View Full Version : Earth's Purpose by Chris Thomas

22nd July 2014, 21:37
Throughout the Universe, many, many billions of souls exist; some are souls that make up galaxies, some are souls that make up solar systems, some souls are more or less “human sized” but have no physical density at all, some are also more or less “human sized” but do have physical bodies that are considerably less dense than human bodies. So there was a form of life that was missing – “physical” life-forms that live on “physical” planets.

This is the purpose of our solar system – to explore the possibilities offered by being physical.

A region of an outlying galaxy was selected to be the host for this physical experiment where a sun already existed. This lone sun was also a consciousness, a soul. This solar soul agreed to provide the nurturing energies to a solar system that was formed from thirteen souls who wished to take on “physical” energy densities and explore the different forms of life that being physical could conjure up.

This all happened 40 million years ago.

This time-scale is greatly at odds with current “scientific” thinking but this is the time frame that is recorded in the Akashic.

The scientific time scale, that of 4 billion years, is based on the assumed age of a meteor that could have arrived on Earth from anywhere within the Universe and so is no more than a false assumption.

Our solar system is contained within an energy “envelope” that is shaped a little like a rugby ball. This envelope was necessary in order to keep out all of the other energy patterns that exist within our galaxy and within our Universe – there is not much point in creating an experimental region of space if it could be contaminated by energy patterns that could make the experiment pointless.

So we exist in a controlled and protected “envelope” that originally contained thirteen souls who had taken on the role of forming physical planets that could create and nurture as diverse a range of physical forms of life as possible.

All were successful.

All thirteen planets began to form 40 million years ago, each expressing the “personality” of their soul in the forms of life they created.
Individual souls are Created by the Creator, planetary life is created by the soul of the planet.

However, the soul that is the Earth took Her time to consider all options before She settled down to experiment with the type of life-forms She wanted to develop. In this way, life on Earth only began to develop 25 million years ago.

Again, this is very much at odds with the scientific view of life on Earth. However, if you research back through the history of scientific thinking, you will find that this figure of 25 million years is one which was favoured by scientists for a number of years. It only changed when the “new” science of geology came along and tried to find answers to the ages of rock strata.

Most of the assumptions made by these early geologists turn out to be based on false premises but scientists being scientists, they have not admitted to their mistakes and have maintained the false theories and incorporated these false dates into current thinking. When the meteorite, mentioned above, was found, they came up with this new age of 4 billion years for the Earth. The technique used to arrive at this date has never been explained adequately – it seems to have primarily been conjecture and wishful thinking.

25 million years ago, the surface of the Earth began to live. The first life-forms were bacteria and plants. In order to work with the plants, the Earth brought about the Sidhé and the Faerie, creating them about 20 million years ago.

At this time, the Earth was also about 40 per cent smaller than She is now. There is no such thing as “Continental Drift”, the Earth grew as life developed and there have been occasions when She has shrunk in size as She brought about major changes to the forms of life that She Created for Her surface.

As life developed on all of the planets of our solar system, the parameters of our experiment changed. It was proven that compressing energies down to the frequencies we consider “physical” worked exceptionally well and that the solar system contained more forms of life than all of the planets in the rest of the Universe combined and so it was decided that all of the planets would work towards developing a form of life that could contain a free-moving and free-acting soul. In other words, Human Beings.

The first free-moving souls that were Created for this Universe did not have any physical form or physical density; they were just pure soul energy. These types of souls the Akashic calls the “non-physical” races.

In order for them to develop and to gain new experiences, it was agreed that they could come to our solar system and experience what it is like to take on a physical body. But, before they could make that journey, the planets of the solar system needed to develop a suitable body that these souls could inhabit.

All thirteen of the planets that were originally in our solar system began to create new life-forms that could fulfill that function and all were successful.

Then, 3.8 million years ago, four of the original planetary souls decided that they had completed all of the experiences they felt they... To read the full article : http://www.thespiritguides.co.uk/ChrisThomas/ChrisThomasProgressReport2012.pdf

Footnotes August 2013

Towards the bottom of the footnotes Chris discusses population.

A great deal has been made about the existence of “Star Gates” into, and out of, our solar system. Another word for a star gate would be “portal”. But what is the reality?

Our solar system is unique. Nowhere else in our Universe does the combination of energy frequencies that make up our solar system exist.

As we saw above, the Universe is made up of a combination of frequencies that allow for the existence of several forms of life – the combination of frequencies allow the non- physical races to exist and a different combination of energies allow the semi- physical races to exist. But on Earth, the energy combinations are entirely different to both of the other states of being.

In order to bring about fully physical forms of life, an area of “containment” was required.

We could not be directly connected to the energetic realms of the non-physical races because we would then exist in a state no different to theirs.

We could not be directly connected to the energetic realms of the semi-physical races because we would then exist in a state no different to them.

So to create a new state of being – a physical state – an area of the Universe had to be partitioned off to ensure that the experiment of physical life was not contaminated by the energy patterns from which the other regions of the Universe were comprised.

Our solar system is deliberately located on the edge of nowhere. We are located where we are in order to be separated from the rest of the Universe and, as we are an “experiment”, we also needed to be located in a region where there was very little in the way of other life as there was a chance that we could become “contaminated” by other energies.
It is for these reasons that our solar system is “contained” in an energy “bubble”.

This bubble contains all of the combination of energy frequencies that compress space, time and light to the frequencies that correspond to a “physical” state of being. This bubble is shaped a little like a rugby ball and contains 39 to the power of 6 dimensions – a dimension is a measure of energy frequencies and our “bubble” is limited to this number of dimensions as they correspond to the energy patterns of physical existence (the Universe contains a total of 39 to the power of 39 dimensions – that is the number 39 followed by 39 zeros).

Whilst we needed to be totally separate from the rest of the Universe, the other races also needed to have access to our solar system. The non-physical races needed access, as they are the primary soul origins of the vast majority of humans. The semi-physical races needed access in order to provide us with assistance should we require it.

So there are two “Star Gates” into and out of our solar system.

One relates to the position of the stars on the “belt” of the constellation of Orion. This star gate opens directly into the rest of the Universe and the energy patterns of the non- physical races.

The second star gate opens through the constellation of Draco to the energy patterns of the semi-physical races (the actual gate is located in the triangle created by the stars of Grumium, Nodus Secundus and Aldhibah just below the “head” of Draco).

These are the only two access points into and out of our solar system – no other star gates or portals exist.

In recent years, the Velon have attempted to persuade people to build new “portals” into and out of the solar system – all of those attempts failed.
On the 9th of December 2009, an attempt was made to use the HAARP station located on the island of Tromsø in northern Norway – the “Norwegian Spiral”. This attempt also failed.

There were similar attempts made using HAARP around the same time as the Norwegian attempt as well as an attempt using the particle accelerator in Cern on the Swiss/French border.

All of these attempts failed as there is insufficient energy available within our solar system to build a new portal or star gate. This is also quite deliberate. The energy patterns we have available to us are strictly limited. It was always feared that someone would come along and attempt to build a new opening in our enclosing “rugby ball” and so limiting the amount of energy available to us prevents the construction of such a portal.

If there was a sufficient energy potential available to allow the construction of a new portal, and someone attempted to build one, the opening of such a portal would destroy our solar system and destroy all of the hard work we had put into finding out how physical life works.

As one of the questions asked by the Creator of our Universe was “could life exist at physical densities?” then creating a new uncontrolled portal would not only destroy our solar system it would also destroy the Universe (one of the primary reasons for this Universe to exist is to explore physicality. If the potential to explore that question no longer existed then there would be little point in the rest of the Universe existing – see my books for a more detailed explanation of this possible problem).

The solar system has been closed to the Velon ever since they began to cause problems. They want a portal to be built so that they could circumvent the solar system defences and go against the wishes of the Earth.

That cannot happen.

So given our rugby ball energy bubble and the limited number of star gates, how could the sun Nibiru, (which does not exist) and its seven orbiting planets (which do not exist), have entered our solar system?

It cannot, it is impossible for anything to enter our solar system except through one or other of the existing star gates.

Even if Nibiru, either planet or sun, did exist, it would be comprised of energy frequencies that would be incompatible with the energy frequencies of our solar system and therefore could not enter.

But, let us also look at this Nibiru situation from a practical viewpoint.
Let us assume for one minute that the story is true and that a new sun has entered our solar system and is heading towards Earth. One of two things is going to happen:

1. If Nibiru’s orbit is bringing it into the solar system from behind the sun and we cannot actually see Nibiru from Earth, it should, by now, be having a strong influence on the Earth.

The last I heard was that Nibiru is now in an orbit roughly equal to that of Jupiter. Given that the Earth is approximately an equal distance from both the sun and Jupiter then we should already be seeing an increase in light levels and an increase of heat as Nibiru’s energy was added to that of the sun’s.

2. If Nibiru’s orbit brought it into the solar system so that it was on the Earth’s side of the sun then we would not have any night time.
The energy of Nibiru would mean that the half of the Earth that is orbited away from the sun would now be having the full effects of Nibiru’s energy and therefore be illuminated meaning that there would be no night anywhere on Earth.

So far, I cannot detect any influence from Nibiru whatsoever either on Earth or anywhere else within the solar system and there is absolutely no evidence at all that there ever will be any influence from Nibiru on the solar system or the Earth.

Total disinformation.

Incidentally, the predictions state that Nibiru will begin to destroy the life on Earth somewhere between the dates of the 17th to the 26th of August 2013.
So, either way, we should know the truth of this in the very near future.

If I have misread the situation and we do all die before the end of this month, if you want to tell me off, I will be sitting on a deckchair on the 2nd planet in the Crystalline system sunning myself – they have very good beaches and palm trees there!


1. The first to realise the effectiveness of instilling fear into a population in order to control them was the Vatican.

Very early in its history, the Vatican adopted a policy of “if you don’t believe what we tell you to believe, we will kill you”. This policy reaching its peak with the genocide of the Cathars between 1209 and 1255 where an estimated one million people were killed. Unfortunately, it is still possible to instil fear into the bulk of a population by using lies to mislead them.

2. One of the biggest lies used by the elite to instil fear into most of the population has been the myth of man-made global warming and the concept that humans can take actions to prevent the Earth’s global temperatures from rising.

The Earth has always allowed temperature swings to requirements for the life that inhabits the planet. In this way, the current average global temperature is about plus one point five degrees Celsius but, in the past, global temperatures are known to be as high as plus six degrees Celsius.

The reason why the date 1850 is used by the elite as the base line for measuring temperature rise is because that is the last year of the “mini-ice-age” that began around about 1450 – this was when average global temperatures dropped as low as minus two point five degrees Celsius. 1850 was the last time that the Thames froze sufficiently to hold one of the winter fairs made famous by the novels of Charles Dickens.

In 1850, average global temperatures rose above zero and continued rising until 1996 where the temperature has stabilised at about one point five degrees. Since 1996, the global temperature has dropped very slightly (by about 0.1 deg. C) and have not risen since (raw data from the Met. Office and analysed by Prof. David Bellamy).

3. I have carried out a great deal of research into so-called international terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda. The results are very interesting but not enough room here to list the references – if I can find this information, so can anyone.

-The “Red Brigade” and “Bader Minehoff Gang”, who blew up a number of targets in Europe in the 1970’s and 1980’s, turn out to be NATO troops.

-When Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA financed and armed al-Qaeda, as well as other resistance fighter groups, to cause trouble for the Russians. The CIA have remained in control of al-Qaeda ever since.

-Britain’s MI6 (also called SIS) admitted publicly on the BBC evening news that they were responsible for the 2005 London bombings.

-In his book, “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism”, author Trevor Aaronson points out that the FBI are behind most of the so-called terrorists that have been arrested in America in the last ten years. The FBI sets up the attack and then arrests the “terrorist” to make it look like the FBI is doing its job. It also, of course keeps Americans in a state of fear (Mr. Aaronson’s book reported in the World News section of Nexus Magazine Aug/ Sept 2013).

4. The reduction of the human population down to 500 million is the stated aim of the Illuminati. It is also the primary aim of the agreement reached at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This agreement has been signed by the governments of over 120 countries – in other words, it is law in all of these countries including the USA, the EU and Britain.

A section within the UNCED agreement is known as “Agenda 21” which presents guidelines on how the aims of the UNCED agreement can be achieved on a local level.

5. As of 13.36 on the 12th of August, 2013 the global population was officially: 7,171,596,400 (www.worldometers.info) Yet, according to the Akashic the actual figure is around 3.7 billion; less than half that of the “official” figures.

When explaining about how the official figures are arrived at, the worldometer site states: “the current world population figure is necessarily a projection based on assumed trends”.

Note the words “a projection based on assumed trends”. In other words, the figures are, at best, a guess at worst, an outright lie deliberately intended to mislead and generate fear.

6. There have been a number of “whistleblowers” in the last couple of years who have provided information about how the secret services operate and how they monitor everyone’s communications. Most have been ignored by the media however, there is one that has gained great notoriety lately has been “Snowden”. His name is in inverted commas as I have to ask if it is his actual name.

For an in-depth analysis of his impact and what he is really up to, listen to the interview with journalist John Rappaport on Red Ice Radio.
One comment that struck me, from Rappaport’s interview, was that by telling everyone that the NSA monitors every phone call or email on the planet is that the impact is to make people self-censor their emails and phone conversations.

Self-censorship relates back to footnote 1. Self-censorship is the goal of everyone who wants to control the population – it is the greatest form of mind-control achievable.