View Full Version : Contradictions

24th July 2014, 19:17
1. If the moon landing was a hoax then how do we explain how the astronauts saw parked UFOs when they were on the moon?

2. If The Beatles came out of Tavistock then why do we think of John Lennon as being a spiritual pacifist?

3. If Big Pharma is killing us with their drugs then why do we take over the counter supplements and think they’re doing us any good?

4. If Elvis is dead, how come I saw him shopping at Westfield last weekend?

OK, that last one’s a joke but you know where I’m coming from, right?

Wolf Khan
24th July 2014, 21:57
Everything they want us to believe to be true is false.

25th July 2014, 11:20
In answer to your first question, my BIG QUESTION has always been rhetorical:
Why did we send soldiers trained in science to the moon? Why did we not train scientists in arms?

Maybe I'm wrong. But until someone can show me a better answer, it more-or-less answers itself.