View Full Version : Do we need explanations for everything or...?

11th February 2015, 18:27
I recently read an interesting article I found on an e-zine I have followed for over 10 years. The e-zine was created by a Dutch gentleman named Frank Visser. Mr. Visser was originally inspired by the works of Ken Wilber in relation to Wilber's "Integral Theories."

Here is the home page of this e-zine -


Integral World: Exploring theories of everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber

I recently discovered an essay written by Frank Visser which was focused upon the "morphogenetics fields" theories of Rupert Sheldrake.

My experience which has related to Rupert Sheldrake has been enhanced by my consideration of his views and especially what appears to be a fresh open mindedness.

So when I read Frank Visser's recent essay, I was stimulated to make a comment.

Here is Frank's essay entitled - Rupert Sheldrake and the Evo-Devo Revolution (http://www.integralworld.net/visser61.html)

The commentary I produced was not aimed specifically as to the exact subject of genetic inheritance theories - instead I saw a connection between what may still be "unexplained adequately by science" as this relates to the various forms of paranormal activity, some of which I have experienced.

So in this spirit, I provided the following comment to Frank Visser's essay in the comment section below his essay on the Integral World website found in the next post.

11th February 2015, 18:28
A human being lives what... about 85 years now? So lets call it 90 years for a nice round number.

Each year has 365.25ish days so lets round that up again to 366.

Each day has 24 hours and each hour has 60 minutes.

That means most human beings can be certain that from the moment they are born until the moment of their death they have less than 50 million minutes to experience life.

That may seem to be quite a bit of time but from the perspective of this 57 year old being... time flies by at quite a dramatic pace.

So when I consider what might be the most important thing for a being (and I can now only speak for myself) I have to say this is my experience. And clearly my experience is limited and the limit can be measured in units of time. And so what would I define my experience to be? My answer to that is based on my perception that who/what I am is a being that seems to exist in a body where the body seems to exist in a realm and in this realm there seems to be other beings who also exist in bodies, there seems to be a sense of me and not me and so experience (to me) seems to be a constant arising of events which appear in my (me) awareness. These events can be thoughts, can be words I read or hear or could be events that occur... yet all of these things must be observed by me such that they become associated with my experience. What I have discovered while I have continued to exist in this form is that some of these experiences seem pleasant and some of these experiences seem unpleasant. So over the course of time, I have discovered that the experiences I prefer are the experiences I find pleasant. Within the set of pleasant experiences, there is a sub group of pleasant experiences I prefer to experience above all other types of pleasant experiences. These experiences are what I experience as meaningful. Of course, anything I deem meaningful is only meaningful to me in a unique way and thus is entirely subjective.

As I have covered easily 2/3rds of my expected life span, I know that this form of experience... which currently has many, many memories... and hopefully will have years ahead such that on my death bed I would have many, many more memories will end. So, despite all I might hope to create with my imagination, for example: life (which is unbroken continuation of experience) after the death of my body, I make odds high that this particular continuous experience I could label as Sam Hunter will end.

I have developed what I perceive to be a quite high degree of psi ability as measured against what is publically known based on individual testimony and accounts produced by others who have witnessed psi events. Note: I have to use the word psi as there has to be some term used when pointing to anything via a written language. Surely the reader has an idea as to what I am referring.

I have massive amounts of documented (and in many cases with witness testimony and artifacts) instances of profound synchronicity that anyone with basic understanding of probability would agree that these experiences are far beyond possible within the theory of large numbers as just one form of psi I experience.

My psi experiences have grown over the years to the point I now am comfortable in claiming to just about anyone that I possess psi abilities. I have reached a certain level of development with my psi abilities that I do not care at all whatsoever if anyone believes in psi or not or whether they believe me or not. I have plenty of beings who know me personally who have seen substantial examples of my psi abilities and do not question my claim. I am not writing this response to attempt to convince anyone that psi exists. When you get to the level I have now reached, it doesn't matter anymore what anyone else thinks. I can say that in my case I have reached the point in my experience where I am sadly comfortable that there is at least two types of human beings on Earth at this time. One is sometimes called flatlanders and is an apt pointer. The other is the group I fit into.

My desire is that all beings have potential for psi. But this may be an ideal that may not be true. I don't know.

It is my opinion that all of the psi experiences I have could one day be explained by science. But I do not need science to validate my experiences though I would be untruthful if I did not state that I wish it could be scientifically explained.

I do not participate in any religion nor am attracted to any religion nor consider there be any connection between my psi experiences and some sort of religious explanation. In fact, when I finally reached this point of view, my psi abilities began to rise at a much greater rate than previously.

I now wish to make the primary point of why I wrote all of the above.

Since I have approximately 17 million minutes left (if I live to age 90) how do I wish to spend those minutes? Do I wish to beat myself over the head in seeking explanations as to why I have the psi experiences I have and why I actually participate with others in experiences that clearly involve psi or shall I continue as I have to develop my abilities along these lines... using the methods that I have employed along the way even though I cannot explain the mechanics of why these methods work?

Also, should I waste any of the 17 million minutes I hopefully have left generating frustration when I encounter a being that refuses to open to the possibilities of psi and in some cases becomes aggressive when I suggest psi is real?

So one might ask why did I write this response in the first place? Simple... perhaps just one being reads this and for the first time in their life, they actually open up to the possibility psi exists and that they can experience psi in some form.

And so why is that important to me?

Because prior to my development of this ability, the being I was happened to be much less good for the rest of humanity and thus the world I leave to your children and mine. I have concluded (though I could be wrong) that experiencing psi as I have over the years in a way where my experiences and abilities have grown is directly proportional to my becoming a better being for us all.

So again, if just one being is touched in a way by my response that they open to up to the possibility of psi, then I am happy and this happiness relates directly to my belief that this benefits everyone else.

11th February 2015, 18:31
And interestingly enough, Rupert Sheldrake responded to Frank Visser's essay.

Morphogenetic Fields - Reply to Frank Visser

11th February 2015, 19:15
metaphorical response from Indiana Jones and the "invisible bridge" searching for the "holy grail" ...
