View Full Version : The Heart, Heart Field & Your Point of Power

16th June 2015, 14:21
Many of you are probably already aware of the significance of your heart and heartfield owing to the research carried out by the Heart Maths Institute, but just in case there are some new people who haven't come across this info before I thought I'd post a few videos which give an excellent overview of the importance of living from heart centred awareness.

The most common misconception in Western cultures is that the heart is just a mechanical pump for pumping blood and nutrients around the body when in fact it is so much more. Science has now proven that the heart emits a measureable electromagnetic field and is the source of our intuitive & emotional intelligence and in my opinion, our hidden power.

I've summarised some of the key points in the first 2 videos, however I do recommend watching the second video in particular, as the images graphically illustrate interactions of the heartfield.

First, some interesting facts:


Mysteries of the Heart - Heart Math Institute

Research explains how the heart plays an extraordinary role in our lives far beyond what is commonly known.

Did You Know:

- Theheart emits electomagnetic fields that changes according to your emotions?

- the human heart's magnetic field can be measured up to several feet away from the body?

- that positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body?

- that you can boost your immune system by conjuring positive emotions?

- that negative emotions can create a nervous system chaos, but positive emotions do the opposite?

- that the heart has a system of neurons that have both short & long term memory, and their signals sent to the brain can affect our emotional experiences?

- in fetal development the heart forms and starts beating before the brain is developed?

- a mother's brainwaves can synchronize to her baby's heartbeats?

- the heart sends more information to the brain than vice versa?

- that positive emotions help the brain in creativity and innovative problem solving?

- positive emotions can increase the brains ability to make good decisions?


The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence

Research shows when we move into a coherent state the heart & brain operate synergystically... The intuitive energetic heart is what people have associated with their inner voice for centuries...the energetic heart communicates a steady stream of intuitive information to the mind & brain...
As we learn to slow down our mind & attune to our deeper heart feelings our natural intuitive heart connection can occur. Intuition is like energetic gold ....that's why the state of coherence is rapidly gaining interest.

Research conducted in our labarotaries has confirmed that when an indiviual is in heart coherence the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic energy field... A growing body of scientific eveidence suggests that when there is coherent group cooperation it results in increased flow, effectiveness & the potential for higher outcomes. It seems that the participants are not only in synch but are communicating on an unseen energetic level....

From our research we know that heart coherence is not an idle state. It reaches out, it influences & supports others in many beneficial ways.

Scientific evidence provides support for a global field environment that connects all living systems & consciousness. Many scientists believe that a feedback loop exists between all humans & the earth's energetic systems....

Science has shown that the earth's magnetic field affects humans in profound ways .... Every individuals energy contributes to the global field environment & each person's thoughts, emotions & intentions affects the field.

The first step in increasing the coherence of the field environment is for each individual to take responsibility for their own energy.

"Through the power of your heart’s intelligence you can move beyond your limitations into a new reality that allows you to become a more conscious co-creator and true custodian of the planet and its future." ~ Howard Martin


Spirit Science 15 - Power of the Heart

Both the heart & brain emit electromagnetic fields.
The heart is up to 100 x electrically stronger & up to 5ooo x magnetically stronger than the brain.


Gregg Braden - Our Electromagnetic Heart Affects Reality

16th June 2015, 16:35
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

16th June 2015, 16:48
Gregg is a good writer, one of the best.

16th June 2015, 17:00
nice post,

the data field of the heart are really huge, fit with the ascension, compassion and love are the measures that this field has to be self-sustaining, there is much to say on this topic.

Field compressed in the human heart is capable of making electricity by gravity, is an amazing sight, everyone is a living miracle.

17th June 2015, 05:42
Thanks for posting, all good stuff, to help the Western 'mind' refocus its sense of centre in the Heart, which really does contain our zero point of transformation in its subtle energetic core. The physical heart reflects the 'flowing' function of that inner centrepoint, and 'flow' aligns us with the wave(s) of Life, of Source, and its creative 'tones'/frequencies. :love:

17th June 2015, 06:12
This is really great information. I had the privilege of viewing a Hearts Math presentation a year ago. The scientific research that they're involved with is very interesting, and incredibly useful. Thanks for the links.

17th June 2015, 12:30
This is good news, to get more understanding, but I would like to see them go further into the esoteric, for what is not generally understood, is that all heart vibrations, on emotional or just plain work within your role, comes not to your heart, but to your Soul. Here is what the Soul looks like to us all, it is a belt of clear, pliant amount of Light, sitting over your simple Light body and is the full length of yourself, from head to toes. It is a gift to some one only if born, out of Light, so if you are about to go on to your next story work, it is the heart strings to your Soul that makes heart attacks so painful. When it is time to die, it is your Soul that decides -when, what, how and why, and it lets go of your attachment to life.

Your soul wants to give your heart healing, but cant do so till you are so in love, that vibrations set you free of the imprint to stop on, as only immense love will allow you to not have to come back again. Evolution to yourself, gives you a healing, more than story books on living happily ever after, as your heart seeks final absolution to rest in peace forever more. :smiley hug:

This is work in Soul life, not the heart doing it all, for the researchers are simply linking to the heart chakras, seat of rest on top of and in between the body and the Soul.

Red Pill Oracle
17th June 2015, 13:23
Wow! This seems like magic, but it is the truth of who we are, I guess we are just magical! For me, one of the beauties of the heart is that it is all-inclusive. It does not judge between good and bad emotions and ends the struggle of duality. When we take any emotion into our heart-space and allow it to flow through us it is the answer to not only sharing "positive" emotions but also letting go of "negative" emotions that we can otherwise be trapped in. Love can absorb all the dark.... (all the illusion of dark). Thank you for sharing this, it is beautiful!

Also, Dan Winter has proven the heart field to be the electrical cause of gravity. And has even said the implosive electrical field of the heart "makes the stuff that holds stars together"! Cool...

7th October 2015, 10:51
Hello All, thought i would bump this great thread as it is a good synchronicity for me as i investigate Divine Feminines information in the Kundulini and Great Experiment threads, :)lb

Divine Feminine
7th October 2015, 16:00
I'm glad you pulled this lookbeyond, I was planning to search for this thread before I posted more info on the Great Experiment thread. I had spoken to Realitycreation about posting HeartMath Institute/Gregg Braden content on my thread quite some time ago and she had said she had a bunch of stuff she was planning to post too on the same topic. I was hoping I could find additional content since I had wanted to post some of the same videos, so I needed to see what she had posted for a refresher, thank you!

7th February 2017, 20:28
The physical Heart is not a pump




“In our time there are certain changes taking place in the heart, by which gradually a fifth chamber will develop. In this fifth chamber man will have a new organ which will allow him to control life forces in a different way than is possible at the moment.” “All that happens in the moral life, and all that happens physically in the world…the moral and the physical….are found in their real union when we learn to understand all the configurations of the human heart.” Rudolf Steiner


The process described here The Etherisation of the Blood
Rudolf Steiner
Basle, October 1, 1911 (http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/19111001p01.html)

Here is the nature of the problem, the new forces developing in our hearts will press forward and opposing powers are already prepared to push back with opposing measures to insure that the magical Fifth Chamber of the human heart is oppressed. If human beings begin to experience the Sun Like flow of compassion out from their beings to all creatures and especially to the nearest, our own human family in brother and sisterhood, the entire power and scope of nature and the effect that humanity can have on nature will change and whole new forces in nature and in humanity will start coming to the surface.

To let flow from our hearts to our hands forces that the Etheric life of the Earth need, and that the Heart forces of human beings experience with such shattering forces – OUT – than we will all become healers and experience, not in sentimental Biblical terms, oh it was a miracle! No we will experience rather the amount of forces of love and shattering compassion that will literally alter the axis and position and interior structure of the heart itself.


Crack by creaking crack the hidden underpinnings of Nature that were left completely out of the equation of nuclear physics will come rushing up through the human heart.


And as the new etheric chamber in the heart arises the suppression, the medical vaccinations, like mercury that has disturbed the astral/nervous system, amounting to autism and whole segments of children being disrupted from HARMONY OF THE HEALTHY HEART AND NERVOUS SYSTEM will slowly become governmental policy to prevent hallucinations, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and whole hosts of uncomfortable disruptions of the status quo.

The battle against humanity enlarging and encompassing a vast change in cultural consciousness and values as well as a concrete psychic and psychological reality emerging from a change of heart, a change in the structure of the heart, is already underway and the entire disasters ahead for humanity are due to the failure to grasp the Science of the Etheric Christ as a reality existing in the new Sun Forces of nature and the Human Soul.

In the future all children will be inoculated against encountering such disturbing new sets of insights and this will be part of the ‘beasts’ attempts to stifle and suppress, divert and deny that such changes in the structure of the heart are not only possible but we will show in what follows, how this comes about.

Rudolf Steiner had made indications of a fifth chamber of the heart. He spoke of a time when certain changes would take place in the heart, by which gradually a fifth chamber will develop. In this fifth chamber man will have a new organ which will allow him to control life forces in a different way than is possible at the moment.

The radiation from this etheric organ of the heart is actually developing into a spiritual sense organ.

In researching the geometry of the human heart, Frank Chester has discovered how a fifth chamber can evolve. The heart will have to rotate just five degrees and a new valve will form.

“Balancing” says Frank, “is the primary function of the heart. Our inner work improves balance. When we are able to see ‘periphery’ and ‘center’ simultaneously; when we see ‘self’ and ‘other’ with equal equanimity, then we give the heart a loosening quality of balance that allows it to evolve etheric forces.

Frank summarizes some of the details:

“The heart is not a pump, but an organ in which etheric space is created, so that the blood is sucked into the heart rather than pumped”(1). January of 2000 a new form was uncovered with 7 equal surfaced areas. After four years of study it was found to be the geometry behind the human heart. Based on the precise objective nature of geometry it can now be shown and validated by this lawful 7-sided form that many of Rudolf Steiner’s statements concerning the human heart are true.Heart’s Etheric Fifth Chamber by Bradford Riley (https://rileybrad.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/heart/)

In researching the geometry of the human heart, Frank Chester has discovered how a fifth chamber can evolve. The heart will have to rotate just five degrees and a new valve will form.

“Balancing” says Frank, “is the primary function of the heart. Our inner work improves balance. When we are able to see ‘periphery’ and ‘center’ simultaneously; when we see ‘self’ and ‘other’ with equal equanimity, then we give the heart a loosening quality of balance that allows it to evolve etheric forces.


Frank summarizes some of the details:

“The heart is not a pump, but an organ in which etheric space is created, so that the blood is sucked into the heart rather than pumped”(1). January of 2000 a new form was uncovered with 7 equal surfaced areas. After four years of study it was found to be the geometry behind the human heart. Based on the precise objective nature of geometry it can now be shown and validated by this lawful 7-sided form that many of Rudolf Steiner’s statements concerning the human heart are true.


THE HEART FORM IS PRECISION IN BALANCE between inversion and reversals, suction and pressure, concave and convex, right and left, backwards and forwards, below and above, three and four, asymmetrical and symmetrical, acceleration and deceleration, clockwise and counter-clockwise, geometric and organic, and two different vortexes, all of which today can be demonstrated to be lawful. These polarities are found to be active in the human heart.

1.The heart is a brake, “The heart is not a pump; it is a sense organ, a damming up organ”(2) You can observe the chestahedron in a vortex generator balancing itself between accelerating and decelerating.

2. The apex of the heart is paper-thin. “The apex wall is so soft and weak that it can be pierced with the index finger”(3) The geometry of the mitral valve opening will not allow a moving vortex to reach the apex inside the chestahedron. If the heart is a pressure pump, the apex would balloon out. The new form shows why this ballooning does not occur.

