View Full Version : [Misinformation] Autism rates in the u.s, 1 in 68 children now have autism

28th April 2014, 17:19
We all know the Elephant in the room is vaccines.


Americans are now seeing vaccines for what they really are -- BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. The escalating rate of damaged children in the U.S. has NOTHING to do with better diagnosis and everything to do with the fact that they are being deliberately poisoned.


And indeed, this poisoning begins while they are in the womb with ignorant mothers choosing to get vaccinated during pregnancy.

It's wakey wakey time people. How many lives have to be destroyed before Americans say NO MORE!!!


"Autism rates climbed nearly 30% between 2008 and 2010 and have more than doubled since the turn of the century, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The condition is now believed to affect one of every 68 8-year-olds – up from one in 88 just two years earlier.

That means virtually every grade in every elementary school has at least one child with autism – a seemingly astonishing rise for a condition that was nearly unheard of a generation ago.

What's still unknown is the driver of that increase. Many experts believe the rise is largely due to better awareness and diagnosis rather than a true increase in the number of children with the condition.

"We don't know the extent those factors explain in terms of the increase, but we clearly know they do play a role," said Coleen Boyle, director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the CDC. "Our system tells us what's going on. It (only) gives us clues as to the why."

The aging of parents is also known to be a factor; the chances of autism increase with the age of parents at conception.

"But that's not the whole story is it?" said Robert Ring, chief science officer for Autism Speaks, a research and advocacy group. Whether something in the environment could be causing the uptick remains "the million-dollar question," Ring said.

Despite their concern, experts said they were not surprised by the increase, because other data had suggested the numbers would continue to climb. In New Jersey, for instance, autism rates were 50% higher than in the rest of the nation in 2000, and they remained that much higher in 2010 – suggesting the national rates will continue to rise to catch up, said Walter Zahorodny, a psychologist who directs the New Jersey Autism Study. "To me it seems like autism prevalence can only get higher," he said.

The new study also showed that blacks continue to lag behind whites and Hispanics in diagnoses. Zahorodny, also an assistant professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, said the gap has persisted for so long that he thinks it may be real – that blacks may be less vulnerable to autism for some unknown reason. Others are quicker to blame lack of medical access for the difference.

"We know that there are significant under-diagnosis problems in minority communities and among women and girls," said Ari Ne'eman, a member of the National Council on Disability and president of the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. The group tries to empower autistic people to advocate for themselves. The new CDC numbers show five times more boys with autism than girls. The girls and blacks who have intellectual disabilities as well as autism are getting counted, but the smarter kids are not, said Ne'eman, who has autism himself. "Many of the cases that are easier to miss are being missed in those populations."

To be diagnosed on autism spectrum, someone must have deficits in three areas: communications, social skills and typical behavior. Roughly one-third of the children in the CDC study also had intellectual deficits, with the remainder showing normal or above-average intelligence.

To come up with its new figures, the CDC reviewed medical and school records from 2010 at 11 different sites across the country. There is a huge range in autism prevalence across those sites, from one child in 175 found with autism in Alabama, to one in 46 in New Jersey. Boyle said the difference may be explained, at least in part, by differences in community resources for identifying and serving children with autism. Other reporting sites were in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Utah and Wisconsin.

The CDC has used the same method to determine autism prevalence every two years since 2000, showing a 120% increase in autism rates between 2000 and 2010.

The average age a child is diagnosed with autism has fallen, but remains above age 4 – though diagnosis is possible by age 2. Research suggests that the earlier a child with autism receives therapy the better the chance of limiting their deficits.

The message to parents is that if they have concerns about their child's early play, speech or movement, they should raise those concerns with with doctors and caregivers, Boyle said.

Prevalence rates quickly become fodder for politics. Several members of Congress and advocacy groups took the opportunity Thursday to promote continued funding for autism treatment and research. The $780 million Combatting Autism Act is currently up for renewal.

