View Full Version : The Stages of Soul Reintegration

18th April 2014, 18:10

The following book review includes the stages of awakening as a list.

THINKING, by its very nature, is limited because the universe and reality are far too complex to be able to process with the mind, no matter how smart or intelligent we are. There are just too many variables and unknowns to be able to accurately know what will happen. Therefore living like this is naive.

However, the soul is not limited by the same constraints as the mind. In fact, it is unlimited (in scientific terms, it is quantum in nature) and can successfully navigate the complexities of existence in this universe. It speaks to you via your heart — specifically your feelings.

By Colleen-Joy Page|

“Mommy, why can’t I remember what my soul knows?” my 9-year-old daughter asked me. From the mouths of children comes the deepest and most insightful of questions. My daughter had asked one of the most important questions anyone could ask. “Why can’t we access what our soul knows?” My life’s work has demonstrated to me that we can access what our soul knows and more, but that we need reminding… Firstly we need to remember that we can, and secondly we need to remember how.

What if you are an ancient being, a soul that has travelled far to be here? What if through the process of incarnating into a physical body, that your awareness has become consumed by that of the consciousness of the body, and that as a result you have lost your awareness of your soul (Soul Awareness)?

During the process of physical living, most of us lose our soul awareness. We are so dominated by the information supplied to us by the physical senses, by the physical body’s consciousness that our connection to soul consciousness grows weak. As baby humans, we spend the first few years of our life so focused on learning to walk, communicate and survive, that the voice of the soul is literally drowned out. Like tuning out of “The Discovery Channel” of our soul, we tune in to “Animal Planet” and then we forget that we can change channels. As a consequence, the bulk of the information available to our conscious mind from then on, is from the body.

While facilitating a past life regression, I once asked a hypnotised client who was describing one of his incarnations, specifically his soul’s merger with his current lifetime’s in utero baby body), when his soul’s merger with his body would be complete? “When does the integration of a soul into a physical body stop?” I asked. Most would expect him to answer: “When I am born”, or perhaps after a few years of childhood, but his confident and immediate reply was:

“It’s never supposed to stop.”

The soul is meant to continue to integrate with the human body throughout the duration of the human’s lifetime. But the integration does stop. It stops because our conscious awareness soon becomes overwhelmed by the body. In addition, we are often conditioned away from listening to “internal” sources of truth and wisdom. We are taught as children to trust “external authorities” above our own inner authority. The combination of dominant physical sensory information and sourcing our truth in externals leaves us distracted and out of tune with the inner voice of the soul.

The only time we get glimpses of the inner guidance system of the soul is when the “little inner voice” of intuition occasionally whispers to us. But even then, we often ignore it or argue with it. How many times have you said, “I wish I’d listened to my inner voice”?

You have two sources of consciousness, the body consciousness and the soul consciousness. They exist like separate radio stations, where your body is like the radio, the sacred instrument ready to gather information for your human experience. You are mostly “tuned in” to your body consciousness. Body consciousness is different to soul consciousness in that they have different realities and different truths – different information structures.

Your soul exists on many levels. Let us imagine that your physical body is like the pip in a peach. Except that this peach is so refined and of such a high energetic frequency, that it not only surrounds the pip but penetrates right through the pip. Now the pip feels physical and dense and it only knows itself as the dense pip. It does not even consciously know that it is surrounded by and penetrated by a subtle energy that is more of who it is in essence. It also does not realize that if it were not for the peach, the pip would have no higher existence.

Your physical body is like the pip. To hear what this less physical more non physical body was feeling and thinking we would move the dial on our radio station up a notch or two, to be in tune with the higher frequency that carries the information of the soul. There are higher and higher levels of soul consciousness, i.e. in our analogy, more and more soul consciousness to connect to.

The experience of more soul consciousness running through your body is natural and not complicated. People have some or all of these experiences when more soul consciousness runs through the body:
• It feels like there is more of you present, you feel more like yourself.
• You feel expanded and open
• You feel like there is more fullness of energy in the body – sometimes described as a “warm fuzzy” feeling especially in the abdomen
• You feel at peace
• A feeling of unity, being connected to all things
• A feeling of love (not romantic love) but rather of deep open hearted compassion and yet less involvement in human drama
• A feeling of presence that fills and radiates from your body

The more soul consciousness present in the body, the more intensely these feelings are felt.

Did you know that just as you can bring more soul consciousness (more of you) into your body, that you can evict soul consciousness from your body? When you hold a belief in your body that is NOT TRUE to your soul, the aspect of your soul’s consciousness that KNOWS that truth, is evicted from the body.

For example, you choose to believe that you are not worthy. You hold the belief that you are not worthy in your body. The consequence is that the aspect of your soul’s consciousness that KNOWS that you are worthy (as a part of the soul’s truth) is evicted from your body. Try this, feel the words “I am unworthy” in your body. Allow your body to experience the words and monitor the feelings in your body.

You won’t feel the feelings listed above that are associated with more soul presence in the body; you will feel some or all of the opposite listed below, the feelings of soul consciousness being evicted from the body.

These include:
• It feels like there is less of you present, you feel less like yourself.
• You feel contracted and closed
• You feel like there is less energy in the body – sometimes described as a empty feeling, especially in the abdomen
• You do not feel at peace
• A feeling of separation, being disconnected from all things
• A feeling of heaviness
• You feel smaller, as if your presence and aura has shrunk back (which it has)

When you hold a belief in your body that is not true for the soul, the feeling is of some of your soul consciousness leaving. This energy, this vital life force can be reintegrated, but it is necessary to bring new perspectives to the body and to assist the body in claiming new understandings of itself. Feel the words “I am worthy” in your body and you will feel a subtle energy filling trying to occur.

You may also feel flutters of fear. This is a most interesting and telling example of the power of the body to dominate your experience of yourself and life. Your body decides what it thinks will keep you safe and thriving in the jungle of your life. If it has decided for whatever obscure reason, that knowing that you are worthy is not a good thing, then it will feel FEAR when you try to OWN that you are worthy and reintegrate the aspect of your soul that knows your true worth.

So watch for what your body feels fear about and start challenging your body’s fear.

Spiritual practices are not necessarily required to integrate more soul into the body – this continued integration occurs naturally when you heal the parts of you that have been suppressed and evicted from your consciousness. Neither are strict diets or fancy meditations required. Meditations are most helpful if they engage the body in the experience of soul integration by continuing the merger that began when you were in the womb.

The difference between an insecure frightened human and a confident, radiant one is the amount of soul presence running through the body.

The difference between a twisted human psyche running violent and destructive animal-like behavior and a person who is a vision of peace and powerful gentle presence, (where often light literally seems to be radiating from the person), is the amount of soul being allowed to integrate within the human form.

Only you can determine how much soul is present in your own body – your limiting beliefs about yourself are the single biggest factor in determining how much of your soul’s presence is being allowed in.

You were born to be your full soul self on this physical plane. You were not born to hide in the shadows of the human psyche. There is so much more to who you are, so much wisdom to download, so much presence to BE, so much of your soul to discover.
You have an ancient spiritual heritage, you are a noble soul. Trust your heart, it is the connection to your soul, it will help you to build a bridge to your soul self. If your heart feels full or emotional (though frightened) at the thought of this, then you are feeling a reminder. You are being reminded to rise to the full stature of your being.

You walk two worlds, one physical and one as soul, your soul self is the you that lived before this body and the you that will live beyond this body. You don’t have to wait until you die to remember who you are. You don’t have to die to rediscover what it is to be a soul – you are a soul right now. Your job is to help your body to expand its awareness to remember and integrate the fullness of who you are.

Most awakened individuals feel alone, and that they are the most awake person in their own environment, so it feels like a nasty world out there. And then he or she goes into the internet to find out about others of similar awaken-ess, and they find that the world is about to end next week. So yeah, it's frustrating.

The following book review includes the stages of awakening as a list.


The Power of Personal Vibration by Penney Peirce, Atria Books/Beyond Words Publishing Inc., 2009

The author, Penny Peirce, is a sensitive who has worked as a clairvoyant and intuition development trainer and who has also counselled business and government leaders, scientists and psychologists.

She begins by saying that we live in a chaotic and yet amazingly potent time and dedicates the book thus:

"For the people who experience the most painful suffering, who feel trapped and hopeless, who feel life makes no sense and seems utterly cruel - there is a place in the centre of the moment, available right now, where freedom and compassionate truth wait to welcome all of us home."

She says that many people are currently like restless animals sensing an impending earthquake and that it is hard not to notice that everything is as volatile as boiling water. This process is shaking us up and pushing us and we are also becoming more aware of internal and external energy.

The author maintains that in such times, your personal vibration - which is the energy that you hold - is ultimately the most important tool you have for creating and living your ideal life. And also that the higher your energy, the more effortlessly your life will unfold in alignment with your destiny whilst lower, slower energy will bring constant snags and disappointments.

The author says that it is important to understand that you are being affected by an individual and planetary evolutionary process. The frequency of the earth itself and its inhabitants is steadily rising and this is making us feel uncomfortable and edgy without knowing why.

As we take steps on this evolutionary journey, we access higher frequency energy and our awareness increases to the same degree. We are evolving to become more aware, sensitive, visionary, empathic and loving beings.

For many people, she states, the outer world seems chaotic, high pitched and even crazy and she maintains that the biggest challenge of the next few years is going to be working with your sensitivity and learning to keep your vibration clear.

The process comes in a series of waves by which means we evolve from identifying with our ego identity which is based on separation fear and into one that is based on interrelatedness, love and soul. We are leaving the information age behind and entering the intuition age and this involves a major transformation in the way we perceive reality.

The book addresses the issue of how we remain stable during turbulent times and learn the new rules.

The shells that separate us from experiencing our higher Self are dissolving ultimately leading us to a much better life. The tipping point comes when you feel lovable, loved and loving in your very cells and when you can grasp the truth of your enlightened identity.

She states that the whole of humanity has been having a dream called 'life on Earth' and we are collectively waking up to realise that we never left heaven.

It is going to become normal in the intuition age to 'feel' into others and sense what they are experiencing - whether that is excitement or tension. However, this process can put you through the wringer emotionally and energetically before it ultimately delivers you to a destination that you will love.

The author draws a distinction between the many great changes mankind has experienced before including the introduction of agriculture, the advent of the printing press and the internet. But what is occurring now is not more change, but transformation. Almost as if up until now we have been rearranging things on a dinner table, but now the table disappears or becomes something else entirely. It is possible that what we are sensing is the emergence of a new dimension.

The entire population of the planet will ultimately pass through nine phases of transition. Some phases may blur into one another, some individuals may go back and forth between phases and others may pass through one stage without trouble and then spend a long time in another.

However, the destination is not in doubt - just the speed with which each individual undertakes the journey. And the more conscious and proactive you are, the easier and faster the journey will be.

Ms Peirce sets out the characteristics of each of the nine phases as follows:

Phase 1: Spirit merges with body

In this first phase, the spirit merges with the body, emotions and mind and stirs a response. The individual starts to yearn for the mystery and to want something more than they currently know. They sense that there is something important behind the curtain and start to catch glimpses of what is coming. They become interested in mind and body unity and spiritual topics.

Phase 2: The frequency increases

In this phase the frequency of life increases and this can be uncomfortable as the body revs to adapt to the higher frequencies. This activates the emotions and may be characterised by becoming more aware of your heart palpitating, the generation of internal heat and mood swings. Individuals in this stage may become overly sensitive and feel under relentless pressure.

During this phase people may develop intolerances and an aversion to crowds and the media. They may have a short attention span, memory loss, a lack of motivation, feel disoriented, exhausted and sick, and suffer with aches and pains. In addition they may become irritable, unable to relax and to sleep or may on occasion sleep like the dead and wake exhausted.

They may retreat into their heads, or suffer with illnesses such as infections, fevers, allergies, rashes and nerve disorders. At this stage some may be motivated to want to clean up their body, undergo a process of detoxification and/or lose weight.

Phase 3: Emptying of the personal-collective subconscious mind

The individual's subconscious blocks and fear-based emotions can no longer remain suppressed in the higher frequencies and may explode from their hiding places as repressed memories.

Personal dramas, traumas and old beliefs about limitation are re-enacted as the individual faces their shadow and most people experience enormous resistance to this part of the process. Feelings of pessimism and dread are common at this stage along with intense and frightening dreams.

The old order of life may crumble and many wonder if they are going crazy. Chronic pain may be experienced as memories of abuse and trauma surface.

At this stage, the individual may become very aware of polarity, either/or thinking and can clearly see others faults. They may have arguments and relationships that are not based in love and truth may break apart.

Hate crimes, torture and all the pain in the world may become more visible. Typical conditions marking this evolutionary stage include asthma, bipolar depression or epilepsy.

Phase 4: Retrench, refortify, resist and resuppress

The ego part of the mind which is rooted in fear and self-protection will fight to preserve the old order and reimpose itself in the form of self-righteousness or enraged narcissistic behaviour which seeks to control the environment.

This can manifest as eating disorders, overeating, obsessive compulsive disorder, bone disorders such as arthritis, addiction, depression and exhaustion syndromes.

There may also be sudden breakthroughs in life about healing, and insights into old wounds. Issues from childhood may dissolve and the isolation experienced may start to give way to cooperation.

Phase 5: Old structures break down and dissolve

The phase marks the death of the ego - and, like a snake shedding its skin - many may panic. The definition of self changes from limited to expanded. Many of the things that were previously considered important may become meaningless and be released. Lies, hollow stories, untalented people and pathetic attempts to cover personal weaknesses become painfully obvious.

The individual becomes tired of their own 'story' and anything they attempt to cling to, they are forced to release. This may come in the form of the loss of home, job, friendships, bankruptcy or as disillusionment. The individual may not know who they are any more or who they can rely on.

Their boundaries may become 'fuzzy' and this may manifest physically as infections and in the external world as parasitic friends or a burglary or theft.

The body may force the individual to stop due to diarrhoea or conditions such as MS and this process allows the things that are not required to leave their life. During this time, inner guidance may come to the fore.

Phase 6: Stop, let go and relax into your truest self

In this phase the individual is forced to stop fighting and struggling - the parts of their life that are not working are sucked away. They become unable to force themselves to do what they used to. They long for simplicity, space, quiet, freedom and peace - all of which may at first feel like emptiness. Attempts to fill the void with busyness will reveal that more is definitely not the answer.

There may be little motivation generally during this phase and feelings of being in limbo. People in this stage may seek more time in nature or by themselves and may deeply question everything they have done so far and their goals.

At some stage, they may start to unconditionally accept themself and the process and let go and trust everything. They start to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, and rearrange their priorities. They may feel great aversion to pretending or being inauthentic in any way and it may become obvious that they no longer fit well with society at large.

At this stage, many may start to want the experience of their home frequency and may take up spiritual study or start practising meditation. And once this choice is made, the tide turns and their life, health and happiness start to improve dramatically.

They feel better emotionally and physically, are more creative, success comes more easily, they become more receptive and insightful and remember the truth of themselves.

Phase 7: Re-emerge into the world like a phoenix

By this stage the individual is being liberated from the disruptive effects of the transformative process. They find that they don't need willpower to accomplish anything and start to feel connected to everyone and everything.

They may want self-fulfilment and can now become a teacher, healer or mentor. They become hopeful, enthusiastic, optimistic, faithful, inspiring and recognise and live their destiny.

They look for the work they were born to do and develop their intuition. Some may take a surprising new direction and start to receive support, messages, opportunities, and miracles and feel deserving and encouraged. Individuals at this stage go with the flow' and can materialise goals more easily. Their concept of time changes into an expanded present.

Phase 8: Relationships are revitalised

At phase 8, individuals become more tolerant and humanitarian as they see the similarities between people and find the differences interesting and valuable.

They work cooperatively and give freely of themself and are also able to receive when required to do so. They achieve a balance between yin and yang, and right brain and left brain so that they can be calm and receptive when required to be and active and dynamic when that is called for.

They start to see what is possible in relationships between whole, evolved people. Definitions of gender roles may blur and individuals may find a new capacity for working as part of a group. What others would consider supernatural consciousness skills become commonplace with telepathy and development of healing abilities.

Phase 9: Enlightenment is grounded in every bit of matter

The process is complete and individuals may start to share their wisdom and also to experience unbounded appreciation that love is the force that powers creation.

When grounded in your soul's wisdom, the outside world is not experienced as being separate and manifesting becomes easy and fun. Things occur not just rapidly, but instantaneously. And yet there is no pressure, just the experience of the present moment. Birth and death lose their meaning as you realise you are consciousness. Your body become lighter and you know that this is 'heaven on earth'.

Final thoughts

As you can see, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! There seems to be no resisting this transformative process once it has started, so the best advice is just to go with it. It will not only transform your life, but it will collectively transform life on earth since we are all cells in the body of humanity, for every person that raises their vibration, they raise the frequency of the collective.

The author spends the rest of the book expounding different aspects and challenges of this process and how best to meet them. It appears to take no less than a decade in my experience from start to finish, but may take longer. It is clear I am no longer the person I once was.

Wolf Khan
18th April 2014, 23:32
Sounds cabal to me