directions through archaeological evidence, human records, scientific records, anything like that. So over the years I have built up a great deal of confidence in what I do get back from the Akashic is always accurate in as much as I can check it with known facts.

Very often people will say one thing and I will say No, the Akashic says this. Well after a few years or whatever the time-frame is, they will come back and say Well actually you were right because we can’t find any evidence for what we thought was going on.

So the Akashic , as far as I’m concerned, has proven to be 100% accurate 100% of the time.

Alan: Do the powers that be use this as well?

Chris: Yes anybody can gain access to the akashic. I mean it’s not closed to anybody. If you choose to do so then there are ways of doing it.

Alan: Are the records written in stone? I mean if you can look at a future event, can that be changed?

Chris: No the future is not recorded. It hasn’t happened yet. Therefore future events depend upon what is happening now. Therefore what is happening now is recorded but what will happen in the future, because it hasn’t happened yet, there is no record of it.

Steve: Are the Akashic records similar to the Morphic Field or is it the same thing?

Chris: The Morphic Field makes up a part of it so the human aspect of the Akashic, because every living thing on the planet has, what you could describe as a morphic resonance and each individual being, plant, animal, human or whatever resonates at certain frequencies and those frequencies create the Morphic Field. And everything that occurs as events are recorded within that Morphic Field and would become part of the human and planetary Akashic.

Steve: I’ve been reading the works of Ralph Ellis about the real history of Jesus Christ. Has Chris Thomas ever looked into what we have been told about this individual through the Akashic Records?

Chris: Oh yes. Many times. I’m really not going to say very much about that because what we are talking about here are people’s personal religious beliefs. A person’s faith is dependent upon what they choose to believe, and faith is not the same as fact. So whenever I have started talking about Christianity and the material behind it, then people become very upset because they feel as though I am attacking their faith. And I really don’t want to offend people because everybody has free choice in whatever it is they choose to believe. And I’m not going to tell them to believe otherwise. Let us just say that our understanding of this person Jesus Christ has been manipulated by the church to suit the Vatican’s agenda.

Steve: Well we would be only getting your opinion so technically . . .

Chris: Lol. Well let me give you a simple one. It says in the bible that Jesus was a Nazarite, which has been interpreted to mean that he comes from Nazareth. Now the term Nazarite does not mean somebody who comes from the village of Nazareth. The Nazarite were a Jewish sect which included the Essenes who were people who worked with things like the Cabbala, the Gnostic traditions, and worked with the healing Therapeutates traditions of Egypt. The reason why there is a place called Nazareth is because when the Romans sacked the temple in Jerusalem in AD73, all the Jewish tribes fled from the centre of Jerusalem and set up encampments about 2 or 3 Km away from the centre of Jerusalem. The Nazarites had a camp which became known as Nazareth, which is now a suburb of Jerusalem. This settlement was set up 30 odd years after his death, so how can you come from somewhere 30 years after you were born that did not exist at the time you were born?

So there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about Jesus because the Emperor Constantine wanted to establish some kind of coherence to what was then, a very crumbling Roman Empire and in 325AD he set up an establishment called The [First] Council of Nicea. Basically they wrote the New Testament. It’s been modified for several hundred years since. There are known modifications to it where various Popes or Bishops have attempted to alter what is in the New Testament, but those are only the ones that have been found out. There’s a lot of evidence, for example, of the book of Matthew being rewritten gods knows how many times to suit whatever some Bishop wanted it to be. So it was written by them.

And you also have in Istanbul which is the ancient Constantinople, which is where Constantine set up his new headquarters to set up this, what he called, new Christian faith – there is a tomb of his daughter, and on the walls of the tomb are 2 images of this person Jesus. One is the Victorian tall, blonde haired image that we’re used to and the other is of a Nazarite Jew, which is what Jesus actually looked like. He was dark and short, about 5 foot 6 inches and there are Roman descriptions of this person called Jesus – wispy beard, centre parting to his hair, quite a large hooked nose – so that is really what he looked like.

Jesus’ father we call Joseph but he was not Joseph in the sense that was his name. It was a title – the Joseph – which is the crowned prince as in next in line to the thrown of Israel, and Jesus was crowned King of the Jews. And Jesus was crowned King of the Jews, it says so in the bible, and Jesus the Christ, which is his proper title, actually means Jesus the king. “Christ” is an abbreviation of a Greek word “Kristos” which means King.

Now Jesus’ father was described as an artisan. In Roman times 2,000 years ago the word artisan meant somebody who was at the peak of their professional career. When the Victorians reinterpreted it, artisan was taken to mean somebody who worked with their hands so you end up with Jesus’ father was a poor carpenter whereas in fact he could have been a lawyer, an accountant, whatever. He was somebody at the peak of his profession which is the Roman interpretation of the word artisan.

So you see how interpretations have changed over the centuries makes a huge difference in how people understand what these belief systems are all about. What has come down in terms of who Jesus the Christ was, how he behaved, what his acts were is very much manipulated into the story Constantine wanted to give and successive Popes have maintained the myth. One Pope in the 13th century said it has served us well this myth of Jesus, hasn’t it.

So the historical evidence is really very different. And anyone saying the Christ consciousness is going to return, which is all channelled material, the soul of that individual who was Jesus the Christ did live a subsequent life and his name was Yasser Arafat. That’s what it records in the Akashic. And if you think about it, what Yasser Arafat was doing is exactly what Jesus was doing. He was the leader of his people and he was fighting an occupying force. In Jesus’ time it was the Romans, in Yasser Arafat’s time it was the Israelis just trying to destroy Palestine.

Alan: Do you recon the second coming has come and gone?

Chris: There was never a first coming. Jesus was not here to be the saviour of mankind. That has become a religious myth.

Alan: There are actually people who believe there is going to be a second coming.

Chris: As I said I didn’t want to really get into this because it’s going to upset an awful lot of people. This is NOT my opinion. This is based on my research into the akashic and everything I’ve been able to find. I’ve read millions of words and done a phenomenal amount of research, as well as going into the Akashic, so it’s not an opinion so far as I’m concerned. It’s a much more realistic view of who this individual was, what he did at the time. Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, they had 3 children and Mary Magdalene moved to the south of France where she lived until she died. Her belief and her children’s beliefs were Jesus’ beliefs and what they eventually became were the Cathars. So Jesus believed in more what the Cathars believed in and NOT what the Vatican tells us. 51:14

Steve: What do you think the Ark of the Covenant is?

Chris: The Ark of the Covenant is exactly as described in the Old Testament so 2 or 3 books give quite a detailed description of it, how it was made and how you protect yourself against it. The Ark itself is a protective box and it is designed to protect what is in it, so if you approach the box without knowing what it is capable of it will kill you by electrical shock. This is the area that the freemasons are interested in because the free masons have come out of the Priesthood that was charged with looking after and protecting the Ark of the Covenant.

What the Ark contains has nothing to do with the ten commandments, because if you think about the 10 commandments were a basic moral code that people lived by anyway at that time, so why set them in stone from god? What was in the Ark of the Covenant was a green crystal called The Tables of Testimony . What this crystal does is record human history up to that point about 4,000 years ago. And that is why it’s so important because everything is recorded in it, everything humanity has undergone, everything that has occurred on Earth is recorded in that crystal and if you can remotely psychic project then it possible to access into that crystal and gain knowledge that the crystal contains. It’s a bit like the crystal skulls of South America. Mitchell Hedge’s skull is one of them but it’s possible to enter into that skull and record the information that’s contained within it. There are 13 of those skulls, each containing aspects of human history and knowledge and universal knowledge./ So you have to put all 13 of those together, whereas with the Ark of the Covenant with The Tables of Testimony are all contained within a single crystal.

Many attempts have been made to find the Ark of the Covenant in order to get this crystal and all the records that are within it and all the records that are within the Akashic which is what the Velon have been trying to do. They have come up with this fantasy story which Zachariah Sitchin translated. All he did was to translate what was found on the Sumerian clay tablets that were found in the desert. But the story itself is a fantasy story because the Annunaki did not create humans in any shape or form. The Annunaki had nothing whatsoever to do with Earth until about 300 years ago. They at that point, travelled back in time and created this fantasy story to try and make people in this time believe that they are our gods and creators.

The Velon have been trying to get hold of the Tables of Testimony and they have been trying to break into the Akashic to try and alter what is recorded in them in order to try and make everybody believe that they are what they pretend to be in their fantasy story.

Steve: O.K. where do you think the Ark of the Covenant is buried?

Chris: I’m not going to tell you. All I can say is that it is buried in a time vault, which means you must be able to slip through time for a few seconds to be able to access it. Which means you must take yourself out of the present reality, move forwards in time a few seconds, so you are out of reality to be able to get to it.

Steve: O.K. because I was talking to someone during the week who believed the Ark of the Covenant is buried in Ireland.

Chris: No. I know for certain it is not. There are rumours it is in Ethiopia, there is a copy in Ethiopia but that’s about it.

Look I read a book recently which purported to carry out all due research and they reckoned it was buried under Lincoln Cathedral. So take your pick.

Alan: Chris can you give us a heads up on what you know about what is going on in the world now and what’s going to happen?

Chris: O.K. everybody knows about Dec. 21 2012, and a lot of people are looking around and saying well what happened? That date was basically about setting ourselves a goal 7,000 years ago. At the time of Atlantis, when humans first appeared on Earth, we had the whole of the soul within the body without this higher self/physical self division. 7,000 years ago, what we did for numerous reasons was to divide ourselves into those two aspects. The higher self makes up about 75% of the total soul and the physical aspect makes up about 25%. What we decided to do collectively, at the soul level, 7,000 years ago was decide to live a series of incarnations, a series of lifetimes to find out an answer to a fundamental question that we had not been able to answer on Atlantis or since.

The question had to do with the field resonance of the Earth, the actual basic frequency that the Earth resonates at. 1:00 It’s the Schumann Resonance which has always been traditionally 7.56 Hz. Humans collectively found that 7.56 resonance was too low a frequency to maintain the whole of the soul within the physical body. Because that is what a Wholly Human Being should be. What we should be is a physical body that contains the whole of the soul. The soul is a vast amount of energy. We’re talking about 52 dimensions as the average size of the soul, which is a lot of energy.

There are traditionally 7 energy centres in the body and that 7.56 Hz represents the resonance of the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra connects us into the earth. So if you think of the Earth as a consciousness, not as a rock floating in space but as a soul in her own right, that 7.56 frequency literally roots each soul in the physical body into the Earth itself.

So forget about “gravity” keeping us on the planet, it is that soul to soul connection we have with the Earth that keeps us on the planet.

We found that 7.56 frequency was too low to maintain the whole soul within the body, so we ended up over time with this dividing of the higher self from the physical self. Over the past 7,000 years we have been living a series of lifetimes to experience everything there is to experience on this planet in order to find out what that frequency needed to be raised to in order to allow us to bring the whole of the soul back into the physical body.

So that is one aspect of what has been going on. The reason it was Dec. 21, 2012 is that the Mayan Calendar is only one of the ancient calendars – the Chinese, the Egyptians the Sumerians – all of those people had calendars run in the same time frame. So all of the ancient calendars all ended up on Dec. 21, 2012. The purpose for that was because it coincided with the 26,000 year energy cycle. We come into the new energy patterns every 26,000 years and on that date they were at their peak. All of humanity had an opportunity to raise our base energy frequencies in order to bring the whole of the soul back into the body.

On some level, every single person on the planet was aware of that event. For most it was subconscious but they knew something was going on and they knew they had to perform something to meet this request that we raise our energy frequencies.

Unfortunately we in the Western world got distracted, and instead of being able to change on the 21st of December we failed. Humanity failed to achieve its goal. The Earth did everything She could do to raise energy frequencies, and what we have instead is a situation where we could have become complete again by the higher self stepping into the physical body on Dec 21, 2012.

Unfortunately we have situations like the Velon, a semi-physical race with an agenda. Their agenda was to take over the Earth. They saw the Earth as somewhere they should live and they saw themselves as God’s chosen people and the Earth as God’s chosen planet. So they came to earth about 300 years ago and screeched to a halt when they realized the planet was populated. They decided to take a look around at what was going on here on Earth and how they could achieve their goal of coming to live here.

The Velon are a collective name just as we are under the collective name of ‘humans’. We traditionally divide ourselves into nationalities or religions. It’s the same with the Velon, they are divided into 6 different races: Annunaki, Hathor, Jjundaa, Mila, Oa, and Johann. Those are the names the Velon have given to themselves.

The Annunaki decided to study human history and they travelled back in time 5,000 years to ancient Sumeria. The reason they chose ancient Sumeria was that 5,000 years ago was the first time written records started to be made and hence you have cuneiform writing recorded on clay tablets, which is what Sitchin has been interpreting. The Annunaki created a hybrid story. They took what they had found out about human history up to that point and they blended it with their own solar system and created this fantasy story to make it look like the Annunaki were human creators.

I think I should explain how this background story originated because it is kind of important and an awful lot of people believe this story from Sitchin’s translations. They actually believe the Annunaki were man’s creators and it is a complete fantasy. Ancient Sumeria was divided into 3. Sumeria is modern day Iran, Iraq, parts of Turkey, and parts of Egypt.

The people who lived in Northern Sumeria called the region where they lived between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers ‘Eden’. Now there is an archaeological dig going on for several years in southern Turkey which is just over the border from Iraq, called Kobekli Tepe and this is where they found the records of the people who lived in Eden. Kobekli Tepe is about 3 kilometre from Ur of the Chaldeas, which is where Abraham was born.

Abraham is seen as being the father of the 3 main religions, Judaism, Islamism and Christianity, and he was there at the time these events took place. What happened was that region was invaded by what they called tall, white northerners or Tall, White Nordics which is a part of the Annunaki fantasy and many UFO watchers. The people who were living in Eden, Northern Sumeria, looked like the Iraqis do, short, dark people with very dark hair. These invading Northerners were very tall, very pale, and very blonde. It looks as though they were probably a relic of an ancient species which were nothing to do with the human race, called Gigantopithicus.

So they were very tall, very aggressive and what they did was to take over that entire region. Right out of the recorded history of these people you will find traditions of angels and they are known as The People of the Jars, and their traditions were that to prove your faith to these new gods, as the Tall, white Northerners described themselves, or wanted to be seen as by the people who lived in Northern Sumeria, that you had to kill your first born child. This of course is the Biblical story of Abraham being told by god to kill his first born son in the wilderness and then being told no you’ve proved your faith you don’t have to. That is the origin of that story.

Now the people who lived in Eden got really fed up with these Northerners pretending to be gods, particularly as they took the local women and mated with them to produce hybrid children. So you think of that in relation to the Annunaki story.

Alan: Are you talking about when they mated with the women in Genesis and produced the “Nephilim”?

Chris: Yes the gods coming down to Earth and mating with the women to produce the Nephilim. The gods multiply. This is the origin of that story in the place they called Eden and it is recorded in the stones and artefacts of Kobekli Tepe.

The people living in this region attacked the Northerners en masse and the massacred their gods. So these Northerners were totally wiped out. So they felt ashamed of what they had done and what they did was to move south. More or less at the same time, the people who lived in Southern Sumeria had problems with their irrigation systems. They were taking waters from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the whole area became silted up so they needed new land, so they headed north and where these 2 peoples met was in the ancient empire of Assyria which was centred around the city of Babylon. So in the city of Babylon you have 3 peoples meeting: You have the Northern Sumerians coming south because they just massacred their gods, you have the Southern Sumerians coming north because they were starving, and what happened was all of the 3 peoples who now lived around Babylon mingled together and shared the information each of the groups had.

What you find is an interesting correlation because the ancient Syrians – the middle Sumerians if you like – had one god called Enlil who was god of the air and you had one god called Enki, who was god of the water. The Sirian name for the planet Jupiter in our solar system was Nibiru.

Alan: Wow, that’s interesting!

Chris: So you have those 3 traditions meeting in the same area around about Babylon and around about the same time that the Annunaki travelled back in time to meet these people. So they got their stories and they mingled the history of the Velon solar system up with the history up to that date of the humans living in ancient Sumeria.

This can all be checked by the way, archaeologically. There are records everywhere of this stuff, not of the Annunaki travelling back in time but of the Northern Sumerians moving south and the southern Sumerians moving north into Babylon.

Alan: Could you talk about what you feel is happening now and suggestions on what we can do?

Chris: O.K. I just wanted to set the record straight as to the difference between the assembled Annunaki story and what really actually happened on Earth in Sumeria. [They used our names Enki, Enlil, Nibiru and changed their meaning so that it had a familiar ring in our DNA resonance memories to trick us into accepting the fantasy story they made up.]

So what we have as that fantasy story is brought forwards, and Sitchin insists it is the basis for the Old Testament, so a lot of mistaken beliefs have stemmed from that. You also have this group who call themselves the Illuminati 1:15 When the illuminati were formed in 1776, by Amschel Rothschild and a lot of things happened at that time where the Annunaki moved to take control of that organisation as soon as it was formed. So what you have amongst the Illuminati is beliefs in the Annunaki fantasy story, the Free Masons believe in the Annunaki story, and so all of those who consider themselves to be elite within society believe in the Annunaki fantasy story. So they are doing everything that they can to create this New World Order based on this Annunaki fantasy.

So what has been going on on the planet is on one side you have the Illuminati pushing toward a new world order – one world bank, one world government, one world police, one world currency and on the other hand you have ordinary people, the likes of you and me undergoing, what the Akashic calls “The Human Plan” of finding away of bringing the whole of the soul into the human physical body.

The problem is that people don’t want to do any work. What they want is somebody to turn up and say don’t worry about it we’ll do everything for you, we’ll just turn up. So you have a huge amount of channelled material coming from the Velon, whatever race they claim to be : Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light, you get all of this rubbish coming from them saying that one version of the Velon are going to do everything for people and save them. And that they’re going to be ascended to the 5th dimension, taken off the planet and saved. 1:18
What that is about is the Velon saying we want to get you off the planet because we want to have the planet. Now what you have the illuminati and New World Order people saying, if you look at Agenda 21, which came out of the Rio De Janeiro Climate Change talk of 1992, you’ve go 100 and some governments of the world who are signatories to that document who are stating within Agenda 21 that their aim is to reduce the human population on the planet to 500 million people. And people don’t believe that. You know they’ve got this mental block that says oh our governments wouldn’t do that sort of thing to us. But 120 some governments are signatory to that document. Aganda 21 is LAW in all of those countries.

And that is the stated aim of those people, to reduce the global population to 500 million. Now if you look at the official figures of what the population is supposed to be, the Akashic shows very different figures than the “official” ones. According to the official figures (2013) we are just past the 7 Billion mark, which means according to the Agenda 21 agreement, 6.5 Billion people MUST BE KILLED BY THEIR GOVERNMENTS the year 2100. That’s what the document states! That document is LAW in 120 countries! People don’t want to believe that. They don’t want to get their head around that one.

So you have that agenda going on with the illuminati, the elite, whatever you want to call them and then you have The Human Plan trying to come to its fruition, which involves people doing a certain amount of work on themselves which is clearing out past emotional debris in order to start raising their own personal energy frequencies so they can undergo this soul reintegration process that we’ve all been planning for 7,000 years. And then you have a further distraction by the Annunaki of the Velon and all their various disguises, turning up and saying: “well we know you want to raise your frequencies to the 5th dimension, and you want to ascend away from Earth or whatever it is, so WE are going to do all of that for you”, and people are falling for it – in the western world at any rate..

Alan: and where are we now Chris, at the moment?

Chris: I will get to that. Now I did survey through the Akashic, and I asked several people who do very accurate dowsing to see what figures they could come up with as well. What we eventually found out, because separately they all did their own work without sharing until everyone was done, is that in Western countries (2013) less than 1% were actually in a position to undergo a soul reintegration process. Whereas in Non-Western countries, so-called 3rd world countries, anything up to 98% of populations there were ready to undergo the soul integration process. And this is why, on the face of it, why the Dec. 21st, 2012 date failed. Because we are all supposed to undergo this process together at the same time – East and West alike.

Because those in the Western World were so far behind, and so far misled by the likes of the illuminati and the Velon, that it was realized collectively that we had too many problems left to be resolved. They should have all be resolved by Dec 21, 2012 but humans being humans, we don’t do anything until the 14th hour. So that’s where we are now. Every single human being on the planet is waiting for the point where they can reintegrate the higher self back in to the body – full soul integration. And at the same time you have the Velon still trying to play out their agenda which is the same as the illuminati agenda. So we have a massive clash at the moment where people know within themselves that they have to get on with getting themselves into a position where they can reintegrate the soul back into the body.

At the same time you have the Velon led illuminati doing all they possibly can to kill people and prevent them from undergoing soul integration. Because once we undergo soul reintegration, we can remove any problem that has been holding us back. So in other words the Velon, illuminati, banks, government, etc. would have ZERO IMPACT on anybody who has reintegrated. There attempts to effect us would not be effective in any way, shape, or form.

Alan: There is talk about The Event, where portals are being activated and there is an energy coming from the centre of the Galaxy on its way coming to hit the planet, and it’s supposed to be a positive thing and there are a few things going on. Have you heard this yourself?

Chris: This is the energy I was talking about with the 26,000 year cycle. It was at its peak on the Dec. 21, 2012 date. So it’s coming from the centre of the galaxy, it’s coming from the rest of the Universe in many respects because everything within this Universe wants us to succeed.

You see we have set ourselves a goal and the Universe is built around the energies of FREE CHOICE so literally every single soul that exists in this Universe is absolutely given free choice to choose their actions, but we were asked by this being who created the whole thing to start with: “could we examine human life, physical life as we describe it on earth. And so we have A DIVINE INTENT is one way of putting it, to complete this whole process of soul reintegration.

Alan: My argument with that Chris is that we were given freedom of choice, but we don’t have freedom of choice at the moment because the Velon . . .

Chris: Of course you do. Everybody has freedom of choice.

Alan: But we don’t! We are restricted, there are so many things that we can’t do!

Chris: NO YOU ARE NOT! Nobody is. Everybody has freedom of choice to choose their actions. You can walk away. Now I know what you’re saying and I know a lot of people view the world in that way: I have no choice because of whatever . . . the government restrictions or the bank wouldn’t let me . . . Walk away! Choose a new life!

Alan: That’s easy to say and harder to do!

Chris: Of course! But many people have done it. I’ve done it. They have said: “Enough of this! I’m walking away from this. I’m having nothing to do with anything that I don’t want to happen.

Alan: Hmmm. O.K. listen we have a few questions, so I’ll pass you over to Steve.

Steve: Remote viewing is based on protocol and can be reproduced in lab setting by anyone. Can you ask Chris if anyone else can do what he claims he can do?

Chris: Yes. You just have to work at it.

Steve: Was Jesus connected to Egyptian royalty?

Chris: lol. Only in so far as he followed the Therapeutates traditions, and in order to be a Theraputate, in other words a healer, then you would have had to have connections with the priesthood and the Pharaohs. No other reason.

Steve: Nazarites were ? and sworn to celibacy. Their mentioned in the Old Testament but I have not seen anything pointing to Jesus being a Nazarite, apart from him coming from the area called Nazareth.

Chris: As I said, he is actually described in the New Testament as being a Nazarite. The Roman records indicate Nazareth did not exist until after AD73 when they sacked the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. So how can Jesus have been born in a village that did not exist until 73 years afterwards?

Steve: What are human beings and where do we come from?

Chris: You have to look at Earth as an experiment. The Earth and our solar system exists to find out whether physical life is possible. Every single planet within our solar system originally contained physical life. Every planet had plant forms, animal forms and to the equivalent of humans. Don’t forget, we are not a body that has a soul, what we are is a soul that has constructed for itself a body. That’s the important thing to remember. And so all of the souls that exist on earth now, I mean the disaster that happened 3.8 million years ago in this solar system wiped out the life forms on the rest of the solar system, only leaving life on earth. So currently, this is the only planet in the Universe capable of sustaining physical life.

99.99 % of all the souls who exist in human form on Earth come from what the Akashic calls the 6 non-physical races. These 6 races are the first souls created in this Universe as [free-ranging] individual souls who have no physical form or physical density at all. They exist purely as an energy form. 99.99% of humans are from these 6 races who have chosen to come here to experience what physical life is all about.

The other .001% of humanity has come from what the Akashic calls the semi-physical races. This applies to the Greys, the Blues, you know the UFO mob. Now the semi-physical races have a physical body BUT THEIR SOUL IS INTRINSIC TO THAT BODY. So in other words they can only exist within their original body form, UNLESS THEY FIND A WAY OF TAKING THE SOUL OUT OF THE BODY, which they did on Atalntis.

So 0.001% of the human race is made up of souls from the semi-physical races.

Alan: Does this touch base with the 144,000 people who will only ascend?

Chris: Every single person who exists on the planet at the moment, who has ever existed on the planet, has the option and the ability of reintegrating the soul back into the body. All 7.4 Billion of them, because that was our peak population number in 1996. since then it has been reducing rapidly. We are down to about 3.8 Billion at the moment on the planet.

Alan: And why is that? Why is it reducing?

Chris: People making choices! Don’t forget we have this plan where by the 21st of Dec, 2012 we should have reintegrated. Those who decided they could not do it have been leaving the planet since 1996. In the year 2000 Earth raised her frequencies to 3.5 Khz which is the frequency necessary to maintain the whole of the soul within the physical body. Since 1996 the Earth has maintained an energy spread of the original base human resonance of 7.56 Hz up to the 3.5 Khz, so everybody living on the planet exists within that energy band.

There are 3 million people on the planet who have reintegrated their souls back into the body so they resonate at 3.5 Khz. At this point (2013) the 7.56 Hz is gone. The lowest frequency now (since 2012) is 14 Hz. So there are people on the planet who resonate between 14 and 3500 Hz base chakra frequency. [Note since 2014 everyone left on the planet resonates at 3500 Hz] We are not ascending anywhere, it’s just making a choice of whether we can raise our vibrations the required amount to reintegrate.

We are doing the exact opposite of ascension, we are bringing the soul into the body. Otherwise what would be the point to human life if we didn’t have a physical body? What would be the point of ascending somewhere else?

Alan: So the 2 questions are how do we integrate the soul into the body and what happens when that happens. Are we still in physical form with more abilities or something?

Chris: We have 5 physical senses with which we perceive the world. In terms of reintegration those 5 senses are like single notes in a symphony. So our sensory perception capabilities upon reintegration become the symphony, not the 5 notes. So we can communicate with each other and al living things psychically, if you want to find out the healing properties of a plant for example as a herbal remedy, you can literally psychically look into that plant and see what properties it has that would be beneficial to a person. That’s the kind of capabilities I’m talking about, the ability to translocate across the planet which is an extension of remote viewing and remote scanning. You send out a thought and in stead of sitting where you are, you could think your body to where you took your thought.

So you won’t have to worry about air pollution or chemtrails, you can just think yourself somewhere and take your body with you. These are the abilities we used to have.

Alan: How do the people who have already integrated know they have this ability? How do we reintegrate ourselves.

Chris: 1:37 Because they use those abilities regularly! By sorting out all the problems you have in your life through the giveaway. Part of the process is getting rid of the elephant you have in your living room, which is something everybody has in one form or another. The other part is clearing out all the emotional debris you are holding in your body. Every inner emotion like anger or fear you have not expressed is taking up space that could be occupied by your higher self. You have to clear it out. I’m not talking about what is going on in the world, it’s about YOU.

What is going on with YOU as an individual? What is happening in your life? And you need to resolve those problems – like arguments with family or friends, neighbours, your boss. You must get those resolved and also you must remove the emotional debris that you have been carrying around. That’s all you have to do. It can sound very simple but it can be very hard to change. There are an awful lot of people on the planet who have achieved this or at least are close to achieving this clearing. As I say there are 3 million people who have already achieved this.

They are in hiding. You will never see them because if you go anywhere near them, they will put up a psychic barrier around them and you won’t be able to see them. That is because they are concerned about what the Velon or the illuminati would do to them, or how the rest of humanity would turn them into gods, create a new religion around them. You know, you’ve seen what it is like with Swamis and Gurus and all the rest of it. So that’s why these people are hiding, they don’t want that kind of ego, they don’t need adoration so they’re in hiding away from it all. Because people will try to interfere with them and drag them down.

Steve: John Irwin says the soul does not enter the body of the foetus until 12 weeks and it enters through the pineal gland, which coincides with when the mother will start to feel kicking and movement. What are your thoughts on that Chris?

Chris: I basically agree with him. When the sperm and egg collide and they fertilize, there is no soul involved with that performance. That is just a chemical reaction. It takes roughly 13,000 cell divisions, which is about 16 days I think, before the soul connects with it. So the soul that is to be that child will connect with the collection of cells to oversee its development because, for instance, to be born with a disability is a soul’s choice and so the soul will imprint into those cells whatever it chooses in order to experience the particular lifetime that is to come. But that’s about it.

So from about 16 days to about 16 weeks there is very little soul activity, it’s only monitoring if you like, but not entering into the foetus. But after that 16 weeks , when the mother will feel movement, that is the point where the soul properly enters the body, but not all of the soul enters at that point. It’s only a very small percentage that enters at that point to check out if the body is developing in the way the soul wants it to. And then gradually more and more of the soul comes into it until birth. And then at birth you get a “lump” if you like of the soul entering the body.

And then between birth and puberty there is a further downloading of soul energy into the body itself. This is why puberty is so painful, it’s because the last piece of the soul that you are bringing into this life, hits, and you start waking up to reality and what’s going on in the world and what’s going on with your body. This is why you have such crazy hormone shifts at puberty because that last piece of soul has come in to create maturity, or to begin maturity development.

So yes I would agree with him in my experience as a healer and working with people through pregnancy, birth and up to puberty. It also agrees with what I have researched within the Akashic. Sometimes when a woman looses a pregnancy it is because the soul was not ready to enter and then when the couple does have a child later, it is very frequently the same soul returning to go through with the birth at a point where it is actually ready to be born. This not only happens frequently with women who miscarry but also with women who have abortions.

When they go on to have another child it is frequently the same soul who has come through again, but this time to carry through to full term to be born. So if the child dies in the womb, you are not losing the soul. All that happens is that, for whatever reason, the incoming soul has decided that either body is not quite yet ready, or perhaps it’s not quite ready for birth, something else is going on and so it removes itself from the foetus which is still born.

Alan: Would a scanner register the 3.5 Hhz that Earth has raised her base frequency to?

Chris: I don’t know who came up with the Schumann resonance at 7.56 Hz to start with but he was right on accurate so there must have been some kind of instrumentation. I know there is a lot of debate about these frequencies at the moment. A lot of people are measuring with whatever instrumentation they are using more towards the 14 Hz end rather than the 7.56 end, so the human resonance of 7.56 is essentially no longer in existence.

But if you go back to Tesla 100 years ago, Tesla was working with the 7.56 frequency, because it can be used as free energy, because that was the electromagnetic resonance of the Earth. It is essentially the aspect of the Soul that is the Earth. It’s the energy frequency she gives out that connects all living things to the planet.

Alan: Will people be able to find your books on Amazon Chris?

Chris: Amazon have banned my books.

But Cygnus books stock all of my books: http://cygnusreview.com/pages/search-results?q=chris%20thomas&p=1

[Note: Amazon.ca and Amazon.uk do finally [2014] stock a few of Chris Thomas’ books now but not all titles.]

This was all very interesting to read. I've known for over 20 years now that the Sitchin story was fabricated. This was all told to my ex husband during one car ride with my late father's mistress. If one consider's Guy de Roth as being top of the pyramid (when he was alive of course) well my "aunt" was his right hand woman so to speak. One of his best friends. During this car ride my ex had been studying Sitchin's material and she carried a bible in her hand during the ride and this is how the conversation began. She told him Sitchin was a front man and numerous parts of the translations had been tampered with to form a cohesive human history story. He was quite shocked at the time she was admitting this freely. She herself owns a lot of Sumerian artifacts, possibly one of the largest private collections in the world (her other good male friend was the late Moshe Dayan, she still visits his widow and spends much time with her but if you know anything about Moshe, then you know he was obsessed with human history and collecting/stealing artifacts) so my point here is to say- not all of the "Illuminati" believe in the Annunaki tale, in fact at the top they know it's BS. This is why whenever I hear "whistleblower testimonies" and it's based on Annunaki stuff I question the source. So this is one piece of info I can thoroughly back up.

23rd October 2015, 01:25
Thank you Herbert.

Does Chris ever talk about the history of the Earth, specifically about the cover-up of our true history as posted by Elen at this thread (http://jandeane81.com/threads/7442-When-the-Atlantis-survivors-wake-up).

Also of interest are the discoveries of geological evidence of Nuclear and Thermonuclear War Conflicts in the Past. (Dated well before the Velon arrived 3-400 years ago) For a war to take place there has to be two or more sides, each side having weapons to cause harm to the other. Otherwise, there would be no need for war, just a take over! So what has really been happening on this planet, or are the evidences for nuclear conflicts incorrect?

I would suspect these types of cover up and the detailed reasons for them would be available in the Akashic. I would be interested in understanding the true history of the Earth.

Also of interest to me, is the question: Why have the elite created deep underground livable structures? Whist Chris says our plan is to integrate, and become wholly human (full soul).... but say we miss the window of opportunity. Will mankind's mass consciousness create a situation for destruction? With this question, I am supposing the underground facilities exist, though I have no proof they do, other than what a Google search produces.


23rd October 2015, 07:44
i hope not.. this type of energy is a long time awaiting.
being able to do free energy would be a nice game changer.
there are so many possibilities that it could be..
so, what do ya do?

23rd October 2015, 14:45

Hope above lecture on James Maxlow's expanding Earth posts O.K. Click on link below if it does not.

23rd October 2015, 15:48
This was all very interesting to read. I've known for over 20 years now that the Sitchin story was fabricated. This was all told to my ex husband during one car ride with my late father's mistress. If one consider's Guy de Roth as being top of the pyramid (when he was alive of course) well my "aunt" was his right hand woman so to speak. One of his best friends. During this car ride my ex had been studying Sitchin's material and she carried a bible in her hand during the ride and this is how the conversation began. She told him Sitchin was a front man and numerous parts of the translations had been tampered with to form a cohesive human history story. He was quite shocked at the time she was admitting this freely. She herself owns a lot of Sumerian artifacts, possibly one of the largest private collections in the world (her other good male friend was the late Moshe Dayan, she still visits his widow and spends much time with her but if you know anything about Moshe, then you know he was obsessed with human history and collecting/stealing artifacts) so my point here is to say- not all of the "Illuminati" believe in the Annunaki tale, in fact at the top they know it's BS. This is why whenever I hear "whistleblower testimonies" and it's based on Annunaki stuff I question the source. So this is one piece of info I can thoroughly back up.

ERK, this is the kind of thing that makes my day! Thank you for that.


23rd October 2015, 17:28
ERK, this is the kind of thing that makes my day! Thank you for that.


You are welcome, I wish my aunt would do a tell all before she dies (she's nearing 90). Sigh............

23rd October 2015, 17:37
You are welcome, I wish my aunt would do a tell all before she dies (she's nearing 90). Sigh............

In that case, you are the only one to make it happen, ERK. Please do.


23rd October 2015, 21:41
In that case, you are the only one to make it happen, ERK. Please do.


Howz about we start with the photo of the Sumerian artifacts, :), lb

23rd October 2015, 22:59
Howz about we start with the photo of the Sumerian artifacts, :), lb

I have to wait until after the winter (she spends winters abroad) and then I will certainly take pics when I visit. In the meantime- this is a picture of her. She is the reddish/blonde with the pale blue shawl (next to my mother in the center). I know the picture is rather small but see if you can guess who the woman is on the other side of my mother in the yellow. This picture is circa 1968 and was taken at my brother's birthday bash.

http://s21.postimg.org/85egapccn/10333454_10152325150947211_4963974849987116186_o.j pg (http://postimage.org/)

24th October 2015, 02:50
ERK, obviously of the same gene pool of your mom & her sister... must be about 18-20 years-old?

Turiya- I am not of the same gene pool as they are, as they are not my biological family. My biological family is another (interconnected) story. I was 2 in 1968. My aunt is only called an aunt- she bears no blood relation to my mother (neither do I) but I have known her as aunt since the day I was brought home. My aunt in this picture is in her 40's. A young Barbara Walters is in yellow. BW is the same age as my mother (the mother in picture). My aunt was instrumental in Nixon and BW's visit to China back in 72. In fact she accompanied them as she grew up in Shanghai back then called "Red China", the daughter of a diplomat. My biological grandfather also attended the trip with Nixon.

24th October 2015, 04:52
"As we have both realized previously, the amount that the Velon have influenced the way human beings are thinking is quite massive. Wondering how humanity will ever come to rise above all the BS that has been propagated is undeniably a daunting affair. I can see why Jordan Maxwell has come to believe that the human race will not win the fight against those that intend to rule this world & make the rest of us part of their slave empire."

I do not agree with this..

What is it exactly that you don't agree with?

Is it 1) that you don't agree that the way human beings are thinking has been greatly influenced by massive amounts of BS that the Velon have imposed on the human race?

Or, is it 2) that you don't agree with why I can see why Jordan Maxwell has come to believe that 'The human race will not win the fight against those that intend to rule this world & make the rest of us part of their slave empire?'

Here is a clip of Jordan Maxwell making his statement...


24th October 2015, 05:00
Sorry, ERK. My bad. Didn't know such a comment would hit you so hard. Just making fun...
Be well.

24th October 2015, 05:13
Sorry, ERK. My bad. Didn't know such a comment would hit you so hard. Just making fun...
Be well.

I don't quite understand what you were trying to say (I was just answering with facts).

24th October 2015, 18:46
Thank you Herbert.

Does Chris ever talk about the history of the Earth, specifically about the cover-up of our true history as posted by Elen at this thread (http://jandeane81.com/threads/7442-When-the-Atlantis-survivors-wake-up).

Also of interest are the discoveries of geological evidence of Nuclear and Thermonuclear War Conflicts in the Past. (Dated well before the Velon arrived 3-400 years ago) For a war to take place there has to be two or more sides, each side having weapons to cause harm to the other. Otherwise, there would be no need for war, just a take over! So what has really been happening on this planet, or are the evidences for nuclear conflicts incorrect?

I would suspect these types of cover up and the detailed reasons for them would be available in the Akashic. I would be interested in understanding the true history of the Earth.

Also of interest to me, is the question: Why have the elite created deep underground livable structures? Whist Chris says our plan is to integrate, and become wholly human (full soul).... but say we miss the window of opportunity. Will mankind's mass consciousness create a situation for destruction? With this question, I am supposing the underground facilities exist, though I have no proof they do, other than what a Google search produces.


Citsym: Does Chris ever talk about the history of the Earth, specifically about the cover-up of our true history as posted by Elen at this thread.

Elen is familiar with both so I will let her answer your first question if she is willing. Her reply is at the bottom of this page.

C.T.’s books cover a lot of Earth history but not in great depth except in specific instances. The books are very much affordable. Under $100 for the 8 history books.

After Atlantis there were 6 advanced settlements on the planet who were all in contact with each other by psychic telepathy and teleportation methods, so they had a lot in common.

He equates the Celtic way of life to all indigenous tribes on the planet and talks about the plan to eradicate their knowledge and alphabet which is one of many reasons why we have so much ignorance in our education systems and Universities.

The Anglo Saxon religions could not allow there to be a divine feminine creative force as exemplified by the Earth soul. It threatened the priest’s power when they arrived in Brit ‘ain “Land of the Covenant” where the true teachings of Jesus had already been openly accepted into the Celtic understanding of nature before the Romans arrived.

Here is the best research on Celtic suppression:

King Arthur http://www.richplanet.net/forum/ http://www.richplanet.net/starship_main.php?ref=88&part=1

Buy their books http://www.richplanet.net/catalog/index.php?cPath=59

King Arthur in Wales http://www.richplanet.net/rp_genre.php?ref=91&part=1&gen=5


Artorius Rex Discovered - Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett 34 min


I also recommend the first post on this thread for some history of Earth. That first post is valuable because it is not available to the public unless you purchase the interview.

Turiya made a transcription, which I made my FIRST POST HERE so everyone could learn from it.

Quote from the Terjes Toftens interview: "All these so-called “extinctions” that have occurred have not necessarily been because of, say, a meteorite had hit the planet, its been because the Earth has made new choices.

So everything that had started life on Earth at the very beginning was a total experiment. And as time has gone on, then the Earth, herself, has introduced new species, and removed others who were not really that compatible with the Earth, itself."

* Below Elen’s reply I will include an extended excerpt from the Terjes Toftens interview about human history on the planet. It talks about the skeletons of “giants” being turned up all over the planet. Some are failed prototypes like Gigantopithicus, but most are Cro Magnon (often equated to Homo Sapiens) who proliferated on the planet as Homo Sapiens before the upgrades. He is still around in terms of the Yeti, etc. as explained by C.T. in the above interview on page 1 of this thread.

The elongated skulls are related to experiments on Atlantis which still appear in the odd individual today,sometimes as throwbacks to Atlantis.

Citsym: Also of interest are the discoveries of geological evidence of Nuclear and Thermonuclear War Conflicts in the Past. (Dated well before the Velon arrived 3-400 years ago) For a war to take place there has to be two or more sides, each side having weapons to cause harm to the other. Otherwise, there would be no need for war, just a take over! So what has really been happening on this planet, or are the evidences for nuclear conflicts incorrect?

The Velon have influenced some old religions and even created more recent religions (Mormons, Church of Scientology).

Influence on Hinduism

Chris has stated several times that geological dating is not reliable because geologists don’t understand what they are looking at, or the history behind it in terms of strata layers. This is why they have assigned such outlandishly large numbers to finds in the strata. According to the Akashic there has never been nuclear conflict on this planet or anywhere else in the universe. The closest we have come is in the modern age.

He also states that having travelled back 5,000 years into the past, the Velon could not return to our future so they stayed there, hid out in Tibet, and from there, among other things, influenced texts of the Hindu religion. It's possible this includes the Vedic texts. The parts of the “scriptures”, for want of a better term, about nuclear wars that never happened.

There were 2 significant instances of passing comets in that time frame which changed the colour of the sky. One was oddly enough, named Enki and the other Enlil. I don’t remember where that is recorded in his books. It may well be that i's in one of his interviews. If anyone finds it in their reading please make a point of posting the quote.

Influence on Judaism

The other influence you could say the Velon had on a religion happened about 3400 years ago. According to the Akashic, as recorded by C.T., when the Sumerians moved to Egypt, one of the Velon [ presumably], had already incarnated as a “real” human, using the human template created by Earth. He does not give many details on this but he says the Akashic records that this was “Enki”.

That would be the young man who visited Chris for health problems and it turned out he was having nightmares of his Velon past in which he dictated the lies to a Sumerian scribe. Chris was able to read his DNA memories and this would explain the Akashic record of Enki reincarnating as Moses, who basically was responsible for leading the Jews out of Egypt.

I find this interesting because needless to say, we are all influenced by our past lives and as I have said, the Velon from the start decided they were “God’s chosen people”. Now we have Moses (Enki as a human) leading the Jews “God’s chosen people”. This seems more than a coincidence given “Enki’s” personal history.

Citsym: “Also of interest to me, is the question: Why have the elite created deep underground livable structures? Whist Chris says our plan is to integrate, and become wholly human (full soul).... but say we miss the window of opportunity. Will mankind's mass consciousness create a situation for destruction? With this question, I am supposing the underground facilities exist, though I have no proof they do, other than what a Google search produces.”

Apart from the purpose of hiding their, not so secret government’s black operations, such as the one identified by C.T. under the Nevada desert where psychic children are on intravenous feed, strapped to beds and entrained to perform psychic attacks on individuals whose records and picture are contained in a giant alien-designed computer system, yes they do exist.

They were created for one thing because they planned a nuclear war on the planet to wipe out over 90% of the human population – an Armageddon.

They envisioned themselves coming out after the destruction to rule the planet. In other words they have been mind-controlled by the Velon. They even planned a fake alien invasion where the Velon and the secret space program would play both sides to create fear.

They had many different plans which they were relying on human fear to create for them. But they have not panned out as they envisioned for various reasons including the fact that as our group consciousness has been rising and the new energies coming in from the 26,000 year cycle. We are shining light in dark places and we are becoming more aware.

This is because some of us are doing our inner work to bring in our higher self awareness and discernment. They need our fear to create the future they want but cannot create without our help and our creative vision.

Citsym: but say we miss the window of opportunity. Will mankind's mass consciousness create a situation for destruction?

All eyes in this Universe are on us. Failure was considered and discounted as not an option.

Every planet is aligning with Earth NOW to bring about this ONE OF A KIND CHANGE. We will reintegrate. The only question is how many of us will do the inner work to bring this about?

The Velon are creating the distractions in the world to take our minds off the inner work. The secret government is not even aware of how mind-controlled they really are. They are irrational and that fact is becoming more and more obvious with their erratic behaviour.

My personal opinion, based on specific evidence, is that Vladimir Putin has broken free of this Masonic control.

Citsym: “Does Chris ever talk about the history of the Earth, specifically about the cover-up of our true history as posted by Elen at this thread?”

What I do understand from CT’s material is that we are the ones from Atlantis. And we have been interfered with by parasites that he calls Velon. My history documentary thread is looking for the evidence of this. I am sure there is Artifacts everywhere to prove and show us this is so. Also, I believe (intuitively) that the Russians have uncovered a lot that we in the West have overlooked. So, I am trying to prove that he (CT) is right, according to what we see around us. Artifacts speak for themselves, do they not?

There are definite signs of us, humanity, being dumbed down especially when you consider building techniques and artistic talent. Consider this:

From Megaliths to bricks
From Mozart to pop music
From Leonardo daVinci to Picasso
From wisdom to Freud (psychology)

I could go on forever comparing the past with the present. Sounds depressing, but it isn’t because if you look into the series called “When the Atlantis Survivors wake up” it shows just that. We are to wake up and remember who we are. Chris Thomas is an inspiration to me and he calls it integrating your Higher Self. I love that. Mind you I do not follow anybody, I study, and I listen to everybody in order to pick up pieces here and there that ties it all in.

Thank you for the question, Citsym, I hope this is what you were looking for.


Quote from the Terjes Toftens interview:

Darwin’s Theory and the Development of Earth

Chris Thomas: Some of it is accurate, some of it is not. As far as the Human side of it is concerned—No, we are not a development from Apes. And if you read a lot of the more recent studies from anthropologists & paleoanthropologists, then they agree.

The biggest problem with sciences is that once somebody comes up with a theory & its accepted, it gets carved into stone. And it takes the equivalent of a nuclear bomb to break the stone up—to look at things in reality, rather than what the theory says they should be. So yes, part of Darwin’s… evolution does occur on Earth. I mean, this is how life develops, is it’s a combination of creation & evolution. And so, Darwin’s statement: “that which is fittest to fit within an environment will be the one that survives”, is perfectly true.

Its not the survival of the fittest, as people have tended to shorten it down to. Its just purely & simply that… if you look at, say, life development on the Galapagos Islands, where there’s fifty types of finches each of which has a slightly different shape of beak. It means that each of those finches has developed & evolved into a particular niche on that island, because, they then become the fittest to survive within that environment.

When it comes to human development—and, I know we’re all suppose to be descended from “Lucy”. But from what I’ve read recently, is that when the bones of Lucy were re-studied, it turns out that she is NOT a human ancestor at all, but is purely & simply an early form of orangutan. And what is hidden because of these theories…* the evidence is that all over the world, what you find is Cro-Magnon going back 3.5 million years. These are studies I’ve read by paleoanthropologists that have been buried away by the scientific world because they don’t want to know about it, because it breaks all the other theories.

So, we are not developed from apes. We did not evolve from Neanderthal Man, or Homo Sapien, or Homo Erectus, or anything else. We are essentially Cro-Magnon Man that has been developed… evolved, if you like. Sometimes, in an accelerated, in other words—others stepped in to help in Human development. [He is referring here to the short, blue race NGC584 of master geneticists and the Earth and ourselves (the non-physical souls) who stepped in with permission from the Cro Magnon souls.]

Essentially, Cro-Magnon Man is a development of the Earth in combination with some of the other planets within the Solar System. AND ESSENTIALLY THEY ARRIVED ON EARTH, INTACT, 3.5 MILLION YEARS AGO. This is what the Akashic records. And paleoanthropological studies—(a good word that one)—confirm that, 3.5 million years ago seems to be consistent throughout the whole planet.


But essentially, that is when Human life came to Earth, shall we say. So, we are not a creation of the Earth herself. We could think of ourselves as being a combination of choices made by various planets within our Solar System.

The reason for it being 3.5 million years ago is that our Solar System originally, as I said, contained 13 planets. If you bear in mind that each planet is a consciousness & each consciousness has a “choice of action”, total freedom of choice to act. Four of the planets within our Solar System decided that they no longer wished to be a part of this experiment, so decided to leave, for what of a better way of putting it. So the consciousness of the first planet removed itself from the planet. But because we are looking at a solar system that contains what we consider to be physical matter, instead of the planet essentially just dissolving, what we ended up with was effectively an explosion, which created the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter, and gave Earth a Moon.


So, there were pretty nasty disasters that occurred & the energy released by that explosion effectively destroyed all of the life on all of the planets throughout the Solar System. They’re not entirely dead. There is life on some of the planets, and certainly some of the planetary moons. But as far as life, in terms of how we think of it on a human level, then there is no further life within the rest of the Solar System because of this disaster that occurred. Fortunately, the Earth survived this explosion and continued, reconstructed herself over several hundred thousand years. And then took on board what you can think of as the template of what a Human Being is, or an early Human Being in terms of Cro-Magnon.

So Cro-Magnon developed on Earth & we accelerated, at various points, the development & we ended up with Homo Sapien. You know… there is a huge story behind that, so it depends on how much you want to get into that.


Life on Mars?

Terje Toftenes: There have been many people suggesting that they must have been intelligent life on Mars, that there are traces of old cities, old temples, and stuff like that. What does the Akashic say about that?

Chris Thomas: Absolutely, definitely, without a doubt. In many respects the Earth was a little slow in developing what we would consider Human life. And so, yes, on some of the other planets, the equivalent of Human life was more advanced than it was on Earth. So yes, I mean, if you look at that area around the face on Mars, then, yes, you are looking at pyramids and all sorts of various structures that really were, have been there something like some 4 million years.

Terje Toftenes: So, this was before this big explosion?

