View Full Version : Drugging the World

17th February 2014, 07:31
Hi All,

Although this article is about the 'drugging of Amerika', it could be your country too. I'm in Australia.

Doesn't matter where you are, you are being targeted.

'19 statistics about the drugging of America that are almost too crazy to believe'.

Pay attention to number 19.


I've been sucked in by this, in my own life.

There is of course an agenda behind all this crap. Which is another subject in itself. Let's keep it micro.


17th February 2014, 07:54
Actually, let's not keep it 'micro'...

Let this be an organic thread that grows where it wants to go...

17th February 2014, 08:24
Agreed Sooz. Thanks for this. And when you go to see your doctor, nine times out of ten they're writing the prescription as you're still talking to them. If you're lucky you see a doctor who knows you but more often or not they have your notes on the computer screen in front of them and treat you like a specimen. And there's no comeback if you take something that kills you - "death by misadventure" I think they call it - and not a prosecution in sight.

The biggest scourge imo? Statins. My local chemist thinks everybody in the world should be on them from the age of 10 years. Beware the men in white coats!

17th February 2014, 08:59
In the UK they are getting very obviously eugenic.

The government has asked a study group/think tank to examine the effect of applying an economic principle to the provision of health care.

The basic idea is that some people are not worth spending money on, from an economic point of view.

For example. To spend a lot of money on a young fairly healthy person in the prime of life and buisy paying their stealth taxes etc, is an economic POSITIVE. To spend a lot of money on either an old pensioner who lives purely on state pension, or a working age person who is living on benefits for whatever reason, is an economic NEGATIVE - prolonging their lives with 'health care' not only costs money but also extends the expense of providing them with a livable income - DOUBLE NEGATIVE, if you like.

Add to this the fact they are creating a national database of all our health records right now. When it's up and running, what's to stop them using it both ways? Yes, they'll have our health care history available to all areas of the system at the click of a mouse, but also, they can integrate the results of all the data processing they can then do, by introducing a scale of 'banding' ( perhaps a little like the way they categorise housing for the council tax ) that will either guide or force the doctors to treat us differently according to the band we are in, as calculated by the algorithm provided by the outcome of this latest think tank who have been asked to come up with a system that works on an 'economic' model for health care.

How bloody dark is that ! ?

17th February 2014, 09:43
One thing I would like to remark on....is if, you are considering feeding your child Ritalin...DON'T.

Probably too much information from my perspective, but if it stops one parent from giving it to their child it's worth it.

I started to wake up 2008. Around that time my son was having issues at school. At that time he was at a private school.

He was having trouble concentrating, not fitting into the school system and generally being a distraction to the teacher (In private schools, everything is driven by money btw, if the teacher is not reaching expected outcomes, then their salary is compromised. Enter Ritalin.*

I was counselled quite strongly to put my son on Ritalin so he could concentrate in class. Twice we took him to a paediotrican (sp?) and told within a 10 minute consultation that he needed to be medicated. We never filled the script.

Long story short, for many years I was always on the border line of whether he needed it or not. Like I said, we never did.

Now in 2014 he has found his passion in aeronaughtical stuff - he is now teaching year 12 kids (he's in year 10). He is way ahead of the pack in this area - his passion. Not to say he's not up to score in other subjects, but that's beside the point. He's found his thing.

Don't whatever you do, medicate your kids if they don't appear to fit in at school. If I had my time over again, I would have home-schooled him or go to Montesori or Steiner schools.

*Oh, I found out years later, that if a child was medicated, the school got extra money from the system! What an effing rort!

17th February 2014, 19:12
Sad state of affairs.

In our early history, humans gave their power over to the priests in the black coats.
Now, all too many give their power over to the priests in the white coats (our doctors and scientists)

Here in the US, the Pharma companies give huge grants to the medical schools and in return, the Pharma's dictate the direction of the studies of those schools. Just one more swinging door.

And because we put so much adoration and value on our "prestigious' schools, we believe the product produced is "the best that money can buy." And the students who become doctors also believe this. They don't question what they've been taught, because they've been brain-washed (along with the rest) that they have gotten the best information and knowledge available.

I repeat. A sad state of affairs.

17th February 2014, 19:25
War ...

Is there a better word for what is being foisted upon the innocent and trusting public???

How has it come to this?

Why have we let "them" go this far???

How far will we let "them" go???

Amerika seems to be numb ... and that isn't good ..

18th February 2014, 09:34
This is scary. Just noticed this comment in the initial link above.

Written by a Doctor.....

I would suggest everyone make a note of this, in ALL COUNTRIES, not just Amerika.

Syrin > Rodster
• 7 days ago

As a physician, it pains me to tell you this, but unless you trust your MD with absolute certainty, the less you reveal, the better. You need to envision a DHS officer standing in the room next to your MD when you make a visit to his/her office because now with Obamacare, they have access to everything you say if it's recorded.

26 △ ▽

Fred Steeves
18th February 2014, 12:15
Actually, let's not keep it 'micro'...

Let this be an organic thread that grows where it wants to go...

O.K. then Sooz, slightly off topic but still in the ball park. From day one I've always said "Obama Care" is about control, and about eugenics. Anyone ever hear of Ezekiel Emanuel's (Rahm's brother) "Complete Lives System"? Being of the Emanuel clan, of course ole Zeke is a big mover and shaker in this monstrous beast, and here's the gist of what he's peddling. Of course this would never be discussed on the evening news.

Snip from the article:

"However, other things are rarely equal—whether to save one 20-year-old, who might live another 60 years, if saved, or three 70-year-olds, who could only live for another 10 years each—is unclear." In fact, Dr. Emanuel makes a clear choice: "When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get changes that are attenuated (see Dr. Emanuel's chart nearby).

Dr. Emanuel concedes that his plan appears to discriminate against older people, but he explains: "Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination. . . . Treating 65 year olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not."

The youngest are also put at the back of the line: "Adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investments that will be wasted without a complete life. Infants, by contrast, have not yet received these investments. . . . As the legal philosopher Ronald Dworkin argues, 'It is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three-year-old dies and worse still when an adolescent does,' this argument is supported by empirical surveys." (thelancet.com, Jan. 31, 2009).


Very similar to what Norman described.

18th February 2014, 19:38
Anyone ever hear of Ezekiel Emanuel's (Rahm's brother) "Complete Lives System"? Being of the Emanuel clan, of course ole Zeke is a big mover and shaker in this monstrous beast, and here's the gist of what he's peddling. Of course this would never be discussed on the evening news.

Snip from the article:



There's been much written about the father of the Emanuel's. He was a terrorist (or freedom fighter, depending on which side you're on). His specialty was blowing up buses with British soldiers and Arabs on them. He was also involved in other high-profile bombings. Being raised by that consciousness, what could one expect. Obama also has Irish Terrorists within his close advisors. Terrorists operate on the premise that it's OK to kill the enemy, and to them an enemy is anyone who doesn't see it their way. Remember Bush's statement when he was leading us into war after 911: You're either for us or against us. . . that's how these guys think.

I agree with you Fred. The foxes are in charge of the chicken coop. Always have been, the only difference is - now we are beginning to realize it (last I heard only 3 million signed up for ObamaCare. In a country this size, that's an extraordinarily weak showing - even with all the add campaigns on TV, etc., they aren't getting people to move on it - that's a good sign!), But, how do we get folks to wake up about their doctors? Or, better yet, how do we get the doctor's to wake up?

It seems the more educated the person is in the system, the more brain-washed they are.

18th February 2014, 23:56
Here in Oz, there is a concerted campaign to get people to sign up to have their medical records online. (e-Health).

It aint working! Only 397,000 people have signed up in the last 2 years (population 22 million I think). People do not want it. Yay!

19th February 2014, 00:15
There's been much written about the father of the Emanuel's. He was a terrorist (or freedom fighter, depending on which side you're on). His specialty was blowing up buses with British soldiers and Arabs on them. He was also involved in other high-profile bombings. Being raised by that consciousness, what could one expect. Obama also has Irish Terrorists within his close advisors. Terrorists operate on the premise that it's OK to kill the enemy, and to them an enemy is anyone who doesn't see it their way. Remember Bush's statement when he was leading us into war after 911: You're either for us or against us. . . that's how these guys think.

I agree with you Fred. The foxes are in charge of the chicken coop. Always have been, the only difference is - now we are beginning to realize it (last I heard only 3 million signed up for ObamaCare. In a country this size, that's an extraordinarily weak showing - even with all the add campaigns on TV, etc., they aren't getting people to move on it - that's a good sign!), But, how do we get folks to wake up about their doctors? Or, better yet, how do we get the doctor's to wake up?

It seems the more educated the person is in the system, the more brain-washed they are.

It might be amusing to remember that the word 'fox' rendered into numerlogical sums produces a '6' for each letter.:hmm:

19th February 2014, 03:37
Maybe we just need to start with the ADULTS just saying NO to Drugs!!

19th February 2014, 04:54
And this from the Telegraph in the UK....

The NHS (National Health Service) admit there is a privacy risk with medical records database:
