View Full Version : My Boat my reality

19th February 2015, 10:53
This is a small chunk from a very long article which I chose to post as a starting point for this thread. We have few more threads here related to this topic but I personally think that this suggest slightly different notion. And everyone it is different because it is your boat and your reality. I am am not implying this in a solipsistic way but what I mean here is that we perceive reality through the lenses of our own personal development so in a way. It is interesting what can you see from your own boat, or a ship? Some of us have boats, other ships of course there are people who use other more or less sophisticated vessels. And there some who just fly...

I am intending to post other chunks from the same article later.

My boat, my reality
If you can’t conceive of what we’re describing, that’s okay. This is my boat, and this is my reality. You may prefer a different route to travel. Your boat, your reality. You may also find yourself lost, and that’s okay too. But please, until you find your inner compass, paddle quietly to the shore and try not to obstruct passing vessels.

People who say it can’t be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. ~ George Bernard Shaw

The fact is, people, places, things, and circumstances are only as important as the energy we give them. Even science is coming to understand that our universe is as responsive to us as we are responsive to it; that DNA can be re-programmed by words and frequencies; that the world literally changes at a quantum level under the watchful eye consciousness; that we are interdimensional beings with the power of suggestion, intention and belief at our disposal. So, as science and spirituality collide, understanding that our consciousness helps to shape the ‘physical’ 3D world around us, the laws of physics and consciousness should be seen as complementary.

So let’s apply this principle. Let’s toss stones of intention and love into the collective waters, and change the vibration of the whole river.

Of course, in a community of individuals, we each have choices. Though the river is interconnected, what you do in the comfort of your own boat is up to you. But it is worth remembering, if you keep veering left, you’ll just keep going around in circles.

Are you ready to admit humanity is lost and try a new route? To create that “dream” reality?

As rewarding as it is, it takes great courage of the heart to embark deep within oneself. It can be very confronting. We may feel pain, or regret, or that we were “wrong” in the way we once perceived our respective reality. But we must remember that our perspective is never “wrong”. Constantly altered by experience, our perspective is a unique and mutable manifestation of consciousness itself. It is consciousness. Without experience and change, there would be no challenge, no growth – no reality. This fact of our reality becomes more apparent as we move into new levels of consciousness, and more comfortable as we learn to separate our Being from our ego.

So, as we go through this self discovery and raise ourselves to a higher vibration, it helps to remember that we are not who we once were. We are an ever-changing part of something more vast and complex than we can possibly comprehend. As we delve into the depths of the river, we must show ourselves compassion and release the emotions of those “regrettable” experiences that brought us here, and release the frequency of those unresolved feelings from our being. And we must show others the same compassion, regardless of ‘where’ they are on their journey. We’re all on this river together.


19th February 2015, 18:21
oh nice :love: xx

19th February 2015, 21:33
I didn't start this thread because I agree with everything that is said in that chunk of thoughts. I started it to explore the idea that actually WE Are NOT ONE.

So from my boat I see the things slightly different. I might change my perspective after some time but the text above is OK to some point then goes with the already existing consensus. I mostly agree with it up until here:

we are interdimensional beings with the power of suggestion, intention and belief at our disposal. So, as science and spirituality collide, understanding that our consciousness helps to shape the ‘physical’ 3D world around us, the laws of physics and consciousness should be seen as complementary.

Some of us are interdimensional but some are also not from this universe. Power of suggestion, intention and belief are our limitations not powers for me. Any form of belief will create boundaries and the intention will operate up to a certain level conditioned by a belief. Power of suggestion for me could be understood in various ways because we can get suggestions from many places including our HS.

Our consciousness doesn't help, it is not a complementary tool it is the channel through which we operate and create 3D reality.

Further down the author implies that we are community, interconnected and swim in the waters of our existence,
We’re all on this river together.

I've heard many times from big respected names within spiritual world that same idea "We are One", everything is connected, ..." This leads to a huge misconception regarding our own existence. We are souls having human experience, we meet other beings, we interact with them, create unions based on mutual goals or equal vibratory levels, some decide to become teachers and so on. All based around the idea that we need each other. We do need each other if we are weak and cannot sustain our own existence but is this true? I don't think so, there are other reasons for grouping but we are not one, our paths are individual.

By working together as one towards common goal we create a collective consensus reality, the more souls join the same idea the stronger this created reality becomes. Every religion is based on this principle, the same is valid for every philosophy or social structure. All this binds us together and create the illusion that we are all interconnected.

In fact we are all connected by a construct that keeps us away from our own individual goal - to become yourself in all levels of reality through all dimensions. Going through obstacles and overcoming challenges keeps us interested in the game and extends our contract to stay in the low levels of existence, It doesn't help us evolve, we are far more evolved and powerful that everyone can imagine. There are souls who are aware but the majority are still getting there.

19th February 2015, 23:19
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10801693_10152590969871296_976180306005881996_n.jp g?oh=e2346d4fe9fcb21e4376fbf6f8971aec&oe=554C0AE1&__gda__=1435206110_6b731cdac5d7f778e7070824931da5e 0

21st February 2015, 05:49
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10801693_10152590969871296_976180306005881996_n.jp g?oh=e2346d4fe9fcb21e4376fbf6f8971aec&oe=554C0AE1&__gda__=1435206110_6b731cdac5d7f778e7070824931da5e 0

ooh i really like that quote Altaira, thankyou