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8th February 2014, 23:53
A British citizen was held for days without charge in a London mental hospital under little-known laws which allow the police to arrest and detain anybody who voices criticism against politicians or celebrities.

The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) was quietly set up to identify individuals who they claim pose a direct threat to VIPs including the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Royal Family.

It was given sweeping powers to check more than 10,000 suspects’ files to identify mentally unstable potential “killers and stalkers” with a fixation against public figures.

The team’s psychiatrists and psychologists then have the power to order treatment – including forcibly detaining suspects in secure psychiatric units.

Using these powers, the unit can legally detain people for an indefinite period without trial, criminal charges or even evidence of a crime being committed and with very limited rights of appeal.

FTAC is enforced by the police anti-terrorism unit, and so although it technically is a separate branch of law, it is enforced under the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act. It works in a similar way to laws in Thailand which ban citizens from saying anything critical of the Thai royal family.

A number of British citizens have already fallen victim to these laws. Activist David Compan was imprisoned without charges in a London mental hospital after he publicly associated himself with the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCC) campaign to hold the Crown of England responsible for crimes against children.

Social worker Elizabeth Scully has confirmed to ITCCS organizer Rhianne Mockridge that David was held for ‘examination’, but Scully initially refused to say where or provide any other details.

David Compan is a friend and supporter of Rhianne and other ITCCS activists in Coventry, who have led occupations of local roman catholic churches and are now convening a common law court to enforce ITCCS warrants against convicted felons and child abusers.

*The Akashic Times recently learned that after tireless campaigning by the ITCCS, David was released*. However, the law which allowed him to be locked up in the first place, is still in full effect.

The FTAC law allows the government to imprison indefinitely without charges anyone who is considered to be “fixated” about public figures, “VIP’s”, or members of the Royal Family.

Currently the law is very vague over what can be considered to be an unhealthy obsession against public figures. Worryingly, no trial is needed to provide evidence of the crime.

Until now, it has been the exclusive decision of doctors and mental health professionals to determine if someone should be forcibly detained.

But the new unit uses the police to identify suspects – increasing fears the line is being blurred between criminal investigation and doctors’ clinical decisions.

Human rights activists fear the team – whose existence has never been publicised – may be being used as a way to detain suspected terrorists without having to put evidence before the courts.

It also comes amid a continuing row over proposed mental health legislation which will make it easier to ‘section’ someone deemed a threat to the public.

MP Andrew Lansley was an outspoken critic of the law and said it could be used to target anybody with a religious, political or cultural belief that goes against the norm. He said: ”The Government is trying to bring in a wider definition of mental disorder and is resisting exclusions which ensure that people cannot be treated as mentally disordered on the grounds of their cultural, political or religious beliefs.

“When you hear they are also setting up something like this police unit, it raises questions about quite what their intentions are.

“The use of mental health powers of detention should be confined to the purposes of treatment. But the Government wants to be able to detain someone who is mentally disordered even when the treatment would have no benefit.

“Combined with the idea that someone could be classed as mentally ill on the grounds of their religious beliefs, it is a very worrying scenario.”

The laws were previously introduced under Tony Blair and are still being used today.

Last year we exposed how the Justice and Security Bill gives British courts the mandate to hold both criminal – and civil – cases in private and prevent suspects from hearing the evidence against them. It also enhances the powers of the Intelligence and Security Committee – which was established by the Intelligence Services Act in 1994.

It effectively makes them exempt from having to supply documents under the Freedom of Information Act and extends their right to conduct surveillance on the internet.

Suspects who have been excluded from secret court proceedings would be represented by a ‘special advocate’ – a security cleared lawyer chosen by the government or prosecutor, who is appointed on their behalf.

At the end of court hearing, the person being tried may win or lose their case without knowing why, as the court’s reasoning will likely be “classified”.

In fact, suspects don’t even have to be told there is a trial taking place against them, until they are arrested by police to begin their prison sentence. The legislation effectively marked the start of tyranny and ‘disappearing’ in the UK, which is usually seen in countries like North Korea or Zimbabwe.

Last year, we revealed how new laws were being introduced to allow for the use of secret courts in the UK for criminal and civil cases. The law effectively makes it “legal” to hold a court case against someone without their knowledge, detain them and penalise them – without telling them why, and without giving them access to a lawyer.


8th February 2014, 23:54
if theres a will to silence , there is a way! :cracky:

8th February 2014, 23:55
a law unto themselves comes to mind!

8th February 2014, 23:58
Queen Elizabeth was allegedly involved in yesterday’s imprisonment of British citizen David Compan who was held against his will and sedated in the London Imperial College mental hospital. No charges have been filed.

What was Compan’s crime?

The child abuse advocate was attempting to enforce a Brussels Court of Justice warrant issued on the Royal Couple for their role in the disappearance of ten children. On Feb. 25 2013 six international judges found the Queen and Prince Phillip guilty of taking ten aboriginal youngsters from the Canadian Kamloops Residential School on Oct.10 1964. The pre-teens haven’t been seen or heard of since. http://salem-news.com/articles/january092014/activist-arrested-ka.php

If the elites are getting away with child trafficking and incarcerating those trying to bring them to justice, then how safe are we and our children?

The Brussels trial on behalf of 50,000 missing native children was prosecuted by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. The ITCCS was formed by Canadian pastor and archeologist Kevin Annett on request of Canadian tribal leaders. Efforts to bring crimes against their children to justice had been futile until the international court.

Prosecution had it’s challenges. In 2012 Harry Wilson, the first eyewitness to go public with his discovery of a dead adolescent, died of mysterious causes. He sustained massive head and brain injuries from an undisclosed cause. http://itccs.org/tag/rev-kevin-annett/page/7/

There were 28 mass child grave sites discovered at residential schools across Canada. In Nov. 2013 another was accidently found by pipefitters. The child mass graves still await excavation even though Annett and a group of archaeologists including one from the Smithsonian Institute, uncovered human remains years ago.

Witnesses described being subjected to staff gang rapes, starvation, routine killings of pregnant or “unruly” adolescents by beatings and confinement without food or water, were regularly infected with small pox and prostituted to police and politicians in return for cash payments.

The children were also subjects of experiments including drug testing operated in association with pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly, Upjohn and Bayer. The drug companies funded the United, Anglican and Catholic churches which ran the 80 Indian residential schools in connection with the Canadian government and English Crown. http://itccs.org/tag/rev-kevin-annett/page/7/

The Brussells guilty verdict was behind the Feb. 2013 resignation of Pope Joseph Ratzinger. The four month-long trial found the former Pope, Queen and 28 other elites guilty of crimes against humanity. Evidence used in the case was documented in Annett’s “Hidden No Longer” and can be read for free at: www.hiddennolonger.com and www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com

Ms. Windsor failed to respond to a Nov. 2012 summons, yet has not denied evidence presented at trial, nor disputed findings that thousands of native children have been abused, disappeared from and killed at residential schools.

In July 2012 an informant spoke to Annett. He was a former staff member at the head office of the Anglican Church in Toronto. He claimed legal efforts to expose these crimes were blocked by “orders from London,” representatives of the Crown in Ontario, plus Canadian government, Anglican, Catholic and other Church officials. http://itccs.org/tag/rev-kevin-annett/page/7/

The largest grave site was located at the Mohawk Indian residential school in Brantford Ontario. In June 2001 Mohawk survivors brought suit against the Anglican Church and Crown. Judge Haines of the Ontario Supreme Court dismissed the case on grounds that legal action was barred by The Crown Liability Act of 1953.

Charing Cross Hospital Social Worker Elizabeth Scully confirmed to London ITCCS organizer Rhianne Mockridge that Mr. Compan was being held but wouldn’t release further information. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=210989199671914980955.00045431366d3d0c96166

A newly-passed English law allowed the imprisonment of anyone indefinitely and without charges if considered to be “fixated” on public figures such as the Royal Family. This has been described as a “dastardly police state law” and can be reviewed at:: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-457934/Revealed-Blairs-secret-stalker-squad.html

The ITCCS called upon its affiliates in 21 countries to stage protests, demand release of David Compan and nullify the new law used to incarcerate innocent citizens without due process. Contact itccscentral@gmail.com or rhiannesemail2013@gmail.com.

Pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly, Upjohn and Bayer were connected to the CIA mind-control program on children. Thousands of survivors in the US, Canada and across the globe are requesting a Congressional investigation. You can sign the petition at: http://www.change.org/petitions/us-congress-survivors-request-investigation-cia-mind-control-of-children

For more information see: www.itccs.org, www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com, http://ritualabuse.us, http://kevinannettinternational.blogspot.fr/

9th February 2014, 00:00
Celebrities? If we uncreate them they we won't need to worry about 'illegally' criticizing them. Celebrities exist by the energy of their fans and adorers and the money people hand over to watch or read about them.

I think they'd rather be criticized than 'vaporized' any day. The power to vaporize belongs to people. As usual, few takers for empowerment.

9th February 2014, 00:03
how will we know whats on trend , what to wear , eat, think, buy, without celebs? :frantic:

9th February 2014, 00:05
how will we know whats on trend , what to wear , eat, think, buy, without celebs? :frantic:

We become our own people.

Frightening thought, I know.

9th February 2014, 00:18
but if we think for ourselves then we become dangerous, mentally ill it would seem and so candidates for this new legislation! .. oh boy i cant wait for peple to wake up quick enough.. step out of this matrix and create heaven on earth ! i am becoming somewhat pessimistic with it all , its a hard road !

9th February 2014, 00:22
but if we think for ourselves then we become dangerous, mentally ill it would seem and so candidates for this new legislation! .. oh boy i cant wait for peple to wake up quick enough.. step out of this matrix and create heaven on earth ! i am becoming somewhat pessimistic with it all , its a hard road !

If it helps. I have recently become optimistic.

I cannot give words to it. It is supra-sensory data with a subjective view of outer events combined. Not very word friendly.

9th February 2014, 00:28

bet he don,t talk anymore

9th February 2014, 00:30
if you perform a ritual.
we will make you a sir!

or we will trap you into our ways.

comes to mind.

9th February 2014, 00:32
If it helps. I have recently become optimistic.

I cannot give words to it. It is supra-sensory data with a subjective view of outer events combined. Not very word friendly.

interestingly i just came across this and posted here http://jandeane81.com/threads/2018-the-awakening-mind?p=12649#post12649

9th February 2014, 00:33
if you perform a ritual.
we will make you a sir!

or we will trap you into our ways.

comes to mind.

I was just thinking (a minute or so ago) about Sir Peter Jackson of Hobbit fame and how it seems to have him caged in. Turning it down would step on powerful toes and accepting puts one on a leash.

9th February 2014, 00:39
does it end with royalty?
or is their a darker force behind it all.
rainman comes to mind.

9th February 2014, 00:45
it makes sense.
once you take the hand for fame and fortune then the leash is strapped to you.
and there is no turning back.

like i said everything is interconnected in our life's.

9th February 2014, 00:54
it makes sense.
once you take the hand for fame and fortune then the leash is strapped to you.
and there is no turning back.

like i said everything is interconnected in our life's.

With saying 'no' being an option one cannot refuse wisely, one sees that if one is 'tapped' for such an 'honor' then basically one has been put into their tractor beam. It is a control mechanism for peasants who rise into view and influence.

As the below post shows this tractor beam is not irresistible.

9th February 2014, 01:01
just a few who said no....

