View Full Version : Total Solar Eclipse - March 20th

15th March 2015, 09:54

i don't rely on personal astro charts, not interested in knowing about mine, but this event may have a collective effect. last time around a complete solar dimming threw me into an unexpected, unanticipated, completely new initiative on the actual day..involved no pemeditation whatsoever..

i am such a dilletante with regards to astrology, I wouldn't have connected the dots at all had it not happened (my new big initiative at the time) on the day itself..i remember thinking to myself about how i didn't want to go out on the eclipse day (it was sunday)..looking back, i am glad i did

anyone in the house who's knowledgeable on these matters?

15th March 2015, 09:57
Wait until Seikou Kishi signs in. And see my thread re 'March 17 Reset'.

There is a mighty big week coming up astrologically.

15th March 2015, 10:24
From Lynn Hayes starting from 14th March

Around the 14th you may experience a crisis point during which the pressure continues to intensify and there appears to be no release point. Try to stay focused on the goal - the ideal outcome - and channel the energy of your will to help ensure that this outcome is what happens. It is all too easy now to blow up and disrupt which is usually not very productive.

After the 17th things begin to calm down as Venus enters peaceful Taurus, and on the 18th we are more easily able to see beyond the physical realm and connect with our divine creativity. This is not the best day for business or focused mental activity, but it does enhance creativity and inspiration.

The New Moon on the 20th is also a weak eclipse. The Moon is at the last degree of Pisces and moving into Aries (see this article about cusps). Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, where we surrender to the Great Unknown and become part of the infinite field of consciousness. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, where we initiate our desires and forge a new path. There is a sense here of letting go (Pisces) and beginning to trust ourselves and our own intuition that speaks to us through our inner desires (Aries).

The remainder of the month is relatively calm. On the 20th we enjoy greater focus and insight and easily able to see the Truth behind the veneer. On the 24th our creativity is enhanced and our connection to the divine spirit is strengthened as the heart is open and old wounds released. On the 25th we are able to see the way to the future clearly and without distraction. A good time to clarify your goals and plan for the future.

The 27th brings a beneficial influence that is excellent for developing friendships and collegial associations and inspires more freedo in personal relationships. On the 30th these relationships are strengthened and more meaningful and gratifying. Mercury enters Aries that day which stimulates the mind but also creates more impatience for a few weeks.

When Mars enters Taurus on the 31st any remaining intensity will subside as we see the safety of greater security and an experience of calm and equanimity.

The month of March offers an opportunity to create great change and open doorways of empowerment. The key to navigating the intensity successfully will be to honor the Will and learn to defend and protect yourself.

15th March 2015, 10:45
hi cearna
anything applied to sagittarius ? i am doubly sagittarius - the only thing i know about my chart.


15th March 2015, 11:29
Hi Elbie, we have a thread of all things Astrological on TOT. It gives you the advice to go to (https://www.astro.com/ Top left, "free horoscopes" then click on "Horoscope Drawings & Calculations" at the bottom of the drop down menu.)
If you get that you can get a copy of your own natal chart, you can also play around a bit with using your own other information, but putting the date of now in and it would show you what is happening to you right now. It is pretty difficult to explain much to you until you have your own natal chart. I'm not sure but possibly these people give some sort of coverage about the meaning of your chart which might help you.

Being a double Sag means that you have the sun, plus either the moon or your Ascendant in Sag as well. To get the correct Ascendant means you really do need to know your correct time of birth, it is so important e.g I was born at 6.27 am, and that made me an Aries Ascendant, but had I been born 3 minutes later I would be a Taurus Ascendant. So get your Natal chart and probably move on to the All things Astrological thread and we might be able to go from there.

15th March 2015, 11:40
Hi Elbie, we have a thread of all things Astrological on TOT. It gives you the advice to go to (https://www.astro.com/ Top left, "free horoscopes" then click on "Horoscope Drawings & Calculations" at the bottom of the drop down menu.)
If you get that you can get a copy of your own natal chart, you can also play around a bit with using your own other information, but putting the date of now in and it would show you what is happening to you right now. It is pretty difficult to explain much to you until you have your own natal chart. I'm not sure but possibly these people give some sort of coverage about the meaning of your chart which might help you.

Being a double Sag means that you have the sun, plus either the moon or your Ascendant in Sag as well. To get the correct Ascendant means you really do need to know your correct time of birth, it is so important e.g I was born at 6.27 am, and that made me an Aries Ascendant, but had I been born 3 minutes later I would be a Taurus Ascendant. So get your Natal chart and probably move on to the All things Astrological thread and we might be able to go from there.

hi and thanks
my mother insists she remembers i was born some minutes after 7am..which amkes ma a sag with sag ascendent, but this is a thing that gets me worried and puts me off astrology in general.. i mean, who can know for sure it was that and not another minute..i.e. in this "precise" science, nothing is as precise imo. only approximate..that approximation may encompass a huge area of mere probabilities...

i knew brothers who were like heaven and hell, in appearence too. when i learned they were twins, i stopped to take astrology seriously. tho i think the events as big as eclipses must have some effect on everyone.

thanks again.

15th March 2015, 11:50
Elbie, to get the correct time of your birth, you need to get a certificate from the hospital where you were born.

I got mine many years ago. It is to the minute.

My Mum told me I was born around 3pm, turns out I was born 2.55pm. It makes a bit of difference in an astro chart.

Good luck!

15th March 2015, 11:57
Elbie, to get the correct time of your birth, you need to get a certificate from the hospital where you were born.

I got mine many years ago. It is to the minute.

My Mum told me I was born around 3pm, turns out I was born 2.55pm. It makes a bit of difference in an astro chart.

Good luck!

is it when when the cord was cut or when you started crying?

your mum was close to precise - as one can be...she said around 3 , not 3.

15th March 2015, 12:01
Hi Elbie, there is a difference of two hours between each sign, I tried reaching into your vibration and got the answer 7.03 am, however I don't think in your case these few minutes would make a difference. However, when these charts are made up a lot can depend on whether there was daylight saving or not in use when you were born, and when sunrise was on that day. I'm working only from an ancient form of Astrology, when in those days we had no clocks to give us the exact time, so we worked from the vibration of each person, because your full astrology is written on your vibrational soul, so only an Astrologer who can read that vibration would use that, these days a mathematical method id used.

One thing I picked up wa that you were born at the rising of the sun, and so life will bring you a role of bringing in changes, newly introduced when you were born - the main thing is to stop living in the need or right to know, and sense other peoples tensions and inner needs, for these will get to show you the final link to endless horizons forming in this NOW.

15th March 2015, 12:05
is it when when the cord was cut or when you started crying?

your mum was close to precise - as one can be...she said around 3 , not 3.

I have no idea Elbie. I'm thinking the time was when I first drew breath. I guess that is what the hospital nurses would write down. Drawing breath is when one is alive I'm guessing.

Anyway that's what my record says. I was born in a hospital, in all of 3 hours from first pangs to end birth. I was a third child. My Mother's first child was not so easy - days and days. I am glad I was an easy birth for my Mother.

If I was a home birth or on the way to hospital in a car, would anyone have written down the exact time, to the minute, a child breathed? Probably not. lol

15th March 2015, 12:24
I was a home birth, and my mother had only a guess at my birth time, no one looked to see because I was near death at the time. However, I used a pendulum at first to work it out since mum had a gestimate, and later we found the pendulum was correct. Those Above say it should be as the baby comes completely through, not first breath or umbilical cut or crying, what they use I have no idea. They also say that the conception time is more of the right time, and that is the time on the vibration

15th March 2015, 12:50
I am a pedant in many ways, lol...

With my own son I can pinpoint the day he was conceived, and also the moment he connected to my uterus. I felt it. It was a physical 'ping'. Quite a momentous occasion in a very banal setting. When I was consulting with others in a business meeting. All this is written down in times and dates.

My Darling son has now just got his L plates. Nearly 17.

My beautiful son. I would love to post a pic, but I won't.


20th March 2015, 23:26
there was zilch to see according to me.

first off, the morning was overcast..

tho apparently some have seen glimpses of partial eclipsing as the cloud formation began to disperse (as of min 3:10)