Chris Thomas: Before the explosion—yes. So life did exist there, but was then destroyed. And the ‘remnants’, if you like, of that life was adopted by the Earth, but in its original crude form—So, not the developed form that built pyramids on Mars. You know, I can see why people would think that… you know, we have a civilization on Mars that was capable of building pyramids. Did they then turn up on Earth & start building pyramids here & become the first of an advanced form of civilization?

And the answer to that, really, as far as the Akashic is concerned is—No. The Earth wanted to develop people in her own way.

So, what the Earth adopted were the cruder form.

So, instead of… there are all sorts of names you could put to these things. One of the ones I have heard recently is that Humanity could be developing into something the equivalent to this advanced race that was on Mars. And a name that has been suggested for that would be Homo Spiritus. Which I got no problem with this, I mean it’s as good a name as any. I mean, given the arrogance of Homo Sapien Sapien, then I think then we can call it anything we like. So, if you think of the beings that were on Mars as being the equivalent of this Homo Spiritus, with us being Homo Sapien Sapien, then they are very much in advance, or were very much in advance to where we are now.


…because life on Earth is so abundant. I mean, its no exaggeration to say that there are more forms of life on this Earth than the rest of the Universe put together. I mean it really is that abundant. And, therefore life on Earth was used as a resource, if you like, for other planets. It doesn’t mean to say life was removed from Earth, just, purely & simply, was copied.

Regarding our sinking of Atlantis
The Earth obviously went into shock, because you cannot remove a continent & expect the planet to remain unscathed. And so the massive floods—THIS REALLY IS THE ORIGIN OF NOAH’S FLOOD IS THE DESTRUCTION OF ATLANTIS.

The planet, as a consciousness, when she fulfilled what one of her primary roles was, which is that of developing Human life & supporting Human life, and the expanding consciousness that went with that, as far as Human consciousness is concerned, the planet Herself expanded. IN OTHER WORDS, HER CONSCIOUSNESS RESPONDED TO THE HUMAN CONSCIUSNESS, AND WE HAD A PLANET THAT WAS APPROXIMATELY TEN PERCENT LARGER IN DIAMETER THAN SHE IS NOW.

But with the destruction of the Continent & the removal of Human Beings from the planet, She literally shrank—went into shock & shrank within Herself & reduced in sized to about 25 percent smaller than She currently is now. Which means that you had something like a 35% reduction in the planet’s diameter, which obviously has a major effect on the planet’s surface area, which created a worldwide flood.

But this occurred 60,000 years ago—NOT the 12,000 years ago that a lot of other archeologists talk about. It’s very specific within the Akashic. I mean this is a very, very major event that occurred. And it’s very difficult… you couldn’t miss the record that is within the Akashic of this event.

The Population of Cro Magnon

Terje Toftenes: At that time were there no other human population on the planet, everything was going on Atlantis?

Chris Thomas: Yes, there were other Humans, these were Cro Magnon that were on the planet which we left alone—didn’t interfere with in any way. Because they, obviously, made their choices not to be accelerated in the same way as those who inhabited Atlantis had. It is always ‘freedom of choice.’ And this population of Cro Magnon decided not to be a part of that acceleration. And so they remained on the planet developing in their own way, at their own pace. So they were left totally untouched & unaffected by what went on with Atlantis.

And, to a certain extent they remain to this day. I mean these are variations on Cro Magnon & how they developed are being like the Yeti & Big Foot, and there are Pigmy races & Very Tall races around the world. There are certainly a number of races on the planet that still exist, that are giants in the terms that they’re about 15 foot tall, which is what… about 5 meters, roughly. Or, we have the pigmy races which are only about a meter tall—1.5 meters tall.

They are all variations on Cro Magnon, on the way in which they’ve developed, and they’ve found ways of hiding away from modern man to keep themselves safe, essentially. So they do exist on the planet, they were never removed from the planet, not totally, in any way. And many of them found shelter when the planet receded, or reduced in size & the surface flooded.

But it gave the planet an opportunity as well to remove a lot of species that She considered to be unsuitable for carrying on. And so what we have starting 60,000 years ago is a development in new life on the planet. Nothing is ever wasted, so the opportunity was taken to construct new life forms & at the same time to repair the planet, to bring it back to its pristine condition.

And for that, many people went to live underground. AND SO THOSE FROM ATLANTIS WHO DECIDD TO STAY ON THE EARTH AND HELP THE RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS WENT TO LIVE IN MASSIVE UNDERGROUND COMPLEXES THAT THEY ESSENTIALLY BUILT FOR THEMSELVES. There’s one on Salsbury Plain, there’s one under Giza Plateau in Egypt and there’s one under Mexico, essentially—the Teotihuacan Plateau in Mexico—these are several thousand kilometers of tunnels—massive structures. So, during the worst of the problems which occurred by destroying the continent, that’s where people went to live.

Again, this is where a lot of people have memories of a period of Human history when we went to live underground for various reasons.

Terje Toftenes: Are these tunnels still intact?

Chris Thomas: Yes, they are.

Terje Toftenes: And how deep under the surface would you suggest they are?

Chris Thomas: Some of them are fairly close to the surface, in fact most of them are fairly close to the surface. But they also link into the Mohorovičić layer which is about 3 kilometers down, something like that, which is where volcanic magma rises from the Earth’s core. It spreads out through this layer.

And so when the volcano is expended, then you end up with these massive underground tunnels.

So, that’s where people went to live. And so, if you like, the refugees of Atlantis went to live anything down to 3 kilometers under the Earth. And some of them remained there until very recently. You know, the tunnels were not cleared out until about the year 2000, something like that.

Are Governments or Military Aware of These Tunnels

Chris Thomas: Yes, very much so. There was this huge fuss made a few years ago of the tunnels found under the Giza Plateau. They were meant to being filmed, and I’ve read eye-witness accounts of people who went in to investigate them, but nothing has ever been said about them or officially released. But they do exist, as they do in South America and, as I say, under Salisbury Plain, there is another series of tunnels under there—not as extensive as Egypt, but they’re still there & never officially investigated.


Underground Tunnel System - Giza Plateau

Giza was known anciently as ‘Rostau’, meaning the “mouth of the passages”.
Reports of cavities and underground tunnels at Giza have circulated for
thousands of years, and the discovery of several are recorded.

So, no, it took 40,000 years, essentially, to get the Earth back on an even keel after that. I mean, removing a continent, removing most of the species off the surface while trying to maintain other species on the surface, proved to be a major problem.

And, it was really 20,000 years ago that the Earth was ready for life to start again.

The Sphinx, the Pyramids and Other Ancient Sites

Chris Thomas: Before we destroyed Atlantis, obviously, what we did was to prepare ourselves for what was to come—the holocaust that was to come, essentially. And so these tunnels were prepared. And, certainly as far as the Giza one is concerned, a marker was put there which is the Sphinx, which makes the Sphinx 60,000 years old.

Means that all the weathering patterns—water patterns—on the back of the Sphinx are very genuine. Its just purely & simply its taken 60,000 years to leave those patterns behind. Because the climate of Egypt at the time was essentially sub-tropical. So, they’ve had a lot of rains, a lot of lush vegetation. So, it was an ideal spot to go and live in these tunnels until the worst of what was going on with the planet had completed.

So, it took roughly 40,000 years to get the Earth back to a condition where it was habitable and the Earth, Herself, was happy with the new forms of life & how they would interact with what would become new Humans, essentially. So, Cro Magnon had remained on the planet but was still developing at its own pace.

When we had returned roughly 20,000 years ago, we were as we were on Atlantis—we were this Homo Spiritus.

We had all the capabilities that we had on Atlantis—all the psychic capabilities, a lighter physical form, so we weren’t as physically dense as we are now. And life carried on as it had on Atlantis. In other words, we enjoyed what we were, who we were & where we were, and everything that all the forms of life Earth had to offer.

When we came back, we chose six regions to develop because we’d realized that there were problems that we had on Atlantis before this genetically modified bacteria that caused the destruction. So we wanted to investigate what it was to be Human & what the implications were & also why we started to lose these higher brain functions.

And so EGYPT became one centre, or [ another was ] those who became the SUMERIANS, if you like, that took on a scientific role of investigating everything from a scientific viewpoint, or what would be considered a scientific viewpoint. And that to a certain extent was mirrored by A GROUP THAT WENT TO SOUTH AMERICA, as well.

Again, if you look around, you’ll find evidence for this everywhere in that there are telescope lenses found & microscope lenses found in archaeological digs in ancient Sumeria going back at least 8,000 years—at the very least 8,000 years. There’s an illustration I’ve come across of people in South America using telescopes, quite obviously using telescopes that has been dated to well over twelve and a half thousand years old. So, we were considerably more advanced than we are now.


But, again, we started having problems & we started losing a lot of our higher brain functions & some of our psychic capabilities. And so what we did, or what was chosen to be done, was to build the pyramids. Now the pyramids were built about 18,000 years ago with one specific function. And that was to enhance our psychic capabilities, literally to remerge the whole of the soul back into the physical body.

And so that was the only function the pyramids were built for, they have no other function whatsoever—they certainly were never ever tombs. The so-called “sarcophagus” that is still within the so-called “King’s Chamber” within the Central Pyramid in Giza was actually filled with an alchemical—what we would describe as an alchemically altered form of gold, which helps in psychic enhancement.

Now what we used the pyramid for—was, essentially, we would enter into the King’s Chamber and make sounds specific frequencies. These would resonate within the Chamber & within the so-called “air vents” above the King’s Chamber. And what we would end up with is the creation of standing-wave resonance. And the standing-wave resonance within the King’s Chamber was powerful enough to remerge the soul back into the body.

So, that is the primary function of the pyramids—wherever you find pyramidal shapes—ancient pyramidal shapes such as Bosnia, obviously Egypt, South America. Iraq, even, there are a couple of pyramids, or were pyramids, in Iran/Iraq borders. That’s what their primary function was.

In BRITAIN things were a little different, in that Britain you could think of as the primary energy interchange point with the planet & the rest of the Universe. And so the energy patterns there were much, much higher frequencies than they were on the rest of the planet.

And so we didn’t need to build pyramid structure here. Instead of which, eventually, roughly between a period of 12,000—10,000 years ago, we built the Silbury Hill Complex with Avebury & Stonehenge which served the same function as the pyramids, essentially.

So the circles & the stones of Avebury contained knowledge & information.


I don’t believe in labels & titles, I mean this is one thing we’ve learned during Human development is that Humans like to make things very complicated. And really, it comes down to things are very, very simple. The terms we should speak in are very, very simple. All we are doing is returning to the state we were in at the time of Atlantis, and the state we were 20,000 years ago. That is a Whole Human Being, the whole of the soul, the whole of the consciousness within the physical body.


Nothing has ever been like this before. Nothing even comes close to what we are undergoing. When we lost out higher levels of consciousness on Atlantis & between the periods of 20,000 & about 12,000 years ago, it was a gradual decline.

But what we have now is a shift of monumental proportions. Nothing has occurred like this anywhere within the Universe, let alone on Earth. So, we are undergoing a shift of consciousness that is totally unknown. Never experienced before. Nobody knows what’s happening. Nobody knows how its going to turn out, or the stages necessary to achieve what we need to achieve.

. . . But underneath it all, those who are changing know they're changing, and they know they're moving forwards. And this is why so many people are divorcing themselves away from the world as it stands at the moment, and particularly politics & why so much information is now coming out that has been hidden before. Because politics has been getting away with corruption & fraud for centuries, and yet nobody really knew that much about it.

But all of a sudden, worldwide, we have a release of information that shows that we’ve been mislead by fools, and corrupt fools at that. Its this change in energy patterns that is fuelling the change & the release of all this kind of information. And also why we see changes in things like science & cosmology & that sort of thing, because PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT THESE SCIENTIFIC THEORIES ARE WRONG, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN WRONG AND NOT BASED ON ANY KIND OF FACT, JUST PURELY AND SIMPLY ASSUMPTION.


I mean, the speed of light has been well measured & travels at 186,000 miles per second, I can’t remember what it is in kilometers. And it does. This is what it travels within our Solar System, but once you get outside of our Solar System, then the speed of light changes—its totally different.

And this is why the ages of things, such as the stars, galaxies, whatever… have a problem… There is this problem between the dates recorded in the Akashic & the scientific assumption of it. And why there’s this thing of “we have an expanding Universe”— WE DON’T HAVE AN EXPANDING UNIVERSE.


And we also have… I have to call it, this ridiculous concept of ‘Cold Dark Matter’ & ‘Cold Dark Energy’— THEY DO NOT EXIST! Certainly, Cold Dark Matter does not exist.


What we have is the Universe that is built of electromagnetic energies — that’s the nearest analogy, Human analogy, that I can come to in terms of describing what occurs within the Universe.

Everything is energy. In fairness to Einstein, the E = MC squared formula still holds. That is a truth that is universal, essentially. So, everything is energy. So why would there be ‘dark matter’ around somewhere, that makes up the mass of the Universe to try to make this gravitational theory work.

GRAVITATIONAL THEORY IS A COMPLETE LOAD OF RUBBISH, when it comes down to it, with all due respect to Einstein’s theory of relativity, as well. But we have an electromagnetic universe, and if you look at the difference between electromagnetic forces & magnetic forces, the difference is phenomenal.

And if you start to look from a scientific viewpoint, that the Universe is being made up electromagnetism, then all the anomalies, all the problems with their equations & theories become resolved. It’s as simple as that — you know, it doesn’t take much thinking about. I mean, if I can do it as a non scientist just on the physical evidence, never mind with what’s within the Akashic, then I really don’t understand what this “Double-Dark Theory” is all about, because it just doesn’t work.


Now, I know there are concepts going around, particularly within quantum physics, of the Akashic being something along the lines of a holographic matrix. But I cannot really see the Akashic working in that way. You know, I’ve been actively working with the Akashic for over 30 years. Basically, I DON’T CHANNEL IT IN THE SENSE OF BEING A CHANNEL. I DON’T GO INTO A TRANCE TO ACCESS IT. JUST PURELY AND SIMPLY, SOMEHOW OR OTHER, I SEEM TO BE ABLE TO TAP INTO THIS INFORMATION SOURCE.

It doesn’t mean to say that I can get a hold of all the information, at any one time. But it does mean that I can access what is within it, if my choice is to do so.

And the way I would see it is, more along the lines of charged particles — like an energy field. But within that energy field, you then end up with vortices of energy. And its those vortices that contain the information & the record. As I say, all the Akashic does is record, it does not predict. It does not make changes occur, cuz changes will only occur by the choice of the soul that is making those choices.

And so, it is purely & simply a record of events. So, its part of what you could think of as the Human mass consciousness, as far as this planet is concerned.

But then the Akashic also extends out towards the Solar System itself. And then it also links into the Galactic Akashic, and that Galactic Akashic then ties in with the records of all the other galaxies that exist within this Universe, and everything that has ever occurred.

So it is possible, if you’re prepared to spend the time, is to go & get a full history of the Universe. Its not something I’ve ever done, it’s because I think there’s enough going on with Earth without getting into those sorts of complications. But in terms of specific questions, then it is possible to access specific answers within the Akashic.

By accessing the information, you don’t destroy it, you don’t remove it, or change it, [it] purely & simply becomes a part of the person asking the question. Because you cannot alter the way in which the information is recorded, because otherwise, there would be little purpose in there being an Akashic.

Because, if you could alter it, then you could… if somebody had enough energy potential, then they could create their own story, which is a pointless exercise, as far as the Creationary Source is concerned. Because it wants to know what happened, is all it comes down to in the end.

The New Children
. . . But then there are also another group of children being born who people call these Indigo children, Star children, Rainbow children — whatever name you want to put to them, who are here, really, as the forefront of this change. Some of these children are pretty awesome in their capabilities, psychically & how they understand the world. But at the same time, in my view, many of these are born too early because the world doesn’t understand them. And so this is why they end abandoned in orphanages, or abused through life, because they can’t interact with people as they are. You know, some of them are being born anticipating that the world has changed, or people have changed, or choosing to be born to parents that want to go through this change. But for whatever reason, they are lagging behind. And therefore, they’re there to wake these parents up.

And unfortunately, what happens all too often is that the parents refuse to wake, won’t listen to the children, and the children become abused in some way or another. And that’s a great tragedy.

The Future
. . . You know, it is well known by, you know politicians, whatever, that people are changing. There is so much evidence for it out there that has been published in medical papers, scientific papers, whatever. So it is well known that we are changing into something different to what we are now.

And all of these plans seem to be deliberately designed to prevent us undergoing that change. And so, we are in a race, but again, it is choice whether we give into this sort of mass destruction of the Human Race or whether we move forwards into what our potential is.

25th October 2015, 02:59
Thank you very much, Elen ani Herbert,
Chris's material resonates with me. The reason for the questions was to verify some gaps in my understanding of things. Living in Vietnam makes it difficult to get Chris's books, hopefully I'll get them when I travel home for Christmas.
Sometimes I think I'm my own worst enemy, possibly even negative towards some inner information I receive. Too suspicious of possible manipulation etc.

Years ago I communicated freely with my higher self and had several experiences of increased soul integration...to what percentage I have no idea, just an increase in consciousness, a "situation" achieved and then back to normality :) This occurred three times over several years, then everything shut down..
Communication lessened and I felt I was on my own...

I was advised "you are hidden" .... so you can see why I became suspicious and a little paranoid about my feelings and understandings I was getting. Reading Chris's material, it feels to me that for some reason my soul integration ways given a trial run.... ??? Even writing this I'm getting the feeling that's what happened....

For anyone that would dismiss my experiences as manipulation, Yes, possible...but bear in mind I question everything and examine all that happens to me.

The funny thing about this, is my awareness was woken up through "Ashtar Command Propaganda" in the 90's. and even as that was happening I was told that it was false. I had some great arguments with others about this.
I came under some terrifying attacks for many years, then things eased up about 2006... now all is quite, I have no agenda or purpose I need to pursue, I just seem to be waiting??

Anyhow, thks again Elen and Herbert.

25th October 2015, 04:34
I disagree with your Keshe analysis...
You need to spend more time understanding what plasma technology is about & the myriad of applications it is capable of bringing to the fore. If you think its only about electrical power, then you're looking in the wrong direction. Its much much more than that.

Does the following clip sound like the ravings of a madman?
I think not!

Getting rid of oil-based economies, worthless politicians & bringing an end to a world of war is not in any way a part of Velon programmed brainwashing.

One Nation - One Planet - One Race
And the Way into Space

As an example:

"If we can put 5 million units – usable – in Italy, within the cars & the home, and each one of us reduces by 20 liters, the Italian government will feel the pinch of half million (eur) less income very fast. And the oil companies will do the same.

And then, people will have the power to dictate: “Your are short of money, then stop spending on arms. The half million you’re short, we don’t need arms. Why should we pay from the hospitals?”

People will come to an agreement of peace – not governments.

In the next 12 months, you don’t know what I’ve done to you. It will change everything the way all of you work together. Because this time you know… you elected people but still they’re there because you decided. When you stop 5 billion, then 50 billion of the budget, arms goes first.

“We can’t spend on arms, our next door neighbor can’t spend on arms, so we go disarmed.”

What’s the next step of reduction?
Useless politicians!
Because now, you decide on the internet, how you do the world. Then it goes… the ones who are the cause of conflict to keep their position…

Its very easy… That’s why we teach you next week like this.
If they block us by Monday [26-October 2015] in any shape or form, I have set up that internet will be flooded with the blueprint.

So, we do it our way. We guarantee a correct conduct, and the ones that are mis-conducting we give for their soul.

So now you understand, the third world ambassador will be the last world ambassador. Because now, every one of you is an ambassador of peace, intending it & how much we can change together.

The problem is not governments, because they don’t exist.

And then we spend whatever is the surplus of time in developing a peaceful nation as one nation – one planet – one race, and the way to space.

So unfortunately, you all came to learn about plasma, and with it, and due to it, you brought freedom to light. " -- M T Keshe

As an aside:
Keshe and the Blue Box
There is a lot of hope surrounding the Blue Box Keshe is releasing to the public. His science makes sense in terms of the atomic vortex as the basis of creation. The CERN scientists are typically picking apart the monatomic basis of conscious energy creation into its component parts and then further smashing up the parts into so-called "god particles". So I would say Keshe has the right idea.

The problem is where did he get this information. Was it pure scientific thought coming from intuitive knowledge, or was it channelled from the Velon?

I don't know the answer, but more and more he is handing out false information. For instance the nonsense about impossible Richter Scale earth quake predictions. Now he is saying Earth is about to collide with a second sun in the next 30 years. These are the ravings of a mad man and not the careful and measured grounded logic of scientific though. So one has to question where his atypical "scientific mind" is at.


Is he:
1. purposely being inundated with NSA/Velon directed false information to stress him out and loose his credibility so that the Blue Boxes are discounted? Or

2. Are the Blue Boxes secretly hiding an invisible djed Pillar energy device designed by the Velon, to be switched on when enough homes are enjoying this free energy? These djed pillars are at the heart of every HAARP station on the planet and designed for broadcasting mind control waves. It would not be the first time the Velon have tried to smuggle such invisible devices into 5,000 homes. One that would be welcomed into every home for what it apparently offers.

I suspect number 1 based on his erratic behavior but I can't rule out number 2.

So here's to hoping these silly declarations from Keshe are the Velon messing with is mind to prevent acceptance of the Blue "free" energy devices. I have put free in quotations because this energy actually comes from Earth's consciousness in the from of the bases for life on the planet. It is free in terms of being non-destructive and non-polluting.

But we do not need these devices when we have fully integrated so one wonders if they will distract us form our inner task of clearing emotional blocks.

I have more questions than answers. Just sharing my concerns.

I have just learned that the Keshe blue box can only work if it is connected to a power grid. If this is true then it is not perfected technology, is very unstable, and very, very dangerous in the case of nuclear power sources. I don't know how it could work in a country like in Africa where there is no power grid, given this new information.

25th October 2015, 07:17
Hmmm... I'm starting to wonder if the Velons could be the Fallen Angels that are talked about in the bible. It would help tie a lot of things together.

The thing is, you can't look at this stuff in isolation to everything else. It all fits together somehow, and it's only by fitting everything together that we get the true story. I resonate with a fair bit of what CT says, but the are parts that really set off my detectors, so to speak. I doubt very much he's doing it on purpose, but I'd say the velons/fallen angels are messing with the information he is getting.

The only way we are going to get the real truth of what is going on is to compare everthing to see where the jigsaw pieces fit together and discard the ones that don't. It would be easy enough to do if we all worked together in the alternative community - but of course, they keep us working seperate and so the pieces all sit on the ground no-one attempts to truly fit them together because everyone thinks their pieces are the right ones...

25th October 2015, 15:01
Hmmm... I'm starting to wonder if the Velons could be the Fallen Angels that are talked about in the bible. It would help tie a lot of things together.

The thing is, you can't look at this stuff in isolation to everything else. It all fits together somehow, and it's only by fitting everything together that we get the true story. I resonate with a fair bit of what CT says, but the are parts that really set off my detectors, so to speak. I doubt very much he's doing it on purpose, but I'd say the velons/fallen angels are messing with the information he is getting.

The only way we are going to get the real truth of what is going on is to compare everthing to see where the jigsaw pieces fit together and discard the ones that don't. It would be easy enough to do if we all worked together in the alternative community - but of course, they keep us working seperate and so the pieces all sit on the ground no-one attempts to truly fit them together because everyone thinks their pieces are the right ones...

And therein lies the problem. A truth puzzle with so many pieces that is impossible to put together through the sub-human mind. it's an interesting journey though. In my own journey I feel Chris Thomas to be the least mind invaded if at all. I think he beats the control. He has been wrong in his predictions but only because the future is not set in stone and hard to predict.

25th October 2015, 16:37
I disagree with your Keshe analysis...

Getting rid of oil-based economies, worthless politicians & bringing an end to a world of war is not in any way a part of Velon programmed brainwashing.

No but being reprimanded by off planet beings, warning us of near future catastrophic events, technology to change our atmosphere, and technology to take us off planet is. All information I have read from his website. The jury is out on Keshe in my opinion.

He is not the only scientist with free energy invention.

25th October 2015, 17:28
Hmmm... I'm starting to wonder if the Velons could be the Fallen Angels that are talked about in the bible. It would help tie a lot of things together.

The thing is, you can't look at this stuff in isolation to everything else. It all fits together somehow, and it's only by fitting everything together that we get the true story. I resonate with a fair bit of what CT says, but the are parts that really set off my detectors, so to speak. I doubt very much he's doing it on purpose, but I'd say the velons/fallen angels are messing with the information he is getting.

The only way we are going to get the real truth of what is going on is to compare everthing to see where the jigsaw pieces fit together and discard the ones that don't. It would be easy enough to do if we all worked together in the alternative community - but of course, they keep us working seperate and so the pieces all sit on the ground no-one attempts to truly fit them together because everyone thinks their pieces are the right ones...

I fully agree that learning discernment precludes practicing exclusivity jcocks.

Very few people in the world are aware of Chris Thomas' unique work of nearly 40 years working at questioning and leaning from the Akashic. That is why this thread is mostly about making his work available and bringing in information which confirms his readings from the Akashic.

Confirmations come from many sources, including cutting edge science and other sources such as the information ERK shared above. Also individuals who I have talked to who are victims of abductions beginning in childhood. It may interest people to know that no one ever mentioned the "Velon" anywhere until Chris brought up the name. As soon as I mentioned that name (Veelon) to someone who had certain of their memories erased, they immediately remembered an E.T. female who they referred to as a Djinn, correcting her most emphatically (as if insulted) that she was a Velon.

She went on to request that my friend help her to open a vortex into Earth for her race. My friend intuitively said "NO". Latter she experienced them trying to "vacuum" her soul out of her body. My friend had never heard of Chris Thomas before talking to me, or the Velon up until that experience.

This is of course second hand information from your perspective but it's really all we can do is trust and share what we know to be true intuitively. Remember that intuition is past life experience of certain energies we recognize at a subconscious level. We all have it, it comes through our higher self.

For his efforts in spurning a psychic surveillance, Chris was psychically attacked on many occasions in an attempt to kill him. The attack by the NSA is evident in his health problems during his Bases 8 interview. There have been many since then which I have not described for lack of time.

When the NSA reacted the way they did to his investigations, he became very curious and under extreme psychic surveillance, he wrote his last 3 books. Needless to say, they were very difficult to write and at the same time maintain a protective bubble around himself and his home. In addition the NSA will not allow any publishers to handle his books in the U.S. They even went so far as to place an energetic Djed Pillar in his garden, which he was psychically able to remove.

You have to trust your intuition when listening to C.T. So some will reject his information as interfering with their established belief systems and other s will just know they are hearing truth. Many will be half way but refuse to take the time to investigate further.

This is not the story of a man who is remotely influenced by the Velon in his writing. I, for one, can verify that once you become aware of Velon channelling there is no way they can ever fool you again. There is something recognizable in the feel of their energy even when they try to emote light and love. It's an emphatic energy is the best I can describe it - inflexible, unlike your higher self which promotes fluidity throughout your body. Chris works through his higher self and that is something we all need to become familiar with in our everyday lives. You feel it through your body in every cell. Sometimes it takes several days to express it in words. Sometimes it remains a feeling which cannot be expressed.

Penney Peirce is expressing the same intuitive information about soul integration and Inelia is also very close to what Chris is saying, apart from the history.

Hmmm... I'm starting to wonder if the Velons could be the Fallen Angels that are talked about in the bible. It would help tie a lot of things together.

THAT is precisely what the purpose of the Annunaki fantasy story as translated by Zachariah Sitchin was designed to do. Their plan was to convince humans that the Old Testament history was about the Annunaki (Velon) whereas the true history is recorded in the Gobekli Tepe stones(not far from the true Eden of the bible) but buried in archaeological red tape to prevent it from coming out. Some deluded researchers have even gone so far as to suggest the Annunaki built Gobekli Tepe. They fell for the fantasy story hook line and sinker.

I will let Chris Thomas explain this with the flowing excerpts from 2 of his interviews. One just posted and one about to be posted.

But this goes back to what a lot of people would recognize as the Anunnaki . This is what Zachariah Sitchin’s work is all based on. Now the Anunnaki claim to be the Gods of man, the creators of mankind, and what they created was a race called Adamu, which was short dark people to work as a slave race for the Anunnaki, but the Anunnaki were tall and blond – So they claimed – It’s a load of rubbish but it’s what they claimed.

The Velon are a collective name just as we are under the collective name of ‘humans’. We traditionally divide ourselves into nationalities or religions. It’s the same with the Velon, they are divided into 6 different races: Annunaki, Hathor, Jjundaa, Mila, Oa, and Johann. Those are the names the Velon have given to themselves.

The Annunaki decided to study human history and they travelled back in time 5,000 years to ancient Sumeria. The reason they chose ancient Sumeria was that 5,000 years ago was the first time written records started to be made and hence you have cuneiform writing recorded on clay tablets, which is what Sitchin has been interpreting. The Annunaki created a hybrid story. They took what they had found out about human history up to that point and they blended it with their own solar system and created this fantasy story to make it look like the Annunaki were human creators.

I think I should explain how this background story originated because it is kind of important and an awful lot of people believe this story from Sitchin’s translations. They actually believe the Annunaki were man’s creators and it is a complete fantasy. Ancient Sumeria was divided into 3. Sumeria is modern day Iran, Iraq, parts of Turkey, and parts of Egypt.

The people who lived in Northern Sumeria called the region where they lived between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers ‘Eden’. Now there is an archaeological dig going on for several years in southern Turkey which is just over the border from Iraq, called Kobekli Tepe and this is where they found the records of the people who lived in Eden.

Kobekli Tepe is about 3 kilometre from Ur of the Chaldeas, which is where Abraham was born.

Abraham is seen as being the father of the 3 main religions, Judaism, Islamism and Christianity, and he was there at the time these events took place. What happened was that region was invaded by what they called tall, white northerners or Tall, White Nordics which is a part of the Annunaki fantasy and many UFO watchers. The people who were living in Eden, Northern Sumeria, looked like the Iraqis do, short, dark people with very dark hair. These invading Northerners were very tall, very pale, and very blonde. It looks as though they were probably a relic of an ancient species which were nothing to do with the human race, called Gigantopithicus.

So they were very tall, very aggressive and what they did was to take over that entire region. Right out of the recorded history of these people you will find traditions of angels and they are known as The People of the Jars, and their traditions were that to prove your faith to these new gods, as the Tall, white Northerners described themselves, or wanted to be seen as by the people who lived in Northern Sumeria, that you had to kill your first born child. This of course is the Biblical story of Abraham being told by god to kill his first born son in the wilderness and then being told no you’ve proved your faith you don’t have to. That is the origin of that story.

Now the people who lived in Eden got really fed up with these Northerners pretending to be gods, particularly as they took the local women and mated with them to produce hybrid children. So you think of that in relation to the Annunaki story.

Alan: Are you talking about when they mated with the women in Genesis and produced the “Nephilim”?

Chris: Yes the gods coming down to Earth and mating with the women to produce the Nephilim. The gods multiply. This is the origin of that story in the place they called Eden and it is recorded in the stones and artefacts of Kobekli Tepe.

The people living in this region attacked the Northerners en masse and the massacred their gods. So these Northerners were totally wiped out. So they felt ashamed of what they had done and what they did was to move south. More or less at the same time, the people who lived in Southern Sumeria had problems with their irrigation systems. They were taking waters from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the whole area became silted up so they needed new land, so they headed north and where these 2 peoples met was in the ancient empire of Assyria which was centred around the city of Babylon.

So in the city of Babylon you have 3 peoples meeting: You have the Northern Sumerians coming south because they just massacred their gods, you have the Southern Sumerians coming north because they were starving, and what happened was all of the 3 peoples who now lived around Babylon mingled together and shared the information each of the groups had.

What you find is an interesting correlation because the ancient Syrians – the middle Sumerians if you like – had one god called Enlil who was god of the air and you had one god called Enki, who was god of the water. The Sirian name for the planet Jupiter in our solar system was Nibiru.

Alan: Wow, that’s interesting!

Chris: So you have those 3 traditions meeting in the same area around about Babylon and around about the same time that the Annunaki travelled back in time to meet these people. So they got their stories and they mingled the history of the Velon solar system up with the history up to that date of the humans living in ancient Sumeria.

This can all be checked by the way, archaeologically. There are records everywhere of this stuff, not of the Annunaki travelling back in time but of the Northern Sumerians moving south and the southern Sumerians moving north into Babylon.

Alan: Could you talk about what you feel is happening now and suggestions on what we can do?

Chris: O.K. I just wanted to set the record straight as to the difference between the assembled Annunaki story and what really actually happened on Earth in Sumeria. [They used our names Enki, Enlil, Nibiru and changed their meaning so that it had a familiar ring in our DNA resonance memories to trick us into accepting the fantasy story they made up.]

So what we have as that fantasy story is brought forwards, and Sitchin insists it is the basis for the Old Testament, so a lot of mistaken beliefs have stemmed from that. You also have this group who call themselves the Illuminati 1:15 When the illuminati were formed in 1776, by Amschel Rothschild and a lot of things happened at that time where the Annunaki moved to take control of that organisation as soon as it was formed. So what you have amongst the Illuminati is beliefs in the Annunaki fantasy story, the Free Masons believe in the Annunaki story, and so all of those who consider themselves to be elite within society believe in the Annunaki fantasy story. So they are doing everything that they can to create this New World Order based on this Annunaki fantasy.

So what has been going on on the planet is on one side you have the Illuminati pushing toward a new world order – one world bank, one world government, one world police, one world currency and on the other hand you have ordinary people, the likes of you and me undergoing, what the Akashic calls “The Human Plan” of finding away of bringing the whole of the soul into the human physical body.

25th October 2015, 17:58
Very well said, Herbert. The velon are still making things very difficult for us now. We will however prevail. It matters not who is saying this, or that. We are the ones. Thank you.

25th October 2015, 21:33
Page 13! An interesting number.

I'm not a fan of symbology or mathematics or numbers for their own sake except as a left-brain tool. However Chris Thomas indicates 13 is the number of the Creator of this and 11 other universes according to the Akashic, with a 13th planned - asking a 13th question no doubt. It is a power number often overlooked by most people because of the illuminati induced fear. It is included in the Fibonacci sequence and therefore reinforced and embedded in nature's energetic vortex which connects dimensional energies. The pine cone is just one example.


There are 2 remaining Chris Thomas interviews to be posted here. Both have been removed from You Tube so the transcripts are all we have. This is precisely why these transcripts were made, that and for discussion purposes.

October 14, 2011 A 53 minute interview One Radio Network with Chris Thomas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZzkdnSYDZ4

No longer Available in Radio Format Online

The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone from one radio network in Texas


Patrick: So you are in south West Wales Chris. How is it there?

Chris Thomas: It’s a very quiet place surrounded by open fields but today the weather is turning a bit maudlin leading into winter I think.

Patrick: I’ve always heard that is a favourable place to live for an author – with the taxes and such.

Chris: Well as an author I don’t make enough to pay taxes so I wouldn’t know. I don’t know, the tax system is entirely different I suspect between here and America so I’m afraid I can’t comment on that one.

Patrick: You said that you’ve been psychic all of your life. Can you tell us about the kind of experiences you had to get you to this point?

Chris: Really it was just a knowing about things. I began to wake up on a psychic level I suppose about age 7 and began to see things like auras and that kind of thing. I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time because I got a lot of discouragement from my mother and I didn’t really follow up on psychic things to late teens or early 20’s.

Patrick: So you actually saw auras – is it more than colours? Could you discern what people were thinking and feeling by their aura?

Chris: Not so much thinking but certainly yes emotions are expressed so they come out sort of like coloured misty swirls I suppose.

Patrick: Could you see like if someone was evil, bad guys, or wanted to hurt you? Could you tell that in a person’s aura?

Chris: Yes that is possible but if you are faced by someone who wants to attack you then the last thing on your mind is tuning into what their aura colour is.

Patrick: We’ve had people suggest that animals see auras, but I suspect it’s more about smell.

Chris: Actually animals are very, very psychic. They pick up a great many things about the people they live with. Most of the time they pick up if something is wrong with there – um I was going to say owners but it’s not a very good word really because you never really ‘own’ an animal, you share your life with them.

Patrick: Did you have ideas and instincts about what your life was about when you were a kid? What you were going to be doing?

Chris: Um no clear directions really. Like a lot of people I think I made a number of false starts. I eventually ended up working as an architect for a number of years whilst sort of part time re-developing my psychic abilities and then developing as a healer.

Patrick: So 10 books, where does all this information come from, you don’t do research on the internet and just copy stuff down. This must all come from the inner planes, the other realities.

Chris: Yes primarily the Akashic. The Akashic is actually an ancient Sirian [Sanskrit] word meaning Record. Literally it is a record of everything that occurs within the Universe. We then have localized records as well so around Earth for example there is a Human mass consciousness and an aspect of that, it also records activities. So the Akashic works on many, many levels.

Patrick: So everything that’s ever happened since the beginning of time – if there was a beginning and that’s questionable – maybe it (time) always was.

Chris: There was a beginning. It was about 14.5 Billion years ago when our Universe came into being, was created. So there is a start point.

Patrick: Is that what is known as the Big Bang?

Chris: Well even scientists at the moment are distancing themselves from the concept of the Big Bang. I prefer to think of it more along the lines of Spirit or Divine Breath. If you like the creator itself put aspects of itself within an energy bubble, and that’s the Universe in which we live.

At that point of creation we have many billions of souls that exist and some of them decided to come to Earth and find out what it’s like to be Human.

Patrick: Some teachers of mine have suggested that as absurd a place as this is, it’s still a great opportunity for Spiritual growth because it is so absurd.

Chris: (Laughs) Yes that’s a good word for it “absurd” that describes [current] human life very well.

Our solar system is unique, the only place in the Universe where physical life can be experienced in the way that we would term physical life is our Solar System. The equivalent of Humans exists no where else in the Universe. There are 2 levels of being if you like. So you have beings that are free soul energy, they have no physical density whatsoever. And then there are another set of beings who are what the akashic describes as semi-physical in that they have physical form and physical density but to each other they would appear as physical as we do to each other but if we had someone from one of these races in front of us, chances are you would not see them. You might not even know that they were there.

The semi-physical races are the ones that fly UFO’s and that sort of thing.

Patrick: So let’s see in our solar system, spirit or essence of soul can take on both a physical as well as semi-physical characteristics.

Chris: No, primarily fully physical because this is the only solar system in the Universe where physical life is possible. All our planets, yes. In fact originally many, many Millions of years ago all of the planets in this solar system did have physical life on them.

Patrick: So our solar system from a karmic perspective is perhaps a special place in the Universe?

Chris: Yes special is a good word and it is absolutely unique. No other place in the whole of creation can match the varieties of life we have as well because the other thing about physical life is that there are more forms of life on Earth than the rest of the Universe put together.

Patrick: Really!!

Chris: Yes it was an accident if you like of the physical forms that comprise physical life. Abundance, all of life just flowered into the amazing life forms we see on this planet.

Patrick: So perhaps that is why some teachers have suggested that it’s a blessing to be here because of the complexity of this place.

Chris: Um it’s a choice. The energies that our Universe is built around is freedom of choice. Literally what that means is that every soul within our Universe has the freedom of choice to choose their actions. The only limiting factor is that you cannot choose to act in such a way that you remove someone else’s freedom of choice to act.

Patrick: Oh I like that. Isn’t that what the essence of the old ‘common law’ is based in?

Chris: Yes exactly. If we go back to let’s say pre-Roman history to the Celtic times, then that’s how people lived. The law that they lived under was just that – there was always free choice.

Patrick: Kind of the idea of do as thy wilt but do no harm.

Chris: Basically Yes. That’s how we should be.

Patrick: So all we really need is these 2 laws. We don’t need these 10,000 laws.

Chris: No we don’t. The problem is that when those first souls who decided to come to Earth first came here , we had the whole soul within the physical body. We’re used to having a division within the soul – the so-called higher self and then the physical aspect that is within the physical body – um what I would call the physical part of the soul. When we first came here on Atlantis the whole of the soul was within the body and so we were capable of a great many things and we knew who we were, where we were from and what we were doing.

Patrick: So we were more evolved spiritually, More aware.

Chris: Um certainly more aware. If you think about our senses, I’d like to describe them as being single notes in comparison with the whole symphony which is what true awareness really is.

Patrick: So people when they think of themselves as being fully aware, they are acting more out of the mind and emotions so we’re just kind of dazed and confused.

Chris: Well there’s a little bit more to it than that. At the time of Atlantis we had the whole soul within the body. Essentially we had problems and the problem was maintaining the whole of the soul within the body. We ended up destroying the whole of the continent of Atlantis for various reasons and we moved away for a while and then we came back to the planet about 25,000 years ago. And we still had the same problems that we had on Atlantis – that is maintaining the whole soul within the body.

We knew what the problem was but we didn’t know how to resolve it. This is why we built the pyramids in Egypt and South America and various other places around the planet. The energy generated in the main chambers in the pyramid meant that we could re-merge the whole soul back into the body.

Patrick: So the idea of the pyramids was to try to get us whole again. And how did the pyramids do that?

Chris: Yes. Well if you think about the way in which the pyramids are constructed. If you look at the principal pyramid in Egypt at Giza, it generates its own energy field inside the pyramid and so by entering the do-called Kings Chamber, and speaking certain words and notes, it set up the resonance within the chamber and what that resonance did was to help to remerge the whole of the soul back into the body. The acoustics caused by the proper sound that we could make generated an energy field by so-called toning, shall we say .

Patrick: Is it just the shape of the pyramid or do these structures have to be constructed out of something particular?

Chris: The material they are constructed form does help because most of the main stone they used is granite, and granite contains quartz which is crystalline which also generates and stores its own energy, or whatever energy you put into it, so that does help.

Also the pyramids originally had very large quartz crystals attached to the outside as a sort of energy antenna. So if you can imagine a clear quartz crystal that is 6 foot tall and over 2 foot diameter, you had 5 of those on the outside of the main pyramid which attracted energy from everything around it. So it enhanced whatever energy was required within the King’s Chamber.

Patrick: But isn’t there energy everywhere anyway – what we might call Prana or Chi or god Force?

Chris: Sure. But with crystals you can tune it. Crystals can be tuned to whatever frequency is required.

Patrick: Oh hence the radio crystal of the early 1900’s.

Chris: Yea sure. Crystals are also used to store information for example so an ancient way of storing information would be within the crystal itself. Think of the Crystal Skulls for example. Those contain the records of who and what we were ever since we came to the planet. It’s just a question of being able to generate enough energy to get into the skull to access the records that are in there.

Patrick: But spiritually if we can figure out how to do it, we can access these Akashic Records ourselves.

Chris: Sure but let me just finish a little bit of what we started talking about. So remember I said that on Atlantis we weren’t able to hold the whole of the soul within the body. Now the reason for that was, you mentioned the sort of etheric energies, the Prana or whatever you want to call it. Now on Earth they always resonated at 7.56 cycles per second. If you’re into Nicola Tesla’s work for example, the etherics he was using to create his energy free or fuel free energy supply was the 7.56 etheric (Shuman Resonance) frequency.

What we found was that to maintain the whole soul within the body, that 7.56 cycles per sec. was too low a frequency. So what we did was 7,000 years ago we divided the soul into 2 and so we consciously altered the physical body a little bit, and we altered the way in which the soul interacts with the body, and we created the higher self and the physical self division.

What we did 7,000 years ago was to embark on an exercise to try and find out what frequency that 7.56 should be raised to in order to allow us to keep the whole of the soul within the body and that’s what we’ve been doing for the past 7,000 years on Earth is living a series of lifetimes, experiencing everything that there is to experience by living on Earth within this physical environment to find out what frequency range we needed to raise that Base Note frequency of the planet to, so that we could actually maintain the whole of the soul within the body.

We worked that out roughly in the early 90’s and in 1996 a new energy was connected to the planet which allowed a lot of change to start happening.

What the planet did was to change her own frequencies from the 7.56 cycles per sec. to 3500 cycles per sec. It was a massive increase in energy. What humans are doing now is catching up into that new energy range so last November 2010 we began a massive acceleration of energies within people working with the Earth so we began to raise our energies from what we were then so at the end of October 2011 we will ALL be resonating at 3500 cycles per second at out Base Chakra at the very, very base of the spine. It spirals down from the coccyx. It literally connects us to the Earth.

So forget about gravity, what connects us as a soul being to the Earth is the root chakra. That’s why it’s called the ROOT. (25:34)

So that’s why what we need to be doing is to raise our energies up to the 3.5 KHz level so that we match the Earth’s rise in frequency. What that will do is allow us to bring the whole of the soul back into the body. This is what we are doing and this is what the 2012 date is all about.
2012 is the end of this 7000 year period that the Akashic calls the human plan. Pure and simply what we wanted to do is find out what this frequency needed to be so that we could merge the higher self back into the physical body.

For the first time in 7000 years we could have the whole of the soul within the physical body. This is what we’re doing at the moment.

Patrick: And then once we get to that point maybe we can figure out why we are here and maybe we don’t have to come back again?

Chris: Laughs. Well then we’re back to choice.

Patrick: Well we’re just back to free will but we’ve kind of eaten up our Karma maybe.

Chris: Well Karma is another word I have difficulty with because ultimately Karma is another Sanskrit word and all it originally meant was Knowledge. So this is what we have been doing under this Human Plan for the past 7,000 years is gaining Knowledge so we’re gaining Karma. In order to work out how to be ourselves again; how to bring the whole of the soul back into the body.

Patrick: Just how to be ourselves.

Chris: Exactly.

Patrick: I’m curious, so do you feel that all souls all over this planet are slowly raising themselves up to this 3500 cycles per sec. even the people who are out there goofing off or drugging themselves or whatever; Do you feel they are still doing it on a spiritual level but are just not conscious of it yet?

Chris: Em, this is why I’ve written 11 books to try and explain all of this and why people are doing exactly what they’re doing. But basically again it is choice. In 1996 we had this new energy connected to the planet, and what that did was send out a pulse that said to everybody’s higher self: “Are you ready to undergo this process of change or not?” And unfortunately 60% of the human population said they were not.

I mean nobody’s standing in judgement; it’s just that on a personal level people said well not quite. Since then what has happened is the death rate is the highest it has ever been in human history. So in other words; I know that the official figures say that sometime this month (Oct. 2011) we will have passed the 7 Billion mark as a population on Earth; it’s a load of lies.

Because in 1996, the peak population was 7.4 Billion. Since then it has been dropping radically. Actually ,according to the Akashic, the actual Human population as it stands now is about 3.8 Billion.

Patrick: Aha! So what do you think is going on? If soul does what it truly wants to do then they leave the body because there’s a disconnect?

Chris: Well actually, in dying these people are exercising the choice they made in 1996. They said: “Well I can’t get on with what’s going on here on Earth so I’m going to leave.

And return back to my soul origin wherever that soul origin happens to be within the Universe.” This is what people are doing, they’re casting off the shell of the body and leaving, so the death rate is the highest it’s ever been in human history proportionately. And the birth rate is the lowest it’s ever been in human history proportionately.

If you go back to 2008, for some strange reason, most of the political leaders of most countries made statements about what was going on with population figures and Germany, for example, said their drop in population was catastrophic and the same with Spain.

Patrick: Yes, I’ve heard. We have heard from many different people. I suspect it’s accurate, that the sperm motility and count has never been so low.

Chris: That is correct but that is not the real reason behind the lower sperm counts. There are various reasons for that. It’s just that choices have been made on a soul level and people are exercising those choices and removing themselves from the planet.

Patrick: So they could go in various ways, suicide, eat a poor diet, take drugs, don’t take care of themselves, whatever, and they just figure out a way to get out. Which of your books would you recommend people start with?

Chris: Synthesis is my latest book to get an overall view of things. It doesn’t go into a lot of detail but gives an overview of human and universal history. It gets into things that are going on at the moment like finances as an interference trying to disrupt what’s going on with this consciousness change.

It is the biggest thing that has ever happened in the Universe. It is massive. Nothing has ever happened like this before. The Universe is holding its breath waiting for us to complete this process.

Patrick: Waiting for souls to get it together?

Chris: Yep. Humans to get it together.

Patrick: So are all the souls that exist in this solar system today going to get to this higher frequency of vibration whether they like it or not?

Chris: Well everybody on the planet is affected by it in one way or another. If you think back a few years to what was happening politically, most of it was hidden. You know we the normal people didn’t really know what the politicians were up to.

Whereas now that the frequencies are changing it’s putting pressure on these systems and structures. It’s showing up the kind of all the problems politicians have generated and kept quiet so this is sort of breaking everything apart.

It’s showing what has been and is going on underneath and what has been hidden. It’s all now coming to the surface because of these energy changes.

Patrick: Can you explain how the energy changes helps to bring more awareness to the things that were hidden like financial; how does that work?

Chris: The more of the higher self you connect with or the more you bring into the body, the more you know the truth of something. It comes in instantly that you know it is truthful or it isn’t. So as people slowly wake up to the reality of what is going on on the planet, then we’re beginning to realize what the truth is. The things that have been hidden can no longer hide.

Patrick: So as an example the news reports that some Iranian shot someone in Mexico, the world just knows that that report is just not true. The people just know it’s a lie. So the Elite have to keep doing more and more ways to get their way because we’re not buying into as many things as we used to.

Chris: Yes. That’s right. I understand that Berzinski who is the head of the trilateral commission is on record saying fairly recently that the reason the New World Order is not as advanced as they would like it to be is because of people’s consciousness change. They are actually blocking it from occurring.


Patrick: A lot of people around the world believe that the elite have a motive to lower the population and then they argue that it’s fluoride, genetically modified food, vaccines, modern medicine, etc. Do you think that is the case?

Chris: Very much so. This is what genetics are all about. Before the WWII it used to be called Eugenics. They just changed the name to Genetics, and there is an agenda at work here to create the so-called Arian master race that Hitler was on about, the tall, blond, white skinned people.

But this goes back to what a lot of people would recognize as the Anunnaki . This is what Zachariah Sitchin’s work is all based on. Now the Anunnaki claim to be the Gods of man, the creators of mankind, and what they created was a race called Adamu, which was short dark people to work as a slave race for the Anunnaki, but the Anunnaki were tall and blond – So they claimed – It’s a load of rubbish but it’s what they claimed.

And therefore to create life which is in god’s image, is what genetics and eugenics are all about and genetically modified food and everything else are just steps toward the ultimate aim of creating a new human being from scratch.

Patrick: So these money-powered elite think they are hooked up to this idea of they are better than the rest so they have to get rid of the people who just don’t get it.

Chris: Yes, basically this is the elite illuminati. This is what they firmly believe and this ties in with Masonic beliefs as well, because if you go to the 33rd level of Free Masons, they operate under a totally different set of rights to those below that level and all of this Anunnaki material is essentially built into that.

Patrick: How does this thing called[B] [B]illness come about on a deep level like a thyroid problem or everybody seems to have something going on. Can you explain to us how we got sick?

Chris: It’s very simple. Essentially it’s trapped emotion, unexpressed emotions. If you think back to phrases we are all familiar with: “I got so angry I could feel my gall rising”, expressions like that, well if we don’t express anger it gets stored away in the gall bladder and eventually it leads to gall stones. Unexpressed anger causes gall stones. Or expressions like “get it off your chest” , You need to express what you’re thinking and feeling about the situation, so if we don’t express it in that way then that affects the lungs and it affects the thyroid because the thyroid is connected in with the 5th throat chakra. Not communicating what you really want to communicate is what causes illness.

That’s what underlies all illnesses.

This is part of what we’re going through at the moment as part of this change of consciousness, is that the soul wants us to be totally honest with ourselves and everybody we deal with. If we’re not honest we feel the symptom of illness very rapidly. As we make all these energy changes and become more aware of who and what we are, we can’t hide our emotions any longer. You know 100 years ago we could not express ourselves and we’d come down eventually with some kind of illness and usually die from it. But it would take a number of years for that to happen but as we progress through this change of consciousness everything is speeding up so if we try to hide our emotions away from ourselves or those we should be expressing them to, then we begin to feel it much more rapidly.

This is why people are feeling symptoms of illness much more quickly than they ever would have done in the past.

Patrick: So that is why we have this occupy movement and the rest of it around the world because people just feel this need to speak out.

Chris: That’s a large part of it although my suspicion is that the wall street stuff is actually engineered by the elite.

Patrick: For what motive?

Chris: Well the dollar and the Euro are in meltdown and what has been printed for several years now is a new currency called an Amuro which links the dollar and the euro together. It’s the state of a one world currency that they’re trying to bring about.

Patrick: So how would getting people out in the streets facilitate that?

Chris: The main tool used by the elite to engineer people and situations is fear. You have people on the streets now saying the economy is going down the tubes.

We need to change it and do something to make it fairer and the first thing that’s going to happen is we’ll end up with this Amuro currency which will become effectively global. But behind this is a plan to turn the world’s currency into one that’s based on carbon usage and energy usage. This is why we have all this rubbish about global warming being caused by man’s activities. That is a total fabrication. It was deliberately made up to increase taxes. Yes the sun is pumping out 1000’s of times more energy than it was in the 1960’s but that is to work with us and aid in the consciousness change that we’re undergoing. As a consequence of that the planet is warming up a little. But it’s only minor warming and man’s activities have nothing to do with changing climate.

Patrick: How do you think this solar activity is tied in with the 20/12 consciousness change paradigm that’s going on?

Chris: Well everything is tied in together. We’re in a massive energy source right now in alignment with the centre of the galaxy which only happens every 26,000 plus years, which means we have a massive flood of energy coming into the solar system and in response the sun is producing considerably more energy than ever before. Every single planet in the solar system has started waking up. If you think of a planet as a consciousness, every single one of them is responding to the change that is going on and what is happening on Earth is timed to coincide with the galactic energies.

So everything is coming together at the same time with the same purpose to wake humanity up to allow us to integrate the whole of the soul back into the body. We’re not going anywhere, we’re not leaving the planet and ascending to some supposed 5th Dimension and all the rest of it. What would be the pint of being on Earth to complete our consciousness to being the soul back into the body if we had to go somewhere else to complete it. We’re on Earth to be here to do it.

Patrick: But I think there are some very reputable sources who say we have only just begun this phase they call the kaliyuga so how could we have this great awakening at just the beginning?

Chris: Well what we need is to bring the consciousness back into the body. That is the first and primary step we need to make. Once we have achieved that then the possibilities that we can bring about on Earth are infinite. Certainly we can clean up the mess we’ve made, get rid of pollution and return the Earth to its pristine state. That would be the first thing we’d do.

And since people will be fully aware of who and what they are, what their origins are, where they’ve come from and so forth, and what their purpose is on earth and that changes everything.

Patrick: What can people do to clear these disease causing emotions?

Chris: There is a very simple process based on a native American tradition called the give-away. If you can identify a person in your life who has caused you a lot of problems where you should have screamed and shouted at them and you didn’t do anything about it, like most of us do. What you do is you write them out a letter with a pencil on an old newspaper . You write what you would have exactly wanted to say to them. The important thing is you don’t read it back. Because if you read it back you are just taking the emotions back in.

So what you need to do is get the emotions out and so you are giving the emotions to the paper. This is not a one off situation. Let’s face it we’ve all built up a lifetime of emotional debris through our systems. You will need to do this many times, so if you write the giveaway and then you think back on the event and still feel emotions attached to it, then you will need to do more giveaways over that situation. Once you can think back to it and just see it as an event without emotion attached to it, then you’ve cleared it.

Patrick: And should we be asking for or giving forgiveness while we write this?

Chris: Just writing it basically. And then rip it up into small pieces and burn it if possible. You are releasing the emotion you are holding and you’re releasing your version of the events. If you confront somebody with the situation more often than not they won’t even remember it. It is you who are holding the remembrance and having the affect of whatever it was on YOU. You just need to get that emotion out of the body. It’s very simple and most people resist doing it because it sounds stupid but until you try it you don’t realize how powerful a tool it is. It is very effective and I’ve had people remove cancers from their body by using this method.

Once you start writing you will be amazed at how much of this emotional rubbish you are carrying around with you.
I haven’t really used it much because I tend to be very honest with people. So I tend to express what I think and feel within a situation anyway. It tends to get me in trouble sometimes but it prevents me from storing old emotions. The best is to be able to look someone in the eye and be totally honest with them in the most loving way that you can. That’s the best way possible.

But of course for most people you’re going to end up getting fired or excommunicated from the family so in the meantime, using this writing method clears all the emotions out of you and removes symptoms of any illness.

Chakras are no longer the traditional rainbow colours. Colour is a function of frequency and since 1996 with the rising frequencies we have changed the colours of the chakras.

Most people now have transparent chakras with no colour to the background at all, but there are ribbons or flecks of colour within the chakra. A lot of people have no colours at all, in other words they’re just pure soul energy and once you get to a certain point in this process of change the chakras disappear altogether. All you have is a column of single energy up and down the spine with sort of lower frequency at the base of the spine and higher frequency at the crown. There are no energy markers which is what the chakras really are along the spine. They just all disappear.

25th October 2015, 23:16
Yes, the jury is still out.

Yet, Keshe has already been indicted in "handing out false information". This has not been proven. As, the judgment call - "ravings of a madman" has been handed down by Herbert before the trial has even been docketed.

One needs to question the veracity of the one making such an allegation.
The Velon are well on their way out, imo. But, obviously, the thread needs to concoct ways of continuously being "bumped".

It was clearly outlined (http://jandeane81.com/threads/7336-An-ongoing-Chris-Thomas-thread-for-those-who-resonate-with-his-alternative-view-of-reality-and-history?p=841939247&viewfull=1#post841939247) WHY he's not under Velon influence.
But in seeing that a particular intelligent scientist, perhaps on the level of a Tesla, is viewed as having been downloaded with Velon ideology is preposterous, to say the very least. Making claims as such could be instilling a kind of McCarthyism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism) flavor to this thread & the person who's created the thread.

He is not the only scientist with free energy invention.
But he is the only one that I have come to know that is intelligent enough to undermine those nations & the leaders of those nations who would not like their positions of power & their ability to accumulate wealth to dissolve into "thin air" - the banksters, of course, would be included in that bunch. He's intelligent enough to thwart an assassination attempt made by this motley mob. If you happened to miss what he was saying in that video clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl3l56QHW1o), his mode of operation includes managing to bring back power (and I don't mean only 'electrical' power) into the hands of the individuals.

No but being reprimanded by off planet beings, warning us of near future catastrophic events, technology to change our atmosphere, and technology to take us off planet is. All information I have read from his website. The jury is out on Keshe in my opinion.

He is not the only scientist with free energy invention.

27th October 2015, 15:04
I’m taking the high road on this one rather than allow you to descent my thread into negativity with your ad hominem attack. There never was a disagreement except the one you have fabricated by taking my words out of context. If you had read all my comments you would see that I absolutely credit plasma technology as the perfect route to “free” energy. To repeat myself, It is based on the energy of the atomic vortex, which is the building block of this conscious universe. And it is the clean way that the E.T. space ships are powered. The big mistake our electrical engineering schools made was picking apart the monatomic structure instead of working with it.

Clearly the Rockefellers would not be selling off 80% of their oil holdings if they did not know something was coming in the way of another source for energy. So yes I do see “free” energy coming.

You either did not read my words thoroughly, or you purposely took my words out of context. I had already stated that the plasma physics was good science that makes perfect sense. I also said that I did not have the answers as to whether Keshe was legitimate. I said that if his blue box has to be connected to the grid then it is not perfected yet. I have lots of questions but no answers. I was outlining some of the possibilities.

Keshe himself says his blue box will be hard to control and he further indicates that it is not perfected when he says it can be improved so that it works without the need for wires.

When I said he was a madman, I was referring to the warning he made. Any “scientist” who warns us that another sun is going to destroy Earth in the next 30 years can’t be taken seriously. He talks like a madman.

And if he is a legitimate “scientist”, why would he warn of an impending earthquake measuring 25 on the Richter scale? Any real scientist would no better. Even your friend Bill Ryan agrees with me on that one.

So where is he getting the science behind this blue box? Well it could be intuitive, and he could have a lot of help.

But his warnings I just described are straight out of the Velon fear tactics book.

Time will tell, but IF his technology is what allowed the Russians to shut down the electronics on the American war ship then more power to him, and IF his technology has cleaned up Fukishima, then ditto.

My question for you Turiya is why would a fully integrated soul require technology? And where does free energy provide an incentive for humanity to do their inner work towards becoming wholly human? I’m talking about the technocratic society

I have lots of questions but my main aim is to keep this thread in a positive vein.

So I’m posting in full the best news I’ve heard this year. That is Carl Boudreau’s analysis of the astrology for October. In it he states that Saturn, beginning this month, is finally exerting its influence of grounded common sense again to take out the elite insanity we have been living with since the early 80’s. This influence will last for the next 35 years or so.

Hopefully this means Putin can teach Trudeau and Trump to get behind the people for a change and implement what we all want – peace and a pristine Earth free to expand with a rising human consciousness. Fully integrated souls can clean the planet up without the need for technology. But for travelling in space, plasma technology offers the cleanest possibility.

That is the positive end this Chris Thomas thread is dedicated to.


Astrology Status for October 2015 - The Threshold - posted 09/18/15
September 18, 2015 at 7:22pm
Not Just Another Ingress

I think the best way to understand October 2015 is as a followup to Saturn’s re-entry into Sagittarius for the full transit. This ingress is one of those astrological events whose truly immense significance can easily be missed.

It’s true that October will be about coming to terms with the complexity and difficulty of the energies unleashed in September, among other things (http://on.fb.me/1FMYcNo). But the deeper astrological truth about October is that it will help us once again bring the gifts of Saturn to bear against injustice, inequality, exploitation and oppression. Saturn’s Sagittarius ingress will end a hazardous, decades long odyssey for Saturn and the world.

Saturn and the Major Planetary Cycles

Astrologers who study the long term, pay special attention to the cycles of the outer planets: Saturn/Pluto, Uranus/Pluto, Neptune/Pluto cycles, etc., etc. In this post, I will be primarily concerned with recent Saturn cycles.

Such cycles begin with a conjunction and end when the two bodies return to conjunction decades later. In the first half of these cycles, beginning just after the initial conjunction, the planets move toward opposition. During this phase, until the point of opposition, the faster moving, separating planet, remains subordinated to the the slower moving planet.

Beginning in 1980, all of the outer planets, including Saturn, gathered in a fairly tight grouping in signs closely identified with the 1% - power signs. Consequently, all of their Saturn cycles began at roughly the same time.

As a result, during those years, Saturn was subordinated to Uranus. Uranus was subordinated to Neptune. Neptune was in turn subordinated to Pluto. The combined power of all the outer planets was subordinated to the power of Pluto. The power of the outer planets was woven into a single intense current of social, economic and political power under the sway of Pluto, a planet associated with the use of power for its own sake.

Pluto would be supreme. Saturn would remain in a deeply subordinate, weakened position in relation to the other outer planets for the better part of the next 30 years. While Saturn was so subordinated, the world, freed from the discipline of careful thought and hard work, would get progressively more out of control.

Advantage the 1%

This alignment took place in the signs Libra thru Pisces - signs closely associated with society’s social, cultural, economic and political elites - the 1%. This new concentration of power was in addition to the considerable advantage the elite already had by virtue of their position in society.

Under the influence of this grand alignment, every conceivable effort was made to channel social, cultural economic and political power into the hands of the 1%.

A World Without Saturn

Saturn stands for sober and objective judgment. It tests our reasoning, our skills and our assets against reality. It imposes discipline and hard work. It engenders good conscience and strength of character.

Saturn is blind to privilege. Its reason is unfailingly rigorous. Its commitment to the truth is unimpeachable. Its sword cuts both ways.

With Saturn subordinated to Pluto, et. al., little if any defense remained against the accumulation and inevitable abuse of power by the overly empowered 1%.

With Saturn’s influence so seriously impaired, rules were bent and broken with relative impunity. Science and sound reasoning took a back seat to demagoguery. The truth gave way to outright lies. The public conscience was muted. Nothing was out of bounds if it increased the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the 1%.

The grand alignment has been breaking up slowly for some years, now, and it will continue to break up in slow stages over the coming decades.

One of the things we can look forward to in the near term, though, is the return of Saturn’s power. Saturn will dramatically re-empower those among us who fight for social, political and economic justice.

Saturn in Sagittarius, a Major Milestone

As explained above, during a Saturn cycle, Saturn will initially break free of the slower moving planet’s dominance at the halfway point, at the opposition. Saturn does not actually come into its own, however, until it squares the slower planet in the final quarter of the cycle, as it returns to conjunction.

Accordingly, Saturn reasserted some of its power when it squared Pluto from Libra in 2009-12. Saturn will assert significantly more of its power as it squares Neptune from Sagittarius.

In fact, Saturn in Sagittarius is forming a T-Square with Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. The intense, prolonged friction from this T-Square will affect all of the mutable signs - the signs that govern the creation, maintenance and dissemination of thought.

In so doing, the T-Square will burn off the grit of lies that has frozen the gears of reason. It will dispel the fogs that blind people to the truth and to their own best interests.

Saturn’s Sagittarius ingress will, in effect, empower those who speak truth to power. It will awaken reason and conscience from their long slumber.

For the first time in many decades, the 99% will have the tools to block further abuses by the 1% and roll back previous abuses. They will have the resources to find genuine, truthful answers to the countless questions enveloping us.

Imposing Truth on Power

One of the most insidious effects of the great alignment of the last thirty-some years was the creation of a worldview enshrining the ideas and false principles that supported the supremacy of the 1%. This great body of lies flourished and grew for decades in Saturn’s absence. A great density of lies shielded the 1% against the truth and the consequences of their actions.

On of the most important and empowering effects of Saturn’s ingress will be to destroy this false worldview, suppress the demagoguery it engenders and answer the lies that breed oppression and exploitation. The ingenious lies that used to set the ignorant marching will fall flat.

Truth will begin to matter again. It will become progressively easier to convince each other and ourselves to do the right thing for the right reason. Blessed once again with conscience and the power of individual thought, people will break free of the oppressive system we have created since the 1980s.

So think good thoughts about Saturn, and spare a generous thought for the Sagittarians who actually have to deal with Saturn in their Sun sign. ;)

29th October 2015, 15:10
I also said that I did not have the answers as to whether Keshe was legitimate. I said that if his blue box has to be connected to the grid then it is not perfected yet.
I have lots of questions but no answers. I was outlining some of the possibilities.

Well, let me see if I can assist you with your misunderstanding...
The world is run on electrical grids that is rather wasteful & inefficient in its use of copper wiring. All people & governments presently are attached to a grid to receive their electrical power. To make the transition into plasma as a power source for the population at large - i.e. to eventually replace the current system - Keshe has managed to initially merge his plasma system with the present grid system. It really is quite ingenious, imo.

You should really view a few of his workshop videos so you can understand the logistics directly from the man himself. But I will do my best to explain in brief…

After first connecting a magrav power system to a home system, it needs time (approximately 3 weeks or so) to slowly & thoroughly nano-coat the copper wiring system of the home system. After this nano-coating (which creates a superconductivity layering of the home system’s electrical wiring), energy output will slowly (overtime) increase. According to Keshe, after some point in time, beyond the initial nano-coating of the home system, the magrav power system can then be totally disconnected, as the home's nano-coated system will then be providing the power – without being connected to the electrical grid system.

Turiya, I’m taking the high road on this one... ...There never was a disagreement except the one you have fabricated by taking my words out of context.

When I said he was a madman, I was referring to the warning he made. Any “scientist” who warns us that another sun is going to destroy Earth in the next 30 years can’t be taken seriously. He talks like a madman.

And if he is a legitimate “scientist”, why would he warn of an impending earthquake measuring 25 on the Richter scale? Any real scientist would no better. Even your friend Bill Ryan agrees with me on that one.

Isaac Newton is ultimately considered a "legitimate scientist" by mainstream science who also had predicted the end of the world in 2060. Yet his gravitational theory has widespread acceptance regardless of his "madman" 2060 prediction.

Document Reveals Newton Predicted the World Ends in 2060
SOURCE (http://www.standard.co.uk/news/the-world-will-end-in-2060-according-to-newton-7254673.html)

And, speaking of fabrication... I have to sincerely confess that I am quite envious of you that you actually had a discussion with scientist Bill Ryan on this issue over this earthquake Richter Scale issue, and to find that he had actually agreed with you. But then, I really don’t understand why you stated that Bill Ryan is ‘my’ friend, which intrinsically implies that Bill is not your friend, yet you further state that he agrees with you on this Richter Scale issue. I really shouldn’t have to point it out, but will anyway, that simply repeating something that Bill’s science mind has posted on his PA forum regarding what Keshe has stated doesn’t exactly mean that he agrees with you. But will not provoke you to go any further into this particular matter. It only raises the age old question of 'what came first – chicken or egg'?

In addition to the above, I would think Bill Ryan would quietly & sincerely like me to disappear from the PA forum. It would not bother him in the least to see that this one particular bothersome gnat would disappear & stop pestering the rest of the herd with any further postings there.

If you haven’t noticed, we are living in unprecedented times of great change and potential calamity. The very foundations of our world are being shaken to their core and this will undoubtedly continue to increase in magnitude. These are times of great awakening and awareness.

My question for you Turiya is why would a fully integrated soul require technology? Clearly, it is understood that a fully integrated soul would not ‘require’ any technology. Certainly, a fully integrated soul would be considered a non physical entity, as in an ‘Angel’ - one of the non-physical race of beings.

I think you’re mistaking a fully integrated soul with a human being that contains a fully integrated soul. You are forgetting that a human being that contains a fully integrated soul is still a physical being living on this physical planet Earth... unless of course you are a "believer" that humanity will be elevated & moving off world into the 5th dimension.

Therefore, a fully integrated physical being would be capable of creating technology that any particular situation requires… to create a better situation - to create a better physical planet than the one that one has been physically born into. It would then be more of a matter of what existence would require of a human being with a fully integrated soul. I would say it would not be for him (as an ego) to decide, as in such a state one becomes more aware of what the need is of the human collective. What any particular fully awakened physical individual would do at any given moment in time would not be an easy thing to say or predict, as all individual physical beings would have their own freedom to choose - Freely to go their own way, free to take on responsibility of what is needed for the collective whole.

And where does free energy provide an incentive for humanity to do their inner work towards becoming wholly human?

Well, I’m surprised that this would need to be explained to you.
Man (and/or woman) only becomes interested in looking for higher spiritual aspects of himself (or herself) when the life s/he is living has reached a level of affluence. Only then will an individual have the time & focused intent to move his energies into higher states of consciousness – Creativity, art, music, technology. Only when a society or community of people that are living in affluence will the energy of the collective be more easily capable of moving upward onto higher levels of consciousness.

An individual that lives in an impoverished state of existence is much too occupied / pre-occupied with the concerns of his own survival to bother with being in search of a more elevated way of being. Continuously focused on how to survive day to day – the main focus is on putting food in one’s own mouth & in the mouths of his family members – one could care less about the inner workings & higher aspects of his own being, as s/he would not have the luxury of time to do much else. Only when the basic needs are taken care of, will one have the time to move the focus of his life inwardly & upwardly.

Not having to be a slave to paying a food bill, utility bills, mortgage payments, for the gas & oil, that goes into a vehicle so one can rush to work with all the other members of humanity, just so one can make the payments on the slave taxes imposed on a supposed ‘right’ to live & work & earn wages… which has somehow, at some point in time, been turned into a kind of ‘privilege’ given by the State… whereby ‘rights’ are not subject to being taxed, only ‘privileges’ are subject to taxation. The world has certainly been turned upside down – and is at present standing on its head! You can thank the banksters & worthless politicians in the manipulation of this to occur.

Keshe's attempt to free man up from governments & corporate & bankster control would only be but beneficial for human beings to create more affluence on this planet, allowing the average human being to have the time & the luxury to focus on higher aspects of living life.

I’m talking about the technocratic society
Not sure what you are saying with this last part, you’re suggesting that Keshe is a technocrat?
I don’t think so.
Wikipedia gives the definition of a technocrat: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy) “Technocrat has come to mean either "a member of a powerful technical elite" or "someone who advocates the supremacy of technical experts"

Keshe is teaching everyone he can to becoming their own plasma engineering expert, creating their own power units. This week he’s providing the blueprint for anyone & everyone to make their own system. Youtube videos are at this time ever more abundantly present on the internet.


Astrology Status for October 2015 - The Threshold - posted 09/18/15
September 18, 2015 at 7:22pm
Not Just Another Ingress

Yawn... :yawn: as ninety-nine percent of astrologers only bluff.

29th October 2015, 22:24
Thanks Turiya for sharing your opinions and explaining how the Keshe system is supposed to work.



First I would like to point out that in some ways Keshe is his own worst enemy. He knows his stuff when he stays in his field of Plasma physics. When he steps out of his field and talks about things he knows nothing about , like what planets or suns are heading toward Earth, or earthquakes where he seems to have no comprehension about the physics of Earthquakes, that is when he hurts his own reputation. He still talks about gravity and I’m not certain yet whether he has grasped that the energy of “mechanistic gravity” is in fact a misnomer for consciousness.

At 1:35 into the video Keshe begins talking about how the physical body works in terms of plasma physics.

His theory seems very sound to me based on my own limited knowledge. The problem he has is communicating the theory in plain English. Every time he comes close to saying something meaningful toward adding to my understanding he goes into a mumbled gibberish. This is extremely annoying to someone who wants to grasp the essence of what he is saying. In a University 101 class in plasma physics I would be one of the first students to get up a petition to have him removed and replaced with someone who could speak proper English. Even when he asks someone competent in English to share information, that person gets cut off in mid sentence and Keshe takes over lapsing into his confusing gibberish. It's infuriating at times for the student.

I think the problem is partly the microphone and partly that he runs his words together. So a competent English speaker could say in one quarter of the time , what it takes him more than 8 hours to say. Most of us do not have the time to spend listening to so much confused English and this is why so many intelligent people have expressed their annoyance and therefore mostly discounted his science.

That is a shame on several levels because the science is good and takes us to a greater understanding of how the body works. If the group human consciousness is not ready for this depth of knowledge about how our body’s work, even in terms of emotions, then his technology is doomed to failure. The point is sometimes made that we need a certain percentage of acceptance about anything in the world before it can happen which could be described as the 100th monkey scenario. It really comes down to our group vision for our future. As things stand now, it's going to take a major shift in group consciousness for plasma physics to take hold. But because it is about how our physical bodies work,(at least the 3% of DNA which keeps us healthy) eventually it will be accepted.

Here is part of what he is saying which makes sense to me:

In terms of healing the human body, his plasma technology offers perfect functional efficiency. Some people panic when they hear the words "perfect human" in this video. They fear he is talking about the Velon aim, as stated by Chris Thomas, of a perfect human template, that is perfect for them to control. Meaning they want to re-invent humanity. Their efforts failed using eugenics and it failed using the human genetics program (ie the human genome which got way laid by the relatively new science of epigenetics), as explained in C.T.’s DNA essay found in the index of this thread.

So they fear Keshe is working for the Velon or CIA or black ops military. Unlike in the case of the obvious attempts on C.T.’s life for everyone to see in his interview Bases 8, Keshe does not have any obvious proof they tried to kill him, as far as I have seen.

But the fears are groundless because when he says “perfect”, he means the technology offers perfect efficiency in terms of the body’s efficiency of operation and quantity of energy without changing the human quality of individuality. As he says every individual is unique in their electromagnetic energy signature or their DNA. The device only improves your ability to be who you already are, with more energy. As he says you feel it, the energy transfer is huge.

Anyway he goes on to describe how the body uses plasma physics in the blood and lymphatic system. And what interests me is how he describes the body as having vertical torque in the way it fires nerves as square waves rather than using round waves which can be thought of in terms of the Bell Curve. Square waves and vertical torque not only describe how an electric motor works but also how divine feminine knowledge is arrived at. It’s there immediately and when a neuron fires it immediately reaches its peak of energy and then is gone. There is no lead up as in an increasing process. It’s an event. This is how the divine feminine operates. It's based on experience and that is how plasma physics works.

In contrast a gasoline engine uses horizontal torque which is the masculine mind. It takes time as a process of deductive reasoning or gradual acceleration with the engine. So he clearly understands how the feminine views the world from a heart oriented, peaceful emoted holistic perspective and the masculine from a mind oriented and more individuated perspective. He goes on to talk about emotions in terms of RNA. In general he is talking about the 3 % DNA we all have which operates the physical processes of the body (as explained by Chris Thomas) and how emotions are generated.

Keep in mind that we all process both divine masculine and feminine energies but the feminine is more god oriented you might say. That’s when he gets into Mythra as the first prophet of holistic, feminine-derived knowledge.

So we interact with each other through our own unique magnetic fields or consciousness. Science will advance greatly when it understands this plasma technology. By the way, the sun, moon and planets also interact in this conscious way. As conscious individual souls, we attract.

This is a very incomplete summary. I have not had time to finish watching so he may get into DNA, I don’t know.

I am still operating a farm so I will add to this if and when I get the time.

I'm back to explain something very interesting. If you build your own plasma technology, it will offer you optimum efficiency. That is because it contains your own DNA imprint with all your hope and optimism as to what you need for your family and home and bodies and crops. But there is one caveat. If you build it while in fear ( the opposite of love) or uncertainty and worry then the efficiency will be minimal. I don't know it might even be bad for you.

This problem will be most common with those who are not comfortable working with their hands and are uncertain as to how to build it with no comprehension of whether they are doing it correctly. Wrapping the wire allows you to imprint your unique DNA onto the wire coil. If you have a discomfort level in making your own, you may be better to buy one even though it will be less efficient than those who make their own with competence, love and confidence in how it will improve their lives and the operation of their homes and/or bodies. Their DNA imprint will not be in a purchased device so it will not be geared to their own personal requirements. However it will stil be beneficial.

This information parallels the information given to readers of the Anastasia books (The Ringing Cedars). She describes something akin to plasma physics when she talks about how to plant seeds in your garden or even a tree with you own tender, loving care and unique energy signature. I don't have a quote but off hand she explains that you should hold the seed in your mouth before you plant it so that it knows what your body needs for perfect health. In that way the vegetable you raise with your own hand or foot print in the garden soil will tell the vegetable what type of energy it needs to generate in your food for optimal health. This is a loving connection between you and the plant. Anyone who loves gardening will understand what I am saying.

So Keshe and Anastasia are thinking on the same wavelength in terms of monatomic plasma physics and love energy.

By the way, Anastasia is a fully integrated human being. One of those 3-5 million fully integrated physical humans living in isolation but very much involved in the remote work of EMPOWERING THOSE WHO INSPIRE; INSPIRING THOSE WHO EMPOWER

2nd November 2015, 18:04
The last of 11 interviews Chris Thomas did between June 2009 and August 2013 was with Robert Stanley on the Fourteenth faction lizard energies which were introduced to Earth, via contaminated souls, 8,000 years ago in terms of time (speed of light) within our solar system (mixture of energetic dimensional vibrations).

Those energies were removed by Merlin in March of 2002 when the Black Holes were shut down and closed. In January of 2014 Stephen Hawking, who built his reputation on Black Holes and Event Horizons, came forward to say Black Holes do not exist.

Anyone who was using those lizard energies to remove other's free will, (The Vatican, Pappy Bush, the late Queen mother) lost those unnatural abilities(in terms of this free will universe) when the Black Holes, that were removing energy from our life-promoting, fully conscious universe to an adjacent universe, were closed. That lizard energy has been gone now for over 13 years so I see no reason to dredge up the past which we are well advised by Chris Thomas to let go of with our inner work and the Giveaway. So I won't be posting that interview here.

Instead I will post something more in keeping with the positively changing energies toward cleaning the planet up and freeing humanity to heal. With our group consciousness and individual abilities we have the power to create the future we want to see for Earth and all of life. As we slowly move through the process of becoming wholly human, we will find that to be a fully integrated human being is to be a healer.

So here is what Kelly La Sha has to say along those lines. The only thing I would add is that by intention, does not mean forcing it with will power. Rather it means allowing loves greatest desire to be made manifest on Earth. We are source and the cornerstone of source
is love.

Benevolent Energy is always the product of finding balance within ourselves. We should not fear our own power, but rather embrace it.

The Power of Our Intention Decides Our Destiny

There are many threats that are being thrown in our faces as if a global awakening and ascension are not in our own hands. Whether they are all conspiracy theories or not, the fear that has spread across the planet has been quite effective; yet as we have seen, instilling fear is the only thing they have accomplished. As more whistleblowers have been coming out, we have been gifted with a broader picture of the rulers that govern our planet. The most frequent question asked is...

“What can I do about it?”... The answer is so simple!

Our intention is far more powerful than we have realized. We have to ask ourselves if we actually consent to our demise, and the demise of the entire human race, or not. We can either stock pile food, water, gold and silver, and/or use our intentions together to create the outcome and for the benefit for all.

In my own personal work and professional work with others, I have witnessed miracles of manifestation through the practice of intention. It can be practiced on your own in ceremony or collectively with others and even in momentary thoughts throughout the day. My invitation is for us to join together on a regular basis to intend a peaceful existence and sovereignty for all on earth and the imprisoned souls.

Our intention will be to co-create a peaceful existence and sovereignty for all on Earth united in time- across space all over the globe. I believe that the result of such efforts will be not only effective, but quite measurable as we witness the changes with our own eyes.

A LIVE VIGIL, Nov. 8 2015

I will create a ceremonial space and guide us into a unified vision. One of the benefits of joining in a webinar is that we can see each other in person and then remind each other that we decided to do this together a long time ago. The days of isolation and solitude are over. Our cultures and governments have made every attempt to separate and de-tribe us for a reason, for we are very powerful in numbers as we stand in our unity.

End of Kelly La Sha


People sometimes ask how to recognize, in the moment, their higher self working in their lives. How to distinguish the higher self from just imagination or some outside source.

The following comes from a short essay that I heartily agree with, by Robert Shapiro. I think is an appropriate reminder because so many of us are now receiving, often daily, messages from our higher selves. Sometimes it's just a word repeating in our minds when we awaken in the morning. Sometimes it's an invigorating feeling in our body that travels around, it draws our attention and as we begin to ponder how to translate it into words, it excites us, and sometimes we even feel how it connects us to others and to the whole Universe.

Very often it is an inspiring idea that seems to be most appropriate to the time and energies coming in.


Inspiration is something that is gentle and not demanding. It comes quietly, often suddenly, unexpectedly. It lingers for just a second, maybe less, and then it’s gone. It is for you to decide whether or not to act on it.

You will always know that this is inspiration from divine sources, including the spark of divinity within you, because it will be an inspiration to do something that is good and kind* (also known as benevolent). Always and only that.

So know this, inspiration is something you all have on a daily basis no matter what your circumstances in life but the reason I say it’s not insistent, it’s not demanding, is because it’s not part of the mind.

The mind can be willful and demanding and urge you to do things that may not be benevolent or may lead to something that isn’t benevolent. So, it isn’t always that way but it can be.

The will is demanding but inspiration is soft, it is gentle. It is a direct line from Creator and we are all a portion of that. I just wanted to remind you of this today because when inspiration is present it is an opportunity.

If you can, write some notes. Say even some words out loud to yourself quietly so that you have repeated the inspiration. It may not be in the form of a thought, it might be a picture or something like that. Say a couple of words to yourself.

If you woke up with the inspiration then have something by which you can say a couple of words or write a couple of words and then go back to sleep if you need to.

Christopherof STM
8th November 2015, 21:38
This is the latest video from Simon Parkes. He knows Chris Thomas and the two differ on a few things but mostly agree. And in this video Simon mentions Chris....

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fLPsjXXum98" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

8th November 2015, 22:57
This is the latest video from Simon Parkes. He knows Chris Thomas and the two differ on a few things but mostly agree. And in this video Simon mentions Chris....

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fLPsjXXum98" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Christopherof STM, please be advised that vBulletin's BBcode and common HTML code are not the same thing. Your video was not embedded into your post, and it took me some tinkering to find the correct URL, but I take it that this here-below is the video you wanted to include...


The best and easiest way to embed a video here is to simply copy over the entire YouTube URL and then click on the filmstrip icon in the toolbar of the editor — see the image here-below. You will then get a pop-up in which you can paste the video URL, and then it'll be correctly embedded into your post. It works with YouTube, Vimeo and yet a few other video websites.


That all said, I would also like to point out that Simon Parkes is deliberately spreading misinformation, and if he confirms things which Chris Thomas or anyone else in the alternative community has said, then it is only so as to lend more credence to his own story. It is a known tactic used by frauds, and it has only recently been illustrated here on the forum on account of Simon Parkes backing up parts of Corey Goode's story on the one hand, and Shane Bales (alias The Ruiner) backing up parts of both Corey Goode's story and Simon Parkes' story on the other hand. Furthermore, Shane Bales was also friends with Simon Parkes, and he used to be friends with Corey Goode.

These people all study each other's material and then back each other up on certain items so as to serve their own agendas. Shane Bales is a member (and former moderator) of Project Avalon, and Corey Goode has been a member there as well. Simon Parkes still is a member there as we speak. Project Avalon also has several threads on Chris Thomas, so it stands to reason that they would all be familiar with Chris Thomas' material.

Furthermore, there is a lot more to Simon Parkes than the above, but considering that he has already threatened to sue The One Truth as a whole, and both myself and yet another member as individuals earlier this year over things which came to the surface about him on a members-only thread here — which means that there are people among our members who copy back stuff to Simon Parkes and/or to Project Avalon, where (to the best of my knowledge) Mr. Parkes still enjoys the support and protection of the management — I think it's wiser if I don't say anything more here, and especially not since this very thread here is publicly visible to non-members.

As the Romans used to say, caveat emptor. Beware what you buy into. ;)

Christopherof STM
9th November 2015, 08:26
Thanks for the video embed information ! That video by Simon Parkes was last months. The one mentioning Chris Thomas is the November video. He mentions Chris at around 59 minutes, where he says how Chris agrees with him on most things apart from mantid beings.


I take all "information" under advisement, trying to test my intuition to see what feels right for me. For me, it always comes back to CT's work and even though the goal of the human plan for full soul integration has not happened when CT said it "had to happen" I still believe in the process.

9th November 2015, 18:00
After reading and discussing all of Chris Thomas work, Simon Parkes just wreaks of bullshit. Simon has mentioned CT more than once.

9th November 2015, 18:05
After reading and discussing all of Chris Thomas work, Simon Parkes just wreaks of bullshit. Simon has mentioned CT more than once.

Hasn't he ever, hey?

18th November 2015, 16:20
Dealing With Negativity In a Responsible Way


Raise Your Daily Vibration with Inelia Benz: Dealing with Sleeping Friends and Family

-By finding ways to keep our vibrations high we empower ourselves to take responsibility

Joy Is Contagious


22nd November 2015, 18:43
The First Born

The Universal Soul by Chris Thomas

Pages 95-98

The ‘official’ human population at the end of 2004 stood at 5,896,000,000. Of these souls in human form 108,000 were of Pleiadean origin, 98,000 of NGC [the geneticists] origin and 17,600 of Sirian origin. There were other races represented in the form of 156 of Grey origin and 220 of Velon origin. The remainder, the vast majority, were souls from the six non-physical races, the so-called ‘Angels’.

Except, not quite. There are other souls living on Earth in human form we have so far not mentioned. There are currently [2005] 15 of these souls in human form out of a total number of souls, in the whole of existence, of 1256.

These one thousand two hundred and fifty six souls are very, very special.

In the way that a soul can originate, first come into creation, on, say the Pleiades they would be described as Pleiadean in origin. These 1256 souls are First Born; their place of creation is Earth.

The first born began their story on Atlantis.

The human template was developed as the ‘standard’ pattern that any soul wanting to live as a human being on Earth needed to ‘adopt’ in order to achieve their wish. With the human template fully developed and completed, the next stage of human evolution could begin.

The Thirteen Beings [who make up the Universe’s envelope] maintain balance within this Universe and have the capacity to Create primary forms of life on behalf of the Creationary source. In order to bring about these new souls, the thirteen worked through their representative, the ‘Guardian’ of the Earth, the one known as Merlin. It was he who took on the task of drawing the energies through from the Thirteen and began the process of creating new souls whose home is Earth. Initially, only eight were created to see what the new souls were capable of and how they reacted to the very unusual nature of the Earth. These first eight were immediately successful and the other 1248 followed very quickly.

It is difficult to describe the differences between the First Born and the other souls who have chosen to take on the human template. They are fundamentally the same but with one major exception, the First Born resonate precisely with the energy frequencies of the Earth. No other soul, of any origin, quite fits the energy structures of the Earth, in the same way; these are perfectly matched and perfectly attuned to everything of the Earth.

The original plan was to create many thousands of these souls so that the Earth had an ‘indigenous population but, by this time on Atlantis, we had begun to realize that we were having problems and so the plans were put on hold until such time as there was full awareness of where the problems were coming from. When we destroyed Atlantis, the First Born naturally stayed on Earth to undertake the massive amount of repair work needed.

It is not always easy to look at Universal developments with anything other than human eyes. There is a Universal Soul, a soul that is this Universe. Every living thing that is within this Universe is connected to, and is a part of, the Universal whole.

From a human perspective, we would see there being a ‘hierarchy’ within the beings that inhabit this Universe. This really is not the case. Except for the actions of the Fourteen Faction and the actions of the Velon, everything that has occurred within this Universe has been a planned development, the chosen path of the Universal Soul. The development of the First Born is a natural progression of this chosen path. Nobody is seen as being ‘above’ another and certainly nobody is seen as being ‘beneath’. Every soul that inhabits this Universe is seen as equal and the same is true for the First Born. They have taken their place within the Universal whole and have been welcomed with open arms by all other souls.

The First Born are not here to usurp the current human population.

The Earth needed ‘hosts’ to welcome in visitors from other worlds and show them the way of being human. All are welcome to visit Earth, as long as they fit into the human template. We, who are currently in human form, undertook a task on behalf of both the Earth and the Universe to try to reconstruct the original template and we have nearly completed our job.

When we returned to Earth, 20,000 years ago, the first Born were here to welcome us back. Like all souls, the first Born are free to travel where they will throughout the whole of the Universe and choose to take on any form available, but they decided to stay with the Earth.

As the souls who have returned to Earth began to experience the difficulties described previously, the First Born were there to help. As a soul perfectly attuned to the frequencies of the Earth, they did not suffer the same ‘slowing’ as everyone else did.

By about 8,000 years ago, we were as we are now [sub-human] and we took our steps to find our answers by designing a new human template and undertaking our karmic lifetimes. The First Born could not fit into the new template. They were so in tune with the Earth’s energies that they could maintain the original template quite readily and the new template caused them too much disruption on a soul level.

This unexpected development meant that the first Born could play little part in our knowledge gathering experiences. If the First born took on a human life using the original template they would shine out like beacons and cause major disruption to our plans to find the answers to our problems. The way in which human nature was already developing meant that anyone who appeared to have knowledge or wisdom was held up to be a great ‘Soul’ and a great leader. If the first born took on such roles, it would lead to a dependency on the first Born for leadership and answers that would totally disrupt the Karmic process.

They have helped whenever and wherever they have been able to but we were already having enough trouble with religious leaders that it was considered too unsafe to allow the First Born to be amongst the new humans. They, sadly, had to just watch and wait until we had completed the task we had undertaken on the Earth’s behalf.

Page 98 bottom
Over the past few yeas, those who are on Earth and are taking an active role in the Earth’s development, have come to realize that they are ‘here to do a job’. This is true. The job is to find a way to the conclusion of our chosen task. To find the answer to the question we asked ourselves 7,000 years ago. We are here to find a way for any soul who chooses to come to Earth to fulfil their full potential when they are here.

The human template we have been using to for the past 7,000 years does not allow us to be who we really are, nor can we fully appreciate the wonder that Earth truly is as we have to leave three quarters of our souls outside of the body. It is only when we have achieved our aim of fitting the whole of the soul into the physical body that we will fully realize that we have been working on behalf of the Earth, helping her achieve her aim of her own ‘children’.

There have been several times when we could have completed our knowledge – gathering process during the past 7,000 years, and this has given some of the First Born the opportunity to re-take human form. This they have done with great joy, but as we failed each time, they have tended to return in very small numbers at the start of each potential time of change.

As noted above, there are currently (2005) 15 living on the planet, mainly concentrated in Britain. Most are experiencing great difficulties in fitting into the modified human template even though it is rapidly being changed back to the original template energies. Several of those who were born a little too early have committed suicide as they could not cope with the template frequencies, nor could they find understanding among their fellow man. Of the 15 who have returned, 13 are currently under 12.

As we bring the Human Plan to its conclusion, a great many changes are taking place on Earth. The Earth herself is bringing about situations where she is able to act in ways of her own choosing.

The first action that has been recently (2005) brought into play is that her ‘children’, the First Born, are set to return. Not only to return, but for new souls to be created as ‘Earthlings’. Most of the original First Born will be reborn into western cultures over the next few years as we regain the original template.

But new souls have already been ‘created’ for Earth – new ‘First Born’ are arriving. These will be born to traditional tribal cultures in various isolated locations around the Earth. The first 13 mothers to bring in these brand new souls are already pregnant with this very special new life and were set to give birth in august 2005.

As humanity moves forward, more and more first Born souls will be created as we fulfil the promise made to Earth on Atlantis.

All of our hard work of the last 7,000 years has allowed us to find our way back to fitting into the original human template. As more and more people reintegrate their whole soul, the more the Earth can act. The more we regain our original aims, the more the Earth is set free. As we progressively fit the whole soul back into the physical, the more we give back to the Earth and the more she can act in the ways in which she wants.

The new First Born are not the only new life to come into being on Earth. Other forms of life are also arriving via comets. Some were previously extinct, some are entirely new. [The Dodo is back folks.]

[This removal of most of the Velon race to a solar system built for them just on the edge of our Universe] is an act of extreme sadness. The whole Universe mourns the loss of these peoples but the action had to be taken otherwise this Universe would have had to return to source. The Velon activities alone would have brought this Universe to a state where its existence would have been in doubt. To break the fundamental energy patterns in this way could have led to total collapse. Coming on top of the destruction wreaked by the Fourteen, there were insufficient resources to overcome this level of imbalance.

With the loss of the Velons, Earthlings, the First Born, will now take their place as the thirteenth race in this Universe.

Every single human being is the same. What makes us individuals is our consciousness.

23rd November 2015, 20:40
Does anyone know what's multiple sclerosis (MS) as a soul message? I've noticed that both young and old people can get it.

23rd November 2015, 21:29
Does anyone know what's multiple sclerosis (MS) as a soul message? I've noticed that both young and old people can get it.

I do have an opinion about it having observed a re-current type of psychological profile that attends the disease. However it is not flattering and without knowing who I might offend, holding my tongue might be wise. Perhaps someone else will opine and satisfy the question.

24th November 2015, 01:18
Does anyone know what's multiple sclerosis (MS) as a soul message? I've noticed that both young and old people can get it.

Lyme can also mimic MS to a large degree. When my daughter and I were trying to figure out what was wrong with us we heard this a lot from LLMD/ND's (lyme literate docs) and my daughter even went for several MRI's to see if she had lesions. Turned out we both had/have late stage lyme. Just throwing that in there too.

26th November 2015, 19:13

“But one fact stands out most of all: the remains and other evidence of the existence of Cro-Magnon Man (Homo Sapien) living on Earth about 3.5 million years ago is to be found on every continent.

In other words, humans did not originate in Africa but world-wide and at the same time.”

Human Origins by Chris Thomas

Huge amounts of material have been written about our origins. If you visit any natural history museum anywhere in the world, you will encounter the same story usually in 3D with voice-overs or set displays using hairy models. The popular scientific version is this: Sometime about 3.5million years ago, an ape descended from the African trees and began to walk upright. As these apes began to spend more and more time on the ground, they became less and less ape-like and more and more human-like. The first set of fossils to be found was of an early human (non-ape) who has become known as “Lucy” and that similar fossils to Lucy's indicate “The First Family”.

When these fossils came to light in the early 1970?s, there was a great deal of celebration that the first humans had been found in Africa. In the 1980?s scientists proved that Lucy and The First Family were not of a human lineage and it all went quiet in the field of serious science but it remains as the accepted story in popular science.

Here is the story of Lucy and The First Family [3]

Both Lucy and The First Family have been given the scientific name of: Australopithecus Afarensis (this name means: Australo – southern. Pithecus–ape. Afarensis – the region of Ethiopia where the fossils were found.) The first finds were in 1973 in the Ethiopian region of Afar, near to the city of Hadar. These finds were of a partial thigh bone (femur) and a partial shin bone (tibia). Both were lying near to each other on the surface. It was assumed that both bones belonged to the same individual but nobody knows for certain as the bones are fossilised therefore DNA cannot be extracted.

The finder was Dr Donald Johanson. The two bones became known as the Hadar Knee and designated as AL 129. The knee joint is what is known as a valgus knee – this is where the top of the femur, where it joins the hip, is outside of the line of the knee. In African apes, the femur rises straight from the knee to the hip. Johanson claimed that this angle of joint (15 degrees) proves that it must have been human or, at least, a transitionery phase between apes and humans. However, no adult human has a joint angle this great; the average human joint angle is 9 degrees.

The extreme angle of the joint could be explained if the bones of the joint came from different individuals. Dr Johanson either did not know, or chose to ignore, the fact that both orang-utans and spider monkeys have valgus knees.

Analysis of the joint by many leading anthropologists and paleoanthropologists (Tardieu, Stern and Suzman plus many others) in the late 1970's and early 1980?s all conclude that this knee joint was more closely associated with an early form of orang-utan rather than an early human. In 1974, Johanson returned to Hadar and found a number of bones from what was assumed to be the same skeleton in a gully. This skeleton became known as “Lucy”.

A combination of potassium-argon, fission track and paleomagnetic dating techniques were used on them and Johanson determined that Lucy was 3.5 million years old. In 1975, Dr Johanson went back to Hadar and found the fossil remains of 13 hominids, men, women and children, of the same age as the bones of Lucy. The collection of skeletal remains Johanson called “The First Family”.

Very detailed analysis of these skeletons by a number of leading anthropologists during the late 70?s and early 80?s (but also ongoing) all conclude that both Lucy and The First Family were not the remains of early humans but were of a type of early orang-utan that climbed trees and walked along the branches.

The reconstruction of one of the skulls found as part of The First Family gave very gorilla-like characteristics that were very similar to Australopithecus africanus. The conclusion of the scientists involved was that neither Lucy nor The First Family were part of the human (Homo) lineage but were Australopithecines – a group of monkey-like creatures.

Only Johanson claims that Lucy and The First Family are Hominids (early humans) but he is supported by the scientific mainstream as it goes along with the view they want to present.

However, not all scientists agree with this view.

In science, it is all in the name. All branches of science have a committee that determines the categories by which a new “find” is listed. If Lucy and The First Family were considered to be the first of the human lineage, then the name they would have been allocated would have been “Ethiopian M or “Hadar Man” in the same way as Neanderthal Man (found in the Neanderthal Valley in Germany) or Peking Man (found near to Peking in China). Then they would have been granted a scientific name beginning with the Latin translation of the word man – Homo – as in Homo Erectus (Upright Man) or Homo Habilis (Handy Man).

Johanson did apply for Lucy and The First Family to be given a “Homo” classification but his application was denied and the classification of Australopithecus Afarensis stands. In other words, Lucy and The First Family are considered to be not the first humans but Australopithecines – early forms of apes whose closest descendents are orang-utan.

And yet the myth persists, in the popular science as presented to the public, that Lucy and The First Family were our ancestors and they originated in Africa. Given that the scientific world does not believe that these fossils are of our ancestors, why did the BBC TV show a documentary in 2012 claiming that Dr Johanson's views were correct?

The answer is that there is a need to prove that humans originate in Africa.

Human Development & Migration

Why is there a need to prove that humans first developed in Africa? We will come onto that later.

In the meantime, let us look at an other popular myth about human development. The accepted popular scientific view is that human life developed in Africa sometime around three and a half million years ago.

The region of Africa where humans began is rarely specified, just speculated upon.

About two and a half million years ago, some of these early humans (probably Homo Erectus although the actual existence of Homo Erectus as a distinct evolutionary step is greatly doubted by paleoanthropologists) migrated from Africa and spread out across the globe, particularly into Europe and Asia where they became Neanderthal Man and Peking Man.

Sometime around one hundred thousand years ago, there was a second wave of migrations out of Africa, this time the migrants being Cro-Magnon Man (also known as Homo Sapien) who also spread out across Europe and Asia where peoples from both migrations apparently lived in harmony – or not as the case may be as it is dependent on speculation rather than any facts.

Then about thirteen thousand years ago – at the peak of the last ice age – there was a further migration north and east where Cro-Magnon Man traversed the ice bridge between Russia and Alaska gradually making their way all the way down to South America somewhere about eleven thousand years ago. Except; the proof is against this theory as is the common sense. Regardless of any evidence, think about that situation for a minute. You are living in your nice warm cave where you know your local surroundings – all of the water holes and rivers and all of the game trails are well known to you. You know where and when to pick plants, nuts and berries. Why would you take it into your head to leave your home and travel many thousands of miles into totally unknown territory especially as you would have to fight blizzards and climb glaciers several miles high?

Not only that, you would have to endure temperatures many degrees below freezing, no food sources, no water sources, no heat sources, not even trees for firewood and no shelter. Even if you did have some idea of where you were headed, it would still be an unbelievably risky and foolhardy trip to take especially as the end destination was totally unknown to you. Even animals, who are meant to have a lower level of intelligence to humans, do not undertake journeys of that nature – they know better.

So what evidence is there to show that the accepted version is incorrect? A great deal and virtually all of it is deliberately hidden away so that it does not become public knowledge. Here is one example from the many I could have included.

Lake Huron (one of the American/Canadian Great Lakes)

Between 1951 and 1955 an anthropologist at the National Museum of Canada, Thomas E Lee, excavated a site known as Sheguiandah on Manitoulin Island in northern Lake Huron where he found a number of flint and stone tools that had obviously been worked by man [4].

The area of The Great Lakes is thought to have undergone a series of glaciations between 10,000 and 70,000 years ago. The stone artefacts that Lee found were in several of the stratified layers, from just below the surface (the most recent deposits); within the glacial till (middle date deposits) as well as under the first layer of glacial till (the oldest deposits). In his excavations, Lee used the “best practice” techniques recommended by anthropology at the time. Not only did he excavate extremely carefully, recording in minute detail every find in every layer, he called on a number of experts in different fields, particularly geology, to confirm his findings and their dates.

The oldest artefacts were dated at being around 150,000 years old. This date being agreed by all of the expert scientists involved.

However, it was known that dating artefacts in this range would cause considerable difficulties as the scientific consensus view was that no artefact in North America could be older than 12,000 years.

To try and mollify the scientific world, Lee’s team put a date of “at least” 30,000 years old in their final report. The response from the “powers that be” in science was immediate. The head of the University in Canada was instructed to sack Lee. When the head refused, he was himself sacked. Lee's original papers were not published at the time as no scientific journal would publish them.

The artefacts found on the site were confiscated and then disappeared. Lee refused to leave the university and was only allowed to do menial jobs for the next eight years whilst he struggled against the scientific world to get his findings published.

He eventually resigned and set up his own scientific journal where he published his findings (Anthropological Journal of Canada). His publication was ostracised by the scientific community and everything written by Lee was ignored or pilloried. The Sheguiandah site was shut down and nobody else was allowed to visit it. Whilst a very few references to the site appear in scientific literature, those that do claim it can be no more then 12,000 years old.

All of the painstaking work by Lee's team is ignored in order to satisfy the belief that N America was not colonised before the end of the last Ice Age: 12,000 years ago.

But the treatment of Lee is far from unique. Many, many scientists, archaeologists, anthropologists and paleoanthropologists have found their research and findings removed from the scientific records and their careers brought to a premature halt no matter what their reputation was before they dared to try to publish any material that differed from the main stream scientific view.

There are a large number of archaeological finds in Canada, North America and Mexico that show human activities (the shaping of stool tools) has been carried out for at least 250,000 years. All of these finds have been deliberately “lost” and the records of the paleoanthropologists suppressed and their reputations and careers shot to ribbons. Some of the most significant finds are buried so deep that they are never discussed.

But one fact stands out most of all: the remains and other evidence of the existence of Cro-Magnon Man (Homo Sapien) living on Earth about 3.5 million years ago is to be found on every continent.

In other words, humans did not originate in Africa but world-wide and at the same time.

“...we conclude that the total evidence, including fossil bones and artefacts, is most consistent with the view that anatomically modern humans have coexisted with other primates for tens of millions of years.” [5]

*Not only is there overwhelming evidence that “modern man” lived on every continent, the evidence that they were extremely advanced is also overwhelming. By advanced I mean that some of their understanding of the world and the stars were in advance of our own current understanding of these matters. I have covered some of these scientific findings in my previous books, especially “The Human Soul” and “Project Human Extinction” and so will only briefly mention some of the findings here.*

Objects that archaeologists identified as “glass table ornaments” found in ancient Sumeria and dated to at least 5,000 years old turned out to be optical lenses that are so advanced that the design of these lenses is more advanced than current lens design. The Sumerian lenses contain “pockets” in the glass that can be filled with various gases that means that the focal length can be altered to suit virtually any focus requirements. These lenses can be used both as microscopes and telescopes just by altering the gas pressure inside the lens “pockets”.

An engineer called Professor Alexander Thom surveyed many hundreds of stone circles and stone monuments in Britain, Ireland and Europe during the 1950’s and 1960’s. His surveys were accurate to tolerances of less than one millimetre. From his surveys, Prof. Thom concluded that the people who had built the circles and monuments used Pythagorean geometry to construct them and used a standard means of measurement called the “megalithic yard”. Prof. Thom also realised that the stone circles and monuments were aligned to either stars or sun rise/sun set at critical times of the year and so was the inventor of Archaeo-astronomy.

The problem is that the Celtic peoples who built these stone circles and monuments did so at least two thousand years before Pythagoras was born.

Prof. Thom's findings did not make him popular amongst either archaeologists or scientists as he proved beyond doubt that people of the ancient world were considerably more advanced than anyone wanted to consider and so his work was ignored and never spoken of.

The megalithic yard is also to be found as the standard measuring length across the ancient world – by ancient I mean before at least three thousand years BC.

An identical measurement was used by the Ancient Sumerians where they called it a “Kush” – scientifically known as a Mesopotamian Kush. This Megalithic yard relates to the circumference of the Earth, the rotation and orbit of the moon and the orbit of Venus. It also relates to time measurements and to measurements of volume and weight connecting both the British system of pints and pounds to the metric system of litres and kilo-grams.

The length of the megalithic yard, if used as a pendulum, also produces a musical scale that is used by the Australian Aborigine peoples in their sacred didgeridoo music that harmonises with the Earth’s own frequencies. [6]

The only ancient measuring system that does not directly use the megalithic yard is the Minoans and even then, the Minoan system has correlations with the megalithic yard when used in multiples.

Even the Great Pyramid of Cheops on the Giza plateau in Egypt was built using the megalithic yard. The Great Pyramid was built so accurately that modern attempts to build even half scale replicas have failed to match it in terms of tolerances. In fact every attempt to build a replica, on whatever scale, has failed as modern technology is not capable of replicating the building techniques, and their accuracy.

These are just a very few examples of how discoveries made by scientists of all disciplines have been deliberately and systematically removed from our knowledge. Because the findings have not fitted in with the publicly allowed view of human history, all of these amazing findings have not seen the light of day.

The scientific world has built a fantasy story of human history, how the universe works and every aspect of life within this universe to suit an agenda that is deliberately designed to hide the facts and present us with a version of reality that fits into an agenda.

1. From “Forbidden Archaeology” by Michael A Cremo and Richard L Thompson.
2. I have a private copy of a DVD of three lectures given by Primack and Adams given at the Flux
Foundation in Oslo, Norway in September 2008.
3. Summary of study published in “Forbidden Archaeology”.
4. Summery of study published in “Forbidden Archaeology”.
5. From “Forbidden Archaeology”.
6. For a great deal more detail see “Civilisation One” by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler.


28th November 2015, 16:37


THE HUMAN SOUL 2007 By Chris Thomas


Page 10
The human journey over the past 7,000 years has not been easy. We have been sometimes pushed and pulled into directions that were not necessarily the best for our continuing progression, but we have won through. It might not currently seem like it but we have found all of our answers. It is just that in bringing these answers to fruition we have to clear our all of the debris we have accumulated along the way.

The purpose of this book is to bring to light, as much as possible, the information recorded in recent years in the Akashic to try and help to reduce the stresses and fears that have clouded these current times.

I have been asked many times by clients who have come to us for healing or people attending my talks, how do I access the Akashic and how does the process of gaining answers work.

The Akashic records everything that occurs on Earth, the solar system and in the Universe beyond. That really is everything. Every second of every day since the very beginning.

Just imagine how much information has been stored since the beginning of the Universe 14,376,279,388 years ago (give or take a year or two). This makes it difficult to navigate the Akashic in any simple way.

For me, I found out about the age of 7 that I could find the answers to questions about which I did not have any knowledge just simply by asking the question in my head. In other words, I seemed to be ‘hardwired’ into these records.

However, it took me many years to work out quite what it was I was hardwired into and to realize the implications. Once I did begin to consciously work with the Akashic (about 30 years ago), I quickly began to realize just how big an archive there really was and the problems of finding a method of how to navigate around the space.

As an example, when I first became interested in finding out about human history and to write about it, I asked the Akashic if I could have a complete history of the human race. The reply I received was “yes, of course, but did I have a spare 3.5 million years to be able to tell the whole story?”

This is the core of the problem with obtaining information from the Akashic, everything is recorded there so it is a question of asking specific questions.

As an example: you might ask the question ‘have American astronauts landed on the Moon?” (given the amount of dispute over whether they have or not.) The answer received was ‘yes’.

But, if you then ask “did Apollo 11 land on the Moon?” the answer comes back ‘no’.

If you then ask “did other Apollo flights land on the Moon?” The answer comes back ‘Yes’.

Interestingly, if you then ask “have American astronauts been to the Moon other than in the Apollo program?” the answer also comes back ‘Yes’, the first landing was in 1959 using ships that were salvaged from UFO crash sites and there have been many manned flights there since as well as to the other planets in our solar system and to other solar systems in our galaxy (arriving at these answers took about 25 questions).

Very little of the history we are taught in schools or given by government bodies is actually correct, and certainly not when compared to the information recorded in the Akashic.

Another question I am often asked is “how sure am I that the answers I receive are correct?”

Over the 30 years that I have been working in this way, I have found that my asking questions about which I have no prior knowledge but can be checked against historical records, by searching for and reading these records, the answers that I received from the Akashic have always proven to be correct.

Also, at talks or feedback from my books, people have sent me confirmation of information I have passed on from their own researches. Sometimes confirmation has come from the least expected directions such as overhearing conversations which included a reference to something I had been investigating.

As an example of this kind of confirmation, I had been investigating the other races we share the universe with and the Akashic had told me about a race originating in a star system we know as NGC 584. At the time, I had never heard of an astronomical listing system called the Newly Graded Catalogue (NGC) until I read a newspaper article (some months after a book I had put the information into had been published) which mentioned new discoveries in a distant galaxy which was given a number under the NGC numbering system (NGC 584 is actually located within the arc of the Pleiadean system, but very much further away from the Earth than the Pleiades arc).

Page 12
In the past, the information I have put into my books has come straight from the Akashic sources and I have not necessarily checked it against other sources of information as I have learned to trust the answers I receive implicitly. I have tended not to read too many books on ‘alternative’ subjects as I have wanted to keep my mind free of other people’s ideas and researches.

In this way I have tried to ensure that I have not taken on other people’s concepts and answers in case it gave me preconceived ideas which could then mean that I put an interpretation onto the answers received from the Akashic.

The Akashic only records the truth of a situation that has occurred and does not put an interpretation onto those events so it is important to keep as open a mind as possible when asking questions and not look for answers with preconceived ideas of what the answer should be.


Page 91

Religious practices have their roots 18,000 years ago, in ancient Egypt, with the introduction of “teachers” whose role was to remember, and to teach to others, the “secrets” of how to use the pyramids.

The pyramids were designed and built to be energy enhancers to enable those who were feeling a loss of some of the higher aspects of consciousness and wished to regain them. Such a person would step into the so-called King’s Chamber and, by using certain sound sequences, drew on the immense energies accumulated there. These sound sequences were called “The Keys of Enoch” and the teachers were called “Key Keepers”. These keepers of the keys held the knowledge of the sounds and trained “acolytes” in their use and sequences.

These keepers and their students formed the basis of what could be described as the first “secret knowledge” system which ultimately gave rise to religions.

As the peoples, who eventually became the Jewish nation, left Egypt, they took this kind of knowledge with them. This “secret” knowledge became the basis for “Gnostic” (meaning hidden) knowledge and the Kabala.

All of the 6 original resettlement sites trained their own ‘key keepers’.

1.South America,
2.Mesopotamia the area around Sumeria,
4.Britain, Ireland and Northern France,
6.Southern Greece Volcanic activity destroyed most of this region leaving only scattered islands now

These are the 6 regions of the Earth that were first inhabited by those who returned after the destruction of Atlantis. When we fully adopted The Human Plan, 7,000 years ago, this key-keeping tradition became superfluous and other, more formal, belief structures began to take over.

The key keepers performed a specific role, as did those who had Gnostic knowledge. As we became more human, we began to develop a more physically based system of beliefs.

As we became more and more physical, the distance between the Gnostic knowledge and human beliefs became greater and greater.

“Secret” societies began to be formed by those who had been trained in this “hidden” knowledge in order that the knowledge itself be kept safe, for mankind as a whole, and not be destroyed by the priests of the new man-made religions. By keeping this knowledge “safe” it meant that, when mankind was ready, the knowledge would be taught again and mankind, as a whole, could be helped to regain our higher levels of consciousness.

There have been many attempts to disseminate this kind of knowledge to humanity but each time the teachers have achieved only limited success.

Jesus the Christ, Mohammed, Lao Tse, The Buddha, etc. all chose to live a lifetime where they could become teachers. The purpose of their famous life was to obtain this “higher” knowledge either by means of learning from others or my making use of meditation-type practices that allowed them to access their higher selves and the akashic to “download” this kind of “secret” information.

In all cases, they were only partially successful.

By the time those great teachers came along, the more human forms of belief structures had taken full hold and the messages that these teachers tried to impart were either totally lost or have been so distorted over time, by others, as to have lost their original meanings.

The one who has suffered most from this type of censorship and distortion was Jesus the Christ.

The more I have investigated his situation, either through the Akashic or through writings of historical researchers, the more it is plain that the message he came here to deliver has been distorted and, largely, destroyed.


Jesus was a Nazarite. This does not mean that he was born in Nazareth. The Romans kept immaculate records of everything they were involved in. When they invaded the Holy Land they recorded everything they had learned about the area.

Nazareth does not appear on any Roman map until after AD78.

This was the year the temple of Jerusalem was sacked by the Romans. All of the Jewish sects saw the Jerusalem temple as the centre of their religion and so all of the various sects moved out of Jerusalem when the Romans carried out the destruction of the temple. As each sect wished to stay together, they each formed their own enclave about 3 miles outside of the city, which are now suburbs of Jerusalem. One of these settlements belonged to the Nazarites and, over time, became known as Nazareth. The settlement of Nazareth did not exist until then. It is a little difficult to be born in a village that did not exist until 82 years after your birth.

The term Nazarite has been translated to mean “keepers of the covenant”. This could mean that they were keepers of the covenant between God and man but, the Akashic records say that the name originated as this particular sect were protectors of the actual Ark of the Covenant.

Page 93

The Ark was built in such a way that anyone who touched it without knowing the secret of its construction was electrocuted, as the construction, out of gold, copper and timber, built up an electrical charge powerful enough to kill someone.

The Ark of the Covenant was NOT built to protect the Ten Commandments. These commandments were already in common use as the “laws” under which most people of the Jewish faith lived.

The Ark was built to protect the Tables of Testimony, a green crystal into which was programmed the records of human history before we adopted the Human Plan.

So the Tables of Testimony were the basis of all “Gnostic” knowledge and it was this knowledge that Jesus the Christ attempted to pass on to humanity.

The Ark was brought from Egypt by Moses, a name which in Hebrew means “True” (as in the “true” leader; the only historical figure to whom this title has been applied is the Pharaoh Akhenaton.

The Pharaoh Akhenaton tried to change the belief system in Egypt away from polytheistic, multiple gods of the past to a single creator god based on sun worship. However, the priests revolted and Akhenaton was forced to move out of Egypt taking a large group of followers with him. His followers gave him the title of “True” to reflect their acceptance of the new teachings as being the true ones.

Once removed from Egypt, the Ark was passed down through the Kingly line of David, to Solomon and placed into the care of the Nazarites.

Jesus’ father was not called Joseph, the name is a title which means “crown prince”, in other words, the next in line to the Davidic throne – hardly a carpenter. In the Latin bibles, Joseph is described as an artisan which, to the Romans, meant someone who is at the peak of their profession. The Victorians interpreted the term artisan to mean “carpenter”.

Joseph’s actual name was Zebedee. Nobody knows his wife’s name because “Mary” is also a title, that of a high ranking priestess within the Nazarite faith. So the crown prince married the high priestess, thereby continuing the royal blood line.

All children born into this sect were “born of a virgin” as it was a title applied to a newly married woman who was pregnant. An unmarried woman was known as “young woman”; when she underwent her betrothal marriage and became pregnant, she was known as a “virgin”. Once her pregnancy was confirmed, she underwent a formalising marriage, and when she gave birth she was known as “mother”.

Hence Mother Mary is a married woman who had just become a mother – nothing more than that. The title of “virgin” is specific, it does not mean someone who has not experienced sex because that would be stated, in Latin, as “virgin intacta”. The two do not mean the same thing, in this way, all of the women in Jesus’ community were “virgin mothers”.

The Roman Emperor, Constantine, needed a new way to unite the Roman Empire, which had by this time become broken up into several regions. In order to do this, he decided to bring about unity by generating a new religion. At the council of Nicea ( Nicea is a village near the empire’s capital, Constantinople) in 325 AD, the new Catholic, Christian church was brought into being.

The word catholic means “applying to all men”.

Even by this time, so soon after Jesus the Christ’s death, there were a number of factions within the early Christian church. Some were virtually Jewish whilst others were reflective of the original teachings of Jesus the Christ and more Gnostic in their approach. At the council of Nicea, all were forced to become united under the Bishop of Rome.

Following the creation of the new church, they set about some publicity “spin”. The first thing they needed was an image of “Jesus the Saviour” they could “sell” to the masses. Two images were considered, one the tall, pale haired one we are familiar with and the other an image of how Jesus really looked. The black haired and black bearded, shorter and less handsome figure but exhibiting a great sense of power.

. . . I came across this description of Jesus the man which might shed some light on the truth. This was from a book called, In The Name of the Gods, by David Elkington and Howard Ellson.

The Roman historian, Josephus Flavius, born about AD37, wrote a description of Jesus in a document called Acta Pilati:
“a man of simple appearance, mature age, dark skin, small stature, three cubits high [about 5ft. 4 ins.] hunch backed, with a long face, long nose and meeting eyebrows, so that they who see him might be affrightened. Scanty hair with a parting in the middle of his head, after the manner of the Nazarites, and with an under-developed beard.”

. . . The newly created Catholic church then set about creating a “book”. This eventually became the New Testament. Everything that was of a Gnostic nature was removed, as was the gospel of Thomas, as well as others, and the Gospel of Matthew underwent several rewrites.

Over the centuries, the Bible was re-edited several times. For example, until the 600’s it included references to reincarnation. Many forged pieces were added, some were found out but who knows how many were not.

The whole point of this exercise was to keep hidden anything that gives the population knowledge, as a knowledgeable population would not bow to the power of the church. It also does not help that many of the Popes have made use of the energies they were contaminated with from the 14th Faction (see Planet Earth – The Universe’s Experiment).

The Catholic church turned against women as a means of deflecting knowledge of Mary Magdalene’s associations with Jesus.

Her name would read The Mary Magdalene as she, like Jesus’ mother, was “The Mary”, the high priestess. The Magdalene part was her actual name and her role mirrored that of Jesus, a teacher of Gnostic knowledge. Whilst Jesus was embroiled in his freedom fighter role, Magdalene took on the teaching role and would have become a very great theological threat to the early Catholic church if her writings (gospels) were made public.

Not only was her role as teacher suppressed, but so was her marriage to Jesus and the fact that she and Jesus had children together.

Jesus was crowned the “King of the Jews”, something very much played down, even ignored, in Christian teachings.

As such, his and Magdalene’s children were of the Davidic bloodline and a major threat to church authority if it was known that Jesus did have children.

The state of fatherhood would undermine the propaganda the church was building as to the pure divinity of the Jesus they had created. [through lies]

The Akashic states that he was crucified but did not die on the cross. He was removed from the cross, by his followers, before death and took three days to recover from the ordeal before “rising again from the dead”. His survival became known and pregnant Magdalene fled Palestine with her other two children, first to Egypt and then on to Southern France. Jesus remained in Palestine to fulfil his ambition of being ordained as a priest.

The terminology for this rise to the priesthood, as used by the Nazarite community, was that “he ascended to heaven and sat on the right hand of God”. All this phrase means is that he “ascended” to the priesthood and, as one elevated to the priesthood, he served the people “on God’s right hand”. Jesus remained within the priesthood, a priest/king, until his death in Palestine in AD 64.

Some of the Nazarites were also known as Essenes. This again, is part of the Gnostic teachings as Essene means “healer”, along the lines of the Egyptian “therapeutates”. As a future king of his people, Jesus would also have been expected to have undergone healer training and therefore become an Essene. Kings are expected to be healers in most traditions around the world.

Page 98

. . . Jesus remained in Palestine until his death. Where there are stories of him travelling to Britain, these accounts were of his son, Jesus-Justis, his second child. Jesus’ brother John was a metal trader with connections all across Europe. When John became the crown prince on Jesus’ coronation, he took on the title of the “Joseph”. When he brought his nephew, Jesus-Justis, to Britain on a “business trip” he was known as Joseph of Arimathea.

Jesus-Justis also spent a number of years travelling through Tibet as part of his own education but also to spread the teachings of his father and mother.

Not only did this new, “Catholic” church not want the Gnostic information to be given to the public, they also wanted to destroy all other belief systems, especially the Celtic beliefs which, at this time, covered the whole of Europe, Scandinavia as well as parts of the Roman Empire.


The Celtic peoples worked with the land and, within the landscape, they saw the ‘spirits’ that were a part of Mother Nature. They did not have a religion, as such, and so they did not “worship” in the way that we would understand it.

They saw the Earth as the provider of all their needs for life and so to show respect, they gave back their thanks in the way of offerings. A certain number of apples or sheaves of corn would be set aside to give back to the Earth her bounty and to wish for abundance at the next harvest.

What they saw were the energies of the Earth at work and believed that the spirit came from the Mother, who was represented by the “World Dragon”. This was a sleeping beast who encircled the Earth and all of the life-giving energies flowed through and along the dragon’s back. These energies emanated through wells, springs and rivers which were seen as being strictly feminine. The abundance of feed animals was seen as the act of the male counterpart of the Mother, the Green Man. Nature worked in harmony by a blending of the masculine and feminine energies and Celtic society reflected those harmonies. In these societies, male and female were seen as being of equal status while taking on tasks suitable to each gender, an equality of work that benefited the whole.

As Catholic Christianity moved across Europe, it set about destroying these traditional ways of life and preached male dominance.

The church also began to try to move people away from and Earth-based belief system.

Women were cast as the originators of sin. This was achieved by turning the world Dragon into the serpent of the Garden of Eden, which epitomized the forces of evil.

The masculine component of Earth, the Green Man, was turned into the Devil.

By twisting these natural beliefs around in this way, the church removed man from his connections with the Earth and ‘demonised’ the Earth Herself. They also preached that their God had given man “dominion” over the Earth and all its life. This concept is largely responsible for much of our later destruction of forests, animal experimentation and rape of the planet’s resources.

. . . Another problem with monotheistic religions is how antagonistic they have been towards other religions. Throughout human history, more people have been killed in wars in the name of one God or another than deaths due to any other cause.

28th November 2015, 17:38
Dearest Herbert

The first thing I wish to say is you, as well as the other contributors to this thread, have my gratitude & appreciation for all you have shared here – the time & the effort. Prior to your sharing, I did not know that Chris & his body of work even existed.

My personal knowing over the last I don’t know how many years is that I, along with thousands, millions maybe, heard a call go out for those who wished to join those designated “leaders” who were setting out to create a new universe which is the one all of us currently inhabit. The universe/family/race, etc. from which I came is not known to me at this time. However, I do know that a number of people I currently know, on planet or off, are ones I met when I answered the call.

Not everything Chris has written jibes with my personal discernment meter. That, however, does not mean there aren’t gems & nuggets in Chris’ work that are worth savoring. It, also, allows me to understand the perspective of others including those who resonate with his work. All is life enriching. Thus why I read what you share. (Haven’t finished reading it all yet though but love being challenged on what I think I know.)

We are all aiming for, in essence. the same thing; we just take different paths to get there. (I, as much as anyone, want to know our history - our story.) Plus it is important to know where others are coming from as we will – if not already – be working together to create, laugh, love & have grand experiences together.

Once again, thank you so much for doing this.


13th December 2015, 21:16
People sometimes ask me what I have gained through reading Chris Thomas’ books and talking to him over the past 2 or 3 years. They sometimes suggest that his information is just another belief system, albeit novel, in that it is not his opinion but rather what he has learned from putting questions to the Akashic (the ultimate source for true history in this Universe).

My answer is that he has broadened my mind. Only a narrow mind rejects things without looking into the possibilities. Belief systems are for those who seek comfort. Allowing for possibilities broadens the perspective and makes for discernment on a much wider scale. He has helped me to see through the channelled lies and confusion and in so doing, I find my consciousness expanding as I lighten up to possibilities.

In summary Chris Thomas shatters belief systems.

Chris promotes self-empowerment, self-sufficiency, and independence. You never feel imposed upon when you listen to his videos. In this world you have to be flexible. You can’t be too rigid or you’ll crumble in moments. When the higher self is brought into the physical body we will look at the world from a much wider perspective than we do now. We will become more fluid.

See here for an exercise to bring in the higher self: http://tealswan.com/articles/integrating-the-future-self

I don't think any of us here are the types to make Gurus out of authors. All we are doing is looking logically and impartially at the data CT is presenting, and trying to work out what fits into our understanding of the how this reintegration of the higher self into the physical body process might work.


Focusing on the Shocking Technology Behind Abductions of the Mind

The main body of this post may at first seem off topic for this thread but the aim is to provide corroborating evidence for what Chris Thomas has said all along, based on the questions he has put to the Akashic Record. He has made it clear that ALL "Alien" abductions OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS, AND A SLIGHTLY SMALLER PERCENTAGE OVER THE LAST 60 YEARS, are in fact black ops para-military abductions where the abductee is shown emotionless bio-mechanical, grey robots and insectoid teaching robots exuding “love” (the frequency of compassion), Felines, possibly Avians, Reptoids, etc. with minimal DNA programming, performing their relegated tasks.

It’s important to note that only one E.T. race is malevolent toward other races, the Velon, and they can impersonate (take on the body shape of) any race real or imaginary that they may chose to represent. They have been living in underground bases with the human black ops military and one example of these impersonations is Dracos ( who do not in fact exist, apart from impersonation by the Velon, to claim a non-existent pre-human ownership to Earth. A lie, but if you can ingrain it in human group consciousness then we create the possibility).

In more mundane terms: If you pretend something long enough, it becomes true. Equally true of the gestalt (society) as of the individual.

They aim to establish a false belief system among humans that Earth belongs to them. Many are avoiding expulsion by the guardians through means of hiding in space/time folds and by disguising their vibratory frequencies. It is mainly gullible humans susceptible to mind control who are keeping them here via channelling. But, through the request of all souls in this universe, the Velon have had their semi-physical template removed from this Universe. This means that those Velon who have remained in hiding through various means are experiencing the disintegration of their higher selves. For a few, disguising their energy flux signatures may temporarily delay this disintegration but their threat is no longer a worry. It is the NSA black ops mind control that is holding up the reintegration process and more importantly, the Western Ego.

Very advanced technology used remotely allows them (the black ops military abductors) to target individuals with implanted memories with scenarios of whatever and whomever they choose to show the victim.

It has taken me several weeks to put together this post. It is a long post but important in contributing to our understanding of how humans are being “abducted” by humans whom they never see, the nature of mind invasive technology, and the ultimate goal of this deception. These abductions can be ended on an individual basis via stating your intention which brings in the power of the higher self. You will never be abducted again.

Since this is going to be a long post I will necessarily, provide links for interesting details in the data, and so that the reader can use his own discernment as to relevance and veracity. What they can do to targeted abductees with their technology is truly shocking, as will be seen.

The motive for these abductions of course is to put fear and confusion into the populace and ultimately to stage a fake Alien invasion. I will conclude with 2 sections containing well written synopsis of what the Abductee is really experiencing.

A Great Many “Alien” Abductions Are Not Of The Body, Never Of The Soul But Of The Ego

1. Chris Thomas on the subject of Abductions. Over the past 60 years only a small percentage have been carried out by Aliens and they have rarely been invasive. Even less abductions are of the physical body.

2. An Abductee talks about the typical Abduction experience for 1000’s if not millions of people around the planet, and what they are led to believe is the purpose. One thing not described is the helmet experience which drains life force. This is also a mind programme as are many other experiences not mentioned in this video..

3. Steven Greer ( whose book is highly recommended by C.T.), on the Who, How and Why of Hoaxed “Alien” Abductions

4. A summary and analysis of Steven Greer’s presentation by Michael Salla. Keeping in mind that Salla has an agenda to convince people that international corporations are involved in abducting human “slaves” to other planets for mining of resources.

5. My own comments and conclusions. The Hybrid Grey/Human children with the large eyes do not really exist. They are a technological deep mind program with the ultimate goal of embedding false beliefs, fear and confusion into society, making a false-flag, hoaxed Alien invasion seem credible. The E.T. races do not have any need for minerals. Even their space ships are grown from plant material with no seams and they have monatomic conscious plasma drive systems. Only human space ships are made from metals and therefore have seams. Only humans plunder natural resources.

6. Most abductions are not of the Body, nor of the Soul but of the Ego –An essay.

7. A lawsuit exposing shocking mind control technological advances.


Question to Chris Thomas: If we’re not connected to our higher selves can we be tricked by the Abductors?


He also added that if an abduction is conducted by one of the E.T. races such as the Greys or the Blues the abductee can simply reply NO when their higher self is asked for permission to carry out the abduction. In his experience they are happy to comply with the wishes of the higher self.

When Chris Thomas was asked about abductions involving Human/Grey hybrid children, this was his reply:

I have carried out extensive research on many levels about these hybrids and my conclusion is this:



Since about the year 2000, very, very few abductions have been carried out by any alien race - they have all been by the military.

Because so many people are aware of the Grey race, they have been used by the military in their propaganda, misinformation and disinformation and so virtually every single story about Grey hybridisation is false and intended to add to confusion and fear. Don't forget that one of the next things on their "to do list" is an alien invasion of the Earth. If they can make people believe that the Greys are the bad guys, they have a ready built argument to weaponise space (sorry, make the weapons they already have in space known).

Chris Thomas explains in the Robert Stanley interview:
None of the other races interbreed with each other, as it were. And its physically impossible for them to interbreed with people on Earth. Because… the Seven Semi-Physical races would be the only ones that could ever possibly do that. And, they don’t even reproduce because they are immortal. So they don’t reproduce, at least not in the same way that we do, anyway. And therefore, how could you create an Alien Hybrid – an Alien Human Hybrid? You can't!

The Human Soul by Chris Thomas:

There is also a huge amount of deliberate disinformation around that has been deliberately planted by members of secret services and secret military sources for their own agendas. A large number, the vast majority, of abductions and animal mutilations as well as UFO sightings are NOT genuine, but are events stage-managed by those organisations to suit their own purposes.

All of the semi-physical races, except for the crystal forms of course, manufacture their own “craft”. The design of these craft varies from race to race but all are, essentially built from organic material, very little “metal” is used in their construction.

See page 131 of The Human Soul for how do you build a “Flying Saucer”? Because these alien flying saucers are semi-physical like the race that built them, they can fly through our buildings without causing any damage or they can fly into or through mountains without any difficulty.

Human UFO’s
Unfortunately, because of a number of crashed ships, secretive branches of the American military have salvaged them or have built their own based on alien technology. You may tell the man-made ships as they have riveted metal hulls as opposed to seamless organic hulls. Another difference, and this is the biggest difference of all, is that the military versions have been armed. None of the semi-physical races have developed weapons, at least not in the way or with the intent, that humans have.

Page 134 Alien Abductions
The semi-physical race we know as the “Greys” had another purpose for visiting Earth, other than the use of our excess emotions, and that was to study our physical body construction. The Grey’s see their own body form as being very weak and in a state of decline; by studying Earth life-forms, they hoped to find a way of genetically reconstructing themselves. To carry out their research, they have removed plant forms and some animals. They have also “abducted” a number of people and carried out “medical examinations”. However, all of the human abductions have been non-destructive and have NOT involved sexual activity. It is amazing how many abductees have reported having sex with handsome men or buxom redheads – none of whom exist beyond Earth and, aliens are not “equipped” to have sex.

Where this kind of sexual contact has occurred, THE ABDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT BY HUMANS MASQUERADING AS ALIENS. THE VAST MAJORITY OF ‘ALIEN’ ABDUCTIONS EVENTS OCCUR NEXT TO SECRET MILITARY BASES where the abductee has been unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and seen something that the base inhabitants do not want seen. If you think that it is not possible to hide away secret aircraft from public view, remember that the US Air force’s “stealth bomber” flew for 20 years before it was made public.

The vast, and I do mean vast, majority of UFO sightings are of these human-made and human-flown flying saucers and it is these pilots and ships who are responsible for the great majority of UFO reports made every year across the world. The last of the few Grey or Blue abductions and examinations were carried out in 1999 – EVERY SINGLE ABDUCTION CARRIED OUT SINCE [1999] THEN HAS BEEN BY HUMANS.

The same applies to the many thousands of animal dissections that have been attributed to alien activity. In their book Strange Secrets, authors Nick Redfern and Andy Roberts unearthed some FBI files relating to investigations into animal mutilations in the Southern states of North America with some interesting conclusions.

The first official mutilation occurred in 1967 in southern Colorado where a horse had the skin removed from its neck. Over the following years, many thousands of mutilations have occurred covering 21 states.

Most of these mutilations were of cattle where the genitals, anus, udders, tongue, one ear, one eye and, in many instances, the lymphatic system were “surgically” removed. The removal of organs was described as being done with surgical accuracy with a sharp knife; initial theories were that it was the work of satanic groups or predatory animals. The cows had all of their blood removed and there was no blood on the ground next to the animals. The mutilations were also usually connected with eyewitness reports of strange lights in the sky, military helicopters, unmarked helicopters flying very close to the ground and trees, and also helicopters flying at night without lights.


Not all-inclusive but a partial summary by an abductee of what is "experienced" during the abduction:

Abduction experiences, Dual souls - Greys who incarnate as humans:


On the subject of Alien Abductions I have posted the above video describing very clearly some of the memory experiences 1000’s of people around the world have been living with since childhood, including theft of foetuses and physical scarring. Often, if not always, they are shown short Greys who seem robotic, Tall human/Grey hybrids who lack compassion and seem to be in charge, Teaching humanoid, mantid/insectoids who are perceived as loving, and a lot of human/Grey hybrid children with large eyes. There may also be some humanoid reptilians involved.


Steven Greer corroborates Chris Thomas' information that transnational corporations are involved in these black ops para-military operations, such as Siemens who has been manufacturing the chip implants for abductees, and certain other corporations.

With advances in the technology since the 1970’s, it is very likely that chip implants are no longer necessary when they use wireless pulsed waves targeting the individual’s unique magnetic flux.

I found this article in my search for how some the psychological warfare technology is targeting abductees. It is partially described by Steven Greer in this Nov. 2015 presentation:


I have partially transcribed what I consider to be the most important points here:


Greer provides a lot of information which he has shared with many of the heads of state and military who have been told they do not have a need to know by the black ops para-military corporations in the underground DUMBS.

For the purposes of this post the important points he makes are:

At 1:44 he describes bio-nano-tech aliens who are man-made, very sophisticated robotic small Greys, reptilians, and various other forms [the teaching manitds and felines I would expect] which the victim is allowed to see. These various so-called “aliens” have sophisticated, integrated circuits in their brains and of course a minimal amount of DNA to make them seem real as they perform limited and programmed functions of communication, including the function of “love’ vibrations.

At 1:52 he explains that people who think they are Alien abduction victims have , in fact, had military implants and implanted programs in their brains. That is the subject of this post along with an explanation of the experience.


The above video presentation by Stephen Greer is critically analysed here by Michael Salla http://exopolitics.org/was-un-secretary-general-abducted-by-aliens-in-1989-to-prevent-et-disclosure/

In addition an original article from the Washington Post is available here:


An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person's head. "The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender," the author concluded.


In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head. That work is frequently cited on mind-control Web sites. Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory's directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab's policy not to comment on its microwave work.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent – records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear – the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials.

The official U.S. Air Force position is that there are no non-thermal effects of microwaves. Yet Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, tagged microwave attacks against the human brain as part of future warfare in a 2001 presentation to the National Defense Industrial Association about "Future Strategic Issues."

"That work is exceedingly sensitive" and unlikely to be reported in any unclassified documents, he says.


In a later post I will give some details of the 7 semi-physical races and their involvement with humanity, as well as their own life goals and need for our success in completing our reintegration of the higher self into the physical body. Much of what is happening to humanity at this time is beyond their understanding since this has never before happened in any Universe. Some of them help where they can but what is happening here on Earth is going to influence their own future racial development as it is already helping the other planets in our solar system as ours and Earth’s consciousness expands like never before.

In the beginning for some if not most, prior to roughly 1996 these abductions were often as toddlers taken physically on board Grey alien spacecraft and the experiences were benevolent. These were the real Greys, and sometimes Blues, who were asked to stop coming to Earth after 1996 as were all E.T. races with a few exceptions (Pleiadians and some Sirians who have been assigned specific tasks by the Guardians) according to what Chris Thomas has learned from the Akashic Records. The reason for this was because of the importance to the entire universe of what humans and the Earth are now experiencing in the form of Full soul reintegration into the physical body. This is a process which has never happened before anywhere and is of monumental importance for the future of the entire Universe.

In fact the Akashic says that had it not been for what is about to happen here on Earth, this Universe would have been shut down as a result of losing 1/3 of its conscious energy to the 14th Faction through Black Holes, prior to their being closed by the guardians with Merlin’s help.

There is a group here who are trying to interfere with and block this process of reintegration through any means possible, including media lies, divisive wars, geo-engineering distractions, and fear and confusion, of which these abductions are a part.

This sophisticated technology, much further advanced over the last 20 years, could be used to hoax Alien Abductions while individuals were asleep, YET SEEM VERY REAL TO THE SELECTED AND TARGETED VICTIMS, OF WHICH THERE ARE 1,000’S, IF NOT MILLIONS WORLDWIDE.

What we have is a mind program targeting the subconscious (hence requiring triggers and/or hypnosis to restore memories) of victims during sleep to create scenarios that never happened; while the technology also holds the body paralysed.

It becomes apparent that it can even be done while they are awake. They can obviously even control dreams as will be seen in Section 7.

There is no need to abduct the physical body because when the subconscious believes something has happened, like the removal of a foetus, even reported by young women who have never been pregnant, then the subconscious can cause scarring of the body as in scoop marks on the skin, bruising, and/or scarring of the uterus. This might be called psychic programming. This fact concerning the subconscious mind’s ability to bruise the physical body has been proven by Robert Monroe, who founded the Monroe Institute in Virginia, through his own OBE’s experiences and series of books (Journey out of Body, Far Journeys, Ultimate Journey).

During his own conscious, Out of Body experiences he could pinch someone he knew and the next day, even though they were consciously unaware of what he did, their subconscious was totally aware and they awoke with a big bruise. So the illusion during sleep, through intense remote programming, of having a foetus removed, and the “resulting” scarred uterus is very possible.

Given the bio-mechanical (minimum programmed DNA) short Greys and probably Mantids/Insectoids, Felines, Dracos, Avians? etc. combined with this technology used covertly and at a distance without wires, and holographic projections, I am inclined to suspect the Human/Grey hybrid children with the large eyes seen by so many abductees DO NOT EXIST.

They are most likely deep mind control programmed memories.

These “HYBRID CHILDREN” are becoming engrained in the human societal consciousness like so many other belief systems. This makes it easier for them to hoax an Alien invasion using holography and the black ops space fleet to play both sides, as in war games and false flag events.

It’s important to note that there are no malevolent E.T. races apart from the Velon whose template has been removed from this Universe by the Creator with help from the guardians. This removal means those Velon remaining are experiencing a disintegration of their higher self. Disguising their energy signature through shape shifting and/or hiding in space/time folds may delay the disintegration process but their threat is dissipating. It is only psychotic humans using mind control and the need to do our inner work that is holding us back from reintegration. These egoic emotional blocks are being worked out between nations and through human group consciousness memories as well – hence the challenge to deal with GMO’s to release the guilt memory of our need to sink Atlantis as a result of experimenting with a GMO.


6. Abductions are not of the Body, nor of the Soul but of the Ego

The source of the following article with all of its links for those who wish to use their own discernment:


There are parts of this article I do not agree with but overall it is very insightful in regard to abductions – how they are carried out, who is behind them, and how to put a stop to them. I have emboldened the parts I most agree with and in square brackets I have made brief explanations.

The next Section 7 will reveal some of the sophisticated remote technology which allows the military to carry out these abductions of the ego, astral body, subconscious or whatever you want to call it, through deeply embedded mind programmes.

Aliens Abduct Egos, Not Souls

Contactees boast of their special relationship with STO (Service-to-Others) aliens.

Abductees claim that they are forcefully taken, then physically and psychologically abused by STS (Service-to-Self) aliens.

Milabs (military abduct-tees) receive similar treatments from black project personnel. Specialists tell us that millions of humans are presently involved in such programs, whether they know it or not and want it or not. I have met many of them throughout the 44 years that I have researched this subject and I know fully well that the phenomenon is real – and a crucial chapter of humanity’s history.

A World of Illusion and Lies

What can be truly called ‘real’? In fact, we live in a world of illusion where nothing we see, hear, or feel is true. Our experiences are totally deformed by our three ego-governed bodies:

1) The mental body with its false belief systems and distorted thoughts;

2) The vital (astral, emotional) body with its desires, yearnings, passions, and lusts;

3) The physical body with its animal needs and atavistic habits.

Nowadays, the new item on the long list of abductee complaints is soul abduction.

After being taken from bed to an underground lab or a spaceship, a ‘victim’ is put on a table and plugged to a special black box. With the use of advanced technologies and rituals, a reptilian entity – called a demon by those with a more religious mindset – is inserted into them. In the pre-technological days, this would have been called demonic possession. The scenarios can be more elaborate still. What some people call a human ‘soul’ can be pulled out of a body and transferred to one of the following:

1) A look-alike clone with super-human abilities;

2) Another human;

3) A human-alien hybrid (hubrid);

4) An alien.

The possibilities are endless. In some New Age circles, temporarily-possessed individuals have been presented in a positive light and fashionably called channelers. Even more mystically glamourous are walk-ins, who are actually fully-possessed humans.

Now, I am not suggesting that such scenarios are all lies. Au contraire, it is as real as it gets! The sudden disappearance of a person, their subsequent personality changes, the physical marks, the missing time, the implanted microchips, poltergeist phenomena, and many more obvious confirmations prove that something very dramatic did take place and, in many instances, keeps taking place over and over.

The main problem is that we are missing some crucial information and this stops us from fully understanding the phenomenon of abductions. And with understanding comes power – the power to change things.

Let us look at the phenomenon in a different light. Our present knowledge of Homo sapiens – its history, physiology, and psychology – comes from Western thinking and linear-time scientific research and experimentation. Yet, we shun or consider as passé thousands of years of advanced studies in human consciousness that have accumulated in Asian countries, especially India. My preferred researchers on the subject, by far, are Aurobindo (Ghose) and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa). To their vision of humanity, I will add that of Personocratia, in order to see abductions with a new mindset.

[See original article for an explanation of the above terms.]

Humans Are Very Elaborate Beings
We are taught in our elite-controlled schools that we are simply made up of a physical body with hormones to control our emotions and a brain to generate thoughts and take decisions. If we have a religious mindset, we might add that this body carries a soul. If we are spiritually inclined, we will also add a spirit to the lot. Body + soul + spirit. That is as far as most curious people will go.

So, when a person faces the abduction of an invisible part of herself while her physical body remains in bed, she immediately thinks her ‘soul’ or her ‘spirit’ has been stolen. Well, humans are much, much more complicated than that. The disinformation brought about by religion, then scientific materialism, and lastly, New Age ‘spirituality’, has completely falsified our notion of ourselves. In fact, each one of us is made up of five completely different types of vibrations, each containing subsets:


1. Spirit: the Supreme Being, individualized, outside of space-time, forever the same;
2. Soul: that same individualized spirit, but evolving in space-time;
3. Mental body: a mental form constantly exchanging with the multiple worlds of thoughts;
4. Vital body: a vital form in continuous relation with the worlds of vital energies and emotions;
5. Physical body: a physical form perpetually connected with the material and etheric worlds.

There is one unique individual spirit per being, whether rock, plant, animal, alien, entity, or human – anywhere in the universe. It is both inside and above each individual.

Souls are very different. They are a specialty of Earth, which is the planet focusing on the evolution of souls. Other planets have other purposes. To evolve in matter, souls need the dense material vibrations of Earth’s space-time matrix. That is why souls keep coming back there, life after life. Souls are not imprisoned – they plan each new earthly life with an intensity of purpose that we cannot imagine, since to us, our present life is more like hell than heaven. Who would want to come here, with concentration camps, chemtrails, eugenics, mind control, GMOs and nanotechnology, to name a few? Really! Yet, souls do want to incarnate here despite the present situation. It is the only place where they can evolve exactly the way they want.

Humans Suffer From Multiple Personality Disorder

The huge majority of people cannot be aware of either soul or spirit, which vibrate too fast for our regular consciousness. To some extent, most know their three bodies (mental, vital and physical) – at least the more concrete parts of these. However, each body contains numerous egoic personalities that occupy a certain portion of the space-time territory. Where do these come from? Every time a fear awakens in me, I automatically create a partially-conscious envelope around it. The more often this particular fear comes up, the bigger and more personalized this protected layer gets. So, we all suffer from multiple personality disorder. It is just more severe in some than others. Most of us actually have hundreds such personalities, but the dominant ones stand out more than the others. When I say ‘I’, it is only one of the many ‘me’ that is talking at that moment and temporarily controlling my body. I take each one of these personalities to be me because they are using the same vehicle to go around, the same eyes to see, mouth to talk, and ears to hear. Basically, my body is a big bus full of different types of people. None of them understands the highway code.

The only one who knows how to drive is my soul. It is patiently sitting at the back of the bus, waiting for the driver’s seat to be empty, but, there is often or always an egoic personality behind the wheel. Sometimes, the bus gets stopped by a highway bandit: an alien, a demon, a djinn or another type of hungry entity. This being grabs one of the people on the bus and leaves (‘soul’ abduction) or gets onto the bus and tries to drive the vehicle in a new direction (demonic possession).

However, nobody can abduct the driver-soul, because it has free will and it is invincible. If the bus crashes (physical death), the driver-soul leaves to rest and plan its new incarnation, but egoic personalities keep on living for a while still.

They all go in different directions. Those vibrating at the level of the subtle physical (etheric) hang around for a while, but dissolve pretty fast, since their energies cannot remain for long after their physical vessel has died. The vital egoic personalities go into their corresponding vital (also called emotional or astral) worlds and take longer to dissolve. The mental egoic personalities leave for the mental worlds and take even longer to disappear. These false parts of me still think that they are ‘me’, but they are simply partially-conscious bundles of crystallised energy. If they are not ‘fed’ on a regular basis, they eventually stop existing, but this may take years, sometimes hundreds of years, if they are good at vampirizing humans or other entities from their own worlds. In the subtle worlds, the war for energy is on 24/7, but the notion of time-space differs from one world to the next.

Meanwhile, my soul is still alive and well. It is the only immortal part of me in the game of space-time. (Remember that my spirit is outside space-time.) My multiple egoic personalities remain perpetually connected to their corresponding universal worlds, which are swarming with forces and entities. Our bodies are basically public squares where beings, forces, passions, desires, emotions, thoughts, and ideas pour in and out. There is not much there that I can truthfully call ‘me’. Even the cells of my physical body keep being replaced every day.

So What Part of Me Can I Call “I”? My soul! Let’s make things clear. A soul is a soul is soul! There are no captive souls, damned souls, lost souls, fallen souls, redeemed souls, and so on.

This describes the state of vital or mental egoic personalities that have left the physical body after death and continue ‘living’ in their corresponding vibrational worlds. According to the belief systems of these egoic personalities, they can create their own hell, purgatory, or heaven – at least for a while. They may get stuck there for various lengths of time, and are often used by aliens and/or demons for a variety of purposes: food source, usable container’ to inhabit in order to perform certain tasks, etc. Eventually, but this may take hundreds, even thousands of years of our time, these egoic personalities figure out that they can accept dissolution. They agree to die and allow their energies to join with the Supreme. But that is not a real person dying. It is a temporary, partially-conscious bundle of energy that continues to think it is called Mrs. Smith or Mr. Jones.

The real soul is something totally different. It is the Supreme Being, individualized and evolving in space-time. Its evolution can only take place on Earth, which is the planet that has been designed to house this very particular type of divine experience. A crucial part of its evolution starts when it incarnates into a human body for the first time.

Because this type of vehicle carries a more advanced mind than that of animals, the soul now has access to an advanced mind. It just went from a Volkswagen (dolphin, elephant, monkey, cat) to a Lamborghini (human) and now rides in a vehicle with ‘free’ will! Indeed, human bodies are the only ones with the ability to go against nature. Unlike other animal and biological alien species, they do not have to blindly obey a deva (the ruling god of a species). That particularity has proven to be both a curse and a blessing. When a physical human body dies, its subtle physical (etheric) component dies off in about seven days. The many personalities of the vital body take various times, according to many different factors. Mental personalities last longer, but eventually dissolve also.

Meanwhile, the soul takes a separate road after the physical body dies. We cannot see it leave the body, because its vibrations are much too fast. It simply retires in its own world of perfect truth and bliss. Its evolution stops for a while, until it is ready to come back into a new earthbound human body.

True Free Will

The only time we can really talk about ‘free’ will is when an egoic personality chooses freely to go against the regular program of its corresponding world – with its laws, forces, and entities – and decides to do the soul’s biding. This free will is exercised every time I let go of an old attachment or an obsolete role, or when I do something that I am afraid of doing. In this way, a fear is dissolved, along with the egoic personality that has formed itself around it. The particular territory that was controlled by that personality now becomes souled. This is how, during each life, the soul is able to grow and gain more territory. What it collects becomes immortal and totally pure, while keeping the particularities of its own vibrational world.

After many incarnations on Earth inside human bodies, the soul has gathered around itself an immortal triple body, what Aurobindo calls a psychic being and Personocratia, a souled body. This is how a human soul slowly grows, just like a chick inside an egg. The physical flesh-and-bone human body is simply its most external shell. This immortal soul is not attached to anything from its earlier incarnations. Previous parents, children, lovers, roles, reputation, career, race, culture, religion, power, money, prestige, and possessions are no longer important.

Egoic personalities are the ones that remain attached to past lifetimes or present-life family members, lovers, or accomplishments. The soul never looks back. It is forever looking forward, to its next evolutionary sequence.

Spirit is Spirit is Spirit

Another totally-misconceived word is ‘spirit’. People talk about the world of spirit as opposed to the world of matter. For most spiritual seekers, anything that is not measurable by human senses or their technological extensions becomes spiritual. Entities of any invisible world and all wandering egoic personalities become ‘spirits’. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Most ghosts are actually the egoic personalities of dead people or entities from the subtle worlds who are using the shape of the departed to feed on the living or use them for specific purposes. Yet, we call ghosts ‘spirits’ of the dead. Elementals of the subtle physical worlds are named nature ‘spirits’, and aggressive etheric or vital entities, demon ‘spirits’.

In reality, spirit is the original divine vibration that precedes, generates, and inhabits all forms, beings, and forces found in an infinity of vibrational worlds – tangible and intangible, temporal and timeless. “It is the original and eternal source of all. Spirit is everywhere and inside everything. It lies beyond birth and death, and is forever unchanging.” (Personocratia’s Booklet 3: Religion towards…Idessity). In reality, there is one sole spirit that expresses itself both universally and individually at the same time. This phenomenon is called holography: each part contains the whole. The mixed-up vocabulary and false notions used in religions, cults, and most spiritualities has been purposely jumbled to keep us misinformed and easier to control.

Most Aliens Are Not Extraterrestrials ?

[Since 1996 most if not all abductions are carried out by military underground bases working with the Velon and aimed at mind control, multiple false stories, and confusion and painting the Greys and “Grey Hybrids” as the abductors. Prior to 1996 true alien (Grey) abductions were benevolent although sometimes perceived as painful by those whose fear factor coloured the experience.]

Many abductees describe their captors as Small Grey aliens with two large black eyes.

These are actually cloned organic robots used as avatars for other interdimensional aliens falling in numerous categories: Tall Greys, Reptilians, Mantids, Snakes, Nordics, and many more. [These are bio-mechanical robots – cloned in the sense they are built on an assembly line using circuit boards and a minimum of DNA programming]

Most of these Small Greys are made in secret laboratories inside DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), which should actually be called DUMABs (Deep Underground Military-Alien Bases), since aliens are deeply involved in running the show.

[These Aliens spoken of would be the Velon (sometimes disguised as Reptilians, Tall Greys, Nordics and/or possibly Greys working for the Velon and/or Velon disguised as Greys who are involved in building these bio-mechanical robots with just enough DNA to perform tasks. IF THE MANTIDS REALLY EXIST AND ARE NOT JUST A MIND PROGRAM LIKE THE HUMAN HYBRID CHILDREN then they are bio-mechanical robots]

Abductees have described many types of aliens. However, there is no way of knowing if these are:

1) Clones from DUMABs;
2) Inhabitants of deep cave systems;
3) Inner Earth dwellers (Agartha – hollow Earth theory);
4) Beings from secret bases on the moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, or other planets of our solar system;
5) Beings from other star systems or galaxies;
6) Beings from parallel dimensions;
7) Beings from the past or the future.

The choice is yours! But never take their word for granted, since many if not most are shape shifters [NOT EXACTLY SINCE THESE VELON USE A VERY SOPHISTICATED COMPUTER TO CHANGE THEIR SOUL “HOUSING” so it’s not ‘strictly speaking’ shape shifting] and are inveterate liars who know more about human psychology than the best psychologists and car salesmen.

Most aliens cannot endure the extremely dense frequency of Earth, so they have to use avatars to go around. [I disagree with this statement]
These can be:
1) Artificial life forms (e.g. Small Greys);
2) Clones of real aliens that have been genetically modified to endure the Earth’s environment;
3) Human-alien hybrids (hubrids);
4) Possessed human clones;
5) Microchipped humans;
6) Mind-controlled humans;
7) Possessed humans;
8) Any combination of these.

Therefore, you can no longer think that an alien automatically comes from another planet. Nor can you be sure that a regular-looking human is not a hubrid [DISGUISED VELON] or a person controlled by an alien, demonic entity, or something even weirder. In a world of lies, even the most inspiring human guru, beautiful angel, wise ascended master, or gentle alien can hide the most wicked, deceitful, lustful, treacherous demon. I will [NOT] be able to tell the difference if I am blinded by false beliefs and desperately looking for a savior.

*Worse still, abductees (taken away without their consent) and contactees (taken willingly) have alien experiences that often turn out to be non-physical and mixed with mind control. *

Many are being fed a false alien scenario, which is downloaded directly into their brain. They remember interacting with aliens, but these could simply be military personnel or demons [Velon] of the vital worlds taking a special shape and saying the lies that best suit their purpose.

Demons are extremely skillful at using bodies as avatars, since they cannot manifest physically. They have the choice of inhabiting humans, hubrids, aliens, clones of all types, biorobots, animals, plants, magical objects, etc. This works best above cosmo-telluric power places (stargates), especially where sacred geometry increases their power of manifestation: cathedrals, castles, standing stones, pyramids, crop circles, etc.

The whole phenomenon of alien life is riddled with misconceptions, disinformation, and out-and-out lies. And the human mind is so limited, that there is no way we can really understand what is going on. One thing is sure: if you see an alien and it tells you it comes from another planet or galaxy, your best bet is to assume that it is lying!

As for their crafts, most physical UFOs are man-made and the human elite owns technology that is thousands of years in advance of what is officially disclosed. As sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke wrote: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Those UFOs that are not man-made are much more ethereal than we imagine. Such UFOs can shapeshift into whatever form is needed for the purpose at hand: hot air balloon, flying saucer, cloud, airplane, bird, angel, dragon, etc

[It is true that alien “ufo’s” are normally invisible because of their higher vibrations , and they can pass through solid objects like mountains. They only make themselves visible when they choose to do so. The same can be said of the Aliens themselves.]

All Humans Are Hubrids[NOT TRUE]
What do Obama and Beyonce have in common? They are probably hubrids: human-alien hybrids. Actually, all humans are hubrids, since Homo sapiens was modified many times in the past by aliens and their masters to suit their purpose. That explains the various races on the planet. Obama, Beyonce and most of the famous and powerful are improved hubrids that are more ‘possessable’, thus easily controlled by their owners. Their abnormally-large vital bodies allow them to be charismatic (Pope Francis) and to perform occult tricks (Chris Angel). Contactees, abductees and milabs are often such hubrids and most of them have psychic powers that are put in the service of their masters. Whether the being possessing a hubrid is an alien or a demon makes no difference. The problem is that we keep bowing down to them and offering them our vital energy in various forms: awe, admiration, lust, jealousy, envy, anger, hate, obedience, reverence, etc. There is no reason for them to stop this power game, since we give them what they crave. If we want things to change, we will have to change ourselves. We cannot count on the lies and deceptions of aliens and their demonic buddies.

The problem is that we do not know who we really are. We still consider ourselves lesser than aliens and invisible entities. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s time that we acknowledge our true identity!

Aliens and Demons Live in the World of Illusion
Many researchers in the field claim that aliens-demons or ADs (let us link them together, as they work as partners) have been running the show for millions of Earth years, both on our planet and elsewhere in the universe. They call the highest level of control the demiurge, a term first coined by Plato and later adopted by the Gnostics.

Others call this top honcho Lucifer [A name associated with the planetary soul Velus 1 who was removed from Earth in 2009 by the Guardians] or the Great Architect. Christians call it God and Muslims, Allah. It is the god in charge of the mental, vital, and physical worlds that are in relation with planet Earth.

I like to call it the god of illusion. As we saw earlier, a human being living on Earth owns a very special soul that grows from one incarnation to the next and a special body that is able to host this soul. There have been so many combinations and alterations in the earthbound human body in the past millennia that it can no longer be ruled by a single deva (god of a species).

Thus, a human being only has one real boss: its soul, the Supreme Being individualized in space-time. This means that the unlimited, omnipotent, omniscient creator of the whole universe lies hidden inside humans in an individualized format. It can tell each person what to do and creates for each one exactly what is needed to advance its agenda, both on an individual and a universal basis.

Realize that humans are individual creators – not because they have an advanced mind, but because they have an advanced soul!

On the other hand, most ADs have much more powerful minds than humans and they have access to the subtle worlds. They can ‘read’ what some call the akashic records, where everything that has happened since the inception of the universe is stored, including all possible pasts, presents, and futures. Therefore, ADs can easily get information, but they are limited to their own level of consciousness. They can only decipher deformed versions of the truth. Unlike humans, they do not have access to advanced souls. So, they are stuck in the illusion. They need to feed themselves (often on us) and they eventually die, even if some live for thousands, even millions of years. And with death come fear, hierarchy, war, lies, and deceit.

Humans Are Not Victims

With such powerful souls, humans are not the victims of aliens or demons. They are creators and willing participants in a cosmic experiment. The latter is taking place only on Earth, but its repercussions affect the whole universe. Astronomically speaking, our planet may appear like a small piece of cosmic dust floating among countless galaxies, a tiny grain of sand on a Bahamian beach. However, on a spiritual level, “Earth is the concentrated symbol of the universe. It is much easier to work on one point than to work in a diluted immensity … For the facility and the necessity of the work, the whole universe has been concentrated and symbolically condensed in a grain of sand called Earth.” (The Mother, Entretiens, 1953, my translation)

Souls have agreed upon the procedure of this special experiment on Earth.

To our souls, the present earthly scenario is going according to expectations. Whatever the elite does, whatever laws it passes on compulsory schooling, smart meters or vaccinations, despite the number of concentration camps it builds and children it rapes, kills and eats in satanic ceremonies, despite GMOs, chemtrails, HAARP , and nanotechnology, it follows the Supreme Being’s plan. There is really nothing to worry about.

[I would say there was no such plan. GMOs arouse because we had not processed the guilt of what happened on Atlantis so it became a natural necessity in order to remove those energetic blocks to our emotional body. What happened, happened, and it is up to us to deal with it on a group human consciousness level which begins with the individual. Chemtrails were not created for the expressed purpose of forcing us to raise our vibrations above their harmful effects. Those who create chemtrails do so for their own individual reasons, we dealt with and responded by raising our vibes. The same applies to HAARP and microwave towers.]

Yet, there is something we must do – we must change ourselves! We are not, have never been, will never be victims. We are creators!

[I would add that we are also healers.]

. True Trinity: Creator, Creature and Grace are one and the same

Humans are a trinity: 1) Spirit, the creator of the video game; 2) Soul, the player pushing buttons on the video console; 3) Body, the avatar in the game, with its three main tools – mental, vital, and physical. The trouble is I have forgotten who I really am. I simply think of myself as the avatar in a multi-dimensional game of Dungeons and Dragons. And I swear at the Dungeon Master (god of illusion) when things do not go according to my little egoic mind’s plan. If my soul enlarges, I get to choose an improved avatar for the next incarnation. The more lives my soul experiences, the more evolved it gets, and the better its control on the three bodies.

So, I am never a victim, I am both the creator (spirit) and the player of the game (soul). Yet, I act as if I was strictly the avatar (body) in the game – and I am terrified of dying! However, as a soul, I am immortal and as a spirit, I am timeless.

Whatever happens in the game allows my soul to grow in consciousness and enlarge its souled body. And for a soul, the game can be a lot of fun. My soul lives in bliss at all times, whether it is in a body or in between bodies. Ego, the temporary cluster of personalities attached to my present avatar-body, is the one who follows the WSAD program – Work-Suffer-Age-Die. So, when I experience fear, any type of fear, I can automatically conclude that I am identifying with ego, and not soul.

Etheric Personalities Are Not Souls

Most people mistake their souls with either their etheric body or their vital body. Let me explain. All of us are aware of our physical bodies, or at least the concrete part of it. The subtle physical part is often called the etheric body and is well known to healers, dowsers, and shamans.

The door connecting our physical body to the etheric body and its corresponding world is the first chakra, below the vertebral column. The etheric body houses several personalities, which are often mistakenly, called the ‘soul’. They can easily interact with the world of the subtle physical, the realm of electromagnetic and scalar energies, elementals (gnomes, undines, sylphs, salamanders) and other nature ‘spirits’, crytozoological creatures (sasquatch, lake monsters, chupacabras, mothmen, etc.).

Most real aliens pop in and out of this etheric realm (Greys, Reptilians, Mantids, Nordics). [Of the examples given in this article, only the Greys are real organic entities. The rest are bio-mechnaical or Velon in disguise, sometimes even the Greys are Velon in disguise]

This is especially true of those who are more physical. They feed on human flesh, blood, or secretions, reproduce sexually or through cloning, have babies, and use technology to travel around and accomplish tasks. [Do not agree with this at all.]

Vital Personalities Are Not Souls

Astral projection of a vital personality Most people mistake vital egoic personalities with the soul, because these are easy to feel through desires and emotions. Such personalities can easily detach from the physical body to visit the vital worlds. They do so when their unwilling human host is sleeping (dreams) or daydreaming. A willing human can allow her vital personalities to detach deliberately through astral projection, or by using psychoactive drugs (LSD, ecstasy, ayahuasca), sound patterns (drumming, binaural beats, music), magic rituals, remote viewing technology, and so on. When you hear people talk about ‘astral-soul matrix’ or ‘soul-body consciousness’, they are referring to one of many vital personalities. These remain attached to the physical body with what is called a silver chord. If this is cut, a large part of the vital body leaves the physical body, which may die unless another vital personality is forcefully inserted: demon, reptilian or other alien, etc. Such replacements are done regularly in secret laboratories, to create interdimensional spies (astral operators) who gather information and even possess other humans. Some abductees and milabs say that their ‘souls’ have been imprisoned inside Faraday cages (electrified metal enclosures) or similar technologies. There is NO way such procedures can work on a real soul, which vibrates at an extremely high frequency and is not affected by electromagnetic and scalar fields. Yet, this is entirely possible for etheric and low vital entities and egoic personalities.

Mental Personalities Are Not Spirit

As mental egoic personalities vibrate at a higher frequency, they are often equated with spirit. The so-called negative entities that live there cannot access the physical world directly. These mental demons (called asura in Sanskrit – Hinduism) use the vital demonic hierarchies and STS aliens of the subtle physical realm to do their job. Our mental egoic personalities are thought forms crystallised around specific beliefs or dogmas, whether religious, moral, or scientific. Most of these have been programmed into us soon after birth and many are intergenerational, dating back thousands of years. Through atavism, they are carried inside invisible portions of the parental DNA. Mental egoic personalities can be modified in many ways (education, media), but they cannot be technologically controlled or abducted like vital personalities. Yet, alien-created religious beliefs can influence humans drastically and stop them from truly understanding their external and internal environments. Be aware that such religious disinformation also includes scientific materialism, which is full of false assumptions. We have been taught that there are invariable physical laws: gravity, inertia, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, etc. Others talk about universal and cosmic laws. Actually, these are all false, and many have already been proven wrong. In reality, there is only one law: higher frequencies have precedence over lower ones. Therefore, mental personalities are able to affect our vital personalities directly, and the latter can control etheric ones. This also means that soul has priority over mind. Now, that is interesting! Because their frequencies are higher than those of etheric and vital realms, mental vibrations are often mistaken for spiritual vibrations. Some even call the Supreme Being the ‘Universal Mind’. In doing so, they remain at the level of mind, with its worlds of division, right/wrong duality, ethical conduit, justice for all, etc. A very limited and falsified vision of reality, whose vibrations are very low as compared to the highest vibrations of the Supreme Being, which exist far beyond mind, in what Aurobindo calls the supramental (beyond mind) worlds.

Homo Sapiens is a Transitional Being

Acanthostega Homo sapiens was never meant to last forever as an animal species. Just like the Acanthostega was the transition between fish and amphibians and the Archaeopterix was the short-lived temporary species between reptiles and birds, humanity is an intermediate link between two reigns: animality and divinity. This leap is much bigger than just another new species, genus, or any other taxonomic category manifesting for the first time. It is bigger than passing from the non-living mineral to the living vegetal kingdom.
We are talking about a new being, with “a body made up of a new matter that has unlimited and instantaneous creative powers.” A divine being with all of the divine attributes! Aurobindo describes this new matter as “more fluid than a gas and harder than a diamond”. (Evening Talks)

Don’t worry about the survival of our species. With chemtrails, GMOs, radiation, pestcides, rampant Satanism, the New World Order, the medical mafia (vaccines, cancer and AIDS treatments, toxic pharmaceuticals), nuclear radiation, and mind control, Homo sapiens is doomed. It has served its purpose and is now finishing its mandate.
No problem. We are not humans – we are souls getting ready to switch from a gas-guzzling Hummer-type human body to a free-energy stargate-jumping divine body. Nothing to cry about!

The Answer is Not Technological, Chemical or Magical

Please, don’t read my car analogy wrong. I am not saying that the answer is technological. Quite the opposite! Technology is simply a lazy person’s answer to her dreams of infinite powers. I would rather continue to use limited and limiting devices (computers, cell phones, microchips, free energy machines) than become who I really am: an omniscient, omnipotent, invincible, immortal, all-loving being!

The use of technology actually slows down the evolution of consciousness, unless it is soul-guided.

The manifestation of a divine being made up of divine matter does not rely on transhumanism and its GRIN technologies – Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology. Nor is the solution chemical, through drug-induced states of consciousness or by other artificial or magical means (ayahuasca, LSD, numerology, Kabbalah, binaural beats, rituals, sacrifices).

We cannot force the evolution of consciousness in such a way, and even less the transformation of human into divine beings. Neither can such a change be provoked by an external facilitator, through a Oneness Blessing (deeksha), despite Amma Bhagavan’s claim, founder of the Oneness University: “Man cannot make it on his own; it has to be given to him.” Indeed, but not by another human. Rather, the body must surrender its free will to its soul and follow its injunctions blindly.

So, forget any type of external help: shamanism, reiki, drugs, magic, gurus, religions, mystery schools, secret societies, channelling, walk-ins, ley lines, and sacred sites. In the past, these helped the evolution of consciousness. Now, they hinder our transformation.

No, Thanks!

Let us go back to the subject of abductions, aliens, and demonic entities. As a human being, I am perpetually bathing in subtle worlds brimming with forces and beings of all types. Personally, I am not a milab, abductee, or contactee, but like all humans, I am surrounded by invisible beings who attempt to influence me and feed on me – 24/7. However, whether they are human, alien, demonic, I am never a victim. I am always a participant. The solution is obvious: I must learn to say “no, thanks!” to all those entities. “No, thanks. And don’t bother asking again.” Refusing their offers and repelling their attacks works only if I am sincere.

In most cases, one or more of my egoic personalities agree to play the game, whether it is physical or subtle in nature. One part of me wants the contact or abduction in order to feel wanted and special. This fulfills my desire to be more powerful and important than other ‘normal’ humans who do not face such ordeals. Abductees and contactees are told they have been ‘chosen’.

Milabs are taken by the military because they are already abductees whose occult powers can be used to participate in delicate missions. To be liberated from military/alien/demonic influence, I must dissolve the egoic personalities that profit from their actions. These parts of me must accept to die and I have to face the void. I must continue living while I have the impression of being nothing. A very uncomfortable experience!

The problem is that I identify with my ego, not my soul.

I remain so attached to my present-day egoic personalities that I cannot imagine being anything else. Who am I if I am no longer a milab/abductee/contactee? Surrendering my free will to my soul, that part of me about which I know nothing, that I cannot hear and hardly feel, requires immense courage. Aurobindo summarizes this quite well:

“Ego must disappear and be replaced by the true spiritual person, the central being, and life itself must be turned towards the fulfillment of the Divine in terrestrial existence; it must feel a Divine Force awaking within it and become an obedient instrumentation of its purpose.” (The Synthesis of Yoga by Aurobindo)

The Transformation Happens Here and Now

There have been many advanced civilizations before ours. Every time humanity on Earth became too technological or magical, and erred away from its mission – the manifestation of a divine being made out of divinized matter – some cosmic event brought about a planet cleansing. The destruction of Atlantis and Noah’s Great Flood are simply two recent ‘resets’.

Courtney Brown, a remote viewing specialist, summed it up well in a recent interview: “You need a million years of uninterrupted growth for a civilization to really mature and do something. You can’t grind it down to a pulp every twenty-five thousand years or sixty thousand years and expect it to start all over again, where there is no memory of what happened before. And this is what happens regularly [on Earth]… We have these pole shifts that happen regularly, we have these coronal mass ejections that happen every two thousand years that ruin all the electrical stuff… This is not a good planet to have a long-term civilization on.”

You are right, Courtney, but it is a perfect planet for the evolution of souls and the creation of a new reign in matter!

What is coming now is not a ‘reset’. It is an apocalypse, a Greek word that means “revelation, disclosure of what has been concealed”.

The present climatic and geological changes on Earth and other planets of our solar system are evident proof that something big is coming. However, it is much more than just a regular mass-extinction event, much bigger than the end of a cycle. It is the end of ALL cycles! It is the beginning of a new kingdom: divine beings made out of divine matter and living divine lives outside of the space-time illusion. For the divine chicks to hatch, they must break their shells. This has already started in the invisible realms, but we cannot yet see it in the concrete material world. In order for the shells to crack open, we need a critical mass of human beings who surrender to their souls and allow the immensely powerful energies of spirit to transform their mortal and limited human bodies into immortal, unlimited divine bodies. When this critical mass is reached, aliens and entities that have been feeding on humans will simply disappear.

Now, you finally understand why they are so desperate at stopping this emergence of divine beings by all means possible: microchipping, hybridization, GMOs, chemtrails, radiation, abductions, etc. With their time machines, they are able to see the future. They know that they will not succeed. They can only delay the inevitable. Even if the transformation of willing humans into divine beings is inescapable, we need to participate willingly to the birthing process. How can we help? Each one of us needs to say “No, thanks!” to the skillful maneuvers of ADs.

And don’t think that Jesus, son of God, or any other past spiritual teachers, can help you. This may have worked in the past, but that time is over. Don’t expect either that good, STO aliens (Service-To-Other) will tell us how to get the job done. They can no longer help, because this is a first-time-ever event. Only our souls know how to proceed, and they are hidden inside our bodies!

Our transformation into divine beings rests in our own hands.

We must refuse to participate as willing contactees, abductees, or milabs, even if it means the death of our physical bodies. After all, as humans, we own immortal, forever-evolving souls. Aliens and demons don’t! We do not need to be afraid. They do! All spiritual people are quick to admit that they are divine. Well, it’s time to walk our talk – and trust our souls, at all costs!




A lawsuit filed against the U.S. National Security Agency reveals a frightening array of technologies and programs designed to keep tabs on individuals, influence dreams and thinking, memories, AND MUCH MORE in the way of mind control deep programmed memories.

To see entire article: http://www.wanttoknow.info/mk/nsa-covert-operations-akwei


Charts below depict graphically how covert operations of the NSA are able to influence thoughts and emotions and even project voices into people's heads. Descriptions of the technology and science used are also quite revealing.

This includes remotely causing targeted individuals to experience physical sensations such as itch and pain, memory blanking, CONTROLLED DREAMS AND DREAM SCENARIOS, forced movement of jaw, forced speech, rigor mortis, READING AND BROADCASTING THOUGHTS, FORCED WAKING VISIONS, ETC.

Note: See an excellent Washington Post article on electronic harassment and projecting voices into people's heads.


From an article in Nexus Magazine April/May 96

Covert Operations By The NSA National Security Counsel – John St Clair Akwei

A lawsuit filed against the U.S. National Security Agency reveals a frightening array of technologies and programs designed to keep tabs on individuals.
John St Clair Akwei
National Security Agency
Ft George G. Meade, MD, USA
(Civil Action 92-0449)
The following document comprises evidence for a lawsuit filed at the U.S. Courthouse in Washington, DC, by John St Clair Akwei against the National Security Agency, Ft George G. Meade, Maryland (Civil Action 92-0449), constitutes his knowledge of the NSA's structure, national security activities proprietary technologies and covert operations to monitor individual citizens.


• Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
Blanket coverage of all electronic communications in the US and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960s.

NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia and the general public.

• Signals Intelligence (SICINT)
The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and track persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves.

The NSA/DoD [Department of Defense] developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether manmade or organic, that have electrical activity.

• Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)
The NSA has records on all US citizens. The NSA gathers information on US citizen who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent national security anti-terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the US is easily and cost-effectively implemented with NSA's electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire US, involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously . Cost-effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track.
NSA personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.

• Individual Citizens Occasionally Targeted for Surveillance by Independently Operating NSA Personnel
NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the US by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network and cover businesses.

The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen.

NSA DOMINT has the ability to assassinate US citizens covertly or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.

The above symptoms highlight a fraction of the vast array of Neuro-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults perpetuated by the Police and Military Intelligence Agencies toward Remote Mind Control Experiments, Behavioural Manipulation and Murder.

The entire article can be found here with many more illustrations:




Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.


RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area.

That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in that specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. (See Table 1 below)

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived.


Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country.

A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousands of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.

Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with Hidden NSA Installed and Maintained Plastic Plumbing lines.

The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing-aiding drugs).

This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology (psychopharmacology).

18th December 2015, 16:29
That was a great read Herb. I hope the length of it isn't too discouraging. I read a little at a time.

18th December 2015, 20:26
Hi Ana...!
it is a real good read and once again..
Herbert does a nice work of essay.

20th December 2015, 19:21
Thanks for the encouragement Guys. It's always welcome. :>))

You have the right idea Anastasia, even I have to read that long post in stages and going to the original source for each section in turn, is most rewarding for the details that add to our understanding.

The drawing of a human near the end of Section 7 with all the arrows showing how powerful this technology can influence "willing" abductees really sums it up in a concise way.

And it is important for abductees to remember, that stating your intention sincerely allows your Higher Self to find the means for stopping the cycle of Ego abductions. It will prove difficult at first because of the amount of time this violation has been going on , BUT your Higher Self can break the cycle with your expressed intention. Most people were first violated as children when they were too immature to know they could exercise free will. I have been told that the Greys just shake their heads when they observe mans inhumanity to their own kind. These Black Ops people have given up their naturally born compassion like some mad scientist.

One effective method for stopping psychic attacks is to raise a mirror around your sacred space, facing out, to reflect back on the perpetrator any energies that are not benevolent. But the first step is to become aware of their methods and then to state you intention out loud. Too many people suffer in silence, not being able to share their experiences with friends or family in fear of being ostracized. They blame themselves, resulting in low self-esteem and guilt feelings. These people need to realize they are not to blame, they have been used and taken advantage of from an early age. In many cases these abductees come from abusive homes and they often have a high psychic potential.

I know of one extremely effective method to stop these attacks in their tracks. The family or loved ones form a circle of joined hands around the individual and profess their love for them out loud. They may say something like we love her/him and will never allow this loved person to ever be taken again. They are keeping her/him here close to them. This has the double effect of not only stopping the attacks but letting the person know just how much love there really is for them and that they are no longer alone in this ordeal. Never underestimate the power of love, once it is expressed out loud. Too often we think our friends and family know they are loved and also too often people don't realize they are not alone. The subconscious is a tricky thing to deal with - we just don't recognize what we have been missing without even realizing it.

There is much more to the electromagnetic spectrum technology than even the Western Black Ops is aware of. I will be making a later post on the subject of Electromagnetic theory written in 1865 by James Clerk Maxwell. He wrote 20 equations with 20 unknowns of complex mathematics which mostly got thrown out because after he died nobody could understand them. It was Tesla who tapped into some of these equations, but the universities only teach 4 of them to electrical engineers now. In 1895 Heaviside shortened them and in 1910 Lorenz went even further so that electrical engineers have not been made aware of over unity energy available through the dimensions. Tom Bearden is the expert on this subject because of his mathematical prowess but the Russians have taken it even further.

I think anyone interested in free energy should at least have a minor conceptual awareness of this science in order to prepare our group human consciousness for the major shift in acceptance. As Bearden puts it, Keshe's plasma physics technology is only a middle step in the science of multidimensional free electromagnetic energy. Western science is completely unaware that the mind exists in time but not in space.

That is for a future post but it leads me nicely into Chris Thomas on the subject of Multidimensionality, which is something we will all experience when we have fully integrated the other 3/4 of our soul into the physical. This seems to be more a process than an event, although it may end with a mass event.

The Journey Home by Chris Thomas


Page 63

There are many people who have experiences of meditation groups where the group facilitator suggests a “guided” meditation journey. In the travels experienced during this form of exercise some of the most profound occur when the facilitator suggests that those taking part imagine themselves to be animals. Very often, if the species of animal is not specified, the individual will find themselves instantly transported into the body of an animal with which they form an instant, comfortable, rapport.

This instant transition and relaxed acceptance of the experience is because the person is connecting with a part of their “total” soul that is investigating other areas of physical life that are available on Earth. The level of consciousness is very limited as only a very small number of animal species are available for this type of experience. The list of animals is limited by each species level of consciousness and suitability of energy frequencies. For example, it is possible to live as an eagle but not as a sparrow, a dolphin but not as a shark, a gorilla but not as a small monkey. Each animal type allows for new levels of experience and understanding within the total range of physical existences available on the planet.

This aspect of human consciousness is that which gave rise to members of traditional, tribal communities being able to adopt the personas of certain animals. With practice, it is possible to “share” consciousness with the element of an individual’s “total” soul that is living as an animal. This does not mean that the person physically changes into the form of the animal, but is able to take on aspects of the animal’s sensory systems and behavioural characteristics. In extreme instances, a very few people have been able to alter their own energy fields, or aura, to resemble that of the animal’s thereby appearing to “shape shift”.

Observers of these very talented people have seen the outline of the animal around the person as the aura shifts frequencies to that of the animal. The person has remained in their original form but their energy fields have undergone total transition. Bears and wolves have been particularly popular choices for the “total” soul’s experiences as they have very high levels of sensory awareness. Not all suitable animals are formed by the consciousness given by the “total” soul, but a large minority have been. The majority of animals receive consciousness from the same source as that of all plants, the planetary consciousness. . .

Page 65

Animals that are kept as pets, such as cats and dogs, are also not suitable candidates for this type of consciousness experience. This type of animals connected to the planetary consciousness and is insufficiently aware to be suitable candidates for use by the “total” soul. Much as it is extremely appealing to consider reincarnating as a domestic cat, it is, unfortunately, not possible. However, their levels of consciousness can, on an individual animal basis, be enhanced by close contact with loving people.

Animals that are kept as pets have a common consciousness that is generated by a kind of mass consciousness applicable to each animal group. For example, a dog mass consciousness or a cat mass consciousness. All animals of each particular group, are a part of, and connected to, their respective mass consciousness. When individual animals are shown love and respect, by the people with whom they share their lives, they can take on a higher level of individuality. In other words they become almost a separate consciousness with their own identity and characteristics. When these animals pass out of the physical, they can retain their individuality for some time, but eventually, they will return to their mass consciousness origins.

So it can be seen that all of us are considerably more than we appear to be. There is considerably more to our existence, and the soul, than most people have assumed. The multidimensional concept is one that most people will have great difficulty in accepting, but it is set to play a much larger role in human affairs than it has throughout all of our history. As each human physical life is completed, the “physical” consciousness returns to the “total” soul and recombines with it. The accumulated experiences and memories, from all of its many lifetimes, will be “downloaded” into the ‘total” soul’s sum of experience. The percentage consciousness, that comprises each particular physical soul, is then available for integration with the “physical” soul that has chosen to remain physical during our transition period. The remaining physical soul will begin drawing into itself the remainder of the “total” soul, or consciousness, until it has assimilated all of the consciousness into itself. A complete human being.

The process of reintegration has already begun [1996] [Note that Inelia Benns says it began 200 years ago, all C.T. is adding is that it began in earnest when the new energies entered our solar system in 1996 for the final chance to complete The Human Plan].

As each “portion” of consciousness is drawn back into the “whole human”, awareness of the multidimensional self will grow and the past memories, both human and animal, will become part of the “whole human” memories. These memories will feel as if they are a part of the individual’s past, as indeed they are, but they will also be aspects of the self that many will find unusual.

Although each “physical” soul has lived the full range of human experiences [the continuums of the 12 archetypes], they have, generally, adopted one aspect of the human emotional makeup to concentrate upon. Each person is a mixture of kind and cruel, honest and dishonest, reliable and unreliable etc., whatever kind of emotional life the final “physical” soul has lived, in this lifetime, the “whole human” must incorporate all of the other aspects of the emotional spectrum that have been experimented with throughout all of the many lifetimes lived. Some will find it difficult to accept that, although in this lifetime they have lived exemplary lives, they will have memories of, perhaps, acting with extreme cruelty. There will need to be a brief period of adjustment, for each individual, as the reality of these memories is accepted.

There are no competitions within the soul, no sense of winners and losers. As each individual takes on their full consciousness, with all of the conflicting memories, understand that it is these individuals who have best come through their experiences and it is they who have achieved a level of awareness where they are the ones, out of all of the “physical” souls that they represent, who are the most able to cope with full integration.

The period of potential confusion will not last for very long and should be recognized as a period of reintegration of the whole. Each “physical” soul has a story to tell and who better to tell it to than the self. Although this is potentially a period of doubt and confusion, it should be recognized for what it actually is; a time of rejoicing for the period of our suffering is over. This is the long awaited time when we can once again see the reality of our world and the constructive part each of us has played in human history. This is not a time of death, nor is it a time of destruction, but a time of renewal and reawakening. It is time for us to live again with the Angels.

[“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Chris Thomas]

24th December 2015, 17:48
Most people are completely unaware of just how tenuous the theories of gravity and the Big Bang really are. We have been deliberately misled into accepting as fact, that which has only been theorized and never proven. We have been led to believe that we live in a mechanical universe rather than a conscious universe. This has also had repercussions on how we think of ourselves but that is for another discussion.

The result of this is what leads to all kinds of intellectualizing and speculation over, for example, how did the Moon get into such a unique relationship with the Earth? If this is truly a mechanistic universe then would not someone have had to place or drag the moon into its position to help stabilize the Earths wobble? But how did they (presumably E.T.’s) manage to get the moon’s spin just right so that we never see the other side of the moon from Earth?

The fact is that more and more scientists are suggesting this is not a mechanistic universe but rather a conscious universe.

Just stop and think about what that means.

It means that each planet and each moon and the Sun has a conscious soul, in the same way each human has a soul. So what would that entail in terms of their relationships? Would it not mean that the souls work together to achieve life? I help my friends in a baseball game by positioning myself as shortstop. The Moon wants to help the Earth so it takes up a position which allows it to stabilize the Earth’s orbit. In so doing it also consciously affects the tides.

As soon as we accept this to be a conscious universe, that it's not gravity but really the attraction of souls for one another based on energy, all the problems of why or how can be answered very simply. Free will being exercised by conscious souls. Mystery solved. Would you, as the moon, do any less? Planets, Moons and the Sun have willing relationships in the same way humans have willing relationships. They cooperate and they share their energies.

Is that not what a conscious universe means? It’s not gravity that holds the universe together, it’s conscious electromagnetic energy from the smallest atom to the largest Galaxy.


From an Essay Update on our Evolution by Chris Thomas up to end of page 3. http://www.thespiritguides.co.uk/article_11675.aspx

One of the main regions of our lives where we have been deliberately misled is with science. In many respects, the world, and its place within this Universe, is too large a topic for us to consider especially when we have the day to day running of our lives to take care of. Quantum physics is not the usual topic of conversation in the pub. So we rely on those who have set themselves up as experts and we listen to what they have to say. The thing to bear in mind about scientists is that they have their own biases and agendas. For example: In the Victorian era (when most of our current scientific thinking was set in stone) most scientists believed absolutely that if a woman attempted to solve problems in higher mathematics, her brain would explode – I kid you not.

The problem with science is that it operates on two main levels: there is the public face of science and then there is the reality of the control that science is under and rigorously imposes upon itself.

“It is intriguing to note that the views of scientists like Tardieu, Stern and Susman, though appearing in scientific journals, are rarely encountered in popular presentations or general textbooks. This points to the existence of a pattern of knowledge filtration in the scientific community that tends, consciously or unconsciously, to suppress information that would complicate the relatively simple picture of human evolution presented to the public in general and to students at all levels of the educational system...”

I have spent about 35 years actively researching within the Akashic trying to find the truth about human history but I have spent more years than that investigating science, in all of its fields. The main conclusion I have reached from all of the scientific literature I have read is that science is following an agenda. The public face of science is that which somebody wants us to see and that there are fundamental flaws in even the everyday science we are taught at schools. These flaws and untruths become perpetuated, even by scientists, and so it can be difficult to arrive at an actual truth. The other problem with science is that there is very little proof of anything – all there are is theories. The amount of scientific theory that can be proven could be written on the back of an envelope. Despite this lack of proof, the scientific community proclaims its supposed knowledge with great confidence and arrogance and , unless we research these claims for ourselves, we have no method by which we can counter these scientific claims; we tend to accept them and move on.

When I have given talks about the information within the Akashic, there is usually one moron in the audience who asks in a very supercilious fashion: “Is there any scientific proof for what you are saying?” The answer is: Is there any proof of science? To give an example of what I mean. Let us look at one of the most fundamental theories that scientists claim is absolute – gravity.

We all know the story of gravity: Sir Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden one day in the 17 Century when an apple fell on his head. “Ouch, tis gravity”, said Newton. Well that’s not exactly an accurate picture of how Newton theorised about gravity but it is how most school children like to think about it. What Newton actually theorised was that the gravitational pull of any two objects is:

“Proportional to the mass of each and varies inversely as the square of the distance between them.”

In other words, all objects, including people, generate a gravitational pull on each other that reduces the further apart those objects or people are. The Earth exerts a gravitational pull on the apple and, in return, the apple exerts a gravitational pull on the Earth. But, as the Earth has a far larger mass than the apple, the apple falls towards the Earth. In return, the apple also pulls the Earth towards it but only by an infinitesimal amount. This theory of how gravity works, and what it is, has predominated science for four hundred years. Many scientists are now moving away from this concept of gravity and are beginning to realise that the Universe is not held together by gravity but by electro-magnetic forces. Many cosmologists now actually see these electro-magnetic forces as the 5th dimension – time being the 4th dimension.

(Note: this is not the 5th dimension that Velon controlled channelled messages have been trying to fool us into believing. The Velon version of the 5th dimension doesn’t exist anywhere or anywhen.)

To understand why electro-magnetic forces are stronger than gravity, here's an experiment you can try at home. For this experiment you will need a child's magnet (it doesn't matter if it is a bar magnet or a horseshoe magnet), a household nail and a flat surface. Place the nail on the flat surface and take the magnet into your hand. From a point directly above the nail, bring the hand holding the magnet slowly down towards the nail. When you are within 2 to 3 centimetres off the nail, it will suddenly leap from the surface and on to the magnet. What this shows is that the magnetic force is powerful enough to lift the mass of the nail off the surface a few centimetres without touching it. It also shows that your child's magnet is powerful enough to overcome the Earth's gravitational pull on the nail. It is also worth noting that if you lift the nail off the surface with your hand, you can lift it easily.

In comparison, it is far more difficult to lift the nail from the magnet. Another example of why gravity does not exist is to do with the moon. Through popular science, we know that the moon is held in its orbit by the Earth's gravitational pull. In turn, the moon exerts a gravitational pull on the Earth resulting in variations in tidal patterns in the sea (most women are also affected by the moon's cycles). When NASA (North American Space Agency) was blasting astronauts into orbit above the Earth's atmosphere, the astronauts entered a field of zero gravity. When the international space station was in orbit, the scientists claimed that they wanted to carry out experiments that could not be carried out on the Earth's surface as they needed to be carried out in zero gravity. If the moon was held in place by the Earth's gravitational field, the astronauts would not be in zero gravity until they were in an orbit beyond the moon.

In other words, the moon is not held in place by gravity.

So what does hold the moon in its orbit around the Earth?

How does the moon affect the tides?

Or for that matter, what holds the Earth and the other planets of the solar system in orbit around the sun?

Or the solar system in orbit around the galaxy?

Or the galaxy in its place in the Universe?

Electro-magnetic energies. Or at least, that is the scientific name for the forces involved.

Another name for electro-magnetic forces would be consciousness.

In recent years, many, many cosmologists have begun to think of the Universe as conscious.

This new explanation has arisen from experiments in quantum physics where the way in which the experimenter thinks the experiment is going to turn out determines the actual result. For the Universe to exist there must have been some kind of conscious thought that brought it into being.

Not all cosmologists are happy with this concept as it brings it too close to religious beliefs in God. But many are and their numbers are growing.

So why does the adherence to Newton's 400 year old theory of gravity persist?

Currently, the mainstream scientific view is that somewhere between 13 and 14 billion years ago there was a “Big Bang”. This Big Bang came out of nowhere, it was a spontaneous act derived from a single point in space (a “singularity”). As this Big Bang expanded, it somehow generated all of the energy and all of the matter (solid material) that makes up our Universe. As the Big Bang continued to expand, the density of the matter began to form gravity and it is the gravitational pull of this matter that limits the size of our Universe – too much gravity and the Universe would have collapsed before it began; too little gravity and it would have continued to expand outwards indefinitely without forming the Universe – it had to be the exact amount of gravity at exactly the right time and exactly in the right place for the Universe to form.

But then scientist began to use telescopes and began to map the galaxies that are contained within our Universe. They realised that there were an insufficient number of galaxies, and other massive objects, in the Universe to satisfy the requirements of their gravitational model.

So they sat down and came up with the idea of Cold Dark Matter (CDM). CDM cannot be seen nor can it be measured nor can it be weighed, it only theoretically exists in theoretical quantities. But even with their theorising, and the calculations they carried out to arrive at a collective mass for CDM, they could not find enough of it.

Then they came up with the idea of Cold Dark Energy (CDE). Again, CDE cannot be seen nor can it be measured nor can it be weighed, it only theoretically exists in theoretical quantities. In order for this “Double Dark” theory to work, there must be a fundamental particle that converts CDE into CDM. This particle was theorised by a Scottish scientist called Peter Higgs and has become known as the “Higgs boson” (there are also WIMPS – Weakly Interacting Mass Particles; and MACHOS – Massive Compact Halo Objects).

What the Higgs boson is supposed to do is travel around the Universe and, when it happens to collide with some theoretical CDE it magically converts it to theoretical CDM generating an extra lump of theoretical mass.

Trillions of dollars and have been spent on building larger and larger particle colliders, and millions per year in running costs, in an attempt to track down this theoretical particle that makes Big Bang and gravity theory work. In 2012, there was a big fuss made that the Hadron Collider at Cern, on the Swiss French border, had finally tracked down a Higgs boson.

Everyone cheered until the scientists at Cern realised that they didn't have a Higgs boson at all: it was just yet another sub-atomic particle.

Many, many scientists believe that the Big Bang did not happen, that gravity does not exist and that the Higgs boson does not exist: Summing up all of these theoretical particles and interactions as DUNNOS – Dark Unknown Non-detectable Objects Somewhere.

A group of these scientists held a conference in New York in 2004 and made a press release (this press release was not widely published as the statement went against the prevailing view):

“Big Bang Theory relies on a growing number of...things we have never observed. Inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent. Without them there would be fatal contradictions between the observations...and the predictions... In no other field of physics would this continual recourse to new hypothetical objects be accepted...what’s more, the Big Bang Theory can boast of no qualitative predictions that have subsequently been validated by observation...”

So why does the Big Bang theory and the theory of gravity persist?

Here’s a clue: One of the chief proponents of Big Bang and Double Dark theory is Dr Joel Primack. In 2008, he and a colleague, Dr Nancy Adams, undertook a world tour giving lectures at institutes in a number of countries. In these lectures, Drs Primack and Adams proposed an interesting suggestion. Their lectures begin with a very inaccurate story of the beliefs of ancient Egyptians. Essentially they claimed that the ancient Egyptians had religious beliefs based on their understanding of cosmology – the stars they could see in the heavens.

The Egyptian belief structure maintained that as long as the people continued to believe in the gods of the cosmos and how they held up the heavens, the skies and stars would stay in their place.

If the people stopped believing in their gods of the cosmos, the sky would fall and crush everyone to death. Virtually none of that is true but Primack and Adams used it as a prelude to their proposals that modern man should bring about a new religion, using the ancient Egyptian as a model, where the central tenets of this cosmology and anthropology-based religion should be based on the Big Bang theory and Double Dark theory; presumably with cosmologists like Primack and Adams as its “high priests”.

During the presentation of the three lectures that I have seen, they blatantly use symbolism connected to Freemasonry. They further go on to propose that this new cosmologically-based religion form a fundamental part of “the New World Order”. Horror is the best word I can think of to describe my reaction to Primack and Adams’ lectures. ***

But gravity is not the only scientific theory that requires that we totally change the way we think about, not only science, but ourselves.

1st January 2016, 13:36
Chris Thomas said the pyramids were once used for their energies to help maintain the human soul embodiment at a time we were losing abilities. I found this article today. I would copy and paste but not with my laptop so I will just link.


2nd January 2016, 17:05
I couldn't decide whether to put this post here or start a new thread. I am a somewhat fan of independent scientistic James McCanney and enjoy listening to his science hour radio show every Thursday night. Anyways he recently visited Peru and the Nazca Palpa lines and made a discovery. He talked about this in his New Year's Eve radio show. Those who are familiar with Chris Thomas' work will have their own answers to JM's questions about these lines but I think JM's discovery is HUGE and just another piece to the big puzzle of our history. I am posting links to the mp3 of the show and J M's website below. ENJOY!



2nd January 2016, 18:36
Does anyone know what's multiple sclerosis (MS) as a soul message? I've noticed that both young and old people can get it.

MS is difficult to diagnose.
CT (computer tomography) is not all.
After first or second "Schub" the spinal liquor is tested with a punctuation procedure and this water is tested.
But some people diagnosed with MS can have for a duration of the next five years without a further "Schub".
MS has many many faces.

2nd January 2016, 22:47
Does anyone know what's multiple sclerosis (MS) as a soul message? I've noticed that both young and old people can get it.

This is what I found in Chris Thomas' book "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Your Body But So Far Nobody's Been Able To Tell You". On a personal note I have witnessed this first hand with two friends and a family member (who suffer(ed) MS, Alzheimers and Parkinson's. There was an emptiness in them and no interest in healing and a life trauma that really set off their diseases. I have another book of CT's he wrote with his wife as a sequel to this book and offers a case history of a client of their's with MS. I will post the story if interested.

Pgs 140-141

The central nervous system gives us all of the information that we need to know about the world around us and our location within it. Therefore, health problems associated with the nervous system are to do with how we act with and respond to the world outside of us. By generating problems within the nervous system, we are shutting ourselves down so that the outside world cannot infuence us. We have switched ourselves off in order not to receive the information that is being presented.

This switching off varies from the loss of sensation in the finger tips, not wanting to feel what is going on, to life threatening diseases like Parkinsons Disease where we lose all sense of the world and retreat into a world of our own. All of these kinds of illnesses are to do with a withdrawal of the self from everything around us. "I have had enough of the world, or a particular aspect of it, and I am going to retreat into my self in order to not face it again".

We have treated a number of people for these kinds of illnesses with a varying state of success. Again, removal of even these kinds of symptoms is really not that difficult, but like all matters connected to our health, it is how we can help our clients to see what it is they are doing, and how they respond to their new understanding, that decides how long term our healing has been. If the person suffering these conditions can learn that it is within their power to alter their outlook, then the symptoms can be permanently removed and any damage can be undone.

Even the most serious of these complaints can be healed. Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, etc. are all treatable and reversible if the underlying reasons for the disease can be reversed by the person suffering them. As impossible as this sounds, it can be done

3rd January 2016, 13:38
I couldn't decide whether to put this post here or start a new thread. I am a somewhat fan of independent scientistic James McCanney and enjoy listening to his science hour radio show every Thursday night. Anyways he recently visited Peru and the Nazca Palpa lines and made a discovery. He talked about this in his New Year's Eve radio show. Those who are familiar with Chris Thomas' work will have their own answers to JM's questions about these lines but I think JM's discovery is HUGE and just another piece to the big puzzle of our history. I am posting links to the mp3 of the show and J M's website below. ENJOY!



This was not only very interesting, it's ground breaking, and enlightening. Thanks for sharing.

3rd January 2016, 15:53
http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/SalesPgBkCOverFINALThe%20Nazca%20and%20Palpa%20Lin es%20Peru-page-001.jpg

Thanks for posting this Anastasia!!


- This is not a flat plain but rather an undulating surface which makes this engineering feet all the more incredible requiring at the very least, in today’s terms, extraordinarily sensitive instrumentation to accomplish.

- The “plain” consists of reddish, iron dense rocks lying on a surface of super fine sand.

- The “official” stories do not add up.

- These lines are in fact an Ancient Interferometer Fractal Antenna Complex.

- A Giant, Ancient Signalling Device using Astral Electronics.


The Nasca Lines - A Giant, Ancient Signalling Device using Nature Friendly Astral Electronics


Because this discovery is so important I have made a transcript of the relevant information in the mp3


James McCanney An Amazing Discovery about The Nasca and Palpa Lines of Peru

Some of these lines converge on mounds. From a slightly elevated view I could see the convergence of lines on these points. You have to understand that 3 or 4 things went through my mind at that time. I already had a good vision of the animal figures, the way they were built, all the geological conditions in the area , etc. I said this a place, because it is above the plain, that would be a good place to capture atmospheric electricity by setting up a station. So all of these lines running out from these “hubs” so to speak – I am a telecommunications expert in all of the aspects of modern telecommunications – and I’m realising that these people knew about atmospheric electricity, and these were collection points, and this was an electrical gird. Now was it to power light bulbs or anything? NO!

I had already had some inklings about the designs because they looked very much like things I had seen back in the past in my telecommunications industry work. But when I got on top of the mount and was actually there and I was looking at these lines going out, and they all came up to the top, and they all met in this one little central spot on the top of these mounds I said:

The title of the newly released white paper is The Nasca and Palpa lines Peru, Mystery Solved – Ancient Interferometer Fractal Antenna Complex. Palpa is another earlier location in Peru with the same type of lines, birds and figures. “Interferometer” is a type of antenna network array, and that is what we have at the Nasca Plains. It’s a giant ancient signalling device for signalling to outer space. That is the only possible conclusion you can come to. These were driven by atmospheric electronics and they are very simple. So they had a protocol, obviously somebody was using these to communicate with other star systems.

So you can imagine what’s going through y head. I’m standing on the Nasca Plains, I’m coming to the realization that these are fractal antennas. In the white paper I go through the physics of fractal antennas, I go through the physics of interferometers, these are thing that I know very well from my astronomy background, from radio astronomy, from telecommunications.

Now let me start with fractal antennas. Your cell phone has a fractal antenna. Lets take the old long aluminium tube antenna, or a transmitting antenna from my radio show is down in Nashville Tennessee and there are 4 100,000 watt towers up on a hill outside Nashville, and I’m on tower 2, transmitting right now at the winter time frequency – Now that’s a loooong antenna, a single what we call dipole antenna. So when you talk about 100,000 watts, that’s the amplifier that’s transmitting my voice and there is enough power there in tower number 2 that it can be heard world wide even all the way around the world in China. That is a dipole antenna.

Now a fractal antenna, the whole concept is that you take a big antenna and you break it down into little teeny, tiny pieces and you put it into a tiny package so that it has the same transmission and reception power as a big antenna. Now this came more recently, which is why this is so amazing because only in recent times has man learned about fractal antennas and actually used them. In world war II there were great advances in antenna technology.

So a fractal antenna: Take a line and divide it into 3 pieces. The middle piece you are going to bend into a ‘V’ shape – that‘s the first step in making a fractal antenna, now take the other 2 pieces and bend them into a ‘V’ shape, so now you have 3 ‘V’ shapes together – that’s a fractal antenna. Next you have 6 short pieces hooked together in this one antenna – you take each of those and divide it into 3 pieces, and now do the same thing over again and you just keep doing this over and over again. There are many, many different types of fractal antennas.

A Spiral is one of the more famous fractal antennas because it’s very simple, it’s a wire wound in a spiral – so you basically take up a small amount of area but you have a lot of wire there. Now if you make a fractal antenna that is 1000 feet long, you have an antenna that would cover something like 10 miles long and big. Fractal antennas are composite antennas, they are reduced in size, designed to take up a smaller amount of space, but the other interesting thing about the Nasca Plain is that these antennas take on the shape of monkeys, birds and whales and a Spider! Now what’s so unusual about a spider?

The specific spider species in the Nasca Plains, which is about 100 kilometres [60 miles] from the coast of Peru, about 400 kilometres [240 miles] south of Lima – the spider does not exist in that area of the world, in fact that spider only exists in a very remote area of the Amazon Rain Forest 1500 [900 miles] away! Yet it is in the Nasca drawings. There are no monkeys native to the Nasca Plain. Whales are not native to the Nasca Plain. There is even one of seaweed. So that means that these people would have had knowledge of what seaweed looks like under the sea.

The Peruvian coast is like the California coast but it’s much bigger and it’s a straight drop-off into the ocean, so you are not going to have knowledge seaweed if you are living on the Nasca Plains 100 miles inland so how would they know what the killer whale looks like compared to Beluga whale, which is also in the site?

The humming bird, now this is one of the driest places on Earth. There are no hummingbirds here. Yet they have drawn a Pelican, Heron which are not native to this area.

Whoever designed these was taking animal species that don’t exist on the Nasca Plain.

Very interesting! So was this done by a group of indigenous people with a little extra time on their hands and just throwing some rocks out of the path. And when you are on the ground you don’t really see the overall effect of the Nasca lines. When you are up above and the sun is in the right direction they are brilliantly WHITE AGAINST A DARK BACKGROUND. You only get the effect of this at a minimum of 200 yards above the ground, and really at a couple thousand feet where you actually start to see these figures.

You can only possibly make these figures from a vertical pattern.


Let me take a journey off into another part of the world. Ethiopia has similar lines and they use a lot of spirals in the Ethiopian patterns and there is another place in South Africa that has a spiral, fractal antenna complex. Off course all of these things I discovered at the same time because now you can interpret these as being antennas. But there are other factors.

For example, when they drew these lines like the monkey, it starts with a point, they start drawing the original fractal antenna that I described, the classical broken dipole fractal antenna design, and then you follow that line, it traces out the monkey – the monkey’s tale is a spiral and you trace around in a continuous line, it domes around and it drops down next into a perfectly rectangular fractal antenna array. Then that line goes off and connects to a central ‘HUB’, and so when I’m looking at all this data, I’m gong Oh my goodness, not only are these fractal antennas, not only are they big enough and powerful enough to signal to other star systems, but THEY ARE CONNECTED INTO AN INTERFEROMETRE .

It is a collection of radio telescopes or visual light telescopes or optical equipment that uses the ability of all of the component antennas to combine into a large figure. There is a very famous modern interferometer complex radio telescope near Socorro New Mexico. It’s called the Very Large Array. It’s made up of 25 extremely large 25 foot diameter massive radio telescope antennas set on railroad tracks so that they can move these around into various shapes. One of the most famous where you will see it is in the shape of a ‘Y’.

But here is the thing about interferometers. Lets take all the plates in your kitchen dishes and you set them out on the table and let’s pretend that these are radio antenna. Some are big dishes and some are small dishes. Each one of those is a radio telescope. Let’s put them on the living room floor so they are separated by quite a bit. Let’s pretend these are radio antenna capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic radio signals to and from outer space. Each one has a certain capacity to see, and that capacity is dependent on the radius or diameter of these particular radio antennas. The bigger it is the more concentrated the beam and the higher the accuracy, and that same rule applies to optical telescopes, but here we’re talking about radio telescopes.

Now, let’s connect all of your plates together with wires up to a central hub. And the question is what is the reception capability of that complex? And that is an Interferometer. You connect all of these various radio antennas together into a central receiver, put those signals together; the effect of the diameter of your interferometer telescope, which is comprised of all the different little telescopes, is the size of the entire complex.

So without building a telescope that big, you can effectively GET A TELESCOPE THAT BIG BY CONNECTING ALL OF THESE INDIVIDUAL SMALLER TELESCOPES TOGETHER. And that is what is done in the Nasca Palpa lines in Peru. And that is what is done in Ethiopia and South Africa.

The place in South Africa is called The Black Spirals.

Now some of the figures at the Nasca lines in the Palpations in Southern Peru are fractals ; some of them are animals. So in some respects the people who were doing this were kind of playing with our minds. They knew that some day we were going to figure out that these were antennas. 10’s of 1000’s of scholars, archaeologists, geologists, mathematicians, physicists and possibly every type of scholar on the planet have seen these. Eric Von Daniken wrote a book saying they were the landing fields of the gods and that the figures were to draw in the Aliens and that when they came they would land on some that looked like landing strips. Well if you’re on the ground, the things that look like landing strips could never be a landing strip [presumably because they are undulating hills rather than plains] and Aliens do not come in planes with wings they do not need a landing strip. I think Von Daniken sold a lot of books but he sure missed the point here.

These are radio telescopes to receive and transmit.

Now let’s talk a little bit about the technology itself. To do radio transmission and reception you need a protocol. In modern day language we use 0’s and 1’s, we use binary code; one of the original codes was called Morris Code back in the old telegraph days. Morris code is the alphabetical 0, 1,2,3,4,5 to 9 and then it’s the alphabet A to Z. You can transmit, you can also encode and then you can use 0’s and 1’s which brings up modern telecommunications where we can transmit fields of 0’s and 1’s, and bites and frames, and either net frames with the ability to re-transmit if there is an error, there is error correction CRC codes, and it gets very complicated.

To use the Nasca Complex antennas the individuals, whoever they were, had to have had a protocol that was recognizable by someone on the receiving end.

Now let me go into a little bit about the geography here. Nasca Plain is located at about 14 ¾ degrees south latitude so it’s about 14 degrees south of the equator and if you look at where these individual antenna point to, THEY POINT TO DIFFERENT STARS. This is very interesting, and one of them, the monkey tale, points to the centre stars of the Orion constellation, there’s another one that points to Sirius, another points to the Big Bear Constellation, so this is a very interesting set of problems now.

I have done some preliminary analysis of this antenna complex and what I have found is that first of all there is very poor data. In other words the topographic maps, the locations; if you pick up a tourist map of what we now know as the antenna complex , what they call the Palpa lines or Nasca lines, they are very incorrect. They show the figures twisted and turned incorrectly. In my white paper, I show for example an accurate map of the dipoles. Now I’m talking about the figures that are fractal antennas connected to geometric fractal antennas which are connected to interferometric arrays. And then there are the dipole lines. Remember those are the straight line antennas – now remember that when I was talking about WWCR radio station in Nashville, there’s a few hundred foot tall antenna outside and these are big antennas – the most powerful radio transmitters in the world – BIG dipole antennas signalling short wave and that’s typical of a.m. etc, etc. types of transmitters.

Now imagine a dipole antenna 8 kilometers [ about 5 miles] long. There is another more complicated type of dipole antenna that are called ‘crossed’ or ‘hybrid’ dipoles, in which you take dipole antennas and you bring them together in a crossed pattern linked together.



We don’t know when these were built, but they were probably a few thousand years B.C. or possibly before. These were built by people that we expect to be cooking in clay pots over wood fires with wooden spoons. We don’t know who these entities were. I go through 5 scenarios in my white paper of who did these and why. The first 2 scenarios have indigenous people doing this. Well imagine the technology they would have had to have to build these antenna arrays. 44 min. These are so complicated that once you look at them and realise that these are interferometric fractal antenna complexes it just boggles the mind. This complex covers a surface area of over 200 square kilometres.

It dwarfs anything that we have produced as modern man. If it was done by an indigenous people, they not only knew about telecommunications, they also know how to drive them in a Morse code type of transmission and could signal and communicate with other star systems.

If these were built by Aliens of some kind who came to Earth, what was their reason? Did they leave these for us to find at a later date; could it have been a marooned Alien race as a result of a catastrophe or accident which required communication with their home world? Although these Nasca Lines were noticed by the Spanish as early as 1533, Pedro De Silva De Leon thought they were foot paths in the desert. The lines were seen by a guy in the late 1920’s who gave a talk about them thinking they were just lines, failing to understand that they were figures in a complex. The first time they were seen and recognized from the air for what they are was in 1941, Paul Cosack was the pilot.

UNESCO designated them a world preservation site in 1994. The site in Ethiopia, I understand is being used for car and bike racing in the desert so they are doing damage to the line structures there.

Nasca has become the more popular word but Plapa to the north is related to a set of figures which are older than the Nasca figures. Additionally in the Palpas set of figures are perfectly structured circular, rectangular fractal antenna arrays, and when you understand these, what they are, and who built them and when . .. this is probably before the Egyptian pyramids were built – this changes history as it has been taught. The concept that man chased animals across the Bering Straight to Alaska and populated the western hemisphere and became the Incas, the Maya and the Olmecs who predated all of the Mayas and then there were pre-Incas. We know something about the pre-Incas but we don’t know anything about who made the Nasca lines or the Palpa lines.

I don’t submit my work for peer review. My work is so concrete and nailed down and correct that when I submit it to the public, they will be able to look at my observations and findings in the details that I give (you don’t need rows and columns of PhD’s out there telling you that it is correct). And secondly why would I submit this ground-breaking work to people who supposedly have spent their whole life studying this and haven’t been able to solve it. I do have peer reviewed public pages in the Astrophysics journals from the past but I stopped doing that.

A very important point here is that when the Spanish came, they destroyed everything, so the question remains did they destroy something connected to these astronomical figures for radio telescopes. One possibility is that the troughs were filled with gold and the Spanish of course stole everything that was golden. But I don’t think that was the solution. I think there was a more natural method for signalling in the antenna designs which I talk about in the white paper. It’s to complicated fro me to go through right now.

Back to the Incas. When the Spanish came they destroyed the culture and it is estimated that only 20% of the big archaeological structures of the Incas remained. I know in Mexico City and with the Aztecs, the Spanish cut the pyramids and temples down and built churches with them. So a lot of the archaeology of Mexico City and the Aztecs was destroyed that way. But the Inca hierarchy, Emperors etc. when they knew that the Spanish were coming, they hid up in Machu Picchu which was never discovered by the Spanish. When I was at Machu Picchu I realized I was being guided as I have felt much of my life as with the Nasca lines story.

In about 1570 the Inca emperors started to believe that the Spanish were going to locate them in Machu Picchu (7,000 foot elevation) and the other areas off in the Rain Forest high up, they took all their leaning (Machu Picchu was not a capital but a religious university for studying things like astronomy) and the higher knowledge that they had and they either destroyed it or hid it along with their gold and they broke their idols into pieces. They spent a lot of time doing this and nobody has ever found this treasure. The actual capital of the empire is in the jungle about a 4 day walk from Machu Picchu. Cuzco was not the real capital of the Inca Empire, contrary to popular beliefs.

What did they hide from the Spanish barbarians? The Incas had a tremendously advanced culture with food for everybody, no poverty and everyone was a land owner. [Much like the Celts before the Roman invasion] There were 3 rules. Don’t steel, don’t lie and don’t be lazy. 20% of their time was dedicated to public projects, they had a population of over 16 million before the Spanish came. They were well versed in celestial knowledge. I don’t think they were as advanced as the Mayas in some respects as their architecture does not reflect the advancement of the Maya.

He goes on to give the chapters of his white paper.

The Maya took their knowledge for very old information that carried over from the Omecs. Venus was very central to the Mayan culture because Venus came though the solar system and destroyed not only Mars but Earth on a couple of different occasions, and we know that form the Papal Bull??????

[This is erroneous information perpetuated by Madame Blavatsky through channelling the Velon]

The second time was much more devastating.

[This is a mistake. It was actually a one time devastation not by Venus but by 2 former planets in our solar system which exploded destroying life on all the planets and creating the asteroid belts and our moon. See Chris Thomas Akashic readings]

By the way the Zimbabwe complex is a big circular calendar dedicated to Venus and of course the Blavatsky story about the damage to Earth and how it got nestled into its orbit, confirmed by my theoretical work, The Plasma Discharge Comet Model and it’s the tail drag that allows that comet to work into a nice circular orbit, etc.

But what did the Incas know and hide? They obviously knew about the Nasca complex because that was part of their empire. They extended into Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Columbia. That’s how far their empire extended, certainly covering the Nasca plains. We can only wonder who they were communicating with. We don’t know the protocol they were using in the Antenna Complex.

If you just saw straight lines in the middle of the desert you’d think no big deal, but mixed with the concept that these other fractal antennas, animal figures and geometric figures exist, you realize that these hubs with dipolar antenna are in fact very complicated dipole crossed dipole antennas. I give a map of that in the white paper.

Some of the chapters of the white paper:

History of the Nasca and Palpa lines

Prior explanations of the Nasca and Palpa lines

Maria Reiche and her museum

Sidereal vs Solar time complex for stellar communications and other design considerations
[A sidereal day lasts 23 hours and 56 minutes (of solar time), about 4 minutes less than a solar day.]

The interpretation of the Nasca complex as fractal antenna designs.

Fractal Antenna design as a subset of antenna designs

Dipole and other antenna designs as a variation on the Nasca complex

Nasca Palpa lines hubs – the physics of interferometers

Comparison to the Puerto Rico, Arecibo radio antenna ( one of the premiere radio antennas in the world)

Sources of power for the Nasca antenna complex (the atmospheric electricity being used to power the antenna complex)

Radio antenna design analysis for the Nasca lines and figures

Where are the antennas pointed – Interstellar travel from nearby stars

Other similar line systems around the world – South Africa and Ethiopia

Advanced technologies in an ancient world

3rd January 2016, 16:32
Thanks so much for bumping and expounding a little Elen and Herbert. I think this is groundbreaking too. I hope it does not get buried by tptb.

3rd January 2016, 16:42
Thanks so much for bumping and expounding a little Elen and Herbert. I think this is groundbreaking too. I hope it does not get buried by tptb.

I have already passed this on to Sylvie who's making the NewEarth videos about the Survivors. She would definitely be interested in this kind of info. As I said, I am really grateful for your post, Anastasia! :h5:

3rd January 2016, 17:27
I stopped listening at the point he says he rediscovered Tesla’s work and that Tesla did not truly understand the work he did. He said Tesla only had access to ancient material and was inventing from that work but didn’t understand what he (Tesla) was doing and what the inventions really are/did. But he (McCanney) understood it and rediscovered the ancient material and Tesla's work.

If this is true then ‘reworking’ Tesla’s material alone could be a magnificent lifetime work for McCanney with incredible results for mankind.

If the Nasca lines are some sort of electronic signaling device does he have samples of the signals?

I am trying to keep an open mind with the new material coming out but I wish it wasn't so easy to shoot holes through even the most basic of information.

3rd January 2016, 17:45
I stopped listening at the point he says he rediscovered Tesla’s work and that Tesla did not truly understand the work he did. He said Tesla only had access to ancient material and was inventing from that work but didn’t understand what he (Tesla) was doing and what the inventions really are/did. But he (McCanney) understood it and rediscovered the ancient material and Tesla's work.

If this is true then ‘reworking’ Tesla’s material alone could be a magnificent lifetime work for McCanney with incredible results for mankind.

If the Nasca lines are some sort of electronic signaling device does he have samples of the signals?

I am trying to keep an open mind with the new material coming out but I wish it wasn't so easy to shoot holes through even the most basic of information.

Just wondering if you really need Tesla to be 100% before you can accept anybody else's theory? Is there anything else out there that you can accept?

3rd January 2016, 18:14
Hi Elen,

I may not be understanding your question fully so prod me if I am going in the wrong direction.

Tesla’s work (for the most part) is no longer a theory and Elon Musk has taken his work into actual and incredible inventions and technology that is leaping forward at fantastical rates. Too me, if Tesla did not understand or was mimicking ancient inventions, theories or technology then how could Elon Musk take his work into actual application?

I guess I find it very pompous and arrogant of McCanney to make such a statement about Tesla in what seems (to me) to be an effort to appear intelligent and an attempt to validate his own ‘true unsubstantiated theories’ about the Nasca Lines.

I am open to exploring all theories and new info . . . . . it is how I have arrived at my own menial growth and insight. I guess over the last 30+ years of my own journey if I can immediately “shoot the messenger" so to speak I almost immediately set the info to the side. I don’t totally dismiss it because in all info there is validity, truth and knowledge . . . . . I (now) look for info that also shows wisdom and groundbreaking elements. What I mean by groundbreaking is info that is not based largely and fundamentally on another’s work and especially a current ‘meme fad’ so they can ride the coattails of that meme until it fades.

3rd January 2016, 19:22
As I see it, things speak for themselves. People have to take in whatever they can or not, otherwise we get into situations where you want to defend or attack and it's not good for anyone. So if you were offended, I will apologize to you. Nothing else was meant and I'm sure Tesla won't mind. wherever he is.


3rd January 2016, 20:25
Please do not discount McCanney's work.

Just to explain, Tesla had access to James Clerk Maxwell's 20 original equations on electromagnetic theory written in 1865.

These 20 equations contain 20 unknowns. It is extremely complex mathematics which few if any completely understood at the time, and even today. There was a lot of pressure on Maxwell by other scientists to simplify them which he did before his death. But they were re-written in about 1895 by Heavyside and only 4 of the equations were included. This is why electrical engineers of today are not aware of the possibilities relating to electromagnetic theory. The 20 original equations are not taught in Universities.

Tom Bearden talks a lot about these 20 equations and has built a prototype generator which can produce free energy from the vacuum with no moving parts. (money being the holdup in his patent) He is one of the few scientists who understands some of the implications of these equations related to accessing multidimensional energy. But there is much more to these equations than even he is aware of. Russian scientists have gone even further than Bearden.

McCanney is also a brilliant and insightful mathematician and Astronomer in his own right. I doubt he would do a White Paper without including the mathematics explaining how the Nasca lines work and how much potential electromagnetic energy they can transmit and receive in the form of radio signals. To read his paper, you have to purchase it. Just because he was mistaken about where Tesla got his theory from, please don't conclude that he is not a brilliant scientist even if he does sometimes like to toot his own horn.

He is a very practical scientist which is partly why he got dismissed from Cornell. He bases his conclusions on observations rather than the accepted 'theory' of the university tenured professors. They, I'm sad to say, often base their conclusions on the accepted theory rather than their own or others shared observations of reality.

Those 20 far-reaching equations have enormous implications in terms of multi dimensional electromagnetic theory. There are far more than just 4 vectors. I can't get into this now time wise but I do trust McCanney's observations and the math he put into the white paper. He was one of , if not the first to point out we live in an electromagnetic universe - "comets are not just dirty snowballs". They actually carry not just water, but new life DNA to planets.

Tesla did not have the money or the time to complete the work he started before he died (or was killed). I dare say he could have shown the world much more. McCanney and Bearden and some Russians are following in his footsteps.

I hope to find time to post a small bit of this electromagnetic research. In part it deals with parameters of the mind we are not aware of in terms of multidimensional capacity. Multidimensionality does not refer to directions, it refers to increasing levels of energy bands all occupying the same space but far beyond our perceptions. This is something a fully integrated human would be able to recognize.

One of those fully integrated individuals is Anastasia from the Ringing Cedars of Russia books. If you read them you will see what I am talking about.

I believe our Anastasia is going to make a post on this subject of The Ringing Cedars, related to what Chris Thomas has been telling us all along.

I am looking for a quote from Chris Thomas regarding the Nasca lines which I will post here when I find it...

Please note post 212 now contains a transcript of the mp3 by James McConnel re: the Nasca Lines As A Radio Signal Complex.

Chris Thomas associates this area of Peru with the Pleaideans.

4th January 2016, 12:19
I have already passed this on to Sylvie who's making the NewEarth videos about the Survivors. She would definitely be interested in this kind of info. As I said, I am really grateful for your post, Anastasia! :h5:

I look forward to the time I can dive into Sylvie's work. I have not watched them yet.

5th January 2016, 00:48
I stopped listening at the point he says he rediscovered Tesla’s work and that Tesla did not truly understand the work he did. He said Tesla only had access to ancient material and was inventing from that work but didn’t understand what he (Tesla) was doing and what the inventions really are/did. But he (McCanney) understood it and rediscovered the ancient material and Tesla's work.

If this is true then ‘reworking’ Tesla’s material alone could be a magnificent lifetime work for McCanney with incredible results for mankind.

If the Nasca lines are some sort of electronic signaling device does he have samples of the signals?

I am trying to keep an open mind with the new material coming out but I wish it wasn't so easy to shoot holes through even the most basic of information.

McCanney is not the only one with such theories. There are other sources that state Tesla visited the Bosnian Pyramids which were not far from where he grew up. It is at the Bosnian Pyramids that Tesla saw visions of high technology and received the original inspiration for his ideas.

The Bosnian Pyramid was used for the wireless transmission of power across planet 20,000 years ago. Tesla aimed to revive such concepts but his greatest ideas were suppressed. I feel Tesla may have been reincarnation of one of the original builders of the Bosnian Pyramid.

Another man named Edward Leedskalnin also grew up in the shadow of the Bosnian Pyramid and knew of the lost technology. He built the Coral Castle and wrote papers on electromagnetic current but his work has largely been ignored.

23rd January 2016, 19:23
THE QUESTION OF ATLANTIS – setting the record straight

Many legends and myths have risen up around Atlantis and Lemuria. Those who try to peace together reality based on these myths are treading on very shaky ground. I shall attempt to present here what the Akashic records of Atlantis and Lemuria as questioned by Chris Thomas over a 30 year period.

The reason our subconscious memories of Atlantis are surfacing now are two fold.

First, it is where the human body was created and it was a time of excitement, novelty and joyful experiences. Also we are now in the process of altering our current sub-human physical body structure which contains only ¼ of our soul, back to the ethereal template physical body we created and inhabited on Atlantis. We are becoming wholly human again.

This is a slow process with only one difference; we have evolved beyond the Atlantian experience in terms of energy and wisdom. Our base note frequency is already becoming much higher than it was on Atlantis. In that sense we have evolved, from a 7.56 Hz bottom frequency linking us to the Earth soul to a greatly expanded 3500Hz base frequency connection sometimes called the Base Chakra.

This means the pieces of our “junk” DNA are re-forming into the original 13 strands that we had on Atlantis and our nerve synapses are speeding up so we will regain all of our psychic potential and higher self capabilities of things like levitation, bilocation, translocation, telepathy, multidimensional perceptual awareness, and much more.

The higher self ¾ of our soul is reintegrating into our physical body and our chakras are blending into one energetic flow. We are slowly filling with light as we uncover the dark secrets which have been and are currently holding us back. As our heart chakra expands we feel our inner connection to our higher self and we will feel ourselves change in our understanding and orientation towards life.

This is both an exciting time and a painful time for us all. Many will find their energy is low because of these physical changes and it means we need to eat more protein to sustain our bodies.

The Second reason for our memories of Atlantis resurfacing is that we have very mixed and disturbing emotions about what happened on Atlantis. As our bodies are changing back to the Atlantian etheric template we need to resolve these emotional blockages and unexplained guilt feelings. We need to free up our energetic flow. The Akashic records that Atlantis was the first and only place in the Universe for unlimited experimentation toward creating fully conscious physical life in the form of the human body. In fact it was on Atlantis that humanity was created by our own non-physical and semi-physical souls with the necessary help from the Earth soul and a race of extraterrestrials labelled NGC 584, who are the master geneticists of the universe. It was they who provided the energetic chips we needed to work with Cro Magnon DNA for subtle adjustments of mind and body. It was Merlin who then created the wholly human etheric template.

To quote Chris Thomas: “We are not a physical body that contains a soul but rather a soul that has created for itself a physical body.”

The problems we are going through now on Earth are to teach us patience and trust in our inner, higher self. We are gaining confidence to rely on our inner feelings free from fear.

Two extremes of emotion were the culmination of the Atlantian experiments.

On the one hand the experiment was a resounding success. The existing Cro Magnon group consciousness body was adjusted and refined so that it could contain a fully functioning individual consciousness – the whole non-physical or semi-physical soul. Our individual souls are linked to the creator and so too is our human group consciousness whereas the Cro Magnon bodies that we greatly accelerated on Atlantis, had only a group consciousness linked to the Earth soul, without individuality in the sense that we think of it.

NB. I know animals can display unique individuality but it comes about through interaction with humans. We were placed here with the responsibility of caring for and loving the animals in the same way that the Faerie look after the plant energies. It was one of our main purposes, a purpose that so many have forgotten. We were never meant to be over nature. We knew this on Atlantis that animals are not owned by us, they are our friends, and in that friendship their consciousness grows to make each one unique and special. Many of us are remembering that purpose.

The word of our success on Atlantis spread rapidly throughout the galaxies. Souls from all over the universe came in to experience physical life on Earth. To feel, for the first time, the grass between our toes and the falling rain drops on our faces. To experience the friendship of animals and the touch of another’s hand, to watch the colours of a sunset, hear wind in the tree tops and take delight in the rare variety and scents of flowers. It was literally heaven on Earth – a true paradise. In biblical terms it was the Garden of Eden; a playground for souls who had never before experienced physicality. Thus was the excitement and beauty surrounding Atlantis.

But we had not yet learned moderation. So there came to be a much darker side to Atlantis. The “mad-scientist” qualities were born and many degraded themselves into compassionless depths as we began to lose our higher self qualities. The usurpation of another’s free will in the name of scientific experimentation. The adoption of animal and plant DNA to the human body was experimented with by some in all innocence at first. But many of these individuals had adopted so much DNA that they could not die (hence the demi-urge association). Some were hideous and they eventually took to hiding underground in caves around the world, before the sinking of Atlantis. Some procreated via eggs and others via seeds. In biblical times the Gnostics came to refer to them, as they surfaced now and then throughout the ages, as “Archons” and associated them with the demi-urge. The Akashic records that they were removed from the planet by the creator in the year 2000 out of compassion. The meaning of the term “Archon” has since changed through different usage in our modern times.

So while some of us long for the paradise vaguely remembered, where a human life lasted 1500 to 2000 years (The origin of the Methuselah stories) others have only fear, trepidation, and painful memories of Atlantis. It ended with a great cataclysm on Earth because of a mistake which no one was blamed for because no one knew what the possibilities were. Such an experiment of physical life had never been carried out before. To save the variety of planetary life on other continents, which would have been destroyed if the created bacteria became airborne, the end justified the means when we caused Atlantis to sink into Earth’s magma core.

This sinking was planned ahead of time in cooperation with the Earth and Merlin, we all knew there would be serious consequences to Earth and the life she nurtured, so we built tunnels around the world and marked them with megalithic structures like the Sphinx about 65,000 years ago. These are the tunnels now being discovered that housed those who would be working at restoring Earth’s energy distribution and ability to support life after being rocked on her axis. It was to be 40,000 years before the work was completed and humans could return to Earth.

It is worth noting that a few of the less than hideous ‘archons’ were actually worshipped as gods since they lived forever and they are remembered in the Egyptian drawings of humans with Ibis and fox heads. These individuals really existed through the use of an energetic chip used on Atlantis for manipulating and mixing DNA. Another of these individuals went to South America and was worshipped as Quetzalcoatl. He had taken on the skin of a snake and his long blonde locks were described as feathers – hence the “feathered serpent”. The snake skin would be similar to someone who has tattoos over their entire body.

Who Survived Atlantis?

The Akashic records that the Atlantian experiments to create physical humans began 85,000 years ago. Nowhere else in the Universe do physical humans exist. This was one of the purposes for the creation of this Universe about 14 Billion years ago. Our non-physical souls were created 100 Million years ago. As an intermediate step to planned physicality, the semi-physical souls were created about 30 Million years ago. Only on rare occasions is a soul able to separate from the semi-physical body. When that possibility is achieved they normally incarnate as humans. Otherwise the semi-physical races are all 30 million years old.

The majority of humans are from the non-physical soul races, but not entirely.

There has been a lot of speculation on Atlantis and survivors by armature archaeologists, in books, and around the Internet for many years now. They rely on many sources such as ancient books, Plato, mythology, word etymology, DNA comparisons, discoveries of red-haired, white skinned giants on every continent, the mound builders of N. America, cultural lore handed down for generations, Indigenous peoples’ tribal memories, unexplained archaeological finds, geological layered deposits, out of place artifacts, and even incorrect remote viewing of imagined women and children in boats leaving Atlantis, and the list goes on and on. The time period for the sinking of Atlantis is very often put at about 12-13,000 years ago, although some remote viewers have accurately put it much further back to about 65-70,000 years ago.

Needless to say, the result of all this evidence and speculation is a lot of less than perfect theories, some even include the Anunnaki as “E.T. god progenitors” of humanity, based on a false story written by Zachariah Sitchin who has been proven to be a “front-man” for the illuminati and who often channelled his translations of Sumerian clay tablets. The Akashic records that the Anunnaki do exist as one race of the Velon, but they had nothing to do with creating humans. Atlantis happened long before their arrival according to the Akashic Records.

Here, I will attempt to set the record straight from the perspective of the Akashic by describing and summarizing what has been recorded in the Akashic, as read by Chris Thomas, in my own words with quotes from C.T. to follow, when I have time to add them.

Here is a brief quote from Chris Thomas regarding survivors and the sinking of Atlantis:

Planet Earth – The Universe’s Experiment By Chris Thomas


Page 61

Almost everything was lost.

A huge rescue operation had been undertaken before the final destruction was enacted. All animals were inspected for bacterial infection and all of those uninfected had been moved to the continents either side of the Atlantic (Noah’s Ark). The human or non-terrestrial life that had not been infected left the continent and went to other lands (one who left, but carried the bacteria, gave rise to the Biblical story of Lot’s wife who was turned into a ‘pillar of salt’. If you convert all the oxygen in the body to hydrogen, the result is the body’s tissues turn to a mineral substance not unlike salt.). All those who had been infected gave up their lives with the continent. Sodom and Gomorra had been destroyed and its sinking generated the flood.

Opening up the floor of the Atlantic Ocean in this way created a fault line that sunk the Mediterranean, forming a sea. It also altered the fault lines in the Pacific Basin and South America moved to its current location. Many regions around the world were affected by shock wave movements. Seventy thousand years ago, the face of the planet changed. Everything moved into a state of flux. Those who escaped moved to lands they chose. Many moved to Britain and Ireland, the West African coast was colonized, most of those who carried the results of their genetic experiments moved to Egypt and a few to South America.

The Egyptian ones became a part of legends and god like figures as they still retained some of their higher brain functions. In South America, one figure, above all, became the basis of much that was to follow on that continent. This was an androgenous figure whose skin was that of a diamond backed rattlesnake and whose head was covered in long blond hair. A plumed serpent who became known as Quetzalcoatl.

Merlin also eventually moved to South America. He and the Lady went to live on the slopes of Machu Picchu. They needed time to reflect on events and to formulate a plan for humanity.

Where to go, what to do? Should the plan for humanity be abandoned? If it was to restart, where and how? Would the planet wish to continue?

In energy terms, the lay line grid had been saved by detaching Atlantis from Silbury Hill just before the continent had been sunk. The Azores energy source had been lost with Atlantis as there was a danger that the bacteria was present there. At least the planet’s energies were intact even if they were a little shaken. To help reinforce and repair the lay line grid, a new temporary intake point was created by Merlin at Machu Picchu. Although no longer active, the mountain till retains its air of energetic importance from this time.

Following a long period of thought and consideration of all of the options, Merlin decided to allow the Earth to fully recover and the pre-humans to develop by themselves.

The fate of those who had been on Atlantis at its end fell into several groups.

Those who had been most tortured by their experiments into animal forms died with the continent, including their souls – something never before seen and the whole universe mourned their loss. Those who were physical and contaminated by the bacteria, about 60% of the population, left their physical bodies and returned to their home worlds many vowing to never take on human form again. These included all of the universal races.

Those who remained on the planet began to establish settlements where they had “landed” after the destruction. This group, about 150,000 people, set up shelters and began to learn about their locality. These locations included Southern Britain, the West African coast, parts of the Mediterranean, the Pacific Islands and South America.

Most were in a state of shock at the magnitude of the destruction and many lived out their life spans and then returned to their home world. Those who remained mainly took to travelling around the planet. Occasionally they encountered groups of pre-humans but these encounters were kept to a minimum. Never the less, these encounters did begin to establish legends which lodged in the mass consciousness which later formed the basis for a number of religious beliefs.

Eventually all the Atlantians died out, a gradual process that took about 1500 years.

Earth was left to its own devices. Merlin and the Lady rested and enjoyed the world as it was. They stayed mainly at Machu Picchu but travelled the planet mending, repairing, modifying and occasionally creating a new species of plant to suit specific locations.

Eventually, the energies were repaired and the planet was finally at peace.

[End of Quote From Chris Thomas]

To begin, the Akashic records that there were no women or children on Atlantis, ever. Most of the humans perished with Atlantis giving up their physical bodies and leaving Earth as their non-physical souls. Many in the semi-physical races stayed on in caves especially created to do the repair work in a hostile environment.

On Atlantis “adult birth” was practiced. In the beginning Atlantis was a continent for experimentation with DNA as well as the creation of a human body which could contain the whole soul consciousness of individuals separate from the group consciousness of Earth. Keep in mind that human prototypes ( including Cro Magnon and Neanderthal) all over the planet were created by the Earth and possessed, not individual souls as we think of ourselves, but group souls with a group consciousness connected to the Earth soul like each of the plants or animal species.

“Adult birth” means the Earth provided the humanoid etheric template after enough work had been done on Cro Magnon volunteers by the individual souls, non-physical and semi-physical, who entered the Cro Magnon physical body. After the template had been perfected, souls of both the non-physical and the semi-physical races, en masse, assembled the adult physical body from Earth elements in order to experience physicality on Atlantis. They did not interfere with Cro Magnon living on other continents who eventually became the red-haired giant mound-builders on every continent.

Childbirth was not envisaged for humans at this time.

We non-physical souls had asked the prototype humans on the planet for permission to use the continent of Atlantis for our experimentation at accelerated evolution for the Cro Magnon species who wished to participate. The Cro Magnon who chose not to be a part of this experiment were moved to an acceptable place of their choice off Atlantis to continue on the slow path. Their bodies were not tampered with in any way at the time of Atlantis. The less advanced Neanderthals chose not to participate. They have all but become extinct except for a very small group seen on the Russia/China border.

Just to clarify a few things. Atlantis was not at the South Pole.

The continent of Atlantis stretched from the islands of the Azores, Britain and Ireland all the way down to the Caribbean and the coast of Brazil. At the time of Atlantis, from 85,000 to about 60,000 years ago, South America was much further out into the Pacific and was not attached to North America. Earth was 10% larger with more expanded consciousness than it has now. Earth was also perpendicular on its axis, meaning the North Pole consisted of lush vegetation and sub-tropical weather. There were no pronounced seasons and the coastal areas stretched further out because ocean levels were lower meaning the beaches were more extensive. As human and planetary consciousness rises the Earth expands.

However, when we sank Atlantis the Earth size and consciousness shrank by about 15-20 %, meaning less land and higher oceans which flooded the shore lines. The Mediterranean marshland became a sea, the Great African Rift Valley opened up, the Alps rose, and South America became attached to North America, no longer stretching so far into the Pacific Ocean, meaning the gulf of Mexico was formed. There were many changes to the geography around the globe.


We do not live in an expanding universe but the galaxies are expanding within their “skins” of energetic, dimensional mixtures as conscious awareness rises. This is also true of Earth and the other planets. Our solar system is contained in a rugby ball shaped skin which contains that particular combination of energies compressed sufficiently in density to form physical life.

It is worth remembering that dimensional energies mix and mingle all the time at the higher, whole soul perceptual awareness level. There are no defining lines between dimensions except when a particular mixture is required inside a skin which separates, for example physical reality in our solar system from non-physical reality. This rugby ball shaped “skin” is for the purpose of containing the lower dimensions which compress energy so that we can experience physicality. When we began on Atlantis our bodies contained the whole soul and our perceptual awareness and psychic powers were unlimited even in a physical body.

Humanity’s limited perceptual awareness has only been purposefully engaged in for the past 7,000 years in order to achieve knowledge gathering with ¼ of the soul in a physical sub-human body template provided by the Earth. It temporarily had to be thus in order to duplicate the loss of our higher psychic functions which we had been experiencing even on Atlantis after 1000 years. With the new energies entering our solar system over the past 200 years and in particular over the last 20 years, we are now changing slowly back to a wholly human physical body template which can contain the whole soul. That is what re-integration is all about. We have gained the knowledge (Karma) we were looking for. This physical change accompanied with the higher energy levels are making us tired and we require more rest and also we must eat more protein to sustain our bodies.

That fact may seem counter-intuitive but we have been living in sub-human bodies with very slow nerve impulses for processing information. To raise our vibrations and perceptual awareness too fast would burn out our central nervous system. We are all experiencing the conversion of our physical bodies from a 7,000 year temporary sub-human body into the bodies we occupied with our whole souls on Atlantis. The Earth too is going through many changes, including straitening on her axis which brings a bout a warming trend and less pronounced seasons. The Inuit have been recognizing this straitening for a few years now.


So you might ask if Atlantis had relatively very few survivors, then how is it that humanity has not died out?

Before we sank Atlantis we built markers to the underground caves. Roughly 70,000 years ago the sphinx was built as such a marker before we sank Atlantis. It originally had the head of a lion to match the body. The human head was added much later by a people who had no memory of the purpose for building the Sphinx. Another marker was built in South America to mark caves there. It is possible the Nasca lines are one such marker. Recent evidence suggests they were also a radio telescope communications device to stars in the Orion’s Belt region of space. That information comes from James McCanney, a multi-talented mathematician and astronomer who first recognized that we live in an electromagnetic universe.

McCanney is not familiar with Chris Thomas or the function of the pyramids so I would like to suggest a variation from his explanation for the Nasca Lines. He says they function as a radio telescope transceiver. Similar to the SETI search for extraterrestrial intelligent life uses radio waves. But our ancestors had no need for radio wave communications to the stars. We were quite capable of telepathic communications with any distant star or form of life according to the Akashic. However when we began to lose our higher abilities one of the solutions was the pyramids built about 18,000 years ago. The Great pyramid complex was designed to bring in energy from Orion’s Belt. It contained , originally, several large crystals at strategic locations for that purpose. When McCanney speaks of the important Nasca mounds which connected the energy lines of the stylized drawings, it is possible that a large crystal was placed on each mound.

So rather than being a radio telescope transceiver I suggest the Nasca Lines functioned in a similar way to the Great pyramid. It functioned to bring in energy from the Orion star system which it is also lined up with, in order to revive our higher functions and return the whole soul to the physical body.

Monatomic gold found in Egypt was also used to accomplish this.

Keep in mind that all megaliths built by our ancestors had at least one and sometimes multiple, very practical purposes.

They did not worship "gods" or require elaborate burial sites for their "kings".

For instance the Sphinx besides being a marker for the caves, was designed as a lion to frighten the primate humans away from the caves, and also may have contained quartz crystals for communication with the stars. Down to Earth common sense was the order of the day. Contrary to modern day archaeologists’ imaginings, our megalithic builders did not worship gods, did not require pyramids for any burials at all, and were not superstitious. The megaliths were built using our psychic powers of levitation and our intuitive knowledge of how they should be lined up with the Orion stargate incoming energy. Humans had their whole soul in their body in those times and our 13-strand DNA memories were fully intact.

There were others megaliths as well. Gobekli Tepe was built originally by the Sumerians between 18 and 12,000 years ago, also as a memory device and a record of our history. Evidence established recently proves what the Akashic has always said: It was winds that filled in Gobekli Tepe with sand and soil from the area. It was not filled in by the people who built it and the fill was not from distant areas, contrary to what some archaeologists have “imagined”.

Gobekli Tepe had special significance because it was near Ur of the Chaldeas and a place known as Eden which became the ‘Valley of the shadow of death’ as a result of forced sacrifice of the first born child in jars for cooking, by the giant, blonde haired warrior bird tribe (‘gods’) from the north who invaded and interbred with the dark haired Sumerians producing the half-breed ‘Nephilim’. These invaders were probably the remaining Gigantopithicus prototypes. Their size made them formidable. The Sumerians eventually rose up and killed all of these invader “gods” and their half-breed children.

Atlantis sank into Earth’s molten core about 60,000 years ago, leaving only Britain, Ireland and a few islands of the Azores behind. It took 40,000 years of work from the underground caves to stabilize the planet on her axis so that it was safe for humanity to return. The 6 degrees wobble had to be reduced, for one thing, and new lay lines had to be re-established.

Sinking Atlantis put the northern hemisphere into an ice age. The only complete freezing of this area in human times. Contrary to popular lore Earth has not undergone a series of ice ages since humans were created. There was also a mini-ice age which reached its peak in 1850, with the freezing of the Thames. Since then we have been undergoing a warming trend back to how Earth was during the days of Atlantis as the planet is also straightening on its axis back to the perpendicular. When this energetic straightening is slowly manifest into the physical reality then seasons will become less and less severe and may even disappear.

And although we do not have instruments sensitive enough to measure Earth’s base frequency, which has risen to 3500Hz, scientists have recently been able to record, for the first time, that the Schumann Resonance has risen from 7.5 Hz to 18 Hz and as the technology becomes more sensitive it will undoubtedly slowly catch up to the reality of Earth’s changed vibrations.


The Wave of Change

Why Is 12,500 To 14,000 Years Ago So Often Sited As Important In Human History?

20,000 years ago we returned in small numbers (about 2150 non-physical souls) through adult physical birth to 6 areas of settlement (no more than 500 to each of the 6 areas). It was soon apparent we were again losing our memories of who we are and our psychic abilities much faster than on Atlantis. So this was the period (18,000 to 12,000 years ago) when we built monolithic structures like the pyramids, Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge and, based on some recent information from James McCanney, possibly even the Nasca Lines of Peru, to help our memories and to keep our whole soul in the physical body by drawing in energies through crystal receivers. These structures lined up precisely with Orions Belt which is where our energy comes in from the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and it is also the Stargate from our solar system to the higher dimensions of non-physical reality.

There are only 2 stargates, the other being the Draco stargate to semi-physical dimensional energies.

Between 14,000 and 12,500 years ago seems to be often associated with a significant happening in human history. Most “experts” say it is when Atlantis sank. But the Akashic says it is when we first began widespread wholly human child-birth over the planet. We had already established male and female bodies when we first returned 20,000 years ago in order that we might fit in better with other forms of life on the planet. As Chris Thomas describes it, this was also in preparation for eventually experiencing childbirth. Human procreation through childbirth began about 19, 200 years ago for the first time, but it began in earnest, spreading over the planet via the upgrading tribes of Homo Sapiens (Cro Magnon), with their permission, around 13,000 years ago..

Those red-haired, white skinned giants who were the mound builders all over the planet are the Cro Magnon tribes who agreed to slowly achieve faster evolution through “Angelic” births of individual non-physical souls. It took three generations to evolve the tribes who chose to participate. These group - souled Cro Magnon Homo Sapiens changed over 3 generations (about 100 years) to individual – souled Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

We were now fully conscious humans over most of the Earth.

A small number of the Cro Magnon tribes remained isolated in various places around the planet until they chose to be discovered in recent history.

Chris Thomas takes up the story :

Page 38 (The True Nature of Reality)

Atlantis was lost. [the legend of Sodom and Gomorrah was born]

The affects on those who lived on the island [continent] were devastating. Almost all of the inhabitants had been killed. Those who were of the other civilizations had been able to cast off their physical bodies, so at least their soul consciousnesses were intact, those who had been party to the most bizarre modifications were so tortured by their ordeals that they could not face any kind of continuation and had perished, including their souls, with the continent. This was also something new, no souls had ever been destroyed before.

The loss was total and the shock waves rocked the whole of creation. All including the Earth consciousness were a part of the decision to destroy the island, and they worked together to open up a crack in the planet’s crust.

The island was totally surrounded by volcanic eruptions which completely enveloped the island and its life, sealing them all into the rock (the origin of the Sodom and Gomorrah story). This level of destruction was required in order to minimize the possibility of any of the deadly bacteria reaching any other living thing on the planet’s surface. The volcanoes then collapsed in upon themselves drawing the island into the planet’s magma core. The resulting scar forming the mid Atlantic Ridge.

Opening up such a huge gap had very far reaching affects on the rest of the planet’s surface.

All of the continents were affected in one way or another. The largest movement was in South America where the continent moved from being an island in the Pacific to its current location. A fault line opened up , from the mid Atlantic Ridge , through the Straits of Gibraltar and turned a large marshy swamp into the Mediterranean Sea (the origin of the story of the flood).

The Caribbean Basin was formed, the Great Rift Valley in Africa was opened. Greenland and Iceland were separated and many of the planet’s volcanoes were activated.

All that remained of Atlantis were three islands. These remained because they were the three primary energy supply points and were the main energy “interchanges” for the whole of the planet’s ley line grid system. One of these islands, the Azores, had been mostly destroyed and was, therefore, abandoned. The remaining two, Britain and Ireland, and their role in future events, will be discussed later.

All that remained of human life were the pre-human primates who had decided not to take part in the Atlantis enhancements [meant to speed up evolution of consciousness].

Page 40

Twenty eight thousand years ago, 32 thousand years after the destruction of Atlantis. A ‘delegation’ came to earth to speak with the early human primates who had developed along with the planet [on the remaining continents].


30th January 2016, 17:54
Just an observation I wanted to post today but it seems to me the energies of the 6th sun are kicking our collective asses. No time have I ever seen the veil thinning and beliefs being challenged. We are really in for a ride because Pandora's box is open!


7th February 2016, 19:46
Please note that Chris Thomas' books are currently unavailable for purchase new. Last Fall the one company in Britain that published his books, namely Cygnus Books, was bought out by an American. Since then his books have be listed out of stock, possibly because the warehouse is being moved from Wales to London. A response to my inquiry stated that they would be carrying a couple of his 11 books perhaps in February. I have heard nothing from them since then. I am hopeful that given enough demand they will be restocked.

Anyone wishing to write to them and use this e-mail address: info@cygnus-books.co.uk

Also I am currently posting C.T. information on 2 sites. The other site has re-opened and compliments this site. It is located at

Taking up the history of Humanity from where we left off:


Page 40 The Fool's First Steps
All that remained of human life were the pre-human primates who had decided not to take part in the Atlantis enhancements [meant to speed up evolution of consciousness].

70,000 years ago, these primates were capable of using stone tools, but little more, and they lived in cave shelters. They had the rudiments of language and were beginning to plan their actions before a situation arose, instead of being surprised into action – the start of collective reasoning.

They had been left totally to their own devices and had not been interfered with in any way, apart from an occasional visit to check on their development.

15,000 years had elapsed since the establishment of Atlantis [85,000 years ago] and the progress of this other branch of humanity had been painfully slow.

There was now the question of what to do next. Was Earth to be abandoned to its own devices? If left alone, could these pre-humans develop into fully aware individuals? Should a new Atlantis be established? If so, would the lessons learned from the old Atlantis be enough to stop a similar accident occurring? What would the response of the pre-humans be if a new Atlantis was developed?

The answer was the same as committees the world over. Wait and see.

Why Is 12,500 To 14,000 Years Ago So Often Sited As Important In Human History?

Page 40 cont’d (The Fool’s First Steps By Chris Thomas)

Twenty eight thousand years ago, [about] 42 thousand years after the destruction of Atlantis. A ‘delegation’ came to earth to speak with the early human primates who had developed along with the planet [on the remaining continents after Earth had been stabilized, following the sinking of Atlantis].

These visitors were members of the 6 higher civilizations [the non-physical angelic souls] who came to ask if several areas of the planet could be designated for use by the 6 higher civilizations to begin a new phase of development for a fully conscious physical being. This was not to be a re-run of the Atlantis experiments but a totally new approach.

At this stage, these early humans [Homo Sapiens – slowly organically advancing Cro-Magnon] had moved away from cave dwelling and had moved onto the plains as hunter gatherers with the beginnings of using farming and basic tools as well as a growing understanding of metals. Their levels of reasoning were developing rapidly and they were able to fully understand what was being asked of them. The visitors had also adopted a human density so as not to alarm the inhabitants.

Permission was given to the visitors to make use of certain areas which would not interfere with the development of the early [Cro Magnon] human inhabitants.

A new Atlantis was not to be built, but separate areas of the planet were to be ‘seeded’ with ‘humans’ to begin a new phase of development.

In order for this new ‘experiment’ to take place the energy structure of the planet needed to be adjusted and repaired following the damage created by the destruction and removal of the original energy source and grid that had been a part of Atlantis.

New global energy centres were put into place and a ley line network was constructed over the whole of the planet’s surface. The work was carried out by an individual who has appeared at several times during human history to adjust energies and to aid progression. His work has been noted by several tribal traditions all over the world, he has been also known by a number of names, in South America he was known as Zamna, and incorrectly remembered as Quetzalcoatl, but his most well known name is that of ‘the Merlin’.

[ In the West he is known as Merlin, in the Kabala as Malkuth, in the East as Enoch, in Greece as Mercury, in South America as Zamna, in North America as Wohana Wish-Hey ]

(“In the case of Earth, our guardian became known as Merlin. Merlin was born of this universe and his role is to work with our planet and with humanity to maximize potential and to ensure that freedom of choice is maintained. Four million years ago, Merlin began his work with Earth and humanity.”
Planet Earth - The Universe's Experiment (page 28) )

This is and always has been the Merlin’s role, not magic or conjuring tricks, but connection and adjustment of the [Earth] energy matrix.

These energy adjustments were necessary to accommodate the chakra systems of the soon to be seeded humans. The existing inhabitants of the planet, plant, animal, and early human, would not be adversely affected by this energy change, but could be helped by it themselves. At this point in Earth history the seven chakras of the human body did not exist. All life on the planet had similar energy structures contained within their bodies.

By adjusting the planet’s energy matrix, it would provide suitable energy levels for the soon to arrive humans, whist at the same time maintain the existing inhabitants’ energy requirements and provide the opportunity for those energy levels to be raised.

This was not intended to be interference with the planet’s inhabitants, but an attempt to help everyone develop at a more rapid pace.

Twenty thousand years ago the first of the ‘new humans’ arrived.

6 regions of the planet were chosen for this new beginning. These were:

1. South America,

Eventual home of the Aztecs in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala

A view of the Pyramid of the Sun from the top of the Pyramid of the Moon

2. Mesopotamia,

The Sumerians of Southern Turkey and Northern Iraq

3. Egypt,

Both North and South extending the length of the Nile into Ethiopia

4. A region that included parts of Britain, Ireland and Northern France,

20,000 years ago Britain was still attached to the European mainland and Ireland was separated only by a river.

5. Tibet,

The Tibetan Plateau – newly risen after the sinking of Atlantis

6. Southern Greece.

Originally a large land mass but today under the sea leaving only islands

The last one of these regions no longer exists intact. This part of Greece was originally much larger until volcanic activity buried much of this region under the sea, leaving only a scattering of islands.

The regions listed are given in order of importance as the 6 higher [non-physical souls – “Angels”] civilizations judged them.

The new humans arrived as an energy form which they slowly condensed, mainly by using materials [elements] from the planet itself, into a ‘physical’ body (the origin of the Adam and Eve story). [This method known as “Adult Birth”used an Human etheric template or morphological field vortex created by the Earth for use by the non-physical souls]

Page 43
This new human form allowed them to function as “”full” physical beings. By incorporating the Earth’s material, such as soil, [Earth elements] into their physical constructions, it allowed them to familiarize themselves with the planet and their surroundings very rapidly. Any material could be used in this process. It was a question of re-forming the atomic structure of the chosen material into the required density and molecular build-up.

It also meant that they were totally acclimatized to their region of the planet.

As with Atlantis, their material requirements were very low. Their main source of nourishment was the planet’s energy matrix, with the occasional supplement of fruits, berries and nuts. They did not require any shelter as they were totally at home in their chosen environments.

Their life was one of exploration. Everything was new and exciting. Like children, given a new toy, they could hardly contain their joy and enthusiasm. All of life was open to them. They could “speak” freely with all life and understand its needs and wants.

They could travel freely about the land and the planet by a process we would call translocation. Communication was by psychic means, both amongst each group or across continents. They had a life span in excess of 1,000 years.

All these groups remained quite small, 200 in the smallest and 500 in the largest, a total of 2150 over the whole planet.

There were 6 groups in total and each one was made up of the 6 civilizations (Angels). The 7 lower civilizations [the semi-physical e.t. races] were NOT represented. It had been members of some of the 7 lower civilizations, born into a human body, who had been responsible for most of the less than useful and bizarre genetic experimentation on Atlantis.

[Note that the semi-physical races, known to us as “Aliens” are described as “lower” civilizations only because the dimensional realms of space they occupy is a mixture of vibrational frequencies that are lower than the higher vibrational frequencies of the Non-physical races. Their souls were created as an intermediate step between the non-physical realms of the “Angels” and the dense physical realms of our unique solar system. This implies in no way that they are less equal but rather it is in terms of quantity of dimensional energy available to them. ]

In order for their lives and forms to be compatible with all other forms of life on the planet, they had taken on the roles and functions of being either male or female. This allowed for, when the time was deemed to be right, reproduction.

This aspect, of physical life, was something which the 6 higher civilizations were very unsure of. Most life, throughout the Universe, have their own ways of reproducing which do not quite match our version and it was seen as a subject that should be approached with caution. The problems, that had been encountered at the end of Atlantis, weighed very heavily in the collective memories of the 6 higher civilizations. Should those who wished to partake of physical life build their bodies anew, as they arrived on the planet, or should the self-replicating reproductive system, that was used on the planet, be adopted?

Eventually, after about 200 years [19,800 years ago], the matter was resolved by the adoption of sexual reproduction and the first new humans were born onto the planet by their human/angel mothers.

The population rose slowly and they continued to interact with the planet and all of its life without any kind of interference or harm. This was a truly golden age of complete harmony.

Page 52


It was to operate in two ways. The angels, members of the 6 higher civilizations, were to arrive in the same way they had 8,000 years previously and adopt a dense human form by taking in material from the planet itself.

The pre-human primates, with their own free choice and cooperation, were to take on new energies and new genetic information to help accelerate their development. Both groups were to work closely together to bring about a greater understanding of the way in which the planet, its energies and its densities functioned.

The work on the pre-human primates did not involve any kind of surgical procedures but took the form of “shifts” in energy frequencies which naturally modified their physical structures by working through the body’s cell structures and DNA. The energies of both parts of the plan began to change. The pre-humans began to move forwards very rapidly and the new humans began their anticipated slowing down.

There is, of course, a third element to the plan and that is the planet itself; its part in “The Plan” was to maintain the plants and animals whilst they also underwent their own change as the energies of both elements of humanity began to alter the energies that were available on the planet.

Up until this point, human history had been primarily to do with our consciousness, our souls, taking on various suits of clothes to find a new kind of fit.

Twelve thousand years ago, a new phase of development was begun which leads very directly to us and modern, recorded history now begins.

Chapter 4 the karmic cycle

Page 53

Thirteen regions of the planet were chosen for this new wave of change. They are listed in no particular order:

1. South America,
2. North America,
3. Australia,
4. Sumeria,
5. Egypt,
6. China,
7. Asia (mainly India),
8. a region that encompassed Britain, Ireland, and Northern France,
9. Indonesia,
10. Pacific Islands (Polynesia),
11. Scandinavia
12 Poland/Czechoslovakia.

* NB [Africa should be seen as one continent and separate from the others.]


Not all the inhabitants of these lands were to be assisted in these ways. Freedom of choice remained as the determining factor in all situations. There were groups of individuals, on each continent, who had decided not to be a part of these changes. The wishes of these groups was honoured without exception and these tribes remained apart from the new humans until they chose to make a change.

This situation continued up until the present time until these isolated tribal groups chose to be discovered by travellers visiting their traditional home lands. Awareness of the current level of change is universal and many of the tribal peoples wish to be a part of the new global situation, this is why so many isolated peoples have been discovered since the beginning of this century.

The role of the new human groups was to assist and educate the primate humans to progress and develop in their own ways and to develop their own characteristics.

This was to be achieved by a variety of means and was to be constantly monitored and adjusted to suit each individual within each individual group. There was not to be any single way of achieving these goals, all were to be accepted and treated as autonomous groups and progress was to be made at a pace and in directions that were dictated by the individuals of these groups.

The work was begun in a variety of ways with each group.

Up until now these primate humans were essentially a part of the planetary consciousness and, therefore, only capable of thought and action within their group, or mass, consciousness. The purpose of “The Human Plan” was two fold; to produce a fully functioning, conscious, being who could act in their own right, independently of the planet and secondly to accelerate these new individuals to a point where ‘full’ consciousness integration was possible.

The first stages of the work was to alter the cranial structures, to accommodate a larger, more complex brain and able to adjust the rest of the skeleton into a more upright stance. These stages were achieved by adjusting the primary DNA sequences by the addition of what could be described as accelerated genes.

These “accelerators” formed a “closed loop programme” which worked with the bodily structures gradually building upon pre-programmed goals.

Within three generations, about one hundred years, we changed from a characteristically primate, near ape like, form into the form that we are today.

Again each of the thirteen groups moved at their own pace and in the directions which they chose to go, nothing was forced or insisted upon. Each group determined their own final form and the speed of progress. The process was not like the genetic experiments which were carried out towards the end of the Atlantis period, but a method of gently enhancing that which already existed.

Once a more suitable body form existed, the second phase began. This was to bring about a higher level of consciousness that was independent of the planetary, primate, mass consciousness.

All of the plant and animal life that exists on any planet is essentially a part of the planet itself. The consciousness, the soul, that is the planet has the capability of generating and nurturing life in the form of plants and animals. In the case of Earth, this nurturing, generating capability was particularly well developed to allow for the amazing diversity of life that the planet supports.

In order to achieve diversity, the planetary being generates an energy form that a particular animal or plant is to take which incorporates all of the genetic material that is required for that particular animal or plant to become physical.

In other words, there is a grass energy form, a sea urchin energy form, an elephant energy form, etc. which exists before the animal or plant can take on a physical existence. As a plant or animal takes on physical shape this energy form is kept as a template for other plants or animals that are to be generated as this particular family of animals or plants. Although each plant or animal has its own physical body and is able to grow and, in the case of animals, move in its own way and with apparent independent thought, they all share a common energy template which amounts to a mass consciousness.

Each plant or animal, acts within, and can influence its own group but will, usually, not affect other animal or plant groups. There are, of course, exceptions to this “rule”. Particular plants or animals can act with each other to produce variations which can benefit those concerned. For example some plants can alter their structure and their reproductive methods to suit particular animals who can provide a better method of fertilization or seed distribution. In return, the plant provides a type of feed which the animal needs or particularly enjoys.

A new energy template was created, by the planet, with the assistance of the 6 higher civilizations, which was exclusively for the new human form.

This separated us totally from the other primate groups. This had two benefits, one, we could not be tempted to experiment with a hybrid human/primate cross and two, we could develop at a more rapid pace to achieving independence from the planetary mass consciousness.

This second benefit did not mean that we were to become totally separate from the planet but simply that we could evolve at our own, more rapid pace than the planet alone could provide.

This last change essentially produced a new species which was totally independent from any other species on the planet and allowed us to progress at a considerably higher rate of acceleration.

A secondary affect of producing an exclusively human energy template was that most of the tribal groups, who had decided not to be a part of the main work, began to take on the concept of a separate energy template and sub groups were formed which had their own new template and mass consciousness which were very similar to the new human form. These sub groups gradually changed and evolved into the new human form but also maintained a much closer connection to the planetary consciousness. These are the tribal groups who have maintained their distance from the, so-called developing world by living out their lives in isolated regions of the planet.

By, about, 11,500 years ago, we were beginning to become one humanity. We all shared a body form and a common mass consciousness independent from all others. With the continued assistance of the Angels, the 6 higher civilizations, we began to develop in other directions.

The first of these was language. Up until now, we had communicated in gestures and crude vocalizations to express our wants and ideas. As we began to change from primate to human, our brain had developed to a point where we were able to think in more precise ways that could also encompass abstract thought.

All of the other races, throughout the universe, communicate by thought. This is a means of directly transmitting concepts, ideas and sensory information in a single thought. The closest analogy would be the transmission of television pictures. Sound and visual images are condensed into electronic impulses which are transmitted through the atmosphere. They remained as electronic impulses until someone tuned into the frequency and the signals are converted back into sound and vision by the television’s reception decoder. This is, essentially, how thought wave communications work. Communication centres with in the brain “transmit” all of the required information directly into the brain of the individual that the transmission is aimed at. The recipient’s brain then “decodes” these impulses back into thought, sound smell, touch, etc.

This is why the search for extraterrestrial life (SETI) progress has been unsuccessful in detecting radio wave transmissions from other regions of the universe, thought waves do not generate wave patterns that can be detected by our receivers.

At this time, we were not able to use this form of communication as the centres in the brain which transmit thought waves were not sufficiently developed.

We live on a planet that is filled with sound. The density of the atmosphere makes it ideal for the transmission of energy waves that translate into sounds. Our lives as primates had sharpened our hearing to a point where we could differentiate between a huge variety of sound sources and could, therefore, be tuned to accept sounds that represented thoughts.

Each of the 13 groups were encouraged to develop a range of sounds that represented objects, animals, landscapes, the weather, etc. that could form the basis of language within each group.

From these basic beginnings a huge complexity of language developed which also aided the progression of consciousness adaptation and development.

For some of the groups, this was sufficient for their needs and for their purely verbal traditions continued for many centuries. For other groups, they required other ways of communicating ideas and a way of enhancing memory by a more tangible form.

The earlier “caveman” stages of our development had produced the use of symbols to represent objects, people, or animals and so the concept of painted symbols as a form of language was understood by all. This understanding was developed, by some groups, to create a written form of their new spoken language.

11,000 years ago the first written word appeared on the planet and was developed by the group of people who were to become the Hebrew.

These early written, forms of language were modifications of simple forms, usually vertical lines that were crossed by horizontal or angled lines. Gradually, new types of symbols were added and developed which began a move to more complex forms, such as Egyptian hieroglyphics.

These written languages were developed from the types of symbols used by the other universal races. All symbols contain an energy. The act of imposing a symbol into another material imbues that symbol with the energy of the thought that went into creating it. This is how written language was originally intended to be used. Thoughts were focused into a symbol which, when read correctly, recreated those thoughts in the mind of the reader. They were literally a form of active memory that could be tapped into whenever that thought, represented by the symbol, was read.

This is how hieroglyphs should really be viewed. They cannot be taken as purely written images, but as symbols that represent a whole range of sensory information which we have, generally, forgotten how to interpret correctly. The process of imprinting these images into the stone they are carved upon, also holds the generating thought in place. A process very similar to that of succussing remedies used in homeopathic medicine.

These two developments, language and writing, gave us the beginnings of a unifying culture. We began to understand and make ourselves be understood.

From these steps also came the sense of a shared existence, a belonging to a whole. When we had lived as pre-human primates, we had lived in “tribal” communities, but these were usually a collection of individuals who only worked together for individual gain. By developing a common language we had made the step towards a cooperative community where each individual could feel a sense of belonging.

From these first steps there eventually came civilizations.

The human body form, that now existed, was capable of accommodating a higher form of consciousness and several of the angels that had been working with the primates asked permission to be born to human-primate parents. In this way, they could gain full experiences of what the developed body was capable of and also begin to work with the planet’s energy matrix from a position that was much closer to that of the planet.

The birth process mentioned is exactly the same as we still use. An incoming soul, the one who wishes to be born, approaches the potential parents and asks that those parents allow it to be born to them. The parents have the choice of accepting this particular soul or not. If negative, the soul finds other suitable parents, or, if affirmative, an agreement is made. This is essentially how all of those who wish to experience a physical life fulfil their wishes. Every situation has freedom of choice. The parents make their choice and the soul who wishes to be born has their choice.

So, the members of the 6 higher civilizations, the Angels, began a new cycle of human birth and experience.

Each of the thirteen groups were asked if they would accommodate this request and ask for volunteers who would act as parents to these children. No action would have been taken if any of these groups had denied access to the birth process.

There were a number of advantages to these children being born to human-primate parents. They learned directly how the human body developed, through its many phases. Up until now, the development process could only be observed. They learned from the inside how the tribal structures and beliefs were partly learned and partly genetic. Were further modifications required to the human body form energy model? There were also many more subtle pieces of extremely important information that would not have been arrived at by any other means.

The parents of these children also learned a great deal. These primate-humans gained their consciousness from the human mass consciousness and were not aware of the true differences between a mass awareness and the awareness of a “full” individual.

As these Angel/humans came to be more accepted by the 13 groups, there was an increase in the number of volunteers who were willing to be the parents of these children. Gradually, more and more of these children were born, at the request of the tribes, and this eventually led to a situation where the majority of the people were of this type.

This situation led to a major dilemma. The goal of a fully conscious, physical being was being achieved at a cost of the loss of a primate-human population. Would it be better if the process was stopped or should it be allowed to continue to the point where the new conscious human was the only human form within the 13 groups?

The final decision was made by the primate-humans themselves. Their existence was as a part of a mass consciousness and, regardless of the final outcome of “The Human Plan”, this mass consciousness would always remain a part of human existence. So these people saw an opportunity for greater growth, by all human beings, by the full integration of an “angelic consciousness” into a human body.

Again, we have a situation that begins to sound like a process of body snatching. The decision, by the primate-humans was made by themselves when they realised that this integration process could lead to a rapid change condition to the developing humans and to the planet itself. There would also be advantages to the groups who had decided not to take part in the enhancement procedures.

These groups existed because the energy template, that gave physical matter its human shape, would be subtly altered by these changes as it would alter to the new consciousness form. This gave these other tribes a greater number of options: They could remain as they were and continue their own development in their own ways or they could undergo all, or part, of the same enhancement procedures. All options, and the choices inherent in those options, were still fully available to all of the human population.

We remember all of these events in two ways. Our DNA contains all of the genetic information that made up these primate humans, their complete race memories and the memories of their bodies still give us our basic physical structures. Secondly, they are fully a part of the human mass consciousness and the memories that it contains. It has been necessary to edit these memories as space will not permit a full telling of this part of their history. Accessing the mass consciousness, for this particular time period, will reveal a greater depth of detail than has been included in these pages and show that these people still exist in a very real sense.

During the intervening centuries, the primate-human groups, that decided not to take an active role in these enhancement phases of our development, have also had their role to play. They have, at various times, decided to give birth to “angelic” children. These births have helped them to understand themselves, and their role on the planet, to a much greater degree. So, although they have remained largely apart from the bulk of humanity, they have taken on a role of guardians of the human connection with the planetary consciousness whilst at the same time gradually undergoing their own “angelic” integration.

These so-called primitive peoples are the ones who have worked directly with the planet and have helped to maintain its integrity whilst the excessive and thoughtless acts of the, inaptly named developed world had brought the planet perilously close to destruction.

9,000 YEARS AGO humans and angels made their final integration within the 13 groups. Further refinements were made to the physical body, all be it very subtle ones, and, for the first time, the final versions of man and woman stood firmly on the planet.

Everything changed.

All areas of life were affected and everything that lived on the planet also changed. The energies of life hit a high point and all forms of life flourished.

The taking on of a physical body, by the 6 higher civilizations, altered their perceptions of life and their role within it. The final major change was to their diet. Up until now their main source of “food” had been the planet’s own energy, supplemented by nuts and fruits. Now, with their increased physical density, however, denser food was needed. They began with fruits and nuts but quickly added grains and pulses and, finally, were forced to add heavy protein in the form of meat.

Their consciousness levels were very much higher than that of the primate-humans and were, therefore, able to make much more efficient use of the resources around them. Farming and cultivation became much more widespread, bringing their food much closer to home than had been the case of their hunter-gatherer predecessors. Their approach to hunting was also a little more enlightened. In order to make use of the animals around them for food, they would enter into the mass consciousness of the group, they were about to hunt, and ask to take and use a defined number, as their needs dictated, and then take the animals that they needed and no more. . .

. . . Several species were domesticated . . . Larger settlements were set up to bring large groups of people together and the building of permanent structures was begun. Up until now, the primate-humans had lived in temporary living accommodation in the form of huts and caves. By domesticating animals and developing crop farming methods, it was possible to bring a large number of people together and the foundation for civilizations were laid.

9th February 2016, 17:45
Please note that my previous post should be read over very carefully because it contains a great many details which serve to explain so many questions being asked today as to the origins of Humanity, the first written alphabet and language (there were actually 6) , who are the Sasquatch, who were the mound builders, why and how were our ancestors able to build the megalithic structures, why are our current bodies considered sub-human by the Earth, and many more considerations.

The only way to really understand the depth of this knowledge is to read the 8 history books written by Chris Thomas. I can only give you bits and pieces which do not do his work justice. I cannot give you the flow of how one thing leads into another so that it makes perfect sense, even to the point of implications for an obvious unified field theory in science. It had been staring people like Einstein in the face all along.

Now as we are experiencing the rising energies of a 3500 Hz base chakra, (despite attempts to slow our vibrations through HAARP and fake microwave towers) beginning the long process of returning our "junk" DNA back to its original13 strands, experiencing our flowing light energy as we have absorbed the chakras, and as we are restoring our physical bodies back to the original Human ethereal template (morphological field vortex), life will become much easier and more fruitful.

The multitude of previously hidden problems now rising to the surface,coupled with the Velon assisted by the mind controlled stooges at CERN and NASA and government agencies:


These interferences serve to force us to raise our individual vibrations out of their reach, our group consciousness therefore evolves toward reintegration of the higher self 3/4 of our soul back to how we once were; a broadened sensory perspective, multi-dimensional psychic abilities, and love for all of nature replacing fear-based control.

It may take 100 years but it is a very special time to be alive, like no other ever experienced in the history of any Universe.

These two articles from Zen Gardner and Dr Emoto's work are how I see our goals from here on:




Keeping in mind that the Akashic says nothing was left of the main continent of Atlantis for anyone to find; it was buried into Earth’s magma core.

Typically, there are a few theories about the location of Atlantis. They stem mostly from the fact that artifacts have been found in certain areas suggesting there was indeed a large land mass located where only islands remain. One such theory suggests the location of Atlantis is the South China Sea.


As Anastasia has correctly pointed out elsewhere:

“I wonder if the large landmass between Japan and Australia that sank has something to do with Arysio Santo's theory of Atlantis being in the South China Sea where artefacts are being discovered.”*

A large landmass between Japan and Australia sank.* See below

All that remains of this landmass are the islands of Indonesia.

(The Destruction of Atlantis – from The Anunnaki Plan or The Human Plan 2010)

The ultimate outcome of these events was that we eventually, collectively, decided to destroy the continent. This was achieved psychically by opening up the mid-Atlantic fault line, surrounding the continent in volcanoes and deliberately sinking Atlantis into the Earth’s molten core. This destruction occurring about 65,000 years ago. This is why no physical evidence for the existence of Atlantis remains, all was deliberately destroyed by sinking it into the magma.

(The Universal Soul Page 26)

The way in which ‘we’ dealt with the problems on Atlantis was to create a fissure in the Earth’s crust stretching form The North Pole to the Southern Ocean. The original fissure surrounded the whole continent, engulfing Atlantis in volcanic magma and dragged the continent back into the earth’s core. With the continent sunk, the surrounding volcanic chains collapsed and, like a zip fastener closing, the middle of the Atlantic sea floor closed leaving the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

As a result of this change to the planet’s surface, many other changes occurred.

The Mediterranean Sea was formed from a low-lying swamp.

The Alp Mountains were formed from low foothills.

The Himalayas were forced to their new heights from an already existing mountain range.

The African Great Rift Valley was formed by two continents tearing themselves apart as the crust shifted into its new position.

A large landmass between Japan and Australia sank.*

(The Anunnaki Plan or The Human Plan cont’d)

Sinking the continent had far reaching and potentially devastating effects on the planet:

The planet’s axis tilted altering the climate.

Many earthquakes and volcanoes were triggered together with massive tsunamis, creating huge areas of flooding and most of the life on earth was threatened with extinction.

The planet also shrank in size to almost 10% smaller than She is now.


As far as the human population was concerned, those who were souls from the non-physical races returned to their home worlds whilst most of those who were from the semi-physical races stayed to help rebuild the earth and its life.

The rebuilding work took over 40,000 years and the Earth was fully ready to begin again about 20,000 years ago.

22nd February 2016, 23:39
Oh my goodness i have absorbed all of this thread, and i still feel a hunger for more! I cant find any of CT's books :( ive checked ebay as well...

25th February 2016, 14:50
I just found a few of CT's books still available from Capall Bann Publishing, Ltd. UK. I have ordered from them before.

If you order from Cygnus Book Club, even though they are out of stock, you will receive them eventually. I have done this also.

25th February 2016, 22:08
Not a Youtube video but one on facebook of a ball of light.


Chris Thomas' essay on BOLs...balls of light...


Admin edit: I've fixed your video link, but you need to click the image. There's no "play" button on a Facebook video. ;)

28th February 2016, 10:35
Thanx! Ill try

28th February 2016, 11:05
Oh cool and thanks for fixing my video.

28th February 2016, 11:34
Oh cool and thanks for fixing my video.

You're welcome. ;) And if you click here (http://jandeane81.com/threads/8243-Embedding-facebook-video-s), you'll be able to read how to embed Facebook videos yourself — it's not all that hard, but you have to use different tags compared to YouTube. ;)

If you look at the tool bar of the post editor, then all the way on the right you should see a brown button with a yellow "F" inside — this one -> http://i.imgur.com/Mjuc3dM.png. That's the Facebook video icon. Then all you have to do after clicking that is put the numeric code from the Facebook URL in between the "FB" tags — not the complete URL, just the sequence of numbers. ;)

1st March 2016, 17:15
SORTING OUT THE ALIEN RACES (Form Follows Frequency)

(“Form Follows Frequency” is clearly an important concept to remember because it explains why each of the chemical elements, which are the building blocks of matter, has a different colour and different chemical properties. It also explains the differences in body structure among the races of extra-terrestrials based upon the particular mixture of dimensional energies contained within the galaxies of their birth planet.)

Much speculation has been going on over the last 70 years concerning the races of extra-terrestrials, sometimes known as Djinn, who have been visiting Earth for centuries. They are typically reported to arrive in flying saucers or some other shaped space ship. They and their ships can appear and then disappear from human perception. Some have been accused of human abductions, animal mutilations, and making deals with governments, particularly during and after WWII. Phillip Corso reported that they have crashed on our planet and their technology has been backwards engineered to technologically advance the human race (both publicly and covertly) with everything since the transistor. These crashes are always associated with strong electromagnetic fields which interfere with their electromagnetic propulsion (erroneously referred to as “anti-gravity”) systems.

Note: The Akashic explains that all E.T. ships are seamless because they are constructed from organic plant material with sentience, and also in keeping with harmony in nature, no plant is killed in their construction. No destructive forces are ever involved in the process. In contrast, human space ships are constructed from Earth mined metals and therefore have seams.

But while technology is only as good or as bad as the people who use it and what they use it for, if a race is to evolve spiritually it must be wise enough to keep its technology in balance with nature. Any technology that interferes with or harms nature should be abandoned immediately. This is something humans have yet to learn. Since the industrial revolution humanity has forgotten this important truth. In that one respect humans have much to learn from the E.T. races.

The various names that humans know these E.T. races by is numbered into the hundreds. So I thought it would be interesting to present what the Akashic has to say about how many actual races, in terms of body structure and racial (planetary) origin, there really are.


Each Universe is created to ask a question, or in the case of our Universe, the first one created according to the Akashic, 2 questions. The first question to be explored was: what would happen if every freely moving soul had complete free will, limited only by the requirement that no soul interferes with another’s free will?

The second question turned out to be more involved and quite complicated. It was: is it possible for a non-physical soul to experience physical reality and if so, what could be learned from such an experience?

The first part of the second question was a resounding “yes”. It was on Atlantis that Merlin standardized the etheric template or morphological field vortex that could be used by any whole soul to experience physicality on Earth.

Humanity is still in the throws of answering the second question as we experience, through a lesser version of the original template, what problems we have run into over the last 7,000 years of being sub-human (only up to 25% of the soul in the physical body). We are now slowly experiencing a return to the original template through reintegration and expansion of the higher self (other 75% of the soul). Just how long this will take is up to us individually and each individual’s influence on the collective human consciousness.

The quality of individual choices do make a very important energy contribution to the whole. Much more than most people realize.

Going back to a bit of the history, after the universe and planets and suns had been created with the help of the Creator’s friends, 6 races of non-physical souls were created on 6 different planets. It is these non-physical souls (Angels) who have temporarily taken on the physical bodies of Humans for the most part. Only a very small percentage of humans currently have souls from the semi-physical races. Each soul creates its own DNA structure using earth elements when it builds it’s physical body around the human template. Typically the semi-physical races bring more DNA to their physical bodies than do the non-physical races. I am leaving out a lot of details which can be found in Chris Thomas’ 8 history books.

These 6 races of non-physical souls were created about 100 Million years ago and they have always been free to explore every part of this Universe. Each soul contains an individual unique spirit from Source plus a spark of the Creator for experiencing this Universe.

It’s important to remember that all souls from the Creator have a humanoid shaped energy field because of the nature of energies in this living Universe. This is not a mechanistic, “gravitational” universe. It is a living conscious Universe. Some scientists are beginning to recognize this reality in terms of electromagnetic energy and non-localized mind.


It’s also important to remember that each non-physical race is slightly different based upon the planet where it was created. But even the most advanced psychic cannot recognize a non-physical soul’s racial origin while they are incarnated as a human. It has nothing to do with human race or skin colour. Each individual soul is unique in terms of the experiences of its individual spirit both within the universe, as a soul, and prior to participating here when it was pure spirit. The non-physical souls possess a much higher mixture of dimensional energies than the semi-physical races. This is not to say they are higher in quality (all souls are created equal) but only in quantity of energy.


So, getting back to the Creator’s attempt to answer the second question, an intermediate type of soul was created to experiment with, prior to the physical experiment in our solar system. These new souls were semi-physical. This was done about 35 Million years ago and this time there were 7 races created on 7 very different and wide-spread planets. The soul would be attached to its semi-physical body for as long as it chose to live before returning to Creator. Therefore every semi-physical soul/body is 35 Million years old. Their body is constantly renewing itself. The body structure of these 7 races is completely dependent on the nature of the planet upon which they were first born (created). Form follows frequency. Although always humanoid in their appearance, their 7 body forms vary greatly.

“As a developmental stage on the way to developing physical, human life, seven semi-physical races were brought into being about 30 Million years ago. As with our solar system, seven regions of space were specially prepared for them with their own “mini-universe” in the form of an energy “bubble”, each containing several galaxies. Each of these seven regions had their own particular range of energy frequencies which give each of the 7 races their own particular forms and characteristics – FORM FOLLOWS FREQUENCY.

Whilst they each began life on an individual planet, they have all spread out to colonise any compatible planet within their own specific regions and so most of them have developed technologies and craft capable of travelling across the immense distances of space. Most have also found ways of leaving their own energy “bubble” and travel to many regions of the Universe, and frequently to Earth.” Chris Thomas

These semi-physical souls appear to each other just as solid as humans appear to each other. When we say they are semi-physical we mean the energies associated with their part of this Universe are much higher vibrational dimensions than physical life but not nearly as high as the non-physical souls. Therefore they are considerably lighter, in both senses of the word, than humans. These semi-physical bodies contain far more energy than our current human bodies (which contain only up to 25 % of our soul) but they are capable of slowing their vibrations temporarily so that they can appear within our limited perceptual awareness. Of course there are some rare individual humans who have DNA which allows them to perceive energies beyond our normal realms of perceptual awareness. Naturally this DNA and consequent ability runs in families, allowing them to see spirits, and to distinguish between human spirits and aliens.

What seems like 100 years for humans, is 1000 years in our terms for the semi-physical races and 1 million years for the non-physical races. To understand this perceptually, it’s like they see us moving in slow motion. The semi-physical races can walk through our walls just as their space ships can pass through our mountains. They also communicate telepathically, an ability humans have forgotten in our current sub-human state. Even Earth’s animals and plants can communicate telepathically as some of us are learning.

So, we come to naming the 7 semi-physical races, based not on what they may have become known to some humans as, but rather based on their bodily template which resulted from their original planet of origin. The reason people know them by different names is that each race has explored and settled on new planets and in new galaxies over the last 35 Million years, planets that are geared to supporting their particular form of life. They often take on the name of the planet or galaxy they settled in. For instance the Ummites are from a planet by that name but their soul origin, and hence appearance, is Pleiadean. They have semi-physical bodies which means they live on semi-physical planets.

When Earth wishes to experiment with a newly introduced life form (plant or animal) it often sources that life form from one of the semi—physical planets. A race of E.T.’s who specialize in genetics will work with the DNA of that life form so that it can be adopted to physical life on Earth. Once perfected it is often seeded to Earth via comets or meteorites. Some species that have become extinct on Earth are being returned by that method.


I must add one more thing to explain why there has been so much confusion.

All E.T. races are friendly toward humans except one.

There is one race which is unfriendly, jealous, and envious, to put it mildly, of planet Earth. This envy has made them vicious so that they can even convert love and healing energy into a weapon. They have been actively involved in interfering with human evolution on planet Earth since about 1776 when they interfered with the formation of the “Illuminati” during that time frame. In addition a group of them have travelled back in time from that point to about 5,000 years ago in human history in order to “plant” a false story written on clay tablets in Sumeria. The story was designed to make present-day humans believe that this E.T. race are our creator gods.

The group who travelled back in time called themselves the Anunnaki (one of 6 factions of the Velon race of semi-physical souls) and, as a result of their actions, they were unable to return forward in time. So they “hid out” in the Himalayan mountains of Tibet for 5,000 years where they practiced false channelling to gullible humans in order to influence our societal belief systems. Since 1776 they have been studying human psychology in order to influence and distort our thoughts. The trans-humanist agenda, using advanced technology chips, comes from the Velon race, through their human stooges, in their attempt to control humanity.

One example of the false channelling is the ‘Ra’ material and ‘the law of one’ - Small amounts of truth with large amounts of misleading information.

They do this through interference with gifted psychics, and through channelling to any human who is even slightly psychic. They also use technological mind control, and they work through mind-controlled stooges among governments, corporations, the elite, and through covert government agencies with hidden agendas. One example would be CERN where their real purpose is to create a stargate to allow the Velon ships to enter our solar system from which they have been banned by the guardians. There is no chance of this actually happening because there is not enough energy available to create a new stargate. Also Earth could choose to disrupt the large hadron collider at anytime using an earthquake.

The Velon also infiltrated the ancient freemasons and Knights Templar to induce Satan worship and the resulting paedophilia. This is always the case when humans are tempted into the lower vibrations of fear and greed. The Velon aim is to brainwash the Human Collective Consciousness so that individuals forget that they have free will in creating the future we choose. Our creative imagination in realizing our desired future is what they seek to control. This is done through controlling the media, manipulating oppressive governments, and even our thoughts using microwaves, and scalar technology, as well as our belief systems. This is why so many people in the Western world seem mesmerized, they have difficulty in thinking about certain subjects, and they are very forgetful. They cling to the past and fear anything that might disrupt their habitual belief systems.

Note that there are particularly gullible humans who have been convinced through the false love vibration and egoic flattery, that they are members of galactic councils working for humanity to end wars and channelling the light forces. Many of them have been “trained” since childhood through mind programs to accept that this is their “mission” in life. They are introduced to “Ascended Masters” who are, in fact, the Velon playing such roles to side-track human endeavours. The MkUltra program (TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL) is just one example of the Velon behind all covert human operations.

When you hear “words” in your mind, they are coming from a digital, computer based system. Your higher self does not communicate in this way. Your higher self comes through as feelings in your body, something you should be very familiar with.

Everyone should examine their thoughts on a regular basis with this question in mind: Are these thoughts my own or are they being imposed on me by an outside source? If you are a Mason, for example, ask yourself how much of what you think is entrainment coming from the Masonic order. Do you FEEL in your body that this information is what your life is about? If you are channelling a voice, as the following type of question of the source of this voice:
“Are you an Alien Velon disguised like a Reptilian, disguised like a Mantid, disguised like a Grey, disguised like a Human?"

This unfriendly semi-physical race known as the Velon is also capable of not exactly shape-shifting but rather using their special computers (capable of holding up to 100 souls waiting to take on a programmed shape) to generate any body form they choose to program into their computer, including impersonating the other existing E.T. races, and sometimes even humans. They feed on human fear and life force energy and they try to manipulate belief systems through their channelling. They can now interfere with virtually all channellers through faked love vibrations, to make them believe they are special and are working with some nonexistent Galactic Council or what have you, to fulfil their life purpose. No such “councils” exist in reality. There is no need for them in a world where thoughts are shared instantaneously and every soul is consulted before a decision is made by the Guardians and the Creator.

The mind control channelling, which is everywhere in the lower vibrations in the form of ELF waves, is carried out by letter agencies, like the NSA, using the sophisticated technology supplied by an E.T. race. Remember it’s not the technology that is evil, it’s how and who uses it. No E.T. race has ever used technology as a weapon against another E.T. race. To kill an E.T. body would be to kill its soul, since they are normally one in the same. Such an act would be unthinkable. NO GALACTIC WARS HAVE EVER TAKEN PLACE. Only humans fight wars and always against each other here on Earth.

There are a few human colonies on the Moon and on Mars, seeded there in the 50’s and the 80’s respectively, via the backwards engineered human space fleets. No astronauts ever landed on the Moon via rocket ships, according to the Akashic.

Getting back to the one unfriendly race (The Velon) that has been mind controlling humans; any number of lies have been infiltrated into our social belief systems by these deceived channellers over the past 200 years. Their purpose in deceiving these channellers is to confuse and distract the human race. Such distraction serves to take us from our evolutionary path which will eventually take us beyond separation, factions, wars, and the lower vibrations of fear, greed and lust for power. They are trying to prevent us from reintegration into a wholly functioning Human body containing the whole of the soul. When we have achieved this we will be more powerful than any one, including the Velon, can even imagine. I am referring to power in the form of love energy which takes us into the higher dimensional frequencies. A wholly functioning Human physical body occupies 50 dimensions. Our sub-human bodies occupy only 13 dimensions. We are slowly expanding, and as we do so, the Earth also expands physically and consciously.

We need to focus our rising vibrations through love and the inner work necessary for removing emotional blocks and clinging belief systems, while ignoring the ever increasing mind drama, wars and divisiveness propagated by mainstream media. Only through balance can we evolve our human collective consciousness.

We were never meant to exploit nature or “own” animals. Man was meant to be a friend to nature, to live in love and harmony. No wars have ever been fought except here on Earth by humans against humans. Only one e.t. race has ever used “weapons” by proxy against vulnerable humans.

Most of the E.T. races have left the planet since 1996 so that humanity can proceed with their evolution unhindered during this very critical time. A couple have remained to carry out needed functions, as will be seen, but they do not interfere. Only one race has ignored the request to leave.

Their name (The Velon) is not well known because they have had enough energy to hide it in the Akashic. I have only ever met one psychic individual apart from Chris Thomas who had heard of the Velon. This person, never having heard of Chris Thomas, had been visited by a member of the Velon race who identified themselves as such. The person’s memory of that encounter, which the NSA had wiped from their mind, was triggered when I mentioned the race called Velon (Veelon). This person (whose ancestor had purportedly worked with the Velon) was asked to help the Velon create a vortex onto the Earth for them, which the person wisely refused to do.

All human “abductions” and animal mutilations over the last 20 + years have been carried out by humans from underground bases using sophisticated technology and mind control. Only humans harm abductees. The other races are benevolent toward mankind, although the Greys and Blues have performed a limited number of abductions, they always ask permission from the higher self and they do not cause any bodily harm whatsoever. They have long since abandoned this practice, having realised that form follows frequency, meaning human DNA is not compatible with the semi-physical races in terms of creating hybrids. Once a Grey has learned how to separate its soul from its semi-physical body (a ‘formula’ has been worked out for doing this) it incarnates as a human.

All of the above information comes from the Akashic as carefully and thoroughly questioned and researched by Chris Thomas over a 30-40 year period.

Given that Chris Thomas’ books are currently unavailable, I am sharing some quotes to help with a better understanding of what the Akashic actually says.



None of the 13 races reproduce as we understand it. On Earth, if we want to have children, the soul who is to be that child is drawn from the number of souls who have experienced previous human lives during the past 7,000 years. In other words, there is a “closed” number of souls who are connected with Earth; there are no new souls, as such, on Earth, at least not from the rest of the Universe.

The 13 races all began their existence with about 7 Billion souls. As they spread out to investigate other galaxies, if they decided to colonize other worlds, they called on the 13 beings who make up the Universal “envelope” to release a number of souls of their race who were created at the same time but have chosen to await their race’s expansion before manifesting into a conscious form. All races have made use of this facility, this store of souls, and have radically increased their population numbers. A certain degree of confusion can sometimes arise, especially with human channels, with this chain of events because if they contact someone from one of these newly colonised worlds, the being
they contact will claim to be from, say, the planet “Zog”, and that would be true, but, their soul origin might be from the race from Sirius.

The Akashic primarily works with soul origins and I have preferred to keep it that way, a tracking down specific planets involves a great deal of searching and generally leads to confusion.

To give some ideas of numbers, and the degree of potential confusion once you step away from soul origin concept, the non-physical races now collectively number 148 Billion, the Greys 72 Billion and the Pleiadeans 83 Billion. By sticking with someone’s soul origin, it makes life a great deal simpler.

In his book Who is Who in the Greatest Game in History, UFO researcher Rolf Waeber lists 245 races who have had some kind of contact with people on Earth. I have no desire to take away from the immense amount of work Mr Waeber has put in to compiling his book, but a large number of the races listed are fictitious, there are a number of races missing and 40 of them are of Velon origin.

When I read Mr Waeber’s book , I checked every single race listed against the akashic, only to find that many are human inventions, either by channels or military disinformation. If you are someone who has the capability to work as a channel, the guides who have agreed to work with you can take on a persona to satisfy the channel’s needs. Instead of contacting “genuine” aliens, the channel is in contact with a “spirit guide” who has taken on a particular persona that meets the channel’s aspirations. Many races and, particularly, numerous “councils” have been “invented” in this way. I know I am going to be criticized for making this comment but all I can do is to go on the information contained within the Akashic, as well as my own direct experience of working with these kinds of channels. Also the Velon race have been greatly interfering with people in order to deliberately mislead. (see next chapter).

[Chris Thomas mentioned, in the final chapter of The Human Soul, that entire books have been written, allegedly coming from Pleiadian sources, but which were actually coming from the Velon.]



What is meant by “semi-physical” is that they have a physical form and a physical density and to each other, they appear as physically solid as we do on Earth. However, if we had a representative of one of these races standing in front of us now, the chances are that we humans would not be able to see them or even sense their presence. This is because these races are constructed of energy frequencies that are far outside of the energy patterns we are used to here on Earth. As our senses have developed to work within our physical environment, we do not have sufficient sensory awareness to “see” the energy frequencies that these races exist at.

(The Universal SouL Page 16)

[Of the 7 semi-physical races] three, in particular (Pleiadeans, NGC584 and the Sirians) have developed ways of travelling far beyond their original energy “bubbles” and have developed abilities where they can travel to anywhere within the Universal void regardless of the energy patterns and structures they encounter along the way. These three races have played an immense role in the development of our Earth and the life upon the planet.


(The Fool’s First Steps) Page 92-95

The Pleiadeans are a very interesting race of beings who, more than any other in this universe, most closely resemble human appearance and physiology.

They were the first of the 7 groups who began to understand the Creator’s purpose and motives. They welcomed close cooperation with the 6 Higher Civilizations and have striven to make the change, from their original level of existence to that of the 6 Higher Civilizations, with open and abundant enthusiasm.

They have also been prepared to help others along on their own evolutionary path with great love and understanding. The Pleiadeans have assisted us many times and continue to do so during the current transitional phase.

The Pleiadeans tend to be [in a range of] about 6 feet [to 8 feet] in height and adopt the appearance of being either male or female. This gender expression is not strictly necessary as they are all close to an androgynous energy balance. They appear to be human but have an inner “glow” and an energy that makes them appear slightly less than solid. As they have not yet completed their transition to a “full” energy form, they still require to use vehicles for inter-stellar travel. These craft take the form most of us think of as flying saucers. This is not the only shape of craft that they use, but it is the one which most of us will identify.

Their current role, as far as we are concerned, is to use their craft as “transformer” stations to help step down the frequency of energies to a level that we can easily accept. As our abilities to assimilate higher frequencies of energy increase, the number of these transformer stations is rapidly reducing.

Unless deliberately made visible, these craft are invisible to our detection devices. This does not mean that they are deliberately hiding; it is just that their materials technology began from a different root to ours and we cannot detect the materials that their craft are made from. Neither can we detect their communications as they use a form of thought waves that can be transmitted over distances of several hundred light years and do not involve any form of measurable wave.

The Pleiadeans have used this form of communication to contact a number of individuals on Earth. These communications have been useful in helping us to understand the current situation and some of the choices that we have had to make, however, it should be noted that the Pleiadeans do not have full access to all of the information relating to us and our potential future. This does not mean that what they have said is necessarily wrong, but that the information has sometimes been of potential situations which have either not been feasible or not entirely possible, however, they have acted out of a genuine concern for mankind and their messages have reflected that concern.

The Pleiadeans home world, and the other worlds which they inhabit, have an atmosphere based on a gas similar to carbon dioxide, but also contains a low oxygen content. They are able to breath our atmosphere by altering their internal chemistry to accommodate our higher oxygen levels but they cannot maintain this process for long periods.

They do not require to eat solid foods any longer, although what they took for food we would not consider very appealing as it consisted of a form of mud and algae, but now consume a form of energy that is a by product of their form of nuclear energy production.

All Pleiadeans are fully aware of the opportunity for change that their race faces and are making every preparation to ensure that their chance for change is not missed. They are now ready to move on to a level closer to that of the 6 Higher Civilizations.

(Synthesis Page 38)

These are a race that originate on a star system we know as the Pleiades. We call it by this name because it is the name these beings gave it. The Pleiadeans are closest to humans in shape and appearance. They look like one of our Scandinavian races as they are tall and slender with blonde hair and blue eyes. (Please note these are NOT the “Tall, White Nordics” of Area 51 fame – see later for an explanation). They average about 8 feet in height. They do have male and female forms but do not reproduce – there are no Pleiadean children.

As a race, they have spread out over a number of galaxies, settling on many planets that were compatible with their needs. Those who originate on 2 of these planets have caused confusion to human UFO watchers as they call themselves Plejaran or Ummite.

The Akashic records the names of all of the worlds that the seven semi-physical races inhabit, some would be familiar to us, the majority would not. In order to avoid the great deal of confusion that has arisen over race names, I have chosen to use their “soul origin” name only. By soul origin I mean the race name that these races have given to themselves which is usually reflected in the name of the planet on which the race first originated.

The Pleiadeans can be described as the Universe’s diplomatic corps as they generally become involved in most of the events that take place within our Universe.

They have a long association with Earth but do not make their presence known as they can see that visitors from an “Alien” race would cause too much disruption to human life which would distract us form our chosen aim of soul reintegration. Once we have completed our chosen task, they will no doubt visit us often.


As their name suggests, these beings originate in the star system known as the Pleiades. We use this name as it is their race that originally named this star system. The Pleiadeans are about 2.4 metres (8 feet) tall and have an appearance that is very human, similar to the Nordic races. They could be described as the Universe’s “diplomatic corps” as they tend to become involved in all aspects of life throughout the universe. They tend to be very friendly and totally benign in their intentions and actions. They are frequent visitors to Earth and, through their technology have helped to prevent several nuclear missile accidents from occurring, particularly through the years of the “cold war”.

These beings have been in contact with a number of people on Earth for many years. Their identity can be a little confused at times as the Pleiadeans live on many different worlds and therefore can call themselves by different names. If you think of the name Pleiadean as being their “soul origin” name, the other names they are known by purely relate to their new home worlds. Say for example someone on Earth was born in Denmark but then immigrated to Australia and took on citizenship, they would then call themselves Australian even though their origins were in Denmark. The same applies to the Pleiadeans when they have contacted people on earth but have called themselves Plejaran or Ummites etc.

NGC 584

Page 95 (The Fool’s First Steps)

The life forms from the star system we know as NGC 584 are in the process of undergoing a similar change to that of the Pleiadeans, although their evolutionary roots have been very different.

Their physical characteristics are, to put it mildly, a little different to ours. To our minds a description of characters who are 2 feet 6 inches tall with a skin texture and colour of blue/grey leather sounds more like a character from a child’s fairy tale than the highly evolved beings that they actually are. They have very large eyes and do not have a discernable mouth or nose. Their body shape is similar to that of a new born child, short arms and legs, a rounded body and a large head that appears out of proportion with the rest of their bodies. The enlarged head allows for a highly developed brain structure and their brain functions are exceptionally highly developed.

Ever since the first seedings of higher life forms onto Earth, those from NGC 584 have been associated with us. They were the ones who established Lemuria and were the ones who determined whether the planet was ready for those seedings. They have assisted the 6 Higher Civilizations with many aspects of human development and they introduced many of our animal species to the planet.

Their home world is effectively a ball of ice that has a surface temperature that can go below 50 degrees Kelvin (about minus 200 degrees centigrade) in their winter time. These life forms are perfectly adapted to their world as are the plant and the few animals that share it.

They have always been very willing and able to assist us even though they found our ice ages far too hot.

Page 96
These life forms are master geneticists and hold genetic records and models for all of the life throughout the universe. Most life forms would freeze solid on their world and this makes it perfect for storing genetic material. In this task they assist the 6 Higher Civilizations to record and sample endangered species or species that exist on one world and would be suitable for others.

The NGC 584 home world’s atmosphere is composed of a gas similar in chemical construction to sulphur. Sulphur is also the basic building block for these beings, in the same sense as carbon is our building block. They also communicate by telepathy.

They do still travel by physical craft which tend to be cigar like in shape but they rarely enter our atmosphere. They are also ready to assist us if we choose to fully grasp our current opportunities.

Page 29 (The Universal Soul)

Those who originate on the star system we know as NGC584 are master geneticists. They have worked with all of the life on Earth ever since it was introduced 25 million years ago. Several of the other races have worked with the NGC over many thousands of years and have developed similar skills and knowledge to the NGC.

