View Full Version : Did intelligent ancient civilisations really die out?

20th March 2014, 01:24
We often ponder and marvel on how the ancients built incredible structures, what technology they used, how they could have attained such astrological expertise and so on.
Sure most people seem to accept that there was a helping hand from the annunaki and other extra terrestial races as more and more evidence is revealed in archelogical finds.
On the whole the ancients appear to be far more advanced than we are as a race today, but did they really die out?
An advanced race, more advanced than us may well have taken steps to protect their future evolutional offspring in ways way beyond our understanding.
I think it was Graham Hancock who said that if there was an apocolyptical event today, most of humanity would not survive because they simply dont know the basics of living in the wild.
Then again, the people who probably would survive are people such as tribes in the amazonian forests.
Of course there have been many apocoliptical events in the past as we know, but what if there were "pockets" of these superior ancients that did not perish at all but in fact are very much here alive today?
Perhaps they knew the secret of immortality and the emerald tablets or philosophers stone?
Further still, staying hidden in dimensions may well be an ancient practice still used today as a cloak of invisibility?
Have they not in fact evolved into what we perceive as extra terrestial beings where as they never actually left us in the 3 dimensional sense?
If this is true, would that necessarily mean they are what we call the cabal today?
If they did exist, and they were beings of light, then one might ask why do they not assist us to prevent the blatant destruction of our planet?
Perhaps if they are mingling amongst us, they are creating the illusion that the planet is in trouble and we only see what they want us to see? After all we are a drugged race, addicted to technology, non organic food, and material self gain.
So, could there be a chance that they live amongst us?
What if, their technology and knowledge actually prevented them from aging beyond a certain age ( of their choice) by stopping the deterioration of their dna and therefore keeping themselves immortal as in a Dorian Gray type fashion?
I guess they would laugh at us poor mortal slaves poisoning ourselves daily with a little assistance from them, and having to incarnate like clockwork to keep us eternally dumb.....

Maybe the real definition of waking up, is knowing exactly not how to die in the first place?


20th March 2014, 21:23
Further to the above, have you ever wondered why the elite have such a fascination with harbouring the worlds gold?

Is it truly just down to wealth and value? Or is it something else?

We also know that the Annunaki enslaved us purely in part to mine it for them did they not?


We hear that elements in gold could perhaps sustain there own planetary atmosphere and protect them from radiation, but what about more recent theories as to the powers of Monotomic gold?

It has been claimed more recently that gold in its monotomic form can even reverse ageing and even repair damaged DNA.

It can enable plant life to grow to enormous proportions if the water contains Ormus Gold.

It literally de calcifies the pineal gland instantly and makes one extremely sensitive to beautiful colours and vibrations otherwise undetected.

I know this from first hand experience as a former user.

So, did the ancients them selves, use Gold to sustain a longer lifespan knowing its incredibly powerful properties.......or possibly discover immortality?

Are they using us to this day to mine their Elixir Of Immortality?

Am I the only nugget here that thinks that any of the above is even possible?

Just throwin it out there folks.........


21st March 2014, 06:19
I saw Michael Tellinger last night and he may have some answers. I am at work right now so am limited in searching. There is a video with a 2 hr presentation he did on a free energy conference last yeat or maybe 2012. in which he talks about this...

With Love

supposedly there is a video taken at a global BEM conference in the states dated oktober 2013.

21st March 2014, 07:11
We hear that elements in gold could perhaps sustain there own planetary atmosphere and protect them from radiation, but what about more recent theories as to the powers of Monotomic gold?

It has been claimed more recently that gold in its monotomic form can even reverse ageing and even repair damaged DNA.

It can enable plant life to grow to enormous proportions if the water contains Ormus Gold.

It literally de calcifies the pineal gland instantly and makes one extremely sensitive to beautiful colours and vibrations otherwise undetected.

I know this from first hand experience as a former user.

No I believe,

Just curious. Anyone here made or used monotomic gold?
How was that.
Michael yesterday told how monotomic gold when hit with a certain frequency just disapears from this dimension only to re-appear when you change the frequency again..

Funny substance that.

With Love

21st March 2014, 13:00
Well Eelco,

Laurence Gardner had this to say about ancient knowledge of alchemy using Gold.....


Then there is this take on how the ptb want to patent our dna....

DNA and Gold (Key to Immortality?) If Human Energy Backs All Currency, Why Are They Hoarding Gold?


This is a great example of Absolute Data distillation. When we receive data, the best thing to do to get to the truth is to remove all opinions and theories, and get to the raw data points. Then with the Raw data you can use your intuition to allow these points to come together like a self assembling puzzle.

When I was reading this I was remembering all the Dan Winter research from the past. Dan has gotten a bad wrap of late and when you look at the details it wreaks of Illuminati smear campaign. The Dune book series talked of the 'spice' which extends life and expands awareness, and given the affects on DNA, it appears that there was much more to that story then is seen on the surface.


We proved our human energy backs our currency in our October 23rd article, YOUR Human Energy Backs All U.S. Currency: Absolute Proof Found Here! ; yet the question arises, why are the banksters hoarding gold? My research lead to an answer that demands some explanation and a little history beginning with the biblical creation story, where the idea of "money" was hatched.

Gensis 2: 8-12 "The Lord God planted a garden in the East, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground -- trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters.The name of the first is called Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.)" (Emphasis mine.)

Just who is "The Lord God" referred to in the creation story? Not Prime Creator, Source of all that is; rather, according to the Sumerian Tablets discovered in Iraq in 2006, the Genesis creation story actually refers to a genetic manipulation project carried out by the Anunnaki, "The Lord God" being none other than Enki.

In Tablet # 5 we read: "Thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker, shall be created! So did Enki to them say.


To create a Primitive Worker, by the mark of our essence to fashion him!"

So, we are the "Primitive Workers;" created for what? A close reading of the text shows it was to harvest gold. (Read an interpretation of the text from the entire 5th Tablet here; a critical analysis of the findings may be found here.)

What did they want with the gold? Money hadn't been invented yet, so that wasn't it. In fact, it seems the Sumerians (Anunnaki) created money (approximately 6,000 B.C.) as a cover for their massive harvesting of gold. There are conflicting reports as to what they used the gold for; some say to build shields to protect their fragile atmosphere, others say they ate it to manipulate their own DNA. No one really knows for sure.

But it seems to me the harvesting is still taking place, and so I wanted to find out if and how they are utilizing the gold today. Someone referred me to a July 26, 2013 Facebook article written by Mehal Rockerfeller and I found his view on the topic particularly interesting:

"The people of Nibiru are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god) and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those at the present time. The word 'Anunnaki' literally means 'those who came from heaven to earth'. In the Old Testament these "heavenly" visitors are called 'Anakim'. Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the 'Nefilim' in Hebrew, which means 'they who have come down from the heavens to earth'. The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time...

"If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race which the Anunnaki called the "Ducaz". The Ducaz are used for conquering and controlling the Nibirian population and those of other conquered races. Thus, the Ducaz are Reptilians....Many of these are currently in political, financial, scientific, religious, legal, medical (especially in blood banks), entertainment, military, agrarian or commercial positions, and also in the sex industry. Most of these aliens are not consciously aware of their alien origins. The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control. This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists. That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived...

"...the Anunnaki were delighted to find gold on earth because they used it for ornamentation. They also imported many slaves to mine the gold, and they used many of the Anunnaki lower classes to do the same. Since their home, Nibiru, was destroyed, the Anunnaki Elite and their cadre of attendants were forced to become transient, with the majority of them living in a huge spacecraft (like a city) that orbited the Earth."

Rockerfeller opines that the elites today, including himself I suppose, are the Anunnaki of old. He says they use the gold simply as ornamentation and nothing more.

I believed that for about two seconds...

...And then found this article from the Defense Technical Information Center, the largest central resource for the United States Department of Defense. The report shows that DNA can be used as a scaffold for the binding of gold nanoparticles.

Site-Specific Attachment of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates


clearer image here...http://www.scribd.com/doc/179183933/Site-Specific-Attachment-of-Gold-Nanoparticles-to-DNA-Templates

So then my question was, why would they want to bind gold nanoparticles to DNA. At this point I was operating under the assumption that they wanted to bind the gold to our DNA. Articles such as the one below I thought might support that notion.

Gold Nanoparticles Capable of 'Unzipping' DNA

June 20, 2012 — New research from North Carolina State University finds that gold nanoparticles with a slight positive charge work collectively to unravel DNA's double helix. This finding has ramifications for gene therapy research and the emerging field of DNA-based electronics.(Read the article here.)

My next search was to see if they were patenting our DNA. This article appeared:

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Human Gene Patents

13 June 2013 5:00 pm

"The U.S Supreme Court ruled today that "naturally occurring" human genes cannot be patented because they are a "product of nature," meaning that they cannot be claimed as a human invention. But it also permitted patents based on laboratory reconstructions of human DNA, known as complementary DNAs, or cDNAs." (Read the rest of the article here.)

So the Supremes said "no" to scientists patenting our regular DNA, but "yes" to patenting cDNA, complementary DNA. I wanted to see if there was a way to turn our regular DNA into cDNA and looked toWiki: "In genetics, complementary DNA (cDNA) is DNA synthesized from a messenger RNA (mRNA) template in a reaction catalysed by the enzymes reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase...According to the central dogma of molecular biology, when synthesising a protein, a gene's DNA is transcribed intomRNA which is then translated into protein. One difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes is that eukaryotic genes can contain introns (intervening DNA sequences) which are not coding sequences, in contrast with exons, which are DNA coding sequences. During transcription, all intron RNA is cut from the RNA primary transcript and the remaining pieces of the RNA primary transcript are spliced back together to become mRNA." So cDNA is DNA that has been transcribed to form mRNA. So if DNA can be transcribed, it can be turned into cDNA and then patented. This is what I figured.

So next, I looked into how to transcribe DNA (read an article on how to transcribe DNA here).

Now I realized why the Anunnaki would want to hoard gold. According to the article below, if I'm understanding correctly, DNA that is bound by gold nanoparticles is insusceptible to transcription. In otherwords, eating gold, could prevent having one's DNA transcribed, turned into cDNA, and patented. (see article below)

"The ability of DNA to wrap and bend on thenanometer-scale scaffolds may present an important tool in the future as such DNA shape alterations are critical in DNA replication, transcriptional regulation, and the packaging of DNA into nucleosomes."


So my conclusion about why the Anunnaki / banking elite hoard gold: to protect themselves (their DNA) from their own environmental biological weapons.

Check out this article in Rense.com:
Molecular Terrorism By Mycoplasm
Genetically Engineered Stealth Microbes
May Be The Source Of Your Health Problems
By Gary Tunsky
Found here: http://www.rense.com/general62/molecularterrorism.htm

It appears from several studies I found that our DNA can be transcribed by pollutants in the air. And if our DNA can be transcribed and turned into complementary DNA or cDNA, it can be patented.

But why would they be patenting our DNA? Hold on for this part. In fact, if you are particularly sensitive, you may want to stop reading here. But let's just say, the Anunnaki have a long history of genetically altering the precious beings of this planet. And they continue to this day.

They are not only patenting our genes and DNA, THEY ARE altering them and BUILDING CLONES.)

source itsshow.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/dna-and-gold-key-to-immortality-if.html?m=1

No wonder they want all the gold........