T. S. Ashton, economic historian, Professor of Economic History, University of London (in 1957)[22]
Frank Auerbach, artist (in 2003)[3]
Norman H. Baynes, historian, Professor of Byzantine History, University of London (in 1951)[22]
Simon Russell Beale, actor[citation needed][when?][why?]
Peter Benenson, founder Amnesty International[when?][why?]
Alan Bennett, playwright (in 1996; had previously declined appointment as CBE in 1988)[2]
Arnold Bennett, novelist[when?][why?]
David Bowie, musician (in 2003)[23]
Danny Boyle, theatre and film director (in 2013)[24]
Lester Brain, aviator and airline executive (in late 1960s; later accepted appointment as an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1979)[25]
Francis Crick, physicist, co-discoverer of DNA, and Nobel Prize winner[why?] (also declined CBE[when?] but did accept appointment to OM in 1991)
George Davies, fashion retailer[citation needed][when?][why?]
Paul Dirac, Nobel Prize winner for physics in 1933, declined a knighthood in 1953, reportedly in part due to his dislike of being addressed by his first name,[26] but accepted the OM in 1973[27]
George Henry Doughty, General Secretary, Technical and Supervisory Section, AUEW[citation needed][why?][when?]
Lionel Elvin, Principal, Ruskin College Oxford; Director of Institute of Education, University of London.[when?][why?]
Harry Ferguson, businessman, engineer and inventor[22]
Albert Finney, actor (in 2000; had previously declined CBE in 1980)[2]
E. M. Forster, author and essayist (in 1949)[28]
Michael Frayn, novelist and dramatist (in 2003; had previously declined appointment as CBE in 1989)[2][why?]
John Galsworthy, playwright[when?] (later accepted appointment to the Order of Merit, in 1929)
Calouste Gulbenkian, philanthropist (in 1951)[when?][why?]
Richard Hamilton, artist[when?][why?]
Thomas Hardy, novelist[citation needed][when?][why?]
Stanford G. Haughton, sound recordist/musician (in 1952)[22][why?]
Stephen Hawking, scientist[citation needed][when?][why?]
Bill Hayden, Governor-General of Australia[29]
Patrick Heron, artist, declined a proposed knighthood in the 1980s, reportedly in protest at government policy on arts education[when?]
Peter Higgs, CH, physicist, Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh; co-discoverer of "Higgs Boson".[citation needed][why?] (Higgs accepted appointment to the Order of the Companions of Honour because it wasn't a title.in 2013.[30][31])
Keith Hill, Labour MP (2010 Dissolution Honours)[32]
David Hockney, CH, RA, artist (in 1990; accepted appointment as CH in 1997, and OM in 2012 because they are not titles)[2]
Charles Holden, architect, declined twice (1944, 1951)[33]
John Hughes Principal Ruskin College Oxford, Vice Chair, Prices Commission 1977–79)
Aldous Huxley, author (in 1959)[2]
Muhammed Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan; offered a knighthood in 1925, he replied: "I prefer to be plain Mr Jinnah"[citation needed]
Augustus John, artist[when?][why?]
Gus John, educationalist and campaigner for racial equality[when?]
Rudyard Kipling, soldier, military historian, author[why?]
David Lange, former New Zealand Prime Minister[when?][why?]
Essington Lewis, Australian mining magnate[34]
Eli Lobel, Jewish anti-Zionist writer, editor and activist; founder of the journal Khamsin (in 1955)[why?]
L.S. Lowry, artist (in 1968; had previously declined appointment as OBE in 1955 and CBE in 1961; later twice declined appointment as CH (1972, 1976); holds the record for the most honours declined)[2]
Humphrey Lyttelton, jazz musician, broadcaster and author (in 1995)
Dan MacKenzie, Professor of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge (in 2003)[why?]
Arthur Mann, then editor of the Yorkshire Post, declined 2 knighthoods in the 1920s on the basis that accepting would interfere with his journalism; upon retirement he became a Companion of Honour.[35]
Kingsley Martin, Journalist and editor (in 1965)[why?]
John Loudon McAdam, Scottish road builder[36][why?]
Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum (in 1999); in 2010 he accepted appointment to the Order of Merit, the personal gift of the British monarch[37]
James Meade, economist; Nobel Prize for Economics winner (in 1969)[why?]
Norman Miscampbell, Conservative MP (in 1989)[why?]
Henry Moore, sculptor (in 1951)[why?]
Stanley Morison (in 1953; also declined CBE) [22]
Robert Morley, actor (in 1975; accepted CBE in 1957)
A. G. Norman, scientist (in 1969)[22]
Peter O'Toole, film and stage actor[citation needed]
William Pember Reeves, New Zealand statesman, declined knighthood three times, including GCMG[38][when?][why?]
Frank Pick, chief executive of London Transport (also declined a peerage).[39]
Harold Pinter, playwright[when?] (later accepted CH)[when?]
John Piper, artist[when?][22][why?]
Gilbert Ryle, philosopher (in 1965)[why?]
Frederick Sanger, British scientist and double Nobel Prize Winner (did accept OM, CH, and CBE)
Amartya Sen, economist and Nobel Prize Winner[when?][why?]
George Bernard Shaw, playwright and critic; also declined OM[40]
Paul Scofield, actor (in 1968)[41]
Alastair Sim, actor, declined a knighthood[when?] as his own father had done[when?][why?]
Quentin Skinner, historian; Regius Professor of Modern History, University of Cambridge.[42] (in 1996)[why?]
Adrian Stokes, artist (in 1968)[why?]
W. Strath, civil servant (in 1959)[why?]
Peter Townsend, Professor of Social Policy and founder of the Child Poverty Action Group[why?][when?]
Ralph Vaughan Williams, composer[when?][why?]
J. Steven Watson, academic, historian; Principal, St Andrews University (1966–86); twice declined knighthoods (1960 and 1966)[why?]
H.G. Wells, writer (also declined OM)[when?][why?]
Bill Woodfull, Australian Test cricketer (in 1934)[why?]

9th February 2014, 01:05
they can weave their magic and entrap people.

but also there are a few that say no to their system.

9th February 2014, 01:21
they can weave their magic and entrap people.

but also there are a few that say no to their system.


David Bowie is wise. A lot of power there too. He was probably able to 'charm' them in his declination.

9th February 2014, 01:33
was Fergie payed off for what she knew about prince Andrew?
paula yates and Michael Hutchence may have upset robert.

where did all that money go that was created for live aid?

just saying if you have high friends,favours can be asked.

9th February 2014, 18:15
9.00am, Tuesday 25 November 1969 - John Lennon returned his MBE to the Queen on this day, as an act of protest against the Vietnam war. He wrote:

" Your Majesty,

I am returning my MBE as a protest against Britain's involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against 'Cold Turkey' slipping down the charts.

With love. John Lennon of Bag"

(Wonder if that's anywhere near Bag End . . . ?)