View Full Version : For the Seeker

3rd March 2014, 05:18
For the Seeker :confused: :frantic: :holysheep: ?

-The first thing is to fill your head with as little as possible in large amounts of knowledge, because that uses mind space and that is not the best place to start off, the best place to start off is in going to heart space, their you can be sure that what happens is the right thing for yourself.

-The frame of reference is to fill your heart full of the most pure thoughts of life you can. No clearing out can take place till you do that one thing. The foreign social public domain, is not going to give you all, what you most need, as this is purely an individuals own reality to live by, not for the whole world to live and grow by.

-Now stop thinking and let the flow of life, gloss over you as if it is the only thing you need to have in this start to your new life.
The feel of the forever, has no point to play in this, till you are sure you are open to a whole life of painless need, that will sanctify the joint responsibility you have to your own life plus the needs you have to place a link to your own Higher Self, and your own totality within the whole of existence. The jelly legs will be bad for awhile, but your Soul will begin to wake up and place itself between your heart and the totality of all other sentience around that space.

-The formation of that space will begin to wake you to see, feel and hear, and will tell you of who and what you are and what you came to do. If you have already connected to your own power place, into the re-placing of yourself into this space of totality, then you have already completed the stages written above.

You will find how to do this Here:http://jandeane81.com/threads/911-Connection-to-your-own-power-field-and-place-in-the-Universe

The final stages of returning to the Home you originally came from when created, can only happen when you finally find either a Perfect Master, in your last four years of life, and they will place you in your own space of totality. No one else can get Home unless taken there by any designated Perfect master, on this one planet of Earth. There must be one, or no one else will ever be able to go back to their own individual place in totality of space, because only they can read your own individual space, where it is written on your forehead – this is invisible to any one else, but them, which is why they are called a Perfect Master, only they know when your time has come to go back home.

-However, this process is circumvented, when you realise the place is yours to return home to, and you have given it a chord to return back to. These are your work, life long, every life you live. You must be here on Earth, or at least be here to put that chord in place. Everything else is a total lack of time, if you want to give yourself the chance of ever returning to your own creation space still in joy.

Placing yourself in this place, allows you to use what you are to be where you want to be – that's the secret. The Higher Self can now talk to you as if in the same room. He/She denotes to you the first thing to be done.

Then it is up to you to follow your life, in the way you were meant to do

Nothing left to do now except journey in a painless life, for if you follow the signs, or the words of your own Soul, you will have few mistakes, torture yourself not, and end in Harmony, because you will now be living in Faith and Trust, that all that you do is the right thing for yourself.

The journey only plink plonks along, when you are out of Harmony with the trust you, by now will have developed. Trust yourself, and the end will give you the rewards from a life well spent in trusting your own true self. That is after all who you now are, you've just not had the initiative to ask of your Soul and you're Higher Self to give you a starting point, that's all

:congratulations: :yawn:

6th March 2014, 07:50
Just in case I will place the part you need to follow to complete this procedure for yourself. I am going to assume that most people will have their power spot at their third eye (pineal gland).

I keep putting this up because I am so frequently told that I cannot contact my Higher Self (or for that matter God). Many have asked me how it is I can hear them when everyone else can't. Well this is my answer in part to that, the article on electrical Energy was the very first thing I wrote with Ivan. I did what it said and after that I was able to hear him and all the others I say I hear or write with. Now I am not the only one who found this to happen, Wolf Khan, did this too ,when I met him and told him what to do, and he can hear them as well. Another friend who has taken me shopping now for 10 years as part of a Uniting Care scheme, has also done this, she can hear her own Higher Self and her Angel and the God of her choice - Father Joh, she asks him every night to take away anything she might have picked up on her daily work of helping others such as myself. she knows he looks after her family and herself and has seen this happen over again, so Ronin, that Dude, who happens to be not one God but many, but you have one who looks after you, is not missing or hard to find, just do the following and you should be able to hear your HS and your own special God as soon as you give yourself permission to and ask them to say Hi to you after you have done this.

Just in passing, since this was originally the very first writing I did with Ivan, I asked my Homeopath to verify its validity for me, now he had read heaps of stuff from spiritual books, and when he got back to me he said he had copied it and found it to be the most important writing he had ever read, because it gives you the way to go home, with out having to wait for all your lives to finish. I know many of you feel, you won't be coming back here again, and this could be true if you manage to complete this process, it only actually should take no more than 10 minutes.

To help you to find your own energy source, first of all ask your Higher Self to help you in every possible way. If you go into a quiet, still state, and ask to concentrate on your own energy field, then onto finding the place where all energy comes into your body. You might see this,but if not allow your fingers to do the walking to this power source place, if you can't trust yourself to do this ask your Higher Self to move your hand and show you the correct place by pointing directly to this with your pointer finger, it really boils down to allowing yourself to show yourself.

If you are fully aware of your own energy flow, then you should, by this time, be ready psychically for doing the next steps.

- Firstly, your energy power source is to become like a power point. Nothing special about it think of that place as being just like the power point on the wall. It can have the backing plate, and a switch to turn on and off and have it securely plugged into your electircal system, in the same way as the power points are plugged into the electricity wiring in your home.
Psychically, make your power source into the sort of power point that we use to plug electric gadgets into.

- Give it a plug, and a wire that will go out to your electrical energy field.

- You now need to have the normal wires that electrical things use and an earthing wire. Attach these wires to the plug which is put into your power source. The length of the wire is enough to go from your body to the place from which you began your existence.

Now, you will need to attach these wires to your energy field.

- The correct place to attach them will be the very brightest point you can see. It will show out above everything else and it will appear as if all the energy is emanating from this.

You do not need to be an electrician or know how to fiddle with electrical wires to be able to do this, you only need to say, “I am now connecting the wires to the power source of my electrical energy field”, and it will be done.

- You need to ask your Higher Self to make a similar power board at the other end for you, with a switch and all, the same as at your end. You also need a plug at the other end to to be attached to the long end of the wires and ask the Higher Self to put the plug into the power point.
- Ask your Higher Self to check that the connections are made correctly at both ends, and it will be done, and to switch the power on at both ends.
- Now say, “My Universal Power Supply is now switched on and fully operational”.

- Have faith and trust that the process has been completed to your satisfaction and you will be able to continually live in Joy.

You will now be connected to your own place in the Universe that you will be able to go back to.

7th March 2014, 00:55
hi Cearna and thank you.
what i will say after reading your post this morning is that i went and had a lay down.
this is usually how i meditate.
i tried to last week but found it very difficult.could not clear the mind.
anyway i tried it this morning and this is what happened.

within ten minutes i think!i felt the vibration on the right side of the temple and the center of the forehead.
this is not unusual.then the hairs on my body started to prickle.breathing become very shallow as if no need to breathe.
feelings of pleasure around certain parts of the body.

did anyone ever notice that a intense feeling of pleasure can happen anywhere on the body?
the calf,behind a knee or a muscle that you have never felt before?

i tried to contact my higher self but to no avail.

what i did get was intense colors,flickering white light and a few jerks,also a sensation of bliss or well being.
somewhat of a connection trying to be made but not quite there yet..

oh in one part my mind started to drift and my shoulders where jerked quickly as if some was actually taking me by the shoulders and giving me a quick jerk.

as for the HS and connecting to it ...not yet but will carry on trying.

thank you for your advice and Wolf Khans.

ps.Wolf Khan hope you are on the mend,sent out some vibes now and again but who knows where they go?

7th March 2014, 07:01
Hey Ronin, thanks for getting back to me, I really wrote this for you in the first place, and I was hoping someone would at least try to do this.

Ok, Sannat Kammarah or Mother Earth got back to me on this for you. First of all I must explain that the name which most people on Earth call her, she detests that name. With good reason, I believe, for it is the name of one of the Demonic Gods of the Annunaki, who came with them from their home planet, she liked it here, and decided to call herself the goddess of Earth. We already had a Mother Earth, whose name is Sannat Kammarah, is the correct one, or otherwise use Mother earth. She has become the Spirit of Earth with the leader of Atlantis who gave me the information on Atlantis (in the chanelling forum) as the Soul of the Earth, both have been here on Earth all the time since the Creation of Earth.

She is the one you contacted (Mother Earth) during this time, since she knows of you love for her, however she will never answer fully if anyone uses that terrible name, so if you try again and call her either of her real names she will happily complete the task for you.

So you found the power spot on your body to connect to - the spot to the right side of the temple and the centre of the forehead. You can now go ahead to place the electrical, socket, wires, plug and chords in on your end and ask your Higher Self to make all is done correctly, and get him to take the very long chord to you own spot or working place of origin, where you will return to. The Higher Self was the one who tried to jolt you back so that you could complete the process, which would give the the joy you should experience when you achieve this, so if what you experiences was a bliss, I would think there is more to come.
You should be able to ask for his name, by calling out and talking to Warren (of the glades of Ireland). He came to visit me in my own home, to ask you to stay with this for if you manage to do this, then both Mother Earth and the One God Above All (you can call him Perush), will become your own true Gods and you will be able to complete the journey of open lifetimes of experience. Warren send his greatest of love to you.

Wolf Khan is getting much stronger thanks, would you like to receive the Higher level energies for healing from me, plus an Archangel, to help you to use them - look in the healing forum of what they are about and if you wish them get back to me by PM?