View Full Version : Floaters and twirlies

25th January 2015, 08:16
As these have been topics of discussion before I'll post this video I found this morning.

First it explains the floaters and half way it goes into the twirlies.


With Love

25th January 2015, 09:53
Hi Eelco, Thank you for the link – Isn’t it interesting how movement in the back of the eyes can be perceived as being ‘outside’ of ourselves………………………….

I know we have had a few discussions on this in the past. What I find curious is that the ‘twirlies’ the link is describing does not look anything like the ‘whirlies’ I see with my eyes, so perhaps what I call the ‘whirlies’ is possibly something else?

The Whirlies that I see are extremely tiny spinning vortexes (no larger than 1mm and completely circular). At first glance they have a silverish appearance to them, but when I zoom my focus in, I can see multitudes of colours within them. Yes I see these with the backdrop of blue sky…….. yet can also see them in all shades of light and also in complete darkness too.

Another curious observation that I have witnessed, is that when I am in an ‘out of body’ experience, whether this be in the lower Astral (Inferred) or in the higher Astral (Light Realm) these tiny whirlies are still present in the atmosphere/environment that I am exploring. I mention this, as in the state of being out of body, I am now in one of my etheric bodies, no longer viewing via my physical body or physical eyes. So, just from this observation, I surmise so far, that what I am ‘seeing’ exists beyond this 3D dimension.

I did mention in another post recently that I heard a scientist saying that the ‘whirlies’ are ‘orgone’ energy. So my next question to anyone reading this that is knowledgeable on ‘orgone energy’, - ‘Do we know at what level in the Light Band Spectrum where orgone energy originates?

I simply throw this out there and if anyone knows the answer, please share. :smiley hug:

25th January 2015, 10:21
I have just had an afterthought that I would like to briefly add to the discussion ‘pot’.

There are kundalini rising techniques where one reaches a type of Samadhi conscious state – and if one opens one’s eyes steady without blinking, the reality atmosphere we see before us is swimming with conscious life.

On one such occasion, during a 2 hour experience of the above, I began to see what I can only describe like seeing layers of deepness in the atmosphere (like seeing through numbers of pages tightly close together and what each individual page held). In each layer I could see something different and I have no conclusions as to what I was seeing but they closely resembled (each being a different layer/page) something that resembled electrons, photons, atoms, superstrings and then further behind these multiples of neat angled rays of lights coming from beyond the top of the sky beaming down into the ground – all of these were existing/permeating the atmosphere.

I spoke to a physicist who commented that the angled rays of light sounded to him like the Implicate and Explicate order that David Bohm speaks about.

Again………… I have no idea or proof of what I saw, but saw I did ‘something’ rather marvelous.

If anyone has any answers to the above, I am all ears. Smile.

From such observations, it told me the breath of Creation is absolutely everywhere, in all-ways surrounding us with conscious Life. I find this rather wonderful and awe-inspiring. :sun:

Ps. I watched a scientific documentary a few years ago, where scientists from various professions were asked ‘how much of reality do we humans actually ‘see’? The scientists umed and arred….. nervous of the embarrassing answer they had reached – the majority said only 5% and that that assumption was being overly kind, as it was more likely to be 3%. So it begs the question as to how much of reality before our eyes are we missing? Quite a bit from their calculation. :shocked:

25th January 2015, 13:35
I read the other day an article about Mendeleev and his periodic table. It seems that one element proposed by him is missing from the periodic table we know, this is ether. I dug a little bit more and found a book called "The Lost Elements: The Periodic Table's Shadow Side" where authors talk about the ether. Here is a little bit of it:

Among other things strongly supported by Dmitri Mendeleev was the concept of the
ether, which physicists had created in order to explain the propagation of electromagnetic
waves. Mendeleev recognized in the ether the ability to penetrate all substances, as
postulated by physicists, but he went further, asserting that this form of matter would be
characterized by its inability to form any stable chemical compound with ordinary atoms
and therefore would be unable to chemically bond. The ether could be likened in this case
to helium or argon

I have to say the whole book is very interesting and it seems that Mendeleev had very good idea about the missing building blocks of the universe.
Here is a link where I downloaded the book. It is too big to be uploaded here http://dfiles.eu/files/4u75fphdl

The example with ether just comes to show how much mainstream science creates misconceptions in order to build false theories.
Perhaps once we realize and accept that there is hidden universe around us we will start seeing it.

25th January 2015, 19:50
my first boyfriends father was dying of cancer and he was not a man who believed in anything spiritual yet when he was on his way out of this life he kept telling me he could see these twirly swirly things in his eyes and round clear orbs in his sight , it freaked me out a little when i started seeing them to many years on as i thought it might be something to worry about , i then had the afterthought that maybe he was just beginning to see beyond into the fabric of this dimension as he was opening up to the journey home ?? xx