View Full Version : Positive News: Croatia wipes out the debts of its poorest citizens!

2nd February 2015, 12:46

I believe this is very good news and that other nations will follow. OK, we'll need to be patient but they are paving the way.

‘Starting Monday, thousands of Croatia’s poorest citizens will benefit from an unusual gift: They will have their debts wiped out. Named “fresh start,” the government scheme aims to help some of the 317,000 Croatians whose bank accounts have been blocked due to their debts.

Given that Croatia is a relatively small Mediterranean country of only 4.4 million inhabitants, the number of indebted citizens is significant and has become a major economic burden for the country. After six years of recession, growth predictions for Croatia’s economy remain low for this year.

“We assess that this measure will be applicable to some 60,000 citizens,” Deputy Prime Minister Milanka Opacic was quoted as saying by Reuters. “Thus they will be given a chance for a new start without a burden of debt,” Opacic said earlier this month.’

Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2015/01/31/croatia-just-canceled-the-debts-of-its-poorest-citizens/

2nd February 2015, 13:10
Very good news, since it is a beginning of fixing our planet's financial system.

This debt write-off is the plan for fixing the world. It is talked about quite alot by certain people who could make this happen. Biggest obstacle is not the massive amounts of money required but, the cabal parasitic banking system. It cannot be fed any longer and must collapse because it will not surrender its control over much of humanity. Nothing short of a nationwide work strike could shut it down sooner. The West will be left out of Jubilee until funds can get to people, not cabal banking families. Lots of shades of grey in this story. I will try to get more on it in the future. New lines of intel have just opened for me, the utility of such communications is yet to be seen. Getting acquainted is part of such a process.

2nd February 2015, 14:54
this will be so great for lifting the vibration of the planet , monetary inslavment is crippling to many. when one is free of debt and managing nicely with what they have then there is not the vibration of oppression , :cloud:

2nd February 2015, 15:17
This sounds good but as we know usually there is a catch if it is toogood.
Here is a good explanation what exactly this means to the people.

ITT: people commenting without reading the article or actually knowing anything about this
First, almost all of the debt canceled isn't lent by a bank or other private institution. It's mostly utilities like electricity, water, heating, phone bills, etc.
The problem here is you get your bank account frozen until the debt is paid. This means these people get zero income to live on.
Second, to actually be qualified for debt cancellation you should not have any savings or property and have monthly income of less than 1/3 of the minimum wage. Not many people qualify for this.
Third, unlike USA, Croatia doesn't have personal bankruptcy. There is no way out. This somewhat fixes that situation.
Fourth. While there might be a better way to deal with this, this is a popular move, and the elections are later this year. The debt canceled is less than 1% of total private debt, and probably cheaper than a few commercials on TV.


2nd February 2015, 21:35
Yes according to what I read it amounted to around 60,000 people.................but the concept is good and it is a start to something bigger maybe!!:chrs: