View Full Version : Top three factors for improving your eyesight naturally

1st April 2014, 19:59
1) Eye exercises

One of the best ways to do eye exercises is to use the sun as the focal point (do not look at it directly but, rather, around it) during less intense sunlight hours (typically before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m.) in order to strengthen the "oculo-endocrine system."

Quite simply, the key to this therapy is the invisible ultraviolet band, and the retina. While the visible bands of light stimulate the retina's cone and rods that produce vision, the invisible band stimulates the adjacent epithelial cells, which transmit the stimulus as a powerful nerve impulse through the optic nerve directly to the pituitary and pineal glands. This is a powerful healing and strengthening exercise for the eyes.

To put this powerful force to use, try the "sun blinking exercise":

• Look once to the north of the sun (about 15 degrees above it) while blinking the eyes for 3-5 seconds
• Do the same after looking to the east (right), south (below) and west (left) of the sun

Again, do not look directly at the sun, as the as the part of the retina we want to hit with the rays of the sun is on the sides and not the center.

Enjoy your new and improved vision.

2) Detoxify your liver

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a strong relationship between your liver and eye health. Improving the health of your liver can often help prevent and improve eye conditions.

The liver is your main detoxifier and filter of your bloodstream. Any toxins you ingest eventually end up in your liver to be broken down and excreted from your body. The better your liver is at detoxification, the fewer toxins you will have in your body.

However, when the liver becomes compromised, the quantity of toxins increases, causing free radical damage and harm to your organs and tissues. The delicate retina and macula in your eyes are very vulnerable to free radical damage, and it can have a seriously negative impact on your vision. Free radicals can attack the retina and result in the breakdown of healthy tissue.

Liver blood deficiency can cause blurry vision, short sightedness, dry eyes and floaters. If you have excessive liver heat, it can result in painful, burning and blood shot eyes.

Based on these points alone, it becomes apparent that detoxifying your liver is an important component to improving your eyesight naturally.

3) Nourish your eyes and brain

As a general rule, eating plenty of raw vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and various carotenoids (typically yellow, orange and red pigments) will help protect and improve eyesight. This is mainly accomplished through lutein and zeaxanthin, two specific antioxidants found in large quantities around the lens and retina of the eyes, which have been shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Foods that are high in carotenoids:

• Carrots
• Sweet potatoes
• Pumpkin
• Spinach
• Broccoli
• Goji berries
• Cantaloupe
• Apricots

Another important source is astaxanthin, known as the "King of Carotenoids."

Also consider eyebright herb, cayenne pepper, red raspberry and bayberry bark for additional benefits, as well as foods high in zinc such as pumpkin seeds, spinach, beans, beef and chicken.

Another important part of clear vision is brain function, so ensure that you eat plenty of healthy brain foods as well like wild-caught salmon, avocados, coconut oil, hemp, walnuts and brazil nuts.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/044533_eyesight_natural_therapy_ocular_health.html #ixzz2xfNOrsMx

1st April 2014, 23:03
I can add to this bunch of herbs bilberries and also I think pinhole glasses do good exercise. If I ware then 15 min every day after a week I can focus easier on the small shrift. Unfortunately I am not very persistent so I am not sure how effective this is in a long term.

More about them here https://altered-states.net/barry/update281/


2nd May 2014, 08:18
I can add to this bunch of herbs bilberries and also I think pinhole glasses do good exercise. If I ware then 15 min every day after a week I can focus easier on the small shrift. Unfortunately I am not very persistent so I am not sure how effective this is in a long term.

More about them here https://altered-states.net/barry/update281/


Hi Altaira,

Can you advise any more on the pinhole glasses? Have they helped you since posting this?

I am due for another eye test soon, at 56 my eyes are getting worse....

Do you think these glasses help at all? I only need glasses for reading. Driving I am quite OK.

Thanks! Would appreciate any feedback.


2nd May 2014, 08:44
I am actually wearing my pinhole glasses now LOL

only a fiver on everyones favourite tax dodging internet supplier !

I am the only member of my family over 12 not to need glasses yet & want to keep it that way.

Drat I've had to take them off, its so hard to see I nearly banned everyone by accident.

2nd May 2014, 09:35
Hi Altaira,

Can you advise any more on the pinhole glasses? Have they helped you since posting this?

I am due for another eye test soon, at 56 my eyes are getting worse....

Do you think these glasses help at all? I only need glasses for reading. Driving I am quite OK.

Thanks! Would appreciate any feedback.


Hi Sooz,
When I bought them I tried to wear them every day and I have to say that I felt slight improvement but then I stopped. I am not very persistent at times but I can say that they can be beneficial and for as little as £5 or even less its worth trying. You need to wear them only 15 min a day its not a lot but I keep forgetting although they sit on my desk all the time :)

2nd May 2014, 09:48

This is a little bit I copied from http://products.mercola.com/vision-program/ which is a lengthy article and I think the Bates Method is probably the most important bit of it. However the whole stuff is worth reading.

Bates Method

Despite my own dedication to a healthy diet and getting plenty of sunlight, , I still needed to use glasses to read the small print on a menu.

That day back in 2005 on the Caribbean cruise, when I broke my glasses and met Dr. Larry Clapp, was a major turning point in my long search for natural vision improvement.

And the two words Dr. Clapp shared with me that day were: Bates Method.

The Bates Method is a 100 year old approach that has helped tens of thousands of people recover their vision naturally -- including me!

Dr. Bates was in many ways a renegade just like me. He was a traditionally trained ophthalmologist at Cornell University. He practice for over thirty years and his experience with tens of thousands of patients showed him that there were serious flaws in the conventional views of eye science at the turn of the twentieth century.

Rather than use the conventional cumbersome and relatively inaccurate Snellen eye charts (which are still used today) he used a far more accurate retinoscope to assess his patient's visual acuity.

The retinoscope is an instrument used to measure the refraction of the eye by throwing a beam of light into the pupil by reflection from a mirror, the light being either outside the instrument -- above and behind the subject -- or arranged within it by means of an electric battery.

For 30 years Dr. Bates used the retinoscope to examine under a wide variety of clinical settings the eyes of tens of thousands of school children, hundreds of infants and thousands of animals, including cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, cows, birds, turtles, reptiles and fish.

His persistent research allowed him to uncover some basic strategies in helping tens of thousands of people recover their vision without the use of glasses or surgery.

So Dr. Bates boldly told the entire eye community in the early 1900s that based on his observations over 30 years it was his belief that what they had been teaching for the last century was simply wrong and they were actually causing more harm than good.

His alternative approach was so effective and a threat to the traditional eye community, that leading eye specialists in the 1900s manipulated New York politicians into making it illegal. They simply could not tolerate the competition from his new approach.

Squinting at road signs?
Now that's trouble waiting to happen!
blurry vision At 65 mph, just three seconds spent trying to read a sign means you'll travel the length of a football field without watching what's happening in front of you!

Poor sight can affect your driving depth perception as well. Just imagine the potentially horrific consequences if you misjudge the distance of approaching cars when making a left turn...mishandle a sharp curve on the road...or even overshoot or undershoot a stop sign, intersection, or driveway.

That's why some states like Florida are considering making seniors take an annual vision test to review their driver's license. Fail the test and your driving privileges will be revoked on the spot! With the AARP backing this kind of testing, you can expect more and more states to jump on the bandwagon.

Will your eyesight be up to the challenge today, five years from now, and five years after that?

And, interestingly, to this day the Bates Method for naturally recovering your vision remains illegal in the state of New York.

I learned a powerful secret from Dr. Clapp that day on the cruise.

Remarkably, 20 years after Dr. Clapp discovered these simple but powerful techniques of natural vision correction, his vision still remained perfectly clear -- as were the others he'd shared the Bates Method with.

You see, Dr Bates was a radical pioneer far ahead of his time, even in today's medical views. He was a maverick physician who dedicated his life to learning why people develop problems with their eyesight -- problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, and astigmatism.

Sadly Dr. Clapp passed away a few years ago, but until his death he still didn't need glasses, and he serves as a tremendous model that you can live a full natural life without ever requiring the use of reading glasses.

And now I'm ready to share this natural vision correction method with you.

4th May 2014, 07:18

Aspartame: GMO Bacteria Poop Causing Blindness!


Published on Mar 14, 2012