"This is a loud message to people in Washington that we need leadership here," said Liz Feld, president of Autism Speaks. "A national strategy that addresses all the needs of the autism community across the lifespan is what is needed now more than ever."

Others criticized the suggestion that the rising numbers reflect an "epidemic" of autism. Instead, Ne'eman argued: "Autism is something that we're born with, that always existed."


I already know this post is going to spark controversy. I’m not a huge fan of controversy but I am realistic, logical, and have a good amount of common sense and I am usually the one exposing the elephant in the room, especially if it needs to be talked about. This post, is about one of those elephants. As soon as autism and vaccines are mentioned in the same sentence the war march music is queued. One side will feel vindicated, the other will be down-right mad, but despite all of that, our kids deserve this discourse. We deserve this discourse. So let’s not cue the music just yet.

Autism begins in the womb…end of story?
There’s a new study out that suggests autism begins in the womb. You can’t miss it because it’s been a top story on every news venue for the last week. With this new study came re-energized backlash and an attempt to take the focus off of vaccinations as a probable cause:

“See? I told you vaccines don’t cause autism. It starts in the womb! This study proves it. Case closed. Go home, sit down, shut up, and vaccinate your kid.”

Yes, because the risk of autism is the only reason I don’t vaccinate my child. I sure hope nobody read about this study and decided to take their kids for shots the next day. I have a problem with this type of rhetoric and to be honest, it scares me that people are so quick to shut the door on something as serious as autism. This study doesn’t “close the case,” it pushes it wide open. If you are questioning vaccines, or think vaccines may be linked to autism, this study actually supports that premise and makes it even more imperative that we start objectively questioning everything that gets injected into our bodies with more scrutiny.

The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is pretty straight-forward but contains a lot of big words. Here’s the jist: Researchers did a small explorative study analyzing postmortem brain samples of 22 children – 11 with autism and 11 without. They found that 10 of the 11 autistic children had certain brain characteristics (along with 1 of the non-autistic children).

“We observed focal patches of abnormal laminar cytoarchitecture and cortical disorganization of neurons, but not glia, in prefrontal and temporal cortical tissue from 10 of 11 children with autism and from 1 of 11 unaffected children.”

This new study may indeed give clues on how autism develops – but a “small explorative study” involving only 11 autistic children and 11 non-autistic children hardly constitutes enough evidence to hang our hats on – especially when there were two children who did not have the brain samples one would expect them to have.

In comparison, there was a study that showed the presence of measles vaccine-strain virus (from the MMR live virus vaccine) in the guts of twelve autistic children that sparked an international controversy questioning the safety of vaccines. Yes I know it was retracted (and not because his results were wrong but because an individual with ties to the vaccine industry accused Wakefield of being unethical). Yes, I know Wakefield has been exonerated. And no, he didn’t say the MMR vaccine “caused” autism…he simply pointed out the obvious connection – many autistic children have chronic bowel inflammation, and have the vaccine strain of the measles virus in their intestines. What I also know is that his findings were confirmed and duplicated by over 12 world-renowned researchers, in four different countries, and by more than 28 studies but that was deemed insufficient evidence to warrant further investigation – in fact that was deemed to be no evidence at all. I don’t know about you, but the only thing I ever saw on prime time news was a smear campaign.

If the researchers from this new autism study looked for or discovered a vaccine-mealses virus in their samples, you better believe this article wouldn’t have made prime-time. I only brought up the “W” word because despite what you may believe, there’s a bias in our country favoring vaccines and this study proves it. People are so quick to say that vaccines are exonerated based on one, “small explorative” (by their own definition) study. Let’s be real, this study proves nothing, it only raises more questions that demand further studies.

