View Full Version : The Truth about Supermarket Food

27th May 2014, 15:38

"The meat you get at the supermarket bears little resemblance to the meat our ancestors ate. And this has profound health implications that most people don�t realize.

The Meat Our Ancestors Ate

Throughout most of human history, if you wanted meat for dinner, some of your tribesmen had to go hunting. Eventually humans figured out how to domesticate animals. Then, if you wanted meat for dinner, you had easy access to a cow, sheep, or goat that had spent its life grazing on wild grasses and other natural food sources.

You can see from this timeline that it wasn�t terribly long ago that we stopped relying totally on hunting. For example, it was only 8,000 years ago that we domesticated the cow. Our ancestors could then have organic, grass-fed beef for dinner anytime they wanted!

The Meat We Eat Now

After World War II, American meat production became a big business. Free-range animals eating the food that nature intended for them became a thing of the past. Most cattle now spend their days in feed lots and are given hormones designed to get them fatter faster. The lucky ones are fed a diet of corn, or maybe soybeans.

However, most mass-produced cattle and other farm animals are regularly fed diseased animals (sometimes of the same species), manure, and even plastic. They legally can be fed road kill, dead horses, and euthanized cats and dogs."

Read more: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/05/23/alarming-truth-supermarket-meat/

Wolf Khan
29th May 2014, 04:01
The entire food industry is mindlessly controlled by even more mindless cabal cronies who think that starving us, the rightful inheritors of Earth, is funny to contemplate.