3. The chestahedron’s geometry consists of two vortexes, one inside the other. “The musculature of the heart and arteries all the way down to the pre-capillaries is spirally oriented, and both the heart and arteries move spirally to augment the momenta of the blood.”(4)

4. After creating a vortex in a clear receptacle of water with the chestahedron on the end of an electric drill, there remains three spiraling vortexes. “Dr. Pettigrew found three columns of spiraling blood in the left ventricle.”(5)

5. By using the chestahedron geometry of 22.5 degrees of arc found in the center of the conical form, we now have an answer to myocardial layering design that has eluded Dr. Pettigrew, Lawrence Edwards and all present-day heart researchers. A design that allows counter clockwise and clockwise forces to work together in a balanced way and at the same time promote blood vortex movement.

6. The chestahedron was developed from a tetrahedron turning inside a cube whose axis is centered at the squre root of 3, and the square root of 3 in the cube is 36 degrees of arc from the horizontal plane. This explains for the first time why the heart is located on the left side of the body. The human heart position in the body is 36 degrees, which is the perfect balance between above and below, right and left and forward and behind. Not knowing about geometry, many studies indicate the heart sets at 45 degrees.

7. When the tetrahedron reaches the midpoint of the cube the resulting form is an octahedron with one invariant point. Putting this form back into the original tetrahedron and spinning both at the same time in the cube again, you get the inside left ventricle geometry.

8. The inside left ventricle geometry turns 40 degrees during systole and sits in the cube at 15 degrees. Altogether you have a 55-degree spiral movement. If the ventricle twists another 5 degrees a fifth chamber develops complete with a tri cusped valve.

9. “In our time there are certain changes taking place in the heart, by which gradually a fifth chamber will develop. In this fifth chamber man will have a new organ which will allow him to control life forces in a different way than is possible at the moment.”(6) “All that happens in the moral life, and all that happens physically in the world…the moral and the physical….are found in their real union when we learn to understand all the configurations of the human heart.”(7)The Heart (http://www.frankchester.com/2010/the-heart/)

Click on the image below to read "The Heart is Not a Pump – The Blood Pumps the Heart"
http://aetherforce.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/imgres-3.jpeg (http://aetherforce.com/the-heart-is-not-a-pump-the-blood-moves-the-heart-not-vice-versa/)

Rudolf Steiner said that by the end of the 20th century, a new stream of children coming to Earth would have what he called ‘the fifth chamber of the heart’ in seed form. This new heart chamber is etheric in nature, not physical. It’s been present since the 1980s in children and before that in many adults. It’s that place in the heart where you know everything. And more and more children know everything. In particular, they know what you’re thinking and if what you say is true or not. Unless they become damaged, this faculty is there because they are using the heart, not the head, as their organ of cognition. This new etheric chamber in the heart contains an opening into the spiritual world. When this gateway opens, the Angels are there on the other side.


The color of this opening is Indigo and leads to the inner spiritual world of Violet. In Violet you connect with the inner altar of the Earth; the Earth becomes a living being for you. This is the threshold that humanity is passing through at this time. Indigo dyed blue jeans are the most popular clothing and children are sometimes called Indigo. This is why.

This doorway that’s opening between here and there is transparent for many children. Young people into their late twenties and thirties are also keeping this doorway open, although it’s taking an effort due to media interference. There’s resistance as well. Little children happily speak about their experiences with their Angels and invisible companions. Later, young people often recoil from this type of talk. Why is this? What’s wrong with talking about Angels?

The one piece of information that comes easily to the question of why we’re here is that we have free will. We learn right away that we get to decide. If your heart tells you what’s right, and your head or will aren’t interested, you might create what you want, because you have the right to do so. There’s a right and wrong thing to do at any given moment. When listening with your heart, the Angels will tell you what’s right for you at the moment. Fear that this may impede your own personal will or thoughts is part of the resistance to Angels, especially from young people.