All of the semi-physical races have a name for their ‘Home’ star system and we have generally adopted these names as well. The Sirians call their home star system Sirius and the Pleiadeans called theirs the Pleiades. The NGC584 home world, though, does not translate into anything that the human voice box can pronounce. The name the NGC have given to themselves has about 25 syllables with letters that have no counterpart in any human language. As a psychic thought form it is fine but as a spoken word, it cannot be pronounced. However, it is quite strange that we have not invented a name for them as they have been the one race who have helped develop and nurture all life on Earth from its beginnings.

Page 30
NGC584 is a number from a star system numbering method that is used by astronomers. It stands for New General Catalogue (of stars) number 584 in the listings system, nothing more than that. But the NGC’s impact on Earth, as their impact on all life on other worlds, deserves far greater recognition than is currently understood.

NGC584 is located within the arc of the seven stars of the Pleiadean system, but very much more distant than the Pleiades are. Like our solar system, there are a number of planets orbiting a central sun. The differences between their star systems and ours is that the NGC home world is located roughly in the position of Pluto within our solar system. That means that the energy from their very distant sun does not warm the planet’s surface to any great extent and the surface temperature is close to what we on Earth would call absolute zero, minus 273 degrees centigrade or minus 459.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

To us, this seems impossible. How can life exist at temperatures that would freeze us so solid that we would shatter into a million pieces if struck? But, for those beings, they are perfectly adapted to the conditions on their own world. The one big advantage that these temperatures give these people is that they are the perfect conditions for storing any genetic material from anywhere within this Universe. The NGC hold and store the genetic and energetic “blueprints” of ALL life that has ever existed anywhere within the Universe, and are capable of designing and constructing any life force that any planetary consciousness requires.

This is an awesome capability, potential and responsibility. They hold all the secrets of life but they also act with immense integrity. They do not have any agenda other than to construct the ‘physical’ tissues around the energy structures that a planet provides.

It is the planet that provides the “soul” energy necessary to build a new life, be that plant or animal, but it is the NGC who give that ‘soul concept’ its required form.

Page 31
The higher life forms, such as the consciousnesses that make up each individual, be that ‘Angel’, Pleiadean, NGC, or Sirian, etc. come directly from the Creator but the life forms that inhabit each planet, plant or animal, is ‘created’ by the planet itself. It is at the request of the planet’s own consciousness that the NGC act and put ‘flesh on the bones’ of the planet’s ideas.

The NGC584 are master geneticists and hold the record of every living thing that has ever existed within this Universe. The worlds on which they live are all “ice planets” and have temperatures that can drop to minus 200 degrees centigrade which is perfect for storing genetic material.

Unlike human geneticists, they do not have any agenda: they just give of their expertise freely and without charge. They have been involved with the Earth for many millions of years and are capable of rebuilding any of the forms of life that human activities have made extinct.


Page 96 (The Fool’s First Steps)

The third group of semi-physical beings, who are approaching their final stages of physical life, are those that originate in an area of the galaxy that we call Sirius. Like the Pleiadeans, we call their star system by this name as this is the name the Sirians gave to it.

The Sirians [are one of 7 semi-physical races of souls whose body is connected to their soul, in contrast to the 6 races of non-physical souls who are pure energy] are about 4 feet 6 inches in height [elsewhere he describes them as 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet tall] and are close to being a pygmy version of us. They do not have any hair and have large eyes, they are also pale skinned that has a slightly green cast. Their facial features are not very well defined.

Sirians look very similar to the Greys in body form and appearance but [they are taller] . . . Unlike the Greys, they do have large, black eyes. The Sirians can be thought of as master technologists. If any tool is required anywhere in the Universe, the Sirians are capable of designing and building it. They are also trying to help us in what we are doing on earth but keep their distance.

Some confusion has arisen in recent years where channelled communications have been received from beings who claim to be “Ascended Sirians”. These communications are not from beings that originate from the Sirius system but are a race that has deliberately set out to deceive – [The Velon] more about this in the next chapter.

[The 7 semi-physical races were born 30 Million years ago and are distinguishable by their bodily structure and appearance on the planet upon which they were first born. Since then they have spread throughout the Galaxies and planets via space ships. Unlike humans, the semi-physical races have their souls attached to their bodies and therefore are all 30 million years old. They do not build weapons because it would be unthinkable to kill the soul which is normally inseparable from their body.]

[The non-physical souls (Angels) do not require space ships to move through the Galaxies.]

The atmosphere of [the Sirian] home world is composed of gases that do not exist on Earth and would be highly toxic to us as is our atmosphere to them. It is mainly for this reason that they have not been directly involved in human development, however, some of their genetic material has been used in developing human physical DNA and this is why we have distant memories of a connection to Sirius.

Despite the atmospheric problems, they visited us on several occasions, mainly in the past. Their craft are spherical in shape with a slight elongation on the lower end. When these craft enter our atmosphere they tend to glow brightly in changing colours. These are not energy emissions but an effect similar to oxidation as the materials that comprise these craft find our atmosphere highly corrosive.

The Sirians are not directly involved in our current transition but are providing assistance to the Pleiadeans with energy manipulation techniques.

They breathe by a process similar to osmosis. The area of their faces that would correspond to our noses is comprised of a thin filtering membrane that extracts out any atmospheric impurities allowing them to breathe a virtually pure form of the gas they require. They have never eaten solid food but take nourishment from their atmosphere and crystal energy sources, which they manufacture and tune for this purpose. Their form of communication is by thought wave that can be powerful enough to span several galaxies.

The Sirians are very friendly and have no other agenda other than to be helpful.

They have had a long association with the Earth as is reflected in the tribal history of the Dogon tribe of north east Africa. The peoples of the Dogon tribe have traditions that state that they originated on the planets that orbit the stars Sirius “A” and Sirius “B”. The accuracy of the tribal knowledge pre-dates, by many hundreds of years, the more recent discoveries by human astronomers and cosmologists.

These life forms are fully aware of their potential for change and are putting all of their efforts into making their transition as smooth as possible. [to becoming the higher vibrating non-physical race of souls which is what most humans are incarnated from – 6 non-physical races or ‘Angels’]

These 3 life forms [Pleiadeans, NGC 584, and Sirians] are the ones who have completed a major step on their evolutionary ladder. Their progress has been very rapid and now, almost, ready to establish a new level of existence within the Universe. This new level is a breathing space on the bridge between physical life and the Creator. This does not mean that they will cease their efforts to assist all life forms but they will progress onwards to higher and greater achievements.

There are 4 other groups of higher life forms that exist throughout the universe. These are not yet ready to fulfil their potential as they have, generally, chosen not to take full advantage of their evolutionary opportunities.

All 7 of the Lower Civilizations were created at the same time and given a similar level of encouragement. The 3 detailed above have welcomed that encouragement and cooperation and have evolved rapidly, the remaining 4 have evolved, but to varying degrees and accepted varying levels of assistance.

All 4 life forms exist in areas of the universe too remote for our observation and, therefore, do not have names that we can identify with.


Page 97 (The Fool’s First Steps)

The first, and what could be described as the least evolved, live on a planet in an area of the universe furthest away from our galaxy. These life forms are comprised mainly of a silica like material that gives them a form more resembling rock formations and rock glaciers than free moving individuals.

These life forms have retained most of their higher brain functions, but they are largely incapable of perceiving life in freely moving forms.

Despite many visits from the other civilizations, they have chosen to remain at their present pace of evolution and not change too rapidly. It is estimated that these life forms will take another 20 to 30 million years to evolve to a state where they will be able to join with the 6 Higher Civilizations.

To us, this appears to be an incredibly long period of time, but in terms of how the universal time is measured, this is not really very long.

To some, this attitude might appear to be a waste of creation, but this is not the case. These life forms recognize, within themselves, that part which is of the Creator and, therefore, fully appreciate their existence. They are content just to be.

All of the races . . . [EXCEPT THIS ONE] . . . have had some kind of connection with Earth, some over many millions of years. As their name suggests, they are crystalline in form, very like our quartz crystals. On their home world they can either live as individuals, forming huge single crystals in the landscape up to 50 feet tall. Or, if they choose, they can live in communities, sometimes of many thousands of souls that look like crystal glaciers. Although they have not physically travelled from their home world they are capable of exploring most of the universe by projecting their thoughts outwards, something along the lines of what we would call “remote viewing”.


Page 98 (The Fools First Steps)

The Greys are about 3 feet 6 inches tall with slender bodies with, comparatively, very large heads which contain very large, black, eyes, with ears, nose and mouths that are not very prominently defined. They are silvery grey/white in colour and tend not to wear any clothing. Their physiology is closer to that of reptiles than to humans. It was their physiological structures that were the models for the first dinosaurs. These beings frequently visit Earth and are what the UFO watchers tend to call the “Greys”. The craft that they travel in are very similar to those used by the Pleiadeans, that is, flying saucers.

They have developed a verbal form of language, from their early evolutionary years, but they sound more like whistles and clicks to our ears than what we would recognize as language. Their more usual, main, form of communication is by thought wave. They do eat solid food occasionally, but their main source of nourishment is energy transmissions taken from a variety of sources.

Their actions can be likened to the behaviour of some teenagers, they have a certain amount of knowledge but do not fully understand the consequences of their actions.


The Greys

There is so much disinformation spread about this race that the only way of finding out any form of truth is to look to the Akashic. They are the “alien” race with which most will be familiar as they are the ones most usually portrayed in science fiction films. They are about 1-1.2 metres ( 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches) tall with grey skin with no discernable features except for very large black eyes. They do not actually have large black eyes; their natural eye colour is yellow with vertical irises, what could be described as “reptilian”. However, the conditions on their home worlds mean that they are particularly light sensitive and wear black eye protectors when travelling.

[Note this is a dead give-away that the so-called human hybrid children with the large eyes shown to abductees are in fact not real but either mind programs or holographic projections. The human hybrids do not exist. But if they did, humans have been conditioned to expect these large eyes in Human/Grey hybrids because they falsely believe the Greys have large eyes. The abductees (ego abducted in their sleep using technology by humans in military underground bases) have been brainwashed into believing these, probably holographic, “children” are their own hybrid children through mind implants and memory distortion.]

Their home galaxy is far to distant for us to see, with any of our telescopes – optical or radio, and as we do not have a name or even a catalogue number for it. They do have a name for themselves and their home worlds but the human voice box is not capable of pronouncing the sounds that the names translate into.

The main reason for them travelling to our solar system is connected to their physiology. They see themselves as becoming physically weaker and have been studying life on Earth to see if they can “borrow” a new body-form which they consider to be stronger than their own. In exchange for new “alien” technology, the American military “granted” the Greys permission to abduct and study human physiology. The Grey form of abduction is very simple, they carry out physical checks and annotated studies. They then return the study patient unharmed to earth, sometimes placing [energetic] “implants” into their bodies so that they could be located again at some future date.

The Greys have also psychically contacted a number of people on earth. There are a number of reasons for these communications but virtually all seem to be relatively harmless. The only time that the Greys have deliberately misled people is in taking on the disguise of “Ascended Masters” and appearing in cowled monks’ habits. It is with these anatomical studies that the Greys have attracted the most disinformation and lies. Using Grey technology as well as ships from other races, the military have been carrying out a campaign of generating fear amongst the population leading to some unbelievable levels of speculation and deliberately falsified abduction stories. The main purpose for these kinds of stories is to make them so fantastical and unbelievable that everyone believes that NTV’s and NTBE’s are a figment of the imagination. In doing this, it deflects enquiries away from the one race [the Velon] that is causing the most trouble of all and we will comment on them in the next chapter.

Since 2000, the Greys have been asked not to travel to our solar system, a request with which they have generally been happy to comply.


The Greys

Page 40
These are the classic “Aliens”, the short, grey beings with almond shaped eyes. They do not actually have black eyes; their eyes are yellow with vertical irises. Their home planet has a low level of natural light and so when they leave their home world, they require shading and protection for their eyes.

The Greys are about 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches tall with smooth bodies and not very pronounced facial features.

In temperament they are a little like human teenagers: emerging into a state of knowledge but unsure about how to deal with it. Their home galaxy is too distant for us to see from Earth and so it does not even have an astronomers’ catalogue number. Their name for themselves is also unpronounceable.

Their first real contact with Earth was the Roswell crash in 1948 and they have been working with the military ever since. The military have mainly been interested in the Grey’s technology which the military mainly use for psychic attack purposes.

The Greys are very interested in human physiology and are responsible for some human and animal abductions.

Please note: The vast majority of human and animal abductions and mutilations have been carried out by the military. There seem to be a couple of reasons for this. One is to do with the testing of the spread of man-made biological agents and the other is to do with the creation of fear and misinformation.

Speaking of disinformation, there are a number of stories, purported to be by abductees of “teachers” travelling with the Greys: these teachers looking very similar to a preying mantis. Since first hearing these stories I have searched the Akashic for confirmation of non-terrestrial creatures in the form of preying mantis and I cannot find any. This leads me to conclude that the existence of these “teachers” is yet another layer of disinformation.


(The Fool’s First Steps) Page 98 [Note: Chris Thomas has personal experience with the Blue’s spacecraft and therefore can be more specific as to it’s interior]

. . . group behave in similar ways to the Greys. This group varies in height, but are usually no more than 3 feet tall. They are fairly round in shape, with short legs. Their heads and bodies are covered in short, dark blue hair. UFO watchers have christened these the “Blues”.

This group use two forms of craft, the first is triangular in shape with two sides of the triangle being much longer than the base side. The sides of these craft are vertical, the overall appearance being like a piece of brie cheese. The second craft that they use is circular with rounded top and bottom.

These second craft are very interesting. Inside the outer, hard, shell is a very soft interior. This soft material is, in fact, living. When the blues travel across the galaxy, they step into the living material which envelopes them and provides all life support systems while they are in flight. The craft is then flown by thought controls.

The Blues and Greys very often travel together as they have a common interest in humans. These two groups of beings are the ones responsible for abduction and experimentation stories. To a certain extent, many of these stories are true. Both of these races are extremely “jealous” of the human body and have been trying to develop one which they can inhabit. This does not mean that they are body snatchers. The blues have developed a very keen interest in genetics and they have been literally, trying to build a human body for themselves so they could transfer their consciousness from their own bodies into a more human form.

The fact that body form follows the form of the consciousness, via the mass consciousness energy template discussed earlier, seems to have escaped their attention until very recently. They have stopped their experimentation and now only visit the planet (1999) to observe the changes that we are going through.

They do still visit their ground bases in America [1999] however, which is where most of the country’s military technological advances stem from [Greys].

(Project Human Extinction) Page 132


In order to help with their studies of alternative body forms, the Greys have joined forces with a race we have called “The Blues”. This race has begun to explore genetics on many different levels and is helping the Greys with their work. Again, these are generally friendly beings but who have also carried out abductions and anatomical studies of humans. They also work quite closely with some healers in order to help heal man’s illnesses. The reason for their name is that they are about 1 metre (3 feet) tall with fairly barrel shaped bodies with short legs; most importantly, their heads and bodies are covered in short, dark blue hair.

They also originate in a region of space too distant for us to have seen, let alone mapped or named, their home galaxy. Along with the Greys, the Blues have not made many visits to our solar system since 2000.

Like the NGC, they have an interest in genetics but are not as knowledgeable as the NGC. In the past, the Blues have worked together with some healers on Earth although that contact has reduced in recent years.


Page 101 (The Fool’s First Steps)

The [Velon] group are comparative newcomers to our region of the universe. These beings are fairly new to inter-galactic travel and have only begun exploring areas beyond their own galaxy in the last few . . . [centuries].

These beings are approximately 8 feet [to 15 feet] tall and [sometimes] wear full environmental suits that look like blue metal foil. They have large, heavy bodies with small heads, but are humanoid in shape. The reason for the small head is that it only contains sense organs, their brains are very large and are located in their chest region. . .

Page 137 (Project Human Extinction)

Unlike the other semi-physical Races, they do have male and female forms although they do not sexually reproduce. As with all the semi-physical Races, they are self-regenerating – once the current body begins to run down they reconstruct it.

The reason for the Velon having two sexes appears to be purely connected to racial diversity and has no significance within the culture. They can also have “children” but these are produced by the consciousness of an adult leaving its body and entering a computer-like disc, called a Me (pronounced May) where the programming of the disc generates a miniature adult; as time goes on, more and more of the original consciousness is released by the Me and the “child” grows back to a fully-sized adult.

The Velon have had very little contact with the other races and have only become interested in Earth about 1,000 or so years ago. . .

. . . The Velon have openly landed on Earth, particularly in 1988 and 1989. This is an extract from one of the newspaper reports that came from the Russian news agency, Tass, and was picked up by the western papers:

“…On Monday, the usually staid, official Soviet new agency told the world that scientists had confirmed that an alien spaceship carrying giant people with tiny heads had touched down in Voronezh, a city of more than 800,000 people about 300 miles southeast of Moscow.

As many as 3 aliens 13 feet tall left the spacecraft, described as a large shining ball, and walked in the park with a small robot, Tass reported…”

However, this was not their first contact and in order to understand the next section we need to remember that these beings, in their natural state, are invisible to us [as are their spaceships] , they only become visible if they so choose. . .

Page 140*
…the [most populous planet] Velus, sky is yellow and the predominant ground colour is blue… It is very similar to the planet described in the fourth Anastasia book of the Ringing Cedars series, Co-Creation… In her book, Anastasia gives details of her and Vladimir Megre’s visit to the planet, unnamed in her book, but her description ties in very closely . . . to Velus – and describes the “aliens” transforming themselves to appear as humans (presumably using their Me technology) and details their plotting to overtake various governments on Earth drawing on their centuries of observation of human activities and politics.. .

Regarding the Velon threat Chris Thomas has this to say: “All that I can suggest is that if you are contacted by non-terrestrials, is that you cross-examine them very closely as to their origins, intentions and their reasons for contacting you – genuine ones will be more than happy to answer your questions directly.”

In this essay Chris Thomas describes in detail the 6 Velon factions or races:

http://api.ning.com/files/wFzHvoj3NXn2cfhjkCwBN90Gf7PqR5acOUj41oQkHnSWCMDMeR EkkoDhFJW6GkGIplXtvGx72pz4vThXLSOX8gvVofGhpfyM/InterGalacticWar.pdf

(Synthesis) Page 41

The Velon originate on a star system they call Velus which is located behind the constellation of Sagittarius but 23 galaxies distant. They are divided into 6 sub-races which they name: Jjundaa, Oa, Mila, Johnaan, Annunaki, and Hathor. They vary in height between 8 feet and 14 feet and are very similar in appearance to humans.

They lived in a solar system with 2 suns and 8 planets; three orbit around one sun and four orbit around the other. The Eighth planet, called Nibiru, orbits around both suns.

Some of the names of their sub-races will be familiar as there is a huge volume of channelled material originated by this race.

The Velon are responsible for a vast number of problems on Earth (see Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy and The Annunaki Plan? Or The Human Plan?) ,so much so that they have acted in ways which remove freedom of choice. The removal of freedom of choice is a “crime” which has warranted a demand for the removal of the Velon from our Universe – This demand being made by *every single soul that inhabits this Universe which has also been echoed by the Creator. Most of the many billions of souls that comprise the Velon race complied peacefully with this demand and have left to live in a new solar system that is outside of our universal envelope.

[* With the unhappy exceptions being the many thousands of people, who have been, and are being misled by the Velon. These gullible people should ask questions about who they are channeling and what the true motivations behind the channeling are. There are many groups around the world who believe they are doing good, but in fact they are causing a great deal of harm and putting themselves and the planet at risk.

For example, ALL HAARP stations have a Velon “djed” pillar at their heart, which can be and is used for human mind control. There is no doubt that we are changing and moving into full soul re-integration but because of Velon interference, the time-scale seems to have been slightly disrupted. Human gullibility and stupidity has a lot to answer for.]

However, 3.5 million Velon (2011) have refused to leave and have continued to create and perpetuate problems for us here on Earth (see chapter 11). . . .


From these brief descriptions, of the higher life forms throughout the universe, the universe will probably appear to be a very empty place.
Most of the Lower Civilizations have spread out over several galaxies, wherever there have been planets compatible with their physiologies, and the 6 Higher Civilizations exist in all areas.

There are also a huge number of planets which support an amazing range of life forms. Some of these have come from the Creator, as It is always curious, and many have come from the planetary consciousnesses concerned. They have not been included here as they do not have any bearing on our history or our development.


So these are the 7 semi-physical races. As you can see, they have a great deal of variety in form although none of them can be described as “reptilian” which some people will find surprising. However, there WAS a race of “reptilian” beings that did have a major impact on our Universe and we will describe who and what they are, and their impact in Chapter 11.

[They and their reptilian energies were removed from our Universe, along with closing down the black holes they created in March of 2002]

All of the races, except for the Crystalline, have spread out from their home worlds and have colonized many other galaxies and planets. Where ever they have settled, their arrival has stimulated the planetary consciousness of their new planet to develop forms of life of their own. These life forms are along the lines of animals and plants and so many, many millions of planets support life of this nature. So we do not have a Universe devoid of life, as our scientists are fond of telling us, but there is an abundance and variety of life which is startling in its diversity.

Universal Change [The Semi-Physical Body/Soul Connection]

There is, however, always room for change and new choices to be made. In this respect, several of the semi-physical races are beginning to undergo their own change and development.

The semi-physical races are beings whose form was specifically designed to be a soul and body combination which is very difficult to change. In our, human, existence, we are a soul that builds for itself a body, when the soul has gained enough experience from a particular human lifetime, the soul removes itself from the body and moves on to other experiences and other lives. For the semi-physical races, their soul/body combination is, in may ways, eternal and so they see the abilities and adaptability of the non-physical races as being a step forwards in evolution and so this is the change which some of the semi-physical races are attempting to undergo – to leave their bodies behind and become pure soul energy.

A number of individuals were at the forefront of this progression and found a way of achieving this pure energy state. Most of those who successfully achieved the ability to leave their bodies behind moved to Earth and took on human form – see Chapter 7.

Conversely, a number of individuals from the non-physical races have decided that they have experienced all that they wish to experience in this Universe and are leaving to re-merge their souls with the Creator.

Whilst we humans undergo our own changes of levels of consciousness, so are others throughout this Universe and it is the work we have carried out on Earth that is making this level of change possible.

2nd March 2016, 12:35
I just found a few of CT's books still available from Capall Bann Publishing, Ltd. UK. I have ordered from them before.

If you order from Cygnus Book Club, even though they are out of stock, you will receive them eventually. I have done this also.

Thank you so much!

6th March 2016, 23:09
Chris Thomas' work is so mind expanding and a huge thanks to Herbert for bringing it to this thread. It is such a shame it is disappearing but maybe someone will bring it back...unless integration happens soon. A friend recently gave me a book to read that in her opinion is mind expanding. I found it limited,deceptive and boring. The author takes the mind on a thought process journey as to how we are living on a limited planet in a limited universe. Save the planet Concepts such as limited resources, human overpopulation and animal extinctions and our demise because of it all. No thought whatsoever that the human race is so much more than a product of eggs and sperm, that resources are unlimited because they are replenished from space, that the Earth is capable of bringing to her body any plant and animal species she desires (even bringing ones back who have gone extinct) and that the entire universe is full and involved with what is going on here. These save the planet people don't even have a thought of how this all came to be in the first place. Chris Thomas takes you on an incredible journey if you are lucky enough to find his work. Lots of great youtube interviews with him too.

7th March 2016, 01:17
I tried to get all of his books available on the capal Bann website, 9 of them i think, for some reason when i get to the checkout the page wont load to continue the transaction :( i havent given up, ill keep trying. In the meantime when im not working on self, i absorb what I can here. Its been a sort of haven for me here Thank you Herbert! Abd thank you Anastasia for giving me the info on where to find Chris' books.

7th March 2016, 01:26
Oops i just re read the thread and i mistakenly thought it was you Anastasia who put me on to capall bann , but i just noticed it was donsan. So thanx again to them! And thank you for the input Anastasia.

11th March 2016, 15:10
Question from hopestadtfeld:

Hello Herbert , id like to thank you for posting the chris Thomas info, and ask you if you dont mind what your opinion is on the work of Courtney Brown with the farsight Institute? If you have one, I welcome input from others as well. Thank you again for all you have put into on posting CT's work i look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Hope, I’m glad you found our thread and appreciate your comments.

I have been asked about Courtney Brown and the Farsight Institute before. Since it is of general interest I will post my reply at the Chris Thomas thread in case those who follow the thread have an interest or comments. My own opinion is that he builds peoples expectations, like a good snake oil salesman only to bring them crashing down with nothing really to speak of except hit and miss imaginings, when it comes to history.

I have a copy of Courtney Brown’s first book which I read several years ago. I recall being unimpressed and mostly disappointed. He is an academic and an attention seeker, using various ploys to draw interest from the public, but I do not consider him to be making any meaningful contribution to our knowledge. A couple of the best people he employs for remote viewing are interesting but their results have turned out to be mainly misses with one notable hit. I am speaking in terms of the history C.T. has presented from the Akashic records, which I consider generally reliable for many reasons.

For example Brown asked his remote viewers to look at a ‘project’ which turned out to be the sinking of Atlantis. They described a general panic with women and children in boats being saved. They put the date at 70,000 years ago. If we compare these results to what Chris Thomas learned from the Akashic, they got a hit with the dating. But they missed completely with the women and children. Childbirth was not practiced on Atlantis and everyone knew what was coming and was well prepared for it before the sinking. His people were way off on how the pyramids were built as well.

So I consider Courtney Brown to be irrelevant in terms of our history. He has however proven that most remote viewing is not reliable so long as we are sub-human. Focusing on removing emotional blocks through methods like the Giveaway is the only real route to restoring out psychic abilities through reintegration.

The series of books by Anastasia beginning with The Ringing Cedars of Russia are very useful in coming to understand our reintegrated abilities as wholly human beings. She is a valuable resource since she has achieved fully human reintegration.

It’s interesting that her information gained from remote viewing of the Velon home world is described in her 4th book exactly the way Chris Thomas described it and her description of the Velon deception and impersonations also agrees with C.T.

Another good resource is the you tube videos by Penney Pierce.

11th March 2016, 15:39
Thank you for your reply, and the suggested resources for study!

11th March 2016, 17:50
Herbert i went on Amazon and the books i searched Ringing cedars of russia by author Vladimir Megre?

11th March 2016, 17:58
Herbert i went on Amazon and the books i searched Ringing cedars of russia by author Vladimir Megre?

hopestadtfeld, you can download Anastasia, the first book of that series, in the format of your choice, here (https://archive.org/details/RingingCedarBook1Anastasia). We also have a thread here at The One Truth where these books are being discussed, here (http://jandeane81.com/threads/6609-Ringing-Cedars-of-Russia).

You're welcome. :p

11th March 2016, 21:05
Here is an interview with godscribe Sondra Sneed on the Anunnaki...a faction of the Velon. You can find out about Sondra at sondrasneed.com.


11th March 2016, 21:11
hopestadtfeld: Herbert i went on Amazon and the books i searched Ringing cedars of russia by author Vladimir Megre?

Yes those are the books. Anastasia explains that (as a fully integrated human) she is able to influence individuals in the world who are inspiring or encouraging others toward becoming wholly human.

I'm using my own words here rather than looking up quotes from the books.

She is able to see an individuals higher self and communicate with it. She can influence people who are on the right track and so she basically wrote much of the content in those books through Vladimir, with his acceptance of the role he played. When she journeyed to the Velon home world through remote viewing she took him with her.

It is something those who have fully integrated can do. I have a friend who is a psychic healer, like Chris Thomas. She can see energies and talk to disembodied spirits. Needless to say she has had a very interesting life. (interesting in the Chinese sense when she visited Columbia where there are so many disembodied souls because of the violence and drug trade.)

She had a teacher when she was younger who , based on everything she has told me about him, was a fully integrated human. He could touch her hand and take her on a journey up through the dimensions.

When they were passing through the dimensions of "lost souls' he warned her not to focus on them because they might latch onto her. He also taught her the Kabbala which is the Jewish mystery teachings taken from the Ark of the Covenant that Moses took with him when he left Egypt. She told me that they referenced Merlin under the name of Malcouth, as the root of the tree of life, I think.

I'm getting off topic. I believe Anastasia is working on a post regarding some of the various talents we will all possess when we have fully integrated the higher self into our physical bodies, using the Ringing Cedars of Russia books as a reference, along with what Chris Thomas describes in his many books.

Chris Thomas Quote:

We are so used to having our total consciousness ‘divided’ into two, the physical aspects and the ‘higher self’ division, that the capabilities of a fully integrated consciousness are largely beyond our understanding.
Planet Earth page 153

Travel with no need for technological craft when fully integrated Wholly Human

Page 78 Planet Earth

...These events take us to about 15,000 years ago. At this time the planet had settled into its new rhythms of weather following the trauma of the sinking of Atlantis.

Plants and animals were more or less as they are now and humanity was in the final, current, form. There were winters of quite severe cold but there were no major icings over of the planet’s surface. The six groups had expanded and the population was beginning to grow as many of the 6 higher civilizations came to experience physical life. There were also occasional visitors from the 7 lower civilizations particularly from the Pleiadeans and NGC 584.

Life was harmonious and each group travelled freely about the planet and interacted with each other.

Travel was not undertaken by the use of any craft. One of the higher brain functions we have lost is the ability to think yourself somewhere and then carry the body along the thought, true translocation.

Bi-location was also possible where an individual could literally be in two places at once – only partial body relocation. We could interact and communicate with all animals and plants. The beginnings of herbalism arose at this time, it was a question of asking a plant what its properties were and how those properties could interact with the human body. This is ultimately is how all plants received their natural names.

16th March 2016, 22:28
The Legacy of Atlantis

Page 151 Planet Earth by Chris Thomas

Another region of problems and abductions is a left over legacy of Atlantis.

We have touched upon some of the problems encountered towards the end of Atlantis where a number of souls were placed in a position of severe torture. Some self inflicted, some imposed by experimentation with animal genetic structures. The reality of the torment and horror caused by these experiments cannot be conveyed in words.

How can you convey the horrors felt by so many of these ‘people’ when we do not have the vocabulary to describe the physical forms they constructed and then tried to come to terms with.

Many cultures, especially Indian, Tibetan and Sumerian describe monstrous animals and human hybrids who inhabit deep caves who appear randomly and abduct animals and people, especially women and children, and then disappear. These are descriptions of the actions and appearances of those souls who could not face humanity and could not live above ground.

The beginnings of the experiments had come about because of the wish to honour the animal group that an individual worked with. In taking responsibility for the particular animal’s ‘etheric’ template, the individuals involved began to delve deeply into the ways of the animals and slowly immersed themselves in the animal mass consciousness. As they became more deeply connected in this way, they felt that it would be appropriate to show their connection by adopting some aspects of that particular animal’s physical appearance into their own.

The initial adaptation process was usually one where the person altered their genetic structures sufficiently to have the skin of the animal instead of their own. Once the process was begun, many others on Atlantis saw the alteration of human skin to animal skin as attractive and a ‘fashion’ began all sorts of skin types were chosen.

Most of those who took on skins for reasons of fashion were largely unaffected by their transitions and remained totally human. However, those who took on the characteristics and worked within the animal’s mass consciousness, began to change their behaviour.

It should be remembered at this period of human history, those who came to Atlantis were a full consciousness within the physical body. It is difficult for us, at this time, to comprehend the full meaning of this. We are so used to having our total consciousness ‘divided’ into two, the physical aspects and the ‘higher self’ division, that the capabilities of a fully integrated consciousness are largely beyond our understanding.

The total consciousness spans a massive range of energy frequencies. This combination of energy frequencies allows us to communicate freely with all forms of life from the simplest bacteria to the consciousness that is a galaxy. All communications take place on a psychic level. That is, there is free movement of thought patterns which can incorporate all of the information we are choosing to communicate. Pictures, sounds, smells, impressions and many other types of information can be communicated in this way without the use of language or gesture. It allows us to psychically delve as deeply as we wish into the structures of the world around us. Plants, trees, water, air or any other organism can be investigated and communicated with to any degree.

This level of consciousness is what we had come to know and expect on Atlantis and communication with animals was especially enjoyed. Into this open and free level of trust another factor was introduced. If the person communicated with their chosen animal on these very deep levels and then added some of the animal’s genetic structures to their own, that person started to take on other characteristics of that animal. Communicating with animals was not a problem. Altering gene sequences to take on animal skin was not a problem. But, the combination of the 2 acts did begin to cause problems. It was a slow process but one which had many far reaching and deeply acting consequences.

Say, for example, someone chose to work with the mass consciousness of an herbivore, such as a cow. Taking on their skin whilst working within the etheric template meant that you began to develop a growing interest in grass. Carnivorous animals hunt to survive and taking on the genetic structures of such animals whilst working within their etheric template meant you began to take an interest in hunting and your natural prey becomes a human.

Put together with the slowing of the higher brain functions by the planet’s natural energy structures and we ended up with a human predator who took other humans, sometimes as food but mainly for further experimentation on the influences of animal genetics on the human form.

In addition, many others did not work with animals but on themselves. Could the body’s form or function be enhanced or altered in different ways? Whilst we did not reproduce sexually at this time, as most chose to be androgynous, could we nevertheless take on sexual organs and enhance them to make them larger or to function in different ways. Was sexual reproduction possible by humans? At this time no one knew but there was a great curiosity to find out. For example, once a full reproductive system was developed, it would be easier to find out the various stages of foetus development if the body could be modified so that the uterus was external to the body.

Did the size of the body matter? Could bone and muscle structures be modified to enhance them to their physical limits, at both ends of the scale? Would there be any advantages to one arm being more highly muscular than the other? Would enhancing the legs for running at extreme speeds be useful? If breasts had multiple nipples could a number of children be fed at the same time?

The possibilities were all explored and as we began to lose the higher brain functions, these experiments became more and more bizarre until, ultimately, the two regions of experimentation were mixed together. Human and animal experimentation were worked on together and the worst possible scenario arose.

Several miles beneath the Earth’s surface is a strata known as the Mohorovicic Layer. This is where the core’s magma flows around the globe and vents from this layer give rise to volcanoes. When the volcanoes are spent or the magma pressure released, the magma flow cools leaving huge caverns and a network of tunnels. To escape the wrath of the Atlantians and to avoid the purging of the experiments and experimenters that took place towards the end of Atlantis, many of the worst examples of these genetic experiments hid themselves away in the deep cave systems that link in to this deep layer.

Many have chosen to continue their experiments whilst living in these layers and have been joined by some of ‘grey’ origin. From these depths, these beings have risen to the surface and carried out many abductions over thousands of years. The stories of strange creatures suddenly appearing and removing people or animals from the surface and disappearing back into caves are these experimenters looking for new raw material or food.

The last recorded account of such raids took place in Puerto Rico in 1995. Eye witness accounts also came from Mexico, Southern Florida and the desert regions of south west America at the same time.

All of these catacomb regions have now been cleared of these life form experiments and the souls involved have been helped by the universal races to rehabilitate them back into universal life.
[As of 2000 the catacomb regions have been cleared of these life forms out of compassion]

17th March 2016, 01:30
Thank you so very much Herbert for this, i still have been unable to obtain his books, and ive read and re read all of his eaays as well as this thread several times now, lol so new stuff is awesome!

Hope aka Earth Angel

18th March 2016, 18:33


This is a partial excerpt from an Akashic based chronological chart provided by Chris Thomas in his book The Human Soul

Note that it includes when Earth, and other planets got their Moons, when the asteroid belts were formed, and the names of the 2 gas giants that have recently been 'newly' discovered, and erroneously labelled Planet X or Nibiru.

Carl Boudreau indicates that these two planets will emphasize the astrological influences of Jupiter and Saturn, now that they have entered the human, group conscious awareness.

The Akashic agrees that Sedna in particular and possibly Tyche, will energetically assist Earth through this important period of rising human consciousness and Earth expansion.

4 Million Years Ago The arrival of Merlin (Guardian and energetic balancer for the entire planet on Earth) and the other 12 planetary Guardians [All of the 13 Guardians of our Universe supplied a portion of their soul consciousness to each of these planetary Guardians of our solar system](see Planet Earth – The Universe’s Experiment) [Merlin is also known as Malkuth in certain teachings of the tree of life from the Kabbalah] The 6 human settlements of 20,000 years ago also had their own name for Merlin within their traditions. For example; The Pool Vu, the South American traditional creationary stories, names ‘their’ Merlin as Zamna. [in North America as Wohanna Wish Hey, in Eastern lands as Enoch, in Greece as Mercury and in the west as Merlin. All the same person.]

3.9 Million Years Ago 4 of the original 13 planets in our solar system decide to remove themselves from the ‘physical’ experiment. The debris of two of these planets forming the asteroid belts, and part of the consciousness of one planet remains in what becomes Earth’s moon. The remains of the other two are just outside of the solar system giving rise to NASA’s detection of Planet X –the tenth planet or possibly now known as the gas giants Tyche and Sedna.

3.8 Million Years Ago The adoption by Earth, of the Cro Magnon template from Mars. Virtually all life was instantly destroyed on planets in the solar system except Earth and Ganymede by the destruction and removal of the 4 planets. Earth rocked on her equatorial axis developed a wobble. Earth adopted Cro Magnon as a possible additional development to her Neanderthal.

3.6 Million Years Ago The 14th Faction break into this Universe in search of raw resources resulting in the contamination of the energies of free choice. (See Planet Earth). 30,000 souls on their way to Earth are contaminated by this lizard energy. Before they are removed the 14th Faction succeed in leaving one third of our universe devoid of energy.

http://jandeane81.com/threads/8531-Astr ... e-Universe

94-98,000 Years Ago Period when Lemuria was established on an ice island in the Southern Atlantic for DNA research to establish plant and animal life variety on Earth. Research was carried out by a semi-physical race known as NGC584 who come from a frozen planet. [Several people have assumed that Lemuria was a warm climate but the Akashic does not agree with this view. At this time in Earth history the South Pole ice sheet extended out to near the tip of South America ]

85,000 Years Ago Atlantis established – stretching as a continent from the coast of Ireland to the Caribbean Basin and Brazil. Included England, Ireland and the Azores.

65,000 Years Ago [Purposeful Sinking of Atlantis down to the core of Earth using a ring of volcanoes and forming the North Atlantic Ridge, the Great Rift in Africa and the flooding of the Mediterranean marsh land. The resulting disruption causes Earth to tilt on her equatorial axis from a vertical position, resulting in a freezing of the North Hemisphere Pole. All non-physical souls incarnate returned to source for 40,000 years.]

Immediately prior to the sinking of Atlantis, construction of the Sphinx in Egypt as a marker for the entrance to the principle underground ‘shelter’ used by those who remained on Earth to undo the damage caused by the destruction of Atlantis. Other ‘shelters’ exist in South America, entrance near to Teotihuacán, and in Britain entrance under West Kennet Long Barrow.

18th March 2016, 20:40
Thank you Herbert. Also has Chris ever discussed the Bucegi Mountains not sure about spelling, in his books?

24th March 2016, 00:02
Mount Bucegli is located in Romania as part of the Carpathian mountains system.

No, Chris Thomas does not discuss Bucegli in his books, which is telling in itself, but he does have something to say about Romania as an “archaeological site”.

Those who are interested will find an extended discussion on this topic at post #130.




It’s Origin And Root in Human Group Consciousness

This myth of galactic wars, root races, reptilian claims to Earth, and even the channelled falsehoods about some part of the human race fleeing to Earth after the explosion of their home agricultural planet, the Nibiruan Council, Council of 9 and Galactic Federation have all been channelled by Jelaila Starr and many others, since Sitchin wrote his books.

These layers upon layers of Velon channelled lies have been appealing to some because they do ring a bell of distant memories. But the reality of this memory is very different from the myth, as will be seen from what is read in the Akashic by Chris Thomas.

In fact it was a ‘war’ of Natural Selection between Mammals and Dinosaurs on planet Earth.

From The Fool’s First Steps:


[There were originally 13 sentient planets in our solar system]

Page 17
When the solar system was formed it was asked to provide a plan where high ‘density’ beings could exist and develop into fully sentient beings. Some of these planets had encountered problems with fulfilling their chosen role and had decided to withdraw from the experiment.

The first planet choosing to take this course of action did so in a way which created many problems. Planets were a new way to fulfil a particular form of potential and their affects upon other planets in a particular solar system were not fully appreciated. Stars form and, ultimately, they collapse blowing their denser energies into the empty space around them whilst the consciousness leaves its ‘shell’ in order to experience new possibilities. The denser energies are either reused by the star’s consciousness in forming a new ‘shell’ or are distributed around the region of space and used by other consciousnesses for their own purposes.

Planets are usually a part of a star’s consciousness and therefore remain in existence as long as the star does. In this particular solar system the planets are individuals who chose to take on their particular roles and, therefore, retained the capacity to think and act independently of the star.

The first planet to make this choice exploded. It was located between the 2nd and 4th planets. Earth] Once this planet exploded the second one, to have made the decision to remove itself from the experiment, also exploded. This second planet was located between the 5th and 7th planets.

These explosions had a number of implications.

The first planet was thrown towards the sun and its rotation stopped, losing its atmosphere and all of its life forms.

The second planet [to explode] was thrown off orbit and came very close to colliding with the 4th planet, [[B]Earth] its liquid core was thrown off balance which blew through the planet’s surface destroying all life and heating the atmosphere to a point where it became unstable and collapsed in upon itself. It was also showered with a very large number of fragments of the 3rd planet. [the 1st to explode]

The 4th planet [Earth] was rocked upon its equatorial axis and hit by two huge sections of the 3rd and 6th planets [The exploding ones] . This tore away much of its atmosphere and destroyed many of the life forms upon the planet. It also plunged it into darkness caused by the vast amount of debris thrown into the much reduced atmosphere by the impact of the sections of the other planets. These impacts were also powerful enough to trigger many large volcanic eruptions from deep within the planet’s core. These lava flows covered huge areas of the planet and continued flowing for many centuries adding to the destruction of life. The planet also gained a moon.

The 5th planet [Mars] was thrown off its orbit and 95% of its atmosphere was blown off totally destroying all of its life forms and its surface was bombarded with the debris of the 6th planet [second to explode].

The 7th planet [Jupiter] suffered a major collision by most of the 6th planet which made it extremely unstable and caused it to lose most of its physical cohesion. It also gained 4 moons.

The 9th, 11th, 12th and 13th [Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto] were thrown into new orbits that were much further away from the star, destroying most of their life forms. The life forms that did remain slowly went into decline and now no life remains on any of these planets.

Two further planets within the solar system had also decided to remove themselves from the experiment for similar reasons to the first two. These were the 8th and 10th planets [Sedna and Tyche] counted from the star.

Due to the disastrous nature of the removal of the first two, a gentler form of departure was devised for these two planets. Essentially the consciousness left their planets and the solid material slowly fell apart and disintegrated. Most of the debris was utilised by the star itself to reinforce its own structure and the remainder, together with the residue of the first two planets, collected together and formed a band of debris between the remaining 4th and 5th planets. [Mars and Jupiter]

This now left 9 planets within the solar system and the only 2 planets capable of supporting any kind of life was the 3rd [Earth] and one of the moons of the 5th [Jupiter].

We know these nine planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

For the time being we will focus on the 3rd planet, our home, the Earth, the life that still remains on Jupiter’s moon, Gannymede, we will deal with in chapter 6.

Page 19
Life exists because it recognizes the possibility. Once it has realised that potential, it becomes virtually impossible to deny it its existence.

Earth had sustained a massive blow to its life supporting potential. Most of the life forms that it had generated, or had welcomed in from other worlds, were now destroyed. Could the planet regenerate itself sufficiently to, essentially, begin again?

The potential for life had been realised and the planet was not intending to lose the joy that it had found in nurturing and supporting that life. So Earth began to re-build itself and to re-populate its lands and seas.

Away from the planet, a great deal of discussion was taking place about what to do next. Was the planet to be left to its’ own devices and allowed to generate life forms that it considered to be appropriate? Should a new plan be considered that took the development of this solar system in new directions? Should the original plan be re-started?

[The Greys?] [The origin of the myth about Galactic Wars]

To complicate these issues, one of the 7 lower civilizations had been the main donor of the genetic material for the very successful large reptiles that had so recently been destroyed and [they] saw the planet as their domain. Their view was that Earth was theirs and they should be the ones who inherited its potential.

This debate led to many conflicts of interest and proved extremely difficult to resolve. For many, the memory of this debate had led to a belief that an inter-galactic war took place in early Earth history.

The concept of war is uniquely human, and whilst this debate became very heated, no actual physical ‘war’ occurred.

The debate was finally settled as a compromise.

The development of the planet was to continue, to produce a fully functioning, sentient, physical life form. A new higher life form was to be developed, but it was to share the planet with other forms of life which retained the genetic source material of the 7 lower civilizations and were to be allowed to develop their own levels of conscious awareness in direct competition.

This ‘battle’ of the species was to be waged over very many centuries. Essentially it was a war between reptile and mammal and the final winners were to inherit the Earth.

[It was a war of Natural Selection]

Chapter 2 The Dawning of Man

Page 21
There remained one planet out of the original 13, that was capable of supporting forms of life that could begin the process of developing a full state of consciousness.

Apart from one small, but bright, glimmer on an isolated moon, the other 12 planets were essentially devoid of all life.

So began the reconstruction of Earth and the process of massive re-population. Not everything had been lost and many lessons had been learned, however, new life had to be found. The planetary consciousness had bee responsible for generating many of the forms of flora and fauna that had existed before the destruction and it began to re-introduce some of the more promising developments.

Away from Earth, the search began anew for suitable life forms that could exist in this newly regenerated paradise. In finding suitable forms of life for the pre-disaster Earth, one of the 7 minor civilizations had developed exceptional genetic manipulation skills. These skills had been utilized to modify the flora and fauna that had been chosen from other worlds, throughout the galaxy, and they were put into service once again to bring about a new rush of life. This civilisation had retained a large number of genetic records of the species that had populated the solar system and these were investigated for their suitability for inclusion in the new ecological balance that was to emerge on Earth.

3 million years ago the ‘battle’ for the inheritance of the planet had been won and the final ’victors’ were mammals.

6th April 2016, 03:22
Greetings all.
I must first thank this site for this most important thread. Thanks also to Herbert and all of the others that keep this going. Finally to Chris Thomas for this incredible information. I will have many questions, that have yet to be asked or covered in this thread. I do have good news for those seeking to get Chris Thomas's books. I have never been able to get anything from anywhere, including Cygnus[though I have registered there}. I'm in the USA, but found that I could get some of his books through Amazon.UK, used only. I have been able to purchase all but his last two, which even used are crazy priced. The cost plus shipping averaged about 30 dollars each, not too bad. The information is so much more detailed, though I have some issue with his numbers which seem to different in different books, more on this later.

6th April 2016, 11:56
Hello makwah, glad you made it here! I havent been able to locate any of his books either. Thank you for sharing the info on amazon uk, ill try there.

6th April 2016, 19:55
Update on Chris Thomas Book Availability

Capall Bann Publishing has 3 of his history books and one health book in stock.

They can be reached here:
http://www.capallbann.co.uk/productsear ... ris+thomas

The other books, like: The Annunaki Plan, Synthesis, The Fool's First Steps, The Journey Home, etc. that were published by Fortynine Publishers out of Llandysul. They have no website & I am assuming THAT is the publisher referred to in the letter below from the Cygnus editor, the one that is not responding to Cygnus calls and e-mails.

Some are available at Amazon but overpriced as used books.

An out of date reference from 2012 says the following: Sythesis can be ordered direct from Chris Thomas at: Fortynine Publishers, PO Box 49, Llandysul, SA44 4YU for £9.50 (inc P & P) cheques made payable to Chris Thomas. (Credit/debit cards not accepted)

Regarding Cygnus Books, I received this reply a few days ago from their editor so it is good to know they still have a large demand for C.T.'s books which are on back-order from their publisher:

Dear Herbert,

Thank you for your email, where you express your concern for the availability of Chris Thomas's books.
We too are concerned about their lack of availability. We have been sending emails to the publisher and calling them too on the phone.
We have also been trying to get our new warehouse to replenish their stocks of these books. As far as we are concerned these are core titles of ours. We are not sure what the problem is at present since we have not been getting replies from the publishers.

Rest assured, we are looking forward to having them in stock again as soon as we get to the bottom of this matter.

Please feel free to contact me again, meanwhile check out our website from time to time, since them moment we have stock we will be changing the availability status immediately.

Finally, thanks for letting us know your interest in Chris Thomas's books.

Yours sincerely

Makwah welcome to our thread.
I will be happy to try answering your questions. We are aware that numbers vary between C.T.'s books. This is partly because new information became available to Chris as the Velon lost their ability to energetically hide certain information from being read, partly because Chris is human and on rare occasions forgets a precise detail or number ( most especially in interviews where there is a lot of pressure even though he outwardly seems very relaxed) , and also as he says, sometimes the Akashic seems to contradict itself. Because there is so vast an amount of information contained in the Akashic it is not always easy to sort out the details which often take 20-30 questions just to get one definitive answer.

To be fair, I will also indicate if I do not know the answer. There are times when we can only speculate until we too have learned how to access the Akashic.

I do agree with you that this material from Chris Thomas is an incredibly valuable and unique resource . It gives us a truly flowing and Universal history into which we can now couch our own lifetimes of memories as they return to us during the PROCESS of whole soul reintegration into our physical bodies, and the reconstituting of our multi-dimensional, multi-stranded DNA.

This process requires that we ignore the distractions in the daily news and focus on , not the question of whether the Earth has her base note frequency but rather focus on raising our own frequency to one of brightly shining light. This is how we can help Earth to expand her own consciousness. We must be very positive in our attitudes.

The Akashic does not predict the future, it only records in detail the events that have taken place, as they have happened, without judgement. It is a source of truth that cannot be altered in any way. If it happened in this Universe, then it is recorded.

Chris Thomas' research provides a unique and valuable resource having spent 30 years carefully putting questions to the Akashic Records. Nobody has ever before done this kind of intensive research into the truth of our history within this Universe.

The Akashic is sourced through the higher self with no outside intermediary or channelling involved.

The interesting thing about this chronology and the events included is that it gives an explanation for many anomalies that science has failed to answer. Of course it took 11 books , several essays and 11 interviews to explain the details.

It took 15 years to accomplish this monumental task since the information contained in the Akashic is enormous. He explains that it might take up to 30 questions from different angles to achieve one definitive answer.

Several of his discoveries have been later confirmed by science.