View Full Version : Amazing mirror photography, forest dream creatures

12th November 2014, 13:23
Elido Turco is an Italian photographer who can create the fantasy worlds you've always dreamed of (but by using less than %1 of the budget Peter Jackson had to make any of the Lord of the Rings movies). When Turco wants to make a goblin, there's no CGI. Elido just uses a tree, a mirror, and, of course, a camera. When Turco wants to create a pack of dwarves? He finds the nearest wooded area, grabs a mirror and camera and, well, you get the idea.

Take a look at these incredible creatures Elido Turco brought to life with, you guessed it: trees, a mirror, and a camera.



12th November 2014, 14:02
impressive. no photoshop?
save this one for halloween 2015 :eyebrows:

12th November 2014, 22:32
Thank goodness for all Artists around the world as they bring the beauty alive and enhance our ability to see....Thks for posting :)

13th November 2014, 09:11

13th November 2014, 09:32
Very haunting visuals. This artist has a very talented 'eye'. Loved the music - I could hear a bit of 'didge' in there....(Aboriginal didgeriedoo).