View Full Version : Peeling another level of the Globalist Onion

20th January 2015, 06:13
Great site.

Serious gathering of information showing (yet again in plain sight) the globalist plans for their NWO rollout.

Check it out ... much better as there are many images that would be too burdensome to post here ...


George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order

Behold the engine that is driving humanity into the New World Order, the G20…


…This picture was taken during their first summit, “The G-20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy,” which was held in Washington, D.C. two months after the Lehman Shock in 2008.

Almost a year later, FT conducted an interview of George Soros in which he subtly laid out the banksters’ post-crisis plan for ushering in the NWO. When a reader first passed me a link to the interview, though, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought it might be faked, so I did some checking on its authenticity and found out it was actually real. Here was George Soros — who is unquestionably a Western elitist even in the eyes of the most ardent Kool Aid drinker — speaking of using China to bring in the New World Order. But it just goes to show that the banksters have never really hidden what they’re doing; they just reveal it in dry interviews and insufferably bland policy papers while the public is distracted by an emotionally charged, easily understood “good guy” versus “bad guy” fairy tale.

According to this fairy tale, which is offered by both the mainstream media outlets and the overwhelming majority of alternative media sources, the US is in conflict with Russia, and a determined band of freedom fighting nations (the BRICS) are on a quest to free themselves from the evils of Western imperialism once and for all. Well isn’t that precious? It’s also a load of childish bullsh*t.

In reality, both the Western powers and the BRICS nations are working closely together through the G20 to bring in the Central Banking Cabal’s New World Order. Here are the nations of the G20 (the 20th “nation” is the EU), with the core Western powers circled in blue and the BRICS circled in red…



20th January 2015, 06:19
Understanding the Different Brands of Alt-media Disinformation (Duff vs. Heneghan, OPPT vs. Swissindo vs. Neil Keenan vs. Karen Hudes, etc.) Update 1

When globalist puppets fight…


…the puppeteers are always on the winning side.

The G-20 Central Banking Cabal are very sophisticated in their disinformation techniques, but their methods are relatively easy to understand once you take a bird’s eye view of things. To elevate one’s self to such a view, the first thing that must be understood is this:

Just like GM employs different-looking brands to appeal to different demographics,
the globalists employ different disinformation brands for the same purpose.

Exactly how and why do they do this, you ask? Let’s go step-by-step…

1) The globalists have something to sell you: their East versus West, Good Illuminati versus Bad Illuminati global dialectic. They are trying to sell it to you so you’ll see their new multilateral/multipolar NWO and financial system as godsends rather than scourges.

2) They know that you can’t use the same salesman and same sales pitch with every person. Due to differences in personality types, personal experiences, levels of awareness, prejudices, etc., you have to match the right salesman and pitch to each “consumer.” In other words, you must tailor the bait you use to the type fish you’re trying to catch.

3) This being the case, the globalists deploy/develop a variety of disinfo agents who offer different sets of information and different spins to attract different types of people. Some of these talking heads are paid shills who know exactly what they’re doing; others might be well-intentioned bloggers who “got noticed” and were subsequently contacted by “insiders” who fed them bad information and influenced their outlook (I know this happens because they’ve tried to do it to me).

4) Since no two disinfo agents offer the same exact version of the lie, they frequently get into conflicts with each other, both real and staged. These conflicts actually serve the propaganda effort in the following ways:

> They create the impression that the disinfo agents aren’t working for the same people. If they’re fighting with each other, they can’t be on the same side, right? Wrong. Just look at the Republicans and Democrats.

> When disinfo agents fight over BS like the “global collateral accounts,” they distract people from questioning whether the accounts actually exist and instead get them focused on who is providing the “real intel” about them. If all these guys are fighting over something, that something must be real, right? Wrong. I have no doubt the Illuminati have vast stockpiles of gold scattered about, but it was gathered for their benefit, not humanity’s. They might try to tell you that it belongs to all of us, but they are the ones holding the keys to the vaults.

To show you what I mean by all this, consider Veterans Today and Tom Heneghan. If you are predisposed to see the Zionists as the source of the world’s ills, the globalists have Gordon Duff and Veterans Today to tell you what you want to hear. This is from VT’s front page today (the “bad guys” are in boxes and the “good guys” are circled)…


20th January 2015, 07:17
Thanks Calzy. So many videos to watch and so little time. I'll put it on my list. Must admit I do have to ruthlessly cull my list to the bare minimum of what I'd LIKE to watch, otherwise I wouldn't be able to work, eat or sleep, let alone participate on TOT, lol...perhaps I should get out more and go to the pub.:)

20th January 2015, 18:11
Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks)

Have you noticed how all the recent false-flag “terrorist” and “lone gunman” attacks seem like they were planned by the Keystone Cops?…


…It is no accident that they are so easy to see through.

Back when I was covering the Boston Bombings in my first blog, I realized something fairly early on. I wrote about it on 18 April 2013…

>>> You’ll have to pardon me for having my standard “paranoid” thoughts, but this is just too easy. I’m left asking myself…

Did the Cabal really believe they could get away with such an old-school false-flag at a place where there would be thousands of people with digital cameras, camera phones, and instant access to global social media sites?

Is their OPSEC really so sloppy that they’d use the same crisis actors at different staged events?

Could this be part of the engineered “takedown” of the demonized Western secret societies so the glamorized Eastern secret societies can take the reins of power?

To put it plainly, did they intend for us to put this puzzle together? Is this a small, flashy illusion intended to draw us into the grander illusion at work in the background?

I will write more about this when the Boston event dies down. For now, and regardless of any ulterior agendas that are in play, this event is helping in the awakening of the general public, so I’ll continue to flow with it. <<<

Since then, there have been more false-flags, including many that appear to have been wag-the-dog theatrical productions staged with crisis actors. This being the case, you gotta ask yourself a few questions:

> Why would the globalist intelligence agencies stage false-flag attacks that are so sloppy that any regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) can see the inconsistencies?

> Why would alt-media disinformation sites that are known to be globalist mouthpieces be pointing out all the inconsistencies to the public and openly labeling them false-flag attacks?

Cui bono? (Who benefits?)

As I noted in the excerpt above, these are the benefits the globalists accrue from such practices…

1) These blown false-flags help to wake the people up. Dramatic events like this get lots of attention, and as people eventually catch on to the inconsistencies between “the official story” and what actually happened, they start looking for answers. As I’ve written before, the current awakening was engineered by the globalists to facilitate the transition to the NWO. They can’t run a dialectic on the population until the public is awakened to the two sides (the “evil” West and the “good” East).

2) These events help to establish the credibility of the alt-media disinformation sites. As people begin to see the inconsistencies and look for answers, there is a whole cast of colorful alt-media characters waiting to provide them. And once the disinfo sites have established credibility with the newly awakening ones, they sell them the East versus West dialectic.

3) These events provide “evidence” of how “evil” the West is, thus supporting the East vs. West dialectic. If you watch whom the disinformation sites blame for the attacks, you get the usual suspects…


20th January 2015, 20:27
it's not credible

western central bankars and/or their oil etc companies never made their entrance in russia. it's just throwing more dust into not very attentive audiences craving the "disclosure".

26th January 2015, 09:08
Always love listening to this woman. Audio quality isn't great but worth the effort ...


Catherine Austin Fitts-2015 Forecast Volatile & Violent

By silveristhenew | Published January 25, 2015


Investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts predicts that 2015 is going to be “volatile and violent.” Fitts says, “I think 2015 is going to be a very rough year. I think you have to be prepared for wild swings. We’ve seen oil come down 50%.” Fitts also points out, “The creative destructive aspects are pretty scary.”

Are we going to have a big U.S. dollar devaluation at some point? Fitts says, “That’s a military question. Where the dollar comes out really comes down to both the covert and overt military capacity of the United States.”

On gold, Fitts says, “I think everybody believes they need some gold. Gold is central bank insurance. . . . Basically, what I say is you have to have a core position.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher and creator of the Solari Report.


26th January 2015, 09:58
Calz, I think you're onto something here. And I'm a big fan of C.A. Fitts.

26th January 2015, 10:01
Calz, I think you're onto something here. And I'm a big fan of C.A. Fitts.

She was the first (that I am aware anyway) to make very public the "big money" or "smart money" was moving from USA to China in the early 90's.

This has long been planned ...

Very smart and articulate woman. Those who know her story understand the level of integrity and strength of character she has. The system tried to take her out ... and she not only lived she isn't afraid to talk about it.

9th April 2015, 09:05

Like many others, I get a blast out of listening to this woman's brain at work.

Here's a long interview with the Dark Journalist. She's done a couple with him before, but this one is high octane ( if you can keep up with her ). It starts off a bit slow with more rehashing of a story she's told before but by the time you've got half way through it you'll be hooked and dribbling down your shirt.


9th April 2015, 12:43
I came across CAFitts somewhere in my recent plunge into the world of "what's going on?!!" She's smart, clear, tenacious, etc. I've enjoyed and learned from every interview I've listened to.