View Full Version : The link between Chemtrails and transhumanism

14th April 2014, 18:17
I think this video is extremely informative for connecting the dots between chemtrails, biology geophysicists and trans humanism. I personally find it very interesting because a few weeks ago the whole area here was covered in something like white haze. We all knew it is chemtrails but Sofia Smallstorm just explained what the haze is and how it is related to nano particles engineered and put in the atmosphere as a white haze. This really freaks me out it is getting serious and then who knows how many things we still don't realise. I am at the beggining of this interview but I think it is good to listen to.

Sofia Smallstorm is known for her research on 9/11, which culminated in the documentary 9/11 Mysteries. She is also known for her research on the connection between chemtrails and synthetic biology. With Sofia, we'll explore a different angle of engineering popularly called "futurism." Synthetic biology is the new frontier of science, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. What is the deep agenda behind this science? Sofia talks about the presence of Morgellons disease in humans, which illustrates what nanotechnology is capable of. She also elaborates on the scope of planetary engineering and how much of planetary life it includes. We'll hear about radiation biology and bacteria by the name of deinococcus radiodurans that may be important to transhumanists in the near future. In the second hour, Sofia speaks more about the explosion of cellular technology and synthetic biology and how these may be used to create life forms and change the world as we know it. How would our world be organized then? Will we turn ourselves over to machines or will we become technological hybrids?


14th April 2014, 18:19
Thank you , today for the very first time I saw them in the sky above our house and it really upset me :(

14th April 2014, 18:25
in the queue, thanks.

14th April 2014, 18:38
Thank you , today for the very first time I saw them in the sky above our house and it really upset me :(

when you try to tell people the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail they still won,t bloody beleive you and look at you as if your crazy!
contrails disperse within minutes .chemtrails well you have seen them for your self.

14th April 2014, 19:28
I was surprised to realise that most of my sleeping friends actually take it seriously, they think that I am probably right but they are also too busy to check this out. I think most of the people are at this stage but if someone else start talking about this they will probably become more aware of what is going on.

21st June 2014, 12:29
This German Aircraft Engineer claims he has fitted chemical spraying equipment to planes at a German military airbase:


21st June 2014, 22:56


22nd June 2014, 13:04
that engineer should have contacted someone in media and established a dialog, before outing the program and himself.
now, nobody will touch him. sad.