View Full Version : Voyager I Has Left the Solar System

13th September 2013, 14:22
Ladies and gentlemen, Voyager I has left the building… - See more at: http://disinfo.com/2013/09/voyager-i-has-left-the-solar-system/#sthash.ArTSt5A0.dpuf


By today’s standards, the spacecraft’s technology is laughable: it carries an 8-track tape recorder and computers with one-240,000th the memory of a low-end iPhone. When it left Earth 36 years ago, it was designed as a four-year mission to Saturn, and everything after that was gravy.
But Voyager 1 has become — thrillingly — the Little Spacecraft That Could. On Thursday, scientists declared that it had become the first manufactured object to exit the solar system, a breathtaking achievement that NASA could only fantasize about back when Voyager was launched in 1977, the same year “Star Wars” was released.
- See more at: http://disinfo.com/2013/09/voyager-i-has-left-the-solar-system/#sthash.ArTSt5A0.dpuf

Full article here:


13th September 2013, 14:26
Hi Dianna,
I suspect the technology back than was way more advanced than what they would have us think given reverse engineering from the Roswell crashes.


13th September 2013, 14:29
LOL, yea ... I actually only posted the article (although interesting) because I wanted to post some Bowie on this forum LOL


18th September 2013, 16:39
I hope you have noticed the Voyager I probe , exiting premises of this solar system yesterday and recorded the eerie shrieking sound ..


A strange, unearthly "shriek" greeted NASA's Voyager I spacecraft as it became the first man-made object to enter interstellar space.
A strange rising "howl" was detected by instruments aboard the 36-year-old probe, which has travelled 12 billion miles away from our sun.
The sound was transmitted back to scientists on Earth, over a distance so vast radio waves take 17 hours to reach us. Science site iO9 described the sounds as "creepy" and "wraithlike".
NASA announced this week that the tiny probe has now left the "solar bubble" - a historic moment which marks our species entry into interstellar space.


18th September 2013, 16:40
There seems to be some problem with youtube videos displaying correctly, mission control...


18th September 2013, 17:12

Oh maybe this shall work it out ...
