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4th September 2017, 03:41
I'm sorry Elen, my daughter was killed many years ago. Drunk driving passenger. I was showing my support and respect.

Thanks for clarifying TimeSensitive...I am truly sorry that you lost your daughter in that way. All the best to you, and thank you for your contribution to the process. :smile2:

5th September 2017, 09:42
TOT is thinking of you and holdng you in our Hearts Vern. :fire:

11th September 2017, 02:40
Much thanks to all, there was some serious helping energies from you.

Constant change continues.

More gently now though.

The micro macro at present is letting us know the feeling of non suffering, collectively and individually, in the sooner future, now.

11th September 2017, 07:27
Much thanks to all, there was some serious helping energies from you.

Constant change continues.

More gently now though.

The micro macro at present is letting us know the feeling of non suffering, collectively and individually, in the sooner future, now.

Good to hear Vern.....:smiley hug:

3rd October 2017, 23:58
You Are Not Your Thoughts and Feelings, and They Don’t Have to Bring You Down

By Greer Parry

Woman in Tree Pose

“Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ” ~Reinhold Niebuhr

Think about the future! Don’t do something you’ll regret! You need to plan for tomorrow! I wish I hadn’t done that! Will things ever work out? Why did they do that? Will I ever find happiness? Why has life made me the way I am? What’s wrong with me?

Around and around it went inside my mind, a never-ending internal conversation full of questions and uncertainties—the not knowing driving me insane and the desperation increasing every day. I must be able to resolve this, I thought. I need answers. I was overwhelmed by questions, uncertainty, indecision, paralysis, and fear.

I couldn’t hold on to jobs or relationships. I became depressed, hurt the people I loved, and coped with it all by losing myself in drink and drugs. I was either reckless or petrified. I couldn’t communicate for fear of saying the wrong thing, but I desperately wanted to tell someone.

The truth is I felt liberated when I couldn’t think. When the internal conversation was either struck dumb or so garbled I could laugh it off, I had some sort of respite.

Later I would learn that I was self medicating for a generalized anxiety disorder but, at the time, I just new that being out of my mind was preferable to being in it.

Change Is Possible When We Act Mindfully

I was extremely lucky. I live in a society that has within it people who understand and services that give support. Most importantly, I have an incredible family and true friends.

When I needed it, was ready to make a change, and able to accept responsibility for my own behavior, my recovery began.

During my recovery I was taught and used a behavioral model called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (or ACT.) This is based upon three basic concepts:


I learned to foster greater acceptance for my own thoughts and feelings, other people, events beyond my control, and the beliefs I held at any given moment. By doing so I was able to break away from my preoccupation with anxiety and focus upon my recovery.


I committed to change—to focus upon moving toward the things that really mattered in my life and to travel through the spiral of change on my own journey of recovery.


I changed my behavior through mindfulness. I learned that regardless of my circumstances or the thoughts that colored my perception, my behavior could either move me away or toward the things that mattered to me. I had a choice. Not necessarily an easy choice, but a choice nonetheless.

The Importance of Just Being

I was one of the many with an addiction who had learned to act mindlessly. This is not to say that my behavior was without reason. Far from it.

I always had good reasons to get wasted. I was feeling anxious and told myself I couldn’t cope, or I was angry and couldn’t see the point, or I was happy and felt like celebrating. In fact, I had an inexhaustible supply of reasons.

I had learned a coping strategy that enabled me to manage my condition. Just like learning to drive or making coffee in the morning, I behaved on autopilot, without awareness of my own behavior.

There’s nothing wrong with this psychological process. It’s an important part of being able to function. If every time you got behind the wheel or wanted a coffee you had to consciously relearn the process, your day would soon become totally unmanageable.

Autopilot behavior like this is learned by repetition and sits in our subconscious, ready to be put into action when we need it. This is fine as long as the behavior benefits us and moves us toward the things that we need. Like driving us to work.

The problem comes when the behavior not only takes us away from the things we value but also starts to create more problems than it solves.

This was the nature of my addiction. Beyond the physical dependency (brutal but relatively short lived through medical detox), I discovered that my sense of self had been replaced by a yearning to be someone or something else. Something not me. Not me at all.

I’d developed an obsession with wanting to become—become free from anxiety; become a more interesting person; become relaxed; become fulfilled; become happy.

It was my desperation to change that led me to stay the same for ten years.

How Living In The Now Changes Everything

Acting mindfully and being aware of the now changed everything for me. As Eckhart Tolle so wisely wrote, “…the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions.”

I discovered that I am not who I think I am.

My thoughts are my own but they do not describe me. Because I think or feel anxious, that doesn’t mean that I am anxious. It means I am experiencing the symptoms of anxiety, not that I am anxiety.

If I am aware of now, then I notice these symptoms as they elevate my heart rate, dry my mouth, place intrusive thoughts in my mind, and push me toward “fight or flight response.”

By noticing these sensations, I can be an observer of them and no longer a slave to them. I choose to identify them and give them a name. I choose to look at them in their stupid faces. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, but I have learned to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

I do not need to compensate for the things I feel or believe because they are simply thoughts and sensations that cannot harm me.

If we are self-aware and mindful of behavior, then we can exercise choice over what we do right now. We can act not in response to the pressure of our thoughts and feelings, but because we are aware of what we value.

Noticing is key. If we don’t notice what’s happening, then we can’t have a choice over how we respond to those things (whatever they may be).

If I go to a room I’ve never been in before, open the door, and meet a person I’ve never met before who then tells me that I look ugly, I will have an emotional response. I can no more control those circumstances or my emotional response than I can the orbit of the planets.

By noticing my reaction, I can accept my thoughts, feelings, and the reality of my situation. If I don’t, I will probably just react to the way I feel. Perhaps I’ll cry, shout abuse, or even take a substance to “help me calm down.” However, if I am aware and I notice what’s going on for me, then I have another option.

I can pause before I act. I can choose my behavior based upon my awareness of both the situation and what matters to me.

I have let go of trying to change the way I feel, and of trying to become something or someone else. I am simply living in the now, and I know that only my behavior shapes my destiny, regardless of my thoughts.

I am aware of my behavior and I can control it; and, in doing so, I am living my life with purpose.

If like me, you have struggled or are currently struggling with anxiety, mindfulness could help you, as well. You are not your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. You don’t need to try so hard to control them; you just need to accept them and come into the present moment so you can control what you do.

Woman in tree pose image via Shutterstock

About Greer Parry

Greer Parry is a substance misuse practitioner, holistic healer and ACT therapist who lives and works in the UK. She has a passion for hand analysis and conversational hypnosis. Greer writes about her love for palm reading in her blog Palm Reading

20th January 2018, 22:48
Well, experience is reality, just as perception can be, if one chooses, experience of ones feelings while lonely usually, is most peoples experience as they believe their continual narrative in their head/mind, is reality.

Atm I am experiencing a completion, emotionally wise, of a dear one to me, several moons ago. Lol am now an expert imo on the difference between suffering and pain, besides one being a choice.

If I had not been connected with my divine/higher self and faith in perfection constant, I would have aged badly as such and had a constant suffering hurdle happening, plus imperfect choices and ripples, god bless know thyself.

This thread has been a nice reminder for me at times, lol sorta hoping the page flips to next one, blessings.

21st January 2018, 10:37
My husband was talking about mindful eating recently. He's making an effort to just eat. Without the paper, or a TV on.

Does Greer Parry describe thoughts and identity in the way that you see it?

I think. Therefore I am. I think.

22nd January 2018, 06:54
Cogito ergo sum! But I seem to live by this: Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. Because errare humanum est.


22nd January 2018, 09:19
Once learning, eat as you breathe, from Anastarsia books the ringing ceders, have used that likely because thought not really required.

22nd January 2018, 09:44
Once learning, eat as you breathe, from Anastarsia books the ringing ceders, have used that likely because thought not really required.

Yes she nourished herself by breathing in the pollen in the air...that is great for summer! ;)

24th January 2018, 07:00
Nope, not from what I remember, one if they wish, can do it at ones local market, just like a forest, the food comes to you as such, like breathing. Pollen may be part of the process also, yes.

24th January 2018, 07:19
Nope, not from what I remember, one if they wish, can do it at ones local market, just like a forest, the food comes to you as such, like breathing. Pollen may be part of the process also, yes.

This is something that I have to read again, Vern. Interesting!

6th February 2018, 08:43
>>>>> https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200811/the-art-now-six-steps-living-in-the-moment

A friend was walking in the desert when he found the telephone to God. The setting was Burning Man, an electronic arts and music festival for which 50,000 people descend on Black Rock City, Nevada, for eight days of "radical self-expression"—dancing, socializing, meditating, and debauchery.

A phone booth in the middle of the desert with a sign that said "Talk to God" was a surreal sight even at Burning Man. The idea was that you picked up the phone, and God—or someone claiming to be God—would be at the other end to ease your pain.

So when God came on the line asking how he could help, my friend was ready. "How can I live more in the moment?" he asked. Too often, he felt, the beautiful moments of his life were drowned out by a cacophony of self-consciousness and anxiety. What could he do to hush the buzzing of his mind?

"Breathe," replied a soothing male voice.

My friend flinched at the tired new-age mantra, then reminded himself to keep an open mind. When God talks, you listen.

"Whenever you feel anxious about your future or your past, just breathe," continued God. "Try it with me a few times right now. Breathe in... breathe out." And despite himself, my friend began to relax.

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Life unfolds in the present. But so often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what's past. "We're living in a world that contributes in a major way to mental fragmentation, disintegration, distraction, decoherence," says Buddhist scholar B. Alan Wallace. We're always doing something, and we allow little time to practice stillness and calm.

When we're at work, we fantasize about being on vacation; on vacation, we worry about the work piling up on our desks. We dwell on intrusive memories of the past or fret about what may or may not happen in the future. We don't appreciate the living present because our "monkey minds," as Buddhists call them, vault from thought to thought like monkeys swinging from tree to tree.

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Most of us don't undertake our thoughts in awareness. Rather, our thoughts control us. "Ordinary thoughts course through our mind like a deafening waterfall," writes Jon Kabat-Zinn, the biomedical scientist who introduced meditation into mainstream medicine. In order to feel more in control of our minds and our lives, to find the sense of balance that eludes us, we need to step out of this current, to pause, and, as Kabat-Zinn puts it, to "rest in stillness—to stop doing and focus on just being."

We need to live more in the moment. Living in the moment—also called mindfulness—is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present. When you become mindful, you realize that you are not your thoughts; you become an observer of your thoughts from moment to moment without judging them. Mindfulness involves being with your thoughts as they are, neither grasping at them nor pushing them away. Instead of letting your life go by without living it, you awaken to experience.

Cultivating a nonjudgmental awareness of the present bestows a host of benefits. Mindfulness reduces stress, boosts immune functioning, reduces chronic pain, lowers blood pressure, and helps patients cope with cancer. By alleviating stress, spending a few minutes a day actively focusing on living in the moment reduces the risk of heart disease. Mindfulness may even slow the progression of HIV.

Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure. They have higher self-esteem and are more accepting of their own weaknesses. Anchoring awareness in the here and now reduces the kinds of impulsivity and reactivity that underlie depression, binge eating, and attention problems. Mindful people can hear negative feedback without feeling threatened. They fight less with their romantic partners and are more accommodating and less defensive. As a result, mindful couples have more satisfying relationships.

Mindfulness is at the root of Buddhism, Taoism, and many Native-American traditions, not to mention yoga. It's why Thoreau went to Walden Pond; it's what Emerson and Whitman wrote about in their essays and poems.

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"Everyone agrees it's important to live in the moment, but the problem is how," says Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard and author of Mindfulness. "When people are not in the moment, they're not there to know that they're not there." Overriding the distraction reflex and awakening to the present takes intentionality and practice.

Living in the moment involves a profound paradox: You can't pursue it for its benefits. That's because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process. Instead, you just have to trust that the rewards will come. There are many paths to mindfulness—and at the core of each is a paradox. Ironically, letting go of what you want is the only way to get it. Here are a few tricks to help you along.

1: To improve your performance, stop thinking about it (unselfconsciousness).

I've never felt comfortable on a dance floor. My movements feel awkward. I feel like people are judging me. I never know what to do with my arms. I want to let go, but I can't, because I know I look ridiculous.

"Loosen up, no one's watching you," people always say. "Everyone's too busy worrying about themselves." So how come they always make fun of my dancing the next day?

The dance world has a term for people like me: "absolute beginner." Which is why my dance teacher, Jessica Hayden, the owner of Shockra Studio in Manhattan, started at the beginning, sitting me down on a bench and having me tap my feet to the beat as Jay-Z thumped away in the background. We spent the rest of the class doing "isolations"—moving just our shoulders, ribs, or hips—to build "body awareness."

But even more important than body awareness, Hayden said, was present-moment awareness. "Be right here right now!" she'd say. "Just let go and let yourself be in the moment."

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That's the first paradox of living in the moment: Thinking too hard about what you're doing actually makes you do worse. If you're in a situation that makes you anxious—giving a speech, introducing yourself to a stranger, dancing—focusing on your anxiety tends to heighten it. "When I say, 'be here with me now,' I mean don't zone out or get too in-your-head—instead, follow my energy, my movements," says Hayden. "Focus less on what's going on in your mind and more on what's going on in the room, less on your mental chatter and more on yourself as part of something." To be most myself, I needed to focus on things outside myself, like the music or the people around me.

Indeed, mindfulness blurs the line between self and other, explains Michael Kernis, a psychologist at the University of Georgia. "When people are mindful, they're more likely to experience themselves as part of humanity, as part of a greater universe." That's why highly mindful people such as Buddhist monks talk about being "one with everything."

By reducing self-consciousness, mindfulness allows you to witness the passing drama of feelings, social pressures, even of being esteemed or disparaged by others without taking their evaluations personally, explain Richard Ryan and K. W. Brown of the University of Rochester. When you focus on your immediate experience without attaching it to your self-esteem, unpleasant events like social rejection—or your so-called friends making fun of your dancing—seem less threatening.

Focusing on the present moment also forces you to stop overthinking. "Being present-minded takes away some of that self-evaluation and getting lost in your mind—and in the mind is where we make the evaluations that beat us up," says Stephen Schueller, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. Instead of getting stuck in your head and worrying, you can let yourself go.

2: To avoid worrying about the future, focus on the present (savoring).

In her memoir Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert writes about a friend who, whenever she sees a beautiful place, exclaims in a near panic, "It's so beautiful here! I want to come back here someday!" "It takes all my persuasive powers," writes Gilbert, "to try to convince her that she is already here."

Often, we're so trapped in thoughts of the future or the past that we forget to experience, let alone enjoy, what's happening right now. We sip coffee and think, "This is not as good as what I had last week." We eat a cookie and think, "I hope I don't run out of cookies."

Instead, relish or luxuriate in whatever you're doing at the present moment—what psychologists call savoring. "This could be while you're eating a pastry, taking a shower, or basking in the sun. You could be savoring a success or savoring music," explains Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychologist at the University of California at Riverside and author of The How of Happiness. "Usually it involves your senses."

When subjects in a study took a few minutes each day to actively savor something they usually hurried through—eating a meal, drinking a cup of tea, walking to the bus—they began experiencing more joy, happiness, and other positive emotions, and fewer depressive symptoms, Schueller found.

Why does living in the moment make people happier—not just at the moment they're tasting molten chocolate pooling on their tongue, but lastingly? Because most negative thoughts concern the past or the future. As Mark Twain said, "I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." The hallmark of depression and anxiety is catastrophizing—worrying about something that hasn't happened yet and might not happen at all. Worry, by its very nature, means thinking about the future—and if you hoist yourself into awareness of the present moment, worrying melts away.

The flip side of worrying is ruminating, thinking bleakly about events in the past. And again, if you press your focus into the now, rumination ceases. Savoring forces you into the present, so you can't worry about things that aren't there.

3: If you want a future with your significant other, inhabit the present (breathe).

Living consciously with alert interest has a powerful effect on interpersonal life. Mindfulness actually inoculates people against aggressive impulses, say Whitney Heppner and Michael Kernis of the University of Georgia. In a study they conducted, each subject was told that other subjects were forming a group—and taking a vote on whether she could join. Five minutes later, the experimenter announced the results—either the subject had gotten the least number of votes and been rejected or she'd been accepted. Beforehand, half the subjects had undergone a mindfulness exercise in which each slowly ate a raisin, savoring its taste and texture and focusing on each sensation.

Later, in what they thought was a separate experiment, subjects had the opportunity to deliver a painful blast of noise to another person. Among subjects who hadn't eaten the raisin, those who were told they'd been rejected by the group became aggressive, inflicting long and painful sonic blasts without provocation. Stung by social rejection, they took it out on other people.

But among those who'd eaten the raisin first, it didn't matter whether they'd been ostracized or embraced. Either way, they were serene and unwilling to inflict pain on others—exactly like those who were given word of social acceptance.

How does being in the moment make you less aggressive? "Mindfulness decreases ego involvement," explains Kernis. "So people are less likely to link their self-esteem to events and more likely to take things at face value." Mindfulness also makes people feel more connected to other people—that empathic feeling of being "at one with the universe."

Mindfulness boosts your awareness of how you interpret and react to what's happening in your mind. It increases the gap between emotional impulse and action, allowing you to do what Buddhists call recognizing the spark before the flame. Focusing on the present reboots your mind so you can respond thoughtfully rather than automatically. Instead of lashing out in anger, backing down in fear, or mindlessly indulging a passing craving, you get the opportunity to say to yourself, "This is the emotion I'm feeling. How should I respond?"

Mindfulness increases self-control; since you're not getting thrown by threats to your self-esteem, you're better able to regulate your behavior. That's the other irony: Inhabiting your own mind more fully has a powerful effect on your interactions with others.

Of course, during a flare-up with your significant other it's rarely practical to duck out and savor a raisin. But there's a simple exercise you can do anywhere, anytime to induce mindfulness: Breathe. As it turns out, the advice my friend got in the desert was spot-on. There's no better way to bring yourself into the present moment than to focus on your breathing. Because you're placing your awareness on what's happening right now, you propel yourself powerfully into the present moment. For many, focusing on the breath is the preferred method of orienting themselves to the now—not because the breath has some magical property, but because it's always there with you.

4: To make the most of time, lose track of it (flow).

Perhaps the most complete way of living in the moment is the state of total absorption psychologists call flow. Flow occurs when you're so engrossed in a task that you lose track of everything else around you. Flow embodies an apparent paradox: How can you be living in the moment if you're not even aware of the moment? The depth of engagement absorbs you powerfully, keeping attention so focused that distractions cannot penetrate. You focus so intensely on what you're doing that you're unaware of the passage of time. Hours can pass without you noticing.

Flow is an elusive state. As with romance or sleep, you can't just will yourself into it—all you can do is set the stage, creating the optimal conditions for it to occur.

The first requirement for flow is to set a goal that's challenging but not unattainable—something you have to marshal your resources and stretch yourself to achieve. The task should be matched to your ability level—not so difficult that you'll feel stressed, but not so easy that you'll get bored. In flow, you're firing on all cylinders to rise to a challenge.

To set the stage for flow, goals need to be clearly defined so that you always know your next step. "It could be playing the next bar in a scroll of music, or finding the next foothold if you're a rock climber, or turning the page if you're reading a good novel," says Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the psychologist who first defined the concept of flow. "At the same time, you're kind of anticipating."

You also need to set up the task in such a way that you receive direct and immediate feedback; with your successes and failures apparent, you can seamlessly adjust your behavior. A climber on the mountain knows immediately if his foothold is secure; a pianist knows instantly when she's played the wrong note.

As your attentional focus narrows, self-consciousness evaporates. You feel as if your awareness merges with the action you're performing. You feel a sense of personal mastery over the situation, and the activity is so intrinsically rewarding that although the task is difficult, action feels effortless.

5: If something is bothering you, move toward it rather than away from it (acceptance).

We all have pain in our lives, whether it's the ex we still long for, the jackhammer snarling across the street, or the sudden wave of anxiety when we get up to give a speech. If we let them, such irritants can distract us from the enjoyment of life. Paradoxically, the obvious response—focusing on the problem in order to combat and overcome it—often makes it worse, argues Stephen Hayes, a psychologist at the University of Nevada.

The mind's natural tendency when faced with pain is to attempt to avoid it—by trying to resist unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and sensations. When we lose a love, for instance, we fight our feelings of heartbreak. As we get older, we work feverishly to recapture our youth. When we're sitting in the dentist's chair waiting for a painful root canal, we wish we were anywhere but there. But in many cases, negative feelings and situations can't be avoided—and resisting them only magnifies the pain.

The problem is we have not just primary emotions but also secondary ones—emotions about other emotions. We get stressed out and then think, "I wish I weren't so stressed out." The primary emotion is stress over your workload. The secondary emotion is feeling, "I hate being stressed."

It doesn't have to be this way. The solution is acceptance—letting the emotion be there. That is, being open to the way things are in each moment without trying to manipulate or change the experience—without judging it, clinging to it, or pushing it away. The present moment can only be as it is. Trying to change it only frustrates and exhausts you. Acceptance relieves you of this needless extra suffering.

Suppose you've just broken up with your girlfriend or boyfriend; you're heartbroken, overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and longing. You could try to fight these feelings, essentially saying, "I hate feeling this way; I need to make this feeling go away." But by focusing on the pain—being sad about being sad—you only prolong the sadness. You do yourself a favor by accepting your feelings, saying instead, "I've just had a breakup. Feelings of loss are normal and natural. It's OK for me to feel this way."

Acceptance of an unpleasant state doesn't mean you don't have goals for the future. It just means you accept that certain things are beyond your control. The sadness, stress, pain, or anger is there whether you like it or not. Better to embrace the feeling as it is.

Nor does acceptance mean you have to like what's happening. "Acceptance of the present moment has nothing to do with resignation," writes Kabat-Zinn. "Acceptance doesn't tell you what to do. What happens next, what you choose to do; that has to come out of your understanding of this moment."

If you feel anxiety, for instance, you can accept the feeling, label it as anxiety—then direct your attention to something else instead. You watch your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions flit through your mind without getting involved. Thoughts are just thoughts. You don't have to believe them and you don't have to do what they say.

6: Know that you don't know (engagement).

You've probably had the experience of driving along a highway only to suddenly realize you have no memory or awareness of the previous 15 minutes. Maybe you even missed your exit. You just zoned out; you were somewhere else, and it's as if you've suddenly woken up at the wheel. Or maybe it happens when you're reading a book: "I know I just read that page, but I have no idea what it said."

These autopilot moments are what Harvard's Ellen Langer calls mindlessness—times when you're so lost in your thoughts that you aren't aware of your present experience. As a result, life passes you by without registering on you. The best way to avoid such blackouts, Langer says, is to develop the habit of always noticing new things in whatever situation you're in. That process creates engagement with the present moment and releases a cascade of other benefits. Noticing new things puts you emphatically in the here and now.

We become mindless, Langer explains, because once we think we know something, we stop paying attention to it. We go about our morning commute in a haze because we've trod the same route a hundred times before. But if we see the world with fresh eyes, we realize almost everything is different each time—the pattern of light on the buildings, the faces of the people, even the sensations and feelings we experience along the way. Noticing imbues each moment with a new, fresh quality. Some people have termed this "beginner's mind."

By acquiring the habit of noticing new things, says Langer, we recognize that the world is actually changing constantly. We really don't know how the espresso is going to taste or how the commute will be—or at least, we're not sure.

Orchestra musicians who are instructed to make their performance new in subtle ways not only enjoy themselves more but audiences actually prefer those performances. "When we're there at the moment, making it new, it leaves an imprint in the music we play, the things we write, the art we create, in everything we do," says Langer. "Once you recognize that you don't know the things you've always taken for granted, you set out of the house quite differently. It becomes an adventure in noticing—and the more you notice, the more you see." And the more excitement you feel.

Don't Just Do Something, Sit There

Living a consistently mindful life takes effort. But mindfulness itself is easy. "People set the goal of being mindful for the next 20 minutes or the next two weeks, then they think mindfulness is difficult because they have the wrong yardstick," says Jay Winner, a California-based family physician and author of Take the Stress out of Your Life. "The correct yardstick is just for this moment."

Mindfulness is the only intentional, systematic activity that is not about trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, explains Kabat-Zinn. It is simply a matter of realizing where you already are. A cartoon from The New Yorker sums it up: Two monks are sitting side by side, meditating. The younger one is giving the older one a quizzical look, to which the older one responds, "Nothing happens next. This is it."

You can become mindful at any moment just by paying attention to your immediate experience. You can do it right now. What's happening this instant? Think of yourself as an eternal witness, and just observe the moment. What do you see, hear, smell? It doesn't matter how it feels—pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad—you roll with it because it's what's present; you're not judging it. And if you notice your mind wandering, bring yourself back. Just say to yourself, "Now. Now. Now."

Here's the most fundamental paradox of all: Mindfulness isn't a goal, because goals are about the future, but you do have to set the intention of paying attention to what's happening at the present moment. As you read the words printed on this page, as your eyes distinguish the black squiggles on white paper, as you feel gravity anchoring you to the planet, wake up. Become aware of being alive. And breathe. As you draw your next breath, focus on the rise of your abdomen on the in-breath, the stream of heat through your nostrils on the out-breath. If you're aware of that feeling right now, as you're reading this, you're living in the moment. Nothing happens next. It's not a destination. This is it. You're already there.

6th February 2018, 14:56
My husband has been working a lot on mindfulness. I'll share this with him, I think he'll like it. :thup::h5:

6th February 2018, 15:45
My husband has been working a lot on mindfulness. I'll share this with him, I think he'll like it. :thup::h5:

I think I like your husband a lot, Dreamtimer...is he taken? :D:cool: Just joking...:p

7th February 2018, 21:26
Lol , steady girls, but yip mindfulness dudes do get attention lol

enjoy being
7th February 2018, 22:01
At first glance this is a thing which used to surprise me that no one does, or that it needs to be said as a thing to do. That in itself was a revelation for me to realise that some people are totally unaware of basic modes of thinking. It scares and frustrates a little to consider how else such people have been interacting with the world and the earth, and it goes a way to explain why so many social issues have existed. I don't think it does attract interest in guys by women Vern, not here anyway, but I do very well in appearing unapproachable *high fives*

8th February 2018, 04:38
Gosh, imagine being a woman who has had 5 or so longish relationships, say 2 years or more, average even today, way in which many males work, lol great to see the slow changes in this regard all the same though. For the better that is lol.

12th April 2018, 09:56
Bumping for our interesting times atm.

What you try to do is you try to push out some things and keep the others. That is the mistake. You say this is good, that is evil. That is the problem. You say this is sacred, this is profane. That is the problem. You have to accept all that is there. You accept the most beautiful thoughts and you have to accept the most terrible thoughts because they are all happening inside of you. That is the truth.

Thoughts are millions of years old. They are not your thoughts. They are just flowing through you. That�s all. The structure of thoughts does not change. Only the object has changed. Thought has remained the same. Thought is essentially measurement. It is comparison. Ancient man was measure and comparing. You also do. He was comparing how many cows he had, how much the neighbor had. You are comparing how many cars you have, how many the neighbor has.

Comparing is thought. It is measurement. All thought is measurement. It is comparison. It does not change. They are not your thoughts. They are there. So your thoughts are not your thoughts.

Your mind. What is the mind? The mind is full of thoughts and the mind is a human mind. It�s very, very ancient. The same structure: fear, jealously, anger, hatred, worry about the past, worrying about the future. It has not changed at all. Only the objects have change. Desire is there. You had desire for a spear. You have desire for money. That�s all. You had fear of the saber-toothed tiger. You have fear of the share market. That�s all. The structure is the same and the mind is very, very ancient. So your mind is not your mind. It�s very, very ancient. It is just there. You assume it is yours. So your mind is not your mind.

Your body. Your body is not your body. You did not design your body. It was designed millions of years ago. The same structure: the nose is here, the ear is here, breathe in oxygen, give out carbon dioxide. It�s been the same for millions of years. You did not design it. You did not create it. You did not conceive it. You did nothing in fact. How come it is your body? It�s not your body at all. You have to think about it. Contemplate on that.

Then the self, the sense of separation. That�s again an illusion. It depends upon how fast the senses are coordinating�slightly slow down, the sense of separation is gone. There is only oneness. You don�t exist as an independent entity at all. There is no separate existence. Not at all. Just another big illusion. Your self is only a concept.

Now how to understand this? A very simple example would help you understand this. Mainly the dress that you�re wearing, you did not design the dress. You did not tailor that dress. You did not weave the textile in the textile mill. You did not grow the cotton or create the polyester that has gone into the dress. In no way are you involved with the dress. How do you say it is your dress? It�s not at all your dress.

Similarly your thoughts are not your thoughts. Your mind is not your mind. Your body is not your body. The self is only a concept. The moment you become awakened you�re out of all this and you see your thoughts automatically happening. You see your speech automatically happening and you see your actions. You may think you�re moving your arm by your control. It�s not so. You can watch the brain in real time. Moments before you decide to move your hand the brain had decided to move the hand. It�s only the illusion that you have decided to move your hand.

Now the problem is you�re identifying yourself with your thoughts, with your mind, with your body and the so-called self. This we call anatma. Anatma in Sanskrit which means false identification. And why is there this false identification? Because of what we call in Sanskrit pragnaparada or failure of intelligence which is what we try to awaken in level 2. Because of failure of intelligence you�re having wrong identification which leads to a sense of separation. The sense of separation is the cause of all problems. All problems inside yourself are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems with the family are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in your country are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in the world arise because of this sense of separation.

If you remove the sense of separation then there are no problems in the individual, no problems in the family, no problems in the nation, no problems in the world. That is the root cause of all problems. To be free of the self is the only revolution.

The only solution to all our problems is to ultimately awaken where we lose this sense of separation. That is the real problem[/QUOTE]

enjoy being
12th April 2018, 10:31
Although interesting to illustrate concept, that passage, which sounds like it probably came from the gita, is flawed logic. Or moreso a play on words. It, in my view fails to actually prove what point it tries to call. It may usefully point out that all is not what it seems and ways of considering such. But it does so with some incredibly large flaws. Though, one would only probably call them such if they were taking the passage literally, rather than see the points trying to be made in the adventurous example as an attempt to illustrate a concept of self.

Emil El Zapato
12th April 2018, 13:09
The solution is correct...though... :)

Dumpster Diver
12th April 2018, 18:22
“A friend was walking in the desert when he found the telephone to God. The setting was Burning Man, an electronic arts and music festival for which 50,000 people descend on Black Rock City, Nevada, for eight days of "radical self-expression"—dancing, socializing, meditating, and debauchery.

A phone booth in the middle of the desert with a sign that said "Talk to God" was a surreal sight even at Burning Man. The idea was that you picked up the phone, and God—or someone claiming to be God—would be at the other end to ease your pain.

So when God came on the line asking how he could help, my friend was ready. "How can I live more in the moment?" he asked. Too often, he felt, the beautiful moments of his life were drowned out by a cacophony of self-consciousness and anxiety. What could he do to hush the buzzing of his mind?

"Breathe," replied a soothing male voice.

My friend flinched at the tired new-age mantra, then reminded himself to keep an open mind. When God talks, you listen.

"Whenever you feel anxious about your future or your past, just breathe," continued God. "Try it with me a few times right now. Breathe in... breathe out." And despite himself, my friend began to relax.”

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. It3NvPZ7WfsGJC8Oanms8QHaJ6%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

17th April 2018, 03:58
Only you can prove it/this.

Although interesting to illustrate concept, that passage, which sounds like it probably came from the gita, is flawed logic. Or moreso a play on words. It, in my view fails to actually prove what point it tries to call. It may usefully point out that all is not what it seems and ways of considering such. But it does so with some incredibly large flaws. Though, one would only probably call them such if they were taking the passage literally, rather than see the points trying to be made in the adventurous example as an attempt to illustrate a concept of self.

17th April 2018, 06:55
Can one watch their mind knowing it is not their thoughts ?, yes, try it.

Emil El Zapato
17th April 2018, 16:23
I is my thoughts...that's why I'm so frightened right now...

get m∧¬c

Dumpster Diver
17th April 2018, 16:46
Ok, I gotta ask; if these are not my thoughts, why am I paying a Karmic price for the bad ones?

Hang that karmic krap on the real clown that thunk ‘em in the first place....

18th April 2018, 08:35
See your thoughts as a river, for two minutes, be still, watch each thought. There are many breathing exercises and meditations that enable one to watch their-the mind, some to the point that you actually watch the mind create the thought thereby enabling watching from no mind.

Ok, I gotta ask; if these are not my thoughts, why am I paying a Karmic price for the bad ones?

Hang that karmic krap on the real clown that thunk ‘em in the first place....

enjoy being
20th April 2018, 01:34
That is some good advice Aianawa.

Reminds me slightly of the stream analogy given by Esther Hicks.

27th April 2018, 09:05
yes, same similar. Have watched some, go bolt upright, from the place near sleep, as they realised they were sitting now watching, not their thoughts, one by one, it pleasures me so so much, because there is always an escape place once you know plus experience watching not your thoughts.

23rd May 2018, 11:11
Thought cannot be now, just realized, thought can be past, be future, not now though, one can think they thought now.

enjoy being
23rd May 2018, 11:19
Surely that is along the lines of quantum, double slot or what have you. A little about word choice, but recording and relaying of thought may straddle now, but now is all that is. Past and future is by-product and aspiration?

23rd May 2018, 11:25
Yes and know, dimension potentials plus now is the energy line lol for gear stick even automatic maybe.

Wow gotta 11 11 tick n hello, i see

23rd May 2018, 12:06
Time is a lot about perception. We talk about it as if it's immutable but it's not. In dreams and other states we are outside of time.

And we still think.

I think perhaps time is not as important in terms of our thoughts as we believe.

They're also way more than just brain firings...

25th May 2018, 06:48
Knowing ones now time, mind can enjoy, relax n be at peace, others influence may be minimal and thanked.

4th June 2018, 10:06
I'm curious, how does Trump's 'New Thought' approach to leadership fit in with this? His favorite book The Power of Positive Thinking is part of New Thought. This is literally bringing things forth with the power of the mind.

It seems like you exercise that yourself, Aianawa. How does that relate to what's laid out in this thread?

Who do you think is inside Trump's head?

4th June 2018, 11:11
Great quest-ion thanks DreamTimer, will answer in three forms or from three differing world or three worlds views if that be ok,

one > imo Trump is a soul vessel having had many lifetimes before, not just Earth, this brings cycles plus spirills into play, I-magi-soveriegnat-ion in regards Trump are now timeline theatre-being, only the now has no competit-ion from where he and co are Storming ( arkeytype = cattylist for change ), please see a higher dimensional being/s in the theatre here on Earth, be easy yes ?, you n me have the ability to connect to our higher fractals, the more one brings their higher self into play, the wow easier life becomes.
Atm Trump is still a fast learning Trump, with helpers imo

4th June 2018, 11:20
[...] cattylist [...]

Oh, now there's an Aianawese word we haven't seen yet before. ;) Gotta make sure I remember that one for future reference. :p :ttr:

6th June 2018, 11:05
I'm curious, how does Trump's 'New Thought' approach to leadership fit in with this? His favorite book The Power of Positive Thinking is part of New Thought. This is literally bringing things forth with he power of the mind.

It seems like you exercise that yourself, Aianawa. How does that relate to what's laid out in this thread?

Who do you think is inside Trump's head?

two > Tis not Trumps new thought, he is just like you n me, no thought is new, all thought has a past tense, walk around with no thoughts a happening as is the future, but atm trump thoughts are a pitch between what he is allowed to do and not allowed to do, based on those protecting him, based on those creating in theatre know, the game of flags and standards, of souls needing clearing, of love loving hate hurts n bruises.

6th June 2018, 11:28
2.5 > a big game of cards with an unknown deck, everyones a dealer, no time limit, souls are chips from gods piggybank located in now, green felt provided by Earth, drinks on Trump atm, weres learning the use of the spiritual potty.

6th June 2018, 12:11
Oooh, a .5 bonus! I personally don't think anyone around Trump is letting or preventing him from doing anything. He apparently is most influenced by the last conversation he had on a subject. Looks like Stephen Miller is the one who waits to get in the last word.

Stephen Miller is the President's brain. Ahhhhhhhhh!:nails:

6th June 2018, 21:06
Oooh, a .5 bonus! I personally don't think anyone around Trump is letting or preventing him from doing anything. He apparently is most influenced by the last conversation he had on a subject. Looks like Stephen Miller is the one who waits to get in the last word.

Stephen Miller is the President's brain

I then ask who is a PARENT ly and why are they valid ?, why do you belief he is Trumps brain ?

6th June 2018, 23:20
Stephen Miller is the one who gets Trump's ear last, most of the time. Trump has a pattern of going with the last idea he discussed, regardless of who it is with. The niggling question is the timing of his regular chats with Hannity, who is a Fox News talking head.

I still think Stephen slips in the last word because he's there in person, Hannity isn't.

Stephen is indirectly telling him what to do by having his ear last.

6th June 2018, 23:31
Amazing, your telling me that somebody i never heard of plus a tv dude, is running the world. You were told this or came to such by yourself ?.

6th June 2018, 23:38
It's not a secret. The White House leaks all the time.

People inside the White House advised Trump to stop watching CNN because it made him so mad and he'd rant and rave. He now watches Fox exclusively. He talks to Hannity almost every day. Hannity talks about it on his show. People in the White House talk about it.

That's why I say Stephen Miller must be positioning himself to get the last word in or he might be overshadowed by Sean Hannity.

Stephen Miller is a very young man.

7th June 2018, 00:01
Feel and just my opinion also, that if this was true, it would be kept secret, logical wise.

7th June 2018, 04:41
It's not a secret. The White House leaks all the time.

People inside the White House advised Trump to stop watching CNN because it made him so mad and he'd rant and rave. He now watches Fox exclusively. He talks to Hannity almost every day. Hannity talks about it on his show. People in the White House talk about it.

That's why I say Stephen Miller must be positioning himself to get the last word in or he might be overshadowed by Sean Hannity.

Stephen Miller is a very young man.

: Sherlock: Dreamtimer...you're the woman (not man) :wiz: :)

7th June 2018, 11:16
Nothing can be kept secret now. The main reason Trump's lawyers don't want him to testify is that once he gets going he doesn't stop. He loves to talk about himself. He'll impugn himself simply because he can't help it.

The biggest mystery that exists right now is what Mueller has. He's about nine months ahead of everyone else and his office doesn't leak.

In comparison to Ken Starr, Mueller has done exponentially more and much faster. Starr's investigation of Clinton went on four years. Mueller had several indictments and a guilty plea the first year.

The reason for this is simple. It was recognized before the election that Russia was fecking with the country, not just with the elections but also with the power grid.

To end investigations into Russia is to directly endanger the nation.

The leaders of China, North Korea, and Russia understand what they're dealing with and know how to play Trump's ego. This is why he's so friendly to them while being hostile to our enemies.

I doubt anyone really kneeled to Trump, but if they did it would be to play him and they would succeed in spades.

BTW, the FBI has historically been Republican. Mueller is a life-long Republican who served his country with honor. His team is all Republican. You have to work hard to even find a Democrat in the FBI. This is part of why the Republicans always used to say they were the ones on the side of law enforcement.

The FBI is being stabbed in the back by its own team.


7th June 2018, 22:20
Amazing amazing n amazed, thankzou Dreamtimer, ta indeed. May we all know thyselfs, our minds better each day, as we are blessed so much in these times.

16th June 2018, 06:57
Of interest


16th June 2018, 11:22
Interesting, Aianawa. I was thinking of this thread while listening to the following interview. Stanley is the one who tells of meeting Enki and speaking to him. Marzinsky worked with schizophrenic patients for years and asked them about the voices they hear. He has come to the conclusion that the voices are real, and are demons. The voices have pushed back, telling Mariinsky that he has no right to "interfere with their life style". They are murderous voices that torment these patients.


Emil El Zapato
16th June 2018, 13:35
Of interest


true or not, this is good advice...the alternative is to be strong...have strong positive values and forego our lowest instincts...evil is as evil does.

I Don't need to hear anything from the demonic one...he is a voice from the other side...the evil side.

Emil El Zapato
16th June 2018, 13:41
I've had episodes where I hear family members calling my name...

One time I had an alternate state episode where in a sort of trance I went to a scene where family members and close intimates were in a distressful situation...

How do I assume I was in a alternate state?

I was at a movie with friends, I left the movie and hitchhiked to the place I needed to go without knowing why. :) I must be schizophrenic... :)

16th June 2018, 14:26
Schizophrenic is a diagnosis. Your 'condition' is surely more than that. No doubt there are doctors who would 'diagnose' me with something after a two minute visit. Doesn't mean they're right.

I like the advice about being random. That is something that I thought about long ago. It's not the same as chaotic. And one can't always be random since we live in a world filled with clocks and schedules. But randomness can happen in all kinds of ways. Many professionals employ this as a technique so that they can't be targeted or followed easily.

Emil El Zapato
16th June 2018, 15:32
I certainly hope so... :)

I've been accused of many things in my life, but never schizophrenia... :)

I've mentioned it before but one of the reasons I quit smoking pot way back once upon a time is because I felt like I could read peoples minds when I was high and it scared the living sh*t out of me... :)

16th June 2018, 16:21
Maybe pot helped you 'tune in'. Gives new meaning to the old phrase.

This is fun. At 40 seconds they speak of voices in the head. (a little tongue in cheek) Worth a watch.


"...maybe reflect on the sad tedium of self-awareness...":lol::lol::lol:

16th June 2018, 17:30
I've had episodes where I hear family members calling my name...

I've had that happen to me a number of times as well, when I'm in between being awake and falling asleep. The voice — usually my mother, and once it was my grandmother — is however inside my head, not coming from the outside. And both my mother and my grandmother have already been dead for ages. My grandmother died in 1994, my mom in 1996 and my dad in 1998.

A number of years ago, I woke up one morning from a painfully loud sound — like an impact from a lightning bolt, and I do know what that sounds like because there was a lightning impact on the tree next to my previous apartment back in 2000, and it was ginormous — but when I asked around with the neighbors during the day that followed, nobody had heard a damn thing. Furthermore, there couldn't even have been any lightning, because it was a bright and sunny day.

I also often have it happen to me that I get woken up from hearing someone ring my intercom. Except that then there's nobody there, and it's usually very late at night, or even the middle of the night. On another occasion, I also had a hand shake my shoulder and wake me up just in time, or I would have overslept, and I needed to go out the door that morning.

Back in the late 1980s, my parents also told me a weird story. My dad was in his workshop behind the garage, which was at the back end of the house, and my mom was all the way over in the living room, at the front of the house. And then they both heard a loud voice calling their name. My mom thought my dad had called her, and my dad thought that my mom had called him. And so they met in the kitchen, at the center of the house, and neither of them had called the other one.

Another weird thing was that, back when I was tending to my dad in 1997 — he was a paraplegic, and he was bedridden, and I was staying over at his house because we thought he was going to die (and he did eventually, but that was more than a year later) — we were both in his bedroom and we could both hear voices. It was usually very late at night, and it would go on for hours. It happened quite a lot, too.

We couldn't make out what they were saying, but it was one man and two women, and the man was doing most of the talking, while the women only occasionally said something, or maybe they were asking a question. But we could both hear it and describe it, and the three TVs at the house were all off. And it couldn't have come from the neighbors either because it was a standalone house.

Now, one could posit that my dad was in an altered state because he was on a prescription syrup that contained both morphine and cocaine — the former for the pain, and the latter to prevent him from slipping into a coma due to the high dose of morphine. He would indeed at times hallucinate wildly because of that junk, but there was no other way to keep his pain under control, and even then it was often not enough. But I myself wasn't on any medication, and I don't do drugs. And I heard it just as clearly as he did.

I've also accidentally recorded voices once on a cassette tape recorder that wasn't receiving any input signal. But that may have had a totally innocuous scientific explanation, because all metal objects can receive radio transmissions and act as a speaker. I've even had it happen several times that the ventilation fan in my toilet picks up a radio station and starts playing music. I've also had the sound of a local radio station come out of the speaker of my guitar amplifier — when it was switched on, of course. Those things are normal and scientifically explainable. But the voices at my dad's house were not.

Lastly, when my mom died, I was standing outside the hospital entrance in order to have a smoke. They had rushed my mom to hospital in an ambulance after first having had to resuscitate her at my parents' house, and they had been working on her for hours already, so I was of course nervous and worried. And then the doctors came out and they told me that she had passed away.

Within 30 seconds after they had left and turned around the corner, I heard my mom's voice call out my name really loudly, at the top of her lungs, like when she was calling out to my brother at lunch or dinner time when he was a little boy and he was playing outside and out of sight. But this time it sounded weird, reverberating, as if the sound came from inside a tunnel and was bouncing off the tunnel walls. There was and still is no doubt on my mind that it was her voice. I even looked around, and there was nobody there. It was a Sunday evening, mid September, at just after 20:00. The street was empty.

I believe that, just as in the case of electronics picking up radio signals, the brain is a receptor, like an antenna with a built-in amplifier. Except that apart from picking up purely electromagnetic energy, it can also pick up ethereal energy. Well, at least my brain can. ;)

Emil El Zapato
16th June 2018, 20:09
A number of years ago, I woke up one morning from a painfully loud sound — like an impact from a lightning bolt, and I do know what that sounds like because there was a lightning impact on the tree next to my previous apartment back in 2000, and it was ginormous — but when I asked around with the neighbors during the day that followed, nobody had heard a damn thing. Furthermore, there couldn't even have been any lightning, because it was a bright and sunny day.

I actually had that happen to me when sleeping at my house with a girlfriend...We both woke up and groggily asked each other what it was...it was inside the house...A loud pop and a flash pretty much in the middle of the room...it was pretty strange.

17th June 2018, 10:45
Maybe it was one of those angels...

16th July 2018, 08:19
Did a stress detox course last weekend, first one here in New Zealand, http://www.oo.academy/stress-detox/ , have done many detox orientated things the last twenty years so was hugely surprised at the results after two intense and loving days, many times I thought and felt, this cannot be taken deeper, further etc even the greatest rabbit hole of all > thyself < gifted many tears of shame, joy and joining. I know of the five bodies we worked upon, from physical to mind body and that there is interaction but this was experiencial and group focused alongside self. I have carried strongly a motto, we are all one, this I shared at end of course, adding this was the first time in twenty years that as a group I saw around me, myself, bro, sis, grandmum and dad, daughter and son, this was we are all one. I have been to the producers of this course in India and know the power created for change and growth, and now to see and experience this, outside of India in the weekends setting, anyway, may thought find home lol.

3rd September 2018, 22:14
Do this if you wish, feel inclined.

Get yourself calm, straight backed n eyes shut.

Whisper to yourself I am not my memories I am eternal consciousness, over n over till you feel to regather and begin >

whisper to yourself I am not my thoughts I am pure consciousness, over n over till you feel to regather, you may add your own if desired eggysample Mind

29th November 2018, 01:21
Would like to explore use/s of mantras, especially to overcome thought



30th November 2018, 03:08
This is a fav of mine > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLsiWN5b-hQ&t=3s <


I made my own up to teach younger ones ( and adults ) which simply goes , the bark is brown, the stone is white, the sun is yellow, repeated, then ask ones to watch the mind try and take back over, some , when finding out their mind has been in control of them constantly, go OMG and laugh lots

7th May 2019, 12:04


Emil El Zapato
7th May 2019, 14:05
integrated ego...yeah...there is no objective difference between no ego and complete ego

you can tell that recently he has gone through some tough times.

8th May 2019, 03:03
How does you tell ?

21st May 2019, 00:24
Are you hallucinating your reality?


Emil El Zapato
21st May 2019, 14:48
Just the topics he discusses and his approach to resolutions

How about that, yet another crazy person that I agree with...

Emil El Zapato
21st May 2019, 15:03
he did a flippo change-o at the 'End of Consciousness'

26th May 2019, 21:09
Very well done, mind you imo their is noise in the brain though, once learned , one can bring it forth when wished but it is always there, from experience, out of body work n books also say this.

Are you hallucinating your reality?


Called the universal tone by many.

2nd June 2019, 03:12
Imagine no Story >


27th June 2019, 06:06
11.42 short


26th September 2019, 00:19
Okay am listening to Max and he is into your thoughts are not your thoughts, especially from 26 minute mark on >


Plus Doug is on fire very much > from last sunday >


3rd October 2019, 00:28

11th November 2019, 07:23

24th December 2020, 19:24

Just come across this and although I have heard this before, would love to hear others points of view >

What you try to do is you try to push out some things and keep the others. That is the mistake. You say this is good, that is evil. That is the problem. You say this is sacred, this is profane. That is the problem. You have to accept all that is there. You accept the most beautiful thoughts and you have to accept the most terrible thoughts because they are all happening inside of you. That is the truth.

Thoughts are millions of years old. They are not your thoughts. They are just flowing through you. That�s all. The structure of thoughts does not change. Only the object has changed. Thought has remained the same. Thought is essentially measurement. It is comparison. Ancient man was measure and comparing. You also do. He was comparing how many cows he had, how much the neighbor had. You are comparing how many cars you have, how many the neighbor has.

Comparing is thought. It is measurement. All thought is measurement. It is comparison. It does not change. They are not your thoughts. They are there. So your thoughts are not your thoughts.

Your mind. What is the mind? The mind is full of thoughts and the mind is a human mind. It�s very, very ancient. The same structure: fear, jealously, anger, hatred, worry about the past, worrying about the future. It has not changed at all. Only the objects have change. Desire is there. You had desire for a spear. You have desire for money. That�s all. You had fear of the saber-toothed tiger. You have fear of the share market. That�s all. The structure is the same and the mind is very, very ancient. So your mind is not your mind. It�s very, very ancient. It is just there. You assume it is yours. So your mind is not your mind.

Your body. Your body is not your body. You did not design your body. It was designed millions of years ago. The same structure: the nose is here, the ear is here, breathe in oxygen, give out carbon dioxide. It�s been the same for millions of years. You did not design it. You did not create it. You did not conceive it. You did nothing in fact. How come it is your body? It�s not your body at all. You have to think about it. Contemplate on that.

Then the self, the sense of separation. That�s again an illusion. It depends upon how fast the senses are coordinating�slightly slow down, the sense of separation is gone. There is only oneness. You don�t exist as an independent entity at all. There is no separate existence. Not at all. Just another big illusion. Your self is only a concept.

