View Full Version : Cloud G2 summary and possible stellar explosion to hit our solar system around April!

12th February 2014, 13:50
I found this article here: http://www.transients.info/2014/02/cloud-g2-status-and-possible-stellar.html (Go to site to see pictures)

"The reason I continue on with posts about Cloud G2 is because I believe that stellar explosions may have been a major cause and trigger of past events on Earth throughout its history, as I mentioned in my article 'Galactic Stellar Explosions - The trigger events behind 2012' back in December 2012.

Within this article here, I will go over the details of when Cloud G2 will reach the galactic core, where and what the galactic core is, what is inside the actual Cloud G2 and the repercussions around what may happen if Cloud G2 succumbs to tidal stripping by the black hole at the galactic core.

"What we are about to experience in a few months may be thought of as a cosmic game of Galactic pinball." - Paul LaViolette

Paul LaViolette posted an update on Cloud G2 earlier in January, 2014. He said that he believes there is a star within this cloud and that this star possibly has a companion star. He rates the chance of there being a second star at around 50%. He is however 100% certain that there is a companion object, so if the second object is not a star then he believes its going to be a giant planet such as the size of Jupiter for example, or a brown dwarf companion.

Paul LaViiolette reports that the size of the initial star within Cloud G2 is between 1 solar mass and 30 solar masses. How large is that? Our sun is estimated at about 2 solar masses. So its not exactly small by any means.

The gas Cloud G2 is moving towards Sagittarius A* which is located at the center of the Milk Way Galaxy near the border of the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius and within a larger astronomical feature known as Sagittarius A.

It is believed that Sagittarius A consists of three components. The supernova remnant Sagittarius A East, the spiral structure Sagittarius A West, and a very bright compact radio source at the center of the spiral of Sagittarius A.

Sagittarius A* is believed to contain a super massive black hole and Cloud G2 is going to be closest to this black hole around March to April 2014. This date could easily change, as it has changed a number of times over the past year, but I wouldn't expect the change to be more than four weeks either side.

Paul LaViolette mentions that he thinks it is a possibility that tidal stripping may occur when Cloud G2 reaches the closest point to the black hole within Sagittarius A*. Tidal stripping is when a larger galaxy pulls stars and other stellar material from a smaller galaxy. Paul LaViolette has said there is a possibility that a core explosion could be caused by the tidal stripping, which would result in a galactic superwave that could impact upon our solar system.

The repercussions of such a superwave impacting our solar system could be seen as a trigger for a number of various events, which includes the area of earth changes and in my personal opinion, shifts in consciousness, because of the extra energies impacting us at such a time.

Paul LaViolette has said that once we see the Cloud G2 divide and reach the galactic core / black hole, and if a mass splits off from it, we will only have two to three weeks before the mass reaches the core surface and triggers a stellar explosion. So he thinks we should keep close watch should something be about to happen at that moment.

One question may be left in our mind that needs answering. That question being about how long it would it take for the energies of a stellar explosion to reach Earth? Paul LaViolette predicts that the gravity wave would reach Earth within the same day of a core explosion, which would be a cause foe seismic disturbances on Earth, and the cosmic rays would arrive from one to two days later after the event.

I will finish off with this information that Paul LaViolette posted back on November the 7th 2012, on his site, which provides some scientific evidence towards these stellar explosion events matching up with the cycles of the Mayan Calendar/Astrological Ages.

"As noted in an October 2013 Starburst Foundation news posting, recent analysis of tree ring records and ice core Be-10 and acidity profiles has confirmed the occurrence of eight of 13 minor superwave events that were predicted to have impacted Earth in the past 5300 years. I had originally predicted the dates of these events back in 1983. Based on the terrestrial record I find that most of these were brief events lasting less than a year, with the exception of the event occurring in 5300 years ago. Interestingly, this earlier moderate superwave occurred just prior to the emergence of Nile Delta civilization and the commencement of the most recent Mayan calendar cycle."


Caleb: Is this finally the Superwave scientists have been whispering about for so long, I hope so as things are getting a little crazy down here!

12th February 2014, 14:49
Caleb: Is this finally the Superwave scientists have been whispering about for so long, I hope so as things are getting a little crazy down here!

Paul LaViolette is someone to be taken very seriously.

He was in one of the original Camelot interviews.

(... and yes it is getting damn crazy ...)

Dr Paul LaViolette :
Earth under Fire : Galactic Superwaves

Lagonisi, Greece, August 2009

Dr Paul LaViolette is the measured counterpart to Patrick Geryl, whose interview we have released simultaneously. A brilliant and maverick astrophysicist, Paul is best known for his research into a new theory of matter he calls Subquantum Kinetics - based on systems theory, which he studied for his PhD thesis - and for his carefully argued hypothesis, first formulated in 1983, that our galactic center periodically emits devastating waves he termed superwaves.

Galactic superwaves are intense cosmic ray particle bombardments that originate from the center of our Galaxy, and that last for periods of up to a few thousand years. Paul explains that astronomical and geological evidence indicates that the last major superwave impacted our solar system around 12,000 to 16,000 years ago, and produced abrupt changes of the Earth's climate.

The land animal extinction episode which occurred during this interval was the worst in several million years, and Paul estimates that approximately one or two superwaves strong enough to trigger an ice age are presently on their way to us from their birthplace at the galactic core... 23,000 light years away. Paul states that there is a real chance that one such event could arrive within the next few decades. Importantly - because they travel at the speed of light - we would not see them coming.



12th February 2014, 20:45
I remember several predictions way back when most were focused on comets Ison and Elenin, that these were unimportant (other than fun to watch) and that the big event would be sometime in April this year.

But then, we seem to go from event to event, don't we?

And in between the natural disasters predicted, there's the man-made ones. The Super Bowl, . The Olympics, on and on.

In California they predict the Big Earthquake constantly.

If you predict something consistently enough, eventually you'll be right. . . In the meantime, life goes on. . . . Most of the disaster is being choreographed behind the curtain while they keep us focused on the puppet show on stage.

alright to enjoy the show presented, but keep your eye on what's happening backstage - and I think we do that on these Forums.

12th February 2014, 21:55
I'm just wondering if it is safe to max out my credit card if the world is going to end.

Maybe start drinking again.:ok: At least some really good micro-brews. Expose my 17 year old to the joy of good brew in his last weeks on Earth. If it is to end, my plan is to go out smoothly and in relaxed style.

I'll put it all on my credit card.

I will say my wizzy sense is not tingling.

12th February 2014, 23:12
I'm just wondering if it is safe to max out my credit card if the world is going to end.

Maybe start drinking again.:ok: At least some really good micro-brews. Expose my 17 year old to the joy of good brew in his last weeks on Earth. If it is to end, my plan is to go out smoothly and in relaxed style.

I'll put it all on my credit card.

I will say my wizzy sense is not tingling.

You funny boy!

Let me know, come May, if you end up in either jail or bankruptcy court. I'll organize a posse to come save you.

12th February 2014, 23:16
I'm just wondering if it is safe to max out my credit card if the world is going to end.

Maybe start drinking again.:ok: At least some really good micro-brews. Expose my 17 year old to the joy of good brew in his last weeks on Earth. If it is to end, my plan is to go out smoothly and in relaxed style.

I'll put it all on my credit card.

I will say my wizzy sense is not tingling.

This is not intended to provoke fear, this is exciting and beautiful I think, but if it compels you to get generous with the plastic then mines a brandy sour Rad please!

12th February 2014, 23:26
This is not intended to provoke fear, this is exciting and beautiful I think, but if it compels you to get generous with the plastic then mines a brandy sour Rad please!

You got it, anytime, anyplace.

It was my desire have my post free of fear.

That was clear, correct?":scrhd:

Wolf Khan
13th February 2014, 00:29
We have all survived these transformations in the past, why all the doomsday talk now. wakey wakey,memories, we cannot die, it is a reality unknown to us, we live eternally, and as for cabal credit cards, destroy'em

13th February 2014, 00:36
No fear, Wolf Khan - as stated in the posts above.

Just informing each other about what's going on.

13th February 2014, 03:04
This is not intended to provoke fear, this is exciting and beautiful I think, but if it compels you to get generous with the plastic then mines a brandy sour Rad please!


I believe there is little doubt "a wave" is coming. :scp:

Not sure that *anyone* knows for sure what the consequences may be (if any).

Regardless ... won't have long to wait until we find out.

(at least he isn't sending out "implication posts" like Courtney) :onthequite: