View Full Version : Sacred Resonance

16th September 2014, 20:01
These guys are on point!


Axiatonal Music� accesses what the �Keys of Enoch� � calls �axiatonal lines; energy fields in acoustical vibrational patterns that connect meridians of the body with resonating star systems.

Axiatonal Music� uses frequencies found within the great pyramids across the world to access greater states of vibratory attunement of body, mind and spirit through holistic healing, meditation and consciousness expansion.

These frequencies connect out to the structure of the universe all the way down to the sounds of the DNA vibrating in your body.
The greater sound symphony of Axiatonal Music� works with the neo-cortex utilizing both left and right hemispheric functions that can activate super-mental powers and states of consciousness.

..Axiatonal music is connected with mantric or sacred music which can amplify or cue the signal-noise relationships of the axiatonal- acupuncture system so that the human body can receive energy from higher powers or discrete parallel intelligence that can use various signaling ranges to give life, or bring healing through an intricate set of links (or chakras) built into the body. Future History Journal, AFFS, Spring 1998.

Axiatonal lines are existing energy fields in patterns working with acoustical vibrations running throughout the body and beyond.

Axiatonal System

The Keys of Enoch� define that there is a renewal process that takes place on the cellular level which is controlled by axiatonal lines, defined as follows:

Vibratory lines which connect levels of human electrochemical activity with astrobiological circuits that span the solar system and are connected with resonating star systems. The axiatonal lines connect the acupuncture mapping of the human biological system with superior astrobiological analogs. (see Key 317). The Keys of Enoch� J J Hurtak, 1973-1977

�The greater astro acupuncture system allows induction of bioluminescent and electrical signals using fractal networks to override normal cause and effect (Hurtak, 1988). It is beginning to appear that humankind is working only with a truncated version of acupuncture when compared with the ancient practice. Moreover, the newest translations of the Nei Jing (Book Review by Pham; pp. 191�196) may confirm this more expanded model of acupuncture science.

Therefore, we should begin to examine our human acupuncture system even more holistically, as an extended astro bioacupuncture system that is, in degrees of complexity, connected to communication circuits with the various internal and external meridians as depicted in ancient Chinese texts (Fig. 3). This extended system could be called an axiatonal system of vibratory communication, by virtue of its functioning through meridians with diverse fields of light and sound (Hurtak, 1973a), a macrocosmic ordering of what Gariaev et al. (1994) are observing in the acoustico-optical properties (i.e., the frequency properties) of the genome. We see on the basis of extrapolation of current research in new energy medicine, the emergence of a whole new branch of medical science that can be called �Medical Astronomy.�

�Viewing the universe as a fractal totality, the human body appears as a micro-cosmos, a small space-time field within a larger field.
[Consciousness and Quantum Information Processing: Uncovering the Foundation for a Medicine of Light BRUCE D. CURTIS, M.A., M.Div. and J.J. HURTAK, Ph.D., (Social Science) Ph.D. (History & Oriental Studies)]


16th September 2014, 20:57
The foundation for sound and biology being in harmony resulted in me reverting back to A=432 Hz for some years now. What is nice about that is it comes without registered trademarks or trademark property ownership.

Bees don't sell honey, humans do.

16th September 2014, 21:09
Lol point taken, but I am happy to buy honey as I appreciate the effort and end result :-)

They also revert in some of their work: Specially tuned to A as 424 Hz rather than Concert A 440 HZ attributed to the western equal tempered system – where 424 Hz connects with PI and key hydrogen vibrational states.

Also the musical scales have be re-tuned to PI as 22/7 - 3.142857 which connects also with ancient pyramidal sites, star sounds, brain wave frequencies and DNA and their acoustic resonant frequencies.

Also in the presentation, although I was aware of cymatics, and Dr Emoto etc., I never realised that the mantra "Om" creates a Sri yantra in a receptacle of iron filings!!!! From past experience, that yantra is very powerful.

I was shown in a dream about unlocking my DNA and given the number 198. I do not know whether it was a frequency measured in hertz or not but the peculiar thing was my wife had been shown the same number, the same night :-)

17th September 2014, 00:42
does that link still work? maybe not in US? It took me to a youtube youtube.com app 'desktop"

I did search and find a link, is what the video was above? I immediatly think of David Sereda's research so it will be interesting to watch.


17th September 2014, 05:07
Thanks mojo, yes you have found the correct link, I just know that this field of research is "key".

17th September 2014, 11:22
Their channel is at https://www.youtube.com/user/highercontact

Quite a few videos.

2nd October 2014, 12:29
Thanks Spiral! Latest Update:

After listening to one of their albums which were only several pounds, I am opening up to the frequencies.

I am seeing flashes of strange pyramids. 2 together to be precise?

They are much steeper than the Giza pyramids, darker in colour and instead of straight horizontal lines around it to denote each layer of construction, they have wavy lines.

I am seeing this image from different angles in dreams and waking reality, very vivid and solid.

I have also had an audible flash of the music as I lay relaxed, bearing my music player was not turned on!

And if that is not interesting enough, while listening to the album earlier, the track stopped abruptly and by itself changed to another track, a track that uses resonant frequencies found in ancient pyramids...

From my experience and intuition, for my personal spiritual evolution, these frequencies are definitely opening me up, and DNA change in my opinion is taking place, just in case you were interested ;-)

2nd October 2014, 12:35
Just about to plough through your overly encyclopedic email :fisty: this sounds fascinating....

I'll be back like the spinal region.

2nd October 2014, 20:32
Ok, I fairly certain now that the wavy lines I have been shown around the pyramids represent acoustic standing waves.

Check out this:http://www.human-resonance.org/celtic_waves.html


The Staffordshire artifacts present beautiful examples of the sacred Celtic Cross, as seen in a gold ornamental millefiori stud with a hemispheric stone inlay showing the octagonal mandala in white, blue and black, surrounded by concentric circles with radiating lines (above, center). These Celtic mandala symbols reveal their Sanskrit origin in the pyramid-building Atlantean civilization that employed heartbeat synchronization for global telepathic communication via infrasound standing waves.

The mandala reiterates the Sanskrit quantum formula [ zn+1 = zn2 ], by which the hundreds of giant standing stones of the Celtic sacred sites were erected using acoustic levitation techniques. Infrasound standing waves are transduced from solar energy and focused on England's sacred sites by the Orion pyramids of Giza, Egypt, which are precisely 9.0% of the Earth's mean circumference from Stonehenge (51.08�N 1.49�W). Deep booming noises heard along this sacred band of planetary resonance were once used to levitate gigantic stones, while today they are simply an annoyance to residents who do not know their significance, as has been the case recently in Bridlington, England, Llanidloes and Mawnan, Wales. The low-frequency humming and heartbeat booming noises arouse and awake human consciousness in the same way as occurs at crop circle formations.