Now how to understand this? A very simple example would help you understand this. Mainly the dress that you�re wearing, you did not design the dress. You did not tailor that dress. You did not weave the textile in the textile mill. You did not grow the cotton or create the polyester that has gone into the dress. In no way are you involved with the dress. How do you say it is your dress? It�s not at all your dress.

Similarly your thoughts are not your thoughts. Your mind is not your mind. Your body is not your body. The self is only a concept. The moment you become awakened you�re out of all this and you see your thoughts automatically happening. You see your speech automatically happening and you see your actions. You may think you�re moving your arm by your control. It�s not so. You can watch the brain in real time. Moments before you decide to move your hand the brain had decided to move the hand. It�s only the illusion that you have decided to move your hand.

Now the problem is you�re identifying yourself with your thoughts, with your mind, with your body and the so-called self. This we call anatma. Anatma in Sanskrit which means false identification. And why is there this false identification? Because of what we call in Sanskrit pragnaparada or failure of intelligence which is what we try to awaken in level 2. Because of failure of intelligence you�re having wrong identification which leads to a sense of separation. The sense of separation is the cause of all problems. All problems inside yourself are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems with the family are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in your country are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in the world arise because of this sense of separation.

If you remove the sense of separation then there are no problems in the individual, no problems in the family, no problems in the nation, no problems in the world. That is the root cause of all problems. To be free of the self is the only revolution.

The only solution to all our problems is to ultimately awaken where we lose this sense of separation. That is the real problem

Merry Xmas n happy new year everyone

11th January 2021, 07:43
Just come across this and although I have heard this before, would love to hear others points of view >

What you try to do is you try to push out some things and keep the others. That is the mistake. You say this is good, that is evil. That is the problem. You say this is sacred, this is profane. That is the problem. You have to accept all that is there. You accept the most beautiful thoughts and you have to accept the most terrible thoughts because they are all happening inside of you. That is the truth.

Thoughts are millions of years old. They are not your thoughts. They are just flowing through you. That�s all. The structure of thoughts does not change. Only the object has changed. Thought has remained the same. Thought is essentially measurement. It is comparison. Ancient man was measure and comparing. You also do. He was comparing how many cows he had, how much the neighbor had. You are comparing how many cars you have, how many the neighbor has.

Comparing is thought. It is measurement. All thought is measurement. It is comparison. It does not change. They are not your thoughts. They are there. So your thoughts are not your thoughts.

Your mind. What is the mind? The mind is full of thoughts and the mind is a human mind. It�s very, very ancient. The same structure: fear, jealously, anger, hatred, worry about the past, worrying about the future. It has not changed at all. Only the objects have change. Desire is there. You had desire for a spear. You have desire for money. That�s all. You had fear of the saber-toothed tiger. You have fear of the share market. That�s all. The structure is the same and the mind is very, very ancient. So your mind is not your mind. It�s very, very ancient. It is just there. You assume it is yours. So your mind is not your mind.

Your body. Your body is not your body. You did not design your body. It was designed millions of years ago. The same structure: the nose is here, the ear is here, breathe in oxygen, give out carbon dioxide. It�s been the same for millions of years. You did not design it. You did not create it. You did not conceive it. You did nothing in fact. How come it is your body? It�s not your body at all. You have to think about it. Contemplate on that.

Then the self, the sense of separation. That�s again an illusion. It depends upon how fast the senses are coordinating�slightly slow down, the sense of separation is gone. There is only oneness. You don�t exist as an independent entity at all. There is no separate existence. Not at all. Just another big illusion. Your self is only a concept.

Now how to understand this? A very simple example would help you understand this. Mainly the dress that you�re wearing, you did not design the dress. You did not tailor that dress. You did not weave the textile in the textile mill. You did not grow the cotton or create the polyester that has gone into the dress. In no way are you involved with the dress. How do you say it is your dress? It�s not at all your dress.

Similarly your thoughts are not your thoughts. Your mind is not your mind. Your body is not your body. The self is only a concept. The moment you become awakened you�re out of all this and you see your thoughts automatically happening. You see your speech automatically happening and you see your actions. You may think you�re moving your arm by your control. It�s not so. You can watch the brain in real time. Moments before you decide to move your hand the brain had decided to move the hand. It�s only the illusion that you have decided to move your hand.

Now the problem is you�re identifying yourself with your thoughts, with your mind, with your body and the so-called self. This we call anatma. Anatma in Sanskrit which means false identification. And why is there this false identification? Because of what we call in Sanskrit pragnaparada or failure of intelligence which is what we try to awaken in level 2. Because of failure of intelligence you�re having wrong identification which leads to a sense of separation. The sense of separation is the cause of all problems. All problems inside yourself are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems with the family are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in your country are caused because of this sense of separation. All problems in the world arise because of this sense of separation.

If you remove the sense of separation then there are no problems in the individual, no problems in the family, no problems in the nation, no problems in the world. That is the root cause of all problems. To be free of the self is the only revolution.

The only solution to all our problems is to ultimately awaken where we lose this sense of separation. That is the real problem


14th January 2021, 10:09
I propose the end is not to get to know or to Be and Do, or to Think on the role of an empty vessel to be filled in at some time with Enlightenment.

You are one of a kind. You are solid in body, which is unique in itself, because there are none others in existence with our strange anatomical surface area, not because all of us came from the same mind, but this is the heavy planet and is unique in that. The make up took over several trillion years to become one atomically more able to live in rich Life. You may see it as the more set in place structure that has been here since time began and gradually developed into what we are now.

What yourself entered into, is the beginning and end of what you are. Life enters to a being-ness of each some need of each individual. You are mighty to some, to others guests on their home land. You are not the most peculiar, nor the most penitent, nor any other thing. what you are is a being of something known as sentiency. You are not to clear your so called link to God, nor to solve who some one else is, you are Celtic, or Australian or wherever you were born - this is not stupid, because on Earth, each section of a Tectonic Plate, is something in your need, before you came, that was really important to you. In the last evolution of TOT I had written about each of these Tectonic plated and how they related to specific needs of development. I can easily place them up again if you so wish.

Eminent to your needs, is the first of all links to what this is to shed Light to you, on this work of the Wheel of Life. You will be especially linked to specific traits in behaviour, and you are so linked because is not your only lifetime. As you are progressively learning a specific deal is made within you own Soul and Spirit to seek for your work on this Lifetime only. This is very important, because another deal at your beginning time to follow a set stage of development. This is called your Storybook. You are then really what you've searched for and found of life, which is called by the Gods, "Life in the Raw". Words cannot write the Empathic journey, you have been on so far, so, in effect, your own Storybook, is the better stories of your own dealings in life. Every lifetime you seek for Soul Development, is recorded on your Life in the Raw Storybook, but your experiences become more than this, so your are not the writer of your journey, your Soul becomes the memory of all links that heal or harm you in each life, and you record all memories pursuant to some very special finding of Soul Development -good and bad, not in your mind, but in your body. If your Soul becomes ill at ease over some intent to go against your Soul needs, then it will stop life in that particular mind/body/Spirit/Soul action you are taking part in hence illness or dis-ease. You are not then in balance with your own real needs and if you continue along the Pathway against the solution your Soul needs you to find, you will head to a Mac truck event. Or in realisation of your own running away from your Seekers needs you are saluting only the rustification of an endless life heading nowhere.

WHO R U then, you are investigating topics of soul Development within an experiential life in a physical body - however, the thought and actions you decide upon will only jab at you like a vaccination. If you are following your own particular flow of life your systematic need to accomplish your inner needs will glow an Light your way, if you are already out of sync with your needs and direction, you may in fact get a horrible reaction, and find you are solif fat and not lean and trim - or- you've lost the plot and need to clear immense rigidity to a new purpose of independent links to your soul. What thought have to do with it - you are either Fears and thus incapable of reaching a better link to Soul :fpalm: or you are open enough to somehow think in the round holes and not the square pegs placed before you. :tiphat:

If you get immensely angry or frustrated, means no solution will come to you, for life began in round holes, not square holes, till living in your life with square pegs told you, you'd been missing the intelligent answer to the intelligent question. :scrhd: or this :eyebrows:

In my traavelss now with a new set of carers, they are finding, they are not only fascinated by my story, but want me to get my story to others. Ainawa, you mentioned following this, would need to digest and come to grips with. For those following a more guru led study, I welcome anyone interested in this, over time I have added more to this story, have we completed this discussion as yet, or am I to get punished once again for trying to take place in a discussion on TOT?

16th January 2021, 08:12
Feeling safer to now reply to you now Cearna.

Your story needs to happen , our stories the world will enjoy.

How can i assist you ?.

8th June 2021, 01:09
OMG feel these two belong here, if unable to comprehend why, please move along, enjoy.



4 AM narrative coming down fast now.

22nd October 2021, 21:24
Well that river sure be interesting nowadays lol.

22nd October 2021, 21:45
Here we go, was looking for the full context of > your thoughts are not your thoughts < and came across this >>>

The DVD player is there, the wire is there, the power is there. Everything is there. What is missing in this? The DVD player is the mind, it is there. Then the DVD, whatever it contains, is shown on the television. So the teachings that will be given to you would become your realization. Now as I'm giving the teaching if you listen very carefully, and there is a sadhana [spiritual practice] which should upload it into the DVD player.

If it is done correctly when you put on the switch it's all over. Maybe today, itself, you can become awakened. Today itself, in this very hall you can become awakened.

People are becoming awakened everyday now. Are you ready to be enlightened today itself? So therefore you will listen very carefully to the DVD of the teaching. So you are getting it into the DVD now and then you go on to uploading.

The first teaching: Your thoughts are not your thoughts. The second teaching: Your mind is not your mind. The third: Your body is not your body; and the fourth: Your self is only a concept. We will go to the fifth later.

If you listen and understand correctly, then we will be able to upload the DVD. Otherwise, no. Please remember that your thoughts have evolved over millennia, for thousands of years your thoughts have evolved. They are not your thoughts. They are very, very complex and they have evolved over millennia.

Whatever thought you have got now, it has been there with your ancestors and their ancestors. No single thought is new. Your brain is only a reprocessing machine. For example, it takes an idea and goes on reprocessing it. It takes many ideas and keeps reprocessing them, different permutations, different combinations.

The brain itself does not create anything new. It picks up and does the reprocessing. These are very, very old. All thoughts, even so called modern thought is very, very old. It is just being recycled by your brain.

Now if you look at medieval man, his thoughts too are similar. If you look at ancient man, his thoughts too are similar. Your thoughts are just there, like in the thought sphere.

It comes in by what we can the ajna chakra [third eye] and goes out through what we call the bindu [back of the head]. That's all. Receiving and transmitting. Receiving, processing and transmitting. That is what is going on.

It's the same atmosphere. It has been recycled for millennia. All the animals, they share the same atmosphere. The plants share. So you take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. So it goes from your mouth to somebody. He picks up that air. It goes to some ants, an elephant,and it comes out of an elephant then it goes to a plant.

So the whole thing is being recycled-the atmosphere. Similarly, there is a thought sphere. Thoughts are continuously being recycled. The reprocessing machine is the human brain. We are actually a collective organism.

Your thoughts are not, therefore, your thoughts. I'll come back to it later. You mind. Your mind is not your mind at all. This mind also is very, very ancient and there is only one mind.

Every mind at its center has fear. The core of every mind is fear. Whoever you are-you may be the bravest man on the planet or the worst coward-but still there is fear at the center of the mind. There is no change at all.

All minds move from the past through the present into the future, all minds. All minds are trying to become. Everybody's mind is trying to become. Every mind has comparison, has jealousy, envy, anger, and lust. Everything is there in everybody's mind.

So there is only one mind. It's not that you have a different mind or somebody else has got a different mind. You cannot say this is my TB or her TB or his TB. It is TB, tuberculosis, that's all. Similarly, the mind is a disease. Everybody is diseased with the mind and it's the same thing.

It's not different at all, and ancient man also had the same mind. He had the same mind. There is no change with regard to the mind. It is the same.

Some sounds come out. He will not try to get out of that. Any sense, like smell, any sense, it comes and goes, it comes and goes. He is just experiencing. Nothing is his. He does not identify.

If he says, "These are my thoughts", then we say it is called aham-ākhyam, false identification. Why? Because of prajnaparadha, failure of intelligence. Now, with intelligence awakened he will see he is not that. It is just there, that's all.

Now how is he going to see his mind? Let us say he has a business mind. His mind will continue to do business the way he is doing business. But now he will see that the mind is doing business. Not that he is doing business. He'll watch his own mind doing business. The only thing is it'll do business much more efficiently now than before.

Because when you identify, you mess up things. When you don't identify it's a beautiful machine, the mind works on its own. It's naturally doing business. So he will see his own mind functioning.

In his speech, he'll be talking. He will see his mouth is moving, sounds are coming. It's all being controlled by the mind. But he is not the mind. He will see speech is automatically happening, without his getting involved in any way. It's a real marvel. It's so beautifully happening and he will see it happening.

In body movements, let us say he has to repair his car or repair a machine. Whatever mechanical things he does or whatever he can do, the body does it; let's say playing tennis, everything-very, very beautifully. He will not feel that he is doing things. Everything is happening automatically. The body is functioning.

So you see thoughts are going automatically, mind is functioning automatically, speech is happening automatically. All the systems are happening automatically. The body is functioning automatically. In fact, everything is automatic.

Now for example you may wonder about this. You might be saying, "I decided to move my hand". But today science is so evolved that we can watch the brain in real time and moments before you have moved your hand, the brain has decided to move your hand and just before you move, it gives the illusion that you have decided to move the hand. Actually, you have no role at all because you are not there.

The truth is you are not there. Your thinking that you are there is an illusion. Thinking is happening. There is no thinker who is thinking. It's an illusion. There is no thinker called Deepak who is thinking. There is only thinking. Just like if you draw a circle a center comes into existence. Thinking creates the illusion of a thinker.

There is nobody there. Just thinking is going on. So everything is automatic. That is the whole beauty of life. So that becomes the fifth teaching, all things are automatic.

So once again, your thoughts are not your thoughts, your mind is not your mind, your body is not your body, your self is only a concept. That is, you don't really exist. All things are automatic.

That is how an awakened being, an enlightened being sees. All things are automatic. He is just merely witnessing and experiencing, that's all. He does not identify.

The fifth teaching: let us take Deepak again, as an example; he's unawakened, unenlightened, he's standing on some big road. Then there goes a bus and he says, "that bus is a red bus", he gives commentary.

Then goes Miss World. He sees Miss World and Miss World has gone away. Two hours since Miss World went away, still Deepak is thinking of Miss World. "Shall I follow her?" "Shall I stop her vehicle?" "Shall I find where she is?" He is following her in his thoughts.

Let us say Deepak is awakened. It's the same road where Miss World is going. He sees Miss World. There is a moment of excitement and Miss World moves away, and that's all. It is forgotten. Next, there is a donkey-equal attention to the donkey. The donkey passes by. Next comes a camel-same attention. Then comes a leopard-the same attention.

He did not follow them in thought because he has stopped naming them. He will not call her Miss World or donkey. Miss World or donkeys are the same. It's an experience of Miss World or another experience, a donkey-equally nice the experience will be, that's all. That's the whole beauty about it, experience or to experience. No identification, no follow through-particularly that. It's all over.

So we will quickly realize, your thoughts are not your thoughts, your mind is not your mind, your body is not your body, all things are automatic. Everything is automatic.

Just like breathing is automatic. Body temperature is automatic. Digestive system is automatic. Circulation is automatic. Thinking is automatic. Speech is automatic. Body actions are automatic. It's the same thing except that you have an illusion.

Your self is a concept. That's the fourth teaching. That is you don't exist there at all. The fifth is all things are automatic. The next thing is you must have passion to become awakened. Do you have the passion to become awakened? How many of you want to become awakened? That's very good.

What you must realize is all of you are in jail. That you must understand very clearly. What is the jail called? The mind. You are in a jail called the mind. Why? Because you cannot experience anything. Just like a man in jail. Can he experience the outside world? Nothing. He can't experience. He can't breathe the fresh air outside, he can't see the light outside. Nothing. That is your condition.

For example, you cannot experience a glass of water. You are thinking. The moment you start drinking you say, "I'm thirsty" or you say, "this is mineral water", or a "Coca-Cola", or whatever. Some remark you'll pass on that.

Or, you'll think of the cricket commentary and what's happening at the IPL match, or what happened at the office. Something will go on. Your mind will not allow you to experience that glass of water. Let's say your morning break with your chapattis, bread or whatever you eat, you're not enjoying it. You can't experience it because the mind will not allow you.

You look at your wife's face. You can't experience your wife. All the images come rushing in. The thoughts come in. The mind comes in. She's already old. Probably she's old because thoughts have come in, that freshness has gone. The experience is gone. You cannot experience your wife, you get soon bored, you start looking at other women or this or that, and visa versa, the same thing.

You can't look at your own children, except through the mind. You can't see the beauty of your children. Everything is destroyed. When you go to the roads, such lovely people are going. People are so beautiful, trees, cars-nothing you can experience. The mind will not allow you. So there is nothing you can actually experience because of your mind.

Once upon a time you could experience, when you were little children. You've lost it. Now it's gone. You're prisoners of the mind, and the mind I told you, is nothing but the past. The mind is a flow of thought. Thought is of yesterday. It is a memory, it is death. It has no life, it has no living quality.

Life is something just living. It is the presence. It is the present. Thought cannot touch it. Thought is measurement. It measures things. The presence or the present is immeasurable. It cannot be measured. Thought can nowhere go near it, and therefore you are missing that in your life.

That is what is living and therefore you are dead people. I'm actually addressing dead people who think they are living. No, not at all. Maybe if you become awakened this evening you are going to know what it is to live.

So you must realize you are prisoners, that you cannot experience anything. What you call experience is altered experience. It has nothing to do with what I call experiencing. So you are in prison.

What is your life? It's a mediocre, meaningless, purposeless life-artificial meaning, artificial purpose. The same mechanical life, everyday the same routine of getting up and all those things you do in the morning with the breakfast-maybe some slight changes with the breakfast, then going to the office or the university, or this or that. Some friends chatting and then TV, cell phones, newspapers-the same rubbish goes on and on and on.

Then finally some quarrel, some fight or some worry, worrying about the past or the future and trying to go to bed, not able to sleep, then nightmares and then get up. Then you get diabetes, heart problems, arthritis. All the things happen and then finally you die like a cockroach.

The same problems keep repeating, first for you, then for your children, then for your grandchildren. You keep coping with it and then one day you just breathe your last. You may have a stroke or something happens and you're gone. So life is so mediocre, so mediocre and you're living all the time in prison.

What is this life? Because you have no meaning, you ask questions like: Is there a God? If there is a God, who created God? If there is no God, how did this universe come into existence? What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of life? So many fundamental questions and so many books and so many answers.

Now this jail has got two locks, one inside, one outside. Once you develop the passion to get out of the jail, knowing it is the jail and life is mediocre, the inner lock opens up. Who would open the outer lock? Yes, we'll come with two guns and blast that lock, open the doors and pull you out.

For the first time you'll come out of the mind. Then for the first time you'll know what it is to breathe, what it is to eat, to drink, what it is to look at your wife, your children, your parents, your house, your car.

Everything will look very, very different. For the first time you will know what it is to live because the mind is gone. With the mind gone, you are gone. Deepak is gone. It's all over for Deepak with Deepak gone. Deepak is the questioner who was questioning, is there God? What is the purpose of life? With the questioner Deepak gone, questions are also gone.

With questions gone, all the answers are gone. All the answers are a huge amount of waste. They mean nothing. You have carried that burden on your head.

So this mind, which is a donkey that is what you are carrying on your shoulders. When I look at you what do I see? I see a huge donkey, a complex donkey which you are carrying on your shoulders and the donkey's big head is resting on your small head and you're walking like that.

How pitiable your condition is and the greater pity is you do not even know your condition is pitiable. That's your life. You're carrying a donkey. So when you get awakened you'll put down the donkey and with that you'll bundle up all the questions and the answers, all that you have read and put it out. It's gone because now he is living.

If you are drinking a mango juice would you ask, "How does it taste?" If you are living would you ask questions like: "What is life, purpose of life, meaning of life?" "What is God? Who is God?" All things are God. You are living and when you are living it's all over. You are only witnessing life. It is all happening automatically.

Everything is beautiful. You can play tennis very beautifully. You can do all the activities. Everything is the same. Your job is the same. Your business is the same. The house is the same. The wife is the same. The children are the same, but they all look different because the mind is no more interfering.

You are in paradise, exactly in paradise. So now, who are you then? Who is Deepak who is now not his thoughts, who is not his body, who is not his mind. Poor Deepak, he has lost everything. He is a total pauper. He has nothing with him now. Who is he then?

Poor Deepak, he has lost his thoughts. He has lost his mind, he has lost his body. He has lost all control. All things are automatic. But yet you are saying, Deepak is seeing his thoughts, Deepak is seeing his mind.

Now, Deepak is gone. The concept is gone because he has lost everything. He cannot claim anything to be his. But, he is witnessing. Therefore Deepak exists but not as the Deepak he thought. Therefore Deepak is existence, or Sat. Then Deepak is able to experience it. For that he needs consciousness.

First of all, Deepak is existing there. So he is Sat. He is Existence, not as a small Deepak but as Existence. But then he is able to experience the tree, the leaf shaking. The leaf shakes and the whole universe is shaking for him. He is thrilled at it. He is Chit. There is no exact translation in the English language for that. It is consciousness/intelligence.

He is Chit. He is able to perceive. Now there exists intelligence to perceive. And then he is great joy, Ananda. He is nothing but, Sat Chit Ananda.

Who is Deepak? He is Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, if we were to use the English words. But the more exact words would be Sat Chit Ananda. But since we also use Brahman to say it has got no qualities, the Brahman with qualities is called Parabrahma.

So he is nothing but Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma. That Deepak is gone, he is dead and he is gone, he is finished, that Deepak who identified himself with thought, mind and body. He is gone. Now that is not Deepak there, what is there is Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma.

He is witnessing. He is experiencing. He is in bliss. He is in the present. He is the Presence. He is AmmaBhagavan. He is God Himself. That's all. It is all over. When he is God Himself, would he ask, "Is there a God?" "Who is God?" "What is God?"

When Christ was worshipping God, He was saying "My Father in Heaven." But afterwards what did Christ say? "I and my Father are one."

Whatever God you worship, of course you can see your God inside and outside. That is only the initial stage. But as you grow, the strangest of paradoxes is whatever God you worship, you become that God. That is the paradox of this universe and every mystic would discover this on his mystical journey. Just only the language changes later on.

I'm going to program them now and afterwards they must keep repeating what I'm going to tell for 49 minutes. Now we begin the mukthi teachings. After I give them the teachings they could repeat them after me.

Thoughts are not mine.

Mind is not mine.

This body is not mine.

All things are happening automatically.

There is thinking but no thinker.

There is seeing but no seer.

There is listening but no listener.

There is doing but no doer.

There is no person there at all.

Now we are moving to the main mukthi process. I would repeat the mukthi mantra 3 times after which you would chant it non-stop for the next 49 minutes. The secret is you must all do it together in one voice without a break.

What happens is there are changes which happen to the brain and because of which the mukthi mantra enters the unconscious and the unconscious becomes aware of the mukthi mantra. Then the deeksha takes over and brings about physical changes in the brain whereby you become mukhtas.

Now how do you know you have become mukthas? There are many ways through which you could know you have become mukthas but I will give you a very simple example.

Let us say there is a couple here. They will be going home in the next two hours or so, and let's say the husband hurts the wife or the wife hurts the husband and normally this pain could last for days or weeks, or even months. But now you would notice the pain disappears of its own accord the 31st minute without your doing anything, the pain would just disappear.

As you continue with the sadhana the following days and weeks-you could go back home and do this process-you would notice that very rapidly the time comes down to 25 minutes, 20, 10, and eventually to 5 minutes. No hurt, no pain, no suffering lasts for more than 5 minutes. It just disappears.

Getting to 5 minutes is quite easy. Thereafter, the time comes down to 4, 3, 2, 1. That's a bit difficult. Then finally 1 to 0. That's the most difficult part. But if you have the passion to become sampurna jivanmukthas, or fully awakened, then the next few months you would get to zero.

When you get to zero, of course you join the great enlightened masters. But then the majority of you would get to 5 minutes in the next few weeks or even days. What happens then? The entire atmosphere in the family changes: relationship between husband and wife, between parents and children, you and your in-laws, your relatives, your friends and anything and everything.

As a consequence of this changed environment, you would soon notice that in the external world your financial problems tend to disappear. You health problems tend to vanish. Your business problems and whatever other problems you might have, they also tend to disappear for the simple reason there was this charge, this suffering, this pain which in the first instance caused all these problems.

The coming years are going to be difficult years. But then if you become mukthas you would be able to effortlessly handle these difficult times.

I would now repeat the mukthi mantra 3 times after which you could start chanting. I would be on the screen for a minute or two then I will not be on the screen but Amma and I would be fully meditating and staying focused on you. After 49 minutes Amma and I would come and give you a Nayana deeksha, after which you must become fully awakened.

I am Existence, Conscious, Bliss [chanted in Hindi].


