View Full Version : The USA is a corporation owned by the crown corporation

3rd November 2014, 22:54
Since the act of 1871 the republic was abolished and every sovereign was made an employee of the corporation. This is high treason because you are deprived of you constitutional rights with a change of one word. The word "for" was replaced with the word "of" which in judicial terms is not the same. Since then the admiralty law is introduced in every federal building you can see it on the flag with the yellow fringe. Law of the land or common law is not the standard type of jurisdiction because it is not in the interest of the corporation who acts for a profit.

Civil death (Latin: civiliter mortuus) is a term that refers to the loss of all or almost all civil rights by a person due to a conviction for a felony or due to an act by the government of a country that results in the loss of civil rights. In article 9 of the Prussian constitution of 1850 the civil death and the confiscation of property was forbidden.

Old roman law states the term capitis deminutio

Capitis deminutio is defind by Gaius as prioris status permutatio. It has in classical law three degrees: (see name surname notations in official documents)

Capitis deminutio minor is a change of family position (Name Surname),

Capitis deminutio media is a loss of civitas and family rights (NAME Surname),

Capitis deminutio maxima is a loss of liberty, involving a loss of civitas and family rights (NAME SURNAME)

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