View Full Version : Unearthed Three Bronze Statuettes Depicting Gods

14th December 2014, 23:15
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10653623_10152910848284795_661895023702790270_n.jp g?oh=f120dde7ba8978daaf6c9afe9d69e35c&oe=5507DB43&__gda__=1426231028_2fbee476db4ad5452958bc362775b71 3

LUXOR, EGYPT—Youssef Khalifa, head of Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities, announced the discovery of a tomb of within the walls of a temple at the Ramesseum temple complex on Luxor’s west bank, according to a report in Ahram Online. Little is known about Karomama, called a divine royal wife, who had been buried there, along with 20 ushabti funerary figurines and other offerings. Study of the tomb could reveal the name of her royal husband. At the Karnak temple complex, French archaeologists recovered three small, bronze statuettes—two depict the god Osiris, who is sitting and wearing a wig. The third represents an unidentified, standing god decorated with hieroglyphic text that should reveal the god’s name. The team also found a pot containing blue glue.

Reused Royal Tomb Opened in Luxor
LUXOR, EGYPT—NBC News reports that a 4,000-year-old tomb has been discovered by a Spanish team of archaeologists in Luxor. “The dimensions are considerable, leaving no doubt that the tomb belonged to a member of the royal family or a senior courtier,” Jose Galan, leader of the Djehuty Project, said in a press release. The tomb dates to the 11th Dynasty, when Upper and Lower Egypt were united under pharaonic rule from Thebes, now modern-day Luxor. But according to Ali al-Asfar, of Egypt’s antiquities ministry, the tomb was reused 400 years later as a mass grave.

Source: http://www.archaeology.org/news/2777-141212-karnak-osiris-statue
