View Full Version : Alt News/Spirituality Sites

Flower of Life
31st March 2015, 20:23
Hi everyone, I'd love to compile a list of alternative news/spirituality sites. I've found a few that resonate with me that I tend to stick to, but I'd love to have some other options as well. Of course a lot of info is cross posted on many of them, but often certain stories are only posted on one or another. So here's my small list that I like, please add your favorites and we can all go down the rabbit hole together :grin:


Flower of Life
1st April 2015, 20:33
Well I see this is popular. Oh well, worth a shot. :(

Stoat muldoon
1st April 2015, 21:05
Thanks for posting , I'll have a look through . I need some spiritual healing :thup:

Flower of Life
1st April 2015, 22:37
I know of this resource that lists many sites, but I'm curious of people's favorites. So if anyone wants to share I'd love to compile a collective "best of" list.


Also the list above doesn't really have many spiritual sites, only news and channeling. Some of my favorite spiritual sites are below.

Online magazine started by Drunvalo Melchizedek


Please add your own favorites!

3rd April 2015, 17:22
Is Buddhism alternative spirituality these days?
It doesn't seem that popular anymore, whilst most new age catch phrases seem to find their origin there.
Anyway, my hangout these days..

http://www.accesstoinsight.org/ (http://www.accesstoinsight.org/)

For the quick and dirty view of what Buddha thought without the 2600 year old language and hangups.
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha,an Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book (http://www.dharmaoverground.org/web/guest/dharma-wiki/-/wiki/Main/MCTB+)

With Love

3rd April 2015, 18:28
Benjamin Fulford's weekly articles - http://benjaminfulford.net/
Cientifico Juan - http://elcientificojuan.blogspot.com/ (Spanish)
Linda Moulton Howe's Earth Files - http://www.earthfiles.com/
Jim Stone - http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/
Nouvel Ordre Mondial - http://www.nouvelordremondial.cc/ (French)
La Sph�re bleue - http://lasphrebleue.blogspot.com/ (French)
Starship Earth - http://starshipearththebigpicture.com/