View Full Version : Life in the MARIANA Trench

14th April 2015, 07:05


Marine life in the Deepest part of the Ocean.
Thousands of Metres below the surface.

Video footage from the University of Aberdeen’s Hadal-Lander deployed in the Mariana Trench from the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Research Vessel Falkor. This video shows the ‘supergiant’ amphipod Alicella gigantea (Familay Alicellidae) from 6141m. This incredibly rare footage shows the scavenging supergiant swimming, circling the bait and then docking at the bat to begin feeding. Note, in the background there is the fish Coryphaenoides yaquinae (Family: Macrouridae) and the decapod Benthsicymus sp.

14th April 2015, 09:08
I fell into the trench and couldn't get out (for a couple minutes). Super cool. Love nature vids. Love deep sea stuff. It never ceases to amaze me the life that is found in places "too hostile for life". I'm beginning to think there are few places actually "too hostile for life". It's everywhere. Thanks for sharing.

15th April 2015, 14:15
posted direct link in your thread boja.