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3rd September 2014, 20:59
Interview with a Female Milab and Project Avalon Member

By Eve Lorgen

This is an informal written interview of a female �milab� abductee whom I recently became acquainted with via my research. She prefers to maintain her anonymity at this time and suggests her name as only, a �Project Avalon Forum Member�.

I became interested in her experiences and opinions because she has been actively engaged in over two decades of healing and recovery work. She has recovered much memory and understanding of her experiences, especially the methodology which was used to find and create paranormal abilities. She also asserts to the liaison of alien and human military involvement in a co-created project to produce operatives with supernatural abilities like remote viewing, time folding, bi-location and clairvoyant faculties. What I find is that with true healing and recovery, experiencers of such projects no longer cater to the �entertainment� angle or the popular opinion aspect of the Paranormal/Conspiracy/UFO community circles. Healing, recovery and awareness work takes a sober, dedicated individual who learns to trust inner wisdom. Inner wisdom is not some �program of belief� or ego based defense system, but listening to the heart and dealing with the emotions carried through traumas. From what I have gathered with many wise experiencers who have done their own healing work, authentic awareness and self discovery does not happen with a single quick fix method of �healing�. It takes years of emotional processing, letting go of beliefs and behaviors which no longer work, while maintaining an inner core of truth and dedication to integrity on all levels.

1. When did you discover you were a �milab� abductee?