But, for the sake of this post we’re all going to assume that this new study is gold, that it 100% without a doubt proves that autism starts in the womb. In the legal profession we call this a non-contested issue. In a fast-pitch softball game we’d call this a slow pitch. I’m giving it to you. I’m letting you walk to first base. If I don’t, we’ll spend all day trying to find “evidence” to contradict the “evidence.” Instead, we’re going to use the same evidence that’s being used to shut the door on the “autism vaccine debate” to support our position and pressure the mainstream scientific community to look at the real issues. Autism is unacceptable and so are all of the other conditions our kids experience because of what comes through the needle.

So let’s break it down. If autism starts in utero, then vaccines can’t possibly play a role right?
I hate to point out the obvious here but most pregnant women in the United States are vaccinated and receive flu shots while pregnant. According to the CDC, the hepatitis A vaccine, Tdap (a category C drug that has not been tested for fetal or reproductive harm), and influenza vaccines are recommended for pregnant women. Polio, hepatitis B, and meningococal vaccine can also be given. Yellow fever vaccine (a category “C” live virus vaccine never tested for safety in fetuses) can even be given if the “benefits (there are none) outweigh the risks (there are many).”

How do these vaccines effect the development of a fetus? Nobody knows. But we do know from reading the vaccine package inserts, “clinical trials,” and objective studies done, that vaccines in children can cause encephalitis, neurological disorders, and developmental delays and that vaccines have caused the same, along with autism-like symptoms in animals. Is a fetus immune to the same reality? Pregnant women who opt to receive the vaccine are the test subjects – although supporters of the mainstream are going to look the other way if the results aren’t favorable.

In addition, several vaccine package inserts state that a woman should not become pregnant within three months of being vaccinated (see MMR and Varicella inserts). Women go in asking their doctor how they should prepare for pregnancy and the doctor recommends they get vaccinated. Um, problem here…how many doctors have read the package insert themselves – probably very few because I am willing to bet no woman has ever heard of needing to take extra precautions in the bedroom after being vaccinated. Have you?

What happens if she doesn’t and gets pregnant? Well…nobody knows but it is thought that these live viruses that cause fetal abnormalities when injected into pregnant women, cause the same type of abnormalities if still circulating in the body when a woman becomes pregnant – hence the importance of the warning that nobody read.

What caused the abnormal brain samples in the NEJM study? Anything but the vaccines right? To me, it seems vaccines haven’t been ruled out as a possible cause so don’t get your shots just yet.

Ultrasounds, Vaccines, and Autism
There’s another way vaccines could be the final building block that sends a child spiraling into the depths of autism and like vaccines given during pregnancy, this theory also supports the findings of the study. During pregnancy women are subjected to 2-3 ultrasounds minimum (unless you opt out). If you’re high risk you’ll have more or you might be one of those women who get elective scans…just for funzies. No one thinks twice about it.

I’m sure your doctor never informed you of the risks of that “routine” ultrasound but minimal research on this issue would reveal that ultrasounds have not only been linked to autism but have proven to be harmful to a developing brain. The effects of ultrasound waves on the brain show the same abnormalities as discovered in the brain samples of the newest autism study.

Each scan heats surrounding tissues and bones up to six degrees higher than the maximum determined level of safety and since 1993 the FDA has allowed high-output machines to scan babies at eight times the tolerable level without conducting any epidemiological studies. Ultrasounds cause cavitation - where gas pockets in tissues and body fluids form and collapse due to high frequency sound waves. Cells in the brain are very sensitive to cavitation and can divide, migrate, and form too many mini-columns.

This same “cavitation” process via “ultrasonic cleaning” is frequently used to remove rust, dirt, lime scale, grease and tightly adhering service contaminates from watches, surgical instruments, industrial parts, firearms, and electronic equipment. The longer the session the more cavitation occurs. People are now using ultrasound technology to agitate the fat right off of their bodies.

What type of effect do you think this has on the protective coverings of neurons in the developing brain of a fetus? If ultrasounds can dissolve fat right off the body and rust right off of metal than why would anyone naively think ultrasounds can’t strip the protective fat coverings right off of neurons or create a condition of autism susceptibility by “disrupting the cortical laminar architecture in the cortexes” as the NEJM study puts it. If you think I’m overreacting about ultrasounds, find the thousands of women who had what used to be “routine” x-rays during their pregnancy and discover how that one turned out.

Babies aren’t born with autism.
The NEJM study shows that while a condition in the brain makes children susceptible to developing autism it didn’t address a cause. Is it mere coincidence that most children develop symptoms of autism between 15-18 months of age when they receive their scheduled vaccines which include: DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV, flu shot, MMR, Varicella, and Hep A? In case you were wondering, that’s 12 vaccines people. Twelve vaccines that are not proven save individually, let alone safe to use in conjunction.

There are also two vaccines (varicella and MMR) which are live virus vaccines that have the ability to pass through the blood brain barrier. All children are teething during these formative months and histamines released during teething give these viruses direct access to the brain – brains that as the NEJM showed, are compromised. And then there are vaccine additives – heavy metals, genetic materials from animals, aborted fetal cells injected directly into the blood stream and when not excreted, also have an affinity for the gut and the brain.

What this new study tells me, is that we need to be very careful what we consume, inject, and expose a pregnant body too and what our children are injected with. The administration of vaccines, ultrasounds, (antibiotics that inhibit proper gut flora, genetically modified foods, or any number of things) during pregnancy can create a condition in the brain of a developing baby that makes one more susceptible to developing autism, and a vaccine during infancy or toddlerhood could be the icing on the cake for a child who has this autistic pre-disposition.

Maybe vaccines don’t directly cause autism but numerous studies show a causal relationship that warrants further investigation. This new study doesn’t exonerate vaccines. It makes the likelihood even stronger that there is a connection – whether vaccines are the direct cause or the fuel on an already raging fire."

source :http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/autism-rates-in-us-continue-to.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+BirthOfANewEarth+%28Birth+of+a+ New+Earth%29


28th April 2014, 17:24



When your government is mandating vaccines that are specifically made to cause infertility (i.e., FORCED STERILIZATION), parents have basically three choices:

1. Leave the country

2. Stop having children

3. Run for the hills and hide somewhere where you can give birth to your children in peace, having never subjected them to industrialized "prenatal care," violent hospital births, forced registration for birth certificates, and forced sterilization through vaccines.

Which would you choose?

Source Article:
Standing up to the FEDS About Vaccines

"CDC made a mockery of the Nuremberg code's directive that people must have "informed consent" when it refused to answer FOIA questions from a doctor whose son was autistic about the CDC's knowledge about mercury in vaccines and any discussions at the CDC about it.
Baby getting vaccine

(WASHINGTON DC) - While alternative media is exposing so much of what the genocidal Cabal is doing, trying to start more wars, trying to grab land a la Agenda 21, rigging Wall Street, rigging the entire banking system and Comex, and since the Cabal has more in store, including (more) fake pandemics, it seems just the right time to expose their vaccines.

Right now the vaccine debate is erroneously stuck here.

“I never really liked how many vaccinations a baby was getting,” said Anna Popp, an Easthampton librarian who allowed her 5-year-old daughter to get some of the recommended vaccines, but not all, and delayed other vaccinations beyond the age that doctors say is safe. “I just felt, if I could put some of those off until later, I would rather not overburden my child’s system with a bunch of toxic organisms.”

Popp knows that following her own rules on immunization puts her — and many other vaccine skeptics — at odds with the medical establishment. Popp lives in Western Massachusetts, where the percentage of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children is well above the state average. [More, it's rising, and among the most educated of parents.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among others, have vouched for the safety of today’s vaccine regimen, and insist vaccines are neither toxic at the doses given nor taxing to normal immune systems.

Now, let's get real. Let's get really real. This above view of vaccines is an endless monkey around the mulberry bush, chasing after whether the vaccines are safe, whether or not the diseases are too threatening for people to miss, whether or not one can trust the AAP or CDC.

Good lord, that all misses - the autism, the seizures, even the deaths - it all misses, misses what is going on with vaccines.

The same Pharmaceutical Industry that was experimenting at Auschwitz on how to covertly sterilize whole populations at regular doctors’ appointments have got their winner, today's vaccines. And they are all urged so caringly for the "health for children."

As you read the following, consider the implications of this chemical agent being in every single one of the vaccines mandated to American children by the US government.


#5) On the World Intellectual Property Organization, a patent application for a "fertility impairing" vaccine. The University of Georgia Research Foundation is listed as the patent applicant.

In the description section of the patent application, Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80) is listed as a PREFERRED ingredient.

With children exposed from hours afternbirth to 18 years of age to this known “fertility impairing” agent, the Cabal is secretly and most profitably sterilizing all the children in the united States of America. And they have 200 more vaccines in their "pipeline."

Can we add? Can we drop all the others the ions and focus on the US government mandating vaccines that ALL contain a sterilizing agent effective enough to be in a patent for doing impairing fertility. How much impaired fertility means sterile? One dose? 3? 20? Will 69 just about do it?

So, let's see where they have put Polysorbate 80, other than injecting it directly into newborns, infants, toddlers, little children, children, teens...


"A common emulisfier in cosmetics, vaccines and even ice cream, has been proven to damage fertility. by Joanna Karpasea-Jones

"Ice Cream May Not Be As Nice As It Looks

"Polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80) is a stabilizer used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications.

"It is toxic and should not be eaten, drunk, put on the skin or injected.

"According to Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7), “it is of current relevance as a ‘hidden’ inductor of anaphylactoid reactions”, and “Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. Conclusions: Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.”

"Put in plain English, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill.

"The study included a pregnant woman who suffered anaphylactic shock after being given a IV drip of multi-vitamins containing polysorbate 80.

"In addition to this, there have been numerous studies which show that the stabilizer causes infertility:

"Gajdova M, Jakubovsky J, Valky J.Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90. PMID: 8473002.

"Baby female rats were injected with polysorbate 80 at days 4-7 after birth. It accelerated the maturing of the rats and caused changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles.

"According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is tween 80 (polysorbate 80):

“In a preferred embodiment the vaccine comprises oil, preferably a biodegradable oil such as squalene oil. Typically, the vaccine is prepared using an adjuvant concentrate which contains lecithin in squalene oil. The aqueous solution glycoprotein is typically a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, and additionally preferably contains Tween 80.”

"(Fertility Impairing Vaccine And Methods of Use’ This application claims the benefit of U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/070,375, filed January 2,1998, U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/071,406, filed January 15,1998).

"As it is a preferred ingredient, scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility.

"Polysorbate 80 is in shampoo and bubble bath, and the dairy industry uses it in ice cream to help retain the shape of the ice cream and to prevent it from melting so quickly after it has been removed from a freezer. Perhaps before you visit the ice cream section of your supermarket, you should re-think your purchase.

"More worrying is the new Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine which is being injected into girls aged 9-26.

“Gardasil contains Polysorbate 80, which is linked to infertility in mice,” noted Dee Nicholson, National Communications Director for Freedom in Canadian Health Care.

"It is stated clearly in the manufacturer’s information sheet that comes with the vaccine.

"Make sure you read it before you get a shot, as theoretically it could damage your reproductive health. Women who were vaccinated in pregnancy or very close to conceiving have also suffered miscarriages as a result, according to the USA’s watchdog, Judicial Watch. They uncovered several reports of spontaneous abortions from the FDA after using the Freedom of Information Act to request the information.

"Take charge of what you eat, use or inject to ensure that your body is as fit for pregnancy as possible."

The Cabal (the Western elite who control the US as a shadow government) is in trouble, losing control of the dollar, struggling to start wars at will, not believed by countries around the world and increasingly not by the American people. Vaccines are major funding source, and the Cabel, with Nazi roots, is not intending to let parents decide. They are now seeking a 100% mandate of vaccines. USA Today is their mouthpiece.

No options - not medical, not philosophical, not religious. Goodbye Nuremberg Code that was put in place to stop the original hideous experiments by Pharma under the Nazis, including with vaccines. The Nuremberg code said simply that people must have "informed consent."

CDC made a mockery of "informed" when it refused to answer FOIA questions from a doctor whose son was autistic about the CDC's knowledge about mercury in vaccines and any discussions at the CDC about it. Agencies are supposed to respond in 20 days. After six years of not answering, it took a lawsuit against the CDC to get anything at all from them, . And the outcome - the CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are - And Has Covered It Up.

They lied about mercury and autism.

But what the CDC is hiding and completely successfully about what the vaccines are doing is bigger.

With 69 exposures to the PREFERRED ingredient in a patent for a vaccine for impairing fertility, we can all add. It's way past time that we did.

Today alone, how many newborn baby girls' vaginas and womb linings are being damaged, their hormones changed, their ovary deformed, their teeny follicles degenerated, on the very day of their birth? Welcome to the world, little girl, your future as mother and grandmother, and you yourself, as a future for your parents, has just faced a chemical attack. Welcome to the world little boys, whose hormones have been changed and whose future wives, in hospital bassinetts themselves, are being stripped of their innate capacity to give birth to your future children, your stake in the future.

What a glorious day ...l for an industry beyond evil. Each day, tiny new humans made defunct.

There is nothing to show the HEP B vaccine is effective in infants. And it's a fact that the US government concedes Hep B vaccine causes systemic Lupus Erythematosus

But those, as horrific as they are, are MINOR compared to what the vaccine does do to that little girl. It corrodes her sexual organs. Or what it does to that little boy, wrecking the perfection of his hormones.

What if they escape serious harm somehow? Then, let's add. 1 + 1+ 1 and all the way up to 69 vaccines and let us recognize that the CDC's mandated vaccines will relentlessly expose each little one's tiny organs and hormones to a known sterilizing agent.

Can we add that up?

The CDC is ordering the mass sterilization of US children, beginning on the day of birth.

Yes, the vaccines have been maiming (contributing to autism, seizures, wrecked immune systems), causing infant deaths hidden by SIDS and SUID, and there have been endless lies, to say nothing of the usual corrupt (even bankers) financial tie-ins, such as to Murdoch, the Rockefellers and Goldman Sachs?

But sterilizing children is in a class all on its own. One might argue (thought none too easily) argue the other impacts are accidental even if intentionally hidden, or that corruption is part of everything.

But one can't slip past this. The government is mandating exposing children to a sterilizing agent over and over and over and over against, from birth to 18. (And it's in the flu shot as well, which is linked to a 700% increase in miscarriages, since it slams a girl or woman's sexual organs and hormones, needed to maintain a pregnancy. It's also in the shots being newly mandated for college students, too.)

And with rising parental refusal to let their children be vaccinated, not just "informed" but the second part of "informed consent" is now being whacked, too. The vaccines are mandated but government has kept hidden from most parents the information that they can get exemptions. Now, though, with parents learning things on their own and are increasingly not bringing their children for vaccines, or limiting the numbers of vaccines, the pharmaceutical industry has a problem. Everything they have planned since WWII depends on ignorant compliance.

Controlling informed was not enough - parents have gotten word out and other parents are worried - so, now consent must be gotten rid of. Thus the push is to remove ALL EXEMPTIONS from vaccines.

in Australia, vaccination is voluntary, and vaccine myths are unraveling and parents in increasing numbers are refusing them for their children.

"So many Australian parents are taking charge of their children’s health and making informed vaccination decisions, in fact, the Australian government is now working feverishly to dissuade and re-indoctrinate them back into the vaccine fold. According to 3AW 693 News Talk in Australia, the Australian Medical Association, along with the Academy of Science, has published a 20-page propaganda pamphlet that attempts to discard all the opposing science against vaccines as “common myths,” and instead reassure everyone that vaccines are perfectly safe.

"But people are not buying it, and the establishment “down under” is starting to panic. [Emphasis added.]

In fact, the Australian government is now pushing to remove voluntary vaccination and to mandate vaccines like in the US.

In the US, parents are no longer blindly accepting that vaccines are safe. Did the CDC lawsuit in which they refused but ultimately had to cough up evidence that they've known the vaccines are dangerous make a difference? Or all the outbreaks of measles and pertussis in heavily vaccinated children? Or the FOIAs in the UK, showing the UK government and corporations conspired to hide from the public that the vaccines not only don't work but cause the diseases they were said to prevent? Or was it big studies showing unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated one, or a bigger study in China showing how much vaccines contribute to adverse events?

Studies outside the US show unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children

Unvaccinated Children are healthier

Groundbreaking Chinese Study Finds 42% Of Drug Reactions Are Vaccine Related

Does it matter what truth is prompting parents to protect their children from vaccines? The biggest truth isn't even on the table.

What's obvious are two things:

1. Big Pharma, which ran Nazi experiments with vaccines, is having none of the Nuremberg Code. Kids will be in their experiment whether the parents want it or not, whether the parents see the harm or not.


(http://www.usatoday.com)The Editorial Board at USA Today recently ran an opinion piece in which they praised the vaccine industry and espoused Big Pharma propaganda and myths to convince Americans to be vaccinated.

"The USA Today article claimed that measles is making a comeback thanks to “a growing anti-vaccine movement and misinformation that is spreading like a contagious disease.” This fraudulent claim is made despite the fact that most children who catch the disease have already been vaccinated for it. Furthermore, the MMR vaccine for measles was actually designed to fail, which is evidenced by the fact that Merck Co. faked its vaccine test results to fabricate a “95% efficacy rate.”

"USA Today also promotes the unscientific “herd immunity” theory. According to this theory, if enough of the population is vaccinated, then immunity is somehow achieved for everyone. The problem with this theory is that vaccines only affect those who receive them. They cause a reaction in the body which may produce antibodies that can help prevent or mitigate the disease, thus building temporary “immunity.” However, those who don’t receive vaccines usually develop these antibodies, and immunity, naturally and permanently. In many cases, vaccines destroy the immune system, making it easier for the body to succumb to disease and disorder. Vaccinated individuals also serve as carriers of disease, spreading it to the rest of the population and putting those who haven’t developed immunity yet at risk.

“Herd immunity” has never been scientifically validated, nor has the efficacy of vaccines to prevent disease. Yet, some actually believe that unvaccinated children put vaccinated ones at risk of catching disease, and that vaccines only work when a certain amount of the population has received them.

"Furthermore, vaccines have been linked to a number of health issues, including developmental problems, autism, gastrointestinal issues and brain inflammation.

"USA Today claims that parents “ought to be able to opt out for strictly defined medical or religious reasons” but not for “personal opinions.” They then conclude, “Everyone enjoys the life-saving benefits vaccines provide, but they’ll exist only as long as everyone shares in the risks.” On the contrary, vaccines only “benefit” those who receive them, and parents should have the right to decide whether to subject their children to a cocktail of chemicals, heavy metals and biological tissue, which could cause permanent, life-damaging harm. To suggest otherwise, while ignoring the hazards of vaccines and promoting their manufacturers’ non-scientific theories on immunity, is misleading and immoral."

2. Big Pharma is right now carrying out the results of its Nazi experiments, and for the same reason - genocide.

Let's all applaud Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, and the other pharmaceutical industry giants, who run the CDC and the WHO, for their truly astounding success in promoting the false paradigm of vaccines and keeping it afloat despite deaths and destruction of children. But even more incredible, they have succeeded in hiding genocide itself in a public cloud of while lies about safety of vaccines and virulent attacks on anyone who dares resist. The real criminal intent of vaccines has been utterly unseen in the commotion.