21st March 2014, 13:14
Now I really think you should watch that Tellinger presentation. still at work so need to be brief. why would the gods tell adam that in havala gold is to be Found?

about the dna link someone in 2013 proved that when you take a testtube with dna. and 1 with water. immerse them in a tub of water. under certain circumstanse (resonance?) strands of dna manifest in the empty tube. No gold needed.

With Love

21st March 2014, 13:14
monotomic gold or ormus could be used for immortality and enhancing your psychic levels.
the thing is that those that have this need,what becomes of them?
do they lose their soul?have they lost their soul.
what are the implications of being immortal and depending on a source such as gold.
yes you can become rulers and powerful people but only at the expense of your habit.
who would really want to live forever?


21st March 2014, 13:42
Rockefellar would be wrong though.
I don't have the exact quote at hand. but the annunaki/gods brought down the Rules from heaven to earth and appointed priest-kings who they gave fierce weapons. probbably to scare the lulu workers into submission. these priest-kings may have been the ancestors of rockefellar. but i don't think they were the same as the 8 kings that ruled the earth for over 220000. years.

Gues what those lines around the earth in the nasa and airforce emblems are called.....
the Rules right..

with love

21st March 2014, 16:02
here's an interview with a past world bank lawyer, turned whistleblower.
this segment talks about a 'second human species' that is covert and
hanging out in the vatican.
I haven't listen to the entire interview, but it deals with the vatican's
control of the world gold supply and thus control of the world's economies.


21st March 2014, 17:05
Thanks Jimmer,

Interesting to note that Hudes states that the second world war would have ended 3 years earlier but was delayed until the Americans could amass all the gold.

I have watched alot of videos by David Wolfe on how natural ormus is formed and how life forms have massively benefited from its unique properties.



It would seem that gold, in its monotonic form was given to us as nature intended and I believe the ancients learned and knew of this.

Not having it as a natural supplement would surely dumb the natural psychic awareness which is inherent in all of us.

So lets look at some facts, for as long as we know, the ptb have always fully intended to harbour the majority of the worlds gold.

We are given false currency whilst they accrue more and more bullion.

We are learning it has incredible healing powers, it can reverse damaged DNA, increase psychic awareness and consciousness, help plant life flourish tenfold, cure fatal diseases and this is just the tip of the iceberg,.........need I go on?

Surely this manna should be part of our culture and well being, not just physically but spiritually too?

Who would want to deprive the human race of one of our mother earths most natural but powerful elements?

I have as I said earlier much experience with ingesting ormus and on the whole I felt completely at one with myself, people and nature. In fact I felt truly alive.
My reasons for stopping taking it were for monetary reasons and not fear of personal health.

However, this thread is not meant to suggest you try ormus but to study its potential for humanity and discern if any of what we are discussing here is relevant to why gold is so important to the elite.

Ronin mentioned earlier, " Who wants to live forever?" (that deserves a thread on its own Ronin)

There is a spiritual a part of us that believes we cannot die, so what if we are not meant to die in the first place?
Or at least have the option to live for hundreds of years and have the choice to die if ones karma needed it in order purely to evolve our species.

Might it be that we have been programmed to physically die because the ancient alchemy in the use ormus gold has been taken from us?

Is reincarnation just another round of shedding bodies until we finally remember that we don't have to die at all?

If the cabal did take that part of our divine right to enjoy this manna by taking it away from us, then perhaps we will be fooled forever, again and again.

Then again, on the flip side, it appears that the elitists do grow old with age too, but perhaps they have not discovered Golds true potential because they see it as a commodity for wealth and self material gain.

That brings me back to the question, who are they harbouring the gold for?

Another race?

Or perhaps the ancients are still here with us......whilst we do all the mining and they perhaps live forever?


21st March 2014, 17:28
In his presentation Michael talks about the use of sound for levitation. most stone-sites with obelisks can be used to generate the energy needed for levitation through sound.
he shows some clips that make this visible.