Messages that appeared on the video screen below Sri Bhagavan:

1. All learning is unlearning
2. Truth when not yours, still remains untruth
3. Where there is choice there is no freedom
4. There are no viewpoints only points to view
5. All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions, nothings exists entirely alone, everything is in relation to everything else.
6. Love is the essence of the universe
7. You become what you experience
8. Suffering is in the perception not in the fact
9. Not all problems can be solved, some have to be dissolved
10. True affection is to be affected
11. Perfection is not a concept it is in seeing all things perfect
12. How you experience the world depends on you
13. Happiness does not depend on the external world, it depends on how you experience reality
14. When you take what is not yours, you lose what is yours
15. God is where all contradictions coexist

Bliss indeed

15. God is where all contradictions coexist

30th December 2021, 01:00

27th August 2022, 09:27
If one is their thoughts then that is who they are and where those thoughts arose from are now not important until and if they reflect, inspect or find that the thoughts are not helpfullll or worse, to then begin comprehending where their thoughts have there origin, there begins the know thysurfing journey, lol finding ones new desired thought to step pyramid to ???, God ?, Higher self ?, realms ?, heaven ?, does this now depend at this stage, ones culture ?, upbringing and or religeons ?, spose when one is in quiet, listening and have their river of thoughts fishing competition happening or not, that has one been taught to fish or not.

2nd October 2022, 20:42
Oct 1 ST begins with my sons birthday and usaully i feel the Oct surprise energy, this energy is actualllly an election process begun , is said by Reagan times pre elections season Nov, influence , USA, so all influence imo inn actuallllity is Oct important, this is huge and has already been hugely world influencial > https://odysee.com/@thebigreset:1/ENGLISH:bb?fbclid=IwAR1GX38LBYWRy8Dy5UV_J-QB7MNWBMwtMagTN71MJDeW4EU1oRRdl77nYB0 < why ? because many academics reCOGnise some peoples within it's makings or viral nature or intuition etc. The 12 TH Oct is my passed boys birthday David, n of course energy siggyniffysense for me n family etc, a reminder for me this year of bringing heaven on Earth, to explain, my nervous systym etc got pretty blown by his return home and one facet of my survival as such was to get sleep and a gifted canny cookie gave me life again, tried all alse, couple of moons ago it stopped working and away i went back to his passing and coping wit that process again but now not in an abusive relationship or high stress work environment and living in wee house nearly off grid in nature, with the assistance of a wise elder shaman/https://pouakaihealing.co.nz/ , of thirty odd years and a former reiki student i got through this process, deepest dive for me ever, this son is now totalllly with me spirit wise beside me and nowadays very present, we talk a lot lol, so far this Oct has found me on a new property in our wee house ( no wheels or trailor ) in a quiet valley just in boundary of Christchurch city lol clearor work increased , nice. Am now learning to selling Irises at markets and beginning to create a mindfullllness business of assorted ways hence looking at old n new aspects of this thread. will add further as this gathers.

12th December 2022, 03:42
Irises went well, the clearing of our collective mind gathers moss lol, strangely i have been a wee bit forgetfullll of late, pressure pressure, all good.

The mind river many still fish from, continue to cast their bait, is starting to be seen as polluted, yahoo indeed, though a slow process, that it is happening at all is precios, over the last 3 years so so so much has not happened that was to happen , imagine all the pain n suffering n times it by 110 that has not energy created, well done all sharing this movie gently and caringly.

7th February 2023, 21:46
Has to be here also, as shares that thoughts are the future.


Or From

16th February 2023, 08:45
Riffing off of the Title.

I seem to be/exist only in your Thoughts....


16th February 2023, 15:12
Mine n yours are ours once mine know so.


Emil El Zapato
16th February 2023, 17:42

An individual named Karen Hudes has been issuing correspondence and arranging meetings in the name of the World Bank. In some communications, Ms. Hudes has presented herself as the World Bank's Acting General Counsel.

Karen Hudes has not been employed by the World Bank since 2007 and is in no capacity authorized to represent any arm of the World Bank Group. Any claims otherwise by Ms. Hudes or her proxies are false and should not be viewed as credible.

16th February 2023, 23:33
Wow, she is in jail then ?

My apoligies , better communication needed i feel, anyboby yip i mean anybobody who goes against the official narrative ( watching that vid above is only a first step ), geta at least , very least, sent to coventry, death can and has resulted also if not often, so there's that.

Emil El Zapato
17th February 2023, 10:18
Wow, she is in jail then ?

My apoligies , better communication needed i feel, anyboby yip i mean anybobody who goes against the official narrative ( watching that vid above is only a first step ), geta at least , very least, sent to coventry, death can and has resulted also if not often, so there's that.

it's a matter of buyer beware, dear Aianawa...

18th February 2023, 06:00
Always, i agree.

18th March 2023, 09:10

17th May 2023, 17:25
As more people comprehend they are not there thoughts and others may or are, also creating their thoughts for them, that this river of thoughts is not as fishable

14th July 2023, 07:53
Know thyself is a measure, thoughts presented to one, others thoughts as such, need root inspection, take this for your inspection, even though truth is ones own, it's roots are not.


Emil El Zapato
14th July 2023, 11:49
Please!! ASIA is her name...bad start Aianawa.

right now the Republicans are referring to African Americans as 'colored people' and they are trying to reverse the very viability of diversity in U.S. institutions including the military. No Negroes, Gays or anything that ain't white. I reiterate...18th and 19th-century living. God help us, this is all fantasy...please look deeper into extant reality. It doesn't require any deprogramming, just a look around.

I am my thoughts and I keep them open to all input for 'sifting'.

Diabolical Boids
14th July 2023, 14:13
Please!! ASIA is her name...bad start Aianawa.

right now the Republicans are referring to African Americans as 'colored people' and they are trying to reverse the very viability of diversity in U.S. institutions including the military. No Negroes, Gays or anything that ain't white. I reiterate...18th and 19th-century living. God help us, this is all fantasy...please look deeper into extant reality. It doesn't require any deprogramming, just a look around.

I am my thoughts and I keep them open to all input for 'sifting'.

Run for the hills. It's the 1950's again!

Emil El Zapato
14th July 2023, 14:14
Run for the hills. It's the 1950's again!

Close but no ceegar! 1850's is closer. At least it was a debatable point in the 1950's

Diabolical Boids
14th July 2023, 20:37
Omg they are gong to enslave all the gay people!

Emil El Zapato
14th July 2023, 20:44
Omg they are gong to enslave all the gay people!

Not likely...just tie them to fenceposts and beat them to death (I assume they had fenceposts in the 1850's)

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 00:09
Not likely...just tie them to fenceposts and beat them to death (I assume they had fenceposts in the 1850's)

Omg we live in the time of Nero!


OH MY GOD. It's reality! Make it die!

15th July 2023, 09:52
Imagine what must happen nowadays, now. So that all can be forward, evolving , somethin awesome becomes universal law-s, future n upper dimensions demand this that. Xciting awaiting the now when it be not known but felt.

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 11:55
Omg we live in the time of Nero!


OH MY GOD. It's reality! Make it die!

Well, that's a good thing in my opinion, but what hope does a 'liberal' have in Wyoming? This is a nice example of how politicians find ways to wield power. In this case, for a 'higher calling' individual.

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 12:54
Well, that's a good thing in my opinion, but what hope does a 'liberal' have in Wyoming? This is a nice example of how politicians find ways to wield power. In this case, for a 'higher calling' individual.

Okay well that thing about checks and balances went overhead.

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 12:59
Okay well that thing about checks and balances went overhead.

That's not really true, I supplied the necessary check and balance... :)

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 13:08
That's not really true, I supplied the necessary check and balance... :)

Go alllll the way to the start of this post and read about 'self identifying with your thoughts' (that don't belong to you.)

Gay people being tied to posts and being beaten isn't really happening, it's not happening to you and its a thought that didn't come from you but you are identified with it.

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 13:18
Go alllll the way to the start of this post and read about 'self identifying with your thoughts' (that don't belong to you.)

Gay people being tied to posts and being beaten isn't really happening, it's not happening to you and its a thought that didn't come from you but you are identified with it.

I'm not allowed to make 'observations' ... verify then validate their authenticity?

I had an experience over the holidays when visiting family. I have a grand nephew who is really a nice kid but as he was leaving, I asked him when was the last time he was arrested and he said "What?", so I repeated when was the last time you were arrested? He just laughed and said "Never, and now that I am trying to qualify for a professional fireworks expert I don't ever plan to be". 20-30 minutes later he was arrested for driving with a suspended driver's license that he didn't realize had been suspended. Trip to the jailhouse, fingerprinting, mugshot. He later said that I had put a curse on him. No, it was just the result of idle rumination.

I hope it is a long time before we read about gay victimization but I seriously doubt the outcome of those wishes.

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 13:26
Where did you recently observe gay people being beaten to death and what did you do to intervene?

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 14:40
Where did you recently observe gay people being beaten to death and what did you do to intervene?

The closest analogy, I can think of is when I was about 12, I saw a man beating a woman outside a restaurant and I asked my dad to intervene, he was reluctant at first but he did relent, but it was over by the time he stopped the car.

I had a friend that tried to hit on a girl on an open downtown street, a guy from a large crowd confronted him and he smacked the dude. People started coming form everywhere, I wasn't really involved so when he jumped in his car and said "Let's go", I didn't. So, I ended up being attacked by some guy that thought he was kung fu with a club and a number of other guys. Girls were screaming, guys were all lunging at me...It was great fun...finally, a couple of gay dudes stopped their car and called the police, and let me into the back of their car. They drove me home.

I haven't known many gay people so I haven't been personally affronted by such actions (though I did tell one new acquaintance to stay the f*ck away from me after a group of friends visited a gay bar...the guy that was gay that led us there later apologized for doing so, but it really wasn't necessary as far as I was concerned) but common sense, history, and media (of all kinds, especially anti-gay media) tells us that people 'get into' sex and violence.

I forgot to mention that my sister-in-law's sister son was very badly beaten for being transgender in Clovis, New Mexico. B.t.W. The person I warned to stay away from me wasn't gay, but I didn't know that. I later apologized to him, as I felt it was necessary

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 16:13
The closest analogy, I can think of is when I was about 12, I saw a man beating a woman outside a restaurant and I asked my dad to intervene, he was reluctant at first but he did relent, but it was over by the time he stopped the car.

I had a friend that tried to hit on a girl on an open downtown street, a guy from a large crowd confronted him and he smacked the dude. People started coming form everywhere, I wasn't really involved so when he jumped in his car and said "Let's go", I didn't. So, I ended up being attacked by some guy that thought he was kung fu with a club and a number of other guys. Girls were screaming, guys were all lunging at me...It was great fun...finally, a couple of gay dudes stopped their car and called the police, and let me into the back of their car. They drove me home.

I haven't known many gay people so I haven't been personally affronted by such actions (though I did tell one new acquaintance to stay the f*ck away from me after a group of friends visited a gay bar...the guy that was gay that led us there later apologized for doing so, but it really wasn't necessary as far as I was concerned) but common sense, history, and media (of all kinds, especially anti-gay media) tells us that people 'get into' sex and violence.

I forgot to mention that my sister-in-law's sister son was very badly beaten for being transgender in Clovis, New Mexico. B.t.W. The person I warned to stay away from me wasn't gay, but I didn't know that. I later apologized to him, as I felt it was necessary

So gay people dying in droves the street at the hands of Republicans is a thought you picked up somewhere when in reality you are referring to isolated incidences. It's not your observation and probably not your thought.

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 16:21
The closest analogy, I can think of is when I was about 12, I saw a man beating a woman outside a restaurant and I asked my dad to intervene, he was reluctant at first but he did relent, but it was over by the time he stopped the car.

Ok so we've shifted from a declaration that Republicans are beating gays to an analogy about a man hitting a woman and no mention of gay people being the victim.

had a friend that tried to hit on a girl on an open downtown street, a guy from a large crowd confronted him and he smacked the dude. People started coming form everywhere, I wasn't really involved so when he jumped in his car and said "Let's go", I didn't. So, I ended up being attacked by some guy that thought he was kung fu with a club and a number of other guys. Girls were screaming, guys were all lunging at me...It was great fun...finally, a couple of gay dudes stopped their car and called the police, and let me into the back of their car. They drove me home.

No republicans or gay people.

I haven't known many gay people so I haven't been personally affronted by such actions (though I did tell one new acquaintance to stay the f*ck away from me after a group of friends visited a gay bar...the guy that was gay that led us there later apologized for doing so, but it really wasn't necessary as far as I was concerned) but common sense, history, and media (of all kinds, especially anti-gay media) tells us that people 'get into' sex and violence.

So Republicans beating gay people where you can observe it is not a usual reality for you. It's a thought.

forgot to mention that my sister-in-law's sister son was very badly beaten for being transgender in Clovis, New Mexico. B.t.W. The person I warned to stay away from me wasn't gay, but I didn't know that. I later apologized to him, as I felt it was necessary

And an anecdote sans Republicans in a blue state about an unfortunate transgender set upon what I presume was one person of no stated political affinity and not a hoard of Republicans and an episode of misplaced white or masculine guilt.

Well the day is young.

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 17:55
Ok so we've shifted from a declaration that Republicans are beating gays to an analogy about a man hitting a woman and no mention of gay people being the victim.

No republicans or gay people.

So Republicans beating gay people where you can observe it is not a usual reality for you. It's a thought.

And an anecdote sans Republicans in a blue state about an unfortunate transgender set upon what I presume was one person of no stated political affinity and not a hoard of Republicans and an episode of misplaced white or masculine guilt.

Well the day is young.

It is an extrapolation of known human behaviors and can easily be applied to the right, en toto. I've done a lot of research (which I'm sure you don't care to read about) which strongly corroborates my conclusions. Not everyone goes to war but many want it nonetheless. And some 'groups' are genetically and by nurture subject to that framework of thought. All of it originates from a genetic predisposition much like the typical serial killer is genetically predisposed to develop the personality and mental framework which craves the satisfaction of those inborn urges (Also highly corroborated by serious research).


extend the application of (a method or conclusion, especially one based on statistics) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable.

extend (a graph, curve, or range of values) by inferring unknown values from trends in the known data.

It's deeper than Repubs and Demos, it is just that particular types can discern which side the butter is on, thus ... the right is the right and the left is the left. Of course, it is a simple matter for a dysfunctional personality to modify the outside persona and/or personality characteristics to 'blend' much like reptiles can change their spots when necessary.

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 18:32
Because Republicans have four limbs and are capable of beating gay people to death they must be doing it even though no one is personally observing them doing it?

As far as your research I'm positive that media stating that gay people are tied to posts and beaten by Republicans in epic levels will collaborate your claims. You must have gotten the thought somewhere. I don't doubt your research, no.

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 18:42
Because Republicans have four limbs and are capable of beating gay people to death they must be doing it even though no one is personally observing them doing it?

lol, ok, let's try this: During the process of mental growth that most human infants will start at birth the cognitive awareness of object permanence emerges. I don't have to see something happen on a continuing basis to understand that it has happened, will likely happen again, and if encouraged will happen more often. That is the principle that I work from in most aspects of my life. Incidentally, the failure to develop that psychological characteristic has some very unfortunate eventualities.

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 19:47
lol, ok, let's try this: During the process of mental growth that most human infants will start at birth the cognitive awareness of object permanence emerges. I don't have to see something happen on a continuing basis to understand that it has happened, will likely happen again, and if encouraged will happen more often. That is the principle that I work from in most aspects of my life. Incidentally, the failure to develop that psychological characteristic has some very unfortunate eventualities.

So because it happened a couple times then it's an epidemic that can't be observed now.

Emil El Zapato
15th July 2023, 20:01
So because it happened a couple times then it's an epidemic that can't be observed now.

:blink: Well, the invasion of Ukraine was only a 'rumor' completely vigorously rejected by Putin, until, of course, it happened just as many people had predicted. One step leads to another. The right knows that as well as anybody, that is why they conspired for decades to overturn Roe vs. Wade...because it leads to, leads to...hmm?! What does it lead to? Eternal damnation, I reckon'. Certainly, it does no harm to women, one way or the other, so that couldn't be it.

To make a long story short though, Boids...harm against 'others' is an active and constant societal threat, and it has always been...Used to undermine the purported value of freedom, liberty, and most especially the right to pursue happiness. If that requires sanctioned or non-sanctioned death, well, that's just the way it is.

Diabolical Boids
15th July 2023, 22:57
:blink: Well, the invasion of Ukraine was only a 'rumor' completely vigorously rejected by Putin, until, of course, it happened just as many people had predicted. One step leads to another. The right knows that as well as anybody, that is why they conspired for decades to overturn Roe vs. Wade...because it leads to, leads to...hmm?! What does it lead to? Eternal damnation, I reckon'. Certainly, it does no harm to women, one way or the other, so that couldn't be it.

To make a long story short though, Boids...harm against 'others' is an active and constant societal threat, and it has always been...Used to undermine the purported value of freedom, liberty, and most especially the right to pursue happiness. If that requires sanctioned or non-sanctioned death, well, that's just the way it is.

So beating up gay people is really about Russia.

California, Connecticut and NY overthrew Roe V Wade when put legislation on the table to expand abortion well beyond RWs limitations. The SC had to abandon oversite of it because international law still doesn't allow the legalized murder of toddlers no matter how calling it an abortion seems to legitimize toddler murder. I'm sure liberals can fix that and you'll be able to euthanize any child you want in the near future. You can already mutilate them legally.

To make a long story even shorter that is why we have the 2nd amendment.

16th July 2023, 06:35
Are you a gardener Chuckstirr ?

Emil El Zapato
16th July 2023, 12:22
Are you a gardener Chuckstirr ?

Interesting question Aianawa...more tender of gardens is my style. But I really like the idea...fresh vegetables...I love tomatoes, onions, etc.

So beating up gay people is really about Russia.

California, Connecticut and NY overthrew Roe V Wade when put legislation on the table to expand abortion well beyond RWs limitations. The SC had to abandon oversite of it because international law still doesn't allow the legalized murder of toddlers no matter how calling it an abortion seems to legitimize toddler murder. I'm sure liberals can fix that and you'll be able to euthanize any child you want in the near future. You can already mutilate them legally.

To make a long story even shorter that is why we have the 2nd amendment.

Intelligence: The ability to draw on ideas, experience, and knowledge and apply them to other aspects.

Diabolical Boids
16th July 2023, 12:50
Intelligence: The ability to know that wildly variant, incongruent contexts and totally unrelated occurrences are probably as unrelated as they appear and not part of vast personal conspiracy.

Narcissism: "My thoughts and reality is everyone's thoughts and reality."

Reality: My thoughts are not my thoughts.

Functionality: I don't believe my own thoughts.

Wisdom: I can entertain a thought, someone else's or my own, without believing it.

Humors: I can entertain someone else's thoughts even if they are wildly incongruent, flip floopy and self-contradictory.

Emil El Zapato
16th July 2023, 13:15
Intelligence: The ability to know that wildly variant, incongruent contexts and totally unrelated occurrences are probably as unrelated as they appear and not part of vast personal conspiracy.

Narcissism: "My thoughts and reality is everyone's thoughts and reality."

Reality: My thoughts are not my thoughts.

Functionality: I don't believe my own thoughts.

Wisdom: I can entertain a thought, someone else's or my own, without believing it.

Humors: I can entertain someone else's thoughts even if they are wildly incongruent, flip floopy and self-contradictory.

Synthesis as a function of intelligence:

Intelligence: The ability to know that wildly variant, incongruent contexts and totally unrelated occurrences may or may not be unrelated as they appear and not part of vast societal conspiracy.
Psychosis: My thoughts are not my thoughts.
Naivete: I can entertain a thought, someone else's or my own and believe no synthesis process has been effectuated.
Narcissism: I can entertain someone else's thoughts even if they are wildly incongruent, flip-floppy and self-contradictory.

As I tend to be very mentally lazy and 'fidgety', I appreciate the exercise and training. :)

Diabolical Boids
16th July 2023, 19:57
Synthesis as a function of intelligence:

Intelligence: The ability to know that wildly variant, incongruent contexts and totally unrelated occurrences may or may not be unrelated as they appear and not part of vast societal conspiracy.
Psychosis: My thoughts are not my thoughts.
Naivete: I can entertain a thought, someone else's or my own and believe no synthesis process has been effectuated.
Narcissism: I can entertain someone else's thoughts even if they are wildly incongruent, flip-floppy and self-contradictory.

As I tend to be very mentally lazy and 'fidgety', I appreciate the exercise and training. :)

Your welcome. We should open a tabloid. Or maybe just a Jerry Springer type show.

Emil El Zapato
16th July 2023, 20:12
Your welcome. We should open a tabloid. Or maybe just a Jerry Springer type show.

Let's cross off Jerry Springer, his style was even beneath me...sorta' like the Orange Jesus.

16th July 2023, 21:07
Intelligence: The ability to know that wildly variant, incongruent contexts and totally unrelated occurrences are probably as unrelated as they appear and not part of vast personal conspiracy.

Narcissism: "My thoughts and reality is everyone's thoughts and reality."

Reality: My thoughts are not my thoughts.

Functionality: I don't believe my own thoughts.

Wisdom: I can entertain a thought, someone else's or my own, without believing it.

Humors: I can entertain someone else's thoughts even if they are wildly incongruent, flip floopy and self-contradictory.

Bee a pearl, stealin it

cool, on page 42 also

20th July 2023, 09:09
What what, where did these thoughts come from, what river ?

FIRST major world leader apologises to the unvaccinated: "You were right, we were wrong".

Danielle Smith, the Premier of Alberta, Canada is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to the unvaccinated for crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government during COVID lockdowns.

Given that we now understand that COVID 'vaccines' do nothing to stop transmission of the disease, and have caused millions of sudden deaths among young, healthy people, Premier Smith was asked if she would apologise on behalf of the state of Alberta for the government's authoritarian treatment of the unvaccinated. She replied:

"I can apologise right now, I'm deeply sorry", she said, "for anyone who was subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status, I'm deeply sorry. For any government employee that was fired from their job because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back. If they want to come back."

Even more amazing than the heartfelt apology, Premier Smith said she was seriously considering granting a legal amnesty to any Albertans charged with lockdown offences.

According to Smith, the unvaccinated are the most discriminated against people she has ever witnessed in her lifetime.

Unsurprisingly, the Premier is now the subject of attacks by mainstream media & big tech, who are trying to silence her.

In June, Premier Smith announced that Facebook had inexplicably suspended her account for a few days.

"Big tech & government censorship is becoming a danger to free speech around the world," Smith protested, in a tweet tagging Twitter owner Elon Musk, and META CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

"As the Premier of a province of 4.6 million Albertans - if they can prevent me from communicating with you, imagine what they can do to any one of us. Regardless of our political leanings, we all must stand together against censorship. "

Emil El Zapato
20th July 2023, 13:01
A thought occurred to me, Aianawa. Many years ago, I came to the conclusion that euthanasia would become a defacto if not a legalized law of the land in the west. Remember Kevorkian? It didn't happen, but in any case, here is where 'freedom' and the right to suicide butt heads. Suicide (euthanasia) is a 'right' that should be limited to the individual but does it makes sense to allow the subject to jeopardize those around them? I don't think so, that is tantamount to the actions of the mass murderer or warmonger. How could anyone think or do otherwise?

Emil El Zapato
20th July 2023, 13:13
A thought occurred to me, Aianawa. Many years ago, I came to the conclusion that euthanasia would become a defacto if not a legalized law of the land in the west. Remember Kevorkian? It didn't happen, but in any case, here is where 'freedom' and the right to suicide butt heads. Suicide (euthanasia) is a 'right' that should be limited to the individual but does it makes sense to allow the subject to jeopardize those around them? I don't think so, that is tantamount to the actions of the mass murderer or warmonger. How could anyone think or do otherwise?

Another thought: My thoughts are my thoughts, but they don't represent decisions or judgments. In my own fashion, no one will ever compare me to Immanuel Kant or God forbid, Aristotle, but I approach life, as likely we all do, as a scientist philosopher. As a scientist, I see the world as in constant change. As a philosopher, I see the world as an existence that is always open to positive change.

That's actually a revelation to me... :)

20th July 2023, 19:59
Lol remember 100% effective then 95 then 83 the 62 then over 50 then 32 then just take it ?, lotta changes alrite.

Emil El Zapato
20th July 2023, 20:12
Lol remember 100% effective then 95 then 83 the 62 then over 50 then 32 then just take it ?, lotta changes alrite.

I remember... :)

20th July 2023, 20:22
And only because common sense slowly released, some knew 100% was impossible for an experimental drug due to irk, irk happens like pit of stomach and thoughts from thy stomach matter.

Emil El Zapato
20th July 2023, 20:39
And only because common sense slowly released, some knew 100% was impossible for an experimental drug due to irk, irk happens like pit of stomach and thoughts from thy stomach matter.

yes, they do...

26th July 2023, 11:28
DOOT day was yesterday and the year bearer today is overtone wizard, gonna be an xlent year. There was local celebrations and the host was a cosmic dragon also, good sync we felt, indeed. we talked of noosphere workings, and especialllly pain body workings n transmutation energy wise, all bodes well we feel. Happy new year all, oh and overtone wizard is in the wavespell of the dog = love family loyalty and overtone ( 5th tone of wave ) has easy happening energies attached.

25th December 2023, 20:24
AHA, you are your thoughts till you know your not your thoughts.

25th December 2023, 21:34
This imo is not left or rite, simply what is atm happening in our world >


Not sure if clemency is the rite wwyrd but can i have my main thread back to comment on, Trumppy one ?.