The CDC is lying that the vaccines are safe, but they have every reason to believe, for the real purpose the vaccines are being used for, that they are effective. If not the first time, then the second, or the third or the fourth, or the fifth, or combining them, or making them unceasing, or adding more, getting pregnant mothers to take them. One way of another, the pharmaceutical industry is making sure its WWII experiments are "effective."

Falling teen pregnancy rates, falling birth rates, rising miscarriage and still birth rates, are their accomplishment.

And when one looks at who they are, why, we've known them all along, whether we call them the bankers or the Cabal or the pharmaceutical industry. It's all the same. And geocide coming from them arrives as no real surprise, as they are literal murderers. Waking up to depth of their depravity, comes in a second.

That shock makes it simple for parents. Vaccines are not for health. They may once have been, but now, without question, they are for sterilizing children.

It is time to demand an injunction against all mandated vaccines and a criminal investigation into the use of polysorbate 80 in vaccines and any products that arrange for it to enter children's bodies."

source: http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/to-ensure-infertility-in-your-children.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+BirthOfANewEarth+%28Birth+of+a+ New+Earth%29


28th April 2014, 17:26
Preaching to the choir here ... one of my two children is effected (albeit very mildly) ... the other one I have refused to have vaccinated as long as laws permit ...

28th April 2014, 18:46
Here in France they have declared that Autism is caused by bad mothering and so no help is available, marriages have broken up because of this & women have committed suicide.

This was decided by a couple of "scientists" trying to make a name for themselves, one of them is a woman believe it or not. :shocked:

28th April 2014, 18:59
Here in France they have declared that Autism is caused by bad mothering and so no help is available, marriages have broken up because of this & women have committed suicide.

This was decided by a couple of "scientists" trying to make a name for themselves, one of them is a woman believe it or not. :shocked:

I'll be polite ... no comment ...

28th April 2014, 19:04
I'll be polite ... no comment ...

Its not based on any research, just jargon filled half assed psychological theories, but it serves its purpose for big pharma.

29th April 2014, 10:50
What a sad deluded world, someone help the children.Sitting in the drs recently and a sign "Free flu vaccine for pregnant women"

29th April 2014, 12:47
The way forward is to make people, especially parents aware that vaccines are dangerous.
Many child vaccines contain potentially lethal mercury, a parent can legally ask their doctor the contents of a vaccine and ask that doctor to explain why there is a toxic metal in the vaccine.
Of course the majority of parents will not bother and consider it ridiculous to even question their local gp.
I have 6 grand children and all of whom have had many vaccines because their parents either disbelieve me or are too reluctant to take a chance in not taking the vaccine in case they catch any potential disease.
Being a conspiracy theorist parent and grandparent can be really tough at times when your children give very little credibility to the real facts already out there.


29th April 2014, 17:09
Here in France they have declared that Autism is caused by bad mothering and so no help is available, marriages have broken up because of this & women have committed suicide.

This was decided by a couple of "scientists" trying to make a name for themselves, one of them is a woman believe it or not. :shocked:

This is beyond sad . . . in fact, the whole situation is beyond sad.

I can not tell you how many people I talk to about vaccinations - and usually in vain. I even send them info, but doctors are held in such high esteem here that many will do whatever their doctors tell them - and the Fear Porn about "catching" one of these illnesses is beyond exaggerated.

29th April 2014, 17:45
What a sad deluded world, someone help the children.Sitting in the drs recently and a sign "Free flu vaccine for pregnant women"

That really hits home lookbeyond.

Your words brought this song to mind......for they are the future.....even if it is looking very bleak.

Skip the annoying 5 second ads at the intro and please feel the spirit and words of this song.