Tesla said the earth rings like a bell.

just now i passed a church and the insight fell into place . a church has a tower(obelisk like structure) with a bell.
now this mimics the old sites with obelisks from stones that can be made to sound like bells.

As the church supposedly has thw gold. Are the priests of the gods.. its not hard to imagine they still hoard gold and send it to the skies...

With love

21st March 2014, 17:53
oh darn it gotta get out my pestle and mortar.
you know and i know that the gold that we harvest is not for us.
a little is kept back and crafted into exquisite pieces of jewelry.
and is that the real goal to our lives to attain as much gold as we can?to look good and be popular?

you bet it is to those that are dumbed down to the facts to the real power of gold and it,s monotomic properties.

ever notice when a person wheres a fashion design ,that another comments on.......
that's a lovely necklace or ring ect ect...

do they actually take into account the person who is wearing it?
or is it a programme for them to see what is valuable in their life?

ormus is not gold but,minerals that contain certain metals that can help open our pineal gland.
ormus is a natural product that is available in all living things.

be careful what you wish for,as ormus does open doors to the mind,can and are you able to handle it?
as it can be very powerful!

21st March 2014, 18:15
didn't moses burn the golden calf to a white powder and fed it to the israelites??

with love

21st March 2014, 18:21
be careful what you wish for,as ormus does open doors to the mind,can and are you able to handle it?
as it can be very powerful!

Hmmm i understand the warning I guess. still... We're discussing what, where and how the ancient civilisation disappeard. Ormus is a clue as to why they were here. why they created or enslaved us.

That said ormus could be a good thing. I say lets go out. find a planet with gold and mine it...

with love

21st March 2014, 18:36
That said ormus could be a good thing. I say lets go out. find a planet with gold and mine it...

and enslave a people on that planet for your own needs?

21st March 2014, 19:08
of course. we as a species know how thats done don't we.

with love
(who will now take of his silly hat)

21st March 2014, 21:41
of course. we as a species know how thats done don't we.

with love
(who will now take of his silly hat)

On that note......

The Latest Heist: US Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves

As the dust settles in Kiev, another money trail has been revealed…

According to reports out of Kiev (see links below), the US has quietly transfers 33 tons of Ukrainian gold out of the country and back to vaults in the US. Presumably, this sovereign wealth transfer would be counted as partial “collateral” for a fresh round of IMF, US FED, and ECB paper debt that is currently being organised for dumping into the Ukraine’s economic black hole.

Multiple inquiries to US Federal Reserve administrators into the location of the Ukraine’s gold have been met with the proverbial ‘pass the buck’, making tracking and tracking the final resting place of these 33 tonnes very difficult indeed – but one can expect that the NY Fed is probably the institution who has masterminded this financial heist.*

Note how gold flows into New York, but has difficulty flowing out of US private banking hands as is*the case with the ‘confiscation’ of Germany’s gold. Numerous attempts by*Bundesbank*to repatriate its gold reserves have been met with a brick wall, and to date, Germany has only recovered a miniscule 5 tonnes directly from the NY Fed – out of the total 674 tonnes (an additional 32 tonnes were recovered via French central bank).

It’s worth pointing out here that when NATO sacked Libya in 2011, one of the first items that came into question was*the gold in Libya’s state-run central bank. Prior to the NATO takeover of that country, Libya had one of the highest per capita gold reserves in the world, alongside Lebanon, giving Libya a distinct advantage should it carry out former Libyan leader*Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi’s*long-term financial transition to a gold-backed Libyan Dinar. As you can imagine, this is no longer the case in Tripoli.

Additionally, like Libya, both Syria and Iran are two of the world’s last remaining nation states who both have state-run central banks and gold reserves which fall outside of the world’s private central banking syndicate.

Needless to say, you can see an obvious pattern emerging here.


22nd March 2014, 05:09
Ah found it.
This is the lecture form 2012..


The first hour is prette much the same as the lecture he is giving these days. The seccond hour has evolved a bit for the better I think still very much worth while to watch.

With Love