It’s very important that this door to the heart stays open. There’s something happening, and with special intensity since 1999, that comes from the Angels. They are seeding humanity with thoughts of universal brotherhood. And they are whispering secrets about who we truly are. This is having the effect for each one of us to begin having real interest in the other person, no matter who they are. Sensing that who we are is beyond what we imagined, this interest in the other is a seed that can take root and grow, when the heart door remains open.It’s Time to Talk About Angels: A Matter of the Heart (http://www.waldorftoday.com/2012/02/its-time-to-talk-about-angels-a-matter-of-the-heart/)

Question: What is the real essence of the heart?

Dr. Dyson: As an organ it has less propensity to disease than other organs; in fact it helps sustain the health of the other organs. What popularly goes by the name of 'heart pathology' actually has more to do with problems of circulation. Much of what is termed `heart failure' should actually be called circulatory failure. And that brings us to a medical mystery which is still hardly acknowledge today, namely that the heart is a sensing organ and not a mechanical pump. This is widely recognized in physiological research, yet we are still bur*dened with this crude, mechanical and outmoded concept. Rudolf Steiner wanted doctors to overcome the notion of the heart as a pump. He said it would be a precondition for a renewal of social life.

Question: If the heart is not a pump, what is its relation to blood?

Dr. Dyson: The heart has the task of maintaining the pressure within that relatively small section of the arterial circulatory system bounded by mechanical laws. By far the larger part of the circula*tion, namely the capillary system, transcends these laws. This is a system with microsocopic dimensions yet enormous surface area which, from a mathematical point of view, may be understood as approaching infinity. How the heart contributes to the maintain*ing of the pressure can probably best be understood by the image of the hydraulic ram (see image), and also by the fact that through its architecture and movement it maximizes an efficiency within the fluid dynamics status of the circulation.

Question: Is the cross formed by the septa (walls) between the chambers an image of the function of the heart?

Dr. Dyson: The upper chambers of the heart, which are separate from the main body of heart muscle, have more of a sensory function; the lower chambers more a metabolic function. The fourfoldness of the chambers is an expression of the heart in its relation to the earth realm. The metaphorical fifth chamber connects back to the etheric realm and raises the mineral cube to the plant rose.* The real cross in the heart is between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. This cross may be seen as the midpoint within the lemniscate of the pulmonary and systemic circulations.

Question: What relation does the warmth of the blood have to our warmth of soul?

Dr. Dyson: The warmth of the blood and warmth of the soul are no doubt inseparable. The former serves the latter and has it origin more in physiological processes. That latter re-enlivens the former and has its origins more in the communion of soul and spirit

Question: What does Rudolf Steiner mean when he says that a new understanding of the heart would have an effect on social life?

Dr. Dyson: The heart works less through the principle of pushing and more as a receiving organ into which the blood is “sucked” during diastole. The origin of circulatory movement is primarily in the capillaries. That is to say, the movement arises in the periphery and is not hierarchically controlled from the center. Therein also lie a mystery of the social life.

Dr. James Dyson is a medical doctor, and co founder of Park Attwood Clinic, NR Stourbridge/Post code Worcestershire DY12 IRE, Britain.

*The Fifth Chamber of the Heart

It is gradually being surmised that feeling perception has a basis in certain plant-like metabolic areas of the heart such as the nodes between atrium and ventricle. So constant is the delicate activity and interplay that one may easily imagine a fine evolving structure, created out of purified ideas and ideals; a future fifth chamber.

Living out of the open heart, a beautiful way of life as Steiner developed is just NORMAL.

9th February 2017, 23:56
Thanks for posting all of the info Maggie, I haven't had time to listen to the videos yet but I'll come back to them.

10th February 2017, 03:20
Can't find the words of appreciation for your posts Maggie, :h5::rock::smiley hug:

16th January 2018, 15:12
Think this subject of the heart needs to be reiterated everyday.....

Live from Bases HQ, Ura Soul explains why the real Singularity that humanity needs is found through our own hearts. Removing the mystery from mystery schools, plus encounters with lightships in England and much more.
