View Full Version : 'Say Merry Christmas' song sends a negative message

7th December 2014, 05:47
The 'Say Merry Christmas' song sends a negative message.

It boycotts storeowners if they don't acknowledge the 'Merry Christmas' message. It doesn't care if those storeowners are unable to make a living -- support themselves, their families, and so on. This is discrimination and bigotry. The song fosters inequity between peoples based on faith.

In the meantime, it actually condones consumerism/materialism and the corrupt monetary system that inherently causes inequity -- by encouraging the buying of goods/services in 'Merry Christmas' friendly stores -- forgetting Christ's message (which isn't about going into stores to buy things let alone discriminating against those who do not share your faith).

To top it off, it uses innocent children singing in the background to convey its negative message.

Unfortunately, it's propaganda. And, most people seem to be falling for it.


7th December 2014, 06:19

You know, at my recent company Christmas party, the whole gang (at least, those who weren't bowing their heads while saying 'Grace') were treated to a delightful, silent, and totally irreverent pantomime by me of totally not identifying with the Christmas/Christian obsession, and inevitably hanging myself. I wouldn't/won't hang myself, but I've gotten really good at visually simulating myself suspended from a mimed rope and rotating back and forth motionless.

Thanks for posting this Pris, I got a good laugh. Some people's kids these days! I will accede to the over-commercialization of Yule-time, but Christmas is part and parcel to that IMO.

7th December 2014, 06:24

Sorry about that..
Strange how one type of sweet musical expression causes the above reactions and other's don't

WIth Love

Healthy Skeptic
7th December 2014, 09:17
Do you know what I feel is so very, very Sad??
In the US you can't talk about Christmas Holidays anymore - Because it might 'offend' some Minority Groups.
So therefore, You wish 'Happy Holidays' to people - Please correct me if I am wrong.
I apologize if I am getting 'grumpy in my old age'.
But I just Feel that things are becoming More and More 'ridiculous'.
With Love To You All,HS

7th December 2014, 12:54
The 'Say Merry Christmas' song sends a negative message.

It boycotts storeowners if they don't acknowledge the 'Merry Christmas' message. It doesn't care if those storeowners are unable to make a living -- support themselves, their families, and so on. This is discrimination and bigotry. The song fosters inequity between peoples based on faith.

In the meantime, it actually condones consumerism/materialism and the corrupt monetary system that inherently causes inequity -- by encouraging the buying of goods/services in 'Merry Christmas' friendly stores -- forgetting Christ's message (which isn't about going into stores to buy things let alone discriminating against those who do not share your faith).

To top it off, it uses innocent children singing in the background to convey its negative message.

Unfortunately, it's propaganda. And, most people seem to be falling for it.


and all is inverted to control the masses.....

7th December 2014, 20:41
I was pleased when my daughter called me and said We are not supporting Xmas industry so please don't get us any presents. A few days later a few of my friends independently from one another said that it is ridiculous to buy things just for the sake of some commercially twisted tradition so we decided to go out instead, to have a nice laugh with a nice meal and few drinks.

Stoat muldoon
7th December 2014, 20:59
Sadly may whole family are still in sheeple mode over this period . I get the mick taken out of me , bar humbug they say to me and worse . Thanks for the video , I'll send it on and hopefully they may just get it , I doubt it though .

7th December 2014, 21:31
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10805604_10152697299424425_2573852238213113907_n.j pg?oh=b1c793ab834fca8321d94b9849302410&oe=551431AE&__gda__=1426585803_f8315ca82d784bce9851ac59fc1c996 d

7th December 2014, 22:47
I was pleased when my daughter called me and said We are not supporting Xmas industry so please don't get us any presents. A few days later a few of my friends independently from one another said that it is ridiculous to buy things just for the sake of some commercially twisted tradition so we decided to go out instead, to have a nice laugh with a nice meal and few drinks.

That's wonderful! :)

We stopped doing the Christmas present thing for many years now. It doesn't really make sense anyway. Throughout the year, if you want something and feel you must have it (lol), you get it (so long as it doesn't interfere with what you need). You get what you need when you need it.

I do still love to put up a few little coloured lights, a little decorated tree, and play some old Christmas music... It's more about happy childhood memories of family gathered together than anything I think.