View Full Version : The Billy Meier Story

The One
28th September 2013, 19:18

In 1958, Billy Meier predicted the Iraq Wars, AIDS and global warming. Is it the biggest hoax or… the most important story in human history? You’ll find the startling answer in this remarkable, true-life story about how a young Swiss boy’s meetings with extraterrestrials would eventually lead him later in life through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders – including Saddam Hussein – in order to fulfill ancient prophecies.

This one-armed farmer from Switzerland has taken hundreds of the most startling photos in UFO History and has even filmed what he refers to as “Beam Ships” used by sentient beings that hail from a star system near the Pleiades. He has been able to produce photographs, film footage, sound recordings and even metal samples as evidence of his visitations.

You’ll be captivated by how in his twenties, “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier was transformed into “The Phantom” (a real life combination of Indiana Jones, Lawrence of Arabia and Han Solo) and by packing a .44 Magnum was able to apprehend serial killers and mass murderers. Meier’s life story is an enigmatic journey that ultimately culminates with him becoming the messenger for an advanced race of beings know as the Plejaran.

Their message is clear: earth is in trouble, the people have been asleep, and we must make drastic changes or there will be devastating consequences for all of mankind. Is this story real or too incredible for us to grasp? You must decide for yourself, but if it’s a hoax, why has Meier been the target of 21 assassination attempts? Could it be that the message that humanity so desperately needs to hear is not welcome by many of our world leaders?

8th November 2014, 01:01
I really wish Billy would do a more recent interview and not his American spokesperson Tom Horn. The ET's that visited Billy would surely have continued on with their meetings yet his material is very dated. I'm sure anyone of us that had these kind of meetings would not walk away from them. But perhaps just as in the Italian Friendship case in which a number of people made contact in 1950s they eventually drifted off to their own seperate ways, maybe that happened here. How crazy is that? At least we have Jaimes 2012 meeting with him.


8th November 2014, 09:23
According to Billy's many words (the vid above), Plejaren are eugenecists :vom:

Humanity could have done without that contact. Who knows, perhaps Gates, Turner and many other blighters are also being visited by them.

The One
8th November 2014, 11:36
According to Billy's many words (the vid above), Plejaren are eugenecists :vom:

Humanity could have done without that contact. Who knows, perhaps Gates, Turner and many other blighters are also being visited by them.

For those who are not familiar with this treaty i will post it below.I wonder if this is true how different our planet would have been today if we did not sign that treaty.So basically we have the Eisenhower administration if true to blame for this.

I am assuming the Plejaren are from the Pleiades system and assumed they were the good guys .There are also benevolent ET’s on this planet. These groups are not part of the MIEC and are from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, and Ummo. These groups seem to work together in some kind of protective ‘federation’

On February 20, 1954 a delegation from these groups met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful effort to reach an agreement on the US’s thermonuclear weapons program. The stumbling block to these negotiations was that these ET’s were not willing to provide technology that might have been used by the military-industrial factions of the Eisenhower administration. These peace loving ‘human looking’ beings refused to be co-opted into the emerging military industrial extra terrestrial complex (MIEC) in the US, Britain, Russia and elsewhere on the planet.

On July 11, 1934 the first treaty with the greys from Orion occurred aboard a naval ship in Balboa. This was one of the most important events in human history because it thrust us into a role we were not prepared for as regards to being a host to a malevolent extra-terrestrial race. The US federal government disregarded the constitution of the United States by doing this and not telling the people. It was here that the agreement was first made between the greys representing the reptilians from Orion and representatives of the US intelligence community. The treaty stated that in return for the greys providing high technology (anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environment, free energy and medical technology) the government would allow the greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions. This was only if a list of abductees was provided to the government and the abductees returned unharmed with their memories of the events erased.

In 1944 the second extension of the treaty was signed. I have very little details of this.

In May 1954 again under the Eisenhower administration the third extension of this treaty was signed called ‘The Greada treaty’. The greys and reptilians blatantly broke the terms of this treaty . The greada treaty was agreed upon at the Holloman air force base in New Mexico by the greys and the ‘Ultra’ unit in the NSA. It said that the original document of this treaty and the ET materials from it can be found today at the NSA facility called ‘Blue moon’ underneath Kirkland air force base in New Mexico. The entrance to this underground base is in the Manzano mountains. Also at this location is the technological base of the secretive department of energy (DOE). Today free energy devices developed from grey and reptilian technology are being built for use in space at the DOE base.

20th January 2015, 02:51
To the best of my knowledge, the Pleiadians that were a part of BM's contacts were not among the considered "positives" or "neutrals" from the Pleiadian Cluster, and there was a lot of inconsistencies in his paperwork that should have been kidnergarden for the Pleiadians. And, afaik, Symjase had been injured in the 90's and didn't return after that.

But yeah they're definitely eugenicists, and afaik part of a zelot style religious cult that were considered a determent to their own population.

The treaty has only been one part of the problem that has caused a major interference with the positives getting more directly involved with the liberation of the planet. There is many other things involved with it. Including all the barriers, fences, etc that have been put up by the cabalists, and their annunaki and draconian allies.

Another little known thing that caused a lot of contention was that the Alcyones had been put incharge of stuardship for the planet. And little did anyone else know, that they had sold out the planet and it's population to the Draco to save their own throats when they were threatened by the Dracos. but had continued to lie to the federation and others that had invested interests in the planet. Saying that everything was fine and dandy, it was only in 2012 when the Federation / GFP found out that the Alcyones had been betraying the trust of the other ET groups. They only knew about the children being kidnapped and used in rituals etc, back in early/mid 2000s. The environmental destruction etc, as well weren't widely known until late in the game....but they knew of some things back in the 90's but not much.

20th January 2015, 12:53
Planet Earth, lynchpin to the universe, left in the sole care of One Race. One Race which by that time sported an already dubious reputation. A Bit irresponsible ....

21st January 2015, 03:15
In 1958, Billy Meier predicted the Iraq Wars, AIDS and global warming. Is it the biggest hoax or… the most important story in human history?

Personally I'd go with propaganda mouthpiece for the military/intelligence/Rothschild cabal. He knows all these terrible things in advance because it's always exactly what the elitist cabals have planned for humanity.

I had an open mind towards Mr. Meier until a series of events, that started with hearing is "official spokesperson" Michael Horn on Coast to Coast AM, doom-and-gloomy about global warming and refusing to talk about chemtrails, and claiming that all UFO sightings are basically bogus except for Meier's. He mocked people who just saw "lights in the sky" (such as myself) because they don't look like trash can lids like Meier's did. This guy also mentioned that US military officers backed up Meier's story. That's a real shocker isn't it?

I still gave Meier himself the benefit of a doubt until I saw an interview where he was explaining how the Pleiadian government decides which of their citizens is allowed to have kids and how many, and you have to be approved to be a parent by the government. This is also straight out of a Rothschild NWO fantasy book. Too many things started lining up and I had to start considering this guy disinfo, no matter how fierce of a debate people put up about the authenticity of his photos and all that kind of stuff.

21st January 2015, 04:08
Hi bsbray and welcome to the forum. I don't know why we haven't seen more recent footage from Billy? The footage is from the 70s why hasn't Billy shown us new footage? This is more telling than the past claims. If someone has such amazing contact it doesn't stop with years passing by and using the same footage to show there is still ongoing contact.

21st January 2015, 04:13
I wouldn't know but if I had to guess I'd say its because his usefulness has come to an end for the people who were using him.

We have plenty of people now who I believe are real contactees. The info they give is often so much at odds with statements like Meier makes. I don't think a positive race would even suggest in the slightest way that it's appropriate for a government as humans understand them to have to approve all parents to have babies. Once we're that far gone you know the state intrusions don't start with approving pregnancies. They'd want to raise the child from then on, and if the parents didn't conform to what they wanted taught, then they'd take the child away from its parents as is already being done so often in the US. That was just the one thing that really turned me off.

21st January 2015, 05:35
The contact reports talk about their eugenics quite openly. They talk about using genetics to take defects out the Plejaren genome, but many of the "defects" they list ostensibly aren't defects in the sense that not all of them were objectively detrimental, but were merely variations disapproved of. We can talk on the one hand about eugenics that "deletes" things like Niemann-Pick Disease (fatal in about 18 months) as being a generally good thing. But what about things like sickle-cell anaemia? When a person has only one sickle-cell gene, they have a clear benefit when it comes to malaria-ridden mosquito-infested environments.

We could say any culture so advanced would be able to wipe out malaria. But what if wiping out malaria wiped out the mosquitos too? Ah, no great loss, of course, but ecology is never so neat, is it? Plasmodia infect organisms other than humans, and a crucial ecological balance might be overthrown if even these wretched little parasites were to die out. And what of the animals that eat the mosquitos? Sure, they might not die, but if they didn't they'd have to take more food from elsewhere. There is no clean-cut way to remove something like that from the environment. So maybe we could use eugenics to ensure that people only ever received one form of the sickle-cell gene. That might not be so bad.

But what when it comes to other features? What if somebody suddenly took against red hair? Many of the things mentioned as targets for Plejaren eugenics were not objectively detrimental, and thus individual lifeforms were having their lives dictated when there was no possible goal beyond compliance of the people.

Another concern I've had with contacts with supposedly advanced civilsations (and this relates to my ecology comment) — we've seen so many examples of supposedly advanced civilisations saying they have no animals on their planets. There was one account, somebody referred to conversations with the "tall whites", in which they said most civilsations, when they reach a certain degree of advancement, remove all other lifeforms from their planet. Why? Is genocide of every other living species on the planet some sort of measure of evolution? If I recall correctly, these tall whites even mentioned having artificial bees to pollinate flowers. That doesn't sound like advancement, that sounds like ecocide and catastrophe painted as something positive and enlightened after the fact. Well screw that.

We have so many intelligent animals on Earth. We have dolphins and other whales, elephants and many primates. We have many birds, too. What if countless years into the future we're not the only sentient and intelligent beings on the planet? What if we're teaching the descendants of today's dolphins and helping them progress as we are doing now? What if, in the future, we no longer have embassies of one country in another, but embassies from the orcas as artificial gulfs or inlets of the sea. What if Earth humans have embassies floating on the sea, or hovering in the sky like hot-air balloons and so on. What if one day there are new lives and new civilisations not in the final frontier of space, but here on Earth? We could teach them to use tools and supply them (with our supremely useful hands), sea-civilisations could teach us about sealife. We could go swimming with dolphins that weren't being kept in inhumanely small tanks and being made to perform for their food. It would be awesome.

What if, all this way into the future, we find a planet where the seas are teaming but there is little habitable land? We could help whale species establish colonies of their own :D and oversee those, too. They are our very distant cousins, after all (we're all placentals, aren't we?) The colonies Earth might establish in space need not all be human colonies, or just human colonies. What if we found a planet best matching the habitat of a primate but, perhaps, a little too uncomfortable for us? Ah, perhaps I am a dreamer, but I do not think we should trade in our animal life for all the ideas of progress or evolution. Our animal life has potential, and surely any truly wise and benevolent civilisation would help such beings realise their potential with no thought of exploiting them for their own gain? — Sure, that's not to say we wouldn't benefit too. Truly thought, such help would be its own benefit. What they'd get out of it is what we'd get out of it.

We could say "we have made many mistakes in our development. We'll show you the pitfalls we fell into so you can choose whether or not they're things you'd prefer to avoid". We would always be there, not disappearing and leaving them alone to forget us over long generations so that our reappearance frightened them. We would be upfront and brotherly, not distant and condescending like these aliens that crowd us with their pretensions and presumption. If we raised them up to be intelligent, wise and spiritual, how could the universe be worse off? How could it be preferable to wipe them out before they'd even started? And what if we developed the time travel of which Billy Meier's contacts are apparently capable? Could we go into the past, find long-extinct animals that show promise and take some to other planets? "You didn't do so well on Earth, but perhaps this will be a better fit". It could be awesome.

Or, we could opt for a sterile, lifeless future as these alien civilisations all seem to do. I know where my vote would lie.